![Locomotives for PASSENGER and FREIGHT SERVICE](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
m* âptaz ittatt Cf > <WLClf icw VOL. XV RIO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAY, April loth, 1912 No. 16 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS PHILADELPHIA, PENNA., U. S. A. Cable Address: _ "Ba/dwin, Philadelphia."; MANUFACTURERS OF FOR BROAD AND NARROVV GAUGE Locomotives FOR PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE E%9Ib__nE _¦____•*•?"¦» '•;*tH_____HbFs'JmV R£**^______)___¦ __R?f ' ¦-imW "/l^^SllMBi«KfflB8Mia»M^^-<^/%. ^SI_MS*___JBg.: «1 •!!' _J_ '**'¦ _¦ ___Cw_»t.' ' ••» I in» .^——B^g^^g^^^gj^ig^aac^^^BaEgHW—^^^—_»in • .1 BB¦_¦_ ________¦¦ ___¦__-.. _?___™»a»l rMMitaSfBHMCBI LJJJTPBBBMMBBWBMIBW^^M^MKS^^^TKI MUçv IB_'v •¦-Í<^^1Í_i__hÍbBÍi_S^LK 1 ?B___ 1 .'vi** -•»*BiBB Bv :\!í__J__T - '_"BJ P^BWl»»B?QMBJ__S__K*j_ Hw__BL jfi KfjSÇ____T ikkC.__SB,BMfll BDH______ __b. Locomotives pariiciilar/y adapted for Logging and Industrial Purposes and for Mines and Furnaces. Plantation Locomotives for, Permanent or Portable Track, Electric Motor and Trailer Trucks for Railway and Suburban Service Representatives for Brazil:—NORTON, MEGAW & Co., Ltd.,—N. 112, Rua Primeiro de Março, N. 112— Rio do Janeiro Cable-Address BORLIDO-RIO BORLIDO MAIA & Co. P. O. B. 131 Head-Offlce RUA DO R08ARI0, 55 - 58 - Rio de Janeiro-Brazil ESTABIylSHED 1878 jflBt_NMé*lflH_C*3H_B_^_ rT*^___B_B General Merchants, Jnmporters «te Contractor» ,BtesP^^Síll^___! __ffô\_Í«__«j__K%^^^__i l_S$&fcv ^__B SUPPLY THE PRINCIPAL RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP COMPANIES OP RRAZIL - B| iw^is^S^^^Lm^^T^^^^-Hkd iH _______*__*.'', v~*J_H _H BBBBBBBfBWw?^^3SlT^7T"nr^ i * m___^ ?»H •TiBBBBBBBBBBBBfcflm ** ^-J?__M lmporters of Railway Appliances, Tools; Rcpair Material for Cars, L,ocotnotives, Boilers, Wagons; Iytibricating Oils and Greases. Burning Oils ; Carbide, Railway Apparatus, Industrial, Agricultural and Mining- Machinery, Implements, Tools and Sttpplies; Packing, BEfc______><^t^^^^_BW»»y /gB____i^_B Punips, Scales, Safes, Artisans, Tools; Rubber, Leatlier and ¦¦ ¦¦lííl223^^^^i^r^^^^fi «w_____! Canvas Hose; Galvauized Iron Tubes, Portable Buildings, Wire Fencing, M—--->lj?__;__rl,?_____| > i{vBJ19 I Babbitt Metal ; Paints, Colors, Brushes; Coachbuilders' Supplies; Electrical Machinery and Supplies; Structttral Iron, Builders' and Plumbers' Supplies; Sanitary Ware ; Wool, Canvas and Duck; Roofing and L,ining Material, etc. AGEJNTS AISD RKPKKSEINTATIVKS for R. &J. DiCk, Ltd. GlaSgOW - Original Balata Belting. Mander Brothers, London - oisina WaterPaint. Bliveil & Carfington, Nèw York - laibricating Oils and Greases. IBJ_____{!