m* âptaz ittatt Cf



E%9Ib__nE _¦____•*•?"¦» '•;*tH_____HbFs'JmV R£**^______)___¦ __R?f ' ¦-imW

"/l^^SllMBi«KfflB8Mia»M^^-<^/%. ^SI_MS*___JBg.: «1 •!!' _J_ '**'¦ _¦ ___Cw_»t.' ' ••» I in» .^——B^g^^g^^^gj^ig^aac^^^BaEgHW—^^^—_»in • .1 BB¦_¦______¦¦ ___¦__-.. _?___™»a»l rMMitaSfBHMCBI LJJJTPBBBMMBBWBMIBW^^M^MKS^^^TKI MUçv IB_'v •¦-Í<^^1Í_i__hÍbBÍi_S^LK 1 ?B___ 1 .'vi** -•»*BiBB Bv :\!í__J__T - '_"BJ P^BWl»»B?QMBJ__S__K*j_ Hw__BL jfi

KfjSÇ____T ikkC.__SB,BMfll BDH______b.

Locomotives pariiciilar/y adapted for Logging and Industrial Purposes and for Mines and Furnaces. Plantation Locomotives for, Permanent or Portable Track, Electric Motor and Trailer Trucks for Railway and Suburban Service Representatives for Brazil:—NORTON, MEGAW & Co., Ltd.,—N. 112, Rua Primeiro de Março, N. 112— Rio do Janeiro

Cable-Address BORLIDO-RIO BORLIDO MAIA & Co. P. O. B. 131 Head-Offlce RUA DO R08ARI0, 55 - 58 - Rio de Janeiro-Brazil

ESTABIylSHED 1878 jflBt_NMé*lflH_C*3H_B_^_ rT*^___B_B General Merchants, Jnmporters «te Contractor» ,BtesP^^Síll^___! __ffô\_Í«__«j__K%^^^__i l_S$&fcv ^__B SUPPLY THE PRINCIPAL RAILWAY AND COMPANIES OP RRAZIL - B| iw^is^S^^^Lm^^T^^^^-Hkd iH ______*__*.'', v~*J_H _H BBBBBBBfBWw?^^3SlT^7T"nr^ i * m___^ ?»H •TiBBBBBBBBBBBBfcflm ** ^-J?__M lmporters of Railway Appliances, Tools; Rcpair Material for Cars, L,ocotnotives, Boilers, Wagons; Iytibricating Oils and Greases. Burning Oils ; Carbide, Railway Apparatus, Industrial, Agricultural and Mining- Machinery, Implements, Tools and Sttpplies; Packing, BEfc______><^t^^^^_BW»»y /gB____i^_B Punips, Scales, Safes, Artisans, Tools; Rubber, Leatlier and ¦¦ ¦¦lííl223^^^^i^r^^^^fi «w_____! Canvas Hose; Galvauized Iron Tubes, Portable Buildings, Wire Fencing, M—--->lj?__;__rl,?_____| > i{vBJ19 I Babbitt Metal ; Paints, Colors, Brushes; Coachbuilders' Supplies; Electrical Machinery and Supplies; Structttral Iron, Builders' and Plumbers' Supplies; Sanitary Ware ; Wool, Canvas and Duck; Roofing and L,ining Material, etc. AGEJNTS AISD RKPKKSEINTATIVKS for

R. &J. DiCk, Ltd. GlaSgOW - Original Balata Belting. Mander Brothers, London - oisina WaterPaint. Bliveil & Carfington, Nèw York - laibricating Oils and Greases. IBJ_____{!___?&_¦¦'" f_.fi__H Wm. Simons & Co., Ltd., Renfrew, Scotland-Dredger Constructors. Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd, Redditch, England-RoyaiEnneid cycies. Bickford Smith & Co,. Ltd., Tuckingmill, — safoty Fuses. W. B. Brown & Co. (Bankhall) Ltd., — steei wire Ropes. The Vâporite Strawsdn Co., Ltd.,London—"Vapòrite" Wdestructíoti oí p

Telegrams Telephone Post Office Box "ici^ioicytjniH".261in o. 486

Mills : Zliaci ctst Graml:DÔa No. 1

DAILY PRODUCTION: 10.000 BAGS. head ov^jpi^te — 48, MOORGATE ST. — londojn k. e.






Victoria, Bahia Maceió, Pernambuco Ceará, Curityba, Desterro, Rio Grande, Pelotas & Porto Alegre. Tlie Mill>s3 Maxvfecs of :F"lou.:r j&»x-e:- "NACIOMAI/'«SEMOLINA" "BUDA-NACIOKAL* "1ÍI*A^1L>*CII*A""GUARAINY" AND FOR SUPERIORITY HAVE BEEN AWARDED Gold Medal Paris 1889.First Prize Brazil 1908. First Prize Brazil St. Louis 1904. First Prize Brussels 1910. --RUA OFFICES: DA QUITANDA, 408--RIO DE JANEIRO.

112, Cannon StreetLondon E. C ENG1NEERS, MEKCHANTS aini> Contractors for Railway Material, etc. TELEGRAPHIC "FOUNDATION" ADDRESS — LONDON

Bahia-Nathao & Co., Raa das Ptúneezas, 6 Caixa do Correio, 157. - "NATHAN" Telegrams, - BAHIA

Rio de Janeiro-Fpy, Youle & Co., Rua da Alfândega no. 10 Caixa do Correio 21.-Telegrams, "FRY"-RIO I JANEIRO % «

J GBk Frn-Biísiifi —®

Succs: of NATHAN â 00,

© :«.^ANTOS i íV RUA DE S. BENTO 43 e 45 © Rua Quinze de Novembro 13 4 Caixa do Correio 0. Box) K. © (P. © Caixa do Correio (P. 0. Box) 147, "LUPTON" © Telegraphic Address: © Telegraphic Address: "WYSARD"

Importers, Exporters and General Merchants

y-i'With ; -',.'-;:v'-:Sít+ ^,.",';.'' ff*ra8H' S&y?-.,•':--Idflaaal mVÍáWSititámmW-.-Ã%??^yBB?rra:>)?sS tiÉÊ&J. !~&&fflmm&*i'.'? ^El. -¦j^S3áwKmmmmmamKmfW^>^^^''¦¦¦¦' Z^m$mW3fi SPECIALITIES: Ceniftiii, üeinif.ô> Railwav Material Paiuts, laiíiiini Carli"we. and 'í' Apnltinl i- 1ívjSHbI S.íÉWrli ••'-PI «RirKmP i^Jr^^^.ISB^H -r : ''911.bb flB f ^ I-; /ffitwPaPis^wflBtf Ww-^M^- \ $&&&£ I l"-lP S UP ¦:'¦ > Indiistrial Iaemiiery tWÊÊÊmm Plüii í hH «9HI Sole rèpresentative LM» tiliKi I luKfi 1U* I ri aJàiJ i^ailPn^^HBiU-'- ÜKí iillarll iWHB SLJUiá K^l^M^^FSfia^i^SiBffiHny * in the State of ' General Hardware, ¦ ¦¦ff I W \ M 'T^rlH '1B*S* ' u 'l^sEH BIBBP^BEMIJW^MXrtgS afctf jLmàÀÈÍ^m^Êt^^^^^* • 'l_1h^iíibbiM^BIBMP9 ^9WbAbbÍÉbb1bbM nJ^wiialr fiA J^^^ii^iBiMiaMMBwMBjwjMaMfjBwTjBwMliaaBMiMMãMBB'JAL^*.«I -iiSC>.* vtí.* -.' v- São Paulo ff^i ¦Ea'3 RIB^fi¦''^w^rv' ] *;.:'; --^wgíf'"" Gas and Water II % ,B^M.^l PianBB -OF-

Pipes and Fittings. MB'iif9i^%iiB?^^syBRhmi ^^irtfíjWB^Boír- ? ¦¦^b '1BBBJ ¦¦ HHBaR .' Ba?j|aBKbBBM BBK«Be«èML^~' 4' •"¦" £ The Stanilard 0""11 DO., MlilllBI iuk rBHfl9?BI If^HllHnSB>- U^'tBJ Dlr.BBI MHiflHOBSl +I-C^tIP'I : iT^qBaak^V 91 S/MuM BKBB 'íBBTMíÍBI 9kj|BBjpjkaBnBBIB.'il'i.'2!HIBrSfwíffljijl t m ü Ná(BjnnNLíni|-M ¦¦lBM!Sl^i'Bl|:> - -' ¦»C 4 IRON, •¦ ^.JBBBB]>»QBlBr4l Bp#agJ.ÜBl BrB]BfWBPBBBBl¦ í-.-f-Bl¦:¦?-. a OF NEW YORK STEEL, Sfcfc.'--'^M-;ií-r^B5^BBlMl^ 1->4B Mf.E/1 *BJUlfalP5B1l':'B] ^.-í[ .¦BJS#-il^;:>¥:" ^V% aa s 5%2Pffli.^o9 B'^JVt fl biBí?7{ ¦ B ¦¦ ¦ -1 COPPER, BRASS IBeèrd AND OTHER (Thompson B^C *¦ j i »_' f wytTPDBJnfjl^irafci A^BBl \rml \r' liÉWBBBjBBBBBBBBBfcBBBBBfci '*! B BBBBBBBBBBBBB • í: ti» 'ti - V':

V£> bb K^ral1^^^^^ li W&Z$8iWÊm H^S

Open to accept sole Agencies in the State of Sào Paulo HEAD OFFICE II PARIS, KOI CHAUCHAT Io. 5. The BRAHMA BREWERY v íiecommends its most famous Brands, the best Beeps existing: TEUTONIA, • ;1a^aiaPíafJf BRAHMA, n ar ^-j^y BGCK-ALE, BRAHMA-BOCK, BRAHMA-PORTER, BRAHMINA. DRAPT BEER. The delicious celebrated BRAHMA - CHOPP!!!

For Orders apply to: li COMPANHIA CERVEJARIA BRAHMA RIO DE JANEIRO AGENCIES: PS. SANTOS: PAULO : Ni EXPORT: PFAÇA TELLES N. 10 Ricardo Naschold &Co. Emil Schmidt & Co. RUA WASHINGTON N. 31 RIO DE JANEIRO — CAIXA N. 1083 | m THE SÃO PAULO TRAMWAY, LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY LIMITED I1J0A13 OFFICE, TOKONTO, CANADA - iNEAV YOWK OFFICE, 25 BKOAD ST. SAO PAULO, PRAÇA ANTÔNIO PRADO \\p. 1 - RIO DE JANEIRO, 76 AVENIDA CENTRAL Tl'!. CT°f,Sao Pai,1°' which is ,. i, the caP'tal of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, is situated in the valley of the I.ete River, 800 metres above the sea levei and 35 miles from Santos, the sea port "late d^hlíu] íWoughont the resémbling c\M™% ÍC 1 -,S year, very closely that of Southern C7 30°'000 inhabltants alld may eàsily be S n ;f S° ;' V ,Cf seen by travellers touching at °P from Sa,ltos t0 Sã0 Pa«'o and f.ôm ÉftívS, ,° fJfelr01 ^ J01"'1^ by railway taking 2 hours h0l,rS- °" aCCÜUnt °f the natural ZdnZl P 'esources of the State of São Paulo ^ Ci* Sto Pa"'° ÍS ^ °f ceínerlnf the ™st ™*°^* commercial Soull: f^^00' J THE SÃO PAULO TRAMWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO LTD operates aü the tramway lines in São Paulo and supplies ali the electric light and power Electricitv is the fa"SOf the TÍCté KÍVer' SOme W^Ê^^^^^m^M^1^areiVoOOU pyÍtevP; Hl'lÍZÍng no;in pr;rss3* küometT for a lar*e bdow^M thÍ city otrat^^

Information concermng the resources of the country and that relat.™ totatl.,!Luu i r new industries, prices for power etc,etc can h^ok^;^ Nr reiative the estabhshment of power can be obtained by apphcat.on to any of the V offices of the Company.

The_ la&st mõdets of the REMINQTON TYPEWRITER. offer lisible *r m* A* • «acrmting th.»fàmou»forgêd 'x^üí^T mP°rt*nt ln"^ation3. without sfeeí type-ba, w de and other principies of construction which have made the Rem níton LI„ ^

«d.» o, ,Ub.,ac.s .. ,he sam. „mf a„d """ „,, 8impl> ,„„„„,„„ ,„„ J* llTTS,!^ . ta-bul^^. w&shail pe pfeased ^ 8how you this i.!^fmAChln? F^sessing ^^set decimal

I^RATT, w; 31 t.y i AAi General Agenf for Brazil.

¦¦—. .:.-HST:». . %•¦*«.;.* JH «çii ... ..-.I. nú\m a VOL. XV. RIO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAY, APKfl_W(Sth, 1912.No. 18 HOTEü AVENIDA - RIO DE JANEIRO SOUZA CABRAL & CO. = 1S2. , .A/VIEINIZD-A. OEliTTIR/A-l-, 152, RIO DE JANEIRO ¦ ?'.'i^g>Ji^-fwt.'«-y !g£|jBjj||Pjp A '¦ ':¦,'¦ " OCCUPIES THE LARGEST •'¦ •YY.ív-TSjV t5?:'v *•-?!?' * 'V' .'-:í Y. ;.,Y:-.'.v^t.^.0'.'}^! -Y'.. Yv i- Y ^V^íiwèíKiSí TlilTKTrfvrilr->?:':Y- ¦ »;¦*¦'.*.' æ.* ¦ ¦ COMPLETE BLOCK AND MOST IMPORTANT MAGNIFICENT HOTEL IN BRAZIL ACCOMMODATION

LIGHTED Ilillii ilJ^5« • yy* _"^__.)±j>+ w >¦**"*— »»_^»i . ^«^_^_ B_ __^_i__^^^^^^_á_Hk^^_^_^^\^_^_^_t^T*_HHM_ftDM^B GRAND


CABLE STATIONS IN EUROPE ANO IN SOUTH AMERICA: CABLE STATIONS NORTH AMERICA:- WESTERN TELECRAPH COMPANY. COMPANY. Brazil:— EASTERN TELECRAPH Tampos Salles No. 1). Para (Travessa London: 11, Old Bròad Street, E.C. Maranham, Ceara. ff/_M_1SV_*\F*Riaat_rt^ The Baltic Exchange, St. Mary Axe, E.C. Pernambuco (Rua do Commercio No. 2). //NEWYORKÜWtt/Wl5_Sr>\ Strancl, W.C. Bahia (Rua das Princczus No. 7). #/\_f_É _s«^ ^W^^—H-I^^-X 419, Rio do Janeiro (Avenida Central No. 117). /_k\__ír__j8_l B^jfn^fo^fy^ü^kX : K13, Exchange Buildings. 11 de Junho No. 4). San ce (Largo í_||A\ Manche ter: 44, 8priug Gardens. S. Catharina, . \w3WtWby/&^^^<â^A 5, Royal Bank Place. Uruguay:— _i fe_k. ~^^J _fc_B ^éPs0*"***\\ Glasgow: Montevideo (Calle Córrito 146). Newoasxle-on-Tyne: K, Exchange Buildings, Quayside. : - Bute Docks. Buenos Aires and 25>1, Calle San Martin). ^^^HHPm»n«os¦«>"•"., '.í^rH^^Syy^|_B5^B___«yK*MI''UM J^«b5 V/JI HM_t^__vV*__f* I Cardiff' 33, Mcrchants' Exchange, (287 æB: I +IMPACfARAi/<í_Hi_i_H•^*|l«_| RhvHRPSmbxevillc I Madrid: Callo de Ia Puebla 14. RIVER PLATE TELECRAPH COMPANY. æffip_^l-IMAPERNAMBUCO HCBffiSt/l iV -B-PJiMífcr^^1*p*7- bahia^íjm «|B>L0AN0* // Marseilles: Hotel des Postes. Argentina:- l wBMWiSRpiwiiiiAilwBl'^—_(____B7l'CHIi'itLL> li -KiojftNEiRo f'7ÀwBàlS^ÊÍMt ¦,„,.// Buenos Aires (287 and-201, Calle Sau Martin). li\~¦ Rnuu^t¦¦¦likJMlC^T s«HP»moo. «\ :^í__v_n_!(I_vi. °-'5*MtD"// : Central Station, Si. Georgo's. W—HMmpp/ _HÜ_ &TAI SANros/e_íM^f_BBfc_'MBA// \ i r-A,,"oi,".__i_^^_B ___"COÍfrfTnMW ,..»"// 28, \rin Vcnti Scttoiubre. WEST COAST OF AMERICA TELEC3APH COMPANY. W ¦_ti_l_tl fciocuA-.,Tt^S_r_^^^|^>MÉiiiÉ|M—_-•»'- /# Some: \«¦ IMV-IPnwL,«>;i wiko -

<> BRANCHES FITS «i^fl PU______^^Sí^S^^^B^v- ______


RIO DE JANEIRO: RUA DO OUVIDOR. 105 e 107 RUA DA CARIOCA, 38 RUA DA URUQUAYANA, 83 "^^¦BB__R-S_S1^^K «^0|/ ^^^_^H______waa___^^^^^^^^^^^™^^^____t_íi_3' p * !¦ m* _By _____f EVERY RUA CAMERINO, 178. ______B___r' ______r (Comer of Rua Larga) *______¦ NICTHEROY: _____ l_F^____F _r RUA RIO BRANCO, SIS BAHIA: RUA FORMOSA. 13. RUA CHILI. 17. 8. PAULO: RUA 15 DB NOVEMBRO, 45 RUA 8. BENTO. 8 AVENIDA R. PR8TANA, 288 SANTOS: ______S___^^ RUA FREI GASPAR, 12 PERNAMBUCO: FOOT RUA BAR AO DA VICTO- RIA, 81. PORTO ALEGRE: RUA DOS ANDRADA8 889 CURITYBA: Agenetes tn Every T1 own tnin Braxtl RUA 15 DE NOVEMBRO. 17 "./"''-* ""_.""";-¦'"'¦*"¦¦ '¦"*•.¦.¦.•-¦¦•_¦'¦¦¦•'TI • - ¦ ¦- æ'. ''. '_''..';i[i^ 'J ,.¦.;- ; ;"¦" í »

Aprillôth, 1912.THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW.417 Borlido Maia & Co.s AdvertisemMt ^ P. O. Box 131Rua do Rosário, 55, 58 Cable • Address - BORLIDORio de Janeiro zM&<&wetmm& a^tjd *ot_t AcewTs ro» & "&IRSL DICK'S PATENT BELT1NQ " fl^TiltgraphH AdtfrtMi OUTTA PIRCHA," OLAIOOW. ^IlilliBllli < R. & J. DICK, LTD. Greenhead Works, QLASQOW

ESTABLISHED 1810 WM. SIMONS & CO., Limited RE.NEREW Engineers, Shipbuilders and Dredger Constructgrs SCOTIjAND DREDGERS OF ALL DESIGNS AND CAPACITIES


Bar^e-Loading Dred^ers— Selt-Propelling- or Nou-Propelling'. Bucket Hopper Dredgers. Pump Hopper Dredgers. Bow or Stern Well Types. Combined Bucket and Pump Stationary Dred^ers. Combined Bucket and Putnp Hopper Dredger. Self-Dis- charging Hopper Drcdgers. Bucket Reclamation Dredgers. Suction and Discharging Pump Reclamation 'Dredgers. Pontoon Bucket & Pump Dredg^ers for Canal Works. Rock Dredgiug Vessels. Rock-Breaking Plant. Gold-Mining Dredgers. STEAM HOPPER BARGESDUMBER HOPPER BARGES BARGES WITH HYDRAULIC AND STEAM GRAB CRANES TUGS, LIGHTERS, DIVING BELL BARGES, ROCK DRILL BARGES, ENGINES AND BOILERS, REPLACE WHEEL GEARING, BUCKETS, LINKS, PINS, ETC, A SPECIALITY

WATER PAINT (Bhmn Made by Mander Brothers - Wolverhampton PORTLANI) CEMENT. 1  æ,___ BHAND J. B. White & Brothers.

"Royal j_t__fi©lci Enfield CyCle CO., Ltd., Reddítch. BicycleTorevery description

Smith & Co. Ltd. Tuckingmill, SafetV FllSeSBickford ENGLAND Lubricating Oils of B,iven & Carrington- ¦"•-• <\. ' ¦ ,¦ 16th, 1012. ¦ April THE BRAZILIAN REV.EW. 418 1 PR1VRTE HEStOEHTIRU HOTEü, êeiteal W pewjss Gardens, Lancaster Gate, London, 46 Queen'8 returns of the Dhectorate-General to London will find every Local Items.—The Visitors of tbe Public Health for the week ended April 6th,. 1912, healthy 0; comfort and convenience. Central and position. are as follows: — Yellow fever, 0; bubonio plague, cough, Near Bus and Tube. smallpox, 0; measles, 3; scarlet fever, 0; whooping 5; diphtheria, 1; influenza, 18; typhoid fever, 3; dysen- Terms 2 1/2 per week. guineas tery, 4; beriberi, 0; leprosy, 0; erysipelas, 2; marsh deaths from ali fevers, 12; pulmonary diseases, Gl; Total an annual rate of 21.43 per thousand Or. W. Gordos Speor» - (M.R.C.S., •¦•"•«•;-p^?" causes, 378, equal to 63. 5. ramo inhabitants. Mortality of infectious diseases to total number don) Surgeon and Physiclan, Rua São Bento, hospital:— of deaths 29.36 per cent. Under treatment in (2 to 4). Yellow fever, 0; smallpox, 0; bubonic plague, 0; under - »--B£p" "J- observation, 10.. Or. Charle. Speer» (M.R.Ç.S., The news from England this week is rather better, Sâo Bento, 63. S. Pauio the don) Surgeon and Physiclan, Rua in fact from the cables it looks as though the strike of the Federa- (2 to 4). miners had at last fizzled out. The decision of tion to recommend a return to work was voted by a very PIERCE PYLES large majority, and in spite of loud protesta on the part Dr. FRANKLIN to of the minority, it looks as though by the time we go Phyaician and Surgeon. more normal aspect. It press things will have assumed a Work fire, ali the same, for the of Pcnnsylvania Post Graduate is out of the frying pan into the Mi D.. Univetsity Service. is to be the Home Rule Bill, which was Surgery, Univ. of Pa. Hospital next excitement in King's Speech with a quite charming Philadelpbia Hospital; Garney Hospital, mentioned in the Pittsburg; measure for the better government of Boston; West Pcnn Hospital, detachment—«A Philadelpbia. Ireland will be submitted to you.» Anything less lac°nic Gtn. Hospital, Welsh could hardly be imagined. What with Home Rule, nWTO-pRESIDENCE Disestablishment, revísion of the Franchise, etc, etc., it dos Estrangeiros home durmg WLargoV < OanooarnríoíMi N.N Hotel^ looks as though there were to be lively times at ^ Janeiro regard to the discovery of the 2410 the near months.—With tI^Ic H08Telephone South Pole, it now seems likely that Captain Scott amved is there within a month after Amundsen, at least this on the opinion of Peary, who should be the best authority House. always WANTED a City traveller for Printing these matters. Britons and Scandinavians have and Antarctic explormg, so that Apply 61 Camerino. been to the fore in Arctic even if Amundsen reached the goal first, Enghshmen will YEAR BOOK him the honour, and the flags may now be wav- THE BRAZILIAN not grüdge a and 1909) ing side by side.—The Mississipi has been in flood, and (Editions 1908 Memphis; thousands great deal of dam age has been done at & Oo., Rua Ouvidor 58. of dollars of damage On sale at Crashley of people are homeless, and millions Price 195000 has been done. Troops were called out to work night and day to prevent further iniindations. — In Rio most business things have been upset by of Carnival. The weatner was hot towards the beginning <^*£^ in Buenos Aires, who are now shivenng, were people sudden Manchester, England weeks ago sweltering in a tropical heat. These are rather trying to the hcalth, but the promised chances is hailed advent of the cool weather after the recent heat o^*^ Tonic with delight by everybody. Quinine — The number of deaths during the week was ôití the week as against 347 in the previous week, and 364 in have been í\ V; Ale that. We are to note that there Dry Ginger before glad imported further cases of fever, those which were no yellow are carefully isolated immediately. When cases being there imported by sea this is comparatively easy, but when Agent:—C. N. Lefebvre to B'o Sole is fever in Victoria, and people travei overland yellow been able the danger is much greater. From what we have Rio de Janeiro as the ex- to we fear that the «mosquito brigade,» I gather, working terminators of fever are called here, is not yellow have been çj^s^r^?^ ^^^^^^^^^^s^^^?5^^^ as well as it should. The numbevs of the corps about tbe reduced, while there is an element of slackness bodes ill for the future. »3Lía««ff4


- í„. .%•;

