July 2010 VVillage DiarD ry Juuly 2010 Saturrday 3rd 11.00 - 2.00 Horninng Communiity Primary SSchool and HedgehogsH Pre-school, Summeru Fair Saturrday 3rd 1.00 - 4.00 Tunsteead School SSummer Fayrre, Tunstead Primary Schhool, Market Street, Tunsstead Mondday 5th 7.30pm Coltishhall Parish CCouncil Meetting, Village Hall Wednnesday 7th 7.30pm The Elleventh Mikee Groves Ruun, Start Foottball Field, RRectory Roadd Saturrday 10th 10.00 - 4.00 Girl GGuides Leadinng the Way, Wroxham Scarecrow Coonvention froom Wroxhamm Sundday 11th Churchh Hall Wednnesday 14th 7.30pm Horsteead with Stannninghall Parrish Council, Hayloft, Tiithe Barn, Hoorstead Saturrday 17th 7.00 - 10.00 Traditional Jazz Band Concert, The Museuum of The Brroads Sundday 18th 11.00 - 4.00 1st Hovveton and WroxhamW Sea Scout Groupp, 7th Annuall Classic Car Show Wednnesday 21th 7.00pm Womeen’s Institutee, Meeting, VillageV Hall, Coltishall Sundday 25th 3.00pm Duck RRace, From HorsteadH Miill to Horsteaad House Saturrday 31st Coltishhall Fete Auggust 20102 Tuesdday 10th 10.00 - 12.00 Centraal Norfolk Health Walk from Coltishall, from Colltishall Villagge Hall Car Park Saturrday 14th 2.30pm The MMill House Nuursing Homee, Garden Paarty

The Marlpitt aims to produce a magaazine as an innformative coommunicatioon of local neews, events and articles. AArticles are ppublished inn good faith aand are not necessarilyn thhe opinion off the Editors. Anyy item submitted must haave a contactt name and teelephone nummber for usee by the Editoors. Noon-Commerccial Advertissements for VVillage Evennts, Interests and Activitiees are free off charge for oone issue onlly. They will oonly be acceppted if they fit a maximum of a ½ pagge and will be re-sized at the Editors’ discretion. Artticles for Salle - Personal and Domesttic. Personal aadvertisemennts for local residentsr aree free of charrge for one isssue only. Front Cover PictureP Let’s Go To The Coltishallo l Fete! The Marrlpit DeadD dline

CCopy foor the AAugust/SSeptemmber Issue by MMondayy 13th July 2010 Editorial One of The Marlpit Editors was at a recent Coltishall Parish Council open meeting when the plight of the Coltishall and District Branch of the British Legion was made known in that, not only were they needing more members but, they were running out of funds to maintain their branch activities. Fortunately their situation did not fall on deaf ears as Trish Frost, Club Secretary of Colt Jags Youth Football Club, who was at the same meeting, took their message back to the next Colt Jags meeting and this resulted in Colt Jags donating their sponsorship money from one of their activities at their recent Fun Day to the Legion. This donation will, we understand, enable the local branch to carry on for a further year, and is to be highly commended. The British Legion were not only present at the Fun Day but agreed to present the players awards for the season. This is a great example of the youth of the village, through their football club, coming together with and in support of an older group (formed in 1923). What the Legion needs now is new members and continued support and that must be where the readers of The Marlpit come in. The same Editor also recently took the time to visit the Coltishall Parish Plan exhibition in Coltishall Village Hall. Considerable hours of work had been put into both establishing what the village expected of their Parish Council and in representing this graphically in a format that could be easily understood by those visiting the exhibition. What was disappointing were the few people who bothered to turn up at the exhibition. The exhibition moved on to an evening event (which he also went to) with the Village Hall being filled with the sounds of the sixties by an excellent entertainer and there was also a free raffle and a very generously priced bar. All the ingredients you would think that would make for a well attended event but again not so. Why didn’t you attend either of the above? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Marlpit Annual Collection The annual collection will be here for this issue of The Marlpit. You should receive an envelope together with your copy of the July issue and we do hope that you will feel able to make a contribution towards the cost of producing the magazine. If your Marlpit deliverer does not call, you can either drop the envelope into the Post Office or call one of the Editors whose names appear at the foot of the back page and they will arrange collection. In most years our advertising revenue plus the contributions received in the annual collection cover the annual costs. Not so in the year to end March 2010 when, not surprisingly, we have experienced a further drop in advertising income and an increase in costs. We have a deficit which can be covered from Reserves but we do need your support. Thank you. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Good Result! On Sunday 13th June, as reported in the Marlpit last month, the Norfolk Mead Hotel hosted a Charity Function in aid of Macmillan Cancer support and Help for Heroes. Over 110 guests enjoyed a glass of fizz and a special barbecue on the lawns and in the marquee Colonel James Woodham, Commander in Chief of the Royal Anglian Regiment, came up from London especially to say a few words about Help for Heroes and Jane Seymour, from Bijou Bottles, spoke on behalf of Macmillan Cancer Support Through an auction, very capably handled by John Buchanan and his wife Amanda, raffle, ticket sales and other donations, over £ 10,000 was raised on the day. A collection of army vehicles and classic cars were paraded on the lawns and some guests enjoyed a car treasure hunt before lunch We at the Mead would like to thank everyone involved behind the scenes, our staff who donated their time, our guests, suppliers and all who donated auction prizes and raffle prizes. 1 Coltishall Fete . . . It’s Go, Go, Go!! The organisers of the long awaited Coltishall Fete are delighted to announce full details of the day’s activities. Taking place on Saturday 31st July the Fete will be held at two venues - the Lower Common and the Cricket Ground, Rectory Road. The Lower Common will be providing activities and games for the younger community whilst the Cricket Ground will be offering enjoyment for the older members of the area. However, spokesman Dave Chisnell is hoping for an overlap on the two areas. ‘What we really want is a fun day out for all the family.’ he said, ‘people shouldn’t feel restricted to one venue or the other, I’m sure they’ll find plenty of entertainment at both.’ The fete will start at 12.00noon when Coltishall’s very own Carnival Queen will arrive at the Lower Common in a horse drawn carriage to officially open the Fete. And then the fun begins. At the Lower Common there will be a bouncy castle, swing boats, swing chairs, junior gladiator jousting, junior striker and a giant slide. Stalls will include toffee apples, candy floss, ice cream, popcorn and soft drinks. Games such as Hook A Duck, Search For Treasure, Hoopla, Knock Over The Cans and Guess the number of sweets in a jar will run alongside three legged races, sack races and wheelbarrow races. There will be prizes for the winners and fun for all. A tombola will also be held and there will be burgers and hot dogs available. On the Cricket Ground activities will include Giant Slide, Adult Bouncy Castle, Adult Gladiator Jousting, Striker, Bungee Running, Rodeo Bull, Coconut Shy and Wellie Boot Throwing. It’s hoped that an inter-pub tug of war will also take place. There will also be around 40 craft stalls selling their wares and a food area which will include Hog Roast, Burgers and Hot Dogs, Sea Food and Do-Nuts. The Social Club bar will be open from 12.00noon and music will be provided in the afternoon by Johnny Jump and in the evening by Hard Rain. Free car parking will be available at Hautbois House and also in a private field along White Lion Street. There will be a free bus service provided by Netherbus to and from the car parks and between the two venues running all day. ‘All in all it should be a great day out for the whole community’ said Dave Chisnell, ‘and let’s not forget it should raise some well deserved cash for the local Church Clock Appeal.’ When asked if the fete would become a regular event in the yearly calendar, Dave Chisnell smiled, ‘let’s get this one out of the way first,’ he said, ‘if all goes well then we’ll start thinking about next year.’ Anybody requiring any further details or willing to offer their help on the day should contact Dave at the Railway Tavern ' 738316. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Carbon Footprints Eco-Warrior has mentioned before how unfriendly buying bottled water is - but did you know that a 500ml bottle has the same carbon footprint as 1,000 pints of tap water (0.14gm per pint) plus 2 plastic bags (10gm each) - i.e. 160gm. Sounds bad doesn’t it!? If you have bought a bottle of water recently, then use it again and again by filling it with tap water. Then, when it’s completely finished, stick the bottle in your recycling bin. To put things into perspective, the Eyjafjallajokull Eruption is spewing out 230,000 tonnes per day - equal to 50 space shuttle flights. But you know what they say . . ‘Every little helps’! Eco-Warrior * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * For Sale: Nintendo DS Lite games. Lego Star Wars, The Complete Saga £5. Mariokart DS £5. ' 737637.

