Ethical Views June 2013 Vol. 127, No. 10 Newsletter of the Ethical Humanist Society of

SUMMER SUNDAY MEETINGS Sunday, July 14, 2013, 10:00 AM ARE AT 10:00 AM, except August 11 Summer Edition Yoga, , and You! (see on next page) Hugh Taft-Morales, EHSoP Leader, and Jack Schwar, member J U N E Sunday, June 23, 2013, 10:00 AM The Language that is Music This dynamic duo will offer insights Sunday, June 2, 2013, 10:00 AM Rollin Wilbur, EHSoP Pianist into the benefits of yoga in a humanist Ethical Page-Turners context. They will share some of their Betsy Lightbourn, EHSoP Education How can we listen better to music’s experiences with yoga, lead some meanings? A musical seminar. Committee Chair breathing and meditation activities, and Ethical issues are often creatively facilitate some gentle yoga practice that Sunday, June 30, 2013, 10:00 AM explored through fiction, and sometimes you can do seated in your own chair. Ethical Culture Today! through genre page-turners; thrillers, Audience members can participate in historical novels, romances, and Hugh Taft-Morales, EHSoP Leader some or all of the program, or simply science fiction all offer good The American Ethical Union (AEU) reads (especially during vacations) observe. No pressure! For those doing often with ethical insights. Several hosts a national assembly each year for seated meditation, wear comfortable members will share their guilty many reasons. It generates constructive clothes. pleasures in this program. Join us and dialogue between member societies help set the mood for a day at the beach and the staff and board of the AEU so Sunday, July 21, 2013, 10:00 AM by bringing your beach towel, beach we can agree on strategy and budget Songs for the Dispossessed hat, sunglasses, sandals, and your priorities for the coming year. It Kate Esposito, Ethical Action own favorite “read” you would like to provides members with workshops Committee Chair recommend to others. to improve internal governance and Musical inspiration for listening and public ethical action projects. And it Sunday, June 9, 2013, 10:00 AM reflection. Picnic at Camp Linden offers all who attend opportunities to generate meaningful and personal (No meeting on Rittenhouse Square) Sunday, July 28, 2013, 10:00 AM inspiration to bring Ethical Humanism Join us for our annual community picnic A Colloquy: Compassion to the world. Having just attended this at Camp Linden! This informal gathering Hugh Taft-Morales, EHSoP Leader celebrates the end of our program year year’s conference in Fairfax, Virginia, and marks the start of summer when Leader Hugh Taft-Morales will share The colloquy format is designed to children from Philadelphia will come insights into the state of the Ethical stimulate thoughtful, meditative self- to the Brandywine Valley and learn Culture movement nationwide. reflection. Short readings, silence, and about nature, swim and enjoy the music encourage us to listen deeply, outdoors. Come to 1523 Camp Linden connect with our heart, and share. A Rd., West Chester, PA 19382. For more J U LY colloquy is not a debate, discussion, complete directions go to: http://www. or forum to offer advice to others, but From Sunday, July 7, 2013, 10:00 AM rather a time to deepen our awareness. noon to 4:00 PM, but come as early The Sum of Me, by Catherine Rush, (Continued next page) and stay as late as you want. Duck race Philadelphia playwright; a dramatic and other fun activities for children. reading Page In This Issue $15 per person, $10 if you bring food. Children free. Bring your own dogs and Adult children gather on a remote 1-2 Summer Sunday Meetings hamburgers for grilling if you wish. mountain to bury their mother’s 2-3 Leader’s Message Grills will be going. remains. They still have more to learn 4 Happenings Sunday, June 16, 2013, 10:00 AM about her, and one another. 5 Announcements; Listserv Reflections on Fatherhood in the Arts 6 Unity Picnic Flyer EHSoP members do a dramatic reading Lyle Murley, Ph.D., EHSoP Member 7 Summer Calendar; Quote-Unquote; of one of the top plays from our 2012 Dr. Murley will explore the meaning of Memorial Note:Alton Lemon contest. To volunteer, contact Pat at fatherhood through images, music and 8 Summer Birthdays words. [email protected] Summer Sunday Meetings (Cont’d.) Work” evenings focusing on matters Leader’s Column constitutional, five “Democracy on Trial” forums, a four-part “Fun with A U G U S T Western Philosophy” class, special The Joy and evening talks and concerts co-sponsored Sunday, August 4, 2013, 10:00 AM Challenge with the Freethought Society, a Beacon A Colloquy: topic to be announced of Growth Theater play on Lincoln and Frederick Richard Kiniry, EHSoP Leader Douglass, and more. Obviously these Emeritus events have served our members and the local community as well. Reviews Sunday, August 11, 2013, 11:00 AM Hugh Taft-Morales were very positive. (Please note time change.) Over the past year the Ethical These events, however, demand much Robert G. Ingersoll and the Freethought Humanist Society of Philadelphia has from our staff, Movement in Philadelphia grown and signs are that it will continue volunteers and Tom Flynn, Director, Robert G. to grow. From June 2012 to May 2013, leadership. Not Ingersoll Birthplace Museum EHSoP has added 15 new members only are Dotti to our roster! A new cohort of young and Antuan asked This special presentation, on the adults are attending our functions and to handle many 180th birthday of Robert Ingersoll, is meeting as a group socially. Attendance details surrounding cosponsored with Freethought Society. at Sunday platforms has been high. New these events, but our volunteers are outside groups sharing our humanist huffing and puffing too! There is even A leading expert on Ingersoll and the commitment to social justice, including “audience fatigue.” Some of our more Freethought movement, Tom Flynn Delaware Valley Americans United active members apologize to me about is editor of Free Inquiry, Executive and new offshoots of Occupy Philly, having to miss an event. I reassure them Director of the Council for Secular are meeting regularly in our building, that this is OK: we can’t all be there for Humanism as well as director of along with longtime allies Amnesty all events. Sometimes we need to take the Robert G. Ingersoll Birthplace International and Pennsylvanians for a night off and refuel. Individuals and Museum. Alternatives to the Death Penalty. We the group can feel overwhelmed by our are bustling with activity and the energy own offerings. is good. So what’s not to like? Sunday, August 18, 2013, 10:00 AM How about growth in networking and Liberation Theology Well, when I went through collaboration? This too is a double- Ken Greiff, Member, EHSoP Board Leadership training with sided coin. On the one hand, it’s of Trustees the American Ethical wonderful to support various groups Union, the unit devoted to with staff time and free or low-cost use Sunday, August 25, 2013, 10:00 AM Congregational Develop- of our building space. 