2020 2021 Achieve, Enjoy and Excel Bower Park Academy, Havering Road, Romford, RM1 4YY www.bowerpark.co.uk 01708 730244
[email protected] Bower Park Academy is part of the Empower Learning Academy Trust, which is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Registered number 7702119. Registered o!ce Marlborough Garden Upminster, Essex, RM14 1SF A very warm welcome to Bower Park Academy. The Academy is No matter what their starting point or personal circumstances, OUR VALUES at the heart of the local community, providing a caring and every student can achieve success. Our pledge to parents is: supportive environment where students are nurtured and To transform your child’s life chances: Our vision is to strive supported to achieve success. The Academy has been on a for excellence to transform the life chances for all. journey of rapid improvement over the past few years and was To ensure your child achieves success: Through determination judged to be ‘Good’ across all categories by Ofsted in March 2018. and resilience, every child will excel to obtain outstanding outcomes across a breadth of experiences. In 2019 the Academy had the most improved examination results in the area. We are determined to keep improving the quality of To help your child become a valued citizen: Students will education we o!er; our next goal is to achieve outstanding develop into well-rounded valued citizens, ready and equipped outcomes in the next two years. for a future world, and embracing a love of life. The Academy is part of the Empower Learning Academy Trust (ELAT) with Hall Mead School, The Brittons Academy and Hacton Primary School.