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Vo1. 30 No. 5 Published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. June/July 2013 FFRF sues over Florida lit censorship The Freedom From Religion Foun- account of creation, including having dation filed a lawsuit June 13 in U.S. creation theory taught in our public District Court in Florida against the schools” and “speak[s] out against hu- Orange County School Board in Or- manistic views contrary to the biblically lando for censoring distribution of based founding fathers’ constitutional freethought materials while allowing vision.” unfettered distribution of the Chris- The complaint asserts that the dis- tian bible. trict “did not object to a single word in Plaintiffs are FFRF, its Co-Presidents [the WCF] Bible, but approved it fully Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker, and without comment.” and David Williamson, who heads the The plaintiffs contend that public Central Florida Freethought Commu- schools shouldn’t allow literature dis- nity, a new FFRF chapter. Distribution tributions by any outside group and of limited freethought literature was told the school district that by letter allowed on May 2, the National Day of before the World Changers event. Prayer. Williamson reiterated that position at The distribution was organized in a Jan. 29 pre-agenda meeting of the response to a so-called “passive” bible school board. distribution in January, when World FFRF encouraged the district to Changers of Florida evangelists in 11 adopt a policy that “prohibits outside public schools were permitted to hawk groups from turning schools into reli- bibles and promote religion. gious battlegrounds while preserving FFRF asserts violation of its rights the distribution system for the benefit under the First Amendment (view- of the school” and suggested model point discrimination and prior re- language. A reporter interviews David Williamson, director of FFRF’s chapter the Central straint) and 14th Amendment (equal After the district refused, FFRF Florida Freethought Community, during the literature distribution. protection). asked for permission to distribute sec- Orange County Public Schools in- Book.” not occur) is unconstitutional,” FFRF’s ular materials. Williamson submitted sisted on vetting the freethought lit- Plaintiffs Barker and Gaylor wrote complaint states. the secular groups’ literature Jan. 29 erature from FFRF and other secular several of the censored pamphlets. FFRF seeks a permanent injunction for approval. Included were nine “non- groups. It censored many of the mate- The school district prohibited one barring future viewpoint discrimina- tracts,” five brochures, eight books, rials, including Letter to a Christian Na­ book because its message that Jesus tion and prior restraint of its speech. one essay and one sticker. Three books tion, Sam Harris’ book; “The Truth,” was not crucified or resurrected “is age The plaintiffs intend to repeat the dis- were voluntarily withdrawn in order to an essay by Robert G. Ingersoll; Jesus Is inappropriate for the maturity levels of tribution every school year, unless the speed the approval process after stone- Dead, a book by Robert Price, professor many of the students in high school.” school prohibits all such distributions, walling by the district. of philosophy and religion; Madalyn However, the bible that the school including bibles. The district prohibited four of Murray O’Hair’s book What on Earth approved for distribution claims that FFRF’s five books, leaving part of one Is an Atheist?; Why I am Not a Muslim, a Jesus was crucified and resurrected. Christian favoritism (Part III of Thomas Paine’s The Age of book by Ibn Warraq, and several FFRF “Permitting one viewpoint (the cru- Reason) and several small pamphlets. “nontracts,” including “Dear Believer,” cifixion and resurrection occurred) On Jan. 16, World Changers distrib- “Good Without God” stickers were pro- “Why Jesus?” “What Does the Bible Say and censoring the opposing viewpoint ute New International Version bibles to hibited. About Abortion?” and “An X-Rated (the crucifixion and resurrection did students. WCF “support[s] the biblical Continued on page 5

Inside This Issue FFRF helps atheist become U.S. citizen

Meet student activists FFRF stood up for equal rights for the armed forces. Anything more, such the nonreligious by forcing the U.S. as a requirement to document the be- Page 7 Office of Customs and Immigration lief with a particular church, is a gross Services to strike an unconstitutional violation of the law and the Constitu- requirement for religious documenta- tion,” Seidel wrote. tion that would have barred an atheist Doughty asked for an exemption to from becoming a citizen. the oath: “I am sure the law would nev- Margaret Doughty, 64, an atheist er require a 64-year-old woman like my- Alton Lemon and 30-year U.S. resident who was born self to arms, but if I am required Memoriam in Great Britain, applied to the Hous- to answer this question, I cannot lie. ton customs office to become a citizen. I must be honest. The truth is that Page 11 She has permanent resident status I would not be willing to bear arms. while running nonprofit adult literacy Since my youth I have had a firm, fixed organizations. All citizenship appli- and sincere objection to participation cants must take an oath to bear arms in war in any form or in the bearing for this country before full citizenship of arms. I deeply and sincerely believe Billy Graham’s is granted. Exemptions are permitted that it is not moral or ethical to take X-rated fact- for those who object to war based on another person’s life.” finding mission “religious training and belief.” Margaret Doughty The Houston office admitted the FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel sincerity of Doughty’s belief, but re- Page 23 wrote USCIS in a June 14 letter noting ceive an exemption to bear arms. “This quired her to submit religious docu- that U.S. Supreme Court precedent exemption requires only a deeply held mentation, including a letter from her does not require any religious test to re- belief in not bearing arms or serving in Continued on page 5 Page 2 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013

Meet a Member Golden Rule plenty good for Uhl Name: Diane Uhl. and furthered Where I live: Oro Valley, Ariz. my education Where and when I was born: Milwau- and vision of a kee in 1937 (the town that beer kept world where we happy). I was raised in the small town should all be of Evansville, Wis., where we drank able to accept beer but didn’t tell anyone. and live com- Education: I survived high school fortably with in a small Wisconsin town where there our differences were no divorces and the only ethnic while not forc- groups were Germans, Swedes and ing our choices Norwegians. I received my B.A. from on others. Ripon College. Teaching became my Where I’m headed: To dust, but I goal when I found out a nurse had to like to think of it as my personal sunset. be able to tolerate the sight of blood. Persons I admire: Arizona state Rep. Diane and Steve Uhl [pronounced yule] visit the Bill of Rights monument I received my M.A. from Northwest- Juan Mendez, who in May as a nonbe- (consisting of 10 monoliths) in Tucson on the Arizona Capitol mall. It was ern University in speech correction/ liever offered up a nonprayer in the dedicated in December and joined several veterans’ memorials, one to crime special education, which equipped me House to open a session, and Rebecca victims and the Ten Commandments. (I thought) to save all those children Vitsmun, the Oklahoma tornado sur- with special needs. Those children vivor. Rebecca, when asked by Wolf These are not: People who are tak- god: “Show me, prove it!” taught me more about life than I ever Blitzer on national TV “You’ve gotta ers, not givers, spam email messages, What I wished (prayed) for as a imagined. thank the Lord, right?” replied, “I’m promises not kept. child: I used to wish and pray for peace Occupation: I taught people of all actually an atheist.” My doubts about religion started: on Earth. As an adult, I’ve learned that ages, from preschool to adults with spe- These are real people stepping up, Religion in my childhood home was reason, science, critical thinking and cial needs. The adults were always the not just a number in the “nones” col- not a big thing. I enjoyed singing in acceptance of others’ views and per- toughest due to the usual adult preju- umn of a Pew Research report. More choir with my friends. In college I was ceptions are what would bring peace. dices and hang-ups. Thirty-three years power to them and to us. reading more philosophy. Bertrand Deeds, not creeds. in public schools provided me with A quotation I like: “I respect people Russell’s Why I Am Not a Christian start- Ways I promote freethought: Steve untold opportunities to encourage stu- for their deeds not their creeds.” (See ed me seeking the answer to “Who am and I share a comfortable lifestyle. We dents to always be free to say “show me” my FFRF billboard that went up in Tuc- I?” I soon found I could not find satis- now have the freedom to contribute or “prove it.” son.) “Facts are true whether or not factory answers to “Why religion?” more time and money to those organi- How I got where I am today: My you believe them.” (Neil deGrasse Ty- By my sophomore year, I made zations and institutions that represent parents taught me the rewards of hard son) the conscientious decision that since our philosophy of the need for a more work. The one action item I took from “Live a good life. If there are gods I did not know and it couldn’t seem secular and humanistic worldview. my Lutheran upbringing that seemed and they are just, then they will not to be proven whether there was or We continue to support reason, sci- to make sense was the Golden Rule. I care how devout you have been, but wasn’t a god, that I would live my life ence, critical thinking and state-church always say they should put “She Tried” will welcome you based on the virtues as I thought moral and right, and if separation in our work with our local on my tombstone (which I won’t have). you have lived by. If there are gods there was a god he would forgive me if FreeThought Arizona group, as well as During college summers, I worked but unjust, then you should not want I didn’t get it correct. This life stance with state and national organizations. for a couple (both totally blind) who to worship them. If there are no gods, served me well for many years. Above all we try to live and support the gave me a real perspective on what “vi- then you will be gone but will have Many birthdays provided me with Golden Rule: Treat others as you want sion” really is. I freely moved forward lived a noble life that will live on in the time, and I felt challenged to learn to be treated. to prepare myself to teach others and memories of your loved ones.” (Marcus more as science and technology ad- to enjoy a successful, happy indepen- Aurelius, Roman emperor) vanced. I learned more about evolu- Editor’s note: dent life. Along the way, I met and These are a few of my favorite tion and gained more insight into my- Diane very modest­ married my best friend, Steve. We re- things: Chocolate, my best friend, posi- self and others in regard to our needs ly doesn’t mention tired in 1993, sold it all, bought an RV tive people, Kermit the frog, laughter, and fears and how that related to life her and Steve’s and traveled full time to all 49 conti- more chocolate, the First Amendment, and death and gods. I could see more totally tremendous nental states. Geography lessons and secular humanist actions, Frank Sina- clearly that I had to apply the lessons $250,000 dona­ people opportunities were boundless tra singing “I Did It My Way.” I taught to my students in regard to a tion to FFRF’s building fund. Thanks to the Steve Uhl was a Uhls, FFRF’s new Catholic priest addition will in­ from 1956-67 clude the Diane after 12 years of Uhl legal wing seminary studies and the Stephen starting at age 14. Uhl “Out of God’s Closet” recording studio. A $50,000 “medium grand” piano “of Dan Barker’s choice” will bear a plaque with Diane’s name. See list of new donors to FFRF’s building fund on page 17.

Diane’s billboard greeted thousands of passersby in the Tucson, Ariz., area.

Freethought Today A Note to Notify Us of published by Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. Members [email protected] • Your Address P.O. Box 750 • Madison WI 53701 Your address label shows the expira- tion date of your membership in FFRF, Change Promptly! (608)256-8900 • FAX (608)204-0422 Email: [email protected] which includes your subscription to Editor: Bill Dunn, [email protected] Don’t miss a single issue! If you Freethought Today and “Private Line.” If move, notify us directly and Production Editor: Scott Colson it says June/July 2013 or earlier please Executive Editor: Annie Laurie Gaylor renew! Your prompt re­newal ($40-single promptly. The Post Office does mem­ber­ship; $50-household; $100 sus- not forward third-class mail. Contributing Editor: Dan Barker taining; $25-student) saves us time and FFRF cannot be responsible for re- Contributors: Philip Appleman, Don Ardell, Steve Brecker, Sarah Eucalano, post­age, and is tax-deductible. Free­­­ placing back issues if we have not Jake Hjorth, LaVera Langeman, Satoko Makino, Calli Miller, Gage Pulliam, been notified prior to your move. thought Today is published 10 times a Richard Silverwood year, with combined issues in Jan/Feb Back issues, while they last, may June/July 2013 and June/July. Send to FFRF, Box 750, be ordered for $2 each. Madison WI 53701, The only freethought newspaper in the June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 3

Hands too busy digging to pray “Before,” “during” and “after” photos of versatile FFRF Bookkeeper-Staff Gardener Katie Daniel beautifying Freethought Hall by planting a bed of annuals. The “patriotic” planting includes red salvia, red-eyed white vinca, red and white geraniums and (not yet blooming) blue salvia. That’s summer office worker/journalism intern Sarah Eucalano supplying Katie with some iced tea. Katie’s planting last year garnered many compliments from passersby (and FFRF staff). FFRF calls out South Carolina school district

The Freedom From Religion Foun- The board responded by adopting a about Howell that were obvious when Another complaint involves a West dation is placing the blame for a string policy March 13 to continue prayer but Carter spoke to him. ‘Number one, End Elementary teacher using Chris- of problematic religious violations in keep it “nondenominational” and have our coach is a Christian,’ Carter said. tian praise music in a second-grade Pickens County Schools, Pickens, S.C., it led by an adult. FFRF said that’s not ‘To me, that’s the most important qual- classroom. “The songs are not part of on its prayerful Board of Education. good enough and doesn’t comply with ity, simply because the devil’s after our a secular music program, nor are they Valedictorian Roy Costner IV’s open Supreme Court rulings. children and the more quality people songs with educational merit,” Elliott defiance of a nonprayer policy at his Elliott also wrote an April 4 com- we can surround our children with, the said. “Rather, they are adaptations of June 3 graduation at Liberty High plaint letter after three individuals better chance they have.’ ” popular music altered to be all about School, in which he ripped up his pre- contacted FFRF about other religious Elliott commented: “It is well-settled Jesus. One of the songs is called ‘Party approved speech and led the crowd in violations. Complaints allege discrimi- that treating an employee or job appli- Praise Anthem.’ The adapted songs in- the Lord’s Prayer, has focused atten- natory hiring at Easley High School, re- cant favorably or with disfavor because clude such lyrics as, ‘Jesus Christ you tion on the religious fervor in the dis- ligious promotion through posters and of his/her race, color, religion, sex or are my Savior’ and ‘Jesus Jesus Jesus.’ ” trict. praise music sung in classrooms at West national origin is illegal. Discriminato- “The valedictorian who so insensi- FFRF started corresponding with End Elementary School. ry hiring practices violate not only fed- tively inflicted Christian prayer on a the school board late last year after One violation involved EHS Athletic eral law, but also state law and Board of captive audience at a secular gradua- receiving complaints it was opening Director Chris Carter’s comments on Trustees policies. Were Carter to have tion ceremony is a product of a school meetings with students leading Chris- the decision to hire Grayson Howell referenced the race or sex of an appli- district which itself has set an uncon- tian prayers. Staff Attorney Patrick El- for head football coach. The Easley cant, the district very likely would have stitutional example by hosting school liott sent letters to the board on Nov. Patch reported: received an immediate employment board prayer,” said Annie Laurie - 26 and Feb. 25. “There were certain characteristics discrimination lawsuit.” lor, FFRF co-president. Wisconsin voucher expansion scheme alarming

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was want “a voucher in every backpack.” poised, as of press time, to sign into Education experts across the state have law on June 30 the most radical expan- opposed creating what amounts to a sion of vouchers for private (mostly re- second publicly funded education sys- ligious) schools in the nation. tem. In the first and second year of the The scheme would increase voucher new scheme, vouchers would be lim- payments by nearly 12% for K-8 enroll- ited to low-income families and to 500 ees and 22% for high school enrollees, students and 1,000 students respec- as well as creating hefty tax deductions tively. After that, the caps are sure to for private (that’s mostly parochial) be expanded or removed. Milwaukee’s school parents. voucher program started with 341 Republican voucher backers say they students in 1990 and now has nearly 25,000 students, with over 21,000 of FFRF staffer Bill Dunn takes part on his lunch hour in a voucher them attending religious schools. protest at the Wisconsin Capitol. Of the current 112 voucher schools Include FFRF in Milwaukee, only 16 are not reli- giously affiliated. rary. And, the result will be more and lum, maintain their accreditation In Your Estate State Education Superintendent more funding pulled out of public status or abide by public meeting Tony Evers strongly opposes voucher school classrooms and put into private and open records laws. While public Planning expansion and warns: “Let’s be clear, and religious schools.” schools are governed by locally elected no cap on voucher enrollment or in- Publicly funded voucher schools school boards, taxpayers have no say in Arrange a bequest in your will or come limits has ever stayed in place lack accountability measures. Voucher how voucher schools are run. trust, or make the Freedom From over the past 20 years. History shows, schools do not have to have licensed Religion Found­ation the benefi- and I predict, these caps are tempo- teachers, empirically based curricu- ciary of an insurance policy, bank account, or IRA. It’s easy to do. For related information Freedom From Religion Foundation (or to request a bequest What Is a brochure), please phone P.O. Box 750 • Madison WI 53701 • (608) 256-8900 • Annie Laurie Gaylor at Freethinker? (608) 256-8900. What is the Freedom From Religion Foundation? free-think-er FFRF n. A person P.O. Box 750 Founded in 1978 as a national organization of freethinkers (atheists and agnostics), who forms Madison WI 53701 the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc., works to keep state and church separate and to educate the public about the views of nontheists. opinions The Foundation’s e-mail address is [email protected]. Please include your name and about religion on the basis Freedom Depends physical mailing address with all e-mail correspondence. of reason, independently Foundation members wishing to receive online news releases, “action alerts” and of tradition, authority, or on Freethinkers “Freethought of the Day” should contact [email protected]. established belief. Page 4 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013 Heads Up A Poetry Column by Philip Appleman

Kites on a Windy Day: Replay to a Farewell

Were I to tell you how I know regret— It is like brown leaves blowing past wet Window panes, or like torn kites in trees.

But why should we mourn losses, small or great, Those early sketches, metaphors for all That stings sweet into life? Let’s praise the Fall That made us brief, intact as circles, more Than merely infinite. The play of kites Is joy with strings attached; but let our flights Be integral and sovereign as we soar

Above the ties our weakness clings to yet, Secure as chains. We ride a fitful breeze Where change is life and habit is disease. Overheard I’m guessing the Rockingham County who have chosen to believe this fabri- © Philip Appleman 1996 school board’s decision to end the cated story without checking on its ac- New and Selected Poems, 1956—1996 practice of opening meetings with a curacy. prayer was a tough call politically. But Superintendent Susan Susie Pierce, ad- it was one of two sure ways to avoid dressing an online rumor Philip Appleman is Dis­tinguished Pro­fessor Emeri­tus at In­ mixing religious faith with govern- KOCO, 5-26-13 dia­na Uni­ver­si­ty. His published volumes of poetry in­clude ment. The other was to open meetings Perfidious Proverbs and Other Poems: A Satirical Look at with a moment of silence. Having a visible disability is like shark the Bible (2012), Darwin’s Ark (new 2009 edition) and As we’ve written before, God will bait for ignorant people lacking scru- Karma, Dharma, Pudding & Pie (2009). His nonfiction hear you. Isn’t that the point? Nobody ples. I swear, the mere sight of crutches work in­cludes the widely used Norton Critical Edition, else has to. Unless the idea is to pander is like blood in the water. Having lived Darwin, and the Nor­ton Critical Edition of Malthus’ Es- for votes rather than a sincere expres- with a disability all my life, I’ve learned say on Population­ . His poetry and fiction have won many sion of faith, one’s thoughtful and re- to accustom myself to the inevitable awards, including a fellowship in poetry from the National­ En­dow­ment for spectful silence can speak volumes. stares or occasional questions, but the the Arts, the Castagnola Award from the Poetry Society of America, the Hu­ Allen Johnson, editorial page editor, days I dread are the ones in which I’ve manist Arts Award from the American Humanist Association and the Friend urging Guilford County, N.C., to forgo accidentally crossed paths with some- of Darwin Award from the National Center for Science Education. His work prayer one who’s decided that I am the per- has ap­peared in Har­per’s Magazine, The Nation, The New Republic, The Greensboro News & Record of Greensboro. fect opportunity to exemplify God’s New York Times, The Paris Review, Partisan Review, Poetry, and The Yale 5-19-13 power to heal. On the spot. I’ve been Review.. taught to handle it with grace with a He and his playwright wife, Marjorie Appleman, are both “Afterlife” These classes too often promote reli- polite smile and nod and move about Members of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They recorded an excerpt gious values that aren’t appropriate business as usual. However, there’s no of “Noah,” New and Selected Poems, which is available for sale from FFRF academically. Public funds are being manners guidebook for actually being for $23 ppd, The Norton Critical Edition, Darwin, is $22 ppd., Karma, used to promote some religious views prayed on. I don’t mean for. I mean on. Dharma, Pudding & Pie, $27 ppd., Darwin’s Ark, $23 ppd., and Perfidious over others. Blog post entitled “Please Don’t Pray Proverbs, $20 ppd. ( Mark Chancey, religious studies pro- with Me (In Airports)” by Megan, 22, a fessor at Southern Methodist Univer- Duke University graduate who has epi- sity, author of a report on how Texas dermolysis bullosa, a connective tissue public schools’ elective bible classes disease violate the Constitution, 5-28- YOUR WEEKLY ANTIDOTE TO THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT Bloomberg News, 5-29-13 13 TUNE IN TO I feel like an idiot now. I only sent mon- I had a very special occasion to have ey. dinner with Governor Walker and his FREETHOUGHT RADIO Atheist author/entertainer Ricky Ger- lovely wife, Tonette, about a year ago vais, tweet responding to @MTVNews: and I can testify that they are strong produced by the Beyonce, Rihanna & Katy Perry send conservative Christians with “Alabama Freedom From Religion prayers to #Oklahoma after the devas- Values” and not ashamed of it. tating tornado. Evan Heckman, Alabama GOP, press Foundation Hosted by Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor, 5-21-13 release detailing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s Aug. 23 speech in Montgom- Broadcasts and streams Saturdays at 11 a.m. Central, Progressive Talk The Mic I — I’m actually an atheist. We are here ery 92.1 FM, Madison, Wis., and over several other stations. and, you know, I don’t blame anybody, 5-27-13 iTunes or podcasts archived at: for thanking the lord. Rebecca Vitsmun, Moore, Okla., hold- Ingersoll was the perfect humanist. He Slightly irreverent views, ing her son by their tornado-leveled was very engaging as a speaker because news, music & interviews home, answering CNN host Wolf he used humor and he was outrageous Blitzer’s question “I guess you’ve got in that he would speak against religion to thank the lord, right?” with such fervor. All of that was very tit- “The Situation Room,” 5-21-13 illating, and people would go to hear him whether they agreed with him or Recruit a Member: Sample Copies for $2 Moore Public Schools adamantly de- not. He did not respect religion, but he nies that any teacher was fired for respected people who were religious. Send $2 with the name and address of each person you wish to receive a sample praying with their students. We find Steve Lowe, founder of the annual copy of Freethought Today to: this accusation offensive and insulting. Robert Ingersoll Oratory Contest, FFRF, P.O. Box 750, Madison WI 53701 During this extremely difficult time, “Meet Robert Ingersoll, America’s Freedom depends upon freethinkers when we are trying to heal our com- most famous forgotten atheist” (Please specify whether the individual is a freethinker.) munity, we are dealing with angry and Washington Post, 5-29-13 threatening messages from individuals June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 5 Colorado appeals FFRF’s Day of Prayer victory

The Colorado Supreme Court an- late Judge Steve Bernard, with Judges nounced May 10 that it will hear an ap- Alan Loeb and Nancy Lichtenstein peal by Gov. John Hickenlooper of the concurring, ruled in favor of FFRF, Freedom From Religion Foundation’s overturning a lower court decision. solid appeals court victory declaring Bernard wrote: “A reasonable observer unconstitutional the governor’s annual would conclude that these proclama- Colorado Day of Prayer proclamations. tions send the message that those who Hickenlooper and his predecessors, pray are favored members of Colo- including Gov. Bill Ritter, annually is- rado’s political community, and that sue proclamations encouraging Colo- those who do not pray do not enjoy use of his signature and seal. eral court victory in 2010 declaring radans to pray on the first Thursday in that favored status.” Gubernatorial proclamations of a the National Day of Prayer unconstitu- May in conjunction with the National The 74-page decision examined Colorado Day of Prayer have often em- tional, which was overturned on other Day of Prayer. A unanimous three- proclamations from 2004 to 2009, find- braced the biblical themes of the Colo- grounds. U.S. District Judge Barbara judge panel of the Colorado Court of ing that they showed religious prefer- rado Springs-based National Day of Crabb had ruled, “The same law that Appeals ruled last year that FFRF and ence and endorsed religion. The de- Prayer Task Force, including this year’s prohibits the government from declar- four of its Colorado members have cision noted that the proclamations proclamation which said in part, “The ing a National Day of Prayer also pro- standing to sue over the proclamations conveyed a religious message, included 2013 National Day of Prayer theme is hibits it from declaring a National Day and that the proclamations violate the “biblical verses and religious themes,” ‘pray for America’ supported by - of Blasphemy.” Colorado Constitution. referenced uniting in prayer and have thew 12:21 which reminds us that “in FFRF warmly thanks its Colorado On May 10, 2012, Colorado Appel- the governor’s imprimatur through His name nations will put their hope.” plaintiffs: Mike Smith, Timothy G. FFRF, a state/church watchdog Bailey, Lifetime Member Jeff Bay- based in Madison, Wis., is a national singer and David Habecker. The case association of more than 19,000 free- is brought on behalf of FFRF by Dan Arizona slams courthouse thinkers (atheists and agnostics), Boniface, local counsel, and attorney including nearly 600 members in Richard L. Bolton, Boardman Law doors on nonbelievers Colorado. FFRF won a significant fed- Firm, Madison.