April 16th, 1912. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 419 lot Rio once more get the reputation of a fever-strioken left as well as some money. So far no traço of tho jewels spot would be madness. We feel very strongly on this has been found, but wo understand that the police are subject, and would like to urge on the authorities the actively engaged on tho case. Apart from tho intrinsic absolute necessity of a reorgunisation of the service. If value of the jewels, there is in several cases a sentimental Europe there is chance it becomes generally known in that a value which it is iinpossiblo to assess. The jewels wero of the recuiTonce of an epidemic of yellow fever here, the locked in a case which was locked in a dressing-case which loss to the city will be enornious, while the touvists who was locked in a wardrobe which was in a locked room, so are now arriving in monthly increasing nümbers will be that evidently the thief or thieves must have known exactly frightened away, lhe progress of the city will bo retarded, where to look, and must have put his, or their, work and years of painful labour wasted. It is not too lute, and through with great precision and despatch. We.trust that basis the expenditure involved in putting things on a proper tho police may find some clue, but the chances at present once more would be infinitesimal compared with the huge are slender. It would seem that the best thing to do when sums that have been squandored from time to time on so- travelling is to leave the more valuable of ono's possessions cãííed «improvements.» We say to the authorities once in the charge of the family banker safely in London. more, «Wake up !» ²We hear that tho plans for the new Rifcz Carlton — Carnivàl was a wonderful sight this year, not so Hotel were subuiitted to the President of the Ropublic last much from the spoetacular as from the humun point oi week. The scheme is to erect a triangular building, the view. For fóur nights the Avenida was thronged with a apex of which will be at tho corner opposite tho Frigorífica, socthing crowd, probably some 200,000 people ali collected and tlie bases, one at the corner of the Rua Senador Dantas, in one street, ali in the best of tempers, and ali out to and the other opposite the niomnnent in front of the enjoy themselves. The good temper of the crowd was Theatre. A street will rim obliquely from the corner of the really extraordinary, as also the zest with which they threw Rua Senador Dantas to the Avenida. The main entranço themselves into the fün. Carnivàl these days is to a great to the hotel will be in this street, and will be very much extent engineered by tradesmen and other interested parties, like the Carlton in London, as it will give on to a palm but at the same time there must be a great deal of willing- eourt which will lead to the main dining room, the table on the riess on the part of the public for them to play in d'hôte room, tho grill room, and the rest. There are to be first instance. Very large sums of money were spent, and 500 bedrooms and 150 suites with bathrooms, so that really We when it was ali over there is but little to show for it. when the place is completed, it will be as fine as any Kit/ noted this year there seemed to be much less confetti than Carlton Hotel in the world. There are to be eight íloors, usual, but that «serpentinas» and squirts were more popular so the proportions of the building should be imposmg. The than ever. The practice of squirting scent into one's eye sito chosen is ideal, for it will be but at raro intorvals that is rather an unpleasant one, but this year most people wore no breezo will be available. It is expected that the hotel struck tale goggles and so protected themselves. What will he ready for occupation in about two years time, in one too was the enormous number of motor ears which went fact before Marsh ai Hermes goes out of office. up and down the Avenida, while mirabÜe dictu taere were ²Some time ago a Danish financial syndicate applied also more animal drawn carriages than have been seen in to the Danish Government for a concession for 99 years the streets for many a long day. The allegorical cars of the harbour at St. Thomas, which the syndicate would were in our opinion somewhat disappointing, and also conyert into an international harbour in readiness for the requested rather less gorgeous than usual. The fact that the electric onening of the Panamá Canal. The concession as wires of the tramlines cross the Avenida at mnnerous points by the syndicate would have necessitated the stopping of has caused the curtailing of the height of tlie cars, and long-established enterprisos owned by other còuntries, in- it is this that rather detracts from their pristinc cluding St. Thomas Dock and Coaling Co., belongim? to perhaps therefore, effoctiveness. When one thinks of the old days, when the the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. The latter, for the used to move slof.vly down the riarrów Ouvidor through its Copenhagen representativo, applied pró- procession to the concession, and then turris to the scene in the Avenida last week, it tectioh of its interests which, according The result of the, is really a case, however liackneyed the tag may be, ot if grànted, would be stopped in 1918. is that the Royal Mail têmpora mutanUir et nos mutamiis in ülis', for as far as we, negotiatíons with the Government wharf can continue, after 1918, and, we imagine, most of our readers are concerned, the coaling station and répáirihg It is lèarned that if the Royal Mail had not. days of the false nose and whiskers and the giddy dominó as hitherto. would have moved its St. Thomas are obtained this result, it past. Colonies, and would in future ²There is one thirig to be said about Carnivàl, and business to one of tho British any uso of tho St. Thomas harbour. tliàtis that it allows to blòw off a deal oi steam not have made people. great -Tones, who recently retired from the which, if bottled up, might bo applied to much less harm- Mr. Sydney of Messrs. Lamport and Holt, is about to less amusements. And, after ali, the intenso good hüriiour Liverpool firm enter tho firm of Mossas. Alfred Holt and Co. ali through is most pleasant to witness. But prevailing ²The Banco Allemão Transatlântico, which has its the lmmour must not be abused. Last week we saw a good Brazilian head office. in tho Rua da Alfândega of this man in the crowd snateh a purse from a lady's hand and and an agency in São Paulo and in S.mtos, proposes dart away. He was eaught and had not-the police Capital, quickly open branches in Petropolis and Nictheroy. It will also arrived it would have hard with him, for the crowd, to gone open three new offices in Rio itself at points which out to amuse itself. was indignant that such advantage shòrtly to be most convenient. should be taken, and the thèft in their eyes was the basest soem ²The Post Office in the Rua Io de Marco having been crirainality. There was an element of hitting beíow the almost beyond recognition inside, is now being belt which they could not endure. aiteréd up outside as well. There is a large. frame of ²There were several serious crimes during Carnivàl, pòlisüéd soaffolding over the whole building, jwhioli is being scraped too, but most of them matters of private vengeance. The and soon will emerge fresh and cleáp as a new local went so far as to cal! it the «red Carnivàl,» but and painted, press the serviço was as satisfnctoiy as the the fact of the matter was that the criminais had pin. We wish that probably of tho building. Last weelc, possibly owing to leisurc during the holidays to elahorate their nefaripus aopearance Carnivàl, it is true, there was a delay of some 30 hours m schemes. As our old friond Dr. Watts would sn'y, «Satan the letters brought by the Pacific boat from finds some mrschief still for idlc hands to do.» Any way, delivéring while the newspapers were not delivered for noarly the «capacity for innocent enjoyment» seems to have been Europe, a delay which is unpardonable. sornÒwbat clouded in certain cases. ilireednys, quite ²Tho General has made an arrangement ²Apropos of crimes, a serious robbery took placo at Postmastor v.ith whereby letters can bo posted in the Strangers' Hotel lást-week. Mr and Mrs Loftus Earle of the Central Railway tretins for São Paulo up to fwo minutes of their Weir Courtenay, Lingfield, were the victims of what seems tlie àc luxe an innovation which wo pointed out as to have been a carefutly laid scheme. They were staying departure. This is ago. Hitherto the trains de luxe have at the Strangers' Hotel attended by a valet and a mai.d. rlesirable somo time for some uncxplained reason. It The two latter .were up Coreovado one afternoon, the only carried no mails at ali to now the way to treat mails was time when both had left the hotel simultaneously, and would seem that un proper into fast trains and consignin.fr them when Mrs. Earle returned she found that £2,000 worth of to avoid puttiirig them de luxe which leaves the. Central had been taken from Vier dressing-case. One of to the slow. Tho trdin jewellery in São Paulo at 9-3Q a.m., Mr. Earle's ra-ors had Been used to out tlie case npen, and Station in Rio at9-"0 p.m. arrives few were so that business men now have up to 9 o'clock in the though the buík of the jewels were extracted, some »P»!PP,!¦I,»»,,»»,^KT iifiíff* April 16th, 1912. 420 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW.

a boon a further ship for service as a Pacific liner. The Koyal evening to close their Sao Paulo correspondence, Mail vessel will be on somewhat similar lines to the which will be greatly appreciated. Hepubhc, Arlanza tons) which is now being completed in — Dr. Campos Salles, ex-President of the (15,000 eft Rio Íor . She will be omployed in the South American and newly-appointed Minister to Argentina, Snnday Aprü service. Buenos Atai to take over his new dutieson II. lneie — Some interesting facts anent the of the bv the German steamer Kõnig Wilhelm growth 7th on the Lamport and Holt Line, of whose issue of £570,000 5 per large and distinguished company assembled was a our cent. Debenture Stock we details in another column, to see him off. We beg to jom good give A senal Quay of our local appeared in a recent issue of our New York contemporary, for the success of his mission to those > wishes «Shipping Illustrated.» The line was founded in the year con temporários.. safely,^^i,, 1845, in Liverpool, by the late Mr. William James Lamport — Campos Salles arrived at Buenos Aires Dr now and the late Mr. George Holt, both of whoni brought with a most enthusiastic weloome. It ib and was given ot them an exceptional experience in the shipping tradu. Mr. that General Roca has accepted the post ànnòunced men who rhilip 11. Holt, brothcr to Mr. George Holt, had joined the Minister to Brasil. Thus these two Argentino much to firm in its early but retired about the 1863 in of their respective countries, did so years, year as President* be order to and assist his brother, the late Mr. Alfréd Holt, between Brazil and Argentina, will join improve relations in the stoamship serviços to the West Indies, and later continue the work by mutual oo-ppemton able to good of tubos i: the establishment of the well-known — tho. month of January the number During the Lar East. In later theie were admitted to by the Vaccination ?m^^« to years of lympth distributed 8,154-m lhe firm Mr. Walter Holland, the lato Mr. Charles W. 0,580 to the various States, an< 9 784; of which Mo .1 nes,Mr. George H. Melley, Mr. Arthur Cook, and Mr. This shows a activity. the Federal District. gratifymg Charles Sydney Jones, son of Mr. Charles W. Jones, were ali used. can only hope that they ali of whom had been brought up in the business. At firsfc is to be paid to tho Gas _ \ siim of 488:999$564 this business comprised a rleét of wooden sailing vessels, city during the months of Company for the ligífng of the iren not having then come into use. These vessels traded Jam^^^Ír>om show that tkore wasj to South África, Mauritius and Port Na.tal, for which latter London a special light-draught class of small ships had to be em- in P. und O. Deferred StocU, vorv considerable riso lately in the regular trade as the bar was very shallow in a rumonr that a workmg arrange- pJoyécl ,1«II of thòse days. In additiõn, a regular business was carried on ' the KoyalMail. The rumonr I ti been come to with River Plate and the West coast of South America. but when he Royal Ma with the o fr h.s not been confirmed. days for the brigantme these days he It was considered remarkable in those Sartó making a «working arrangement» Balkah on one of her to run from Liverpool to tbe sana- as in the case ot tho passages ,Si tZ & very n.ucl. the River Plate in 40 days. The firm also took over the adventures with the tiger in» iÔuneiady of l«ga» whose management of the large fleet of sailing vessels belonging to. need repetition. With «»«™'™/™* cl cll mn Shaw to their friends Messrs. Rathbone Brotliers and Co. and 1'hillipps on the move, as Berimrd „„"l Sir Owen others, which traded to ali quarters of the globo. In r.ddition to this tho firm interested themselves in the first line of ste°.mcrs established from Liyeipocl to Alexandria 'tCmiThol in conjunetion with Messrs. James Moss and Co., Messrs. Company not having ob- Melsageries Maritimes Papayanni Brothers and others, some of the steamers being the subsidy it asked • tained from tho French Government omployed in the conveyance of troops for the British and the service of its line to the foi- has decided to suspciid French Governments during the . Associa- may not cause any inconI;: River Plate. In order that this tion with the Mec'l;terranean trade was abandoned in order Société Générale de venience tho General Transatlantic, that the firm might devote itself to the more important line Rounis have signed Transporta Maritimes, and Chargours of steamers from Liverpool to tho South American ports. their own account an agreémenfc bv which they undertake on This service was commenced in the 1863 by the dos- contract are not year to work tho line. The oxact terms of the of the Kepler to the River Plate, calling at Lisbon and the six follow- patch kriown, but tho serviço will bo assurod by at Brazilian followed in 1864 by the Galiloo, vet Lorrame, ports, inr, steamers :-La Touraine, 8,426 tons; La Hersohei, Newton, Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe, Hipparchus, Salta, 11146 Kõnig Alberfe, 10,043; Valdivia, 7,800; and other steamers despatched at regular intervals, while fitted for 7 250 ; and Atlantique, 6,446. Ml are excellently Ly the acquisition of the ^lalcomson and other smaller lines will sail under the Lrench, m11 classes of pàssengers, and th.e firm's posit:on became established as the premier line Sudamericamc^ de flag in the narae of the «Coinpagnic from the port of Liverpool to South American ports. The Navigation.» Three^othe.r vessels are under construction; earlièr steamers were heavily -rigged, for in those days and will it is said that they will have a speed of 20 knots, the use oi sails still formed an important element in the (lisplaee 16,000 to 18,000 tons. It is certain that the new equipnent of most steamers. Also ali the steamers were old company has a largo capital and will break with the^ named after men who had been eminent in science, art, or business entirely French customs, and intonds to rim its iiterature, thus g:ving a well-known identity to the steamers a'ono without the aid of the Government. Consequently, of the fie et. At first it was humorously called the nstrono- disappear, but tho Bordeaux, Brazil, and Plate line will not mer's hne. In the year 1865 the steamers were formed will have an even better service. into a company ca.led ihe Liverpool, Brazil and River Plate It will interest our rèàders to know that the Direc- Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., Messrs. Lamport and Holt as fprs of tho London and Ghsgow Engineering and Iron Ship- managers, and the business was greatly increased by the building Co., Ltd., have issued a circular to the share- establishment of lines from London, Antwerp, Glasgow, holders, which stHarland and Wolff, Ltd., and they have concluded an into with the Brazilian Government for a coasting passenger rgreemont with that company, under which they agree to service, for which several light-draught fãst steamers were of the London and Glas- purchase the whole of tho shares special ly construeted to run from Rio de Janeiro, calling at at a of £0 3s. gpw Go. from tho respectivo shareholders price the smaller ports, and this was carried on for inany years not for each £0 shares fully-paid up. The purchase is con- until the Brazilian Government elected to subsidise a miniuium of thrco-fourths of tho ditional on íiblders of the national line. In the year 1869 the first steamer to carry tòtfll shares issued a«zroe'ng to sell their shares. The coffee to New York was despatched from Rio de Janeiro by has been mr.rket nrieo of tho. shares for some time past Mr. Holland, who happened to be there in that year. This about £6 por £9 shore fully paid. was the steamer Halley. So great was the prejudice have booked an order Messrs. Harland and Wolff against the shipment of coffee in an iron vessel at that time linsr of 14,000 ton:-., which for a first-elass Union Castle that less than 10,000 bags could be secured, and tlrs was Castle. Tho Royal is somewhat largo" than tho Edinburgh thn oommenooment of a trade which hns l.een so largely with the same firm for a Mail Co. have nlro placod ovders "Roval developcd by tho company's steamers for so many years, first-elítss nassonger ve.-sol for the Mail serviço, and f'

April 16th, 1012. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 421

and to so important an extent both to New • York, New vessels, showing where they embarked and what their Orleans, and elscwhcre in the United States. Following destination may be in this country after disembarkation. the failure of the United States and Brazil Line, subsidised In order that there may not be too much on tho by tlie U.S. Government, Messrs. Lamport and Holt began put captains of vessels, the Director General at only in the early 90's a regular and mail service from preBent passenger asks for complete details regarding in New York to Brazil, with the steamers then running in their passengers arriving Rio from Northern ports as from Fortaleza. In any case London-Brazil Line. Now the fleet is being improved out every passenger arriving is to be «personally inspected» of mind by the addition of such vessels as the Vandyck, by the Health Doctor. This is excellent as far as it but the Vestris and the Vauban, ships which any line might be goes, as we have said abovo, what is wanted is knows, a continued cam- proud to own. As everybody Lamport and Holt paign here against the mosquito. A now form of the Royal Mail-Pacific Steam-Elder- ²Last part week several alarmist telegrams were Dempster a combination which bids fair to be tho reeeived group, from Teneriffe to the effect that the largest shipping combine in the world. Austro-Americana Company's steamer tlie Sophia Hohenberg had been ²The Argentino Government has a conccs- granted wrecked at Santa Cru/,. Eventually, however, the true sion to the Port Argentine Great Central Railway» Co. for version carne to hand, which was to tlie effect that ali that the constructipn and operation of a in the Bay of Sam- port had happened was that the engine had Lr.okon down and borombon. The idea is to a for the provide port growing the vessel had consequently in for repairs, and had Argentine fleet, while vessels coming to Argentina will be put subsequently proeceded on her voyage to Nnples. able to steam direct into from the open sea, which port ²Another alarmist rumour ourrent last week was to will avoid a visit to Buenos Aires nnd ali its attendant the effect that the Pope was dead. Fortunately the news clelays, risks, and costs. The should be ready port partially proved to be quite untruc, there having been somo confusion in four and the whole is expected to be com- years, project with regard to a cable sent to Madrid from the Vatican pleted in from seven to eight years. announcing the death of a certain ²According to a telegram from Washington padre. exports ²We have reeeived a circular from Messrs. Oscar of flour from the U.S.A to Brazil during the month of Marques and Co. stating that they have entered into a February amounted to 57,996 barreis, as against 41,060 partnership to continue the general coffee business of Mr. barreis in February, 1911. During the eight months of tlie Oscar Marques. A power of attorney has been to fiscal exports of flour Brazil from the U.S.A. given year, to Mr. D. L. Lacombé, avIio has chargo of the coffee export amounted to 376,493 barreis as against 326,494 barreis for department. the same of the last fiscal period year. ²Mr. Georges Auhert a most intoresting lecluro ²A from Paris the gave telegram referring to present on Tuesday last in the Jornal do Commeroio Grand Hall on negotiations between for Brazil and the U.S.A. the reduc- «Brazilian Crédit in France and England.» There was a tion of 40 cent. in the Brazilian tariff on imports from per large and distinguislied company present. We. hope to tho United States, shows that the commercial element in discuss the lecture at some lcrigth in our next issue. ! rance has taken alàrm. he Tcmps says that French ²The directors of the Russian Volunteer Fleet are trarP is being threatened, and that the Government ought reported to be completing plans for establishing a regular to intervene and alter the present modas vivendi in order line between Odessa and South America. General W. more surely to guarantee French trading interests with N. Kisaeff. representing the company, is now on lrs way Bríijpii. to South America to visit several ports there. The ²A telegram from London states that the Duke of Russian Government has already given its sanetion for tho Teck has accepted the Presidency of the Latin-Arnerican new line. Exhibition, which is to open at the White City next month. Since the visit of Mr. Karalfy to this city we have heard but little about the Exhibition. It seems that he was flying a little high, for rumour hath it that a subsicly of £100,000 Dr. Raul Leitão da — Prof. of was asked for from the Brazilian Government. There was Cunha. the Faculty some humming and hawing over this, and so far as we Medicine. Consulting hours 2.30 Jornal do can gather, ali that happened was that a «representativo» p.ni., was scnt home to look at the site to be for this providèd Conuficrcio, modest sum. Apparently nothing further has happened. 2nd floor, rooms 7 and 9. We gather that Argentina was also rather backward in coming forward. Where Latin America is concerned, if Brazil and the Argentine are left out, things can hardly be represen tative. ²Apropos of leaving the Prince of Denmárk out of EUR0PEAN CAPITAL. Hamlet, we note that the Minister of Agriculture lias in- formed the Brazilian Ambassador in Washington that «por falta de verba» this country will not be represented at tho Furnished for attractive enterprises in ali sub, Rubber Exhibition in New York. The plantation countries will have it ali their own way, and «por falta de verba» stantial lines of business. this country, the rubber country in greatest producing Railroads, Tractions, Water & Electric Powers. ô the world, is to put up no fight at ali! Truly if things go thuswise Brazilian rubber will deserve ali that it will get Irig-ations,Timber, Mining- Agricultural & Industrial- in the not so very far distant future. Bond, Debenture and Stock Issucs Undervvritten, ²The Minister of Finance has been paying a visit to Purchased or Sold. Bello Horizonte, the capital of the. State òf Minas Gèreas. ²Amongst those leaving on the Royal Mail s.s. Propertics purchased for European exploitation Amazon on Wednesday last were Admirai Baptista Leal, and investmert. ck-Minister of Marine, and Dr. Graça Aranha. Financial Undertaking-s of ali sorts handled. ²Just to show how much we aro surròunded at tho moment with yellow fever, it is only necessary to read tho Miscellancous conimissions and, orders of ali char- telegrams reeeived by the Director General of Public acters accepted for execution in any European He eight fresh cases in Health. states that there were country Pernambuco last week ; that there were two de.aths in the city of Leopoldina, State of Espirito Santo, and that a case Correspondence enclosing- full details at first is reported on board the Italian s.s. Re Vittorio, arrivod writtng- invited from Dakar early in the month. The Director General of Public Health has in consequènce of this disquieting news issued a circular to the shipping companies who have agencies in this Capital to the effect that for the present THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS ALLIANCF. Regulation No. 67 will be strictly observed. This Regula- tion enjoins that the. companies shall provide tho authorities with complete lists of the pass^ngors arriving on their 48, Mark Lane, London, England 16th, 1912. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. April 422


:\ / ; _ ; LAMPORT . f • &S , VTv^*í*t»____i^jr|2______i ___¦ ______¦H \j\S.mv._)____!___¦•-—¦__»__." HOLT LINE ^^^*M____B_MHI^^^^^^ í S.S. V AS ARI

Mail and Passenger Service between New Passenger Service to South- New York, Brazil and River Plate. ampton and Liverpool via Mad- flvepage Passage, Rio to Nei» Vofk, 17 days. eira, Lisbon, Vigo and Cherbourg 3]\x& May. TKNNYSON . • • • ?Í5K?.::.¦.'.::.¦:.•.¦.¦¦" VOLTAIRE . 16th » jS/f16Ul Jul>' BYRON . . . • 3rd June VANDYCK 16th » VAUBAN VERDI VKSTK1S (Building) . . . via Santos, Rio de Janeiro twin-screw From the River Plate The above mentioned new 1), and Barbadoes for flew York from Rio de Janeiro Ba .ia, Tri nidad (W. liners are appomted to sail Second and Third Class passengers. carrying First, Second and with First, -to on dates quoted TicKets issued for the circular trip from Rio Third Class passengers. thence to Liverpool, Southampton, L on '-..¦¦'¦ New York and Star de luxe - Staterooms with private don Hamburg and Bremen, by the Cunard, White Cabines de Janeiro by etc.-Single-berth Cabins. and' American Liners and bac . to Rio bath, steamers of the Brazil- steamers are equipped with the new twin-screw passenger Ali passenger River Plate service. the latest system of wireless telegraphy. II I.T ¦-». APPLY TO • ‡• • ....•« FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, Je Março, 112 Tlie Agcnts NORTON. MEGAW&Co.Ltªª• 5.40 Coaine Velho for Puínofas. , . 1'niiioiras•"> 00 h'q,), U;15 S.30 '"10 .1510, . » 8.OU« . ª, , Ä» ¦__-.„rri.- p-áa— r- «jmnc-naagJi» Sundays and Holidays r-TiæMV.k. -¦""U •¦* Ã.M.B,²____—-A.M.- S ::0 I Pòlu-iras l'or Cosmo Vollio. 12.30 B—:•.-....-__ _‡o 2 00 Piíinciras far Cosmo.Velho. 1.80 .. ... MjO {i 0 CosmoYollio. for FalJvoírfls UM 2.30 » top of i».OU o ;

SsÍH__£=^S^="=r, givo notico of such sus- . «ío -««st imPór.a.U nowspapcr. Ü£$SM* Vv in pcuS' REIS Fiscal Engineer The above is apmed by DR. ALI/AM R0DQVALH0 M\ DOS Kio December LíllO April 16th, 1912. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 423. THE MARVELLOUS A.XJTO - 2=1 J_:_TO

ftarenowenjoyingTHEAÜTOPlaUO ) ^^TOb} alistof some men-of-war:^ ]^^^0^Ê^J^Ê^\ 1 ?^_/ M. S: "Brltaaa;*" U.S.S. AlbcrtU.S.S. N«w York9/ffi AJ? jH. i^^^P"|5í 1 0^^V^—^

"IafrUeaM."CaWorn;. M. S. (2)RU IiU^V li )H. fâ Ji%p3 j|| _T D-^^^^^lf^^^^^^^^^^^^S

