伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團 美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast 現場伴奏:皇家芭蕾舞團樂團 Live Accompaniment: Royal Ballet Sinfonia


Credits ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○8


Synopsis ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○10


Birmingham Royal Ballet Profile ○○○○○○○○15


Royal Ballet Sinfonia Profile ○○○○○○○○○○17

生平介紹 Biographies

大衛.賓利 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○18 ○○○○○○○○○○ 格蘭.般恩 Glenn Buhr ○○○○ 21 菲力普.普華斯 Philip Prowse

馬克.強納森 Mark Jonathan ○○○○○○○○○○○22

首席舞者 Principals ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○34 ○○○○○○○○○○○○ 獨舞員 Soloists ○○○○○ 38

第一舞蹈員及舞蹈員 First Artists and Artists ○○○○○42

除特別註明,所有照片 舞團工作人員 Ballet Staff ○○○○○○○○○○○○○44 Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs © Bill Cooper

舞團成員 ○○○○ The Company ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 50


Sinfonia Members ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○53

10-12.2.2006 香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre 為了讓大家對這次演出留下美好印象,請切記在節目開始前關掉手錶、無㵟電話及傳呼 Hong Kong Cultural Centre 機的響鬧裝置。會場內請勿擅自攝影、錄音或錄影,亦不可飲食和吸煙,多謝合作。 演出長約 2 小時,包括一節 25 分鐘 To make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of 中場休息 the audience, PLEASE switch off your alarm watches, MOBILE PHONES and PAGERS. Running time: approximately 2 Eating and drinking, unauthorised photography and audio or video recording are hours with a 25 minute interval forbidden in the auditorium. Thank you for your co-operation. 演出及創作人員 Credits

創作人員 音樂 格蘭.般恩 舞台設計 菲力普.普華斯 編舞 大衛.賓利 燈光設計 馬克.強納森 角色 美女 伊萊莎.威利斯(10日及12日夜場)、麗蒂芝亞.朱利亞尼(11日日場) 安 芭 娜.瓦 洛(11日夜場)、佐久間奈緒(12日日場) 野獸 羅 伯 特.柏 克(10日及12日夜場)、伊 恩.麥 凱(11日及12日日場)、 曹馳(11日夜場) 美女之父(商人) 戴維.莫爾斯(10日及12日夜場)、邁 克 爾.奧 哈 爾(11日及12日日場) 阿倫.杜佈雷爾(11日夜場) 美女姐姐 傲曼 維多利亞.馬爾(10日及12日夜場)、羅 拉.珀 基 斯(11日日場) 安 琪 娜.保 爾(11日夜場)、卡 露 -安妮.米勒(12日日場) 虛蓉 西爾維亞.希門尼斯(10日及12日夜場)、瑪 莉 安.雷 納(11日日場) 趙磊(11日夜場)、維珍妮亞.德格西尼(12日日場) 科熊先生 詹姆士.格倫迪(10日、11日夜場及12日日場)、 強 納 森.佩 恩(11日日場及12日夜場) 野女孩 安 芭 娜.瓦 洛(10日夜場)、安 琪 娜.保 爾(11日日場)、 卡露-安妮.米勒(11日及12日夜場)、萊蒂希雅.洛薩度(12日日場) 雌狐 羅拉.珀基斯(10日、11日及12日夜場)、平田桃子(11日日場)、 肯棣絲.福瑟寧咸(12日日場) 渡鴉 山本康介(10日、11日及12日夜場)、亞 歷 山 大.甘 寶(11日日場)、 約瑟.歌尼(12日日場) 樵夫 強 納 森.佩 恩(10日、11日夜場及12日日場)、 阿倫.杜佈雷爾(11日日場及12日夜場) 收租人 羅里.麥凱(10日及11日夜場)、 華倫天.奧努恩尼洛夫(11日及12日日場)、詹 姆 士.格 倫 迪(12日夜場) 獵人、飛鳥 伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團成員 宮廷野獸、婚禮嘉賓 皇家芭蕾舞團樂團 指揮 保羅.梅菲(10日、11日夜場及12日日場)、 菲力普.伊利斯(11日日場及12日夜場) 領奏 羅伯特.吉布斯

世界首演 2003年12月1日於伯明翰音樂廳

演後藝人談 11.2.2006(星期六夜場)


8 音樂:獲版權持有人格蘭‧般恩及其代理「對位音樂服務」批准使用 Creative Team

Music* Glenn Buhr Designs Philip Prowse Choreography David Bintley Lighting Mark Jonathan

Cast Belle Elisha Willis (10 and 12), Letizia Giuliani (11m), Ambra Vallo (11) Nao Sakuma (12m) The Beast Robert Parker (10 and 12), Iain Mackay (11m and 12m), Chi Cao (11) Belle’s father The Merchant David Morse (10 and 12), Michael O’Hare (11m and 12m) Alain Dubreuil (11) Belle’s sisters Fière Victoria Marr (10 and 12), Laura Purkiss (11m), Angela Paul (11) Carol-Anne Millar (12m) Vanité Silvia Jimenez (10 and 12), Marion Rainer (11m), Lei Zhao (11) Virginia de Gersigny (12m) Monsieur Cochon James Grundy (10, 11 and 12m), Jonathan Payn (11m and 12) Wild Girl Ambra Vallo (10), Angela Paul (11m) Carol-Anne Millar (11 and 12), Laëtitia Lo Sardo (12m) Vixen Laura Purkiss (10, 11 and 12), Momoko Hirata (11m) Candice Fotheringham (12m) Raven Kosuke Yamamoto (10, 11 and 12), Alexander Campbell (11m) Joseph Caley (12m) Woodsman Jonathan Payn (10, 11 and 12m), Alain Dubreuil (11m and 12) Bailiff Rory Mackay (10 and 11), Valentin Olovyannikov (11m and 12m) James Grundy (12) Hunters, Birds Artists of Birmingham Royal Ballet Court Beasts Wedding Guests

Royal Ballet Sinfonia Conductor Paul Murphy (10, 11 and 12m) and Philip Ellis (11m and 12) Leader Robert Gibbs

World premiere 1 December 2003, Birmingham Royal Ballet, Birmingham Hippodrome

Meet-the-Artist (Post-Performance) 11.2.2006 (Sat evening)

If you would like to meet David Bintley, please stay behind in the auditorium after the performance

* By permission of the copyright holder, Glenn Buhr, and his agent Counterpoint Musical Services 9 故事 Synopsis

序幕 Prologue 從前有個王子,既英俊又兇殘,既富 There once was a Prince as cruel as he was 裕又無情,既威武有力,又輕浮自 handsome, as heartless as he was rich and as 大。這個王子活着只為狩獵,只有此 vain as he was powerful. The Prince lived for 時他才會滿懷熱情。 one thing alone, hunting, which he did with a passion. 一天,王子和朋友在狩獵,追至森林 One day the Prince and his friends were hunting. 深處。當他們圍着一隻雌狐狸準備撲 The chase took them deep into a forest and they 上去時,一個樵夫走出來攔阻。 were about to close in on their prey, a Vixen, when they were stopped by a Woodsman. 樵夫用斗篷藏起雌狐狸,把牠變成一 個頭髮殷紅如火的少女,王子一行人 The Woodsman hid the Vixen beneath the folds 看得目瞪口呆,眼白白讓少女逃脫。 of his cloak and changed her into a flame-haired 樵夫一怒之下,還把王子變成野獸, girl. The Prince and his friends fell back 他的豬朋狗友也變了野生動物,因為 astonished as the girl escaped and the 他們骨子况就是畜生。 Woodsman in his anger turned the Prince into a beast and his friends into wild animals, for that is what they were in their hearts.

Act I, Scene 1 The Merchant’s House Belle’s father is a merchant whose ships have not returned from overseas. He is unable to pay his debts and the bailiffs are reclaiming his furniture and chattels. Belle tries to comfort him but the arrival of her vain and selfish sisters throws the household into further confusion. Cochon a wealthy townsman who has been courting the sisters arrives and 第一幕,第一場: ostentatiously stays the bailiffs’ hands. The Merchant unwillingly accepts money from 商人家中 Cochon who is quick to point out that the old 美女的父親是個商人,因商船遠航未 man is now in his debt. 回,無法償還欠債。放債人要來沒收 家什財物。美女想安慰父親,可是她 An excise officer enters with the news that the Merchant’s ships have been sighted and his 那些虛榮自私的姊姊來到,一家上下 fortune is made. The Merchant prepares to leave 更陷於混亂。城中富戶科熊,一直在 and asks his daughters what they would like on 追求她家姊妹。他前來裝腔作勢,叫 his return. The two sisters ask for gowns and 放債人高抬貴手。商人無奈之下,接 jewels but Belle simply asks for a rose. 10 受了科熊的金錢。科熊馬上表態,說 老人家受了他的恩惠,欠了他的人 情。

一名徵稅官吏出場,帶來好消息,說 商人的貨船快到,發財有望。商人準 備出發,臨行前問女兒想要什麼,回 來好帶給她們,兩個姊姊說要晚禮服 和珠寶,而美女只要一朵玫瑰。 Act I, Scene 2 第一幕,第二場: The Beast’s Castle 野獸城堡 A terrific storm blows up and the Merchant and his servants become lost, only to fall prey to a 海上掀起暴風雨,商人及僕役迷失方 gang of brigands. In order to escape the storm’s 向,最後成了一批強盜的網中之魚。 fury the Merchant takes refuge in a sinister and 商人為了躲避風暴,跑到一個陰森可 empty castle where he is served food and drink 怖的空城堡,卻有無形之手供他飲 by unseen hands. Upon waking the next 食。翌晨醒來,被盜的行李箱竟物歸 morning he finds his stolen trunk returned and 原主,况面都是華衣美服、珠寶首 filled with beautiful gowns and jewels. As he 飾。他離開城堡時,想起小女兒的要 leaves the castle he remembers Belle’s request and picks a rose for her, whereupon a monstrous 求,於是摘下一朵玫瑰。這時,猙獰 Beast appears. The Beast berates the Merchant 可怖的野獸出現了。他指責商人忘恩 for his ingratitude and his theft of the rose, but 負義,偷摘玫瑰,但當他知道商人有 upon learning that the Merchant has three 三個女兒後,說只要最小的女兒能來 daughters he tells the old man that he will spare 城堡與他同住,就可饒老人家一命。 his life if the youngest will come and stay with 商人答應,惶恐地離去。 him. The Merchant agrees and leaves in terror.

