New State University Boca Raton News Bldg. Opening in Boca Raton 34 S.E. Second St. Planned for 1964 BOCA RATON NEWS Phone 395-5121 VOL. 6 NO. 47 Bocti Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida, Thursday, October 19, 1961 16 Pages TEN CENTS COPY ROTARY DISTRICT TO City Agenda Heavy on OPEN METING FRIDAY More than eight hundred rence will be made by Jus- Rotarians are expected to tice Stephen O'Connell of converge on Boca Raton the Florida Supreme Court Zoning, Winfield Park this weekend for the an-and Leo Aikman of Atlan- nual conference of dis- ta. trict 699 of Rotary Inter- The program will in- nationa]. Conference clude speeches, discus- Business Zone Rejected sessions will be held in sion groups, panels and the Boca Raton Hotel and entertainment which add Tuesday was planning Club. up to a. very full week end and zoning night at the Cecil S. Farrar of DeJ- beginning with a golf tour- Body Found on Beach City Commission meeting. ray Beach, the District nament on Friday morning Four items were discuss- Governor, said representa- and ending with a Friend- ed during the meeting. tives aie expected from ship Breakfast on Sunday. Is Identified as Pilot Commissioners unani- every one of the Rotary In between, Boca Raton x mously denied a request clubs which make up the Rotarians will be attend- A dismembered body f° Curt Joa, a Wisconsin to rezone six lots in win- ing the "model luncheon," brought ashore in Boca businessman, came from field Fark from residential district, [n addition to Raton Friday in three West Bend, Wise, and was Boca Raton, Florida cities Saturday and the Gover- to business. The request nor's banquet with their parts has been identified the father of six children. had previously received from Ormond Beach on the as that of Alfred J. Haen, north to Key West on the wives Saturday night. unanimous approval of the a 43-year old pilot from south and inland as far At the conference, a Ro- Planning and Zoning Wisconsin missing since Turnpike Work Commission, as Cleviston will send tarian will be nominated a week ago Monday. delegations, Commissioner John to serve as governor of Dr. Gabina Cuevas, To Local Firm This meeting is held this Rotary district for FaJm Beach County medi- Brandt charged that the each year, Governor Far- the 1962-63 fiscal year. cal examiner, told the zoning group had not made rar said, to review Rotary A Boca Raton Engi- "enough investigatipn" of He will take office on Boca Raton News Haen . _ ,, u si. prior to giving service activities and to July 1, 1962 as the offi- Ilcclllltneering llllUfirmj, junJohnn AA. thueeteq requese t prior to giving had been identified by den- Grant Jr> Inc_ has been its approval. He said make plans for increasing cial representative in this tal charts. He said that named as one of two sec- there are already houses their effectiveness during district of Rotary interna- Haen had pr es umedl y the coming year. Repre- tional, the world-wide or- Guest speaker at the Boca Raton Kiwanis luncheon Tuesday was Congress- .i u * 1 . 1 tion engineers on the Or- on lots in the area, senting the president of ganization of Rotary man Paul G. Rogers, second from right. Others are left to right, W. Hugh Brown, drowned before being at- ]ando to Wildwood section Residents of the area, Rotary International, Jo- clubs. Lt. Gov.-elect Kiwanis Division 14; Ed Barnhardt, Kiwanis president; and L.L. tackecatedd toby what was inch- of tbe prOpOsed turnpike appearing at the commis- seph A. Abey of Reading, The new governor will Tazewell, Kiwanis president-elect. such as sharksbe .large tisn, extens[on> the Florida sion meeting, objected to Pennsylvania, will be be formally elected, 'along ...... State Turnpike Authority the proposed change and Alabamian Roy D. Hick- with more than 250 other The head of the victim annouoced Konday. noted that restrictive cove- man, a past director of the district governors from all came ashore about 6:30 The other flm [s the nants ln the deeds prohibit international organization. parts of the world, at Ro-University an Important a.m. Friday and was dis- Lakeland Engineering firm any use other than residen- Other principal addresses tary international's 1962 covered still ID the surf of Weiiraari-Lord Engineer- tial for property in Win- in the course of the confe- convention in Los Ange- by William Bengel, of 2333 Lrtg[nc- field Fark. les, California next June. N.F. Fourth Ave who was John Qrant whQWB g Commissioner JoeDe _ These district governors Cultural Asset - Rep, Rogers fishing along the beach -n ch of constructing Long voted against the re- Legion Drafts north of the public beach. 2Q mijes Qf fche existing ^ ^ ^ comment will coordinate the ser- "As other parts of themore sacrifices are need- vice work of 500,000 ed, everyone will make friendly to the U.S. or turnpike also designed the that he "wouldn't want business and professional countries have been de- countries also receiving Plan for Fair veloped by railroads and them willingly," Rogers It new Boca Raton and Lake the commission to place executives who are mem- said. aid from communist na- Worth Interchanges, the residents in the em- bers of more than 11,000 aircraft, Florida will be tions. 12:30 p.m. on a reef about Plans are being formu- "I think our firm action Authorities hope to barrassing pposition of Rotary clubs in 123 coun- even further developed by . . , 600 feet away from where break ground for the pro- lated by American Legion the space age," Congress- will deter Russia more going through a court Post 277 for a "real old- tries. "By piking together, the head was seen_ posed extension by mid- man Paul G, Rogers said than anything. The Berlin ?„„*„„„!?« "„!, Later on iFridayJ , vjOcea1 n suit." fashioned" type country ".iu. L U^M u, 4,\u6cio ocuu -•-»-—"=>• J-'"- u^Kin jn vin„..g . faitnrovprh anqd includinnnp fngr """"" "" "t." '. ^ '"" December. at Ladles situation is most crltical R g 6 3 The commission approv- fair in Boca Raton. ru K r\ U Wll ^ ^iwanis guidance we will bTvic v FeIl^ y ° ^f^fT According to the Chair- Chamber Club Will i meeting bu, . t i.f, a peace treat, y is f^f,Butuauue" ?>,' ™Z"we wiu 11™*ue vie- - «ported that the _ „, ,Jt „ „.. ... ed a request for a change DaDayy luncheouncheonn LywM uuav uu . City Commissioners ap- meeting but if a peace treaty is torioUB .. ^g^ COnc!ud- C man Qf the Tu(npike Au of zoning on a parce] of proved the Legion's re- Hear John Robinson Tuesday. ed. Rogers said the proposed signed with East Germany aiso oeen iouna thority( Tampan John M. land owned by Frank Bob- quest to use the vacant and access routes are Harry Newman program f a i I' Hammer, this completes rytzke from residential to lot adjacent to the Legion Next Thursday 0 81 as ast een Boca Raton university will closed, I believe we would c^/,2n irtodaced ?oT- IT ,? ' *' J * the authority's list of motel-business. The tract, Home for a fair at the John w. Robinson, as- Secti n commission meeting Tues- mean a great dea, to the have a decision ready." J™^' ££*»£$ ^_ ^ J ^nnJSX ° eaglaeeis-fcr the recently purchased by- sistant manager of the entire area educationally, Rogers did not say what mended ^ f his six Ridge Beach An unusual- pioposed 156.mi3e exten. Bobrytzke from the Florida day night. West Faim Beach office O U nd sion from Port Pierce to Legion officials said the culturally and as a means the decision was but he years of perfect attendance ^UI/e n tf ^in\ ajS Inland Navigation Distridt, of the Social Security ad- twano attract to t locatinducee neas r whano d^continud a e to giv „ e bu, t *ar e^ ^^ ^ cur n ^^ gainst is under option to the City plans have not been com- ministration will be guest going t o stVae g g & m pleted yet and may be educational center where for cmc use speaker at the Coffee continuthis battle.e DO' give DUC are Barnhaxt Kiwanis presi- pri fh-hnf iv rmri-^ tn *pm- - subject to change, but it their scientists and engi- d UP andWi n N One In Ufed In hs Club at the Boca Raton neers can be trained as f^Ai°n^Rogers also dent, gav'e Rogers a certif- Se SrWes SeX ° J ^"^ [ ^T -1 is hoped to have a country foreign aid to nations not Chamber of Commerce next part of this new age. , icate of appreciation on erHaent ' , who was a pilot _ . _ . . the Bobrytzke tract will type fair with bake-offs, e Thursday at 9 a.m. The congressman from l°°l ?<- betialf oftheclub. °^^ mhn „,„„ „ -;n Truck-Train Scrape help to relieve some of other special cooking Robinson's topic will be events, displays of farm the sixth District said nated as "Interstat•erscace escaped injury when the inthge ofproble an adjacenm whict trianguh has- "The 1961 Amendments to that $885,000,000 will be a implements, automobiles, 1 Police Chief Brown Will "• OI nmkulAC UnlocaP lhmr mak n hnarrowl o Wamaay arise._„ Ln concerninL _• i t._g - th<.Le _- zon^- the Social Security Act.' ' spent in the next three to RSeerfn?' ^ "inte? J? - " ,"!^ ^ ! 1« tract owned by the.Plf- amusements, 4-H Club RacKeceenng, inter^ driving gktdded on a wet th Avenue Shopping Plaza. "The public is invited five years in the space state Transmission of road eaily competition and many to attend this meeting" Speak At FBI Conference yesterday since the triangular tract other displays and con- age industry, which will Wagering m ming on Glades said Margo Shau], chair- help all of Florida. Police Chief W.H. Brown "Interstate STransportan?mr4s- ° .R°ad is no longer adjacent to tests. tion of as a Seaboard Railroad residential property; the man of the Coffee Club Speaking of Palm Beach will be one of the speak- Wagering Farapher- passenger train was pass- There also will be space committee, "and we urge County, Rogers said, na]i required set backs are available to local civic ers at a special law en- a/' and the expanded ing the crossing. less. everyone receiving social "Our future is assured forcement conference spon- Fugitive Felon Act. Police said Kermit G. organizations to use forsecurity checks to be when we work together and in other action related money making programs sored by the Federal BuT Also in attendance and Shoaf, 40, of 435 N.Et.o planning and zoning present and learn of addi- let people know what we reau of Investigation in sharing the speaker's plat- 36th street, traveling west for their special projects. tional benefits to which form wil] be: activities, the city com- do have here." West Palm Beach next Edward F. on Glades Road, approach- mission referred back to Legion members hope they may be entitled." "Americans- minds are Boardman, United States to make this "Boca Raton Wednesday. ed the railroad crossing, the planning and zoning Sponsor of the meeting deeply concerned with the The West Falm Beach Attorney; Robert w. Frie- Fair" an annual event. is H. Hentz & Co. applied his brakes, then commission proposed plats 'cold war' we are now en- conference is part of a na- tag, president, Delray his truck skidded on the gaged in," Rogers said. Beach National Bank; for a portion of Falmetto tionwide schedule of wet pavement and slid in- Park Terrace and an addi- "Russia is not only test- special conferences call- Chief William M. Barnes, to the back car of the ing nuclear weapons but West Palm Beach Police tional section of Country ed by FBI director J, Ed- train. Club Village. Both had is also testing the Ameri- gar Hoover to cope with Department; sheriff Feter A.B. Widener, HI, Palm Damage to the truck was been discussed previously can people," he said. crimes against banks and estimated at about $250. Beach County Sheriffs by the planning group but "However, Congress banking-type institutions. Damage to the train was were sent back by the com- BY O.B. JAYNES has been working on shor- Newly enacted iegisla- Office; Captain j.w. Ha- unknown but police said aris missioners to make cer- All this conflicting advice about fatl-out shelters ing ap conventional wea- tion on gambling and anti- § . Florida Highway a Seaboard R.R, investi- atr 1; c le f tain that the final plat has left the average American citizen so confused pons for air, land and sea, racketeering will also be E ?, .. !i . . Charles D. gator said he thought corresponded in all re- that he just isn't interested in doing anything about including the Polaris sub- Goodlett, Belle Glade Fo- discussed. These new lice damage, if any, would be spects with the planning protection. Maybe it's ju$t as well. marines which can shoot laws "include "acts" desig- Department. minor. group's decisions. The idea that every family should have its own missiles from under wa- shelter is not only impractical but likely unwise. ter," he continued. The suggestion of Charles E. Fritz, who has made "We have also increas- a comprehensive study of disaster problems, 'has ed our manpower by call- Four Men Are Injured in Two-Car Collision on Highway come up with a' suggestion that makes much better ing in 250,000 more men, sense. Now on the University of Florida faculty, he moving in a firm and sure A two car collision on proposes the building of community and neighborhood way to shore up strength. North Federal Highway at shelters that would be designed to house groups of These men have made a N.E. 28th Street Saturday people whose abilities and skills could be combined sacrifice by leaving their morning resulted in four, to do the jobs that would be required during and fol- homes and jobs and if men being taken to Be- lowing an attack. thesda Memorial Hospital, His approach is that misery loves company — and ©Id Library To one apparently uncon- NEEDS it. How much better that sounds than the scious. members of one family sweating it out in a little Clem Per Move Kirby Cason, 63, of cubicle and not knowing what to do or when to come Pompano Beach, driver of out. He points out that survival will depend upon a The Boca Raton Library one car was reported to well organized society after an attack — not millions will be closed beginning be unconscious following of families huddled in their scattered shelters. Monday, Oct. 23, to allow moving books and equip- the accident. Fritz isn't suggesting mass shelters that would ment to the new Library Joseph D. McClelland, house thousands of people, but rather neighborhood building. 3 2, driver of the other car or community centers that would also serve other pur- involved, and passengers poses. They could be used for many other normal Opening date for the Edward Unseil and Walter new library will be an- Graham, all of Delray community needs. Existing buildings might even be nounced later. modified in some cases to serve the purpose. Beach, were reported in- Books due during the Realistic administration and management in a nu- jured and also taken to moving period may be the hospital. clear attack, Frof. Fritz believes, can come only as returned on opening day a national effort, shelter taking, shelter life and an at the new library with- According to the police organized response to post attach problems can only out penalty, according to report, both cars were succeed if we recognize the many interlocking groups the Rev. James C. Stout- traveling north on Fede- and organizations in this country which provide mean- senberger, Library Board ral Highway when the ac- ing and the necessities for normal life. president. cident happened, police This approach will appeal to the average family said the cars collided As an added grace when Cason attempted to which realizes that its dependence upon community period, any books long organization is necessary to a normal, healthy and make a left turn, from the over due may be deposited right hand lane. Both happy life. They cannot help but realize that such in the "after-hours" book organization and cooperation is far more important drivers were charged with drop at the new library failing to have their vehi- when disaster strikes. It is an approach to which with no questions asked, Civilian Defense groups at all levels should be giv- cles under Control by in- Father Stoutsenberger Four men were injured when two cars collided on Street., All four were taken to Bethesda Memorial vestlgating officei Pat«J- ing serious consideration. said. North Federal Highway Saturday morning at N.E. 28th Hospital. man Ulienthal, 2A THE BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Ocfober 19,1961 Brandon is a Life Master and Dodge in Tourney Recreation Dept. Lists a certified Goren Instructor, For additional information Edwin F. Dodge of Boca on any of all of these classes, Raton is among the 370 play- Expanded Fall Program simply call the Boca Raton era entered in the 10th an- The Boca Recreation De- weeks, and will be taught Recreation Department at nual North-South Invitation partment will sponsors Shell- byMr < A.V. Brandon. Mr. 395-1135. Seniors' Golf Championship art class on Thursday nights this week at the Hnehurst from 7:30 to 9:30 beginning Manufacturers "WE SIGN ANYTHING" Designers Cluntry Club, Knehurst, N. C October 26. This course will be held in the Recreation NEON CARDS Building and have a duration PAINTEIV^ PAPER of 6 weeks. CRUISES Beginning October 31 the from FLORIDA to the WEST INDIES Recreation Department will sponsor a Sketch class, Gas- DIAL DIAL ses will meet every Tuesday 395-1633 60 N. Dixie 395-1633

COMPLETELY AIR CONDITIONED night from 7:30 - 9;30 p. rn. ! to 12 DAYS from $85 in the Recreation Building.