2 The Royal British Legion Thank You The members of the Coltishall and District Branch would like to express their gratitude and thanks to Richard and Sally at The Rising Sun Public House for their help and service in providing an excellent meal and service at the Branch Annual Dinner in May. Once again the meal was up to the high standard set by Richard and served by Sally and her staff. I have received nothing but praise from all the members and friends who attended. Once again, many thanks indeed for looking after us. We also have to gratefully thank the committee and members of Coltishall Jaguars Football Club who have made a magnificent donation to our Branch Funds, allowing us to continue to help those of the Service community who are in need. Our Branch Chairman, Mr Charlie Smith and Myself were invited to the ‘England World Cup Fun Day’ on Saturday 12th as they had decided to donate some of the sponsorship raised that day to our Branch funds. Both Charlie and myself were welcomed and looked after all day with Charlie being invited to present all the trophies to the many young boys and girls. We realised very quickly how much effort had gone into the organisation of such an event in our village and all the committee and parents are to be heartily congratulated on their efforts. All the Branch Members are very grateful indeed for the support shown to us in our community. Thank you all very much. Bob Jennings Branch Treasurer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sycamore Class Visit Landamores’ Boat Yard On Thursday 10th June Sycamore Class went to Landamores’ boat yard in Wroxham. We split into three house groups and they were Kingfisher, Yellowhammer And Greenfinch. My group went with a man called Mike. Mike showed us lots of different boats. The first one that was worth about £1.1 million was a rather large boat. We got to have a look inside and it was very well made. I tried to imagine what it will look like when it is done. Mike told me that most of the boats take about 30 to 35 weeks to build. I was surprised at that. Ellie Newton and I thought it would take at least one year or more to build. Well I guess we were wrong! Then we moved on. We had a look these two boats and the outside were fabulous, but the inside was nowhere near completed. Next, we went to another boat that was worth about £750,000. That was also rather big. We got to look inside that one and it was beautiful inside. Mrs Carter didn’t like looking at the boats at all. She felt a bit claustrophobic. Later that day we saw big machine that chops wood into accurate pieces. We were told that when we build our model boats to cut down the grain of the wood. We then saw a machine that puts the edges on the wood. Finally we looked at this spectacular boat that was almost finished! We went inside that boat and when the person that owns it sees it when it is done they will love it to pieces! Well, I had a great time that day. Thank you Mr Fowkes, Mrs Carter and Mrs Terrington for this wonderful opportunity! Also, many thanks to Landamores for allowing us to visit their yard. By Ciara Cogley Age: 11, Coltishall Primary School

