HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report

February 2014 HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Project Summary

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This Traffic Technical Report has been prepared for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) to assess and report potential transportation impacts resulting from the proposed consolidation of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) at 5600 Fishers Lane. This site has been previously studied for the consolidation of 2,900 HHS employees in 2010. The planned consolidation has been expanded and now includes a projected total of 4,500 future employees.

The 5600 Fisher’s Lane site is located east by Twinbrook Parkway and bordered by Fishers Lane to the north, and Parklawn Drive to the south. The building is currently partially occupied by HHS and HHS is proposing to consolidate the operations located at several other leased buildings in suburban into one central location at 5600 Fishers Lane. The employees not currently located at 5600 Fishers Lane are being relocated from four other offices: 540 Gaither Road, 1 Choke Cherry Road, 12300 Twinbrook Parkway, and 801 Thompson Avenue in Rockville, MD. The building is currently undergoing an interior renovation, but total square footage will not be modified. The existing 2,800 HHS employees are projected to increase to 4,500 total employees by the end of 2015.


Currently, the 2,800 HHS employees are located at 5600 Fishers Lane in Rockville, Maryland. This location is extensively developed with multi-story commercial, retail, and office buildings and parking structures. New construction is underway to the north across Fishers Lane. Four intersections in the vicinity of 5600 Fishers Lane were included in the analysis. Overall, under existing conditions all of the intersections operate at an acceptable level of service (LOS).


The Future Conditions Analysis with 2,900 Employees (No-Action Alternative) examines the future anticipated volumes without taking into consideration traffic that would be generated by the collocating an additional 1,600 employees to the site. This analysis includes the existing traffic volumes, and approved un-built developments in the study area. The No-Action Alternative analysis also takes into account any funded infrastructure improvements in the study areas.

Under the No-Action Alternative, two of the intersections are anticipated to operate at an unacceptable LOS. The intersection of Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road (MD 586) is anticipated to operate at an unacceptable LOS in the morning and evening peak hours. The intersection of Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike (MD 355) is anticipated to operate at an unacceptable LOS in the evening peak hour.


The Future Conditions Analysis with 4,500 Employees (Action Alternative) examines future anticipated volumes taking into consideration traffic under the No-Action Alternative as well as

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Project Summary traffic that would be generated by collocating 4,500 HHS employees at the 5600 Fishers Lane site. Under the Action Alternative Analysis, the number of employees to be collocated would constitute an increase of approximately 1,600 employees from the No-Action Alternative.

Under the Action Alternative, three of the intersections are anticipated to operate at an unacceptable LOS for one or both peak hours. The intersection of Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road (MD 586) is anticipated to operate at an unacceptable LOS in the morning and evening peak hours. The intersection of Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive is anticipated to operate at an unacceptable LOS in the evening peak hour. The intersection of Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike (MD 355) is anticipated to operate at an unacceptable LOS in the evening peak hour.


An online survey of existing HHS employees was conducted to determine the commuting patterns of the employees and how they might change after the consolidation. The survey examined the modes by which employees travel to work, working hours, telecommuting, origin/destination, possible improvements to transit options, and reasons for mode choice.


The results of the study show that the collocation of 4,500 HHS employees to the 5600 Fishers Lane site will have an adverse impact on traffic conditions in the area. Discussions with Montgomery County Planning Staff indicated that the interior renovation of 5600 Fishers Lane does not require a traffic mitigation agreement. However, in order to help mitigate the adverse impact of the added trips on local roadways, HHS should hire a Transportation Management Coordinator and develop a Transportation Management Plan (TMP). The TMP would identify strategies for reducing the number of single occupancy vehicles which will access the site and encouraging alternate modes of traveling, thereby improving traffic conditions in the area.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Summary ...... ii Introduction ...... ii Existing Conditions ...... ii Future Conditions Analysis with 2,900 Employees (No-Action Alternative) ...... ii Future Conditions Analysis with 4,500 Employees (Action Alternative) ...... ii HHS Employee Commuter Survey ...... iii Conclusions and Mitigation ...... iii Chapter 1: Introduction ...... 1 Chapter 2: Existing Conditions ...... 3 Existing Public Transportation Facilities ...... 3 Metrorail System ...... 3 Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) Rail System ...... 5 Metrobus and Montgomery County Ride-On Bus System ...... 6 Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities ...... 6 Traffic operations analysis ...... 8 Chapter 3: Roadway Impacts ...... 14 Future Conditions Analysis With 2,900 Employees (No-Action Alternative) ...... 14 Future Roadway Modifications ...... 14 Background Developments ...... 14 Short-term Impact to the Parking Garage Access ...... 15 Future Conditions Analysis with 4,500 Employees (Action Alternative) ...... 22 Site Trip Generation ...... 22 Site Trip Distribution ...... 22 Site Trip Assignment ...... 23 Action Alternative Traffic Operations Analysis ...... 25 Chapter 4: HHS Employee Commuter Survey ...... 28 Survey Results ...... 28 Chapter 5: Conclusions and Transportation Demand Management Measures ...... 38 Conclusions ...... 38 Transporation management plan Association and Transportation Coordinator ...... 39 RideOn Buses ...... 39 Commuter Buses ...... 40 Pedestrians and Bicycles ...... 40 Incentives ...... 40 List of Preparers ...... 42 References ...... 43


Table 1: Montgomery County Local Area Transportation Review (LATR) Intersection Critical Lane Volume (CLV) Thresholds and Policy Areas ...... 8 Table 2: Existing LOS at Intersections Serving 5600 Fishers Lane, October 2013 ...... 10 Table 3: Existing Queue Analysis (ft.) ...... 11 Table 4: 5600 Fishers Lane Approved Planned Developments ...... 16 Table 5: 5600 Fishers Lane No-Action Alternative Site Trip Generation ...... 18 Table 6: 5600 Fishers Lane Future Conditions under the No-Action Alternative LOS Results ...... 18 Table 7: No-Action Alternative Queue Analysis (ft.) ...... 19 Table 8: 5600 Fishers Lane Site Trip Generation ...... 22 Table 9: 5600 Fishers Lane Future Condition under the Action Alternative LOS Results ...... 25

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Table 10: Action Alternative Queue Analysis (ft.)...... 26 Table 11: Survey Response Rates by Office Location ...... 28 Table 12: Numbers of Days per Week Carpool or Vanpool users are the Driver or Passenger ...... 31 Table 13: Number of Days per Week Personal Vehicle Used ...... 32 Table 14: 5600 Fishers Lane Future Condition under the Action Alternative LOS Results with Ten Percent Mitigation ...... 39


Figure 1: Project Area Map ...... 1 Figure 2: Metrorail System Map (not to scale) ...... 4 Figure 3: MARC Rail System Map (not to scale) ...... 5 Figure 4: 5600 Fishers Lane Existing Public Transportation ...... 7 Figure 5: 5600 Fishers Lane Existing Conditions (not to scale) ...... 12 Figure 6: 5600 Fishers Lane Approved Developments ...... 17 Figure 7: No-Action Alternative Background Development Trip Distribution and Assignment (not to scale) ...... 20 Figure 8: 5600 Fishers Lane No-Action Alternative Total Traffic (not to scale) ...... 21 Figure 9: Parking Access Points ...... 23 Figure 10: 5600 Fishers Lane Future Site Traffic Assignment (not to scale) ...... 24 Figure 11: 5600 Fishers Lane Action Alternative Total Traffic (not to scale) ...... 27 Figure 12: Location of current residences of HHS employees ...... 29 Figure 13: Current Mode Choice for HHS Employees ...... 30 Figure 14: Transit Users by Boarding Station Line ...... 31 Figure 15: Percentage of Employees That Would Change Commute Pattern ...... 32 Figure 16: Typical Length of Commute from Home to the Office ...... 33 Figure 17: Typical Work Week Schedule ...... 34 Figure 18: Number of Days per Week Teleworking ...... 34 Figure 19: Days of the Week Employees Telework ...... 35 Figure 20: Shuttle Service Improvements Needed ...... 36 Figure 21: Percent of Single Drivers Who Would Consider Alternate Forms of Travel ...... 36 Figure 22: Reasons that Employees Do Not Use Alternate Forms of Travel ...... 37


Appendix A: Traffic Counts Appendix B: Existing Level of Service Worksheets Appendix C: Background Development Trip Assignment Figures Appendix D: Future Conditions with and without Development Level of Service Worksheets Appendix E: HHS Employee Commuter Survey Questions

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Table of Contents

List of Acronyms ADA Americans with Disabilities Act CLV Critical Lane Volume GSA General Services Administration HCM Highway Capacity Manual HHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers LATR & TPAR Local Area Transportation Review & Transportation Policy Area Review LOS Level of Service

MARC Maryland Area Regional Commuter

M-NCPPC Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

TMP Transportation Management Plan

WMATA Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Acronyms

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Introduction


This Traffic Technical Report has been prepared for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) to assess and report potential transportation impacts resulting from the proposed consolidation of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) at 5600 Fishers Lane. This site has been previously studied for the consolidation of 2,900 HHS employees in 2010. The planned consolidation has been expanded and now includes a projected total of 4,500 future employees by the end of 2015.

The subject site is located east of Twinbrook Parkway and bordered on the north by Fishers Lane and on the south by Parklawn Blvd, as shown on the map below. The building is currently partially occupied by HHS. HHS is proposing to consolidate several other leased buildings into one central location at 5600 Fishers Lane. The employees not currently located at 5600 Fishers Lane are being relocated from four other offices: 540 Gaither Road, 1 Choke Cherry Road, 12300 Twinbrook Parkway, and 801 Thompson Avenue in Rockville, MD. The building is currently undergoing a complete interior renovation, but total square footage will not be modified.

Figure 1: Project Area Map

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Introduction

This study analyzes three scenarios which are as follows: • Existing Conditions (2,800) • Future Conditions with 2,900 HHS Employees (No-Action Alternative) • Future Conditions with 4,500 HHS Employees (Action Alternative)

Discussions with staff from the Montgomery County Planning Department indicated that two tiers of signalized intersections should be analyzed for this study based on the number of additional site generated peak hour trips. Therefore, the following intersections have been analyzed in this study:

1. Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road (2nd Tier) 2. Twinbrook Parkway at Fishers Lane (1st Tier) 3. Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive (1st Tier) 4. Twinbrook Parkway at MD 355 (Rockville Pike)/Rollins Avenue (2nd Tier)

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Existing Conditions


This section describes the existing transportation facilities in the vicinity of 5600 Fishers Lane, including the traffic conditions and the availability of public transportation facilities.


There are existing public transportation facilities which service 5600 Fishers Lane. These facilities include Metrorail, commuter rail, and bus routes. Below are descriptions of the Metrorail and Marc Rail (commuter rail) systems. Bus routes are described under each of the proposed site conditions.

METRORAIL SYSTEM The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Metrorail system connects downtown Washington, D.C. to the adjoining areas in Maryland and Virginia (see Figure 2). There are five lines on the Metrorail system which are all connected at some point within Washington, D.C. The Metrorail system opens at 5:00 a.m. on weekdays and at 7:00 a.m. on weekends and closes at 12:00 a.m. Sunday-Thursday and at 3:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Trains arrive approximately every six minutes during the peak hours and every twelve minutes during the non-peak hours.

The Metrorail Red Line operates between Shady Grove and Glenmont in Montgomery County. This line has 27 stations and has transfer points with the Orange and Blue Lines at Metro Center and the Yellow and Green Lines at Gallery Place and Fort Totten.

The Metrorail Blue Line operates between Franconia-Springfield in Fairfax County, Virginia and Largo Town Center in Prince George’s County. This line has 27 stations and has transfer points with the Red Line at Metro Center and the Yellow and Green Lines at L’Enfant Plaza. The line runs along the same path as the Yellow Line between King Street and Pentagon and runs along the same path as the Orange Line between Rosslyn and Stadium-Armory.