1906 Rittenhouse Book Discussion: Spirituality for the ment opened my eyes is a major resource that we should Skeptic, Robert C. Solomon to the challenges of growth. continue to leverage in service of our Hugh Taft-Morales, EHSoP Leader While every Ethical Society I know mission. But when many groups use is eager to grow, there is a consensus our building a couple of things happen. A conversation about spirituality amongst experts in “organizational First, it requires more hours of service from a humanist perspective. All are development” (or “OD” for those in by our administrative and custodial encouraged to read Spirituality for the biz) that growth can be one of the staff: more opening and closing, the Skeptic which though written by a hardest things to handle, especially vacuuming and cleaning, wear and philosopher is mercifully only 140 pages for small organizations with limited tear. Additionally, a crowded building long. Of course anyone can attend and resources. affects Dotti’s ability to rent our space participate having read the book or not. to paying clients who help us pay our Hugh will frame the discussion with Let’s begin with the challenges of bills. some insights into some of Solomon’s growth in program offerings. This most intriguing points. year our community benefited from And finally, what could possibly lots of educational and personal be problematic about growth in growth opportunities. There have been membership? Isn’t this the greatest Sunday, September 1: No meeting. Worldly Wisdom gatherings, a thing since sliced bread? I answer Fall Platforms begin Sept. 8, <> reading group of Ed Ericson’s The (Continued on next page) 2013. 11:00 AM. Humanist Way, six “Constitution at Growth (Cont’d. from previous page) core mission of the Ethical Humanist say, and the Ethical Humanist Society a definitive…“YES!!!” The energy, Society of Philadelphia, to cultivate of Philadelphia is no exception. Our ideas, and perspectives contributed by character guided by ethical principles Board and committees invite you all new members are fundamental to our and demonstrated in community to contribute your time and talent continued success as a force for Ethical engagement and behavior, we must in helping us grow in positive and Humanism in Philadelphia. There is adapt to changing social conditions and exciting ways. Those of you who no standing still. Without a growing, needs. The challenge of evolving with attended May’s membership meeting diverse membership, EHSoP would integrity is then this: how do we both heard from our committees: Education, shrink into a closed, inwardly focused stay true to general values of Ethical Community, Finance, Building, Ethical social club. This is the fate for many Humanism while welcoming new ways Action, and our new Outreach and to express these values in daily life? Communications Committee. Which small congregations. of these might benefit from your interest Half of the answer to this question is that Taking in new members in an effective and skills? and ethical manner, however, requires we need to continue to the careful attention of staff, leadership, understand our roots. Might any of the following projects Community Committee and volunteers. The rich tradition entice you? Help create Organizational hospitality has to of Ethical Culture a “Caring Team” to be learned. Take, for example, the guides us still. I will support the Community reception for young adults interested in continue to teach our Committee by offering Ethical Humanism hosted at the home history not so that we march in lockstep support and comfort to of our gracious Board President and his with our founder Felix Adler, but so our members in need. Help wife. This was an important evening, members can separate the wheat from spruce up our building but one that required much planning. the chaff, bringing out the best of our through basic and history while leaving behind what has aesthetic improvements But more fundamental than the time become outdated. This pragmatism as guided by the Building required, growth in membership can that tests ideas by applying them to the Committee. Step up as an “Intern prove surprisingly challenging to small real world is a part of our tradition that Mentor,” recruiting and supervising organizations like ours. What is called makes me proud! college interns helping Dotti in the “family-style” organizations of 50 But the other half of the answer office. Be the first one to sign up for a members or so operate well by word to the question of evolving with “Pledge Drive task force” to organize of mouth and informal governance. integrity is to be open to change. This the most fun and effective pledge drive Access to information is open to all takes listening to new voices in our ever. Be an online calendar manager through conversation and personal community, both inside and outside spreading information about what’s relationships. But when organizations our doors. We must continue to reach going on at 1906 Rittenhouse! These are grow closer to one hundred members out into the Philadelphia community just some of the initiatives welcoming and beyond, this style becomes a and integrate with a city in need of your energy and enthusiasm. roadblock to integration of new healing and justice. We should be members. Organizations have to work If you have read to the end of this open to critiques of how we operate, hard to convert the oral tradition of column, chances are you believe appreciating candid feedback as a gift sharing “how things have always been in the Ethical Humanist Society of that strengthens Ethical Humanism. done” into a written culture where Philadelphia. Maybe you are more information is accessible to all in To help us open up to new perspectives, interested in supporting a caring multiple forms. This helps new I’m excited about a fall workshop community, or maybe you prefer the members and visitors feel on an equal currently in the works. I hope many educational opportunities, or perhaps footing with longer-term members. of you, especially those in leadership social justice work attracts you