3 Horstead Boy Makes the England Alpine Ski Team Tarn Fynn, who started his skiing on Norwich dry ski slope, has been selected for the England Alpine Ski Development C Team. This is very exciting but a big commitment for Tarn - he will need to do a minimum of eight weeks training with the team as well as representing England at races and continuing to work on his fitness and to balance this with studying in French and German at the local Swiss College. Since moving from Horstead, and Coltishall Primary School, Tarn has lived in the French speaking Gruyère region of Switzerland. Being in the pre-Alps close to local ski stations has been a huge asset for Tarn. Last season he benefited from selection to the Regional Swiss Romand Team, who he hopes to continue to train with next season alongside his training with the England Team. English skiing, even at national squad level, is not funded or sponsored and all costs need to be found by the athletes (or rather their parents!). To help raise money Tarn is swapping his skis for his road bike this summer and will be doing a sponsored cycle ride around the five ski stations of Gruyère in a day - a distance of about 100km, with 12.5km of steep climbs. Tarn would love to hear from anyone willing to sponsor him in his endeavours whether as individuals or companies - all money will be paid into the UK Skiers Trust Charity. Tarn can be emailed on [email protected]. Five years since leaving Horstead to live in Switzerland we still miss many of the friends and neighbours we made during our times in Coltishall and Horstead, as well as the river, the proximity to the Broads and coast, and to Norwich. We always look forward to our visits back to catch up with close friends and family. Life in Switzerland has not been so bad. The language remains a barrier to the older members of the family, but is no issue to Tarn, Tamar or Linton who do all their schooling in French, and even Kyriel (nearly 3 and Swiss-made) is already saying colours and numbers in both French and English (though not necessarily in the right order). Bulle, the small market town where we live, with its traditional weekly market, has grown rapidly with large blocks of apartments everywhere. It is, though, surrounded by the pre-Alps that offer fantastic views, walks, cycling and of course skiing just 20 minutes away. The local Lake (Lac Gruyere) offers sailing on a scale similar to the larger Broads. Anyone who remembers us and wants to get in contact, we would love to hear from you - you can find us on Facebook! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Horstead Bowls Club Despite the rather miserable weather no games have been postponed so the fixture list remains intact with the unfortunate exception that Barnham Broom called off being unable to raise a team. Two days later we learned that shortage of members had caused them to withdraw from the Norwich and District Bowls League. Our own membership has a more positive look about it with another experienced player joining us and somebody else trying out the game. On the match front of the fifteen games played so far nine have been won, one drawn and five lost. We have progressed to the semi final of the Norwich and District League Cup by beating Catton in the quarter-final. In the Norwich Bowling Association Anniversary Cup we next play Wroxham having overcome Coronation. Additional to matches are the Sunday morning club sessions. Sunday mornings are not just for members since anyone can turn up, pay a green fee of a £1 and play or get a free introduction to outdoor bowls from an experienced club member. All you need first time are suitable trainer type shoes so the green is not damaged. Obviously the other essential is bowls but these are provided free to trainees or the casual visitor, perhaps a bowler on holiday in the area. The sessions will be held every Sunday morning until the end of August except on 27th June and 18th July when club competitions will be taking place. To obtain further information, just telephone Des Leckenby ' 736361. The Malcolm Bland Trophy which this year will be held on Saturday afternoon 24th July is open to all comers and entry forms can be obtained from Neville Bland ' 737656. 4 Notes from Horstead with Stanninghall Parish Council - May and June May saw the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council as well as the Annual Parish Meeting for the electorate. Mrs Margaret Gurney was again elected as Chairman and Mrs Kate Lawrance remains as Vice-chairman. Glebe Way: Before the June meeting proper, the Parish Council were pleased to welcome Sue Tyler from Wherry Housing who came to talk to them about proposed improvements to some of their properties in Glebe Way. This was with the aim of making them more secure following two recent burglaries in the area. Planning: May I begin by scotching the rumour that apparently is going the rounds that there is to be a building development on the land adjoining the pond. To date no such application has been received. Recent applications: · 20100662 Bure House, Rectory Road, Horstead: Change of use to clinic and conversion of first floor flat to self-contained flat. The Parish Council had no objections to this application · 20100761 25 Robert Norgate Close, Horstead: Conservatory to rear. Again, the parish council had no objections. Details of both applications can be viewed online at Have your say on Plans for Growth: With the recent announcement that the government are seeking to do away with local development frameworks in their present form, Broadland District Council are holding a number of exhibitions at a variety of venues throughout Broadland, in order to consult on the development of new housing, jobs and other services. Further information is on the parish notice boards and can be found on as well as at local libraries and council information centres. Your Parish Your Decision: Having supported a successful bid on behalf of the Tithe Barn and the Jubilee Players, the Parish Council was pleased to be able to purchase extra tables and staging on their behalf with the grant money obtained from the Norfolk Association of Local Councils of which Horstead with Stanninghall Parish Council is a member. Horstead Mill: With the advent of the warmer weather pressure on the site is beginning to mount again. The car park is very small and again the council have received complaints about inconsiderate parking in Mill Road and Robert Norgate Close. Whilst most of the culprits are probably not local, a reminder, please, that if you really find it necessary to visit with your own vehicle, please be mindful of the needs of the residents nearby and of other road users and make sure that you park so that your vehicle does not cause an obstruction. Some farm or emergency vehicles, in particular, need to use the full width of the road. Please note that there are now only the red dog waste bins on site, so you need to take your litter home with you. The Playing Field: The latest apparatus which was installed in May were a cone climber and a delta swing. Attention now needs to be given to the sports part of the field and to raising enough money to cover increased maintenance and insurance costs. Although there is some more grant money to come from the development in Buxton Road, the Play Project still needs your support, so please buy a racing duck when the sellers visit you this month and come to support the Duck Race at the Mill on Sunday 25th July. Police Report: PCSO Tracey Frost and PC Bailey attended the June PC meeting and reported that there had been yet another case of criminal damage to a vehicle parked in Norwich Road. Although the police are continuing to monitor the area closely they would also be grateful for any information from the public who can get in touch in the usual way. The problem of parking in Mill Road was discussed and the police reported that concerns have also been raised around parking and access outside the Recruiting Sergeant. Our PCSO is keeping an eye on the situation, as are her colleagues. She will also be installing some signage to educate drivers about parking and also liaising with Highways to see if a solution can be found. As part of the strategy to help residents feel safer in Glebe Way the police held an open air event for residents to find out about their concerns and to provide advice and reassurance. Wherry Housing was also there. They hope to work together to make properties where vulnerable people live safer and the event should have helped to achieve that aim. The next SNAP meeting will be held on Monday 23rd August at 7.00pm at the Jubilee Centre, Norwich Road, Aylsham. Police are also running a series of drop ins at Tesco in Aylsham. The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Wednesday 14th July at 7.30pm. Philippa Weightman Parish Clerk. 5 Coltishall and Horstead Women’s Institute The meeting in May was held, as usual, in the Village Hall with almost a full attendance. Two members presented a project for the WI display at the Royal Norfolk Show. Each WI in the county was asked to provide details of the history and changes within their own WI through the years for inclusion in a binder which will be on show in the WI marquee. The length of time each WI has been in existence varies and, of course, many changes have occurred. Coltishall and Horstead WI was formed in 1923 so it was quite a task providing material to give a flavour of all that has happened. Our entry contained archive photographs, programmes, competition and awards, showing involvement in the two villages. It highlighted a very forward looking WI, embracing the changes in attitudes and activities while continuing to contribute to the local community. All this was completed using only two A3 pages! Do go to the WI tent at the Royal Norfolk Show to view the complete project. I am sure that you will find it very interesting. We catered at the Horstead Flower Festival on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th June so it was a busy two days. We will also be taking part in the Village Fete for which arrangements will be finalised later. The outing to Sandringham is imminent and other events will follow. The May meeting is always the time when we discuss new WI resolutions for the National Annual General Meeting in June. You may ask, ‘what is a resolution?’ Over the years the WI has campaigned on a wide range of issues that matter to women in their communities. Previous resolutions include Equal Pay in 1942, Breast Cancer Screening in 1975, and latterly Violence against Women, Climate Change, and the plight of the Honey Bee. Each year WI members have the chance to put forward issues or ‘resolutions’ that they would like the national body to campaign on. There follows debates and consultation process by the membership, then short lists are selected for discussion at the Annual General Meeting. The only selected resolution for 2010 is ‘This meeting urges Her Majesty’s Government to introduce clear and mandatory country of origin labelling on all meat, poultry and fish products sold in this country’. Following the debate and discussion, led by our WI Advisor, the meeting was unanimous in agreeing with the resolution and the delegate for this area will put our vote forward on the day. So now we await the outcome. I hope that this provides an insight into another aspect of the WI and you will see that it is not ‘All Jam and Jerusalem’. Prior to our summer break we will hear about ‘The Bevan Boys’ on Wednesday 21st July and in August there will be a Garden Party, held at the home of one of our members, so we hope for a sunny afternoon. Then in September, on Wednesday 15th, we resume our meetings in the Village Hall Lounge. Do come along and give us a look. You will be made very welcome. Margaret * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * New Addition to Coltishall High Street You may have noticed some work being carried out on 18 High Street, Coltishall (the Old Caton’s Cabs building) and some of you may know that a Tea Room is opening. We are Julie Longhurst and Liz Nelson (both local) and we have for the last 6 months had this mad idea that the village would benefit from a Tea Room. We are now in the final stages of opening ‘A Piece of Cake’ and hope to open early July so look out for posters giving exact date nearer the time. When we open we will be offering traditional homemade cakes, freshly made sandwiches and rolls, light lunches and good tea and coffee and of course a very warm welcome. We look forward to seeing you all in “A Piece of Cake” very soon. Julie and Liz * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * For Sale Hotpoint Aquarius DWF50 12 Dishwasher, freestanding, W60 D60 H85. Very good condition inside and out, complete with instruction manual. Colour Cream. 12 place setting. £85 ono. ' 01493 750117 (Acle). Buyer collects.