From PORT IVEftOLADES Mr. Charles Benedict, a well- Jnn. 23, Jan. 28, Fob. 2, known artist, will be instruc- Feb.16,Feb.26,Mar.13, tor, Mor. 25, Apt. I, Apr. 7 c Five-time A ademy Award nominee Arthur Kennedy November 15 will mark Phone and promising newcomer Diane McBain star with Con- Spencer Tracy and Frank Sinatra star in "Thethe beginning of another BGCA RATON stance Ford and Will Hutchins in "Claudelle [ng- Devil at 4 O'Clock" starting tomorrow at the Cinema completely new course to be 395-2440 lish," now showing at the Delray Drive-In Theatre. in Shoppers Haven, offered by the Recreation TRAVEL Department. A combination C HOUR 18 S.E. FIRST AVE. class in aluminum etching Phone 395-1414 Today Is Homecoming Day and copper enameling will CLEANERS No Extra Charge — be held for six weeks. Clas- Best Service ses will meetin the Commu- At Seacrest High School nity Building every Wednes- BY daynight from 7:30'to 9:30 Today is Homecoming Day at Seacrest; and will be ce- p. m. lebrated with half a day off from school, a parade through Calling all ladies! The liiiiiil Delray Beach, election of a Homecoming King, Queen, Slim and Trim class in now DRIVE-IN THEATRE and court, a football game against Belle Glade, and a se- open. Itmeets every Monday, S, Federal Hwy. miformal dance. Wednesday and Friday morn- Deerfield Beach Floats will be entered by ing from 10:00 until 11:00 LAST TBiES TOMTE: George each of the three classes, in the Community Building. Susan Dean and any school-sponsored or- Coming in November will Hay ward Martin ganization that chooses to do be Bridge Lessons. If you have 1943 N. FEDERAL HWY. "ADA" After traveling through never learned this fascinating in color 7:00 and 11:00 &S& fi,' Fed, Hwy, the business game now Is your opportunity section o f Elizabeth Pan] -lTRATOBING-—-* Elementary classes will meet I THE €APTAIN's TABU Delray Beach Taylor Newman every Tuesday at 2:0b p. m, The Restaurant they will be at the Community Building "CAT ON A HOT Made Famous by returned to in Memorial Park. The In- TIN ROOF" Our Guests In Color 9:00 only the school, termediate class will meet to be shown at 8:00 p. m. in the same STARTING FRIDAY again in the building on Tuesday. The COVE YACHT BASIN half -time course is scheduled for eight Deerfield Beach Rock Gina The combination of Roek Hudson and Gina Lollo- Hudson Lollobrigida pageant a t "COME SEPTEMBER" the football brigida create a harmonious chemistry of love and Grand Opening OPEN 7 DAYS a Week in Color 7:00 and 10:30 game, when laughter in "Come September," starting Friday at the Gold Coast Drive fn Theatre, Serving LUNCH anil DINNE;« AH en Molly the winners will be announc- ed. Of New 'Mart' Baron McCarthy Have you tried eiir moreattendents will be Suzi wash, on Highway#l in BKOASTED CHICKEN Also at half-time the re- Delray Beach. Officers Bunny Mrs. Fran Lo Bianco an- "BLAST of SILENCE" or POSK Turmail and Alex Trieste. At 9:10 Only sults of the election for # * 0 Baka, president; Georgie nounced that the grand ope- Homecoming King anj Queen The Seahawks, still unde*> Smith, vice-president; Sue ning of her new shop, Deco- will be announced. The can- Strickland, secretary; and DINNERS feated for the last 21 games, rators Mart, at N. E. 20th FROM didates for this honor are the will try to further their non- Sue Graham, treasurer, urge Street, will be held tomor- following seniors: Dave Bur- losing skein by defeating the everyone to come. row and Saturday afternoon. * • * lingame, Lew Bryden, Mark Belle Glade Golden Rams. Associated with the Deco- Tofano and Dick Gritch- * * # The senior class sponsored rators Mart as interior de- Catering field — King; and Paula The annual Homecoming a "superstition" dance, Fri- signer is Carl Donate PAL'S in Pompano Whit Connie Lalotte, Bet- Dance, sponsored by the stu- day, Oct. 13, in the gymna- The new shop will feature All Types te Butt and Sally Baner -- sium. It was the first sock ALL YOU CAN EAT I dent council, will be held everything to completely PARTIES CHOICE OF 18 ITEMS Queen, Junior attendants will after the game, from 10:00 hop this yeano be decorated coordinate a home, Mrs. Lo be Nancy Janes and Neill p. m. to 1:00 a.m. in the and one of the few in years Bianco said, including drapes Atlantic at Ocean Blvd. Williams, and the Sopho- gymnasium. Music will be that was well decorated To and furniture. supplied by Ralph Chick and enter, it was necessary to Mrs. Lo Blanco has lived BOCA the Starnights. Tickets are walk under a step ladder, in Boca Raton for the last six NEWS available at $1. 50 a couple, and "insurance was not in- years and been in this busi- 1 or $1.00 stag. Committees cluded in the admission ness field for several years. price". PHONE 395-5121 for the Homecoming Dance Dona to has been in busi- NEW ENGLAND Pirblished every THURS- include Bonnie Dombuig The decorations were sup- ness in Florida for six years DAY at 34 S.E. 2nd St. and Sally Baner, decorations} plied by Sally Baner, Kathy and was previously associa ted Boca Raton News, Nancy Janes and Mark Hirsh, Madeline Kroon, Mary with Lord and Taylor in New ., Oliver B. Jaynesr Tofano, refreshments; and Lorenz, Cathy Long, Lynn York for five years. RAW BAR pres., Ward Risvold, Paula White and Bette MacMillanand Sandy Zuck- vice-pres. programs. erman. The attendance was Presents Your too small to make the dance Sunday Specials WARD RISVOLD as financially successful as Publisher 21 Shrimp There will be no school some of the past sock hops SEA FOOD MENU JOHN OPEL which were held after foot- Tartar or tomorrow, Oct. 20. This is Hot Sauce Editor because of the previously ball games, but those who For The Week scheduled parent-teacher came recognized that some S Burgers or H. CL4Y RILEY thought and time had been LESLIE CAROM Advertising Manager conferences. Parents wishing S Hot Dogs put into making it enjoyable. MAURICE CHEVALIER to talk to any teacher may % Gal. $|OO Monday: CHARLES BOYER Entered as Second class go to the Seacrest Library, Other seniors who helped HORST BUCHHOLZ Matter at the Post Office , from which they will be es- were Lew Bryden, Paul Root Beer I at Boca Raton, Florida, corted to any teacher with Speicher, Kerry Koen, Paula A&W ROOT BEiSI Dec. 1, 1955. White, Dick Long, George Angler's Platter %50 whom they wish to confer, Delra.y Boca by members of the National Van Zee and Bobbie Roy. fuesday: MEMBER Honor Society. The hours for PloridaPress Association conferences are 9 KJ 11:30 National Editorial Ass'n. a. m. and 1 to 3:15 p. m. 20 years experience providing spark- Boca Raton « * « Scallop Fry *L50 Chamber of Commerce ;; - ting color and black and white V The newly organized ser- .; : pictures for use in America's ;' ALL YOU CAN EAT SUBSCRIPTION RATES vice club for girls, the Z- ; : leading magazines. By carrier in city ,. club, will sponsor a car Wednesday: W

OF MUSIC TO LIFE! Lei us develop your child's talent for music. Musical proficiency, implanted early, tends to bloom fast, blossom out into hours of pleasure for your child and you. Our teachers inspire beginners and bring them along fast! Baldwin Piano & Organs New & Used Instruments Individual instruction in oil instruments. feh$ter Mwsk St&dk 473 N.E. 20th. St. Ph. 395-3935 Thursday, October 19, 1961 THE BCCA RATON NE^S 3A Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scarsdale, MY., home. SECounty Nursing Service Personals Krautwald of Merrick, Long Mr. and Mrs. john Sheri- Island, N. Y., arrived here Mr. and Mrs, Donald Scott Discusses Plans for Year dan returned this week to last week to visit their son Sharpe have returned to their their winter home here from and daughter-in-law, Mr. Estates home after spending Plans were discussed for the care. Lexington, Mich., where and Mrs. George Krautwald the summer in New York. coming year at the meeting A committee was elected they spent the summer. They and their family of Boca They alternated between of the board of directors of to proceed in working out a were accompanied by their Villas. The senior Kraut- their New York City apart- the Southeast Palm Beach suitable brochure, and se- daughter, Mrs. Ronald walds intend to make their ment and their home on Long County Home Nursing Ser- curing printing costs and Rodden, of Highland Park, home in Florida and just en- Island, vice held recently in Delray methods of distribution. Mich. Mrs. Rodden plans to joy relaxing", the Florida Beach. The members of this com- fly back to Michigan next style". Mr. and Mrs. Richard Por- J. Willard Pipes, vice- mil «e are: Mrs. AdaHiggin- week. ter left recently for New president, of Boynton Beach botham, Lantana; Mrs. Alice Mrs. Harry Reid of Olive York City where they -will conducted the session. Ortel, Boynton Beach; Mrs. Expected to return this Way, is a patient in Bethes- visit their son Dick, and Present with members of William Day Perry, Delray week to their Boca Raton da Memorial Hospital. daughter, Carol. From there the board from Lantana, Beach, and Mrs. Joanne tie home are Mr. and Mrs.George they plan to go on to New Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Sawyer, Boca Raton. E, Hamilton. They have Mr. and Mrs. F. Byron Jersey to visit their son-in- and Boca Raton, were Dr» The next meeting of the been spending the summer in Parks have returned to their law and daughter, Mr. and Fred Glass of the medical Board of Directors has been East Braintree, Mass. Boca Raton home after spen- Mrs. Myles (Patty) Morrison advisory committee-, Dr. set for Jan. 10. "" ding the summer in their and their children. Norman Kaufman, of the Palm Beach County Health (, »„ Department; Miss Ruth Ran- son, director of nurses and Participating in the "house blessing" Sunday at the home of Ralph DeYoung Mrs. Mabel Johansson, dist- in Boca Islands, were left to right, the host; Clayton L. Martin, serving as rict supervisor of the south- thurifer; the Rev. James C. Stoufcsenberger, rector of St. Gregory's Episcopal east area, both with the Church, and Miss Mary Blowers, one of the hostesses.- Kerry Koen Photo County Health Department Discussed were plans for all-out membership drives. the Islands Home Dr. Kaufman, as medical director, gave a description of the role the Palm Beach Is Blessed County Health Department has played and will continue Ralph T. De Young was to play in curbing disease Younger host to a house blessing ce- WOMEN and promoting good health remony Sunday at his home habits among migrant farm in Boca Islands. workers. The Rev. James C Stout- 2nd Benefit Horse Show senberger, rector of St. Gre- County nurses now on duty gory's Episcopal Church per- for home nursing service, present at the me eting, were Set formed the rites assisted by Planned for February ClaytonL, Martin, serving as introduced. These included thurifer; and Edward G. Ball Plans are underway for the pointment of G L "Honey" Mrs. Elizabeth Morris, serv- of Ft Lauderdale. second annual Bethesda Hos- Craven of Gohasset, Mass., ing Boca Raton; Mrs. dara Following the ceremony, pital Horse Show, Mrs. J. as show manager. "Honey" Wood, Boynton Beach; Mrs. refreshments were served. Willard Pipes, president of Craven well known to all Mea Bosworth and Miss Mar- of E. Las Olas Blvd. Serving as table hostesses the Woman's Auxiliary of the horse show exhibitors is also garet Mary Cook, Delray were Miss Mary Blowers, Mrs. hospital, announced this manager of the Miami Cha- Beach, Fort Lauderdale . . . Clayton L. Martin, Mrs. week. rity Horse Show to be held Mrs. jDhansson read a re- Wally Young and Mrs. Wil- This show will be held the two weeks previous to the port concerning 109 visits is happy to announce liam Fetner. first week of February, 1962, Bethesda Horse Show. He is m a de d tiring July, A ugust and Organ music was provided under dates set up by the best known for bis position September, 93 of them home by Russel H. Hinds, church Sunshine Circuit Horse Show as General Manager of the visits, 16 office visits. The its new location organist of St. Gregory's, Association and will be co- Madison Square Garden Horse greater proportion of these and Miss Doralice Fontane sponsored, as last year, by Show in New York City. He calls were free, indicating at of Baton Rouge, La., a house The Country Club of Florida is also manager of other the need for home nursing guestatthe De Young home. Stables. shows throughout the country service throughout the area. 46 SJE. 1st Ave. Flower arrangements La st year's hone show ma de as well as ring master of ma- At this point it was report- throughout the house followed possible the contribution of ny shows including this show ed that the Council for the Amdur Building the gold and white theme a- over $12, 000. 00 to the new and the Miami Charity Horse Blind has entered into a con- round which the house is de- buil ding w ing fun d o f Bethes- Show last spring. tract with the Southeast Palm in corated, and a glittering gold da Memorial Hospital. Beach County Home Nursing punch was served in cut- An organizational me eting Service, ashasthe \fccational BOCA RATON crystal punch bowls which of the Women's Auxiliary Woman's Club Plans Rehabilitation Service, to rested on a gold linen cloth. Committee was held and Mrs. pay for this service where .Among those attending RayL Kinney hasbeen nam- Supper, CD Film rendered to their patients. were Mrs. Edmond Blowers. ed general chairman of the A covered dish supper for Pipes also called attention Mrs. Charles Henderson, Mr. special event, Carleton Blunt; members and guests will high- to a clause in the new Blue- and Mrs. Milton Chesler, Mr. presidentoftheConntry Club light the social evening of the Cross-Blue Shield contracts, and Mrs. William Fetner, Mr. of Florida announced the ap- Woman's Club Saturday, Oct. which cover home nursing and Mrs. Wally Young, Mr. 21 at the Lions Club. Garden Club Taking and Mrs. Stu Werner, Mr. Mrs. Helene Gibson, Mrs. Mrs. James O'Neal, Mrs. and Mrs. Philip Baker, Mrs. Willard Machle, Mrs. Mar- John Walters and Mrs. Charles Orchid Tree Orders Helen Baker, Mrs. Oscar cia CLosson, Mr. and Mrs. de Vault are in charge of the Boca Raton Garden Club 9 Marcotte, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hinds, Mr. and Mrs. event. members are taking advance "fjrcfusfVa Children's Fashion Center' Kenneth Monnette, Mr. and H. Ball, Mrs. James G, Arthur Rudford, chairman orders for their annual sale Mrs. John Monnette, Mrs. Sttmtsenberger, The Rev. of the Civil Defense Crash of the Hong Kong orchid tree. Anna Janes, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Squad, will show a short Trees are $3 each and have Fred Fritts, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. film on Civil Defense at the been named the official We Carry All the Name Brands Harold Turner, Mrs. Dorothy O. E. Monnette, Mrs. Marion Oct 24 meeting at the Ru- flowering tree of Boca Raton. Giles, Mrs. Helen Shober, Rompf, Mrs. Alice Morrisey, tenberg Model home at 8 p. The general sale will be held Mr. and Mrs. Albert in Children's Fashions . . . m. The film will be followed Oct 27 and 28 at the Old Schmacker, Mr. and Mrs, MODERN by a short talk and question Water Planton N. W. Second Wally Young and daughter Avenue. is its name, and and answer period. Florence Eiseman Siena Dresses Amanda, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Advance orders may be And Many More MODERN Hoye, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mrs. Nate Fitch left re- placed with any member or it is..Watch for Moore, Mrs. Harriet Muth, cently for New Hartford, by mailing a check to Mrs. it in Boca Paton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Danniel Conn., to attend the wed- Clarence James, chairman and Ted Whitten. ding of one of hernewphews. of the project

EFFECTIVE MON. OCT. 23 . . . for the convenience of our customers we are New Banking Hours! opening an hour earlier 9 AM. to 2 PM FRIDAY EVENING 5 to 7

o new '62... ? Take advantage of our LOW COST ... for fast, friendly automobile BANK LOAN. Save convenient service ... money. . . Save time. . .Save worry see the folks at Boca Raton National LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS


