伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團 Birmingham Royal Ballet 美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast 現場伴奏:皇家芭蕾舞團樂團 Live Accompaniment: Royal Ballet Sinfonia 演出及創作人員 Credits ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○8 劇情介紹 Synopsis ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○10 伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團 Birmingham Royal Ballet Profile ○○○○○○○○15 皇家芭蕾舞團樂團 Royal Ballet Sinfonia Profile ○○○○○○○○○○17 生平介紹 Biographies 大衛.賓利 David Bintley ○○○○○○○○○○○○○18 ○○○○○○○○○○ 格蘭.般恩 Glenn Buhr ○○○○ 21 菲力普.普華斯 Philip Prowse 馬克.強納森 Mark Jonathan ○○○○○○○○○○○22 首席舞者 Principals ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○34 ○○○○○○○○○○○○ 獨舞員 Soloists ○○○○○ 38 第一舞蹈員及舞蹈員 First Artists and Artists ○○○○○42 除特別註明,所有照片 舞團工作人員 Ballet Staff ○○○○○○○○○○○○○44 Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs © Bill Cooper 舞團成員 ○○○○ The Company ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 50 樂團成員 Sinfonia Members ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○53 10-12.2.2006 香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre 為了讓大家對這次演出留下美好印象,請切記在節目開始前關掉手錶、無㵟電話及傳呼 Hong Kong Cultural Centre 機的響鬧裝置。會場內請勿擅自攝影、錄音或錄影,亦不可飲食和吸煙,多謝合作。 演出長約 2 小時,包括一節 25 分鐘 To make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of 中場休息 the audience, PLEASE switch off your alarm watches, MOBILE PHONES and PAGERS. Running time: approximately 2 Eating and drinking, unauthorised photography and audio or video recording are hours with a 25 minute interval forbidden in the auditorium. Thank you for your co-operation. 演出及創作人員 Credits 創作人員 音樂 格蘭.般恩 舞台設計 菲力普.普華斯 編舞 大衛.賓利 燈光設計 馬克.強納森 角色 美女 伊萊莎.威利斯(10日及12日夜場)、麗蒂芝亞.朱利亞尼(11日日場) 安 芭 娜.瓦 洛(11日夜場)、佐久間奈緒(12日日場) 野獸 羅 伯 特.柏 克(10日及12日夜場)、伊 恩.麥 凱(11日及12日日場)、 曹馳(11日夜場) 美女之父(商人) 戴維.莫爾斯(10日及12日夜場)、邁 克 爾.奧 哈 爾(11日及12日日場) 阿倫.杜佈雷爾(11日夜場) 美女姐姐 傲曼 維多利亞.馬爾(10日及12日夜場)、羅 拉.珀 基 斯(11日日場) 安 琪 娜.保 爾(11日夜場)、卡 露 -安妮.米勒(12日日場) 虛蓉 西爾維亞.希門尼斯(10日及12日夜場)、瑪 莉 安.雷 納(11日日場) 趙磊(11日夜場)、維珍妮亞.德格西尼(12日日場) 科熊先生 詹姆士.格倫迪(10日、11日夜場及12日日場)、 強 納 森.佩 恩(11日日場及12日夜場) 野女孩 安 芭 娜.瓦 洛(10日夜場)、安 琪 娜.保 爾(11日日場)、 卡露-安妮.米勒(11日及12日夜場)、萊蒂希雅.洛薩度(12日日場) 雌狐 羅拉.珀基斯(10日、11日及12日夜場)、平田桃子(11日日場)、 肯棣絲.福瑟寧咸(12日日場) 渡鴉 山本康介(10日、11日及12日夜場)、亞 歷 山 大.甘 寶(11日日場)、 約瑟.歌尼(12日日場) 樵夫 強 納 森.佩 恩(10日、11日夜場及12日日場)、 阿倫.杜佈雷爾(11日日場及12日夜場) 收租人 羅里.麥凱(10日及11日夜場)、 華倫天.奧努恩尼洛夫(11日及12日日場)、詹 姆 士.格 倫 迪(12日夜場) 獵人、飛鳥 伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞團成員 宮廷野獸、婚禮嘉賓 皇家芭蕾舞團樂團 指揮 保羅.梅菲(10日、11日夜場及12日日場)、 菲力普.伊利斯(11日日場及12日夜場) 領奏 羅伯特.吉布斯 世界首演 2003年12月1日於伯明翰音樂廳 演後藝人談 11.2.2006(星期六夜場) 歡迎觀眾演出後留步,與大衛.賓利見面 8 音樂:獲版權持有人格蘭‧般恩及其代理「對位音樂服務」批准使用 Creative Team Music* Glenn Buhr Designs Philip Prowse Choreography David Bintley Lighting Mark Jonathan Cast Belle Elisha Willis (10 and 12), Letizia Giuliani (11m), Ambra Vallo (11) Nao Sakuma (12m) The Beast Robert Parker (10 and 12), Iain Mackay (11m and 12m), Chi Cao (11) Belle’s father The Merchant David Morse (10 and 12), Michael O’Hare (11m and 12m) Alain Dubreuil (11) Belle’s sisters Fière Victoria Marr (10 and 12), Laura Purkiss (11m), Angela Paul (11) Carol-Anne Millar (12m) Vanité Silvia Jimenez (10 and 12), Marion Rainer (11m), Lei Zhao (11) Virginia de Gersigny (12m) Monsieur Cochon James Grundy (10, 11 and 12m), Jonathan Payn (11m and 