The Metrorail Orange Line operates between Vienna/Fairfax-GMU in Fairfax County and New Carrollton in Prince George’s County. This line has 26 stations and has transfer points with the Red Line at Metro Center and the Yellow and Green Lines at L’Enfant Plaza. The line runs along the same path as the Blue Line between Rosslyn and Stadium-Armory.

The Metrorail Green Line operates between Branch Avenue and Greenbelt in Prince George’s County. This line has 21 stations and has transfer points with the Red Line at Gallery Place and Fort Totten and with the Orange and Blue Lines at L’Enfant Plaza. The line runs along the same path as the Yellow Line from L’Enfant Plaza to Fort Totten.

The Metrorail Yellow Line operates between Huntington in Fairfax County and Fort Totten in Washington, D.C. This line has 17 stations and has transfer points with the Red Line at Gallery Place and the Orange and Blue Lines at L’Enfant Plaza. The line runs along the same path as the Blue Line between King Street and Pentagon and runs along the same path as the Green Line from L’Enfant Plaza to Fort Totten.

The Metrorail Silver Line is currently under construction and will extend off of the Orange Line tracks near the East Falls Church Station travel to Virginia Route 772 in Loudon County. It is being

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Existing Conditions built in two phases with the first phase consisting of 5 stations and ending on the eastern edge of Reston at Wiehle Avenue. Phase I is anticipated to open in 2014. The second phase will consist of 6 stations including Dulles Airport and is anticipated to open in 2018. The Silver Line will share tracks with the existing Orange and Blue Lines as it travels across the region and will terminate at Largo Town Center.

A new Purple Line is being proposed. The Preferred Alternate would run across Montgomery and Prince George’s County, connecting from Bethesda to New Carrollton. The project is currently in the preliminary engineering phase and is anticipated to complete final design in five (5) years and begin construction once funding is in place.

The Twinbrook Metrorail Station, which is along the Red Line, is approximately 2,300 feet from the entrance to the 5600 Fishers Lane site. The average number of weekday passenger boardings for the Twinbrook Station is approximately 4,569 in 2013.

Figure 2: Metrorail System Map (not to scale)

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Existing Conditions

MARYLAND AREA REGIONAL COMMUTER (MARC) RAIL SYSTEM The Maryland Area Regional Commuter (MARC) Rail System is a commuter rail system that connects Washington, D.C. to the surrounding counties in Maryland and West Virginia (see Figure 3). There are three lines operated by MARC and all of the lines connect at Union Station (which also connects to the Metrorail system).

The MARC operates between Brunswick, Maryland and Union Station in Washington, D.C. This line also includes extensions to Frederick, Maryland and Martinsburg, West Virginia. This line connects with the Metrorail system at Rockville, Silver Spring, and Union Station along the Red Line. The Brunswick Line operates in the eastbound direction in the morning peak hour beginning at 4:50 a.m. and in the westbound direction in the evening peak hour beginning at 1:30 p.m.

The MARC Camden Line operates between Camden Yards in Downtown Baltimore, Maryland and Union Station in Washington, D.C. This line connects with the Metrorail system at Union Station on the Red Line and Greenbelt and College Park on the Green Line. The Camden Line operates northbound beginning at 6:32 a.m. in the morning peak hour and at 4:13 p.m. in the evening peak hour. It operates southbound beginning at 5:00 a.m. in the morning peak hour and at 3:30 p.m. in the evening peak hour.

The MARC Penn Line operates primarily between Baltimore’s Penn Station and Union Station in Washington, D.C. with four additional stops up to Perryville in Harford, Maryland operating on limited service. It connects to the Metrorail system at New Carrollton along the Orange Line and Union Station along the Red Line. Service along the Penn Line begins southbound at 4:30 a.m. in the morning peak hour. In the northbound direction, service begins at 5:50 a.m. in the morning peak hour.

MARC Rail Brunswick has a station at Rockville which is one station north of the Twinbrook Station along the Red Line.

Figure 3: MARC Rail System Map (not to scale)

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Existing Conditions

METROBUS AND MONTGOMERY COUNTY RIDE-ON BUS SYSTEM Several bus routes operated by Metrobus and Montgomery County Ride-On service 5600 Fishers Lane (see Figure 4). The Montgomery County Ride-On route 93 bus is a shuttle, which operates between the Twinbrook Metrorail Station and 5600 Fishers Lane every 30 minutes. Additional bus routes provide service to/from Prince George’s Plaza Metrorail Station, Silver Spring Metrorail Station, Hillandale Shopping Center, Montgomery Mall Transit Center, Glenmont Shopping Center, Rockville Metrorail Station, Rockville Regional Transit Center, Medical Center Metrorail Station, and Shady Grove Metrorail Station. There are bus stops located on both Parklawn Drive and Fishers Lane adjacent to 5600 Fishers Lane.

PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE FACILITIES There are sidewalk and pedestrian crossings along the walking route from the Twinbrook Metrorail Station to 5600 Fishers Lane. Also, there are sidewalks along Twinbrook Parkway, Fishers Lane, and Parklawn Drive, which connect to the surrounding residential and commercial areas. The sidewalks vary in width throughout the study area but provide good connectivity. There are marked crosswalks at each of the signalized intersections with pedestrian signals and push buttons. However, only the intersection of Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike (MD 355) has countdown pedestrian signal heads. Additionally, there are some pedestrian ramps that would need to be rebuilt to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines. A signalized pedestrian crossing across Parklawn Drive connects the surface parking lot with 5600 Fishers Lane between Wilkens Avenue and Twinbrook Parkway. There are no dedicated bicycle facilities which connect to the site. Field observations noted bicycles use the sidewalks to travel throughout the study area.

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Figure 4: 5600 Fishers Lane Existing Public Transportation

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Montgomery County requires Critical Lane Analysis be performed at critical intersections to determine the Level of Service (LOS) at each location before and after a proposed action. The thresholds in Montgomery County are based on the Policy Area guidelines where the intersection is located. The thresholds for 5600 Fishers Lane site, based on the County requirements, are shown in Table 1 below:

Table 1: Montgomery County Local Area Transportation Review (LATR) Intersection Critical Lane Volume (CLV) Thresholds and Policy Areas

Site Threshold CLV Policy Area

Twinbrook Pkwy at Veirs Mill Road 1,550 North Bethesda

Twinbrook Pkwy at Fishers Lane 1,800 Twinbrook

Twinbrook Pkwy at Parklawn Drive 1,800 Twinbrook

Twinbrook Pkwy at Rockville Pike 1,500 Rockville City

Using the existing traffic volumes collected during October 2013 and the existing lane geometries, an intersection capacity analysis was performed for both the morning (8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.) and evening peak hours (5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.). Analysis was then performed using the Critical Lane Analysis Technique as directed by the Montgomery County guidelines.

The Critical Lane Analysis outputs a LOS, as described in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) as a “qualitative measure describing operational conditions Critical Lane Volume (CLV): within a traffic stream, and their perception by The sum of traffic volumes motorist and/or passengers.” In Montgomery County that cross at a single point in the CLV is considered “Acceptable” or “Unacceptable” an intersection. The resulting based on the CLV threshold for the appropriate Policy product is used to determine Area where the intersection is located (see Table 1 for the level of service of an site specific thresholds). It should be noted that while intersection in a Local Area Montgomery County accepts a CLV of 1,800 for the intersections of Twinbrook Parkway at Fishers Lane Transportation Review and Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive, standard (LATR). industry practices utilize a CLV of 1,600 as acceptable. Therefore, the intersections can be over capacity while still meeting Montgomery County threshold requirements.

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Existing Conditions

The Critical Lane Analysis technique determines the overall operational LOS for an entire signalized intersection. The analysis examines the combination of vehicular streams with conflicting movements during a peak period. The maximum number of conflicts is termed the CLV.

Proposed developments in Montgomery County have to comply with traffic analysis and mitigation measures as stipulated in Local Area Transportation Review and Transportation Policy Area Review Guidelines (LATR & TPAR) (M-NCPPC, 2013) (see Table 1).

The area surrounding the 5600 Fisher’s Lane site is extensively developed with multi-story commercial, retail, and office buildings and parking structures. New construction is underway to the north across Fishers Lane. The Parklawn Cemetery is located to the northeast and wooded areas associated with Rock Creek Regional Park and Rock Creek extend from the north/northeast to the southeast.

The 5600 Fishers Lane site is located between Fishers Lane and Parklawn Drive, just east of Twinbrook Parkway. The main roadways in the vicinity of the site are:

• Veirs Mill Road (MD 586). This is a four-lane divided roadway with a posted speed limit of 40 mph. It runs in an east-west direction. MD 586 carries approximately 46,050 VPD east of Twinbrook Parkway. Its intersections with Twinbrook Parkway and Atlantic Avenue are signalized. • Rockville Pike (MD 355). This is a six-lane divided roadway which runs in a north- south direction and has a posted speed limit of 40 mph. MD 355 carries approximately 52,000 VPD north of Twinbrook Parkway. Its intersections with Randolph Road, Hubbard Drive, Bou Avenue, Twinbrook Parkway, and Halpine Road are signalized. • Twinbrook Parkway. This is a four-lane roadway which widens to a six-lane roadway between Ardennes Avenue and Parklawn Drive with a posted speed limit of 30 mph. Twinbrook Parkway runs in a north-south direction with signalized intersections at Veirs Mill Road, Ardennes Avenue, Fishers Lane, Parklawn Drive, Chapman Avenue, and Rockville Pike. Twinbrook Parkway carries approximately 15,800 VPD east of MD 355. • Parklawn Drive. This is a four-lane roadway with a posted speed limit of 30 mph. Parklawn Drive generally runs in an east-west direction in the vicinity of Twinbrook Parkway. Its intersections with Twinbrook Parkway, Wilkens Avenue, Braxfield Court, and Randolph Road are signalized as well as a signalized pedestrian crossing near 5600 Fishers Lane.

Turning movement counts were collected at the following intersections: 1. Twinbrook Parkway/Veirs Mill Road (MD 586); 2. Twinbrook Parkway/Fishers Lane; 3. Twinbrook Parkway/Parklawn Drive; and 4. Twinbrook Parkway/Rollins Avenue/Rockville Pike (MD 355).

The intersections being studied are based on meeting with M-NCPPC staff, who recommended a two tier approach. The intersections of Twinbrook Parkway at Fishers Lane and Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive are the First Tier intersections. The intersections of Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road and Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike are the Second Tier intersections.

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Existing Conditions

The existing morning and evening peak hour traffic volumes at these intersections are presented in Figure 5. The raw traffic count data is located in Appendix A of this report. According to information from HHS there are currently 2,800 employees located at the 5600 Fishers Lane site. Thus, the existing traffic count data at that site includes these HHS employees.

Table 2 below presents the CLV Analysis results at each of the study intersections for the morning and evening peak hours. The calculation worksheets are attached in Appendix B. As can be seen in Table 2, all of the study intersections operate at acceptable CLV (CLV<1,500/1,550/1,800) as of October 2013.

Table 2: Existing LOS at Intersections Serving 5600 Fishers Lane, October 2013

Intersection [Threshold CLV] Morning (CLV) Evening (CLV)

1. Twinbrook Parkway/Veirs Acceptable (1,342) Acceptable (1,489) Mill Road (MD 586)[1,550] Twinbrook Parkway/Fishers 2. Acceptable (675) Acceptable (896) Lane[1,800] Twinbrook 3. Parkway/Parklawn Acceptable (808) Acceptable (1,228) Drive[1,800] Twinbrook Parkway/Rollins 4. Avenue/Rockville Pike (MD Acceptable (976) Acceptable (1,419) 355) [1,500]

In addition, the maximum number of queue lengths during the morning and evening hours was studied. Table 3 this info, as well as, the 95th percentile queues calculated based on the simulation software Synchro. Field observations indicated the southbound left turns at Parklawn Drive exceeded the available storage area in both the morning and evening peak hours. In the morning peak hour, both the southbound movement and the westbound left movement did not clear each cycle at Veirs Mill Road. In the evening peak hour, the northbound movement had excessive queuing at Veirs Mill Road, Fishers Lane and Parklawn Drive in addition to the eastbound movement at Veirs Mill Road.