Mrs, Dell Forester, Boca Raton who has been employed at the Boca Raton Kwii- Chek for the last six years, is leaving to ac- cept a new post with the firm in Ft. Lauderdale. Mrs. Forester came here six years ago from Mi- ami.—Colony Studio Voting Policy Is Outlined BY GEORGE KRAUTWALD The manner in which the three finalists for the 1962 Miss Teen Town crown will be selected has been changed. Alan Afford Finds Ass't City The finalists will be chosen Nov. 11. in for- mer years, the finalists were selected by vote of Manager Job A Challenging One the membership, which is Alan c. Alford is Boca shoes", loves Florida -how the eight semi-final- Raton's assistant city living. ists were chosen Oct. 7. manager. Al feels that his jobFinal Meeting This year, however, As a city grows, in offers an extremely inte- they will be judged on a years as well as area, resting and challenging point system. youth is needed to grow career in public service. Those fudging the girls with it and be trained to [n the picture above, he will be four of the six take over when ready. is looking over a map Chamber of Commerce officers, Bill Eubank, Most important city po- covering part of the city banquet chairman Kay president; Fran Galio, sitions require "on-the- with which he is associat- Meschler has called a final secretary; Joan Schmidt, •1 job" training, no matter ed. He has made many meeting of the banquet com- historian; and Tina Felly, how skilled the person is. friends here and will un- mittee at noon today at public relations. Also Hidden Valley Golf CLub, to voting will be Miss Teen A comparatively new- doubtedly make many more • j- comer to Boca Ratop "Al'' as the city grows. complete final arrangements Town committee chairman, (as everyone calls him) A member of the Junior for the Chamber's Annual George Frautwald, and Alford, is doing just that. Chamber of Commerce, Al Banquet. vice chairmen, Bernie He started his job aslives with his wife, Le- The event is scheduled for Jezercak, and Lynn Smith, assistant city manager in nor e and their children, the evening of Nov. 4 at the and the two previous Miss January, I960, and finds James, four and Dawn, Boca Raton Hotel and will be Teen Towns, Deanna Ba- it "most interesting." two, at 1269 N.W. Fourth held in the Patio Hoyale. ker steele, 1960, and Carolyn Baker, 1961. Vice A young 30 years of Street, Boca Raton. According to Chamber age, Al came to Boca president, Cary Kammer- 77 ^ manager Ed MeMn, ticket man, and treasurer, Diane Raton in 1958 from Coral saies are ver d andu is Gables where he waPublis c romm y g°° Jacobs, are not eligible graduated from the Univer- to vote as they are semi- sity of Miami with a de- To the Editor: probabla sele l thaoutt. the party will finalists. gree in Business Adminis- The Boca Raton Lions Club whbe o apla selnl outto . attenHe durge to dcon all- Foincs on which the tration and a major in since 1947 has stretched every tact him for reservations. girls will be judged are: Management. Originally muscle for Eye Sight Conser- Featuresofthe celebration interest in Teen Town An eight sided window —octagonal if you'please- he is from Valley Stream, vation. They have spentmany will be the installation of the personality, general ap- Long Island, N.Y. thousands of dollars in these new officers and directors psarance, ability to get framed with brick and reflecting the branches of a Fart of his duties as fourteen years in Preserva- and a special tribute to along with others, poise, assistant city manager tion of Eye Sight. posture, and correct use yucca. Result—an entrance hail of elegant simplicity. Thomas F. Fleming who will of make-up. The three are to relieve the city Hundreds of pairs of eye be the guest of honor. Fle- manager of certain assign- glasses and doctor bills were ming will be recognized for of points will This is the beauty of craftsmanship in detail...the ed responsibilities, act paid for children and adults his leadership in bringing for the city manager in his who could not afford either be named finalists for unexpected "touch" that is the distinction of Royal the new state university to 1962. absence, coordinate with doctor or the cost of purcha- Boca Raton. department heads on sing of glasses, The semi-finalists to be Oak Hills and its builders—Haft-Gaines. policies set by the City Thevalueof children see- judged are Susan Beasley, Your city is growing and Mary Crawford, Diane Ja- Commission and do re- ing properly is in direct pro- there is only one lions Club, It is only fitting that these homes, nestled in a rare, search and prepare re- portion to their scholastic cobs, Cary Kammerman, and we are badly in need of Dana Mucci, Sandra Pfan- ports. grades. Good sight means your help to carry on this unspoiled setting of rolling hills, palms and great Alford served four ner, Renee Ramseyer, and better grades to those who much needed and noble work. Edna Young. oaks, have this beauty of detailed craftsmanship... years in the U.S. Navy needglasses. Pages could be as an interior communica- Last week the Boca Raton written about how children Lions Club sent out Seals, Lynn Bari, Dean Stockwell, the good taste that is Boca Raton. tions electrician. have been helped. That is In his leisure times he asking you for a donation in Connie Marshall and James enjoys golfing and fishing why we are asking for your your purchase of these seals. Gleason. and, having "sand in hishelp. Please open your hearts and On the same program will send something. Every dollar be 3 color cartoons. The show you send will be spent right starts promptly at 7 p. m. FISCUS, ALTMAN & FISCUS, Inc. here in Boca Raton and — thank God you can see. Sgt. Begley In Alaska Your Insurance Needs If you need more seals Are Our Business phone Mr. Charles Fracker, Army Sgt Brown Begley, Our Only Business Is Insurance secy. Lions Club, 395-1490 whose wife, Joan, lives at Serving You will Be «r write Box 520. 274 N. E. Sixth Ct., Boca Our Pleasure A Boca Raton lion Raton, recently was assigned to the Chemical Corps Arctic Pre-Teen Movie Friday Test Activity at Fort Greely, pyai Amdur Building Alaska. 40 South East 1st Avenue Office Ph. 395-5550 The rnonthlypre-teenmo- Sergeant Begley entered Boca Racon, Fla. Home Ph. 395-5551 vie will be held this Friday the Army in 1951. evening at the Community The 29-year-old sergeant, Building. This month's fea- son of Mr. #nd Mrs. George ture film is "Home Sweet Begley, Dryhill, Ky., at- ARDEN SUPPLY Homicide", starring Peggy tended Hyden(Ky.) High YOUNGS Ann Garner, Randolph Scott, school. 209 S. FEDERAL HWY. Call 395-0818


