THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY SJXTY-FQURTH YEAR-^^s Entered aa Second Class Matter Post Offlte. Westfleld. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 Published 32 Pag«i—t Cwtfa Every Thursday 'Operation Alert,' Two Selected By Clubwomen Sweepstakes At Flower Show Library to Set Up Nationwide Air Baccalaureate Service I'll Won By Washington Woman Discussion Groups Raid Test Set At Presbyterian Church Mrs. S. V. Stewart of Washing- Rosen, hybrid perpetual: On Next Winter ton (N. J.), was awarded th variety, three blooms, 1, Mrs. J. Instructions To sweepstakes for the entire show To Talk on Education S. Little; 2, Mrs. D. W. Timber- Study of 'Great Public Outlined at the spring flower show of the lake; 3, Mrs. A. D. Larken. For Senior HS Garden Club of Westfield yestei Roses, climbers and ramblers: Books' Long A For June 14 Drill day. She also won the sweepstake; Pink, 1, Mrs. G. D, Brant; 2, Mrs, in the horticultural classes. E. L, Coffey; 3, Mrs. C. H. Long- Desired Program Class of '34 TRENTON — General orders Mrs. John Leedom won th shore; honorable mention, Mrs, covering New Jersey's public par- greatest number of blue seals ii Aubrey Schliess. Yellow, 1, Mrs, The "Great Books Discussion' Baptist Minister ticipation in the nation-wide air the artistic arrangements section D. G. Brant; 2, Mrs. A. E. Becker: groups will be sponsored by the raid test "Operation Alert" were Prizes were given to the fo! 3, Mrs. B. Warwick; honorabl Fiee Public Library next winter, Will Preach issued today by State Civil De- lowing blue seal winners in th< mention, Mrs. A. T. Glider. White according to the librarian, Miss fense and Disaster Control Direc- junior classes: Kerry Lockett 1, Mrs. B. Warwick. Red, 1, Shirley Wright. "For several years The annual baccalaureate serv- tor Leonard Dreyfuss. The test Janet Wilson, Sabrina Coffey D. G. Brant; 2, Mrs. Osgood Rog- it has been wish of the board of ice for the members of the 1954 will be held at an unannounced Helen Berquist, Susie Wick, Deb- ers; 3, Mrs. J. C. Batmen; honor trustees to sponsor the 'Great graduating cltsa of the Weatfield time June 14. bie Putnam, Jean Burley, Mary able mention, Mrs. Charles Tice, Books' program, but lack of space Senior High School will be held in Ann Leedom, Linda Wallace, Bar- made it impossible in the old build- the Presbyterian Church Sunday Public notices have been distrib- Bl-color, 1, Mrs. Frank Shilling ing. With the move to the new uted to all major public buildings bara Bailey, Jean Burley and Car- 2, Mrs. Frank Shilling. at 8 p.m. with the Rev. Richard olyn Pierpont. building this Bummer, it will be L. Smith, aiaociate minister of the and many of the stores in town Roses, floribundas: Red, 1, Mrs one of the first activities planned announcing the drill, Norman T. MISS JESSIE ANN STANZEL MISS BARBARA RAKOWSKI Exhibitors in the various classei Oegood Rogers; 2, Mrs. A. D. Lar host church, presiding. received awards as follows: for the 1054-1956 season," Miss At this service, the Key. Elbert Sprague, local CD director, stated. ken; 3, Mrs. Roger Stephens, Wright said. He added that only wardens, aux- Horticulture, roses, hybrid tea White, 1, Mrs. H. L. Brooks; hon E. Gates Jr. of the First Baptist iliary and regular police will be Woman's Club Announces Winners Pink, 1, Mrs. Frank Lewis; 2, Mr orable mention, Mrs. A. D. Larken "Many thousands of adults have Church, will preach the lermon oa used during this test. Frank Schilling; 3, Mrs. A. D. Lar- Pink, 1, Mrs. Frank Shilling; found that learning to think for the subject, "Marks That Count." ken; honorable mention, Mrs. Os- The scripture lesson will be read In a special directive to all de- Mrs. A. T. Glider: 3, Mrs. Osgao< themselves by studying great Of Two $400 College Scholarships good Rogers. Red, 1, Mrs. Frank Rogers, Joan Larken; honorabl books can be fun, as well aa stim- by the Rev. Frederick W. Blati, fense councils, Director Dreyfuss Shilling; 2, Mrs. Chester Wallace rector of St, Paul's Epiieopal ordered: "The confidential yellow mention, Mrs. A. D. Larken an ulating. EVer since 1947, when The Woman's Club of Westfielc 3, A. Donald Green; honorable Mrs. John McDonnell. Yellow, 1 the Great Books Foundation was Church, and the evening prayer alert shall go to key defense staff Ely Endorsed As mention, Mrs. Ruth Hackcnberg. ALBERT E. MEDEA JR. will be offered by the Riv, Gordon members only. It shall not be has announced the winners of twi Mrs. S. V. Stewart; 2, Mrs. A. D incorporated in Chicago as a non- college scholarships which it i White, 2, Mrs. Ruth Hackenberg; Larken; honorable mention, Mr profit organization, groups of 20 E. Michalaon, minliUr of th* disseminated generally. Should County CD Co-ordinaloi 3, Mrs. A. D. Larken. Yellow, First Methodist Church, Tha Her. the red or white signal fail to be awarding to June graduates o. Homer Baker and Ruth Hacken to 30 people from coast to coast Westfteld High School who intern Mrs. Charles Ttce; 3, Mrs. Fran: berg. Any other, 1, Joan. Larken have been meeting to discuss booka Robert L. Smith, paator of tha received by a municipality, that Shilling, Peace, 1, Mrs. Franl Annual Meeting Bethel Baptist Church, will lead community shall not sound a sig- to prepare for the teaching pro- ELIZABETH—The State Direc- 3, Mrs. Osgood Rogers. Collection written by such authors as Plato, fession. Each scholarship is fo tor of Civil Defense and Disastei Shilling; 2, Mrs. M. G. Mulinos, 1, Mrs. A. D. Larken. Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, in the responsive reading. nal just because a neighboring Control has endorsed the Count; Any other, 1, Mrs. Frank Shilling: The music {or the service will community's sirens are blowing. $400, payable at the rate of $100 Peonies, Japanese and singles books as old as the Bible, as new Of College Men a year for four years. Freeholders' appointment of Add 2, Mrs. C. E. Baker; Mrs. Fran Pink, 1, Mrs. A. L. Luessenhop; 2 as Freud. They have fouTid that be conducted by Charlea Fiahtr, ' "There shall not be any mobili- son C. Ely, Westfield lawyer, as Shilling. Collection, 1, Mrs. Franl minister of music of the First zation of civil defense forces oth- Those who won the awards are Mrs. C. A. Robinson. White, books deal with basic problems as Barbara Rakowski and Jessie Ann county coordinator of civil defens H. Lewis; 2, Mrs. G. D. Brant; 3 Mrs. A, L. Luessenhop; 2, Mrs. B current and important today a? Rutgers Dean Is Methodist Church. He will direct er than police, auxiliary police or and disaster control. Mrs. Frank Shilling. Three bloomi the choir* of the Methodist and wardens who are near their posts Stanzel. Warwick. Red, 1, Mrs. S. V. Stew when they were written: The prob Dinner Speaker His backing was read from one variety, 1, Mrs. Chester Wa lems of justice, happiness, immor- Presbyterian churches in two an- at the time the sirens sound. In Miss Rakowski is the daughter lace; 3, Mrs. Donald W. Way. (Please turn to page 2) thems, "Lord, We Cry to The*" a real "condition red" such per- of Mrs. Allen Buck Jr. of 630 letter sent by the director's offic tality, government, and the nature Tho annual dinner meeting of at Thursday's session of Freehold- of man. by Zwlngly -Dickinson and sonal would take cover themselves Iianford place. She is a member of the College Men's Club of West- "PraiBe" by Rowley. after the sirens stopped. For this ers in Elizabeth. "The regular reading schedule field will take place Thursday, the Spanish Club, Mask and Mime, Town Engineer Moves The prelude, "Chorale in E Ma- test, however, they shall remain and is secretary of Y-Teens. She Mr. Ely, who receives no com- Barbershoppers gives the participants an opportun- June 10 at 0:46 p.m. in the West- outside on duty. pensation for his duties, was swor To New Offices ity to do the reading they have al- field YMCA. Reports of officers jor" by Frtnck will be played by has been accepted for admission Miss Audrey Gleason, a member to Macalester College in St. Paul into the post last week by Countj ways planned to do, then exchange and committee chairmen will be "Local directors shall make nec- The town engineering depart ideas with fellow-citizens at the of the graduating class. Richard essary arrangements in advance Minn., next September. Clerk Henry G. Nulton. He hai Elect Officers received and there will be an elec- already assumed his office. ment today mbved its offices intc 'Great Books' .round-table. Ses- tion of five trustees to serve three W. Llttcrst, organist of the Prc§- to have members of the staff ob- Miss Stanzel is the daughter o: the new Municipal Building sions are not taught; the 'Great byterlan Church, Will be at the or- serve the test in order that a re- Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Stanze; The director, Leonard Drcyfuss, years each and of one trustee to cited Mr. Ely's work for a numbei Kaufmunn Is East Broad street, (John T. Hop Books' are the teachers. Members serve for two years, gan. For the recessional poitlude, port may be made to state head- of 587 Sherwood parkway. She ha kins, town engineer, has an do the reading, then are asked "Trumpet Voluntary" by Purcell quarters in writing after the test. been active in hockey, the Weather of years with the state organiia New President Tho five trustees leaving the tion and said he felt sure that El nounccd. questions by two co-leaders, vol- will be played. Local directors or members of lo- Vane, Library Council and the Ar He stated that permits for fire unteers who have been trained for board of trustees in accordance Parents and f rlenda of the grad- cal council staffs shall not call the !lub. She intends to enter North would "continue to do an exce The annual election of officer: with the constitutional provision lent job as county coordinator." places and other recreational fa the job, in the Socratic method of uating class are, invited - to thla state headquarters during the test. Carolina University this fall. for the coming year of the West cilities at Tamaques Park will stl asking questions. Leaders do not are Ralph L. Atkinson, Walter W service which ia under th* spon- "Local directors shall make sure Five members of this year's sen- field Chapter of Barbershoppe be obtained at the present Munic supply the answers—tbo partici- Blttner, Dr. Howard T. Bonnett sorship of the Westncld Council that officials in all industries, pub- ior class applied for scholarships. was held recently. At the regula pal Building, but at the Tow pants do. This technique makes it Carolus V. Clark and Robert S. of Churches. lic buildings, banks, restaurants, They were entertained at a tea Police Athletic meeting of the chapter the new Clerk's office instead of the eng absolutely necessary for everyone Miner Jr. The sixth trustee to \ apartment houses, hospitals, de- held May 21 at the home of Mrs officers were installed, to take of neer's .office.' to "think for himself," Miss be elected will fill the unexplred partment stores, railroad stations, Bc< in Jpy, „ . term of A, A, Halley, resigned. Ernest. ,C*r)«pn, 708 Shadowlawjj Wri*ht stated...... The speaker of the evening wfl! Mind Health efc, fully understand they are ex- drive by the members of the Wom- League Formed They are: Henry J. Kaufmsm "The discussion groups wil pected to follow regular air raid of 'Maple Hill road, formerly vie bo Albert Eugene Meder, Jr. 6 an's Club scholarship committe Schedule For meet every two weeks, in the new 424 St. Marks avenue, dean o. drills during the test. Directors consisting of Mesdames George A president, now president; Russe Memorial Library, for two-hour will be expected to use common Patrolmen Conduct Malony of Union, vice president Rutgers University, who will ad Drive Over Top Bray, Jules Favre, A. R. Lalloe, sessions. A different 'Great Book' dress the club on the subject, "Ed sense in determining whether or John S. Lancaster, J. E. WeelBnds Bi-weekly Meetings Thomas Burr, Scotch Plains, treas will be discussed at each session. riot the test will cause undue hard- urcrj Lester Day, Murray Hil Hose Use Setup cational Problems Confronting and Carlson. New Jersey." There will be Chairman' Reports ship on an industry or organiza- Last year, the Woman's Club A Police Athletic League, un- corresponding secretary and Rich (Please turn to pago 2) tion. Naturally, hospitals would ard Dugan, Fanwood, recording Wednesday, Saturday question period at the conclusion Total of 95300 financed three scholarships which der the direction of Patrolma of Dean Meder's addrcBS. not be expected to halt operations were awarded to Esther Davis, at- Frank Crepeau of 030 Hort street, secretary. William A. Long o For Westfield Homes or refuse admittances to persons tending Wilson College, Helen has been organized in Westfield Elizabeth, a past president, is now Dean Meder is a graduate of. "The Joint Westfield Mental needing emergency treatment, any Kyrioglu, a student at Montclair delegate to the district association. Churches Plan Columbia University with a bache- Health Association-Union County for boys from 13 to 18 years oi In an effort to conserve watc Mental Hygiene Clinic fund cam- more than an industry engaged in Teachers College and Barbaia age. The new executive committe lor of arts degree. In 1928 he be- manufacturing process would be in the area, the Plninfield-Union came an Instructor in mathematics paign today reached a total of $S,- Sampson, enrolled at New Jersey Tho three week old organize consists of the following: Imme- Water Co. has mailed post card Boat Excursion 300—exceeding the goal by $300," expected to halt work if a ten- College for Women. tion, "still in the stage of forma- diate past president, Thomas Her at both Rutgers and the New Jer- minute layoff would set back pro- to all customers, netting forth th sey College for Women and in reported William Ii. Baiimer, 001 tion," according to Patrolman bert; former presidents George following schedule for use of gar- St. Marks avenue, general fund duction half a day. White, Richard B/rry Jr., William Rye Beach Trip 1927 gave his time over complete- Crepeau, meets twice a week den hoses: ly to teaching mathematics at chairman for Westfield. 'Established civil defense traf- Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. in th Long and Charles Preston of Cran Tuesday and Friday nights— Mental Health 1 ford. George F. Cogswell will con Saturday, June 12 NJC. He became an assistant pro- "We are grateful for the gener- fice regulations for rail, highway, McKinley School and Thursday a Cranford, Plainfield and fessor in 1029. A year later h ous support of Westfield citizens air and water shall be in effect. the same time, in Holy Tnnit; tinue as director-of publicity. Thi Watchung. The 300 solicitors did a magnifl- Schools shall carry out regularly Grammar School. The use of thi installation ritual was conducted A boat trip to Rye Beach, spon- was made assistant to the dean at Unit Re-elects Wednesday and Sntlurday sored by the Westfield Council of tho New Jersey College for Worn csnt job in the housc-to-houat established air raid drills. War- McKinley School and equipmen by Mr. Long, assisted by Reuben nights — North Plainfield, canvass, the business district solic- dens, police and staff members was obtained by permission of thi Cain, a district association official. Churches, will be held next Sat- en iind in 1D32 he became acting Fiscataway, Mountainside, urday, June 12. This community- dean of the college, a post ho held itation, and the special gifts cam- shall wear regulation armbands Local Woman On Board of Education and tho Rt After the induction ceremony, Scotch Plains and Westfield. paign," he nald. Rev. Msgr. ll. J. Wattarson sanc- wide outing, planned for the first until 1934. Board of Directors Mr. Kaufman, as retiring vice Thursday and Sunday nights time this year by the WCC, is Dean Meder was elevated to as- Gordon T. Parry, treasurer of (Please turn to pace 2) tioned the use of th'. purochia! president, presented past officers' —Kenilworth, Gar wlo o d, the fund drive, asked that all grammar school. open to all families of all the mem- sociate professor in 1932 and to Mi^. John D. Stewart, 420 Cole- pins to retiring president Herbert Clark Township, Fanwood, ber churches of the council. Tick- full professor in 1943. He was chairmen of committees, ward cap- man place, was elected to the Other members of the local po and retiring recording secretary Linden, South Plainfield, ets are limited and Wednesday is chairman of the committee on ad- tains and district leaders make board of directors of the Union ice force working with the approx John Keller of Cranford. The new Roselle, Roselle Park and the deadline for ticket salcu. missions at NJC from 1933 to final reports of contributions. "We Aux. Votes $4,500 County, N. J., Association for lmately 80 boys, who have turned vice president presented a pin to Winfield. ' hope to complete the fund cam- mt thus far, are: Patrolmen Jas. former corresponding secretary This apportionment Is calculated Persons interested in attending paign by June 15 so that the pro- Mental Health, at its tenth annual the excursion may contact repre- (Please turn to page 2) To Country Home meeting Tuesday evening in the Moran, William Muth, William Robert Stalknecht. to even out peak summer usage ceeds may bo divided equally be-, reer, Thomas Catalon and E and avoid pressure failures, ac- sentatives in their respective tween the Weatficld Mental Health Grant School auditorium. Mrs. churches and secure tickets. Thla Stewart, who was chairman of Colcman. cording to Francis L. Winslow, sec- Senior Send-Off Association and the Union County At the last meeting of the sea- retary and treasurer of the water is n family and a community af- Mental Hygiene Clinic. Wcstflcld's ward one in the joint Mental Among the activities now offer- C of C Names fair. This Weekend son held Tuesday at Echo Lake Health Fund and clinic drive, now ed by the PAL. are boxing, wresti- company. Mr. Winslow related that contribution of more than $2,600 Country Club, the Senior Auxil- there are 15,045 meters in the Trains taking the group to the o tho Clinic will assure that its drawing to a close in Westfield, is ng, volley ball and basketball. A dock in Jersey City will leave At the Masonic Temple Satur- iary voted to send a check of a- member of the Westfield Service Softball team is included in future Executive Sec'y municipalities scheduled for Tues- services will be available to our 14,500 to the Children's Country Westfield at 8 a.m. They will nr- day night, tho annual "Senior citizens," Mr. Parry stated. League and has been active in nu- plans. Information from other day and Friday use of hoses, 14,- Send-off" will be held from 8:30 Home. This represents the net 877 meters in the Wednesday and •ivc at Rye Beach, via tho S.S. merous community drives. PAL groups in the county \a be- Walter Messenger of 20 Tangle- 'niuylvitnia, about 11 a.m. and p.m. till 12. This dance, sponsored profit from the recent bridge par- ing compiled by local organizers wood lane, Mountainside, retired Saturday group, and 14,570 in the ties held in April at the Hotel Sub- Mrs. Arthur F. Ackcrman, Sum- enjoy the facilities of I'luyland, by the Junior Auxiliary to the Cerebral Palsy mit, was re-elected president of to aid in the formation of an ac- vice president of Chemical Bank Thursday and Sunday group. Children's Country Home, will be urban, Summit. These temporary restrictions on where space has been reserved un- the association to serve a fourth tive Westfield league, according to and Trust Co., New York, has been til about 3:30 p.m. Those taking "gii-1-ask.-boy". The Prlncetonians' Card Party Tomorrow Mrs. A. B. Conlin, party chair- term. Other officers elected in- Patrolman Crepeau. named executive secretary of the use of garden hoses were an, Band will be featured. All sopho- man, thanked the auxiliary for its nounccd last week by the water part in the excursion will arrive clude: First vice president, John Other future plans include the newly organized Chamber of Com- back in Westfield at about 7:30 mores and juniors are invited to MOUNTAINSIDE — Final ar- co-operation "in making this the Lopresti Jr. of Plainfield, principal caching of boxing by a one time merce, Harry A. Guidctta, presi- ompany and the Inter-Municipal ttend. anirements have been made for most profitable scries of parties of Calvin Coolidffe School in Hill- professional;, a .boxing show in dent, has announced. Abater Committee in their nim to ,hc card party to be held tomor- yet held by the organization." side; second vice president, Mrs. September against another PAL Mr. Messenger retired from the revent seasonal water pressure ow niffht in the Central Avenue Mrs. J. W. Valentine, represent- N. Hamilton McGiffcn, Summit; group and the taking out of in- bank several years ago. He is a drops. The schedule went into ef- All About ll! Primury School, to raise funds for ative from the board of managers third vice president, Mrs. Nathan surance policies by all members, ormer member of the Shackn- fect Tuesday. Customers ure also Cerebral Palsy, of the Children's Home, reported Reibel, Elizabeth; recording secre- uch as the public schools offer. maxon Golf Club, Scotch Plains, requested to use hoses only after Mrs. Eonold Farrell Jr., chair- that there are now only 26 pa- tary, Mrs. Russell Hillier, Spring- Patrolman Crepeau, whose idea and Washington Lodge 33, F&AM p.m. man of thii local drive, has re- tients at the home. She also told field; corresponding secretary, it was to form a PAL group in Elizabeth. ceived a report from her commit- the auxiliary that Dr. T. Campbell Mrs. S. Thomas Hall,' Crnnford, Mr. Messenger will have offices cc3 and has announced that in Thompson of the Hospital for Spe- town, will have been on the local Bridge Parly To and treasurer, Charles H. Acklcy, police force two years in August. m the second floor of a building idditlon to tickets being sold thru- cial Surgery, New York, brought Summit. at Elm street and North avenue, Benefit CP Victims mt the borough, they may also be five London orthopedic specialists ; He is married and has a son, Elected to the board of directors three years old. currently occupied by Hill & Hill, btaincd at the door. out to visit the home. were: Mrs. Forrest P. Dexter Jr. ndustrial realtors. The chamber The first annual Cerebral Palsy The bake Bale to be held in con- The luncheon meeting, presided and Mrs. D. N. Tyre, Cranford; has opened negotiations to take jenefit bridge will be held Wed- unction with the card party, will over by the president, Mrs. E. M. Bernard Fineberg and Mrs. D. J- Floral Park Civic aver that location, according ti esday, June 1C at 1:30 p.m. in ipen nt 8 p.m., as will the display Staub, was followed by bridge. The Cassidy, both of Elizabeth; Mrs- Mr. Guidetta. he caftcria of Van Doren Laun- if hand painted china by Mrs. Jo- hostesses were: Mesdames J. A. Meets Monday Mr. Guidctta announced that the h-y Service, C08-(il2 North ave- leph A. C. Komich. Card and John N. Voorhees, Plninfield; Mrs. ,ue, east. Ferguson, Stephen Cox and G. L. George W. Decker, Roselle; Mrs. hamber had selected the second >ingo playing will start at 8:30. Jtatoer. The monthly meeting of the hursday monthly at 7:30 p.m. for Mrs, Milton LaKfi'grcr;, chair- Ul funds from the affair will go John B. Halladay', Roselle Park; 'loral Park Civic Association will nan of hostesses will be assisted Russell T. Kcrby Jr., Summit, and s meetings. He also disclosed the 1054 Cerebral Palsy drive o held at the YMCA Monday at Austin J. Moessner has been y Mrs. M. Kookogey and Mrs. 'or funds. Town-wide Paper Mrs. William M. Baker, New Prov- g p.m. Final plans for ,the picnic harles Krauser. Other conimit- idence. . ,. named chairman of a publicity Collection Sunday o be held June 12 at-Echo Lake :ommitteo that includes Irving ees are headed by John Wiley, Members of the board of direc- Park (the Oaks area)/where fire- kVeiss and Robert Brunncr. ickots and Mrs. Henry Engel- In This Issue tors re-elected for three year ilaccs and tables have been rc- Scout Troop, 79 of the Westfield Mrs. Martin B. The chamber's Retail Trades ricd, refreshments. Mrs. H. Huch- terms include: icrved, will be completed. Division met last week at the Jane ann will display handmude jew- About Town With Sally..9, 12 Community Center Association nor, Mrs. N. Harry back and Henry Elwcll, piesidcnt, will will be co-sponsors with thn West- O'Conred F. Scnorchia Jr., all of Smith Shop, 137 Central avenue, Iry and there will also be dis- Business Directory 20 Dr. Fi reside at the business meeting. nd made plans for a sale day pro- ilays by the Celnnesc Corp., Amcr- field scavengers in a town-wide Elizabeth and Mrs. McGilTen of Refreshments will he served. Church News 28 paper collection drive Sunday. ram in July. Russell L. Wyckoff an Viscose iind Green Mills, all Classified G, 7 Summit. ras named chairman, with W. L. f New York. Flowers and ferns The Center will share equally in The chairman of the Union Coming Events - 13 the proceeds from the collection unty Mental Health Fund drive, Y Trustees Elect 'ickering and Morton E. New- ill be donated by Westfield Flor- Looking at a potter announcing the Weitfield Council of Churches mrgh assisting. ;ts. hont trip, are repreientntivei f i*oiui several of the icven churches Editorial)! 18 and the receipts will be used to ilip yE. PowerPower,, of White Labora- purchase equipment for tiio new Philip Ereporte. Powedr that the reports The board of trustees of the George S. Smith, chairman of Tickets mny nlso bo obtained participating in thii day-long excursion. They are (left to rlght)l Obituaries 4 building. td Westfield YWCA have elected the le division, announced the group Ii rough church organizations to George A. Ehrnvnan of the Presbyterian Churchi Mn. J. P. H&* Playing the Cards 19 (Please turn to page 2) following officers: President, Mrs. as 35 members. Mr. Guidettu, •hii:h they have been distributed worth, First Methodist Church; Frank N. Dodd, in charge of All citizens are requested to y Mr, Wiley. Refreshments will Social 0-13 save papers for this collection. N. E. LoomU; secretary, Miss 'ouncilman II. Emerson Thomas ticket sales, mid Mrs* D, L, Harvey, St. Luke'i Methodist Church. Emma McGall< and treasurer, Mrs. nd Freeholder Donald M. Pearsall u nerved, and gifts, donated by Each church lias a representative who ti in cbargo of ticket nates Sport3 30-3S Edward Bniley is scoutmaster Vestfidd meixhunts, distributed. for that church* of Troop 79 and Leo Gawthncy is H. E. Gernerti nvu among the guests. Theatres u...... 23 the assistant, Pagfe f% THE WESTFffiLDfN.J.)-LEADER,' THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 I Any other, 2, Mrs. S. V. Stewart; Iris in exhibitor's container, 2, Conn.—Mrs. J. W. Cutler and Kate j i founded in 1850 by Frederick Wil- Sweepstakes j 2, Mrs. H. h- Ejooks; 3, Mrs. F. Lyons, V. A. Hospital. Cutler; K. J.—Mrs. W. S. Birming- Operation Alert' liam Gunn, in Washington, Conn. Mental Health Annual Micetuw \ H. Lewis and Mi-3. C. A. Robinson; Artistic arrangements — Twelve ham, Minor, and Tommy Birming- Father and son were members of 1 honourable mention, Lyui;a V. A. rao-thr; ef th» year, ], Mis. H. A. ham; Arizona—Mrs. H. A. Lee- (Continued frpm page 1) (Continued from page 1) the classes of 1888 and IS) 19. (Continued from {Continued from page 1) I Hospital. Collection, 1, Mrs. C. A. Leedom-—July, Mrs. H. L. Monier dom and Maryann Leedom. eoming in fretn the different com- om pagPagee 1«) and/or helmets. The State Civil art; 2, Mrs. C. A, Kobinson; 3,11 Robinson; 2, Mrs. S. V. Stewart, —August; 2, Dr. R. S. Davis—Jan- Junior Educational Exhibit — Chajtos Tremaine was honored munities, as well is the industrial June SO, 1914. On Feb. j | Defense Raiiiu Broadcast Network at the reunion by being selected Mrs. R. Messier. i 3, Mrs. F. Urner; honorable men- uary. Mrs. R. R. Winklepleck — Attracting birds, work done by solicitation reports, indicate that has was appointed sw - lion, Mrs. R. Gonzaies. February; 3, Mrs. F. J. Oertel— j will function during the exercise. as the recipient of the first Gua there has been "a very Sne je- Peonies, doubles and semi-dou- Scout Troep 77, 1, Barbara Bailey, be left on. Rutgers University. Jn y^ " bles: Pink, l.Krs. C. A. Robinson; I Iris, Siberian: White, 1, Mrs. N'ovember, Mrs. Lloyd Oneal—De- Jean Burtey, Carolyn Pierpont; 2, nery Alumni Award.. The award ipons* to the appeal (or funds to was appointed dean of the cember; honorable mention, Mrs. "Doctors on emergency call was presented "in recognition of provide research, preventive edu- 2, Mrs. C. H. Longshore, Mrs. J. ! Roger Stephens; 2, Mrs. Char Barbara Kahn, Judy Beckmann;! sity in addition to his d H. T. Brown—March, Mrs. F. I 3 fJnda Stier' Nancy Schnieder. hall be allowed to continue after his devotion to those ideals of high cation, and more treatment facili- J. Mulligan; 3, Mrs. J. C. Bateman. : Wallace; Mrs. C. H. Long-shore; purpose and constructive citizen secretary. At dean, he is White, 1, Mrs. William L. Ransom; honorable mention, Mrs. S. V. Lewis—April, Mrs. Charles Tic Barbara Little and Nancy Cham- they have properly identified them- ties to combat mental illness—the sible for the overall 2, Mrs. G. D. Brant; honorab'e i Stewart. Blue, 1, Mrs. C. A. Rob- October. be 1-3. selves. Military personnel travel- ship emphasized in the teachings most pressing health and social ing on orders shall be allowed to of this school and demonstrated by problem in our nation today." tion of the entire eduea Biention, Mrs. Roger StephensJ inson; 2, Mrs. E. W. Timberlah*; Four seasons of the year, 1, A feature of the junior section gram of the university B, Red, 1, Mrs. William E. Ransom; f 3, Mrs. Charles Wallace; honorable Mrs. H. A. Leedom—summer, 2, j f the show was flower arrange- continue after properly identifying him throughout his adult life." o themselves and showing cards of A presentation of the Mental linquished the secretan 1" 2, Mrs. C. A. Robinson. Three | mention. Mrs. Harold L. Brooks, Mrs. Charles Butcher—spring; 3, f ments in large shadow boxes by He is cited in the award as the Health play, My Name it Legion, June SO, 1950. i"u'p « blooms one variety, 1, Mrs. A. L. j Variegated, 2, Mrs. S. V. Stewart. Mrs. H. G. Richter—autumn; hon- j Mrs. Harold L. Brooks, author of their orders. founder of the Gunnery Alunm by the Cranfwd Citizens' Commit- He is treasurer and trust*, j Luessenhop; 2, Mrs. John McDon-1 Any other, 1, Mrs. S. V. Stewart; orsble mention, Mrs. W. G. Bir- "Workbook No; 1 and No. 2", and "People shall be instructed not Association in 1892, "succcssfu tee for Mental Health, followed nell. 2, Lyons V. A. Hospital; 3, Mrs. mingham—winter. to use their telephones except to business man, founder and direc the American Mathematical &* Mrs. J. Westford Cutler, author the business session. ety and a member of Phi 5£ Iris, bearded: White, 1, Mrs. Roger Stephen. Collection, 1, Mrs. Table settings, 1, Dr. R. S, Da- of "Junior Gardening". Copies of call the fire or police departments tor ef the National Bureau for the S or doctors if an emergency arises Advancement of Music, founder iCappa, the Mathematical AS«A Prank H. Lewis; 2, Mrs. C. A. Rob- j ; V. Stewart; 2, Mrs. Roger Ste- vis—buffet table; 2, Mrs. H. B. their books were on display. tion of America, National <3«£ n as Loeseh—Victorian dinner table; duHng this test. Householders and executive secretary of Na 76 Measles Cues inson; honorable mention, Lyons 1 P ' - The judges for the horticultural shall be advised not to turn off tional Music Week, Nations of Teachers of MathematicsS Hospital. Yellow, 1, Mrs. S. V. I PPerennials, pyrethrum, 2, Mrs. 3, Mrs. F. J. Oerte!—going away classes were: Mrs. Frank Hammel, Reported, for May ciation for Symbolic Logic i^Z Harold Brooks and Mrs. S. V. table. . gas at the meter, or pilot lights. School Band Association and Na Stewart; 2, Mrs. Prank H. Lewis; Great Kills, Staten Island, N. V.; Gas range burners and non-auto- tional Orchestra Association." American Association for toe Z 3, Mrs. E. R. Crow. Purple, 1, Mrs. Stewart; 3, Mi's. J. P. Moran. Aqui- Favorite container, 1, Mrs. K. Mrs: Vincent Muiligan, Elizabeth, Health Officer Joseph 3. Mottley vancement of Science. legia, long spurred, 1, Mrs. Roland matic gas appliances should be E, R. Crow; 2, Mrs. S. V. Stewart; Allan Taylor; 2, Mrs. F. Urner; 3, and Mrs. Albert Ingalls, Cranford. turned off. Electricity should not reported 121 communicable dis- 3, Mrs. Chester Wallace, Mrs. P. Winters; 2, Mrs. S. V. Stewart; Mrs. R. C. McGinnis; honorable The judges for the artistic ar- ease cases in Westneld during honorable mention, Lyons V. A. be turned off at the meter, but Two Elected To 11. Lewis; honorable mention, Mrs. mention, Mrs. W. P. Redhead, rangements were: Mrs. Clifford appliances should be turned off. Library to Set Up May, 76 of them measles.. C. H. Longshore. Bronze, 1, Mrs. Hospital. Hemerocallis, 1, Mrs. S. Mrs. Curry Lea, Mrs. C. E. Parker Cyphers, Clifton; Mrs. William Other cases • included chicken Accountant's Group W. F. Hine; 2, Mrs. Seldon E. V. Stewart; 2, Mrs. Chester Wal- and Mrs. J. L. Williams. Hardifer, Passaic and Mrs. Charles "Persons on the street shall go (Continued from page 1) pox, 38; German measles, one; Doughity; 3, Mrs. C. A. Robinson. lace; 3, Mrs. Roger Stephens. Vertical arrangement, 1, Mrs. Guenzler, Nutlev. into designated public shelters. mumps, one; whooping cough, two; Persons away from designated This opportunity for a free liberal William F. Frey, 39 Dorfatoi Lavender, I, Mrs. R. Gonzales. Lupin, 1, Mrs. John McDonnell; W. P. Redhead; 2, Mrs. C. E. Par- education is open to all. There is bronchial pneumonia, one and in- way, and Barton F. Biachoff continue. Wright concluded. ' cumbed here and fire died out of Mr. Frey and Mr. Bisclof« Winters; 2, Mrs. Frank H. Lewis; tisia, 1, Mrs. T. Gregory; 2, Mrs. ment, 1, Mrs. R. Winklepleck; 2, Mrs. Addison Outwater was Mrs. K. Allan Taylor; 3, Mrs, Ad- chairman and Mrs. K. Allan Tay- "Volunteer firemen answering a Wwn. There were 32 births rei associated with the firm Qf JU» 3, Mrs. C. A. Robinson; honorable C. H. Longshore; 3, Mrs. Rogt.-r corded out »f town. iean Type Founders, Inc. mention, Lyons V, A. Hospital. Stephens; honorable mention, Mrs. dison Outwater; honorable men- lor vice chairman of the show. fire call in their own automobiles Exchangites Plan R. R. Winklepleck and Mrs. E. C. tion, Lyons Hospital. Special awards were given th» shall be allowed to travel, provid- Coffey. Delphinium, 1, Lyons V. A. One of the outstanding displays invitation class and Mrs. M. E, ing they have proper identifica- 'Sunshine Special' Hospital. Bleeding Heart, 1, Mrs. in the show were six small gardens, Lowell for -wild flowers froW tion. S. V. Stewart. Geum, 1, Mrs. A. a rock garden by Mrs. William E. South Jersey. Also to Mrs. H. L. The regular meeting of th« Ei- Donald Green; honorable mention, Ransom, herb garden by Mrs. J. J. Brooks and Mrs. J. W. Cutler for Tremaine Given change Club of Westfleld was held Lyons V, A, Hospital. Any other, Mulligan, rose garden by Mrs. Ad- demonstration arrangements by in- Tuesday evening at Orchard Inn 1, Mrs. Wirsching; 3, Lyons V. A. dison Outwater, green garden by vitation, to tie in with the theme Award at Reunion with President Austin Moessner Hospital. Mrs. K. Allan Taylor, wild garden of the show, which was "Learning presiding. A new member, Richard by Mrs. C. A. Robinson, and a by Reading, Observing and Trying Over the Memorial Say week- Gnatafson, was sworn in by for- OPIN MONDAY * FRIDAY EVENINGS Pansies, Collection, 1, Mrs. W. cactus and succulent garden by Your Own Ideas". end, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tremaine mer president rf?oek Williams. WUoching,- 2, Mrs. H. L. Brooks; Mrs. M, G. Mulinos. , . and Lymah L. Tremaine attended • August 11 was designated as the 3, Joan Larkin. Junior section—Arrangement of FOR BEST RESULTS the alumni reunion of their prept date for the "Sunshine Special" Annuals and biennials, Dianthus, plant, children age 6 to 7,1, Kerry LEADEfc WANT ADS PAT! aratory school, "The Gunnery," by Morton- Newburgh, chairman We call these slacks 1, Mrs. Wo. Wallace; 2, Mrs. John Lockett; 2, Shari Galligan; 3, Alice McDonnell; S, Mrs. Winklepleck; Holt and Roger Holt Composition honorable mention, Mrs. C. E. Par- including favorite spring flower, ker. Digitalis, 1, Mrs. C. A. Rob- children age 8 to 11, 1, Janet Wil- M inson and Mrs. O'Gonnor. Sweet son; 2, jane Yeager; 3, Celia Mary William, 1, Mrs. C. A. Leussenhop; Conlon and Debbie Putnam, hon- AT 2, Mrs. John McDonnell; honorable orable mention, Gerry Sabo. mention, Mrs. C. E. Parker and Composition of plant material Mrs. D. F. Brant. English daisy, I, illustrating nature book, children Mrs. John McDonnell. Any other, age 12 to 15, 1, Sabrina Coffey. because they fit so well 1, Mr*. John McDonnell. Scouting activities through the Bulbs, lily, 2, Mrs. L. E. Parker. year, any Girl or Boy Scout: 1, Hardy. 1, Mrs. Theador Schults; Helen Berquist, Susie Wick and 2, Mrs. D. G. Brant; 3, Mrs. S. V. Debbie Putnam. Stewart and Mrs. R. T. Messier; Composition illustrating a popu- CLEANERS honorable mention, Mrs. C. A. lar song:!, Sabrina CofTey, Jean Robinson, J. F. Moran, and Mrs. Burley, Mary Ann Leedom; Chester Wallace. Tender bulb, 1, Barbara Little and Barbara Kahn! Mrs. F. Urner; 3, Mrs. E. L. Cof- Club members and their grand- ANY fey. children. Small composition using . Flowering shrubs, viburnum, 1, favorite spring flowers: 1, Linda Mrs, Leo Salvati; honorable men- Wallace and Mrs. Chester Wallace; tion, Mrs. William Wallace. Wei- 2, Roger Holt and Mrs. Roger Ste- gela, 1, Mrs. F. S. Frambach. Any phens; 3, Alice Holt and Mrs. other, 1, Mrs. F. Urner; 2, Mrs". Roger..Stephens; honorable men- Longshore; 3, Mrs. K. Messier; tion, Ann Louise Berry and Mrs. honorable menlion, Miss B. War- ti. F. G. Richter, Ann Louise Vltet wick. and Mrs. Homer Baker, Sherry CLEANED FLUFFED Any specimen not listed, 1, Mrs. Wallace and Mrs, Chester Wallace, Edward Koechlein; 3, Miss B. Glnny Wallace and Mrs. C. Wal- AND Warwick; honorable mention, Mrs. lace. R. T. Messier and Mrs. Winkle- Invitation—Composition includ- pleck. ing a State flower, adult and child Roses in exhibitor's container, working together; Four states done MOTHPROOFED 1, Mrs. H. L. Brooks; 2, Mrs. Al- by adult and child, Penna.—Mrs. bert Dickson. An OM Tim* A. T. Grider and Betsy drider; Value t« (Mdtii youf ACCOUNTS OPENED BY THE 10th


