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Page INTRODUCTION...... 1 Shelf assemblages...... 2 Upper slope assemblages...... 3 Pelagic ...... 3 Fisheries...... 4 The taxa included in this guide...... 6 How to use this guide...... 6


SEAWEEDS...... 22 TECHNICAL TERMS...... 22 DIVISION RHODOPHYTA - Red Algae...... 23 Gracilariaceae...... 23 Gigartinaceae...... 23 Cryptonemiaceae...... 24 Gelidiaceae...... 24 Bangiaceae...... 24 DIVISION PHAEOPHYTA - Brown Algae...... 25 Laminariaceae...... 25 Alariaceae...... 25 DIVISION CHLOROPHYTA - Green Algae...... 25 Ulvaceae...... 25

SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS...... 26 TECHNICAL TERMS AND MEASUREMENTS...... 26 GUIDE TO ORDERS AND FAMILIES Infraorder Penaeidea - Penaeid ...... 27 Infraorder Caridea - Caridean Shrimps...... 28 GUIDE TO SPECIES Solenoceridae...... 30 Aristeidae...... 30 Penaeidae...... 31 Oplophoridae...... 32 Nematocarcinidae...... 32 Pasiphaeidae...... 33 Palaemonidae...... 33 Pandalidae...... 33 Crangonidae...... 34

LOBSTERS...... 35 TECHNICAL TERMS AND MEASUREMENTS AND ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO FAMILIES. . . . .35 GUIDE TO SPECIES Palinuridae...... 37 Scyllaridae...... 38 Nephropidae...... 38 vi

Page ...... 39 TECHNICAL TERMS AND MEASUREMENTS...... 39 GUIDE TO ORDERS AND FAMILIES Suborder Anomura - Hermit Crabs, Stone Crabs, King Crabs, and Squat Lobsters...... 40 Suborder Brachyura - True Crabs...... 41 GUIDE TO SPECIES Lithodidae...... 44 Homolidae...... 44 Majidae...... 45 Calappidae...... 45 Geryonidae...... 45 Portunidae...... 46 Grapsidae...... 46

BIVALVES AND GASTROPODS...... 47 GUIDE TO SPECIES...... Mytilidae (Class Bivalvia - pelycepods, clams, oysters, and allies)...... 47 Patellidae(Class Gastropoda - univalves, conches, whelks, chanks, and allies)...... 48

CEPHALOPODS...... 49 TECHNICAL TERMS AND MEASUREMENTS...... 49 GUIDE TO ORDERS AND FAMILIES Order Sepioidea - Cuttlefish, Ram’s Horn Squids, and Bob-tailed Squids...... 51 Order Teuthoidea - Inshore and Oceanic Squids...... 52 Order Vampyromorpha - Black Octopus...... 57 Order Octopoda - Octopuses...... 57 GUIDE TO SPECIES Sepiidae...... 59 Loliginidae...... 61 Onychoteuthidae...... 63 Histioteuthidae...... 63 Brachioteuthidae...... 64 Ommastrephidae...... 64 Thysanoteuthidae...... 67 Octopodidae...... 67

JAWLESS ...... 69 Order Myxiniformes - Hagfishes...... 69

SHARKS...... 70 TECHNICAL TERMS AND MEASUREMENTS...... 70 GUIDE TO ORDERS AND FAMILIES Order Hexanchiformes - Cow and Frill Sharks...... 72 Order Lamniformes - Mackerel Sharks...... 72 Order Carcharhiniformes - Ground Sharks...... 73 Order Squaliformes - Dogfish Sharks...... 75 Order Squatiniformes - Angel Sharks...... 75 vii

Page GUIDE TO SPECIES Hexanchidae...... 76 Chlamydoselachidae...... 77 Odontaspididae...... 77 Lamnidae...... 77 Alopiidae...... 78 Scyliorhinidae...... 78 Triakidae...... 80 Hemigaleidae...... 81 Carcharhinidae...... 81 Squalidae...... 82 Oxynotidae...... 88 Echinorhinidae...... 88 Squatinidae...... 88

BATOID FISHES - SKATES, RAYS, AND GUITARFISHES...... 89 TECHNICAL TERMS AND MEASUREMENTS...... 89 GUIDE TO ORDERS AND FAMILIES...... 90 Order Torpediniformes - Electric Rays...... 90 Order Rajiformes - Guitarfishes and Skates...... 90 Order Myliobatiformes - Stingrays...... 91 GUIDE TO SPECIES Torpedinidae...... 92 Narkidae...... 92 Rhinobatidae...... 92 Rajidae...... 93 Dasyatidae...... 98 Gymnuridae...... 99 Myliobatidae...... 99