6 Thank You I would like to say a big thank you to Kath, Mary and Sheila for their help in my recent heart attack. Also to my family for being there for me day and night. Also thanks to Rev Chris Engelsen for his prayers. I must just say only one very special little girl has made me get much better - my great granddaughter Megan. Mrs Davies, Glebe Way * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Jubilee Players At the time of writing, The Jubilee Players are in the final stages of rehearsals for ‘Steel Magnolias’. The stage will be constructed, the set created, costumes hung on rails, lights put up and the Tithe Barn turned into a theatre for a week. Audience members often comment on the wonderful atmosphere created in the barn and the beautiful old building lends itself perfectly to the intimate nature of theatrical productions. Once the summer production is over, we turn our attention to the Autumn production and next year’s pantomime. ‘Three in the Round’, three one act plays, will be performed from Wednesday 27th to Friday 29th October. As the title suggests, this production will be performed in the ‘round’ with raised seating. ‘Robinson Crusoe’ is to be our pantomime for next year’s February half term, 23rd to 26th February 2011. Put these dates in your diaries now and look out for full details in future editions of The Marlpit. If you want to find out more about The Jubilee Players, including audition dates, please contact our secretary Ros Chamberlin ' 736287. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jam Busters at Coltishall Primary School We have been busy this Summer Term walking, cycling and using our scooters to come to school. At Coltishall Primary we have a Travel Plan and during the year we get involved in different activities to help to promote enthusiasm for sustainable travel and our aim to reduce traffic in St John’s Close which leads to a safer walking and cycling environment. We started our latest scheme called Jam Busters in National Walk to School Week back in May. Since then the children have been collecting tokens at the Social Club car park and as they enter the school grounds from the cricket field. At the end of each week totals have been announced in assembly. The winning class will receive a prize each and these will be provided by our School Travel Plan Officer from County Hall. We have been very well supported by the parents. Our local police and other members of the local community have been involved giving out the tokens every morning. We are extremely grateful for all the support we have been given. We hope that the children will continue to enjoy walking, cycling or using their scooters as the Summer Term ends. Our new cycle and scooter shelter will be ready for use later in the year and this will provide special racks for scooters and easily accessible stands for bikes. Our message is about safety and sustainability. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * For Sale Brand New Steamer – Still Boxed. £7. ' 737708. 7 Buy an Alarm and Stop Thieves In Action Homeowners and allotment holders in Aylsham are being encouraged to protect their sheds and garages from opportunist thieves, by installing an alarm. The Aylsham Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) has a quantity of alarms for sale as part of their policing priority to prevent and deter thefts from sheds and outbuildings. The alarms once installed alert householders, by emitting a loud noise, of intruders trying to break in. PCSO Tracey Frost from the Aylsham SNT said, “A simple yet effective alarm can help deter criminals from targeting your shed and garage and stealing your property. Often people do not realise how much value tools, bikes and gardening equipment can add up until it is stolen. It is particularly important to carry out security measures at this time of the year which historically sees thefts from sheds, garages and outbuildings increase”. The team has alarms suitable for sheds, garages and driveways and all cost just £20, available from Aylsham Police Station. Alternatively email [email protected] or ' 0845 456 4567. To protect your shed from being targeted Norfolk Constabulary offers the following advice: · Do not neglect the hinge either side and use security screws or bolts through their fixings · Fit good quality mortice locks or padlocks 1/3rd up and 1/3rd down on the door to reduce the leverage available · Secure the windows with a weld mesh or a crime shield product secured from the inside. · Fit a security light to deter potential thieves · Use padlocks and chains to secure high value items including power tools, lawnmowers and cycles to an anchor · Overtly security mark your property with your house number and postcode. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Young People - We Want Your Views! The item below was written by a pupil at a local High School for their mock election in May. It is good to see young people taking an interest in politics - and caring for our world. If any other young people have strong views or thoughts on how to care for our planet and make it a better place for the future - do let us know - write in to Eco Warrior, c/o The Marlpit. Extract from School Green Party Manifesto: Transport: Train fares in England are some of the highest in Europe. The Green Party would bring trains under public ownership to ensure we have a better service and lower fares. By doing so, we can provide a real alternative for those wanting to leave their car at home. We would divert money currently being wasted on huge road projects (about £30bn). And put more of the UK’s transport budget into public transport, especially local schemes for walking, cycling, and bus travel. We would spend £1.5bn subsidising existing public transport to make fares up to 10% cheaper and £30bn on investing in a better system. This will have the effect of strengthening communities, promoting a greater appreciation of place, reducing crime, improving the health of the population, and reducing traffic fatalities. It would also create 160,000 jobs. A High School Student * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Mill House Nursing Home Garden Party Saturday 14th August 2010 at 2.30pm Our garden party is all about giving our residents, families and the local community an opportunity to enjoy fun and games together on the Mill House lawn. As always, we are planning stalls, raffles, games and entertainment for all ages. From our tea tent, drinks and cakes will be available where you can sit and hopefully enjoy the sunshine. Detailed adverts will be placed around the area very shortly. We welcome any offers of help on this day, as stall holders or donations to the raffle. All monies raised will be for the Mill House Amenities Fund, which helps to fund extra activities for the residents throughout the year.