Briggs Regular $79.95 JAY S. MacLAREN and yj STAR CLIPPER Stratton BRIAN E. ANDERSON Haft-Gaines homes have been chosen by General Electric as 4 cycle Haft-Gaines encourages you to personalize your home by 1961 Model the Showcase of GE products. Every electrical item in these your choice of colors, tiles, flooring, hardware, fixtures. At your EDGER '54.95 REGISTERED REAL ESTATE BROKERS all-electric, Medallion Homes, is GE-from Air Conditioning service, and at no charge to you, is the Architectural Design SERVING BROWARD and PALM BEACH COUNTIES to the automatic circuit breaker panels. These fine homes Department, for any modifications you may choose to make in also feature other nationally advertised products such as floor plan, layout, design and elevation. Swimming pool models ANNOUNCE ORGANIZATION OF Briggs Beautyware, Owens-Corning Fibergias, Daryl Doors. ^-\ include gunite concrete, filtered pools... at no extra cost. CENTRAL AIR-CONDITIONING AND %^ MACLAREN & CHOOSE FROM 9 FULLY APPOINTED HEATING INCLUDED IN EVERY HOME ANDERSON,TNC. MODEL HOMES $16,990 TO $39,500 REALTORS BLOOM AID 100 LBS. $3.95 151 EAST ROYAL PALM ROAD CATTLE 8f SHEEP BOCA RATON J95-1J33 MAfNIIJitE 30 LbS. 50% Natural organic 2 For Personalized Service To You HECTOR-GAN1C loo Lbs. In Real Estate Transactions HiCT©iGtliH25% ORGANlC$«|#g Throughout This Area HAPT-OAINES COMPANY .FERTILIZER ioo lbs. J Developers and Builders AGRINITE 100% ORGANIC $£3© Official Life Magazine Builders WilJ Not Burn 80 lbs. Listings and Inquiries Welcomed AGltfC© 7-7-5 30% ORGANIC $JfS ^^^^aSJt^Jo lOOO^sg. ft. iff 6A THE BDCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Octobe/19, 1961 Hurricanes v Dragons Hurricanes Take Lead Games are played at Memorial Farl? Football Field at 4 p.m. NO ad- In Tag Football League mission. The Hurricanes took lead the Hurricanes in COVE SHOE the 'lead in the Boca Ra- first downs. ton Flag Tag Football 1st half 2nd half REPAIR League Monday by defeat- Hurricanes 0 6 6 Fine Quality and ing the colts 19-12. Bob- Dragons 0 0 0 Workmanship by Lanflisi scored two In the remaining game of 471N.E. 20th St.,Boca Raton touchdowns and made last week the Dragons de- two fiist downs to lead feated the Red Devils the Hurricanes. Bobby Friday, October 13, by Rice added the other tally the seme of 13-6. Jim "Raring to go" for the Seahawks are Seacrest Varsity cheerleaders from and scored by an end runNeering and Hudson Sturm for the extra point. Lead- Boca Raton, left to right, Dana Mucci, Bunny Baka, and Sue Beasley.—Kerry scored for the Dragons ing the Hurricanes in first with Hudson Sturm adding Koen Photo downs was Steve McRen- the extra point and leading olds. Leading the Colts the Dragons with five was Steve Vail, who scor- fust downs, By: Reid Simmons ed two touchdowns and Tony Orpesa led the Red Dan Bcrrgioii made three first downs. Devils with a touchdown 1st half 2nd half and four first downs. Snow is fine for sledding Hurriacnes 12 0 12 1st half 2nd half and skiing, but on your Colts 13 6 19 Dragons 6 7 13 TV screen "snow" is an The .Hurricanes defeat- Red Devils 6 0 6 unwelcome visitor. ed the Dragons in league The Boca Raton Flag This phenomenon is play Wednesday, October Tag League schedule for something of a problem in 11, by the score of 6-0. this week is: fringe areas and results Keith Higgins scored the when the picture signal touchdown on a pass from Friday, Oct. 20 is very weak and the sig- Bobby Rice. Steve Mc- Colts v Dragons nal-to-noise ratio dwin- Renolds carried the ball Monday, Oct. 23 dles. Actually, isnow is a for four first downs to Colts v Red Devils case of the static noise Wednesday, Oct. 25 as well as the picture be- the modified division to ing visible on the screen. cop a first place trophy is This noise pops up from "•od Ferry of Miami who PALM BEACH two different sources: the is won the modified fea- static or atmospheric ",ure race for the last four SPEEDWAY noise and the internal ames. noise due to the circuits The Falm Beach Speed- in your TV set. way is a half-mile asphalt It's no snow job, by the track with two 38° banked RACES way, when we say that the turns. Cars have been 4 HEATS 2 FEATURES best TV buys in the area lapping the course at SUNL OCT. 22 are available at SOUTH- speeds better than 90 HiALYOSIS ©F BOCA RATON' TIME TRIALS 1 PM ERN TV INC. For exam- miles per hour. Waim-ups ple; A brilliant new Ad- The following are start at 1 p.m.. and the RACES 2 P.M. RAY LASHER, 102 E. Boca miral is yours for as little members of the Raton Rd., Ph. 395-2655. first race begins at 2 Children Under Adtn. Boca RatonBoard as $139.95 at SOCTHFRN MacLAREN So ANDERSON, p.m. The Speedway is 10 FREE $1.90 of Real tors .Doing INC., 151 E. Royal palm Harvey Sheller of Boca Raton (above) plunges through the line to score TV INC., 1927 North Fed- business with Rd.. phone 395-1333. located at the County LOCATED COUNTY eral Highway, What's them you are as- J.C. MITCHELL ffl SONS, 22S, Seacrest High School's only touchdown in last week's tie game with the Stuart Fairgrounds on Rt. 98 FAIRGROUNDS sured the highest Federal Hwy., ph. 395-4711. Tigers. The Suncoast Conference game ended in a 6-6 tie, leaving the Sea- holding you back? phone type of service MOTHERWELL REALTY, 20 west of Military Trail. 395-4666. that can be admln- S.E. 1st Ave., Ph. 395-4044. hawks with an enviable record of no defeats in the past 21 games. An incom- tered in the P ETR U ZZEL LI R E ALTY, In c., field of Real 2325 N. Ocean Blvd., phone plete pass to end Tad Enutsen (left) failed to help the Seahawks drive for Estate Practice. 395-0B22. further scores. F. BYRON PARKS, 499 E. Pal- W.P. BEBOUT, 701 N. Federal metto ParkRd., Ph. 3g 5-0611. Hwy., Ph. 39S-4334. J. STUART ROBERTSON, CONN C. CURRY, 164 East 152 S. Federal Hwy., Phone Car Races Sunday Boca Raton Road, P.O.Box 395-4fi2fi. 354, Ph. 395-3314. FRED TAYLOR, 3700 North Jaycee Jets Trounce WM. DAY, 500 South Federal Fed. Hwy., phone 395-2052. At PB Speedway WM. J. THOMPSON, 27 South VOTERS OF BOCA RATON Highway, ph. 395-0220, Fed. Hwy., phone 395-0944. HARLEY D. GATES, 232 S. Falm Beach Speedway TOWN AND COUNTRY, 164 Federal Hwy., ph. 395-2733 East Boca Raton Road, will be the scene of anoth- iOKYAL E. HADLEY, 400 E. Phone 395-3434. Deerfield Colts 12-0 er afternoon of racing Sun- I Palmetto Park Road, phone CONGRATULATIONS TUN1SON PROPERTIES OF 395-2244. FLA., INC., 165 East Boca The Boca Raton Jay- fumbled the ball on its day at l p.m. when modi- JACK P. JEMISON, 998 S. Raton Road, phone 395-2944. Federal Hwy., ph. 395-2000. cee Jets defeated the own 22 yard line. fied and late mode! race- M.N, WEIR & SONS, INC., F. WOODROW KEETON, 2950 cars will stage a six 470 S. Federal Highway, Deerfield Colts last Herbold, Jones, and The Charter Vigilance Committee commends the record N. Ocean Blvd., Ph. 39 5-5252. Phone 395-4000. Scott led the Jaycee Jets event program. LANGLEY REALTY, 119 W. Thursday evening at OTTO YARK, 151 East Royal breaking number of citizens who participated in fheir govern- Palmetto Park Road, phone Pioneer Fark in Deer- with a total offensive Race director Stan Par- 39 5-4727. Palm Road, phone.395-1661. Eield by the score of 12 yardage of 173 yards, neil has announced two ment by going to the polls last week. However, the fob is to 0. while the defense held main feature races — a only half done. The Jets scored both Deerfield to a total offen- 25 lap modified feature and The defeat of the proposed new charter was but a step to- touchdowns in the third sive gain of only 75 yards. a 25 lap late model fea- period. The first touch- Tim Carpenter at right ture, spot-light driver in ward our original aim that any charter revisions shall reflect do wn was made by Harry end, Dick Marshall at left the desires of the people and their right to be heard. Herbold as he returned end, and Ralph Ortenzi at Pulvertted We will continue our efforts toward that goal. the half-time kick from middle guard led the sets his own 20 to the Deer- on defense with their MUCK field Colts' 15. 'He scor- rugged line play. Jim CHARTER VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. ed four plays later with a Vento was outstanding at « Lawn Sand nine yard run off of left right tackle for the offen- « Driveway Rock Sidneys. Brodhead, Chairman. George M. Holdsworth, Secretary. tackle. siveteam. The second score was This Saturday night, • Bermuda Grass made by Dennis Jones the Jaycee Jets will play with a two yard run off of Plantation at Memorial Bud Butler The Price of Freedom is Eternal VIGILANCE. right guard after Deerfield Park in Boca Raton. The possible return of Bobby Boca Raton tCiwcmes Q@W Bazzone will be a boost tD the defensive team of 399-1998 Scorns Listed the Jets. However, a seri- ous blow was felt by the The recent Deerfield Jaycee Jets with the Jos, Beach Kiwanis Club's of Leo Pox because of a Third Ainual Golf Tourna- fractured ankle. ment at University Park Many advantages offered by . . Country club here, drew one hundred participants Support Boca U for a full day of golf. Winners in the tourney were: Low gross, 'men, Dorsey Your LOCAL Contractor Nevergall; low gross, wom- It's a Fact! en, Tish Freuss; low gross, junior, Steve Haus- Should Your aman. Mate Know ? Your Neighbor Low net, men, William That's a question to RAYMOND W. GUARANTEE Press, Stan Babkiewich, GOOD FOR AS which there can be no BOGGS LONG AS YOU OWN Lloyd Newman, Bill YOUR CAR general answer. But A Local Taxpayer OQQP AT MIPAS MUmE * FKEE INSTALLATION Kirsch, Carl Douglas; SHOPS about the future, each By Trained Specialists low net, women, Gayle mate should know all Takes Only 15 Minutes. Wright. the plans and hopes. Runner up, low gross, As a member of the Association, he is committed * Mufflers, Tailpipes, Sharing with others is a men, R. Hayden; runner- considerable part of to help in Civil Defense when needed. Exhaust Pipes for Ev- up, low gross, women, CECIL H. LEDFORD every Make of Car and happiness, and even in A. Cook; runner up, low business . Truck gross, men, Joseph Trico. Raymond w. Boggs, Inc., a Voluntary, non-profit association of businessmen sharing firm with many years of ex- * Written Guarantee good High gross, men, B. Con- with oth- , way. perience in the construction who operate within the body independently. at over 350 MIDAS ers is a industry, has recently incor- MUFFLER SHOPS The Chairman was Wil-good pol- porated and is now specializ- from Coast-to-Coast liam Behrens assisted by icy. We ;• ing in tie beams and form The Association includes specialists and all Eddie Beard. mean that work, Member America'5 Only Coast-io-Coai* Network of Exclusive Auto Muffler Shops it is our partners in the firm are sub-contractors • Geo. Christy's goal that Raymond w. Boggs and Ce- you shou- SESft. -_x_/ft? cil H. Ledford. Between POMPANO BEACH the two of them, they direct I All members are highly qualified, licensed Id always Jim Terry the work of six crews, nine 1484 S. Federal Highway \VK 3-9971 CURV-INN get such big dividends J 550 N. Fed. Hwy. trucks and enough plywood and financially responsible. 'T. LAUDERDALE HALLANDALE and satisfaction from and clamps for between 40 2212 S. Andrews 1000 N. Federal OPEN 24 HOURS dealing with us that and 60 houses at one time. there is never any ques- As tie beam and form tion in your mind about specialists, the firm ope- These are only a few of the many rea the good we have shaiei rates from Hollywood north sons your LOCAL contractors should PRESCRIPTIONS FREE DELIVERY with you. to Riviera Beach, offering be considered FIRST when you have builders and contractors the plans to build or remodel - - - eith- COMPOUNDED ACCURATELY speed and efficiency charac- er commercial or residential. • TERRY teristic of specialists. Boca Raton Liggen4texall FORD Co. BOCA BATON Drug Snm Broward's Newest & Fastest FLQtIDA Pharmacy WINFIELD PARK Growing FOHJ Dealer Boca Raton 101E. PALMETTO i»K. RD. SHOPPING CENTER 10W N. Federal Hwy. Ph, 395-4841 Ph. 395-4919 Pompano Beach 2 Stores' WH 1-0310 Contractors Association 740 AureSlei St. Beea gtafon of all bids. Thursday, October 19, 1961 THF BOCA RATON NEWS 7A Mai] or deliver sealed Bids to: HELP WANTED Legal Notice Mr, Wm. H. Lamb City Manager FULL time man to vork City of Boca Raton NOTICE TO CREDITORS Boca Raton, Florida. for Rug Cleaning Concern. IN THE COURT OF THE COUN- Bids shall be sealed and mark- Experience pieferred, but TY JUDGE IN AND FOR PALM ed "TRACTOR BrD", and bids BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; IN vAll be opened at the City Com- not necessary, Fh. 395- PROBATE, NO. 18201 mission meeting held on October 3567. (248-47B) IN RE: ESTATE OF 24th, 1961, Qt 7:30 P.M. BOCA RATON NEWS CLASSIFIED JOHN VV. HIERONYMUS CITY OF BOCA RATON COMPFTFNT, experienc- Deceased. By: Wm. H. Lamb, ed, part time stenographer. City Manager HOMES FOE SALE To All Creditors, Legatees, Must live close in to Boca APARTMENTS FOR RENT HQMES FOR RENT REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE Distributees and persons Hav- FOR RENT or SALE ing Any Claims or Demands Business section. Call FURNISHED Apt. across 3-BFDROOM, 2 bath, 2 BEDROOM, tile bath, 2-BEDROOM, 1-bath, prac- Against Said Estate; BID PRICE ON THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS. . $ 395-3311. (255-47B) from Golf Course in new Fla, room, central heat, NEW Watertronc 3 bdr, 2carporte, utility, all tically new, partly furn. or You and each of you are here- baths, unfurn. enclosed drapes, rug, Venetian unfurn. Carporte and utili- by notified that you are requir- Dealer duplex. Light, clean, $135. a mo. yearly lease. ed by Law to present any WOMAN WHO CAN DEIVE airy. Weekly, monthly or See at 418 N.W. 13th Dr;garage. See at 260 S.W. blinds, stove & refrig. ty room. 193 S.W. 2nd St. claims and demands which you, ... If you would enjoy yearly. 343 F. Royal Falm (Country Club viil.; Fh. some furniture, clean and (234-47F) or either of you, may have 13th Place, Boca islands. working 3 or 4 hours a Road. (240-47Btf) 395-1722. (249-47Btf> Call Logan 6-3622 after nice yard. Frice $8,000. against the estate of JOHN W. day calling regularly each BELOW cost, 2 bdr, 1 HIERONYMUS, deceased, late 5 p.m. (940-33Btf) Terms, Call Owner 395- bath home. Drapes, furn. of said County, to the County Authorized Signature month on a group of Studio EFFICIEN. $10. to 12.50 3697. (242-47B) Judge of palm Beach County, Girl Cosmetic clients on a COMPLETELY Furnished or unfurn. Chatham Hills, Florida, at his office in the P_ublish; Oct. 19, 1961 1 bedroom 13.50 to 18.75 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Con- UNFURN. 2-bdr, 2 bath, Low ma. mbg. Tel. 395- court house of said County at route to be established in Fla. room, reasonable. 2-BEDROOM Home with 1 West Palm Beach, Florida, with- MISCELLANEOUS 2 bedrooms 16.00 to 21.25 veniently located to 2647. 321 N.E. 28th Rd. and around Boca Raton, 3543 N.W. 2nd Ave. Tobath fe pla. room. Newly in six calendar months from for SALE 3 bedrooms 21.25 Beach & Shopping Center. (946-33Btf) the time of the first publication and are willing to make see pick up key at 3667 decorated, completely fur- of this notice. Each claim or Furnished. Utilities in dud 415 Boca Raton Rd. Call 2 FERSIAN Rugs 34x25 light deliveries, etc., NW 2nd Ave. (164-43B) nished, low taxes, small 3-BEDROOM, 2 bath, all demand shall be in writing in write to STUDIO GIRL ed. Close in. 290 W. Pal- CR 6-7606. (528-19Btf) duplicate, and shall stole the and one Hooked rug 55x42. upkeep, $12,750. immedi- electric, large living-room, place of residence and post off- COSMETICS, Dept, OW-9, metto Pls.Rd. Ph. 395-5549 STORES FOR RENT ice address of the claimant, and Call 395-0645. (239-47B) or 395-2736. (723-23Btf) 2-BFDROOK, 1 bath, fur- ate possession. 240 NWFHA mortgage., $14,600. shall be sworn to by the clai- Glendale, California. TWO Stores available, WHITE French Provincial nished. Near town. Call 7th St. For inspection call 1269 N.W. 4th St., Coun- mant, his agent, or his attorney, Route will pay up to North Bocu pvaton. Ample and any such claim or demand Chaise lounge, down-cush- LOVELY, spacious, 1- 395-2463. (232-46B) Oryal E. Had!ey, Realtor, try Club Village. Call not so filed shall be void. $5.00 per hour. (222-46, parking, $65. per month. 400 E. Falmetto Fk. Rd.; 395-5375. (243-47B) ion, $100. Relax - "A" bedroom apt. Also effi- OFFICES FOR RENT~ First National Bank in 47.48B) ciency, furnished. Beauti- Call 395-0934. (189-44Etf) Fh: 395-2244. (176-43B) PQlm Beach as Executor lounge, vibrator, $70; NEW 2 bdrs, 2 baths, cor- ful location, walking dis- MODERN business offices of the Estate of White Chinese Wicker MAID wanted part time. ner lot, central heat, ciiy«" JOHN VV. HIERONYMUS^ Chaise, foam pad, $45; 3 tance to downtown. Fhone in choice location. Only LOTS FOR SALE 2-BEDROOM Borne, all deceased. Apply Whitehouse Motoi sewers, extra Ige. lot, fold wicker screen, $25; 395-4567. (936-33Btf) $75. and $85. a month in- BUILDING lots ror sale in newly painted & decorat- Lodge, 641 South Federal built-in range Sz oven, KURZINGER AND HONCHELL Silver gravy boat and tray; cludes water, lights, park- beautiful Country Club vil- ed better than New. 221 Attorneys for FIRST NATIONAL Hwy., Boca Raton. (219- ing area, Ph. 395-3141. N.W. 10th. A beautiful wood paneling, extra ige. BANK IN PALM BEACH, cupboard silver vegetable FURNISHED 1 and 2'bed-- lage. Phone 395-1818 or K & H Building 46B) (928-33Btf) location in Spanish Vill- screened porch. $14,795. Boca Raton, Florida dishes, etc. Boca 395-2541. room apts., monthly or stop at office at entrance. (235-47B) age Section, 514% FEA fi-Low down payment, no Firstpublication: Octoberl2,1961 HAIRDRESSFR, (female) yearly basis, southland WAREHOUSES HOMES FOR SALE ~ nancing. Small down pay- closing cost. 699 NW 14th Bo ca News all around experienced Apts. 2060 NW 2nd Ave. 5000 SQ. FT. CBS, 14 ft. ment $71.92 monthly pay- Ave. Call 395-1818. (993- October 19, 26 and November 12 HP SEA King Outboard Near J.C. Mitchell School. 2nd, 1961 Motor, 6 gal. reserve fuel operator, Fompano Beach, ceilings, 3 10x12 over- FLORFSTA 3 bdr; 2 bath, ments. Get Fey next door. 36B) 399-0922. (252-47B) Ph WH 1-6318. (538- air cond., heat, superb tank, good running condi- head doors, separate off- (158-43 F) REAL ESTATE" IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S 20Btf) ice 12x15,2 toilets. Prac- kitch. liv, Fla. din. rms. COURT, IN AND FOR PALM tion. Fh. 395-1801. (236- BOATS FOR SALE BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. 