第一幕,第三場: Act I, Scene 3 回到商人家中 The Merchant’s House, again Upon his return the Merchant relates everything 商人回家後,述說經過。虛榮愚昧的 that has happened to him and the vain and 姊姊翻開行李箱,發現珠寶美服都變 foolish sisters open the trunk to find the dresses 成碎布灰燼。商人懇求美女原諒他自 and jewels have turned to mouldering rags and 作主張,答應把她交給野獸。但姊姊 ashes. The Merchant begs Belle’s forgiveness 異口同聲,說是美女愚蠢得只要玫 for having promised her to the Beast, but her 瑰,咎由自取。 sisters claim it was her own fault for her foolish request of the rose. 美女思前想後,還是決定捨己救父。 Belle ponders her predicament but is resolved 憑着意想不到的幫助,美女來到野獸 to save her father, and with some unexpected 城堡。當九下鐘聲響起,野獸出現。 assistance is led to the Beast’s castle, where she meets her host. As the clock strikes nine, -中場休息- the Beast appears.

– Interval – 11 第二幕,第一場: Act II, Scene 1 舞會 The Ball 幾個月過去了,每晚野獸都向美女求 Several months have passed during which the 婚,她雖然總一口拒絕,但對他的野 Beast has asked Belle to marry him every 獸外表已見怪不怪,眼况只有他善良 evening. Although she has denied him on all 的內心。 occasions she is now used to his beastliness and sees only his good heart. 城堡內從未露面的居民,在野獸命令 The hitherto unseen inhabitants of the castle 下濟濟一堂,開盛大舞會。令王子變 assemble for a ball at the Beast’s command. 成野獸的咒語,同時令他們變成動 The same curse that turned the Prince into a 物,舞會於是成了群畜怪誕大匯演。 beast has condemned them all to live as animals and the ball is a fantastic gathering of creatures. 野獸跟美女共舞時,再次向他求婚, 但她說儘管野獸內心善良,她卻不愛 The Beast dances with Belle and once again 他,因此不能嫁他。野獸淒厲痛哭之 asks her to marry him but she replies that good 聲,令他四條腿的文武百官紛紛爭相 and kind hearted as he is she does not love him 走避。 and, therefore, cannot. The Beast’s wails of anguish send his animal courtiers running for cover. 美女想見父親一面,野獸心軟,允許 她回家,並送她一朵玫瑰,條件是要 Belle longs to see her father and the Beast 她在玫瑰凋謝前回來,否則他會傷心 relents. He gives her a rose and releases her on 而死。 condition that she returns before it dies or he too will perish, of a broken heart.

12 第二幕,第二場: Act II, Scene 2 婚禮 The Wedding 美女回到家,發現家中正籌備婚禮, Belle arrives home to find preparations in 科熊要娶她姐姐,不過,究竟娶哪個 progress for the wedding of Cochon to her 呢? sister. But which one?

第二幕,第三場: Act II, Scene 3 解咒 The Curse is Lifted 野獸對美女朝思暮想,但日子一天天 At the castle the Beast pines for Belle, but as 過去,他明白美女不會回來,自己的 time passes he realises that she will never return 生命也日益凋零。就在他氣息枯竭之 and his life begins to ebb away. On the point of 際,美女如約歸來,原來是她那些姐 death Belle arrives having been detained by her 姐壞心眼,出於忌妒用計把她留住。 wicked sisters who have tricked her into staying with them out of their jealousy. 美女急於挽回野獸性命,表白自己一 In her frantic efforts to revive him Belle says that 直深愛野獸,並願意下嫁給他。這時 she has always loved the Beast and consents 猙獰的野獸馬上變回英俊王子,樵夫 to marry him, whereupon his terrible shape 再次現身,咒語解除,王子的隨從百 transforms into the outline of the Prince. The 官也因回復人身而樂昏了頭。 Woodsman reappears and, as the curse is lifted, the Prince’s courtiers begin to arrive dazed by 連那頭髮殷紅如火的少女也回復原 their return to human shape. 貌,一如所有美好故事那樣,大家從 此過着幸福快樂的日子。 Even the flame-haired girl is returned to her natural state and everyone, as in the best of all stories, lives happily ever after. 大衛.賓利 David Bintley

13 Company Profile 舞團介紹

伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團 Birmingham Royal Ballet

伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團在英國當今公認具創意及天份的編舞家大衛.賓利竭誠投入的領導 下,作品新意迭出。在前任總監彼得.賴特領導下,舞團已蓬勃發展,賓利接任後,銳意 把舞團帶向新的高峰,使伯明翰成為「英國舞蹈之都」。現在,舞團節目既有大眾喜愛的古 典作品,也有開拓性的新創作,對喜愛新穎或古典舞蹈的觀眾都能有所激發。舞團走在世 界舞壇前端,由賓利本人及多位國際知名編舞家創作出新穎又大受歡迎的芭蕾作品。

1990年伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團(前身是薩德斯.威爾斯皇家芭蕾舞團)移師伯明翰音樂廳, 每季定期演出。伯明翰音樂廳更與伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團和「舞交流」合作,於2000年重 建,成為英國數一數二的獨立劇院。伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團可用的新設施,包括革新的「傑 活舞蹈創傷預防與治療中心」和供排練演出新作品用的小劇場歷克中心。伯明翰皇家芭蕾 舞團經常巡迴國內外演出,最近曾到南非、美國和德國演出。


Widely acknowledged as the most talented and creative choreographer working in Britain today, David Bintley’s energy and commitment provide the driving-force for Birmingham Royal Ballet’s (BRB) innovative work. Building on the thriving Company he inherited from , Bintley has not been afraid to take BRB to new heights and Birmingham has been described as the ‘dance capital of Britain’. The Company now presents a mixture of favourite classics and ground-breaking new pieces which entertain, stimulate and challenge audiences old and new. It leads the world in the creation of new and innovative popular ballets, choreographed by a host of international choreographers and by Bintley himself.

In 1990 BRB (formerly Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet) moved to the Birmingham Hippodrome, where it now performs regular seasons. In partnership with BRB and DanceXchange, the Birmingham Hippodrome underwent a major redevelopment in 2000, making it Britain’s leading independent theatre. New facilities for BRB include the revolutionary Jerwood Centre for the Prevention and Treatment of Dance Injuries and the Patrick Centre, a studio theatre for developing and presenting new work. BRB tours nationally and internationally, most recently to South Africa, the US and Germany.

BRB’s performances are accompanied by Sinfonia.

15 Sinfonia Profile 樂團介紹

皇家芭蕾舞團樂團 Royal Ballet Sinfonia

皇家芭蕾舞團樂團是英國廣受邀約的芭蕾舞樂團,全年馬不停蹄,跟伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團 在伯明翰當地、倫敦及英國各處演出,也經常為皇家芭蕾舞團伴奏。和樂團合作過的重要 芭蕾舞團,包括巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團、紐約市芭蕾舞團、澳洲芭蕾舞團、加拿大大芭蕾舞 團、基洛夫芭蕾舞團、挪威芭蕾舞團、阿特蘭大芭蕾舞團、三藩市芭蕾舞團和史卡拉芭蕾 舞團。

樂團也定期舉行音樂會,演出地點包括巴比肯藝術中心,皇家藝術節音樂廳、伯明翰交響 樂廳及其他英國重要場地。樂團的歌劇演出包括與英國皇家歌劇團在溫布萊劇場大受好評 的演出《杜蘭朵》。

樂團灌錄作品包括伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團的《胡桃夾子》、《魔偶情緣》、《女大不中留》等演 出的錄影帶、英國弦樂作品、蘇利文序曲,還有李察·阿丁瑟爾的電影《遠離塵囂》和《伊 寧片廠喜劇系列》的配樂,後者更贏得1998年《留聲機》雜誌頒發的最佳電影音樂獎。2000 年推出約翰·麥凱布作曲的《愛德華二世》全劇配樂,一套雙碟專輯《獻給女士》和妮涅特. 德瓦盧娃四套芭蕾舞的配樂;2004年推出的《獻給弗德烈爵士》,是弗德烈·艾斯頓四套 芭蕾舞劇的音樂,並於2005年再推出第二輯。

As the most regularly contracted ballet orchestra in the UK, the Royal Ballet Sinfonia enjoys a full touring schedule, appearing with Birmingham Royal Ballet in its home town, in London and around the UK, and frequently with The Royal Ballet. The Royal Ballet Sinfonia has appeared with many other leading ballet companies, including Paris Opéra Ballet, New York City Ballet, Australian Ballet, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, The Kirov, Norwegian Ballet, Atlanta Ballet, San Francisco Ballet and La Scala Ballet.