positions, will take advantage of the most. Whatever it is about our Finally, a more subtle challenge this opportunity to learn how we can community that floats your boat, please involved in growth is that of identity. better incorporate new and diverse join me in helping us grow in new and New members bring new ideas and fresh voices, some that may challenge our exciting ways. This will require the perspectives to Ethical Humanism. assumptions in surprising ways. Look commitment and patience of us all. This may challenge long-term members for a notice of this workshop in the If you believe in Ethical Humanism who worry that we will lose our past September newsletter! as I do, our growth will reap rewards and our traditions. Certainly some beyond our imagination. Let’s grow practices and perspectives may fade In conclusion, I will sound the together! into history; so it goes with all evolving trumpet clarion call: volunteers, step <> organizations. But in order to serve the forward! It takes a village, so they Happenings Our Art Floweth Over – EHSoP Opens its Own Art Gallery By Hugh Taft-Morales If you haven’t gotten over to 1906 Rittenhouse to see the new Collier Room Art Gallery do so soon! Our exhibit of member Robert Allen’s incredible work will be there for the summer, but we hope to obtain new installations over the course of the year. About 50 members attended the opening of Robert’s work on April 21st and got to hear Robert’s story “Kirsten,” read in part at platform just before. (Copies of the complete story are available in the Collier Room.) Member Ron Coburn was particularly struck by Robert’s fanciful imagination, originality, and drawing expertise captured by what Robert referred to as ‘his doodling.’ Ron borrowed Robert’s drawing book, scanned some of his drawings, and in 2010, he organized an exhibit of some of the scanned work at the Ethical Humanist Society. Ron also shared the scans with several art galleries. Experts there said that Robert should expand his drawings to a larger scale, and that they might then sell. (If you are looking for artwork to buy, you should know that many of Robert’s works are for sale! If interested, please tell Dotti Wesley in our Office.)