8 News from The Bell Tower I just cannot believe I am doing the write up for the July issue of the Marlpit, where did May go, never mind June! We have been so busy. The best visit of the month for me was the little Brownies, The Saxthorpe and Corpusty Brownies age 7 - 10 years. They were an absolute delight, so keen to learn all about the bells, and so very well behaved. Fortunately it was a lovely summer evening on Tuesday 18th May and they arrived as previously arranged at 6.00pm. The first stop was the Ringing Chamber, they all gathered round to have a go at chiming a bell, standing on a box which we have in various sizes for Diddy People! Their little faces beamed when they heard the bell, and, of course, Mums and Dads came along too, and they also had a go. Some of the Brownies brought along their siblings, who were mostly younger than they were, and were duly lifted up onto the box, so they were all able to say that they had chimed a bell at St John’s Church. Tony tied up a bell rope in a certain way so that other bell ringers would know that the bell was down, and one Brownie knew that it was a bowline, very impressive for such a little girl, he then demonstrated how to ring the bell properly and they clapped him! So they did appreciate that you have to learn how to ring the bells on a one to-one basis. Then up some more steps to the Clock Tower, Bell Chamber and then more steps onwards and upwards to the part they had all been waiting for, the very top on the roof. Dennis was in charge along with the Brown Owl, Sheena MacRonald and Tawny Owl, Allison Mawson and we didn’t lose anyone over the top! In fact everyone went, including the Mums and Dads. On a clear day, which this was, you can see Happisburgh Light House, several church towers, and even the Norwich Cathedral, and of course the trees are so picturesque it is well worth a trip to the very top. If there are any other groups that would like to visit us, such as Scouts, Girl Guides, cubs etc., we would love to hear from them. As quite often happens we have been called upon to help out at another church for the Wedding of Edward Powell and Marie Alden at St Botolph’s, Hevingham, three members of the Coltishall band rang the wedding bells for them, it was a lovely service and all went very well. On 31st May, the Bank Holiday Monday a ringing tour had been arranged by the Northern Branch, starting off at Tilney All Saints at 9.30am, which is the other side of King’s Lynn! But we made it on time. Then on to Terrington St Clements, this time with 8 bells, which makes a change for us, and enables us to listen to methods that we do not often hear. Next was Walpole St Peter and then well deserved pub lunch at The Red Lion, Wisbech which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. For the afternoon session we started off at Walsoken All Saints, then to Wisbech St Peter and Paul, and last but by so mean least ending up at Downham Market, St Edmunds with 8 bells again. As it was a holiday day, we noticed lots of people in and around all the 6 churches, enjoying the sunshine and listening to the bells, which for some churches are not very often rung, so it made it all very worthwhile, and also made us appreciate how great our bells are at Coltishall, we did find some towers where the bells are very hard to control and quite heavy going, so we say many thanks to Dennis and Tony for keeping ours in such good order. One of our regular ringers on a Monday practice decided to organize a ringing tour of four churches that she had never rung at, the lady in question being Sam McLean. We started off at Halvergate with a huge village pond with lovely Weeping Willows, next to the old Village Sign Post. The church was in the process of being decorated and repaired so everything was covered in plastic sheets. The dust everywhere reminded me of our church when the roof was being thatched but the ringing chamber was still in action, so we made a start at 10.30am. Then on to Blofield, St Andrew and St Peter, with 8 bells, and such easy ones to handle, a really lovely church and so well looked after. A very welcome break for lunch followed at The Malsters, Ranworth and as there was not many of us we were doing quite a bit of ringing and were ready for a break, and once again it was such a lovely sunny day we could relax and enjoy ourselves. We ended up at St Mary The Virgin, Wroxham, where Tony used to be a choir boy, and they have some lovely old photographs in the church on display of past choirs, but they didn’t go back far enough for Tony’s picture! Another very well looked after church and ringing chamber, so we ended up tired but happy, having enjoyed great company and some good ringing, so very many thanks to Sam for organising it, it was greatly appreciated. On a final note, a date for your diary, Saturday 18th September an Open Tower Day. Now don’t forget to come and see us. Until next time, enjoy your ringing. Audrey Weston Secretary

9 Parish Plan Prize Draw Winning Ticket Numbers Listed below are winning tickets for the Parish Plan Prize Draw which was held in the Village Hall on Saturday 29th May 2010. The Parish Plan Steering Group would like to say a big Thank You to all the generous people and businesses who donated the prizes for the evening. Prizes can be claimed ' 737721 or ' 737797 or contacting any member of the Parish Plan Steering Group. A visit to you will be arranged as presentation of your winning ticket will be required. Coltishall Parish Plan - Grand Draw Sponsor No. 1st Painting of Lower Common Boatshed Joan Sandford-Cook 94 2nd RAF Coltishall Station History Mick & Ellen Jannings 529 3rd Roary the Racing Car - Goody Bag & Print Keith & Kirsty Chapman 275 4th Fifi and Flower Tots - Goody Bag & Print Keith & Kirsty Chapman 560 5th Red Arrows Print - Limited Edition No 359/500 Royal Air Force Red Arrows 138 6th Tour of BBC Look East Julie Reinger 328 7th Roary the Racing Car - Signed Print Keith & Kirsty Chapman 562 8th Fifi and Flower Tots - Signed Print Keith & Kirsty Chapman 433 9th 41 Squadron Jaguar Memorial Print John & Wendy Harding 290 10th RAF Coltishall Station History Mick & Ellen Jannings 291 11th Train Ride on the Poppy Line North Norfolk Railway 99 12th Family Visit to Norwich Castle Museum Trevor Eady - The North Norfolk Railway 603 13th Compendium of Ten Puzzles Paul & Muriel Savory 65 14th Basket of Fresh Fruit Top of The Crop 36 15th Bloodhound SSC Poster - Signed By Andy Green Ken Cissell 327 16th Museum of the Broads Visit & Steam Launch Roger Bradbury Antiques 460 17th Dinner for Two - Norfolk Mead The Norfolk Mead Hotel, Coltishall 437 18th Sunday Carvery - Rising Sun (Taken) The Rising Sun, Coltishall 456 19th Meal for Two - Kings Head The Kings Head, Coltishall 597 20th Bottle of Special Reserve Port Period Glassworks 596 21st Tray of Free Range Eggs and Bottle of Whisky The Bor Nigel’s Free Range Eggs 592 22nd Bottle of Whisky Nobby & Doreen Snelling 386 23rd Bottle of Martini Sparkling Rosé The Post Office & Mace Village Store 528 24th Bottle of Red and White Wine Londis One-stop Store, Island Filling Station 63 25th Voucher for £20 - Forget Me Not Dress Agency Forget-Me-Not 172 26th Voucher for Two Hours House Cleaning Gill Glover, House Cleaning Services 382 27th Voucher for Shampoo and Set or Blow Dry Shades Hair 371 28th Voucher for Nail Treatment Nail Solutions Coltishall 595 29th Compendium of Ten Puzzles Shades Hair Fashions, Coltishall 135