WISTHEID'S OLDEST AND HIENDUEST FINANCIAL , SLACKS 10.95 INSTITUTION ON Nubby-Textufed 12.95 0 YOUR SAVINGS No matter what your dimensions:are—tall, snort of ,, 21/2* regular—we can fit you perfectly in famous Palm Beach : CURRENT DIVIDEND Blacks. Yon can't beat them for coolness, either. 1600 •% tiny "open windowe" per square inch let cool air m, ; ACCOUNTS body heat out, for ventilated comfort. And when it - INSURED comes to color—these are the most colorful slacia in UP TO $10,000 all America: blues, browns, greys, tans, rust, charcoal, natural—and many others! See them—today. HOUR SERVICE DRY CLEANING 24 SHIRT LAUNDERING kJM^ijSmM^ YOUR FINANCIAL LANDMARK AT BROAD and PROSPECT STS. 9 Q0AU*»A.WO*0. INC. MFO. OF CLOTH r«licll> Laundaud • Cillopham Wn»<4 'Mohair, Mron, acetate and 5* nylon in mo«t «lfle« WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS JOIN OUR NEW SUIT CLUB A.ND LOAN ASSOCIATION John franks IHen'B Apparel CLEANERS JPLAINFIELD WESTFSELD B 118 & 218 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD Uia R«ar Entrance from Municipal Parkins THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 Troop 56 and a picnic was held. New York office in 1936 and wai The troop visited the Art Beauty Troop 119 made technical assistant in th< Salon recently in connection with Moimtainiid* Brownici manufacturing department H the good grooming badge require- During May a hike to the Loolc- was named assistant to the vie ments. Mrs. Donahue, the owner Out was held, a trip to see Junior of the salon, demonstrated how to president of the department After completing a basic ti_. Frolics and a cook-out in Echo September, 1950, the post he he in? course, 45 leaders of the Wes Officer Johnson grave a,, explana- tare for the hair. A visit to Silver Lake Park was enjoyed by the tion of bicycle safety rules and Saddle Ranch in . Somerville was girls. until his most recent advancemen field Local Council Girl Scou made during Easter vacation. were presented their Girl Scoi regulations. The requirement, were completed with a bike hike Horseback riding along the trail Troop 129 pins and certificates. Training fo was featured followed by a camp- Franklin School Browniet USE LEADER CLASSIFIED the course was under the directio to Echo Lake Park where the girls ate a nosebag lunch and played fire supper and group singing. The Among the things dune by this TO BUY OR SELL of Mrs. J. T. McAllister, executi following girls went on this week- troop was a trip to Trailside Mu- director, Mrs. S. P. Lippincot baseball. The girls practiced square dancing recently under the direc- end trip: Sonja Houg, Betty Su seum and Surprise Lake. The troop Mrs. K. Oberlin, assisted by Mrs Keith, Prudence Quinn, Betty Yo- was divided into groups of three G. H. Haslam. Mrs. John Weinmai tion of Mrs. Riederer in prepara- tion for the folk dance festival. To dcr, Peggy Hcndrickson, Patty to search for interesting things of was chairman of the training com Herbert, Alice Heipel, Pat Conroy, nature. A Brownie supper was ARE mittee. close the year's activities, the girw Cam Randolph; Linda Mane, held and tire girls set the table and are planning a supper cook-out at cleaned up afterward. YOU The various Girl Scout troo Echo Lake Park to which the Nicky Schmidt and Linda Bandi, a committee members recently ga mothers will be invited. visitor. SICK a picnic outing at Tamaques Par Troop 99 Most of the girls are wearing Tomfohrde Named and for the troop leaders and Counci Lincoln School troop crests which they have made. members from Westfield, Moun The girls enjoyed a visit by Dr. To Executive Post TIRED tainside and Garwood. About 25' A ceremony was held at troop meeting to celebrate the comple- Alfred Mann, head of the music of Being adult scouts were present. department at Rutgers University IT, P. Tomfohrde Jr. of 731 Sha- tion of requirements for second dowlawn drive has been appointed TIRED? The picnic committee was as fo] clas badge. Work will begin on two in Newark. The troop entertained lows: Mrs. R. C. Rogers, Wilsoi their mothers at a tea for which secretary of the eastern division Ask U> About new badges—seamstress and pho-they baked cookies. operating committee and assistant School, chairman; Mrs. Eobei tography. A picnic supper at Tam- to the vice president and chairman TAKAVITES Harlejr, Lincoln School; Mrs. How aques Park will wind up the sea-Troop 113 of the eastern division operating aid Tomilson, Garwood and Col son's activities. committee of the Tide Water Asso- umbus; ' Mrs. Daniel O'Connor Grant School Brownief Troop 101 Brownie fly-up was held May ciated Oil Co. Senior Scouts; Mrs. A. E. Ander- Grant School 24 in the school auditorium. The Mr. Tomionrde Joined the com- son, Mountainside; Mrs. G. W. 0 The troop provided peep show son, and Mrs. T. L. Kenart, Me- troop committee entertained the pany in January, 1929, as a de- Store Kinley and Mrs. W. P, Cranf entertainment for the Children's girls at this meeting by serving velopment engineer at Tide Water Grant. ountry Home during the Easter punch and cup cakes. This month Associated's Bayonne refinery. He 54 ilm St. season, and at one of their meet- a trip was made to Becker's Farm was transferred to the company's Games were played under th ings taught progressive two step direction of Mrs. A. G. Dwyer, to the Brownie Troop at Grant Westfield Girl Scout Mounte School. An afghan was made by Troop will participate in the thir the troop and presented to the annual spring horse show at Sk East Orange Veteran's Hospital. Top Stable Sunday. The show wil Brownie Troop 3 open at 9:30 a.m. with a parad Columbus School led by a color guard of Girl Scouts The Brownies knitted pot hold- Barbara Boyd, president of th ers trimmed with colored thread Eitabliihed 1902 Mounted Troop, will lead the pa and matching initial for Mother's rade. At 9:45 a class in horseman Day. Recently the troop walked to ship will .be scheduled which th Mindowaskin Park to see the baby Girl Scouts will enter, followed by ducks. open classes in which many of th Troop 37 F. P. RISTINE & CO. scouts will participate. Wilton School The judges for the show are The girls recently went on an Billy Dunn III and Jack Kessler. Overnight" to the Plainfleld Girl STOCKS -BONDS -MUTUAL FUNDS Mrs. E. W. Carlson is the leade leout Cabin in Watchung. In spite of the Westfield Mounted Troop. of bad weather a wonderful time Troop 75 was had by all. During the Easter 429 North Ave. W. 125 Broad St. Junior Hifh School acation the girls made a trip to Five girls of this troop have New York to see "Oklahoma" in Westfield, N. J. Elixabeth, N. J. completed all the requirements for onnection with their troop dra- First Class Scouts. Linda Kehrl matics requirements. Early in June has received the curved bar, thea trip will be made to the Statue Membort of the highest honor award. The troop of Liberty. will go on the trip to Blue Heron Troop 48 New York Stock Exchange — American Stock Exchange Sunday. Virginia Mitchell and Mountaimide Philadelphia and Baltimore Slock Exchanges Judy Leonard are in charge of the "Scouts Own" for chapel service Brownie Fly-Up ceremony was Sunday. The following officers Id in May in the school auditor- were elected for the fall: Gail Pe- urn. Wings were presented by tfrs. B. Hambacher, the outgoing Monday Evenings terson, chairman; Lynn Humph- WESTFIELD 2-2686 6:00 to 8:30 reys, vice chairman; Linda Kehrli, eader, and pins by Mrs. L. Kelly, treasurer, and Jean Deyo, secre- he new leader, Mrs. D. Kroyer, tary. oop committee chairman, enter- Troop 80 lined the troop at its last meeting Holy Trinity or the season with a picnic sup- In working on requirements for per. Twenty-six scouts and guests the cylist badge the girls visited were present. the VVestfield Police Station where Cleans your carburetor, f tmtb how w $9V9 m the "heart" of your engine, i AUTO and keeps it clean! custom made slipcovers sale! Select your slipcovers from solid colon, INSURANCE Now-end forever stripes and prints—including large jloruls .50 and small provincials. Textured pebble cloth, sailcloth and harhclolh, beautifully 69 tailored and fitted to perfection. Zipper Reg. 84.44 to 96.17 "Detergent-Action" Calso Gasolines do what onco could only ba done by me- closures. Sofa, 1 chair, the biggest single cause chanic's overhaul; wash away carburetor deposits that cause troublcs.These harm- Upholstery, Tepper's second floor 4 cushions ful deposits are formed by the air that ^flowfl through the carburetor—oil-laden vapors, exhaust from other cere, Boot, dust. "Detergent-Action" Calso Gaw- of engine troubles with linca clean them out while driving: Gives you a smoother- W«. 2-5156 running engine that WIUIAM J. FIRMIN won't die at stop signs! w.

Rough idling and stalling in traffic are symptoms of carburetor deposit*. "De- tergent-Action" Calso 'Gasolines effec- tively clean out these deposits. Your engine will idle smoothly ... won't die at stop signs. A Nsw, More Efficient Crabgrass Killer Steps up power and' cuts down gas waste! save *o on each!

Savings up to $1200 per month were re- ported by a taxi fleet using "Detergent- Action" Gasoline over a six-month period! No costly enrburetor repairs! Extra gamlino mileage! Try it—you'll never go back to old-fashioned gasoline 1 "D./tratnr-AcW Co/io Gatotin* available of i/i« big red Co/io »!gn KW CRABGRASS from Main* fo Virginia, reversible, antique white AND MCmiD fidtlcrcst colonial charm spreads FEEDS THE GRASS Easy »o apply a wonderful reproduction of an Jwirloom bedspread Broadcast by spreader or by hand « potissium cyanate formulstioj at no extra cost! Kith org.nic fertilizer, perfect"! that will look so iccll with your tradi- alter three years of eipenmtnta- lion. No home should be without it. tional as well as early American furnish- KIU CRABGRASS-SAVE BESEEDINO ings. The extra full cut allows for graceful 25 Ib. Bog ... $5.40 T/oJ.m.,1 -Col.o" draping on your bed. The hand lied SO Ib. bag ... $9-W lag. u. s. fci. on. .98 Camplile Intlrutliori on bog fringe adds the final touch of luxury. PRODUCTS OF THE CALIFORNIA OIL COMPANY Oversize twin, 82x110; oversize full.