Meanwhile, another member, Janice Moore, saw Robert’s talent and told him about the Plastic Club, an artists’ society, where Bob began attending a workshop and drawing in a larger format. Robert soon gained the admiration of folks at the Club. This resulted in an ongoing sponsored membership and a one-month scholarship to a special life class. He was also able to exhibit in several group shows there and at a local gallery.

Thanks to Ron, Janice, Antuan, Dotti, Garry, the Community Committee, and the EHSoP Board, the art was gathered, the hanging equipment chosen, paid for, and installed, and the opening was publicized and put on. Now all of us can enjoy Robert’s art this summer, and look forward to future exhibits.

If you would like to support our “art flowing over,” please leave a message with Dotti in our Office addressed to “Art Task Force.” We need a couple of volunteers to oversee policy, and some artists, of course, to install and exhibit their work.

TOP DOWN: -- Hugh Taft-Morales shows a patchwork piece constructed from drawings Robert did on Sunday morning programs. -- Robert reads an excerpt from his story, “Kirsten.” -- More than 50 people (middle two photos) attend the first opening in the Collier Room showing Robert’s work -- Robert holds a Dialogue at his opening (bottom two photos) and answers some questions from fellow EHSoP members and guests. Announcements 4) Consider using the listserv Miss to bring out your best by double- Jay Wexler talk, checking that you are both being Monday, July 1, 7:00 Manners of the clear and not simply venting. Never PM at the Ethical use the listserv for personal attacks “Holy Hullabaloos and Listserv! or ad hominem arguments (attacking Beyond: The State of the messenger rather than the Church/State Law in the (and maybe some other message). Be polite; do not "flame." places)” is another event co-hosted Make your point succinctly and do by the Ethical Humanist Society and not ramble on. You may disagree the Freethought Society. It is free and As most of you know, the Ethical without being disagreeable. open to the public, but a $5 donation is Humanist Society has begun using a 5) Put a succinct, clear, and requested to offset expenses. Wexler listserv for non-urgent communications will talk about the various people and between Society administration, perhaps catchy title in the subject places he visited while researching the leadership, committees and members at line to make it easy for people to book and will talk about the current state large. We urge everyone to subscribe know the core content of the email. of First Amendment law in the United to the listserv. If you are not on it 6) Don’t overuse the listserv; States. Wexler is an award-wining and want to join, please contact Nick contribute your best thoughts to the Professor of Law at Boston University, Sanders at: [email protected] . an author of three books, two dozen group conversation! articles, and over fifty essays, reviews, 7) Remember that not everyone and stories in the Boston Globe, We added the listserv for a couple of has subscribed to the listserv. If you Huffington Post, National Geographic reasons. must get a message out to everyone NewsWatch, Salon, Slate and Spy. in the society, speak to a board First, the listserv address is easily member about using the email list identifiable so you can tell which emails Two networking notes and make sure to send by post notice that might interest you! are society business just by seeing the listserv address. If you don’t have time to those members who don’t have First, you are all invited to or interest to read them, you can just any email. th the 7 Annual Unity Picnic hosted by delete them knowing that they were not 8) To repeat a point made the Philadelphia Coalition of Reason on emails directed specifically to you. above, don’t be overwhelmed by Sunday, July 28th. It will occur rain the listserv. It is really OK to delete or shine at Fort Washington State Second, listservs work well as forums for conversations, where everyone is listserv messages without reading Park‛s Flourtown Pavilion. EHSoP is a them, especially if the subject line member of the PhillyCOR along with free to read or not read, contribute or the Humanist Association of Greater not contribute. You are free to read does not indicate a subject that Philadelphia, the Freethought only a fraction of the contributions, and interests you. Society, the Drexel Freethought you can reply only to a fraction of that fraction, or to none of them. Thanks for helping our on-line Society, the Philadelphia Atheist community flourish! Meetup, the Temple Atheists and Critical Thinkers, and the Penn State Here are some pointers regarding use Hugh Taft-Morales Atheist Agnostic Association. Please of the listserv: contact [email protected] to RSVP and bring a $10 donation and a 1) Use the listserv for general side dish to share. See Hugh or the items of interest to members Office for more information. of EHSoP, not for personal or To repeat: if you’d like to join the professional business. ESHoPMembers listserv, notify Nick Second, the Pennsylvania Sanders at: [email protected] . State Atheist/Humanist 2013 2) Use “Reply” only to send a Conference occurs from September reply to the entire list. 13 to 15 at the Embassy Suites 3) Do not hit “Reply” just to Airport Hotel. Scheduled speakers acknowledge receipt or say thanks. include Rep. Mark Cohen, Fred To do this, use “Forward” and P.S. from the editor: Edwords, David Silverman, A.J. Coming soon on the EHSoP listserv: Johnson, Ethical Culture Leader- type in their address, adding your own comments if you wish. You “Should the Society call itself in-Training and Fellow at Harvard ‘religious’ ”? Humanist Community James Croft, can include others by typing their Sign up, tune in, speak out! -P. McG. and maybe even your own Leader address(es) in the “TO” or “CC” Hugh! For more information got to fields.