READ What the Commander of the U. S. NAVY T writes about TUIE A/CTTOieiJ-IfcTO. U. S. S. New York. r Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. The Autopiano Company, New York, N. Y.January 7th, 1910 Gentlemen: i The Autopiano which you sold the wardroom of this ship last Spring has been so satisfactory that I should like to know how much I would have to pay to get one just like it for myself, for use on the ship while I ara here and to take home with me when I am detached. I Ali praise the tone of the piano and it surely has proved a good advertisement for you having it on board. yery truly, (signed) Spencer S. Wood, g, -I Commander U. S. Navy, Commanding. •"* "La Bohéme" R EA D what Maestro Puccim Composer of says of THE AUTOPIANO: "Autopiano", You will be before I had the I had a far different pleased to know fyat heard ¦ opinion of keyboard instrumenfs. T\\e Autopiano is a marvel of art ai;d science combined, and tl)e fine effects wl)icl)can b» obtained by means of its ingenious mechan/ism, either in tr^e great masterpieces or in \\\e lightermusic, give great satisfaction to the player of tl)is instrument. I congratulata you oi] your clever and successful invention.^ay jg{u jqh (Signed) Giacomo Puccini. Gall today and play it youfself at the shoai-room of The Autopiano Company in: r>9

' ''¦'¦'.: ¦ RIO DE JANEIRO RUA DOS OURIVES No. (MOPEfiM . or send for a catalogue from the Manager ¦:¦'¦¦ -: 'Ytl Stephen Schaefer ©V ICTH 1Hsz April 16th, 1912. 424 THE BRAfclLIAN REVIEW. THE BRITISH BANK OF SOUTH AMERICA, LTD. HEAD OFFICE: 2 A, MOORGATE STREET,

¦ LONDON. 1C. C Capital L £1,500,000

* ¦' • "mm- Idem paid up 750,000 Reserve Fund 850,000 office in río de janeiro: 31-A Rua Primeiro de Março, 31-A and 1, Rua do Hospício, 1. — ¦rinohet at:—8AO PAULO, BANIA, SANTOS AGENTS» BUENOS AIRES, MONTEVIDEO nn# F. S. Hampshire & Co., Limited. ROSÁRIO. Corrr.iiondcnti io:—Pernambuco, Para. _«náo». Ceará. Victoria. Maceió. Maranhão, «anta Catharlna. Paranaguá, Curltyba. Rio Grande do Sul, PeloUi and Porto Alegre. Societá Bancaria Italiana Genoa. Draws on Itt Htad Oflloa In London: and Correspondents in Itaiy. & Hijos _*?*?!' Joint Stock Bank, Limited London. Messrs. E. Sainas Che London Calamarte & CoMadnd. and ali towns in . ÄGarcia principal and Correspondents in Spain. Messr». Hoine & Co £»"•• Credit Franco-Portugais «porto. Banque de Bordeaux Bordem». A Co Hamburg. Banco de Portugal Lisbon. t Berenberg, Gossler in Portugal. and Correspondentg in Girmany. and Correspondents The Bank of New York, N. B. $New York. lioasrt ttessi A Co Müan. E Raoul, Duval & CoHavre. Banca Commerciale Italiana Uonoa. on Western Coait of South America. Opent Also drsws on South África, Anitralia, New Zealand and principal Cities Current accounta. of banklni buslnaaa. RtMlvai deposits at notioa or for nxod perlods and transaots owery desorlptlon CIRCULAR LITTKM OP CHBDIT AVAILARLR IN ALL PARTS OP THi WORLD. BANCO ALLEMÃO TRANSATLÂNTICO Capital 30,000,000 Marks

Fund 7,500,000 t> Reserve "fc>y U^oxix-docl. in 1886 tia.© Ooutsclie Bank. of Berlin, HICAD O^JrTiXOID s BKKLIIN Rua da Alfândega, 11 — Rio de Janeiro — P. 0. Box. 1386 BRANCH-OFFICES AT: Blanca La Paz Antofacrasta Bahia BOLÍVIA Montevideo Buenos Aires Oruro | Concepcion íURUCUAY Iquique Cordoba Barcelona i Mendoza ARGENTINA Arequipa . Osorno on.._ "antiago MadridS SPAIN Rosário Callao f Tucuman LimaPERU Tem u co Trujillo | Valdivia Valparaiso The Bank ís agent of the DEUTSCHE BANK OF BERLIN (Capital & Reserves 307,000,000 Marks) and draws on the folio win&r Banks & Bankers: Banco Lisboa e Açores, Lisbon and Bran- National Provincial Bank of England Ltd. «^ ches. \ Union of London & Bmith-s Bank Ltd. ! I. M. Fernandes Guimarães & Co., Oporto. LONDON: ) Capital & Countiea Bank Tvtd. Deutsche Bank (Berlin) London Agency. GERMANY: Deutsche Bank of Berlin and Branches. iConiptoir National d'Escotupte de Paris ITALY:Credito Italiano, Milan and Branches, Credit Lyonnais. Branches. PARIS: De Neuflize & Co. SPAIN*.Banco de Espaíla, Madrid and '¦„ Í Banque Française pour le Commerce et . National Citv Bank of NI_ JANEIRO < According to tho líse of the Chtirch of England. FÍRST AND THIRD SUNDAYS 0F THE MONTH. Irhporters, Exporters ànd Commissarios Matins, Holy Comnninion, and Sòrmon at U a.m. Steamship Ajsftruts. OTHER SUNDAYS OF THE MONTH. Matins and Scrmon at 11 a.m. Draw on the principal foreign markets, Collection Holy Communion at 9 a.m. undertaken Telegraphic Remittances, MARRIAGES, BAPT1SMS, CHURCHINGS, ETC. transacted etc,. with the Chàplatn, the Rov. W. Graham M. A. or Stock Exchange business By Previous Arrangemcnle Ho. & "HOMERO" Tho Verger Mr. Strubo, at tho British Library, Rua Gonçalves Dias Caixa da Correio (P. 0. BOX), 964 Telegrams: Rio First Floor. í» April 16th, 1912. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 425


¦ ¦ Capital paid up £ 1,000,000 Reserve ITuiicl £ l,ooo,ooo }

Head Office 7, l^olcenliouse yard, London, JC. C. Branch Office in Rio de Janeiro 19, Hua da Alfandegpa. Paris Jbfrancli 5, Rue Hcribe, Pari». Draws on Head Office and the following Branches:— I LISBON, OPORTO, MANÁOS PARA, CEARA,PERNAMBUCO, BAHIA, SANTOS, S. PAULO, CURI- ffYB\ RIO GRANDE SUL, PORTO ALEGRE, MONTEVIDEO, BUENOS AIRES, ROSÁRIO DE SANTA #tó PARIS and NEW YORK (Agency). Also on the following Bankers:— Crédit Lyonnais—Spain^ Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co.—London. Anglo-Oesterreichische Bank—Austria-Hungary. Société Générale—Paria and Branches. (Anglo-Austrían Bank). Messrs. Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co.—Hamburg. Banco de Portugal—Portugal. Credito Italiano—Italy. Imperial Ottoman Bank—Turkey, êce. CORRESPONDENTS. The Bank has Agents or Correspondents in ali the principal Ports and Cities of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina United States, and Europe. THE LONDON Sc RIVER PLATE BANK. LIMITED 1 STAHIISIIIO 1H«*.*.

AUTHORISED CAPITAL £4.000.000 m :5tâ -f5> PAID UP CAPITAL 1.800.000 fâm RESERVE FUND 2.000.000 29 RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA and 112 RUA DA QUITANDA And at London, Paris, Antwerp, New York, Santos, S. Paulo, 'Pernambuco, Pará, Manáos, Bahia, Curityba, Victoria, Buenos Aires, Rosário, Mendoza, Concórdia, Bahia Blanca, Barracas, Cordobt, Paraná, Tucuman, Once, Boca, Montevideo, Paysandu, Salto and Valparaiso. AGIÜNCIKW IFÍ BRAZIL Maranhão, Ceará, Maceió, Rio Grande do oul, Pelotas and Porto Alegre. Correspondenta in ali other chief towns of Brazil.

3ILLS OF EXCHANGE issued and purchased on the CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened with commercial firms anel following placei:— private individuais. 30 notiee LONDON and ali the principal towns of the UNITED DEPOSITS received for fixed period» or at days' KINGDOM. of withdrawal. PARIS and ali tho principal towns of FRANCE and of LETTERS OF CRED1T issued. GERMANY, PORTUGAL a-nd ITALY; also on the STOCK and SHARE ORDERS executed and every d**sorip< ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY, CHILE, tion of banking business conducted. UNITED STATES, CANADA and JAPAN. TERMS ascertainable on application to the Bank. BRASILIANISCHE BANK FUR DEUTSCHLAND Estáblished 1887 by and Representatives in Brazil of the , Berlin, and KTorctcaiexi.tsoli.0 Banlt ixx JE3Eaiaa.to\i.rs Capital Realised 10,000,000 Marks Reserve Fund 3,300,000 » HEAD OFFICE : HAMBURG B ranch Offices Rio de Janeiro, Caixa 108 - São Paulo, Caixa 520 - Santos, Caixa 185 Porto Alegre, Caixa 27 - Bahia, Caixa 152 Cable Address in Brazil: /\LLEMABANK CORRE8PONDENTS IN Pará, Manáos, Maranhão, Ceará, Peruambuco, Maceió. Parahyba


Rn* yWjp^nx^^ Buenos Aires London, Paris, Biarrítz, Lausanne, Rome, Joahnnesburg, _tlAI*IJirAC'rUI*I]S<* GOLDSMITHS <& SILVERSMITHS 100, RUA DO OUVIDOR, 100.


P 5_h«^ ^0^__»__^__^____^^ :alad Prince's Plate Toast Racks from 13SO00. Bowl 235000. Cructs from 9S00O.

s_ Wsi3£> feí

_5&-<^3B&b ^^r''-^ jt?-? gg* ^sS^^í

Cakc or Fruit, Sugar and Cream Stand 9õ$00<),


Y< fcilvcr Gharmiiig- assorciuent of effective Table Decoraiions in Prince's Plate & Solid

Wc sell at London prices, adding onlv the Custoin PJouss d u ti es; sufíeiing any importunity The Public are cordiallv invitèd to inspect our stock at above address, without to purchase. here, at the London Articles can be selected either fromstock or from our catalogue, paid for prices, have iniüatcd this system to and delivered in any part of the UnitedKiiigdom free of ali charges. We facilitate tlie sending of presénts to friendsat liome. Catalogues and ali particulars on application, Telegrams: MAPPIN, Rio.-Telephone, 489 - Central.-Post Office Box, 115 X>JE3 cXSW-B-XIEl.O. y^RIQ O" £IvuwiJwwwwuwvwvmvwww^w VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVXAA VVVVVVVVVVVIAA^£,

¦ Y ;Y¦ April 16th, 1912. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 427 *"


>W^A^^M^WWWWW¥M< 5 éé PYRENE" : !C«».ic3a»r.-.'' always to blame. launch or motor boat carry PYRENE with you on ali your trips and will be able to ¦:: In the larger cities, the fire fighters you protect from total loss or irre- 1 reach a fire in íkc business center in not your property parable damag-e. more than five minutes after the alarm is For PYRENE will recèived. positively extinguish any such lire Between the time of lhe discovery of that may break out—and the fire and the appearance of the fire— do it without dainag-e or corrosion to eng-ine, men, at least five minutes must elapse. electrical ãpparatus, üpholstery or varnisn. As a fire extingyisher PYRENE is abso- ÍlUlÚtltUl-A! üi,uu t\ And that particular ateu lutely supreme. FIVE MINUTES is the vital time There is nothing-else to compare with it. f For PYRENE not only the in the life of the fire. solves problem : of dealitig with ali fires in their ineipient It is the time when alone, may do you, U1IM6UISHER IICRCMIOI, | state, but it actually kills fires WITHOUT more to save property than the eutire your PYRENE DAMAGE—without injury of any kind. fire department can do úve minutes after- (( — wards. iPERAl PYRENE is always rcady weeks, It is the time when the smallest blaze |'*NOtf. TOl months or years after its purchàse. I may gain sufficient headway to become a Ask for a demonstration. serious conílagration.¦ . Ü..'?.-' Where the remedy lies. We are ready to g-ive you a praetical demonstration in home or factory. to your ) Of course, it is eyerybody's duty study Choose some dang-er that especially the of fire in his home or of point you prevention place wish to safe-g-uard and we will prove to you business. that PYRENE will do ali that is claimed to But it is a greater dut}7 to be preparèd for it. put out fires BEFORE they become dang-er- ous. And nothing- prepares you as well as PYRENE. ); For .PYRENE is the ONLY cxtinguislier which will instantly put out EVERY kind of iire, no matter how it starts or what is i burniiig-. i It will conquer fires on which water and ordinary chemicals are ' useless—for it is the only exting-uislier that triumphs over fires re- sulting-from explosions or ignition of gasoliue or acetylene gas. It will subdue any kind of electrical fire without causing the slightest damage to the insulátion or apparatus — l And, what is another aslounding thing-, it will do so without )) • risk or danger, for a stream of PYRENE can be directed upon a íí circuit carrying- 110.000 volt without the least liarmto theoperator.


)) : Wilfred H- Baker ( RUA DO HOSPÍCIO, 153 - Sobrado eaixa Postal, 68 x Telephone, 4300 x- RIO T>& JA/NEIRO

< Sole Agent for São Paulo — Byington & 0o.

- — ~~ — — — — — --— — B^^ .__-—¦_. — ¦_¦__.—,_.-*¦ ?_*_l__^S_^S_S_S_IS_^^_S_r^-|,_-——*——^———___!—_—S^SSS^SS i' l:-i'~»«'»"~i*~*^^*|S'«_-M—¦^^w*w*t^w#y| 428 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. April 16th, 1912.

At Ponta Grossa the traces of the pristine vvilderness are left behind, and signs of continuou* occupation are on mêht every hand. The word «continuous» is properly used, be- cause Paraná has not always been ighoréd. In early days We are unable to figures re- Stock of Rubber. give the Jesuits attempted to colonize its hinterland, the ruins íating to stock of Rubber at Pará and Manáos as no data of their foundations before they slipped away to the uest were forthcoming at last week's Cabinet Meeting. and into Paraguay are discoverable here and there through ²We have reeeived a circular from Messrs. Gordon the forests. They taught the native Indians, whose loyalty and Co., of Manáos and Pará, announcing that in future they retained when the exodus carne. The interior, which the firm will work under the title of «The General Rubber they had to desert, besides the heavily wooded plateaus, is Company of Brazil.» The company was duly authori.-ed to characterised by low somewhat similar to the operate iu the Republic by virtue of Decree No. 9296 of grassy plains, of Argentina, only waiting for the industry of man January 3rd, 1912. pampas them again. ²Last week we commented on the large diyidends to make use of Ponta Grossa, at an elevation of 947 metres feet;) by rupee-capitalised rubber companies. It is interest- (3,173 O paid is the with the older railway which leaves the At- ing to note that some which have been converted into junetion lantie Paranaguá, not far north of São Francisco, sterling and are managed from London are doing even port.of uiid climbs th© mountain side, by some wonderful engineer- better. For instance, the Harpenden (Selangor) Rubber ing work, to the State capital, Curityba, at an elevation of Company has 110 cent. for 1911 as against 80 per paid per 889 metres feet.) One important branch south- cent. for 1910, wliilé the crop secured was 218.250 (2,917 goes Lapa, to the frontier of Santa Ibs. as against 175,000 lbs. in 1910. Among ward by way of a town called River, on the right bank of fche Ceylon rupee companies, the Catharina, crossing the Iguassu younger An extension of Rubber Plantations of Habitara Company pays 31 per cent. which are situated some Polish colonies. the west, reaches as for 1911, against 12 1/2 per cent. for 1910, the Lanka Com- the original line, from Curityba towards 52 far as Ponta Grossa, and thus region in overland pany increases its return to 85 per cent., against per placesthe cent. for 1910. the Kelani Tea Garden Company pays 40 in touch with the city of São Paulo and the capital of the Tea Com- Republic, Rio de Janeiro. It has become a route of per cent., against 30 per cent.. and the Vogan popular many more travei, and undoubtedly develop rapidly, since pany 65 per cent. This sort of thing means so will naiís in the coffin of Brazifs rubber industry unless there Brazilians easily acquire the wanderlust so typical of the is a very ranid move for betbsr conditions. twéntieth century. Already through connection has been establistiéd between Curityba and São Paulo, which implies the possibility of travélling overland between the seacoast at Paranaguá and the coast again at Rio de oaneiro. This route passes over the recently opened line of the Sao Paulo- Rio Grande railway. THE LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY COMPANY. Ponta Grossa to Itararé.—«The trani «express from ESTIMATED WEEKLY TRAFFIC RECEIPTS. Curityba to Sao Paulo) consisted of one baggage and mail car, one Pullman sleeper, one first-class coach, and one Receipts for WeekL'oüil irom at a, ,Ht second-class coach, ali new. The train leaves Curityba Year. Week Ended.²~ Currency.Esch.Sterlni};.January 5 a.m., and is called the «Sul Express» ; it arrives at Ponta Grossa at 11-30 a.m., and at Itararé at 8 p.ni. The run to 373.218 19126lh April.369:000*16 3/16£26.237£ Itararé was through a very rolling pasture country, later 1911«lb April28i«:UOOÍlõ 81/32 £ 18.830£ 306.112 beconirag moüntainous and reaching the pine belt again.. , Small population. The line is tortuous, with some 3 per cent 77.106 trip Increase....106:00.17/32£ 7.407£ grades, and no stone ballast, the red clay making the dusty. Decrease...²""*¦'.'~~~~ Itararé to São Paulo.—At Itararé the train entered ou the track of the Sõrocábaná Railway, and the run is made during the night, leaving Itararé shortly after 8 p.m. and The position of the railway lines in Brazil on arriving at São Paulo at 0-15 a.m. The roadbed is was as follows:- December 31st, 1911, smoother but not yet in the best condition as íar as Boituva, Undertiurveyed but from Boituva to Sao Paulo tbe line is excellent. May- !ii Iraftic C mstruc- and.Total a.m. is new tionApproved rink. on this divisien. was reached at 7 Here a «hygienic» station of concrete, tiles and glass, very cléan, Metros Metres MolresMetros I Linosbjlou^üíj: tolho Uuion but very open. Complaints are made that it is too open. an » ttdnutiistortíU by it 3.335^.14 454.731 435.2904.226.761 Mayrink is the town where railroad shops and workmen's II Lutes boloiiglug tu tho Uuion and 1 lasuil by it 7.39*.113 2.177.900 2.254.12711.SJ2.140 model homes are located. III Li .os for winch ooucessious «The road from Mavrink to São Paulo is one of the best have itoju graniod by lhe Uuion, wilh In toro ,t guaranioe.. 3.147.014 255.576 S37.ÜI4 4.210.234 in South America. Good heavy rails, rock ballast, no IV LI nus for which couoosaions havo boou graittod by lhe Uniou grades over 2 per cent., although the country is hilly ; terra- wituoai iiUorosl Jju iraniuo 1.7112.84719S.7HJ 1/-5J.CÜJ 3.J51.308 • bAilonçoug to lhe va- cotta and brick stations, sheds, shelters, etc. ; excellent V Lims «87 rious siaioí» 6.39J.891fc64.79Ú259.2015 7.523. tanks, gates, semaphores ; in fact, the whole equipment. 22.066.029 3.951.7*6 5.045.005 31.064.330 The country between Mayrink and São Paulo is well popu- latcd and prosperous, thé last 30 kilometres (nearly 19 miles) being on a very rich plateaU adjacent to the city of at an elevation of about 750 metres to > The Rio to Montevideo Line. The following most Sao Paulo, (close interesting account of this line appears in the Bulletin of 2,500 feet.)» .the Pau American Union: — At Itararé is the boundary between the States of Paraná Páullò it lies on a river of the same name which / União to Ponta Grossa.—«This day's run may be sum- and Sao ; iWd up as follows: Line very tortuous, very shnrp turns, flows towards the west to empty into the Paranapanema no rock ballast. Ali the River, another tributary of the Paraná. At Boituva grades 3 per cent. in places, day great train zigzagged over the right of way, following the water- connection is made with the line extending farther westward shed through a beautiful and somewhat tropical forest into the State, but ali these railways reach out into the région, with many vistas of heavily wooded mountams. coffee lands from which São Paulo has grown so rich. Thus The last 25 kilometres (nearly 16 miles) were through a this new southern division brings into close touch the pro- "green, well-wntered country. gressive and cultivated áreas of the one State with the «The colonists appear better off than their neighbours fresher and immigrant-inviting fields of the other. farther south. Patches of com, verba mate trees, fruit, From São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro, 489 kilometres (304 nnd vines are noticeable, and the sale of milk and eggs at miles), the route passes over the long-established Central tíie stutions was an indication of their farrning. There were Railway of Brazil, owned and operated by the Government. also a few saw-mills and other signs of lumber industry There is a night train equipped with sleepers, but the yisiblo. Ponta Grossa has a new stone station, shops, and traveller should make the trip, for the first time, at least, a hospital for railway employees, ali very creditahle." by the day train, in order to enjoy the beautiful scenery on

¦r^^^^m.y:,-»»,...^ April lGth, 1912. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 429

the and vistas offered at every turn as the plateau the £4,000 is placed to reserve, and £2,000 is to renewal descent down side levei is made. put the mountairi to the coast of tram material, while £3,062 is carried forward. The This last Rio portion of the all-rail loute between de number of pàssengers carried in the company's trama dur- Janeiro and Montevideo is so well known, however, that ing the year was 1,752,045 more than during the. previous description of it can be omitted here, but an analysis of year. thus connecting the tiwo capitais of the prospects opened by San Paulo Railway, The expectation that the San indeed these contiguous Republics is worth while. Paulo Railway Company would maintain its dividend, in- east Two important phases in the dévelopment of the cluding bônus, for the year 1911 at tlie 13 cent. levei coast demand attention in çonsidering per of South America of the three preceding years is fulnlled by the final distribu- the effect of this all-rail route upon the future. They may tion now announced. That expectation was based on tho be understood as the economic and the strategic. Of fact that for the June half the company had a gross traffic course, for the hnmediate no decided influence may present increase of £83,100, and for tho December half a gain of be noticeable in any direction, because the roadbed for most £109,400. The net improvement, however, does not seem of the way is new and therefore unable to bear the strain to have been quite so good as had been reckòned on, for, of heavy traffic Much and continuous as yet. work must while £35,400 more than last year is carried forward, the be done before a thoroughly serviceable track is completed appropriation to reserve is £50,000 less. The company is from one end to the other. But that is a problem which in a very strong position, for the total of its reserve and confronts and is practically, in the long run, successfully other funds amounts to about £2,000,000 in rélation to a met by every railway built. Tn the United States nümerous total capital of ali classes of not moro than £6,000,000. examples can be given as illustrative comparisons. Every great trunk line in the country has had the experience of constructing and then reconstructing its roadbed. These south Brazil railways seem to have made a good start. nevertheless, by building at the outset solid station houses (MWptlg and sidings, as the report shows, so that operating routinè ggk||0rf0 is already facilitated in one detail, at least. '~>M Now, as far as the economic advantáges are concerned, North Geiiüan LIoyd Steamship. The report of tlie ¦¦ Xorddeutscher Llòyd, whose dividend announcement the facts are these—the distancé, 3,165 kilometres (1,966 for 1011 has miles), for direct shipment, is prohibitory, because from previously been recorded, states that the more Rio to Montevideo cargoes can alwàys be carried choaper íavourable results obtained were intluenced by a consider- able improvement in the American freight and as quickly by water. Many pàssengers will un- North business and of traffic with South America doubtedly, as time goes on, preíer the overland route, and Austrália, and by which can be reduced from the 112 hours consumed to-day, greater proceeds from investments and the gradual cessa- tion of the loan interest. Owing to the large advance in to 60 hours at the most. But the actual journey to take into account is that from the city of São Paulo to Monte- freight rates, full and remunera tive employment was pro- vided for the cargo steamers, and on some lines additional video, which reduces the distancé by 489 kilometres (304 steamers had to be chartered. If, notwithstanding the miles), leaving only 2,676 kilometres (1,662 miles) of an altogether new and undeveloped route to be considered, a considerably improved results, the dividend has been only increased distancé almost the same as that between New Orleans and by 2 per cent, as compared with 1910, the direc- Boston, which is 1,598 miles kilometres.) tors regard this as being justified in the interests of (2,571 strengthening the of the undertaking. Tneluding It is quite conceivable that even the coffee from Sao position six steamers in course of Paulo will ultimately be carried clear through by this route, construction, the company will have ocean fleet for it can be loaded on the cars at the warehouse in the at the beginning of 1913 an oí 126 steamers of 717,280 tons, as against 125 vessels of 686,855 tons at plantation and be delivered, unbroken, to the warehouse the end of 1911. in Montevideo, and this facility of movement may compen- The report of the São Paulo Gas sate for the cheaper sea transportation which necessitates Sãn Paulo Gas. Company, Ltd., for the ended 3 lst December, 1911, at least two transhipments on the way. But even ignoring year to be submitted to the meeting on the 28th ult, shows a this possibility and that of the long haul, the stimulous to on working for £67,099, to which is added £833 local traffic will ultimately be immense. profit Brazil needs dividends on investments, and £7,391 brought forward, wheat: it can be in Rio Grande grown do Sul. but until this making a total of £75,924. After for interest agricultural result is secure, fields providing the of Urugnay can now on Debentures, £6,250 for Debenture redemp- supply a market hitherto ; provision reached by a roundabout carriage tion, £2,131; income-tax, £2,6-16; interest on bank loans, from interior to sea and back again. Uruguay consumes £1,117; depreciation on investments, £332; the directors hundreds of thousands of kilograms of mate a now year ; propose to transfer £10,000 to reserve account and to set this can be carried direct from the where yerbales (placos aside £5,000 for improvement of the existing public lamps, it is gathered) to many of the interior of at parts Uruguay and to pay a final dividend on the Ordinary shares of 0 per probably a lower cost than by sea. Many such exchanges cent,, free of tax, making 12 cent. for the leaving themselves per year, present as activities for the near future. The a balance of £11,546 to be carried forward. The average economic advantáges, however, are by no means. exhausted rate of exchange for the past year was 16.093d, as com- by the effect on industries probable already established. pared with 16.054d. in 1910. The revenue account has milreis. The (To be continued.) been converted into sterling at 16 2/32d per assets and liabilities in Brazil on 31st December last have been valued at 16d. The reports of the manager and engineer state that the whole of the property has been maintained in good working order and repair. Further WMmwm additions to the works and plant have been rendéfed necessary by the increasing consumption of gas. The Vai de Travers Asphalte Paving. The Board of total number of public lamps at the end of the year was Directors of the Vai de Travers Asphalte Paving Company 6,891, an increase of 504. The lighting of the city has Ltd., have decided to recommend a further dividend of ls. been carried out to the satisfaction of the authorities. but per share, making, with that paid in October last, ls. 6d. as mentioned above, the sum of £5,000 of the úndivided per share, or 7 1/2 per cent. for the year 1911, together profit has been appropriated for the purpose of standardis- with a bônus of 3d. per sharè. ing the normal public lamps and adopting more. mod< n and Brazil Railway. The Directors of the Brazil Railway effective paterns for somo of the other types. An installa- Company have declared a dividend for the quarter ending tion of high pressure lighting in the grounds of, and streets 31st ult. of 1 1/2 per cent. on the 100,000 Preference adjacent to, the new Municipal Theatre, inaugurated on 7th shares, issued prior to lst January, 1912, and of 3/4 per Septèmber last, has proved a complete success. The large cent. on the 50,000 new Preferred shares, issued in Feb- increase in the consumption of gas by private consumers,* ruary, 1912,^ ranking for dividend for half the said quarter. both for lighting and cooking purposes during the past year, The City of Santos Improvements Company. is is especially noteworthy, showing that as the city expande a dividend of 7 paving per cent, for the past year.' Th*e in área, population and general prosperity, so Iwill the net of the company profit amounted to £64,635. A sum of business of the company go on increasing year by year. lôth, 1912. 430 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. April