RochtlU Park • Tetawd 94x110. Niw Jeritv Di.tribut.d-by JOY OIL COMPANY, PLAINFIELD Bedspreads, Tepper's second floor Reg. 22.98 SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER Aik for Other Terre PrpvemPnnluctj Page Four THE W'ESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADEB, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 ; Co. of New York. He had lived n i ertson of Millington; four grand- J. Chapot of Far View drive were Investigation proved the car was the age of atomic wonders" OBITUARIES Westfield for nine years, coming ! children, and two great-g-randehii- held Saturday morning in hi? owned by William Newton, 24, of Bank Displays here from Chicago. He was a mem-• dren. home. Interment followed in Har-445 Downer street. He told po- president of the bank $ ber of the Canadian Club of New k'ijth Cemetery, Camdtn, lice, however, that the youth had James Lee lard E. Smith of Charlotte, K. C ; j Funeral services were held in thenmenmofaBf e five grandchildren, and her mother, Yutk. ! Gray's Funeral Home Tuesday if- Mr. Davis died last Wednesday taken the car without his permis- New Sub Model the end of the prestin James I*e, 90, , of 1027 ItaTiwav „ ,, , Surviving besides Tus -widow are.' ternoon with the Rev. Frederick at home after a long illness. He sion while it was parked. avenue, died last Thursday night j ,Mrs- Uf™ CJUIC - will be a lamp display jJz If l T j to oad ad iwo daughters, Mrs. Carl L. Ward,;.W. Blatz of St. Paul's Episcopal waa a native of Camden. Also sur- July 18 and an electS ,f > at home following' a long- illness. ! l' Now on display at the National s : Funeral servk-es wr-ro held in of Las Anims, Colo., and Mrs. I Church officiating. Interment wa= viving are a son, S. Lewis Davis Bank of Westfleld it a model of display July 26 to Aug 16 " He was the husband of Mrs. Ceei! a i Kenneth R. Perry of Westfield; i in Fairview Cemetery. of Camden and (wo grandchildren. C. Lee. Cray's Funeral Hume luA evtMiin^ County GOP the "Sea Wolf", the 4rst subma- Mr. Vogler said the with the Rev. PacKard L. Smith, • three grandchildren and a sister, rine built by the United States, rated by local reside Born in Caraloon, Ireland, he j Mrs. Marie Han-is of Dallas, Tex. i James Farrell Jr. Mrs. Alexander Muir and probably by the world, pow- cal businesses is largel came to this country at the age y : Funeral services were held Sat- Unit Meets nWestfield and vicinity of 21. He had lived here 25 year;. terian Church, officiating. Inter- James J. Farrell Jr., 39, of Rah- SCOTCH PLAINS—Mrs. Min- ered by nuclear energy. It was I urday afternoon at Gray's Funeral built at the submarine base in New uidusti-ies, homes, impro Before his retirement, he wa3 em-ment will be this morning in Fair- I Home, with the Rev. Samuel C way, an athletic referee and track nie H. Meyer Muir, widow of Al- cars, and the like, except ployed by the Tidewater Oil Co.,view Cemetery. | Purdy, curate of St. Paul's Epis- coach, died Friday at the Presby- exander Muir, civic leader, died The Regular Republican Organ- London. This is the first display of ization of Union County Inc., meet- this nature in this part of the monies as are on deposit at th Bayonne, 45 years. copal Church, officiating. Inter- terian Hospital, Newark, where he Friday at her home, 420 Park ave- bank at correspondin Mrs. Mary A. Zipprich ! ment was in Fail-view Cemetery, j had been a patient for two months nue. Mr. Muir had been a member ing- at the Echo Lanes, ^Mountain- country. He was a member of the Presby- following an illness of two years the Federal Reserve terian Church and Westfleld Chap- Mrs. Mary "A. Zippiith, widow of the Township Committee, tha side, last week was addressed by The wording above the display in government bonds. m of Eugene S. Zipprich, who died He was the brother of Mrs. Mary Board of Education, and was dis-Sheriff Alex C. Campbell, chair- reads: "Your dollars at work pace ter of the Old Guard. He was a Mrs. Casper Herres Serbe of Westfield. trict clerk here. He also was promi- life member of Bayonne Lodge in 1 915, died Tuesday after a lon;{ man of tlie Union County Repub- America's industrial progress. One of the common faulte ,! 99, F&AM, having been a member illness at her home, 12(i Hazel ave- •The funeral of Mrs. Casper Surviving are his wife, Marie P. nent in business affairs. lican Executive Committee, and by 'Your bank, by re-investing Herres, C2, of Carteret, mother of Born in New York 70 years a?o, vegetable gardens, especially tW 56 years. nue. Whelan Farrell; two children, Assemblyman William Barnes of your dollars in American industry, of beginners, is l * Edward J. Herres of 1301 Fran- James J. Farrell III and Patrice she had lived here 60 years. The makes possible such advances as ack of m Also surviving are two sons. Bom in New York, 73 years ces terrace, was held Saturday deceased was the daughter of the Essex County. Plants too crowded in the rowuJ ago, Mrs. Zipprich lived in West- Farrell; his father, James J. Far- The Sea Wolf, newest nuclear- not grow to best advantage, •William, of Westfield, and Thomas morning from the John J. Lyman rell Sr. of Newark; a brother, Vin- late Henry C. and Louise Meyer. Freeholder Elfie L. Scheideler, of Bayonne; a daughter, Mrs. Flor- field 45 years. She wag a commun- powered submarine which will Funeral Home, and a Solemn Higrh cent DePaul Farrell of Newark; She was an active member of the Roselle, announced a public card strengthen our country's defensive ence Ruhl of Westfield; two grand- icant of Holy Trinity Church an Requiem Mass followed in St. Jo- Scotch Plains Methodist Church party at the Chi-Am Chateau, A single crabgrass plant »ai a member of its Rosary Society. two other sisters, Mrs. Terese Md- arm and presages the coming of produce 90,000 healthy seeds children and three great-grand- 1 seph's Church. Interment was in inkovich of Logan, Utah, and Mrs.and its various societies. Mountainside, June 14, and the children. Survivors are three daughter a family plot in Holy Redeemer following committee co-chairmen: Mrs. John F. Ryan, Mrs. John J Gertrude Spangenberg of Maple- Surviving are a son, Alexander Funeral services were held at Cemetery, South Plainfield. Mrs. wood. Muir Jr. of 789 Muir terrace, three Arrangements, Edward A. Roesel Gray's Funeral Home Monday eve- Whalen, and Mrs. Walter J. Wha Herres died May 25 at home. brothers, William F. Meyer of 400 and Freeholder Sherwood C. Val- ning with the Rev. George V. len, all of Westfield; a son, Charles Stout avenue, Albert G. Meyer of entine; tickets, Mrs. Jewel Donichy Gardner, associate minister of the E. Zipprich of New York; a sister, Mrs. Mary Meekins and Miss Joan Spach; table prizes, Mrs. Fiances Reed of New York; Mrs, Ann A. Reilly St. Petersburg, Fla.; Ferdinand Presbyterian Church, officiatingg. Mrs. Mary D. Meekins of Eliza- Meyer of Brooklyn; and a grand- Mrs. Vivian Brown and Mrs. Ma- Interment was Tuesday morning a brother, Edward Kacerosky o: Mrs. Ann A. Terrill Reilly.'wife beth, a former State Democratic daughter, Doris Ann Muir. rion Curette; door prizes, Mrs. An- New York; and 10 grandchildren. of the late William I,. Reilly, died committeewoman, died Sunday in na Martin and Mrs. Jane Glovier; in Fairview Cemetery. A Masonic last Thursday after a long illness Funeral services were at the service was conducted by the Bay- The funeral will be Saturday al her home after a lengthy illness. Memorial Funeral Home, Plain- dark horse, Fred Haley and Mrs. APMTfTI 8:45 p,m. from the Dooley Funera! at the home of her daughter, Mrs. She was a sister of Mrs. James Charles E. Bradford; refresh- onne lodge, after the religious ser- Margaret Boublis of Elizabeth field, Tuesday afternoon with the Home, Cranford. A High Mass o McMahon of Westfield. Rev. Cloyd Osborne of the Metho- ments, Mrs. Gladys Beardsley and Requiem will follow af 9 ;30 a.m. with whom she had made her home Mrs. Ruth Crosson. FOR OUTSTANDING at Holy Trinity Church. Intermen for the past two years. Her hus- Mrs. Meekins, active in politics dist Church and the Rev. Edward Mrs. A. Haysman will be in St. pertrude's Cemetery, band was a butcher for the Amer- on the city, county and state lev- E. Peterson, formerly of Scotch President John C. Broadhurst, Mrs. Dorothy Quaily Haysmar, Woodbridge. ican Stores in Westfield for 40 els, had been a delegate-at-large to Plains Baptist Church officiating. Union, presided, there being about QUALITY,. 69, wife of Archibald George years. The couple formerly lived the 1932 Democratic National Con- Interment was in Hillside Cents- 200 members present. He urged Haysman of 825 Carlton road, died on Grandview avenue and cele- vention, tery, Plainfield. a membership drive to "broaden INSIST ON Monday in her home after a Bernard L. Meyer brated their golden wedding anni- Also surviving are her husband, the base of Republican activities lengthy illness. Bernard L. Meyer, 80, of 82' versary in September 1951. J. Austin Meekins, a funeral direc- In Union County." Born in Brooklyn, she had lived Lenox avenue, died Saturday tor; three other sisters, Mrs. John Scries of Crashes in WestfielWfil d fof r more than 20 morning at his home. II* was the Surviving are another daughter, P. Duffy, Elizabeth; Mrs. William years. She was amember of the husband of the late Mrs. Clara 0. Helen Boublia of Yermo, Col.; a McMahon, Hempstead, L. I., and Pupils Make War Presbyterian Church. Meyer, who died in 1950. son, William L. Reilly Jr. of Lo- Mi3. William A. Boyle, Elizabeth; Leads to Arrest Models Like Caesar's Born in New York, he had lived nlti, Cal.; a brother, Edward J. Surviving, besides her husband, Terrill of Yermo; two sisters, Mrs. two daughters, Mrs. John C. Lac- »re two daughters, Mrs. William here 42 years. Before his retire- kaa of Alexandria, Va., and Mrs. PLAINFIELD — A Westfield Pupils of Kenneth V. Smida's ment four years ago, he was with Mary A. Payne and Mrs. Eliza- Caffney of Summit and Mrs. Wil- beth Donohue, both af Harrison, Russell Jones of Chester. teenager was jailed here Tuesday second and third year Latin class- the Immigrant Industrial Saving: A Solemn Requiem Mass waa for leaving the scene of several ac- es in the senior high school are Bank, New York, for many years, N. Y. j 10 grandchildren and four LWUMMS I>OOB iTORM great-grandchildren. celebrated yesterday morning In cidents after a weaving car left a holding a two weeks display of Mr, Meyer was a communicant of St.-Mary's Church, Elizabeth, with trail of Bcarred and twisted metal models of implements of war used Holy Trinity Church and a mem. The funeral was held from the by Caesar during the campaign in- Our reputation for Growney Funeral Home, Hillside, burial in St. Gertrude's Cemetery, from one end of Plainfield to the ber of its Holy Name Society. Woodbridge Township. other Saturday night. to Gaul. The display is open to Surviving are three daughters, Monday morning. A High Re- the public. Mrs. Dorothy K. Boyle, Syracuse, quiem Mass followed at St. Cath- Westfleld police arrested the N. Y.; Mi»s Eileen at home; and erine's Church. Interment was in Bert J. Walker youth on a teletype alarm sent out QUALITY Mrs. Marion Hoheiisteln of West- St. Gertrudes Cemetery, Wood- Funeral services for Bert J. by Plainfic-ld police after the car : WATTS: bridge, Walker, 71, of Elizabeth, father had eluded pursuit within Plain- W« inl M «nt!r» Industry stand *•• field; two sons, John 0. of Phila- field city limits. kind tt» quality •»• Krimunhli if delphia and Bernard L. Jr. of of Gordon C. Walker of 465: Top_ ping Hill road, were held Tuesday The-car first slahuned into a •wry monument wt Mil. A writtM Westfleld; nine grandchildren and Mrs. Rose Baiclilen vehicle parked at 883 East Front fuirintti iccomttniM miy Bun two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Fitzgerald fternoon in the August F. Mrs. Rose Mueller Raichlen, 81, Schmidt Memorial Funeral Home, street shortly after 9 p.m. Satur- fivlld Monumint. of Beachhurst, L. I., and Mrs. Ger-Allenhurst, formerly of Westfield, trude Stolenberger of New York. Elizabeth, and interment followed day, police said, Minutes later died Friday at home. Before mov- in Graceland Memorial Park, Ken- the same auto sideswiped a car 11 Funeral services were held at ing to Allenhurst 10 years ago she in East Front street. A second "4*" CAMP TOGS Gray's Funeral Home Tuesday ilworth. He died Friday in Gener»l had lived here eight years, and Hospital, Elizabeth. parked car at 110 Terrill road was morning. A High Mass of Requiem prior to that in Cranford. next struck. followed at Holy Trinity Church. She was born in New York and Meanwhile, Ralph Norment, a Interment was in the family pi is the widow of Christopher William G. Davis retired Plainfield policeman, spied Frederick Raichlen. Surviving are MOUNTAINSIDE—Services for the hit-and-run car and pursued Charles W. Perett two daughters, Mrs. R. K. Silkman William C. Davis, 82, of West Col- it for some distance, but finally Charles William Perett, 57, if of Elberon and Mrs. James L. Rob-lingswood, father of Mrs. Frank lost it. 302 Belmar place, died last Wed- nesday night in his home after an illness of six months. He was the husband of Mrs, Marian Louise L. L. MANNING & SON Perett. He was born in Cardiff Falls, jComing Up: One big sun-filled So. mi Wales, and came to this country •taolej Burner, Owner Flannel alid 4H WM FrMt <*. Ttl. PUinfltM 4-B7M when he was 24 years old. He was cotton pa- vacation . . .whether your JlluMntM Booklet Sent Upon Rnpitat employed for the past 10 years as jamas, Builders of Quality Monuinenta an auditor for the Home Insurance For Over flO Yemri from 2.95 boy will spend his at camp or in the sun hereabouts, we can outfit him with sturdy play clothes. T-shirts in stripes, pat- FOR terns, solid colors, white, from 95c

Carter Munsingwear. Home Modernization... Jockey Combed cot- ton under- • PLAY SHORTS •ritr for bnoklrt To Buy Your New Car... wear; briefs and tops. • PLAY SHIRTS 79c ®ljp Einrnln iBnmrnirut

to your problem is practical, understanding and coopera- McGregor or Arrow bath- tive . . . born of our many years' experience in providing ing trunks. Jrs. fr. 1.95 sound, economical financing for people like yourself. Prep fr. 2.50

We are dedicated to the principle of serving; our community in a quiet and creditable man- ner. An abiding respect for all faiths, knowl- edge of rituals and correct procedure asturs And a complete line of Camp Equipment and proper! direction of services regardless of church affiliations. SUBURBAN TRUST COMPANY supplies, from tents to name tapes. WESTFIELD - CRANFORD SCOTCH PLAINS - GARWOOD

FUNERAL* DIRECTORS ASSETS $32,000,000 WESTFIELD.. CRANFORD OLDEST BANK IN WESTFIELD • WESTFIELD, 18 ELM ST. 318 E. BROAD ST. 12 SPRINGFIELD AVE-i1 • PLAINFIELD, 111 PARK AVE. ?.l,cns WE 2-0143 Phone CS. 50092 ORGANIZED 1892 Open Mon. & Frl. Evei. 'til 9 Depoilts Insured UP TO $10,000 By FDIC Westfield 2-5696