47,48.49.50B) tically new building. sep. gai. w. stor. rm. Ige. Use the Classifieds Probate No. 18 208 SELL or Trade, Lyman COMPLETELY fain. nLce Plenty of windows, cen- dbl. lot v.. fruit trees LOCAL BUILDER IN RE: ESTATE OF 2 MATCHING chairs up- Islander, loaded with roomy Efficiency, suitable trally located. Fh. JA 4-compl. privacy and com- REAL ESTATE JACOB H. AMSLER, deceased. holstered in simulated equipment and trailer. for 1 or 2. Also, a 1-bdr. 7813. (238-47Btf) fort, 395-2441. Come See, WOULD LIKE TO NOTICE TO CREDITORS leather, $18. each. Like Bargain. Call 395-3379 apt. reasonable. El Mar Make Offer. (122-4IBtf) REAL ESTATE V\ANTED TRADE OR SELL All creditors of the estate of new. Call 395-2879. (250- after 5 p.m. (251-47B) Apts; 4300 FW 3rd Ave. JACOB H. AMSLER, deceased, 47B) 395-2596. (19C-44B) 3-BEDROOM, 2 bath, fur- LOW DOWN PAYMENT EBERT 3 bedroom home on deep are hereby notified and required OUR CLASSIFIEDS water canal, close to ocean to file any claims or demands BEAUTIFUL white marble nished home in Boca Ra- 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath home OCEAN FRONT APT. which they may have against 3 or 4 ROOMS, apt; orton. Must be brand new, in Boca Raton Sn. $13,650. in Fort Lauderdale. Home said estate in the office of the cocktail table, 5' long. Bring Results suitable for offices. Also 2 bdr, 2 bath, GE kit- is in excellent condition county judge of Palm Beach pool and patio desired, Fxcellent location. See chen, 15x25 living room, with many extras, in the County, Florida, in the court- Also RCA 21" TV. $50. ROOMS FOR RENT efficiency. Reasonable Mr. willoughby at Keating each. Excellent condition. price must be under pool, garage, beach priv- $27,000 price bracket. Will house at West Palm Beach, 1 or 2 BEDROOMS and rent. Call Carl saelinger $22,000. Mail particulars, of Fla. inc., '30 No. Fede- consider income property Florida, within eight calendar Ph. CR 6-4459. (241-47B) Apts; 395-4653. 3100 N.W. ileges, partly furn. SAC- or building lots in the months from the date of the bath in private home. Call no phone calls or personal ral Hwy,, Boca Raton, ph. RIFICE $20,000. $5,000 first publication of this notice. CR 8-2888 days, 395-1947 5th Ave; Boca Raton. (211- visits. This home is for395-1515, evenings 399- Boca Raton and Deerfield \ Each claim or demand must be FINE Lawson sofa, elec- 45Etf) down payjnent, balance 5 Beach area. in writing and must state the tric handy washer, win- evenings. (138-42Btf) new General Mgr. of Sjos- 0448. (253-47B) years, 57c Write P.O. place or residence and post trom Automation Inc. Re- office address of the claimant dow fan, drapes, other HOMES FOR RENT REAL ESTATE Box 828, Ft. Lauderdale. Please Call LARGE pleasant room, and must be sworn to by thehousehold items. Call AVAILABLE for Nov. & ply P.O.Box40,Bcca Raton. claimant, his agent, or his at- 395-0261. (254-47B) twin beds, private entrance (246-47B) 395-1253 torney, or it will become void & bath. East of H'wy.Dec, completely furn. 2 NEW- according to law, SITUATIONS WANTED' bdr, single house. 220 OFFICE FOR RENT September 28th, 1961. PDOI & patio privileges. N.E. 2nd St., Boca. $125. WATERFRONT Alfred E. Amjiter REGISTERED nurse (ma- Call 395-3074 after 6 pm. (227-46B) a mo. Call 395-2176. (247- Boca's Best Ocean access, Alfred E. Amsler ture), part time care. 47F) Business Address Homsms Executor of the Estate of Convalescent e, chronic 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, JACOB H. AMSLER, deceased. FURNISHED. Idea] for DEERFIELD Beach, Wa- * Store, office or We Have Complete Information PUBLISH: Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 or semi-invalid. Prepare business man. Frivate en- desk space at Furnish Proof of publication meals. 395-0578. (97-40B terfront, 3 bedrooms, 3 Model Homes trance Si bath. Fh. CR 8- baths, stove & refrig; reasonable rentals on the Following: (Mai! to: LEON F. WEAVER tf) 1429 or CR 8"2006. (185- ilQE. Palmetto Pk. Rd. Boca Raton, Attorney at Law $150. a month, phone BOCA RATON SQUARE P.O. Drawer 8 GOVERNESS, light cook- 44B) 399-0280. (244-47B) Boca Raton, Florida Phow* 395-5750 $15,990 COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE ing and housework. Will ROOM with twin beds, live-in. Call 395-3141. " MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REAL ESTATE CITY OF BOCA RATON private bath and private CALL ESTATES SECTION PALM BEACH COUNTY (237-47B) entrance. Gentleman pre- BOCA 395-1211 LAKEFLORESTA BOCA RATON, FLORIDA ferred. 300 N.E. 7th St. TITANO Accordions OCTOBER 12, 1961 SERVICES AVAILABLE Baldwin and Lowrey Organs PALMETTO PARK TERRACE Call 395-2351. (221-46,47 and Pianos — Rentals For Sale or Rent ROYAL PALM YACHT 8. COUNTRY CLUB NOT! C E PIANO-ORGAN lessons, _n Trade TO: FORD TRACTOR AGEN- in your home or mine. Call Open Week Day 10 am-6 pm CIES. APARTMENTS FOR RENT To CR 6-5835 after 3 P.m. Monday 10 am-9 pm THREE-BEDROOM, The City of Boca Raton will Fort Lan§kf Realty receive sealed bids on or before (220-46,47 F) DUFLEX Apt., 2 bedroom, 9l lT 12:00 o'clock (NOON), October WEBSTER MUSIC STUDIOS 2-BATH HOME furn. 374 S.W. 1st St.; 473 N.E. 20th Street * «*» Lauderdale H1ALTORS 24th, 1961, for the following MEN'S and Women's Cus- (Fine Ridge section) Boca Tractor Mower. tom Tailoring and Expert Boca Raton 395-3933 199 W. Palmetto Park Rd. Tel. 395-4727 One (1) current Mode! No, 881 Raton. Call CR 6"9612. professional instruction North Boca Village Boatsrnan's Paradise - Ford Diesel Tractor equipped Alterations. Tip-Top Tai- (197-44Btf) on all instruments with all Standard Equipment, lors, "formerly Sciullo's" located in the HUB of plus the following features: Ft. Lauderdale's boating 34.89 Draw Bar H.P. next door to new Kwik- BOCA RATON: NEW 1 Chek, in Delray Beach. and 2 bedroom apts; stove activity, this 3-bedioom, 10 Speed Selecto — Speed Music &ess©ik§ 2-babh home located near Transmi ssion. 145 N.E. 2nd Ave., Ph.& refrig, radiant heat, by Wallace J. Cirillo, $10,490 Live PTO — 540 and 1,000 CR 6-4424. (225-46,47,48, from $85. monthly, call the Ft. Lauderdal e Yacht R.P.M. M. Mus. Ed. Club is owned by an out- BOCA RATON Tires; Rear — 6 ply Diamond 49B) 399-3524 or 395-3 287. PHONE: Tread 14x24. (245-47Btf) Private Lessons in Your Home of-town Builder and pric- Front — 6 ply 7.50 x 16, SLIFCOVERS, Sofa, Piano - Orqan - Accordion ed Jess than reproduc- Looking for a Heavy Duty Front End — 395-1661 Daytime Power Steering, Chairs, Cushions, Bahama FURNISHED Duplex one Theory -Harmony -Composition tion cost . , Builder Mower attachment: Servis beds, cut in your home. & two bedroom apts. Ap- willing to trade for va- Cyclone Model Cy-60. Classical - Popular - Jazz 395-0865 Evenings MOTEL OR APARTMENT SITE? Unit to be delivered within Drapery fabric sale. Paul's. ply 175 NW 3rd St., Boca cant or improved prop- 30 days. Call 395-0655, ©r 395-5151. Raton. Ph. 395-1580. Call CR 8-2729 erty . . SEE THE MAN The City of Boca Raton re- serves the right to reject any (141-42Btf) (41-38Btn SERVICES AVAILABLE AT Let us show you some of the SERVICES AVAILABLE exceptional sites available Textile Painting tt.N. WEIR 8- SONS, INC. Star Decorator's Ser. 999 S. Federal Hwy. P.O. Box 871, BocaRaton, Fia, SEE WHERE TO FIND IT . . . 395-5246 Night 395-2937 & Camino Real KIRSCH Boca Raton Phone 399-243? Drapery Hardware btfrf Phone Pompano WH 1-4103 Custom Rodding-Venetian Blinds Ph: 395-4000 DEERFIELD FLORIST Wov en-Wood Shades Phone; Boca Raton 395-18 11 BOCA RATON Quality Service * Free Estimates Phone 395-1071 Cut Flowers for all Occa- Robert A. Motzer BANK FINANCING NURSERY sions, pottery, Gifts, Plas- HAPPY AUTO SALES SALES and 353 NO. FEDERAL tic Flowers & Foliage 20 S. E. First Ave. Home of Happy Sam's Used Cars 3317 N. Federal Hwy. SERVICE Telephone 10 E. Palmetto Park Road Your Hometown Nursery Shoppers Haven, PompanoBch. Yoyr HOOViR 100 N.E. 2nd Ave. Vacuum Cleaners — Floor polishers Boca Raton, Fla 395-4044 & Old Dixie Highway Vacuum Dealer Rug Sliajnnoo and Mildew Crystals Boca Raton, Florida PHONE 395-4740 Patios — Porches, garage Mrs. Florence Casey Dick Gould, Mgr. ida Rooms « carporte en- closures m patios • Con- 3 bedroom,d bath, unfurnished, $85.00 per month. 4 bedrooms, 2 blocks from Boca Raton Municipal Sprinkler system instal. crete Driveways • Gene- USA TV APPLIANCE DE NEVE COIFFURES ral contractor • FHA beach, furnished, $3,000.00 per season. Do-It-Yourself Supplies RCA-West.-All Makes Shampoo & set $2.00 Terms • All work guaran- NATIONAL SPRINKLER SAI.ES - SERVICE Permanents $7.50 up teed • Licensed and Insur- $ 13,500 Home, 3 bedroom, 2bath, $125.00 per month. SERVICE Phone 399-0155 Phone "390-0922 ed • Free Estimates » Free Anytime within one year $75 of the $125 monthly 1335 South Federal Highway 5105 North Federal Hwy. rent will be applied to the purchase price of the Deerfleld Beach, Florida Pompano Beach, Florida PSans 158 N.W. 13th St.-395-1828 Paul Nielsen Shopping Center Frederick's Shopping Center WM. C. PROWE, BUILDER home. 740 Aurelia St. 395-2789 PHONE 395-2412 Diamonds-watches-jewelry FRIGIDAIRE DO-IT-YOURSELF FOR SALE D & M AUTO PARTS CHAFFIN JEWELRY Tom Myers Appliance New 50 Ft. 220 S. Dixie Hwy. Watch Repair Warehouse Clearance SPRINKLER 3 bedroom, water front home, swimming pool, air Boca Raton, Fin.. 2 Bedroom '4850 Wm. L. Chaffin, Watchmaker on used appliances SUPPLIES conditioned, will give terms. "Your NAPA Jobber is a 139 E. Palmetto Park Road Plastic & Galvanized 3 bedroom, • waterfront home, has private boat 125 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, Fla. DETROITER 52 Ft-2Bedroom Good Man to Know" Deerfleld Beach, Fla. __ fitting:Fittings All Aluminum dock, fully furnished, $29,500.00 ••Tel. 395-4611 and 36 Ft -- 1 Bedroom All Set Up with Aluminum Awnings in 5 Stat Park — Ready to 3 bedroom, 3 bath, waterfront with patio and pool, Post Office Box 550 move in. completely air conditioned, beautifully land- LIBERTY GLASS, INC. Ten Years in Boca Tel. 395-0800 rumpsInstallations scaped, $39,500.00. 80 2 North Dixie Highway THE BRASS KNOCKER ERIC KOHTZ Repairs LANGE SCHMIDT Boca Raton, Florida Gift Shop Plumbing and Heating Frank J. Liberty Contractor WellsNATIONAL SPRINKLER MOBILE HOMES, Inc. 71 S. Federal Hwy. Night and weekends call 1 N.W. First Avenue Wm DAYUH I INC. Phone 39S-S61S Phone 395-2566 Boca Raton, Florida AND WELL SERVICE 4410 South Federal Hwy. John Clarke 395-0071 or 158 N.W. 13 St. 395-1828 500 S. Federal, Boca Raton Deiray Beach Phone: 395-0220 Paul Nesbut 395-30^7 BA THE BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, October 19, 1961 Modeling School for the past His clients have included Andre' 15 years, he has also been sucn famous personalities as associated with Saks Fifth Loretta Young, Dinah Shore, Joins Salon Avenue, Charles of the Ritz, Mrs. Toots Shor, Mrs. Hugh and Eddie Senz Studios. Downs and others. Andre Correale, a veteran of 25 years as a hair stylist, 21 So. Dixie UUP SillS C Lake Worth makeupman and beauty ex- H'way, flHlVJtJila JU5-2737 pert, has joined the staff of Louis de Boca Beauty Salon,- BRIDALS - COCKTAILS - FORMALS Inc., in the Boca Raton Ho- GOWNS FOR ORGANIZATIONS tel, and Club. Eve. Interviews By Appointment In adrMon to actually Bridal Consultant, Mrs. Sweeny working at his profession, Correale has lecture to wo- men's groups throughout the Call country, from New York to California, on the subject of 395-1800 general good grooming. M B U L A N C E| Andre Correale, a beauty expert, hair stylist and R. Jay Kraeer makeup man for the past 25 years, adds the finishing He was previously in New touches to the makeup of Miss Raquel Antuna. Cor- York with movie studios such Funeral Home and as MGM and 20th Century Ambulance Service reale is now associated with Louis de Boca Beaaty Fox where he helped young ! Two Boca Raton postal employes have been honored for suggestions they Salon, Inc.,; in the Boca Raton Hotel. ladies preparing for screen i 450 N. Fed. Hwy., Boca Raton | made for the improvement of postal operations here. Cecil W. Roseke, (center) tests, ! Boca Raton's assistant postmaster, hands a certificate to Pasquale L, Rucci, Teens Will Collect Canned Director of the New York while Charles E. Harrell (right) looks on, Rucci received the certificate, a cash You are cordially invited to attend . . . award and a letter of commendation for suggestions for installation of a stamp Goods for Welfare Council Workshop SEMINAR vending machine and telephone booths while Harrell was cited for development "INVESTMENTS AND TAXES" of a process for preserving the life of street collection boxes. BY TINA KELLEY conducted by Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Teenagers all, there's going to be Draws 00 Baron G. Helbig Parents Will Hear Dr. Kornblue Speak 'Back to School' a "Canned Can Dance" this Saturday night with the The Ft. Lauderdale Dea- Nationally known consultant and Dr. Edwin Kornblue, local ciation. "Jesters" playing your favorite tunes from 8:Cf0toll:00p. m. nery "Workshop" held at Sfc security analyst. Program for PTA The idea behind our theme " Canned Can Gift rights — reversionary trusts — dentist, will be guest spea- Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gregory's Episcopal Church charitable trusts - a state tax etc. ker at the next meeting of Sterling were named del- A "Back to School" pro- Dance" ft to collect canned food for the Boca Raton yesterday was the Boca Raton Elementary agates us the state PTA con- gram will be featured at the Boca Raton Welfare iCouncil!to distribute to one of the most successful SILVER THATCH INN School Parent Teacher Asso- vention Nov. 12-14. meeting of Seacrest High those with a need. Admission to the dance ever conducted in mis Dea- A1A { 529 N. Ocean Blvd.) School Parent Teacher Asso- is 3 cans of food, any kind, or 50 cents. nery, members said. POMP AND BEACH For the boy and girl who brings the 10 A.M. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27 ciation, Tuesday, Oct. 24 Approximately 120 women "coffee will be served" MARKET in the school gymnasium at most cans of food diere will be record from Hollywood to Boynton Aldrich Corner album prizes. So don't miss out on the sponsored by: DAVE'S 8 p.m. Beach were in attendance. KING MEKRITT COMPANY, INC. West Palmetto Park Road There will be a short busi- chance to do a Community Service and The five "Workshops" offer- no charge 1007 E. Sunrise Blvd. ness meeting, then parents have a good time. ed were on Promotion, Uni- no obligation Fort Lauderdale will follow the regular sche- Tina Ke!l=y ted Thank Offering, Admi- Eldon Purvis phone - JA. 4-2466 QUALITY MEATS dule of their children at Sea- nistration, Christian Social division manager crest. Teen Town is quite busy better be thinking about a Relations and Missions, and The next meeting will be helping others. On Hallow- costume too, 'cause you'll were conducted'by some of REGISTER Your Pre-Schoo! Age Chile held in February. een night most of our teen- be having a real spooky the top churchwomen of the agers will be out collecting dance too. Episcopal Church, FOR HALLOWEEN FUN NOW for UNICEF. The money « * * Registration st 9:30 a. m. that will be collected will Don't forget Teen Town was handled by Mrs. Phyllis FISH DEPARTMENT be given to help the child- has a suggestion box. If you Peirce, Mrs. Bernard Turner, BOCA PALM ren of the world. If any of have an idea for a dance, Mrs. William Maxfield, Mrs. you would like to help, ask money raising project or just James C. Stoutsenberger and NOW OPEN for Jbanie Schmidt. anything, write your idea on Mrs, Howard McCalL DAY SCHOOL a piece of paper and bring it LOCATED IN THE "Strictly Fresh" * * * to the Teenage Center. Marines Promote Phone 395-1213 Teens, start thinking a- « * « LIONS CLUB BUILDING bout a costume, "cause on Pool to Corporal 399 N.W. 35th STREET October 28, we are having a Committee Chairmen — Robert Pool, son of Mr, (Corner of 4th Ave.) by: W,P. BEBOUT real spooky "Halloween Our President Bill Eubank and Mrs. Sidney Pool, has Hop". Music will be by the has called a meeting for this Separate Kindergarten and ANNIVERSARY SALE Did you. know that the been promoted from lance "Four Spooks". Everyone Saturday morning, October first bourbon was distilled corporal to full corporal at Jr. Kindergarten Age Group must wear a costume. 21, 11:00 a. m., at the by a minister? This was the Marine Base in Clarks- Attention pre-teens, you Teenage Center. Plans will "THE ONLY LAST 3 DAYS in 1789 and the guilty gen- ville, Tenn. tleman was the Rev. Eli- "be made for the Halloween LICENSED AND SIUCER CHAIR jah Craig'... That if it LEGAL NOTICE dance. Be on time. A gra dua te o f Seacrest High FULLY INSURED a * * School, Bool plays tackle on DAY SCHOOL IN Upholstered with weren't for a dark pigment NOTICE fO CREDITORS BOCA RATON' called melanin we would IN THE COURT OF THE COUN- P. S. Don't forget those the Base's football team. He foam cushioning all be blue-eyed. It is this TY JUDGE IN AND FOR PALM joined the Marines two years REGISTER NOW by Calling 395-9833 and washable cloth BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; can goods this Saturday. property which absorbs IN PROBATE, NO. 18226 ago. supported vinyl light and screens out the IN RE: ESTATE OF ultra-modern design blue present in all eyes. JOHN E. HOUGHTON . . the fashion rage Blue eyes appear blue for Deceased, To All Creditors, Legatees, today - Choice of the simple reason that they Distributees and Persons Hav- popular colors lack this pigment . . . ing Any Claims or Demands That there is such a thing' Against Said Estate: as too much sleep? sleep- You and each of you are here- was 95 by notified that you are requir- ers breathe at a slowed ed by Law to present any $24*95 15 rate which tends to store claims and demands which you or either of you, may have up carbon monoxide in the against the estate of JOHN E. blood stream. Too much HOUGHTON, deceased, late of shuteye then becomes said County, to the County Woven Rattan Judge of Palm Beach County, harmful . . . Incidentally, Florida, at his office in the Circle Chair there's no need to lose court house of said County at West Palm Beach, Florida, with- Wonderfully cool and sleep fretting over a real in six calendar months from comfortable! Black estate problem. If you are the time of the first publica- tion of this notice. Each claim tubular metal legs searching for a specific or demand shall be in writing in with Plastic Fer- type of home, a building duplicate, and shall state the lot, or income property, place of residence and post off- rules - Limited 2 to ice address of the claimant, a customer. $3,98 drop in at W.P. BEBOUT, and shall be sworn to by the 701 North Federal High- claimant, his agent, or his at- Cash 'N' Carry torney, and any auch claim or way. Our listings include demand not so filed shall be To Better Serve £•98 many of the most attrac- void. tive buys in the area. Ralph p. Houghton Phone 395-4334. Executor of the Estate of JOHN E. HOUGHTON, deceased. Our Customers KURZINGER AND HONCHELL THIS WEEK'S HOUSE- Attorneys for RALPH P. HOUGH- OPEN 9 to 9 HOLD HINT: If you find TON yourself in a situation K & H Building (For the Winter Season) FURNITURE Mon. & Fri. Boca Raton, Florida where toothpaste is not available, table salt will First publicatioh:'October 12, 1961 1 Commercial Record PHONE 395-0511 BOCA RATON be a fair substitute. October 19, 26 and November 2nd, 1961. SAVE AT TERRY- FREE-1 YR'S. FREE GASOLINE... with We Will Open Daily ===== EVERY NEW 1962 FALCON SOLD THIS WEEK . WITH EVERY 2-D00R FALCON SOLD AT TERRY FORD the rest of the week. Yes, TERRY Does It Again. Only OPEN at at TERRY FORD Can Ynu Got This. GaEoilne To Be Given At The Station Of Your Choice, Based On SUNDAY The Averase Mileage Of The Average Motorist As Reported In Paragraph 5, Page 881, Voi. 15 "Th« Encyclopedia Britannica." A. M.