The Arizona Court of Appeals on Right should take heed: The same rul- FFRF helps atheist June 12 refused to declare unconstitu- ings that bar atheists and nonbelievers tional the annual Arizona Day of Prayer from courthouse challenges will apply proclamations by Gov. Jan Brewer. equally to aggrieved believers.” become U.S. citizen FFRF had sued in January 2012 on Brewer has issued annual Arizona behalf of its 500 Arizona members, proclamations coinciding with the Continued from front page lish have had, or will have, a similar its Valley of the Sun chapter, several Christian-based National Day of Prayer burden imposed on them? We intend named Arizona FFRF members and on the first Thursday in May. She also church stating when she joined and to pursue this matter with USCIS un- Maricopa County citizens of diverse had issued a Day of Prayer for Arizona’s was baptized and how the congrega- til the ineptitude or discrimination is religious beliefs. The superior court Economy and State Budget in 2010, en- tion’s teaching bar members from tak- rooted out of that office. Nonbelievers threw it out on standing in August couraging “all citizens to pray for God’s ing the Oath of Allegiance. are welcome in America.” 2012. blessings on our State and our Nation.” As an atheist, Doughty could not Doughty received this notice from The appeals court decision by Judge “The ruling emphasizes an invented produce official documentation or her the government: Donn Kessler, while confirming that and heightened requirement for stand- religious beliefs, so she got in touch “This Service has carefully and thor- psychological injury from government ing,” said FFRF Staff Attorney Patrick with FFRF. oughly reviewed your naturalization action can provide standing for some- Elliott. “It says that plaintiffs must dem- FFRF requested Doughty be granted case and the documentation received one to sue, rejected FFRF’s claim of onstrate behavior of avoidance of the an exemption and also asked for a full from the office of [Texas] Congress- injury. FFRF contended that nonbeliev- violative conduct, or ‘that the alleged investigation into the illegal require- man Blake Farenthold. In light of the ers are sent a message that they are not violation is so pervasive and continuing ments for her and other nonreligious full explanation in support for your re- welcome to fully participate in govern- that it of necessity affects on a practi- applicants. On June 20, Doughty was quest for an exemption from bearing ment processes. cal level how the plaintiffs interact with informed that her case was “escalated arms as it relates to the naturalization “Can you imagine how the court government.’ Challenges in religion to the highest level at USCIS” and oath, this Service hereby withdraws the would have ruled had Brewer issued cases have not required such a high the “request for evidence” (the reli- request for evidence issued on June 7, a proclamation stating that prayer hurdle to protect constitutional rights.” gious documentation) was withdrawn. 2013. This Service accepts your detailed was futile and encouraged all citizens Elliott added, “With the court’s view In a phone conversation with Seidel, statement in satisfaction of the infor- to take a day to refrain from prayer?” on standing, Arizona citizens are un- Doughty expressed her gratitude for mation requested by the RFE. Your ap- asked FFRF Co-President Annie Lau- able to challenge religious endorse- FFRF’s prompt action in defense of plication for naturalization has been rie Gaylor. “Slamming shut the court- ments at the highest levels of state gov- atheists. approved. Attached is a notice inform- house door to prevent citizens from ernment.” FFRF still has concerns, noted Se- ing you that you have been scheduled challenging government violations is The challenge was brought by pro idel. “How many other applicants with- to be naturalized on Wednesday, June the legal trend today, and it’s a trend bono Arizona attorneys Richard Mor- out Ms. Doughty’s experience, level of 26, 2013. Please follow the instructions everyone should decry. The Religious ris and Marc Victor. cultural immersion and grasp of Eng- on the notice. Congratulations.” FFRF sues over Florida lit censorship Continued from front page • The district objected to the Har- world.” FFRF’s complaint notes that are actually 66 books in bible (give or ris book for describing “the sacrifice of the concepts flagged as age inappro- take depending on your particular re- The complaint lists dozens of factual virgins, killing and eating of children priate all appear in the bible. ligion). Either way you look at it, the examples of how secular materials and in order to ensure the future fertility • WCF put up interactive white- bible is more massive than all the ma- secular volunteers were treated differ- of mothers, feeding infants to sharks, boards, had volunteers staffing tables terials we are asking to distribute put ently from the World Changers and the and the burning of widows so they can and talking with students and passed together.” biblical material: follow their husbands into the next out invitations to worship at the Or- Plaintiffs’ attorneys are Jerry Jeffreys, lando Wesleyan Church. Plaintiffs at- trial counsel; Steven Brady, co-counsel; tempted to pass out a pizza party in- and Seidel, pro hac vice co-counsel. Jef- vitation but were censored at several freys and Brady are working pro bono. schools. Freethought volunteers had to FFRF thanks chapter director Da- wait up to an hour at some schools to vid Williamson for serving as principal set up. plaintiff and for his diligence in co- FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel, ordinating the literature distribution who negotiated the distribution with with FFRF, Secular Student Alliance, the district, noted that it’s not merely American Humanist Association and the number of books and materials Florida Atheists, Secular Humanists — it’s the volume. He calculated that and American Atheists. while the average bible has about 1,950 Read the legal complaint at: pages, the secular books totaled 1,184 pages. bution-Complaint.pdf Freethought items that were censored by the school district as inappropriate. Seidel added, “Moreover, there Page 6 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013 The real IRS scandal Politicking churches get free pass

By FFRF Co-Presidents Dan Barker on Sunday, Oct. 7, 2012, as FFRF’s le- tion in deciding how to enforce tax electioneering. and Annie Laurie Gaylor gal complaint noted when we filed our code restrictions. What ADF and rogue churches want historic federal lawsuit to enforce the According to the IRS, in statements to achieve would make Citizens United church electioneering ban last fall. A filed in court on April 8, the IRS “is look like peanuts. Congregations could widely circulated Bloomberg news ar- uniquely qualified to make decisions be turned into political machines. Tax- Lost in the political outrage over ticle last fall quoted an IRS official say- regarding the enforcement decisions exempt donations could be funneled the Internal Revenue Service’s alleged ing the IRS has suspended tax audits of that are most important to taxpay- to politicians and campaigns with no targeting of the tea party for scrutiny is churches. ers and tax administration.” The IRS accountability, no sunlight, no report- the IRS’s failure to go after church pol- IRS officials have admitted they’re has stated: “Even if FFRF were correct ing, no limits. Politicians would be iticking, most of it by Christian Right not enforcing the law against partisan that the IRS systematically refuses to forced to openly pander in order to pastors. Where’s the congressional fury politicking by churches. But no politi- enforce political activity restrictions curry votes. Our democratic republic over the fact that the IRS has not been cal backlash has resulted. No conster- against churches and religious organi- would be imperiled, and we would be enforcing restrictions against partisan nation against the IRS’s selective ap- zations,” FFRF and other tax-exempt at the mercy of a religious shadow gov- politicking by churches since at least plication has been voiced by Congress organizations should not be allowed to ernment. 2009, despite blatant violations on a or the president, as it has been in the challenge the agency’s discriminatory Restrictions for tax-exempt status massive and organized level? recent tea party scandals, nor have any actions. must be neutrally applied to ALL tax- The electioneering prohibition is heads rolled. What an admission! exempt organizations. Anything fall- not limited to churches. No 501(c)(3) In 2009, a federal court ruling re- The loudest offenders, pastors ing short of that is indeed preferential organization may politick or endorse quired the IRS to indicate which high- who have “turned themselves in” and treatment. political candidates. Nor should any ranking official could authorize audits bragged about endorsing candidates 501(c)(3) be permitted to election- over the tax code’s political rules. All from the pulpit, are typically connect- FFRF currently has three separate law­ eer, which amounts to taxpayer sub- FFRF is asking of the IRS is to name ed to the Christian Right. They have suits against the IRS in federal court: its sidization of political speech. More such an employee and demonstrate been openly organized, for instance, challenge of the parish exemption, its chal­ than $100 billion is given annually in some evidence it’s enforcing its own by the well-heeled Alliance Defending lenge on non-enforcement of church election­ tax-free contributions to churches and policies. Freedom (formerly the Alliance De- eering and its lawsuit challenging the fact religious groups. Imagine that kind of The IRS, in seeking to dismiss fense Fund). Its Pulpit Initiative, typi- that churches, unlike all other 501(c)(3)s, money flowing with no accountability FFRF’s federal challenge of its prefer- cally organized before major elections, need not file for tax exemption or file an­ to political candidates. ential treatment toward churches, is is known as “Pulpit Freedom Sunday.” nual reports to the government to maintain As many as 1,500 clergy reportedly actually arguing for the right to have ADF claims one of its main goals is to tax-exempt status. violated the electioneering restrictions unfettered and unreviewable discre- overturn prohibitions against church FFRF welcomes 20 Lifers, one ‘After-Lifer’

The Freedom From Religion Foun- Edward A Nol, M.D., notes, “Al- dation gratefully reports it has received though a Lifetime Membership will one new After-Life Membership, from not have long to run when one has Chuck Berry, who directs Nittany lived almost 88 years, here is my appli- Freethought, FFRF’s chapter in State cation. Just in case, I have attached my College, Pa. history for your morgue: We’re also delighted to welcome 20 “I was born in Amsterdam, Holland, new Lifetime Members: raised in the Dutch East Indies (now Paula Barmaper, Barbara Colley, Bill Indonesia) and spent 3½ years in a and Loraine Davis, Betty Ann Haggard, prison camp during the Japanese occu- Lee Katz, Heidi Loutzenhiser, Mailey pation. Returning to Holland, I com- McLaughlin, Heidi Moon, Denise and pleted medical studies and emigrated Mark Mosbrucker, Edward Nol, MD, to Canada with my family to work as a Steve Pinski, Thomas Reke, Anthony family physician and anesthesiologist, Tennis, Michael Tower, David Vanicek, completing my training in psychiatry Alan Wagner, Michael Weber and Lau- in Pontiac, Mich.” ren Whitiker. Individual Lifetime Memberships States represented include Arizona, are $1,000 designated as a membership California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, or membership renewal. After-Life Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Memberships are $5,000 for those who Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island want their contribution to “life after.” and Washington. All dues and donations to FFRF are de- Mark and Denise Mosbrucker each ductible for income-tax purposes. became “Lifers” through Microsoft’s FFRF warmly thanks its new Life- matching employee gift program and time and After-Life supporters! have been giving for years.

According to a photo of Brownback’s bors. And to seeing in everyone, espe- desk shot by the AP, the words “JESUS cially “the least of these,” as a child of + Mary” are scrawled across the top of God. the governor’s notes on the bill, like President Barack Obama, “President two lovers’ names carved into a tree. Obama Offers Easter and Passover News story on Kansas Gov. Sam Brown- Greetings” back signing one of the nation’s most, 3-29-13 restrictive abortion bills 4-20-13 The only way this is going to stop is if God’s people get together and pray. As Christians, my family and I remem- Mayor Donald Kile, Kemp, Texas, also ber the incredible sacrifice Jesus made an elder at River of Life Church, on This quarter-page ad (reduced here) ran prominently in the heavily read Sunday for each and every one of us — how God telling him to start a prayer group opinion section of on June 23. “Something is very wrong He took on the sins of the world and outside the office of slain Kaufman that lifting BSA’s other longstanding ban wasn’t even debated, much less extended the gift of salvation. And we County District Attorney Mike McLel- considered this spring by BSA,” said FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. recommit ourselves to following His land and his wife Cynthia “We’re really glad BSA is moving forward on gay rights, but discrimination example here on Earth. To loving our Dallas Morning News, 4-1-13 against any class of boys is wrong.” The cartoon, by the late Don Addis of the Lord and Savior. To loving our neigh- St. Petersburg Times, was penned just for FFRF. June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 7 UW volunteer receives FFRF student activist award Photo: Andrew Seidel Calli Miller, a University of Wiscon­ son students. sin-Madison student, is the recipient of a It was at the urging of AHA Execu- $1,000 Catherine Fahringer Memorial Stu­ tive Director Chris Calvey that I ap- dent Activist Award from the Freedom From plied to be a legal intern at FFRF. I am Religion Foundation. currently double majoring in sociology The scholarship recognizes Calli’s ex­ and legal studies at UW and have al- traordinary contributions to FFRF and ways wanted to go to law school. state/church separation as an legal intern Chris (correctly) thought that an in- volunteer during two semesters. ternship at a nonprofit that paired my Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert nonbelief and my love of law would be says Calli has been a “stand out” intern. right up my alley. Thank god (pun in- “Because of our small staff and voluminous tended) that he encouraged me to go caseload, we expect interns to be self-starters for it — my time at FFRF was one of with the ability to work independently. Cal­ the coolest things I’ve ever done. Quite li’s research and writing abilities contrib­ literally, every single person who works uted greatly to our work, and she was able at FFRF is a quality human. to assist FFRF staff attorneys in obtaining Being surrounded by people who several key nonlitigation victories, includ­ were always cheerful, passionate and ing egregious prayer violations in schools incredibly kind made for a great in- and before local board meetings. ternship experience. Of course, I also “Calli always conducted herself in a pro­ learned a lot: My writing skills im- fessional manner and contributed to lively proved, I gained a far more compre- discussions in the office and at staff social hensive knowledge of constitutional functions. I know that the legal staff, and law as it relates to the separation of the rest of the crew at FFRF, will agree that state and church and I discovered just she truly will be missed,” Markert added. how badly America needs organiza- tions such as FFRF. It seems trite to say that “I will never By Calli Miller forget my time at FFRF,” because that seems obvious. But I do know that the lessons I learned there won’t fade Ever since I was in early middle throughout the years. school, freethinking was something Calli Miller I would like to thank FFRF for gen- into which I fell naturally, but I wasn’t erously granting me their Catherine really educated on the subject, nor was Fahringer Memorial Student Activ- I an activist. Although fairly new to the and, most notably, founded the now- ist Award. More importantly, I would In fact, I didn’t even know that freethought movement, I have had annual Freethought Fest held every like to thank everyone at Freethought freethought activism existed until I the luck of meeting a large number year on campus. Hall for their time and the knowledge began at the University of Wisconsin- of awesome freethinkers. Through Freethought Fest is a 100% free they’ve imparted to me. Madison in the fall of 2011. It was then AHA, I have made some great friends, three-day conference with many speak- When I (hopefully — cross your fin- that I attended my very first Atheists, especially among the other officers. ers from all over the country. I feel gers!) go to law school, I will carry my Humanists, and Agnostics (AHA) at Together, we’ve held debates against very fortunate to be a part of the stu- time at FFRF with me every step of the UW-Madison meeting at the urging of one of the on-campus Catholic groups, dent group resourceful and innovative way and beyond. Thank you so much! my friend. I’ve been a member (and an hosted many weekly meetings centered enough to bring the “large atheist con- officer) ever since. around freethinking discussion topics ference” feeling directly to UW-Madi- Oklahoman wins ‘Strong Backbone’ student activist award

On May 13, a public school district the award should go to a high school The parents were different in that in Muldrow, Okla., confirmed it had student who has “showed uncommon they would look at me with disgust and permanently removed Ten Command- strength in standing up for his or her not even try to hide it. The students ments plaques posted in classrooms. freethought sentiments.” did not scare me very much, but the The whistleblower was 16-year-old stu- FFRF offers several other annual parents scared me more than I have dent Gage Pulliam, who is the recipi- youth awards to recognize student ac- ever been scared in my life. ent of FFRF’s new “Strong Backbone tivism. At a school board meeting which my Student Activist Award,” a cash scholar- family attended, my father overheard a ship of $1,000. Gage writes: man sitting behind me say he would After Gage contacted FFRF about like to walk up and punch me in the this major constitutional violation, face. While I was doing a television in- FFRF sent a letter demanding they be terview, I could barely concentrate be- taken down. FFRF did not identify the I was born in the Arkansas/Okla- cause of the mass of people staring at complainant, following its usual policy homa region and have lived there all me. to protect identities. But after students my life. My parents took me to church There has been an overwhelm- began fingering peers they suspected frequently when I was small, but I be- ing amount of support from people of contacting FFRF, Gage bravely came gan questioning my faith when I was around the world, and that support forward. about 9. is what helped me through this entire He and his family subsequently I was allowed to ask questions and ordeal. The hate mail has all been the faced a strong backlash from the over- seek out answers, encouraged to think Gage Pulliam same — they tell me I am going to hell whelmingly Christian community of for myself and make my own decisions, and ask me if I am happy about what about 3,500 residents, including bul- and I am supported in what I choose. were pointed and threats were made I’ve done. lying of his younger sister and threats I now consider myself an open atheist to the wrong people, I told people it My close friends have all supported against him by other students. He and and a firm supporter of equality for all was me. me and have told me that even though his family attended a school board people. I hope to continue fighting for The community’s reaction was ter- they don’t believe the way I do, they meeting packed with angry Ten Com- the rights of all people and encourage rible. The kids at school no longer support me in what I did. mandments supporters. others to do the same. spoke to me, and people who used I am proud of what I did, no matter “I want people to know this isn’t me In the eighth grade I moved to to be my friends just frowned when I how many people hate me. The only trying to attack religion,” Gage told a Muldrow. I had noticed the Ten Com- looked their way. All anyone would do thing I want is for people in this world TV reporter. “This is my trying to cre- mandments immediately, but was still was point and stare at me like I was a to all be treated equally. And no matter ate an environment for kids where they very secretive about my atheism. I al- monster. if it takes my entire life, I will continue can feel equal.” ways had a problem with displaying People asked my friends how they to do what is necessary to achieve that A New York FFRF member who them because it showed complete dis- could laugh or smile around me. I goal. prefers not to be named endowed the regard for the law. received several threats from kids but Catch an interview with Gage on “Strong Backbone” award. The donor It wasn’t until recently that I got the always indirectly. As a result, these stu- Freethought Radio, sent the $1,000 contribution as his own courage to say something. I wanted to dents have made my last days as a ju- shows, May 25, 2013. “80th birthday present,” specifying remain anonymous, but after fingers nior the worst of my life. Page 8 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013

FFRF Legal Victories

’Tis the season for cerned parent reached out to FFRF after her child’s teacher required the school religious student to do extra homework because she chose not to attend. Teachers also intrusion gave extra credit to students who did attend the baccalaureate, which was FFRF’s busy legal staff sent more privately arranged and not hosted by than 50 letters of complaint stem- Stilwell Public Schools. ming from state/church violations at Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel told the end of the school year. Of those, Superintendent Geri Gilstrap on May 39 were about prayer at high school or 15 that no student should receive extra college graduations, three were letters work or credit for participation or non- about graduations in churches or re- participation in a religious event. ligious facilities and four were due to Legal counsel responded May 17 let- baccalaureate services. ter that the district will not be involved One of the most blatant attempts in promoting the baccalaureate or in FFRF legal staff to violate the Constitution was in Fos- coercing attendance in the future. FFRF Staff Attorney Liz Cavell (front, center) is surrounded by summer toria, Ohio. FFRF received a tip that legal interns, (left) Charles Roslof (Harvard), Josh Glasgow (Drake), Aaron Ten Commandments plaques were go- Loundenslager and Ryan Dwyer (both University of Wisconsin). Intern Maddy ing to be given to Fostoria High gradu- Oklahoma graduates Ziegler (back, left) joins Staff Attorneys Patrick Elliott, Rebecca Markert and ates June 2 and that the plaques had a keep caps on Andrew Seidel. note tied to them that read “Jesus will save you.” Nonreligious students at Tahlequah June 12 that “the principal has coun- their beliefs and wish more politicians Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca [Okla.] High School became alarmed seled with his staff as it relates to the had the integrity to do the same. The Markert wrote Superintendent An- when instructions for the 2013 gradu- Lowndes County School System’s pro- separation of state and church is meant drew Sprang on May 31, “It is unfor- ation ceremony asked male students hibition against employee-directed to protect both the state from religion tunate that some educators feel it is to remove their graduate’s caps for prayer.” and religion from the state.” their place to instruct other people’s prayer. FFRF had contacted the school (FFRF recommends a good night of Emerson said she might revisit the children on religious edicts.” after the 2012 graduation included un- sleep, a healthy breakfast and studying issue in the future. FFRF will continue Sprang responded the same day lawful, student-led prayer. The school’s as the best way to prepare for standard- to monitor the situation. that “an outside organization” had administration had responded then ized tests.) asked for the plaques to be made avail- that future graduations would not in- ‘Singing Churchmen” able for graduates. “I have consulted clude prayer. School will ban with the high school principal and Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel wrote stilled in school these items will not be available at the Superintendent Lisa Presley on May religious handouts graduation ceremony,” Sprang wrote. 13: “The district cannot instruct any FFRF resolved a complaint over a students on how to worship or wheth- Members of a local church came to choral worship performance held at er to revere another’s worship. The Newman Middle School in Skiatook, Choctaw [Okla.] High School. The Students stop prayer student who contacted us is under- Okla., at lunchtime to hand out pam- worship service, which was called a with FFRF help standably upset that their school is so phlets that contained bible quotes and “concert” during the announcement steeped in religion and so unwilling to the church’s address. They also report- over the PA system, lasted until the end Luis Lucas-Tzun and Michael Thor- adhere to the First Amendment.” edly asked students to attend their of the school day. pe, students at Jordan-Matthews High Presley responded May 15 that the church. Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel sent a School in Siler City, N.C., contacted instructions had been changed and Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel wrote May 21 letter detailing the violation to FFRF and spoke at a board meeting of redistributed. The graduation did not Superintendent Rick Thomas on June Superintendent Jim McCharen: “The Chatham County Schools in opposi- include prayer. 3, outlining the legal and ethical prob- Singing Churchmen of Oklahoma, tion to plans to include prayers at their lems with allowing a religious group to an all-male choir, performed during graduation. prey on a captive audience of minors. school hours, on school property to Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott sent a Silence will replace Thomas responded June 11 that public school students. According to May 23 letter to Superintendent Rob- Texas prayer the school’s administrators “were not their website, this is part of the Bap- ert Logan to report that the scheduled aware” that the church was given access tist Church’s ‘ministry.’ Not only is prayers were unconstitutional. After A concerned parent in Texas con- to students. “Visitors are not allowed to the choir composed of ‘ministers,’ the receiving no response, Elliott sent a tacted FFRF about Schulenburg High hand out information and should not stated ‘purpose of this unique group is follow-up June 5 that FFRF had filed a School’s intention to include a stu- be recruiting for any religious group,” to spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus 2012 graduation day lawsuit for a simi- dent-led invocation and benediction Thomas said. “We will do our best to Christ through the vehicle of music.’ lar violation in South Carolina. and invocation at graduation. make sure this type of thing does not Songs performed included “All Hail Lucas-Tzun told the Ashboro Couri- Staff Attorney Elizabeth Cavell con- happen in the future.” the Power of Jesus’ Name” and “Your er-Tribune that he and other students tacted Superintendent Walter Padgett Great Name” and this lyric, “Jesus, wor- continued to oppose the prayers even on June 7 to urge that the school re- thy is the Lamb that was slain for us, when they were bullied and harassed move the divisive prayers and citing County board drops Son of God and Man, you are high and by other students with epithets like Supreme Court precedents. prayer proposal lifted up; and all the world will praise “homosexual tree hugger.” FFRF received a response from the your great name.” Lucas-Tzun said, “A public school district June 11 that future graduations The Island County Board of Com- Seidel wrote, “This was not simply is not to be made into a recruiting will substitute moments of silence for missioners in Coupeville, Wash., chose religious music, it was worship music. ground for any religion. Prayer has no prayer. not to start scheduling prayer at meet- The SCO exhorted students to join the place in a secular event such as a grad- ings after getting an FFRF letter. Staff choir in worship. The event began with uation ceremony.” Attorney Andrew Seidel sent a letter a prayer and was punctuated with reli- District legal counsel responded to Georgia prayer ‘circles’ to the board June 4 about its prayer gious rhetoric like ‘All hail the power Elliott on June 6 that prayer had been down the drain plans, advising leaving religion to indi- of Jesus name!’ ” removed from the program. The grad- vidual consciences. McCharen responded that the cen- uation was held June 8 without any Lowndes County Public Schools in The Whidbey News Times report- tral administration had had no ad- school-sponsored prayer. But in a show Valdosta, Ga., agreed with FFRF that ed June 10 that the board dropped vance notice of arrangements for the of opposition, some students recited schools cannot promote religion. A a prayer proposal put forth by Chair- presentation but promptly investigat- the Lord’s Prayer during what was to concerned parent contacted FFRF af- person Kelly Emerson. Commissioner ed. “[We] stressed with [the principal] have been moment of silence. ter her child was ostracized by class- Jill Johnson, who previously favored a the importance of avoiding reasonably FFRF thanks Luis and Michael and mates and teachers for refusing to prayer, said she changed her mind be- perceived district endorsement of reli- two other Jordan-Matthews students, participate in a prayer circle at Hahira cause she prays to Jesus Christ and re- gious beliefs, scheduled a meeting of Shannon Dwyer and Josue Turcios, for Elementary School. alized she wasn’t willing to sit through all school administrators within the their efforts to bring their school into Several middle school teachers led a non-Christian prayer or one to a “wa- district to discuss the constitutional compliance with the U.S. Constitution. the prayer circle to “prepare students tered-down God.” concerns related to presentations of a More on that next month. for upcoming standardized testing.” Johnson and Seidel had exchanged religious nature, and has adopted an Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel sent several emails about the proposal. administrative procedural whereby any No extra credit for a May 29 letter: “This flagrant viola- Johnson wrote, “If I have no inten- request to a local school administrator baccalaureate tion will only exacerbate the bullying tions of compromising my deeply held for a presentation by a nondistrict indi- of non-Christian students. “Teachers beliefs, I would never be able to ask vidual or group during the school day, Students at Stilwell High School in should strive to be inclusive, not in- someone else to compromise their be- whether having a secular or sectarian Stilwell, Okla., weren’t required to do ject religion, a divisive force, into their liefs on my behalf.” emphasis, will be referred to the cen- extra work if they chose not to attend classes.” Seidel responded, “I admire your tral office for a decision at that level.” baccalaureate, thanks to FFRF. A con- District legal counsel responded refusal to ask citizens to compromise June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 9 Photo: Andrew Seidel appropriately handled the matter at student contacted FFRF to say the let- that time.” ter was “bizarre” and “unsettling.” He gave FFRF a copy of the class syllabus in which the teacher said she forbids Religion goes off “taking the Lord’s name in vain.” school lunch menu Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Mar- ket stated in her initial complaint let- Baptist church personnel will no ter on July 24, 2012, “This ‘gift’ from longer be permitted to proselytize Professor ____ constitutes an official middle and high school students in endorsement and advancement of reli- the Wattsburg Area School District in gion over nonreligion, and specifically Erie, Pa. Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Christianity over all other faiths, within Markert sent an April 26 letter to the a public classroom.” district, noting the predatory conduct On May 17, Kristin Klein Wheaton, and parental unawareness that a youth executive vice president for legal af- Twenty staff attorneys and interns past and present enjoyed getting together pastor was allowed to talk to students fairs, affirmed that the college told the outside the office in June. and promote church events during teacher she had crossed the line and lunch time. could be terminated if violations reoc- FFRF gets Gideons off bles to students. District legal counsel replied May 23 cur: that youth pastors are no longer per- “Erie Community College is direct- school grounds FFRF frees students to mitted to enter schools to meet with ing you to refrain from proselytizing Gideons International will no lon- ‘offend God’ students for any reason. about religion to your students and/ ger distribute bibles to students at or giving bibles or religious articles to Heritage Middle School in Colleyville, FFRF intervened on behalf of a par- students in the future. The College is Texas, after receiving FFRF’s June 5 let- ent and student after a teacher at Sea Proselytizing prof told also directing you to remove the pro- ter from Staff Attorney Liz Cavell. View Elementary in Salton City, Calif., to stop hibition to ‘using the Lord’s name in The Gideons stood on school prop- told students they were offending God vain’ from your list of classroom expec- erty next to doors where students were by cursing, especially by using the word A Erie Community College profes- tations. Furthermore, except for wear- coming and going. God. sor in Orchard Park, N.Y., was repri- ing religious jewelry, you are directed “Parents also understandably be- FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel manded by the school for her religious to refrain from communication with come nervous when adult men take wrote May 3 to Superintendent Darryl activities. students that would conflict with your an over-keen interest in handing ma- Adams that religion should be kept out A student was taking a final exam duty to show complete neutrality to- terials to their young children without of classrooms. on May 8, 2012, when his teacher laid ward religion or would otherwise pro- parental knowledge or permission,” District legal counsel responded a folded manila envelope on the stu- mote religion.” Cavell noted. May 29: “Without delving too deeply dent’s desk and told him to open it Thanks to journalism intern Sarah Eu­ District legal counsel responded into employer-employee confidential- later when he was alone. The package calano for assistance compiling. June 7 that the Gideons should not ity, suffice it to say that [the assistant contained a bible with a personalized have been permitted to distribute bi- principal] met with [the teacher] and message and highlighted passages. The 1st-place finisher protests race prayer

