Transmission: Meditation for the New

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Transmission: Meditation for the New COPYRIGHT & USE STATEMENT This book is copyrighted by Benjamin Creme. However, to make information about the impending appearance of Maitreya, the World Teacher, more widely available, this book is being offered free of charge at the link below. It may be read online, downloaded, and shared with others as a weblink, email attachment, or, if circumstances necessitate it, a printed copy for personal use only. It may not be used for any commercial or derivative purposes, republished, modified, or stored on any Internet website without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Benjamin Creme's books have been translated into many languages and are available for sale through online booksellers, bookstores, and the publisher. Mr. Creme accepts no royalties from the sale of his books. When communicating to others the availability of this book via email or the world wide web, please use the following URL: TRANSMISSION A MEDITATION FOR THE NEW AGE Fifth Edition BENJAMIN CREME Share International Foundation Amsterdam • London Copyright © 1983, 2006 Benjamin Creme, London Published by Share International Foundation All rights reserved ISBN-10: 90-71484-35-1 ISBN-13: 978-90-71484-31-5 (formerly ISBN 0-936604-09-3 when published by Tara Center) Manufactured in the United States on recycled paper First Edition, March 1983 Fifth Edition, June 2006 The cover picture is reproduced from a painting by Benjamin Creme: OM Overshadowing the Earth. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS As always with my books, this book is a product of group work. I am indebted in this case to the contribution of a number of colleagues, particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area. It incorporates material from lectures, seminars, workshops and writings over the past 23 years. This, the fifth, is an expanded edition, and includes various questions and answers which have appeared in Share International magazine since the publication of the fourth edition. It may be interesting to note that, through the inspiration of my Master, our knowledge of and insight into the underlying purpose of Transmission Meditation has expanded and deepened considerably since the first edition published in March 1983. BENJAMIN CREME London, March 2006 EDITOR’S NOTE The amount of information presented in this book has gradually increased during the past 23 years. The book’s first edition, published in March 1983, comprised 80 pages. The present volume, its fifth edition, contains more than twice that number. The first edition contained information derived solely from Benjamin Creme’s public lectures on Transmission Meditation held in the United States in the fall of 1982. As more questions were answered and published subsequently in Share International magazine, they were added to the book at each new printing. As more material became available over the years, new chapters were created. At the Transmission Meditation conferences held in the United States and Holland in 1987, Benjamin Creme presented a talk on ‘The Role of Transmission Meditation in the Development of the Disciple’, and revealed further information – including the underlying purpose of Transmission work. Creme’s talk and questions and answers from these conferences were added to the fourth edition of the book as Chapter 10. Creme’s keynote talk at the Transmission Meditation conferences in 1990 focused on ‘Discipleship and Practice’, and included his (and his Master’s) comments on the actual practice of Transmission by disciples during the previous 10 years. In- depth discussions followed on how to maintain alignment between the physical brain and the soul, and improve the quality of Transmission work. The material from these discussions was added to the fourth edition as Chapter 9, ‘Maintaining Alignment’. Although some questions in this chapter overlap with those in other parts of the book, the information may be expanded upon, or conveyed from a slightly different perspective, and therefore may be useful to the reader. The present fifth edition contains some more questions on Transmission Meditation that appeared in Share International magazine since the publication of the fourth edition in 1998. For the convenience of the readers who already have the fourth edition, the newly added questions are indicated by asterisks at the end of each question in the Table of Contents. CONTENTS Preface....................................................................................1 1. Introduction: What Is Transmission Meditation? ..11 Yoga of the New Age* ......................................................17 Definition of Terms ..........................................................18 Meaning of ‘New Age’ or the coming ‘Age of Aquarius’ 18 ‘Energy’..............................................................................19 ‘Chakras’ ............................................................................19 Relationship between Spirit, soul, and the physical person ..........................................................................20 2. The Great Invocation....................................................23 Sounding of the Great Invocation – Visualization .............24 Nature of the colours visualized* ......................................25 Where did the visualization come from?............................25 God in terms of His Representatives, the Buddha and the Christ......................................................................26 “May Christ return to Earth”..............................................28 “Let purpose guide the little wills of men” ........................28 “May it seal the door where evil dwells” ...........................29 What is the Plan?................................................................30 Was the Plan ever manifest on Earth?................................30 Why should we visualize an inverted Y-shaped table?......31 Should the wording be changed?........................................31 Should it be said at the beginning or the end of the meditation? ..................................................................33 Can we use it as an inner prayer?.......................................33 Is there a correct way to sound the Great Invocation? .......33 Do established groups still need to recite the Great Invocation? ..................................................................34 i CONTENTS 3. Forming a Transmission Meditation Group...........35 Prerequisites for doing Transmission Meditation...............35 How to conduct a Transmission Meditation.......................36 Aligning the physical brain with the soul...........................38 Any special breathing during Transmission? .....................38 Is Transmission working whether we feel it or not? ..........39 The OM sounded inwardly and aloud ................................39 The planes – physical, astral and mental............................39 Is it not dangerous to sound OM continually? ...................40 Use of the ‘Sacred Presence’ in the heart...........................40 Use of mantrams.................................................................40 Is it harmful for children to sound OM?.............................41 Danger in transmitting energies? For children? For pregnant women?.........................................................41 Influence of Transmission Meditation on animals* ...........42 Transmission work and mental stability.............................42 Bi-polar condition and Transmission Meditation*.............43 Who is fit for Transmission work?.....................................43 Can we do Transmission work regardless of our belief? ...44 Reiki and Transmission Meditation* .................................44 Buddhist mantrams and Transmission Meditation*...........44 Relationship of Transmission to Zen practice....................44 If our chakras are not open, can we still transmit?.............45 Moods or mental states not conducive to Transmission.....45 What is the significance of coming together physically to transmit? ..................................................................45 Can members ‘plug into’ the group mentally?...................46 Can we form a group with two people? .............................47 The more people in the group, the better the Transmission? ............................................................47 Guidelines in letting people join the group ........................48 Transmission Meditation and free will...............................49 Admission to Transmission Meditation groups..................50 Should one person lead the meditation?*...........................50 How long to transmit..........................................................50 Do we need three people to continue?................................52 Recommended rhythm for Transmission Meditation*.......52 ii CONTENTS Can we transmit in a dream state?......................................52 Can we meditate lying down? ............................................53 Must we transmit only at night?.........................................53 Should we ring a bell to refocus attention? ........................54 Change of venue?...............................................................54 Can we take a break during Transmission?........................54 Should we inform the Master if a new group is formed?...54 Burning incense during Transmission?* ............................55 Attending Transmission with a cold or flu?* .....................55 Snoring during Transmission* ..........................................55
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