I Local Soroptimists Join In National Observance Membersof the Boca Raton Annie Young, Rubie Turner, Soroptimists joined their na- Dorothy Page, Pat Pennell, tion-wide fellow club mem- Agnes Smith, Lorena Sprague bers Thursday in observing and Florence Trost the 40th anniversary of So- The theme of the con- roptimistata luncheon meet- ference will be "the Inte- ing held at the Ebb Tide. grity of Profession". It will Mrs. Easter Martin Russell, mark the 40th anniversary past governor Southern Re- of Soroptimism. gion Soroptinust, of Coral Congressman Paul Rogers Gables was guest speaker and from the sixth district of outlined the history of Sorop- Florida is to be the banquet timists around the world. speaker. Named to represent Boca Giving the keynote address Raton at the Fall conference will be Miss M. Virginia of the Southern Region to be Sink, American Federation held at Gait Ocean Mile, first vice president. Ft Lauderdale, Oct. 20, 21 and 22, were Marvel Balme, GENUINE president; and delegates Dee ENGRAVED\JrWUatijmA. Fanciulli a nd Marge Ja mison. SomP(M moil«f upon r«qu«t Other members who will Your hand tooled di* attend include Eleanor Be-

\ Thursday, October 19, 1961 THE BOCA RATON NEWS 3B Dr. Albert Thau CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Announces the removal of his office to 70 S.E. 2nd St. ORCHID SQUARE Boca Raton 395-5221

HOME PROTECTION SPECIALIST Enjoyine a bit of golf on a foreign shore recently were a couple from Boca Raton and a couple from Deerfield Beach. Playing the 7,000-yard championship SELLS Here's a prescription for an afternoon of fun: mix a couple of youngsters and course at the Jack Tar Grand Bahama Hotel were, (left to right) Mrs. \)M. Tal- their boat in the safe backwaters of one of Florida's most beautiful inlets (Bo- bott, holding flag while Mrs. Edwin Dodge putts; Edwin Dodge and W.M. Talbott HERCULES] ca Raton) on an incoming tide, add ample doses of sunshine and soft south- look on and wait their turn. The Dodges are members of the Royal Palm Yacht SECURITY easterly breezes wafting the savory odor of broiling hamburgers, -Sand Photo. and Country Club and live on Maya Palm Drive, South. The Talbotts live on S=E0 12th Street, Deerfield Beach. They came to the Grand Bahama Hotel, West PANELS Mrs. Ron Christie End, Grand Bahama Island, aboard the Dodge's 51-foot yacht, "The Leisure Buyfrom th e Hour»"-Dale Rose Photo manufacturer Honored at Shower Estahakee Chapter Will Benefit Dance to * Properly Engineered Mrs. Ronald Christie of Pink-White-Blue * Properly Fabricated * Properly Installed Start Indian Benefit ge JI^Ja t Hotel Boca Raton was honored at * Give Vandalism Protection a stork shower recently Theme for Shower Members of the Estahakee A benefit dance for the given by Mrs. Harry DeWitt Mrs. Rosendo Rodrigues was Chapterof the Daughters of Well Baby Clinic will be BMOWMD SAiiS CO. of Dompano Beach Highlands. honored at a stork shower re- the American Revolution a- held Saturday Oct. 28th from Agents for CLEARVIEW Awnings & Jalousies Decorations were carried dopted a new service project 9 - 1 in the Patio Royale at cently at the home of Mrs. Ask for G. H. HEDRICK BHcA 395-0442 out in pink, blue and white Russell Jennings of Boca at their first Fall meeting the Boca Raton Hotal and theme with large stoiks Woods. recently held in St. Grego- Club, Boca Raton. hovering over a gift-filled ry's Parish Hall. Decorations were carried Sponsored by the Delray baby crib. The special cake Members are donating all out in a pink-white andblue Beach Women's Club along also carriedout a stork motif. Indian head-buffalo nickles "Whem Customers theme with storks predomi- with the Palm Beach Health Among the guests were nating. to be put into a fund to be- Dept, this will be the Del- Miss Dorothy McNichol, nefitlndians of the chapter's Sh&p And Save" Among the guests were ray Beach Women's Club Miss Marguerite Qusack, choice. Mrs. Nicholas Bishop, Mrs. annual Fall Dance. Mrs. Larry Koen, Mrs.Richard George Smigiel, Mrs. Edwin Further plans for the pro- Allen Holmes and orches- Vamey, Miss Juanita Morejon Young, Mrs. Leo Strippoli, ject will be discussed at the tra will provide music for Mrs. Edith Kulis, Mrs. Bud Mrs. Walter Cornell, Mrs. next meeting, Nov. 13th,e evening. There will be Lutes, Mrs. Roland Tourigny, Michael Ludwig, Mrs. J. R. when Mrs. Milo Winters, Flo- door prizes, and a sandwich Mrs. Adolph Gohn, Mrs. rida State Chairman of A- menu will be served at 11 Me REYNOLD'S West, Mrs. John Segerdahl Stanley Dumbroski, Mrs. and Mrs. Louis Nisely. merican Indians, will be p.m. The donation is $7 per. Mary McSpirit, 'the ho - the guest speaker. couple. For table reserva- noree's mother\ and Mrs. tions call Mr. Wilson at the Rose Christie, Ronald' s Talk on Soil For For every dollar spent by Boca Raton Hotel. Tickets mother. Men's Garden Club Florida in direct advertising may be purchased from any Ccsrpats for tourists last year, the member or from Mrs. peter Drapery Completes Training Members of the Boca state received an estimated Dolce, chairman, Mrs. Wil- Raton Men's Garden Club $100. lOof direct taxes, ac- liam Murtha, co-chairman, Airman Craig A. Rice, will get right down to son of Mr. and Mrs. John cording to the Florida Tour- or from Mrs. Ruth Rudkin or 820 N. Dixie Ewy. Boca Raton eaith at their fall meeting ism Steering Committee. Mrs. Howard Smith, ticket A. Rice of 430 N.E. 36th Monday when assistant I COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT H committee, all from Delray St., Boca Raton, Fla., re- county agriculture agent Read the Classifieds Beach. Things are looking up in City Hall . . . or ai cently completed basic Charles S. Tucker will be least Col. Howard A.VV. Kates, the city's new direc- military training at Lack- the guest speaker. tor of civil defense, is looking up as fireman Robert land Ait Force Base, Tucker, an authority on Tex. Higgins lends a helping hand installing the sign on gardening technique in the He is being assigned to his new office. The Civil Defense office is located county, will offer a pro- Moody AFB, Ga., for on-gram on types of soils in 7 NEW Models Now Open on the ground floor of City Hall opposite the City the-job training as a per- South Florida; outlining manager's office. sonnel specialist. how the home gardener can improve the soil FH for growing better plants. ... IN YOUR HOME Samples of soil improving SWIM materials along with illus- trated charts will be pre- sented. Meeting time: 7:30 P.m., Scout Hut, Crawford Ave- nue. D'Brien On Maneuvers Participating in Fxer- cise "Warm-Up", a joint naval-marine amphibious operation in the Okinawa area, while serving aboard the anti-submarine warfare ... AT YOUR BACK YARD support aircraft carrier FISH USS Yorktown, is Dennis BUY J. O'Brien, fireman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ber- nard Machler of 1440 S.W. Sixth Ave., DeerfieJd BUILD Beach, Fla. Refinance

.. . ACROSS THE WAY _rt PLAY These Ample Funds Important in your benefits are available for sound yours with FIRST MORTGAGE Pool Home! FIRST When you buy safe driver auto insurance direct from the insur- FEDERAL HOME LOANS ance company you're just a sta- Rent payments will never give you a tistic. We can give you the same kind of a saving plus personal, !•••'•••• • home of your DM. HOME interested service in the bargain. The same monthly outlay can be tak- LOANS . . . . ing you along the road to debt-free GET THE FACTS I Use coupon * LOW INTEREST home ownership. below for your free copy of our RATES booklet, "THE TRUTH ABOUT * LOW CLOSING AUTO INSURANCE." COSTS * LOW REFINANC- ON-THE-INTRACOASTAL ING COST FINANCED BY SAVIN6S AND LOAN EAST OF FEDERAL HIGHWAY US 1 • BOCA RATON * RIGHT OF PRE- ECONOMY PAYMENT WITH-

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What makes a voman join a club? There are many Legalized Gambling reasons. Some have a social reason and just enjoy getting together with others occasionally for a lun- Another organized attempt to bring and accounts receivable go up dur- cheon, "gabfest" or cards. But most clubs have a about legalized gambling in Florida ing the racing season, as far as more serious (and rewarding) purpose. is under way. The group has announc- regular residents are concerned. For example, take the Soroptiraist Club which cele- ed that it will run a slate of candi- Most of them believe, however, that brated its 40th anniversary last Thursday, its main TWO STORES dates for the State Legislature, the the tracks help give our visitors purpose is service to others. objective being - as they say - to something to do. But few of them One of the youngest, (organized 1921 in Oakland, FOR LEASE 8N give the people a chance to vote on would want to see legal gambling in Calif.) it now has a total of 1,739 clubs in the three world-wide Federations and more than 40,000 mem- the issue. alt its forms the year around. They Boca Rafon News BuiSding recognize quite a difference in the bers. It would be a waste of time and During World war H, American members vtirked hard money. Residents of Florida will two. to aid clubs abroad by providing ambulances, can- S.E. Second St. - just off not approve of legalized gambling. The state does have a very substan- teens, food packages and refugee help. Federal Highway . . . most The old argument that we should tial income from pari-mutual betting, In 1943 the practice of sending one penny for each modern in the city . . . ample SEi YOUR BROKER let down the bars completely be- but here again this is no reason for anniversary of Soroptimism was started and the first off-street parking. cause betting is permitted at horse increasing the "take" through lega- gift fund v as named in honor of Madame Suzanne Noel and dog tracks makes sense with lized gambling, [f Florida has to de- of Prance, founder of many clubs in Prance and pend on this source of income, a lot China, 'and this was used for rehabilitation of clubs few people. There are many who in Furope after the war. do not even look with favor on pari- of our people would prefer to live somewhere else. During the '40s, $25,000 was raised to aid the Fed- mutual betting. They would point eration's program in china for the training of nurses. out that two wrongs don't make a Even though they did not oppose Speaking of nursing, that has been the Boca Raton right. legalized gambling on moral Soroptimist Clnb's pet project. All last year local The horse and dog tracks — along grounds — as so many people would — members worked long hours to sponsor the Boca Ra- with Jai Alai — are forms of sport residents of Florida would have ton Home Nursing Service which is now in force. which visitors enjoy. In this light, many other good reasons for not ap- Their idea was ID provide professional home nurs- such attractions are looked upon as proving such a plan. We could think ing service to Boca Raton residents where needed. If necessary to a resort economy. of many, many more. a patient could afford to pay for it, he did, but none was turned away for lack of the fee. They are carefully controlled and This movement should receive vigo- rous opposition from the very start During the first three months the local service has attract only a very small percentage been established (July, August and September) 109 of undesirable elements. They ope- by every citizen who does not be- lieve in it. Not that it has a chance calls have been made. Eight were for a full fee, two rate only for limited periods in limit- were on a part-fee basis, and 99 were made without ed areas - by state law. of success — just that we should not a fee. Businessmen whose establish- get a reputation of even considering Aim of the BOGS Raton Soroptimist is to extend a ments are located near such places letting down the bars against lega- helping hand to anyone who needs it and to aid in lized gambling in Florida, will tell you that sales go down making Eoca Raton a better place to live, a worthy aim. Nixon - Knight WHO KNOWS 1 Former Vice President Richard Nix- G.O.P. convention if Nixon would stay out of the race. 1. When was the first transcontinental telegraph on and former California Goodwin line completed? Knight, now at loggerheads in the The point in the whole controversy 2. Por what is Dr. William Harvey, English physi- race for the G.O.P. gubernatorial is that whatever happened, it is not , cian, best known? nomination in that state, have been too unusual. Too much is being made 3. What is the "Bay Psalm Book?" conducting a nice feud concerning an over the Knight charges and vice 4. How many keys are there on a standard piano alleged offer from the Nixon camp to versa. keyboard? Mr. Knight, to get him to withdraw 5. Where are the "Pillars of Hercules" located? from the race. Certainly most Americans know 6. When did Nasser become head of the Egyptian that, in politics, offers and deals Government? The publicity battle has now reach- Down through the years the newsboy ed a stage where it is more confusing are commonplace. The charge that 7. What isconsideredthemostnativenutof America? Nixon offered Knight a job if he 8. Before Eisenhower, who was the last Republican has been one of our nation's most en- than anything else. The Nixon camp President? has come out with a counter-charge would withdraw from the race should during, typically American personalities. not shock anyone familiar with U.S. 9. Who said "An honest man's word is as goodas Jaunty . . . inventive . . . independent, to the effect that Knight offered to his bond"? head a Nixon delegation to the 1964 politics. 10. Which boxer held the heavyweight championship he perfectly symbolizes the great indus- crown the longest? try whose papers he sells. REGARDING BOOKS Answers To Who Knows For like the newsboy, our newspapers are on the job serving us in all seasons Skira Art Books 1. October 24, 1861. and weather, in good times and bad . . . BY LAWRENCE DAME Skira book covering the vast brood of imitators of 2. His discovery of the circulation of the blood. keeping us informed, entertained, abreast Now and again through period dtsired, and itFicasso. Oskar Kokosch- 3. The first book printed in English North America, of the times. the years, I have occasion proved of great value in ka (who can be as ex- in 1640. to give new praise to thefurnishing authentic de- treme as any of these ex- i. Eighty-eight. We are happy to join the many others splendid series of aits tail. cept that he knows what 5. The rocks Gibraltar and Ceuta on either side of across the country who are saluting our books bearing the name Undoubtedly many he's doing), and RaouJ the Strait of Gibraltar. of Albert skira. Handy-size members of the Boca Ra- Dufy have proved them- 6. November 14, 1954, upon ouster of General Naguib. newspaper industry this week in observ- volumes, often priced as ton Art Association, one selves with skira. He and 7. The pecan. ance of National Newspaper Week. low as $4.95, are usually of the oldest in Florida, his staff are obviously 8. Herbert Hoover. voiks of publishing art, use these Skira art books. waiting to see whether 9. Miguel Cervantes. treating as they do of theWhat with the nev univer- the younger artists of our 10. Joe Louis great painters, the great sity coming in, and atime has lasting quali- scenes of inspiration and vastly increased demand ties, whether their quick reputations are based upon Roger Maris, Yankee theleadingschools through for cultural tomes, I Public Forum baseball player to Mrs. the ages, illustrations, should expect the new li- sensationalism and easy promotion. Ruth: always generous, hold as brary to lay in a goodly To the Editor: "I'm glad I didn't break close to the color of orig- stock. Meanwhile, it is good for I wish to express my the Babe's record in 154 inals as Swiss techni- Titles range from the art students and artists appreciation to the Boca games." oues can make them, and works of medieval paint- no matter what their skill, Raton Fire Department for texts are literary as veil ers, including many known to study the creations of their prompt action last John P.Kennedy, Presi- as informative, from the mostly to scholars, the past which have prov- Wednesday night in re-dent: pens of widely-known Fu- through the great crea- en their soundness and sponding to my call for "The events and deci- Southern [M)% Bel I ropean writers as a rule. tions of Bellini, Carpac- their inspirational quali- oxygen when I had a se- sions of the next ten Just recently, an artist cio, Giorgione, Titian, ties. vere cardiac asthma at- months may well decide ...Q/wwixg with 1h> FutuM close to me received a Tintoretto, Tiepolo, Tur- tack . However, art that will the fate of man for the commission to reproduce ner, Whistler, Manet and (signed) A.J. Tripp next 10.000 years . . ." an Italian scene of theRenoir. The volume on El last must have background 16th century, vhen figures Greco is one of the finest. linked to the achieve- and buiJdingy were highly However, so far Skira, ments of the past. The stylized. She was at a.with his impeccable Skira books help make loss as to vhere to get taste, has stopped short of those achievements clear background information such contemporaries as in an age of meretricious nuiclily. I lent her myJackson Follock and ashort-cuts and fakery. Sweet 16