=WYATTS= . _"_J ;*•£."_

THE WBSTFIE£J> (H. J.) LEADEB. THURSDAY. JUNE 3. 1954 Boy Scout News Camp WiUhung The following troops of the Gar- wood - Fanwood - Mountainside - Scotch Plains - Westfield area are registered for Camp Watchung JUNE BRIDES LOVE... this summer: Troop 21, IB boy weeks; Troop 30, 21 boy weeks'; Troop 83, 55 boy weeks; Troop 70, 32 boy weeks; Troop 71, 10 boy weeks; Troap 72, 60 boy weeks; Troop 73, 13 boy weeks; Troop 74, 7 boy weeks; Troop 75, 16 boy weeks; Troop 77, 9 boy weeks; Troop 171, 26 boy weeks; Troop 172, 30 boy weeks; and Gift for Thlif Troop 173, 27 boy weeks. Troop 103's registration is also on the way in.' Troop 74 Fir.t Congregational Church It'* an old custom fur new Homeinakers to do their first marketing at A&P and On the weekend of May 22 the to shop here thriftily everaftcr. And this June — at usual — thousands of brides following: members of the troop will get their housekeeping off to a smart start at A&l'. But you don't have to be went on a bicycle hike to Wash- • bride to benefit by A&P's gift for thrift. Whether' you've been married for a few ington Rock: Bob Lenskoid, Bill JUNE IS ghellenberger, Barry Lehlbaeh, A&P's OWN PURE VEGETABLE weeks or many years, you're invited. Come see . . . come save at A&P. George Davlidson and Fred Schmidt. The troop marched in the •lllMUIlllltMtItlllllllllH»niUllttllllIllIll1ltttlItlillMtllllUEIIllttIIItlttllllllttll1tII11tttlllllllllttltllltltUIII !fllItIII!llllltIlllliIlIllfllI111lltfitllllltimitlll1tlHtltllMIItlttltllllltltiIlltllM1ltlitllllllIlt« DAIRY MONTH Memorial Day parade and will at- tend the father-son weekend at SHORTENING Camp Watchung this week, The Unconditionally guaranteed to fce A&P "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY MEAT! AT AtP! following Scouts have registered equal in quality to an; of the leading for Camp Watchung this summer: George Davidson, Fred Schmidt, brands of shortening. It'e digestible! Jerry Varnum and Bill Shellen- Se« how much you tare. j Fimrf berger. Sirloin Steaks ^ "' * 69* BordenMilk"*-«"•<•< -23c Tr«w» 172 lib, Bwjamin Franklin School 30<: 79« Crumtry-lilt *r Iwnt Mtk9^C Boy Scout Timothy Oberg was Porterhouse Steaks **••?-•" • 75« featured in photographs for an ar- ticle in "Scouting" magailne. The story, "The Man Behind the LiptM'i Spry Badge" shows the progression of Round Pot Roast HSiS . • 75* a Boy Scout to first class rank. •reetet Dessert SherfctMIx Mi vegetable short.Mna Provolone The pictures were taken by Will- 1 8 1 >b s 3lb Sliced Swiss Choose ^.^,.....11.1.. iam Hlllcourt ("Green Bar Bill") 2 V 27 \" 15° *33 " PdllM on the evening when he addressed Smoked Han fc the Wcstneld public court of Sharp Oheddar Cheese JX- - honor. The members of the troop Avaaisj illlAalSA lordan's .r sB 3 «i. 4AjA I ati have been collecting Scout equip- fertlen ft. IflValn «•••*•* fh||.J.|,(,|e • ptas. »**^ pit. for shipment to Boy Scout troops fc Hams l4 in Korea. SNOW CROP-FROZEN Breakstone Cottage Cheese ,;; Tea Round Stoak er Roast •»•«• * 75* Perk Chops Cocktail Spreads cJStl 1JT «• c Kilmer Hospital Citrus Juices Chaek Steaks ••«•'• lk39* Loin Pork Chens •*• Borden's Heavy Cream . '^ Unsweetanea Top Sirloin Roast or Steak •»«•' 75' Sliced Baton "^>-w %•** I loo Cream •„. w- £!!• J$ Show Tonight of Unsweetened il.iieee Juki Bonoliss Chuck Pet Roast W Frankfurter* suP.r'»h,-.. <... ; The convalescent and ambula- b 8 tory patients at Camp Kilmer Sta- Ground Beef f^*™* 35 Fowl *,«.£%££**„ A&P's FROZEN FOODS tion Hospital will be entertained R Ib : this evening in the recreation hall LOIS Of Lamb | 'M "''"'.''< '63° AYSJ!I»H« only In Fresh Fish Department! • 'of the hospital by a variety show 2 » 33< Spinach 2.31••It. < , produced and M.C.'d by Mrs. Bette Log{ s of Lamb |n S.KServJtE£L.l ^ Fresh Shrimn »jfig£L h lb e i Schafer. Shoulder Limb Chops An.,, ibgge Fresh Halibut '« Oroen Beans cutorFr'neintyi. * Performers appearing on the Statler RlMO • show will be accordion artist, Caro- Mulder b 590 Fried Smelts I: d line Fish of Watchung; ballad and Boola Napkin* Whit, grand.* Boneless Voal Roast Broccoli Spears ' -" 2 For the laundry and dishes |!rd< blues singer, Evelyn Nelson of Colored Sueootash *y* Westfleld; dancer, Kathy Lynne of A & P's FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES 10 oi. North Plainfleld and Carol Stockla 9 #v- Me pig. " ill. Green Peas •>»<>•>• 2 of Cranford who will present com- • of 60 ** mi edy pantomime routines as well French Fried Potatoes »•«•••»• z :k,; as dance numbers. Cantaloupe 29< Frank Manniello qf Freehold Whiting Fillet — ^- ^ will also do a coniedy "turn" with* BeeKk-Nut his female impersonations and will Red, Ripe "play" a couple of tablespoons. Tomatoes Also appearing on the show will be "P»t" Walsh of Westfleld, who Baby Foods Red, rip*, fulcy will sing a group of musical com- Watermelon Flerlda ' »>5' Iceberg Lettuct edy'and operetta numbers. Oranges vV.l.nci.«"'»i 5 ',b, 39« Ray Biazzo, Westfield, and Car- Chopped b Now Green Cabbage ^^^ ib.40 mine Biazzo of Garwood, guitar Strained California Lemons *'CT 7;W artists, will perform duets and Fresh Corn Florida— 4"" 29° Rhubarb Pie solos both vocal and instrumental Seedless Limes «»•<• ::i9e and will also help Adele Beatty of Jin Fresh Broccoli Fr°mnt«rbyf»™i lbbunch 23° Cranford, piano accompanist, back 6 RAA||# From SoiislWn farmi Ib, | Qv J, b.,15« 0" Pi* up the entire show. Fresh Carrots *••••"< A birthday cake baked by Mrs. •ft From Southern farms loB d Jamw Whalen of Westfield, mem- Cole Slaw "•'• - From nearby farm. h»d 29C Salad MJX Regalo Brand ; her of Court Trinity, CDA, will Ivory Snow Ivory Flakes callI. t 19° i be presented to the "birthday boy Mo bag •" of the day". For fine fabrics and dishes For fine fabrics and dishes A«iP's GRAND GROCERY VALUES la.g.Mt large 4 sited General Motors Names pka.« '•"ISo pkj. •• P«9. •* White Bread Resident Manager Of 46 K. Saves youn up torl# So r loaf "" cam Gold Layer CakI e >Jan*"e Parker Training Center Pineapple Juice 2% 2 57< Pecan Rolls Choc, Fudge »"ceke' UNION—Ray W. Fischer of THESWEET PURE CALIFORNIA West Orange has been appointed resident manager of the General c Motors Training Center being built i.orn riaKes •»«' ^-1 # 22 here, W. F. Hufstader, GM vice SAVE ON FAMOUS A&P COFFEE president in charge of the. distri- Lemon Juice bution staff, announced today. Mr. Fischer will head a staff of Eight O'Clock MM .»< M,H,« I *. m |.13 eight instructors and other per- Bleach ^ 2&25< 23^ K kn F || sonnel at the school, one of a ser- Red Circle ° * >» <«« «*• »* 1.15 ies of training centers being es- tablished by General Motors thru- What a tasty time-saver this is ... VacuuV m / cm lU instruction to mechanics of GM »4oz.i car and truck dealerships. 1 l«r« f The Union training center, lo- Graham Crackers T29c Pream ».»%,. 2 :47c cated along State Highway 22 be- quart l«saai DavlrAP ftjiltlriA* Choe.flllsd 7'/J»I.|QC tween Monroe street and Railway Kirkman's Gold Saal or Coronet ANN PACE Sweetheart Soap bottl. JBIIS raillVr UWMIIW Sandwich cr.m.l pig. '• River, will be opened soon. It will Complexion Soap e c Pure be attended by about 5,000 me- Combination I c offer Star Kist Tuna Fish ^^, *£& Crispo Card Party Cookies ;;17 chanics every year. c b The center, with more than 26,- 5 T 29« Greenwood Red Cabbage ^ 2 ,33= Woodbury's r 3^,22" 3c a;:t31« PRESERVES 000 square feet of floor space, will • cares ™" Fruit Vin have eight shop classrooms. These Welch's Preserves ti;. * FelsNapthaSoap ... 3 -'•• 25« Your Choice will be used by the Chevrolet, Pon- 30,33c Apricot, Peach, Pineappla tiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, Cadillac, BeYB Sliced Mushrooms . GMC Truck & Coach, Fisher Body SWANSON'S can"" and United Motors Service divi- Simoniz ^ Wax ^^-,-^(1 CfG4RETTES PR/CED LOW.' ;: sions of General Motors. Boned 5|Z rtcnof Harlow H. Curtice, president of Candy Buys General Motors, said the purpose n Regular Size . . . °' of the training centers is "to in- Chicken " ••-•Wo Camali, Chaitarfiald, Kool, Old Gold, Sophie Mae Peanut Brittle bo> "• Philip Moirli, Lucty Slrlla sure that the people who buy our Boned «. *^, ears and trucks will continue to 5 Rockwood's Mint Bits . pig. "* carton of 4 1Q You never tasted finer preiervei! receive efficient and satisfying Mn 8 or. «1 e King Size • • • . IOpl!)I service." Belson Merri Mints . . A graduate of Cornell Univer- Turkey <*<*' Chaitirflald, Pall Mall, Raleigh', lUgent, Taraylon Gelatin Bessert ZfiXS* *-5« sity, Mr. Fischer joined the Pon- Boneless Lusk Lemon Crops . . Filtered Tin L5M Vi"r°y. »nonof«oi Salad Crossing A-p "^43* tiac Motor Division of GM in 1939 rmereo up Wim)on«vi as a parts and accessory sales- Orange Slices *«*•»«. man. In 1940 ho became parts Chicken Fricassee •and service representative and in AMEDICA'S FOIEMOST FOOD HIUILfl. . , SINCf 1S59 I 1941 parts manager. He was in • DON'T MISS THE military service from 1941-46 and Colgate's Fab Breeze Detergent then returned to Pontiac as a sales Colgate's Vel For laundry and dlttitt and service district manager. He For laundry and dcihei A&P PLAYHOUSE was promoted to parts and acces- giant C«Q Star Studded Family Entertainment large «A olanlMc w sory merchandising manager In g G '7* 31° ilia ™ THURSDAY P.M. TUESDAY P.M. plj. *" P«9- ' * 1947. He continued in that posi- pkg. pkg. Wl Prices effective thru Saturday, Juno 5th, In tion until his transfer thia year to Super Markets and Self-Service stores only. 7-7:30 CHANNEL 4 + 8-8:30 the GM Service Section to take over his new assignment in Union. 155 ELM STREET BETWMN ORCHARD AND BROAD mm WESTFIELD, N, J. LARGE FREE PARKING i LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS BRING RESULTS Pa<*« Six THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1954 • REAL ESTATE-SAli • • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE-SALE # • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • HAL ESTATE-SAU • RATES: C. B. SMITH, JR. MNJ. WANKUN SAUNDERS & MULFORD Rwftor place, dining . „ 2 Cenlt a Word rooms, bath, g-i Realtor* — Intwrors 37 VMM of WMtl-li Bt-al E«t»rt PEARSAU RANDOLPH-WIEGMAN Minimum Charge 50c 2 ELM ST. (cor. Worth Are,) BVNOALOW -with large rooms: liv- UNCOLN SCHOOL WE- 2-&O21 CO. |«a,Bllfl-L,ivlnB; rw(m, dining room ing room with fireplace, 13.7x25.6, 2 bedruoniB, 1-car attached L™^ CU»1I?4 Dl«pl«x Bxtea BARRETT * CHAIN, ING. dining room 10x15, modern kitch- 1 & MEMBER tOVCLY SKYTOP eipannlun attic (amule roomf* Oa AsaUeathn Bealtorr en 11x15; two bedrooms »na tilea 2 \&xg<*rB of the 2 ACRES, IN WESTFIEID $14,900 rooms and two baths; reerea!ion bungalow; t\venty-6.x foot living MINNA A. MHCNER • REAL ESTATE-SALE • Multiple LUtlss &y*tem room with fireplace, and screened room, lurse dining room, two bed- Approximately 156 year old farm The present owners of this older porch. An abundance of shade rooms and tiled bath. Exception- houHe situated on over two acres home located only 3 blocks from trees on a lot wifh 16a foot front- ally large built-in garage. $19,200. jas* 115 Elm St., Wistfield 2-4700 of ground iu a convenient West- AV11 so ii Schoul have added ull the age, and depth of over £00 feet. Meatarr MalUale lutia Jield location. Some of its intertBt- modern touches neeeBs&ry for The BpaciouB re*tr yard iiss com- CartrMa J^ lnK features are the wide pine comfortable living. They Include pletely fencefencedd , afford tug a safsafe FHAKKLIN SCHOOL. Older home in WESTFlEl.n floors, four fireplaces and through SOUTHtKN COLONIAL a modern kitchen with dishwash- superior condition. Three bed- WESTFIELD VICINITY lace for your children or leta. rooms plus dressing alcove; «pa- 2 HOCKS TO center ball The property can be IN WYCHWOOD er, tirnt floor laundry with Bendix fE you like outdoor living, tie su" 1 REYNOLDS I. BETZ T% berr ran y«o fcuy « divided into several lots if desired. washer, new furnace and a water to nee this home. Taxes are $336 cious living: room, sun room Idea WILSON SCHOOL M8 Kail Broad St., ear. Blarel bttofjalov on aw «VM- Taxes under $300. Perfect* setting $25,500 softener. There have been further for TV, full dlninff room, sooc Price: J26,SOD'. kitchen and powder room. Immac- WEaTFiELD 2-0300 KlK<-d lot with thr*r b»-d- v for your antiques. $20,000. improvemnefB such as moderniza $16,400 •JaMtale Ll»tU>K Htmktn rouiun. 1H bath* for tion of the baths, a new garage ulately cured for. 121,000. *H,4.V>f In addition, it One of our pre**i«n* RIX- and a general face lifting. This la 4 KDROOMS at.d-a-h&U ronm Colo- an ideal home for a large family* BRAND Th'EW In Brigrhtwood. Well fc fas* at full feaMement, a*- 1)0 Torn ** * ci-ery-llilttAr si«*l;- tHcNrd Karate. «teanj oil uialM on one of Wyrfc- in the moderate price bracket. ALAN JOHNSTON, Realtor planned split level; three bed- Very (seldom do we have a hom. •naafearra ana" In naaolutely aiiBlr h^Rt. and 1nxea o< oitlr BRICK AND KAME BUNGAIOW wvod'M Mont pleturrnque MS El* Street Wwtftel* S-WU4 rooms and tiled bath; very spa- at this price In this excellent air oraerf Or half JOB • feeling «1<(S a yeur. Sot teo far ro*dwii)% Tfee rlrntt vo- cious "L" shaped livinK-dlnins neighborhood. Living rooin S tart JOU-d like to l»ke an old barn front KT«dr nrliool or Conveniently located in Westfield. lonial 11 new Hud "VHIIO- MtE-WAR CAPE COD Hsltlplc (ll4 Z1249 room, compact modern' Kitchen. freplace, full dining rowi mj? and rcaMMlel ttf In either rave, or, tra import a tlen. It I" Attractive living room with fire- II*c niid lace** dcror «rf> Finished panelled recreation room ernlied kitchen, t,,,en se'retnei eumvllmratpd by sut'h $14,900 ftf y«wr pr*€*r*nrt lit* «oni«WB.ew. «-ucintr>" 11 vine on « place, family size dining room, and lavatory: extra deep built-in ' In fcrtneeii, ten am nhttt roar Ideas siniill MC-alc and at it* beautiful kitchen with space for interior featiircn M Ike garage. $22,900. lath. The chestnut trim a»j arr. Ion laar ae unmrliied in aim bewl. A pemonal luaper- breakfast set and eiectric stove. larfcc llvfnit ruom I'JS/t' i This Is also a new listing, loca teamed ceilings m the living roon clime we <•«« come—e»ea If !(•• •»« tion %TJII (•onvlitL-f you There are two Bed-rooms and col- 13'»" > wltk attractive in a country setting: on a 100' fr ATTRACTIVE modern bungalow and ainlr.i? room are dlBiftcUv? •K tarsi tkut thin la your "beat ored tile bath. Large lot, well Mtutill-paMe bar wlndow lot. There are 4% rooms on the close fo Town and station. Five Full, oil steam hea™ 2 landscaped, attached garage. Plen- and bnlU-in eablaeU first floor, plus a 'arge pine pan- car detached gamee. lively J; elled room on the second, The* first floor rooms all full steed, gla- r kit?.** ty of room for expansion on sec- and Bkclveii, baHt-ln an- aa morous tiled bath. Second floor o wnei tran8f red y ond floor. |23,5Q0. llqsp cormrw cMpboarrl garage is attached and tfhe h * ready to be expanded, roof insula- ?.cticU t ' " t» s: JOHNNY ON TIME I anil llKht-KiTlmr picture ree fired. Cute as well QB cotnp tion already in. Large nicely land- JUST USTED Hlu4ou baj. la tHattts; it the way to best describe t room t WHNttr brtirovnt f CHARLES C. BAAKE scaped property. Excellent value IKI TRAYtOR, Rraltat fta, Jtoaaar will »evrr ae late home. at 123,500. If »u« fkoo«e tkla »oi»e, to aandy <1N' x IH'H") with ad- Pre-war Colonial coave- DUDLEY AVE. OPPOSITE PARK joining 4rca«lnar room la Waoaraw WtUoa Scaool. It'll a nteat to Franklla and TRANSFERRED owner MUST Eell Mortjraa-e Agent—Phlladelphl, verr aaacteaa ft-level with a Iruly {two other alec fcc tf- THERE'S NO UPKEEP ON HICK Lire Insurance Company Junior High aehoals. rflom*)| baaemrnt rcc- HIGHUGHTS and has drastically reduced for •tg hedriHiiH* aad 2 l>ala«. You'll Sto»e and frame- eea- Ideal for growing family. First $U,»00 immediate action. Wilson school; like <•• arat Pi-vi-l. too. fflta ila floor, entrance ball, living room rcattoat r«OM wltb bar, a*it Hoar to Blalta Tkeatn Ktruetlon. Llvlav room etctfloor patio bracath a •12.MW — I BKUROOMi, 1 V4 baths, four second floor bedrooms and lam dlalaa; raeBt a» well a* !•>- with colonial arealare •with fireplace, family size dining Tou would never believe that this two baths; really usable third WK»TFIKIn S^8»»4U1 raraaal tatlaar aaar* In the kllca- room with bay window, large raaoajr of mmt**Me oak modern kifchen with pine cabi- ET». We, 3-2434—75*1 framed la alae aanrl- kitchen with plenty of cupboard trrtu. Pre-war coa*jtmo- fill-brick bungalow has 4 bed- nets, low taxes. McKtnley School. floor bedrooms and bath, latrge ra« Tarfl aeraVaea vart'hea. Priced llna:. (all dhtlaa; raoa>. tloni nviin tferauch- rooniB ana two baths. The living: modern kitchen with plenty of Oaaa laaaara 1 to 5 P.M. at what we taiak la »rt»ht" tiled klliken, arrakra>> space, ope"n porch, screened, lava- room has.a fireplace and the kit- eating space, full dining room, room, aad aereeaed tory. Second Boor four good-size chen 1B ultra modern. Excellent fl3,89a — 3 HEDROOHi, partly fin basement: game room. This in a Borrk. There »l«r ked- bedrooms and bath, third door two recreation room space In the base- i»hed expanHlon attic. Moderate tremendous value at $23,500. rttowa aad tiled katk very nice bedrooms and bath. Oil ment and loads of room in the taxes. Scptch Plains. INSURANCE Milk atall akowrr aad hettt. |16,BOO. yard for picnics on the outdoor A RNI LOT tak aaatalra. Attacked barbeque. »lS.a7S—z BBIlHOOMs, ceramic tile CVftTOM RUlI/r by Chester West, u.mae, oil heat. »!»,- kitchen and bath, full dining this attractive Wychwood prop- Maat aaaiaal l»t, *ael« loea- room. Well built. 7 years old. Fan- erty has many unusual quality HAROLD I. YOUNG CO. tlua. (real privacy, laraw la«« WESTFIELD GARDENS wood. features. Pre-war three level de- all farau of •nnve (•».«! 13a < 1«>, »5,«». JUST USTED 1M •mtita Am. Waitfili Rlgn; three bedrooms and two tiled baths; large closet space; INSURANCE Aaa l( »••'• ratker ae . 1-11H •treat, thea we'll aaa;»e»< » »!«'• PK-WAR Priced rlffht and located conve- Thctc are acvenii IIOM«I •cllr t. Wlqaii . Ro.Wi.MIN aluminum combination screens modem kitchen with breakfast laa x 1*» lar U» vr fraat laol. niently on Euclid Ave.t we will be •aw fur naif ,H tfcla area paratar L. Eaataua, « We. t-KTl-K and Btorm windows. Washington nook, large living room with flre- 6! UKfelr reatrtett*. CAPE COD pleased fo show this home At any ll Haaal •. Orawa . . «aa. Wa. *.Mll-j School. pilft.eet ; two-car tandem tf arnge. time. The kitchen has been com- CUlM K. MarkW . Mm. We. X-ItM-li .'ictureaquely situated and priced pletely remodelled with Formica larltr* Twe c most fairly at $26,000. F.rrr»tklag aaaat tkla homM (ball* la the $l».*m—t BKDHOOMS. modern kit- attractive hraae (arlla counters and birch cflblnetB. chen, 2 car R~arag*e, CQnvenlent to DO YOU UKi lUVATIONt C-H-A-H-M. ••« wide Thereu' a den for TV and a 25' 2O"II.» Oat> hai four hrd- SUMMER t living room with nrepluee. Up- v«eina, two balk* {I . town, Woodrow "Wilnon Schooi. FINE) SKYTOP LOCATIO?*'. th.S lot wltk r'eatr of akadr bf^reom Had bath «a home nestles in * beautiful grrov« If a*. ra> will mnmi rertalulr treeo. Tw* krdraoava stairs are 3 bedrooms and tiled •1T,«M» » BRDROOHa, 1^ baflia, of white birches on a lot 100x210. REAL ESTATE-SALE wait 4 alarri lit aad katk lr «tl». Priced being transferred to Connecticut. nEDHOOMft, living room, efficiently planned Kitchen with hatka, irat laar aea >aa lavalurr. at *ttM» EXECUTIVi'S HOME other, larger home with dishwasher, IWinff and dining1 pleasures are yours at this moun- alx bcdrooiun, a^ bnthn, Three lovely bedrooms, large dining* room, kitchen, phiBter rooms overlooking rolling lawn tain lake (near Buttzvllle) dream mam. •flen. apacloiaa IAAKW. fcltchen with dining space, tiled walls, expansion attic. Brick and and green woods. This home war- cottage. Rustic style with eo.y Jn one of West fie let's finest Bec- doHble plot, exitlleat bath and a large 12 x 2*'10 living frame. Spick and span. Scotch runts your moat critical Inspec- slate and atone const met ton, 3 YOUR FUTURE tlons. 3 bedrooms plus study or lorallon la prlrvd at room-dining room combination, afl Plains. { tion, 127,500. bedrooms, all conveniences, oat- $14,500 TAKES IT 4tb bedroom, 2 tiled baths, cypress »'27,W*». New liixurtnai on one floor. Storage Mpitce in Bitie patio, fireplace, screened sum* will be irfin !• tkta Kame' room, double era rage, heavy hHM«aluw la the *Ht,eW attic. It has an attached garage, •1S.SSA—.1 BEDROOMS, living room, ner house. All tills on beautifully Jaat rl«*< far tka family who mmm ktHwe I«HT*«**1 IN ihr hlate roof, large modern Kitchen, bracket nnd • must m»- BRs heat, plaster walla and a dining room, den, beautiful Kitchen C i. SMITH. J». landacaped % acre plot. Call We, aaanvelate cead aelsaacra, walk- Km* kiln Kefceol 41K- 90 x Hi) yard, beautifully land- MMnal fuitr ht*drc*«M* 7ft. x 100 corner plot. The sewers •wljh natural wood cabinets, de- 2-&822-J or Gfbt)R Real EKtaft, las dlataaee «a arhoola AND »e»- trlrf. 34' ltv.»« roon, l.V scaped. Solid comfort f31,9OD. three baih colualal at have been connected to the house lightfully located. Grant School. Realtor Uackettstown, N. J, fi-20-(t alae Tatar. It'a a «-raeai h»aae ana the assessment already paid. dlMlHK room, niirNMi 118,980. alaa teleilatoa raaaa aad a kitrkeai kUrtata wit* fcrmkl.-it aii.000—8P1.1T I.KVK1., 3 bedrooms, Klckari P. M«*«t* yea certalalr will aiaalrr. Klrat. rvMHt mni icrtrir' 2 haths, wood Hlilngie and Hfone, KlkM M. T**r*er •aar lantory. Oil arat. taint, parch. Tliree bedroom* FRANKLIN SCHOOL lovely grounds. Woodrow Wilson Malt.*!* Mat.** *• • LOTS FOR SALE • t'araeta, too. OH •#«**»•Hainan MaUas »MI*ai WKHiier, huge attic ran. SO Proipcet it. We. 2 4818 .18.1 Two car detached ga- E. r. Peai-acll .... WE.MTM See thiH four bedroum home on Nlaetl TV room and Member of Maltlple LUtlav • REAL ESTATE -RENM Hn. I,OHIB«I1. Jnhnaon . WE 2M3 one of our prettleat titreetK. ljurge acreeneH terrace on the rage on lot 175 ft. deep. kbhJ lHt Boor. l»«uble «a- Close to Holy Trinity living: room with rlrcpltice, bed- and McKlnley school*. Vt'BHTVIISMl — Fine location. I room »nil powder room on the rnf?«. oil heati maMjr MOUNTAINSIDE first floor, large open porch. Up- •hade tree*. O w ner leaving HUtte. roomH. Modern li"U3e. Shrubbery, Custom Colon iiil. Living room, PETER A. DUGHI, (traitor Priced low, at ?l2(^Qp,po. rurden, two Imths*, garage. Large xtairs, 3 bedrooms nnd tile bath. dining room, kifchen, 2 bedro^nut, ot. July 1st S months at »180 per 2-cnr Karege, large plot. Asking bath and porch first floor. 3 bed- 114 But Braa* Itna* fmonth. Call Fa. 2-7646 alter i:0» jplMOe.9*— RKMKMRKH thst sonff *29730r rooms and bath, unfinished eecond EXPANSION WN&UOW P.M. «•«•» "Just B Cottnee gnmjl"? You will floor. Call We. 2-3692-J. 6-S-2t $21,500 ACCENT ON UPKEEP find ft tin a lot fll x 100, A 4-room ONE IEFT Clean and neat two hed- bungalow, breeze way, oil heat, at' RENTALS NEAR FRANKLIN AND JUNIOR room home with attach- • SUMMER RENTALS • tached garage. A beautiful setting Spacious center hall split level THREE FINE BEDROOMS HIGH DCHOOL. KXCBLI.KNT ed garage and full dor- jus? over the Westfleld line. with view-filled windows, six ex- CONDITION. TWO-CAR DKTACH- iner for expansion. THREE EXCELLENT K.U RARAOE. DON ON FIRST LAVAI.I.ETrE, N. J. — 2 modem • If you're (he thrifty typo by tra large rooms. 2 tiled baths, sep- #1 — Immaculate als- Taxes $265. Full base- lH,ZQit,m—WAS IT YOU thnt want- arate playroom or office for pro- r»om npnrtmrnt f/urrtnt FLOOR. FOUR BKKHOOMS AND ment with oil heat. apartments, HPICU and spun. Avail- choice, you will certainly appre- ed that bungalow on a large lot? NEIGHBORHOODS TWO TII.KD BAIIIH ON SHCOND Wonderful location for able semi-monthly, monthly, w ciate that to own an all-brick fessional man, with oufslde en- In nrlvnte reNldenve In FLOOR. RECBSRBD RADIATION. - home means a minimum of up~ If It was, here It Is on a lot trance. Nestled among: many C'raiiftird. Gnraare and children. Immediate pos- for the season. startlnK June 2Hn. 63 x 268. 5 rooms and bath, and pretty trees on almoHt an acre. heat fun.l-.hed at «t;tO. Locnted In beautiful Staple Hill BTKAM OIL. HEAT. scsalon. Asking 113,400. Call Westlleld 2-4JO0 or WeatBeM Veep year after year. You should In WcKtfiehl, lou, Wlmt a beautiful 1 Varins, th is u ttractive 4 % room 2-054E. S8'" see this custom-built home on This la a real value at $2LC0W Sorrj , no children bungalow with breezeway nnd fin- over H acre of charming privacy. cool panelled basement! <>~I*H»K) or prtit. $26,500 4'2—l*iii room apnrtment ished 2nd floor offers excellent THREE BEDROOM RANCH BOOTHBAY IIA1IBO1I. Maine—Beati- On the second floor, there are four WESTFIELD valUB. Beautifully lnndscuped plot tlful 4 bedroom cottage on Llnekln bedrooms and tw« butha. The flrat Il,r.4MMM—TilK HARD-TO-FIND 4 la WmlHt-ld, *tlS. Call . 67 x 100. Asking )13,900. •WYCHWOOB AREA. floor ORB a den or bedroom and bedroom, 2-bath house Ju«t over for iletnllM. AND BATH ON FIRST FLOOR. - 19fi2 bungalow with 27- • Bay. Cood beds, new hot water Hi baths. There's also a panelled 20 yearn old, It's a center hull OLD BUT MODERN EXTRA I.AHIilO, lUVKM 8V.1I- ft. living room in Rood heater, shower, fireplnce, all uten- recreation room, two-car garage, •\vifh a 1st floor tlen, oil heat, in Tf you love a large living room I1OOM WITH JAI.O11MIK"! AND Fanwood location. L*arg;a sils and utilities. $65 per week. a convenient location, too, Large plot<90 x 150, and a bar- be sure to see Jhis most Attractive 70 x 150 lot. Attached Phone We. 2-3150. I-'-" ftnd an open screened porch, over- gain of a home that's been mod- seven room Fan wood homo that AWNING8. TIIHKE BEDROOMS Kiirage. Owner tranB- loQkinK beautiful expanwe of lawn ern! zed. Ltvlriff room, dining room, AND BATH ON SECOND FLOOR. vrtth an outdoor nr«i)lace. Price: 927.ttffl.00—-Hl'ILT IV IWlft with rigid 1» ideal for fumily living and ATTACHED GARAGE. BEAUTI- ferred to Detroit. Only LAVAIXKITK — 4 -room apartment den, three bedrooms. Near grnm- BARRETT * CHAIN. ,NC. entertaining. Fine neighborhood fl5.5OO.0O. with porch. Clean, with every con- 139,500, specifications. Owner Is forced to mAr nnrt High schools. Two-car Quick possession. 917,500. FUL GROUNDS, leave Westfield and offers his cen- attached gnrage. Plenty of stor- MULTIPLE LISTING MEMBERS venience. Sleeps six "r seven- ter hall colonial with Btone front. age space and an extra .bedroom Slop in and Let I'a Show Toa DISTINCTIVE ENGLISH Near ocenn and bay. Oin U M» It's in a inbJtt desirable location on the third floor, Asking $14,000, Here in an excellent four bed- Taeae aad Oar Maay Otaer LlRtlni at very reasonable price lor l»» and convenient to ffrade school. owner anxious fo sell. 43 Elm St. Wa.rfi.ld M 800 room, 2 bath WeHtlleld home with TUDOR or three weeks up to July !»• ALAN JOHNSTON, tarter Living room with fireplace and 25 ft. living rpom» den, screened We. Call Fanwood 2-6010. • Elai Street !Veat«fU a Mil panelled bookOaHen on either end; Raalacace TeleahoB* Namaeea porch overlooking: the parden We. J-«ltT Top "Westfield; location- dining room with cabinet built- A cozy looking cottage with' n H. R. Barrett, Jr. We. Z-T5M Many extras including disliwush- bcdr BSvmlaca: Weatlcld 'J-lltlB surprising amount of room, Plenty er. Price J22.5OO. Ia tie cveatasa calif Three hedrooms and CHAdWICK BEACH — 3 ??!! Maltlala LtalUr >>•••' in; kitchen wltn exhaust, fan and of well-planned wall upacc, tire- Ooraoa F. Craln We. S-79S3 . naskl We. 1-ItM bath on second floor cottage with ocean view. «»' t closets: powder room. 3 bed- pliice in the living room. Largo William A. Clark We.2-748« Nancy g. Beaioa PI. f-8M« with extra room and water, PrlBldnlro. rrlvat. PJ rooms and 2 tiled baths 2nd Floor dining; room, modern kitchen with Wllllaai H. Saaaaaa PIM, S-M8T H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc. Linda B. (ioraon Fa. 2-7326 bath on third. Fireplace, tected bench. Innpcct wc«k»* with unfinished room over a 2-car Virclala H. Wlaakaat. ...We.Z-«Ut HtalnlcHH ateel kitchen, 46 Bay way, or call We.JM»l-II. garage. Hot water heat with oi extra dining space and plenty of REALTOR two car g*arnge, on cor- burner. Screenf>rt porch overlook' cupboards. Two attractive bed- IM Soalh Ave., Fanwood FA, 2-TTOO PITER A. DUGHI, Rtaltor ner lot. WKH much Ing attractive garden. 1-ooirm, All overlooking a deep plot Mr*. Kar Bootke. Eve.,. .WE. 2-«88fl higher, now $18,250.0%, EW HAMPSHIHBFISH of cared for grounds. Tf you feel MM. Rath Taylor, Ere... .PI. S-27AS Real EXate and laaaraace PARADISE. Excellent small- the need for future expansion, the afalMale LUtlas syateat Meaiaer »34.5OO.OO—l.KT*8 all sprend out In Hank Prledrlckr.. Eve FA.-!-77e« mouth bass flshlnB. HousekcpeiM roof-high insulation and piped WeatflcM Mai 11 pie LUtlaV Sr'tem AMAZING NEW cottage as modern ns """»•'. VK»H-H0tVD Cape Cod cottage. and around t*lii« 4-bedroom older heating nlreafly Installed, make it MOUNTAINSIDE Westllelil Lender, all electrk Ml Located Centervitle, overlooking home in n quiet location. Has n a simple job for< a handy man "ONE IN A MILLION" CENTER-HALL COLONIAL the Bumps River and Nantucket large foypr hall, alcoves, panelled around the house. $23,^00 and con- $22,000 LUXURY AND CONVENIENCE Sound. Beautiful living room, mas- 3rd floor den. Its xpnclouts grounds venient to schools, buses, and the "Amazing:" Is hardly the ter bedroom with. dresBing alcove, have convenience and selectivity, Westflcld station. AT A This artistic, custom-bullf, one- r Of course there is a garage. If you are one of the many faml story residence of rare beauty and word- Large living: room t, uent room, large kitchen, thor- lies, who st'ill prefer to go "up- MINIMUM COST charm, taullt In the center of. 1% wlfli fireplace, knotty oughly modern. Second floor—El- Htalrs to bed," yet do not want acre plot, attractively landscaped cedar den with picture Tiiinslon at^iu. One acre of ground, window, 18 ft. knotty THOMAS O. YOUNG, Realtor too many roomw, then this teen- Here ia an almost new 4 BE1"»- and shrubbed, la truly "one in a • GARAGES FOR RENT* beautifully shrubbed. Highly re- SOO North Avfnie We. 2-1123 Custom built on an acre of ex- age New England cottage will be million." . pine kitchen with latest stricted neighborhood. To settle just the one you've been looking KOOM Colonial on a large par- table top stove and an estate Owners attlcinK )20,500. J. C. Damn, Associate. We. S-A29B terior beauty thnt introduces In- tially -wooded lot with tho much OARAGE Bvillable June >«'•.';! Hide charm. Perfect for the dis- for. Buill in 1937 by one of Wcst- built"in copper electric 3 1 Additional Information if desired. Member Multiple Urn' ~ ticld's outstanding firms, it« five desired i/ocatea in Westficld's nnest park- oven, formul dining Protreot St. Call We. s- , '!.^ Call Elliott Bros. & Associates, criminating family and the exec- like residential section, the house Wc •mfive who needs renplte front a rooriis are very ch.nnlnjf, nnd all has 3 bedrooms, larsro living room room, four large bed- Ing day. Evenings - -''(s-t[ Inc.. Westflcld f-3040 weekdays. noor train schedule. Let us show Rood size. For Instance tlio living 1st floor lnvutory and laundry rooms with two tile On Saturday and Sunday after- room IH 14 V& x 22 with a lovely Modern kitchen with nroplace, two colored tile baths. Breezeway to noons, call Weutlleld 2-0229. USE LEADER CLASSIFIEDS you tills home. raths, stall shower, colored tile beuutiful through center hall fireplace and many bookcases. The Attractive Is tfloor den or TV Kitchen, dining area, lurfire flas- ttyo-ciir garage. Freshly 6-3-tf TO BUY OR SELL overlooking a wide terrace and screened porch is accents iblc to room Btonc tcrrnce, extra lavatory, fin- landscaped find ready to cultivated ground*, Colonial liv- botli living: rpom and kitchen, for Oversized screened porch ished play room, summer and move Iti. Couldn't be du- ing ronm •with bay window mid either* dining: or relaxing: undor Fireplace In living room winter air condiitonlng, 2-cftr ut- plicated for $33,500.00. ii rep lace, pine panelled aen, at- tlie tall trees. You can dine In a Built-in corner cupboard In din- tached garage. Jinny other unus- tractive dining room and the ean~ rooni, not an ell, and we'll bet ing room ual features foo numerous to KOSTER'S leHt kitchen in the world to work you haven't enough dlnhes to fill Aluminum combination storms mention. PETERSON-RINGIE- In. A splraling Htairway fakes you nil the cublnetH in tho kitchen. and screens. NEWMAN. INC. to threo Hpaeious bedroom*; two Magic Chef range alwo included. SELECTED OUTSTANDING VALUES large oneo with a tile bath, and The two upstairs bedrooms are The owner has bought tmother Owner leaving town. "Will sell for ft master bedroom, bath and dres- amply l:irse and closet' is home, linH n I ready mover!, nnd iw 566,000.00 which In less than re- 340 North AT*. 902 Park AT*. »fng room. An additional studio excellent. We particularly like moKt anxious to moll. MAKE AN production cost. To inspect call: Weatflel* Scotch Plain* IN HOMES room and buth. Along with tlio this home beoauHe ltn entrance OFFER! Auklns J21.900. I We. 2-7113 Pa. 3-M00 powder room on tho tlrnt floor, hull is htree enougii for several JOSEPH DE LEONARD Kvgrn Wi, 2-77421 Fa. 3-72M there i« a panelled rtu'i-eation people to turn around In. Why not ven, cnll 91m. N. Wood, Kii, 2-5:»J visit and we for yourself? liisucc MIILBURN 6-1970 »13.5W>—O\ NOin'II SIDK nf *\Vi!ei1ftr1d, nlth a 11)0 foot front lot. room In the biispnienf, :ts well HR a tiiol rnoui anil laumlry. Two-cur tiun on appointment. RALPH & CALVIN SCHWARTZ EXCLUSIVE AGKXT CHOICE COUNTRY HOMES thin (Nroyn. Colonial I* m uinnlj 1MI> fur cany •hopping nnd garage (attached). Call us for an cotuinutlitKa HoiiMc U *1»le nnU upon, lou. appointment. ItEALTORS JEAN H. HERSHEY 417 Park AT*,, Scotch Plalaa 931,50ft—BRAUTIFUlj JiKW HA\CH FOH COMl^OHT AVI) EOOXOHV, thin H-hrdrimm (npr Cod Fa. 24»>0 HOME—l year old. In fine com- Ural I-Hlnlr nnd Iimuninre munity of neighbors, on good 1* lilenl fur rrllreiiipiK. Full bnnrineiit nnil Knrmcri whrnle Mnlilplr 1Amt\rtK Mrmbprff Kl Onk Ti-n- Itnitil Mouninlnaltlc trr«i n)t new ntunilniuu atorm »nsh, offer real value at this THE DEXTER AGENCY road, high elevation, view, Z full l W>. 1MI078 MOUNTAINSIDE acres with 55 bearing choice peach Htnne front I'hoitri Wf. £-1121:. INSPECT SATURDAY AXI» SUNDAY room with fireplace, picture win- ranch JinM all (he euNtom fratureii but not the hlith price. home with lurgc except inn ally 15 WcS-SOSO dow, dining room with picture II. Drxlcr We, 2-177-* well Ifindnciipcfl lot 12;.' front, 15 •window, TOOdeTn Kitchen, tiled All iv«ll firciilncej hot ivntrr hentj anil more features you'll ljiirgo living rnnm wltli utono fire- 1379 OAK TURK COURT — fZS.Sfl like. M. Hr>fttt 3 bedrooms, living room with din THIS ATTRACTIVK split level bath. 3 pood BIZC bedrooms. I^rgo Sirs. Ward We. S-70S0 place, hallway, large dining room ing urea, li^ buthn, 1 car f^autfrc*, home with three bcdroomn, liv- T>orch with fireplace. Decorated in with built-in uhina ciiblnetn, niod- Picture window and (ircplace Tn ing room fireplace, find attached tine tuwfe. Full bRHcment, hot 92I.SD0—AM, nilK'tC n-Tff>O.H HANOI. n'Hliln n t>tv M«0|tK nf Kir new «rn kilchen with U-B electric KimiRc, is in the new "WaalilnstDn water oil heat; 2-car garage- Mfhool, not vtitrr hrnt, full ItitNciiient. («d-L"nr purnicr. in- «ink, dinhwiiMher juul Rurhnge d bawnnient, Ijir^e kitchen. Ucautl- School dlt^triut, hits a lnrec land- Ntiilliitlnii i»f nrw HUMI nnd xctvent Included In price* ITHh poser, tiled lavatory, screor ful wooded lot on dead-end street scuued lot and must be sold. Ask- tnxex only *-S0.W». This 1M top* for efoiiomlcnl iintl conifvr- liurch nnil nttiu'hcd kiirajre. Vlxt'rit Many extniK. (t2t,WM> — C11AT1M1NG SKW pPMT inble IIVIIIK- larpe miiHtyr beilrfutm, two othtir LOUIS MUNCH, BROKER l.KVKI,. Uej>t of conHtructlon, K«iod IJ od room x. All cedar-lined A BRAVD NRN'RW three bedroombedro , two splendid neighborhood. On a knoll P1IICK HAS DUOPPMI) on 111 In .t-room ranch mid vet cloHut.H. Tiled bitth with tu'j and WR. ^-110(1 with lawn, shrubs, tarviii tlrlve- expect It to tiifive font. Pi'rnni-Htone front. Sunken llvlntr 1117 Orfhnril ilnnil, Iluuntnliinlile bathbath , hoihhh e witithh dbduubllo e, way, this home of 7 HjiaeioiiB f ta 11 }ilinwi>r. Kin lulled ronni In cxcellrncellrnt rt^ldpnttart^ldpnt l area, la room, Inrjrc tllnlnjf roiitn, lmtli IIIIM ntiiM Miiu^rr mill 1ul>, - basement, laundry with new availablilbl e at 526,50052650 . rooms, tiled buth, powder room, litrtcr bnlrumi.rf i*I(h (MI* duuble t'loieln tn rueli. Ilenudful •wnnher, rtrycr anrt Ironer. CHI heat, fircplftcc. I-nrsc clonets. Full base- lnr«ft> kltelien with 'riicrmndor rlctrtrlc «vrn. di-loni Imllt hy A CHEERFUL SEHtNG IriHuIafefJ: utorm WEIKIDWH and THINKING OF ment, excellent hcuilng system. lircMcut youUK frmiiie, who IIMIKI MOII due t1» clinnire of t'ir- nrrcetii*. Newly liccunitoil Innlde IN WESTFIELD Garden plot 100 x 270. Sec and •'tliiifltnut'efl In ftmill}', 'I'nkc thU (ipiH-rtiinltj to nave on this It IH) out. Low tnxoH. V'ln^o to Tou have a neighbor who Is happy compare with other valuta. IiitmBL>u)atvl>' kept liome. schools IInd whopiiln^ t-cnter. A lie bought u homo through XPW Kpllt level hoine on .i wooded Katid buy on a wciulorfttl home. BUILDING? v.iM:s^i.A\s iiinn MoixTAivsinn. I.AIICI; swiunivf; POOL K»PN with lot. 20-fnot living room wttli Urc- 922,500. l(y iiiipolnlmont, Kan. 2- AWAY— In vlie hill*, yet n short thin HFven ronni rmich In lifrnl brnutlful «i*c(Iirti. Ar.rnltiu lilaco; dining: room; big UHchcu; SOT I. ovit PAST worm is our best ad- HARRY H. MALLETT drive from Wontfleld. In H wind- «i*ll fur |IIMI1—-ICIHHI wnler nupply. Two full bath*, munjr three bfdrooms: 1 % lmthn: rue- vorllaemont. We'll build In solid Multiple I.Inline Member in R drive IH this attractive 10- fUMtom-built fetHurru. roaiion room. Hot water hc-itf. Two brick or frame on your lot or ona 2.13 North Are,, Opp. Snreirnjr yeftr-old MOUNTAIN STONI2 home liloeltR to new ffraflc Sfhool. At— of our premium locutions. All ma- ncntlctl on 16 acrea of tllliible hind I.AIK.K nooirH, S full hntlm nnd *J-rnr fx»rnee r«m- ti-intlve. lightly tmvvllud atrcct. terial, -workmttnahlp and equip- wt. s-mao we. ^>- IIIIIIIIKNI rune l rtuet $^,000. c(imcd rt;MtnK; dining room; kit-, ninny outittntiilliifr fi-iiiurm Incnrpornteil hi It mtil Pa. 2-580O Evxn. Wo. S-6MS chen: 2 bmlrooina; tiled bath. Af- he meen 1« be iipprevlfitci). Call fur Hit npiioliitment. ALAN JOHNSTON, Realtor I* rooniN, newly decorated, P-4 tile P. CAMIUO & SON tnchetl 2-rnr BraraKe. Hot water luttliH, tilo kitchen, hreukfaflt nook, 6-3-tf 203 131m Street W«t O 1 I, ESTATK — ItA oil neat, Ijiirift porch. (JrennhoUKQ Ifi Kiunu ntoiii, KIIDIKI . large lot. 4^.1 NORTH AVE., W. of native Htone with hent. Tool Multiple WYCHWOOD AREA WRnt. S-IIOH1 «r Wt>(. 