Animal Farm Research Chapter.3

By: Zion and Caeleb

The world leader we picked was Saddam , was the president of . He was born on April 28, 1937, in Al-Awja Iraq. Hussein was raised by his mother, her second husband Ibrahim al­Hassan and her brother .Hussein's first wife, Sajida, was his first cousin, the daughter of his maternal uncle Khairallah Talfah. Many of Hussein's family members were part of his regime. Brother­in­law Brig. General was Minister of Defense. Sons­in­law General Hussein Kamel, husband to , led Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons program and his brother, Colonel Saddam Kamel, husband to , was in charge of the presidential security forces. Eldest son Uday was head of the Iraqi Olympic Committee and younger son Qusay was head of the Internal Security Forces. And half­brother Busho Ibrahim was the Deputy Minister of Justice.

1956 ­ Takes part in an unsuccessful coup to overthrow King Faisal II and Prime Minister Nuri as­Said.1957 ­ Hussein formally joins the Baath Socialist Party.July 14, 1958 ­ King Faisal is killed in a coup led by Abdul Karim Kassem.October 1959 ­ Hussein and others attack the motorcade of Abdul Karim Kassem. The attempt fails and most of the attackers are killed. Hussein escapes and flees to . Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser hears of Hussein's exploits and arranges for him to travel to .February 8, 1963 ­ Kassem is overthrown and executed, and the Baath Party takes over. Hussein returns from Cairo. The new Baath government is overthrown before the end of the year.1964­1967 ­ Is arrested and imprisoned after a change in government. He later escapes.July 17, 1968 ­ In a bloodless coup, Major General Ahmed Hassan al­Bakr of the Baath party becomes Iraq's new president. Hussein becomes secretary and acting deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council.

1973 ­ Hussein is promoted to lieutenant general.March 6, 1975 ­ Hussein and Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi of sign a treaty. Iraq gives up claims to the Shatt­al­Arab waterway, while Iran agrees to end its support of the independence seeking Kurds.1976 ­ Is promoted to general.October 1978 ­ At the Shah's insistence, Hussein expels Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini from Iraq. Khomeini had been in exile in Iraq since 1965.July 16, 1979 ­ Saddam Hussein becomes the fifth with the retirement of President Ahmed Hassan al­Bakr.1979 ­ Hussein expels 40,000 Shiite Muslims and orders the execution of Ayatollah Muhammad al­Baqir Sadr, an ally of Ayatollah Khomeini, in response to Khomeini's call for the overthrow of the mostly Sunni Muslim Baathist regime.September 22, 1980 Iraq launches an air attack against Iran. The war ends in a stalemate in 1988, with approximately one million deaths.1982 Hussein orders the destruction of Dujail, a village in northern Iraq, leading to the deaths of over 140 people.March 16, 1988 Hussein orders a poison gas attack on Kurds in Halabja in northern Iraq. More than 5,000 people are killed.August 2, 1990 Iraq invades Kuwait, the beginning of the Persian .January 17, 1991­February 28, 1991 U.S. and coalition forces launch Operation Desert Storm to free Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. The operation is successful, but Hussein remains in power.October 15, 1995 Hussein is re­elected president.

December 16, 1998 Great Britain and the launch air strikes against Iraq. The attack, called Operation Desert Fox , is in response to Iraq's refusal to cooperate with weapons inspectors. January 29, 2002 U.S. president George W. Bush delivers the State of the Union address and describes Iraq as part of an "axis of evil."September 19, 2002 Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri delivers a letter to the U.N. from Saddam Hussein stating that Iraq has no chemical, nuclear, or biological weapons.October 15, 2002 Hussein is re­elected to a seven­year term with 100% of the Iraqi vote, according to the Iraqi government.November 2002 The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopts Resolution 1441 , outlining strict new weapons inspections and threatening "serious consequences" if Iraq fails to comply. Iraq agrees and within weeks inspectors arrive.February 26, 2003 CBS airs Dan Rather's interview with Hussein on "60 Minutes II," in which he offers to debate President George W. Bush on a live global satellite broadcast.March 19, 2003 The second Gulf War begins , code named Operation Iraqi Freedom. 2003 Saddam Hussein is captured in a cellar, or 'spider hole' at a farmhouse in between 8:00­8:30 pm Iraqi time (12:00­12:30 pm EST), as a part of "".

July 1, 2004 Saddam Hussein makes his first appearance in court at his arraignment and is charged with a variety of crimes, including the and the gassing of the Kurds. He pleads innocent.July 17, 2005 The Iraqi Special Tribunal (IST) files the first criminal charges against him, for the 1982 massacre in Dujail.October 19, 2005 Hussein's trial begins in .July 23, 2006 Hussein is hospitalized after suffering from the effects of a hunger strike, launched in protest of his ongoing trial.November 5, 2006 Hussein is convicted and sentenced to death by hanging for the . Per Iraqi law there is an automatic appeal to every death sentence.December 26, 2006 An appellate chamber of the Iraqi High Tribunal upholds the death sentence. By Iraqi law the execution must take place within 30 days.December 30, 2006 ­ Saddam Hussein is hanged in Baghdad a few minutes after 6 am (December 29 10 pm EST). He is buried near Tikrit, Iraq on December 31st. Helpful source:­hussein­fast­facts/