Nikita to Visit Cuba, Renews Defense
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FEID A Y, m a y 24, 1962 iianrb^Bt^r lEtiifnhtg 9|?ral!k Aturnfe Dally Net Pnes Run For the Week Ended I The Weather April 80.1968 *nie Britiah American Club will Feeee—I e< V. a WeMhev W m m e have a dance tomorrow from 9 Elliott to Head About Town p.m., to 1 a.m. for members and ■■■J guests. Charlie Vartick’a orches 13,974 Oendy, not ee eeol tonight, 1.oiir Dance Associatipn Flowers For Memorial Day o f Andit H bt Minual Oorporato Ooanmm- tra will play for dancing. In Uw tie. Oonday ekmdy, ta i o t CotnUned C a ^ H o mothwa • rn m i e< Ohraolatlon oU^aa will ba Stuiday at 8 ajn. George HUlott, 188 Ferguaoti Rd. Geniiiums, Ageratum, Petunias, Marigolds, Vinca of refa. m gfi areond 70. The Manchester Junior Square M anehesUr^A City of VUIaga Clutrm at 8 t Baxtholaw'a Ohuroh. was recently elected president of Dance Club will sponsor a danoe Vines and many, many more at reasonable prices! RldMxd J. Batygren Jr., aon o f tonight from 7:45 to 10:16 at Ver- EDSARDA (Bestem Dlstrlot planck School. Lee Pine will be Square and Round Dance Asaocia- V O ^ L X X X n , NO. 201 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION; Mr. and Mia. Richard J. BerKCreh, s ANNUALS and VEGETABLE PLANTS s MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1968 (Olasrffied Advertising an Page t) M Comall 8 t, recalvad an award the caller. Refreshments will be tlon) at a meeting held in Fram-. f T' served. for debating contributions from Ingham, Masa. FDSARDA la an CEMETERY URNS and TUBS FILLED the Foransic Union yaaterday at affiliation of Square and Round tha Honors Convocation of South- The Keeney School PTA will “ FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS!” ' am OomMotieut State OcAege. sponsor a fair tomorrow from 11 Dance Clubs throughout the New Aid Minimum Seen U.S. Warns State News aJn. to 4 pm . at the school. There Bngland area. Ninety cluba repre- Jacob Haroian, 46 Green Rd„ will be a variety of booths, games aenting well over 10,000 members Lee's Florist and Gift Shop audio visual diret^r for Man smd rides for children, and refresh currently beirmg to the organlaa- chester schools, was recently elect ments. tion. RT. 44A, BOLTON, CONN, s 649-8089 Sugar Price R oundup ed treasurer of the Connecticut Also elected to office from the $4 Billion by Clay Nikita to Visit Cuba, Audio Visual Education Assoda- Ronald J. Custer, chief aviation Manchester Square Dance Club tion. electronics technician, UB. Navy, was Mrs. Herman Montie, 112 Dip Coming eon of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Cus Avondale Rd. She will serve as W A S H IN G T O N (A P ) — f CSay'e committee on foreign aid Parties in Accord ' The Rev. Walter L. Abel, pastor ter, 96 Hawthorne St., is serving corresponding secretary for the Gen. Lucius D. Clay has told recommended a subatantial reduc of Our Saivior Lutheran Church, aboard the attack aircraft carrier coming year. tion in the program and concen WASHINGTON (AP) - On Safety Plan South Wbidsor, will be In diarge of USS Coral Sea, whidi, while on a Both Elliott and Mrs. Montis Congress that the “rock bot tration of fimda in fewer countries radio broadcasts sponsored by the goodwill cruise to Australia re tom” for foreign aid spending The Agriculture Department have been active in the Manches to Increase its effectiveness. HARTFORD (AP) — A Manchester Mlnlstorlal Associa cen tly, participated In the 21st an ter Square Dance Club and have next year may be $4 billion— President Kennedy had. asked warns that the "speculative tion over station WINF Sunday at nual celebration in Sydney, com served as officers in previous for $4.9 blUion for aid spending bubble” in sugar may burst compromise has paved the Renews Defense Vow half a billion bdow what 7:85 p.m. and daily neat week at memorating the Battle of the Cor years. TOe Manchester Club is one for the new fiscal year beginning way for passage of a maxi 7:80 ann. and 6:30 pm . President Kennedy requested. before long and that high- al Sea. of the largest member clubs in the July 1—the same amount Con- price buyers may be hurt mum speed limit and chemical EDSARDA group. But'that deep a dash, he said, resa appropriated for this year. "could only come about, in our gut after receiving the Clay re when prices drop. ^ t s bill— ^two key measures opinion, by cutting perhaps port, Kennedy voluntarily reduced "Speculators may be able to in Gov. John N. Dempsey’s million of the $900 mUllon aoiight hie request to $4.6 billion. keep the bubble going for a while, highway safety program. Moves Seen for Latin America under the Alli but not for very long,” said Un n See our complete selectioB In his April 26 testimcmy. Clay A caucus of Republican House ance for progreea." recommended a further slash to dersecretary of Agriculture Clay, chairman of a preeldential Charles S. Murphy Friday. members yesterday overwhelming o f famous . $4.8 billion. This was reported at ly approved a oompromise that Calming for advlabry committee on foreign the time, but without details of his Congressional concern prompted aid, cautioned that an appropria plans for studies of the situation worked this way: testimony. 