2-0702 IKHI^P of Hf.niB cunJitructlon, T-and- IP vor nrsinis TO nrif^n, WH it.^vn MANY DRSIRAULB I.ATIC-H Inimrdiato poHHci^idi). l^ennnn for New n|illt-luv«tt cimtoin built brick Multllilc I.lKCInc Mrnitjrr Hcuiied to perfection. aelling—owner leaving town. finil frdiritf cotiKtriK'tlon. U roouip of the WeatDeld Iloiird a IK MOVMTAlSSlDi: AM) VJCIMTV FKU.1I 93,200 TO OtW tlli'd linth, phmtcr \ralln, h'liK hoiit, 10WEST INTEREST RATES ^ HtluL-htd K'liuet1, Only ?1K,!10H.OO, or iimitura GREATLY REDUCED EDWARD A. CAMIUO ANDREW HAYE K & K i WALTER KOSTER JOSEPH DE LEONARD REALTOn — INSl'Imil YOUR COUNTRY REALTOR TEL WASHINGTON, N, J.. 951 K.lnh. 1003 OPK.V I'E.MBnOOK ItOAU AM> JlOUTi: ^2 MILLBURN 6-1970 Klnj; neotKB lid. £ Mt. ATt. Ni J. >VESTFIELD I'.BSW) LEADER WANT ADS PAY! . D-87-St GXCLUSIVG AOlv.VT LEADER WANT ADS PAY! Ul. Betael MIlIlniiOB 7-0031 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 • APARTMENTS-RENT • ri.l^r.A!VT and exclusive four room USED CARS SMPLOY. WANTED • HT Parents' Guild und faaUwith farafe. Second floo? ma. Bin ALTERATION SALE, I.arlte IKS Pantile t Ci>n..>llbll CHH Country Fair , „*.,*„ vuca woofl- Kithto ptop stock of selected lamps, silk .'f"t*fCKTIoK hom« owneranerall X>9X>9 you Meeting Sunday pull. Aluo light trucking. Phonne >*e* i Ol«mfclOl«m l m HU4 »r «eek advice or help In btbutidfna'i fna', West. 2-CT!<-t>M < u«t">™ Csaae perleneed carpenfearpenferr segka part Vr,,". Cuntnil Ave., Went field, New 1BS0 OMinakllc *S HOHa»r (MM time work. Call WeW . lHMvf The Parents' Guild of Ho In Plainfield SAVE I JerHpy. Wejiltield S-2J&8. Open HMD Olfcuuofcm 8S «<•••» vf. Trinity High School will hold th by appointment, PUnoM, aevr and aaed. evt'ijiugs. 6-3-lf 1MB Ford VS Ca«<*a> 8»-d«a G-3-tf rrala PrU-rd l£anr Tenaa |»48 Cadillac 4 4r grdaa woman would lik« bauy final meeting of the school yea HOl.I.VWOUll W10l*S—Two. ill good And other* to efaoeae froHB. sitting evenings or half day Iron- Sunday at 3 p.m. in tho a!l-pu country fair MILLS REALTY MANAGEMENT CRANFORD PIANO CO. condition (twin). N'ut being Lised - Substantial saving* mar t>* yours Ing. Cull We. S-51SI-.M After «:09 will be presented to adults tin BIS IUekland An, Wr.lfleld sj Tunern *»d Hehail4rrm and huve no storage ppai-e. si with the purchase of any of th« I'M. C-3-H pose room of the high schoo, Seeing w« have weeks 1>l. WMtUrld S-2SB7 Op>. U.K. Slatlou Crld. B-2T20 they're yours for 110 apiece. Kx The nominating committee havii _ children of the i'lainfielil are* b; ctllent for eiliier yfar-round home abov« cars which havs be«a me- the Junior Uragne of PialnfielL for most everythinir. It's funny 6-3-tf or summer place. Cull We. 2-6078 ticulously serviced to the stnn< presented & slate of officers a we dsn't have a '-Gut YouneU A, utter 12 noo dards and Batlsfactlon of people ROTO-TIUING the last meeting1, the election o; Saturday ftt the Masson Sohoei >Pi:\CKH COI1SETIKHE. Individu- In the automobile business, Call Pair Of Glasses Week." , OFo ENGINEER haa 2-bearoo ally designed supports for men Batlmatea cheerfully given. officers will take place at the coir from 11 «.m. to 11 p.m., rain oi studio apartment to share wil TW'IX MZK stroller-carriage, two LAING MOTOR CAR COMPANY We. 2-6520 or We. 2-697t» evenlnffu and women. Appointments made car beds. Call We. 2-4153-W. «rter 0:00 P.M. 6-3-lf ing meeting. shine. Admission to the fail suitable per«on. Call R. Gasawa In the home. Chestnut 5-6483 lit 15. Flflk 81. PlalafCM grounds is free. All the proceed' My friend, Moron lea Marf, Hlilott 6-40464040 from 8:00 to SS «0 , liutii w. Hickait. io»_We»t Clay PIM. «-2J41 LAWN cleaning, servicing. Storm WeWe. 2-7905-27905R afaftet r 606:00 ffj[ COMPI.RTK wire fence, with posts, The nominees chosen are as fo"from the fait wil! be given to th< thinks the 3-O boys, the OpUeUiw, Hiwelle Parli, N. J. C-3-tf supports and t\yo gates. Westfield Cadillac aaa OMtaivkUt Dealer windows down, painted. WlndotvH Oculists and Optometrist*, «houM C-3- C-3-tf cleaned, gcreeafi repaired, painted, lows: President. Mr. and Mrs. Job. Neighborhood House. il 2-11S4. C-3-3t liunK. Stnnll carpentry, paint jobs. McCarthy; vice president, Mr. An give thtnks etch night for th* A. STIDIO apartment, unfurnial^ STOtK BOUND??? 1>S2 KAISER Manhattan. One own- One of the main features of thi t4-FOOT runabout, 12-horse out tVwt.Intt- installed, re|>a[ri'd. Name Mrs. George Feeley; treasurer. Ed r. A T., for if it were not f»t Living room, bedroom, klu-henet See ««r Maternity FMUOM board motor, $3r,i». To pep. 16'< Twi- er. 3 months guarantee. Call We. It, we'll du It. VVestntlJ 2-2108-It fair will be a "Big Top", 40 b; telephone directories, a lot of folk! with refrigerator, tile bath wl Priced frau $TJW light Ave., Luivi em-e Harbor, N. J. !-08»». 6-3-tf at 6:00 P.M. 6-13-U ward B. Soules; recording secre- 80 feet, houninf a midway witl shower. New construction Uti] Wrlght't Drew Shop Mr. Butland. tary, Mr.* and Mrs. Ray Glynti an would never xaliite they tio«4 ties furnished. }"5, call We 05 Kla St. We. S-841S 1*4(1 roBD, trood running condition, WOMAKT wishes to do family wash games-and contests of skill. Then 6 3 boateboaterr , Kood tlr^t^stlr^ss.. coocoodd , depdependdepene d- flasses. ™«T- ' "' 6-3-tf YORK »i-ton window air condition' In her homa. Shirts n Ep«*ehilty. corresponding secretary. Mr. an aablee fransportatlonfra tatl . TelTl . We. gg- Call We. 8-0734, 6-i!0-3t will be pony rides, merry-go-roan er. Jl2.": Tappnii 42" g:.* rang*, «oil-n«oiln . o-3-to3 f Mi's. Frank Abbruseato. I \FI RMSIIEn—Spacious SVi root TVPKWHITKHS — All mikea. We $2;"; Taylor Tot with shopping and a fun house as well its gftiti? completely private and moden have your favorite make. Salea- hug. $3. We. 2-6S10-J. 1*I.T 1H1! DO your curtains Ami fine Parents of next year's freshma and a real clown for the children Come to think of it, the n> •• Uround floor. Most convenient repairs-rentals. Hepair estimates llin-n. X'liune We»tn«IU 2-020S. class will be the guests ot tl' right. It's only when the I's look located opposite Post Office R, free. Kuckerman & Schnlpper, 3fi SEE OUR "OK" USED CAR C-2O-4C A puppet show of "The Thro frliterator and Venetian blind: Kim Bt., We, S-O5S3. 6-S-tf CATKri:r; table, coffee table 3 ft Guild at this meeting. like 0'B, and the 6's reaeaikl* ?*. supplied. I8a. Adults only. Phon long; round roO'efi table newes Bears" will be given ut 1, 2:3' We. 2-5575. 6-3-' giaKH, (S; oriental rtiK, 3x12. per- ADV. ON PACE 31 with prarttcal nuw's and A for the younger children. and you h«ve dialed the wroiMt CARPET" and rufI, u»ed\ til clwn- fect condition. Call W»?. 2-0.142-J. training will oare for flilldren any Be sure to read manufacturer number six times, and th* p*rta*> ed,. ffoofl condition, room iliea, og«% by day or week, or wtl) tnke Herbert Van Pelt, -who is do CHAKFOHD. Furnished 2-rooi. remnants, stair and halt carpeta, KKI^ spring- Pea ted po NORRIS CHEVROLET, INC. them for day's oulinir, or train labels for ingredients of pesticide! answering threatens to shoot yaju apartment, newij- decorated ma. throw ruffi, nev ramnanu and lider, no cushluns, $15. Cull We. rur school. Tel. We. 2.0201. and carefully follow directions fo: nuting his services, will audio on sight, it's only then you decided , hogany panelled living roor KOt «<* 014 Central Aw. 6-3-lf otf a great variety of article! knotty pine panelled kitche factorr sveotids. f -3073. Tel. We. 2-0220 use. to have those big k>by blue ey«M large bedroom and full bath. J10 Open Thursday evenlnr until 1:09, 1 1 which have been donated to of yours fitted with picture wife* per month, utilities included Con EllaaaMk "we Bxekaw* TNADR prnrtloulb- new 20' 331.*- TVPIST-HKOBPTIOHI* ! ready Tor Junior League. They will all bi venlent to fown and station. Bus! MS Mania An, Ellaaaett llPh type KI'I'R bicycle with hand- ',%» t>l,l)»M()llll.i: Ritper 88 Uollda Buimner woi'k- ("nil Wo. 2-0lf,9. • LEGAL NOTICES • dows, n»«i ceopU only. Cr. 6-M71 afte; 0-3-tf brakes and Kearsbift, for 24" g couue. Folnr wliltp nncl Tyru grec on display in the school auditorium 5:00 P.M. 5-21-1 lirUi type in comparable condUIon, Hyoramfllic, nli ncefKNories i \VOMA\ Mli00 mllrfi. Excellent coi Pull We. 8-OC07-J. 0-3-2t Tdke No*lp.e that I3dwnM TJuhn tailing ut 7 o'clock. I.APT-week In June until September New Jeraey In my spare tint*. No BOY'S blue flannel sports jacket, dltlon, unmarked. !2a!5. M. .. anno, trading a« 1*413 Clrorerles, lia our milady's glasses are gettlna;, furnished apartment, 4 rooms an job too small. Bob Crtekenber*er, size SO; gray Ilannol suit1, Blze SO; SIarnhull. loll l-nmuerts Mill 1!4, MOMAN trnnni day" wiirk Wednes- applied tu tlie May*)r nnd 8M-J. hnniediutelv in writing to June 1< pearls, sea-shells and stuff. In fie* keeping. !> minute* from bus an( ANTIQUE JEWELRY colors, rhlnestones. netiutlful — C-3- Jones, Town ncrk of Wostfleld, N, J among the ftnaliaU in tin contest! When Worn it gives the tff«ct to tmln. Hent t'iO. Telephone Fa. 2. waist SB", lenrth 30". 115. Mrs. ^leftfld, held among Hi-Y and Hl-Trl clubi C018 after 11:00 A.M. 1*\ S. Slater, We. 2-2GO8-M. 1NA OKftOTO 4-door nediui, 2 n W«)MA!\' wlHht-ft tiny'n work 3 day ]0dwnrd Tluonanno the passer-by that he ii Itwking *t tires. Call uftVr 6:00, We. RHO r«?ntral Avenue, in the Plalnfii'ld area. HHBERT E. STIVINSON 4278-J. a wcok, fall We. 2-790(1. th* top stulf ot Tuy Minted Aunt Font rooniR, unfurnished, Snd flooi ALL DI'HINO the montit of June we AVeBtlleld. N. ,t. lit ELM ST. fi-27-gt FeoH $17 AgathaV whAtnot. And dM ik« tile bath,.heat, hot water, garbag* will hold ft i!nd anniversurj' Kale. Hpeclnt 4-daor Beda OM vlnheh housework, pi., (HspoRiil. Newly de^orat'ed, im WEttfitU 2-5114 A bonaflde Rate on new and re- lt.%.1 HI!I('K or full. Cnll lMalnlleld 4-8H0 have a collection ef tea ihtllil diate popsesslon. Near all tratiR fully equipped, Khe Hi ft'OTICR 6-S-tf built plsnos. SftlfH nnd service. gruyIid. C809 milesil . MMustt be Been Talte Notice that Kugena Chron portatlon. J100 per month. Tel The PUno Shop, 124 Vtidlvon Ave., be Appreciated. 12-A Englisllhh VVll V Immly man nvalluMp Recovering From We. 2-4S55 days, or We. 2-3854-» Plalnfleld. Call PJuinfii'ld G-37OS. l)art lime work. Wlnilnwf, and Louis Clirono irndijig ns Chl evening's. Ia*e, Cranford 6-2128. aint 1 iiK1, c(tri)Ont)'y and ivur Tavern have applied to the Mayo OBiECTION^VERWJUJD SHOP AT (Mill's 61 fliff. We. 2-<704. " 0*3-3 nnd Conn oil of tho HorciuBrh o Ti-pasHentei Mountalimldfi for renewal of Planar You'r* wtafig Miss P>rk»f, • ATTHACTIVR fi room nnd bath first IT*! BASY to look im>rt In •lmplc WK**TI\<;HOISK I,At\l)H O M A T coupe, excellftit Accident Injuries The men will irnkti pMlei floor nunrlment. Oaraa~e am to-sew styl6B and easy-to-laundor with water saver. Ferfet-t worhl oiulllloh tliroURli CIHI, wishes gen pral hounewot-1 Het ail f?oiifluinpt|on lilt? eh RA fi out. Price Jir.o, Cull We. 2-575 Will also d(i ironiiiK. Mohda; premifies sli'nated at 8M Mounta At the glrla who wear screened porch. Summit Ave. nea: Fabrici. See our itlccrion of won- condition. Call We. 2-I.4S4-M. after 0:00 P.M. Avenue, MOuntnttifitdp. N. J, I'ark St. Available July 1. Writ, derful fabric* at budget price*. "\Vetinp«ilay, Frldwy timl Sfttiirrta; Miss Greta Wolff, 20, of 70f» These thell-ttitaidad gls liox 128, care Weatlleld Leader. SIMMOKH HIde-A-Uod nnta, red, (.'nil We. S-53U6-W aftt-r C:00 IM.1 Objections, 1f anr, should b« mM (MULL'S SILK A COTTON SHOT 1*4(1 Pl.VMOl'TH. excellcint coml Immedlately In writing to lloueri urlton l'oad, was re port ml i» f«li 8-3-3 •M K. Braat It, WMIIII, n. t. wlrti n%w gvny nHpoovfr. $100; tion, recent motor overhaul, heal Ijaing-, Corough Clerk of Mountain walnut frate 1 eg dinlnf table, com- er. direcllonnl HlgnnU, very goo WUMA!\ would like to do Irnnin condition in Goshen (N, Y.) Hos- Sunday, June 80, U Fathtr'i AfTHACTIVE. North *lde, 2 rooma, e-stf plete with expansion leaves and nnd rlpftnlutf txny day but Thurs Hide, N. J. pads, 945. Tel. We. 2-81C4. tlre». Call We. 8-5388-1! betwee tlay. Call I~air conditioned stoi-e—goo floia. ri,nfiineld 3-3900. 0-3-' Town of Wentfh>ld nt a niPfitlnf? liel< entire., day cooking for the tribe renowned Sobrmr. Kranich ft WHO! «HT iron (ftiifin top table with May 24th, 1954, and that the- ml Inr accident at the same spot, salary. Inquire In person. Milad* onunoll will furtl»«r wiimlrtitr th It's no more than fair that corn* •rwo .furnished rooms and kftchea Bach, Jansaen, Paul O. Mehlln and 4 chairs, mahnguny desk and Shop, lti« JJ, Broad St., WeHtnoi HTRBIT all typea of rura and oar Hntne for Html approval on thn 2fil which 1H near Chester, N/Y. ette fDr one or two buslneai six other leading manufacturer*. thair, 13-plecn Cerninn Hplce set. G-3-! Father's Day, dad should spend hi* Your purchase* are at lowest On 11 We,* -6400. pels, Kl. 4-4780. II " ' day of June, 1S')4, ni! olnrht o'cloe! Slia and her oscort, Syracuse people, references required. Cal CASH FOH MES'J CIOTIIINO, rid P.M. in thp Oounoil ('hainl)er, Muni In the back yard standing over » We. 2-0S98-W. 6-3-t prices and doubly guaranteed: by 1:11m »i.0-»KO i»rr Week final Mulldlnfr 121 PfoK|HH!t Bt^ University student John Hunt Jr. fhe manufacturer and Stadcle FOOT ODOHN Sprinkle DuBton l* rt Time Ine* habitfl, bootti, antiques, curios hot outdoor fireplace. Piano Co. with over 25 yean of toen and feet—shoes and stocking's M furniture, brnsBware, claBt, ohlna WoHiiieid, N. .]., m wiiiuh lime an 21, of Syracuse, N. Y\, managed CE.KAN, comfortable rooms at mod WolfTi, 111 Madison Ave. T«1._P" place Htiy pei'Hnn wlio miiy lie inter FREDERIC WALTERS. erate rates. WESTFIELD HOTEL, dependable salea and •arvlce. 478 free of odor nt end of day. Money Anibtttotifl housewives nnd fale pKttul thei'flh Mill be Riven nn op to free themselves from the con 443 W. North Ave. WE. 2-2774. Union Ave., nts. 28, Middlesex, back guarantee. Hold nt Jar vis •woinon are offered excellent OR 0-2U.I). 0-3-t port unity to be hoard concern In vcrtible which ended up on Ita side open 'til 8 P.M. except Sat., Sun., Drug: and other drifsr stores. C-3-tl and Mon. 6-3-tf rpprs in this district. Appllcn... . rlnes, pistols, moder murni. n the water. Miss Wolff Buffered •will bo t'rnlnpd to conduct plaHtl or antique, wanted by llcenaed co' JANR P. .1ONR3, Griffin New Manager tARCSE, pleasant ro'om for business SPKTIAIi HAIiH. Jonnthnn I>pffan pEirtleR, Kxperlence iinnpcesBar; lector paying hlffh prices. "Wl Town Cleric. a broken ankle and head injuries man, in residential neighborhood ANTIQUES rtressps, beautiruX summer Ptyles vnr pflsentlal. For fletails wrll cnll when convenient. Linden whilo Hunt, who was driving, was Of Bell Co. Office near town. Garage available. We. to choose from nt below cont Jiox 125, caro WeHtflcld header. UK IT UlsaOtiVlOl) that thn offe: 2-3GS8. 6-8-tf KBLSON RAPr prices. Muxt be keen to be appre- - 0-27-3 5640. I1-.1 of Knrl JotiHGii ami Harry 0. ]ypllt>i treated for shock. T41 Clark •*. ciated. Tel. We. 2-5071-J. hy HcynoldH & Hct?,, ffftl en tut Frederick J. Griffin Jr. of 0 COMI-OI11 A1II.I0 furnished room In CSII BVCHlMfS BOV'H blcyt'le, 24 or 20", itood rand The accident occurred, police tlon. Cnll We, 2-2328-M. brokerw, t'o iiurebH«n trio Munlrlpa North Wlck'om chive has been ap- ' private home. Business man. Call and W**kea4a 8KHVKL gns tefrlg-erator. Excellenf work In WentlleUl office from 1:0 Hulldliiff fi-Tid udjnuent Innil know aid, when Hunt's enr apparently We. 2-GU2-1I. G-13-U ronditlori. Prtizpii food oompnrt- to Ii:00 Monday through Frl n» Now. 111-121 Pronpnot Btreot, nil [eft the unfinished "Quicltway*' be pointed manager of the New Jer- nient; 7 ru. "t., 4 years old, $C0. "Write qunllltrntianR to Cot 12i OIH1/M bicycle, 2n or 22", In g'ooi lulB 3 nnd 4, block 104 on tlifl Tu i furnished room In WAiHBIlB—Used and rebuilt. Guar- Call We, 2-4OTJ7-M. earn Weptflftki LendRr. 6-27-2 omllllon. Cnll We. 2-3073. Map of the Town of Wostdeld, fi> ,ng built to link Routes 32 and 17 sey Bell Telephone Co.'s Waverly private home garage available. anteed. 125 and up. tbo sum of t hlrty-suvcn thousnii to Goshen, N. Y. business office at Newark. We. 2-2460-J. 6-3-tf • NOWDtSN APPLIANCES OAK cUnlnff room Hiilte, tl-pc, ex- Care, of tw I,imiTWHIfllIT caiivim folding rnr dollnrn (137,000.00). vttunh on cloHlnn 411 N*rlk AT*. Will. WMlltll cellent condition, (2r.; mahogany youtiff children oufHide, Monday t( rlnKp, hi BO nil condition and reii Buhjfct to ft brolcei'H cummlRHlou u Police had found three men in Mr. Griffin's career began as a FI.HASANT front room 1 block from WHI, t-Mlf mirror, $15; gat* heater; wardrobe Friday, D:00 to 12;00. Cull We. 2 mmul>Vy priced, ("nil Cranford i f>% 1H hereby approved, Hubjfcct t an overturned car drowned at thi student engineer with the com- town, btiBiness woman. Tel. We. o-a-tf trunk: telephone tnblp*ri3S Cliilton 8012. OUIfl between 12:00 Nnrni aud 2;0 final approval ut u further iTipullni pany's commeuial department. He. ' 2-2553-J. 6-3-lf St./35lli5ab*el)i;'Tel.*Kr. 3.5C.1T. 1M.1., or iiner otoo' P.M. of t'he Town Council to bo held o foot of the enbankment a few BRfYK'S ICI CftlAM VOWAN^-riwHAfiANT AND R ._ iTuritt £8,' 1 !• fi4. In lu'cortlnm-tj wit has been manage! of New Jersey >ABLR VOn HAHY HITTING AN. Title 40; liO-2fi, nubtllvlHlon O of tit hours before. FOR X 'nrsiNRM PKHsoiv In chairs, withstand, dresser, r TKMI'OIMMV home Tnr medium N Bell's public telephone office at family of two adult*. No other tfrw tow pnicn ui.nuimered chair, lamps, tea wng> URONINO. WK. 2-3, .S6. Urr (Bod HtittutPH of Now Jen IIUK whlln fmnlly I» nn vnejitl I!<.t7, nnd amendments thereof i Newark and its Millaum business roomers. Centrally located nnd K vai. bulk. »i.aa on, plet'tiren, framea, china. linens, •Tuna Sti (o AIIKIIHI 1. llnm.- wil near all transportation. Tel. We. Klaus, silver, dockH, bu.Hslnet. Call SKC'IIKTAnV-STKISO—-I'nrt time, I flilldi'^n preferred. Hxcnllent WH. yiiniJleouTtts tbcroto. Annual Conference office. Immediately preceding hi* . 2-6089-n. B-E7-2t LIPPYS Plalnfleld fl-fiS22. 1ft w office, 2 tliij'H eaiih week fur toen-nger to earn it 1ft tli Illfi IT KIJltTIIKR . Waverly appointment, Mr. Griffin Cmrmtt •* lOBtli ••< WfitlrU Short hnntl knowledge CHflrMill tnonoy. Cull AVP. 2-0r.,t2-J. that snld offer In n.<;eejitpd HU Of Church Women Kl HMSIIF.I) room for business >KSKf break front china closet, I'hlllp I"JX, 227 K. liroud SL., W (n thn following cnvonunta nnd served on the staff of the general C-3-tf bookcase, piano bench, pair ma- flelil. We. 2-iir>H7. man. Gurage. We. 2-3406-R. Cli: CREAM table and chalra; Iron II nlli' ultpred, pxlmidori or fuldod t< The conference of U n 11 eld Mr. Qrlffln received his bachelor 1601-J. 5-2»-2t lamp; French Provincial Bcroen; lnwn net, metronomo, crib, imi- oitulpnient at our expetiwe. Wnrl ... .OUB iina until Huoh aHoratUins ot science degree from Bucknell pair of hangihg1' wall plncquen. tation fireplace, mahogany twin intornKtintr, Incumn hlnh. Writ pxtfiiiHlnitH nnd for itrUiltloii havi Church Women of New Jersey will beds. Cnll We. 2-6J28-J. University. room, private bath, private Tel. Cr. 6-0185. 5-27-2t fnr frlenilly Interview, Uox 127 •en uppi'ovpd hy tlio Town Cnunrll ni held at Ocean GrovB today and care WeHtfleld Leader. fi-3-< • LEGAL NOTICES • 2. No fuldltlontii buliilliiK" or HtniC' entrance, on 1ft floor. Fine resl- TWO mnhog-nny end tables, coff»L omorrow at tho Shelburne Hote', dentinl Htreet convenient to town. I.BMSOV lawnmo.iver; r>0 ft. gar- lure nlmll bo erected upon or innvci1 We. 2-4S48. den hose; heJ^e Hhears, KICKIC; table, love H«at and 4 chairs, Tel, I'AnT full-t'ime HtcJioprrnpher NOTICH upon wild prpmlHCH UTIIOHB and unll . Jcenn pathway. Meals will be Rabbi Raab Re-elected wardrobe tVunk, %\T>; Inrge club We, 2-O48H-J. etterH from Dictaphone tho plans of nuc\\ building or hulld- 1 write Take Notice Hint Mnrttn Wullbprf erved at the Albatross and meet- Rabbi David Raab of Temple TWO itOftMH, convenient location, chair, $10; pnir wins flrewlde gpiieral offlrp work. $1.00 an horn ant No, ;), ATiHTic-nn Tj^Bion, lim H, nnd t'hfiir reBpoeUvo locatloi: ngs will be held at the Young chalm, |3f»; small desk; G-13 etand- to Hturt. liox 08, aurwood, N. .T. •polled to llio Director of tlio Dlvl thn iH'fmlHfH, Klin 11 havo bcoi J Emanu-EI has been re-elected spir- reasonable. Kitchen privileges If InK sun l:iiiip; 2 muhuftany plant fl-3-3 approved by thf- Town Council. desired. We. 2-GIS3. •ion of Alcutmilc JieveniKe Control eople'a Temple. stand«; coffee table, $20; mattrenfl • PETS FOR SALE • \'pwnrk, N. .1., for renewal of ;(. In the ov«nt that tlio pi-fioont itual leader of the congregation nnd box Bprlns, }\r>; upholstered WOMAN for K-piipral hnuspwork an ImildlnK or strurturc IR oxtondetl or The theme, "Dare Great Things for the coming year. Rabbi Raab cure elderly widow. Cull We. 2 "!LUn MCKNKF1, for urciTtlHCfi Hit armchair nnd footstool, needs re- PRKCKI.KS needs a home. iteil at 1011,1-1023 North Avenue. x n**w building or structure erected -Together", will be carried out came to Westfleld lost September FOR SALE covering:; 4-foot sled. Tel. We, 2 mon tli H male dOfi". Part IUil O4!)9. >V*»Ht, Wflntflcl.1, N. J. an wrild prfinlars there *hall ha re- 1548-W. tlan, Affectionate and intelligent". TIIQ, tmtucH of iho offlepra of thi. iiorved offMtreet parking flpneo to y both the speakers, Dr. Franklin after serving in the Army Chap- Call WP. 2-0920. CANllll^HN WANTIOD—Full nnd par< mch extent* an uhall bo approved by 1 •lui) and Hie ofTlopn thty (ill resppc lark Fry and Mrs. Norman Vin- lain Corps. He also Is a part LANDSCAPING THAT * H 40-Inch gan rang:e, (II time, experlonced preferred, Tlap- Ively urn: Albert DaraKliy, 62i he Town Council. ent Peale, as well an in the five DIFFERENT vldea top, center Oven with light BEAVTIFI'L, affectionate Siamese Idly growing* chain, good oppor -Jortli Rnotrli Pl.ilntt Ave., WeHtfleld 4. The forcfroinff covenants nnd time Jewish chaplain at the Vet- A Complete serrlcc and window, Hide storatre compart- kittens. We. 2-3824-M. tunltlea. Apply in pernon, Mayfuli To mm and or; (Jeortje C". H luck man rr.RtricttoiiH Kbnli run with tho land workshops under the leadership 3 Years to Par Supermarket, 22.1 North Ave. (for ~~1 JprHey Hi., Scoich PIHIIIH, Hen and expire .Tnnunrv 1. 1905. erans Administration, Lyons. ments, recessed t>flBe. flood condi- iwrly Kirid'tii. f the state chairmen, Mesdutnea DOANB'S—fteaik Ave. ill Woo.l.nJ tion. WeFttleld 2-321S-J. YEAR or.l) (almiiKt) Oollln doff or Vice CninimiiHler; Alan Bruce nn TT punTiiraR ni V, N. koekwood, C. A. Campbell, IMaliiflfla «-T8» needw home. If Interested, call Tonlln, Jr., HI Kouth Euclid Ave., hat snld tltlp CIOMO and monny be —ADVERTISEMENT— C-3-tf 'WO blue 0brf songs will te rendered by M^ CALIFORNIA REDWOOD ii Kood liome. PleaBB call Plain- fere with present job. For furthe fflcpr. OK I*AVKI> IIOADWAVS A^ I> Vllliam Luce, at present soloist of DON MAXWELL'S Held 6-r.!>22. Information call Plalnfleld G-8811 All of the above mentioned per SIDRWAI-KS AT TUB N1UV MI3- OUTDOOR FURNITURE onw tire »1RO itiomhirs 1of the Board MIIIIAHV .1MI MIJIVK'f- ho Teaneck Presbyterian Church. By A. W. JACKSON 1 885 MOUNTAIN AVE. t Trust pen, IncludiHK Norman T. TiwAm no flnlftiilnjt CUSTODIANS iffiio, G19 Jfayn St., WoalHold, and i.itiMi, \VI:NTIII;MI, M:\V 'he state choir will also sing, di- N3C-TVS determination to WILL LAST FOREVER Alao ected by Mra, King E. Gould of LOST AND FOUND The TVfiRtfleld Public Schoolft hftv* ullnn I-ovy, Koreat Avo., WeHtflnld. S13ALRD rnOPOf!AL3 will lio r«- cut into the CBS Monday night "Far wardens, porches and out- UPHOLSTBtlNG several career openings In tin Obj4?fitlonn, If any, «houlfl bo mndo plvod by the Mayor nnd Council of iVestfleld. TV ratings has. cost them the door fireplaces. Cutitodian force. Applicants nhoul' mmcdlatoly In writing- to th<» DI- be Town of W>ntflpM, nt the Munl- Iitibcllernhlr low In price FURNITURE REPAIRS LOST—Surpris., e _ Boy's nav; write to Department of Mulnte octor of the Division of Alcoholic •Ipal Building, 121 I'rownect Rfrcet. At all meeting of Unlteil Church long established WMtfitld 2-0226 Jacket, plaid UnlnLlining,. white eugli nance nnd Oppratlnn, 802 Elm St. leverage Control, Newnrk, N, J. IVflHtflpId, Nfiiv Jcr.icy, on Monc" Firestone pro- UNPAINTED FURNITURE CO. on sleeve. Call We. S-4944-M. Hijrn^d: venlnK. Junn 14, 19r,4, nt S o'cU Women there will be opening nnd Wenffleid, V. J., giving age, edu Martin "Walllicrff Post No. 3, Day 11Klit fiftvlnif Thno) for* tlio intr meditations in charge of gram of music. <»1 W. Prmt S». Tel. PI. 4-O1W cntlon and experience. Inlervlewj ;rfimorlnl Mhrnry announced they SALE Bentlinental to Owner. Reward. If THOIUH <;ilf,Y competent full-tlmr itn. Franklin Reed of Vestfield, found please call Morrlstown 4- nd Municipal UuHilititT. Worttlleld, thnid FurnfiMnfCH mnlp Rccountiint (bookkepper) Ktr Sew Jerttoy. Urs. Grady McMillon of Newark, would leave tho twrlrr A nemonal effect* npfi 35-r»0. Sulnry dei»ond« on expe- Talc© Notice thai Centennial Loflgru PropoHftlH miiHt bo neenmpftntod by id Mrs. Leo Marsh of Montclair. NBC net after ADOMflf YOI'B HO*IE or office with on •ir rlfnco aiul background, about $10r o. 400, I.B.P.O.E. of Wrstnpld, haw ciorllllcd fhfck pnynltlo to th« or antiques. A fine selection here of COfl Nnntmtt Avfitue I^OST—Blue parakeet, banded leg, per week. Give full details In youi ppiled to the Mayor nnd Council June 7th be- period furniture, privets, lamps, •vicinity Lamberts Mill and Rarl- reply. Box 68; Oarwood, N. J. ..•r of tho Treii«urf*r of thn T»w»» cause they were -WrMtflel.1. \. J. tan ltd. Call We. 2-3811. tf tbo Town of \Ventn>ld, N. J., for T \fcntnp!(l, In nn amount oijnnl t'o and other desirable Items. 10 A.M. to Koun 0-3-3- renewal of n Club I^l^enne for prr cent or tlm amount hid. Snld Vo Injured In unable to keep Batnriliijr. June r>, 1*34 remiHCH «itiuitcd at 429 W. liroad roposnlH must fttno ho nccompanled MRS. MARJORIE MILIEN to Iliialilnte nn ««(»*« I.OST—Hlue whlfe diamond setting t., WeHtfleld. N. J, y a nuroty rnrnpntiy certlflcnto our-Car Crash their present In center of WeKtfleld on May 28. The namps of the officerH of this In tins that Raid nurpty compnny time spot. NBC wanted to put »l>2 East Brand Street Reward. Call We. 2-2188-J. ub and the offltrpR tli«y fill, reBpec- mentions mny h*> Telephone We. 2-lU.O. HAIimill-.ssrm. male or femnle, BT 'lil, N. J,: J. A. Katflfl, Flnanrlftl •pn or prnriired nt the offlro of le up Saturdny in Route 22 near CBS. WESTIXGHOl'SF. roaster oven with ture, Owner leaving* clfj-. 5 all- perlenced. Salary open. Vncatinr cretary. 47 IMninflcld Ave.. Beoteh tvool ruga. Formica chrome din- wlrti pay. Busy nhop, nice cltentel*1 it* Town fl^rlc, 12"! Prospect Street, ictor street. Mrs. Maria Arthof- broiler, perfect condition. lejs ette set, Westlnghoune laundro- alnH, N. J. Trust ecu: Klmer A. •oHtnchl. New jT«ny. Another pait of the NBC than A year old. S30; Bllt-rlte Write Box 107, care Wcntflelf illlnmp. 793 .TeruRalem lid., Bcotcl) Thn Mayor n nil Council rnRpr%'A.« ' of Muspi'th, L. I., passenger in mat washer, Kenmore gU.a dryer, INSTRUCTION Lender. 0-27-31 •lalnn, N, .7.; John Colctnnn, 230 Monday night drive finds the folding earrinRe with mnttress, 12 cu. ft. Frlgldalre, Tappan de- :c rlsrht to rojoct nnv or nil bldn, car operated by her husband, large slip, JlZ.ffO: two nufo cribs Vindnor Ave., Westflelfl. N. J.; Wil- , In the Intercut of tho Town It In network considering moving with mnttrpBBei!. like new, $4 each; luxe gas stove, nylon curtains. TtJTOniVO —ni*h School and Col- Itim n. Uraxton, C24 W. Brond Ht., K'nied advlHnblc lo do *'». ichncl Arthofor, suffered a bump Jack Webb's "Dragnet" over to training chair with tray, J3. Call Call Fanwood 2-8321. Ugc •abjpcln* Carolua T, Clark, /cHtfield, N, J.: 'WUllain Henry, 'iU B. A. (Tale), LL^B.^Ed. M. 836 'InilHor Ave,, Wofltneld, N. J.; Pros- JOHN T, HOPKTMH, n tho forhead and Alice C. Wil- Monday opposite "I Love Lucy". We. 2-1S0S-1L •_ tOIDAir.E dehumldifler, excellent Mountain Ave., Weatfleld, 'phone • BUSINESS SERVICES • m Smith, 117 Myrtle Ave., WfiHt- Town J'lnprInfer. •d of New York, driver of nn- 3-2t IVts 510.10 These two shows have been run- SIOVI.Nn—Must sell—all In excellent condition, u«ed ona summer only, We. 2-2741-W. 6-3-tf ;ld. N. .!. ;her car, suffered a bruise en the condition. Hoover vacuum cleaner, $125; outdoor gym, 2 swlnefl, (10; •nOTOSTATBi ning ncclc-and-neck all year in 2 senter swing set, 110. Call after Leffal documents end dlscharei OttJfcrtonK, Tf nny, jdiould bo rnadn XOTICB TO CUKDITOIIB ee. 8 ctl. ft. an refrigerator, one w ng 7:00 P.M.. We. 2-3514. Raymond Young —Piano Studio imPtlifitely In writing* to Jane V. the popularity polls, and a lot of clinlr and Klip cover, 9slu finer Ituih IloKert To unit*. Ammt. PRpern. 24-hour ii*rvlce. Weat- mea, Town Clerk of WPHIIIPW, N. J. Kntnte or ANN K. Other drivers involved in the rug G-wav floor lamp, one nlKIil fleld Studios, 121 Central Ave. fans in two-station cities won't WO eufltoin built love seatfl, ex- ClaMfcnl Populnr C-n-tf Centennial LMKC NO. 400, 1'urminnt to Ihe ordar o. illislon were Edwurd V. Fitz- table, n ivnrdrolie trunk. Emerson cellent condition; nap I'x12 flKiu'pil Cnll fir Write for Inf«rmn CM-fdiloTH of Hflld dffpflHfd to nmtlc series. Reagan will play Bhelf, J3: beautiful colors In bunt- methods. Special course for adult OIIUINANCK !in«t tn n new ih'utnn scries, lifj's ing picture on tray, with folding after 6:00 P.M. xhllilt to tho miliR'Tlhfr iimlcr oath lemminger Gets already signed such stars as Jano beginners, At your home or studio. .Vent. S-3011 Pill Dirt M«unluInMdo, N. J. r affirmation thf'lr clnlniM nnd de- stnnfl. mahogany. 53: Ouecn Anne t'GS—9x12 fibre, |C; wool, 3x4, 666 Parian nd., Weatfleia, N. J. June .t, iU',i wymnn, Tyrone Powor, Jonn round lable. buy It for Tel. 'WestfleW 2-n.11tfi. 6-3-tf Kotlee In hereby Klven flint n nindB fiKnlnnt Ilif CHUHO or nnld lvention Patent Criiivford, Freil Astaire, Henry Jl.TiO; «et of 13 vol. Dlekenfl, rtd E«ec«m»d wl tVitn sit immfliM frnt»t Fonda and Joseph Cotton for roles to and reflnlnh It. ->Ve. 3-36(l3-J. and gold lilndinRH, sootl condition, B. & B. ublic hearing: will be held by the m dnto of Hiild urtU'r. or they w-IU PIANO TBACHKn enn tnke some 1 n n n I n K I' o ;I r r 1 In t h o Council In forthcoming- TV plays. Reagan, nt $3; ton*t brown mink fur hcrk- 1 i? for<*vf»r Imrrpd frnm pio^fcntJntr llko Montgomroy. Will function cmn without mattreBs. S»: P '' Bumrrn r puptlM. Cnll Wo. ?-(\}',re 12* 11 rlnrk, on trie limttfr (tf niipiU'u- rn>ttiv. ad, is the inventor of n method steel, 3 shelves, >3. We. 2-3C03JJ- BIl ruK-". chairs—nmple and r.n« of I,'-win K, and AlfrntI (*. Arthur It. Ab»> Alt tills comptitltlan 19 good far ftcltfl. both rcntd 1 ii)7 «n Hurnmlt increasing tho efllclency' of tolcvlHlon. It Blniply inuuns that lent her, malmpnny ortneiuifr, FOR RENT upvlly , Klv, Attys. crtcli network in out to produca STIIIPF.D snllclotli, « yards, "ith health lamp, brldke jfimpH. e ectrfc 337 Willow Ave. Vi-. 2-12(111-11 t»rul. MountnliiHldo. N. J.. tn Hiiii- bv St. ie proceaa used in tho manufac- gre»n cnnllng. enoufh for a vldj* fiirin buiiiH Into bilildhif,' ulnta N. J. better rrn^r^^.s than tho other 1 npplfancPH, clocks, desk. Call We. ROTAUV TILLCn for rent by day Gnrwoua nfterfl P.M. rider the rf'KUl,iUoii» of the IMun- re of synthetic fuels, for which . . . aii-t In general Mist Tniuuia lounBn chnlr sllprover, 14: P" '"' or hour. better ultfvlowlnft; foryou antlmri. glass ctirtnlnn. 50" Ion?, two pairs, MIDGET MOTOIIS FRANK TESTA AND SONS ut? Hoanl. Hnlil inndH are Hltuated i has been granted a United eeeahell, *!. We. 2-3001-J. Chrnlnul 6-4SS0 or We. Z-SS:g irfli of CharleB Street nnd ea«t of Admiral TV cnelneaw have al- KN'MOHB automatic waaher, 5- Lann Cure am! Molntennuce lardy Lane nnd Kald devplopmont ates patent. ways ptrlved lor even a better yenr, bolf-down type, In pood con- . t-13-U Job Kutlnilirr* TV product than- !>• predecessor. Anllaur. f.lftn dition. *35. We. 2-2930-W. Hill \it- known and recorded nn Map Other Legals on Mr. Hemminirer Is n member of SAI-B on Ice cream-chairs, pine Jrj r Hour, Week, Month or Senalm ;>. 4 of eimrlo* Ht. Anil this year you tuo will agrett: sink, ulank bottom chnlrs, nnd an Top 8oll Mlirnbn PI/ANNINO nOAUD, u staff of Iho Esso Laboratoriol Admiral lops them nil. On dlanlay, USE LEADER CLASSIFIEDS 5-27-21 - "SVnltor ITonnt, Chairman the Standard Oil Development «t STATION HADIO & TELEVI- furniture, picture frames, china, AVK your enr Slinonlzed at your UWffl TBIMMUD and cut, and hornns A. Ilyile, fiucretnry Page 22 SION, isn.. 353 South Ave,, W. Class, primitives, miscellaneous. Jiomp nt your convenience—$8.50. TO BUY OR SELL odd Jobs. Cull Wo. U-UOi-J. B-lt Fees 18.38 o., Linden, I'hono WE. I-IOSO. • .' Tlte Hnlnnlnir Wheel We. 2-56X5. 102 Mouululu Ave. lent area for both workers and Labor Relations manufacturing concerns to locate their plants." During the business meeting, J i Rotary Subject Howard Glover was inducted into membership by Henry Viswat Guests introduced by Charles The regular meeting of the Ro- | Clark included Earl Brsckenstrow. tary Club of Westfidd held Tues- Southgate, Calif.; Lew Laird, A BOIIODET OF VALUES day featured a talk by Wilbur E. Hanawalt, director of management Vince Sarnowski and Charles Doo- development of Daystrom Inc., on ley, Cranford; Earle Kerson, New- the topic "What's Happening In ark; Ted Fulton, Plainfield and Our Industrial Eelations". Mr. Dick Baumann, South Plainfield. Hanawalt is a Westfield resident. Announcement was made that the annual picnic will be held The speaker, introduced by Dil- Tuesday at Tamaqucs Park. I lard Birdt covered in detail, three case of rain the regular meeting major fields 'within the scope oi will be held at the YMCA and the industrial relations. He stated that picnic held the following Tuesday, FO9R EVERY Jl) There * semetMnm mbout m June bride thmt makes »ur "among the manufacturing firms June 22. in Union County, wages have been PLENTY OF FREE kemrt •• pUter-pmtier ... mmket t» wmmt (• keep her steadily rising and have increased PARKING! happy mud rudlmnt far nemr§ mnd yemrt ta come. One mmy faster than the cost of living. Child Passenger Fringe benefits equal almost 20 • we fcnaie hate ta da jiict thmt it t« keep her marketing per cent of the wage cost and add Injured in Crash emty, convenient, plemtmmt, Iriendly ... mmd, matt af all, more than 35 cents to the present PAYROLL CHECKS economical. Sm, whether fpu're m Jmmm bride af 2924 average wage rate of about %2 per Cars driven by J. M. Errieo of hoar." 1320 Overhill road and by Erma CASHED FREE! •r M9S4, came steal aiir hemrt mmd keep t/mmr fmllei Melechar of Linden collided Tues- He emphasized that "unemploy- day at 5:22 p.m. at the intersec- ment in Union County has been tion of Prospect street and Cow- running below the accepted nor- perthwaite place. KRAFT'S SALAD DRESSING mal for this period and that the Jaana Melechar, 6, riding with companies still find it difficult to her mother, received a contusion SAVE employ persons with only limited of the right forehead and WSB skilled training. Union County treated by a local physician. Both IOC) stands second only to the Cleve- ears were badly damaged and Miracle Whip land area in the height of the towed away. Lieut. Clinton Hall -49 wage rate paid by general indus- and Patrolman Floyd Beane in- PRIDE OF THE FARM try and continues to be an excel- vestigated. SAVE 6c! TASTE THRILL...REAVY TO SERVE! Tomatoes 2 s 23 LIBBY'S REFRESHING