Scrip Ce-tircatc-< to Bearer will be issued in respect of the Deben- turo »t. "I, n_-.iin-«- Irv.tTH of Aüotment as soon as practicable after allotment, and .will be exchanged for Registered Stook Certiflcatea after 0kZ* llth April, 1912:a t Tho PREFERENCE SHARES are entitled to receive out of the proflts available for dividend a cumulative preferential dividend at lms been the rate of 6 per cent. por annum on the amounts paid up thereon, The Brazil-America Corporation Company and the balance of tho proflts (subject to allocation to Reserves, etc.) authorisation to opera te in the Republic. The will be distributed among tho holders of the Ordinary Shares. granted On a winding up, the holders of the Preférence Shares w_ll be on- domicile of the company is in Wihnington, U.S.A. Capital titled to be paid tho amounts paid thereon together With any amara $50,000,000. of dividend to the còmihericemént of the winding up in priority to any payment to the holders of the Ordinary Shares. and the balance tho holders of the The Standard Oil Company of Brazil has been or the Oompanv's assets will be distributed among -tfíenqn• I; Ordinary Shares in proportion to the amounts paid up áufchorised to operato in the Repu^tU.v Tlie domicile of the The dividend on tho Preférence Shares will be payable .half-yearly *v is in Fairmoiit, West Virgínia, U.S.A. on the Ist .Tulv and Ist January. The first payment will be made on company State of the Ist July. 1912, and will in the ca-e of the present issue be calculated The of the company is to aeqüire oil beariiig fields on the instalments from the respectivo dates for payment. purpose The Proferòncò Shares will nrt confer rn the holders the right and cxploit the petrolemn industry in this country. The to nttend or vote at any General Meeting of the Company unless their is dividends are three months in arrear. but they may attend and vote capital $500,00.0. on any resolution directly affecting their interests and not similarly of on any resolution for — The following has been registered at Somerset affeoting ali other classes sharenòldersor .nll amalgamation or winding up. Subject thereto, every Member — of each Share hold by mm. ¦_ - fíouse: have one vote in respect after the <_ and Im- The Oertincates for the Preférence Shares will be issued Anglo-Brazilian Porging Steel Structural llth April. 1912.ABHID(iED porting Co., Ltd. Registered March llth, by tüng, pROSPEOTUS. Street. E.C. Capital, Wigg and Co,, II Queen Victoria The Directors of Lamport and Holt, Limited, have authorised Lloyda €75,000 in Él shares. Objects: To carry òn in the United Bank. Limited, and the Cnion of London and Smiths Bank. Limitocl, as Bankers of the Company. to rei eive apphcations; lor^325,000 6 pei ÍCmgdom. Brazil, and elséwhere the búsiness oi' impòrters, Cent. Cumulative Preférence Shares of £1 each. and £570,000 5 per cent. of and Debonture Stock of the Company.. exporters, manufãçturers, and warehousemen The Company, which was Tormed last year, acqmred the good- in iròn, steel, machinery, engines', boilers, plant, will of the òld-established búsiness of the shipping firm of Mcsbts. çlealers Lamport and Holt, of Livernool, London, and Manc.hester.^ajicL. the roofs, stanchions, bridges, of Liverpool. Brazil, and River^late bòlts. míts. chaíns, girders, whole of the issued shares the and re- Steam Navigaüm Company, Limited, of which Messrs. Lamport melai castings, cemeriti, 1í!"n, asphalt and building inçeption in Holt had been the Managora since its ^.Jfl;8^ engineers, fóiinders, etc. ; to establish offices in Tho Liverpool. Brazil. and River Plate Steam Navigation.Oomi.any quisites, by Messrs. Lamport and Holt, constituted the other of the Limited, as managed oWned and Saí. Paulo and elséwhere in Brazil or part wên-kuôwn -Lamport and Holt Line», Which is now world. and Io adopt agreements (1) with W. A. Vaughan., managed by this Company.i 154.950.do.n tonstnn« Its fleet comprises 29 vessels of an aggregate tonnage o d. Dymond, and W. A. steamers of saüed-on her and ri) with W. S. Vaughan, C. including three now passenger .wh.ch çne the — maiden voyage (to Buenos Aires) on the 5th iOÇ^ber^dM^a-nd Vaughan. The signatories are: and wiU M^J^ other two are àpproaching .completimr are expected ^to ano$% Shares. builders in the course of this .voar. These boats of the Company. ™ls™* conaiderably to the revenue ^\-"}

5 per cent. Debenture Stook issued £430,000 Present Issue 570,000 Itòi £1,000,000 ISSUE OF ERRATA. £570,000 5 per Cent. Debonture Stock at 99 per cent., and in our lasfc week's issue 325,000 6 per Cent. Cumulativo Preíercnce Shares of £1 each at par. There were severa! mistakes Carnival and the confusion in- Payable as folloWs: Debentures Stock Preférence Shares which require eorreetion. On application 5 por cent Is. per share cident on a change of premises must be held responsibie, ,. allotmcnt ... 20 ..... .s. .. llth April, 1912 .. 74 .,... 15s. and we trust our readers will exeuse us. Prefecfs Message, 99 por cent. £1 On page 401, in the articie on the a line is left out which causes the paragraph to read as The present, issue of DEBENTURE STOCK ranks pari passu with absolute nonsense. It should read as follows:—«The pro- the JjX.OW Debenture Stock already issued and is secured by a Trust be applied to the redemption Doed constituting a floating charle on the uiidertaking and assets duct of this issue will shortly of the Company. The Trust Doed reserves to the Company the right of bills at fixed dates, amounfcíng to 5.000:000$, and the of issuing further Debenture Stock ranking in ali respects pari passu of with tho said £1,000,000 Debenture Stock, but so that the whole amount closing of the account current guaranteed with the Bank of such Debenture Stock shall at no time exceeding the uggregate the to 6.000:000$. A sum of 1.292 :391$192 amount of the issued Share Capital for tho time being of the Company. Brazil, amounting The Company reserves the right at any time after Ist January, 1*20, will be repaid to the cash deposit.» on giving six months' notice, to pay off the Debenture Stock, or any part of it. at 103 per cent. The Stock will also be redeemable at 103 per cent. should the Company go into voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or recõnstruction. Any Debenture Stock not On Wednesday last by the pieviously redeemed will be repaid on Ist January. 1962. at par. Treasury Remittances. The Stock wiü be issued in múltiplos of £10, and will be transfer- s.s. Amazon the Treasury remitted to their agents in aolo in any amount not inrolving a fraction of £1. Interest on the Debonture Stock will be paid half-yearly. on the London, Messrs. N, M. Rothschild and Sons, £400,000, and !fil July and Ist January. A full half-year*s Tnterest will be paid on frcs. 170,810.18. Ist July, 1912.

.__ April 16th, 1912. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 431

Secretaria da Agricultura, Commerdo e Obras Publicas VI

Resides the laws already in force and police and other federal regulations do Estado de S. Paulo. the contractor must submit to any other of the same character regardiog surveys, inspection and health that tlie Government may determine. DIRECTORIA DE VIAÇÃO VII a navigatlon service between Santos Call for Tenders for Tenderers shall state the maximum prices they propose to charge, ai also what abatements they are willing to admit on transport on account of and ports of the Republic, and between the State both of passengers, parcela, specie, merchandise, etc. Tariffs determining prices shall he drawn up in the contract in two separatc tables one for the North and South and another for the intermediate Santos and other ports of the State of S. Paulo. lino and be subject to revlsion every three years. and to such modifleations as the requjrements of the region may demand, and their appllcation be made effectivp without favour or prejudico to anyone whosoever. Bv order of the Secretary of Agriculture, Commerce and Public Woiks, No alterntion in said tariffs can be effected without previous appròval and ih vlrtue of tlie authorisation conferred by urt. 42 ot ia\y no _1245 or of Government. 80th December; 1910 a call for tenders Is hcreby opened at tlus Directory The contractor uudertakes to interchange traffic with anv and every for tlie navigation service between the Port of Santos and other ports of other transport company or with Docks or anv undertaklng relatingto transport, the Republic as also between the port of Santos and other ports ot competing or no. the State of S. Paulo, to which end tenders will be received up to 31st May, The respective rules and regulations shall be previously approved by 1912 and be opened at 2 p. m. on said date in presence of the tenderers. government. The maximum Tenders will be received from any party, firm or company of satisfactory prices for transport are objects of competition. standing. The party whose tender is accepted must previously conform with tlie VIII conditions established by the Federal law 1145 of 31st December 1908, arts. 17, no. 10. Tenders must be delivéred in closed envelopes indieating narae and The contraetors shall have preforence for ali government transport, domicile of the tenderer tógether with a cèrtiflcate of deposit in the State but must undertake to carry the following free of charge:—the chicf of the Treasury of 1 lio sum of five contos (5:000$000) as security for signaturc flsealizing department and on his demand the other fiscais; on requisition one •of the respective contract. steerage and one first class passenger in each steamer: objects for the SÍato Museutn for said deposit shall bo furnished up to 3 p.m. of 29th May, 1912. and for the agricultural schools and planta or seeds for their farms and studieg Receipts as also specie consigned to the State, ali at an abatement up to 80% on tho [*vll tender.- must be signed and dated and tlie signatures bc duly will be unle^a general State tariff. verifled. Xo còrrcctians. erasurea or inlerlinements jiermitted The máils íor which special accommodation must be provided In separate duly initialled (Rubricada). compartments shall be carried free of cost as also a mail agent whenever •\s soon as a tender is accepted by tlie Government, orders sliall be necessary. issued for refunding to unsuccessful tenderers the siuns deposited as security as also in case of ali the tenders being rejected. IX The tenderer who fails to sign the respective contract fifteen day.- Within the of the contract. which shall correspond to the accepted shall forfeit to the Treasury the period after luiviee of the tender being guarantee of interest, Government may monopolize freight of the steamers aum of tlvu contos of reis (5:0005000) deposited as security for his tender. of the company at the established tariff rates, which in this case would not If after aignature oi' the contract commenccment be not given to be liable to fines for irregularity in the sehcdiiled trips. the Service within the period detormincd in the respective contract, the contractor shall forfeit sa:d security except in case of force majeure X determinablc by Government. Tenders shall be organised in conformity with the following elausis The contraetors steamers shall have the preference in ali the federal .and conditions. and be incorporated as an integral part the contract. departmènts with right of entrance and elearauce at any time and on any day, subject to federal laws and regulations.

XI The contraetors shall. moreover, have preference on equal terms for The navigation service for which tenders are invited will comprise establishment of other lines of òcean steamers that government may detewnine the establishment and working of the following Unes:— to establish. (õ) Northern line between Santos and Manáos, and intermediate ports of Rio de Janeiro, Victoria. Bahia, Aracaju', Maceió', Recife, Parahyba. round tnps at Natal, Fortaleza, Amarração, S. Luiz, Belém, three XII least per month. (6) Southern line:— calling at the intermediate ports of Bom 1)From Santos to Corumbá, Subject to previous appròval hy the Government of the State, th« Abrigo, Paranaguá, Antònina, S. Francisco or ltajahy, Florianópolis. or favours from the Federal or other Buenos Aires and contractor may accept subventions Rio Grande, Pelotas, Porto Alegre, Montevideo. State Governments in beneflt of the services contracted. Asuneion, making two round trips at least per month. 2)Santos to Porto Alegre, with the s»\rae calls, to Pelotas, making one round trip per month. XIII 8) Santos to Porto Alegre, calling at the intermediate ports of Fio- rianopolis and Rio Grande at least one round trip per month. of Rio de Janeiro and the island (c) Intermediate line between the port the Treasury of State of Bom Abrigo calling at the S. Paulo ports of Ubatuba, Palmas, Villa The contractor shall deposit in the a. Sabauna, Iguape and Cananéa. security for execution of bis contract the sum of 50:000$000 in money or Bella, S. Sebastião, Caraguatatuba, in Federal or State Bond6 earning 5% interest until the termination of The number of trips shall be a subject for competition. tlie right of altering the oi call eiuiiueratcii the term of the contract. Government, reserves ports «ore in consequence of fines or for above. increasing or diminishing their number or changmg them wiwiout If for any reason this sum lessened, anv other motive, the contractor shall be obliged to immediately make good prejudico to the contractor.y. interest an* of the steamers from and at tne thè differençe on pain of suspension of payment of the guaranteed The days oi' departure and árrivàl same by Government, who may also recover executively. -different must be determined in the contract. dednetions from ports o Trips of the Intermediate line shall be in combination with those bc agreed between tlie the steamers calling at Ribeirão de Iguape, as shall '..' XIV Government and the concessiòhaire or contractor.. . said at Bom Ali works necessary to séciire combination W;»!6 shall be a subject for competition and not exceed 35 as also the necessary expenditure for consti u«ton During a period that nndertake.n by the contractor anü i.fie Government shall pay to the contractor mterest at the¦ rate of 6% of a warehouse and mole for loading and discharge oi cargo years, contos which must bc appro\ed oi on the capital expended up to five thousand (5.000:000$000). imdispensable accessories, plans of previously shall be expended as follows:—--...... , . . and be included in the capital to be guaranteed. This capital lines and tripa the government, (a) on acquisition of steamers by the contractor for the above.. specified repairs and il (c) on tlie installation of the workshops necessary for of the steamers. in accordance with approved plans. cleahing mantime (ri) on boats, lifebuoys on other appliances necessary for the shall bc mixed i. e. carryihg both passengers and cargo. The steamers safety ano Thev shall he absolutely new and their conditions as regards Tlie8 regulations for the determination of tho capital rcally emplo.ved modem type, and before puttinc them mio accòininodation be of the most respective shall be issued by Government.'.¦•... service tlie contraetors must opportunely submit to Government the Any surplus derived from the traffic of the navigation service shall in accordance with federal lcgislation. by Government. The surplus shall be plans and specifleations speeo ne be deduetéd from the interest payable Foi' no steamer of the Northern and Southern lines can the arrived at by taking the differençe between the gross receipts and expense less than 15 miles an hour or 12 miles for the intermediate line. and working òf the steamer service and of the instaUatíons such as to tm of maintahanee "b", "c" "d"..., The constructiòri of ali the steamers shall be. pormiç mentioned under pars and „vi_rm„ stipíilatéd speed being normally attained on each trip. Government shall, moreover. issue the necessary regulations íor iiquiviuiou of accoünts of receipts and expenditure of the traffic and of works. ni XV In addition to the trips contracted with stipujated dates^^j^f%J shall be regarded as an advance made between other Brazilian ports may be under taUen witn The intéVest paid bv"refunded Government mav result and arrival, trips to be out of wbatever surplus profits appròval; to the contractor the contractor of ali profits iu government's must acquire at least four and after diyisiòn between Government and In execution of the contract the contractor the capital established in accordance with Corumbá: iour (4) more sllghtly smaller excess of 8% per annum on (4) larger steamers for the line to steamers for for the lines to Manáos and Porto Alegre and two (2) small Cla,,SSuívenUons the Fcdoral or or grani** in aid .received from the intermediate line., , .. _ th qp,.ViPp by tnat o S l-"''»-Jl'«» ls |^gate The number of boàtsjlffèbuòys, and the material aud accessories Aor t ebo-yce Governments. duly authorised ,jg ,^^ evenue shall be annuallv determined by Government, iu agreemsnt with the conuacu» "È0Í rants^i^a^shall b« oS-O^íe^nfeíyl"s^evenue íüSKÍbvénVSS^ reduetion before commencing the service. he Vis? lhe Contractor submits to an equivalent The rhimbèr of steamers as also their tonnage (capacity) shall ?5g°àrded a subject ot" tender. in tho tariffs. IV XVI

shall be insured by the contractor in surplus in Claiise XIV) «xce,'(1.r1.°% Ali tho steamers and material ShouldMionui net profits - (denominated tariffs repu table companies. fche ,-ontractor shall be obliged to reduce for two consecutive years, statistics for the respective period, tüe in such a manner that in view of to one half of the verifled surplus. V reduetion shall correspond In case of loss of, or irreparable damage to any of the steamers the XVII contractor shall immediately take steps for its substitution by another of not inferior conditions, éxcftptirig temporarily and with previous appròval of the the contractor's tariffs shall be within the determined by Government at an audience. which oceasion government* may Government, period and ^^\í r^n%^tTsT^°on the- Ali new material acquired shall be subject to the same rules Z rates f°or'transport.of merchandise produced in contract and federal legisi-in"" deníand tho'redSon formalities as before, i. e. in accordance with this State, for which protection is consldered advisabie. services. æ ' ¦ ¦

.- 432 April 16th, 1912. '•¦';¦¦ REVIEW. ¦ ¦ BRAZILIAN ¦ ¦" ¦ ¦ æ, THE ¦ ¦ ¦¦, ¦¦ , . :.:¦¦.'

XVIII XXIV Cases of disagreemtnt between the Government and ttie Contractor at For the effectt of this contract the two undernotcd Unes—the one between regards the interpretation of any clause of the contract shall be decided b| ports of the State of 8. Paulo and the other between Santos and other ports of tbe arbitratíon in the form established in the contract. Republic— shall be treatcd as a unit, especially as re«ards the nuarantee of Interest; the two tarlffs, notwithstanding, shall he indcpendent and separai XXV nl though subject to the sane rcKUlations. The . ,. stat and legal domiciie of the contractor shall be at Santos, wbien snall he the starting and terminal point for ali voyages and there shall be locatcd the workshops and warehouses. A repiesentntive contractor witli of the XIX full powers to resolve promptly ali and every questiòn relating to the service or to any clause of the contract shall he in residence at Santos. Eiccptinp cases of forcr majiur.e, determined exclusively by the Government of the State, the fines enumeratcd below shall be applied by XXVI the Directory oi Communications (Vlaçüo), or its substitute, or by the head of the respectlve administrative department:— The government of the State shall do its best to obtain fromthat of (a) of two contos of reis for each month or fraction of same not less the Union ali the favours he may require, not only for initintionof tbe than 15 days for delay In entry of steamers over and above the navigation service (acquisition of steamers, etc.) but also for theupkeep, specifled time. working and mantenance of regular traffic on the different lines. b)of five to ten contos adequatoa of reis for failure to provide XXVII accommodation in each steamer for passengers and cargo up to its full capacity. Any other advantagesoífered by the contractor besides those provided c)ot one to flvc contos of reis for failur» to make schcduled trips or for in this Call for Tenders(such as the creation of navigation and mechancal of doublc in case of recrudence. classes and instruetion ofoperatives and their children) shall be taken d)of flfty mil to one conto of reis for any other infractlon of the into due consideration. contract. XXVIII XX The contractor shall enjoy the ri«ht of expropriation within the State fo" objects of public utility. XXVIX Without prejudice to the penaltles specifled in the preceding clause; tlie contract shall be rescinded. excepting in case of majeure, be Besides the favours already for force to '." provided the Government shall do ali determined exclusively by government, in the following instances:— .>" power to obtain from other companies and undertakings under ite a)for failure to provide steumers for it6 service six month after the junsdíction ai) possible facillties for intercbtnge of traffic and of other stipulated date. b)in cose of rccurrencc of failure to provide adequate accommodation, XXX for which a fine of five to ten contos is established in the previous clause. thf contract.-which will ti that of the guaranteé of Intewíf* rilf«M"íhQfd owtí nothing to Government c)in case of total interruption of tlie service for fifteen davs. íhltne steamers«?imí íhf í°"t,;ftctor full ownersbip of d)or of ditto for ninety days for any length of time. and installation will be granted. t'°"trn?t' fo[ of In such case recission shall be lawfully effected by simple act of the on™ *h* iPeBh, Çontinuation the Service will. however, depend government indepcndently oi further formalltles. the new basis established in competition.

XXI XXXI he except on the special authorisation In case of recission of contract. the nf thI!lr«,0Jltn'ct.c"1n,?0t^««lyappriscd .tra,n-cfeTed the the contractor must pay into can n,•!?.?!vclrnmei,tI of the motives of same. but ir. no case Treasury of the State any sums for which he may be dobtor and. in can capital be hurdened by expenses of incorporation or bv bonuses. default, Government shall have the right to take possession oi ali or part of the steamers and material belonging to the contractor until payment is S. Paulo, December 30th. 1911. complcted and to sell same at auction, unless an agreement be previously Theophilo de Souza, Director. come to with the contractor. In case of recission. his deposit of flfty contos will be forfeit to the State Treasury. XXII The British For flftcen year6 after the commenccment of the service tlie Government Subscription Library shall at any monient have the right to redeein the concession and acquire from the contractor the steamers, materiais *nd works belonging to him oo paymeut of their just value, determined by iiauidation of accounts and consideratvm oi the conditior:"nmnn materiais and works may be 'I The in at the time, plus a bônus of 30 per cent. Committee beg to announce that the This bônus shall be a subjer-t of competitlor:. Library re-opened at 105, Rua Ouvidor XXIII (Entrance Rua Sachet 39) on Saturday the Fiscalisation of the serviees of tlie contractor shall be on his account, for which he snall pay into tlie State Treasury half vearlv the sum of six 23rd contos of reis jn ndvance. December. Government shall. in additión to tlie di6|iositions of federal legislation, issue the tastructlons necessary íor rcgulátíng relations with tlie contractor The new lift will be ts regards not only the approvnl of accounts of tlie passenger working working first installation and but also íor the .fiscalisation of the statlstical servee, of traffic and collcction of freight am« ot'.-r rates, as also íor and safeguarding shortly. of the steamers and tne poüchg public. HOURS 8-10.30 & 12.7

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Work executed from steel plates with special safesfuard» to prevent conuterfeit- ing, Special papers manutactured exclusively for the use of* this company, Railway tickets, maps, nnmbered and conpon tickets of any sizé, pattern, style or device, with steel plate tints. Kstimates suhmitted on receipt of particulars or requirements.