The latest blow struck for rational racing heads unbowed, eyes open and clearly competition an opportunity to be by Don Ardell, Florida FFRF member and not disposed to publicly praise Jesus or somewhere else while the prayer busi- health and wellness advocate. Don, who anyone else, at least not now, not here ness is being conducted. turns 75 on July 18, participated in a May and not when in race mode. Thanks for considering this. I wel- 25 triathlon (quarter-mile swim, 15-mile I was pleased to observe that Carol come your comments. This topic bike, 3-mile run) in Crystal River. Don won and I were not the only infidels (or might make a good story for our Mad first place in his division. His wife, Carol, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, etc.) in atten- Dog Triathlon newsletter and/or the also participated, finishing second in her dance, who also were striking a coun- USAT magazine. Maybe USAT should age group in just under 90 minutes. Don’s terpose for strict separation of church consider guidelines for race directors email below is to event coordinator Ashley and triathlon, as guaranteed by the on the topic. Truelove, who at press time had failed to U.S. Constitution. (Yes, I’m kidding.) Religion can be a good thing for respond: I don’t know about the others, but some people but it can also be divisive. we did not travel two hours to Crystal Carol and Don Ardell at the finish All of us do not agree on which gods, Hi Ashley: River for a Christian triathlon. If [race of the Chilly Willy Duathlon in Fort if any, to worship or how to do it, so Thanks for inviting an evaluation of director] Chris Moling’s religion is DeSoto, Fla. it may be a good idea not to unneces- the race and suggestions. You can pass such that he feels that it’s acceptable sarily divide people who come to your my notes along to the race director. to impose his beliefs and rituals on ev- invocation will be held for those interest­ races to compete, not to pray. Let me begin by expressing kudos for eryone, consider a polite alternative: ed. This courtesy would give triathletes All the best, a mostly superb race experience. The Announce that a Christian prayer or who came to your event for a secular Don course, the management, the awards ceremony, refreshments — well done. My overall takeaway, and Carol’s, was positive. Overheard However, there was one discordant note that ensures we’ll not be back, unless changes are made. We were I was locked in, so I feel kind of close to or not? I’ve committed no crime. Congress has passed no federal protec- startled by the public praying ritual you. I was locked in the Sistine Chapel, Turkish pianist and composer Fazil tions for gays on employment, housing directed to all participants just before which is a lot nicer than here. Say, given a suspended 10-month pris- and education. In 29 states, it is per- the race started. It seems astonishing Cardinal Timothy Dolan, one of two on term in absentia for insulting Islam fectly legal to fire someone because of that a race director would think that a cardinals deposed in a probe of the on Twitter, including poking fun at the his or her sexual orientation. Thirty- diverse group, about whom you could cover-up of Catholic Church pedophil- afterlife one states have enacted constitutional not know anything regarding their re- ia, speaking to inmates at Shawangunk New York Times, 4-16-13 amendments banning same-sex mar- ligious preferences but which surely Correctional Facility near Wallkill, N.Y. riage. The Supreme Court should would include many non-Christians, New York Times, 3-28-13 Days before I helped my mother die know that civil rights are not supposed would want to be part of or subjected in 1983, when physician-assisted sui- to be determined on the whims of the to a Christian prayer and invocation. I would point out that if you’re a be- cide was neither an issue nor a move- people. Any praying that affects everyone liever in the bible, one would have ment, I noticed a change in her. She Columnist Maureen Dowd is rude and inappropriate. Saturday’s to say the Great Flood is an example became herself again. Once she knew The New York Times, 3-31-13 prayer time was not even ecumenical of climate change and that certainly she would be able to “get out of of life,” in nature. It was in-your-face Christian- wasn’t because mankind had overde- as she put it, her terror about suffering There is no such thing as Egyptians ity. I looked around to see how many veloped hydrocarbon energy. through an impending cancer death in Egypt. There are only Muslims and were bowing their heads during the Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, supporting left her, and she was suddenly calm. Christians. not-so-brief worship babble, being cu- the Keystone XL pipeline Betty Rollin, board member of the Emad Thabet, a Coptic Christian rious if others also thought this hugely BuzzFeed, 4-10-13 Death with Dignity National Center locked in a church for hours while four annoying, as we did. I looked to see and author of Last Wish Christians were killed in sectarian vio- what percentage of triathletes were not Would it be for the government to de- New York Times, 3-31-13 lence in Cairo’s main Coptic cathedral participating, instead standing with cide whether a person believes in God Associated Press, 4-8-13 Page 10 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013

(Epicurus) anything other than a freethinker is to • “Atheism is an attitude, a frame be a slave to someone else’s agenda. I Meet a ‘Trekkie’ Member of mind that looks at the world was always the “why?” child. If the an- Name: Brenda Germain. objectively, fearlessly, always trying swers to my questions were not logical, Where I live: Rural North Carolina, to understand all things as a part of I deemed the answers nonsense and just west of Fort Bragg. It’s in the mid- nature.” (Carl Sagan) looked for rational answers elsewhere. dle of nowhere, which is nice and quiet These are a few of my favorite Ways I promote freethought: I’m the when Fort Bragg isn’t shooting off artil- things: All things science, “Star Trek” current president of the Military Athe- lery. (Trekkie since 1966), “Jeopardy!”, ists and Freethinkers at Fort Bragg. Where and when I was born: Syra- lifelong learning, advocating for ac- We help other atheists know they are cuse, N.Y., in December 1958. I grew ceptance of atheists, documentaries, not alone by helping build what I like up in a couple of small towns south of bouncy music, honesty and reality. to call an interNOfaith community of there, Lafayette and Tully. I’m keeping alive the hope illus- atheists, freethinkers, skeptics, secular Family: Paul, my husband, and But- trated in “Star Trek” that we may some- humanists and agnostics in our area, terscotch, our 17-year-old cat. I am day grow up as a species to value and consisting of soldiers, veterans and ci- childless by choice and am a proud embrace diversity while being kind to vilians. feminist in the central New York tradi- each other. I know from experience the isola- tion. These are not: Those who are pur- tion many atheists feel due to their Education: Tully High School grad- posely ignorant and proud of it, dis- nonbelief, especially in rural areas like uate in 1977. I graduated in 1989 from honesty, evangelicals showing up at my ours. We shouldn’t have to live this Sandhills Community College with an house, government promotion and en- one precious life we have feeling alone associate’s degree in science degree. A tanglement with religion, indoctrina- and disenfranchised just because we year later, I went on to attend Western tion rather than education, and people think rationally. The more of us who Carolina University, where I earned a what they believed despite the blow- who tell me to have “a blessed day.” are open about our freethinking, the B.S. in clinical laboratory science. Af- back, but three stand out for me. Gior- My doubts about religion started: greater the likelihood that we will ter 10 years, I returned to Sandhills dano Bruno for not backing down, The first time I heard the stories at eventually be accepted. and earned another applied science Margaret Sanger for advocating for about age 8. Our family didn’t go What areas of life without religion degree, this time in Internet technolo- women to control their own biology, to church, though my parents were need more attention? I’d like to see gies. and Christopher Hitchens for facing vaguely religious. A neighbor asked our community do more advocacy for Occupation: I spent 10 years work- death with dignity and honesty. to take us to their church. A couple elderly atheists to help them push back ing in a hospital laboratory and then A quotation I like: My favorites: of visits listening to the improbable against society’s religious presump- 10 years as a Web programmer design- • “We must question the story logic stories and realizing these people tions. When my agnostic grandmother ing and developing interactive PHP of having an all-knowing, all-power- thought they were true rather than died, the funeral home sent a repre- sites. I’ve been disabled by lupus since ful God, who creates faulty humans myths ended that activity. I’ve been an sentative and a preacher. I told them a 2010. and then blames them for his own atheist ever since, though until 1991 I preacher was neither needed nor wel- How I got where I am today: Hard mistakes.” (Gene Roddenberry) remained silent so I could be employ- come. work and the help of my husband, who • “Is God willing to prevent evil, but able in the small southern community It made me think about our athe- made my going to college possible. not able? Then he is not omnipo- where I live. When the first President ists in nursing homes who may have Where I’m headed: Where we all tent. Is he able, but not willing? Bush said he didn’t consider atheists to to endure religion when they are least are, being a part of the circle of life re- Then he is malevolent. Is he both be patriots or good citizens, I got mad able to decline and may have no one plenishing the soil. able and willing? Then whence and then vocal. to speak up for them or fear repercus- Person in history I admire and why: cometh evil? Is he neither able nor Why I’m a freethinker: I seem to sions. There are so many who stood up for willing? Then why call him God?” have been born that way. To me, to be

Meet a ‘Pesky Progressive’ Member

Name: Elli Mexico for the past five years and have Actually, all of these are stories in my (I saw that on a banner in Freethought K. Work. enjoyed the Land of Enchantment, book. Today). I am an out, unabashed atheist, Where I especially the fact that [the TV series] Pet peeve: Women Republicans. and I write about my nonbelief. live: Santa Fe, “Breaking Bad” was filmed here. But That will never make any sense to me. N.M. Oregon, with her mosses and snails, OK, wait. Hmmmm. Nope, never. Where and her Birkenstocks and organic every- My doubts about religion started: when I was thing, beckons. When I was about 6, I asked my dad, born: Glen- I hope to write my next book there. “, why were all the apostles men?” dale, Calif., Or maybe a screenplay. Or maybe a In the matter-of-fact way that was my fa- July 9, 1960. CliffsNotes recipe for beef bourgui- ther, he said, “Because Jesus was a man F a m i l y : gnon. OMG! FOS (Figure of Speech)! of his times.” I was immediately suspi- Kathleen Roc- Maybe all three! cious, but didn’t identify as an atheist Elli Work co, partner Person in history I admire: The Holy until my late 20s. I just couldn’t buy it of 20 years; (Texan) Trinity: former Gov. Ann Rich- anymore. and stepsons, ards (1933-2006); Molly Ivins (1944- That’s why, when a woman screams Adam and 2007), author, political commentator at a camera — hurricane damage in Schuyler, 31 and 28, respectively. and humorist; and Jim Hightower, for- the background — “Praise the Lord, Education: B.S. in social science, mer agriculture commissioner, author, he saved us!” I say, “And screwed your Portland State University, Oregon. My syndicated columnist and political ac- neighbor? Really? Think about it.” informal education included reading tivist. These unabashed liberals live on And maybe someday she will. Every- the works of my heroes. I figured if in my heart. Jim, by the way, is still very one deserves the chance to evolve. Molly Ivins could say that and Michael much alive and kicking ass! Why I’m a freethinker: The insanity Moore could do that, then so could I. Before I die I want: To see Texas that rages on in the name of God, by Sam Harris makes me cheer, Julia turn into a blue state. Stop laughing. any name, continues to have dire con- Sweeney makes me laugh, and Barbara And for Joan Jett to be inducted into sequences. Among the most egregious, Ehrenreich makes me want to stay in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Jesus, it has stymied a thousand years of sci- the ring and keep up the good fight. people, c’mon! entific advancement, oppressed wom- These wonderful and amazing people A quotation I like: “If Jesus was en and wasted incalculable resources. continue to inspire me. Jewish, how come he has a Mexican Like my favorite lapel button reads: Occupation: Writer, activist. name?” (anonymous). I put that one “I’m just another soulless atheist in Military service: 20 years, three in in my book. Cracks me up every time! search of world peace and harmony.” the regular Army and 17 in the Army A few of my favorite things: My We may never get there without God, National Guard. I retired as a logistics 12-string guitar, marriage equality, but we definitely won’t with one. officer. FFRF, coming out as an atheist, serving Ways I promote freethought: I mark How I got where I am today: A strict in the military, running for public of- out “God” on paper money. I say “ge- German mother and a great public fice, “Die Chipper” (a story in my book sundheit” when someone sneezes. I school education. — think of the chipper in “Fargo”), don’t spend my money at any business Where I’m headed: All roads lead and my book, A Piece of Work, available that displays a fish. I had “Above us Lt. Elli Work in 1995 in Cairo, Egypt. back to Oregon. We’ve been in New at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. only sky” printed on bumper stickers June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 11

In Memoriam Alton Lemon stood the ‘test’ of time The ‘Lemon test’ is FFRF’s best friend.

• Its principal or primary effect must neither advance nor inhibit religion. Robert Marcy, 1928–2013 • It must not foster excessive en- tanglement between government and Robert Marcy, 84, Christiansted, St. ing secular burial at sea,” writes Jody. religion. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, died Feb. “In the afternoon at an open-air restau- This was not new law, per se, but a 15, 2013, at a local hospital. He was rant, family and friends met for a cel- kind of noble attempt to clarify and born July 30, 1928, in the Panama Ca- ebration of his life. He will be missed.” make the idiot- nal Zone, and grew up in New York. He Survivors also include two daughters, proof. The “Lemon test” has been in- earned a B.S. in mechanical engineer- Renee, a clinical psychologist, and voked in virtually every lawsuit FFRF ing from the Pratt Institute in 1946 and Susan, director of a physical therapy has ever taken. It is our best friend. served in the U.S. Army from 1950-52. clinic; a son, Geoffrey, a UC-Berkeley It has been hated and reviled by the Moving to Michigan, he worked as astronomy professor; a stepdaughter, Religious Right. Three presidents (you an engineer and received a master’s Stacy; two grandchildren and three can guess which ones) have openly from Wayne State University, and later step-grandchildren. (Geoffrey and two sought to overturn it. Justice Antonin to the Los Angeles area to work in the colleagues notably discovered 70 out The Freedom From Religion Foun- Scalia, a pretty scary fellow himself, aerospace industry. He retired in 1983 of the first 100 extrasolar planets. He dation has a very rare, very elite cat- odiously compared it to “some ghoul and moved to St. Croix, where in 1987 received the 2009 Carl Sagan Prize for egory of members who are “honorary in a late-night horror movie that re- he met his wife, Frankie Jo “Jody” Mar- Science Popularization from Wonder- officers,” a title reserved for freethink- peatedly sits up in its grave and shuffles cy. Both are FFRF members. fest.) ers who have won Supreme Court abroad, after being repeatedly killed “Following his instructions and stay- FFRF offers sincere condolences to cases bolstering state-church separa- and buried.” ing true to his atheism, Bob had a mov- the Marcy family. tion. We’re sorry to report that Alton According to The New York Times, Lemon, one of our honorary officers, Alton Toussaint Lemon was born Oct. Eileen Lottman, 1928–2013 died May 4 at age 84 in Jenkintown, Pa. 19, 1928, in McDonough, Ga., where He was a plaintiff in Lemon v. Kurtz­ his father owned a tailor shop. He re- editor at major publishing houses in- man (1971), which successfully chal- ceived a degree in mathematics from cluding Putnam, Dell and Bantam be- lenged a Pennsylvania law, the first Morehouse College in in 1950. fore turning to writing full time. Eileen such law in the nation, which gave pub- After service in the U.S. Army, he was the author of 23 novels, including lic tax funds to religious schools. He settled in , earned a mas- After the Wind (1979), The Brahmins was the recipient of the First Amend- ter’s degree in social work from the (1982) and She and I (1991). A lifelong ment Hero Award at FFRF’s 26th an- University of Pennsylvania and worked advocate for free speech and social nual convention in 2003 in Washing- in a series of government jobs. He was justice, she also loved animals and sup- ton, D.C. active in the NAACP and the ACLU ported animal rights. Lemon volunteered to be part of and was the first African-American Her husband of more than 40 years, the American Civil Liberties Union president of the Ethical Humanist So- noted film editor Evan Lottman, and challenge of the law. In a landmark ciety of Philadelphia. daughter Jessica Lottman preceded 8-0 ruling, the Supreme Court invali- “One of our personal regrets is her in deaht. Survivors are her many dated the parochial aid. (Justice Thur- that we never had the chance to meet loving friends, who feel deeply the loss good Marshall didn’t participate in the Alton to shake his hand,” said FFRF Eileen Lottman, 85, New York City, of her humor, honesty and compan- case.) Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. died at home surrounded by loved ionship. A memorial was held June 14. In one of the enduring legacies of “He was slated to accept his award ones June 7, 2013. She was born in “We met Eileen at an FFRF event the court headed by Chief Justice War- in person at our 2003 convention Minneapolis, grew up in Sioux City, in New York City several years ago ren Burger, the decision also codified but couldn’t attend due to illness. Iowa, and attended the University of and were very impressed with her Establishment Clause precedent into “Our memorial to Alton will be to re- Iowa Writers Workshop. long writing career and dedication to what soon became known as the “Lem- double FFRF’s efforts to do what we She started her professional career freethought,” said FFRF Cp-President on test.” If any of its three prongs are can to help ensure that his name and in New York with publicist Lois Smith, Annie Laurie Gaylor. “Count us among violated by an act of government, the his legacy live on,” Gaylor added. “Our becoming publicity director and then her sad but appreciative friends.” act is deemed unconstitutional: sincere condolences to his widow Au- • It must have a secular legislative gusta and his family.” Jesse Bailey Jr., 1925–2013 purpose.

Jesse V. Bailey Jr., 88, Birmingham, supported the freethought cause and Ala., died April 23, 2013. A L, age 88, abortion rights. Military services with died April 23rd 2013. A graduate of honors were held in the Alabama Na- University of West Alabama, he served tional Cemetery. in the U.S. Air Force in WWII. Bailey, a At the memorial, Susan Laney, a freethinker, was a founding member of Presbyterian director of adult minis- the Alabama Freethought Association tries and friend of Anita Bailey, spoke and a member of the Freedom From on Jesse’s behalf: “He did not believe in Alton Lemon with his wife Augusta and FFRF Religion Foundation. He’s survived by an afterlife or desire one. What could board member Margaret Downey. his daughter, Anita, several other rela- be more dreadful, where would we go, tives and countless friends. what would we do? Could we sleep late According to Alice Cleveland, AFA on the weekends?” historian, Jesse served at the Women’s To family and friends go FFRF’s Clinic, was an avid letter writer and heartfelt condolences. Page 12 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013 ------The Freedom From Religion Foundation is scheduled to run a run to scheduled is Foundation Religion From Freedom The The full-page ad is a direct response to a series of July 4 ads Hobby Lobby’s ads, which usually include the words “In God Hobby Lobby is also involved in litigation challenging the Although FFRF can’t compete with Hobby Lobby by running York New The in run to expected is ad FFRF’s time, press of As FFRF will be The first Thank you, Taking its message of “In Reason We Trust” to parts of the bible the of parts to Trust” We Reason “In of message its Taking It’s possible some dailies may still censor the paid ad, which If you appreciate this ad, please help FFRF spread the truth ( M e m b e r s Runs in New York Times, many other dailies Times, Runs in New York July 4 ad counters FFRF’s Hobby Lobby disinformation full-page ad on July 4 to “Celebrate our GODLESS Constitution” in a number of U.S. dailies. craft large the 2008, Since Lobby. Hobby by year each sponsored adjacent The 4. July on disinformation of ads run has chain store ad essentially parodies one of the Hobby Lobby ads that uses founding fathers and framers of the Constitution. nation’s portray the Trust,” U.S. We as founded on God and Christianity. FFRF has received many complaints from its membership over the full-page ads, which apparently run in literally hundreds of U.S. dailies. Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate. Hobby Lobby is working to permit employers who are religious to deny women employees contraceptive health care. ads in hundreds of dailies, we are undertaking the single most expensive ad campaign in our history to counter the Religious message. Right’s Chi Times, Angeles Los Times, Seattle Republic, Arizona Times, should contact Annie rie Gaylor Lau - (608)256-8900.) at FFRF advertises in Scientific American running issue- oriented, one- third-page ads for the year in next tific Scien - American, thanks to those FFRF members who responded to a matching grant by gener ous FFRF Board Member ter Les - Lester Goldstein. matched $25,000 in gifts for the zine maga - ads. A re tired Lester professor, science suggested that each ad be fully d o c u m e nand t e d address timely a topic to danger the show of religion government. in ad, appearing on page 26 the of July is issue, reproduced here. Look for ads ing blasphemy, address - creationism in the schools and r e p r o d u c trights in upcom - i v e ing issues of the magazine. Lester and kind all who responded. donors cago Tribune, Denver Post, Albuquerque Journal and Columbus cago Tribune, Dispatch. Most of the ads are in black and white to save money, and a few other dailies. Times but are in color The New York belt, FFRF has contracted to run the ad in the Huntsville [Ala.] Col Tribune, Diego San Register, [Calif.] County Orange Times, orado Springs Gazette, Orlando Sentinel, Louisville [Ky.] Cou Ob Charlotte Miss., Ledger, Clarion [Miss.] Jackson Journal, rier server, The Tennessean (Nashville) and Oklahoma City’s Daily Oklahoman. (Hobby Lobby is based in Oklahoma City.) newspapers other few a and Peoria” in “play to scheduled also was not confirmed as of press time. about the secular founding of this nation. Donate to Ad - FFRF’s vertising Fund (click Advertising Fund in the dropdown box) at or earmark checks to the Advertis - ing Fund Box PO sent FFRF, to 750, WI 53701. Madison who might like to help under write the entire cost of running an ad in local their newspaper June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 13 ------The Freedom From Religion Foundation is scheduled to run a run to scheduled is Foundation Religion From Freedom The The full-page ad is a direct response to a series of July 4 ads Hobby Lobby’s ads, which usually include the words “In God Hobby Lobby is also involved in litigation challenging the Although FFRF can’t compete with Hobby Lobby by running York New The in run to expected is ad FFRF’s time, press of As FFRF will be The first Thank you, Taking its message of “In Reason We Trust” to parts of the bible the of parts to Trust” We Reason “In of message its Taking It’s possible some dailies may still censor the paid ad, which If you appreciate this ad, please help FFRF spread the truth ( M e m b e r s rie Gaylor (608)256-8900.) at full-page ad on July 4 to “Celebrate our GODLESS Constitution” in a number of U.S. dailies. craft large the 2008, Since Lobby. Hobby by year each sponsored adjacent The 4. July on disinformation of ads run has chain store ad essentially parodies one of the Hobby Lobby ads that uses founding fathers and framers of the Constitution. nation’s portray the Trust,” U.S. We as founded on God and Christianity. FFRF has received many complaints from its membership over the full-page ads, which apparently run in literally hundreds of U.S. dailies. Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate. Hobby Lobby is working to permit employers who are religious to deny women employees contraceptive health care. ads in hundreds of dailies, we are undertaking the single most expensive ad campaign in our history to counter the Religious message. Right’s Chi Times, Angeles Los Times, Seattle Republic, Arizona Times, Annie Lau FFRF advertises in Scientific American running issue- oriented, one- third-page ads for the year in next tific Scien - American, thanks to those FFRF members who responded to a matching grant by gener ous FFRF Board Member ter Les - Lester Goldstein. matched $25,000 in gifts for the zine maga - ads. A re tired Lester professor, science suggested that each ad be fully d o c u m e nand t e d address timely a topic to danger the show of religion government. in ad, appearing on page 26 the of July is issue, reproduced here. Look for ads ing blasphemy, address - creationism in the schools and r e p r o d u c trights in upcom - i v e ing issues of the magazine. Lester and kind all who responded. donors cago Tribune, Denver Post, Albuquerque Journal and Columbus cago Tribune, Dispatch. Most of the ads are in black and white to save money, and a few other dailies. Times but are in color The New York belt, FFRF has contracted to run the ad in the Huntsville [Ala.] Col Tribune, Diego San Register, [Calif.] County Orange Times, orado Springs Gazette, Orlando Sentinel, Louisville [Ky.] Cou Ob Charlotte Miss., Ledger, Clarion [Miss.] Jackson Journal, rier server, The Tennessean (Nashville) and Oklahoma City’s Daily Oklahoman. (Hobby Lobby is based in Oklahoma City.) newspapers other few a and Peoria” in “play to scheduled also was not confirmed as of press time. about the secular founding of this nation. Donate to Ad - FFRF’s vertising Fund (click Advertising Fund in the dropdown box) at or earmark checks to the Advertis - ing Fund Box PO sent FFRF, to 750, WI 53701. Madison who might like to help under write the entire cost of running an ad in local their newspaper should contact Page 14 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013 ‘Heretic’s Diary’ expresses artist’s journey

LaVera Langeman writes: “I began my pression of my personal journey from artistic life as a fashion designer in New the fundamentalist teachings of my York City after graduating from the Fash­ childhood to the present day. (Thus ion Institute of Technology. After having there are no paintings on Islam, Juda- children, I started to paint. Having painted ism or other religions; I wasn’t brought now for 20 years, I have had some success. up in those cultures.) As a nonbeliever I have won several awards, including being (or heretic, as I would have been called published in the William and Mary Review. at other times in history) surrounded I have had a number of shows and continue by people who believed in a deity, I be- to show in several galleries. came silent. But as I started these paint- “I love to craft and use any and every ings it became clear to me that silent is medium possible to make my projects come not what I should be. Why should my to life. I am married and have two wonder­ beliefs — and more so, my questions ful boys, both in college. I have an ‘everyday — go unheard? life’ blog at Every day scientific discoveries show and a lifestyle website at teawithlavera. us how the earth has become what it is. com. I hope you will take the time to visit We can translate and read myths from me there.” before Christ and see where many bi- ble stories have come from, how the By LaVera Langeman bible was put together and by whom. We can look at the history of Christian- ity and see what has happened to keep it alive. But not many people take the This show time to examine their beliefs or to re- was not a search the book they base their life on. light-hearted If we question things that don’t make undertaking. sense to us, we are told, with circular Many years of logic, that we “must have faith.” painting, re- It is certainly simpler to accept the search and re- myths than to live in fear that one flection have might die and spend eternity in hell. Mary Magdalene gone into it. I It’s much easier to err on the side of Mary Magdalene is holding Jesus in the form of the Dove of Peace. He is have read the bible cover-to-cover and religion. Is it really faith? Or is it really no longer able to fly because his wing is broken. Wearing a crown of thorns many other books to try to understand fear? And what does being religious representing the pain and humiliation inflicted on women in the name of what religion is all about. mean, when we pick and choose what religion throughout history, she cries for him and for the women of the world. I acknowledge that some good has we want to believe from the bible? Is it been done in the name of religion and God’s word or not? ple have been tortured or killed to as- There are so many very important, ur- its churches, and I would never want Most religions are ancient belief sure that the church retains its power gent things we need to consider as hu- to diminish the comfort it brings to so systems, yet we let such beliefs, often and keeps ancient beliefs alive. Many man beings. many people. This show deals with an- based in ancient fear and hearsay, de- religious believers still live in fear. I don’t have the answers and that’s other aspect: the damage inflicted on fine our own beliefs, values, and even By letting the bible and all its beliefs OK for me. The paintings in this show cultures and societies — physical and our lives. A disturbing number of serve as an historical text and not “the give voice to my personal questions. emotional damage suffered by count- people in this country take everything truth” I have moved into a world of less individuals — all in the name of stated in the bible at face value, yet as little guilt, with lots of time to wonder Editor’s note: To see all the paintings in religion. hard as they try to prove that stories of and a freedom to feel what’s really go- the show and more work by the artist, go to The paintings are not meant to hurt the bible are true, they cannot. ing on around me. On my own terms anyone; my hope is that they will pro- Throughout history, people have I am able to appreciate every moment mote conversation. This show is an ex- questioned religion. But innocent peo- I have here on earth with those I love.