CO-OP APARTMENTS feorpMqr BuNi5Lg ^ the last age childhood

KEEP IT FOREVER WITH PROFESSIONAL PORTRAITS! With the sweet bloom of youth, she's leaving childhood forever to enter an adult world. Only a fine professional portrait FURNISHED MODEL can capture the enchantment of this APARTMENTS NOW OPEN age. Phone for an appointment today.

to $15,950 * $3O-$4O 6 months, 1, 2, 4 years OWNED LAMB/ NOT LEASED includes taxes, insurance, city water, 7, 12 and 16. lawn care, maintenance, etc. Living room, bedroom, walk-in closets, colored tiled baths, tub with shower, modern kitchen, natural hardwood cabinets, ranges, sinks, garbage disposals, heat, terrazzo floors, patios and balconies, on city sewer, 5 min. walk to beach, shopping center , HANK COHEN and Post Office, off-street parking, landscaped court, adults only. PHOTOGRAPHER DELRAY BEACH,FLORIDA AMBASSADOR APTS. Inc. SEND FOR 301 E. Royal Palm Rd. P.O. Box 173, Boca Raton BROCHURE Ph. 395-3858 or CE 8-2193 For Appointment Phone CR 6-5816 183 N.E. 2nd. Ave. Thursday, October 19, 1961 THF BCCA RATON NEWS 5B



BANKING Cuddly teddy bears and little girls seem to go well A happy member of the younger set around town is HEADQUARTERS together as Nancy Beeh proves. She is the 15-month- Brian Lee Grime, 15 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. old daughter of Mr. and Vlrs. Robert Beeh, 942 S.W. Edward Grime of 379 N.W. 23rd Street, Boca Raton. Sixth Street, Boca R atom-Colony Studio -Colony Studio No need to save at even for a few minutes. Stories like this are things one place and Fire Prevention Hi-Iites Here is an actual case that that could have been pre- happened recently. Three vented, through fire preven- bank at another. small children were fatally tion and education. Sparky 'Sparky' Born In Effort burned in a fire that broke programs are one of many We pay 3% on out during the thirty five educational programs in pro- savings - highest minutes they were left alone. gress. Have your youngster Mr, and Mrs. W»P. Bebout Sr. enjoyed a whirl of To Reduce Fires at Home join or be our guest at any Mother had taken another dancing recently at the Business and Professional commercial bank BY LT. SAL MATTFIS •whenchildren are left alone. child to a school bus. On her meeting held at Teentown. Woman's Club annual dinner-dance. rates (City Fire Inspector} Children left without com- return home from the bus Sparky fire department is petent supervision have un- Sparky was "born" several stop, she noticed her home under the direction of Fire- Guaranteed Interest wittingly caused many tra- in flames. The mother fore - man Lou Papitto. years ago in an effort to cut gic fires because of their ig- PAYABLE QUARTERLY down the increasing number ed her way into the smoke Meetings are held the norance of the dangers of fire filled house and removed Week's Schedule of home fires and the fire and their natural inquisitive- third Saturdayofeachmonth two of the children to the death rate among children. ness. at 11:00 a.m. Place o f MONDAY, OCT. 23 front porch. When smoke and One third of all fire fatalities Children left unattended meeting West Palmetto Park Horticulture Class, Garden Club, 760 Park Drive, involves children under 14 flames prevented her from Road, Teentown Building. 1 p.m. SAVINGS a re often helpless if a fire rescuing the third child, she years. breaks out. Every hundreds Movies and fire prevention Girl Scouts, community Building, 2:30 p.m. One of the principal aims ran to a neighbors house for lectures are given to all Lions Club, Lions Clubhouse, 7 p.m. of youngsters suffocate in help. During her absence the Boca Raton Men's Garden Club, Community Build- of any Sparky program is to their sleep from smoke and members. Parents are in- teach children and their two children re-entered the vited or may leave their ing, 7:30 p.m. heat; others die in vain at- house and were killed. The Boca Bobcats Boosters club, j.c. Mitchell School, parents how to prevent fires, tempts to escape. The rule child if they wish. Our and how to behave in case of mother died five days later 7:30 p.m. is-- Never leave child- city is growing, our child- Elks Lodge No. 2166, 105 Faimetto Fark Rd., 8 p.m. fire. Of all child fire deaths from injuries suffered during ren under 14 years old with- ren are getting big. Let us FTA, J.C. Mitchell School, B p.m. the most frequent occur out competent supervision, her rescue efforts. hope our fires stay small. TUESDAY, OCT. 24 CHECKING Fiwanis Club, Hidden Valley Country club, noon. Brownies, Recreation Building, 2:30 p.m. ACCOUNT Accordion Lessons, Community Building, 3:30 p.m. Civitans, Hidden Valley, 7:15 p.m. Stock Exchange Class, community Bldg., 7:45 p.m. Boca Raton Women's Club, Rutenberg Home, S.W. Sixth street, 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25 Rotary Club, Hidden valley, 12:15 p.m. BANK Girl Scouts, Recreation Building, 3:30 p.m. Ceramics class, Community Building, 7:30 p.m. I liURSDAY, OCT. 26 Women's Garden Club, Recreation Bldg., 1 p.m. Boy Scouts, Community Building, 7:30 p.m. P1 & AM No. G28» Episcopal Farish Hall, B p.m. Soroptimist Club, members homes, 6 p.m. RSONAL I PIDAY, OCT. 27 rCFS, First Federal, 1:30 p.m. Social Dance Class, Community Bldg., 7 p.m. OANS Record Hop, Teen Town, 7:30 p.m. Barbershoppers, First Federal, 7:45 p.m. Pre-Teen Hallov:een Farty and dance, Community Bldg., 8 p.m. S VTURDAY, OCT. 28 Shellart Class, Community Building, 7:30 p.m. [Ialloveen Dance, Teen Town, 7:30 p.m. DEPOSIT

IRIVE^IN SERVICE WmB © NORM ADVERTISING, lae. LOANS ... AND THIS WILL - - • - served every BE THE NURSERY!" Bank-day morning Smith's New Home will fit the needs of his growing family. The folks at STAND- at 10 A. M. iitti... ARD SUPPLY & LUMBER saw to that! NO CHARGE - NO TIPS:. .of course We can do the same for you. Just come in and talk over your ideas . . . your fami- ly's needs . , . and the 'extra convenien- ces' you've been dreaming of having in a home of your own, "Superb" . . . "luxurious" . . . "beautiful" . . . and handles with an instinctive ease and sureness. "brilliant"—there are many words that might be In safety, it is in a class of its own—with a host DRIVE OVER NO used to describe the new 1962 Cadillac car. of exclusive features, including remarkable new FIRST But if we were to select from the Cadillac side cornering lights. OBLIGATION FOR ESTIMATES vocabulary the one word that most completely In craftsmanship, it is simply without rival. captures the essence of this latest "car of cars" Every 1962 Cadillac will undergo more than 1400 —we would choose "masterful". inspections to assure its quality and goodness. For here is a motor car that has already estab- On and on the list could go. But however BANK Of lished its mastery in everything that makes an lengthy, that list could never replace the experi- automobile good and fine and desirable. ence of inspecting the car and driving it. 395-3203 In appearance, it is clearly a Cadillac master- Your dealer will happily let you do both. piece—graceful, clean-lined and elegant. Once you have, you'll understand why the word In performance, it is a revelation. Its power plant has gone out so quickly that this is the finest BOCA is a reservoir of silken power—and the car rides motor car ever to bear the Cadillac name. TANDARO VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC. DEALER Supply & Inter HOYLE CADILLAC OlDSMQBILi, INC. Company ^m RATON PEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. 455 N.E. SIXTH AVE. DELRAY BEACH, FLA. Ph. 395-3203 FOR SIXTY YEARS THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD TOOIS-HARDWARE-PAINT-LUMBER 6B THE BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, October 19, 1961 BETHESDA HOSPITAL'S GROWING PAINS- MORE SPACE STILL NEEDED IN NEW ADDITION (second of a two-part series) B"S BFA TRICE LAN DRY Notices When an accident hap- pens, or illness strikes PROCLAMATION suddenly, the first thought WHEREAS, the City of Boca Ra- usually is, ''What accredit- ton on the 28th day of April, 1959, adopted the BAUHINIA - ed hospital to go to?" BLAKEANA (Hong-Kong Or- For most folks in Boca chid Tree) as the City's offi- cial "Flowering Tree", and Raton, it is Bethesda WHEREAS, the citizens of Boca Memorial Hospital where Raton have been urged to their own doctors are on plant this tree on their prop- erty, the trees will be on SBle the staff. October 27th, 1961, at the But, like everything else City's "Old Water plant", under the auspices of the in this magical, fast grow- Garden Club, ing southeastern section NOW, THEREFORE, I, Leo J. of Florida, the hospital Fox, by virtues vested in me ; as Mayor of Boca Raton, do has "gloving pains.' hereby proclaim October 27th, in the first part of this 1961, as two-part series what the BAUHlNtA - BLAKEANA DAY, hospital does for you to- {Hong-Kong Orchid Tree) on which day will be moat day was discussed. . .but (itting to plant the "Flower- what of tomorrow? ing Tree". Opened Feb. 9, 19 59 as IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I an 80-bed hospital,'it is have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the already too small for the City of Boca Raton, to be mushrooming population affixed at Boca Raton, Florida, this 4th Day of surrounding it and our October, A.D., 1961. ever-increasing welcome Winter visitors must he Leo J. Fox Leo J. Fox, Mayor "counted", too. ATTEST: (Seal) However, those con- Jacob Heidt cerned with the growth of Jacob H^rdT~cTty*cTerk the hospital have been Publish: October 19 & 26, 1961 alert to the problem for a Furnish Proof of Publication

long time and working on NOTICE TO CREDITORS a solution. Everyone [N THE COURT OF THE COUN- agrees that a new wing is TY JUDGE IN AND FOR PALM needed now and those BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; IN looking into the not-too PROBATE, NO. 18227 IN RE: ESTATE OF far-future can easily see INA MARIE HOUGHTON Bethesda Memo rial Hospi- Deceased, tal as an up to date, mod- To All Creditors, Legatees, ern, accredited 300-bed Distributees and Persons Having Any Claims or Demands Against institution. Said Estate: At first glance, adding You and each of you are here- by notified that you are required to the number of patient- by Law to present any claims rooms seems simple, but and demands which you, or there is more to it than either of you, may have against the estate of ILA MARIE that. When rooms are add- HOUGHTON, deceased, late of ed, there are (naturally) said County, to the County Judge of Palm Beach County more patients needing Florida, at his office in the care, more nurses have to court house of said County at be added to the staff and West Palm Beach, Florida, with- in eight calendar months from they need a nurses sta- the time of the first publication tion. Administration is in- of this notice. Each claim or de- mand shall be in writing in dup- creased and needs more licate, and shall state the place room. Medical records of residence and post office address of the claimant, and grow and the record li- shall be sworn to by the clai- brary must have addi- mant, his agent, or his attor- tional space. ney, and any such claim or. de- There are many features to a modern accredited hospital waiting and ready to the accompanying patient-care department. Pictured this week are departments mand not so filed shall be void. As services increase, take care of just about any medical or surgical problem. No one is more impor- containing the clinical laboratory, sterile supply, dietary, housekeeping and laboratories must expand Elwin E. Williams, Executor tant than the other because each complements the other. Last week this series emergency.—Barbara Dodge Photos of the Estate of to meet the extra load. ILA MARIE HOUGHTON, As a first step to reach showed the departments of pathology, pharmacy, maternity, surgery, X-ray and deceased, the new goal, constmc- KURZINGER ANDHONCHELL LOCAL NOTICE OF Attorneys for ELWIN E. WIL- tion of the new wing is sons will have to be hos- »al Hospital would have on weekends for emergen- LIAMS Legal N@tie®s NOTICE is hereby given that BROADCAST ACTION K & H Building expected to start early in pitalized luring a calen- faced a shortage of beds cy cases NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, under the pro- lon Boca Raton, Florida dar year. Immediate pub- S before this if the ad- There was, of course, a the undersigned, under the pro- visions of Section 865.09, Flori- Pursuant to Federal Communi- 1962. cations Commission Rules and Flans call for 10 semi- lie acceptance of Bethes- ministration had not taken drop in patient census in visions of Section 86S.O9, Flori- da Statutes, 1957, will register First publication: October 12, 1961 the summer of 1960, but da Statutes, 1957, will register with the Circuit Court, in and Regulations, Section 1. 3 59: BOCA NEWS piivate and 10 private da Memorial Hospital the following steps. with the Circuit Court, in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, That John N. Traxjer and AI« October 19, 26 and November euupled with the explo- Today six of the ten there was a definite rise for Palm Beach County, Florida, upon receipt of proof of publica- vera M, Traxler, partnership, 2nd, 1961. roo ms with additional upon receipt of proof of publica- tion of this notice, the fictitious filed their application for a con- laboratory, operating, s'ive population growth in Private rooms have had to in the average daily cen- tion of this notice, the fictitious name to-wit; struction permit with the Fede- ral Communications Commission, and transmitter to be located 4,7 be converted into semi- sus over the summer of name to-wit; BOC A-COIN-LAUN DRY dietary and other facili- Southeastern Falm Beach Washington 25, D.C, on August miles Northwest of Boca Raton, ROYAL PALM GULF SERVICE 1652 No. Federal Hwy, private accommodations 1959. An increase in pa- 2, 1961, seeking the following Florida and 550 feet West of ties necessary for the County means that hospi- No. 1 East Camino Reel Boca Raton, Fla, facilities for a Class B FM Military Trail. to provide more beds. tients can be expected Boca Raton, Fla. and that the party interested in enlargement. tal officials must plan broadcasting station serving and that the party interested in said business is as follows; KURZINGER ANDHONCHELL After only six months of each successive summer. Bocs Raton, Florida. 102.5 Meg- Anxious to see their now to meet the hospital said business Is as follows; George C. Maas, Jr. K 8s H Building acycles, Channel 273, 27 Kilo- operation, the two sun-And the winter of 1960-61 Charles Clay Richmond, Jr. 279 North Federal Highway hospital meet the com- needs of tomorrow, watts of power and a proposed rooms which ambulatory finds the hospital "burst- Publish; Sept. 2B, Oct. 5, 12, Boca Raton, Florida munity needs, everyone It takes time to raise Publish: October 5, 12, 19, 26, 19, 1961. antenna height of 223.9 feet is working on the project funds to build. It takes patients and visitors ing at the seams." 1961. above average terrain. Studio Publish; Oct. 5, 12, 19, 1961 including Dr. Merrill F. time to build, equip and found so convenient and If Bethesda Memorial Steele, hospital adminis- furnish additions to thecheerful with their smart Hospital is to continue trator; directors of the hospital. It took seven- decor had to be converted to serve residents of and Southeast Palm Beach teen months from the day into six-bed patient ac- visitors to Southeastern County Hospital District; ground was broken to the commodations. Falm Beach County in the Bethesda Hospital Asso- day the first patient was During the winter sea- best possible way — in ciation; Women's Auxiliary; admitted to complete the son of 1959-60, there the way they rightfully Memorial Fund; medical present building. were times when patients expect — it must continue staff, and many other in- Bethesda Memorial Hos- had to be put in beds in to grow. A New World of Worth from Chevrolet terested persons. Goal of pita) today is technically the hallways for short Every new family moving the group is to raise more an eighty bed hospital, periods until rooms were to this area, every winter than $800,000 needed for But reservation of ten vacated. In rare instances, visitor who spends more the expansion. One way patient rooms as private patients had to be trans- and more time here, adds they hope to do it is accommodations for which ferred to other hospitals to the problem. "Tomor- through tax-deductible time has proven there is a after receiving emergency row" cannot come too memorials. great demand reduces that treatment if it was possi- soon for Bethesda Memori- Staticians tell us one patient bed capacity to ble to move them, and the al Hospital. out of every eight per- seventy. Bethesda Memo- recovery room was used "What of tomorrow . .?" With so many sincere peo- ple working toward a common goal for the hene-' fit of the entire neighbor- ing communities, how can it miss? Tomorrow, Be- thesda Memorial Hospital SOME BUY ONLY THE FINEST... will talse care of you . . and you . . and you.. . in New Chevrolet Impala Syort Coupe Their home may resemble She one the same fine manner it across the street, but only does today. lo the casual eye. Lovers of good cars-what more could you want! Hasn't this one got it, though! Fourteen lovely, lively- Their rooms are rich in character And in the future tomor- rows . . .? Only time will models to choose from, with your pick of an economical 6 or .ind tradition through the use your special favorite of five vigorous V8's (right up to a of plantation shutters hy tell but judging by yester- 409-hp powerhouse*). For putting that power to work just The Nichols Company. day and today . . . tomor- '62 CHEVROLET the way you want it, there are four transmissions. Other than furniture, there is row v 111 be fine. More? Plenty. You've got Jet-smooth ride, Body by no one purchase for your home Step right in—and feel luxurious. Fine, comfortable car, isn't it? that offers the colorful charm Fisher craftsmanship, and handy helpers like longer lived Personals A car with Jet-smooth ride... with a new choice of V8 power... mufflers for all engines. of plantation shutters... longer lived beauty (front fenders have Bteel underskirts to help Call today without obligation. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Still more? You bet. And your Chevrolet dealer's just Enjoy selecting the custom colors and Masek of Boca Woods had as fend off rust and stones). For '62, here's more than ever to like. itching to tick it off for you firsthand. styles for your doors and windows "optional at extra cost in the privacy of your living room. their recent guests Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Griffiths of Cle- For Free Estimate, call JA S-3O4-5 veland Heights. Thirty- three million NEW CHEVY pounds of fresh fruit is con- sumed by visitors annually Sensibility at Us Sunday best in a totally new line of cars! during their stay in Florida Here's sturdy simplicity to save money in service and maintenance. Uncompromising economy (your choice of a 4- or 6-cylinder engine in moat models). Steadfast Chevrolet dependability. Body by Fisher craftsmanship. Engineering advances like the Mono- Plate rear springs to eliminate the squeaking and J.C MITCHELL 6 SONS friction of multi-leaf springs. Nine new-size models in all (including the soon-to-be-available hardtop, INSURANCE COUNSELORS New Chevy II 300 b-Dr. Sedan convertible and wagons) with roominess to spare. More details? Your dealer's loaded with 'em. ESTABLISHED