10 Missing Jack, a neutered Tom Cat, who has gone missing since 9th May following a move from Coltishall to Horstead. He is tabby with a ginger hue under his belly and at the base of his ears. He is a fairly big cat and his coat is medium length, not really long but not really short either. A much loved family member who we all miss very much and are very worried about. There are posters in the shops and garage and about the villages and we have leafleted some areas. Please contact ' 737702 if you have any news at all or email [email protected]. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Police Direct Re-register your contact details on Police Direct, Norfolk Constabulary’s community messaging system. Norfolk Constabulary has introduced a new communications tool called Police Direct - a system that allows us to instantaneously send messages by email, text, voice messages and fax. If you have previously agreed for your details to be stored on the Constabulary’s Community Contacts database and you have been receiving regular emails from my Local News Officers. This is your personal invite action to re-register your contacts details so you can continue to receive police messages. So what happens now? Please re-register your contact details – you can do this in a number of ways: · Log onto Norfolk Constabulary’s and fill in the online registration form. · Visit your local police station and collect a registration form and a stamped addressed envelope · Call Communications and Public Affairs ' 01953 425555 to request a registration form which will be posted to you, together with a stamped addressed envelope. Please note that the most cost-effective method of contact for us is email. Messages are sent to all contact details you give us so only specify your preferred method of contact otherwise you will receive duplicate messages to your email, mobile and landline. If you are a Home Watch Co-ordinator and have already re-registered on Police Direct please ignore this message. During the re-registration process you can opt to receive e-Newsletters from the Constabulary giving you information about the priorities of your local Safer Neighbourhood Team as well as news about where you live. Harry Mitchell Head of News, Norfolk Constabulary * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The World Cup Continues at the Railway - Hopefully! By the time this issue of The Marlpit is in your hands we will know whether or not England have progressed to the latter stages of this year’s World Cup. Somebody hoping that they’re still in the competition is Railway Tavern Landlord David Chisnell. ‘We’ve had a great World Cup so far,’ he said, ‘we’ve been showing the games outside on a large TV with an outside bar and either a barbecue or hog roast for each game. The reaction has been incredible. We were absolutely packed in the garden for the group games and we’re hoping to go on to great things throughout the tournament.’ Drinks promotions when England score together with free hats, horns and other paraphernalia have guaranteed a party atmosphere and David is keen for it to last, ’Come on England,’ he roared, ‘we know you can do it!’ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Domestic Help Wanted 2-3 hours a week, Doctor’s House, Good Rate of Pay. ' 736906.

11 Sunday League Football Sporting Longdale Football Club established in 2003 is looking forward to playing their second season at the large playing field on Rectory Road in Coltishall, following a move from Rackheath for the 2009/2010 season. The club has two teams competing in the Norwich and District Sunday League the first team are competing in division 3a and narrowly missed out on promotion last season by only 2 points. The reserve team compete in division 4a and whilst didn’t enjoy quite the same good results on the pitch ended up finishing the season with a 5 point cushion above bottom placed AFC Mousehold. New club secretary Mark Brzeczek is hoping to carry on building the already good relationship between the club and CAST off the field whilst building the clubs profile within Coltishall. At the end of last season Broadland Funeral Services kindly bought the reserve team a complete new kit and the club is currently searching for a new kit sponsor for the first team. Sporting Longdale plan to start training for the 2010/2011 season on Thursday 22nd July 2010 and are currently looking to recruit new players, coaches, helpers and sponsors. If you would be interested in getting involved please contact club secretary Mark Brzeczek ' 07769 271 078. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Art Classes Have you always wanted to learn how to draw and paint? Somehow creative subjects passed you by at school and when you get to a certain age and find you have a little time available, to please yourself, then you don’t know where to start? I’ve found lots of people in the same boat and my Art classes are very popular with those who want to learn the technical side of how to handle materials, and practise the skills necessary to produce an interesting and original piece of artwork. I run specialist Water colour classes, and general classes where drawing and a variety of media are taught. Classes are informal, friendly, supportive and full of information. I try to demystify the whole art process and show you that anyone can do it! Clementina Sutton ' 872441 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1st Hoveton and Wroxham Sea Scout Group 7th Annual Classic Car Show St John’s School Playing Field, Horning Road, Hoveton, NR12 8NX Sunday 18th July 2010, 11.00am - 4.00pm Vintage and classic cars and motorcycles from the 1920s to the 1980s; games, stalls, stands, car boot, auto and boat jumble, refreshments, barbeque and ice cream, music by the Den Barrie Duo Adult £2 - under 16s free. Free car parking All proceeds to the 1st Hoveton and Wroxham Sea Scout Group funds No dogs; smoking in designated area only This year the 1st Hoveton and Wroxham Sea Scout Group celebrates 100 years of Scouting locally. This makes it one of the earliest Scout troop in the county, perhaps explained by the fact that its founder, Colonel Charles of Wroxham, was a friend of the Founder of the Scout Movement, Robert Baden-Powell. To celebrate the centenary the Sea Scout Group aims to make this year’s Classic Car Show one of the most memorable in its seven year history. Many of the cars already entered for the show date from before 1950 (the earliest entry so far was built in 1925) which will make a splendid line-up of automotive history. Any classic car owner looking for a good alternative to the cancelled Worstead Festival - and help raise funds for a truly worthy cause at the same time - could do worse than sign up for this Car Show! All proceeds from the Show will be put back into the running of the Sea Scout Group. Scout Group and publicity - Cath Howes [email protected] or ' 01692 650632. Car Show matters only - Nick Walmsley [email protected] or ' 782758.

12 Railway Beer Festival . . . . It’s Coming The Railway Beer and Musical Festival will soon be here again, full details next month but make a note in your diaries for weekend of 6th, 7th and 8th August. Over 25 beers and this year’s groups include Pure Floyd, Bleaky and The Bopcats, Sun Of Cash and Ultimate Madness. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Take One Giant Leap Into Libraries! We have lift off! Libraries across Norfolk are getting ready to launch children into orbit for a space hop adventure this school summer holiday. And it’s all free fun, which is out-of-this-world news for parents! The Summer Reading Challenge Space Hop is just one of many exciting schemes Norfolk libraries are developing to help children enjoy books. Children can sign up at any Norfolk Library from the start of the school holidays and pick up a free Space Hop pack containing membership card, fold-out poster and stickers. The mission is to help the crew of the Ex Libris set up the first library on the moon whilst outwitting the dastardly Spacekatz who are trying to lead them into a black hole. As well as helping with the space mission and borrowing some great books, Space Hoppers can visit an interactive website to share ideas with authors, illustrators and other readers. Visit your local library and start the Intergalactic Adventure Wroxham Library Space Hop Launch: Come dressed as an alien and sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge! Saturday 24th July 10.00am - 12.00noon Space Hop Story Time: Thursday 5th August 2.30 - 3.30pm, suitable for up to 7 year olds Space Hop Around the Universe: Thursday 19th August 10.30 - 11.30am, suitable for 7-11 year olds. All children must be accompanied by an adult. If you’re not already a library member it’s free and simple to join. For details of your nearest library visit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Police Extending The Use Of DNA To Catch Crooks Police in Broadland have been given further funding to roll out a security marking initiative to trace the tracks of burglars. The high tech property marking solution, SelectaDNA will now reach more victims of crime thanks to a £3,000 cash injection. Since the initiative was launched, last October in the Broadland district, police have visited more than 500 previous victims of crime, looking back over a two year period, to offer a free SelectaDNA marking kit to improve their security and protect their homes against thieves. Officers have also visited commercial premises and places of worship that have previously been targeted by opportunist thieves to offer grease and canister sprays, which physically marks the burglar when contact is made to the grease and the canister is activated. The extra money will enable the scheme to be extended further afield to North Norfolk and will be offered to victims of crime over the next two years. Inspector Brian Pincher said, “We are issuing various SelectaDNA products to even more homeowners and businesses so thieves need to be aware.” Officers are only issuing kits to victims of crime but anyone wishing to secure their property can order various SelectaDNA kits from a number of police stations across the county at discounted rates. Kits can be ordered at Norwich - Bethel Street, Great Yarmouth, Kings Lynn, Attleborough, Dereham, Diss, Downham Market, Fakenham, Hunstanton, North Walsham, Swaffham, Thetford, Wymondham. For information about neighbourhood policing visit

