Reproductive Success of Anacamptis Morio (Orchidaceae) in the Donau-Auen National Park, Austria
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Reproductive success of Anacamptis morio (Orchidaceae) in the Donau-Auen National Park, Austria Master´s thesis for acquiring the academic grade “Diplom-Ingenieurin” ( equivalent to Master of Science (MSc) submitted by Christina Felicitas Teibert supervisors Priv.-Doz. Dr. Matthias Kropf Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Monika Kriechbaum Vienna, April 2018 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Institute for Integrative Nature Conservation Research Affidavit I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this work. No assistance other than that which is permitted has been used. Ideas and quotes taken directly or indirectly from other sources are identified as such. This written work has not yet been submitted in any part. ______________________ Acknowledgements First, I want to give my most profound thanks to my supervisors Matthias Kropf and Monika Kriechbaum, who enthused me with science, botany and in special the topic of orchids. They always had time when I came with questions, and, or enthusiastic ideas for new hypothesis about my research issues. All our talks and discussions where very delightful and gave me the opportunity to satisfy my thirst for knowledge and to learn a lot! Further on, I want to give my thanks to Karoline Zsak, my advisor and contact person from the Donau-Auen National Park, for her organizational support and quick response in times of need! In addition to that, I want to thank the Donau-Auen National Park for the financial support and the permission of making my scientific research possible! Furthermore, I want to give my thanks to Baerbel Pachinger for her help in the identification of bumblebees and wild bees and Bernhard Splechtna for one or two hints about technical issues on my laptop! Finally, I want to give my thanks for the chance to occupy a working table at the “Institute for Integrative Nature Conservation Research” where I found a perfect working environment with charming colleagues of keen scientists. I will never forget the time I spent at my working desk! It was a pleasure to work at such an inspiring and suitable workplace! Therefore, I want to express my thanks to everyone who works at the institute and who gave me the feeling of being part of the team! Thank you! Abstract The reproductive success of the terrestrial deceptive orchid Anacamptis morio was investigated in the Donau-Auen National Park, Austria. In the season 2017, the fruit set of 399 plants was analyzed in relation to floral display parameters (e.g. flower numbers, plant heights) and co- flowering con- and hetero-specific densities. A central question was, if rare white-flowered plants increase the reproductive success of common purple-flowered plants. The mean fruit set of all plants studied was 17.6 %. On average, 3610 seeds per capsule (N = 10) were formed, of which on average 16.8 % were vital. The fruit set increased with increasing numbers of flowers per inflorescence. However, at a certain number of flowers per inflorescence or a certain plant height, the reproductive success no longer increased, on the contrary the fruit set level stagnated and thereafter decreased. Conspecific densities had a significant negative effect on fruit set as well as on plant height. From 12 co-flowering taxa three occurred in more than 10 % of all studied subareas. However, no evidence was found for a facilitation of the deceptive orchid through rewarding co-flowers. On the contrary, a significant negative effect of Potentilla incana on the fruit set of A. morio was found. There was no difference in the reproductive success among purple- and white-flowered plants. Furthermore, I didn´t find evidence, that rare white- flowered plants had a positive effect on the fruit set of conspecific purple-flowered plants as has been suggested, previously. My results suggest that neither negative frequency dependent selection (in favor of rare morphs) nor facilitation of the common morph (through rare white morphs) took place. Keywords: Orchis morio, deception, Orchidaceae, flower color polymorphism, magnet species, Donau-Auen National Park, conspecific densities, fruit set. Zusammenfassung Der Reproduktionserfolg, der terrestrischen Nektartäuschorchidee Anacamptis morio wurde im sterreichischen Nationalpark Donau-Auen untersucht. Im Frhjahr 2017 wurde der Fruchtansatz von 399 Pflanzen in Hinblick auf verschiedene Bltenstand-Parameter (z.B. Bltenanzahl, Pflanzenhhe) sowie kon- und heterospezifische Bestandsdichten von mglichen Attraktionspflanzen untersucht. Insbesondere wurde hierbei der Fruchtansatz von verschiedenen Bltenfarben-Morphen und ihre potentiellen wechselseitigen Einflsse untersucht. Der mittlere Fruchtansatz aller untersuchten Pflanzen lag bei 17.6 %. Im Durchschnitt wurden 3610 Samen in einer Kapsel (N = 10) gebildet, von diesen waren durchschnittlich 16.8 % vital. Eine grßere Anzahl an Blten in der Infloreszenz erhhte den Fruchtansatz. Allerdings stagnierte ab einer bestimmten Anzahl von Blten der Fruchtansatz und nahm bei noch mehr Blten sogar ab. Durch hohe konspezifische Pflanzendichten konnten signifikant negative Effekte sowohl auf den Fruchtansatz als auch auf die Pflanzenhhe festgestellt werden. Von 12 beobachteten zeitgleich blhenden Taxa kamen drei in mehr als 10% aller untersuchten Flächen vor. Allerdings konnte kein erhhter Fruchtansatz durch diese Pflanzen festgestellt werden. Im Gegenteil wurde ein signifikant negativer Effekt von Potentilla incana auf den Fruchtansatz von A. morio nachgewiesen. Es konnte kein Unterschied im Fruchtansatz der violett- (dominanter Farbmorph) und weißblhenden Pflanzen festgestellt werden. Dieses Ergebnis deutet darauf hin, dass weder negative-dichte-abhängige-Selektion (Bevorzugung des seltenen Morphs) noch eine Begnstigung des dominanten Morphs (durch den seltenen Morph) stattfindet. Stichwrter: Orchis morio, Fruchtansatz, Nektartäuschblumen, Orchidaceae, Bltenfarben Polymorphismus, Magnetarten, Nationalpark Donauauen, Pflanzendichte. Table of contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 7 2. Materials and Methods ......................................................................................................... 10 2.1 Plant species ................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Study area and Sampling ................................................................................................ 11 2.3 Laboratory work ............................................................................................................. 13 2.4 Statistical analysis .......................................................................................................... 14 3. Results .................................................................................................................................. 15 3.1 Fruit set, seed set and seed vitality ................................................................................. 15 3.1.1 Climatic conditions within the research season ...................................................... 15 3.1.2 Fruit set values of Anacamptis morio ...................................................................... 17 3.1.3 Capsule numbers ..................................................................................................... 18 3.1.4 Seed numbers and seed vitality ............................................................................... 18 3.2 Floral display parameters and fruit set ........................................................................... 19 3.2.1 Flower numbers ....................................................................................................... 19 3.2.2 Plant height .............................................................................................................. 20 3.2.3 Inflorescence length ................................................................................................ 22 3.2.4 Capsule positions within the inflorescence ............................................................. 23 3.3 Con- and hetero-specific densities and fruit set ............................................................. 23 3.3.1 Conspecific population structure ............................................................................. 23 Conspecific density .......................................................................................... 23 Color morph distance ....................................................................................... 26 3.3.2 Co-flowering potential magnet plants and Anacamptis morio ................................ 27 Number of co-flowering taxa and the fruit set of Anacamptis morio .............. 27 Individual co-flower species and fruit set of Anacamptis morio ..................... 28 Potentilla incana – Sand Cinquefoil ....................................................................... 29 Euphorbia cyparissias – Cypress spurge ................................................................. 30 Ornithogalum kochii – Star of Bethlehem ............................................................... 31 3.4 Field observations between insects and Anacamptis morio ........................................... 32 3.4.1 Bombus – bumblebees ............................................................................................ 32 Bombus terrestris – Buff-tailed bumblebee ................................................................