CHIMAERAS...... 100 TECHNICAL TERMS AND MEASUREMENTS...... 100 GUIDE TO ORDERS AND FAMILIES...... 100 Order Chimaeriformes - Chimaeras...... 100 GUIDE TO SPECIES Callorhinchidae...... 101 Chimaeridae...... 101 Rhinochimaeridae...... 102

BONY FISHES...... 103 TECHNICAL TERMS AND MEASUREMENTS...... 103 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS USED FOR BONY FISHES...... 107 GUIDE TO ORDERS AND FAMILIES...... 110 Order Albuliformes - ...... 110 Order - and Spiny ...... 110 Order Anguilliformes - Eels...... 111 Order - Herrings and allies...... 112 Order Siluriformes - ...... 112 Order Salmoniformes - Smelts and allies...... 113 Order - Bristlemouths and allies...... 114 Order - Greeneyes, Lizardfishes, and allies...... 116 viii

Page Order - Blackchins and Lanternfishes...... 117 Order - Hakes, Cods, and allies...... 118 OrderOphidiiformes - Cusk Eels and allies...... 119 Order Batrachoidiformes - Toadfishes...... 119 Order Lophiiformes - ...... 119 Order Gobiesociformes - Clingfishes...... 122 Order - Silversides and allies...... 122 Order - Flyingfishes, Sauries, and allies...... 122 Order - Opahs and allies...... 123 Order - Alfonsinos and allies...... 124 Order - Whalefishes...... 125 Order - Dories and allies...... 125 Order - Pipefishes and allies...... 126 Order - Scorpionfishes...... 127 Order - Perch-like Fishes...... 128 Order Pleuronectiformes - ...... 139 Order - Tetradontiform Fishes...... 140 GUIDE TO SPECIES Albulidae...... 141 ...... 141 Ophichthidae...... 141 Congridae...... 142 Clupeidae...... 142 Engraulidae...... 143 Ariidae...... 144 Alepocephalidae...... 144 Chlorophthalmidae...... 145 Synodontidae...... 145 Myctophidae...... 145 Merlucciidae...... 147 Moridae...... 148 Macrouridae...... 149 Ophidiidae...... 152 ...... 153 Lophiidae...... 154 Atherinidae...... 154 Exocoetidae...... 155 Scomberesocidae...... 155 Lampridae...... 156 Trachipteridae...... 156 Ateleopodidae...... 157 Berycidae...... 157 Diretmidae...... 157 Trachichthyidae...... 158 Zeidae...... 159 Oreosomatidae...... 160 Macroramphosidae...... 161 Congiopodidae...... 161 Scorpaenidae...... 162 Triglidae...... 163 Acropomatidae...... 164 ix

Page Polyprionidae...... 164 Serranidae...... 165 Epigonidae...... 166 Pomatomidae...... 167 Rachycentridae...... 167 Carangidae...... 167 Coryphaenidae...... 169 Bramidae...... 170 Emmelichthyidae...... 171 Haemulidae...... 171 Sparidae...... 172 Sciaenidae...... 176 Dichistiidae...... 178 Cheilodactylidae...... 178 Mugilidae...... 179 Sphyraenidae...... 179 Ammodytidae...... 180 Callionymidae...... 180 Gobiidae...... 180 Gempylidae...... 180 Trichiuridae...... 183 Scombridae...... 184 Xiphiidae...... 187 Istiophoridae...... 187 Centrolophidae...... 188 Nomeidae...... 190 Stromateidae...... 191 Tetragonuridae...... 191 Bothidae...... 191 Soleidae...... 193 Cynoglossidae...... 194 Tetraodontidae...... 195

SEA TURTLES...... 196 TECHNICAL TERMS AND MEASUREMENTS...... 196 GUIDE TO SPECIES Cheloniidae...... 197 Dermochelyidae...... 198

SEABIRDS...... 199 TECHNICAL TERMS USED FOR SEABIRDS...... 199 GUIDE TO SPECIES Spheniscidae...... 200 Diomedeidae...... 200 Procellariidae...... 202 Pelecanidae...... 203 Sulidae...... 203 Phalacrocoracidae...... 203 Laridae...... 205 x

Page MARINE MAMMALS...... 206 ORDER CETACEA - WHALES AND DOLPHINS...... 206 TECHNICAL TERMS...... 206 GUIDE TO SPECIES Suborder Mysticeti - Baleen Whales...... 207 Balaenidae...... 207 Neobalaenidae...... 207 Balaenopteridae...... 207 Suborder Odontoceti - Toothed Whales and Dolphins...... 208 Physeteridae...... 208 Delphinidae...... 209 ORDER PINNIPEDIA - SEALS...... 211 TECHNICAL TERMS...... 211 Otariidae...... 212 Phocidae...... 212

REFERENCES...... 213




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