H SAVE 46-01. 4c! j Tomato Juice Cm 23 HERRING FILLETS DEL MONTE in diliciout SAVE SOUR CRIAM SAUCI 4c! Cm VITA RX» HK»UCT$, INC. Pineapple GREENWICH ST, NE

SAVE Re*. 72c 20c! NEW HUE! 15c COUPON PACK Cheer She Here's a toothpaste for people who can't brush after every meal! Just one brushing destroys most ' decoy- and odor-causing bacteria! PORK LOINS Shop KmttmuA Fur The , Finest In Fr«rJi FrNUi An* VetelnMet • • • CONTAINS CL-70... NCW CIEANER AND IACTIRIA FIGHTIR VINE RIPENED, SWEET EATING •ECONOMY GLEEM; SIZE 63t I CANTALOUPES OXYDOL JOY each 19 Jr.: 3Oc >••. 30c Greta, Trader, IVallve-CrawK HADDOCK ASPARAOUS_____;rh TIDE SPIC & SPAN Fresh, Lang Green CIICUMBER8_^__«.h5c fc 30c Sa> Very laley SUNKIST LEMONS ,, 29c DREFT P * G WHITE NAPTHA ft 30c Dugan's 3 BARS MTIOHAVS OWN aovmnooK Thurs., Fri., Sat. IVORY SNOW mnan C WELLESLEY ;ft 29 m WHITE HAVOK MUMS mn EGGS FUDGE BAR CAMAY SOAP ituamimi reg. 56c 3 & 22c WHITE ROSE ioc! mum) itiVm LAVA SOAP Midget Salami 2 - 21c Midget Bologna 51c Liverwursl Ib.