Concert performances at London’s Barbican and Royal Festival Hall, Birmingham’s Symphony Hall and other major British venues also form a regular part of the Sinfonia’s work. The orchestra’s opera performances include The Royal Opera’s acclaimed production of Turandot at Wembley Arena.

The Royal Ballet Sinfonia’s recordings include video soundtracks to Birmingham Royal Ballet’s , Coppélia and Hobson’s Choice; CDs of English string music; the Sullivan Overtures; the film scores of Richard Addinsell, Far From the Madding Crowd and The Ealing Comedies, which won the 1998 Gramophone Award for best film music. In 2000 Hyperion released the complete score of John McCabe’s Edward II; a special double CD Tribute to Madam, the scores of four ballets by ; and in 2004 Tribute to Sir Fred, the scores of four ballets by , with a second volume in 2005.

17 生平介紹 Biographies

總監/編舞 Director/Choreographer 大衛‧賓利 David Bintley

衛.賓利受訓於皇家芭蕾學院, 蕾舞作為講故事的手段,或製造氣氛、或 1976年加入薩德斯.威爾斯皇家 揭示人物性格、或交代情景,都得憑藉別 大 芭蕾舞團,即現在之伯明翰皇家 創一格的舞蹈。賓利走的正是英國的傳統 芭蕾舞團,很快便成為傑出舞劇舞者。他 路子。 擔綱演出福金編舞的《彼得羅什卡》,演出 扣人心弦,獲羅蘭士.奧利花獎。他在艾 從1986至1993年,他由薩德斯.威爾斯皇 斯頓爵士的《女大不中留》中先後飾演阿倫 家芭蕾舞團的駐團編舞轉為高文花園的駐 和西蒙妮寡婦、在《夢》中演博頓、在《灰姑 場編舞。1993年他開始自由身工作,七個 娘》况演醜姐姐,在德瓦盧娃的《棋戲》中演 不同的國際舞蹈團向他委託編排新舞。 紅國王及在《騙徒的伎倆》中演騙子雷克, 1995年,他擔任伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團的藝 每個角色都揣摩入微,演出時充滿令人雀 術總監。 躍的音樂感。 賓利編舞的作品數目繁多,其中名作之一 賓利有幸碰到高瞻遠矚的藝術指導彼得. 是1989年編的足本《女大不中留》,這是一 賴特,是賴特鼓勵年少有為的他從事編 齣動人心弦、大眾化的的喜劇。他可走近 舞。賓利在十六歲之前就根據史達拉汶斯 純舞蹈的領域,如《協力課程》(1983)、《不 基的作品《士兵的故事》編了第一齣芭蕾 同的快樂》(1987)、《墓穴》(1993)、《季節》 舞。不到兩年,他替薩德斯.威爾斯芭蕾 (2001)、《微不足道》(伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞 舞團創作了第一個專業作品:《局外人》。 團,2005年首演)。他也可講一個峰迴路 此作富戲劇性,對角色深有體會,賓利還 轉的故事,曉得適時製造效果,如足本舞 非常在行而又別開生面的選用了博哈克的 劇《圖尼拉天鵝》(1982)、《白雪皇后》 配樂。 (1986)、《遠離塵囂》(1996)、《愛德華二世》 (史圖加芭蕾舞團,1995)和連演兩晚的史 芭蕾舞分為兩派,一派受美國巴蘭欽影 詩式巨構《阿瑟王》(2000-2001)。 響,另一派屬英國傳統,受艾斯頓、圖德 和麥克米倫等影響。巴蘭欽不認同用舞蹈 賓利富有奇妙的音樂細胞,往往能推陳出 動作來說故事,也不相信有必要用佈景裝 新,令人讚歎不已。他把清唱劇《博伊倫詩 置。而英國由於戲劇傳統悠久,傾向以芭 歌》改成繽紛奪目的通俗版本,每一下新變 18 © Steve Hanson © Steve

動都予人驚喜。同樣,他的熱門之作《胡桃 avid Bintley trained at the Royal 夾子甜蜜蜜》採用艾靈頓公爵的爵士版配 Ballet School and in 1976 joined 樂,混合爵士舞和古典芭蕾舞,把傳統的 D Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet, now 《胡桃夾子》完全改頭換面。他的《莎士比亞 Birmingham Royal Ballet, where he quickly proved an outstanding character dancer. 組曲》探討愛情的不同面目,幽默機智。 His leading role in Fokine’s Petrushka, for 《奧菲爾組曲》則從爵士樂汲取靈感,重新 which he won a Laurence Olivier Award, 演繹奧菲爾的傳說,而《美女與野獸》的新 was mesmerising and brilliant. His Alain and 版本也充滿想像力。 then Widow Simone in Ashton’s La Fille mal gardée, his Bottom in The Dream, the Ugly 賓利集合了一群優秀舞者。他眼光獨到, Sister in , the Red King in de 能分派最適合的舞者擔演不同角色。他的 Valois’ Checkmate and the Rake in her 成就受到公眾表揚,2001年受封為CBE勳 Rake’s Progress, were just as effectively 爵。只要有像賓利這樣有才華的創作者不 conceived and exhilaratingly musical too. 斷以舞蹈表達心聲,芭蕾這門藝術就得以 傳承下去。 He was fortunate to have as his artistic director the wise and far-seeing Peter Wright, who encouraged the young Bintley to choreograph. Bintley made his first 節自尼古拉斯.德羅姆古爾為伯明翰皇家 ballet, to Stravinsky’s Soldier’s Tale, before 芭蕾舞團所撰之文章 he was 16. His first professional work, for the Sadler’s Wells company, came less than 19 two years later: The Outsider — dramatic, Edward II (Stuttgart Ballet, 1995) and the showing insight into character and epic two-evening Arthur (2000-2001). displaying a stimulating and knowledgeable choice of music in its score by Bohác. Bintley is wonderfully musical and he can dazzle with the inventiveness of his There is a divide in ballet between the approach as in his gorgeously pop version American influence, dominated by George of Carmina burana, in which each fresh Balanchine, and the more British tradition twist is a new delight. In the same vein his of Ashton, Tudor and MacMillan. popular hit, The Nutcracker Sweeties, Balanchine distrusted narrative and decor, revolutionises the very traditional the telling of a story in movement. The Nutcracker, using Duke Ellington’s jazz British tradition, embedded in a rich version of the score and mingling jazz theatrical heritage, tends to use ballet as dance with . He has part of narrative, either creating a mood, enchanted afresh with The Shakespeare or showing insight into character and Suite, his witty exploration of love’s many situation and creating innovative dance that guises; his jazz-inspired reinterpretation of illumines both. Bintley’s allegiance lies the legend in The Orpheus Suite; firmly on the British side. and his imaginative new interpretation of Beauty and the Beast. From 1986 to 1993 he moved from being resident choreographer for Sadler’s Wells David Bintley has assembled an excellent Royal Ballet to being resident company of dancers, possessing as he choreographer at Covent Garden. When, does an eye for the right dancer in the right in 1993, he left to work freelance, seven role. He has received much deserved public different international companies recognition for this, including being made commissioned new work from him. In 1995 a CBE in Her Majesty the Queen’s 2001 Bintley was appointed Artistic Director of Birthday Honours list. Ballet will survive as Birmingham Royal Ballet. an art form just as long as creators of Bintley’s calibre want to express their Bintley has an impressive range as a personal vision in terms of dance. choreographer. One of his major successes was the full-length Hobson’s Choice (1989), a broad comedy, which tugs at the From an article written for Birmingham heartstrings. He can edge into pure dance Royal Ballet by Nicholas Dromgoole territory as in Consort Lessons (1983), Allegri diversi (1987), Tombeaux (1993), The Seasons (2001) and Les Petits Riens (BRB premiere, 2005). He can tell a dramatic story with a sure sense of what works in the theatre, as in his other full-length works Swan of Tuonela (1982), The Snow Queen (1986), Far from the Madding Crowd (1996), 20 G l e n n B u h r 格蘭.般恩 作曲家 Composer 格蘭.般恩一直渴望為舞蹈編曲。「我喜歡為舞蹈作曲,非常引人入 勝」,這位天才橫溢的加拿大作曲家滿懷熱忱的說:「我成長的城市溫尼 伯,人人都愛跳舞。」他的作曲生涯經常和舞蹈扯上關 係。1990年,般恩成為溫尼伯交響樂團的駐團作曲 家。兩年後,他和指揮家布拉姆維爾‧托維一起創辦了 每年一度專為推廣新音樂而設的藝術節,並成立了一個 現代舞蹈團「舞蹈集團」,在般恩擔任節目策劃,1992 至1996年的五屆藝術節中演出。曾委託般恩創作樂曲 的,有多倫多和蒙特利爾交響樂團、多倫多曼德爾遜合 唱團和鋼琴家賈寧娜.菲阿科斯卡。而英國廣播公司交 響樂團和底特律交響樂團、班特勒奇弦樂四重奏和鋼琴 家路易.洛提耶也演奏過他的音樂。 般恩是安大略省滑鐵盧市威爾弗德.勞里埃大學作曲與 即興演奏學教授,《美女與野獸》是他首次作曲的長篇舞 劇。他的音樂作品一向喜歡兼收並蓄,此作品因而也融 合了浪漫、驚悚和大量喜劇元素,他說「這就是我夢想 創作的作品。」 節自唐.安德遜為伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團所撰之文章