___?&_¦¦'" f_.fi__H Wm. Simons & Co., Ltd., Renfrew, Scotland-Dredger Constructors. Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd, Redditch, England-RoyaiEnneid cycies. Bickford Smith & Co,. Ltd., Tuckingmill, — safoty Fuses. W. B. Brown & Co. (Bankhall) Ltd., — steei wire Ropes. The Vâporite Strawsdn Co., Ltd.,London—"Vapòrite" Wdestructíoti oí p<Wm-tiie sou. The Rio de Janeiro Flour Mills & Granaries Limited Telegrams Telephone Post Office Box "ici^ioicytjniH".261in o. 486 Mills : Zliaci ctst Graml:DÔa No. 1 DAILY PRODUCTION: 10.000 BAGS. head ov^jpi^te — 48, MOORGATE ST. — londojn k. e. BRANHCBS 6.PÁULO. —4, KUA DA QUITANDA.XJU1C1VOS AYRKS. — 335, CALLE B. MITRE ROSÁRIO 1086, CALLE SANTA FÉ. AGENCIES Victoria, Bahia Maceió, Pernambuco Ceará, Curityba, Desterro, Rio Grande, Pelotas & Porto Alegre. Tlie Mill>s3 Maxvfecs of :F"lou.:r j&»x-e:- "NACIOMAI/'«SEMOLINA" "BUDA-NACIOKAL* "1ÍI*A^1L>*CII*A""GUARAINY" AND FOR SUPERIORITY HAVE BEEN AWARDED Gold Medal Paris 1889.First Prize Brazil 1908. First Prize Brazil St. Louis 1904. First Prize Brussels 1910. --RUA OFFICES: DA QUITANDA, 408--RIO DE JANEIRO. 112, Cannon StreetLondon E. C ENG1NEERS, MEKCHANTS aini> Contractors for Railway Material, etc. TELEGRAPHIC "FOUNDATION" ADDRESS — LONDON Bahia-Nathao & Co., Raa das Ptúneezas, 6 Caixa do Correio, 157. - "NATHAN" Telegrams, - BAHIA Rio de Janeiro-Fpy, Youle & Co., Rua da Alfândega no. 10 Caixa do Correio 21.-Telegrams, "FRY"-RIO I JANEIRO % « J GBk Frn-Biísiifi —® Succs: of NATHAN â 00, © :«.^ANTOS i íV RUA DE S. BENTO 43 e 45 © Rua Quinze de Novembro 13 4 Caixa do Correio 0. Box) K. © (P. © Caixa do Correio (P. 0. Box) 147, "LUPTON" © Telegraphic Address: © Telegraphic Address: "WYSARD" Importers, Exporters and General Merchants <m\m 1, mim y-i'With ; -',.'-;:v'-:Sít+ ^,.",';.'' ff*ra8H' S&y?-.,•':--Idflaaal mVÍáWSititámmW-.-Ã%??^yBB?rra:>)?sS tiÉÊ&J. !~&&fflmm&*i'.'? ^El. -¦j^S3áwKmmmmmamKmfW^>^^^''¦¦¦¦' Z^m$mW3fi SPECIALITIES: Ceniftiii, üeinif.ô> Railwav Material Paiuts, laiíiiini Carli"we. and 'í' Apnltinl i- 1ívjSHbI S.íÉWrli ••'-PI «RirKmP i^Jr^^^.ISB^H -r : ''911.bb flB f ^ I-; /ffitwPaPis^wflBtf Ww-^M^- \ $&&&£ I l"-lP S UP ¦:'¦ > Indiistrial Iaemiiery tWÊÊÊmm Plüii í hH «9HI Sole rèpresentative LM» tiliKi I luKfi 1U* I ri aJàiJ i^ailPn^^HBiU-'- ÜKí iillarll iWHB SLJUiá K^l^M^^FSfia^i^SiBffiHny * in the State of ' General Hardware, ¦ ¦¦ff I W \ M 'T^rlH '1B*S* ' u 'l^sEH BIBBP^BEMIJW^MXrtgS afctf jLmàÀÈÍ^m^Êt^^^^^* • 'l_1h^iíibbiM^BIBMP9 ^9WbAbbÍÉbb1bbM nJ^wiialr fiA J^^^ii^iBiMiaMMBwMBjwjMaMfjBwTjBwMliaaBMiMMãMBB'JAL^*.