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Table 3: Existing Queue Analysis (ft.)

Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road AM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Observed 150 650 600 1000 Existing Synchro 2681 169 6031 544 6821 758 PM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Observed 1300 1500 350 3500 350 Existing Synchro 8101 4941 307 11451 2841 750 Twinbrook Parkway at Fishers Lane AM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Observed 50 250 125 125 Existing Synchro 92 58 59 343 55 55 87 87 PM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Observed 50 350 50 100 300 Existing Synchro 82 632 21 232 43 43 308 310 Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive AM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Observed 150 350 100 200 Existing Synchro 31 200 58 178 95 95 186 193 PM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Observed 75 1100 350 350 250 250 300 300 Existing Synchro 322 7651,2 362 212 229 234 197 203 Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike AM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Observed 150 150 200 200 300 300 Existing Synchro 33 173 110 512 240 292 PM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Observed 75 350 250 400 Existing Synchro 106 794 4291 476 403 4751 1 Indicates modeled volume exceeds capacity, 2 Indicates queues are metered by upstream traffic

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Figure 5: 5600 Fishers Lane Existing Conditions (not to scale)

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HHS Lease Consolidation Existing Conditions

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Roadway Impacts


The evaluation of the transportation impacts of the proposed collocation of HHS employees at 5600 Fishers Lane was based on the guidelines set forth by Montgomery County. In particular these impacts were evaluated per the Local Area Transportation Review and Transportation Policy Area Review Guidelines (M-NCPPC, 2013) set forth by the Montgomery County Planning Department.


The No-Action Conditions Analysis examines the future anticipated volumes without taking into consideration traffic that would be generated by collocating an additional 1,600 HHS employees. This analysis includes existing traffic volumes, approved but un-built development in the study area, and traffic volumes associated with 2,900 employees as analyzed in the previous traffic study done in conjunction with the 2010 Environmental Assessment. The No-Action Alternative analysis also takes into account any funded infrastructure improvements in the study areas.

FUTURE ROADWAY MODIFICATIONS Montrose Parkway East is part of the Montgomery County Capital Improvement Program. The project consists of a new four-lane divided parkway as recommended in the North Bethesda/Garrett Park and Aspen Hill Master Plans. The roadway will be a closed section with 11-foot wide lanes, a 10- foot wide bike path on the north side, and 5-foot wide sidewalk on the south side. The roadway limits are between the eastern limit of the MD 355/Montrose interchange and the intersection of Veirs Mill Road and Parkland Drive. The project includes a grade-separated interchange at Parklawn Drive and a tie-in to Veirs Mill Road. Construction is expected to start in FY 2018 and will be completed in FY 2021. This project will relieve traffic congestion on roadways in the area through increased network capacity. However, for the purposes of this study, the traffic volumes at the study intersections will not be affected as the construction will not be completed prior to the consolidation of the HHS employees.

BACKGROUND DEVELOPMENTS A list of approved planned developments was obtained from Montgomery County and City of Rockville resources. The developments are graphically presented in Figure 6. Under this No-Action Alternative analysis, it is assumed that these developments will be built out by 2014. Table 4 presents the planned developments and the associated trip generation. The number of vehicle trips generated by these developments was estimated using rates presented in Appendix 1 of the Local Area Transportation Review and Transportation Policy Area Review Guidelines (LATR & TPAR) (M- NCPPC, 2013) for the Montgomery County developments. Trip rates for any developments not covered by these guidelines were estimated using rates documented in Trip Generation, 8th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE, 2008).

In order to determine the impact of these developments on the surrounding roadway network, these trips were distributed to the study area intersections according to the trip distribution percentages presented in Table 4-5 of the LATR & TPAR for Super District 4 in Montgomery County.

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SHORT-TERM IMPACT TO THE PARKING GARAGE ACCESS Beginning in March of 2014, access to the parking garage at 5600 Fishers Lane will be temporarily moved to Parklawn Drive during the renovations to the building. Vehicles will not be able to access the parking garage via Fishers Lane during this time. This access will be in place for approximately 12 to 18 months. Approximately 650 vehicles are expected to access parking via two adjacent driveways along Parklawn Drive between Twinbrook Parkway and Wilkens Avenue.

Potential short-term impacts from the relocated garage access include increased queuing along Parklawn Drive in both the eastbound and westbound directions at the garage entrance as well as westbound at Twinbrook Parkway. Additional queues may form within the garage as vehicles exit onto Parklawn Drive.

Discussion with Montgomery County Traffic staff have indicated that access at these driveways will need to be limited to right and left turn ingress and right turn-only egress from the garage. Plans for addressing the proposed traffic pattern at these driveways will need to be approved by the county. Additionally, the driveways will need to be monitored for impacts to Parklawn Drive.

The owner would be required to implement any necessary roadway improvements and other potential transportation mitigation measures as a result of the renovations to the 5600 Fishers Lane site as required by Montgomery County.

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Table 4: 5600 Fishers Lane Approved Planned Developments

AM PM Approved Development Land Use Quantity Unit Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total 1 Parklawn North General Office 519,977 SF 762 114 876 131 638 769 Trip Reduction -18% -137 -20 -158 -24 -115 -138 2 Fishers Place at Twinbrook Metro General Office 255,380 SF 371 55 426 66 322 388 R&D Center - SF ------General Retail 1,200 SF 2 2 4 8 7 15 Trip Reduction 3 Twinbrook Place (Uniwest) General Office 150,000 SF 215 32 247 40 196 236 4 Twinbrook Commons East High-Rise Apartment 867 Unit 66 197 262 187 120 307 General Retail 44,587 SF 75 69 145 301 278 578 Trip Reduction -50% -70 -133 -204 -244 -199 -443 5 Twinbrook Commons West Garden/Low-Rise Apartment 450 Unit 37 146 183 140 72 213 General Office 325,000 SF 474 71 545 83 405 488 General Retail 80,000 SF 109 101 210 438 404 841 Trip Reduction -50% -310 -159 -469 -330 -441 -771 6 1900 Chapman Avenue High-Rise Apartment 658 Unit 50 151 202 144 92 236 Ground-Floor Retail 5,512 SF 9 8 17 35 33 68 Replace Ex General Retail (70,000) SF -36 -33 -68 -142 -131 -273 Trip Reduction 7 North Bethesda Town Center High-Rise Apartment 1,038 Unit 78 234 312 223 142 365 General Office 809,338 SF 1190 178 1368 202 984 1185 General Retail 215,891 SF 241 222 463 963 889 1851 Movie Theater 3,500 Seat 21 14 35 101 179 280 Trip Reduction -50% -765 -324 -1089 -744 -1097 -1841 8 Greencourt at Parklawn R&D Center & Smokey's 109,318 SF 117 26 143 20 100 120 Replace Ex Land & Smokey's -35 -24 -59 -18 -24 -42 9 1807 Rockville Pike Retail 6,288 SF 10 9 19 40 37 78 Drive-Thru Bank-1 lane 2,984 SF 21 16 37 39 39 77 Total Approved Development Trips Net Increase 2494 953 3447 1657 2930 4587 *SF = Square Feet, Unit = Dwelling Unit

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Figure 6: 5600 Fishers Lane Approved Developments

As previously stated, 2,800 HHS employees are currently located at the 5600 Fishers Lane site. As part of the No-Action Alternative this number is to be increased to 2,900 employees. The number of trips that would be generated under the No-Action Alternative was based on this number. The site trip generation is shown in Table 5.

Figure 7 represents the trip distribution and assignment for the background developments and the site trips generated by collocating 2,900 employees at the 5600 Fishers Lane site. Appendix C contains the trip assignment figures for each of the individual background developments.

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The trip distribution percentages are presented below:

• 35% to/from the north via Twinbrook Parkway; • 15% to/from east via Parklawn Drive; and • 50% to/from south via Twinbrook Pkwy. Table 5: 5600 Fishers Lane No-Action Alternative Site Trip Generation

Approved AM PM Land Use Quantity Unit Development Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Study Site

No Action General 2,900 Employee 1062 145 1207 193 940 1133 Office HHS Existing General (2,800) Employee (1030) (140) (1171) (186) (910) (1096) Office No-Action Net 32 4 36 6 31 37 Increase

No-Action Alternative Traffic Operations Analysis The No-Action Alternative traffic volumes for 5600 Fishers Lane were obtained by combining the existing traffic volumes with the planned development volumes and the site trips for the increase to 2,900 employees at 5600 Fishers Lane. These volumes are presented in Figure 8 and the LOS results are presented in Table 6 below. The CLV calculations sheets are attached in Appendix D.

The intersection of Twinbrook Parkway/Rockville Pike (MD 355 is expected to operate at an unacceptable LOS) during the evening peak hours. The intersection of Twinbrook Parkway/Veirs Mill Road (MD 586) is expected to operate at an unacceptable LOS during both the morning and evening peak hours.

Table 7 presents the projected 95th percentile queues calculated based on the simulation software Synchro for the No-Action Alternative. In addition to the queuing issues seen in the existing condition, it is expected that there will be additional queuing issues for the southbound left and westbound movements at Fishers Lane, the northbound and eastbound through movements and southbound left movements at Parklawn Drive, and the southbound left and westbound through movements at Rockville Pike (MD 355).

Table 6: 5600 Fishers Lane Future Conditions under the No-Action Alternative LOS Results

Future Conditions with 2,900 (No- Intersection Existing Action Alternative) [Threshold CLV] morning (CLV) evening (CLV) morning (CLV) evening (CLV) Twinbrook Parkway/Veirs Mill Acceptable Acceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable 1. Road (MD 586)[1,550] (1,342) (1,489) (1,702) (1,885) Twinbrook Parkway/Fishers Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable 2. Lane[1,800] (675) (896) (1,449) (1,514) Twinbrook Parkway/Parklawn Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable 3. Drive[1,800] (808) (1,228) (1,436) (1,683) Twinbrook Parkway/Rollins Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Unacceptable 4. Avenue/Rockville Pike (MD 355) (976) (1,419) (1,178) (1,984) [1,500] ___ Indicates intersection which operate at an unacceptable LOS

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Table 7: No-Action Alternative Queue Analysis (ft.)

Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road AM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Synchro 2681 169 6031 544 6821 758 No-Action Synchro 4491 3331 6801 598 11871 847 PM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Synchro 8101 4941 307 11451 2841 750 No-Action Synchro 14701 11641 4101 11451 5651 750 Twinbrook Parkway at Fishers Lane AM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Synchro 92 58 59 343 55 55 87 87 No-Action Synchro 42 882 7161 526 87 87 152 149 PM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Synchro 82 632 21 232 43 43 308 310 No-Action Synchro 42 782 99 423 91 91 9281 9511 Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive AM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Synchro 31 200 58 178 95 95 186 193 No-Action Synchro 1032 7501 8371 129 95 3091 2121 2161 PM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Synchro 322 7651,2 362 212 229 234 197 203 No-Action Synchro 4211,2 11931,2 7161,2 5352 220 5101 211 211 Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike AM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Synchro 33 173 110 512 240 292 No-Action Synchro 65 336 487 617 377 4151 PM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru Existing Synchro 106 794 4291 476 403 4751 No-Action Synchro 1401 11211 7001 573 5011 11401 1 Indicates modeled volume exceeds capacity, 2 Indicates queues are metered by upstream traffic

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Figure 7: No-Action Alternative Background Development Trip Distribution and Assignment (not to scale)

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Figure 8: 5600 Fishers Lane No-Action Alternative Total Traffic (not to scale)

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The Action Conditions Analysis examines future anticipated volumes, taking into consideration traffic under the No-Action Alternative as well as traffic that would be generated by the proposed collocation of 4,500 HHS employees.

