

1. The of the divides power between the national government and . What is the name for this division of power? Make a Venn diagram showing: a) at least one power of the federal government b) at least one power of the c) at least one power of both the federal and state governments 2. The Constitution establishes three branches of government: legislative, , and judicial. Briefly describe the main responsibility of each branch.



JUDICIAL: ______

3. Because it has two “,” the U.S. Congress is known as a “bicameral” . What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress? AND HOUSE (OF REPRESENTATIVES)

4. Why do some states have more Representatives than other states? How is this different from the Senate? • (because of) the state’s population • (because) they have more people • (because) some states have more people

• every state has two senators regardless of population What would happen if our government had only one of the chambers instead of two?

5. The Constitution separates the government’s power into three branches to prevent one person or group from having too much power. The separation of government into three branches creates a system of ______and ______. CHECKS AND BALANCES

Recently, the President of the United States was impeached. How is this an example of the system mentioned above.

6. With the words “We the People,” the Constitution states that the people set up the government. The government works for the people and protects the of people. In the United States, the power to govern comes from the people, who are the highest power. What is this important ? POPULAR How do people express their power in our form of government?

7. The Constitution establishes a system of government wherein citizens choose representatives to make the . U.S. citizens also choose a president to lead the executive branch of government. What is this type of government called? REPRESENTATIVE

Why is this type of government more efficient than a pure democracy? 8. When the Framers wrote the Constitution, they did not focus on individual rights. They focused on creating the system and structure of government. Many Americans believed that the Constitution should guarantee the rights of the people, and they wanted a list of all the things a government could not do. They were afraid that a strong government would take away the rights people won in the War. , one of the Framers of the Constitution, wrote a list of individual rights and limits on the government. These rights appear in the first ten . What are the first ten amendments called? OF RIGHTS Try to name at least three of these first ten amendments. 9. What are three rights or freedoms from the First ? Which one is most valuable to you and why? • speech • religion • assembly • press • petition the government 10. There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote (15th, 19th, 24th, 26th). Describe two of them.

These questions are based on and in some cases direct quotations from “Learn About the United States: Quick Civics Lessons for the Naturalization Test” https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/see-all-section-items- title/Study%20Booklets%20and%20Documents/55253?destination=node/41139