SGA-WW2-1-1 Staff Officer Freetown. Requests That Movements of Foreign

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SGA-WW2-1-1 Staff Officer Freetown. Requests That Movements of Foreign / ■ A ; T— SGA/WW2/1 # 1 - - / !1 i : ' ! ■ > & b - - 1 ' ! / A / . ! \ \ ■ . ' —V « ■ . - •. - - . fr r • •’ ; • v:j v I t \ M m i i m I ■ fe- ■ H c 1 \ ipir \ * Staff Officer, Freetown. SUBJECT. f) 19 38. Requests that movements of Foreign Whale Factory Ships should he reported by telegraph. i 20mV^t'o'ber’ Previous Paper. Co CC ' PasvC /J MINUTES. d-C.f. Xzou-kl. a. / • C- \.- •»—4 / bz. dC t TLe^c^C- CLsU* t/i7 Subsequent Paper.f Ho. 2 o/5/. 3? c^,>TWvy'fe Sfc^j dJLaut ft Z«4__ " it V /H/f fa /Q *. \ - f 1 < '/: // sHuffLl 4 - /-? 4^'7/Zh. / 2 - I / ’ ’. ro " Tr? ^7 A Ha/C -4 X&Z.Ha ^7<ISvl L C^i 7^ Lyy) s t +jL*ciy 7 ./ fliXTt ' 7 . 7v~c /v<Wc s{aAx^£>ls% 4a/~isLC *Pb- **-^*-~p -/ // x yCL^Ofa/V. ^v> ^4 jm AstwUr ^C<w , l~> r Af~tytl ,/7\--+ 4 7?) ^4 A. i /"" Cfa^&V ^--4 . 7 Ui-Of/ Inside Minute .Payer. 6 heet No i ul a C*J / u^v 'IT / l4V *S / »✓------^ c/ // '■'dr / C~+ dLsS- */w — //- ■’- t /-/ &— /l\r-J-) X- L L/7 2. ulJ aM 4" //V 4 // I J // - cYtIV-fr^Cl^ ./vtaTL . J^L'V^ J 4/ i^r/S ■*— ^ l •*- <? . .. /|4w* /tALV —*-<L- V-, £T 4c l'*xn^ <■" " ✓ /. /^-JL-cs^ J s Qs/c~- x? c-* £*W A JS r x du^rr \ c / f/t(. V ' Ufur-- • £Uf jte. >v C\-dt / ge^f.tZ- 4o ctcp.c£ Jz ' /3~<Lu<, L-Sc'^^- frld-P^cA- Ij tLy - - p CQ-e^U*- — /<S^Cl'V ftC^iS . 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