At the 5600 Fishers Lane site, this would constitute an increase of approximately 1,600 employees from the No-Action Alternative. The 5600 Fishers Lane site provides for 1,553 parking spaces between the parking garage and the “South Lot”. It is not anticipated that there will be an increase in parking spaces available; therefore, only one space for every three employees will be provided.

SITE TRIP GENERATION The number of trips that would be generated by collocation of HHS employees at the 5600 Fishers Lane site was based on adding an additional 1,600 employees to the site. The site trip generation is shown in Table 8. The site trip generation for the Action Alternative does not take into account any trip reductions for transit, teleworking, or carpooling in the trip generation. This was done to look at what the impact to the roadway network would be in the worst case scenario and to determine what percentage of trips would need to be mitigated through transit usage, carpooling, teleworking, etc. in order to bring the impact of the consolidation below significant levels. Even though two of the sites that are being consolidated to 5600 Fishers Lane fall within the study area, there trips were included in the trip generation as it is assumed that the existing office locations will be re-occupied.

Table 8: 5600 Fishers Lane Site Trip Generation

Approved AM PM Land Use Quantity Unit Development Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Study Site General 4,500 Employee 1549 211 1761 293 1432 1725 Office No Action General (2,900) Employee (1062) (145) (1207) (193) (940) (1133) HHS Office Future Net 487 66 554 101 491 592 Increase

SITE TRIP DISTRIBUTION Vehicular trip distributions were based upon Table 4-5 of the LATR & TPAR guidelines provided by M-NCPPC for Super District 4, Rockville/North Bethesda as well as proposed site access points and current roadway network.

The trip distribution percentages are presented below:

• 35% to/from the north via Twinbrook Parkway; • 15% to/from east via Parklawn Drive; and • 50% to/from south via Twinbrook Pkwy.

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SITE TRIP ASSIGNMENT The trip generation estimated for the collocation of HHS employees at the 5600 Fishers Lane site was distributed along the study area roadways/intersections based on the trip distribution estimates presented above. The site trip assignment is presented in Figure 10. The site trips were assigned to the network based on parking access from Fishers Lane, Parklawn Drive, and Wilkens Avenue. The proposed parking configuration assumes approximately 1250 parking spaces will be accessible via both Fishers Lane and Parklawn Drive and 300 spaces will be accessed via Wilkens Avenue (see Figure 9). Figure 9 also show the location of the temporary garage access which will be used during the construction process.

Figure 9: Parking Access Points

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Figure 10: 5600 Fishers Lane Future Site Traffic Assignment (not to scale)

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ACTION ALTERNATIVE TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS Impacts from the collocation of HHS employees at the 5600 Fishers Lane site were determined by adding the site traffic volumes (Figure 10) to the No-Action Alternative traffic volumes (Figure 8). Intersection capacity analyses were performed at the study intersections and the results are presented in Figure 11 and Table 9.

As can be seen in Table 9, three of the intersections are expected to operate at an unacceptable level under the Action Alternative during one or both peak hours. The Twinbrook Parkway/MD 586 and Twinbrook Parkway/MD 355 intersections are expected to see an increase in the level of unacceptability. Whereas, the intersection of Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive is expected to operate at an unacceptable LOS in the evening peak hour when it was previously acceptable.

Table 9: 5600 Fishers Lane Future Condition under the Action Alternative LOS Results

Future Conditions with 2,900 Future Conditions with 4,500 Employees (No-Action Intersection Employees (Action Alternative) [Threshold CLV] Alternative) morning (CLV) evening (CLV) morning (CLV) evening (CLV) Twinbrook Parkway/Veirs Mill Unacceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable 1. Road (MD (1,741) (1,942) (1,781) (1,950) 586)[1,550] Twinbrook Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable 2. Parkway/Fishers (1,460) (1,537) (1,615) (1,633) Lane[1,800] Twinbrook Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Unacceptable 3. Parkway/Parklawn (1,547) (1,725) (1,641) (1,810) Drive[1,800] Twinbrook Parkway/Rollins Acceptable Unacceptable Acceptable Unacceptable 4. Avenue/Rockville (1,254) (1,978) (1,299) (2,095) Pike (MD 355) [1,500] ___ Indicates intersection which operate at an unacceptable LOS

Table 10 presents the projected 95th percentile queues calculated based on the simulation software Synchro for the Action Alternative. Most of the queuing issues expected in the No-Action Alternative would continue to be equal to or worse in the Action Alternative. In the morning peak hour, the southbound left at Fishers Lane is expected to see significant growth in the queue length. In the evening peak hour, the westbound movements are expected to see significant growth in the queue lengths.

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Table 10: Action Alternative Queue Analysis (ft.)

Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road AM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru No-Action Synchro 4491 3331 6801 598 11871 847 Action Synchro 4641 3471 7021 598 13351 847 PM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru No-Action Synchro 14701 11641 4101 11451 5651 750 Action Synchro 16021 12621 4141 11451 5981 750 Twinbrook Parkway at Fishers Lane AM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru No-Action Synchro 42 882 7161 526 87 87 152 149 Action Synchro 32 642 8741 575 87 87 158 164 PM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru No-Action Synchro 42 782 99 423 91 91 9281 9511 Action Synchro 52 972 1281 433 91 91 10481 10701 Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive AM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru No-Action Synchro 1032 7501 8371 129 95 3091 2121 2161 Action Synchro 802 9351,2 1066 130 95 3091 2421 2451 PM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru No-Action Synchro 4211,2 11931,2 7161,2 5352 220 5101 211 211 Action Synchro 3871,2 11821,2 7361,2 5502 220 5351 317 316 Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike AM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru No-Action Synchro 65 336 487 617 377 415 Action Synchro 58 336 7611 617 507 448 PM Peak Hour NB left NB thru SB left SB thru EB left EB thru WB left WB thru No-Action Synchro 1401 11211 7001 573 5011 11401 Action Synchro 1401 11211 7521 573 5801 13021 1 Indicates modeled volume exceeds capacity, 2 Indicates queues are metered by upstream traffic

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Figure 11: 5600 Fishers Lane Action Alternative Total Traffic (not to scale)

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report HHS Employee Commuter Survey


An employee survey was conducted via the internet in November 2013 to determine the commuting patterns of the employees and how they might change with the consolidation. The survey was conducted for both the employees already located at 5600 Fishers Lane and those slated to be relocated. The survey was active from November 5, 2013 through November 25, 2013. A copy of the survey is located in Appendix E. The survey investigated the modes by which employees travel to work, working hours, telecommuting, origin/destination, possible improvements to transit options, and reasons for mode choice.

Of the approximately 4,392 employees asked to respond to the survey, approximately 30 percent, or 1,300 employees completed the survey.

SURVEY RESULTS Information was gathered from HHS on the approximate existing mix of employees by office and is shown in Table 11. Based on the survey, Table 11 shows the number of survey respondents by office location. The survey response rates for the offices that will be relocated to 5600 Fishers Lane were much higher than the response rate for the employees currently located at 5600 Fishers Lane. Figure 12 demonstrates where the HHS employees who responded to the survey currently live.

Table 11: Survey Response Rates by Office Location

Current Office Number of Number of Survey Percent of Office Location Employees Responses Responding to Survey 5600 Fishers Lane 2800 491 17.5% 1 Choke Cherry Road 617 468 75.7% 540 Gaither Road 460 186 40.2% 12300 Twinbrook 98 Parkway 515 29.5% 801 Thompson 54 Avenue

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report HHS Employee Commuter Survey

Figure 12: Location of current residences of HHS employees (Respondents to Transportation Study Only)

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According to the survey, approximately 3 percent of employees indicated that they would relocate their residence if relocated to 5600 Fishers Lane. Most of the respondents who provided the location they would relocate to indicated either North Bethesda or Rockville.

The current mode choice for HHS employees is presented in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Current Mode Choice for HHS Employees

According to the survey approximately 3.5 percent of employees either carpool or vanpool. Table 12 provides a breakdown of the number of days per week the employee is either the driver or a passenger. Carpool and Vanpool users have an average of 2.3 people in their vehicle and an average of 1.8 of the people being HHS employees, including themselves.

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Table 12: Numbers of Days per Week Carpool or Vanpool users are the Driver or Passenger

# of Days per Week 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Driver 29.57% 4.35% 4.35% 12.17% 8.70% 40.87% 34 5 5 14 10 47 115 Passenger 60.56% 7.04% 12.68% 7.04% 5.63% 7.04% 43 5 9 5 4 5 71

Approximately 14 percent of HHS employees travel to work via transit. A majority of the respondents travel along Metrorail’s Red Line with the being the most popular boarding station at approximately 20 percent of transit users, followed by Rockville (5 percent). Dupont Circle, Friendship Heights, and Grosvenor on the Red Line are all used by about 3 percent of respondents. Branch Avenue, on the Green Line, is the most heavily used station that is not on the Red Line at a little more than 2 percent of transit users. Martinsburg, WV is the most used MARC station. Figure 14 represents what transit line HHS employees are using based on their boarding station.

Transit Users by Boarding Station Line Other MARC 4% 11%

Orange 5%

Green 13% Red 58% Blue 7% Yellow 2%

Figure 14: Transit Users by Boarding Station Line

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Figure 15 represents what percentage of respondents would change their commuting pattern based on a move to 5600 Fishers Lane.

Figure 15: Percentage of Employees That Would Change Commute Pattern

Table 13 shows how often HHS employees use their personal vehicles for activities such as travel between HHS facilities, personal needs during the day, daycare drop-off/pick-up, and drop-off/pick- up of other passengers.

Table 13: Number of Days per Week Personal Vehicle Used

# of Days per Week

0 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Travel for work related purposes outside 68.70% 12.66% 4.03% 2.65% 4.03% 7.94% an HHS facility 597 110 35 23 35 69 869 84.13% 10.38% 2.69% 0.98% 0.61% 1.22% Travel between HHS buildings 689 85 22 8 5 10 819 Travel for 24.89% 28.53% 19.44% 12.82% 4.70% 9.62% shopping/banking/restaurant/needs 233 267 182 120 44 90 936 during the day 74.67% 2.37% 2.72% 1.66% 2.96% 15.62% Daycare/childcare 631 20 23 14 25 132 845 Drop-off/Pick-up items or other 56.95% 9.35% 9.83% 7.67% 4.32% 11.87% passengers on the way to or home from 475 78 82 64 36 99 834 work

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report HHS Employee Commuter Survey

Figure 16 shows how long the typical commute is from home to the office for HHS employees.

Figure 16: Typical Length of Commute from Home to the Office

According to the survey results, HHS employees spend approximately $60 on their weekly commute. Approximately 15 percent of respondents indicated they receive a transit subsidy and the average subsidy amount received is $210. Data received directly from HHS resources indicated 10 percent of HHS employees receive Go!Card® subsidies and they receive $193 on average. This indicates that a higher percentage of transit users responded to the survey than non-transit users. Approximately 3.5 percent of respondents are registered with a guaranteed ride home service such as Commuter Connections.

A majority of HHS employees arrive at work between 7:00 am and 9:00 am, with the peak being at 8:00 am. Most employees leave work between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm with the peak being at 5:00 pm. Figure 17 shows the breakdown of the typical work week schedule.

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Figure 17: Typical Work Week Schedule

Approximately 49 percent of the survey respondents indicated that they telework. Figure 18 shows the breakdown of how many days per week employees telework. Figure 19 shows what days of the week employees telework.

Figure 18: Number of Days per Week Teleworking

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Figure 19: Days of the Week Employees Telework

There is an existing shuttle which is part of the Montgomery Ride-On bus system. It runs on a loop between the Twinbrook and 5600 Fishers Lane. Surveyed employees were asked what improvements were needed to the shuttle. Figure 20 displays what improvements the survey respondents thought are needed to the shuttle service. In addition to the improvements listed in Figure 20, several respondents were not aware of a shuttle, indicating a need for increased publicity of the shuttle service. Others would like the shuttle to have a more dependable schedule which corresponds with “on time” work arrivals (:00, :30), text alerts for issues with the shuttle, and a lift for handicap access.