Cheesus A news story came on TV in 2009 about a woman finding a Cheeto shaped like Jesus on the cross. My first and strongest reaction was disbelief, and then a question: What has our country turned into? A few days later, I Googled Cheesus. I’m sad to say 11 pages came up. I thought that if people truly believe The Madonna of the Big Bang this is a message from the divine, don’t they wonder about a deity wasting time With all the new information in the world of science, isn’t it time to ask serious creating images of himself as a Cheeto instead of coming down to Ethiopia to questions and not look at the world through the eyes of our fearful ancestors, feed the starving? who believed the world was flat? Isn’t it time for a new madonna? June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 15

The Puppet Show LEFT: Jesus has often been used by church leaders as a puppet to promote agendas that have nothing to do with his teachings as portrayed in the bible. Myths have been turned into miracles, all in the name of power and profit.

Evolution National Geographic reported in 2006 that 14% of U.S. adults thought evolution was “definitely true,” while about a third firmly rejected it. In 2007, the $27 million Creation Museum opened in Petersburg, Ky. Half a million visitors came in the first nine months. On Feb. 12, 2009, the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth, a Gallup poll showed 39% of Americans “believe in the theory of evolution,” a quarter said they didn’t and 36% had no opinion either way. Those attitudes are strongly related to education and, to an even greater degree, religiosity. Note: The paper in her hand [“The banana — the atheist’s nightmare”] is from an evangelical group called Living Waters Publications.

Keep the Faith Religious texts often use mythological constructs such as the creation story in Genesis or Jonah and the whale to illustrate a spiritual or moral concept. Yet LaVera Langeman (second from left) answers questions at her gallery many churches teach that these stories are to be taken literally. The denial by show. Persons interested in hosting the show can write to her at Box 4070, the church of the right to question, express doubt or view our existence in a Bellingham, WA 98225 or email to [email protected]. different light can result in such horrific acts as burning not only books, but innocent people as well. Page 16 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013 Many stops on journey to nonreligion

By Jake Hjorth While still a minister, I once wrote ‘It became clear to me that religion, an article to the local newspaper. It was titled “To be more like Jesus than about any religion, enslaves the minds of Jesus.” Religion is “to be about.” Reli- T here’s people by basing life on a creed of self- gion is based on the use of the deadly a well-known DDT: Dogma, Doctrine and Tradition. saying that we righteous intolerance which invariably It would be well if we would follow should stop the great humanists’ examples and be and smell the leads to war.’ more like them than about them, to roses. It seems think freely and speak openly. that Western Let me finish not with an “Amen” culture has a but with “Keep cruising along!” hard time fol- engagement but remained friends and hood, there was a great movement lowing that ad- correspondents. within the Catholic Church. Pope FFRF member Jake Hjorth lives in Grand vice, maybe because we too often think John XXIII (affectionately called Pope Marais, Minn. of life as a journey — that is, we always Entering the priesthood Johansen in Denmark) called for a Vat- need to get somewhere. ican Council to open the windows to Prompted by religion, we are taught It took a couple of years before I got the church and let in fresh air. It was that life here and now has no value in my wits back together. I found that the refreshing to breathe the air for a few itself. It only serves as a journey to get priesthood would be the right thing years, but his successor, Pope Paul VI, to “The Promised Land.” for me. Trips to Rome and public au- closed the windows and the air became Having been on such a journey from diences with the pope made me feel stale again. early on and engaged in the ministry that to be part of an age-old institution It caused me to rethink my vocation. as both Roman Catholic priest and should be my calling. I returned to America. and after two United Church of Christ minister, I’ve On one of my trips to Rome, I came years left the priesthood. I got married finally gotten “off the bus.” I now view upon the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. to a woman with four small children my life more like a cruise, the goal of I had been encouraged by my bishop and found work in public education. which is to appreciate the sites visited to visit them, which resulted in my be- Running afoul with the village school and sites yet to come. ing assigned to the U.S. Oblate Fathers board, I became a carpenter and en- Before I go into more detail about and entering a novitiate in France. joyed that work for about 15 years. Re- my “ports of call,” I must state that After a year I made my first vows of ligion did not matter much during that whatever ups and downs, good or bad obedience, poverty and chastity, vows time. My attention went to raising a or right or wrong my cruise has offered which I had reflected on in agony. I family and keeping my marriage going. me, I sum it up as a great and positive was sent to the Oblate seminary in Mis- One day a friend asked me to help life experience. Everything and every- sissippi and graduated with a degree him with a church retreat run by a body in my past have brought me to my in philosophy and theology after six United Church of Christ congrega- “now,” and for that I am grateful. Any years. The graduation resulted in my tion. I enjoyed the retreat and the pas- critical remarks that I may make about ordination as a priest. tor and soon after joined the church past experiences should therefore be I enjoyed my years in the seminary. with my wife. seen with that in mind. I enjoyed the American youthful ways, The pastor, knowing, my back- I stepped aboard my cruise in Den- the willingness to try everything. I fell ground, asked me some time later if mark four years before the five-year in love with America, a love I have to I would like to become a UCC minis- occupation of my native country dur- this day. ter. I agreed and was accepted with- ing World War II started. My family In retrospect, I admit that the edu- out fanfare. My next port of call was a was Roman Catholic, both my parents cation I received was very limiting. I suburban church in White Bear Lake, having converted from Lutheranism, spent my years in Mississippi during Minn., where I served for 10 years until Denmark’s official state religion. I and the days of the Civil Rights Movement, my marriage broke up. I retired from my five siblings were brought up in the but it was never mentioned or dis- ministry and went back to Denmark to faith, went to church every Sunday and cussed among us seminarians. Being teach at a folk school (folkehøjskoler) followed the rules dictated by the pope somewhat cloistered, I did not reflect for a year. and promulgated by the local bishop. on it. Only later did it dawn on me that Returning to America, I freed my- During the war, our family was part a religious order of priests should have self from religion as I began to study Jake Hjorth in his minister’s vestment of the resistance movement. We helped been right there marching along with the nature of religion without commit- handmade by his wife. The pectoral Danish Jews flee to Sweden. We - hud the movement. ment. It became clear to me that reli- cross was handmade in Mexico. dled in the basement during air raids. The segregation in the South both- gion, any religion, enslaves the minds “I never liked wearing a belt or a My father was imprisoned by the Gesta- ered me personally. One day I boarded of people by basing life on a creed of cincture. It made me look like a po for three months in the summer of a bus and found it a great opportu- self-righteous intolerance which invari- monk,” comments Jake. 1944. Fortunately, he was not sent to a nity to show how I could befriend the ably leads to war. One need only pe- concentration camp in Germany. blacks. I went to the back of the bus ruse the daily news. Looking back on the war experience and sat down, wanting them to feel and its aftermath, I find that it gave us that I was one of them. all a drive to make a better world, a saf- At the next stop, a young black er world, a more trusting world. While woman got on and walked toward the Versatile volunteer I was too young at the time to reflect back. She stopped by me and remained on this, I think that it was, and still is, standing, looking at me with question- in my genes. ing eyes. I did not understand her di- I was sent to a St. Joseph Sisters lemma. After all, there were plenty of school for the first two years, after empty seats ahead of me. I remained which I was transferred to a Jesuit all- seated till I got off. boys school. I spent four years under As the bus continued on, it dawned Jesuit discipline until it got to be too on me what a terrible thing I had done. much. One day I left school and went In my naïveté, I had tried to join the to my dad’s office to ask for help. Af- blacks, not realizing that wherever I ter a long phone conversation with the sat, I made a demarcation line. I wish principal, it was decided I would trans- to this day I could beg the woman’s for- fer to a public school in our neighbor- giveness. hood. After my ordination, I spent two Entering a public co-ed school in years in a U.S. parish and enjoyed serv- seventh grade was a great revelation. ing as assistant in a large congregation I enjoyed being around girls a lot. with young families. After that cruise I dated a girl in high school and got stop, I finally went back to Denmark to engaged right after graduation. We serve as one of the few native Danish planned on getting married as soon as priests. our future education was completed and jobs were secured. But I started to Leaving the priesthood Todd Peissig, Wisconsin FFRF Board Member and Life Member, is flounder to the point that my fiancée volunteering periodically to reconstruct ”lost” archives of Freethought Today lost patience with me. We ended our During my training for the priest- from the 1990s, which are gradually being added to the Foundation’s website. June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 17 New Donors to Freethought Hall Building Expansion

This listing reports donations for FFRF’s Anonymous, AL, $50.00 David Walker, IN, $30.00 Building Expansion Fund received by Anonymous, AL, $50.00 Eugene Frana, IA, $30.00 FFRF from May 1st through June 20th. It Anonymous, AL, $50.00 Anonymous, ME, $30.00 Anonymous, AL, $50.00 Anonymous, MD, $30.00 is not cumulative except for the total. Do- Anonymous, AZ, $50.00 Paul Fabbiaschi, MA, $30.00 nations received prior to April 30th were Randy Briel, AZ, $50.00 Anonymous, MI, $30.00 listed in the May issue. Freethought today John McColm, AZ, $50.00 Geraldine Jensen, MN, $30.00 will list subsequent donations in future is- Michael Steiner, AZ, $50.00 Anonymous, NY, $30.00 sues. No donors will be identified by name Mark Armstrong, AZ, $50.00 Anonymous, NY, $30.00 without express permission from the donor. David Tedrahn, AR, $50.00 Anonymous, SD, $30.00 Anonymous, CA, $50.00 Ann Root, VA, $30.00 (If you plan to donate to the Building Fund Anonymous, CA, $50.00 Anonymous, WI, $30.00 and would like such recognition, please Anonymous, CA, $50.00 Ann Wilson, AL, $25.00 be sure to check the box on the donation Anonymous, CA, $50.00 Anonymous, AZ, $25.00 coupon mailed to you or online at https:// Anonymous, CA, $50.00 Chad Tomasso, AZ, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $50.00 Anonymous, CA, $25.00 granting such permission.) If you gave a Anonymous, CA, $50.00 Anonymous, CA, $25.00 Jane Russell and Jon Alexandr, CA, $50.00 Anonymous, CA, $25.00 gift designated to the building fund by or John and Vicki Pearse, CA, $50.00 Anonymous, CA, $25.00 before June 20th which does not appear to Roberta Fox, CA, $50.00 Anonymous, CA, $25.00 be reflected in this list or in the May issue, Granville Leung, CA, $50.00 Anonymous, CA, $25.00 please contact FFRF so that we can check Eric Messinger, CA, $50.00 Anonymous, CA, $25.00 our records and publish your gift. Please Fred Peace, CA, $50.00 Jack and Carol Lackey, CA, $25.00 contact FFRF Bookkeeper Katie Daniel at Luanne Schurman, CA, $50.00 Don Taranto, CA, $25.00 Lesley Paul, CA, $50.00 Anonymous, CO, $25.00 608/256-8900 9-5 CDT weekdays or email: William Ackerman, CO, $50.00 Chad Peterson and Robert Estep, CT, $25.00 [email protected]. Bill Chockla, CO, $50.00 Anonymous, FL, $25.00 Ms Bonnie Cohen, CT, $50.00 Anonymous, FL, $25.00 A check for $250,000 is nothing to sneeze at (or say “God bless you” for), Anonymous, DE, $50.00 Bob and Peg Schneider, FL, $25.00 Steve & Diane Uhl, AZ, $255,500.00 but FFRF staffers are certainly hugely appreciative of the Building Fund Anonymous, DC, $50.00 Don Conway, FL, $25.00 Rose Zerwick bequest, $50,000 donation in that amount from Diane and Stephen Uhl. Anonymous, FL, $50.00 Joel Knauer, FL, $25.00 Leonard Speisman, FL, $33,760.14 Anonymous, FL, $50.00 James Rudolph, FL, $25.00 Monty Cleworth, CO, $10,000.00 Anonymous, FL, $50.00 Fred Malmsheimer, FL, $25.00 Adam R Rose, NY, $10,000.00 Richard and Jacqueline T Stowell, FL, $50.00 Nicio Vega Jr, FL, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $200.00 Anonymous, MD, $100.00 Pat and Dan Cornwell, WI, $10,000.00 Cherie and John MacLean, FL, $50.00 Anonymous, GA, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $200.00 Anonymous, MD, $100.00 Maria & Edward Susterich, WI, $5,500.00 Jim and Janice Belden, FL, $50.00 Roberto Moraes, GA, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $200.00 Anonymous, MD, $100.00 Anonymous, CA, $5,000.00 Tom King, FL, $50.00 Julie Johnson, GA, $25.00 Robert Rhoades, CA, $200.00 Anonymous, MA, $100.00 Anonymous, CA, $5,000.00 Ron Winblad, FL, $50.00 Daniel and Wendy Aeschliman, ID, $25.00 Truit and Christy Trowbridge, CA, $200.00 Anonymous, MA, $100.00 Garvin and Jean Chastain, FL, $5,000.00 Anita and Joseph Sciolino, FL, $50.00 Thomas Olson, IL, $25.00 Eugene Tidball and Ardith Sehulster, CO, $200.00 Rich and Rosie Sagall, MA, $100.00 Anonymous, IL, $5,000.00 Tinka and Paul Diehl, FL, $50.00 Bob Weiland, IL, $25.00 Phyllis Watlington, CO, $200.00 Anonymous, MI, $100.00 Daniel and Midge Anderson, IL, $5,000.00 Anonymous, GA, $50.00 Greg Dye, IN, $25.00 Lucia Cheng, IL, $200.00 Anonymous, MI, $100.00 Justin Hinckley, LA, $5,000.00 Anonymous, GA, $50.00 Anonymous, IA, $25.00 H Drower, IL, $200.00 Anonymous, MI, $100.00 Betsy and Chuck Berry, PA, $5,000.00 William Fell, GA, $50.00 William Sierichs Jr, LA, $25.00 John and Tony R Lancaster, KS, $200.00 David Kreis, MI, $100.00 Jonathan Noll and Martha Lentz, WA, $5,000.00 Harlan and Kay Hayes, ID, $50.00 Howard Goldsmith, MA, $25.00 Anonymous, MA, $200.00 Chris Wright, MI, $100.00 Robert Eberle, M.D. & Wanda Eberle, VA, Anonymous, IL, $50.00 Anonymous, MN, $25.00 Anonymous, MA, $200.00 Anonymous, MN, $100.00 $4,000.00 Anonymous, IL, $50.00 Anonymous, MO, $25.00 Robert MacArthur, MA, $200.00 Anonymous, MO, $100.00 Helen and Howard K Bostock, TX, $3,000.00 Anonymous, IL, $50.00 Melvin and Pal Pendleton, MT, $25.00 Ted Tyler, MA, $200.00 David and Polly Engelking, MO, $100.00 Anonymous, CA, $2,500.00 Mr. Edward and Mrs. Pillar, IL, $50.00 Bernard and Eleanor Devlin, NE, $25.00 Anonymous, MN, $200.00 Maureen Calvin, MO, $100.00 Laura & Jes Pedersen, CA, $2,500.00 Ross Griffiths, IL, $50.00 Anonymous, NJ, $25.00 Stacey Sawyer, NV, $200.00 Anonymous, NV, $100.00 Larry Hothem, MD, $2,500.00 Anonymous, IN, $50.00 Anonymous, NJ, $25.00 Anonymous, NY, $200.00 Rex Gunderson, NV, $100.00 Anonymous, VA, $2,500.00 Carl Langenhop, IN, $50.00 Anonymous, NM, $25.00 Dan and Donna Barski, NY, $200.00 Anonymous, NH, $100.00 R Jeffrey Wenk, WA, $2,500.00 Randall Smith, IN, $50.00 Anonymous, NY, $25.00 Anonymous, NC, $200.00 Anonymous, NJ, $100.00 Grace and Robert Jeffery, WI, $2,500.00 Charles & Sheri Bender, IN, $50.00 George and Linda Saunders, NY, $25.00 Frank Sargent and Ann Dudley Sargent, NC, Anonymous, NJ, $100.00 Anonymous, MA, $2,000.00 Anonymous, KS, $50.00 Raymond and Marcia G Sobel, NC, $25.00 $200.00 Anonymous, NJ, $100.00 Anonymous, NY, $2,000.00 Larry Douglas and Gayle Birdsall, ME, $50.00 Keith Deimling and Joya Matheus, OH, $25.00 Anonymous, PA, $200.00 Tim and Kathy Zebo, NJ, $100.00 Fairfid Caudle, NY, $2,000.00 Barbara and Bob Moon, ME, $50.00 Anonymous, OK, $25.00 Donald Thomas and Kathleen Tilly, PA, $200.00 Borden Applegate, NJ, $100.00 Len and Karen Eisenberg, OR, $2,000.00 Marvin Lindroth, MD, $50.00 Anonymous, OR, $25.00 Wayne Walczak and Nani Lovell, TX, $200.00 John McCormick, NJ, $100.00 Edmond Mercier, PA, $2,000.00 Bradley Bachtell, MD, $50.00 Anonymous, OR, $25.00 Anonymous, VA, $200.00 Anonymous, NM, $100.00 Sean Wilks, WA, $2,000.00 Anonymous, MA, $50.00 Anonymous, OR, $25.00 Anonymous, VA, $200.00 Anonymous, NY, $100.00 Ned Uehling, AL, $1,000.00 William Kahn, MA, $50.00 Anonymous, PA, $25.00 Warren Lucas, WA, $200.00 Joan Reisman-Brill and Leon Brill, NY, $100.00 James and Betty Grace McCollum, AR, $1,000.00 Anonymous, MI, $50.00 Anonymous, PA, $25.00 Warren Werner, WI, $200.00 Robert Leefe, NY, $100.00 Anonymous, CA, $1,000.00 Anonymous, MI, $50.00 Anonymous, PA, $25.00 Anonymous, NJ, $150.00 Aaron and Colleen Pierce, NY, $100.00 Anonymous, CA, $1,000.00 Anonymous, MI, $50.00 Anonymous, SC, $25.00 Anonymous, NY, $150.00 Carol Black, NY, $100.00 Anonymous, CA, $1,000.00 Norma and Ned Doane, MI, $50.00 Anonymous, TN, $25.00 Anonymous, NY, $150.00 Anonymous, NC, $100.00 Don Kang, CA, $1,000.00 David Ei, MI, $50.00 Anonymous, TX, $25.00 Anonymous, TX, $150.00 R Neil Rotter, NC, $100.00 Frank Traficante, CA, $1,000.00 Chuck Atkinson, MI, $50.00 Anonymous, TX, $25.00 Anonymous, WA, $150.00 Anonymous, OH, $100.00 N Jess Barmatz, CA, $1,000.00 Anonymous, MN, $50.00 Anonymous, TX, $25.00 Anonymous, WI, $150.00 Anonymous, OH, $100.00 James Smith, CO, $1,000.00 Anonymous, MN, $50.00 Jack Henley, TX, $25.00 Anonymous, WI, $150.00 Sharon Woznicki and Anthony Rycbacki, OH, Anonymous, DC, $1,000.00 Anonymous, MO, $50.00 Brandy Jones and Ruth Lacey, TX, $25.00 Anonymous, PA, $120.00 $100.00 Anonymous, FL, $1,000.00 Anonymous, MO, $50.00 Wayne Parrish, TX, $25.00 Anonymous, AL, $100.00 Robert Turner, OH, $100.00 Anonymous, FL, $1,000.00 Alice Elliott, MT, $50.00 Anonymous, VA, $25.00 Anonymous, AL, $100.00 Anonymous, OK, $100.00 Barbara Walker, FL, $1,000.00 Jim Soular, MT, $50.00 Anonymous, VA, $25.00 Bob and Lisa Truett, AL, $100.00 Garnik Patatanian, OK, $100.00 John Evans, GA, $1,000.00 Anonymous, NH, $50.00 George and Anita Leoboldt, VA, $25.00 Bruce Hilpert, AZ, $100.00 Anonymous, OR, $100.00 Perry Mitchell & Pam Woodley, GA, $1,000.00 Joan and Anthony Cavalluzzi, NJ, $50.00 Robert Darwin, VA, $25.00 Lavern Johnson, AZ, $100.00 Ronald and Jan Waitt, OR, $100.00 Anonymous, IL, $1,000.00 Louis Bedrock, NJ, $50.00 Anonymous, WI, $25.00 Patricia Sanders, AR, $100.00 Richard Swanson, OR, $100.00 Jerry Appanaitis, IL, $1,000.00 Anonymous, NY, $50.00 Anonymous, WI, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $100.00 Anonymous, PA, $100.00 William Cameron Stone, KY, $1,000.00 Anonymous, NY, $50.00 Anonymous, WI, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $100.00 Anonymous, PA, $100.00 Clay Adams, LA, $1,000.00 Paul and Louise Wilson, NY, $50.00 Anonymous, WI, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $100.00 Anonymous, PA, $100.00 Leonard Bernstein, MA, $1,000.00 Frank and Karla Werner, NC, $50.00 Susan Steinkraus and Kevin Brown, WI, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $100.00 Anonymous, PA, $100.00 Scott Romanowski, MA, $1,000.00 Eric Miller, OH, $50.00 Charles and Jan Gottschalk, WI, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $100.00 Fred Barrouk, PA, $100.00 Don and Bette Oswell, MI, $1,000.00 WIlliam and Marianne Whitehouse, OH, $50.00 Sue Schuetz, WI, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $100.00 Anthony Toluba, PA, $100.00 Dr Sandra Snow, NV, $1,000.00 Anthony Proto, OH, $50.00 James Stoke, WI, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $100.00 George and Pam Zerba, PA, $100.00 Anonymous, NJ, $1,000.00 Anonymous, OK, $50.00 Thomas and Julie Ziegeweid, WI, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $100.00 Anonymous, SD, $100.00 Anonymous, NY, $1,000.00 Eric Schaefer, OR, $50.00 Anonymous, WY, $25.00 Anonymous, CA, $100.00 Anonymous, SD, $100.00 Anonymous, NY, $1,000.00 Anonymous, PA, $50.00 Anonymous, CA, $20.00 Anonymous, CA, $100.00 Anonymous, TN, $100.00 Dr Anna Messer, NY, $1,000.00 Anonymous, PA, $50.00 Anonymous, CA, $20.00 Carl Vasta, CA, $100.00 Anonymous, TN, $100.00 Stanley Stangren, NY, $1,000.00 George Martin and Susan Hall-Martin, SD, $50.00 Robert Stuckert, CA, $20.00 Dave Dolnick, CA, $100.00 Jerry Walters, TN, $100.00 Ruth Henderson, NC, $1,000.00 Anonymous, TN, $50.00 Anonymous, FL, $20.00 Robert Perry Sr, CA, $100.00 Jere Brewer, TN, $100.00 Anonymous, OH, $1,000.00 Anonymous, TN, $50.00 Anonymous, GA, $20.00 Janet and Steve Borchers, CA, $100.00 Don Deakins, TN, $100.00 Robert Wright III, OH, $1,000.00 Anonymous, TN, $50.00 Anonymous, IL, $20.00 Rock and Ermalene Troutt, CA, $100.00 Thomas Gould, TN, $100.00 Lawrence Davidson, OR, $1,000.00 Anonymous, TX, $50.00 Anonymous, IL, $20.00 William Kocol and Timothy A Gajewski, CA, Sam Bledsoe, TN, $100.00 Anonymous, TX, $1,000.00 Anonymous, TX, $50.00 Ray Peger, KY, $20.00 $100.00 Beverly Board, TN, $100.00 Anonymous, TX, $1,000.00 Anonymous, TX, $50.00 Howard L Bolick, MD, $20.00 Julie Baller Graves, CA, $100.00 Anonymous, TX, $100.00 James Alexander, TX, $1,000.00 Anonymous, TX, $50.00 Anonymous, MI, $20.00 Joe Mercado Jr, CA, $100.00 Anonymous, TX, $100.00 Monica Vaughan and Roberto Alaniz, TX, Louis and Maryjane W Cable, TX, $50.00 Anonymous, MI, $20.00 Richard Merrick, CA, $100.00 Anonymous, TX, $100.00 $1,000.00 Ed Burkle, TX, $50.00 Anonymous, MN, $20.00 Louis Sivo, CA, $100.00 Anonymous, TX, $100.00 Anonymous, VT, $1,000.00 Norman Chab, TX, $50.00 Verle and Dorothy Muhrer, MO, $20.00 Diane Takayama, CA, $100.00 Robert Short, TX, $100.00 Anonymous, WA, $1,000.00 Jerry Lindahl, TX, $50.00 CN Flanders, NM, $20.00 Barry Wolf, CA, $100.00 Jerry and Sonja M Williams, TX, $100.00 Albert Yuen, WA, $1,000.00 Larry Toler, TX, $50.00 John Frederick Newton, NY, $20.00 brian lambert, CA, $100.00 Raj Venkatappan MD, TX, $100.00 Anonymous, WI, $1,000.00 Robert and Robert Jr. Steinle, TX, $50.00 Anonymous, NC, $20.00 Anonymous, CO, $100.00 Jeffrey Metz, TX, $100.00 Anonymous, WI, $1,000.00 Anonymous, VA, $50.00 Anonymous, OH, $20.00 Deanna Carleton CPA and AC Lee, CO, $100.00 David DeMar, TX, $100.00 James and Joan Johnston, WI, $1,000.00 Anonymous, VA, $50.00 Kat Lyons, OH, $20.00 Wayne Young, CO, $100.00 Richard Landsman, VT, $100.00 Richard and Margaret Elwood, WI, $1,000.00 Kenneth Johnson, VA, $50.00 Leland Murphy, OR, $20.00 Raymond Flesher and Betty Harris, CO, $100.00 Drew Stephens, VA, $100.00 Larry Pischke, WI, $1,000.00 Thomas King Sr, VA, $50.00 Anonymous, PA, $20.00 Ronald Hurd, CO, $100.00 John White, VA, $100.00 BJ Stewart, BC, CANADA, $500.00 Anonymous, WA, $50.00 Anonymous, PA, $20.00 Nevell Razak, CO, $100.00 Leslie Bass, VA, $100.00 Steve Baughman, CA, $500.00 Anonymous, WA, $50.00 Anonymous, TX, $20.00 Mike Trollinger, CO, $100.00 Anonymous, WA, $100.00 Blachford-Cooper Foundation, CA, $500.00 Anonymous, WA, $50.00 Carl Spencer, VA, $20.00 Michael Fuchs, CO, $100.00 Anonymous, WA, $100.00 Anonymous, CO, $500.00 Lacy and Gregory Gargan, WA, $50.00 Anonymous, WA, $20.00 Lawrence Tanner, CT, $100.00 Anonymous, WA, $100.00 Nancy Chapin, CO, $500.00 William Kalfur, WA, $50.00 Anonymous, WA, $20.00 Jeffrey and Irene Miller, CT, $100.00 Kenneth Veto, WA, $100.00 Kevin Gough and Paula Jones, CT, $500.00 Anonymous, WV, $50.00 Chris Sagare, WA, $20.00 Gregory Burns, CT, $100.00 David Jaecks, WA, $100.00 Evelyn Johnstone, IL, $500.00 Anonymous, WI, $50.00 Anonymous, WI, $20.00 Richard VanMetter, DC, $100.00 Anita Blaylock, WA, $100.00 Anonymous, IN, $500.00 Anonymous, WI, $50.00 Sandra Hancock and Kelly Morgan, FL, $15.00 Anonymous, FL, $100.00 Jared Starr, WA, $100.00 David Siev, IA, $500.00 Anonymous, WI, $50.00 Anonymous, TX, $15.00 William Cox and David Armstrong, FL, $100.00 Wayne Bernal, WA, $100.00 Anonymous, MD, $500.00 Anonymous, WI, $50.00 Anonymous, WI, $15.00 Bruce Davis, FL, $100.00 Anonymous, WV, $100.00 Edwin Hughes, MI, $500.00 Anonymous, WI, $50.00 Eugene Primoff, MD, $13.08 Wiley Mangum PhD, FL, $100.00 Anonymous, WV, $100.00 Melvin and Giulia Simpson, NY, $500.00 Anonymous, WI, $50.00 Anonymous, CA, $10.00 Carol Wood, FL, $100.00 Anonymous, WI, $100.00 Anonymous, PA, $500.00 Gerry and Esther Flakas, WI, $50.00 Anonymous, CA, $10.00 Martin V Davis, FL, $100.00 Anonymous, WI, $100.00 Anonymous, WA, $500.00 Anne Johnson, WI, $50.00 Louis Williams, CA, $10.00 Anonymous, GA, $100.00 Anonymous, WI, $100.00 Marle Brandt, WA, $500.00 Charlotte Siverling, WI, $50.00 Anonymous, MD, $10.00 Anonymous, GA, $100.00 Anonymous, WI, $100.00 Jill and Thorton Ridder, WI, $500.00 Ralph Matthews, CA, $40.00 Anonymous, NJ, $10.00 Anonymous, GA, $100.00 Anonymous, WI, $100.00 Tim Duppler, WI, $500.00 Michael Shields, CA, $40.00 Anonymous, NY, $10.00 Donald Mees, GA, $100.00 Anonymous, WI, $100.00 Randi Hughes, SD, $500.00 Mr. George Singer, CA, $40.00 Anonymous, OR, $10.00 Anonymous, ID, $100.00 Stefanie Moritz and Vince Jenkins, WI, $100.00 Anonymous, MI, $350.00 William Shumaker, FL, $40.00 Anonymous, OR, $10.00 Bill and Joan Gundlach, ID, $100.00 Steve Biever, WI, $100.00 Harry Talkington, AL, $300.00 Phillip Meade, GA, $40.00 Anonymous, PA, $10.00 Priscilla Wegars, ID, $100.00 David and Christine Puchalsky, WI, $100.00 John Fenn MD, CT, $300.00 Anonymous, IL, $40.00 Daniel Subach, TX, $10.00 Mike Jenkins, ID, $100.00 Derek and Brenda Clevidence, WI, $100.00 Nathan Hanson, IA, $300.00 Anonymous, NV, $40.00 Anonymous, VA, $10.00 Anonymous, IL, $100.00 Joan Horton, WI, $100.00 Anonymous, PA, $300.00 Mrs. Shirley McClellan, NC, $40.00 Anonymous, WA, $10.00 Anonymous, IL, $100.00 Jack Simpson, WI, $100.00 Anonymous, VA, $300.00 Janie Medley, NC, $40.00 James Gellerman, WI, $10.00 Anonymous, IL, $100.00 Anonymous, WY, $100.00 Anonymous, VA, $300.00 Stephen Clark, UT, $40.00 William Herrbold, WI, $10.00 Anonymous, IL, $100.00 Larry Holland, MI, $100 Anonymous, CA, $250.00 Larry Bryant, VA, $40.00 Anonymous, CA, $5.00 Anonymous, IL, $100.00 Steven Wilson, NV, $90.00 Anonymous, CA, $250.00 Anonymous, WI, $40.00 Anonymous, FL, $5.00 Louis and Eleanor Altman, IL, $100.00 Anonymous, CA, $80.00 Peter and Harriet Hanauer, CA, $250.00 William W Backus, WI, $40.00 David Levitsky, NY, $5.00 Jane and Mike Winter, IL, $100.00 Roger Hawkins, NJ, $80.00 Scott Dittman, CA, $250.00 Anonymous, AZ, $35.00 John Fostvedt, WI, $5.00 Thomas Cara, IL, $100.00 Anonymous, FL, $79.00 Paul Koehler, CA, $250.00 Sheila Somner, AZ, $35.00 Adam Granakos, FL, $2.00 Larry Melaik, IL, $100.00 Anonymous, CA, $75.00 Christine Slagle, CA, $250.00 Anonymous, CA, $35.00 Peter Sokaris, NY, $1.00 Anonymous, IN, $100.00 Tracy Halasinski and Lori Beuerle, CO, $75.00 J. Darwin Soder, FL, $250.00 Anonymous, CT, $35.00 Correction: In the May 2013 Building Fund donor Anonymous, IN, $100.00 Anonymous, NJ, $75.00 Marvin Rogan, FL, $250.00 Judy and Jack Ellis, FL, $35.00 listing the $2500 donation from Alfred John- Anonymous, IN, $100.00 Anonymous, NY, $75.00 Anonymous, GA, $250.00 Anonymous, MD, $35.00 son should be credited to Alfred and Karolina John Egloff, IN, $100.00 Mr. Nils RB Young, OH, $75.00 Jim Fagan, KS, $250.00 Anonymous, MI, $35.00 Johnson. Charles Budd, IN, $100.00 Anonymous, WA, $75.00 Anonymous, OH, $250.00 Dennis Gregory, MO, $35.00 Anonymous, IA, $100.00 Karen Carlson, CA, $70.00 Stacy and Brent Mangum, OR, $250.00 Anonymous, NM, $35.00 Anonymous, IA, $100.00 Anonymous, ID, $66.60 Anonymous, PA, $250.00 Robert Blanton, NY, $35.00 $493,650.42 (May 1st- June C Monaghan, IA, $100.00 Anonymous, TX, $66.60 Daniel Matesic, PA, $250.00 Anonymous, ON, CANADA, $35.00 Harry Greenberger, LA, $100.00 Anonymous, WI, $62.00 20th) Robert Schlorer, PA, $250.00 Mary Joyce Wyatt, TX, $35.00 Percy Prestenbach Jr, LA, $100.00 Anonymous, IA, $60.00 Anonymous, WA, $250.00 Gene and Carolyn Hunter, AL, $30.00 $910,802.29 (TOTAL) Anonymous, ME, $100.00 Anonymous, MN, $60.00 Anonymous, AZ, $200.00 Anonymous, CA, $30.00 Anonymous, ME, $100.00 Anonymous, NJ, $60.00 GOAL: $1.5 MILLION Anonymous, CA, $200.00 Anonymous, CA, $30.00 Ruth and Kurt L Wray, ME, $100.00 EJ Breider, WI, $60.00 Anonymous, CA, $200.00 Nancy Camp, CO, $30.00 L Welsher, ME, $100.00 Thomas Lepre, NY, $55.00 Page 18 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013