Glenn Buhr has always wanted to compose for dance. “I love it. It’s so compelling,” the gifted Canadian says with typical enthusiasm. “I grew up in Winnipeg, which is a dance town.” A regular thread of dance has run Buhr © Jennifer through his composing career. Buhr became Composer-in-Residence with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra (WSO) in 1990. Two years later, he and British-born conductor Bramwell Tovey, the WSO’s Artistic Director at that time, launched an annual festival devoted to new music. A contemporary company, the Dance Collective, made regular appearances in the five festivals for which Buhr served as curator, from 1992 to 1996. Buhr has received commissions from the Toronto and Montreal Symphonies, the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir and pianist Janina Fialkowska. Ensembles and soloists such as the BBC and Detroit Symphonies, the Penderecki String Quartet and pianist Louis Lortie have performed his music. He is a professor of composition and improvisation at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, and he appears regularly as a conductor and jazz pianist. Glenn Buhr’s score for Beauty and the Beast is his first dance, story piece. His music has always been eclectic, and the Beauty score continues this approach with romance, fear and a lot of comedy. “It is everything that I could imagine wanting to write,” says Buhr. From an article written for Birmingham Royal Ballet by Don Anderson 21 菲力普.普華斯 Philip Prowse 舞台設計 Designer 菲力浦.普華斯1961年起從事劇場設計工作,1972年起兼任導 演。1970-2003年,出任格拉斯哥市民劇院導演,1995-2003年 任教于史烈德美術學院,1995年成為該學院教授,2003年當上榮 休教授。 Philip Prowse has worked in the theatre as a designer since 1961, and as a director and designer since 1972. From 1970 to 2003 he was a director of the Glasgow Citizens Theatre and from 1995 to 2003 he taught theatre design at the Slade School of Fine Art. He became Professor in 1995 and Emeritus Professor in 2003.

馬克.強納森 Mark Jonathan 燈光設計 Lighting 馬克.強納森先與大衛.賓利合作《遠離塵囂》,其後為伯明翰皇 家芭蕾舞團負責燈光,作品有《季節》、《吉賽爾》、《保護的面 紗》、《睡美人》、《粉末》、《我們的前景》、《兩隻鴿子》、《但丁奏 鳴曲》、《芭蕾場景》、《謎之變奏》。為其他舞蹈團設計燈光的則有 《風景與記憶》(史圖加芭蕾舞團)、《灰姑娘》和《仙女》(皇家芭蕾舞 團)、《希爾薇雅》(皇家芭蕾舞團和美國芭蕾劇院)、《兩隻鴿子》 (蘇格蘭芭蕾舞團)。 1993-2003年出任皇家國家劇團燈光總監,製作包括:《人頭石歷 險記》、《等候室》、《血海殲仇記》、《天光》和《嘟!》。 其他製作包括:《伽利略生平》、《綠野仙蹤》、《哈姆雷特》等。歌 劇燈光設計包括:《法斯塔夫》、《彼得格林》、《騙婚記》及《阿麗雅 德妮在納克索斯》(洛杉磯)等。 Mark Jonathan first worked with David Bintley on Far From the Madding Crowd and has since lit BRB’s The Seasons, , The Protecting Veil, The Sleeping Beauty, Powder, Dante Sonata, Scènes de ballet and Enigma Variations. Other dance designs include: Landschaft und Errinerung (Stuttgart Ballet); Cinderella and La Sylphide (Royal Ballet); (Royal Ballet and ); and The Two Pigeons (Scottish Ballet). He has worked throughout the UK. His most recent plays and musicals include The Adventures of the Stoneheads, The Waiting Room, Titus Andronicus, Skylight and Honk! (for the Royal National Theatre, where he was Head of Lighting, 1993-2003); The Wizard of Oz, Jumpers and The Crucible (Birmingham Repertory Theatre). Productions elsewhere include: The Life of Galileo, The Wizard of OZ and Hamlet. Opera lighting includes: Falstaff, Peter Grimes, Don Pasquale and Ariadne auf Naxos (Los Angeles). 22 首席舞蹈員介紹 Principal Biographies

杜明尼.安東奴切 Dominic Antonucci 杜明尼.安東奴切於美國俄亥俄州阿森斯出生。八歲起習舞,進 過娜恩.克林格舞蹈學校和美國芭蕾舞學院。1991年至1994年為 美國芭蕾舞劇院成員,之後加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團,任獨舞 員,2003年升為首席舞蹈員。他風格多樣,既能自如演繹《胡桃夾 子》和《魔偶情緣》等古典舞劇主角,也能演戲劇性較強的角色,如 《阿瑟王》中的高文和《愛德華二世》况的莫蒂默。他演《兩隻鴿子》 的吉卜賽情人,或在《阿瑟王》中演阿瑟王的父親烏瑟王,都一派 雄赳赳氣概,但《莎士比亞組曲》中的派楚丘和《胡桃夾子甜蜜蜜》 的弗洛韋多,則讓他充分發揮喜劇才華。 Born in Athens, Ohio, Dominic Antonucci began dancing at age eight and attended the Nan Klinger School of Dance and the School of American Ballet. He performed with American Ballet Theatre from 1991 to 1994, and joined BRB in 1994 as a Soloist and was promoted to Principal in 2003. He is a versatile performer, comfortably dancing the classic leads such as The Nutcracker and Coppélia, as well as more dramatic roles like Gawain in Arthur and Mortimer in Edward II. His strong masculine presence projects well as the Gypsy Lover in The Two Pigeons and Uther Pendragon in Arthur, whilst his comic gifts are evident as Petruchio in The Shakespeare Suite and Floreador in The Nutcracker Sweeties.

曹馳 Chi Cao 曹馳於北京舞蹈學院和皇家芭蕾舞學院受訓。1998年於瓦爾納國 際芭蕾舞蹈大賽中贏得金獎。1995年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團, 2002年升為首席舞蹈員,其嫻熟的古典芭蕾技藝,曾演《睡美人》 中的藍鳥、《胡桃夾子》中的王子、《魔偶情緣》中的佛朗茨、《天鵝 湖》中的齊格飛,及《季節》和《音樂會幻想》中之角色。他曾代表舞 團在多個重要場合演出,如在伯明翰舉辦的北大西洋公約組織聯 歡節目及英女皇登基五十周年慶祝大會上獻藝。 Chi Cao trained at the Beijing Dance Academy and the , and in 1998 won a gold medal at Varna International Ballet Competition. He joined BRB in 1995 and was promoted to Principal in 2002. Cao is a virtuoso classical dancer, as demonstrated by his performances of the Bluebird in The Sleeping Beauty, The Prince in The Nutcracker, Franz in Coppélia, Siegfried in , and in the roles he created in The Seasons and Concert Fantasy. He has represented the Company at a number of prestigious occasions, dancing at the NATO gala in Birmingham (2000) and Birmingham’s gala to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s golden jubilee (2002).

34 麗蒂芝亞.朱利亞尼 Letizia Giuliani 麗蒂芝亞.朱利亞尼於羅馬出生,在羅馬歌劇院芭蕾舞學校受 訓,曾演過巴蘭欽,阿莫迪奧和艾利等的舞作。2001年加入佛羅 倫斯的五月舞蹈團,並於2003年演出《天方夜譚》後晉升為首席舞 蹈員;2005年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團。先後贏得青年舞蹈家獎 (羅馬法蘭西斯高.魯特尼信託基金),波斯底亞諾、吉諾·坦尼 及「舞與舞」等獎項,朱利亞尼曾受邀於不同城市演出,包括西班 牙的馬德里、畢爾包、華倫西亞;瑞典斯德哥爾摩;以及其他意 大利城市。 Born in Rome, Letizia Giuliani trained at Rome Opera Theatre Ballet School, dancing in ballets by Balanchine, Amodio and Ailey. She joined Maggiodanza in Florence in 2001 and in 2003, after a performance of Shéhérazade, was promoted to Principal. She joined BRB in November 2005. She won the Young Dancers' Award (Francesco Rutelli Trust, Rome) and went on to garner awards from Positano, Gino Tani, and Danza & Danza. Giuliani has made guest appearances in Madrid, Bilbao, Valencia, Stockholm and numerous Italian cities.

伊恩.麥凱 Iain Mackay 生於格拉斯哥的伊恩.麥凱,在蘇格蘭芭蕾舞團受訓為年輕預備 團員,後進入蘇格蘭舞蹈學院,又曾於皇家芭蕾舞學院修業兩 年,1999年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團,2001年成為獨舞員,2003 年升為首席舞蹈員。擅演古典舞目中的王子(《胡桃夾子》、《天鵝 湖》、《睡美人》和《吉賽爾》),也能演戲劇性的角色(《女大不中 留》、《愛德華二世》、《奧菲斯組曲》、《阿瑟王》及《遠離塵囂》)。 其技巧日漸圓熟,與舞伴日益協調,所演角色已超越其年齡及經 驗水平。 Born in Glasgow, Iain Mackay trained as a Junior Associate of the Scottish Ballet, before joining the Dance School of Scotland. He spent two years at the Royal Ballet Upper School, and joined BRB in 1999; became a Soloist, 2001; and Principal in 2003. Able to take on everything from classical Princes (The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty and Giselle) to intense dramatic roles (Hobson’s Choice, Edward II, The Orpheus Suite, Arthur and Far From the Madding Crowd), his steadily improving technique and partnering skills have seen him tackle roles that belie his age and experience.