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Figure 20: Shuttle Service Improvements Needed

Figure 21 represents the percentage of employees who drive alone to work who would consider alternate forms of travel. In addition, approximately 42 percent of respondents said they would consider taking an express bus from a park and ride lot to 5600 Fishers Lane and 32 percent of respondents who drive alone said they would be willing to carpool or vanpool if provided a Guaranteed Ride Home Service.

Figure 21: Percent of Single Drivers Who Would Consider Alternate Forms of Travel

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Figure 22 represents the reasons why employees do not consider alternate forms of travel. In addition to the results shown in the figure, a number of employees indicated the increased travel time by transit was a reason they do not consider alternate forms of travel. Others indicated they would need expanded bus options.

Other (please Cost Need car during specify) 9% the day for work 17% 7% Need car Need car for during the childcare drop- day for off/pick-up personal use 14% 19%

Unpredictable No park n' ride schedule close to home 16% 18%

Figure 22: Reasons that Employees Do Not Use Alternate Forms of Travel

Employees were asked if they would use a Zip-Car or other car sharing service if provided for a fee and 19 percent said they would use the service. 32 percent of respondents who drive alone indicated they would be willing to carpool or vanpool if provided a Guaranteed Ride Home service.

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Conclusions and Mitigation


HHS is proposing to increase its employee population from approximately 2,900 employees to 4,500 employees by the end of 2015 at 5600 Fishers Lane. This is an increase of 1,600 employees. The collocation of additional employees at the 5600 Fishers Lane site is expected to add approximately 554 trips during the morning peak hour and 592 trips in the evening peak hour.

Traffic conditions at the 5600 Fishers Lane site were analyzed under three different conditions: Existing Conditions, Future Conditions Analysis with 2,900 Employees (No-Action Alternative), and Future Conditions Analysis with 4,500 Employees (Action Alternative). In addition to the vehicular impacts, the availability of transit, pedestrian, and bicycle facilities were studied.

As a result of collocating 4,500 employees at the 5600 Fishers Lane site, traffic is expected to have a moderate impact by changing the CLV from an acceptable level to an unacceptable level at one intersection: Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive. In addition, traffic is expected to have a moderate impact by further increasing the unacceptable CLV at two intersections which are expected to continue to operate with an unacceptable CLV: Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road and Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike.

In order to reduce the impacts at the intersection of Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive, the number of critical peak hour trips at the intersection would need to be reduced by ten trips in the evening. As shown in Table 14, to achieve this CLV reduction, the number of new employee trips would need to be reduced by 10 percent.

In addition, although the building renovation of the 5600 Fishers Lane site did not require a traffic mitigation agreement or roadway improvements, there are 1,553 parking spaces for 4,500 employees at the 5600 Fishers Lane site and as a result; many HHS employees need to find alternative modes of transportation other than driving alone.

Therefore, in order to mitigate the increased traffic and to mitigate the need for additional parking, HHS would need to hire a full-time Transportation Coordinator to implement a Transportation Management Plan (TMP) that identifies TDM strategies for reducing the number of single occupancy vehicles and encouraging alternate modes of traveling to the 5600 Fishers Lane site. If TDM strategies are implemented to reduce the number of new employee trips by 10 percent, the intersection of Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive is expected to operate at an acceptable level. The TMP would need to be complete and implemented by the time all 4,500 employees are expected at the 5600 Fishers Lane site, which is expected to be by the end of 2015.

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Table 14: 5600 Fishers Lane Future Condition under the Action Alternative LOS Results with Ten Percent Mitigation

Future Conditions with 4,500 Future Conditions with 4,500 Employees (Action Alternative) Intersection Employees (Action Alternative) [Threshold CLV] with Ten Percent Mitigation morning (CLV) evening (CLV) morning (CLV) evening (CLV) Twinbrook Parkway/Veirs Mill Unacceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable 1. Road (MD (1,781) (1,950) (1,773) (1,942) 586)[1,550] Twinbrook Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable 2. Parkway/Fishers (1,615) (1,633) (1,600) (1,621) Lane[1,800] Twinbrook Acceptable Unacceptable Acceptable Acceptable 3. Parkway/Parklawn (1,641) (1,810) (1,618) (1,797) Drive[1,800] Twinbrook Parkway/Rollins Acceptable Unacceptable Acceptable Unacceptable 4. Avenue/Rockville (1,299) (2,095) (1,285) (2,084) Pike (MD 355) [1,500] ___ Indicates intersection which operate at an unacceptable LOS

The following TDM strategies should be outlined in the TMP:

TRANSPORATION MANAGEMENT PLAN ASSOCIATION AND TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR From the employee survey, it appears that employees are unaware of some of the transportation services available. The landlords, tenants, and employees within the immediate vicinity of 5600 Fishers Lane should form a Transportation Management Plan (TMP) Association managed by a Transportation Coordinator. The TMP Association and Transportation Coordinator would work to develop a TMP, identifying Travel Demand Management strategies, implementation procedures and monitoring procedures. The Transportation Coordinator would work with the local transportation authorities to provide necessary services and disseminate information to the HHS employees on transportation options. Information on transit options should be added to the Transportation Services webpage or another centralized location to increase employee awareness of the commuting options. This would include links to bus routes servicing 5600 Fishers Lane, Guaranteed Ride Home Services, and carpool/vanpool options (such as Commuter Connections Ridesharing), etc. In addition, an annual commuter survey should be completed to monitor the commuting habits of HHS employees.

RIDEON BUSES Expansion of the schedule for the current RideOn bus which operates between the Twinbrook Metrorail station and 5600 Fishers Lane (Route 93) should be explored. The current schedule operates between 6:06 a.m. and 9:06 a.m. as well as between 3:37 p.m. and 6:37 p.m. every 30

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minutes. Many employees indicated that they would like to see the buses run more often as well as during more hours of the day. In addition, employees indicated they would like the arrival/departure times to better coincide with normal work start and stop times (8:00 a.m., 8:15 a.m., 5:00 p.m., 5:15 p.m., etc.) It is recommended that the HHS Transportation Coordinator work with the North Bethesda Transportation Center and Montgomery County Transit to increase the frequency of the bus route as well as explore expanding the hours of operation.

COMMUTER BUSES Forty two percent of survey respondents indicated that if an express bus was provided for a fee from a Park n’ ride near their home to 5600 Fishers Lane, they would take it. HHS employees are concentrated along the I-270 corridor and many of the survey respondents along this corridor said they would be willing to try a commuter bus. It is recommended that a commuter bus which originates in Frederick, MD and also stops at the Urbana Park and Ride and the Gaithersburg Park and Ride be provided. This commuter bus would terminate at 5600 Fishers Lane. Employees would be more willing to try this option if it terminates at 5600 Fishers Lane, eliminating the need to transfer to Metrorail or MARC as must be done with the existing commuter bus routes. The Transportation Coordinator would work with the Maryland Transit Authority to determine if a route could be established as part of their commuter bus system. Employees would be charged a fee for use of the commuter bus.

PEDESTRIANS AND BICYCLES In order to improve the pedestrian path between the Twinbrook Metrorail Station and 5600 Fishers Lane it is recommended that the pedestrian signals at the intersections of Twinbrook Parkway at Fishers Lane and Parklawn Drive be upgraded to countdown signal heads. Additionally, all pedestrian ramps that are not ADA compliant should be upgraded. The Transportation Coordinator would work with the County to implement these upgrades.

Installation of a Bikeshare Station should be considered at the Twinbrook Metro Station as well as at 5600 Fishers Lane as part of the regional Capital Bikeshare network.

INCENTIVES The addition of a zip-car or other car sharing service at 5600 Fishers Lane may help further incentivize the use of public transit by giving employees the flexibility of having a car when needed during the day. Thirty four percent of survey respondents indicated that needing a car during the day for either work or personal use was a barrier to transit use. This is a potential pool of 1500 employees that could be induced to switch modes from drive alone to transit.

Some options to try and entice more employees to take transit are: adding parking benefits to the Go!Card® program, allowing employees to get both the Bike2Work and Go!Card® subsidy, supplementing the Commuter Connections Guaranteed Ride Home service with additional trips or trips for expanded reasons. In addition, if employees were charged for parking it may incentivize them to take transit. The Maryland Mortgage Program “House Keys for Employees” sponsored by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is another program which may entice employees to purchase a home closer to 5600 Fishers Lane or a form of public transportation.

These incentives should be implemented in order to reduce the number of peak hour vehicle trips to limit the impacts to intersections within the study area as well as reduce the total number of vehicle

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trips due to limited parking availability. The Transportation Coordinator would work with the appropriate entities to implement the suitable incentives.

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HHS Lease Consolidation List of Preparers


Elizabeth Edelen Estes Project Manager B.S., Marine Science University of South Carolina, 1994 M.S., Environmental Management University of Maryland, University College, 2005

John Christman, PE Project Manager B.S., Civil Engineering Villanova University, 1970

Elisa Prange, PE, PTOE Traffic Engineer B.S. Civil Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2005

Barbara Mosier, PE Traffic Engineer B.S., Civil Engineering/Engineering and Public Policy Carnegie Mellon University, 2005

Jeremy Kirkendall GIS Technician B.S., Geography Salisbury University, 2008

Connor Support Services 1804 View Top Court Annapolis, MD 21409

Belinda Calabrese-Connor, MBA B.S. Accounting University of Maryland MBA University of Phoenix

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HHS Lease Consolidation References


Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

2008 Trip Generation, 8th Edition, Washington, DC.

Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), Montgomery County

2013 Local Area Transportation Review and Transportation Policy Area Review Guidelines. January 2013.

2013 Policy Area Boundaries (Accessed Online: http://www.montgomeryplanning.org/gis/GISData.shtm, October 24, 2013)

City of Rockville

2011 Comprehensive Transportation Review, March 21, 2011

Montgomery County Office of Management and Budget

2013 Montrose Parkway East (P500717). (Accessed online: http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/OMB/Resources/Files/omb/pdfs/fy14/cip_pdf/500 717.pdf, December 4, 2013).

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

2013 Commuter Connections. (Accessed online: http://www.commuterconnections.org/, December 3, 2013).

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

2013 Metrorail Average Weekday Passenger Boardings. (Accessed online: http://www.wmata.com/pdfs/planning/FY12_Historical_Ridership_By_Station.pdf/, January 8, 2014).

