CABINET Subject Heading: Outline Proposals to address Early Years, Primary, Secondary and SEND rising rolls – Update to Phase 4 and Phase 5 expansion Programme Cabinet Member: Councillor Robert Benham - Deputy Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Education, Children & Families SLT Lead: Tim Aldridge, Director of Children’s Services Report Author and contact details: Trevor Cook, Assistant Director of Education, Learning and Achievement
[email protected] Tel: 01708 431250 Policy context: The recommendations have implications throughout the Borough Financial summary: Capital Cost of £33.500m will be funded from a combination of basic needs allocation, unallocated capital budget from earlier phases, SEND capital grant and S106 Housing Development contributions. The projected costs for Stage 1 will leave a balance in the Unallocated Reserve of £2.731m. This will be ring fenced to contribute to funding Stage 2 will be the subject of a future Cabinet setting out the detailed proposals together with the sources of the additional funding required. of the programme commencing in 2024/25. Revenue implications for schools will be funded from the DSG. An increase in pupil numbers may also have a knock on effect on other local authority budgets. These will be raised through the appropriate channels as Cabinet, 18 September 2019 necessary. Is this a Key Decision? Yes as expenditure arising from implementation of the recommendations is likely to exceed £500,000 When should this matter be reviewed? September 2020 Reviewing OSC: Children and Learning The subject matter of this report deals with the following Council Objectives Communities making Havering [X] Places making Havering [] Opportunities making Havering [] Connections making Havering [] 2 Cabinet, 18 September 2019 SUMMARY 1.