Summer Calendar Please note: This calendar does not cover summer meetings of our committees or related groups.

6/2 Ethical Page-Turners, Betsy Lightbourn, 10:00 AM

6/9 Camp Linden Picnic, Noon to 4:00 PM, or whenever

6/16 Fatherhood in the Arts, Lyle Murley, 10:00 AM

6/23 Music as Language, Rollin Wilbur, 10:00 AM

6/30 Ethical Culture Today, Hugh Taft-Morales, 10:00 AM

7/1 Holy Hullabaloos, Jay Wexler, 7:00 PM

7/7 The Sum of Me, Dramatic Play Reading, 10:00 AM

7/14 Yoga and You, Hugh Taft-Morales, 10:00 AM

7/21 Songs for the Dispossessed, Kate Esposito, 10:00 AM

7/28 Colloquy: Compassion, Hugh Taft-Morales, 10:00 AM

7/28 Unity Picnic, PHL Coal. Of Reason, Ft. Washington Park Quote-Unquote

8/4 Colloquy: TBA, Richard Kiniry, 10:00 AM Few nations have been so poor as to have but one god. Gods 8/11 Robert G. Ingersoll, Tom Flynn, 11:00 AM were made so easily, and the raw material cost so little, 8/18 Liberation Theology, Ken Greiff, 10:00 AM that generally the god market was fairly glutted, and heaven 8/25 Spirituality for the Skep�c, led by Hugh Ta� Morales, 10:00 AM crammed with these phantoms.

PREVIEW -Robert G. Ingersoll 9/13-15 PA Atheist/Humanist Conf., Embassy Suites Airport Hotel

Memorial Note: Alton Lemon

Alton Lemon, the first African-American president of the Philadelphia Ethical Society, where he served during the 1960’s, died last month. Mr. Lemon, a Philadelphia resident, was director of the Police Community Relations Division of the North City Congress, but gained national fame for being the plaintiff in the 1971 Supreme Court case, Lemon v. Kurtzman. This decision established what was know as the “Lemon Test” to determine when the wall separating church from state had been breached. He also won the 2003 First Amendment Hero Award from the Freedom From Religion Foundation for his successful challenge of Pennsylvania’s use of public tax funds to support religious schools.

In brief, the “Lemon Test” pronounced that in order to be constitutional, laws must 1) have a secular purpose; 2) be neutral towards religion, neither hindering not advancing any religion; and 3) not result in “excessive entanglements” between government and religion. We at the Ethical Humanist Society are keeping in our heart Mr. Lemon’s widow, Augusta Lemon, and his son, Anthony Lemon. At the time of this writing, arrangements for a memorial service have not been finalized. Ethical Views is published monthly except July and August. SUMMER BIRTHDAYS June Editor, Pat McGeever 3 - Temma Fishman Layout, Janice R. Moore 7 - Steve Bremner Production, Dotti Wesley 7 - Janice Moore Web Master, Nick Sanders 12 - George Sakheim Ethical Humanist Society 18 - Bob Allen of Philadelphia July Hugh Taft-Morales, Leader 9 - John McCormick Board of Trustees 9 - Harry Thorn Jeffrey Dubb, M.D., President 10 - Janet Cooke Nick Sanders, Vice President 10 - Sylvia Lee Metzler Linda Richardson, Treasurer 20 - Bill Goldberg Ken Greiff, Secretary 20 - Rita Verbin Doris Dabrowski 22 - Marvin Liebman Kate Esposito 23 - David Ralston Marta Guttenberg 26 - Elisabeth Lightbourn Betsy Lightbourn 26 - Sharon Wallis Carol Love, M.D. Gary O’Rourke August 6 - Kim McKay (215) 735 - 3456 offi[email protected] 12 - Carole Karash 14 - Ilse Sakheim 20 - Nic Esposito

Ethical Humanist Society of Philadelphia 1906 South Ri�enhouse Square Philadelphia, PA 19103