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HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Appendices

Appendix A: Traffic Counts

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Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road

Job No.: 13-08

Location: Twinborrk Parkway at Veirs Mill Road County: Montgomery Date: 10/22/2013 Tuesday Town: Wheaton Recorder: CSS Weather: Clear / Some Overcast Interval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) AM PERIOD Start End VolumePM PERIOD Start End Volume 7:00AM-9:00AM 07:45 08:45 4453 3:30PM-6:00PM 17:15 18:15 4735 Street Name--> Twin Brook Parkway Twinbrook Parkway Veirs Mill Road Veirs Mill Road HOUR From North From South From East From West GRAND ENDING L T R TOT L T R TOT L T R TOT L T R TOT TOTAL

00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 15 61 1 77 17 13 25 55 89 239 19 347 0 117 36 153 632 07:00 21 76 2 99 16 18 25 59 113 257 31 401 0 159 43 202 761 07:15 37 70 2 109 23 14 32 69 132 271 65 468 0 174 63 237 883 07:30 39 84 4 127 29 14 50 93 155 335 41 531 0 200 72 272 1023 07:45 32 103 3 138 28 16 40 84 177 397 21 595 0 175 81 256 1073 08:00 26 118 2 146 24 12 53 89 193 351 27 571 0 198 85 283 1089 08:15 24 132 2 158 35 19 65 119 187 332 36 555 0 226 75 301 1133 08:30 27 128 1 156 30 27 53 110 203 349 33 585 0 179 92 271 1122 08:45 29 114 3 146 35 24 47 106 201 329 51 581 0 198 78 276 1109 09:00 22 110 4 73 32 22 36 90 171 354 46 571 0 214 82 296 1030 09:15 27 84 4 73 39 25 39 103 160 288 33 481 0 173 74 247 904 09:30 18 86 1 73 29 19 31 79 126 289 19 434 0 184 64 248 834 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 27 46 6 79 97 88 103 288 69 228 28 325 0 240 30 270 962 16:30 29 36 5 70 112 100 125 337 72 237 36 345 0 282 34 316 1068 16:45 32 51 1 84 106 93 140 339 74 246 31 351 0 306 38 344 1118 17:00 31 38 3 72 102 68 129 299 87 272 21 380 0 245 30 275 1026 17:15 52 51 3 106 88 93 163 344 97 260 25 382 0 270 20 290 1122 17:30 59 54 2 115 97 83 197 377 75 288 28 391 0 325 26 351 1234 17:45 50 49 3 102 99 60 146 305 86 308 24 418 0 327 34 361 1186 18:00 29 49 2 80 104 59 155 318 70 297 32 399 0 339 32 371 1168 18:15 34 44 2 80 89 61 135 285 85 273 36 394 0 345 43 388 1147 18:30 31 50 5 86 83 72 153 308 86 306 31 423 0 295 30 325 1142 18:45 37 45 1 83 59 63 132 254 67 264 19 350 0 272 35 307 994 19:00 23 37 2 62 67 55 124 246 71 213 22 306 0 210 31 241 855 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00

TOTAL 751 1716 64 2531 1440 1118 2198 4756 2846 6983 755 10584 0 5653 1228 6881 24615 AM Peak Vol 106 492 8 606 124 82 218 424 784 1361 147 2292 0 801 330 1131 4453 PM Peak Vol 172 196 9 377 389 263 633 1285 316 1166 120 1602 0 1336 135 1471 4735 Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road

Job No.: 13-08

Location: Twinborrk Parkway at Veirs Mill Road County: Montgomery Date: 10/22/2013 Tuesday Town: Wheaton Recorder: CSS Weather: Clear / Some Overcast Interval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) PEAK AM PERIOD Start End VolumePM PERIOD Start End Volume HOURS 7:00AM-9:00AM 07:45 08:45 4453 3:30PM-6:00PM 17:15 18:15 4735

PEDESTRIAN SCHOOL CHILDREN & U-TURN BREAKDOWN Hour Twin Brook Parkway Twinbrook Parkway Veirs Mill Road Veirs Mill Road Ending PED. Bikes PED. Bikes PED. Bikes PED. Bikes 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 00 00 00 10 07:00 40 20 00 10 07:15 02 30 40 40 07:30 30 10 00 10 07:45 10 10 51 10 08:00 00 20 41 91 08:15 11 40 30 40 08:30 10 30 01 10 08:45 00 10 10 00 09:00 01 31 00 20 09:15 00 40 00 20 09:30 20 60 20 41 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 30 20 40 00 16:30 20 40 21 10 16:45 71 20 00 00 17:00 20 30 11 20 17:15 50 30 00 40 17:30 30 20 10 71 17:45 40 11 12 30 18:00 20 00 00 60 18:15 10 0 2 0 1 0 6 0 18:30 60 10 30 10 18:45 40 11 70 51 19:00 50 20 02 40 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 TOTAL 0 65 5 0 53 3 0 39 9 0 69 4 AM Peak Vol 0 2 1 0 10 0 0 8 2 0 14 1 PM Peak Vol 0 19 0 0 5 1 0 3 2 0 22 1 Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road

Job No.: 13-08

Location: Twinborrk Parkway at Veirs Mill Road County: Montgomery Date: 10/22/2013 Tuesday Town: Wheaton Recorder: CSS Weather: Clear / Some Overcast Interval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) PEAK AM PERIOD Start End VolumePM PERIOD Start End Volume HOURS 7:00AM-9:00AM 07:45 08:45 4453 3:30PM-6:00PM 17:15 18:15 4735

Turning Movement Summary: 4404 2531 1873 LEG 1 Twin Brook Parkway

Quadrant Total 64 R T L U 1506 Quadrant Total

64 1716 751 5 Veirs Mill Road Veirs Mill Road 8487 U 4 755 R 10584 LEG 3 LEG 4 L 0 6983 T 15368 19186 T 5653 2846 L

6881 R 1228 9 U 8602

3 1440 1118 2198

Quadrant Total 2668 U L T R 5044 Quadrant Total

Twinbrook Parkway LEG 2 5790 4756


Comments: LOS AM:A PM: A

AM Peak Hour : 835 606 229 LEG 1 Twin Brook Parkway

Quadrant Total 8 RTLU 253Quadrant Total

8 492 106 1 Veirs Mill Road Veirs Mill Road 1493 U 1 147 R 2292 LEG 4 LEG 3 L 0 1361 T 2624 3417 T 801 784 L

1131 R 330 2 U 1125

0 124 82 218

Quadrant Total 454 U L T R 1002 Quadrant Total

Twinbrook Parkway LEG 2 1606 424


PM Peak Hour : 760 377 383 LEG 1 Twin Brook Parkway

Quadrant Total 9 RTLU 292Quadrant Total

9 196 172 0 Veirs Mill Road Veirs Mill Road 1564 U 1 120 R 1602 LEG 3 LEG 4 L 0 1166 T 3035 3743 T 1336 316 L

1471 R 135 2 U 2141

1 389 263 633

Quadrant Total 524 U L T R 949 Quadrant Total

Twinbrook Parkway LEG 2 647 1285

1932 Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road

Job No.: 13-08

Location: Twinbrook Parkway at Fishers Lane County: Montgomery Date: 10/22/2013 Tuesday Town: Wheaton Recorder: CSS Weather: Clear / Some Overcast Interval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) PEAK AM PERIOD Start End VolumePM PERIOD Start End Volume HOURS 7:00AM-9:00AM 07:45 08:45 2486 3:30PM-6:00PM 16:45 17:45 3162 Street Name--> Twin Brook Parkway Twinbrook Parkway Fishers Lane Fishers Lane HOUR From North From South From East From West GRAND ENDING L T R TOT L T R TOT L T R TOT L T R TOT TOTAL

00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 23 177 1 201 5 39 42 86 5 0 2 7 1 0 7 8 302 07:00 29 228 1 258 5 51 50 106 5 0 4 9 0 1 4 5 378 07:15 37 229 3 269 4 52 60 116 7 0 3 10 2 1 9 12 407 07:30 33 243 5 281 4 87 53 144 8 1 4 13 0 2 13 15 453 07:45 38 319 3 360 4 100 72 176 17 0 4 21 3 3 9 15 572 08:00 30 380 3 413 3 96 61 160 18 1 2 21 0 5 14 19 613 08:15 27 438 3 468 9 77 58 144 16 0 2 18 0 3 10 13 643 08:30 42 343 7 392 6 96 71 173 19 1 0 20 1 7 12 20 605 08:45 32 379 3 414 1 105 57 163 23 0 5 28 1 5 14 20 625 09:00 27 347 3 73 8 103 70 181 12 0 4 16 0 4 11 15 285 09:15 38 311 6 73 2 97 61 160 13 2 4 19 3 8 14 25 277 09:30 35 245 1 73 3 102 71 176 13 0 7 20 2 3 5 10 279 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 3 145 0 148 7 339 13 359 55 0 33 88 2 0 2 4 599 16:30 8 162 4 174 7 315 12 334 69 1 37 107 1 1 9 11 626 16:45 8 179 0 187 9 298 11 318 75 0 43 118 1 3 6 10 633 17:00 10 207 3 220 12 333 9 354 85 2 52 139 1 1 6 8 721 17:15 2 199 3 204 11 397 13 421 118 1 58 177 1 1 6 8 810 17:30 4 175 2 181 11 424 18 453 107 2 53 162 3 2 9 14 810 17:45 2 223 2 227 11 395 21 427 105 4 48 157 1 4 5 10 821 18:00 11 198 0 209 16 362 14 392 65 2 32 99 5 2 7 14 714 18:15 6 224 2 232 18 385 10 413 59 4 42 105 3 1 15 19 769 18:30 1 182 1 184 11 375 12 398 46 2 33 81 8 2 7 17 680 18:45 3 161 1 165 22 347 8 377 31 0 25 56 6 2 8 16 614 19:00 5 147 0 152 14 367 6 387 18 1 10 29 3 2 1 6 574 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00

TOTAL 454 5841 57 6352 203 5342 873 6418 989 24 507 1520 48 63 203 314 13810 AM Peak Vol 131 1540 16 1687 19 374 247 640 76 2 9 87 2 20 50 72 2486 PM Peak Vol 18 804 10 832 45 1549 61 1655 415 9 211 635 6 8 26 40 3162 Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road

Job No.: 13-08

Location: Twinbrook Parkway at Fishers Lane County: Montgomery Date: 10/22/2013 Tuesday Town: Wheaton Recorder: CSS Weather: Clear / Some Overcast Interval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) PEAK AM PERIOD Start End VolumePM PERIOD Start End Volume HOURS 7:00AM-9:00AM 07:45 08:45 2486 3:30PM-6:00PM 16:45 17:45 3162

PEDESTRIAN SCHOOL CHILDREN & U-TURN BREAKDOWN Hour PEDS on Crosswalk #1 PEDS on Crosswalk #2 PEDS on Crosswalk #3 PEDS on Crosswalk #4 Ending From West From East Bikes FR West FR East Bikes FR North FR South Bikes FR North FR South Bikes 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07:00 4 2 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 07:15 5 1 0 4 0 0 1 4 0 2 1 0 07:30 3 4 1 8 0 1 2 0 0 6 4 0 07:45 1 4 0 6 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 08:00 1130 900 2 11 1460 08:15 5 21 1601 1 30 22130 08:30 7 60 1800 1 00 1370 08:45 4 30 2200 2 12 1540 09:00 8 0 0 13 0 2 3 0 1 11 2 0 09:15 4 1 1 17 0 1 2 0 0 17 2 0 09:30 6 1 0 22 0 0 1 2 0 5 7 0 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 6 1 0 4 9 0 2 2 0 12 7 0 16:30 0 0 1 3 9 0 1 4 0 11 13 0 16:45 11 1 0 8 21 0 2 6 1 24 16 1 17:00 300 11150 121 2060 17:15 3 2 0 9 25 1 3 3 0 25 8 0 17:30 2 4 0 6 22 0 2 1 1 17 14 0 17:45 210 12200 220 1491 18:00 2 4 0 17 18 1 3 5 0 16 11 0 18:15 5 3 0 11 21 0 3 3 1 10 8 0 18:30 0 1 1 19 14 0 2 4 1 12 7 0 18:45 0 0 0 6 7 2 2 2 0 6 3 0 19:00 6 1 0 9 13 1 3 3 0 6 2 0 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 TOTAL 99 45 5 257 194 10 43 49 9 278 153 2 AM Peak Vol 27 14 1 65 0 1 6 5 3 64 30 0 PM Peak Vol 10 7 0 38 82 1 8 8 2 76 37 1 Twinbrook Parkway at Veirs Mill Road

Job No.: 13-08

Location: Twinbrook Parkway at Fishers Lane County: Montgomery Date: 10/22/2013 Tuesday Town: Wheaton Recorder: CSS Weather: Clear / Some Overcast Interval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) PEAK AM PERIOD Start End VolumePM PERIOD Start End Volume HOURS 7:00AM-9:00AM 07:45 08:45 2486 3:30PM-6:00PM 16:45 17:45 3162