12) Wild Girl Ambra Vallo (10), Angela Paul (11m) Carol-Anne Millar (11 and 12), Laëtitia Lo Sardo (12m) Vixen Laura Purkiss (10, 11 and 12), Momoko Hirata (11m) Candice Fotheringham (12m) Raven Kosuke Yamamoto (10, 11 and 12), Alexander Campbell (11m) Joseph Caley (12m) Woodsman Jonathan Payn (10, 11 and 12m), Alain Dubreuil (11m and 12) Bailiff Rory Mackay (10 and 11), Valentin Olovyannikov (11m and 12m) James Grundy (12) Hunters, Birds Artists of Birmingham Royal Ballet Court Beasts Wedding Guests Royal Ballet Sinfonia Conductor Paul Murphy (10, 11 and 12m) and Philip Ellis (11m and 12) Leader Robert Gibbs World premiere 1 December 2003, Birmingham Royal Ballet, Birmingham Hippodrome Meet-the-Artist (Post-Performance) 11.2.2006 (Sat evening) If you would like to meet David Bintley, please stay behind in the auditorium after the performance * By permission of the copyright holder, Glenn Buhr, and his agent Counterpoint Musical Services 9 故事 Synopsis 序幕 Prologue 從前有個王子,既英俊又兇殘,既富 There once was a Prince as cruel as he was 裕又無情,既威武有力,又輕浮自 handsome, as heartless as he was rich and as 大。這個王子活着只為狩獵,只有此 vain as he was powerful. The Prince lived for 時他才會滿懷熱情。 one thing alone, hunting, which he did with a passion. 一天,王子和朋友在狩獵,追至森林 One day the Prince and his friends were hunting. 深處。當他們圍着一隻雌狐狸準備撲 The chase took them deep into a forest and they 上去時,一個樵夫走出來攔阻。 were about to close in on their prey, a Vixen, when they were stopped by a Woodsman. 樵夫用斗篷藏起雌狐狸,把牠變成一 個頭髮殷紅如火的少女,王子一行人 The Woodsman hid the Vixen beneath the folds 看得目瞪口呆,眼白白讓少女逃脫。 of his cloak and changed her into a flame-haired 樵夫一怒之下,還把王子變成野獸, girl. The Prince and his friends fell back 他的豬朋狗友也變了野生動物,因為 astonished as the girl escaped and the 他們骨子况就是畜生。 Woodsman in his anger turned the Prince into a beast and his friends into wild animals, for that is what they were in their hearts. Act I, Scene 1 The Merchant’s House Belle’s father is a merchant whose ships have not returned from overseas. He is unable to pay his debts and the bailiffs are reclaiming his furniture and chattels. Belle tries to comfort him but the arrival of her vain and selfish sisters throws the household into further confusion. Cochon a wealthy townsman who has been courting the sisters arrives and 第一幕,第一場: ostentatiously stays the bailiffs’ hands. The Merchant unwillingly accepts money from 商人家中 Cochon who is quick to point out that the old 美女的父親是個商人,因商船遠航未 man is now in his debt. 回,無法償還欠債。放債人要來沒收 家什財物。美女想安慰父親,可是她 An excise officer enters with the news that the Merchant’s ships have been sighted and his 那些虛榮自私的姊姊來到,一家上下 fortune is made. The Merchant prepares to leave 更陷於混亂。城中富戶科熊,一直在 and asks his daughters what they would like on 追求她家姊妹。他前來裝腔作勢,叫 his return. The two sisters ask for gowns and 放債人高抬貴手。商人無奈之下,接 jewels but Belle simply asks for a rose. 10 受了科熊的金錢。科熊馬上表態,說 老人家受了他的恩惠,欠了他的人 情。 一名徵稅官吏出場,帶來好消息,說 商人的貨船快到,發財有望。商人準 備出發,臨行前問女兒想要什麼,回 來好帶給她們,兩個姊姊說要晚禮服 和珠寶,而美女只要一朵玫瑰。 Act I, Scene 2 第一幕,第二場: The Beast’s Castle 野獸城堡 A terrific storm blows up and the Merchant and his servants become lost, only to fall prey to a 海上掀起暴風雨,商人及僕役迷失方 gang of brigands. In order to escape the storm’s 向,最後成了一批強盜的網中之魚。 fury the Merchant takes refuge in a sinister and 商人為了躲避風暴,跑到一個陰森可 empty castle where he is served food and drink 怖的空城堡,卻有無形之手供他飲 by unseen hands. Upon waking the next 食。