In Raphael’s 16th-century painting Credit: ©Katherine Hilden 150 House votes for “Sistine Madonna,” the madonna foxhole atheists holds the Christ child, flanked by Sts. Some 150 members of the U.S. Sixtus and Barbara, while cherubs House voted June 14 in favor of allow- (inset) rest below. Katherine Hilden, ing nonreligious military chaplains to an Illinois artist and FFRF member, serve atheists and agnostics in the U.S. was inspired to substitute secular armed forces. angels Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Although that wasn’t enough for Barker for Raphael’s. See more of the amendment offered by Rep. Jared Katherine’s “Facefame: Caricatures Polis, D-Colo., to pass, it means a lot of people in the news” at facefame. to American freethinkers. There were 150 Democrats who voted yes, 44 Dem- ocrats who voted no and 230 Republi- cans who voted no. The week before, Rep. Robert An- drews, D-N.J., tried unsuccessfully to add a similar amendment to the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act in committee. Andrews’ amendment brought forth some amazingly bigoted com- ments from some members of the House Armed Services Committee. Kudos to Rep. Adam Smith, D- Women’s bodies Wash., who defended atheists and hu- manists at that committee meeting: “To say that an atheist or a humanist doesn’t believe anything is just igno- rant. They have very, very developed belong only to women beliefs and value systems, and there are many, many of them serving in the military, including Pat Tillman. The response to the gentleman’s amend- ment makes me feel all the more the By Annie Laurie Gaylor thrown in her face. necessity of it. Basically, if you are an Amina, who reports having been atheist or agnostic in the military, the This op-ed by FFRF’s co-president was subjected to a “virginity test” and other military’s response is, ‘We’ve got noth- published April 24 in The New York Times indignities, appears to be in hiding ing for you. There’s no hope for you.’ as part of its “Open for Debate” series. The with the intention to escape to France. They believe in a system of values, and topic was “Is the Hijab Worth Fighting She uploaded the photos on a Face- that system of values is worth as much Over?” book page created by Femen, a Ukrai- to them as Christianity is to us.” nian women’s group dedicated to free- ing women. In solidarity with Amina, Femen declared “Topless Jihad Day” Nineteen is the perfect age to on April 4, holding demonstrations push the parameters of social conven- across Europe in which women treated tion, to experiment with self-expres- their bared torsos as protest placards. Overheard sion and rebellion. Young women com- The tactics are reminiscent of - Annie Laurie Gaylor (dressed as a ing to terms with sexual objectification, walk, a protest movement fighting rape nun) protests a judge’s anti-woman harassment and social judgment have culture, in which young women (some ruling in 1977. The students are being duped. a perfect right to protest prudery and bare-breasted, others scantily clad) It’s straight theology with no al- patriarchal religion without being take to the streets to defy conventions ternatives. It’s a straight Christian threatened with execution. that blame victims for rapes. /creationist Amina Tyler, a Tunisian 19-year- Arguments for female modesty are habit and marched holding signs that view of the world, which is wrong. old, exercised that right. She partici- sadly familiar, and troubling regardless said “Shall men be our dress codes?” It’s not science. It’s not that it’s pated in a feminist Facebook project of their religious context. and “Is this what you have in mind, not science, it’s science that has in which she posted images of herself I’m proud to be part of the tradition judge?” We successfully recalled that been discredited. It’s like saying online, with the words “I own my body; that Femen and Slutwalk have joined. judge. But the attitudes, unfortunately, the Holocaust didn’t happen. it’s not the source of anyone’s honor” In 1977, after Circuit Judge Archie Si- persist. Evolutionary biologist Jerry written on her bare chest. monson in Madison, Wis., called the There’s nothing obscene about Coyne, University of Chicago Tunisia reacted with revilement and rape of a 16-year-old high school stu- . What’s obscene is decking professor, on the “Boundaries of threats of violence. The head of Tuni- dent by three boys a “normal reaction” women in burqas or face-shrouding Science” course at Ball State Uni- sia’s Commission for the Promotion of to her wearing a turtleneck and jeans, veils. What’s obscene is that a state- versity on which FFRF has filed a Virtue and Prevention of Vice report- I engaged in a different kind of street ment by a young woman that she owns complaint edly called for Amina to be stoned to theater. her own body could still set a world re- Muncie Star Press, 5-20-13 death. She and her family faced vicious After organizing the first picket of ligion on fire. threats, including that acid should be his courthouse, I dressed in a nun’s FFRF creationism complaint leads to Indiana probe

After receiving a student complaint, knowledge — the ‘boundaries of sci- an extremely Christian bias and he Terry King, Ball State provost and FFRF called for Ball State University in ence’ — in an attempt to prove reli- doesn’t not believe in evolution,” to vice president of academic affairs, told Muncie, Ind., to investigate allegations gious belief correct,” Seidel wrote. “Constantly talks religion. As an athe- the student newspaper June 23 that that a physics and astronomy professor “We fully understand and support ist, I was slightly concerned my science he expects a report by the end of June appeared to be teaching creationism at the need for academic freedom and teacher is a devout Christian.” from the committee reviewing the aca- the public university. free inquiry, particularly at the univer- Jerry Coyne, a biology professor at demic integrity of the honors course. Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel sent a sity level. But, as taught, this class cross- the University of Chicago and author Three are Ball State faculty: Gary May 15 letter to BSU President Jo Ann es ethical and constitutional lines. BSU of the book Why Evolution Is True, start- Dodson, professor of biology; Richard Gora urging investigation of profes- appears to offer a class that preaches ed blogging about the situation May 16 Fluegeman Jr., professor of geological sor Eric Hedin’s honors course, “The religion, yet gives students honors sci- and has been posting regular updates. sciences; and Juli Thorsen Eflin, pro- Boundaries of Science,” described in ence credit.” Coyne, an honorary FFRF director, fessor of philosophy. Catherine Pila- the syllabus as an honest, objective in- Seidel wrote that he’s concerned remarked, “The students are being chowski, a professor of astronomy at vestigation on the intersection of sci- Hedin may also be “preaching” as op- duped. It’s straight theology with no Indiana University, is the fourth mem- ence and religion. The elective class is posed to “teaching” by injecting reli- alternatives. It’s a straight Christian in- ber. not part of the core curriculum. gion into his introductory astronomy telligent design/creationist view of the The controversy has been widely “It is our information and under- class. Students taking both of Hedin’s world, which is wrong. It’s not science. covered by mass media. standing that this class has been used courses remarked on the religious bias It’s not that it’s not science, it’s science to proselytize students and advance at the Rate My Professor online site. that has been discredited. It’s like say- Christianity by using gaps in scientific Comments range from “The class had ing the Holocaust didn’t happen.” June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 19

In the News Same-sex rulings upset mittee. The policy change takes effect Jan. 1, the Associated Press reported. Religious Right Gay Scout leaders (and atheists) will Religious forces opposed to same- still be barred. sex marriage and civil unions lost twice “We are deeply saddened,” said in U.S. Supreme Court decisions an- Frank Page, president of the South- nounced June 26. The court struck ern Baptist Convention’s Executive C. down the 1996 federal Defense of Mar- “Homosexual behavior is incompatible riage Act on a 5-4 vote, with the major- with the principles enshrined in the ity opinion written by Justice Anthony Scout oath and Scout law.” Kennedy. The court’s DOMA decision The Assemblies of God said the immediately provides full federal ben- change “will lead to a mass exodus efits to same-sex couples in states that from the Boy Scout program.” Texas have legalized gay marriage. Gov. Rick Perry said he was “greatly dis- In a 5-4 ruling written by Chief Jus- appointed.” tice John Roberts, the court paved On American Family Radio’s “Fo- Pays to complain the way for same-sex couples to marry cal Point With Bryan Fischer,” the host New Mexico FFRF member C.N. Flanders wrote to the state Department of in California by leaving intact a 2010 commented, “BSA no longer stands Transportation about Christian crosses on a memorial sign to two students lower-court ruling that struck down the for the Boy Scouts of America. It now placed as part of Silver City’s “Adopt a Median” program. “It suggests to me state’s 2008 voter-approved ban known stands for the Boy Sodomizers of that possibly a Jewish person or a nonbeliever or anyone not Christian would as Proposition 8. America.” not be welcome in Silver City. Would you please look into this and let me know California Attorney General Kamala The AP also reported that Baptist what your thoughts are?” While DOT didn’t contact Mr. Flanders, he noticed a Harris urged the 9th Circuit U.S. Court Pastor Greg Walker, Helena, Ala., said few days later that the crosses were off the sign. of Appeals to lift the stay on the injunc- the troop that has been meeting at his tion against Proposition 8 and allow church will no longer be allowed to. same-sex couples to marry “as quickly KING-TV reported that Fr. Derek as possible.” Lappe, pastor of Our Lady Star of the Rev. Steve Jones of the Missionary Sea Catholic Church in Bremerton, phens. The court will hear the case in ditorium or other space that is not Church in Fort Wayne, Ind., said in a Wash., is cutting all ties with BSA Troop its next term, which starts in October. in use, at any time before the school statement: “[A]s followers of Christ, 1501. Steve Rinehart, an Eagle Scout day begins when the school is open Christians are conscience-bound to and supporter of Scouts For Equality and students are allowed on campus, declare marriage as the union of one called Lappe’s stance “very unfortu- Prayer plaintiff at any time after the school day ends man and one woman, no matter what nate and downright sad.” gets legal standing provided that at least one student club the courts or legislatures may say. De- or organization is meeting at that time, fending the truth is more important In Doe v. Franklin County, a Missouri or at any noninstructional time during than personal popularity.” Wis. city turns court decided June 7 that the plain- the school day. A school employee may U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R- down bible tabling tiff, who attended county commission be assigned to supervise the gathering Minn., also issued a statement: “Mar- meetings, has standing to sue the coun- if such supervision is also requested by riage was created by the hand of God. The Conservancy Lands Committee ty and Presiding Commissioner John the student or students and the school No man, not even a Supreme Court, of the Middleton [Wis.] City Council Griesheimer, who regularly started employee volunteers to supervise the can undo what a holy God has insti- voted unanimously May 22 to deny a meetings with Christian prayer instead gathering. tuted.” request from Rev. Ted Krajewski of Cal- of the scheduled moment of silence, “Any school employee may attend Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Hucka- vary Gospel to set up an information reported Religion Clause. and participate in the gathering if it bee tweeted that because of the rul- table in the conservancy “to establish The court also refused to dismiss occurs before the employee’s work day ings, “Jesus wept.” He later added, “5 and grow an extension work in the the suit against Griesheimer on the ba- begins or after the employee’s work day people in robes said they are bigger Middleton/West Madison area. One sis of legislative immunity because the ends. Any parent may attend the gath- than the voters of CA and Congress way we can do this is by offering free content of the prayers didn’t relate to ering if the parent adheres to school combined. And bigger than God. May home Bible Studies through Bible sur- “deliberating or passing any law.” procedures for approval of visitors on He forgive us all.” veys.” the school campus. The students may In FFRF’s May 21 letter to the com- Groups challenge invite persons from the community to Texas school appeals mittee, Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott attend and participate in the gathering urged rejection of the request. “On its ‘Peace with God’ judge if other school organizations and clubs bible banner ruling face, it is apparent that the ‘survey’ is are allowed to make similar invitations. really used for the purpose of recruit- Judge Edith Jones of the 5th Circuit Such persons shall adhere to school The Kountze Independent School ing church members and proselytiz- U.S. Court of Appeals in New Orleans procedures for approval of visitors on District in Kountze, Texas, filed an ap- ing. We are unaware of any other orga- came under fire for public statements the school campus.” peal May 28 of a state district judge’s nizations that have been granted broad that blacks and Latinos are more vio- ruling that cheerleaders can hold ban- access to table at the conservancy, let lent and that the death penalty lets in- ners with bible verses for football play- alone for months at a time, as the mates “make peace with God.” FFRF’s home base ers to run through. church is requesting.” A killer is “only likely to make peace among ‘least religious’ The Associated Press reported the During discussion, committee mem- with God and the victim’s family in district wants the appeals court to clari- bers said granting permission would that moment when the killer faces im- Provo-Orem, Utah, is the most re- fy Judge Steve Thomas’ four-paragraph set a bad precedent. City Administra- minent execution,” said Jones, 64, in a ligious of 189 U.S. metropolitan ar- ruling in May. District lawyer Tom tor Mike Davis recommended denial. lecture. She was appointed to the fed- eas surveyed by Princeton, N.J.-based Brandt said the cheerleaders’ legal ad- Staff noted that one chapter of the or- eral bench by President Ronald Rea- Gallup throughout 2012, with 77% vocates “are reading into the court’s dinance establishing the conservancy gan. of respondees classifying themselves decision [free speech] rights that just specifically barred such uses. A complaint filed June 4 by several as “very religious.” After Provo-Orem aren’t there.” “I’ve got chapters and verses, too,” civil rights groups alleged Jones vio- in the top 10 came Montgomery, FFRF started contesting the banners Krajewski said lightheartedly right be- lated judicial ethics. D.C. Circuit Chief Ala., Jackson, Miss. (64%); Birming- in September. After receiving FFRF’s fore the board voted. Judge Merrick Garland will appoint a ham-Hoover, Ala. (56%); Huntsville, letter, the superintendent ordered committee of appellate and district Ala., Holland-Grand Haven, Mich., cheerleaders to stop holding the ban- judges from the D.C. Circuit to recom- Greenville-Mauldin-Easley, S.C., Au- ners. The cheerleaders, represented by High court to hear mend whether Jones should be sanc- gusta-Richmond County, S.C./Ga., a Religious Right law firm, then sued N.Y. prayer case tioned and to what extent. Ogden-Clearfield, Utah (55%); Little the school district. Rock-Conway, Ark., Baton Rouge, La., FFRF was not a party to the suit but The Supreme Court agreed May 20 and Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton, N.C. filed an amicus brief. to hear Town of Greece, NY v. Galloway, Prayer gets boost in (54%). a case in which a federal appeals court Louisiana schools Burlington, Vt., and Boulder, Colo., ruled in 2012 that the Greece Town were the least religious (17% identify- Churches upset at Board’s use of almost exclusively Chris- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal signed ing as “very religious”). Rounding out BSA gay policy tian prayers violated the Establishment a bill June 17 which lets students, fac- the top 10 were Manchester-Nashua, Clause. ulty, parents and religious community N.H., Portland-Biddeford, Maine The Boy Scouts of America, head- Alliance Defending Freedom ap- leaders to gather for prayer on school (22%); Santa Rosa-Petaluma, Calif. quartered in Grapevine, Texas, will pealed and is supported in briefs by 49 grounds during “noninstruction” (23%): San Francisco-Oakland-Fre- start accepting gay Scouts, much to mostly Republican members of Con- times. It passed both legislative houses mont, Calif., Eugene-Springfield, Ore. the chagrin of some churches. Of the gress and 18 state attorneys general. unanimously. According to the bill: (24%); Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, roughly 1,400 voting members of the Americans United for Separation “Upon the request of any public school Mass. (25%); Bremerton-Silverdale, BSA’s National Council who voted May of Church and State is representing student or students, the proper school Wash., Albany-Schenectady-Troy, N.Y., 23, 61% supported the proposal draft- the two women who challenged the authorities may permit students to Springfield, Mass., and Madison, Wis., ed by the governing Executive Com- prayers, Susan Galloway and Linda Ste- gather for prayer in a classroom, au- (26%). Page 20 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013 Aussie author strips bible’s babble bare

By Richard Silverwood Despite the

From Australian atheist Ed- title, the book ward Falzon’s Facebook page: barely mentions I was born in Sydney, city of sinners. In the mid-80s, my family moved north to Bris­ homosexuality. bane, city of slow-driving sinners. Raised Catholic, I came to my senses in my teens, partly because I found religion to be utterly tions homosexuality. boring, and partly because I discovered that The title comes from the modern- girls were generally more worthy of my at­ day reality, particularly in the U.S., that tention. the only verse in the five books of Mo- My interest in religion was rekindled to ses that is lobbied for is Leviticus 18:22, a certain extent when I, quite accidentally, which I paraphrase in my book as went on a date with a born-again Chris­ “Don’t be gay; being gay is disgusting.” tian. It was strange to me that an intel­ Q. You recently completed an Amer- ligent, super-hot girl was so caught up in ican tour. How did that go? this thing called the bible, which we began to A: I had a great time. I spoke in read at the end of our first date. Not the best about 20 cities, mostly at universities, en Should Shut Up and Listen. I’m also first date in history. and was very graciously received by nearing completion of a small book of secular groups. I’d have liked to have quotes about the secular founding of gotten back on the road earlier in 2013 the U.S., the irreligiosity of the found- but things got on top of me. ing fathers and other wise, anti-reli- Bigots are always quick to refer- Q. What can we expect from you in gious sentiments from clever people in ence the bible when opposing gay mar- years to come? history. Edward Falzon riage, attributing their prejudices to A: I’m writing the sequel to Being It will be entitled Asserted Without the will of God. But how well do they Gay. It will cover the entire New Testa- Evidence, and I’m hoping I can get it on actually know the book that they harp codified. Rape is an effective way to ment and has a working title of Wom­ the shelves in the next three months. on about so much? Do they know that gain a wife. The list goes on. the same book encourages human sac- Q. Why the subtitle “God likes the rifices? Are they aware that it also pro- smell of burning fat?” hibits wearing clothing produced from A. Partly for surrealism and partly to multiple types of thread? further illustrate the nonsense in these In Being Gay Is Disgusting [2010, allegedly holy books. In the U.S. (“One Daijin], author Edward Falzon, 38, nation under God”), no organization points out that Christian fundamen- lobbies the government to burn the fat talists are cherry-picking which parts of sacrificed animals to please Yahweh. of their holy scriptures they follow to Churches don’t even do it themselves, fit in which their own prejudices. He but yet they still scream about how gay- points out that the biblical god displays ness is a sin. a code of morality that is a world away Q. Why is humor such a powerful from that of most contemporary Chris- tool for exposing religion? tians, and he draws attention to the A: Humor is sometimes the best ap- bits of “the Good Book” that nobody proach to subjects that some consider who isn’t completely insane would ever sensitive because they’ve little choice think of following. but to laugh at a concept when it’s I caught up with Edward to learn distilled to its purest, simplest form. more about his controversial book. For example, it’s genuinely laughable when it becomes apparent that Genesis Q. What was the inspiration for the claims Abraham got rich from pimping book? out his 90-year-old wife. A. Years ago, I went on a date with Q. When did you first begin to ques- a born-again Christian. Other than her tion your faith? need to pray out loud in restaurants, A: Actually, I didn’t. I just grew out of she was a nice person, and I wondered it. By the time I was about 13, I neither what made her so enamored with knew nor cared whether the Christian Christianity. I started reading a bible, god existed and was quite unaware of and on the first page, I read that the any other religion. sun is inside the sky of Earth, the moon It seems to me that faith is like a is a source of light and the stars were leaky battery; if you don’t plug in and created so we know what season we’re charge up at a church at least once a in. I concluded that no semi-intelligent week, it drains out of you. You just for- Christian could possibly have read any get about it and move on with your life. bible and set about summarizing the Q. Why, as you have said, is Christi- whole thing. anity particularly harmful to children? Q. Do you think Christianity’s popu- A: It’s quite clear that threatening Lucky 7 larity is declining because most Chris- kids with eternal damnation, hellfire Anna Pierre, mayoral candidate in North Miami, Fla., didn’t fare so well in the tians aren’t actually familiar with the and suffering is going to cause them May 14 election despite her claim of maybe the Highest Powered endorsement bible? considerable distress, so that probably a candidate could have. Pierre got 56 votes (0.83%) to finish seventh out of A: I certainly do. Even Christian doesn’t need underscoring. More sub- seven candidates. At a campaign stop on election day, Pierre told an NBC websites concede that only about 5% tle yet equally harmful is how religion affiliate, “If I’m a freak and nuts for Jesus, let it be! Let the world know that of Christians have read a bible all the teaches kids and adults that it’s OK to Jesus is it, and when you have Jesus on your side, you can go on.” way through. There’s a reason athe- believe something without the slightest ists are more familiar with biblical shred of evidence, and even to believe contents: Most were religious, then things in the face of evidence to the read the owner’s manual and thought, contrary. “What the hell?” It also conditions people to disbe- Women Without Superstion Q. Which of the immoral and bi- lieve facts such as Darwinian evolution No Gods — No Masters zarre decrees supposedly handed on the grounds that they’re unpalat- Edited by Annie Laurie Gaylor down by God is the most disturbing? able to their authority figures. This is The Collected Writings of Women Freethinkers of the A: It’s probably a 15-way tie. Maybe upside-down thinking that stagnates Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries killing your children for being disobe- and often reverses individual and soci- The first anthology of women freethinkers, featuring more dient or slicing open the bellies of etal progress. than 50 activists and writers critical of religion. Includes unarmed, pregnant women for being Q. How has the gay community re- biographical sketches, selected writings, 51 photographs, Canaanite. How about a god requir- ceived your book? and full index. ing a man to gut his own son to test A: I’ve had many positive reviews Members — $24 by mail Non-members — $30 by mail how much he fears his god? Slavery is and none that were negative. They get not only sanctioned but mandated and the joke. In fact, my book barely men- Or shop online at: June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 21