COLLEGE INN COCKTAIL DUZ WESSON OIL IVORY SOAP IVORY SOAP IVORY SOAP g ct. TOMATO JUICE NOCAL BEVERAGES e Pkg. 3 ?. 125c Pkg. 71 P, 37c q. 69c 26-oz. A A 3 S£ 17c 8las> /OC 2 ^r; 27c 2 -29c IF YOU LIKE TEA...YOU'LL LOVE SUNSHINE KRISPY Ib. Bro«,y price. •«««»• W 1/2 rniCE SALE! CRACKERS bg> 2nd lo.Tueii/oy, lwt Blh, WHITE ROSE... BRISK AND HEARTYI SUPERFINE tlleetlvi f/iru Saturday, /""• DIAL SOAP WOODBURY NABISCO reierve right to (tail uonfW LIMAGRANDS IVORY FLAKES PREMIUMS FACIAL SOAP SALTINE 18Ige8. WHITE ROSE TEA 2r'27c for CRACKERS 2 tr 29c 3 23c pkg. 29c LOOSE TEA TEA BAGS 127c l"(r*tlt'i' OPEN LATE EVERY NITE • Vt-lb. Pkg.

138 CENTRAL AVE. - WESTFIELD A TWIN COUNTY Mf«!8 THj^nxE. WESTFIELYVEOil'tEL-lDJ {N.J.)(N. J. ) LKAU^KLEADER, , TJttUKSUAYTHURSDAY, , JUNJUNKE a3. ,Itf5 1954 4 Tig* MJW \Soclal And_Club News Of The Week In The Westfield Area

in >» nr;F|(f Season Weddings Miss Anna Munch Miss Linda Johnson Win* Griffith Award Miss Elisabeth Louise Light and their daughter, Mary Beth of And George Callahan Plans June 19 Bridal wn, daughter of Mr. and Mi Rochester, N.Y., and Mr and Mis' Wed Saturday Morning To Robert Barnhart Jane Heitkamp of Mountainside ving E. Lightbown of 211 Souih J. E. Sackett of Springfield, Mass will be adjudged a winner in the uclid avenue, and the Rev. Tho Last evening Miss Sackett was young artist grade at the annul! alter Fleener. son of Mr. ard MOUNTAINSIDE—Miss Anna Miss Linda Jane Johnson, audition awaid exercises of til* rs. Frank E. Fleener of Dalla leted at a miscellaneous shower Marie Munch, daughter of Mr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eevcrdy given by Mrs. Frederick Neuman Griffith Music Foundation to be. ex., were honor guests at a di and Mrs. Louis Munch of 1417 Or-Johnson of 72(i East Broad street, held at the Mosque Theatre, New- oi 108 Lastleman drive chard road and George Calluhun, er party last night at the Ma and Robert Arthur Barnhart, son ark, Sunday when 2,136 students ~*~ son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cal- of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Franklin Bid Inn, Plainfield, following tie of piano, voice and violin from >hearsal for their wedding, which Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Allen and lahun of Newark, were married Barnhart of East Acton, Mass., the teachers of Elm Street School Saturday morning at 11 o'clock in will be married Saturday after- various sections of the state will. ill take place Saturday noon receive awaids. * t. Paul's Episcopal Church. Tr were guests of honor at a dinner St. James Church, Springfield. .The noon, June 19 at two-thirty o'clock ev. William J. Fleener of Dalla Party last Wednesday evening Rev. John Mahon officiated and a in the Presbyterian Church. The ho will be his brother's best mai given by the PTA Board at the reception followed at Chi-AnuCha- associate minister, the Rev. Rich- cted as host for his parents. home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Day teau. ard L. Smith, will perform the The bridegroom-elect and hi of 603 Boulevard. Escorted by her father, the ceremony and a reception will be lit Costs rother were ordained deacons o bride wore a sown of hand-clipped held at the home of the bride's Miss Joan Phyllis Eke, daughter parents. Episcopal Church yesterday i of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Eke of Chantilly lace and nylon tulle with Berkeley Divinity School, Ne satin-lined train and shoulder tip Miss Mary Borden of Cam- No More 740 Willow Glove road, and D. bridge, Mass., college roommate of [aven, Conn. Roland Santomenna Jr., son of Mr. V-neck. Her fingertip illusion veil T. Star* Ywr was held by a Chantilly lace shell the bride-elect, will be maid of Friday afternoon a miscellam and Mrs. Dominick R. Santomen- honor. Bridesmaids will be Miss wMia na of Mararoneck, N. Y., were hat. She carried a prayer book is shower was given for Mis with a white orchid. Patricia Herrington and Mias El- ightbown by Mrs. J. Cumming guests of honor at a dinner pre- len Diefenbach, both of Westfield. MASTER FURRIER ceding their wedding rehearsal Miss Helen Marie Ott of Union, !aslam and' Mrs, William R. Free a cousin of the bride, was maid of Leroy P. Barnhart Jr. will be ICIINTIfIC lan at the former's home, 32 Saturday evening. The dinner was best man for his brother. given at Oak Hills Manor, Me- honor. She wore a blue crysta- COLD FUR STORAGE imball avenue, Miss Johnson attended West- tuchen, by the bridegroom's par- lette silk gown with fitted mil •MINIMUM UID Mrs. Eobtrt M. Martin of Ful field schools and is a junior at ents. The wedding took place Sun- draped bodice over a voluminous • MAXIMUM CAM n, Mo., sister of the bride-elect Rndcliffe College. Mr. Barnhart day afternoon in the chapel of the skirt. Her bouquet was of long • ruur INIUHP visiting her parents. She wil will be graduated this month from • MINOt HPAIH NM Presbyterian Church. stem yellow roses. matron of honor in the wed Bridesmaids were Miss Mary Harvard University. ling. _^ Following the rehearsal a party Lou Scherer of Plainfield and was given by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon CUSTOM CLEANING Miss Audrey Kisonak of Union. Shrine Club j Mr. and Mrs. Byron Perkins o H. Batten, cousins of the bride, Their gowns were styled like the timball avenue and Mr. and Mrs at their home in Cranford. honor attendant's in yellow, and Meets Monday loward Hastings of Gillette wen Miss Susan Jean Lewis, daugh- they carried similar bouquets. iAMBURG FURS lost at a family dinner party a The next regular meeting of the ter of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Biadfortf Hohnuli Coronet studio John Klynn of Newark was best W»tfi.M'i Diitktilv. Fur M»p L-e Old Mill Inn in Eernardsvill MRS. RUDOLPH CHAULES STOBB MRS. GEORGE CALLAHAN man. Ushers were Albert E. Ott Watchung Valley Shrine Club will Lewis of Plainfleld, was honor be a dinner for husbands and lunday evening for Miss Juditli guest recently at a picnic gift of Mountainside, a cousin of the 106 E. 1ROAD ST. llexander, daughter of Mr. an Miss Sally Bloomfield Wed to Lehigh Graduate Invitations Issued bride, and James Flynn of New-wives Monday, at 7 p.m. at Col- W«. 344M party given by her two roommates lora's Inn, Scotch Plains. |rs. John H. Alexander of Dud at Cornell University, Miss Kenee At Presbyterian Ceremony in Flemington For Wedding Of ark. Louis Munch Jr. of Moun- OPEBf MOW. BVK. • avenue, who will be marrie Miller of Elizabeth and Miss Peggy tainside, the bride's brother, and Guest of honor will be Miss laturday in the First Congrega O'Donnell of Colton, N. Y. Miss Miss Sally Hope Bloomfield of Walnut Run, Lebanon, formerly Miss Janet Nein Charles Callahan of Newark, the Grace Howell, who will demon- nnal Church to David St. George Miller and Miss O'Donnell will be of Westfield, daughter of Mrs, Robert H. Hinchman of Lebanon and bridegroom's brother, were junior strate the making of glass gift SEE IT NOWI fen of Mr. and Mrs. Lee St. ushers. articles. Miss Howell will tell of SMUNO COUKTfON OP attendants for Miss Lewis June 12, Howard V. Bloomfield of Trappe, Md., and Rudolph Charles Stobb, Invitations have been issued by leorge of Essex Fells, when Bhe will become the bride oi son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton R. Stobb of Hampton, were married Tues- After a wodding trip to Niagara the history of various kinds and J Other pre-nuptial parties dur Mr. and Mrs, H. Robert Nein of Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Callahan will colors of glass, Henry Vlswat will SMALL FURS Second Lieut. Harry T. Button Jr., day afternoon at four o'clock in the Presbyterian Church, Flemington. Tremont avenue for the marriage mg the -past week were a dinne son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Hut- The Rev. Linn Creighton officiated make their home at 271* Bridle preside. • even by Mr. St. George's aunts o: Miss Patrica Strong of Milton, of their daughter, Janet Louise, path. The bride chose for travel- ton of 643 Scotch Plains avenue. and there was a reception at the to Walter Rca Knight, son of Mr. lew York, a showei- given by Mis: -•- . home of the bride's parents. Mass., was maid of honor. Her ing a powder blue fitted suit and gown was of pale blue nylon chif- aod Mrs. Richard B. Knight of white accessories. an Swenson of Montclair, one o: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Saxtan The bride was given in mar- Cortland, Ohio. The* ceremony wil fon over taffeta. She carried an The bride is a graduate of Mt. |iss Alexander's clasa mates a of 515 Carleton road recently re- riage by her stepfather, Robert take place Saturday afternoon old-fashioned corsage of forget-me- St. Mary's Academy, North Plain- nith College and a dinner parts turned home after spending two Hinchman. She wore a gown of June 19 at four o'clock in the Pres- nots and tiny rosebuds. field and Katharine Gibbs Secre- liven by Mrs. Stephen Limanek oi weeks in . ivory antique taffeta fashioned byterian Church with the usaociat Bridesmaids included Mias Mary tarial School, Montclair. She is larrytown, N. Y., and Miss Jan "•* with Chantilly lace bodice and minister, tho liev. Richard L. Carol Towe of Scarsdale, N, Y.; employed by Remington Rand us Iraig of Canterbury lane. Tuesday evening, Mrs. M. Scott Smith, officiating. There will bi chapel train. Her Belgium lace Miss Nina Kalfaian of Port Wash- a secretory. Her husbund, who [ The rehearsal dinner will be at Eakeley of 648 Arlington avenue, veil was held by a crown. She a reception in the church lounge. lie home of Mr. and Mrs. St president of Grant School PTA for ington, N. Y., and Miss Meici Wil- was graduated from West Side carried a cascade bouquet of stean- liamson of Mountainvillc. Their Mrs. Victor W. Green of Colo- High School, Newark, is a sales- |corge tomorrow evening. next year, was hostess to her newthium with baby white orchids and • gowns, styled like the honor at- rado Springs, Colo, will bo her miin in Tappin'a Jewelry Store, PTA Board members and Edmund lilies of the valley. sister's matron of honor and Miss A family reunion picnic was held Allen, new principal of Grant tendants, were of pale pink nylon Irvlngton. chiffon over taffeta and they cur- Dorothy Claire Nein, another sis Jemoiial Day at the home of Mr. School for next year. Miss Lois Pierce, ter, will be maid of honor. fnd Mrs. Ernest M. Weaver, 2243 ••- ried similar corsages. Son to Steckers :edwood road, Scotch Plains, for- Mr. and Mrs. Karl Litzelman of Lieut. Douglas Purdy Syd Finklestein of New York Ncal Eaton of Corlland, Ohio, was best man. Ushers were Thom- will be best man. Allan Appelhof Mr. and Mrs. Raymond James lerly of Westfield. The occasion 234 Scotch Plains avenue will give 1 larked the first return east in 10 a luncheon tomorrow for the bridal United in Marriage as Snmlt, Samuel Spike! and Stan- of Berea, Ohio, James McIIenry Sleeker of West Boxford, Mass., JEWELERS'OPTICIANS >ars of the Weavers' son and party of their daughter, Miss Ann ley Smith, all of Fort Dix. of Indiana, 1'a., und Hurold Carle arinounce the birth of their third child, Raymond Jumes Stetker Jr., fiNCI Iff* uughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Litzelman and her fiance, Richard FANWOOD — Miss Lois Ann Miss Betsy Babbitt of Fleming- of Conneaut, Ohio will be ushers. Mny 22 at Sulem Hospital, Salem, tobert L. Weaver and their daugh- Saacke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.ton was organist and Miss Lorean Miss Nein attended Pembroke Masa. He is their first son. Mrs, M4 MOW flMIT, A. :r8, Jeanette and Suzanne of George Saacke of Newark. Paul H. Pierce of 473 Terrill road, Hodapp of the faculty of West- College and is a graduate of thi Stecker is the former Mnthilde tobbs, N. M. They are on a mo- Out of town guests who will was married Saturday afternoon minster College in Princeton, was Nursing School of Cornell Univer Ros of Westtleld. . ir trip and will be here for a also attend the luncheon include: at four o'clock in the First Con- soloist. slty, New York Hospital. He reek.' ,. ••:•••', • Mrs. George Litzelman of Fayre, gregational Church, Westfield, to The bride, *n alumna of Sullin* fiance* is a graduate of Baldwin Their other son, Donald E. Pa., and Mrs. Lucy Blair of Wa-Lieut, Douglas Russell Purely, son Academy, will be graduated this Wallace College, Bereu, Ohio. /saver came here by plane from verley, N. Y. of Mr. and Mrs. Irving B. Purdy month from Centenary Junior Col- iklahoma to attend the reunion. Miss Litzelman and Mr. Saacke of rieasantville, N. Y. The cere- lege, where she is a member of [« is a student at the University wjll be married tomorrow evening mony, performed by the pastor, Sigma Epsilon Phi sorority. The Joan Gray Receives at eight o'clock at Wood Lawn, bridegroom was graduated from Oklahoma and is home for the the Rev. Dr. J. L. McCorison Jr., Teaching Appointment New Brunswick. was followed by a reception at the Clinton High School and as an en- immer. from Lehigh University, Mrs. Martha Eibelheuser of 237 Mansard Inn, Plainfield. gineer Another son, John M. Weaver serving with the Armed Joan Gray of 117 North Chest- Edgewood avenue is at home from Given in marriage by her fa- Ho is If Plainfield and their daughter, tiue street will receive a bachelor Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, re- ther, the bride wore a lace waltz- Forces at Fort Dix. Irs. Alvin W. Saile of Newark, of science degree at commence- cuperating after major surgery. length gown with lace rcdingote Jel., were among the guests. It ment exercises ut Skidmore Col- -•- over sutin. Announce Son's ttirlh ras the first reunion of the Weav- lege Sunday. She wan in the M Mr. and Mrs. George H. Riley Mrs. Joseph Mandel of SufTern, rs' four children since 1941. Five Court at the recent May Day Jr., 14 Tudor oval, are on a mo- N. Y., sister of the bride, was ma- MOUNTAINSIDE — Mr. and randchildren were also present. Weekend, has been on the dean's tor trip to Ohio to attend the tron of honor. She wore a boi- Mrs. Henry W. Pfricnder of 222 list and has been appointed to the Miss Joyce Powell, daughter of graduation of their son, Jock, lcrinn-lcngth blue tissue shantung Pembrook roatl announce the birth faculty at Skidmore. In the fall Ir. and Mrs. C. M. Powell of 61B from the School of Business at gown and curried a spreading ', of a son, Robert Clark, Sunday at she will start instructing pedi- Irabree crescent, has been the Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. quet of spring flowers. St. Barnabas Hospital, Newark. atrics at New York University onor guest at several pre-nuptial Jack will not only receive a bache- Miss Joan .Martin and Mrs. Paul They are also the parents of Dean, Hospital. howcra given recently. She will lor of science degree in business Berryman of Plainfield, another threr-and-a-half years old. eeome the bride of Lieut, (j.g.) but will also be commissioned a sister of the bride, were brides- tobert E. Gernert, son of Mr. andsecond lieutenant in the AFBOTC maids. Their gowns and flowers frs. E. B. Gernert of Abington, at the graduation exercises Mon- were similar to the matron of •a., June 19 in the First Metho- day. The family will also visit honor's. ist Church. for a few days with their son-in- Richard B. Purdy of Briarcliff A miscellaneous shower was law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.Manor, N. Y., was best man for HERBERTS iven by Miss Cavolyn Carver of T. J. Van Camp of Lebanon. his brother. Ushers included D. tountainside and Miss Sylvia Hennan Morris III of New York land of Geneva, N. Y., and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Pctersen of and Gordon Clift of Briarcliff Villiam T. Campbell II of Newark 439 Edgar road are parents of a Manor. ras hostess at a linen shower. daughter born last Thursday at After a short stay in New York, Saturday the bride-elect's uncle Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield. the couple will travel to North nd aunt, Mr. and Mrs: John H. The Misses Connie Bianco, Lou Carolina, where they will live at 'owell, and her grandparents gave Anne Becker and Jeanne Smith Camp Lejeune. The bride select- miscellaneous shower at their ed for traveling a grey suit with am SHOPPE were hostesses last Thursday eve- lomo in Brookfield, Mass. ning at a surprise miscellaneous navy and pink accessories. Mrs. Purdy- is a graduate of featuring over Tho wedding party of Miss TheV- shower for Miss Eleanor Ponturo. The shower was held at the home Wcstlield High School. She at- na Alyce Sackett and Robert tended Berkeley Secretarial School Ihristian Norddcn, son of Mr. andof Miss Bianco, 565 Cumberland street. Miss Ponturo, daughter of and was graduated from the Sar- lira. William J. Norden of Rocn- gent College of Physical Educa- ster, N. Y., will be entertained •Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ponturo of 686 Summit avenue, is the fiancee tion, University. it a buffet supper tomorrow eve- The bridegroom attended the line by the prospective brides of Alfred Frim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Frim of Cranford. Taft School, Watertown, Conn., larents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick and the Rossale School in Eng- Sooth Sackett of St. Marks ave- — Budget Priced — Mr. and Mrs. James Burns of and. Ho was graduated from 1UC 1019 Irvine avenue are parents of | Harvard University in 1952 where Miss, Sackett and Mr. Norden a daughter born Friday at Muh- he was a member oi Hasty Pud- «11 be married Saturday aftcr- lenberg Hospital, Plainfield. dm,, Inrtitule of 1770 He at- $5.98 $6.98 $7.98 loon in the First Methodist Church tended for one year the Harvard jy the Rev. Dan S. Bowers. (Please turn to page 12) firaduate School of Business Ad- 2 for 11.00 2 for 13.00 2 for 15.00 Out of town guests who will st- ministration. and, the wedding and spend the Sizes 7 to 44 vcekend at the Sackett home will ie Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hewitt

"Froit-of-the-Loom" House Dresses, 2 for $6.00 the solicit ihoci that tier teMei

These are the shoes you never take off, not even to swap for house slippers. The heavenly Haymakers that waltz you around the clock, with everything this fide of really dress- REAL SAVINGS ON clothes. For the factually inclined, they're handscivn and hand lasted—made by a cobbler without a nail in fys mouth. And BO flexible, you can fold them in your palm. Of softest Play-Clothes, Bathing Suits, Coats and Toppers For Wedding or Shower - kip-calf in ninety sizes and wonderful colors. 814.95. , Suits, Blouses, Lingerie, Handbags For the Graduate or for The Haymaker Pump: Rod, Navy, Smoke, Bamboo, Brown, Dad on His Day ... we have a Hosiery, Skirls, Maternity Dresses and Sporlswoar Green. Best Said with grand variety for your selection. Tho Wodgo-Tio (not shown)! Benedictine, White, Red, Black.