REPRE8ENTATIVE IN BRAZIL : = L. C. IRVINE = Rua Primeiro de Março, 109 - RIO DE JANEIRO THE BOOTH STEAMSHIP CO., LTD., LIYERPOOL. Royal Mail Line of Steamers to the Northern ports of Brazil

REGULAR AND FAST SERVICE OF STEAMERS BETWEEN : Liverpool, Havre, Cherbourg, Vigo, Oporto (Leixões), and Lisbon (calling at Madeia and Pará, Manáos, Iquitos, Maranhão and Ceará. ALSO BETDWICI-P* : New-York and Pará. Manáos, Iquitos, Maranhão and Ceará (callinjr at Barbados), Regular monthly service between Buenos Ayres and Manáos, calling at Montevideo, Pernambuco, Ceará and Pará, ) AGENTS Booth & Co. - Pafá. Booth & Co. - Maranhão. Booth & Co. - JWanáos. Salgado Rogers & Co.- Ceara - Iquitos. Booth & Co. '¦}?êffâ T. S. Boadle & Co - Buenos Ayres — A. Real d' Azua - Montevideo

T.l.gr.pbic Addr...ff f RJf ¥"12f*l /*\r. 0. Addr... JNo. ITICRKO-KIO.m A ill Ci0&\j\J*Cai__* 593 General Merchants, Metal Importers and Manufacturers of. Bar, Antfle and Horse-shoe Iron, Charcoal Box Xrons, Wire IHails, Lead PipinV, Mule and Hone Shoes, Bolts, Píuts and Kivets of ali kinds. "RED ÜNDERTAKE CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Sole importes oi CROSS" CEMENT

Sole Importe» of Hall's Hanitary Paiut ««MATOLIN." CENTRAL OFFICE: 52, RUA THEOPHILO OTTONI, 52. 434 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. Aptíl 16th, 1912. Banque Française et Italienne pour I' Amerique du Sud

SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME. HEAD OFFICE : PARIS, 73 Boalevand Haassmann. BKAISCHKS: Kio de Janeiro, Caixa 1211; «*"<> Paulo, Caixa 501; S?antots, Caixa 25; Curityba. Agencies : Ribeirão Freto, São Cario*, Botucatú, Espirito Santo do Pinhal. Mocóca, São José do Kio Pardo, Jahú and Ponta Grossa. Telegraphic Addresst — «« SU1>AUS itr .»» Uapital snbscribed Fcs. 25.000:000 __. € Reserve ínnd 7.560:000 ^ POUNDKDBY&AGENTSIN BRAZIL-pF: "Banque de Pai íh et desPaysBas, l*aris. " Société Générale pour favorieer, etc.,»» Paris, "Banca Comnierciale Italiana, iHilan, Correspondents in ali the most important tovvns of Brazil and abroad. I^he Bank transacte every description of Banking- Business on the most liberal ter ms GENERAL AGEKTS OF THE Navigazione Generale Italiana— "La Veloce" — "Itália " — " Lloyd italiano." Brazilian Warrant Co, Ltd. Banco Mercantil do Rio de Janeiro, S PauloSantos 67, PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO, 67. Public Warehousemen. Presidem—João Ribeiro de Oliveira e Sonssa. Director—Agenor Barboza. Custom House and General Forwarding Agents. Business. Ali classes of reeeived sale on Cotnmisston To discount Bills, PromissoryNotes, Warrants,etc.; and to lend ruo- goods for ney ou Bonds, Debentures, Bank and Company Shares, etc. held in secu- or for Storage only, at moderate rates, rity. Deposits in account current and at fixed dates. Collectious in Brazil and abroad. Tariffs and ali other information to be obtainecl at RATES OF INTEREST. the above addresses or at the Head Office oi Accounts current3 per cen the Company. / 3 months') » » \ 6 » 5 » » 33 C^x-ostt St. Helen's Deposits at fixed dates ü » (j >» » 12 ª7 » » LONDON, E. C. 24 ª7 3/2

Monday, April 81h Counter drawing- rates at 16 3/16 at Bank of Brasil anel at 16 5/32d at foreign s jptó banks. The Bank of Brazil was drawing QUOTATIONS DURING THE WEEK ENDING, April 12th. 1912. at 16 7/32d. and the foreing- banks at AS FOLLOWS 16 3/16d., with billls at 16 l5/64d and (Uompllsd, by Pcrmlaalon, frorn th* f.Rure» Rivan daily In th» 16 l/4d. " Jornal do Commerolo.") Tuesday, Apri! 9th. Holiday. •Ji O — o 00 co CO CO oo co co ajox a\o\t ¦Z o o o o O .H Wednesday, April ÍOth. Counter drawing- rates at 16- C2 5/32d and 16 3/16d in ali banks. The •M'MI ca sa CJ?:CTí O m •r:iraio to Bank of Brazil was drawing- at 16 7/32d

¦»J1I(|UIWH ¦a^ | .— -d co cocoro -ji and the foreign banks at 16 3/16d., with bills at 16 Í5/64d and 16 l/4d. :.r> ir: Rirain m sui:,i DRcs o Riraira .j Thursday, April llth. No change.

A ti Friday, April O 7-1 Cl M ¦* lSth. No chang-e. —¦ CO CO co CO co to ²co Saturday, April 13th. Cá tiopuo'1 No change in drawing rates.. »;•? ²IO Bills at 16 l5/64d. E t- O :.nu|iin!|| vi CM -n r- Cl

3> C5 CD o Oa I - SUIt.I CO ao CO CO CO IO co r> ..J .o IT3 ... iO DAYS

o (O ¦o o 3 o» ²CO 1011 12 13 IIOpilO'1 CO :o eo co" co"-^" "õ '.o CO to «o ia to ²IO Ilauli Itatcs : "/„ o/0 l'/0 Bank of England.;. 3 1,2 3 1 /2 3 112 3 1/2 ?/¦ 3 1/2 oj ¦r: o IO u/0 «/o °/03 "/o °/o Q in o m o CO —> Bank of France... 1/2 3.1/2 3 1/2 U 1/) i~ ca co 55 ao ca 00 3 ]/2 3 1 •- o w Oa oo ca CO CO >1->«A «o» o o oo oo o o O -i M Open ülurket V) ccem :o eo w.i) co co erj eo' os 11 ates : CO CO t^ 00 t- 00 »~ 00 l- 00 "/„ "/„ o o o © o o oo -i London 3 3/8 3 3/8«/0 3 7/1G 3 1/2% 3 7.16% piSnuoj CO oo O a o CO CO JO CO CO CO C3 o: co a) co Paris 3 1,8 °/031,8A/o "/o •/„ a to CO 3 1/8 3% 3 - c» lO IO a .2 cao N Mi» COM .cnni •o O» o. C5J CO oa ca Oi c> ca O Paris Cheque: 3g m ira ira 3 1/2103 1/21U3 1/2J03 1/2 103 1/2 Cl to Cl Si c» 55 O — 00 co » 1903 .* o» CO CO CO eo CO 1021/2102 1y2302 1/2103 103 a •O CO Irf as uopuorj Sr ira „ 'O °/0 Conversion 'O tO M totó to IO to 1910 83 ira 3/483 3/483 3/4S3 3/4 83 3/4 °/o 1908>, 1021(.2102102102 São Panlo 1888... i£ 101101101101101 «o oo R~i?ii TT ca -i©<ò » » 1899... 3 : : 102102102102102 • a • ‡QJ » » 1904... e» tq. 99 1/299 1/2Í9 1/299 1/2 99 1/2 «j S co RD‡- g Leopoldina Ry. Co. S Ej cc B5jfa<22 Ltd. Ord 747473 1/272 1/2 72 1/2

:.;.:.': ',":.' ti AprTi íeth; 1012; THE BRAZILIAN EÉV1EW. 435

S. Paulo Ry..Co. Closing Quotations oi Brazilian Stocks and Shares on. Ltd. Ord 220 220 220 220 222 1 2 P «.alista Lmin " £15,000,001» .... . 102102 102 102 102 tlie London Stock Exchange. Rio Munieipality 5 cent 98 1298 1/2 98 1/2 98 1/2 98 12 per ^ DB8CBIPTIOO . March 21st 1012 Bello Horizonte 1905 H0/0 101101 .' 101 10J 101 Rio T L. A Power Co. Ltd. Ord.. .122 3/4122 123 1/4 124 124 1/2 Government Securities S. Paulo T. L. & Gold I.ohii 1883 4>/, 0/0 97 Power Co. Ltd. ' 1888 l»'ao/o l'0 102 Ord 202202 205 208 1/2 28 1/2 18894 °/0 88 14 88 H/4 1001/2 101 1/2 Duiuont Coltee * o. t 1895 ò<»/ot••• 101 103 1/2 19035°/o 7 Cum. Pref. 11 Õ/811 1/4 11 1/4 11 1/4 II 1/4 I90H b °/0 tOl1/2 102 1/2 Hrilisli «lon- 19104 «/„ scrip 833/4 84 1/4 «m»Ir: 2 1/2 0/c. 78 3/878 1/4 78 1/16 78 1/16 78 1/16 191140/0 Iss. at92 >/o, Scrip ali pd. 013/4 o*» 1/4 1911 4 o/° Bds. Iss. at 83 1/2 Sep. £53 1/2 pd 67 1/4 07 3/4 New Funding Bonda 1898 6% 104 1/2 105 1/2 Kescission Bonda 1901-2-5 4 °'0 85 1/2 86 Btate of 8. Paulo 5 «•/«, 1885 101 103 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW • » > > Bonda 5U,„. 101 103 > > » õ °/0 Bonda 1904 101 102 50/0 Treasury Bds. Scrip fully pd. 101 102 Saturday, April 13th, 1912. 100 102 ilo. '907 ali paid 98 100 Kahia t><»/o Gold Lonn. 1904 98 100 Echang-e closed this afternoon with the Bank of Comp. Lloyd Braz., 6»/„ 1908 Stg. bdB 101 103 , Lloyd Braz. 4»/0 Stg Bds 1910 Isa. 90 pd. 92 93 Brazil drawing- at 16 7/32d and foreign banks at 16 títate of Alagoas 5 °/0 Bonds 92 94 3/16d. Municipal Bonds We are unable to figures relating to stock Kio do Janeiro 5 °ln Gold Bonds H10 102 gfive do. õ°/o Gold B>ls. Gu. by U. 8. of Brazil. 101 103 of Rubber at Pará and Manáos, as no data were forth- do. i 1/8 °/o Cons. Stg. Ln., 1912 (Lon. Iss.),Iss.. 92 1/2, 8cp.,£40 pd 39 1/4 — 39 1/2 coming at last weeks Cabinet meeting. do. (City ot) 4°/o Bunda 92 94 Coffee at Rio and Santos for the week ending City of Snntos 6 0/n 100 102 do. 1910 6 u/0 105 107 April llth gave ;£ 510.892 as against £ 404.416 for Bello Horizonte 6°/0 Bds Guar 103 105 Manáos (C. of) 6 1/2 »/0 Stg 93 100 the corresponding week last year. For the crop it gave City of Belém (Fará» 5 °>0 Gd. Ba. of 1905.... 88 90 £ 37.464.492 or more than last Pelotas (mun of) 6°/0 Stg loan of 1911. Iss ,£7.890.294 year. 951/2 *,0 Sc. Ali pd 93 95 Deposits at the Caixa de Conversão amounted to 6. Paulo Gld. Ln. 6 u/o- 1908 ll!4 106 Porto Alegre Guar. Sterling. 5°/0 Gold bds.. £ 23.323.741 a decrease of £ 54.467 compared with the Scrip. certa. 1944 üí1 2 951/2 Saturday. City of Pernambuco 5 °/0 Gtd Ln... 1)3 95 previous Portof Bahia 6 »/<, debs Bds Red 901/2 Dl1/2 Porto!' Pará 6 °/0 Gld Bds 971/2 991/2 Railways Brazil Irreal Sqiilberu 7°/0 (."um. Pref 6 t/2 ²Messrs. Brazil Rail. Common Stock 89 91 Seligman Brothers gave notice that the Brazil 6 °/0 non-Oum. Pref. Stk U3 15 coupons of the Federal District of Rio de Janeiro Five Gt. Western of Brazil. Ord 101/4 10 3/4 per ª» 100,001-125,00) 10 101/2 Cent. Loan of 1904, due April lst, were to be paid by them ! » 6u/o Non-Cum. Pref 111 '2 12 ªa 50,001-70,000 11 1/4 113/4 011 and after that date. Leopoldina Limited 72 1/2 ?3 1/3 ²It is announced that the half-yearly interest due . 5 1/2 «/o Pref li 11 1/4 Porto Alegre a Novo Hamburgo 7 °/0 Pref. April lst on the Province of San Paulo (Brazil) Five per Share»...... o 1/2 Kio Claro, 8. Paulo, Limited, Shares 25 26 £787,500 «* 1 Cent. Sterling Loan of 1888 for was to be paid on 8. Paulo, Limited 218 221 and after that date at the couhtinghouse of Messrs. J. ªõ °/o Non-Cum. Pref 114 116 Henry Schrõder and Co. Railway Obligations lira Brazil Gt. HouUiern, 6 °/0 Stl. Mt. Delis. 1893 99 101 !ª6 »/0 811. Mt. Delis. Ked.. 99 101 !> 6 °/n Perm. Deb. Stock.. 96 98 Brazil Ry 4 1/2 olo lst Mt. 60 yr. Gd. Bds.. 8!) 1/2 911 1/2 BUSINESS DONE ON THE RIO STOCK EXCHANGE Qt. Western of Brazil Stock 6°/„ 134 136 !» 4°/o f. 3 92 93 Leopoldina 4 % Deb. Stk Red •/.. 95 1/2 96 1/2 n °/0 Rod., Ias. 98. DURING THE WEEK ENDED APRIL 12tb, 1912. ªTerm lst Debs. Sept. ali pd 102 1/2 103I/j Madeira-Mamorè Ry. 6<»/o60yr. lstMt.Bds, Red. 102 1/2 1041/2 Descri p tion Closing. Mogyana, 6 °/0 Del». Bonda . red 101 103 Do. Sul Mineira Ext. lstMt.6°/0 Stg.Bds. Scp. *y. 103 pd 102 Government Securities. Sales Highost Lowest Closing Previous Di»te á. Paulo, Ltd. ò >/i °/« Debfmt.nr/es titoek 128 125 ªò °/0!(1» 115 117 3 óo/0308 1:027* 1:025$ 1:026$1:028$ Apr. ª4 °/o!>lo 101 103 Apólices > °/0 Loan 19035 1:035$ 1:035$ 1:035$1:031$ » Sorocabana Ry. 4 1/2 lst. Debs. Red. Iss. (union) o/0 88 1/2 State of Rio 4 per cent230 98Í5 98$ 98$598$ u 86 1/2 (Lon. Sep. ali pd.) 87 1/2 Rio Munieipality 19061179 '203$ 202$ 203$202$ S. San Paulo 6 0/° Debs. Red., Scp. fúlly pd... 00 92 Brate oí Minas'72 997$ 996$ 996$993$ Rio Claro, 8. Paulo b u/0 >'«'•• "'«ck 108 110 «/o 100 Apólice (600$)3 1:010$ 1:010$ 1:010$— Brasil N. E. 6 Debs. Red 98 Loan (union) 1909958 1 :011$ 1:010$ 1:011$— Rio Munieipality 190940 195$ 195$ 195$— Bauks Rio Munieipality £20 10 300$ 300$ 300$— British Bank of South America, Limited 30 81 State of Rio 6 °/96 510$ 605$ London A Brazilian Bank, Limited 37 38 54 1/2 State of Minas (500$)8 950$ 950$ London «t Kirer Plate Bank, Limited 63 1/2 Rio Munieipality 1906 nona.140 20515 201$. 2Ó5Í5 — banco Espafiol dei Rio de Ia Plata 17 18 Nictheroy Munieipality114 210$ 207$ 210$ — Shipping Banks. Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. ord 116 119 96. Brazil8(>7 250S 239$ 250$ 240$ Apr 3 ditto 60/0 o -cum Pref. . 94 Mercantil65 268$ 268$ ditto 4 l/2o/o lst. Deu. Red 101 103 99 101 Brazil (fractions)5/40 3.0f 320$ 320$ 320$ Apr. 3 dittoõoí0 Dob. Red Commercial200 '-'47$ 245$ 247$ Pacific Steam Navigation Co Prince Line Ltd 13/16 15/16, Railways and Tramways. Minas S. Jeronymo300 22$ 5 22|5 Apr. 3 Mining 1/8 1/4 Rede Sul Mineira1954 101$ 95$ 95$ 103$ d > Ouro Preto, ord Red Sul Mineira 80ds500 103$ 103$ 25/23 27/32 Ht. Jobn dei Key 1/8 1 1/4 Norte450 78$ 78$ do Pref. 10°/,,. 1 Cotton Mills. Telegraph* Pro«resso Industrial180 360$ 355$ 360$ Amazon Tel: ttharea 1/4 3/4 Carioca100 296$ 296$ °i<> 971/2 991/2 Allianca45 303$ 303$ 303$ 302$ Apr. 3 Do 5 Debs. Red., Scp. ali paid 135/8 Western Tele. Co. shares 131/8 Miscellaneous. dodo4 0/0 dei 99 101 Docas da Bahia 6000 108$ 92$ 9i$ 106$ Apr. 3 Miscellaueons •'.'¦!. l»ocas de Santos 336 600$ 590$ 600$ 590$ )> » 102 e Colonisação1300 » > Cantareira Waterworks 6 „/° deb. 2nd issuo.. 100 Terras lv$5 12$250 12$5 12$ °/0. Loterias Nacionaes150 66} 5 t'<6$ 66$ City of S. Paulo imps. A Frechold Land 6 1/2 Sc. fy. 98 1/2 99 1/2 Loterias Nacion. v/c 30 ds..600 67$ 66$5 lst Mt. Debs. Is«.89 pd 11 112 Docas da Bahia 30 ds.).6400 110$ 96$ 96$ 117$5 Apr. 3 City of Santos Imp. Ord 11 (v/c 10 3/4 11 1/4 Melh. do Maranhão40 45$ 46$ 45$ 48$ D D do No. 50,001-70.000 11 ll2 <12$ 210$ 210$ 211$ Apr. 3 do do do 1882-1901 99 101 Manuf. Fluminenee100 201$ 201$ 201$ 303$ » a do 50/0 dbs. Red. liiOl 99 101 Mercado Municipal50 210$ 210$ 210$ Carioca (Fab.)55 213$ 213$ April lôth, 1012. •v. 436 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW.

BUSINESS DOME 0N THE S. PA01.0 STOCK EXCHANGE Closing Quotations of Brazilian Stocks and Sliares on DITRINU TlllWBIIENDED APBIL llth. 1913. the London Stock Exchange (Cont.j. ^ .•WRiPTiONSalMHlghMt Lowmi Clotlaf FrtvUoi Data

1 Rovarnmflnt Stcuritl**. March 2tsl, 1912. DE CKI1TION . 1 Apol. 8. of S. Paulo 9 serie.011:085* 1.070$ Apo'. S. oi S. Paulo 6 serie.801:070$ 1:070$ 15/16 Itio de Janolro l our Mills Limited 2 13/162 Apol.S. ofS. Paulo 3 serie.1:085$ 1:0:5$ OoMort.deb MU102 •1 3,4 Municipal Loans < S. Paulo GasCo. l.iittitcd 1/4.'.-II 95$ *•,',, 11 1/212 E. SantoL7Q95$ do6 oum. pref Desvalvado1095$ 95* 95$ Debs. 60f'l do5°o (Uegd.) 1/4, Faxina17i'5$ 95$ 95$ Dumont Collee, cr , I» 3,4U Fcs. (V 0 Fos. 11II 1/2 Pirajti100505 .,io7 1*2 Cum pref Jahtl10093$ 98$ 1/2 «...liit. Mor. Deb.... :o:i105 do5 1/4 Itio de Janeiro Trom.. Lif;ht k Powor U9 |/4B120 Banks. ItiodnJ. Trom. Light A Power lst Ml. 30 S. PauloL»8163$ 103$ 5°/„ Gld IM'35 10.J 3/41^3 3/4 Union'-'3518~< 187 i 187$ yrs. 1/4 do 5°|o l«t Ml- Bds. Rod 99 1/4²100 Railways: I má Klool. Rya A I.ljíht 0 3/4—7 l/H 395$ 395$ Apr. 3 1/2 Mogyairi23395$ do 6°/0 >*ref B<) PaulistaL56455$ 455$ 455$ du. ?U,001-U0,000 B5 12 ° l*4'1'- sl^ !¦- 1/3²99 1/2 Miacellanaoua. do 5 o Comp. Molhorumontos...50 183* 188* 18"S Apr. 3 A Power ($100) 197 1/219» 1/1 » » Soo Paul» TramLight CiaMolh. (v/c 30 ds.)200 1901 190$ 190$ do5°/oMt. Delit. Ro0ICI$ 100S H: 100$ Ma mios Hsir. ò °(„ 1)1». {»>:.;, Rd 00²us LuzoF. Jumliahy4010$ Dobs. Reg; IU 9!»» Luz c F. S. Cruz*1098$ 98* do. do. 6°/o" 2ud. do Imp: " cm". P«"b( 1/27 1/2 Aguo <• Es:,'. o/° Dobí. Rod. 8891 Jo Tranw •* I^i_'hi Co {13²96 Fabrica Parafusos2001$ 01$ 17/32 VI. F. K. PauloGoyáz4092$ 92$ Mappin"A Wobb (1008) Ord.... 7í1li²1 do. 6 1/2 e/o Cura. Pr*f 1/321 l/S do. 4 1/2.% lst M' Dob. Reb. Red. 101²103 °/0 ('eriiaiiiimeo Water. 0 1 Db • • • • 98100 do6 °/0 -'"i l»*'1'. Stg. b\is 08²101 Ceut. Bahia Uly. R«g. Trust \A», CorteUed. 8183 ditto "B" Oorts 20²28 BALANCE OF THE CAIXA DE CONVERSÃO 6. Paulo CotTet- 7% Oum. Pref 0—6 1/2 ditto bY.% Mt Mt. Deb. Red 102²104 SATl UDAY. Apr.11 13th 1912. Nijtichatel A»|»lmlte Ord 1,2 do ó P o cum Pref 5/8²10 lj8 Net amount (total ready for emission) á8,^Í':-n^_v! Vnf d»» Travòrs Asphalt Pnving I 1/161 8 16 Pubsidiary coin. balancr in hand a:\)ri9l6-- .düò"/„ Do!.. Stk. Rod 90²101 Cash. eol-i in deposit £14 .058.827-0-0... 210.882:405S000 Francs, 61.903.810 36.817.:.Í'JÜÍI4'I Mark.-. 2:5.613.700 17.33õ:93l$789 Milreis eold (Brazilian). 300:730$000S''7:481$87o Dollars. 27.087.095 83.488:8765210 fesos (Ar*entine), 130.380387:7048002 Crowns. 9.370 ,^'SÍt!S?Í ON THE PARIS BOURSE. (Spanish). 723.360 4á0:§?wSoni QUOTATIONS Peaetas 4to l.iras :~»10 AJátylVo 349.8^0:,-,mkw> lloifBnJ March lOth, 1912. (loverntnoht responsibility18*'-'Í^?-:-£a!_K? "_ STATI AND MUNICIPAL LOANS. üiíTcronce iu gold.'Jl?__ Franci 418 019:670$000 Bra/.iluin Oold l.oan 4 1/2 °/' 1883 97.80 101 4 1/í <*/• 1888 .f.O Crtdlt Balance*. .'4 1/2 IS89 i'0 6 % 180» 100.0o Notes issued 567.364.0308000 6 o/ 1898 Funding 105105 l.ess retircd and replaced 198.177:160$U00 o' Recision "102.408.8.80 %' 190J of Rio) (Port 104.30 cir?u.'"toD:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=^^^SS ,;•.."'.,. fi % 190S Brazil Nf. W. Railway) rí"ecU" °i Pernambuco) 506 Subsidiary coin recèived from Treasury 18:0008000 5 (Port of 4 36 4 o,\ 1910 (Goyaz Railway) .. •13-2 ¦1 " 418.049:670$000 „ 1911 ¦\il eent. Alagoas. .State ;". per 1906 450 ou April I3tb, 1912. State n 1900 Th- ««.ir in the Caixa de Conversão Saturday, Amazonas, per cent. ;;07 at tho rale or >«d to £23,323,741 Bahia. State ,imot„aTed ?o 349".síílie&i equivalent 500 tho Saturday. Bahia. State 1010 ¦IR-' or £64,407 less than ou previous Bah.a. Municipal ô per cent. 1905 Ccnrá Sinto 5 Q|P 19J0 464.75 Wapirito Siitito, Stat*s 5 per cent, 1894 ;Vl3 Dilto5 per cent. HK)8 4F7 Maninliíio State 1910•. 433 MJuas Sinto 1907 510 . 191(1 •UU: múmtü Minas 1011 460iOC Pa»:i. State ó eent. 503 5»«k per Pará Murijcipalltj 420 485 Paraná, State 5 por cent DO BRAZIL Pernamliitco. State 5 ncr cent. 1905 •'.TI BANCO Pernambuco. Stiitc f> per Vcent. priv'. 4T3 tllo G-ràhdò do Norte Sinto; 442 BALANCE SHEKT. March 30lh 1912. 8. Paulo. State 5 per Cent. 1905 500 Do.5 per cent. 1907 503 50 Aaaeta., „ l)o.fi per cent. 1908 500 25 200$O0O^JKlKRoiO 125.000 shares of MO Apólice, as guarantee for Reserve Fund ,.,(2424.564$ RAILWAY PORT8, etc. Accounts current guaranteed $'5?-;a§wS$ Bills di.-counted 3í^l?í§Í rrceivable ‡a>'&rfi 4T1 Bills o;W5 Brazil Rnilwny (ord. :.' Sécuiities held in guarantee‡rt^.uS Brazil Itáíi way 5(30 deposited by third parttes .is^àn:y'^•; 407.50 Sccúritie-i 17 » 4 \\2 °.'od'çb Agents in Brazil and Europe .(81.411:5.4$. Cie. General de fornambut-o 37G Brazilinn Fòdoral Rmlvvay^ 5 0(0 470.50 -^^cooo aV*»7d*'':::::::::::::^:^''i»4oo^$õóô Ooyaz Railway fi ptr cent 456 rtl'ií^...' 3.240:7718362 inntr -';,13.730:9~1.«3(>2 .Korth of Brazil Railway 5 per cent 378.56 420 North West of brasil Railway 5 per cent Bonds in liqudation ••••••••••••^Ív-ooíS Paraná' Railway (North) 5 per cent 4 ir. .üíd Furniture of the Bank .4 00PJ0O- Bu-1 fIng J Í." Paulo Rio Grande Railway Bonds lst „>ries 470 Accounts .* series 455 Svíndry dittoditto2i.u Ca sn V.V.V.^^.V.V/.V,';.":...IkSÍÚffifà dittoditto»rd series 455» dittoditto4th (Itararo') series . 453 668.976:5'«6$010 ditto.ditto5th (S. Francisco) serie» 45'i Ltabilitieí. ditto No-Io'do Ss Paulo 441 70 00O: onosono Capital '.'.4i5: of Brazil 4 RI 1978933 doulíi 139 Reserve Fund ."."i""!' Sotilli oi Brazil 50|0 2iul serie without interest 48 234: 2>1$587 4áS.50 Accounts (urrent South West of Bahia 6 per cent .urrent with interest 92.932: 0178430 4 li-' Acrounts 190: (K)4$1H0 Victoria and Minas bonds lst series Account.t- .-urrent abroad Minas bonds 2nd series 435 ^urrent at fixed dates 0.232::873$240 Victoria nnd 438 Accounts c.'87.492::521$200 to Diamantina Agents in Brazil and abroad Ourrulihlio 49; 12.987::4158"3i> Itio de Janeiro Tratmvnys Bills at p>emium 4Ü5 uèiSii:1488615 'Port of Bahia 5* per cento; "• '"fcort 472 120 581::716$-61 nf !'«»¦» r» üer cont current -.4388205 6 0/0 405 Federal Tieasury Accounts 271. 9 944: do. Prof. 458 Exchange Account, .1,000.000 at 8.888::888$380 ... do.(deb.) Federal Troasury -.9008000 230 ••••; 68 do. ord Bônus .00 '.'¦.¦'". ' ' ' ' 549 of lhe Baa.í 526 : 0110$ ¦ 500 Ir» Dividends Port of Rio Grande, priv. 4211 Accounts 3.095 :986S53õ of Rio Grande honds Sundry »••••** Port 445 ProQt and Loss 805 16ü$200 facondeiros do S. Paulo 407 Sucrcrics du Brégll C68.07(5:546$016 ¦' Rio de Ia Plata 4Í4 »:.v- Espanot dei 604.50 Brésll AÍfredo:Corréa Credit Foncicr du Rio de Janeiro. Atrii 811.. 1912,-Joâo dç oliveiI.a. do 460 Do. do. (deb.) 489 President; A. Mesquita. Chief Acconutaat. B*noo Credito Hypothecario 8. Paulo April 16th, 1912. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. Si "7