13 Local History Month at Wroxham Library Do you have memories of how working lives used to be in Wroxham and the surrounding parishes? On Thursday 23rd September 2010 come along to Wroxham library where there will be opportunities to meet local craftsmen and visit our exhibition. In the meantime, please contact us if you have tales to tell or photos to share. For further information ' 782560 or email [email protected]. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ‘Rats’ in Reepham Town One of our neighbouring towns, Reepham is holding its third annual music festival on Saturday 14th August. This year, the legendary Boomtown Rats will be headlining a great line-up of over 20 bands and music styles from across Norfolk and beyond. Starting at 11.00am, the innovative two-stages of the main festival, indoor venues and the stage in the market square will be buzzing with performances from acts such as; Buster James Band, Hoodlums, Tin Pig, Mynx, The Divide and the Waveney String Trio. The Festival truly offers something for everyone in a family friendly atmosphere that is great for first timers or seasoned festival-goers. Peter Fitzjohn, one of the festival organisers said that, “The festival is a great chance for people from all the towns and villages in the area to come together and enjoy a great day out. Reepham Town will be bustling and full of music, fun, and entertainment right through until 10.00pm. There will be craft stalls and local people will be working hard to make sure that everyone is welcome and has a fantastic time. We also like to ensure that the Festival gives something back and one of the charities that will benefit this year will be the Air Ambulance which our committee of volunteers feel is a great service for rural communities such as ours.” For the latest information, and details of the confirmed music, visit Tickets for the festival cost just £12 and are available from the ticket hotline ' 508 050 or by going to and searching for ‘Reepham’. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wroxham Library Bookstart Baby Bounce and Rhyme Time at Wroxham Library Songs and rhymes for babies and toddlers, parents and carers Fortnightly during term time, 10.00 - 10.45am All children must be accompanied by an adult Tuesday 13th July 2010 - our last meeting until September For further details please contact Wroxham Library ' 782560 or [email protected] Norfolk County Council at Your Service * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Horstead Goes Quackers We are having another Duck Race Sunday 25th July 2010, 3.00pm Ducks will race from Horstead Mill to Horstead House to raise money for Horstead playground Lots of winning ducks with great prizes - £2 per duck We will be calling round to sell ducks and look out for our ducks being sold in local businesses in July Hope to see you all there Refreshments at the finish line at Horstead House No cars or dogs at Horstead House please This event is organised by Horstead Parish Council For more information please contact ' 737 686 or [email protected].

14 Movies At The Railway In July Monday 5th Soloman Kane - James Purefoy a 16th Century hero battles against his haunted past Monday 12th Green Zone - Matt Damon in Iraqi war thriller Monday 19th Valentine’s Day - Romantic Comedy with Julia Roberts and Jessica Alba Monday 25th Clash Of The Titans - Liam Neeson stars in this spectacular remake

Music At The Railway In July Friday 2nd Karaoke Saturday 3rd Killer Tomatoes Thursday 8th Open Folk Night Friday 9th Karaoke Saturday 10th Get Carter Friday 16th Karaoke Saturday 17th Fender Bender Boogie Band Friday 23rd Karaoke Saturday 24th The Carnabies Friday 30th Karaoke Saturday 31st Hard Rain On The Cricket Ground * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Tunstead School Summer Fayre Saturday 3rd July 2010, 1.00 to 4.00pm Tunstead Primary School, Market Street, Tunstead Grand Ring including display by Norwich All Stars Grass Track Motorbike Team Craft Stalls - Cake and Home Produce Stall - Bouncy Slide Explore the Fire Engine or Police Car - Refreshments and BBQ Win a Flat Screen TV or one of the many other prizes in our grand raffle A fun filled afternoon for all the family, proceeds going to Tunstead Primary School Registered Charity Number 1039818 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Horning Community Primary School and Hedgehogs Pre-school Invites you to their Summer Fair Saturday 3rd July, 11.00am - 2.00pm Horning Community Primary School, Lower Street, Horning Homemade cakes, Craft stalls, Books, Handmade chocolate, Jewellery, Raffle and Tombola and much more Plus a visit from the Burnt Fen Alpacas Admission 25p Lucky ticket wins a mystery prize! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thursday Evening Archery For Adults and Children Minimum age 10, under 12s must be with an adult. Broadland High School, Tunstead Road, Hoveton, Norfolk, NR12 8QN 6 Sessions from Thursday 17th June, 6.30 - 8.00pm 17th and 24th June, 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd July £27 per Session Places are limited so booking is essential To find out more and book places, please contact Jonathan Reeve - Extended School Coordinator, ' 07786 855 309 or [email protected]

15 The Churches

Dear Friends First, two words of thanks: Horstead Flower Festival: What a marvellous weekend it was at Horstead’s ‘Now and Then’ flower festival with its colourful arrangements, interesting history displays, stalls and refreshments. The East Norfolk Operatic Society did us proud on Saturday, with a full church, and we enjoyed singing favourite hymns at Sunday’s Songs of Praise. Thank you to everyone who ran the weekend, and who came to see it. The final figure of money raised will be a most generous one, and will put as on the first rung of the ladder of funding a kitchen area and toilet at Horstead Church. Hainford’s ‘Get to Know Your Church’ Week: A church open every day, a walk around the village and Tea, a coffee morning with our new kitchen (hope that encourages Horstead!), a children’s party - all show that the Church is for everyone. Thanks to all who supported a very special week. - which ended with a Brunch Barbecue after the Sunday worship. Now, don’t miss these events coming up: Coltishall Community Lunch: We are holding a Sunday Lunch on 11th July at 12.30 for 1.00pm in the Church Room in aid of Church funds. There will be great food and company, and tickets are just £6. See below for booking places - but these are going quickly! Coltishall Village Fete Saturday 31st July: This is an event for everyone - and Coltishall Church and the Friends of Coltishall Church will be running the Teas and Cakes from which all proceeds go to the Church Clock Project - the clock face cleaned, the auto winder in, and now the time adjuster. Please do support this exciting village event. Thanks to Dave at The Railway and the Friends of Coltishall Church, the PCC, and all who have given to get our clock well on its way. The teas and cakes will be in the Village Hall. See you there! Open Churches Week Saturday 31st July to Sunday 8th August: Across Norfolk, many churches will be open for visitors. In our Benefice, the opening days and times are: · All Week - St. John the Baptist Coltishall 9.00am - 6.00pm, St. Swithin’s Frettenham 9.00am - 6.00pm with Flower Displays in church for Frettenham Festival 8th August, St. Margaret’s Stratton Strawless 9.00am - 6.00pm, All Saints’ Hainford 10.00am to 4.00pm with Special Service on 1st August 9.30am. · At weekends 31st July and 1st August, 7th and 8th August - All Saints’ Horstead 10.30am - 3. 30pm. Coltishall Church Coffee Mornings: Do come and enjoy a cuppa, raffle, cakes etc and a chat at our mornings in aid of vital church funds. We do need your support to help keep the church alive and active to serve the community. · Thursday 5th August at Court House, Hautbois Road, Coltishall 10.00am - 12.00noon. · Thursday 2nd September at Jasmine Cottage, Rectory Road, Coltishall 10.00am - 12.00noon · Thursday 7th October in the Church Room, Rectory Road, Coltishall 10.00am - 12.00noon. All good wishes for the summer, and every blessing. Christopher † † † † † † † † † †