Turning Movement Summary: 12249 6352 5897 LEG 1 Twin Brook Parkway

Quadrant Total 105 R T L U 961 Quadrant Total

57 5841 454 5

284 Lane Fishers U 2 507 R Lane Fishers 1520 LEG 3 LEG 4 L48 24T 598 2910 T 63 989 L

314 R 203 9 U 1390

10 203 5342 873

Quadrant Total 406 U L T R 1862 Quadrant Total

Twinbrook Parkway LEG 2 7033 6418


Comments: LOS AM:A PM: A

AM Peak Hour : 2072 1687 385 LEG 1 Twin Brook Parkway

Quadrant Total 18 R T L U 140 Quadrant Total

16 1540 131 1 Fishers Lane Fishers 37 U0 9 R Lane Fishers 87 LEG 4 LEG 3 L2 2 T 109 485 T20 76L

72 R50 3 U 398

1 19 374 247

Quadrant Total 69 U L T R 323 Quadrant Total

Twinbrook Parkway LEG 2 1666 640


PM Peak Hour : 2598 832 1766 LEG 1 Twin Brook Parkway

Quadrant Total 16 R T L U 229 Quadrant Total

10 804 18 0 Fishers Lane Fishers 64 U 1 211 R Lane Fishers 635 LEG 4 LEG 3 L6 9 T 104 722 T 8 415 L

40 R26 2 U 87

1 45 1549 61

Quadrant Total 71 U L T R 476 Quadrant Total

Twinbrook Parkway LEG 2 1245 1655

2900 Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive

Job No.: 13-08

Location: Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive County: Montgomery Date: 10/23/2013 Wednesday Town: North Bethesda Recorder: CSS Weather: Clear Interval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) PEAK AM PERIOD 7:00AM- Start End VolumePM PERIOD 3:30PM- Start End Volume HOURS 9:00AM 07:45 08:45 2689 6:00PM 17:00 18:00 3441 Street Name--> Twinbrook Parkway Twinbrook Parkway Parklawn Drive Parklawn Drive HOUR From North From South From East From West GRAND ENDING L T R TOT L T R TOT L T R TOT L T R TOT TOTAL

00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 44 143 42 229 8 98 35 141 17 7 23 47 8 3 3 14 431 07:00 42 158 47 247 13 103 48 164 18 9 20 47 15 6 8 29 487 07:15 62 177 53 292 16 116 60 192 16 7 21 44 12 9 5 26 554 07:30 63 191 46 300 18 125 58 201 15 8 24 47 9 4 9 22 570 07:45 59 219 58 336 20 132 57 209 21 15 30 66 8 9 13 30 641 08:00 97 209 77 383 21 128 56 205 36 13 25 74 9 7 8 24 686 08:15 72 192 79 343 23 129 51 203 40 22 34 96 13 9 9 31 673 08:30 90 199 85 374 17 120 45 182 39 16 26 81 15 8 5 28 665 08:45 88 190 71 349 22 134 48 204 44 14 35 93 11 3 5 19 665 09:00 76 228 53 73 14 157 50 221 45 9 37 91 10 7 6 23 408 09:15 48 181 51 73 16 140 66 222 37 12 27 76 11 4 12 27 398 09:30 64 163 32 73 11 126 50 187 24 8 22 54 5 7 9 21 335 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 43 171 10 224 6 213 37 256 44 9 61 114 24 5 19 48 642 16:30 52 165 9 226 13 245 45 303 65 4 69 138 36 10 17 63 730 16:45 53 175 7 235 8 251 46 305 60 6 74 140 30 7 23 60 740 17:00 43 197 12 252 12 264 58 334 44 5 82 131 34 8 21 63 780 17:15 66 229 15 310 9 278 61 348 70 11 63 144 31 13 24 68 870 17:30 57 183 14 254 10 317 57 384 46 7 55 108 39 16 31 86 832 17:45 68 199 11 278 11 329 52 392 45 8 54 107 44 13 28 85 862 18:00 79 209 14 302 13 303 63 379 47 11 47 105 48 11 32 91 877 18:15 53 154 10 217 7 282 56 345 43 6 38 87 54 14 19 87 736 18:30 40 134 18 192 8 289 46 343 34 7 41 82 40 9 12 61 678 18:45 26 125 10 161 6 277 28 311 17 5 33 55 39 12 18 69 596 19:00 19 81 8 108 12 294 22 328 15 6 20 41 43 16 15 74 551 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00

TOTAL 1404 4272 832 6508 314 4850 1195 6359 882 225 961 2068 588 210 351 1149 15407 AM Peak Vol 347 790 312 1449 83 511 200 794 159 65 120 344 48 27 27 102 2689 PM Peak Vol 270 820 54 1144 43 1227 233 1503 208 37 219 464 162 53 115 330 3441 Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive

Job No.: 13-08

Location: Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive County: Montgomery Date: 10/23/2013 Wednesday Town: North Bethesda Recorder: CSS Weather: Clear Interval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) PEAK AM PERIOD 7:00AM- Start End VolumePM PERIOD 3:30PM- Start End Volume HOURS 9:00AM 07:45 08:45 2689 6:00PM 17:00 18:00 3441

PEDESTRIAN SCHOOL CHILDREN & U-TURN BREAKDOWN Hour PEDS on Crosswalk #1 PEDS on Crosswalk #2 PEDS on Crosswalk #3 Ending From West From East Bikes FR North FR South Bikes FR North FR South Bikes Bikes 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 07:00 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07:15 3 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 07:30 1 2 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 07:45 2 4 0 3 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 08:00 2 20 1 00 3 11 0 00 08:15 1 10 4 20 2 00 0 00 08:30 1 10 3 01 2 10 0 00 08:45 3 32 2 10 4 00 0 00 09:00 2 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 09:15 4 2 0 1 3 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 09:30 2 1 0 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 3 2 0 5 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 16:30 1 3 0 4 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 16:45 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 17:00 2 1 0 4 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 17:15 1 40 3 11 1 00 0 00 17:30 2 60 1 00 2 00 0 00 17:45 3 30 2 10 2 10 0 01 18:00 1 60 6 01 1 40 0 00 18:15 2 4 0 2 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 18:30 1 5 1 1 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 18:45 1 3 0 4 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 19:00 3 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 TOTAL 44 61 4 57 25 3 39 31 1 0 0 2 AM Peak Vol 7 7 2 10 3 1 11 2 1 0 0 0 PM Peak Vol 7 19 0 12 2 2 6 5 0 0 0 1 Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive

Job No.: 13-08

Location: Twinbrook Parkway at Parklawn Drive County: Montgomery Date: 10/23/2013 Wednesday Town: North Bethesda Recorder: CSS Weather: Clear Interval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) PEAK AM PERIOD 7:00AM- Start End VolumePM PERIOD 3:30PM- Start End Volume HOURS 9:00AM 07:45 08:45 2689 6:00PM 17:00 18:00 3441

Turning Movement Summary: 12907 6508 6399 LEG 1 Twinbrook Parkway

Quadrant Total 1420 R T L U 2365 Quadrant Total

832 4272 1404 4 Parklawn Drive Parklawn Drive 1371 U 2 961 R 2068 LEG 3 LEG 4 L 588 225 T 2520 4877 T 210 882 L

1149 R 351 1 U 2809

3 314 4850 1195

Quadrant Total 665 U L T R 2077 Quadrant Total

Twinbrook Parkway LEG 2 5505 6359


Comments: LOS AM:A PM: A

AM Peak Hour : 2128 1449 679 LEG 1 Twinbrook Parkway

Quadrant Total 360 R T L U 467 Quadrant Total

312 790 347 2 Parklawn Drive Parklawn Drive 460 U 0 120 R 344 LEG 4 LEG 3 L48 65T 562 918 T 27 159 L

102 R27 1U 574

1 83 511 200

Quadrant Total 110 U L T R 359 Quadrant Total

Twinbrook Parkway LEG 2 976 794


PM Peak Hour : 2752 1144 1608 LEG 1 Twinbrook Parkway

Quadrant Total 216 R T L U 489 Quadrant Total

54 820 270 0 Parklawn Drive Parklawn Drive 134 U 1 219 R 464 LEG 4 LEG 3 L 162 37 T 464 1020 T 53 208 L

330 R 115 0 U 556

2 43 1227 233

Quadrant Total 158 U L T R 441 Quadrant Total

Twinbrook Parkway LEG 2 1143 1503

2646 Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike

Job No.: 13-08

Location: Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike County: Montgomery Date: 10/23/2013 Wednesday Town: Wheaton Recorder: CSS Weather: Clear / Some Overcast Interval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) AM PERIOD 7:00AM- Start End VolumePM PERIOD 3:30PM- Start End Volume 9:00AM 07:45 08:45 3757 6:00PM 17:00 18:00 5667 Street Name--> Rockville Pike Rockville Pike Twinbrook Parkway Twinbrook Parkway HOUR From North From South From East From West GRAND ENDING L T R TOT L T R TOT L T R TOT L T R TOT TOTAL

00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 35 274 8 317 7 89 13 109 0 40 8 48 0 58 11 69 543 07:00 46 298 11 355 6 81 11 98 0 62 11 73 0 96 14 110 636 07:15 50 368 9 427 5 103 16 124 0 64 8 72 0 82 17 99 722 07:30 34 440 12 486 4 118 19 141 0 60 13 73 0 90 22 112 812 07:45 44 490 13 547 9 145 30 184 0 71 18 89 0 74 18 92 912 08:00 50 486 8 544 13 163 27 203 0 84 21 105 0 83 16 99 951 08:15 52 452 11 515 13 180 32 225 0 88 25 113 0 78 14 92 945 08:30 48 431 10 489 9 197 23 229 0 89 26 115 0 75 17 92 925 08:45 58 435 9 502 10 192 24 226 0 81 32 113 0 71 24 95 936 09:00 49 351 6 73 19 251 39 309 0 95 39 134 0 87 23 110 626 09:15 52 338 10 73 14 240 37 291 0 100 29 129 0 78 19 97 590 09:30 38 298 4 73 13 222 33 268 0 74 21 95 0 77 13 90 526 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 30 258 9 297 15 388 32 435 0 100 37 137 0 114 24 138 1007 16:30 63 297 12 372 16 378 33 427 0 112 53 165 0 113 30 143 1107 16:45 51 354 12 417 18 399 42 459 0 102 45 147 0 118 23 141 1164 17:00 57 391 11 459 21 460 43 524 0 113 38 151 0 121 24 145 1279 17:15 54 435 10 499 22 477 46 545 0 142 44 186 0 141 35 176 1406 17:30 56 382 8 446 29 524 51 604 0 120 35 155 0 112 44 156 1361 17:45 59 411 8 478 24 533 45 602 0 134 39 173 0 104 38 142 1395 18:00 74 417 10 501 19 594 54 667 0 146 40 186 0 122 29 151 1505 18:15 62 367 7 436 29 526 48 603 0 108 43 151 0 131 25 156 1346 18:30 42 376 12 430 27 475 51 553 0 87 28 115 0 125 19 144 1242 18:45 37 306 9 352 25 414 53 492 0 59 26 85 0 93 16 109 1038 19:00 42 321 5 368 28 402 44 474 0 63 22 85 0 102 18 120 1047 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00

TOTAL 1183 8976 224 10383 395 7551 846 8792 0 2194 701 2895 0 2345 533 2878 24021 AM Peak Vol 208 1804 38 2050 45 732 106 883 0 342 104 446 0 307 71 378 3757 PM Peak Vol 243 1645 36 1924 94 2128 196 2418 0 542 158 700 0 479 146 625 5667 Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike

Job No.: 13-08

Location: Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike County: Montgomery Date: 10/23/2013 Wednesday Town: Wheaton Recorder: CSS Weather: Clear / Some Overcast Interval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) PEAK AM PERIOD 7:00AM- Start End VolumePM PERIOD 3:30PM- Start End Volume HOURS 9:00AM 07:45 08:45 3757 6:00PM 17:00 18:00 5667