Black Collar Crime Blotter Compiled by Bill Dunn Pastor Williams is Arrested / Charged Leo C. Koppala, 47, Blue Earth, MN: 2nd- heard on an audio degree criminal sexual conduct. Koppala, pas- tor of Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church and recording asking for a native of India, is charged with molesting an 11-year-old girl at her relative’s home, where ‘eye candy.’ Koppala was a dinner guest. The complaint alleges Koppala went to a room where the girl was watching TV alone, kissed her on the cheek and lips and fondled defrauding a 77-year-old female congregation her breasts. “Koppala told [the girl he loved her] member out of $30,000. and that when she was done with school, he His wife, Renee M. Daniel, is charged with wanted to come to her house so they could be party to a crime of burglary for allegedly luring free together.” Source: Pioneer Press, 6-10-13 the woman away from her home so the pastor James Napier, 61, Alfred, ME: 31 counts of could steal documents. Source: Thomaston felony possession of explicit material of a child Times, 5-13-13 younger than 12 years old. Napier, who ran New Evelyn Mills Moore, 57, Kings Mountain, Beginnings Christian Mission, was charged with NC: Assault inflicting serious injury. The com- a single count last August but has been indicted plaint states she hit another woman “numerous by a grand jury on additional charges. Source: times” with a closed fist and a bible. Source: Press Herald, 6-10-13 Gaston Gazette, 5-13-15 Ronald Petersen, 56, Brighton, ME: Theft An unidentified Catholic priest, 59, de- by deception. Petersen, associate pastor at frocked in 2005, was charged in Armidale, Faith Christian Center in Limerick, is accused of NSW, with committing an act of indecency, 11 creating a false impression that Hope Recovery counts of without consent Center, located on church property, offered sub- and 52 counts of indecent assault. Charges stance abuse treatment. The indictment alleges in 1974-84. He faces 6 more indecent assault an Aguilar critic. Aguilar, who’s also under in- relate to alleged assaults against a boy and he defrauded MaineCare of more than $10,000. counts filed earlier.Source:, 5-31-13 vestigation in California, resigned from the ROC 2 girls, aged 9 to 19, in 1982-85. Source: The Source: Morning Sentinel, 6-9-13 Thomas H. Baxter Jr., 35, Shawnee, OK: board of directors, as did Helminger. Source: Telegraph, 5-9-13 Cho Yong-gi, 77, Seoul, S.KOR: Breach of Kidnapping, weapons and assault violations Times-Dispatch/WRIC/WBBC, 5-22-13 Marcos Pereira da Silva, Sao Joao de Mer- duty and tax evasion. Cho, founder and pas- and impersonating a law enforcement officer. Edward MacKenzie Jr., 54, Weymouth, iti, BRA: Rape and coercion. Pereira, pastor of tor emeritus of Yoido Full Gospel Church, is Baxter, pastor of the Corner Stone of Jesus MA: Racketeering, extortion, wire fraud, money Assembly of God of the Latter Days, is accused charged with causing $14 million worth of loss- Christ Church and an online ministry, was taken laundering and mail fraud. He was director of of raping 6 women, including 3 minors. One al- es to the church by instructing church officials to into custody on Florida warrants. operations at the Boston Society of the New Je- leges she was molested from age 14 to 22. A buy stocks owned by his son Hee-jun at prices Baxter spent 10 years in prison and was re- rusalem Church, whose members are Sweden- statement on the church’s website defended 4 times higher than market value in 2002. The leased in May 2010, said the Florida corrections borgian, a bible-based denomination. Pereira, who has been denied bail: “The Bible pastor is also accused of evading $3.1 million website. Source:, 5-30-13 Prosecutors allege MacKenzie started in teaches that there is no evangelism without per- in taxes in the process. Source: Yonhap News, Larry Dudovitz, 45, Chicago: Criminal 2003 “to systematically loot the church of its secution.” 6-9-13 sexual assault of a victim between the ages considerable financial assets through a combi- Two male congregation members face Clyde Downs, 48, Arlington, TX: Posses- of 13 and 17. Dudovitz, formerly a rabbi at the nation of fraud, deceit, extortion, theft and brib- charges for coercing witnesses in the case. sion of marijuana, unlawful possession of a fire- Chabad House of Northwest Indiana, charged ery,” along with threatening church workers. Source: O Globo, 5-8-13 arm by a felon and possession of a controlled with molesting a 15-year-old boy in 2006. In his 2003 autobiography, he claimed he Brian C. Gray, 51, Wheatland, CA: Un- substance less than 1 gram. Downs, former se- Source: JTA, 5-29-13 was a “leg breaker” for reputed mobster James lawful sex, lewd and lascivious acts, and oral nior pastor at New Harvest Missionary Baptist Moshe Shapiro, 78, Jerusalem: Soliciting “Whitey” Bulger. Source: AP, 5-22-13 copulation with a minor. Gray, pastor at Anchor Church, was stopped for failing to signal a turn aggravated assault. An indictment said Rabbi David Dzermejko, 64, Braddock, PA: Pos- Baptist Church, admitted a year-long sexual re- while leaving a convenience store parking lot. Shapiro encouraged a disciple who suspected session of child . Dzermejko, alleg- lationship with a girl, 16, said Undersheriff Jerry New Harvest Assistant Pastor John Reed a 71-year-old woman of being involved in Chris- edly had porn on his computers in January. He Read. said Downs resigned in January but declined to tian missionary work and pedophilia to beat her. was removed from public ministry in 2009 when Read said his department was alerted by say why. “He made a mistake, and he’ll have to “You have to go into her home and destroy it. he was pastor at Mary, Mother of the Church Gray’s brother-in-law, a Kansas police officer. answer for that. But that doesn’t stop him from You have to beat her to the point of hospitaliza- Catholic parish in Charleroi. He was never crim- Source: Appeal-Democrat, 5-8-13 being a good man.” Source: Star-Telegram, 6-7- tion. I, for one, would not care if there’s no one inally charged in the alleged abuse, which dated Johnny Murff, 37, Lakeland, FL: Grand 13 left to hospitalize,” Shapiro allegedly told his fol- to the 1980s. Source: AP, 5-20-13 theft. Murff, pastor at New Hope Missionary Donald Fregeau Sr., 90, Hydesville, CA: lower, prosecutors said. Source: Israel Hayom, Roberto Padilla, Storm Lake, IA: Domestic Baptist Church, allegedly stole $5,561 over 17 Suspicion of lewd and lascivious acts with a 5-29-13 assault causing injury. Padilla, a Pentecostal months from church accounts. Source: The child under 14 years of age. Fregeau, former Megan Garland, 28, Waukesha, WI: 2 pastor, allegedly hit his wife several times with Ledger, 5-7-13 Hydesville Community Church pastor, allegedly counts of 2nd-degree sexual assault of a child. his hands and kicked her. Source: Pilot Tribune, Kong Hee, 48, Singapore: Conspiracy to told police he touched a child inappropriately. Garland, a science teacher at Messmer High 5-20-13 commit criminal breach of trust. Kong, pastor of Fortuna Police Chief Bill Dobberstein said School, a Milwaukee Catholic school, is ac- Peter Bananiye, 60, Kammengo, UGA: De- the City Harvest evangelical church, is accused that “this has been going on for years, that there cused of fellating a 14-year-old male student in filement. A 7-year-old girl told police that Banan- with 5 church members of misusing nearly $40 are victims going back 30 years ago.” Source: a car parked at Destiny Church and School. iye, pastor at Lukango Church of God, asked for million of church funds to further his wife’s ca- Times-Standard, 6-6-30 A witness who said the vehicle was rocking help carrying his luggage and then raped her at reer. Kong and his wife, Ho Yeow Sun, claim K.L. Bizumot, 32, Thane, India: Rape. Bi- and had steamed-up windows opened the car a cassava plantation. A woman later saw the girl her pop music career was a way to reach out to zumot, pastor of the Christian Church of God, door to see the boy with his pants down, the bleeding alongside the road and took her to a non-Christians. allegedly raped a 19-year-old woman over a complaint said. Another alleged victim, a male clinic. Source:, 5-20-13 City Harvest has an estimated 30,000 mem- period of several months in late 2012 and early age 15, later came forward. Fox 6 reported Gar- Michael Gothard, 49, Beaufort, NC: 5 bers, with branches in Malaysia, Indonesia, In- 2013. She taught church bible classes. land cut herself in a failed suicide attempt and counts of indecent liberties with a child and 6 dia, Taiwan, Brunei and Australia. It launched The woman alleged she was raped the first was hospitalized in stable condition. Source: counts of 1st-degree sexual offense. Gothard, its first U.S. church last Easter in Irvine, CA. time after Bizumot put a sedative in her drink. Journal Sentinel, 5-28-13 a minister at New Community Church, was in- Source: Christian Post, 5-7-13 She said the pastor took a photo while she was Thomas H. Clement, 62, Clifton, VA: 2 dicted for sex crimes with a victim under age 13 Jeffrey D. Williams, 47, Corinth, TX: At- unconscious and used it to blackmail her into counts of aggravated sexual battery of a minor. from 1999 to 2005. Source: WITN, 5-17-13 tempted sexual performance of a child. Wil- having more sex. She alleged he also arranged Clement, a retired teacher and principal, alleg- Daniel Lopez, 52, Lynn, MA: Rape of a liams, lead pastor of the Church of Corinth, is an abortion after impregnating her. He’s married edly assaulted a 9-year-old boy on an overnight child with force and 7 counts of indecent assault accused of trying to get an underage female to with 2 children. Source:, 6-4-13 camping trip organized by Centerpointe Church and battery on a child under 14. Lopez, pas- strip. Todd M. Edwards, 49, Murrieta, CA: Sex- in Fair Oaks. tor of Vida Real Internacional Congregation, is The alleged victim told police the pastor ual battery, sexual penetration with a foreign Pastor Keith Edwards declined to say charged with molesting 5 children, male and fe- “locked the door and put a chair up against the object and witness intimidation. Edwards was whether Clement held a formal position with the male, under age 9. Source: Daily Item, 5-16-13 door . . . then tried to persuade her for over 2 removed as bishop of the Menifee Ward of the church. “Thom and his family have been part Cedric E. Cuthbert, 49, Sanford, FL: Solici- hours off and on to remove her clothes so he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after of our church for a while, but he no longer at- tation of a minor via computer and possession could see her naked.” Williams is heard on an being charged with molesting 2 teen girls who tends.” Source: Washington Post, 5-28-13 of material depicting sexual performance by a audio recording asking for “eye candy,” the ar- attended the church. Daniel J. Doherty, 49, and Joanne Mira- child. Cuthbert is pastor at St. James African rest warrant said. Source:, 5-2-13 The incidents allegedly occurred in 2011 belli, 47, both of Tunkhannock, PA: Open lewd- Methodist Episcopal Church and also a custo- Ashley C. Fleming, 23, Powder Springs, and 2006. A third case was dropped because ness, under the influence of an intoxicating bev- dial manager at Disney World. GA: Shoplifting. An arrest warrant said Fleming the statute of limitations had expired. Source: erage, participating in an obscene or indecent A Disney employee tracking Cuthbert’s com- was caught stealing a bible at Barnes & Noble: KABC, 6-4-13 act and trespassing in a closed park. Doherty, puter usage at work told police he downloaded “Said accused did exit the store with the mer- Chukwunonso Okudiover, Ama-Alim a Diocese of Scranton priest, was discovered pornographic videos and typed a biblical ser- chandise, passing all pay counters.” Source: Ngugohas, NIG: Okudiover, general overseer of nude by police with his nude companion in a mon based on John 13 and Psalm 148. The ar- Journal-Constitution, 5-1-13 the Jesus Army of Salvation Ministry, is accused parked Jeep Liberty. Despite the compromising rest affidavit stated that semen was found in his Timothy Lee, 58, Greenville, SC: 9 counts of raping a 14-year-old boy. position, he denied they were having sex. office. Source: WKMG, 5-16-13 of lewd act on a minor and 18 counts of crimi- Francis Ejiekwu, a family member, said the Both told police they drank 3 glasses of wine Marek M., 40, Inowroclaw, POL: Suspicion nal sexual conduct with a minor. Anders, a boy went to the pastor’s patent medicine store at a hotel before coming to the park. Mirabelli of possessing and distributing child pornogra- maintenance worker at Wrenn Memorial Bap- because of chest pain. “He said the pastor took a breath test which showed alcohol levels 3 phy. “The man has been provisionally detained tist Church, allegedly assaulted a victim at the rubbed something on his chest and he became times the legal limit. Source:, for 3 months,” prosecutor Stanislaw Gluszek church and at Anders’ home from 1981-86, almost unconscious, after which he raped him.” 5-24-13 said. starting when the boy was 10. Source: Premium Times, 6-4-13 Michael A. Colello, West Warwick, RI: DUI, “He is still a priest, but he cannot administer During the probe, another alleged victim told Edward Evans, 83, Braddon, AUS: 3 counts refusal to take a breath test and several traffic any sacraments, nor can he preach,” said Fr. police Anders started molesting her in 1976 at of indecency on a child. Evans, a retired Catho- violations. Collelo, pastor at St. Joseph Catholic Zbigniew Przybylski, spokesman for the Catho- church and at his home when she was 6. An- lic priest, is accused of molesting a girl between Church, was stopped about 11:30 p.m. after tak- lic Diocese of Gniezno. Source: AFP, 5-15-13 ders’ nephew said he doesn’t believe the allega- the ages of 10-16 in the 1990s at his residence. ing an exit at 85 mph. He failed a field sobriety Trevor Fortner, 25, Levelland, TX: Entice- tions: “He raised me and he’s the best man I’ve Source: Canberra Times, 5-31-13 test. Source: WPRI, 5-24-13 ment of a minor. Fortner, youth minister at Fifth ever known.” Source: WYFF, 5-1-13 Frank Klep, 69, Sunbury, VIC: 29 counts of Geronimo Aguilar, 43, Richmond, VA: 7 fel- Street Baptist Church, allegedly sent sexu- Jonnie F. Winnell, 59, Elkview, W.VA: 3 indecent assault, rape of a child under the age onies related to aggravated sexual assaults of ally explicit photos and text messages to an counts of sexual abuse by a parent, guardian of 14 and rape of a child under the age of 16. 2 girls under age 14 in the late 1990s in Texas. undercover officer posing as a 15-year-old girl. and/or a custodian. Winnell, pastor at United Klep was a Catholic priest and principal at Sale- Aguilar is senior pastor at Richmond Outreach Source: KCBD, 5-15-13 Gospel Mission, allegedly molested a female sian College Rupertswood. Center. Jason W. Helmlinger, 41, an executive Robert S. Daniel, 37, Thomaston, GA: family member for several years. Source: The Salesians deny they moved him to Sa- pastor at the church, is charged with making Theft by deception and burglary. Daniel, pastor Charleston Daily Mail, 4-30-13 moa because of his alleged abuse of 11 boys threatening and obscene phone calls against of First Free Will Baptist Church, is accused of William Carney, 63, Gloucester, UK: Car- Page 22 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013

ney, a defrocked Irish priest, was arrested in his job as a result. Source: Asbury Park Press, of Venus, TX: 2 days in jail and $250 fines for London on a warrant for alleged molestation of 5-16-13 interfering with public duties. Faust, pastor of ‘I fear my inability to at least 32 children, male and female. One al- Michael Miller, 43, Berlin, CT: Pleaded Kingdom Baptist Church, and church member leged victim, Paul Dwyer, committed suicide. guilty to possession of child pornography, ob- Marroquin tried to break a police line and pass complete the basics In her report to the Irish government, Judge scenity and 3 counts of risk of injury to a minor. out gospel tracts at the Fort Worth “Ride the Yvonne Murphy called Carney “a serial abuser Miller, pastor at St. Paul Catholic Church, was Rainbow” gay pride parade. Source: Christian of one simple day. of children. The commission is aware of com- accused of having inappropriate contact online News, 5-20-13 plaints or suspicions of abuse against him in with 7 teens. John Cole, Merthyr Tydfil,Wales : 30 days in — victim of Baptist Pastor respect to 32 individuals. There is evidence that The arrest warrant detailed how Miller in- jail, $660 fine and 2 months’ driver’s license sus- Ronald Burning he abused many more children.” vited a 13-year-old boy to watch a “dirty movie” pension for drink-driving. Cole struck a pedes- Carney fled Ireland in 1992 and married so they could “have some fun,” and also wrote trian in Rome in 2006, resulting in “catastrophic” a woman in . She divorced him after in “extreme detail” about sex acts he would per- brain injuries and fractures in the man’s skull, learning about his past. Source: Irish Sun, 4-29- form on the boy. spine, knee and shoulder. Cole reportedly fled 13 A 16-year-old victim told police Miller the scene but returned 10 minutes later. him. Allegations of the priest’s involvement with James Bertrand, Westlake, LA: Posses- emailed him videos from a church computer In a civil suit, the 37-year-old victim, an Eng- young boys started in the early 1960s, but he sion and distribution of crack cocaine. This was of an unknown person masturbating. Source: lishman on vacation, was awarded a lump sum remained a priest until 1984. Source: La Crosse the 5th arrest in the last 8 months for Bertrand, Hartford Courant, 5-3-13 of $4.7 million and $326,000 annually for life. Tribune, 5-29-13 founder of the “Just for Jesus” rallies. A notice Thomas Shoback, 66, Wilkes-Barre, PA: Source: The Journal, 5-16-13 More than 80 alumni of Chicago-area Catho- on the door at his “No Fear Auto” car dealership Guilty of 9 counts of sexual abuse for molest- William C. Wert, 56, Venice, FL: Life in pris- lic schools will share in a $16.5 million settle- said the business was closed and its inventory ing an altar boy for 6 years while he was pastor on on 8 convictions for sexual offenses against ment by the Irish Christian Brothers in North had been seized. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Blossburg in a child. Wert, a Carmelite Catholic priest, was America with about 400 sexual abuse victims Jaimi Hansen, a Just for Jesus volunteer 1991-97. Another 23 counts weren’t prosecuted charged with having sex with a 14-year-old nationwide. who bought a car from Bertrand, said that six due to the statute of limitations. boy at various locations (Wert’s home, vacant About 30 Illinois plaintiffs have sued the or- months later the car started smoking so she Shoback’s brother Edward was defrocked house, wooded area, motel room) in 2010-11. der, 10 brothers and 2 laymen for alleged abuse took it back and paid $400 to get it fixed. by the Vatican in 2009 after similar allegations. The boy’s family sued the Carmelites, claim- dating to the 1970s. “I haven’t gotten my title back from him, even Source: WETM, 5-1-13 ing the order knew of Wert’s past conviction Individuals named in the suit are Edward C. after I paid my car off. I’m beginning to rethink for molesting another 14-year-old boy but still Courtney, Dennis Bonebreak, Robert Brouil- my faith because of some of these pastors. Sentenced let him move from Washington, D.C., to Ven- lette, Edmund Corrigan, Thomas Duffin, C.B. Charles Engelhardt, Philadelphia: 6-12 They just want money,” Hansen said. Source: ice. The order settled the suit for $1.75 million. Irwin, Daniel McDonough, Paul Reycraft, Mi- years in prison and 5 years’ probation for mo- KPLC, 4-26-13 Source: Herald-Tribune, 5-16-13 chael Trujillo, Phillip Vorlick, football coach lesting a 10-year-old boy in the late 1990s while Gustavo R. Talabera, 39, West St. Paul, Joe Johnston and wrestling coach Robert Ca- Engelhardt was pastor at St. Jerome Catholic Pleaded / Convicted MN: 5 years in prison and 10 years’ probation. chor. Johnston died in 1987. Source: Chicago The Jerusalem District Court convicted Me- Parish. Bernard Shero, a parochial school Talabera, a married evangelical pastor who Tribune, 5-23-13 nachem Edri, former head of Ben Ish Chai Ye- teacher, was sentenced to 8-16 years and started his own congregation, pleaded guilty to The Kansas City-St. Joseph Catholic Dio- shiva, of shooting one of the school’s students. 5 years’ probation for raping the same boy in 3rd-degree criminal sexual conduct for having cese and Msgr. Thomas O’Brien are defen- Edri served as rabbi at the yeshiva but was 2000. Source: CNN, 6-12-13 an affair with a 16-year-old girl in 2012. Source: dants in a wrongful death suit filed by the par- never ordained. Tony Walsh, known as the “Singing Priest,” Star Tribune, 5-15-13 ents of a 14-year-old boy who killed himself in He and an accomplice were found guilty of had 15 months added to his 16-year prison Robert J. McManus, 61, Worcester, MA: 1983, allegedly after being molested by O’Brien. wounding Eliyahu Liberty, 26, after learning he sentence for molesting Irish school boys after 2 $900 fine and costs, 6 months’ loss of driver’s “They had, by the time Brian Teeman com- was involved in criminal activity. Edri shot Liber- more victims came forward. license and 10 hours’ community service after mitted suicide, received no less than 17 reports ty twice in the foot and struck him with the gun. Walsh was sentenced for indecent assaults pleading guilty to refusing a chemical test af- of serious danger to children by this priest but Source:, 5-30-13 on the boys, ages 10 and 11 in 1979. The as- ter a driving accident. McManus, bishop of the chose to hide that information and ignore its re- Malcolm Fraser, 40, Enumclaw, WA: A jury sault on the older boy allegedly took place on Worcester Catholic Diocese, was arrested after sponsibility to report his illegal behavior to the found the Sound Doctrine Church assistant Good Friday. Source: Irish Central, 6-10-13 the driver of the car he allegedly hit followed him authorities,” the suit says. pastor guilty of 2 counts each of 1st-degree A court in Gazipur, Bangladesh, fined Mo- home and called police. The diocese later got at least 12 more com- child rape and 1st-degree molestation after a hammad R. Amin and Mohammad E. Haque Although a police report said McManus plaints about O’Brien, the suit claims. Source: 2-month trial. The victim, now 18, was 11 when $128 each for breach of conduct for campaign- failed sobriety tests, had slurred speech and Kansas City Star, 5-20-13 the crimes took place while Fraser was living ing for a candidate in the city’s July 6 elections. was unsteady on his feet, charges of DUI and A former parishioner at St. Matthew Catholic with her family. Source: Courier-Herald, 5-30-13 They are respectively the imam and muezzin at leaving the scene of an accident were dis- Church in Schaumburg, IL, is suing an ex-priest Scott McVean, Carluke, SCOT: Pleaded an Islamic mosque. missed. Source: Telegram & Gazette, 5-15-13 and the Archdiocese of Chicago, accusing the guilty to possessing thousands of images and Judge Sazid Anwar said that after getting a Andrew J. Folks, 70, Sedbergh, UK: 8 priest of molesting him in 1995 when he was 10 videos of child pornography from 2006-12. tip, “We went to the spot and caught them in the months in jail after pleading guilty to indecent and continuing until he was 18. McVean worked for Scripture Union, a Christian act.” Source:, 6-7-13 assault and attempted indecent assault of a The plaintiff alleges the priest gave him group that sponsored school assemblies, as- Ryan J. Muehlhauser, 55, Cambridge, MN: teen boy while Folks was a priest in the Catholic $3,000 in 2003 in exchange for signing an sisted chaplaincy teams and presented Christ- 160 days in prison and 10 years’ probation af- Diocese of Carlisle. Source: Evening Mail, 5-8- agreement not to report the abuse. The Chicago mas and Easter programs. ter pleading guilty to 2 counts of criminal sex- 13 Tribune is not naming the defendant “because Colleagues discovered the porn on a flash ual conduct. Muehlhauser, pastor at Lakeside Charlie Golden, 60, Detroit: 2 years’ proba- he is not on a 2006 list of clergy it says have drive McVean accidently dropped. The hour’s Christian Church, admitted telling his victim that tion, community service and $3,000 fine. Gold- been credibly accused of abuse of minors since worth of images depicted mostly naked girls he was “hearing the Lord tell him what to do.” en, pastor at Perfecting Freedom Church and 1950.” Source: Chicago Tribune, 5-16-13 between the approximate ages of 9 and 16. The victim had gone to the pastor for help with a city buildings official, allegedly signed phony The Catholic Diocese of Joliet, IL, faces 5 Source: STV News, 5-30-13 his “homosexual tendencies,” the complaint city invoices so that taxpayers would pay for an new suits alleging priests and a lay teacher sex- Donnie Snook, 41, Saint John, NB: Pleaded said. Source: WCCO, 6-56-13 exhaust system over a deep fryer at the church. ually abused boys as young as 8 in the 1970s guilty to inducing a child by threat to distribute or Angela R. Linder, 42, Yorktown, IN: 17 Source: CBS Detroit, 5-6-13 and 1980s. post a naked picture, 2 counts of sexual assault, months in prison for embezzling more than Ronald Burning, 60, Ohsweken, ONT: 10 All of the accused priests were removed 9 counts of making child pornography, 2 counts $130,000 over 9 years while working as an ad- years in prison on convictions for sex assaults from the ministry between 1992 and 2012. One each of possession of child pornography and ministrator at Union Chapel United Methodist against male and female adults and children priest and the teacher have died. Source: Sun- making child pornography available, 13 counts Church in Muncie. dating to the 1970s and continuing for decades Times, 5-15-13 of sexually touching a minor, 10 counts of invit- The prosecution alleged Linder used the while he was a Baptist pastor. Kathryn M. McGrath, now 59, was “barely ing a youth to touch him, 3 counts of touching a money for trips, home renovation projects and “I wanted to quell the hurt with suicide. I 16 years old,” her lawsuit alleges, when Vincent child for a sexual purpose while in a position of fees at fertility and weight-loss clinics. Source: wanted to die. I fear my inability to complete A. O’Connell molested her soon after her father trust and 4 counts of communicating with a child AP, 5-29-13 the basics of one simple day,” a victim said at died. O’Connell was pastor at St. Anthony of for a sexual purpose. Ashok Singh, Dehlon, India: Life in prison sentencing. Source: Hamilton Spectator, 5-6-13 Padua Catholic Church in Fresno, CA. Snook was director of the Saint John Inner for murder. Singh, a Sikh priest, was convicted Meir Dascalowitz, 29, Brooklyn, NY: 5 After her father died in 1970 and her mother City Youth Ministry, which operated the for gagging his wife with a rubber ball and stran- years in prison after pleading guilty to having started to drink heavily, McGrath took on the Noodle Club, a daily hot lunch program for dis- gling her in 2010. Source: Times of India, 5-29- sex with a teen boy. Dascalwitz molested the role of caring for her siblings. One day in the advantaged youth. He was also a city councillor. 13 boy, now 17, in a ritual Jewish bath. kitchen, she alleges, O’Connell pushed her up Prosecutors said there were 17 victims from Christine Daniel, 58, Santa Clarita, CA: 14 Mordechai Jungreis, the boy’s father, said against a cabinet, started kissing her and forced 2001-12, all boys aged 5 to 15. Source: CBC years in prison and forfeiture of $1.2 million for the family was shunned by the ultra-Orthodox his hand down her pants, digitally raping her. Canada, 5-28-13 convictions on 4 counts of mail and wire fraud, community for reporting a fellow Jew. “I’m hap- She broke away and hid in a closet. Brian Gray, 51, Wheatland, CA: Entered 6 counts of tax evasion and witness tampering. py to show the community that the game is over. The suit says she has a “vague memory” of guilty pleas to contacting a minor with the in- Daniel, a Pentecostal minister and ex-physi- If you do the crime, you need to do the time.” a later incident when O’Connell “was on top of tent to commit lewd and lascivious acts and 3 cian, sold a “miracle cure” called C-Extract on Source: N.Y. Daily News, 5-1-13 her.” O’Connell, 80, now lives at a home for the counts each of unlawful sex with a minor and the Trinity Broadcasting Network. Holy Ghost Fathers in Ireland. Source: Fresno lewd and lascivious acts with a minor. An in-law Daniel claimed C-Extract cured cancer, Civil Lawsuits Filed Bee, 5-8-13 of the Anchor Baptist Church pastor alerted au- multiple sclerosis, strokes, Alzheimer’s, Par- Californian “John Doe 100” is suing the An Indiana woman is suing the Diocese of thorities to the incidents involving a 16-year-old kinson’s, diabetes and hepatitis. Deaths of 6 Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapo- Evansville and other Catholic officials for alleg- girl. Source:, 5-23-13 people who paid at least $5,000 for the product lis, alleging he was molested starting in 1971 by edly failing to protect her daughter from being Robert C. Hester, 27, Easton, PA: Pleaded have been documented. One person who died Thomas S. Stitts, pastor at St. Leo the Great raped, ironically during an overnight church- guilty to writing more than $20,000 worth of paid $13,000. Source: Orange County Weekly, Catholic Church. A new state law lifts a 6-year sponsored abstinence retreat for young Latinos checks from empty or depleted church bank 5-23-13 civil statute of limitations for victims of childhood in 2007. accounts. Hester wrote the checks in 2012 to Auri C. Jones, 29, Lynchburg, VA: 4 years sexual abuse. The bill passed the state Senate Sylvia Gameros’ developmentally disabled cover personal expenses on accounts from 2 Al- in prison (suspended after serving 60 days), 3 unanimously and by 115-7 in the House. daughter, then 23 but with the mental capacity lentown churches he ran — Pneuma Life Center years’ supervised probation, 4 years’ good be- Multiple other alleged victims, including of an 11-year-old, lost her virginity in a bathroom and Maranatha House of Refuge — knowing the havior and no supervisory contact with unrelat- 4 brothers in Edina, have sued. Stitts died in to Fredy Mendez-Morales, who was convicted accounts were closed or had insufficient funds. ed minors. Jones, who was fired as youth direc- 1985. Source: Pioneer Press, 6-5-13 of rape in 2008 and deported. Source: Morning Call, 5-21-13 tor at Mountain View United Methodist Church, “John Doe” is suing Daniel Kubala, pastor “I felt like they tried to sweep all this under Rick Bartlett, 56, Bastrop, TX: Guilty of ani- pleaded guilty to unlawful filming or photograph- of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in the rug and lay all of the blame on [my daugh- mal cruelty. Bartlett, pastor at Bastrop Christian ing of another. Miami, FL. Kubala took a leave of absence after ter],” Gameros said. Source: Indianapolis Star, Church and a police department chaplain, was Police found “upskirt” videos depicting 2 fe- the male church employee filed the suit. 5-6-13 charged for an incident in which he trapped a males, an adult and a 16-year-old, on his cam- Doe alleges Kubala lured him into a bed- cat named Moody in his yard. He took the cat era. One incident happened at the church and room April 8 and groped his genitalia. Doe Civil Lawsuits Settled to animal control and was told to return it to the the other at Lynchburg College, where he was claims he rejected the advance, after which Grace Episcopal Church in Whitestone, owner listed on Moody’s collar. an adjunct professor. He also worked at the Kubala allegedly said to come back the next NY, will pay $192,500 to settle a sex harass- Moody was later found dead under a bridge. late Rev. Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University for 6 night after drinking whiskey to “make it better.” ment and retaliation suit brought by the U.S. Bartlett claimed the cat jumped out of his truck. months until being fired in 2008. He claims the priest made another unwanted Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Moody’s owners are suing him. Source: Bay- Jones was also a volunteer on the film “Find- advance April 29 and offered him $200. Source: EEOC alleged an interim rector made unwel- town Sun/KVUE, 5-20-13 ing Faith.” It details experiences of people work- NBC Miami, 6-4-13 come advances to a secretary and a sexton, in- Yosef Kolko, 39, Lakewood, NJ: Pleaded ing in child protective services. Source: Bedford Two brothers, now 46 and 45, who served cluding sexual remarks, grabbing their breasts guilty to aggravated sexual assault, attempted Bulletin, 5-22-13 Mass at a South Berwick, ME, Catholic parish and kissing them. The secretary was fired after aggravated sexual assault, sexual assault and Gordon Rideout, 74, Polegate, UK: 10 are suing the Diocese of Portland for not stop- rebuffing the advances.Source:, 5-22- endangering the welfare of a child. Kolko was years in prison after conviction on 34 counts ping alleged sexual abuse by Fr. James Val- 13 a counselor at an Orthodox Jewish summer of indecent assault and 2 counts of attempted lely in 1976-79. The priest died in 1997. Source: The Chicago Province for the Society of camp, where he admitted molesting an 11-year- rape. Rideout, a retired Anglican priest, molest- Bangor Daily News, 6-3-13 Jesus (Jesuits) will pay $19.6 million to settle a old boy in 2008-09. ed at least 16 girls and boys between 1962-73 An unidentified 51-year-old is suing the suit brought by 6 men alleging ex-priest Donald The boy’s family moved to Michigan after at a now-closed children’s home and at an army Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis, the McGuire, a spiritual adviser to Mother Teresa. being shunned for reporting the abuse to secu- site. Source: Daily Mail, 5-20-13 Diocese of Winona, MN, and ex-priest Thom- McGuire is serving 25 years on a 2008 convic- lar authorities. His father, a Lakewood rabbi, lost Joey Faust and Ramon Marroquin, both as Adamson, 78, alleging Adamson molested tion for bringing a minor across state lines to en- June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 23