See the '62 Chevrolet, the new Chevy II and '62 Corvair at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's

KEN HIGGINS Cuff 395-4711 BILL MITCHELL 22 8, 246 Sou?h Federal Highway Delray Beach CRestwood 6-5241 Thursday, October 19, 1961 THE BOCA RATON NEWS 7B Presbyterian Club Plans Peterson, and Mrs, Harriet all of the classes unless To Hold Halloween Party Schmidt. Following the otherwise excused. The service, a coffee hour and Members of the couples Bishop is scheduled to be €Mn\iMzW reception was held in hon- at St. Gregory's church Club of the First Presby- or of these new members. early in the Spring to con- terian church will have an Next Sunday morning, old fashioned Halloween fer the Rite of Confirma- Boca Churches Sponsor the Rev. William M. tion, party at the church Tues- Deutschmann; pastor of day, Oct. 24, starting at Services at St. Grego- the congregation, will ry's Church on Sunday Senior Citizen Study 8 P.m. continue a series of ser- A prize will be given for will be the regular winter The Boca Raton Minis- Rev. Jack A. Davis and mons on "The Marks of schedule of Holy Euchar- terial Assn. is sponsoring Rev. David J. Catbcart. the most original mask Discipleship'', This worn. ist at 8 and 9 a.m. and a one-day institute on the All interested persons week, the fourth sermon in Morning prayer and sermon Church and the Senior Citi- are welcome to attend this Co-chairmen in charge of the series is entitled, the party are Mrs. Warren at ll a.m, The Sunday zen, Tuesday, Oct. 31, at one day institute, for "Dependence". School will attend the 9 First Methodist Church, which the registration fee Harris and Mrs. Warren Meetings for the week Bryant. o'clock service and go to 625 N.E. Second Ave. is $1.50. The hours are include: Saturday, 8:45 their classes after they from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and a.m., Youth confirmation This institute is con- 'Are We Too Tolerant?' have made their Commu- ducted by the General 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Class; Monday, 8 p.m., nion. Extension Division of Participating churches Church of Palm' Topic Usher's Meeting; Wednes- The Rector, the Reve- Florida in cooperation in the Ministerial Asso- "Are We Too Tolerant?" day, 6:30 p.rn., Youth rend James C. Stoutsen- with the Florida Council ciation are, First Baptist, is a question which the Choir Rehearsal; Thurs- berger will .preach at the of Churches, This Insti- St. Gregory's Episcopal, Minister will discuss in day, 2 p.m., Altar Guild; 11 o'clock service, using tute is held on a non-de- Advent Lutheran, St. his sermon at the Church Thursday, 7:30,r his text the Epistle and nominational and inter- Paul's Lutheran, First of the Palms, Congrega- Church Cboir Rehearsal. the Gospel for the day faith series. Methodist, First Presby- tional, next Sunday at the Advent Lutheran church with special emphasis on Its purpose is to help terian, Church of the Open Service of Morning wor-is located at N.E. Fourth "The Sword of the Spirit". church and community Door and Moravian. ship, 11 a.m., So, Federal Avenue at 50th Street, workers in developing pro- Hwy. at S.E. 1st St., Del- and holds Sunday church grams and activities that Girls From 1st Baptist ray Beach.. School at 9:15 a.JR., wor- Rummage Sale will be meaningful to our To Attend Houseparty Sunday School meets at ship service at 10:30 a.m. A fall rummage sale Senior Citizens. A group of girls from the same hour in the class will be held by the ladies Leaders' of the institute the First Baptist Church rooms on the first floor, ConfirmaMon Class To of St. Fau] Lutheran will be Dr. Ira Barnett, will attend the Girls' under direction of Mrs. Start at St. Gregory's Church this Friday and Auxiliary State House- Norman Ream, superinten- Confirmation classes Saturday at Aldrich cor- 'Attitude of Gratitude' party in Tampa, Sept. 27, dent. for those who are interest- ner, 115 W. Palmetto Park Topic For Rev. Hoffman 28 and 29. ed in the Episcopal Church Road. Advent Lutheran Church "An Attitude of Grati- The girls, members of and those who are seeking tude" will be the sermon the local Girls Auxiliary, Receives New Members Confirmation will be held ATTEND CHURCH title of the Rev. Vernon will attend Bible classes At Advent Lutheran in St. Gregory's Fpiscopal SUNDAY Hoffman at the 10:30 a,m. and will hear as speakers Church last Sunday the Church Farish Hall on service of the Trinity Re- missionaries from all over following persons were re- Tuesday, Oct. 23, at 8 formed Church. the world. ceived into Communicant o'clock p.m. The Rector At the 7 p.m. service he included in the study Membership by letter of will conduct these class- COVE SHOE will speak an "Pleading project will be a recrea- transfer and affirmation es. REPAIR tional program; including of faith: Albert F. Forster, With Pilgrims". Sunday No registration is neces- Pine Quality and School begins at 9:30swimming. A memo to brides , . . Are you about to become a bride? Tell us the happy H'rs, Albert F. Forster, sary, however, for those Chaperones will be Mrs. news. We have a wedding form which may be obtained at the office and it is Mrs. Donald Jones, Mrs. Workmanship a.m. who desire to be Confirmed 471N. E..20th St., Boca Raton Catechism classes will Nick Lunger and the G.A. simple to fill out, We welcome your wedding story and picture. There is no William Messmer, Paul A. it is necessary to attend begin Saturday, Cct. 21, Councilor, Mrs, Bill Cox. charge for publishing it (and you may have your picture back), just let us know in the education unit of Funds were raised for ahead of time. Pictured above is a recent wedding which took place in the Ad- the church. the trip by the members vent Lutheran Church,—Hank Cohen Photo A "singspiration" will conducting a bake sale be held at the evening ser- last Saturday and a "white Rev Shiphorst Lists vices. and the second at 11 vice Oct. 29 with Mr. and elephant" sale held re- Topic For Both Services o'clock. The minister, cently at the home of Mrs. M The Westminster Fellow- Mr.s, Fhil Houseman as ship will meet Sunday Rev. Arland V. Briggs, song leader and organist. Harold Riley. —"Is -Bein --g- Religious Enough?" will be the ser- evening at 7:30 p-m- will preach on the theme mon topic of the Rev. Al- Tuesday, Oct. 24, "Unchosen Loyalty''. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH bert G. Shiphorst at thep.m., Circle I will meet at The music for both ser- vices will be under the 625 N.E. 2nd Ave., Boca Raton 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. ser- the home of Mrs. Grover YOUR ndependent Regular schedule vices Sunday in the First H. Kil Patrick, 271 N.E. direction of Elliot A. Presbyterian Church. 2nd Street. Alexander, organist-di- Sunday School - 9:45 A.M. rector, who will be as- Insurance AGENT A Church Hour Nursery Tuesday at 8 p.m. the Church Service -11 A.M. regular meeting of the sisted by the Youth Choir is available at both ser- at 9:30 and the Adult Sermon: Couples Club will be held St. Grcaorti's in the Church. A program Choir at 11 o'clock. "Blessed are the Peacemakers" of entertainment will fol- The Sunday school The Rev. Dan Gill, Pastor Episcopal Church low the brief business classes will meet at 9:30 215 EAST BOCA RATOX ItD meeting. under the direction of An- CONGREGATIONAL SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22,1961 Wednesday at 7 p.m. Ju- drew Faul, superintendent, assisted by Harry Ander- To contact an independent insurance agent CHURCH OF THE PALMS 7:40 Matins nior Choir rehearsal; 7:45 8:00 Holy Eucharist p.m. Echo Choir rehearsal. son. Serving Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, The united Presbyterian See your Yellow Pages 9:00 Family Eucharist Thursday at 2 p.m., Cir- Boca Raton and Southeast Palm Beach County cle II will meet at theYouth Fellowship will SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 11:00 Morning Prayer home of Mrs. Walter R. hold their monthly meeting Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. George, 3398 N.E. 5th on Tuesday, Oct. 24 at Sunday School 11:00 a.m. and Sermon V .Rev. J.C. Stoutsenberger, Avenue. 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel. S. Federal Hwy. (U,.S. No. 1, Northbound) Friday at 8 p.m. Senior at S.E. 1st St., Delray Beach Rector Wednesday at 10 a.m. Rev. Andrew W. Solandt, Minister. phone: CR 8-3841 Choir rehearsal. the women of the church You Are Invited TO VISIT . . . Phone 395-3260 will meet for their Cancer FIRST BAPTIST Memorial Presbyterian Ray Sewing Bee. The LUTHERAN CHURCHES To Hear Dr. Ryan Wood Youth Choir will rehearse of Boca Raton CHURCH Wednesday at 6:15 follow- Dr. Ryan L. Wood, pas- ed by the rehearsal of the 162 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. tor of Memorial Presby- ST. PAUL ADVENT terian church of West AH It choir at 7:30. THE A.L.C. Ph. 395-4420 MISSOURI SYNOD Faim Beach will be the 'Peacemakers' Topic For SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 8:30 a.m. worship service guest minister at the sun- -• - - WORSHIP 10:30 9:45 a.m. Sunday school Rev. Dan Gill WORSHIP 10:30 day morning Worship Ser- N.E. 4th Ave. at 50th St. 11:00 a.m. Morning worship The Rev. Dan M. Gill's 180 E. Royal Palm Rd. 7:30 p.m. Evening worship vice at 9 a.m. at Delray Downtown Boca Just off U.S. 1 Fresbyterian church. topic for the Morning Wor- E.O. KRUG, Pastor W.M. DEUTSCHMANN Rev. Harold F. Mitchell, Dr. Wood's sermon will ship Hour at 11 a.m. Sun- PHONE 395-0433 Pastor pastor be related to the Centen- day, will be "Blessed Are A WATERFRONT Parsonage 395-1939 PH. 395-3632 Affiliated with SOUTHERN nial Celebration of thethe Peacemakers." At the AIR-CONDITIONED or 395-4741 BAPTIST CONVENTION Presbyterian Church in Vesper Service at 5 p.m. the United States, which the topic will be "put on COMMUNITY OF 127 is being observed during the Whole Armor of God." Trinity October. There will be a meeting Sunday school for allof the Commission on CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Reformed ages at 10:15. Christian social Concerns Nursery care for both Monday, Oct. 23, at 8 p.m. OH ?Hi INTRACOASTAL at Boca Raton Church services. The Boca Raton Chapter of the American cancer NOW in Our NEW Services are being held Deep wide canals . . . all opening Air-Conditioned at 320 N.E. 5th Avenue,Society meets at the First Methodist Church, SANCTUARY Delray Beach. into The Intracoastal Waterway S.E. 2nd Court the fourth Wednesday of Two circles have been each month, between the S.E. 8th Terrace organized by the Women and beautiful LAKE ROGERS. Sunday School of the Church, the first hoifs of E> an? 12 a.m. Uniform pre-cast Sea Walls, City meetings to be held at the Jhe regular monthly 9:30 A.M. Church. Circle I will meet chutch fanulv ni§ht su»et Sewers. Each Home Air-Conditioned Morning Worship Oct. 17 at 10 a.m. Circle meet'nF ™« be Oct 25. will meet Oct. 18 at As it ls the 16th b^thday and Heated by Carrier. 10:30 A.M. II 7:30 p.m. of the United Nations, the Evening Worship theme of the supper will Presbyterian Men Will be, "The United Na- 7:00 P.M. tions.1' The Rev. Vernon Hoffman Hold Supper Friday The speakers will be Pastor The Men's Club of theMr. and Mrs. W.H. Bninoki Priced from Community Presbyterian from Foland and Delray 1 Church in Deerfieid Beach. They fled from Fo- Beach will hold its month- land in 1946, lived in $29,900 Mil Baptist CAurcA ly meeting Friday with a France, Italy and West covered dish supper at Germany; and from 1954 S675 N.W. 4th Ave. 6:30 p.m. in the social to 1958 worked for Radio- hail. Free Furope in Munich, Morning Worship 10:00 A.M. Sunday School 11:10 A.M. President Chet Meuser West Germany, as news Evangelistic Service 7:00 P.M. will be in charge of the editor and researcher, in Our models are open- meeting which will in- 1958 they came to the ed every day from 10 WEDNESDAY PRAYER MliTIMG 7:30 P.M. elude the appointment of united States. They have A.M. to 6 P.M. Our a nominating committee. f0UI children, ages 10 to beautiful Entrance REV. HOYT DOUGLAS (Interim Pastor) Sunday morning there 15, Tney VU\ te|] aDOut Gate at 37th Street will be two preaching ser- their experiences living and N. Fed. Highway. Graduate Southern Baptist Seminary vices - the first at 9:30 under communism.

The Women's Organizations of Community Church of Boca Raton First Presbyterian Church Will Sponsor a ers On The Bible Conference Grounds "LAKE ROGERS ISLES is the N.W. 4th Ave. £ 4th St. community that helps you ex- RUMMAGE SALE press the SUCCESS you have ACHIEVED." Sunday Services 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. November 3 & 4 Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Youth Meetings 6 P.M. tssi 133 East Palmetto Park Road Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:30 P.M. MIOCUUI 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. i w f i a ? » i $ | BB THE BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, October 19,1961




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