BRA8ILIANI8CHI LONDON AND BRAZILIAN BANK, LIMITED BANK FUR DEUT8CHLAND BALANCE SHEET OF THE BAHIA BRANCH; Capital «8,808,0«> March BOlli, 1011. „(J Capital paMmp 1.000,000 Assets. ¦ :'y:A'\ Reter** Food i.oco.ooo Account! current guaranteed 3.327:32fl*32ò Billa receivable '.'.4.406; 102*428 BALANCK BHEET OF THE 8. PAULO BRANCS". Bills discounted 2.1ftO:8l8$l«0 \2 Bills und Securities pledged4.516:8l0$ò7'J Including the Agency ai Braz. Reenrities deposited.*.73:3068280 Sundry Accounts March 203:90012.31 30th 1912. Ca?h: Currency 1.21 l::r 08330 Assets. I6.&6VÍD218ÍCO LUbliities.-;- BiMs dl counted 7.135:I25$810 Account current l,279:nl4$CÍ2ft Bil.s recvivuble 22.64õ:4.'4$õ70 Deposits flxed and with advice 3.711:2168110. Loa rs. Aicoutitc current. etc21.450:01!$680 Securities pledged and iu depoMt and vclueu receiv- Acccvnts with Head Office and Branches 8.309:411$780 able for account of third pnrties £.9F8:890|46O Becurrtes ir deposit 03.100:5981480 Accounts with heaa office, branches and corres- Sundry Accounts &2ü:7li5$2i0 pondents1.557:8 98814 Caah: li Cuircncy 8.ít'i3:45'.'S0:;O Sundry Accounts3vl:l76tOo? _*-~ 15i5.f)S)o-:70$ü30 16.888:6 iljMoe.

Liabilitles. Bahia. April 8rd, 1912—.E. and O. E. Hcede. p. p. Ravricho Directore

Deposits: Accounts curren!. with and without interestP'. 630:0178000 LONDON AND RIVER PLATE BAMK, LIMITED Deposits ílxec paio' with advice 13.982-.891 $580 Securities pled.wd and in deposit 93.I00:59s$480 Authorised Capital £4.000.000 , Accounts with Head Office and Branches 4.205:0708320 Paid Up Capital I.SOO.OfO Sundry AccounU 25.65i>:i'.418490 Reserve Fund 2.000.000 i Bills payable 20:442$71O BALANCE SnEET OF THE PERNAMBUCO BRANCH.. 156.596:2708680 Ffbruarv‡ 29ih, 1912 * Assets.'. S. Paulo. April 6lh, 1912— For tho London and Brazilian Bank Lltl Bills discounted 5.523:0158420 Signcd) F, Ford. Manager; A. O. <... Blako, Accountant. Bills receivable o 9Q7:'280f 400 Loans, Accounts guaranteed, etc1.4I9:3C5$Í\20 Sundry Accounts I>9:3iOjj0tóO Head Office, Branches and Agencies 1.855:0444770 Sundry securities, Accounts current guaranteed, etc...ô.364.88017)0 Cash: In current money 2.219- S4SIIO30 THE BRITISH BANK OF S3UTH AMERICA. LIMITED. 23.478.3848130- Liabilitles.,.- Capital, 75,000 shares. £20 each £1,500.000 of this branch 500:0008UÔO Capital paid up 750,000 Capital Reterve Fund S50,00ü Deposits at flxed dates2.H08:93833ÜO Accounts current with and without interest l».4O!i:700Í72O; 80*360. I5ALANCE SHEET OF THK S 1 \ÜLO BRANCH. Sundry Accounts 7.014:: Securities pledged and in deposit :>.HG4':fS0$7tÍ> March 31st, 1912. Head Office, Branches and Agencies |.820:6SI8020 Asa.'.ta. 23;478:3S4$»30' '. Bills discounted 5.04 S:3I8í310 E. & O. E. — Pernambuco. M-irch 6lhl.9l For the London and River Bills receivable 9.526:101 $270 Plate Bank, Limited — (Signed) Henry It. Shortò Manager, II. Oi Snjallpo:cc« Loans, Accounts pledged, et'c7'..7.806:2115140 Accountant. Accounts v»ith Heid Office and Branchss 2.062:4073690 Collatcrals, etc33.194:9305790 BRA8ILIANISCHE BANK FUR DEUT8CHLANU Sundry Accounts 143:009$.11.0 C.tsh In hand 4.S45:397*E00 BALANCE SHEET OP T1IB BRANCH AT PORTO ALEGUE. 62;20n:435$8l0 March 3v>tli--, 1912. Assets. etc3.4r 3:227*430 Liabilitles. AccounU current guaranteed; Bills rcooivable2.560:1078987 476:8015410 Central Account 11.554:9398130 Bills discounted3 Mills pledged»<62 921.8.100 Depois flxed 3.233:8Jg 111*280 Accounts with Head Office and Branches 6.6 0:410*089 Securities. pledged2.002: Securities deposited141 :.968$94.|) Bills payable- J~:h í™ at home and nbroad4 ,258:421$5'>2 V/ó--: Correspondents Securit.es pledged mwt Cash: Incurrcncy'..98:3548995 Bills aid Securities in dejosit 2J'^:;:Í!?Ma 9.ift>80 Sundry Accounts hM:, 18.702. «180*054 í)2.1Í06:4tí5*810 Liabilitles.¦ Accounts current101:657*200 Deposits fixod and will» advice7..004:0.118452 Ltd, S. Paulo, April 6th, 1912.- Forjlu: British Bank oi South America Securities pledged and n dep sit and values rcceivahlc (Siguefl); F. S. Speers, acting Nlanage-r, A. K. Spens, Actg. Acco iintatiL for account of third parties6:567:1 758257 llead Offlce and Àgcrils4.348:.9168.873 Sundry AccounU81:219*872 18.702:9tÒ$654


Capital Frs. 25,000,000 Reserve Fund Frs. 7,560,000 €toffee ptxrket HEAD OFFICE: PARIS COFFEE ENTRIES. Branches:- Silo Paulo, Rio do Janeiro, Santos, Çtintyba. Agencies:- Ribeirão i'reto, S. (Jirltis, BolucaLü, Espirito Santo «io Pinhal, hitin, In bags of 60 kilos Mococa, S. José do Rio Pardo, and Ponta Grossa. Sub Agency: Br.iz (S. Paulo) FOR THEWÉÈK ENDEI) FOR THE CKOP TO BALANCE SHEET OF BRANCHES, ETC, in Brazil March 31st, 1912 RiO A r. 11 A pr. 4 Apr. 13 | Apr. II Apr. 13 1912 1912 1911 ! 1912 1911 A e seta. V CaBb . .. . 19.220:45-'$500 22.324 30.76:* 15.377 1.733,707 1.680.404 Billa discounted'"..'.'.'.'...'..'.".28.033:4.0$0£0 Central H'y | Bills receivable 18.703;304$650 Lei poldino R'y 198.33a Bills pledged ll.cil:805$420 1.583 1.720 24 40.965 814:066841 u Inland. 4.703, 3.842 179. i:'-6 157.495 Guaranteed Accounts 25 Coastwise, dischargod .. Agents in Brauil 21.801:67õ$275 Agents abroad3.919:141$110 32.483 19.243! 1.953.808 1.946.23» Accounts with Head Office and BranchesI.O41:944$900 Total 28.610 Translerr d from Rio to i Securities iu depo»it 117.075.8Í7J790 34.028 Sundry accountsl. 002: 212$960 Nictheroy 452 636 53.630

.'49.473:8318» 35 Net Entries at Rio 28.158 31.941 19.243 1.900.172 1.911.608 Coastwise, in transit.... Liabilitles. «fc Nictheroy from Rio '..04.7 Leopoldina, Ry 3.087 3.036 287.539 32 Capital (Frs. 12,500,000) oi Brazil Branches7.500 ooosooo Head, Office, and Branches 9651710 4.040 Total including Special Reserve Fund 72 506S910 Rio, 35.583 19.243 2.187.711 2.233.250 (Pension Nictheroy A transit. 31.245 Bills on premlum24.981 444$Ó40 70.314 67.141 25.215 9.258.212 7.;ô3.L2> Deposits and current accounts with and without Total Santos: Interest 45.516 5761150 •44.458 Agents abroad 10.7H1 6298320 Total Rio A Santos. 101.559 102.724 11.445.923 0.986.373 Bills for collection 31 yi-> 8588360 pepwita;..,17;075 877.1790 Sundry AccounU 8.941 Ü92S255 The coast arrivals for tho week euded April llth, 1912 were from : 3.000 249.473:851 $035 Alc»i>ai;a Macahé 1 òõO S. João da Barra 153 S'. Paulc, 6th April, 1912.—For the Banco Francese e Italiana por PAmer .,, 4.703 ica dei Sudv—(ÃrKTredy^Frorrtiiriv—BoízaBO,- Directors. S. Sampo, Accountant. Tot ¦ ¦ ' f. 4pril 16th, 1912. 438 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. m TO COFFEE EXPORTERS rVlVV

will We manufacture Machines which ¦,'.-'f 9YYV* •' FILL, WEIUH and SEW BAGS OF COFFEfi READY FOR EXPORT,

security ,* ^H IIÉk_B^_i_p^^_K correct weights and absolutely ' ilt*V^ÊZ9m Hsl i_i They ensure ¦^3t _^_p_r_ni _j_i i ht b r• **cb_E*_«3_n_fi_t^~M __blE9h%?__UM9H__S__i_M|_E^H_n/J^_lH_v_H_P>'_H_H _H_^_H__EI_*J__H¦¦HHVÉH. f__H _W!TrY¦•__¦_^P^í_i 9 ^^^Qi9^_ébmB of the Coffee, tr _V^_Dl_HÍ_Hkw'' I _í^F*""^^_i_M-_I _H£3rafl**&;W - .k^r;. ^H^H_H_^_, >á_B'-*'í'- ¦ ¦ æ¦ ¦ • TIME AND LABOUR • ¦ æ• • ¦ THEY ALSO SAVE

For particulars write THE SACK FILLINC AMO SEWINC MACHINE SYNDICATE, LIMITED, Lane. London, E. C, 60, Marlc ^"^Sf^P^__|_Í_^_^_^ * ^^^^£"^/^ __jr^ _^_E_r IR ENGLAND.

for the Crop to Apr. llth, 1912. :no total ontriaa by Iho úiífereut S. Paulo Railways COFFEE LOADED (EMBARQUES). were as follows Romaining Per kilos. Total at«t . In bagB of 60 Past Sorocabana Total at S. Paulo Santoss. Paulo Jundiahyand otbors Apr. llth, 1912. 9 -.'38.009 9.25S.2I2— OURlNE THE WEEK ENDINO 1911/1"12 8.002.9181.175.141 7.705.03L 7.753.123— 1910/11)11 6.631.7241.073.307 FOR TUE CROP TO DURING WEKK ENDED __^-^—

1912 I 1911 1912 1911 1912 ! Apr. 13 COFFEE SAILED Apr. li! Apr. 4 Apr. 1; Apr. 11 WERE CONSICNED TO TK- ÍU.RINO THE WEEK ENDINO Apr. 1 lth. 1912 6-2,015 40.050 1.842,081 1.801,974 POLLOWING DirriNATlON»:- 32,7t5õ Rio 2,177 12.174' 226,875 199.868 Nictheroy Iobaat of 60 kiloa In transit Rio including Nictheroy Total 34,942 74.789 40,050 2 068,í>56 1.001,842 & transit 7.940,105 8.212,013 KUHOrKi! liive-R I ,OTHEÜT0TAIjCBOI» 94,931 94,931 93,033 ™™ mk.mtkr.|coa8T|^^I oavk,oktsAT . DATE Santos PORTS j 133,083 10.009,061 10 2Í3.855 Total Rio & Santos. 129.S73 169.020 '2,050 » >."UV R*° r.» - .-]" BB972VH7-.uio.888 Santos... 74,7nUi 20,3.10 -,H31

4,60á 1,2771-7,1279.926.120 1911/1912 87.40o| 31.848 1,994 as follows 1 to April llth, entries for the last ton years wore .,89710.024.6:6 üf l.OOol 37,746 8.427 4,762 3501.0125 1910/1911 10,720,840 190248 9,660,324 1908-04 tf,ü8.=>,416 1904-06 9,143,252 1996-06 16,730.533 FOREIGN STOCKS 1906-07 9.565,955 1907-08 11,590,177 1908-09 In Bngs of 60 kilos 14,201,301 1909-10 9,973,7r3 1910-11 Apr. 0,1912 Mar. 30/1912 Apr. 7/1911 11,445.923 1911-12 1.935,000 1,987,000 2,199,000 Unitod Stntos Ports. 1.H67.000 2.*82,000 2,011,000 Havre Both 4,3'-'.UOJ 4.363,001' 4,710,000 OWN STOCK. '.)7,ü00 78,000 OUR Deliveries United Stat»s 119,000 Visible SuppÜy et Unitoil BAQ3 OF 60 KILOS 2,3 0,000 2,299,000 2,;Kl8.000 IN States ports •2^8.729 RIO: Stock on Apr. 4thVí'i,,'w' 2S.158 SALES OF COFFEE. Eutries during week ouded April lltn. 266.887 * . April llth, 1912. DUUINO TllE WEEK ENDING • 32.765 Loaded «Embarques», for Lhe week April 11/1912Apr. 4 In.2 April 13 1911 234.122 STOCK IN RIO ON April llth 21,759 26,912 27,272 and Porto da Ma-.laina on •Kio Stock at Nictheroy 37.301 22.35- 30,983 73.110 Apr. 4th ^SíUtos. .. on Apr. 4t.h.•••••* 100.392 ¦ Afloat 61.400 44,511 57.895 at Nictheroy total embargues inclu- Total. Entries plus 38.029 ding transit 136.730 value of Coffee cleared for Foreign Porte. Doduct : embarques at Nictheroy, Porto da Ma- ENDINO April llth, 1912. dama and Vianna and sailings during the OURINQ THI WIEK 32 351 week ., t llth.... 104 379 8TOCK IN NICTHEROY AND AFLOAT April toApr. 11 NICTI1 EROY Apr. 11 Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr. Crop STOCK IN Ut and 2nd 11ANDS and THOSE AT ON April llth 338.501 _——_—»I II ¦ —«¦» and AFLOAT on April 4th...... • • • ‡•.924.622 SANTOS Stock 70.314 Bags Kags £ Bsgs£ Entries for week ended April iHli 27,910 102,029 103.315 380,0501.812,5396.406,044 .994.936 94.931 Rio Loaded embarques during same week. 97.223 I15.0S-9 390.72D 403 0357.910.72730 .248,005 005 Santo» "494JQ0"i ON April llth... 1.900 e43.0859.723,26636 714,649 STOCK IN SANTOS Total 1911/1912.. 126,133 217, WS 2.238.506 Stook in H10 and Santos ou April llth 1912. -.62.452 on April 4th 1912. 2. •do 1910il9U... 48,470 95,939 147,464 3.2,0359.781,63428.602,4;66 oudo nndo oa April 13'h 1911. 1.925.946 April 16th, 1912. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 439

HAINPALL ON THK I.F.»IM»I.I»|\ \ HA HAVAÍ Entries at Rio and Santos for the week ending April llth r 101,559 bags, as agninst 102,724 bags last (In hundredths of an inch). week, and 44,458 bags last yenr. For the crop stations DAYS up to April llth, they amounted to 11,445,923 G 8 11 12 bags, as against 9,086,373 bags last year. Cachoeiras 45 IU 50 18H Shipments at Rio and Santos for the week ending April Cordeiro * * l'J Sumidouro 51 llth were 129,873 bags, as against 169,020 Capivary 54 ió 222 Maciihó HO 02 bags last week, and 133,083 bags last year. Triumpho L25 to April llth embarques Campos 83 20 For the crop up Tahy 30 19 40 to 10,009,061 bags as against Trez Irmftos, amounted Porto Novo 2ÓÒ 10,213.855 bags lastt Cataguazes year. Porciuncula 40 Value of shipments at Rio and Santos for flie week Santa Luzia...... 70 F.O.B. Mar de Hospanha. 02 25 ending April llth was £510,802, as against Hic.is 3 Arflal 2ü £643,049 last week, and £404,416 last year. Muquy 30 Itapemirin 10 For the crop up to April llth the value Mathilde 03 50 20 Victoria 23 'Ò amounted to £37,464,402 as against Casiello lt> 49 Alegro 10 10 £29,574,198 last year. Itaperunn Süíes otf 44.111 bags were declared at Rio and Santos for the week ending April llth, as against 58,895 i* bags last week, and 100,382 bags last year. for the week were as follows: — Average Prices COFFEE PRICE CURRENT. April llth, 1912 April 4th. 1912 April 13th, 1911 Dnrlnç th« Wetk ending April 4th. 1912. Rio No. 7, 10 kilos ... 8$611 8$GÍU 0S637 Superior Santos 8$500 8S500 6$::H7 Apr. Apr. j Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.Aro- DESCRIPTION 5 6 I 8 9 10 11ragi;. New York No. 7 (cts.) 14.53 14.69 11.96 Stock at Rio and Santos on April llth amounted to RIO — 2,238,506 bags, as 2,262,452 bags last 8.78:*. 8.783 8.815 8.7838.782 against MarketN.6.10 kilo- 8.«lá 8.715— week, and 1.925,946 bags last 8.047 8.647 8.57Õ 8.6478.611 year. ªN.7.> » 8.57o 8.579— 8.511 8.611 8.443 8.6118.477 ‡N.8.» » 8.443 8.448— 3.376 8.376 8 3»0 8 3758.310 N.9.' » 8.306 8.306— CROP. tJANTOS— ROBUSTA COFFEE X.5008.500 10 kilos... 8.600 8.50'> áuperior pet 7.800 7.8007.800 üood Arerage 7.-(00 According to the estimates of the 1913 Java crop re- N. YORK, -«r Ib. by New York importers, the total of robusta 14 1/2 14.63 ceived yield «•«•'i- 14 6/8 14 1/2 14 1/2; 3pot N.  14 1/4 14 l/i 14 1/4 14.28 coffee will be only 274.000 piculs. Since the picul is about > >  14 :j/8 Options— 13.87 of 274,000 bags. With • 13.82 13.841 13.90 13.961 136 pounds this means the equivalent » May.... 13.93 13'-: 98 14.0t1 13.96 » » 13.91 coffee, July.... 14.02 14.02 14.08 14.13 14.06 Java producing 90 per cent at present of the robusta i Sept.... > the total for next would not be over 300.000 bags. year HAVKK, p*r 60 kilot estimates were 110,000 later For this year's crop the piculs, Optionsfranca. 86.t0 84.76 86.76 64.12 increased to 113,000 The estimates for other Java » May... » 84.25 83.75 84.76 63.18 piculs. . July... » 84.50 84.00 85.00 84.50 » coffees for 1913 are 73,000 piculs Liberians and 248,00r !Sept... Javas. HAMBÜKO^r'1, k. Optionspfennige t.8.00 67.75 58.00 64.58 » May... » 68.75 68.25 68.75 68.68 » July... » 69.25 68.50 69.00 68.9L «The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal» for March says: — • Sept... It is known that Mr. Norris is holding in abeyance certain LONDON. per cwt. 62/3 for attacking the monopoly by means of tariff options... shillings 62 f'3| 61/6 62/6 plans coffee !May... » 62/- '.1)9 62/9 62/6 Ways i July... > til/61 iJL/6 62/9 61/11 regulations. He had intended asking the House of !Sept... > H and Means Committee to report out a resolution for an amendment to the Payne law, which would have t.ie effect of discriminating against Brazilian coffee and giving pre- ference to the product from ali other parts of the world. MANIFESTS OF COFFEE He has other tariff , among them one shutting plans JANEIRO qut ali Brazilian coffee. Ali these he is at present with- RIO DE holding, men with whom he has D1NG APRIL llth. 1912. partly because the coffee DURING THE WEEK EN Baga been in communication have. not made up their mind as Shippers Total Date. Veesel and Destination to what course they think ought to be and & Co.2.500 pursued, partly Orleans Mc. K. Schmidt 6-OANNING—N. Roberto do Couto2.000 because, it is believed, he has hopes of action by the De- Ditto- ;;" •••••*•••••• Eugen Urban & Co2.000 of Justice. Ditto- lícrmann Basch1.650 partment Ditto- Hard, Rund & Co 1.500 Ornstein & Co 1.250 Ditto— ;" Norton Megaw & Co... 500 Ditto- Castro Silva & Co 500 Messrs. E. B. Harral's circular of March 19th says: — Ditto— " Ad. Schmidt & Filho... 250 Ditto- Oscar Marques & Co... 250 Ditto— Receipts are running ahead of expectations, but the bulls " Pinto * Co 250 12.650 receipts Ditto- claim that bearish activity is responsible. The full Sequeira & Co 200 interior and also CORDTLLERE—Montevideo Castro Silva & Co. 109 are being offset by large deliveries to the Ditto— Wille & Co. 206 515 Ditto—Buenos Aires •• Theodor by unfavourable prospects for crop 1912-13. Some is favourable -BSPÁGNE-Marselles 1.000 authorities claim that the weather in Brazil ••••¦•••••- 5^212: 250 Dltto~- Oo 500 trees, and that, while this cannot help the crop of Ditto—'••• ornstein & for the Castro Silva & Co 500 Ditto—" & Co.. 500 1912-13, it may lead to a large crop 1913-14. We feel Ditto—"  Eugen Urban Ornstein A Co 750 have not Ditto—Smyrna 500 that there are now few trees in Brazil which Ditto—" Hermann. „ Basch., ,, , & Cp 75 of fullest bearing, and, until large districts Ditto-Tneboli,,...... Qrnstoin 125 passeei the age Ditto- O-nstem & Co Ornstein & Co... 250 can be brought into bearing, Brazilian Ditto—Oonstantinople "i-rninnn of new plantations Ditto- Basch 125 crops will tend to constantly decreasing yields. Ditto— Eugen Urban & Co. 750 440 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. April 16th, 1912.