35 羅伯特.柏克 Robert Parker 羅伯特.柏克生於赫爾,在皇家芭蕾舞學院受訓。1994年加入伯 明翰皇家芭蕾舞團,1999年升為首席舞蹈員。1996年在皇家歌劇 院演《博伊倫之歌》中的第二個神學院學生角色,嶄露頭角。2001 年獲提名羅蘭士.奧利花獎和評論家獎,2003年獲評論家獎之最 佳男舞者。他的台風富有魅力,演出精力充沛,因此很多角色都 為他度身而設(《美女與野獸》中的野獸;《阿瑟王》中的阿瑟王及莫 德里)。他擅演的舞目種類繁多,如《兩隻鴿子》的年輕人,《天鵝 湖》之齊格飛、《第十街的屠殺》的踢躂舞者和《樓上的房間》等。 Born in Hull, Robert Parker trained at the Royal Ballet School. He joined BRB in 1994 and was promoted to Principal in 1999. He received early acclaim when he danced the Second Seminarian in Carmina burana at the Royal Opera House in 1996. In 2001 he was nominated for an Olivier Award and Critics’ Circle Award and in 2003 received the Critics’ Circle Award for Outstanding Male Artist. His charismatic stage presence and energy have led to the creation of a number of roles (Beast – Beauty and the Beast; title role and Mordred – Arthur). He has also excelled in such varied repertories as the Young Man in The Two Pigeons, Siegfried in Swan Lake, the Hoofer in Slaughter on Tenth Avenue and In the Upper Room.

佐久間奈緒 Nao Sakuma 佐久間奈緒日本福岡出生,於小森美智子芭蕾舞學校及英國皇家 芭蕾舞學院受訓。1995年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團,2002年成為 首席舞蹈員。佐久間是技藝非凡的古典芭蕾舞者,在《天鵝湖》(飾 奧黛和奧迪爾)、《季節》和《音樂會幻想》中皆有卓越演出。她演 《女大不中留》的麗莎和《魔偶情緣》的絲旺妮達時,充份流露其喜 劇感。2000年她代表舞團於伯明翰的北大西洋公約組織聯歡節目 和英女皇登基五十周年慶祝大會上獻藝。 Born in Fukuoka, Japan, Nao Sakuma trained at the Michiko Komori Ballet School and the Royal Ballet School. She joined BRB in 1995 and was promoted to Principal in 2002. Sakuma is a virtuoso classical dancer with a formidable technique, as seen in her performances of Odette/Odile in Swan Lake, The Seasons and Concert Fantasy. A sure comic touch can also be seen in her performances as Lise in La Fille mal gardée and Swanilda in Coppélia. She has represented the Company at several prestigious occasions, dancing at a NATO gala in Birmingham (2000) and at Birmingham’s gala to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s golden jubilee (2002).

36 安芭娜.瓦洛 Ambra Vallo 安芭娜.瓦洛生於那不勒斯,受訓於佛蘭德皇家芭蕾舞蹈學院。 十七歲成為沃倫斯皇家芭蕾舞團和佛蘭德皇家芭蕾舞團的獨舞 員。1993年加入英國國家芭蕾舞團,不久即升為高級獨舞員。 1996年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團,2001年升為首席舞蹈員。先後 贏得盧森堡國際大獎第一名、意大利里埃提國際大賽金獎、法國 烏爾加特比賽銀獎和2004年評論家獎之最佳女舞者。她擅演戲劇 角色,如茱麗葉、吉賽爾和珍妮維爾。她在《魔偶情緣》中扮演活 潑的絲旺妮達和演《女大不中留》的麗莎,俱光芒四射。 Born in , Ambra Vallo trained at the Royal Ballet School of Flanders. At 17 she became a Soloist with the Royal Ballet of Walloons and the Royal Ballet of Flanders. She joined in 1993 and was soon promoted to Senior Soloist. Vallo joined BRB in 1996 and was promoted to Principal in 2001. She won First Prize in the Luxemburg International Grand Prix; gold medal in the Rieti International Competition; silver medal at Houlgate (France); and Critics’ Award as Best Female Dancer in 2004. She excels in dramatic roles such as Juliet, Giselle and Guinevere, and she shone as the vivacious Swanilda in Coppélia and Lise in La Fille mal gardée.

伊萊莎.威利斯 Elisha Willis 澳洲出生的伊萊莎.威利斯,在澳洲芭蕾舞學校受訓,1999年加 入澳洲芭蕾舞團,2001年升為獨舞員。2003年加入伯明翰皇家芭 蕾舞團,多次首演主角,俱表現出色,翌年升為首席舞蹈員。她 的技巧膽色過人,對人物的演繹能力日益深化,好些角色特為她 而設(如《奧菲斯組曲》的歐里迪絲和《鄧巴頓橡樹》),表現深獲讚 賞。 Born in Australia, Elisha Willis trained at the Australian Ballet School, joining Australian Ballet in 1999, being promoted to Soloist in 2001. She joined BRB in 2003 and following a succession of accomplished debuts in many leading roles was promoted to Principal in 2004. Her fearless technique and steadily improving interpretations have seen roles created for her (Eurydice in The Orpheus Suite and Dumbarton Oaks) and have won her many admirers.

37 獨舞員介紹 Soloists Biographies

詹姆士.格倫迪 James Grundy 詹姆士.格倫迪生於英國鄧斯特布爾,在埃爾姆赫斯特舞蹈學校 和中央芭蕾舞學校受訓。1977年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團,2000 年成為一級舞者。2002年成為獨舞員。舞目包括;《莎士比亞組 曲》、《賀魯斯之子》、《謎之變奏》、《阿瑟王》、《愛德華二世》、 《天鵝湖》、《吉賽爾》、《羅密歐與茱麗葉》和《女大不中留》。 Born in Dunstable, James Grundy trained at Elmhurst School for Dance and Central School of Ballet. He joined BRB in 1997 became a First Artist, 2000; and Soloist in 2002. His repertory includes The Shakespeare Suite, The Sons of Horus, Enigma Variations, Arthur, Edward II, Swan Lake, Giselle, Romeo and Juliet and Hobson’s Choice.

西爾維亞.希門尼斯 Silvia Jimenez 西爾維亞.希門尼斯生於馬德里,在維克托.烏利亞特舞蹈學校 受訓。1992年加入史圖加芭蕾舞團,1996年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾 舞團。舞目包括《天鵝湖》、《胡桃夾子》、《女大不中留》、《吉賽 爾》和《博伊倫之歌》。她創造的角色有《胡桃夾子甜蜜蜜》中的 坎迪.凱恩和《美女與野獸》中的虛蓉。 Born in Madrid, Silvia Jimenez began her dance training at the Victor Ullate School. She joined Stuttgart Ballet in 1992 and BRB in 1996. Her repertory includes Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, Hobson’s Choice, Giselle and Carmina burana. She created the roles of Candy Kane in The Nutcracker Sweeties and Vanité in Beauty and the Beast.

克里斯托弗.拉森 Christopher Larsen 克里斯托弗.拉森生於加拿大,在加拿大國家芭蕾舞學校受訓, 曾加入瑞士的藝術芭蕾舞團(1994-96)及香港芭蕾舞團(1996- 99)。1999年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團成為一級舞者,2004年升 為獨舞員。舞目包括《天鵝湖》、《莎士比亞組曲》、《女大不中 留》、《兩隻鴿子》、《阿瑟王》和《睡美人》。 Born in Canada, Christopher Larsen trained at the National Ballet School of Canada. He danced with Ballett Art in Switzerland (1994-96), (1996-99) and joined BRB as a First Artist in 1999 and became a Soloist in 2004. His repertory includes Swan Lake, The Shakespeare Suite, Hobson’s Choice, La Fille mal gardeé, The Two Pigeons, Arthur and The Sleeping Beauty.

38 萊蒂希雅.洛薩度 Laëtitia Lo Sardo 萊蒂希雅.洛薩度生於法國普羅旺斯地區的艾克斯,在馬賽的芭 蕾舞工作室受訓,後獲獎學金到英國皇家芭蕾舞學院進修。洛薩 度於1996年贏得琉森青年芭蕾舞比賽的獎學金,2000年於巴黎國 際芭蕾舞比賽中進入決賽。1997年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團, 2002年成為一級舞者,2003年成為獨舞員。在舞劇《黑天神祇》中 飾演印度教天神的情婦羅陀。 Born in Aix-en-Provence, Laëtitia Lo Sardo trained at Studio Ballet in Marseille before winning a scholarship to the Royal Ballet School. She won the Prix Bourse at the Prix de Lausanne (1996) and was a finalist at the Paris International Competition (2000). She joined BRB in 1997; became a First Artist, 2002; and Soloist in 2003. She created the role of Radha in Krishna.