Worship in the Benefice 4th July The Fifth Sunday after Trinity 8.00am Holy Communion at All Saints’, Horstead 9.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints’, Hainford 10.00am Family Service at St. John the Baptist, Coltishall 11.00am Holy Communion, St. Swithin’s, Frettenham Readings Galatians 6 : 1 - 16, Luke 10 : 1 - 11, 16 - 20 7th July Wednesday 10.00am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Coltishall

16 11th July The Sixth Sunday after Trinity 8.00am Holy Communion at Holy Trinity, Great Hautbois 9.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints’, Horstead 9.30am Holy Communion at All Saints’, Hainford 11.00am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Coltishall - followed by Community Lunch (See details below) 11.00am Morning Prayer at St. Swithin’s, Frettenham Readings Colossians 1 : 1 - 14, Luke 10 : 25 - 37 18th July The Seventh Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints’, Hainford 9.30am Holy Communion at All Saints’, Horstead 11.00am Morning Prayer at St. John the Baptist, Coltishall 11.00am Holy Communion at St. Swithin’s, Frettenham 3.00pm Family Fun Church, Horstead Tithe Barn. Readings Colossians 1 : 15 - 28, Luke 10 : 38 - 42 25th July James the Apostle 9.30am Holy Communion at All Saints’, Hainford 9.30am Holy Communion and Baptism at All Saints, Horstead 11.00am Holy Communion at St. John the Baptist, Coltishall 11.00am Morning Prayer at St. Swithin’s, Frettenham 6.00pm Evensong at St. Margaret’s, Stratton Strawless Readings 2 Corinthians 4 : 7 - 15, Matthew 20 : 20 - 28 Open Churches Week Begins - 31st July to 8th August (See details above) All are welcome to join us at any of our Services. If you are new to the area or church, do come and join us. For those who cannot get to church due to restricted mobility, Holy Communion can be received at home. Please inform me if anyone would like a visit. Details from Revd. Christopher Engelsen ' 737255 or [email protected]. † † † † † † † † † †

Horstead Church News Flower Festival: Thank you to everyone who supported this event in any way and to all those who came to the church and Tithe Barn over the weekend, we hope you enjoyed your visit. There will be a full report for the next Marlpit when we will have the final total of the amount raised. All present indications are of very successful event. Watch this space. Photographs of the Flower Displays: If anyone has a photograph of the arrangement for ‘The Forge’, which was in The Tithe Barn entrance, we would be very pleased to have a copy either in digital or printed format. Please contact Sylvia ' 737915. Thank you. Churchyard Conservation Areas Annual Cut: This is planned for the week commencing Monday 12th July. Church Flowers: If you would like flowers in memory of someone or to celebrate a special occasion please contact Mrs Jacqueline Hall ' 736097. Flowers donated have a card placed beside them and can be listed in the church news if requested. Church Wardens: Carol White ' 737665 and Richard Gurney ' 737235. † † † † † † † † † †

Coltishall Community Lunch at the Church Room Sunday 11th July 12.30 for 1.00pm Places are going quickly! Book now! To book please phone Iris ' 737648 or Linda ' 738629 † † † † † † † † † †

Roman Catholic Parish Sacred Heart Church, King Arms Street, North Walsham Sunday Mass 11.00am St John of the Cross Church, White Hart Street, Aylsham Sunday Mass 9.00am St Helen’s Church, Horning Road West, Hoveton Saturday 5.30pm (anticipatory Mass) Parish Priest: Fr David Bagstaff, 4 Norwich Road, North Walsham, ' 01692 403258 Parish Website: 17 Floodlighting for St John the Baptist, Coltishall Week Commencing In Memoriam Sponsor 25th July Richard Morris Pat Morris Floodlighting entries and enquiries to Jill Blackburn ' 737442 † † † † † † † † † †

You are invited to share in an Open Air Meeting on the lower common on Sunday 18th July commencing at 3.00pm with North Walsham Salvation Army Band. Come along and enjoy a good sing and fellowship with other Christians. Coffee Morning and Mini-Market (good quality clothing, bric-a-brac, etc) will be held on Tuesdays 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th July from 10.00am till 12.00noon. Why not come along and enjoy refreshment and a chat or maybe pick up a bargain. On Tuesday 27th July following the Coffee Morning at 12.00noon there will be a time of prayer concluding with a soup lunch. You will be welcome to share in this very special time of sharing and prayer. Should you have any good quality clothing or bric-a-brac that you would like to donate to Coltishall Salvation Army could we please ask that you deliver it to the hall on a Tuesday morning between 10.00am and 12.00noon. Any enquiries please contact Major Janet Bishop ' 01692 407079 or 01692 403955. Village Calendar July Tuesday 6th 10.00am - 12.00noon Coffee Morning and Minimarket at Salvation Army, Coltishall Tuesday 13th 10.00am - 12.00noon Coffee Morning and Minimarket at Salvation Army, Coltishall Sunday 18th 3.00pm Open Air meeting on Lower Common with North Walsham Salvation Army Band Tuesday 20th 10.00am - 12.00noon Coffee Morning and Minimarket at Salvation Army, Coltishall Tuesday 27nd 10.00am - 12.00noon Coffee Morning and Minimarket at Salvation Army, Coltishall Tuesday 27th 12.00noon Prayer Time followed by Soup Lunch at Salvation Army, Coltishall † † † † † † † † † † Girl Guides Leading the Way Wroxham Scarecrow Convention Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th July, 10.00am - 4.00pm Programmes and Refreshments from Wroxham Church Hall, Norwich Road Friends of Wroxham Church Registered Charity No. 1107913 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Traditional Jazz Band Concert On Saturday 17th July, 7.00 - 10.00pm Open air if weather clement Bring a picnic and enjoy the concert by the river. Some tables and chairs available Steam launch ‘Falcon’ will be running trips Tickets £7.50 from The Museum ' 01692 581681 or Di ' 01692 670754. The Museum of The Broads, The Staithe, Stalham, NR12 9DA 18