Ditto—Bône .....Ornstein A Oo 50 MAGELLAN -Bordeaux Société P. Bresilienne625 Ditto—Gibraltár Ornstein A Oo 250 Ditto- Naumann Gepp A Co...250 Ditto—AlKlere Castro Silva A Co.. 250 Ditto— Nossack A Oo250 Ditto— " Eujren Urban à Co. 125 Ditto- Bezerra Paes & Co...120 Ditto—Salonica Castro Silva A Co 250 Ditto— " Antunes Santos A Co...40 Ditto—Oran Hcrmann Basch 375 Ditto— A. Bastos A Co8 Ditto—Tainrior Eugen Urban A Co. 100 6.725 Ditto— Antônio P. Campos10 1.305 9.-M. WABHINGTON-Trieste Pinto & Co 523 Ditto- Dias Garoia & Co 250 ll.-WELLEGUNDE-N. York Leon Israel A Bros. 2.000 Ditto- P. Gaffrée 250 Ditto— Geo Rosenheim1.750 ' M Ditto— Theodor Wille A Co1500 Ditto- Theodor Wille A Co 1.363'¦ Ditto- Ornstein & Co 61 Ditto- Socirté F. Bresilienne1.000 Ditto- Pinheiro A Ladeira. 791 Ditto- Whitaker Brotero A O.773 Ornstein A Co 125 3.916 Ditto— Naumann Gepp A Co...500 Ditto—Barcelona Ditto—Consumpt. on board Theodor Wille A Co...1 7.524 9.- -MAOELLAN—Mostaganem Hormann Basch. 375 Ditto—Trebieonde Hormann Basch. 125 T. Dl SAVOIA—B. Aires R. Alves Toledo. 300 Ditto—Oran Hormann Basch. 250 750 10—VOLTAIRE-Montevideo Pinto A Oo 100 Totiil Exterior.. 97.223 Ditto—Buenos Aires Ornstein A- Co 550 Ditto— " Eugen Urban & Co 1.000 Ditto— ""Norton Megaw A Co. 300 1.950 ORONSA—Talcabuano Theodor Wille & Co 100 Ditto—" Eugen Urban A Co 200 Ditto—Corral Eugen Urban & Co.... 200 Ditto— Valparaizo Eugen Urban à Co 200 jPItp? Ditto—Coquitnbó Pinto & Co 75 Ditto—P. Arenns Eügen Urban & Co.... 30 Ditto—" Norton Megaw & Co. 472 1.277 Entries of sugar at Pernambuco during the month of February, 1912, amounted to 194,441 bags, as against 11. -SAVOIA—Genoa Sundry 2 Ditto—Palcrmo Oastro Silva A Co. 125 127 312,013 bags for the same month last year, a decrease of Total Exterior. 27.910 117,572 bags. The amount of sugar exported from Per- nambuco during February, 1912, was 10,819 tons, of which -ITAPUOA—R. Grande Oastro Co. 70 " Silva & 8,793 tons to the South, 1,677 to the North, 326 abroad, Ditto— Jlugen Urban & Co. 30 Ditto—Pelotas Pinto & Co 25 125 and 22 coastwise in small quantities. ALAGOAS—Manáos Pinto Sc Co 150 Ditto— Zenha Ramos â Co. 93 240

ACRE—Corumbá Dias Garcia A Co. 100 Ditto— " Freitas Oliveira 20 120 10. -ITAPERUNA—Pelotas Castro Silva & Co 50 éutím j)Ht," Eugen Urban A Co 60 Ditto—" Pinto A- Co 40 Ditto—" Sequeira A Oo 80 Ditto—P. Alegre Ad. Schmidt & Filho... 49 Ditto— " Mc. Sehmidt. A Co 400 679 Entries of cotton at Pernambuco during the month of February, 1912, amounted to 29,609 bales, as against 29,690 8. PAULO-Manáos Sequeira á Co 305 Ditto— Pinto & Co 40 bales for the same month last year, a decrease of 80 bales. Ditto—Pará Theodor Wille A Co. 485 830 The amount of cotton exported from Pernambuco during Total coastwise.. 19§4 February, 1912, was 1,684 tons, of which 1,256 to the South, 6 tons to the North, and 422 abroad. SANTOS DURING THE WEEK EN D1NG APRIL llth. 1912. 2—ARAGUAYA—Southampton Naumann Gepp A Co... 1.250 Ditto- Geo Rosenheim 1.197 Ditto—London Nauman Gepp A Co... 750 fhhroiitjj Ditto— "  Companhia C. de Café 500 Ditto— Hard, Rand A Co 250 3.947 THE FREIGHT MARKET. ASTUKIAS-B. Aires Krische A Co 1.681 Argentine- Rates are rapidly rising in the Brazilian 4.—HALLE—Antwerp C. F. Uma A Co. 2.000 trade, owing to the high for coal. We append current Ditto— Krische A Co. 500 prices Ditto— Roxo A Co 500 quotations : — Ditto— Hard. Rand A Co 500 Ditto— Geo Rosenheim 250 To Bahia and Pernambuco 22s. To Pelotas 24s. To Ditto— Companhia E. de Café 188 Porto Alegre 28s. To Antonina 16s. To Florianapolis Ditto— Zerrenner Bülow A Co. 1 3.939 16s. To Itajahy 30s. To San Francisco 17s. To Para- A.—ITAL1E—B. Aires Roxo A Co. 162 naguá 16s. To Pio Grande 16s. To Santos 16s. To 6.-ESPAGNE Marseilles Michaolsen Wright A 0.750 Rio 16s. Ditto— Roxo A Cd750 Ditto— Nossack & Oo500 With ls. to ls 6d. extra from up river ports. Ditto— Companhia C de Café500 «The Times of Argentina,» April 1, 1912. Ditto— " Geo Rosenheim125 2.625

BYRON- ¦N. York Companhia 0. de Café 1.562 Ditto- Hard, Rand A Co 1.000 Ditto- Custar Trinks A Co... 741 3.303 3.-CANNING-N. Orleans Hard, Rand A Co10.042 PERSONAL NEWS. Ditto— " Companhia E. de Café8.935 Ditto— Leon Israel A Bros...8.500 Ditto— Société F. Bresilienne6.250 Arrivals and Departures Ditto- Companhia O. de Café4.498 Ditto— Naumann Gepp A Co...4.000 Ditto— Ed. Johnston A Co3.230 ArrivaU Ditto— Krische A Co2.500 Ditto— Michaeleen Wright A 22.250 Ditto— Theodor Wille A Oo...2.000 By the s.s. Oronsa from Liverpool on April 9th—D. Ditto— O F. Lima A Co1 958 Strong, E. Prest, E. Rey, H. Martin. Ditto— Geo Rosenheim1.852 Ditto— Nossack A Co250 By the s.s. Amazon from Buenos Aires on April lOth— Ditto—N York Companhia O. de Café2 500 Block, A. Thomas Dowell, Ditto— " Leon Israel A Bros1.750 P. and family, E. Mr. and Mrs. Ditto- " Geo Rosenheim1.500 W. Peters, A. Kenworthy, Walter Young, S. Boyes, J. Ditto- " Theodor Wille A Co...1.000 Ditto— " Güstáv Trinks A Co...908 63.923 MacKnight, B. W. Duder, E. G. Nelson, W. Allen, G. Gregory, W. Mace. 6.-BOLOGNA-GenoaCompanhia E. de Café500 Ditto— " Cerquilho Rinaldo50 Departures. Ditto— " S. . Martinelli5 Ditto— " Sundry 31 586 By the s.s. Amazon for Southampton on April lOth— board Antônio P. Campos. 6.—CORDILLERE—Cons. on 10 E. J. McCarthy, E. Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. 9—AMAZON-Southampton Krische A Co 250 Geddes, N. Cooper, E. Rink, E. H. Braksopp. 8.-M. WASHINGTON-Trieste Société F. Bresilienne1.750 By the s.s. Oronsa for Callao on April lOth—G. Wat- Ditto— Miehaelscn Wrierht A O.1.486 Ditto- C. F. Lima A Oo1.250 son, G. Falkstein, G. H. Turner, A. J. Thompson. Ditto- Hard, Rand A Oo1.184 By the s.s. Ortega for Liverpool on April 12th—Mrs. Ditto- iNaumanh Gepp A Co...1.000 Ditto- F.d; Johnston A Co500 Berry," C. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Geddes, E. P. W. Ditto- Companhia O. de Café500 7.670 Du ri or. P April 16th, 1012. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 441


During the week ending April llth, 1911. During the week ending April llth, 1911. ü 6.—ANNA, Brazilian s s. 364 toiiH. from Florianópolis. . Apr. 3.— ITALIE, French s.s. 2471 tons, from Marseilles. Apr. •SÍRIO. 6. BYRON, British s.s. 2526 tona, from Santos. 3.- Brazilian s.s. 554 tons, from Rio de Janeiro. s s. 873 tona. from Maranhão 3.- -ANNA, Brazilian s.s. 247 tons, from Florianópolis. 6.- CANNTNO. Brazilian -RE 6.- TEIXEIRINHA. Brazilian s.s. 257 tons, trom S. J. da Barra. 4- VITTORIO, Italian s.s. 4284 tons. from Genoa. 6.- PINTO. Brazilian s.s. 259 tons. from Aracaju'. 4.- -LAGUNA. Brazilian 8pa. 300 tona. from Rio de Janeiro. 6.- TUPY. Brazilian s.s. 1785 tona. from Santos. 4- MAYRINK. Brazilian s.s. 244 tons. from Laguna. 4- ITAITUBA. Brazilian s.s. 613 tons, from Rio do Janeiro. 6.- DOUS AMIGOS. Brazilian yacht. 34 tons. from Cabo Frio. -ITAPERUNA. 6.- •TIBAGY, 1395 tons. from Pará. 4.- Brazilian s.s. 633 tons. from Porto Alegre. ' AAmí s.s. -RENHA. 6.- -F1DELENSE, Brazilian s.s. 259 tons, from S. J. da Barra. 4.- Brazilian s.s. yacht. 52 toiiB. from S. Francisco. 6- -HALLE, German s.s. 2561 tons, from Santos. 5.- -P1RANGY. Brazilian s.s. 750 tons. from Manáos. -EMILE. 5.- -KIIjEENA. Norwegian barque. 750 tons. from Liverpool. "¦',; 6.- Brazilian barque, 227 tons. .from Itajahy. -ERLANGEN. 6.- rPARICWOOD, British s.s. 1102 tons. from Pensacola. 5.- German s.s. 3338 tons, from Bremen. 6.- \V. S. RELIANOE. American tug. 105 tons. from Christobal. 6.- ITAUBA. Brazilian s.s. 403 toiiB, from Rio de Janeiro. ¦â 6.- OCRAN PRINCE. British s.s. 3288 tons. from New York. 6.- -BOLOGNA. Italian s.s. 2906 tons, from Buenos Aires. -ESPAGNE. French s.s. 6.- -SANTA URSULA, German s.b. 2310 tons, from Antwerp. 6. 2478 tons, from Buenos Aires. " , 6.- -AFRICANA, Austrian s.s. 2048 tons, from Trieste. 7.- -IBIAPABA. Brazilian s.s. 882 tons, from Porto Alegre. 6.- -TERNlí|t.O, Argentine s.s. 933 tons, from Bahia Blanca. 7.- -ITAPUCA. Brazilian s.s. 869 tons. from Rio de Janeiro. 6.- -CREFELD. German s.s. 2444 tons, from Bremen, 7.- -CAP VERDE, German s.s. 3789 tons, from Hamburg. 6.- -BRAEMONT. British s.s. 2297 tons. from Hull. 7.- -OARIBALDT, Italian s.s. 3108 tons. from Genoa. 6.- -RE VTTTORIOk Itnlinn s.s. 2359 tons. from Bahia Blanca. 8. —MAGELLAN, French s.s. 2962 tons, from Buenos AireB. 6.- -WABANA. Briti*h s.s. 2676 tons. from Pisagna. 8. -OORDILLERE. French s.s. 3016 tons, from Bordeaux. 6.- -VATDTVIA. French s.s. 3495 tons, from Marseilles. 8 -OCEAN PRINCE. British s.s. 3288 tons. from NeW York. 6.- -CORD1LT.ERE, Ffench s.s. 3017 tons. from Bordeaux. 8 - AFRTCANA. Tlungarian s.s. 2048 tons. from Trieste. 8.- -MAYRTNK. Brazilian s.s. 375 tons. from Laguna. 8.—ORION. Brazilian s.s. 54 Otons, from Montevideo. 8.- ANGRA. Brailian s.s. 141 tons. from Paratv. 8.—MARTHA WASHINGTON, Austrian s.i. 5379 tons. from B. Aires 8- -ITAPERUNA. Brazilian s.s. 713 tons, from Porto Alegre. 8.--FENCHURCH, British s.s. 1834 tons. #rom Antwerp. 8.- -POSTEIRO. Brazilian s.s. 1389 tons. from Pernambuco. 9. AMAZON, British s.s. 6300 tons. from Buenos Aires. 8.- -CORCOVADO, Brititsh s.s. 2939 tons. from Calláo. 9. BAHIA BLANCA. German s.s. 58G3 tons. from Hamburg. 8.- -NORMANDY, American Kárcjue, 1097 tons. from Santa Fé. 10.—TIBAGY. Brazilian s.s. 834 tons. from Kio Grande do Norte. 8 -ESPAGNE, French s.s. 2478 tons. from Buenos Aires. 10. •ARGENTINA, Italian s.s. 3047 tons. from Genoa. 8.- -BRTTRTJM. Dutch s.s. 1306 tons. from Concepcion. 10. SAVOIA. Italian s.s. 3099 tons. from Buenos Aireg. -FERREIRA. schooner, 921 tons, from Lisbon. 10. LEWTSIIAM, British s.s. 1784 tons. from Rosário. 8- Portugnese —GUAJARA'. 8.- -RRNR' KRRVTLER. French schooner, 2290 tons, from Cardiff. 10. Brazilian s.s. 926 tons, from Buenos Aires. 8.- -TIBOR. Hungarian s.s. 1678 tons, from Fiume. 8. -K. W1L1TELM II, German s.s. 5764 tons. from Hamburg. 10. -CR\TIIENS. Brazilian s.s. 799 tons. from Rio Grande do Sul. 10. -MINAS GERAES, Brazilian s.s. 2179 tons. from Manáos. 10. -INDUSTRIAL, Brazilian s.s. 30 tons, from Viçosa. (, SAILINCS FROM THE PORT OF SANTOS 10. -CORCOVADO, Brazilian s.s. 1916 tons. from Santos. 10, -1TATIBA. Brazilian s.s. 514 tons, from Pernambuco. rnilintr 10. -AURORA. Brazilian yacht, 33 tons, from Cabo Frio. During the week April llth, 1911. 10. -VÍTÍLA BELLA. Brazilian s.s. 253 tons, from Penedo. 10. -ITAUBA. Brazilian s.s. 978 tons, from Porto Alegre. Apr. 37--MANTIQTTEIRA. Brazilian s.s. 837 tons. for Rio de Janeiro. 10 —S. SEBASTIÃO, Bràizliàn s.s. 25 tons. from Cabo Frio. 3. ANNA, Brazilian s.s 837 tons. for Rio do Janeiro. 10. KASSALÁÍ British s.s. 2498 tons, from Norfolk. 3.- TUPY. Brazilian s.s 1102 tons, for Manáos. 10. R\UMA, Norwegian s.s. 1951 tons. from Rosário. 3.- SÍRIO. Brazilian s.s 554 tons, for Montevideo. 10. ENDYMION, Russian schooner, 415 tons. from Marseilles. 3.- -ITALIE. French s.s. 2471 tons, for Buenos Aires. 10.—ORONSA, British s s. 4492 tons. from Liveroool. 3.- -TEVIOT. British s.s 2108 tons. for S. Lourenco. 10. AMAZON, British s.s. 6301 tons, from Buenos Aires. 3.- -BYRON. British s.3. 2526 tons. for NeW York. 10. ALTA IR. German s.s. 1978 tons, from Bremen. 3.- CANN1NG. British s s. 3458 tons. for NeW York. 10. MARANDA, NorWegian barque. 1382 tons. from Mobile. 3.- -HALLE. German s.s 2561 tons. for Bremen. -RE 10. CAP ORTEGAL, German s.s. 4727 tons, from Buenos Aires. 4.- VITTORIO. Italian s. 4284 tons, for Buenos Aires. -LAGUNA. Laguna. 10. •DALMATA, Argentine s.s. 1135 tons. from Bahia Blanca. 4.- Brazilian s. 300 tons, for for Rio de Janeiro. 10. MAGELLAN. French s.s. 2962 tons, from Buenos Aires. 4.- MAYRINK, Brazilian s.s. 234 tons. 2753 tons, for S. Francisco. 10. ARGENTINA, Italian s.s. 3047 tons, from Genoa. 4.- HAVA. British s.s. German s.s.. 2530 tons, for Rio GraiVle do Sul. 10 —CORN EXCHANGE, British s.s. 2476 tons. from Pisagua. 4.- CROSBY. 4.- ITAITUBA. Brazilian s.s. 613 tons, for Porto Alegre. .—S. PAUO, Brazilian s.s. 2213 tons, from Paysanclu'. 10. 6.- ITAPERUNA. Brazilian s.s. 633 tons, for Rio de Janeiro. .—ORION. Brazilian s.s. 957 tons, from Montevideo. 10. -ESPAGNE, 2478 tons, for Marseilles. —VOLTAIRR, British s.s. 5532 tons, from NeW York. 6, French s.s. 10. 6. -ITAUNA. Brazilian s.s. 403 tons, for Porto Alegre. 10.—SALLUST, British s.s. 2308 tons. from Manchester. -BOLOGNA, trom B Aires. 6.- Italian s.s; 2906 tons. for Genoa. 10..—MARTIIA WASHINGTON. Austrian s.s. 5379 tons, -ITAPUCA. Porto Alegre. from Montevideo. 7.- Brazilian s.s. 869 tons. for 10..—CUVABA', Uruguáyan s.s. 536 tons, -IBIAPABA, Brazilian s.s. 882 tons, for Cabedello. from Porto Alegre. 7. 11 .-IBIAPABA, Braiilian s.s. 707 tons. 7. ORION. Brazilian s.s. 540 tons. for Rio de Janeiro. from Amarração. 11..—VICTORIA, Brazilian s.s. 431 tons. 7. -CORCOVADO. Brazilian s.s. 825 tons. for Manáos. 11 .--.MANÁOS, Brazilian s.s. 1999 tons, from Manáos. 7. -CAVT, Italian s.s. 1592 tons, for Rosário. Aires. 11 —SAVOIA. Italian s.s. 3099 tons, from Buenos 7. -GARIBALDI. Italian s.s. 3108 tons, for Buenos Aires. 8. -OORDILLERE, French s.s. 3016 tons. for Buenos Aires. 8.—MAGELLAN, French s.s. 2962 tons. for Bordeaux. 8. -MARTHA WASHINGTON. Austrian s.s. 5379 tons. for Trieste. 8. -J. UARD1E. British s.s. 2816 tons, for Bahia Blanca. -AMAZONE. French s.s. 6300 tons, for Southampton. PORT OF RIO DE JANEIRO 9. SAILINCS FROM THE 9.—OCEAN PRINCE. British s.s. 3288 tons, for Rosário. —ARGENTINA. 3047 tons ,for Buenos Aires. During the wpok ending April llth. 1911. 10. Italian s.s. 10. -SAVOIA. Italian s.s. 3099 tons, for Genoa. 10. —G IIOPE. British s.s. 2307 tons, for Montevideo. Apr. 6.- T31XEIRINHA, Brazilian s.s. 257 tons, for S. Máthéus. 11.-RELLKVUE, British s.s. 2459 tons, for NeW Orleans. 6.- -ARACATY, Brazilian s.s. 531 tons, for Pa rá 11. -S PAULO. German s.s. 3065 tons. for Hamburg. for Buenos Aires. 6.- GAROLINA. Brazilian s.s. 1395 tons, for Santos, 11. -AFRICANA; Austrian s.s. 2088 tons. ¦T s.s. 4895 tons, for Buenos Aires. 6.- COMMERCIO, Brazilian tug, 50 tons, for Angra dos Reis. 11. DT SAVOIA. italian 567 tons, for Montevideo. 6.- MAJORCA, Norwegian barue. 1509 tons, for Pensacola. 11. JÚPITER, Brazilian s.s. -ORTKGA. s.s. 4493 tons, for Liverpool. •PHAROS. 1227 tons. for New South Web. 11. British 6- Norvvgian barque. -ORJANA. British s.s. 4492 tons. for Calláo. •WABANA. tons, for Dover. 11. 6- British s.s. 2676 11. -WOGLINDE. German s.s. 4492 tons, for New York. 6.- -HURST, British s.s. 2998 tons. for Tampa. 6- -OOTOVIA, British s.s; 2527 tons. for Bahia Blanca. 6- -ORONSA, Britis s.s. 4492 tons. for Calláo. 6.- -AMAZON, British s.s. 6301 tons. for Southampton. -1NCE Blanca. 6.- BANK, British s.s. 2162 tons. for Bahia rlneste. 8- -MARTIIA WASHINGTON, Austrian s.s. 5379 tons. for SHIPS AFLOAT AT THE PORT OF RIO DE JANEIRO 6.- ORTEGA, British s.s. 4493 tons, for Liveropool. 6.- -AFRICANA, Austrian s.s. 204 8tons, for Santos. 6.- -ACRE, Brazilian s.s. 1555 tons, for Paysandu'. On April 13th, 1912. 6.- -W. S. RRL1ANCE. American tug, 105 tons. for Montevideo. I 6.- -CORINTH1AN. British s.s. 2359 tons for Gothemburg 6.- -GRINDEN IIALL, British s.s. 2365 tons, for Rosário. TKITON, Russian brig, Capt. Dou. from Gulfport, Order, Arr. Jan. 30th 6, CORCOVADO, British s.s. 2939 tons. for Liverpool. barque, Capt. Capella, from Marseilles, C. da Costa & Co. Arr. Fcb. Alegre, GENI, Italian 8. -ITAPERUNA, Brazilian s s. 713 tons, for Porto 2nd. -ANNA. s.s. 364 tons, for Florianópolis. Arr 8. Brazilian barque, CapL Pclletoni, Trom Pensacola, A. G. Fontes, -JÚPITER, 1800 tons. for Montevideo. FENICE, Italian 8. Brazilian s.s. Feb. 4th. HELENA, British s.s. 2708 tons. for NeW York. it 8. SAINT Capt. Peddert, from Glasgow, Amaral Suthorland -ERLANGEN, German s.s. 3337 tons, for Bremen. PATRÍCIA, British barque, 8. Co., Arr. Feb. 4th. 8.—CREFELD, German s.s. 2444 tons, for S. Francisco. barquo, Capt. Nurgo, from Gulfport, Ord^r. Arr. Feb. Bth. 8. —LOCKWOOD, British s.s. 1319 tons, for Trinidad. DORA, Russian from Marseilles, P. Soares* Co., 8. —BRITSUM. Dutch s.s. 1306 tons, for Thornalay. SANTA ANNA, Italian barque, Cap. Mhazella, 8. —ARGENTINA;, Italian s.s. 2047 tons. for Buenos Aires. Arr. Foi). ICth. D. J. da Silva & Co. 8. —VOLTAIRR. British s.s. 5532 tons, for Buenos Aires. ARGOS, Norwegian baique, Capt. Reinertscn, from Antwerp, 10. —ITATIBA. Brazilian s.s. 514 tons, for Porto Alegre. x Arr. March. lst. 10.—S. PAULO. Brazilian s.s. 2213 tons. for Manáos. barque, Capt. Christianson, from Gulfport, Paulo Passos —COKCOVADO. Macau. VÀLBÒRG, Norwegian 10. Brazilian s.s. 1916 tons, for & Vo. Arr. Mar. 12lh. -TUPY. tons, for Pernambuco. Pau- 10. Brazilian s.s. 1395 Norwogtan barquo, Capt. Thomson, from Pensacola, —POSTEIRO, 1389 tons. for Porto Alegre. WESTERN MONAltCH, 10. Brazilian s.s. Io Passos A Co. Arr. Mar. 16th. 10. —SAVOIA, Italian s.s. 3099 tons, for Genoa. Capt. T.arscn, from Mobilo, D. J. da Silva A Co. 10. -CORN EXCHANGE, British s.s. 246 tons. for Dover. R. JÜKAN, Norwegian barquo. 23rd. 10. —RAUNA, Norwegian s.s. 1951 tons, for Las Palmas. Arr. Mra. Roxhall, from Braila, II. Stoltz k Co. Arr. 11 -PINTO, Brazilian s.s. 259 tons. for Victoria. J. T. NORTH, British barque, Capt. 11. —VENCEDOR, Brazilian s.s. 2 tons, for Macahé. Mar. 2õth. A. Suthorland A Go. 11. -DOUS AMIGOS, Brazilian s.s. 34 tons, for Cabo Frio. STORNA. Norwegian barque, CapL. Magnas, fro u.Swansea, 11 .—ANGRA, Brazilian s.s. 141 tons, for Paraty. Arr. April lst. 11. —OLINDA, Brazilian s.s. 1240tons, for Manáos. FE1UEIRA Portuguoso brig. Capt. Barros, fr m Lisbon, Order, Arr. April 7th. —SANTA, Sul. 11. URSULA. German s.s. 2310 tons, for Rio Grande do MIRANDA, Nòrwoglàii barque, Capt. A<;in, from Mobile, ordor. Arr. April ÍOth for Santos. lOth 11 .—BELLAGIÒ. British s.s. 2531 tons, ENDYMION, Rnssiaii barque. Capt. Douner, from Marseilles, order. Arrt. April 11. —FRANCRSCA, Austrian s.s. 3185 tons. for Santos. 442 THE BRAZILIAN REV-EW. AprÜ 16th, 1912.