維多利亞.馬爾 Victoria Marr 維多利亞.馬爾於美國的埃爾姆赫斯特舞蹈學校和英國皇家芭蕾 舞學院受訓。1996年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團,1998年成為一級 舞者,2003年升為獨舞員。舞目包括《天鵝湖》、《胡桃夾子》、《阿 瑟王》、《謎之變奏》、《莎士比亞組曲》、《胡桃夾子甜蜜蜜》、《裝 門面》、《博伊倫之歌》和《自由幻想》,並在《美女與野獸中》飾演傲 曼一角。 Victoria Marr trained at Elmhurst School for Dance and the Royal Ballet School. She joined BRB in 1996; became a First Artist, 1998; and Soloist in 2003. Her repertory includes Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, Arthur, Enigma Variations, The Shakespeare Suite, The Nutcracker Sweeties, Façade, Carmina burana, and Fancy Free. She created the role of Fière in Beauty and the Beast.

卡露-安妮.米勒 Carol-Anne Millar 卡露-安妮.米勒於加拿大溫尼伯出生,在蘇格蘭的法夫成長,於 英國皇家芭蕾舞學院受訓。1997年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團成為 舞者,2001年升為獨舞員。舞目包括《吉賽爾》、《魔偶情緣》、《天 鵝湖》、《謎之變奏》、《胡桃夾子甜蜜蜜》,更在《墓穴》和《樓上的房 間》擔演主角,並在《莎士比亞組曲》中飾演活姬提一角。 Born in Winnipeg, Canada, and brought up in Fife, Scotland, Carol- Anne Millar trained at the Royal Ballet School. She joined BRB as an Artist in 1997 and became a Soloist in 2001. Her repertory includes Giselle, Coppélia, Swan Lake, Enigma Variations, The Nutcracker Sweeties, and lead roles in Tombeaux and In the Upper Room. She created the role of Kate in The Shakespeare Suite.

39 安琪娜.保爾 Angela Paul 安琪娜.保爾生於英國哈羅,英國皇家芭蕾舞學院受訓,1997年 加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團,2002年成為一級舞者,2003年升為獨 舞員。舞目包括《天鵝湖》、《胡桃夾子》、《吉賽爾》、《魔偶情 緣》、《睡美人》、《企鵝咖啡店之靜物畫》、《賀魯斯之子》、《不同 的快樂》、《胡桃夾子甜蜜蜜》、《切分音精華》、《但丁奏鳴曲》、 《樓上的房間》及《粉末》。 Born in Harrow, Angela Paul trained at the Royal Ballet School. She joined BRB in 1997; became a First Artist, 2002; and Soloist in 2003. Her repertory includes Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, Giselle, Coppélia, The Sleeping Beauty, ‘Still Life’ at the Penguin Café, The Sons of Horus, Allegri diversi, The Nutcracker Sweeties, Elite Syncopations, Dante Sonata, In the Upper Room and Powder.

強納森.佩恩 Jonathan Payn 強納森.佩恩生於英國伊普斯威奇,進入英國皇家芭蕾舞學院 前,隨母親珍納.金森學舞。1993年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團, 2000年成為獨舞員。編舞作品包括替伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團排演的 《軒然大波》和替皇家歌劇院林百利工作室排的《恩里高五種變 奏》。他擁有應用舞蹈碩士學位,替伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團的教育部 主持工作坊,並在「舞交流」任教。 Born in Ipswich, Jonathan Payn was trained by his mother, Janet Kinson, before joining the Royal Ballet School. He joined BRB in 1993 and became a Soloist in 2000. His choreography includes Into the Ferment for BRB and Five Enrico Variations for the Linbury Studio at the Royal Opera House. He has an MA in Applied Dance, leads workshops for BRB’s Education Department and teaches at DanceXchange.

安德烈雅.特迪尼克 Andrea Tredinnick 安德烈雅.特迪尼克生於肯特,十六歲入讀英國皇家芭蕾舞學 院。1987年加入薩德斯.威爾斯皇家芭蕾舞團,1991年升為獨舞 員,1994年升為首席獨舞員。舞目包括《天鵝湖》、《切分音精 華》、《協奏曲》、《謎之變奏》、《保護的面紗》、《莎士比亞組曲》和 《交響芭蕾舞》。她在欣德爾《士兵的故事》中飾演女主角。 Born in Kent, Andrea Tredinnick joined the Royal Ballet School at the age of 16. In 1987 she joined Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet and was promoted to Soloist in 1991; and First Soloist in 1994. Her repertory includes Swan Lake, Elite Syncopations, Concerto, Enigma Variations, The Protecting Veil, The Shakespeare Suite and Choreartium. She created the leading female role in Hindle’s The Soldier’s Tale.

40 山本康介 Kosuke Yamamoto 山本康介生於日本愛媛縣,在美佳芭蕾舞學校及英國皇家芭蕾舞 學院受訓。2000年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團,2002年升為一級舞 者,2003年升為獨舞員。先後贏得第二屆名古屋國際芭蕾舞及現 代舞大賽尼金斯基獎。舞目包括《天鵝湖》、《無可選擇》和《魔偶情 緣》。在《季節》一劇扮演「冬天」,在《黑天神祇》中飾演年幼的黑天 神奎師那。 Born in Ehime, Japan, Kosuke Yamamoto trained at the Mika Ballet School and the Royal Ballet School. He joined BRB in 2000; became a First Artist, 2002; and Soloist in 2003. He won the Nijinsky Prize at the 2nd Nagoya International Ballet and Modern Dance Competition. His repertory includes Swan Lake, Hobson’s Choice and Coppélia. He created ‘Winter’ in The Seasons and Krishna as a Child in Krishna.

趙磊 Lei Zhao 趙磊生於上海,在上海舞蹈學院和英國北方芭蕾舞學校習舞。所 獲獎項包括中國芭蕾舞大賽第一名、赫爾辛基國際芭蕾舞大賽銅 獎及愛德蓮.真尼獎。1995年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團,2001年 升為一級舞者,2003年升為獨舞員,同年12月獲應用舞蹈碩士學 位。演出舞目包括《胡桃夾子》、《睡公主》、《胡桃夾子甜蜜蜜》和 《但丁奏鳴曲》。 Born in Shanghai, Lei Zhao trained at the Shanghai Dance School and at Northern Ballet School. Her awards include First Prize in the China Ballet Competition, bronze medal at the Helsinki International Ballet Competition and an Adeline Genée Award. She joined BRB in 1995; became a First Artist, 2001; and Soloist in 2003. In December 2003 she received a MA in Applied Dance. Her repertory includes The Nutcraker, The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker Sweeties and Dante Sonata.

41 第一舞蹈員及舞蹈員 First Artists and Artists

第一舞蹈員 First Artists

Jamie Bond Virginia de Gersigny

Robert Gravenor Momoko Hirata

Mateo Klemmayer Rory Mackay

舞蹈員 Artists

Sonia Aguilar James Barton Arancha Baselga

Jonathan Caguioa Joseph Caley

Alexander Campbell Feargus Campbell Samara Downs 42 舞蹈員(續) Artists (continued)

Candice Dianne Gray Fotheringham

Kit Holder Aonghus Hoole

Carrie Johnson Kristen McGarrity Jenny Murphy

Valentin Josephine Pra Olovyannikov

Laura Purkiss Marion Rainer Jenna Roberts

Aaron Robison Tom Rogers

Tyrone Singleton Nathanel Skelton Richard Smith

Anniek Soobroy Juan Torres 43 舞團工作人員介紹 Ballet Staff Biographies

迪士蒙.基利 Desmond Kelly 助理總監 Assistant Director 迪士蒙.基利在津巴布韋出生及習舞,後加入倫敦節日芭蕾舞 團,展開其舞蹈事業,廿一歲晉升為首席舞蹈員。1970年加入英 國皇家芭蕾舞團,演過所有經典舞目,夥拍的芭蕾舞女星包括瑪 歌.芳婷、安東妮特.薛比利和娜塔麗雅.馬卡羅娃,現仍不時 跟舞團成員合演舞劇。1990年出任助理總監,負責協調行政部門 和創作部門,並與「傑活舞蹈創傷預防與治療中心」聯繫,致力保 障舞蹈員福利。2005年獲英女皇頒OBE勳銜。 Born and trained in Zimbabwe, Desmond Kelly began his professional career with the London Festival Ballet, becoming Principal dancer at 21. He joined the Royal Ballet Company in 1970, dancing all the major classical repertory and partnering many leading ballerinas, including , Antoinette Sibley and Natalia Makarova, and he continues to perform character roles with BRB. He was appointed Assistant Director in 1990 and is responsible for providing a link between the administrative and artistic staff, and liaising with the Jerwood Centre over dancers’ welfare. Desmond Kelly was awarded an OBE in Her Majesty the Queen’s 2005 New Year’s Honours list.

阿倫.杜佈雷爾 Alain Dubreuil 芭蕾舞指導 阿倫.杜佈雷爾生於蒙地卡羅,十八歲加入倫敦節日芭蕾舞團, 不久升為首席舞蹈員。1973年加入薩德斯.威爾斯皇家芭蕾舞 團,除在大部份舞碼中擔演主角,更創造了許多角色。曾隨團到 世界各地演出及教學。舞伴包括瑪歌.芳婷和娜塔麗雅.馬卡羅 娃。1989年出任芭蕾舞指導,仍繼續上台演出。 Alain Dubreuil was born in Monte Carlo. At the age of 18 he joined London Festival Ballet, soon becoming a Principal. In 1973 he joined Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet for which he created many roles in addition to dancing leading roles in most of the Company’s repertory. He has made guest appearances with companies all over the world, both dancing and teaching. His partners have included Margot Fonteyn and Natalia Makarova. He was appointed Ballet Master in 1989 and still appears in character roles.

