Hornchurch High School Broadstone Road, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4AJ
School report Hornchurch High School Broadstone Road, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4AJ Inspection dates 22–23 January 2019 Overall effectiveness Good Effectiveness of leadership and management Good Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Good Personal development, behaviour and welfare Good Outcomes for pupils Good Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Not previously inspected Summary of key findings for parents and pupils This is a good school The headteacher, the senior leadership team Leaders have an accurate view of the school’s and governors have created a culture of strengths and areas for improvement. They are aspiration in the school. As a result, pupils aware that they need more time to embed make good progress. their improvement plans. Leaders have high expectations regarding Teaching typically enables pupils to make good behaviour, attendance and punctuality. Pupils’ progress. Occasionally, teachers’ questioning is behaviour and conduct in lessons and around less effective because it lacks challenge. the school are good. Pupils attend regularly, Leaders of the school have developed the way and rates of absence and persistent absence teachers provide feedback to pupils. This has are lower than the most recent national resulted in misconceptions being picked up figures. quickly. However, for some pupils this feedback Middle leaders fully support the vision and does not help them make enough progress in values of leaders and governors. They are clear their learning. about how their actions contribute to improving Pupils have opportunities to use and develop teaching and therefore the progress pupils their literacy skills across a range of subjects. make. Leaders have strategies in place to develop The provision for pupils’ personal development pupils’ reading skills.
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