Signs of Hope As Land Bills Are Assented To
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1 Issue Number 26 • May 2012 Issue Number 26 • May 2012 Clan politics at play Women strategise as representative seat promises to be a bruising battle …By Hussein Dido s the scramble for political posi- tions take shape in Isiolo, women are bracing themselves for what promises to be a hot contest for Athe women representative seat created under the new Constitution. The seat has attracted several aspirants who include Rahma Dida, Tiyyah Galgalo, Fatuma Dullo, Lucy Mworia and Mumina Konso among others. The region has never had a single wom- an in an elective position since indepen- dence and those who are there have only been nominated into civic wards. However, the cast is different this time as the new constitution has not only cre- ated elective positions for women but also set out the gender rule which provides that not more than two thirds of elective seats shall go to either gender. Elders Elders in this region play a major role in the process and all candidates seeking elec- tive positions are usually endorsed during clan meetings. Women have in the past been excluded in meetings held by elders to deliberate on clan issues. They have, this time around, been allowed in clan meetings in order to get endorsement from the elders as commu- nities re-organise to make alignments with other clans ahead of the general election. Out of the five candidates contesting for the women representative seat, three of them have sought clan endorsement at meetings held at Kinna that brought together elders, youths and women seeking elective positions. Dida, Galgalo and Dullo who hail from pastoralist communities have attended clan meetings where they have enumerated their vision and agenda for the County a Continued on page 7 EDITORIAL Signs of hope as land bills are assented to he land question has always land clashes in 1992, 1997 and the 2007 fat on our land so that our children age between the Commission, county ernment in land registration and other been a sensitive issue in the post elections violence which left over grow up in prosperity; and we do not governments and other institutions related purposes. country’s history long before 1,300 men, women and children killed want the fat removed to feed others.” dealing with land and land related re- Now that the new laws are in place, the colonialists arrived took and over 600,000 others displaced in The three are the long awaited Na- sources. On the other hand, the Na- Kenyans will look up to the imple- Tover the best prime agricultural land in Rift Valley Province and other parts of tional Land Commission Act 2012; the tional Land Commission shall manage menting actors and agencies to trans- the country. the country. Land Act 2012; and the Land Regis- public land on behalf of the national late their dreams into reality. Kenyans have fought each other for tration Act, 2012, which activists like and county governments. During the ongoing AWC Features it at the individual, family and com- History Odenda Lumumba, the CEO of the Service countrywide peace forums in munity level leaving a trail of blood, But that dark phase of our coun- Kenya Land Alliance, among others, Land Garissa, Kibera, Eldoret and Nakuru, destruction and hostility. try’s history is about to change forever, have been lobbying for decades have With regard to the Land Act, the women from all walks of life have sin- Indeed, it has always been a major thanks to the assenting of three cru- been assented to by President Kibaki. law provides for the mechanism to re- gled out the unresolved land question topic at all forums since independence cial land laws by President Kibaki last The National Land Commission vise, consolidate and rationalise land as one of the major causes of conflict in 49 years ago and featured prominently month, that have captured the women’s Act establishes the National Land laws as well as to provide for the sus- their respective families pitting broth- at the Lancaster Constitutional Con- gains in the new Constitution aptly. Commission and as well as creates tainable administration and manage- ers against sisters and/or in-laws; in ference, in the Kenya We Want in the Indeed, Kenyans can now heave a rules for the management and admin- ment of land and land based resources. their homes and in their community. 1980s, in the Bomas Conference in sigh of relief remembering the words istration of land in accordance with On its part, the Land Registration These women now have a reason 2005, and was finally captured in the of the founder of the nation, Mzee the principles of land policy as out- Act establishes mechanisms to revise, to smile, as they look forward to Par- new Constitution in 2010. Jomo Kenyatta, in 1952: “God said this lined in the Constitution and in the consolidate and rationalise the registra- liament taking the next step towards The thorny issue has been politi- is our land, land in which we flourish national land policy. tion of titles to land, to give effect to the legislation of the three laws and ensure cised over the years and led to political as a people. We want our cattle to get The Act further provides for a link- principles and objects of devolved gov- that women fully reap the benefits. 2 Issue Number 26 • May 2012 Numbers not Empowerment and inclusion the answer captured in ground breaking index to women’s …By Rosemary Okello sistent obstacles and economic constraints, limiting further in- agenda t 56, Jane who lives in the clusion in the sector Central part of Uganda According to Agnes Quisu- …By Henry Kahara has not known any other mbing Senior Research Fellow way of life apart from on Poverty, Health and Nutri- s more women prepare to ascend Athat which she has been doing dili- tion who was one of the re- to positions of leadership and gently since she was seven years old. searchers, despite numerous decision making as guaranteed Her life has been centred around cultural and traditional barriers in the Constitution, questions waking up every morning to go to which women face, the study Aabound as to whether the seats will attract till the family farm. was able to reveal that areas individuals who are able to articulate wom- Before she was married, Jane where women lack empower- en’s issues in a way that helps in the allevia- diligently accompanied her mother ment is with respect to lack of tion of poverty to spur development in dif- to the farm. Today, as a mother of leadership at the community, ferent parts of the country. four, her life has been centred on the time burden and lack of con- According to Joy Masheti, a programme’s their small farm which acts like a trol over resources. officer with the Caucus for Women Leader- source of income and food. She explains that in Uganda ship, numbers alone may not help to bring “This is the only way I can beat men report relatively less disem- about the desired change. poverty, using my sweat,” she ob- powerment in decision-making Masheti says zeal is the key, it must be serves. over income, less time poverty, women who are committed to aspirations Even though Jane is not aware of and relatively greater achieve- of fellow women at all levels and are deter- how to empower herself, last month ments in community leadership mined to see change. a group of researchers undertook a than women. ground breaking study whose aim “The fact that men report Election was to measure women’s empower- less time poverty probably arises “Some women will be elected in Parlia- ment in developing countries. because women in Uganda (as ment but still stand with their respective in much of Sub-Saharan Af- parties even when important women’s is- Empowerment rica) play a very important role sues are being discussed,” Masheti observes. The pilot study on the Women’s in food production, over and She cites an example of how women in Empowerment in Agriculture In- above their roles as caregivers the tenth Parliament came together during dex (WEAI) is the first measure to and guardians of their families’ the Constitution review process in Naiva- directly capture women’s empow- food and nutrition security,” ex- sha and endorsed affirmative action which erment and inclusion levels in the plains Quisumbing. is now entrenched in the constitution. agricultural sector and it revealed Since the question of leader- “That was our first time to see Martha that women are considered to be ship is critical in Africa and be- Karua who is Narc Kenya leader take a uni- empowered if they have adequate cause the political leadership and fied stand with the likes of Rachel Shebesh achievements in four of the five food production are linked and and Millie Odhiambo from ODM,” ex- areas namely power over produc- this has always had a negative im- plains Masheti. tive resources such as land and pact on food security, Quisumb- She notes that unless we have gender livestock, decisions over income, ing points out that if African sensitive women, then we are likely to miss leadership in the community and leaders really want to bring about out on this grand opportunity to main- time use. change, the areas to begin with stream gender in all governance processes. Carried out in three countries are those where women are dis- A woman tilling her land. This is how many women earn “When women are included in decision with diverse socioeconomic and cul- empowered.