44 瑪麗昂.泰特 Marion Tait 芭蕾舞指導 Ballet Mistress 瑪麗昂.泰特生於倫敦,十五歲進入英國皇家芭蕾舞學院,畢業 後加入皇家芭蕾舞巡迴演出團。曾演出所有經典舞目包括《羅密歐 與茱麗葉》、《切分音精華》、《姐妹》、《邀請》、《女大不中留》、 《夢》和《火柱》。她演出過由麥米倫和賓利創作的多個舞劇,也應 邀到世界各地當客席舞者。1992年獲頒OBE勳銜,2003年獲CBE 勳章。曾兩次獲提名羅蘭士.奧利花獎,1994年獲選為年度最佳 舞者。曾獲《旗幟晚報》傑出芭蕾舞表演獎。1995年成為伯明翰皇 家芭蕾舞團的芭蕾舞指導,並繼續演出。 Born in London, Marion Tait joined the Royal Ballet School at 15, graduating to The Royal Ballet’s touring company. She danced all the classics, and Romeo and Juliet, Elite Syncopations, Las Hermanas, The Invitation, Hobson’s Choice, The Dream, and Pillar of Fire. She created many roles in ballets by MacMillan and Bintley, and appeared as a guest worldwide. She was made an OBE in 1992 and a CBE in 2003. Tait has twice been nominated for Olivier Awards; named Dancer of the Year, 1994; and received the Evening Standard Ballet Award for Outstanding Performance. She became Ballet Mistress of BRB in 1995 and continues to perform character roles with the Company.

邁克爾.奧哈爾 Michael O’Hare 助理芭蕾舞指導 Assistant Ballet Master 邁克爾.奧哈爾生於赫爾,跟露易絲.布朗習舞,後進入英國皇 家芭蕾舞學院。再加入薩德斯·威爾斯皇家芭蕾舞團,1987成為 首席舞蹈員,擔演過所有經典舞劇:如《兩隻鴿子》、《彼得羅什 卡》、《約伯》、《浪子》、《愛德華二世》、《保護的面紗》、《莎士比 亞組曲》、《謎之變奏》、《競賽》、《夢》、《牌戲》、《邀請》、《仙女 們》和《阿瑟王》。他也演過《遠離塵囂》、《胡桃夾子甜蜜蜜》、《布 拉姆斯及韓德爾變奏曲》、《秋羅舞曲》、《雪后》、《博伊倫之歌》和 《少年魔杖》。2002年出任助理芭蕾舞指導,仍繼續演出。 Born in Hull, Michael O’Hare trained with Louise Browne before joining the Royal Ballet School. He joined Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet and became a Principal from 1987. O’Hare danced all the leading classical roles and also in The Two Pigeons, Petrushka, Job, Prodigal Son, Edward II, The Protecting Veil, The Shakespeare Suite, Enigma Variations, Agon, The Dream, Card Game, The Invitation, Les Sylphides and Arthur. He created roles in Far from the Madding Crowd, The Nutcracker Sweeties, Brahms Handel Variations, Choros, The Snow Queen, Carmina burana and Wand of Youth. O’Hare was appointed Assistant Ballet Master in 2002 and continues to perform character roles.

45 戴維.莫爾斯 David Morse 錄像檔案主管 Video Archivist 戴維.莫爾斯生於英國希欽,英國皇家芭蕾舞學院畢業後,即加 入皇家芭蕾舞團,後轉到薩德斯.威爾斯皇家芭蕾舞團,1989年 成為首席性格舞蹈員。編過兩個作品:《潘朵拉》和《遠景》,演出 的舞目包括《女大不中留》、《羅密歐與茱麗葉》、《魔偶情緣》、 《夢》、《裝門面》、《睡美人》、《西爾維亞》、《三角帽》、《美女與野 獸》及《拉撒路》。1998年成為伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團的錄像師,仍演 出不斷。 Born in Hitchin, David Morse graduated from the Royal Ballet School to The Royal Ballet and transferred to Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet, becoming a Principal Character Artist in 1989. He has choreographed two works Pandora and Birdscape. His repertory includes Hobson’s Choice, Romeo and Juliet, Coppélia, The Dream, Façade, The Sleeping Beauty, Sylvia, Le Tricorne, Beauty and the Beast and Lazarus. He became the Company’s Video Archivist in 1998 and continues to perform character roles.

巴里.華茲華斯 Barry Wordsworth 音樂總監 Music Director 1989年出任英國廣播公司音樂會樂團首席指揮,巴里.華茲華斯 現為布賴頓愛樂樂團首席指揮。自1989年起每年夏季均出席英國 逍遙音樂會,1993年更指揮壓軸一場。1973年曾出任皇家芭蕾舞 團巡迴樂團的副指揮,一年內即成為薩德斯.威爾斯皇家芭蕾舞 團的首席指揮。1991年起任皇家芭蕾舞團的音樂總監。曾替皇家 歌劇院指揮過《卡門》和《唐.喬望尼》。1994年獲《倫敦晚報》頒授 芭蕾舞傑出貢獻獎,同年6月獲伯明翰之英國中部大學頒予榮譽博 士學位。 Barry Wordsworth was appointed Principal Conductor of the BBC Concert Orchestra in 1989 and is Principal Conductor of the Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra. He has appeared at the Proms each year since 1989 and in 1993 he conducted the last night. He was appointed Assistant Conductor of the Royal Ballet’s Touring Orchestra in 1973 and within a year made Principal Conductor of Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet. From 1991 he became Music Director of the Royal Ballet Companies. For The Royal Opera he has conducted Carmen and Don Giovanni. He won the 1994 Evening Standard Award for outstanding creative contribution to ballet and in June 2004 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Central England in Birmingham.

46 保羅.梅菲 Paul Murphy 首席指揮 Principal Conductor 北愛爾蘭出生,保羅.梅菲於皇家音樂學院研習指揮、聲樂和中 提琴演奏。1992年加入伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團當指揮,1997年升為 首席指揮。自1994年起經常為皇家芭蕾舞團當客席指揮,並隨兩 團巡演,合作無間。梅菲曾任紐約市芭蕾舞團、荷蘭國家芭蕾舞 團和佛蘭德斯皇家芭蕾舞團指揮。任客席指揮的樂團包括:新皇 后音樂廳樂團、阿爾斯特管弦樂團、哈雷樂團、英國廣播公司音 樂會樂團、威爾斯國立英國廣播公司樂團、皇家利物浦愛樂樂團 和英國北方愛樂樂團。 Born in Northern Ireland, Paul Murphy studied conducting, viola and singing at the Royal Academy of Music. He joined BRB as Conductor in 1992; and Principal Conductor, 1997. Since 1994 he has been a regular guest conductor with The Royal Ballet, Covent Garden. He has toured extensively with both companies. Murphy has also conducted for New York City Ballet, Dutch National Ballet and the Royal Ballet of Flanders. He appears as a guest conductor with the New Queen’s Hall Orchestra, Ulster Orchestra, Halle, BBC Concert Orchestra, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and English Northern Philharmonia.

菲力普.伊利斯 Philip Ellis 指揮 Conductor 菲利普.伊利斯為1992年英國列斯指揮家比賽優勝者,於英國皇 家音樂學院和歐洲國際指揮家大師班畢業。伊利斯為英國小交響 樂團副指揮、澤西交響樂團首席指揮,自1990年起任伯明翰皇家 芭蕾舞團指揮。近期任客席指揮的包括利物浦愛樂樂團、皇家愛 樂樂團、英國廣播公司愛樂樂團、聖彼得堡愛樂樂團、墨西哥國 立愛樂樂團、西澳洲交響樂團和北方小交響樂團。舞蹈方面則指 揮過皇家芭蕾舞團、英國國家芭蕾舞團、瑞典哥德堡芭蕾舞團和 波蘭國家芭蕾舞團。 Philip Ellis, winner of the 1992 Leeds Conductors’ Competition, graduated from the Royal Academy of Music and European International Conductors’ Masterclass. He is Associate Conductor of the English Sinfonia, Principal Conductor of the Jersey Symphony Orchestra, and has been Staff Conductor for BRB since 1990. Recent guest conducting includes Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, St Petersburg Philharmonic, National Symphony of Mexico, Western Australia Symphony Orchestra and the Northern Sinfonia. For dance, he has also conducted The Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, Gothenburg Ballet and Polish National Ballet.