翌晨醒來,被盜的行李箱竟物歸 morning he finds his stolen trunk returned and 原主,况面都是華衣美服、珠寶首 filled with beautiful gowns and jewels. As he 飾。他離開城堡時,想起小女兒的要 leaves the castle he remembers Belle’s request and picks a rose for her, whereupon a monstrous 求,於是摘下一朵玫瑰。這時,猙獰 Beast appears. The Beast berates the Merchant 可怖的野獸出現了。他指責商人忘恩 for his ingratitude and his theft of the rose, but 負義,偷摘玫瑰,但當他知道商人有 upon learning that the Merchant has three 三個女兒後,說只要最小的女兒能來 daughters he tells the old man that he will spare 城堡與他同住,就可饒老人家一命。 his life if the youngest will come and stay with 商人答應,惶恐地離去。 him. The Merchant agrees and leaves in terror. 第一幕,第三場: Act I, Scene 3 回到商人家中 The Merchant’s House, again Upon his return the Merchant relates everything 商人回家後,述說經過。虛榮愚昧的 that has happened to him and the vain and 姊姊翻開行李箱,發現珠寶美服都變 foolish sisters open the trunk to find the dresses 成碎布灰燼。商人懇求美女原諒他自 and jewels have turned to mouldering rags and 作主張,答應把她交給野獸。但姊姊 ashes. The Merchant begs Belle’s forgiveness 異口同聲,說是美女愚蠢得只要玫 for having promised her to the Beast, but her 瑰,咎由自取。 sisters claim it was her own fault for her foolish request of the rose. 美女思前想後,還是決定捨己救父。 Belle ponders her predicament but is resolved 憑着意想不到的幫助,美女來到野獸 to save her father, and with some unexpected 城堡。當九下鐘聲響起,野獸出現。 assistance is led to the Beast’s castle, where she meets her host. As the clock strikes nine, -中場休息- the Beast appears. – Interval – 11 第二幕,第一場: Act II, Scene 1 舞會 The Ball 幾個月過去了,每晚野獸都向美女求 Several months have passed during which the 婚,她雖然總一口拒絕,但對他的野 Beast has asked Belle to marry him every 獸外表已見怪不怪,眼况只有他善良 evening. Although she has denied him on all 的內心。 occasions she is now used to his beastliness and sees only his good heart. 城堡內從未露面的居民,在野獸命令 The hitherto unseen inhabitants of the castle 下濟濟一堂,開盛大舞會。令王子變 assemble for a ball at the Beast’s command. 成野獸的咒語,同時令他們變成動 The same curse that turned the Prince into a 物,舞會於是成了群畜怪誕大匯演。 beast has condemned them all to live as animals and the ball is a fantastic gathering of creatures. 野獸跟美女共舞時,再次向他求婚, 但她說儘管野獸內心善良,她卻不愛 The Beast dances with Belle and once again 他,因此不能嫁他。野獸淒厲痛哭之 asks her to marry him but she replies that good 聲,令他四條腿的文武百官紛紛爭相 and kind hearted as he is she does not love him 走避。 and, therefore, cannot. The Beast’s wails of anguish send his animal courtiers running for cover. 美女想見父親一面,野獸心軟,允許 她回家,並送她一朵玫瑰,條件是要 Belle longs to see her father and the Beast 她在玫瑰凋謝前回來,否則他會傷心 relents. He gives her a rose and releases her on 而死。 condition that she returns before it dies or he too will perish, of a broken heart. 12 第二幕,第二場: Act II, Scene 2 婚禮 The Wedding 美女回到家,發現家中正籌備婚禮, Belle arrives home to find preparations in 科熊要娶她姐姐,不過,究竟娶哪個 progress for the wedding of Cochon to her 呢? sister. But which one? 第二幕,第三場: Act II, Scene 3 解咒 The Curse is Lifted 野獸對美女朝思暮想,但日子一天天 At the castle the Beast pines for Belle, but as 過去,他明白美女不會回來,自己的 time passes he realises that she will never return 生命也日益凋零。就在他氣息枯竭之 and his life begins to ebb away. On the point of 際,美女如約歸來,原來是她那些姐 death Belle arrives having been detained by her 姐壞心眼,出於忌妒用計把她留住。 wicked sisters who have tricked her into staying with them out of their jealousy.
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