«I -iiSC>.* vtí.* -.' v- São Paulo ff^i ¦Ea'3 RIB^fi¦''^w^rv' ] *;.:'; --^wgíf'"" Gas and Water II % ,B^M.^l PianBB -OF- Pipes and Fittings. MB'iif9i^%iiB?^^syBRhmi ^^irtfíjWB^Boír- ? ¦¦^b '1BBBJ ¦¦ HHBaR .' Ba?j|aBKbBBM BBK«Be«èML^~' 4' •"¦" £ The Stanilard 0""11 DO., MlilllBI iuk rBHfl9?BI If^HllHnSB>- U^'tBJ Dlr.BBI MHiflHOBSl +I-C^tIP'I : iT^qBaak^V 91 S/MuM BKBB 'íBBTMíÍBI 9kj|BBjpjkaBnBBIB.'il'i.'2!HIBrSfwíffljijl t m ü Ná(BjnnNLíni|-M ¦¦lBM!Sl^i'Bl|:> - -' ¦»C 4 IRON, •¦ ^.JBBBB]>»QBlBr4l Bp#agJ.ÜBl BrB]BfWBPBBBBl¦ í-.-f-Bl¦:¦?-. a OF NEW YORK STEEL, Sfcfc.'--'^M-;ií-r^B5^BBlMl^ 1->4B Mf.E/1 *BJUlfalP5B1l':'B] ^.-í[ .¦BJS#-il^;:>¥:" ^V% aa s 5%2Pffli.^o9 B'^JVt fl biBí?7{ ¦ B ¦¦ ¦ -1 COPPER, BRASS IBeèrd AND OTHER (Thompson B^C *¦ j i »_' f wytTPDBJnfjl^irafci A^BBl \rml \r' liÉWBBBjBBBBBBBBBfcBBBBBfci '*! B BBBBBBBBBBBBB • í: ti» 'ti - V':<v|seg^FS^ltVS£ág^g EwãB^^W^BS^^^^CBB -tttBfl; íü' a. - * B]¦ l-^^T^SS^SvfcS^k vv^»""!ac!C322!98fcíí''4^-/'iM/^^vw)!rÍailI üullw?!r.'id & METALS. Sh^^x^^^Sc^v^^^ob |K^^^Qr : ¦ ^_^ffIfTBBr^ÉTIm Departiueut V£> bb K^ral1^^^^^ li W&Z$8iWÊm H^S Open to accept sole Agencies in the State of Sào Paulo HEAD OFFICE II PARIS, KOI CHAUCHAT Io. 5. The BRAHMA BREWERY v íiecommends its most famous Brands, the best Beeps existing: TEUTONIA, • ;1a^aiaPíafJf BRAHMA, n ar ^-j^y BGCK-ALE, BRAHMA-BOCK, BRAHMA-PORTER, BRAHMINA. DRAPT BEER. The delicious celebrated BRAHMA - CHOPP!!! For Orders apply to: li COMPANHIA CERVEJARIA BRAHMA RIO DE JANEIRO AGENCIES: PS. SANTOS: PAULO : Ni EXPORT: PFAÇA TELLES N. 10 Ricardo Naschold &Co. Emil Schmidt & Co. RUA WASHINGTON N. 31 RIO DE JANEIRO — CAIXA N. 1083 | m THE SÃO PAULO TRAMWAY, LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY LIMITED I1J0A13 OFFICE, TOKONTO, CANADA - iNEAV YOWK OFFICE, 25 BKOAD ST. SAO PAULO, PRAÇA ANTÔNIO PRADO \\p. 1 - RIO DE JANEIRO, 76 AVENIDA CENTRAL Tl'!. CT°f,Sao Pai,1°' which is ,. i, the caP'tal of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, is situated in the valley of the I.ete River, 800 metres above the sea levei and 35 miles from Santos, the sea port "late d^hlíu] íWoughont the resémbling c\M™% ÍC 1 -,S year, very closely that of Southern C7 30°'000 inhabltants alld may eàsily be S n ;f S° ;' V ,Cf seen by travellers touching at °P from Sa,ltos t0 Sã0 Pa«'o and f.