47 羅伯特.吉布斯 Robert Gibbs 領奏 Leader 羅伯特.吉布斯生於倫敦,先後就讀曼奴紐軒學校及皇家音樂學 院,並獲皇家音樂學院金獎。1994年加入皇家芭蕾舞團樂團任副 領奏,1998年成為領奏。曾以獨奏家身份到各國演出,灌錄唱片 包括巴斯和里德的作品,又跟弗萊殊四重奏灌錄莫扎特、布拉姆 斯和羅薩等人的作品,曾為伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團的《四季》和《雙協 奏曲》獨奏,為皇家芭蕾舞團演奏克萊斯勒、馬斯奈和拉威爾的樂 曲;為紐約市芭蕾舞團和哈林區舞蹈劇場演奏史達拉汶斯基和巴 赫作品。他也是倫敦節日交響樂團領奏,任客席領奏的有皇家歌 劇院、荷蘭芭蕾舞團、英國廣播公司愛樂樂團及日本多個樂團。 Born in London, Robert Gibbs, studied at the Yehudi Menuhin School and the Royal College of Music, winning the gold medal. He joined the Royal Ballet Sinfonia as Co-leader, 1994; becoming Leader, 1998. He has appeared as a soloist internationally and his recordings include works by Bax and Reed, and with the Carl Flesch Quartet works by Mozart, Brahms and Rocza. He was soloist for The Four Seasons and Duo Concertant for BRB; pieces by Kreisler, Massenet and Ravel for The Royal Ballet; and Stravinsky and Bach for New York City Ballet and Dance Theatre of Harlem. He is also leader of the London Festival Orchestra and guest leader for the Royal Opera House, Netherlands Ballet, BBC Philharmonic and several orchestras in Japan.

強納森.希根斯 Jonathan Higgins 首席鋼琴師 Principal Pianist 強納森.希根斯肄業於劍橋大學及皇家音樂學院,囊括了很多重 要鋼琴獎項。後以自由演奏者身份替英國廣播公司演奏,並於 1984年的逍遙音樂會演奏巴托克的《雙鋼琴與打擊樂奏鳴曲》, 1987年的逍遙音樂會則演奏史達拉汶斯基的《婚禮》。1987年加入 舞團,1990年成為舞團鋼琴家,1995年成為首席鋼琴家,皇家芭 蕾舞團樂團為舞團的演出伴奏時出任指揮。 Jonathan Higgins studied at Cambridge University and the Royal College of Music, winning many major piano prizes. He subsequently pursued a freelance career making several BBC radio broadcasts and giving Prom performances of Bartók’s Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion (1984) and Stravinsky’s Les Noces (1987). He joined Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet in 1987, becoming Company Pianist, 1990; and Principal Pianist, 1995. He also conducts BRB performances with the Royal Ballet Sinfonia.

48 羅斯.威廉斯 Ross Williams 舞團鋼琴師 Company Pianist 羅斯.威廉斯在英國柴薩爾郡受教育,在英國皇家音樂學院修習 鋼琴和雙簧管,曾獲六個獎項,為皇家高等音樂學校(榮譽)畢業 生。 Ross Williams was educated in Cheshire and studied piano and oboe at the Royal Academy of Music. He was awarded six prizes and a GRSM (Hons).

茱利亞.里希特 Julia Richter 舞團鋼琴師 Company Pianist 生於貝爾法斯特,茱莉亞.里希特在皇家音樂學院修讀,並憑獎 學金到倫敦市政廳音樂及戲劇學院深造。曾任英國皇家芭蕾舞學 院首席鋼琴家。經常跟歌唱家開音樂會,對指導歌劇演員及擔任 聲樂教練,經驗豐富。她是國家歌劇院和新音樂劇場實驗室第一 位聲樂教練,並加入英國廣播公司首次成立的想像工程實驗室, 任職機構包括醫院音樂會社、里丁大學、英國皇家芭蕾舞團、英 國國家芭蕾舞團、蘭伯特舞團、北方芭蕾劇院及地方劇院。 Born in Belfast, Julia Richter studied at the Royal College of Music and won a scholarship to study further at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. She was Head Pianist at the Royal Ballet School. Richter has extensive experience in recital work with singers, and is an experienced répétiteur and vocal coach. She created the role of Répétiteur for the National Opera and New Music Theatre Labs, and joined the first BBC Imagineering Lab. She has worked for The Council for Music in Hospitals and with The Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, , Northern Ballet Theatre and The Place.


49 舞團成員 The Company

伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團 Birmingham Royal Ballet

總監 Director 行政總裁 Chief Executive David Bintley Christopher Barron 助理總監 Assistant Director 傳訊總監 Communications Director Desmond Kelly Keith Longmore 樂團總監 Orchestra Director 技術總監 Technical Director John Beadle Paul Grace

芭蕾指導 Ballet Master 第一舞蹈員 First Artists Alain Dubreuil Jamie Bond Virginia de Gersigny 芭蕾指導 Ballet Mistress Robert Gravenor Marion Tait Momoko Hirata 助理芭蕾指導 Assistant Ballet Master Mateo Klemmayer Michael O’Hare Rory Mackay Steven Monteith 錄像檔案主管 Video Archivist David Morse Laura Purkiss Jenna Roberts 首席舞蹈員 Principals Tyrone Singleton Dominic Antonucci Viktoria Walton Chi Cao Letizia Giuliani 舞蹈員 Artists Iain Mackay Sonia Aguilar James Barton Robert Parker Arancha Baselga Nao Sakuma Ambra Vallo Jonathan Caguioa Joseph Caley Elisha Willis Alexander Campbell 獨舞員 Soloists Feargus Campbell James Grundy Samara Downs Silvia Jimenez Candice Fotheringham Christopher Larsen Dianne Gray Laëtitia Lo Sardo Kit Holder Victoria Marr Aonghus Hoole Carol-Anne Millar Carrie Johnson Angela Paul Kristen McGarrity Jonathan Payn Jenny Murphy Kosuke Yamamoto Valentin Olovyannikov Lei Zhao Josephine Pra Marion Rainer Aaron Robison Tom Rogers Nathanael Skelton Richard Smith Anniek Soobroy Juan Torres 50 皇家芭蕾舞團董事局 皇家芭蕾舞團理事會 Board of Directors Governors of the Tessa King-Farlow Chair Royal Ballet Companies David Hollingsworth Michael Berkeley Chairman Deputy Chair Dame Antoinette Sibley DBE Jane Drabble OBE Vice-Chairman Richard Haywood Deanne Bergsma Nichola McAuliffe The Hon Lady Cazalet Marguerite Porter Marco Compagnoni Janet Smith Jane Drabble Margaret Waddington Dame Vivien Duffield DBE Ed Wallis Thomas Lynch Ian Ward Ross MacGibbon Anna Williams ACA Marguerite Porter Company Secretary The Hon Mrs Pleydell-Bouverie The Lady Sainsbury CBE Peter Wilson Honorary Secretary

行政及技術部門 Administration and Technical 舞團經理 Company Manager 燈光設計顧問 Lighting Design Consultant Rachel Vickers Peter Teigen 新聞及公關主任 Press and PR Officer 燈光主管 Head of Lighting Georgina Watts Nick Ware 舞團物理治療師 Company Physiotherapist 執行燈光主管 Deputy Head of Lighting Siân Morgan Steve Mackie 按摩治療師 Massage Therapist 高級燈光技師 Senior Lighting Technician Elizabeth Lee Chris Hooley 高級舞台監督 Senior Stage Manager 燈光技師 Lighting Technician Diana Childs Andy Wilson 執行舞台監督 Deputy Stage Manager 服裝主管 Head of Wardrobe Eliska Robenn Lili Sobieralska 助理舞台監督 Assistant Stage Manger 高級服裝助理 Senior Wardrobe Assistants Philippa Thomas Claire Leadbeater and Kath Powell 佈景主管 Head of Scenic Presentation 服裝助理 Wardrobe Assistants Doug Nicholson Kathrin Machno and Joanna Shilton 執行佈景主管 Deputy Master Carpenter 鞋部主管 Shoe Supervisor Pete Read Michael Clifford 高級舞台技師 Senior Stage Technicians 頭飾主管 Wigmaster Steve Hegan, Arthur Lewis Henry Menary Paul Moore and Dave Noble 頭飾助理 Wig Assistant 舞台技師 Stage Technicians Danuta Barszczewska Paul Amoo and Anne Huckert 51 Sinfonia Members 樂團成員

皇家芭蕾舞團樂團 Royal Ballet Sinfonia

首席指揮 首席鋼琴師 樂團經理 Principal Conductor Principal Pianist Orchestra Manager Paul Murphy Jonathan Higgins Andrew Bentley

指揮 舞團琴師 Conductor Company Pianist Philip Ellis Julia Richter

第一小提琴 低音大提琴 小號 First Violins Basses Trumpets Robert Gibbs Duncan Mitchell Michael Allen Leader Antonia Bakewell Christopher Deacon Richard Friedman Co-leader 長笛 長號 Vanessa David Flutes Trombones Amanda Brown Lynn Peters Amos Miller Jennifer Thurston Fergus Davidson Maxwell Isley Susan Evans - piccolo David Gordon Karen Anstee - bass trombone Marina Solorek 雙簧管 Oboes 大號 第二小提琴 Rosie Hillier Tuba Second Violins Maxwell Spiers David Gordon Shute Gwilym Hooson - cor anglais Rebecca Jones 定音號 Mary Martin 單簧管 Timpani Helen Bartlett Clarinets Grahame King Robert Simmons Ian Scott Shelley Hector Stephen Pierce 敲擊樂 - bass clarinet Percussion 中提琴 Kevin Earley Violas 低音號 Paul Parker Helen Kamminga Bassoons Jonathan Hallett David McKee 豎琴 Gruffydd Owen Simon Chiswell Harp Chris Pitsillides - contrabassoon Helen Cole

大提琴 圓號 樂池管理 Cellos Horns Pit Managers James Potter Corrine Bailey David Gordon Stephen Anstee Ian Smith Gwilym Hooson Christopher Fish Rebecca Hill Robert Woollard Phillip Walker Jose Lluna