C14 Asters.Ach-Eut
COMPOSITAE PART ONE Achillea to Eutrochium Working Draft Friday June 13th, 2015 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF PLANT MATERIALS Asteraceae Martinov formerly Compositae Adanson Asteraceae Dumortier 1822 or Compositae Giseke 1792 “As is the case, I believe, with the American Flora throughout the United States, & indeed, the whole continent, the autumnal botany of the prairies exhibits a large preponderance of the Compositae. Besides those already mentioned, we may enumerate, as of frequent occurrence, Chrysopsis mariana, Helenium autumnale, Boltonia glastifolia & B asteroides, Bidens frondosa & B chrysanthemoides, Eupatorium serotinum, E aromaticum, E ageratoides, E purpureum, &c, Cnicus glutinosus, C Virginianus, C muticus, C altissimus, &c, Silphium laciniatum, S integrifolium, S terebinthinaceum, &c, Prenanthes aspera, P virgata, P racemosa, P Uncopyrighted Draft serpentaria, &c, Vernonia fasciculata, V corymbosa, & one or two other species.” (Short 1845, Observations on the Botany of Illinois, more especially in reference to the Autumnal Flora of the Prairies.) SUNFLOWER FAMILY 1 COMPOSITAE Cichorium Achillea Cirsium Actinomeris Conoclinium Ageratina Conyza Agoseris Coreopsis Ambrosia Cosmos Anaphalis Dimorphotheca Antennaria Dracopsis Arctium Dyssodia Arnoglossum Doellingeria Artemisia Echinacea Aster Erechtites Bidens Erigeron Boltonia Eupatorium Brickellia Eurybia Cacalia Euthamia Centaurea Eutrochium Chrysanthemum Chrysopsis ASTERWORTS Every aster in my hand Goes home with a thought Emerson “A very large family of herbs, shrubs, & trees, 1500-1600 genera & 20,000-25,000 spp (formerly order Campanulales, now Asterales) considered to constitute the most highly evolved plants & characterized by florets arranged in dense heads that resemble single flowers, each floret having a gamopetalous, ligulate, or tubular corolla & a calyx modified into a pappus (as in the dandelion, sunflower, aster, & ragweed).
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