Rev. Billy’s porno ‘fact-finding’ mission Credit: © Bettmann/CORBIS

Below is a note from renowned illustrator of this.” (and FFRF honorary director) Edward Sorel As you can see see from the photo, to FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. Billy did not disguise himself. ­— Ed Dear Annie Laurie: In a piece in The Nation titled Attached is a photo I found in the “New York, New York, It’s a Hell of a early 1970s while looking at photos Town,” Sorel noted that as Graham at United Press international. It was “approaches his 95th birthday [Nov. taken in 1969, and shows Billy Graham 7], heterosexual Christians around the studying the enormous penises in a globe prepare to toast his never-ending porn shop in New York City. Here is his crusade against sexual deviation. Al- version of what he was doing there. It’s though Billy has brought his ministry from Time magazine: to the spiritually needy everywhere, it “One day I put on dark glasses and wasn’t until he visited a New York City a hat and pasted on long sideburns, porn shop in the summer of 1969 that and I went to some of these stores in he fully realized how far America had New York. I had thought that Swe- descended into sin and depravity.” den was bad, but Sweden hasn’t gone Sorel wondered, “Why did he say he near to the depths of various sex de- was in disguise when he wasn’t? Had viations and obsessions that we have he been in disguise on previous trips gone. I suppose there are sections of to such establishments? And how did this country that have sunk as low as he know these porno shops were worse anything in history, because in the days than Sweden’s? Furthermore, what of Sodom and Gomorrah and Pompeii exactly was the hand in his pocket do- and Rome, they didn’t have the presses ing?” or the motion pictures to stimulate all

Black Collar Crime Blotter gage in sex. He also was convicted in 2006 of molesting 2 boys in Wisconsin during the 1960s. He also allegedly Plaintiffs range in age from their 20s to 40s. Eyes on the prize? Documents recently released show the Jesu- told the boy to use Follow Billy Graham’s eyes and assess his gaze. A little more than clinical, i.e., its hid McGuire’s crimes as far back as 1970. coolly dispassionate? Source: CBS Chicago, 5-20-13 “rubbers” because a Parents who accused a Concord, NH, priest of making inappropriate sexual comments to girl can “yell ‘rape’ ” their 14-year-old son during the sacrament of confession will get $2,000 to settle their breach- Catholic school, spent $1,654 on purchases cese of Newark, NJ, resigned from the ministry of-contract suit against the Catholic Diocese of during sex. from a Toronto film company that was raided in but remains a priest after a public furor arose Manchester. 2010 by U.S. and Canadian authorities. when Catholics found out he was working Fr. George Desjardins of Christ the King Among the titles purchased were “Boy Fights around children at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Parish was accused of asking the boy during XXVIII: Bucharest Holiday,” “Boys of Europa” Colts Neck. He was convicted in 2003 of twice confession whether he had “engaged in watch- and “God or Goat.” Uhlenkott is on leave but no fondling a teen boy’s genitals, but an appeals Abokobi branch of the Presbyterian Church of ing pornographic material and masturbating.” charges have been filed. Source: Spokesman- court vacated the verdict. Ghana, is accused by 7 male church members He also allegedly told the boy to use “rubbers” Review, 5-24-13 Fugee underwent counseling for sex offend- of sexual abuse. A church committee is review- and warned him to be careful because a girl can Sean O’Connell, 32, was removed as ers and signed an agreement not to engage in ing the allegations. “yell ‘rape’ ” during sex. Source: Concord Moni- administrator of of Apostles Catholic youth group activities. Eunice Ida Odonkor of the Greater Accra tor, 5-17-13 Church in Pewaukee, WI, for failing “to exercise Thomas Triggs, St. Mary’s pastor, also has victims support unit told Joy News that victims The Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. good judgment in a relationship he has had with resigned, as have youth ministers Michael and said the pastor masturbated them. Source: Joseph and Bishop Robert Finn have settled an adult woman,” said a statement from Milwau- Amy Lenehan, who invited Fugee to take part GhanaWeb, 5-16-13 for $600,000 a suit alleging Fr. Shawn Ratigan kee Archbishop Jerome Listecki. in youth activities. Source: Star-Ledger, 5-3-13 Robert Ritz, 60, Brooklyn, MD: Marijuana took pornographic photos of a 2-year-old girl “Father Sean will need to address his ac- and paraphernalia possession. Ritz, assistant tions and he will receive assistance in doing so,” Other at a church in 2006. Ratigan pleaded guilty in About 30 minutes after Rafael Padilla principal at Monsignor Slade Catholic School in Listecki said. Source: Journal Sentinel, 5-21-13 August and awaits sentencing. He failed to re- checked into the San Antonio Relax Inn, hotel Glen Burnie, was led from his home in hand- John McGinn, 65, pastor at St. John’s Epis- spond to the civil suit. Source: AP, 5-16-13 staff got a call from him asking for an ambu- cuffs and police confiscated a computer. copal Church in Sandwich, MA, was suspended A Colorado man and the Catholic Diocese lance. Padilla, 42, pastor of Ascension Catholic The Archdiocese of Baltimore said in a state- for allegedly plagiarizing verbatim as many as of Bismarck, ND, have settled for undisclosed Church in Bastrop, TX, had cuts and bruises ment that police had searched the campus “in 15 sermons from the book Dynamic Preaching. terms a suit alleging a priest forced him as a and was wearing only underwear when police connection with an allegation from a former Bishop Thomas Shaw said McGinn contin- preteen to perform oral sex. Steven Crochet, responded. student who alleges being the victim of sexual ued to plagiarize after pledging not to after al- 46, accused Fr. Maurice G. McNeely of molest- The police report noted the room contents abuse at the school in the mid-2000s.” legations surfaced a year ago. McGinn said he ing him at a U.S. Army base in Hawaii in the included a cold, unopened beer, condoms and WBAL-TV reported police are investigating will retire. Source: AP, 5-18-13 mid-1970s. Source: Dickinson Press, 5-4-13 lubricating jelly. an incident of inappropriate According to police, Francisco J. Ruiz, was dismissed as pastor When asked how he was hurt, Padilla told Legal Developments several unidentified staff members were sus- of a Catholic parish in Murcia, Spain, by Bishop police “he thought he was dreaming and didn’t Uzi Rivlin, 65, Teaneck, NJ, suffered a pended from from the school. Source: Eye on of Cartagena Jose Manuel Lorca Planes after know what was going on.” Source: Express- stroke days before his trial for molesting 2 male Annapolis, 5-10-13 an erotic video surfaced of a man believed to be News, 6-7-13 foreign exchange students was set to start. His While Msgr. Edward J. Arsenault was Ruiz. The 29-second clip was taken by a pass- John Manzi, charged in Lodwar, Kenya, attorney said the rabbi was in a medically in- being investigated by the Catholic Diocese of ing cyclist. Ruiz denied he is the man shown with sodomy, was found dead hours after be- duced coma and was unresponsive. A doctor Manchester, NH, for having an “inappropriate fellating another man in the video. Source: N.Y. ing released on bail. Manzi, a Catholic priest, verified Rivlin was unable to walk or talk. adult relationship,” the diocese discovered evi- Daily News, 5-16-13 hanged himself with an electrical cord, authori- The Israeli boys, both 13, stayed at Rivlin’s dence of financial irregularities. Arsenault has James Havens, 62, pastor at St. Vincent de ties said. A student had accused him of molesta- home during 2 summers as part of a scholarship resigned as president of the St. Luke Institute Paul Catholic Church, Mobile, AL, was put on tion. Source: Standard Media, 5-7-13 program he helped set up. He also taught at in Silver Spring, MD, a treatment facility serving administrative leave after a 34-year-old woman The Survivors Network of those Abused by Temple Beth Abraham in Tarrytown, NY. Source: mostly Catholic clergy. Source: WCVB, 5-7-13 alleged he molested her in 1989 in her home. Priests is calling for the firing of ex-priest Rus-, 6-3-13 In December, Robert L. Nouwen, a St. Vin- Removed / Resigned sell L. Romano as a counselor at a mental A California Superior Court judge set a cent deacon, pleaded guilty to possession of James J. Collins, 74, is on leave during a health facility in Des Plaines, IL. Romano is ac- Sept. 10 deadline for more than 50 Catholic re- child pornography. Source:, 5-16-13 probe of abuse allegations dating back 40 years cused of molesting 5 boys and is listed on the ligious orders to release confidential personnel St. Louis Archbishop Robert Carlson said an in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, where Chicago Archdiocese’s website as the subject files of members accused of sexually abusing independent advisory board believes a recent he served as a priest and worked in various of “substantiated allegations of sexual miscon- children. Files are related to lawsuits already allegation from the 1970s against LeRoy Valen- schools. Officials said Collins has retired asa duct with minors.” settled for $660 million. tine, 71, is credible, so Carlson has been per- priest and from the faculty of Holy Family Uni- He was ordained in 1973 and defrocked in Files for as many as 100 priests and broth- manently removed from the Catholic ministry. versity. Source: WPVI, 5-29-13 2009 but was never criminally charged. Source: ers will be made public as they are provided to Earlier, 3 brothers who said they’d been mo- John McCabe is on leave as pastor of a Daily Herald, 5-16-13 the court. Source: KPCC, 5-28-13 lested by Valentine in 1982, settled a suit for Catholic parish in Roslea, IRE, while an allega- Richard Balentine, 38, Niles, IL, was found A California Superior Court judge upheld $20,000 each. Source: Post-Dispatch, 5-8-13 tion of child sexual abuse is investigated. dead with a rope around his neck in his residen- the 18-year prison sentence of Dino Cardelli, David Loveless, 58, has resigned as lead “The allegation has been reported to the civil tial room at Notre Dame College Prep, an all- 51, an Arcata pastor who pleaded guilty in 2011 pastor at Discovery Church, Orlando, FL, after authorities and all procedures laid down by the male Catholic High School, a day after he was to child molestation and intimidation of a wit- admitting to an extramarital affair. He and his National Board for Safeguarding Children in the questioned by police about “inappropriate com- ness. He was sentenced for assaulting his 2 wife, Caron, have been married 33 years. Catholic Church in Ireland are being observed,” munications with current or former students.” adopted daughters. Loveless is the 3rd pastor of a major Orlan- said Diocese of Clogher Bishop Liam McDaid. He was director of campus ministry and chair of Cardelli will now serve at least 85% (15 do-area church to resign in the last 6 months Source: Fermanagh Herald, 5-29-13 the Religious Studies Department. years) of the sentence and be on supervised because of an affair. Isaac Hunter, lead pas- The U.S. Postal Inspection Service and FBI Balentine was to receive the Teacher of the parole for 20 years. His wife committed suicide tor of Summit Church, had an affair with a staff agents raided a Gonzaga University office and Year award from the Niles Chamber of Com- after telling people she suspected what he was member, and Sam Hinn, pastor of the Gathering apartment in Spokane, WA, as part of a child merce at the annual Night of Roses banquet up to. Source: Eureka Times-Standard, 4-30-13 Place Worship Center, admitted to one with a pornography investigation. According to court April 27. He died April 16. Source: Journal & congregation member. Source: Orlando Senti- Allegations records, someone using a credit card issued to Topics, 4-24-13 nel, 5-6-13 Kingsford Kusi-Kyere, head pastor of the Fr. Gary Uhlenkott, a music professor at the Email: [email protected] Michael Fugee, 52, a priest in the Archdio- Page 24 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013