ôm ÉftívS, ,° fJfelr01 ^ J01"'1^ by railway taking 2 hours h0l,rS- °" aCCÜUnt °f the natural ZdnZl P 'esources of the State of São Paulo ^ Ci* Sto Pa"'° ÍS ^ °f ceínerlnf the ™st ™*°^* commercial Soull: f^^00' J THE SÃO PAULO TRAMWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO LTD operates aü the tramway lines in São Paulo and supplies ali the electric light and power Electricitv is the fa"SOf the TÍCté KÍVer' SOme W^Ê^^^^^m^M^1^areiVoOOU pyÍtevP; Hl'lÍZÍng no;in pr;rss3* küometT for a lar*e bdow^M thÍ city otrat^^ Information concermng the resources of the country and that relat.™ totatl.,!Luu i r new industries, prices for power etcetc, can h^ok^;^ Nr reiative the estabhshment of power can be obtained by apphcat.on to any of the V offices of the Company. The_ la&st mõdets of the REMINQTON TYPEWRITER. offer lisible *r m* A* • «acrmting th.»fàmou»forgêd 'x^üí^T mP°rt*nt ln"^ation3. without sfeeí type-ba, w de and other principies of construction which have made the Rem níton LI„ ^ «d.» o, ,Ub.,ac.s .. ,he sam. „mf a„d """ „,, 8impl> ,„„„„,„„ ,„„ J* llTTS,!^ . ta-bul^^. w&shail pe pfeased ^ 8how you this i.!^fmAChln? F^sessing ^^set decimal I^RATT, w; 31 t.y i AAi General Agenf for Brazil. ¦¦—. .:.-HST:». %•¦*«.;.* JH «çii ... ..-.I. nú\m a VOL. XV. RIO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAY, APKfl_W(Sth, 1912.No. 18 HOTEü AVENIDA - RIO DE JANEIRO SOUZA CABRAL & CO. = 1S2. , .A/VIEINIZD-A. OEliTTIR/A-l-, 152, RIO DE JANEIRO ¦ ?'.'i^g>Ji^-fwt.'«-y !g£|jBjj||Pjp A '¦ ':¦,'¦ " OCCUPIES THE LARGEST •'¦ •YY.ív-TSjV t5?:'v *•-?!?' * 'V' .'-:í Y. ;.,Y:-.'.v^t.^.0'.'}^! -Y'.. Yv i- Y ^V^íiwèíKiSí TlilTKTrfvrilr->?:':Y- ¦ »;¦*¦'.*.' æ.* ¦ ¦ COMPLETE BLOCK AND MOST IMPORTANT MAGNIFICENT HOTEL IN BRAZIL ACCOMMODATION LIGHTED Ilillii ilJ^5« • yy* _"^__.)±j>+ w >¦**"*— »»_^»i . ^«^_^_ B_ __^_i__^^^^^^_á_Hk^^_^_^^\^_^_^_t^T*_HHM_ftDM^B GRAND HALL POR PUBLIC THROUGHOUT BY ^¦^^SHW H| ¦• r_Bi^Vl___^B_l_^_K IIH__i_^_HH_mH_H _P^^ b_^^^ _l _n _J5?i DINNERS & ELECTRICITY. RECEPTIONS. 220, ROOMS, 220 ELECTRIC LIFTS TO ALL FLOORS. TELEGRAHS: - "AYENIDA" TELEPHONE. 2873 The Western Telegraph Company, Limited. ONE MANAGEMENT. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE WITH SOUTH AMERICA UNDER CABLE STATIONS IN EUROPE ANO IN SOUTH AMERICA: CABLE STATIONS NORTH AMERICA:- WESTERN TELECRAPH COMPANY. COMPANY. Brazil:— EASTERN TELECRAPH Tampos Salles No.
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