1. The R^ubllcans dropped a RUMMAGE SALE tion of leas titan $4 bililon "would Clay also said that $800 mUllon by. the Senate Finance Committee demand for a bill that would strip UTHUANIAN OATHOUC create very reat problems.’’ of this would be contingent on and the House Banking Subcom WOMAN’S ALLIANCE His committee recommends mittee. Murphy said he welcomed the state motor vehicles oommls- Irked Fidel Latin-American cpuntrieq living alonar o t Ms power to suspend the CANDIES spending of $4.8 billion,' he said. up to agreements to , quAUfy J q r the hearings. Clay gave this assesament to the He said they. would "show that license of a first offense speeder that much aid under the' Alflim a unleas the suspension was ordered MOSCOW (A P )— Premier 24 Qolway SU Manchester House Foreign Affairs Committee for Progress. jh" .U. S. kigar supplies are going to Caterpillars in Playschool Operetta In eloeed session April 25. The be plentiful. This will help restore by the Judge who heard the case. Khrushchev today accepted He said he did not .JMleve these 2. The Democrats dropped their tranaoript, with numerous seourl- countries could quilalBy for the swbllity In the sugar market.” an invitation to visit Cuba Sat, May 25— 9 A.M. Six pupUs of the YWCA Play-|>den,” which will be presentedyRockett, ^ deletions, was made public Frl- A sudden upsurge' in sugar oppoaition to adoption of an ’’im and renew his threats to un butiterllies; Richard Go- plied consent” dause which would school are oast as a caterpillar W e^esday at 9:30 a.m. at the beillo. Dobra Beauchamp, boy and (OonUnued on Two) .pxjces has been attributed to bad leash Soviet nuclear power to In an operetta, “The Happy Oar- school for relatives and friends. girl, and Arlene Cahn and Brian QUINN’S PHARMACY , f a t h e r in Europe and poor man- allow automatic revocation of the license o f a driver who refused defend the Caribbean island Miss Sylvia ClaAin, Grade 1 Boggs, twins. (Herald photo by 873 MAIN ST. Open 8 to S Weekdays Including Saturday ^agement in Cuba which have kept teacher at Bowers School, com Pinto). X- world supplies from keeping up to submit to a test for intoxication. against invasion. posed most of the music for the i with growing demand. 8. The Democrato also agreed Both pledges came in a Joint production. Cast as the cater Frostbitten Pan* Awaits However, Murphy said the to the Republioon version of a communique at toe end of the pub pillar are, left to right, Kenneth Uplt^d States In the past few days maximum speed law of 70 miles lic phase of toe nearly month-long P’ahey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed haA Mcelved “ very large new an hour on di'Vided highways and red carpet reception for Cuban ward Fahey, 34E Garden Dr.; commitments" for sugar from for 60 mdles an hour on all other Prime Minister n d el Castro. Christie Sloan, daughter of Mr. Airlift from Mt. Everest eign n a tic^ roads. Western diplomats said toe visit and Mrs. James Sloan, Tamarack N "Sugar already on hand or com The stalemate over highway pulled toe Soviet premier out of GOODBYE Lane, Vernon; Teri Small, daugh safety legislation showed signs oif a political hole. mitted to the Uhlted States for ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Small. KATMANDU, Nepal (AP)—’Two($>at 1963 totqls 500,000 tbiis more than breaking last Tuesday when the Castro and Khrushchev now ths 18,000-foot Thyangboche plan a rest in the south. (36 Broad St.; Barbara Placco, frostbitten conquerors of Mt. Ev monastery or Tuesday at the 12,- last year's entire n ati(^ l con governor said he was iMopared to tliughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar accept the Republican version of The commimique, issued by toe .......AND THANK YOU! erest should be airlift^ off the 000-foot Sherpa town of Namche sumption,” he said. Macco, 28 Strong St.; Kimmie Bazar. People who stock up on high- the maximum speed law and im Soviet news agency Tass, North, daiighiter of Mr.