Letterbox Some valuable advice than the truth? Alan Wagner about after-life Illinois FFRF’s exciting plans for an ex- Family Foundation panded building inspire me to send you $5,000 to become an After-Life head values Foundation Member. You do so much to nudge (or My mentor and very close friend, sometimes force) the world in a kind- James Smith Rudolph (formerly of er, more rational direction that, even Ann Arbor, Mich., but now living in though I’m now paid up for over half Florida), suggested I consider support- as many lives as a cat has, I’ll continue ing the Freedom From Religion Foun- to make annual contributions to sup- dation as well as my support of Ameri- port your wonderful work. cans United for Separation of Church Thank you all for your inspiration and State. Having read your April 2013 and for the pin, which I will wear with Freethought Today, I am enclosing pride and will be a “conversation start- this check for $1,000 payable from our er,” as are my other freethought pins. Family Foundation. We intend to spend our last dime on I love the “Crank Mail” for the won- our last day. In the course of our prepa- derful ironies about Christian charity rations for this event, our financial ad- it reveals and the “Black Collar Crime,” viser suggested that we list FFRF and which goes on and on revealing hypoc- other organizations and people explic- risy after hypocrisy. This is quite amus- A Florida member sent this along as an example of how some folks seem itly as beneficiaries for our IRAs, life ing were it not such serious stuff. to have put their critical thinking skills on permanent vacation. insurance, etc. In contrast, if we pour Thanks to you for your good work these investments into our general es- and to Jim for recommending this av- tate, they may incur the standard rate enue for our charity. ‘Exotic dancing’ article I love the ad you ran in the Washing- for probate fees, expenses charged by Peter Heydon was disappointing ton Post on the National Day of Prayer. our executor, etc. Michigan It was a similar ad in the Los Angeles Chuck Berry I have given a lot of thought to Ju- Times (“Time to Quit the Catholic Pennsylvania ‘Christian nation’ piece dith Lynne Hanna’s article on exotic Church”) last July 4 that caused me to dancing in the April issue. As a femi- join your organization. Poetry that’s music to much appreciated nist, I was deeply disappointed to find I didn’t realize that May 2 was the I loved your Jan/Feb newspaper so such an article in a publication I val- National Day of Prayer or I would have FFRF’s ears much I can’t stop thinking about it, ue highly. I have always had a serious sought out a place to demonstrate, Here’s our double thousand bucks especially Andrew Seidel’s article on conflict with the ACLU’s position that picket or otherwise make my feelings to educate some ignorant clucks. “Debunking the Christian nation.” All pornography is speech. Pornography known. There’s money from me, and more articles were excellent and necessary, damages women and children, and yes, Pat Hall from Bill, to spite those who say we’re but Andrew’s article for me was some- men, and I cannot condone nor toler- California goin’ to hell. thing I never thought I would see in my ate it. Editor’s note: The cranks got squeezed for Rah-rah FFRF, keep up the good lifetime. If Hanna thinks that men who leer lack of space and return this issue on page fight⎯despite the wrath of the “righ- Has he or anyone thought of de- at strippers are respecting their art 26. teous” Right. bunking the words “Jesus Christ,” since form, she is way off base and contrib- Loraine and Bill Davis one meaning in the dictionary for uting to the objectification of women. Shelley: ‘Hail to thee, Proud new Lifetime Members Christ is “an ideal lifestyle?” Further, just because Christians are Maine Peggy Coulson against it does not make it a bandwag- blithe spirit!’ • • • Texas on for atheists to jump on. In “Inhaling spirituality’s heady I’ve been planning to send in my If we do things just because Chris- fumes” [Dec13], Dan Barker is quoted lifetime Membership for months. Hur- FFRF offers sanity for tians are against them, our actions saying, “If something exists, then it ray! are still being determined by them. I must be measured or measurable. How Barbara Colley the secular would appreciate it if Freethought To- much does spirit weigh? How much Oregon As a federal employee living and day would only publish articles dealing space does it take up?” working in the D.C. area, I was thrilled directly with nontheism. Under that premise, then, love can- Fan of Zeus, Beatles to see our full-page ad today in the Sue Gibson not be measured, nor can it be measur- Washington Post on the National Day Missouri able. Does that mean love doesn’t ex- pays tribute to FFRF of Prayer. And with all the religious lu- ist? How about happiness? How much Who says you can’t prove God natics continuing their mayhem (e.g., ‘Jesus fish’ symbol does happiness weigh, or how much doesn’t exist? It only takes a simple Boston), I only wish I could give way, space does it take up? four-word sentence: “Perfection can- way more. preceded Christianity I’ve noticed in recent months in- not create imperfection.” The bible Ward Sorensen Your staff attorney, Elizabeth Cavell, creasingly strong efforts by intellectual says God is perfect. The bible says God Washington, D.C. successfully eliminated a “Jesus fish” secularists to encourage us nonbeliev- created man and Earth. The bible says from City Hall in Rolla, Mo. [May13]. ers to erase the words “spirit” and man is not perfect, and I’m sure we Gets kick out of ‘out of Perhaps it would be even better to pub- “spiritual” from our vocabulary. They can all agree the Earth is not. Simple licize the traditional meaning of the explain that those words have a super- logic tells you that these facts just don’t the closet’ so-called Jesus fish, and more amusing. natural connotation and are therefore add up. I was delighted this morning to find For the vast majority of its thousands contaminated with superstition. Nor does the old argument that God on FFRF’s website the acknowledge- of years as a symbol, this sacred fish Let us consider, however, the word gave us free will hold water. We have ment of Oklahoma atheist Rebecca sign has represented female genitalia “demons,” which is also associated with plenty of free will (who to marry, what Vitsmun’s response to Wolf Blitzer’s as the “gate of life.” In India it’s well the supernatural. Yet, down through career to pursue, what to eat for lunch) question about prayer. Then came known as the holy yoni. How it came the centuries, certain gifted artists and without having to include good vs. evil. the fine nonbeliever’s “invocation” by to be “Jesusized” is fully described on composers have been described as God could have made a world with no Arizona state Rep. Juan Mendez. Both page 175 of my book Man Made God “battling their demons.” evil. For that matter, God could have took guts. []. Are we to assume, then, that intel- made a world without free will and I’m getting a big kick out of coming I think “If they only knew!” and en- ligent readers will interpret those “de- designed humans to be happy in that out of the closet and your campaign is joy a good laugh every time I see a mag- mons” literally as ugly red creatures situation. helpful. I bought many bumper stick- ic yoni on the bumper sticker of some with horns, goatees, cloven feet and I play drums in a Beatles tribute ers from the website and other sources fundamentalized car. long tails? Of course not! They under- band. As the only atheist, I am outnum- and change them “religiously” on my Barbara G. Walker, Life Member stand those “demons” are metaphors bered 3 to 1. At almost every gig, “Paul” car monthly. My focus is not to insult Florida that describe the emotional anguish of closes the night with “God bless you.” Christians but to, hopefully, open their temperamental artists as they struggle Once in awhile I’ll come back with, minds that there is a beautiful, vibrant Liked FFRF national to satisfy their creative hunger. “No, it’s Zeus’ turn tonight to bless the life out there on the other side of their If we are to breathe life into our audience,” but it doesn’t seem to have very high fence. ads, missed the mail description of deep emotions and ex- any effect. My dream is to play at an Finally, I was amused by the pope’s I received my Freethought Today periences, we need to use some form atheist function to get a little revenge! comments that even atheists can do and read it cover to cover. I miss the of allegory or symbolism. Natural lan- Enclosed is my check for $1,000 for good. Have you secretly put him on crank letters, although I can under- guage simply can’t create the desired Lifetime Membership, which is quite a your payroll? Come on, ’fess up, we can stand if you are no longer going to effect. Certain ecstasies (such as falling sacrifice on a starving musician’s salary. take it! print them. They are vile, but they are in love) create an unbridgeable gap Thank you for all your great work. Af- Jack Red the one thing I point out when I pass between what we experience and what ter all, what could be more important North Carolina on a copy of the paper to others. we can portray. How could anyone de- June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 25 scribe romantic love in cold, natural or Smith: “Your God is no more powerful scientific language and find it satisfy- than my God.” ing? The great theologian Karl Rahner Let’s also not forget that the open- insists that “God is a mystery.” ly atheist poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley, So why keep letting the mysteri- opened one of his most loved poems, ous unknown divide us when we are “To a Skylark,” with the words: “Hail all praying for what atheist Mendez to thee, blithe spirit!” Does that imply prayed (hoped) for? Is it faith-based that perhaps Shelley was not an atheist blindness we saw recently on a blood- after all? Or that he had doubts about ied street in London (his God is great); his nonbelief? is it our frustration with our limited Again, of course not! The poet was power when gunmen and weather kill merely describing, with imaginative innocent adults and children? language, a beautiful singing bird. Let’s all hope (pray to each other) Even though we don’t believe in the that we can lovingly open our eyes to supernatural, I hope we never lose our each other’s real common hopes as we sense of mysterious wonder when we get free of blinding superstitions of the gaze into our beloved’s eyes⎯or the eyes past. The Golden Rule still works for of a little child. all, believers and nonbelievers. David Quintero California Member’s mailman Valedictorian’s prayer moves in mysterious ways I was very much looking forward to was merely childish receiving my FFRF debaptismal certifi- Although Liberty High School grad- cate signed by Dan Barker, so you can uate Roy Costner in South Carolina imagine my horror when I discovered purposely flouted the law to proselytize that my postman doesn’t share my de- his religious beliefs in a public forum, sire to keep church and state separate. the amount of publicity he’s received Despite your attempts to make the has made the occasion far more im- envelope sturdy with a sheet of card- portant than it actually is. Newspapers board, he folded it in half and shoved and TV news reports have continued to it into my mailbox. Minnesota nice keep this story alive, front and center. But when I opened the envelope, From left are Ken Eck, Cathi Harding and Lura Harding, members of the Costner’s intent was to dare his what did I see? Behold! Two sheets of Grand Rapids Atheists and Freethinkers, an FFRF chapter. They were part of teachers, his principal, anyone in au- parchment in perfect condition! It’s a a group of 12 GRAFers cleaning up a 2-mile stretch of highway. The ongoing thority and all of those listening to stop miracle! Or something. Probably just effort is part of the group’s “Good Without God” campaign, Eck said: his address and interrupt the Lord’s materials science. But something, I’m “Ironically, this section of highway became available to us because the Catholic Prayer. He knew exactly what he was sure of it. churches of the Greenway area had dropped their sponsorship. So the heathens doing, and he knew he would not be Of course, I only managed to print have picked up (literally) where the church dropped off.” (Alana Hughes stopped! It wasn’t a “calculated risk,” my name on one of them correctly photo) it was a sure thing. When was the last (but hey, 50% ain’t half bad, right?), so or the first time anyone has been in- I guess the miracle was somewhat lim- terrupted or stopped while reciting the ited and/or didn’t extend to my inkjet easily convinced about the existence of daffodils, have four huge buckets of Lord’s Prayer? Blackballed? Burned at printer. a vindictive, divine force out to punish, them waiting on my shovel. My house the stake? Nick Frollini instead of forces of nature, of which is dusty, but I don’t care. Life is short; His actions were more like a 5-year- Pennsylvania science understands more and more. make fun of it. As my old friend Em- old having a temper tantrum than a Unscrupulous preachers, misguid- ily Dickinson, an informed atheist/ young man who is a leader and the Whoa there: God + 1 ed politicians and other charlatans freethinker and America’s No. 1-rated class valedictorian. He is someone who thrive on their low-info flocks who female poet ever (Walt Whitman and ignores rules, embarrasses his school equals majorities? foolishly gobble up their nonsense and Robert Frost tied for first among male and gloats over his triumphs, especially Regarding religion and democracy, hand over their money in exchange poets) reminded us: at the expense of others. “Me and God make a majority,” de- for a false sense of protection. Not only That it will never come again Jeanne Owers clared my Pentecostal friend, ungram- is praying utterly worthless, but resis- Is what makes life so sweet Texas matically. We were allies on a political tance to protective actions thought to Believing what we don’t believe campaign (to save 12 acres of City Col- be “against God’s will” may easily cause Does not exhilarate. Christian movie review lege land from a developer), so I never even more damage and additional loss Enjoy each day as though it is going argued religion with her. of life. to be your last. Make “to do good” your led to more hilarity I can guarantee she was the real Jorg Aadahl religion. I read Sarah Eucalano’s review of thing. One day she invited me over for California Joseph Cunningham, FFRF Officer “Facing the Giants” [May13] aloud to lunch, and after lunch she talked in Illinois my husband and we both laughed un- tongues, and then had her 10-year-old IRS won’t stop religious til we cried. It motivated me to go to son talk in tongues. It raised the hairs Just call it ‘Freedom of YouTube and waste two hours of my life on the back of my neck. electioneering? watching the movie. Obviously, it would be difficult to The Alliance Defending Freedom’s Religerence’ Sarah hit most of the tripe, but what run a democracy if people coming to “Pulpit Freedom Sunday” blatantly It’s common for nefarious nations about that creepy guy who walks the vote brought God with them, produc- violates 501(c)(3) rules against poli- to activate ambitious belligerence. And halls spouting prayers over the kids’ ing a great multiplicity of majorities. ticking and electioneering by religious for various denominations to advo- lockers? To me, that was one of the Sid Kass organizations. The IRS will not enforce cate malicious religerence. Christian, weirdest things in the movie. California the rules against churches like they do Muslim, Hindu, Jew — ⎯all are God- Julie Johnson to the rest of us. Why? Afraid of offend- licensed to slaughter the other, and do. Georgia ‘Act of God’ dangerous ing the religious, right-wing commu- JB Kennedy nity? California The ‘mysterious term for believers The tea party screams discrimina- The term “act of God” is unique to tion but says nothing about getting Keep currency neutral unknown’ only divides the English language and an unfortu- away with Pulpit Freedom Sunday. I de- people nate mislabeling of natural phenom- mand Congress hold hearings and In- regarding God ena. In languages of less superstitious vestigate and order the IRS to enforce One objection to “In God We Trust” This May 23 letter to the editor of the cultures, reference is made to the the law. What’s good for the goose ... is that it is not accurate. In order to be Arizona Daily Star by FFRF Life Member equivalent of “natural” phenomena, Ray Sparrow accurate, the motto would have to be Stephen Uhl was headlined “Respect differ­ disasters or catastrophes. The French Florida changed to “In Various Gods Some of ences, commonalities.” It refers to criticism “force majeure” and German “höere Editor’s note: Read about FFRF’s lawsuit Us Trust.” of atheist state Rep. Juan Mendez, D-Tempe, Gewalt” simply imply a higher natural challenging church politicking on page 6. Some claim that removing the mot- by Rep. Steve Smith, R-Maricopa, for deliv­ power, something more powerful than to from our money would advance the ering a godless “invocation” to open the us, and not divine fantasy. Smile, you made it atheist position. That is not so. May 21 House session (see Newsnotes page Blaming anything from Obamacare The atheist position would be to put XX). and same-sex marriage to lack of school through another night the motto “There Is No God” on our prayers and not enough command- Smile, breathe deeply, it’s another money. Having neither a pro- nor an I pray (hope) that Rep. Steve Smith, ments plastered in courtrooms preys bright sunny day in little ol’ Mascou- anti-religious motto is the neutral posi- while appreciating our commonalities, on the superstitious. Besides adding tah, Ill. I received a nice birthday card tion and the position mandated by the comes to respect our honest differenc- insult to injury, such ignorance feeds from a host of freethinking friends in Establishment Clause. es. Rep. Jamescita Peshlakai showed a thriving, lucrative religious industry Madison, Wis. My children are all com- Charles A. Wilson, Life Member much liberating wisdom telling Mr. that takes advantage of gullible souls ing home tomorrow, I’m still planting California Page 26 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013

Sharing the Crank Mail

A sampling of the voluminous crank mail re- I was wondering who was the voice of Sa- cently received by FFRF, printed in all its gram- tan, considering he hasn’t a body of his own. matical glory: Now I have a physical visual image of you anti God organization. Proud mother of 3 Eagle EVEN THOUGH I HAVE A FOOLS MOUTH I Scouts from a Gay-Free program! Yep, I love SHALL BEAT YOU INTO HEAVEN!!! YOU AND God, His laws and commandments, and have YOUR COMPANY LLC IS A FUCKING JOKE...I His son’s picture hanging in my kitchen. We BET YOU SQUAT TO PEE AND THE WOMEN home school. You can not control our American HAVE MORE HARE ON THEIR FACE THAN School. Ha,Ha,Ha. — Teri Knox HEAD..BUT GO KICK PUPPIES AND SUE SCHO OLS OR C HURCHES YOU FUCKS communist’s like you fuckers re- AND PLEASE DON’T BOTHER TO WRITE ally take the cake. I hope their is a Je- BACK OR TO RETALIATE... I WILL POST THIS sus and he burns you . MYSELF ON HUFFIGTON POST... PEACE If bringing the U.S. to its knees is your goal ,then OUT — Chuck Robertson stopping you should be every Americans goal. And I’ll bet the farm 90% of you are foreigners a hymn for your chief lawyer - HYMN, dedicated to just that.If their is a hell hope your HYMN, FUCK HIM — D. Nadom, Linmon, Calif. its most prominent guests. — FF

YOU are scared, atheist, satanic, liberals!! Do you all suck dicks also or just but into YES, religion DOES belong in our schools, idi- others lives? cause I could really use a blow job ots! Not religion, but CHRISTIANITY. You lose, from your atheist mouths~ never had one from homosexuals, and whatever other mentally ill an atheist — Richard Knox lifeforms make up your disgusting ranks. — I Love Jesus, Lake Placid, Fla. I DO NOT HAVE A RELIGION, I AM FREE FROM RELIGION!! I have and serve a LIVING What are you going to do if the Bible (Chris- Saviour, not a dead Buddha, nor a dead Mo- tianity) is the truth (and every word in it). What hammad, nor a string of dead Popes, or other if there is a real heaven and hell? I would at “religious” leaders in religions that are totally least test the “God” of the Bible, and to the full- dead! — William J. Kerr Denver People’s Fair est extent, before I went and put all of my ducks in one basket, if heaven/hell are real “or not”, Stay the Hell Out of Texas!! — Mike Thom- FFRF’s Denver chapter tabled at the June 1 fair. From left are Lifetime Member just to be sure. But I would be willing to believe as, 11202 Fuch Yew Ln Lance La Certe, chapter President Claudette St. Pierre and Lifetime Member that you will see Him one day. — Dustin Bock, Vince Borengasser. (Photo by Scot Schneider, chapter secretary.) Orange, Texas the hate for the ffrf: the ffrf is stuid if u think u gonna come to texas and tell how to raise We need you out of schools, see no good our kids if u dont like our beliefs then get hell in your group. IN GOD WE TRUSH. — Bruce out of my country as texans we will bring our Clark kids to belive in god and country. — Jim Paul, Longview, Texas You people are a minority in this country. Overheard God, Guns, and Guts built this country and Lindale, TX: Thanks for the free publicity for you bunch of pantywastes want God removed our 5th grade program that you tried to snuff out. for our society. Why don’t you all move over to Thanks to you over 2100 people attended, with Afghanistan and live. You think it is so bad in others standing and listening from outside. And My sister told me that my mom asked humans like them and the only differ- this country!!! We laid of lives on the line for you most of all, THANK YOU JESUS FOR YOUR her when I was going to baptize my ence would be that we believe in sci- draft dodging cowards and you are out to spit PERFECT SACRIFICE FOR OUR FREEDOM kids. My sister just told her, “Mom, ence and not a supernatural being. at us every chance you get. — James Benoit, FROM SIN & DEATH! — Debbie Sanchez Delray Beach, Fla. she doesn’t believe in that, why would Dolly Koshy, on her participation in Downfall of Society: Stay the hell up north, she?” “Hug an Atheist Day” on June 7 across Do you realize before prayer and the Pledge you yankee bastards. It’s organizations like Lilliam Alfaro, a Latina atheist from India of Allegiance, there were NO innocent people FFRF and the ACLU that are the downfall of this Baltimore, 6-5-13 being slaughtered in our schools? So I guess country. — M Ackerman, South Carolina you could actually be charged with accessory to, 5-27-13 murder. — Terry, Pennsylvania Lords prayer: I love what that student did! Facebook and Twitter made it easy to Up you collective fucking asses! Fuck all athe- In addition to Iraq and Afghanistan, find people who debate and are in- We fight for freedom of speech and right to ists. Hope all you die lonely, pathetic fucking religious sentiment is strong in Ghana, terested in secular values. We nonbe- bare arms. Ect.. People like you make me sick people when hour time comes. — D Weather- to my stomach. I fought for my country for free- ford Nigeria, Armenia and Fiji, where more lievers have meetings and groups in dom. From people like you to tell me what I can than nine in 10 people say they’re reli- a lot of Saudi cities. Although it’s re- and can’t do.. Your freedom group sucks Don- Fuck you: Why dont yall get fucked. Con- gious. WIN/Gallup notes that religios- ally hard to notice them, if you go into key .. — Marc Pardi centrate your time on something that needs ity is highest among the poor and, to a them, then you will be shocked by the attention like abused and neglected children. You people need jesus in your life! If it wasnt Again fuck yall. — Get A Life, Texas lesser extent, among the less educated, numbers and elements of society rep- for him you wouldnt be here!!! As for the portrait which certainly correlates among the resented. in jackson ohio i dont see how it is any of your I want to donate: fuck you mother- most religious countries. “Jabir,” a Saudi Arabian atheist in his business? I have an idea MIND YOUR OWN fuckers. burn in hell you damned athes- Max Fisher and Caitlin Dewey, poll 20s, noting that open atheism there can BUSINESS!!! I would never join your group and its. this is the bible belt, so fuck off bit whoever does join or are already in your group ch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 — analysis result in death is Stupid!!!!! — Amy Arthur jack schachter Washington Post, 5-23-13, 5-1-13

The food was predictably terrible, the They did nothing to help that child. bed was unforgiving, and the only That’s why it’s murder. thing he was allowed to read was the Philadelphia prosecutor Joanne Pesca- bible. To stay sane he sang “Ain’t No tore, successfully arguing against dis- Mountain High Enough” because it re- missal of charges against Herbert and minded him of his wife. Catherine Schaible, who lost a second News story about Richard Ross, pho- child after failing to seek medical help tographer and professor at the Univer- because of religious beliefs sity of California-Santa Barbara, who Reuters, 6-12-13 spent 24 hours in solitary confinement in a juvenile detention center as part of I feel that religion, adopted purely, is his Juvenile-In-Justice project ultimately representative of blindly, 6-4-13 making someone else’s beliefs your own. He’s not my brother. In my mind, he Edward Snowden, U.S. spying whistle- died a long time ago. I still can’t be- blower, from a 2003 online comment lieve David got away with all this. Peo- when he joined the Army and listed ple today have to think twice when they Buddhist, saying “agnostic is strangely see a Roman collar. absent” from the enlistment form Linda Cervizzi, 63, one of the siblings New York Times, 6-16-13 trying to remove the name of their brother — a defrocked Catholic priest I wish we kept meetings of our govern- accused of being part of a Massachu- ment bodies separate from our ritual setts child sex ring — from the family’s expression of faith and piety. The de- cemetery headstone sire to blend them is really nothing FFRF’s chapter in the Raleigh, N.C., area is recognized Worcester Telegram & Gazette, 6-5-13 other than a desire to signal an official on the top of the cover of the Leukemia & Lymphoma endorsement of the superiority of God Society’s national handbook for being the 2012 Foundation A lot of people still think atheists lack belief over atheistic and nontheistic be- Beyond Belief top noncorporate fundraising team taking morals and have to be shunned or si- lief systems. part in the Society’s charitable “Light the Night Walks.” lenced. So we thought it would be a Columnist Eric Zorn, “Let us not pray” good idea to tell the world that we are Chicago Tribune, 4-24-13 June/July 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 27 Japanese-American escapes Christian nation myth

By Satoko Makino Jesus. I did not want to lie to myself and friends at the church. I never an- nounced my lack of faith, but I com- pletely withdrew from church activi- A loha: ties. I lost many friends and moved out This is just one example of how an of the area. immigrant can be misled into thinking Currently I reside in Hawaii, where that he or she must be a Christian to generations of Japanese-Americans be a true American. I also want you to have established unique communities. know there is someone like me reading I see many Japanese-American people your newspaper. belonging to Shinto shrines and Bud- I grew up going to a Christian dhist temples, but many are totally church in Japan, only because my par- nonreligious. They are proud to be ents wanted a place where they could American regardless of their faith or leave children on Sunday morning. I nonfaith. struggled to make sense out of the bib- Now I look back on what made me lical stories as a child. The stories did believe I had to be a Christian to be not fit with the things taught in history a true American. My desire to be an or science classes at school. “American” was twisted by the Chris- When I was in high school, my family Satoko Makino with her daughter Cherry and puppy Pua at the Makapuu Point tian church. I was naïve. I wanted to migrated from Japan to the U.S. main- Lighthouse on Oahu’s easternmost point. have friends and belong to something land. I had a very difficult time learn- in a country where I knew nobody. It ing the unfamiliar language and fitting the U.S. was a Christian nation. The dent. It was obvious he was totally in- was my fault. in the American high school culture. people in his church had a very firm competent as a president despite being A very simple and easy conclusion The school staff encouraged me to join opinion about my birth country: Japan such a devoted Christian. But by then, came out of a very long soul-searching a church youth group, a Christian one was never going to be recognized as a I had my whole social life built around process: I am happy to be an American in order to be more “American.” civilized nation because Japan was not the church. without religion. There was a church youth group a Christian nation. When I expressed my doubts, my Mahalo [thank you] and thank you leader who had access to our high My doubt grew stronger as I ma- friends told me to pray until I no lon- for reading. school. He said my doubt about the tured. History, anthropology and phi- ger saw inconsistencies in the bible. I bible’s authenticity was an insult to losophy classes in college never helped did not have the courage to admit I was FFRF member Satoko Makino is an ac­ the U.S. and made me less patriotic. my Christian faith. “Praying until in- not a believer. I was afraid I would be countant at a property management com­ He told me I would never understand consistencies disappear” was not an ac- persecuted for not trying to be Ameri- pany in Honolulu. An MBA graduate of American culture unless I became a ceptable problem-solving skill. can enough. the University of Phoenix, she lives with Christian. I decided to be baptized. My doubt was heightened when But after awhile, it was too un- her daughter Cherry, their cats Vanilla and I misunderstood by thinking that George W. Bush took office as presi- comfortable to pretend I believed in Honeybee and dog Pua.

FreeThought Music available online

By Steve Brecker rently includes 40 selections. I’m look- ing to grow it with as much musical di- versity as possible. All musical styles are programmed, including classical, jazz, I’m an FFRF country, rock, pop, folk and Broadway member in Vir- musicals. It’s a veritable cornucopia of ginia and I’ve freethought musical expression! just launched I realize that due to the broad selec- a new venture tion, some people may not like some of that I want what they hear. Some people don’t en- to share with joy heavy metal rockand others don’t other mem- like jazz. But I’m betting that most free- bers. I am call- thinkers are also open-minded enough ing my project to stay tuned to find music they do FreeThought Music. enjoy and selections that may grow to There are hundreds of radio sta- like. tions in the marketplace catering to Here’s a partial sampling of artists religious talk and music programming so far: Bad Religion, Crosby Stills & but few outlets where freethinkers can Nash, Dan Barker, Dave Matthews, Ella enjoy music with freethought messag- Fitzgerald, Frank Zappa, Jimmy Buf- es. fett, John Lennon, Motorhead, Tim FreeThought Music is an Internet Minchin, Randy Newman, Red Hot radio station that streams a wide selec- Chili Peppers, Steve Martin, Shelley Se- tion of musical styles, all of which pro- gal, Tool, XTC, Ziggy Marley and Roy mote freethought messages. It’s avail- Zimmerman. able 24/7 so you can listen anywhere All of the music programmed is and anytime via your computer, tablet available for purchase via download or or smartphone. CD purchase through a link to Amazon. To visit, go to com. Click on the track listing in the freethoughtmedia/. “Last Played” window that you wish to You may need to register for the free purchase. membership to Live365 in order to ac- Most of the music can also be pur- cess my station. But you do not need chased through Amazon via another to sign up for the trial VIP member- site I’m building, freethoughtmarketplace. Meet the newest staffers ship. Just complete and submit the free com/. This site is still under construc- FFRF publicist Lauryn Seering (left) and journalism intern Sarah Eucalano take registration and log in with your user tion but is functional and purchases a break from office chores. (Photo: Andrew Seidel) name and password. (The benefit of can be made. VIP membership is that you don’t get I welcome all comments and sug- interrupted by commercials.) gestions for music selections to add. FreeThought Music’s playlist cur- Thanks! Page 28 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin June/July 2013 Savage, Mendez join FFRF convention lineup

Joining the homosexuality so that I could start at- voked Carl Sagan instead of a deity. perform Friday night after Dan Savage 36th annual na- tending Mass again. I didn’t abandon Mendez, a first-term legislator, is a pub- and all will sign books, CDs or DVDs. tional FFRF con- my faith. I saw through it.” (New York lic atheist and secular humanist. Entertaining vention lineup, Times, 4-11-13) Also joining the Saturday night with each receiv- The activist, whose new book is lineup will be Life will be Australia’s ing FFRF’s Emper- called American Savage, is co-founder Member Ellery talented young or Has No Clothes with his husband Terry Miller of the Schempp, who in- singer/songwrit- Award, will be col- “It Gets Better Project” on YouTube to stigated the lawsuit er Shelley Segal, umnist Dan Sav- inspire hope for LGBT young people ending in the land- who has recorded age, and Arizona facing harassment. mark 1963 Supreme a freethought CD, “An Atheist Album.” state Rep. Juan Mendez made Court decision Abing­ FFRF Co-President Dan Barker will also Mendez. The Sept. 27-29 convention national news ton v. Schempp. The decision declared entertain at the piano and include se- starts Friday and ends Sunday at the when he brave- school bible reading and recitation of lections from FFRF’s new CD “Adrift Concourse Hotel, 1 West Dayton St., in ly delivered a the Lord’s Prayer unconstitutional. El- on a Star” and team up with Shelley for downtown Madison, Wis. freethought invo- lery, a retired scientist, will celebrate a few songs. Syndicated sex columnist Savage was cation May 21 in- the decision’s 50th anniversary. Receiving a offered FFRF’s special award, reserved stead of a prayer Also on hand to Freethought Her- for public figures who make known before the state celebrate the 65th an- oine Award will be their dissent from religion, after writ- House of Repre- niversary of the first mystery writer Sara ing, “I haven’t spent my post-Catholic sentatives. Men- major Supreme Court Paretsky, an ar- decades in a sulk, wishing the church dez asked legislators not to bow their decision against reli- dent supporter of would come around on the issue of heads but instead to look up, and in- gious instruction in state-church sepa- public schools will ration and wom- be Life Member Jim en’s reproductive McCollum. Jim, who rights and creator of the famous V.I. teaches constitutional law, was at the Warshaski detective series. center of a firestorm when his mother, Jamila Bey worked Vashti McCollum, challenged religious for a decade as a pro- instruction in Champaign, Ill., public ducer and editor at schools. National Public Ra- Jay Rosenstein, director of the Pea- dio on such shows body Award-winning documentary as “Morning Edi- about Jim’s case, “The Lord Is Not on tion,” “All Things Trial Here Today,” will introduce his Considered” and riveting 56-minute documentary. “Talk of the Nation.” Plenty of entertainment will balance She hosts “The Sex, the enlightenment, including Jill So- Politics and Religion Hour: SPAR with bule and Julia Sweeney, who’ll team Jamila.” It airs weekly in Washington up for a delightful set that mixes witty and New York City. singing with social commentary. Julia is Honored with an author, playwright, actress and co- the first Richard median. She’ll sign copies of her DVD and Beverly Herm- “Letting Go of God” and her newest sen Student Activist book If It’s Not One Thing It’s Your Moth­ Award of $5,000 will er. be Zack Kopplin, Jill, who wrote the title song for “Let- 19, a Louisiana stu- ting Go of God,” has had a Top 40 hit, dent activist who’s Julia Sweeney (left) and Jill Sobule promise convention-goers some released many albums and writes com- made national news great entertainment. Also singing, Shelley Segal. mentary on Huffington Post. They’ll in his work to repeal a stealth creationism Register online at: law in his home state. FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel Return with payment to: FFRF, Attn: Convention, P.O. Box 750, Madison, WI 53701 will present a Friday afternoon work- shop, “Sweat the Small Stuff: Why We Freedom From Religion Foundation’s Must Challenge Violations of the Es- 36th Annual Convention tablishment Clause.” Staff Attorneys Patrick Elliott and Liz Cavell will pres- September 27-28, 2013 ent the year’s legal highlights. Barker The Madison Concourse Hotel and Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor will present a PowerPoint of FFRF me- Madison, Wisconsin dia highlights. Make checks payable to “FFRF” Avoid disappointment and book Number registering your room now at the Concourse for the convention rate of $149 plus tax single, double, triple and quadruple. Phone _____ FFRF member registration(s) @ $65 per person ...... $______1-800-356-8293 or 608-257-6000. Reg- _____ Nonmember spouse or companion accompanying member @ $70...... $______ister online indicating you’re with the _____ Nonmember registration(s) @ $110 ...... $______Freedom From Religion Foundation room block. The registration number (or join for $40, save $5!) to verify the room block is 211725. _____ Student registration(s) @ $25 (Ask about student group rate) ...... $______The event features a reception with _____ Saturday Non-Prayer Breakfast @ $20* per person ...... $______plentiful hors d’oeuvres on Friday, ____ Classic ____ Classic Vegetarian ____ Vegan/gluten-free Sept. 27, early registration and FFRF _____ Saturday Night Dinner @ $45* per person ...... $______staff workshop presentations (attor- neys and media). The convention for- ____ Turkey ____ Salmon ____ Vegetarian ____ Vegan Total: $______If gluten-free, please specify. mally opens at 7 p.m. (concluding with * Meal prices include 20% gratuity & 5.5% sales tax a complimentary cake reception). Two optional group meals are of- fered, the Saturday Non-Prayer Break- fast ($20 including 20% gratuity and Name(s) Please include names of all registrants for nametags 5.5% sales tax) and the banquet din- ner ($35). Friday dinner and Saturday lunch are on your own. Address The membership and Board of Di- rector meetings are Sunday morning (just to be sacrilegious), adjourning by City/State/ZIP Please include phone/email (in case we have a question about your registration) noon. Details: