Trump Reverts to Petulant Five-Year-Old
11 November 2020 Page 1 Issue 2020/12 11 November 2020 “Loser” and “sucker” Trump reverts to petulant five-year-old HE TRUMP ABERATION is finally over. The US It’s a vivid illustration of how polarised America is. Stock market sectors electorate have spoken loud and clear. In all- There are tens of millions of voters there, who like me, T ☺ uptrends time record numbers, cannot begin to understand how and despite Covid-19, the peo- FTSE 100 anyone could conceivably vote * Automobiles & parts 4 ple have gone for the “anyone 7,500 for a cruel, narcissistic, amoral, * Banks 2 but Trump” option and deci- racist liar who is arguably com- 7,000 * Electricity 3 sively ousted Trump in favour plicit in the death of 240,000 US Electronic / electrical eq. 33 of Joe Biden. City centres all 6,500 citizens. around the nation erupted in Conversely, there are tens of Equity inv. instruments 107 spontaneous joy and relief. 6,000 millions of other voters who can- FTSE SmallCap ex Inv Co 23 I’ve been predicting this re- 5,500 not understand why people like General industrials 43 sult in these pages for years. me cannot see what to them is 5,000 Industrial engineering 105 Easiest prediction I’ve ever had D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N blindingly obvious: that Trump is Industrial metals 112 to make. a courageous warrior fighting Except that, to borrow a phrase used by Trump to against socialism and for the rule of law.
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