PEDESTRIAN SCHOOL CHILDREN & U-TURN BREAKDOWN Hour PEDS on Crosswalk #1 PEDS on Crosswalk #2 PEDS on Crosswalk #3 PEDS on Crosswalk #4 Ending From West From East U-turns from North FR West FR East U-Turns from South FR North FR South FR North FR South 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 07:00 0 1 3 0 0 3 2 0 2 0 07:15 1 1 4 0 0 3 4 1 2 0 07:30 2 0 5 1 1 2 3 1 4 2 07:45 0 0 7 2 1 3 6 0 3 0 08:00 223 004 30 21 08:15 116 022 82 11 08:30 132 103 21 20 08:45 217 314 42 41 09:00 1 3 4 2 0 1 3 3 2 3 09:15 3 2 4 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 09:30 1 1 3 1 0 4 2 0 1 1 09:45 5 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 3 1 3 2 4 4 4 3 5 3 16:30 1 0 2 2 2 3 3 1 8 2 16:45 4 2 3 4 1 3 2 1 3 2 17:00 2 2 4 1 0 7 6 2 4 4 17:15 146 113 11 71 17:30 113 328 20 61 17:45 335 214 31 62 18:00 514 126 72 32 18:15 1 2 3 2 0 4 3 1 5 1 18:30 2 1 2 3 0 5 3 0 4 4 18:45 1 2 4 2 1 4 4 0 4 3 19:00 2 1 3 0 0 3 2 1 9 1 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 TOTAL 40 35 96 33 19 87 80 24 0 88 36 0 AM Peak Vol 6 7 18 4 3 13 17 5 0 9 3 0 PM Peak Vol 10 9 18 7 6 21 13 4 0 22 6 0 Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike

Job No.: 13-08

Location: Twinbrook Parkway at Rockville Pike County: Montgomery Date: 10/23/2013 Wednesday Town: Wheaton Recorder: CSS Weather: Clear / Some Overcast Interval (dd) : 15 (In Minutes) PEAK AM PERIOD 7:00AM- Start End VolumePM PERIOD 3:30PM- Start End Volume HOURS 9:00AM 07:45 08:45 3757 6:00PM 17:00 18:00 5667

Turning Movement Summary: 18635 10383 8252 LEG 1 Rockville Pike

Quadrant Total 224 R T L U 1884 Quadrant Total

224 8976 1183 96

2813 2895 Twinbrook U 0 701 R Twinbrook Parkway Parkway LEG 3 LEG 4 L 0 2194 T 5691 7269 T 2345 0 L

2878 R 533 0 U 4374

87 395 7551 846

Quadrant Total 928 U L T R 846 Quadrant Total

Rockville Pike LEG 2 9509 8792


Comments: LOS AM:A PM: A

AM Peak Hour : 2886 2050 836 LEG 1 Rockville Pike

Quadrant Total 38 R T L U 312 Quadrant Total

38 1804 208 18

425 446 Twinbrook Twinbrook U 0 104 R Parkway Parkway LEG 4 LEG 3 L 0 342 T 803 1067 T 307 0 L

378 R71 0U 621

13 45 732 106

Quadrant Total 116 U L T R 106 Quadrant Total

Rockville Pike LEG 2 1875 883


PM Peak Hour : 4210 1924 2286 LEG 1 Rockville Pike

Quadrant Total 36 R T L U 401 Quadrant Total

36 1645 243 18

672 700 Twinbrook Twinbrook U 0 158 R Parkway Parkway LEG 3 LEG 4 L 0 542 T 1297 1618 T 479 0 L

625 R 146 0 U 918

21 94 2128 196

Quadrant Total 240 U L T R 196 Quadrant Total

Rockville Pike LEG 2 1791 2418

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Appendix B: Existing Level of Service Worksheets

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Count Date: 10/22/2013 Location: Twinbrook Pkwy at Veirs Mill Road Conditions: Existing Design Year: Computed By:EP Date: 12/3/13 Montgomery County Method

Morning Peak Hour8:00-9:00 am Lane Configuration Evening Peak Hour 5:30-6:30 pm 8 9 492 107 229 pn 196 172 383

1493 147 1565 120 1361 TTR 1166 NB/SB Split NB/SB Split 785 318 Phase Phase 801 1336

330 1126 LLTP 135 2141 LTRR 82 124 218 649 390 263 633 1607

Right Turns Subtracted for Exclusive Right Turn Number Lane Use Opposing Volume Overlap Phasing or Right Turn on Red: of Lanes Factor (vph) PCE 1 = 1.00 Congestion Standard < 199 1.1 NB Approach: Twinbrook Pkwy AM NB PM NB 2 = 0.53 = 1550 < 599 2.0 SB Approach: Twinbrook Pkwy SB SB 3 = 0.37 for < 799 3.0 EB Approach: Veirs Mill Rd EB EB 4 = 0.30 North Bethesda < 999 4.0 WB Approach: Veirs Mill Rd WB WB Dbl-left 0.60 Policy > 1000 5.0 Area

Lane Use Lane Opposing Critical Lane * Lane Use Lane Opposing Critical Lane * Movement Volume PCE Factor Volume Lefts Volume Movement Volume PCE Factor Volume Lefts Volume NBL 124 1.00 1.00 124 0 124 * NBL 390 1.00 1.00 390 0 390 * SBLTR 607 1.00 0.53 322 0 322 * SBLTR 377 1.00 0.53 200 0 200 * EBT + WBL 801 1.000.53 425 471 896 * EBT + WBL 1336 1.00 0.53 708 191 899 * WBTR 1508 1.00 0.53 799 0 799 WBTR 1286 1.00 0.53 682 0 682 Critical Volume 1342 OK Critical Volume 1489 OK V/C 0.87 V/C 0.96 Maryland State Highway Administration Turning Movement Summary and Level of Service

Count Date: 10/22/2013 Location: Twinbrook Pkwy at Fishers Lane Conditions: Existing Design Year: Computed By:EP Date: 12/3/13 Montgomery County Method

Morning Peak Hour8:00-9:00 am Lane Configuration Evening Peak Hour 5:00-6:00 pm 16 10 18 132 385 804 1540 pttl 1767

38 9 65 211 2 9 EB/WB Split EB/WB Split

279NR 7 417 Phase Phase 20 LNR 8 50 399 26 117 LTTP 20 46 91 374 247 1669 1247 1549

Right Turns Subtracted for Exclusive Right Turn Number Lane Use Opposing Volume Overlap Phasing or Right Turn on Red: of Lanes Factor (vph) PCE 1 = 1.00 Congestion Standard < 199 1.1 NB Approach: Twinbrook Pkwy AM NB PM NB 2 = 0.53 = 1800 < 599 2.0 SB Approach: Twinbrook Pkwy SB SB 3 = 0.37 for < 799 3.0 EB Approach: Fishers Lane EB 20 EB 26 4 = 0.30 Twinbrook < 999 4.0 WB Approach: Fishers Lane WB WB Dbl-left 0.60 Policy > 1000 5.0 Area

Lane Use Lane Opposing Critical Lane * Lane Use Lane Opposing Critical Lane * Movement Volume PCE Factor Volume Lefts Volume Movement Volume PCE Factor Volume Lefts Volume NBR + SBL 247 1.00 1.00 247 132 379 NBTR + SBL 1640 1.00 0.37 607 18 625 * SBTR + NBL 1556 1.00 0.37 576 20 596 * SBTR + NBL 814 1.00 0.37 301 46 347 EBR 30 1.001.00 30 0 30 * EBLT 15 1.00 1.00 15 0 15 * WBLT 81 1.00 0.60 49 0 49 * WBLT 426 1.00 0.60 256 0 256 * Critical Volume 675 OK Critical Volume 896 OK De facto RT lane(s) assumed for NB approach. V/C 0.38 V/C 0.50 Maryland State Highway Administration Turning Movement Summary and Level of Service

Count Date: 10/23/2013 Location: Twinbrook Pkwy at Parklawn Drive Conditions: Existing Design Year: Computed By:EP Date: 12/3/13 Montgomery County Method

Morning Peak Hour8:00-9:00 am Lane Configuration Evening Peak Hour 5:15-6:15 pm 54 312 790 349 679 820 270 rtttl 1609

461 120 136 219 65 37 EB/WB Split EB/WB Split

48 160 LX 163 208 Phase Phase 27 LNR 53 27 576 115 556 LTTP 84 45 977 511 200 233 1143 1227

Right Turns Subtracted for Exclusive Right Turn Number Lane Use Opposing Volume Overlap Phasing or Right Turn on Red: of Lanes Factor (vph) PCE 1 = 1.00 Congestion Standard < 199 1.1 NB Approach: Twinbrook Pkwy AM NB PM NB 2 = 0.53 = 1800 < 599 2.0 SB Approach: Twinbrook Pkwy SB SB 3 = 0.37 for < 799 3.0 EB Approach: Parklawn Drive EB EB 4 = 0.30 Twinbrook < 999 4.0 WB Approach: Parklawn Drive WB WB 219 Dbl-left 0.60 Policy > 1000 5.0 Area

Lane Use Lane Opposing Critical Lane * Lane Use Lane Opposing Critical Lane * Movement Volume PCE Factor Volume Lefts Volume Movement Volume PCE Factor Volume Lefts Volume NBTR + SBL 711 1.00 0.37 263 349 612 * NBTR + SBL 1460 1.00 0.37 540 270 810 * SBR + NBL 312 1.00 1.00 312 84 396 SBT + NBL 820 1.00 0.37 303 45 348 EBLTR 102 1.000.60 61 0 61 * EBLTR 331 1.00 0.60 199 0 199 * WBLT 225 1.00 0.60 135 0 135 * WBLT 245 1.00 0.60 147 0 147 * Critical Volume 808 OK Critical Volume 1156 OK V/C 0.45 V/C 0.64 Maryland State Highway Administration Turning Movement Summary and Level of Service

Count Date: 10/23/2013 Location: Twinbrook Pkwy at Rockville Pike Conditions: Existing Design Year: Computed By:EP Date: 12/3/13 Montgomery County Method

Morning Peak Hour8:00-9:00 am Lane Configuration Evening Peak Hour 5:15-6:15 pm 38 36 226 836 261 1804 pttl 1645 2286

438 104 693 158 342 542 TP TP 307 479 71 639 146 936 LTTTR 58 732 106 115 196 1875 1791 2128 free right

Right Turns Subtracted for Exclusive Right Turn Number Lane Use Opposing Volume Overlap Phasing or Right Turn on Red: of Lanes Factor (vph) PCE 1 = 1.00 Congestion Standard < 199 1.1 NB Approach: Rockville Pike AM NB PM NB 2 = 0.53 = 1500 < 599 2.0 SB Approach: Rockville Pike SB SB 3 = 0.37 for < 799 3.0 EB Approach: Rollins Ave EB EB 4 = 0.30 Rockville City < 999 4.0 WB Approach: Twinbrook Pkwy WB WB Dbl-left 0.60 Policy > 1000 5.0 Area

Lane Use Lane Opposing Critical Lane * Lane Use Lane Opposing Critical Lane * Movement Volume PCE Factor Volume Lefts Volume Movement Volume PCE Factor Volume Lefts Volume NBT + SBL 732 1.00 0.37 271 226 497 NBT + SBL 2128 1.00 0.37 787 261 1048 * SBTR + NBL 1842 1.00 0.37 682 58 740 * SBTR + NBL 1681 1.00 0.37 622 115 737 EBTR 378 1.000.53 200 0 200 EBTR 625 1.00 0.53 331 0 331 WBTR 446 1.00 0.53 236 0 236 * WBTR 700 1.00 0.53 371 0 371 * Critical Volume 976 OK Critical Volume 1419 OK V/C 0.65 V/C 0.95 HHS Lease Consolidation Traffic Technical Report Appendices

Appendix C: Background Development Trip Assignment Figures

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Appendix D: Future Conditions with and without Development Level of Service Worksheets

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Appendix E: HHS Employee Commuter Survey Questions

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