:-ADRIATIC-LINE The British Subscription Library B iit OF The Committee beg to announce that thè The Àustro-_. mericana 8. S. Co and Library re-opened at 105, Rua Ouvidor The Royal Hungarian Sea Navig. Co "Adria" Ltd (Entrance Rua Sachet 39) on Saturday the 23rd December. Regular _ailing_ from Santos and Kio de Janeiro for Malaga, Àlmería, The new lift will be working Barcelona, Naples, Orau, Algiers, Ma ta, Trie_te, aud Fiuine, an i with passenger tranahipment, for ali Mediterraueaii, North African, Levant, East Asiatic shortly. and Auaralian ports. „ HOURS 8-10.30 & 12.7 > - XKXT ÜEPAKTUREül FOK EUKOPE :

TJBOK26tn April • FRANCE.CA2nd May •ARGENTINAlOth » 8ZÉNT ISTVAJSÍ20th » ^__^_^_^s*__^<___*s*^ ? ______i USEFUL TO BUSINESS MEN FOR KJyER PLATE :

•ARGENTINA23r.< April EUGENIA13tb May Bills Payable & Receivable Book

• These steamers are fittod with wireless telegraphy and carry in one Volume. Cabiu & Síeer«f,'e Passengers for Las Palmas, ilmeria, Barcelona, Naples aud Trieste. e_<¦*>_g For«argo apply to H. Campos, Rua Visconde de Inhaúma, For passages and further iiiforiuation tu : A YALÜABLE LITTLE MEMORANDUM BOOK

<<_>J- Nombauer _te Co. Sold at Crashley's and at m RUA VISCONDE DE INHAÚMA No. fc.-Hio de Janeiro the RUA 11 DE JUNHO No. IA—Mantos offices OF THE Hambnrg--SDaameri_:aní-ch6--Dafflpr_cbiiTra_irís-Cres6llsc_.aft IMPRENSA INGLEZA RUA CAMERINO, 61-75 JN CONNEC7JON WITH THE TELEPHONE, 1966 RIO DE JANEIRO f\ I Hamlrarg - Arnenía Linie ;__lí^^ç___^^

TABLE OF DEPARTURE OU 3 B l EUROPEAN CAPITAL. Express service tò Europe CAP BLANCO17th April IIilí! K. F. AUGUST 5)th June Furnished for attractive enterprises in ali sub_ K. WILHELM II29th April CAP ORTEGAL.... CAP VILANO Sth May mh _ CAP BLANCO25th . stantial lines of búsiness. CAP FINI8TERRE.... l8th > K. WILHELM CAP ARCONA29lh > II 3rdJuly Railroads, Tractions, Water & Electric tim Powers. Irigations, Timber, Mining Agricultural Express ser\ice & Industrial- to R. Plate Bond, Debenture and Stock Issues Underwritten, Purchased or Sold. i Properties purchased for European exploitation Inteímediate service to Europe and investment. Financial Undertakings of ali so.rts handled. 8. PAULO].. 12th April t CAP VERDE.:. 15th f_Ç-_.v.v::::::::v:- * Miscellaneous commissions and orders of ali char BELORANO 26lh » HABSBURG27thSS».» CAP ROCA29th » HOHENSTAUPENlOth June acters accepted for execution in any European country. Correspondence enclosing full details at first These ma^uificent and last steamers are fitted with writing invited the latest improvementa and offer to first-claas pa__enger_ the highest comfort. For passageò and further information apply to thé Agents:— :.-H'| THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS ALLIANGE

THEODOR-WILLE & Cc, 70 Avenida Contrai 48, Mark Lane, London, England

¦:éA "

April 16th, 1912. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 443

CURRENT COFFEE FREIGHT RATES 1 yí IN FORCE SINCE Jan. 15tü, 1911. FowfóiI SQf@ggk & Go, Rio. Santoi. Aden "via Trieate" 54/.in full. 54/-ÍU íull. Aguillea 78,60 ires. in íull. 76,50 írca. in full. (THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED FIRM OF ENCLISH Alsxuudretta** 71,50 ires. iu íull. 71 írca. iu full. Alvali** 71,50 ires. iu íull. 71,50 írca. in íull. Alexandria** 04 írca. in full. 04 írca. iu íull. ACCOUNTANTS IN SOUTH AMERICA.) Algiera** 02 írca. iu full. 02 írca. iu íuli. Alicante 56 íres. in íull. 66 írca. in íull. Aliuuria 50 írc». in íull. 50 íres. in íull. Amsterdam 45/-& 5 %. 40/.& 5%. An tona"* 63 írca. iu íull. 63 írca. in íull. Antwerp 1,000 kiios 45/-& 5 %. 40/.& õ %. Railway and General Auditora Avilea 76 ires. iu íull. 70 íres. iu full. Barcelona L 56 free. iu íull. 56 fres. iu íull. Incorporated Aocountnnts and Agenta Bassorah** 108 írca. iu Íull. 108 írca. in íull. Buenos Aires, Rosário, Montevideo Bcyrouth** OU fres. iu íull. 60 fres. in íull. ' and in íull. Bilbao 66 ires. iu íull. 66 írca. Rio de Bombay "via" Trieate 54/-in íull. 54/.ÍU full. Janeiro Bordeaux, IMO kilos 45 fres. & 10 %. 15 frea. & 10 %• Braila** 71,50 írca. iu full. 71,50 íres. & 10 %. Bremen 45/-ÍC 5 %. 40/-& 5 %. Brindisi»* GO ires. in full. 60 frea. iu full. Buenos Aires per bag. 60 kilos 1$2U0. 1$800. Cadiz (Spaniah line) 56 fres. in full. 56 íres. in full. T. B. D. FOWLER, F. S. A . A. V. G.G. SCROGGIE, F. S.A. A. Calcuttá "viu" Trieste üü/-iu íull. 60/-in full. Curthagena ‡ 56 fres. in full. 56 íres. in full. T. C. E. FOWLER. F S. A. A. GEO. WINTER,.F. S. A. A Cavulhi** (}6,50 fres. in íull. 06,50 íres. in íull. Cesmeh** 66,50 írca. in full. 60.5U fres. iu full. Christiania full. 47/ in full. "via" 52/3 in Cienfuegos Antwerp _t Bremen 75 & 6 % in full. And t large stafi of Gompetent Assistants and Ezperti Colombo üü/.in full. 60/-in full. Uoustuntiuople** 61.50 fres. in full. 61.50 fres. in íull. Copcnhagcn 47/6 & 6 %. 4á/6 & 5 %. Coríu** .0.50 íres. in íull. 66,50 fres. in full. Corunna 5& fres. in íull. 63 fres. in íull. Curraehec 6ü/-in full. 6U/-ÍU ÍUlI. Dedeagateh**» CC.60 fres. in íull. 66,50 fres. iu íull. Fiumu 45/-& 5 %. 45/-& 5 %. Undertake Investigations and Reports on Public Ooiupauies' Accouuta Galatz** 71.50 in full. 71,50 fres. iu full. Genoa 1.000 kilos 48 fres. & 10 %. 48 fres. & 10 %. in the Argeutiue, Uruguayau, Chiliun, Brazilian Uibraltar 5U fres. u íull. 50 íres. ti. t.ill. üijon 56 fres. in íull. 50 ires. in Íull. and other South American Republics; also legal ropresentation (jotlieuburg 51/3 in full. 46/-in full. Hamburg 45/-& 5 %. 40/-& 5 %. of Compauics, Firms, or others. Havana "via" Las Palmas, Malaga, Barcelona 65 fres. in full. 05 íres. in full. "via" Havaua Antwerp Bremeu.... 52/- 8 %. HEAD OFFICE: Havre, 900 kilos 50 fres. & 10 %. 50 fres. & 10 %. Hongkong "via" Trieste <3U/-in íull. 6U/-IU íull. Uuelva 56 fres. iu full. 56 íres. in full. Northern Insurance liuildiiig . Kobe "via" Trieste G0/-in full. 60/in full. Küstehdje** 69 íres. in full. 69 fres. in full. Lisbon 35/& 5 %. S5/-& 5 %. 441 Bartolome Mltre, Buenos Aires Liverpool 4S/-& 5 %. 40/-& 5 %. London cargo s. D%.: 45/-& 5 %. 40/& 5 %. Do mail a. D 4Ú/-& 5 %. 4Õ/-& 5 %. London opt. cargoes 4õ/-& 6 %. 40/& 5 %. Madras 60/-in full. C0/-ÍI1 full. Malaga 50 írca. in full. 66 írca. in full. Ilalmoe 52/3 in full. 47/-in full. Malta** 02 fres. iu full. 62 fres. in full. C. B. A. 1. & Lieber's Codes, Manilla "via" Antwerp Bremen.... 80/-& 8 J/0. Marseilles 1,000 kilos 48 fres. & 10 %. 48 fres. & 10 %. "QUITTANCE" Mersina 69 ires. in full. 69 fres. in full. Cable Address, Méssina** 66 frea. in íull. 56 frea. in full. Metelino** 71,50 in full. 73,50 fres. in íull. Monte Video per bag GO kilos 1$200. 1$300. Mostagenem** 64 fres. in full. 64 íres. in full. Naples** 54 fres. in full. 54 fres. in full. New York per bag50 cts. & 5 %. 50 cts. & 5 %. New Orleans per bag50 cts. & 5 %. 50 cts. & 5 %. Odesia** 60.50 fres. iu full. 60.50 fres. iu full. Oràh** 02 ires. in full. 62 fres. in full. E. JOHNSTON & Go. Ltd, 1'alermo** 66 fres. iu full. 56 fres. in full. Patrás** 00,50 fie?, in full. 00.50 fres. in íull. Penang 60/-in full. 60/in full. Piracus** 61,50 íres. In íull. 01,50 fres. in full. SANTOS Port Said** 64 fres. in full. 64 fres. in full. Uangoon "via" Trieste 00/-in full. 60/-in full. Rotteídam 45/-& 5 %. 40/-& 5 %. Santaiídèr CO fres. in full. 6Ü/-in full. COFFEE EXPORTERS.STEAMSHIP AGENTS. San Sebastian 60 frea. in full. 60/-in full. Sansouu**. 06,50 íres. in full. 60-50 fres. in full. Salonica** 61.50 fres. in íull. 61,50 fres. in full. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Seville 56 fres. in full. 56 fres. in full. Shanghai via Trieste 60/in full. C0/-in full. Sirigapòré "via" Trieste cn/in full. 60/-in full. S.myrna** 73,80 in full. 73,80 in full. Southamptòn (opt.) Mail 40/-& 5 %. 4Õ/-& 5 %. \)o cargoes 4Ú/-& 6 %. 40/-& 5 %. BIAHÜ OFFICES IIII SI A! III í PILO AI Stockholm 51/3 in full. 46/-in full. Suez** 64 fres. in full 64 fres. in full. Sulina** 69 fres. in full. 69 fres. in full. S. Paulo Tatígier 60 fres. in full. 60 fres. in full Tuiagónne 50 fres. in full. 56 fres. in full. S. José do Rio Pardo S. Carlos Trebizond** 6(í,5() fres. in full. 06.50 fres. in full. Trieste 45/-& 5 %. 45/-& 5 %. Ribeirão Preto S. Manoel Tripoli** 69 fres. in full. 69 fres. in full. Jahú Tunis** 62 fres. in full. 02 fres. in full. Taubaté Valencia 50 fres. in full. 56 fres. in full. Amparo. Jaboticabal Vnlparniso (options) 45/6 & 5 %. Vnrna*.* 00,50 fres. in full. 06,50 frt . in full. Venice** 00 fres. in full. 00 fres. i full. Vigo 60 fres. in full. 60 fres. 1 full. Open to accept sole representation of manufacturers Yòkbhama "via" Trieste 60/-in full. 00/-in full. (via New York60/- Per ton of 1.000 Brazil for the " & 2 1/2 %. General Agents In Algoa Buy and J Southamptòn 60/- & 2 1/2 %. kilos " Hamburg.... Capetown } " . 40/- & 2 1/2 %. I Liverpool4ü/. & 2 1/2 %. feri NTew York60/- & 2 1/2 %. Siiuamerikanische Darapfschifffahrts. " Southamptòn Hamburg ) " . 60/- & 2 1/2 %. Mos.«cl Bay ) " Hamburg40/- & 2 1/2 %. I Liverpool41/3 & 2 1/2 %. (via New York60/- 1/2 Gesellschaft. " & 2 %. J Southamptòn , 60/- & 2 1/2 %. " namhnrsr40/- East London ) " & 2 1/2 %. REPRESENTATIVES I Liverpool41/3 & 2 1/2 %. New York60/- feia" ', & 2 1/2 %. Loniion; The Sack J Southamptòn 60/- & 2 1/2 %. The Guardian Assurance Company, Ltd., " Hamburg;..., Durhán] " 40/. & 2 1/2 %. and SeWing Machine ÍSyndicate, Ltd.. London; [ Liverpool41/3 & o !/2 %, Pilliiig (via New York.... 2 1/2 Paulo Purê Coffee Co., Ltd.. " 70/-& %. The State of S. (Brazil) J Southamptòn . 70/-& 2 1/2 %. Automatic Weighera). Bay 1 " Harrihuni.... 2 '/_ W. & T. A very, Ltd. (Pntent Dolagoa " , 40/-& % ( Liverpool55/-& 2 1/2 %. IIKAl» OFFICK: 6, GREAT ST. HELEN'S • To Dclagoa Bay & Beira the freight must bc paid here or In nhmburg via Liverpool the freights must he paid here or In Liveri>oo] . LONDON, E. C. •• Confercnces ratos via ^Marseilles, and Genoa or TricHe.

/ -Jç f . íS; . ..'.M'<

* April 16th, 1912. 444 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW. AMPORT & HOLT SOCIÉTÉ GENERALE. T _ Meria„ti._ola_et Dl LiLINE • Tramporti laritimes i Vapenr de IiiHiniii Hariellles. Patiangar ter.ioe for Mi» Vor*. DEPARTURES OF STEAMERS BRAZIL ANO MIVM PLATB. JOHNSON LINE FOR KÜROPB. days. between ITALIE I8th April Aftran paeeage. Rio * »•• fora: 17 Regular monthly service PLATA ...... llth May Scandinavia, for May TENNYSONM Brazil and the River Plate Uarseilles, Barcelona and Genoa direct VOLTAIUBI611» » June Next Departures íor Chris- f. gold. BYUON3rd Through fares to Paris, Ist. class728 VEUDI16lh Juue tiania, Gothenburg, Stockholm dodo Snd.clóssô&n oodo 3rd. class 199 Malmo, and ali other Swedish Through f«»ros to Paris (return), Ist.class..—1.149 TENNYSON — do do 2ndi_£_£ssr...T7.....82 and Norwegian Ports: no ___—ík*—-fíTTclass„._ MarsojJ_e-r~0_nõa, 3rd class 1111000 Sails 3rd Moy for frcõíona 3rd. class 1201000 FOR EUROPE. DOS SANTOS A TÍUNIDAÜ, BARBA DOIS __^ Agonts—ANTUNES Co., BAHIA, Kio do Janeiro, Avenida Kio Branco, 14 e 10 and NEW YORK. JOHNSON l*t Half April S. Paulo.— 29, Rua 8. bento. ANNIE ? autos.- Praça na Republica, 33. .•mui Ui A »rd eliH P»"«n_eri for abo», port..

FOR THE PLATE. through toLiverpool. PMMUgen booked H/16th APril PRINCE LINE andBremen, NOHDIIAVET London, Soutlmmpton.Hamburg and Regular Saillngi to the United Statea. fll Ne* York. by theCunard. WhiteBtnr For further information apply to American Btcameri. — Luiz Campos & Co., Agente 84 Bplendid passenger service. Visconde Inhaúma. DEPARTURES AH Ihi Itd «llh wireieu Telegraph "r^yaTTholland FOR NKW YORK 8COTTISH PRINCE15th April 1NDIAN PRINCE2tith » May apply to tho broker: EASTERN PRINCElüth For freight LLOYD SlAMESE PRINCE26th » KUA CANDELÁRIA 91, Sobrado FOR NEW ORI.EANS. Superior and Fast Regalar Passenger- further information apply to llio Forpnssages and and Mail-Service NORMAN PRINCE 5th May twin-screw steamers TUDOK PRINCE 6th June Agente: NORTON, MECAW A Co., Li. Next Departures of the new HOLLANDIA, FBISIA & ZEELANDIA 11S, RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARCO. FOR EUROPE: ACENT8. Lisbon, (Leixões) Vigo, Boulogiic, Dover Rio da Jan.lro and Amsterdaii. Date.Steamer. DAVIDSON, PULLEN & Co. ss-;;_?^av,dia'' f. I. HAMPIHIRI A 0*., LTD. isihApr•• "Frisia" „,i, mLs. s. Caixa No. 10. HANTO». 145 RUA DA 145 20.hJu»es. s. Hollaud.a" QUITANDA P. BBNN A iON, BAHIA llth Julyb. 8.''FriBitt" FOR THE RIVER TLATE: Ttie Royal Mr.ll Santos. Montevideo aud Buenos Aires. R.M.S.P Steam Paohet Company 'l™»}*''.. __naAprs/s. .. Under contract with the British and THI. PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION CO l-ih' May6..s..-v^land;a s. • llollandiu ' Governineuta for carrying 3.d JuneS. "Fr.sia" Brazilian 24111.1.11.0» s. ^«l«ndlu' the mails. UtbJulys-s-* Table o! DeparCure.. P S.N.C. Two big Ocean-FIyers now building. Direct Tickets to Paris and Londtn - l«> Date. Steamer. Dcstitiatior . For Passages and otlior inlonnalió» ppty Uoynl Mail fast twin ucrew _i_aiuers, «ith Sociedade Anonyma Martinelli, First and Second 29 Rua 1.° de Mar.o, 29. Superior ae .oiniuÓdution for Montevideo Freight apply to Sur. Campos, April 23 Dannbc Santos, & Buenos CUhh Passei.gers. For Ayres. do Inhaúma, N." 84. Rua Visconde , 29 «Aragon». Santos, Montevideo, & Buenos Fnrtnighlly saiüings: — Ayres. May 1 lAvon».... Bahia, Pernambuco, S.Viucout, Madeira, Lisbon, Leixões, To Europe. Yi_o, Cherbourg and Sou- BREMEN. Uiampton. NOKDDEUTtíCHEKIíLOYD, & Buenos 7 tÇlyde S ntos, Montevideo OUOPE3A'-'õth April. Ayres. 8 cDanube»... Bahia, Pernambuco, S.Vincent, OIÜTA8th May Capital 125,000.000 Marks. Lislxiii, Leixões, Vigo, » Cherbourg aud .-oiUlminptun OÍUVIA23rd Montevideo & Uucuos NEXT CEPAKTURES. 13 < araguaya*. Santos. OKONSA5th June Ayres. S.Vihctnt, » „ 15 «Aragon». Bahia, Pernambuco, VICTORIA*20th Madeira, Lisbon, i eixões, ORIANA 3rdJuy Dato. Sitia mer, Destination Vigo, Cherbourg & Southam- » ptoi.i. ORiSSÁ18th Montevdeo. Buenos, 21 .Aniiizon».. Santos, *._ Ayres. oClyde» Balna. i'enianihu_o, S.Vincent, Listion, Leixões, Vigo, Cher- To River Plate, Chile and Peru. Apr 2G «Croleld»., Bahia. Pernambuco. Madci- Lisbon, Loixò», An.werp bourg, & Soütharnptòu ra, •Santos, Mumovnieo. and Bue- ORCOMA 23rd April and rtr»men.. _ «Astuiias».. May 10 «wrir/.hnrgfc Bahia, Madeira, Leixõos, nos Ayres. ORIANA8th May Antwerp, and Brp- «Aiaguaya" Biihia, Pernambuco, S.Vincent, Rotterdam L'9 Lisbon, Leixões, 21st » nicn. .Madeira, OU1SS Vi_o, Cherbourg, and Sou- OKTEGAõthJune thatnplon. Madeira, » Jnue õ • Amazon Bahia, Pernambuco; OKOPESA18th Lisbon, Vigo, Leixõos. Cher- OlUTA3rd July bourg, & coulhnniplon. * OllAVIAlCth Passengera A Cargo accepted. Wireless telegraphy. Pasaenuer «-ente».Cabln. Spee.íal attention ib 0ra*u to the loltowm, Passenger tickets issued through to London Rio Rotterdam, AHtwerp, huiarrs 01 nist-ciasB tieKeta, BiiiKle or returo, lircmen Mark* 450 maj i»rca_ tbeir voya.e at any intermediate porti New York, Chile and Peru. oi tne PACIFIC STÍAW Rio— Mnò-.ira, Liaiiini ..... and proceed »y auy For ali information apply to NAVIGATION or MKSSAGEl.IES MAKITIME^ L.ci.óo- £ 19-U-U _oin|>aiiy b ateam**" E. L. HiRRISON, Representative. and 5°/° tax Tor frei_tit. passages, ano otner iniorma.ios apply to »pply- íor turtber íutorinatiuo 4»hiii_& Ceutral, Nos. 58 and 6- A VI.NI DA CENTRAL, 53-55, HERM, 8TOLTZ A C Agantt- E. L. HARTiSON, Roprasemtiflvc _..nl«a Contra» Kio •*• Janalr» RIO DE JANEIRO. AVENIDA CENTRAL, üC-64