FLOWERS Parkini; /or 105 Oprn MOD. A Frf. from Jeannette's Gift Shop farm fit our Iint-k "Gifts for Remembrance" Evenings til 1) WIHAVI entrance SCOTT'S Between the Theatre ond the library Elm and Quimby Sts. Free Parking on Elmer St. - you may "Handi-Charge" any purchase OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS TIL1 9 167 Elm St., T«I.W«. 2-2400 Open Monday and Friday evening BRANCH STORE: 136 Elmora Ave., Elizabeth THE WESTFTELP-(M. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, -TWNB 3, 16B4 Cadet to Graduate er training fund. which time Mrs. William Bucknell Will Receives Degree At Engaged Neiccomers Club, A fRanced This was announced by Mrs.reported on the N. J, Award Degrees ty'ellesley College 10 Years Old, From West Point Richard Sage in her treasury re- convention in Atlantic port at the recent club meeting, at |sne attended as a delegate. To Three Residents Emily Richard of 825 Boule- Marks Anniversary Cadet Sgt. Kobert J. Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ellis vard is among the 354 candidates The Newcomers Club of West- Bucknell University will confer . for the bachelor of aits degree at of 812 Lawrence avenue, is among degrees upon approximately 375 field, a VWCA sponsored organ the first classmen -(seniors) at the ! Welk'sley College's 7«th annual ization, celebrated its 10th birth' seniors at her 104th annual com- | commencement Monday, June 14. United Slates Military Academy, mencement Monday morning-, June day at a luncheon meeting at the West Point, N. Y., who will be FOR HER...FOE j John H. Finley Jr., Eliot Pro- Y yesterday. j fessor of Greek Literature at Har- graduated Tuesday. Among the candidates for de- After a brief business meeting, Upon graduation he will, receive i vard University, will deliver thr' the afternoon was devoted to the Brees are three students from i commencement address. The de- a bachelor of science degree and Westfield. They are Doris M. annual show %'hich the Newcom- will be commissioned a second lieu- Creer of 9 Doris parkway, Fran- grees will be conferred by Presi ers put on each June for all pres- dent Margaret Clapp. tenant in the infantry. ces L. Harvey of 324 East Broad ent and past members of the club. While at West Point, Cadet El- street and Nancy P. Read of 519 Emily, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reiter, accom- lis has been active in the camera, Lenox svenue. Mrs. William J. Richard, prepared panied on the piano by Mrs. Ash- golf, pistol and Russian ciubsi He Doris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. for college at the Northfield School ton C. Cuckler, played two flute also participated in baseball and George E. Greer, will receive her in East Northfleld, Mass. As solos! Bach Sonata, second move- on the track team. bachelor of arts degree in mathe- freshman she was president of ment and Le Petite Negre by De- Before entering the academy. matics and economics. She is a her dormitory and of the freshmen bussey. A chorus then sang three Cadet Ellis was graduated from member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, house presidents' council. She was spirituals: "Sometimes I Feel Westfield High School and attend- national social sorority, the mixed given the honor of being selected Like a Motherless Child," "Heav'n ed the University of Pennsylvania chorus, the bowling club and theas a "village junior," a small Heav'n" and "Little David Play where he was affiliated with Phi Christian Association. group of students chosen to serve on Your Harp." Those in the Kappa Psi fraternity. He was ap- Frances is a candidate for theas advisers to freshmen, and se- chorus were Mesdames Henry An MISS TKAYLUK pointed to West Point by Hon. degree of bachelor of arts. Daugh- nior year she has been chairman —Levy Brothers derson, John Butler, Ralph Gilbert, Clifford P. Case, sixth district of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Har- of the elections committee of the MISS BARBARA DAY John Hornbeck, Thomas Knee- Birnie'Traylor New Jersey. vey, she specialized in history and College Government Association. shaw, Edward McCarthy, Warren English. She has served on sen- She was named a Wellesley Col- Barbara Day Will Meyer, Harold Shievmun, James Troth Made Known ate, the legislative branch of thelege scholar her senior year for Stoll and George Van Derven. Dance Pupils To Wbmen's Student Government As- high academic achievement and Wed Frederick Jacobs They were accompanied on the pi- Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Traylor sociation, as vice president of Phi was also elected to associate mem- anon by Mrs. I.eland K. Beach. nf Ames, Iowa, announce the en-Present Recital bership in Sigma Xi, national hon- Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Day of gagement of their daughter, Pa- Mu, national social sorority, pres- Following the musical portion Students < of the Erma Brown ident of Phi Alpha Theta, national orary scientific society. Emily 860 Tice place announce the en of the program, the audience en trica Ann, to Dunbar Paul Bir- honorary history fraternity, and has been a member of the college gagement of their daughter, Bar joyed an hilarious comedy en- nie, son of Mrs. Dunbar Paul School of Dancing will present as vice president of the Christian choir during her four years in bara Sennett to Frederick Wil- titled "Culcha" which was acted, Birnie of Cranford and the late their annual dance recital at the Association. She is also a mem- college and is a member of Tau iam Jacobs, son of Mr. and Mrs. directed and produced by 19 ofMr. .Birnie, formerly residents of Scotch Plains High School today ber of Sigma Tau Delta, national Zeta Epsilon, an organization John H. Jacobs of Bafonne. the Newcomers. 214 Park street. and tomorrow. whose purpose is the study of art Accompanist will be Mrs. Hu- honorary English fraternity, Kap- And music. A graduate of Westfield High The hostess of the day was Mrs, Miss Traylor was graduated pa Delta Epsilon, national honor- School, Miss Day is a student LaMoine Johns. Co-hostess of the from Iowa State College, Ames, bert Johnson of Plainfield. ary education fraternity and is nurse at the Elizabeth General day was Mrs. E. Rabun Swint. Iowa, with a major in home eco- The program will be in five listed in the 1954 edition of "Who's Hospital and Dispensary, Hostesses assisting them were nomics. Mr. Birnie is a graduate parts: Part one, "Dance Land"; Who in American Colleges and Stephens Has Three Mesdames James Adair, David Al- two, "The Nutcracker Ballet"; Mr. Jacobs, an Air Force vet- of Rutgers University and a mem- three, "South of the Border"; four, OMEGA Universities." eran, was graduated from Craw- bright, Bernard Berk, John But-ber of Tau Beta Pi, engineering Westfield Graduates ler, Richard Cosgrove, Henry El- "Country Style," and five, "And Nancy, daughter of Dr. Chester ford High School and Jersey City honorary fraternity. Away We Go." When giving-or choosing-Omega, you are Technical Institute. well, Douglas Fields, Marvin Ger- L. Read and Dr. Jessie Read, will shenfeld, Edmund GWttens, Bill Both are employed with the choosing the most widely sold and most desired receive her bachelor of science de- Three Westfleld girls who were No date has been set for the General Electric Co. in Louisville, Ballet, toe, tap, acrobatic arid candidates for associate in arts Glerman, Fenner Headley, Nor- ballroom dancing will be featured. watch in all the world. Selected for the fourth gree in elementary education. She wedding. man Hipsley, Clarence Howard, Ky. is a member of Alpha Chi Omega, degrees at Stephens College, Co- A fall wedding is planned. Among the advanced students consecutive time as the official timekeeper of Ihe national socaj sorority, the Chris- lumbia, Mo., were: Florence E. W. K. Kraft, John.Lcavy, John will appear: Mary Alice Boyea, tian Association, and a member of Freeman, daughter of Mr. andFoothill Playhouse Loudenberger, Fred Monley, W Peggy Ann Barone, Brenda Chec- Olympic games .. . winner of the most coveted liam Moore, Edward McCarthy, chio. Elaine Dolan, Barbara and the staff of the I/Agenda, the col- Mrs. James R. Freeman, 438 Malcolm McHose, George Neubel, Receives Diploma international awards for accuracy... Omega is a lege yearbook, and the Student North Chestnut street; Barbara Opens Season Herb Eckert, Sandra Frye, Lynne Handbook. t George Nicholson, William Pear- From Teachers College Faulks, Carole Nutter, Laurel lifetime treasure of beauty and precision service. Gladys Philp, daughter of Mr. The Foothill Playhouse, Bound son, Leslie Rowe, Alva Sapp, John and Mrs. Lester P. Philp, 436 Snodgrass, James Stracken, E. C. MacFherson, Gail and Judy Sno- Brook, ushers in the 1964 season Dorothea Hooper of 810 Vilden- , Joanna, Joy and Joe Sackel, FOR HER: Brilliant m»l of a watch, dilicitily dislimd, Poplar Twig Hillside avenue, and Lee Mullt, of summer plays with "Affairs of Suggs, William Tily, Freeman lage green will be among the 201 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whiting, Zigmond Wilchinsky, Jean Zorn, Rosanne Sanchini and 14K IOIOVIIM cau, 18K (Old applied fimr.s. 171.59 State," a drawing room comedy candidates for the bachelor of arts Bonnie Taylor. Meet* Monday H. Mulit, 827 Cedar terrace. presented in a topical political Frank Williams, John Zuehlich degree at the 34th annual com- FOR HIM: An 0mm Mtfmitlc, thinnest stlf winding vein. The play from the pen ofand Elmer Yedlick. mencement at Montclair State •ritch mad*. J«K gold-fill«d CM, 18K fold ipplitd flj. Poplar Twig will hold the last Commencement exercises for the Louis Verneuil is his first written Child care was provided at theTeachers College next Thursday. Junior Women " wit. Shock-mutant, intMaimtlc. (11.50 meeting of the season, a dessert 121st graduating class were held in English. It opened last night Dr. Edgar Fuller, executive sec- bridge, Monday at 1 p.m. at theMonday morning with degrees Y for children from two to five Assist Charities Prfcn Include FadetatTM and will continue for two weeks. years old. retary of the National Council of home of Mrs. Parley Ketcham, 536 conferred on more than 700 can- Chief State School Officers, Wash- Coleman place. Mrs. J. R. Parr didates by President Thomas A. Directed by Marshall Wieden- This was the last regular lunch- ington, D. C, will be the com- FANWOOD — The Fanwood •will be co-hostess. Spragens. saul, "Affairs of State" concerns eon meeting of Newcomers until mencement speaker. Junior Woman's Club announced an elderly statesman who confall- . Summer activities of the recently the following amounts al- trives to hold the affections of hisclub will be the annual neighbor- A 1950 graduate of Scotch located to charities from proceeds young wife, despite her conviction hood teas to be held in July in Plains High School, Dorothea re- raised at their annual dance: that he is in love with and loved members homes and the country cently completed her practice by her husband's political protege. Twenty-five dollars to Camp En- f| W Selected Pattern* club luncheon and bridge which teaching at Mt. Hebron Junior deavor, Scotch Plains; $50 to the The cast includes: Noda Tomp- will be in August. High School in Montclair. Dur- ing her four-year college career, Fanwooa Rescue Squad, for a col- kins, Dorothea Archer, Genevieve lapsible chair; ?25 to the Fanwood Dwyer, George Baehr, George she was active in Players, campus New Officers Installed dramatic society and was also a Recreation Association to purchase Armknecht and Matshal! Wieden- tables and benches for the recrea- saul. Christine Lechner ia state member of the International Rela- At Club Banquet tions Club and Clio. tion playground; $25 to the Wal- manager assisted by Bernice John' ter Methany School for Cerebral son who is also prompter. Sandi FANWOOD—Mrs. Mead How- She is the daughter of Mr. and Palsy Children'in Far Hills; $26 CORNfR E. BROAD. A CENTRAL Shandler will be , in- charge of er was installed as president of Mrs. Frank L. Hooper. - .vi.iiur,• | to the Nanc'y" School for Safe CHINA props. ihe Fahwood Junior Woman's Club ?^~=*M : r e intally Retarded Children, .and ftt their annual banquet last Wed- FOR BEST RESULTS the balance of $20.75 to the Braille Open'Monday •vaningt WHS CUat of >29 nesday night in Collora's Resta- LEADER WANT ADS PAVI committee project for their teach- rant, Scotch Plains. II nil' Reunion Saturday Other officers inducted .were: 0FF First vice president, Mrs, Eric The Westfield High senior class Luster; second vice president, Mrs. of 1929 is holding its 25th reunion Laurence Andrews; recording sec 33^3 to 50% dinner Saturday. The reunion will retary, Mrs. Charles Miller; cor- be at the Park Hotel, Plainfield, responding secretary, Mrs. Wil- LIFE Comes to Sehaefer's with a get-together at 8:30 p.m. liam E. Berning; and treasurer, followed by dinner at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. H. S. Neubert. Mrs. Wilbur So far, about 80 have indicated Colville was the installing officer. that they will be present. All Mrs, Hower has announced her class members are welcome—also standing committee chairmen as jane smith husbands and wives. Reserva- follows: Membership, Mrs. Luster; tions may be obtained from Harry program, Mrs. Andrews; publicity, 133-139 Ctntral Ave. , W«. 2-2558 Giuditta, at the National Bank of Mrs. Richard Hawden; hospitality, Westfield. Mrs. Richard Sage; telephone, Mrs. Burton Bradley; scrap book, Mrs. Roger Turk; sunshine, Mrs. James Hill; year book, Mrs. Chas. Kellers; American home, Mrs. Charles Thatcher; welfare, Mrs. George Greim; drama and music, Mrs. John Lanning; art, Mrs. Keti- drick Taylor; international rela- tions, Mrs. Roman Evdo; litera- ture and education, Mrs. Edward Holden; Braille, Mrs. Robert Mc- Cullam and club photographer, Mrs. Charles DeBell. Guests at the dinner were Mrs. Walter Van Hoesen, president of the senior club; Mrs. James Salis- bury end Mrs. I. S. Adams, past advisers, and Mrs. Colville. Rake and Hoe Club To Meet Wednesday 1$ you're The June meeting of the Rake and Hoe Garden Club, a YWCA s|lm and sponsored organization, will be a birthday celebration. It will con- hlgh-walsted.. sist of a luncheon party to be held at Washington House in Wat- chung Wednesday at 1 p.m. mlsm'and you're a Jr. The new officers and the new board will be introduced at this time. The program will be pro- petltes' sizes' vided by the members of the cur- Ken in LIFE rent board. The reservations for the lunch- eon are being taken by Mrs. Har- BATES W&CIPUMED COHOH old Peterson and should be made by tomorrow. > VvRINKU-SHEDDfHfr . WOttDFK ruUY WAWABIC. Bird Club To acony suit of Palm Beach »25 Sacony suit of Palm Beach '26 Hear Dr. Moldenke MlfllCOlORPRIHTON RYEUO Hoy Puckey, president of the The bulton-up-or-not suit with lines lhat lie close to the body, This flute-slim junior suit is for any age. "Jr." is a figure-il* . *• 147 Westfield Bird Club, announces dimensional pockets jutling out below (and uhitllmg) the waiat- not a birthday-count. Sacony designs special lines to flalW U" .. the annual meeting will bo held line. The shoulder is soft, neat, and the look is narrow. It's your figure type, and they're tailored of famous, cool, year 'round ; + RllFFtlNG. Monday at 8 p.m. at the home of year 'round suit, by famous Sncony, of Palm Beach cloth lhat Palm Beach cloth that always looks fresh and crisp even uii<« -, CNA FIElD-fLOWFR Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Davis, 18 Fair T. MI/TEP PINK, Hill road, when election of officers never wilts, resists wrinkles, wears almost forever. Have' it in a the hardest wear. And notice the pretty £ashion details! '/<* for the coming year will take wonderful color. "It's a wonderful buyV'y wonderfulMyHLSizes 7-15. place. Dr. Harold N. Moldenke, direc- tor of Triiilside Museum, will be the guest speaker and his subject is "Fascinating Facets of Nature Study." Schaefers Assisting the hosts will be Mes- % fane smith dames L. B. Woolfemlen, H. B. No Poor Goods ^At Any Price* , 133-139 Central Ave. We, 2-255B Poland nnil Miss Florence Durow. WE 2*0800 WESTFIELD LEADER WANT ADS PAY THE WESTFIELD , Kev. William Daly. A reception selle, and is employed by the Pru- was held in the Hotel Suburban, i afternoon, June 19, at four o'clock dential Insurance Co. in Nt'wark. I BY ACTUAL SURVEY associate minister, the Rev. Georgi 1 in the First Methodist Church. The V. Gardner. A receptibn follow Summit. Lieutenant Newman is an alum- The bride wore a gown of im- ! Rev. Dr. Gordon E. Michalson will nus of Westneld High School and ed at Oak Hills Manor, Metuche. officiate. The bride, given in marriag. ported Chantilly lace with'man- Rutgers University, New Bruns- darin neckline and long train. Her | Miss Powell has chosen for her wick, where he received a degree America's and Westfields by her father, wore a gown o: 1 1 headpiece was a three-tiered fin- attendants Miss Sylvia Hand of in civil engineering. lit is sta- Chantilly lace and tulle over satin gertip veil and she carried white I Geneva, N. Y., as maid maid of tioned at Hanscom Field, Bedford, No. I New Sterling The basque bodice had a V-neck honor; and Miss Carolyn Carver Mass. line front and back and long point roses and stephanotis. Pattern ... Maid of honor was Miss Theresa of Mountainside and Miss Jeanne A September wedding is being ed sleeves. The bouffant skirt had Healy of West Orange and brides- Gernert, sister of the bridegroom- planned. a lace tunic effect and ended in a maids were Miss Mary Baier of elect, as bridesmaids. chapel-length train. Her elbow Short Hills, Miss Patricia Roach Martha Sebring will be flower Wins Honors At illusion veil was held by a cap o: of South Orange and Mrs. Barbara gill and Jonathan Powell ring- weetheart Rose matching lace. She carried Rivell of Scotch Plains. Carol V. \V. Honton Dearer. Both are cousins of the Amhersl College white prayer book covered with a Schultz of East Orange was flow- MRS. HOWARD T. BONNETT bride-elect. s i r * 11 N o ^ cascade of small white orchids. tTES, a recent survey shows this design er girl. Richard E. Gernert, brother of FANWOOD — David Markham Mrs. Ronald C. Barlow of Ma Best man was Norbert Berber- To Be S/Ktiker At maroneck was matron of honor the bridegroom-elect, will be best Lemal, Amhcrst College junior and X "most desired of all the new Sterling ich of Maplewood and ushers were Delta Zeta Symposium man. Ushers will be Lieut, (j.g.) 20 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Janet Featherly of Bay Vincent Hanlon of Orange, Benja- patterns." And no wonder. For it blendi onne, a cousin of the bridegroom, Wm. Henley, Ensign C. D. Ilamm, Richard F. Lemal of 244 North min Stanziale and Donald Vieux Mrs. Howard T. Bonnett of Lin Lieut, (j.g.) J. Smith Lanier 11, Martine avenue, recently chosen a light and graceful casualncss with was bridesmaid. Both wore .grey- of Newark. Junior usher was Pe- and Lieut, (j.g.) liogor J, Lang. blue organia. over taffeta gowns, coin road has been invited by thi for Phi Beta Kappa, had more uncompromising good taste ... and ft ter Olsen of Scotch Plains. Bucknell University chapter o They are all fellow officers of honors come his way this week. strapless style, with fitted bolero W suggestion of gaiety with quiet dignity. MRS. D. R. SANTOMINNA JK! After returning from Florida Delta Zeta national sorority to the bridegroom-elect on the de- The college announced that Le- jackets. They wore pale pink the cople will reside at 124 Morris speak on "Dual Role: Homemak horsehair picture hats and car- turnpike, Summit. The bride at- stroyer USS "Ault". mal haB been awarded the school's Awarded Scholarship ing and Professional Career" a Doughty prize of $45 to the stu- a Ft*. r«» ried cascade arrangements of pink tended St. Elizabeth College, Con- the annual Delta Zeta Symposium Lieutenant Gernert will return carnations and sweetheart roses. For Delaware University vent, and is employed by the New early this month from a eeven- dent doing the "most meritoiWus * ludmlfd banquet to be held Saturday in mouth world cruise. He was grad- work," a newly bestowed $500 Anne Elisabeth Batten, godchild Jersey Bell Telephone Co. Her Lewisburg, Pa. Mrs. Uonnett was scholarship by the Westinghouse of the bride, was flower girl. She husband is a graduate of Seton named to the 1050 Delta Zeta uated from Abington High School was dressed in white and wore a Patricia L. Bryan of 931 Boule Hall University, South Orange, and Swarthmore College, Swarth- Electric Co. for atudy in his chos- 'ard has been awarded an a!um< Woman of the Year court of hon en field, membership in Sigma Xi, pink straw bonnet. She carried and is attending Columbia Law because of her activities as more, Pa. lae scholarship at the University School, New York. national honorary society for sci- a small basket of white daisies and if Delaware for the academic homemaker, church leader and Miss Powell ' recently been entific research and membership pink sweetheart roses. ear 1964-65. ucator. associated with Halme & Co. in in Scarab, honorary society for Robert Santomenna was his The award is valued at $400 Congregational Church A graduate of Baker University Newark as a consultant decoraW. outstanding members of his class brother's best man. Ronald G. nd is known as the Everett C. Baldwin, Kan., where she majored She was graduated from Westfleld Lemal, it was noted, is the first Barlow and William Hodston, ohnson Scholarship. Names Guest Preacher in music and languages, Mrs. Bon High School and Swarthmore Col- Amherst junior ever to be elected both of Mamaroneck, ushered. Patricia, a member of the West nett was elected to Alpha Delta lege. She also studied at Parson's to Sigma Xi. The couple left for Baltimore, The Rev. Walter Horace Upton, Sigma, the honorary scholastA School of Design and New Yolk What batter and more-laitlng graduation or wadding gift ield High School graduating class, School of Interior Design. where Mr. Santomenna is station- is the daughter of Mrs. Marjorie formerly minister of the Plymouth fraternity. She was a member of than a piece or place setting of sterling in the pattern of ed with the U. S. Army. The K. Bryan. Congregational Church, Wichita, the YWCA board on campus and HER choicelll In all likelihood, we have a record «f HER bride wore for traveling a slate Kan., and for the past year area president of both the glee club and Cres$well Graduates pattern choice. Place letting or serving pieces start at law blue suit with white accessories. director for the Congregational classical language club. GIFTS as $375. Mrs. Santomenna was graduat- 'unior Women Hear Church Building and Loan Fund An active member of the West- From Springfield ed form Westfield High School and Museum Director for the Midwest Area, Chicago, field Musical Club, Mrs. Bonneti Charge and Budget Accounts Welcomed St. Lawrence University, class of 111., will preach Sunday at the lo- has served as chairman of the Charles Herbert Cresswell II of GALORE 1963. Her husband, a graduate cal Congregational Church. Dr. scholarship committee, prograir CB9 Forest avenue, a member of / / of Bellows High School, Mamaro- SCOTCH PLAINS—The Scotch Joseph L. McCorison, minister, chairman and hospitality chair the graduating class of Springfield neck, N. Y., attended Princeton 'lains Junior Woman's Club held will preside at the services. man. This past season she was College, will receive his degree in FOR University, where he is a member heir final meeting of the year lasi the director of the club's operetta tho (>8th commencement of the col- of the Charter Club. He was grad- Wednesday evening at the YM For seven years she WHS chair- lege Sunday, June 13. THE BRIDE uated from St. Lawrence Univer- A. Dr. Harold N. Moldenke, di- Dance Recital man of the Westfield Community The son of Mr. Hnd Mrs. Her- sity, where he was a member of •ector of the Trailside Museum Set in Plains Concerts Association. bert Creaswell, he will receive a Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. ihowed a film on the national A member of the Wcstflelc bachelor of (science degree in rec- larks. • WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS—A dance re- Methodist Church, Mrs. Bonnett reation and youth leadership dur- Mrs. Oram announced that thi cital, directed by Mrs. Kathryn organized and was the first presi- ing exercises climaxing a weekend annMii: CPEATIQNSi • CRANFORD Received Diplomas At ice presidency will be filled next of commencement activities. Kane and accompanied by Mrs. dent of the church's Saturday • PLAINFtElD Southern Seminary ear by Mrs. Leonard Connors aft- Rose Marie Lachmann, pianist, night couples club. She also taught While at Springfield, Charles TZ7 a vote by the executive board, will be held in the St. Bartholo- the senior high Sunday school class has been a member' of the junior 121 E. BROAD ST. The hostesses for the evening mew the Apostle parish Thursday for two years. varsity wrestling team, Outing Barbara Jean Conlin, daughter •ere Mrs. Leonard Connors, chair- Club and school newspaper as WESTFIELD 2-1844 of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bruce Con- evening, June 10. About 100 pu- Mrs. Bonnett has received two an, Mesdames Earl Clark, Ar- pils will perform. Griffith Music Foundation Tcach- circulation munugcr. lin of 141 South Euclid avenue, lett Uieck, Gotfred Johansen and and Joan Amelia ITetemeyer. award.s for outstanding stu- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis rank Lestarchick. Make successive plantings of dents. She is Delta Zeta alumnae H. Fletemeyer of 246 Grove street, gladiolus until July 1 to Insure a adviser for Union and Somerset were graduated from Southern Arts, Crafts Group longer blooming season. counties. Seminary and Junior College, Bunena Vista, Va., Saturday. Bar- Winds Up Season bara received the diploma in sec- retarial science. She has been ac- The arts and crafts department tive in campus activities and dur- the Woman's Club held its lasi Bless our britches... Compete/ ing her senior year was World leeting of the season last Wed' Fellowship chairman of the YW tesday at the home of Mrs. Chas. CA, business manager of the glee ertain of Sea Girt. Look who's here... see these action-attractions, club, secretary of the judicial com- After luncheon it was announced mittee and student council and a iat the department had won firsl member of the editorial staff oJ lace as a group for their exhibil all set for a play-full Jhe college yearbook. t the Kreage Annual Show. summer of camping! Saturday Joan received the di- The department issued an invl ploma in the kindergarten train- tation to members of the Woman's ing course. She has been active .lub who are interested in arts in campus activities and during nd crafts to join the group this her senior year was a member of ill. the editorial staff of the college The fad tfeat's sweeping the nation Check list... * yearbook. LEADER WANT AD& PAY! ... the newest contender for women's rights... Khaki sport togs Mi Shorts (fzy FROM ITALY COMES THE INSPIRATION! Shirts Swim Suits Jeans Tee Shirts Socks Underpants Pajamas Slacks

Army Twill Khaki Pedal Pushers tailored the man's way with fly fronts and belt Sweaters loops. Wonderful Caps rugged loafers for campus or country, Washable Slippers $3.98 backyard or beach. Sanforized*. Beach Robes Sizes 18 to 18. The Clara Louise is stocked with sturdy camp clothes, 'maximum thrinkagt Jonte Vecchio^ leu than 11 easy-to-care-for clothes .. . and best of all, they all carry. IN SILKY IMPORTED EGYPTIAN PIMA ""* tiny price tags . . .

The fine hand of Italian couture can be seen in the exciting new look of this versatile sleeveless shirt. . . . remember, too, our Girl Scout Shop is full of Button-detailed collar is interlined . . . wear it proudly up or demurely down. Washing can't dim a. Shorts . . . $2.98 sturdy camping equipment, available to all campers. the lustre of the imported Pima cotton. Genuine b. Pedal Pushers . $398 ocean pearl buttons. In white and lovely pastels. $2.98 Sizes 30-38. c. Bermuda Shorts

Ouimfay Street Westfield, N. i Westfield, N. J. Qulmby Street QUIMBY STREET WESTFIELD, N. J. Open Mon. and Fri. Evenings until 9 OPEN MON. AND FRI. EVENINGS UNTIL 9 Opan Monday.and Friday Eve'* til 9 p.m. Page Twelve THE WESTFIELD ffl. J.) LEADER, THUBSPAY, JUNE 3,-1954: SALLY Blue Star Club Commissioned Ensigns, VSN Musical Society Names Chosen Delegate To LEADER CLASSIFIED Installs Officers Citizenship Institute (Continued from page S) Scholarship Winner ALWAYS BRING Ka^ Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Uspu«n< MOUNTAINSIDE—Installation FANWOOD—Miss Patricia vom of 603 Stirling pluce are parent: FANWOOD — Mr. and Mis. of a daughter born May 25 of officers of the Blue Star f!ar- Brent Cnldwdl of 211 Midway Leliii, daughter of Mr. and Mra. *mmm dfn Club of Mountainside was held Stanley vom Lehn, 101 Forest MuhlenbeiB Hospital, Plainfield. avenue were hosts recently to GEORGE CHONG'S -+- Tuesday afternoon at the home of members of the Fanwood Musical road, will be the Woman's Club Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown oi Mrs. Harry Lake. Mrs, Lake was Society for the final business meet- delegate to Citizenship Institute 402 East Dudley avenue are par- installed as second vice president; ing of the season. Miss Mildred June 14 to 18 sponsored by the CHI-AM CHATEAU ents of a son born at Rahway Mrs. Christian Fritz, recording Viebrock, president, presided. New Jersey State Federation of Rout* 29, Mounlointidt, N, j secretary and Mrs. John Dunn as Memorial Hospital, Railway. Grace Nocera, a junior member Woman's Clubs. She was select- member-at-large. Mrs. Rebel AMERICAN-CHINESE CUISM of the club and violin student at Mr. and Mrs. Albin Houck o Hose was re-installed as treasurer- ed by the votes of her fellow jun- Luncheon - * the Juilliard School of Music was 223 Central avenue are parents o Other officers of the club, where ior classmates , at Scotch Plains voted .the scholarship winner for a son born May 22 at Overlook all terms run two years are, Mrs. High School. the 1953-54 season.. Miss Nocera Hospital, Summit. Paul K. Davis, president; Mrs. E. *. AM .r. «faiMN.p hopes to return to Juilliard for Patricia sings with the senior r •* *...„,« —•— K. Zeitler, first vice president Mw the naxt semester in the fall. choirs and Las Cantadores, is sec- At the home of Mrs. E, A. Neu Mrs. E. B. Frederick, correspond retary-treasurer of the cheer lead- beck, 815 Lawrence avenue, board ing secretary and Mrs. F. H. Sted- Miss Margaret Lowe, corre- ers, was a member of the junior CHOPS ** sponding: secretary, announced the members of the PTA Council wil man member-at-large. play cast and is a member of the •AlKCUfD SPARE Ills be hostesses at to luncheon honor- notification to twp new members: Year-end reports were read by Student Council. Her alternate is UMfVAMTV OF COMMIT! ing all retiring'and new- presidents Mrs. James Adams, soprano, as u Miss Muriel Irving, daughter of chairmen of the various commit- regular member of the club, an8 CHIMEII fAMIH OINNBU of the PI'A3 throughout town tees, and Mrs. Frank Urner vol Mr. and Mrs. John Irving. Pictured above are the three Westfield boys wh o will be graduated tomorrow from the U. S. Naval Mies Judith Basch, violinist, as a Onfen ia id,, ou, A surprise buffet supper and unteercd to take war services Academy, Annapolis, Md. They are, from left to right, Thomas L. Albee Jr., son of Col. and* Mrs. Thomas junior member. During the month of June tha again next year. Mrs. Bernard Dancing personal gift party was given for L. Albee of 821 Glen avenue; Ralph C. Elder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Elder of 1088 Rahway Mrs. August Graef was elected Woman's Club will place flower Buck will be in charge of pro- Mis Florsa L. Van Hecke at- the avenue; and William N. Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Robinson of 844 Porian road. president for a two-year term; arrangements under the memorfal •AT feVAUH Mi Hit gram for 19§6, the appointment home of Mrs. J. F. Lanjfstart of Mis. Brent Caldwell, vice presi- plaque to servicemen in the foyer 145 Harrison avenue Friday eve- having been made by Mrs. Davis dent for one year; Mrs. fl. J. of the Fanwood Memorial Library. ning'. Miss Van Hecke, daughter of who presided at the garden meet- Auxiliary Gives Tri Delts Honor Graduates From Coulthurst, secretary and Vincent The arrangements will be made Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Van Hecke ing. Mrs. Harold Erickson will Tobin, treasurer, each for two by Mesdames Seymour Talbot, of 149 Harrison avenue, and Wal- represent the club on the Trail- Party at Lyons High School Seniors Admiral Farragut years. Charles Sheelen, George James, ter B, Simmons Jr., son of Mr. and side Museum committee and asked Wilbur Magill, Carl Schuler, Rich- f W* ntn »r rmrval^, •£? , Mrs. Walter B. Simmons of 2216 for three hostesses from the club The Martin Wallberg Unit 3, Miss Viebrock greeted the new WfrtfnU MI71 ^ ! The Westfield Alliance of Delta Cadet Theodore Henri Seltzer, officers and Mrs. Graef, after ac- ard Lea, Wilbur Colville, Edwin Pine terrace, Scotth Plains, aru to assist on the museum grounds American Legion Auxiliary gave son of Mr. and Mrs. Henri S. Selt- Turner and Earl Knapp. planning a June 12 wedding in the Delta Delta will hold its annual cepting the presidency, presented n a Saturday and Sunday in a party at Lyons Hospital yester- tea for graduating high school se- zer of 716 Shackamaxon drive, Presbyterian Church. \ August. day. Cigarettes and refreshments the outgoing president a gift on niors Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m.-in will graduate with a General Di- behalf of the society. •*•» Mrs. Lake gave a complete re- were served and music was fur- ploma from the Admiral Farragut Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Sears of the home of Mrs. F. S. G. Wil- oit qn the recent open homes nished. liams, 540 Emi street. Mrs. R. Academy Sunday in colorful na- Kmbree crescent entertained at a At the regular meeting held at val commencement exercises, dinner party recently fpr their flower show and listed a possible C. Morbeck is chairman of the Awarded Law Degree Vttnt refit of $325, of which $60 will the Legion home last Wednesday party and will be assisted by Mrs. Cadet Seltzer entered Fartagut Bon-in-law and daughter, Pvt. and night, Mrs. Margaret Mercer, com- At Tulane University Mrs. Frederick C. Ernest Jr. The go to the • Mettlers' Woods Fund C. I, Scheidecker, refreshments; in September of 1950 and while of New Jersey, and $50 in plant- munity service chairman, reported Mrs. G. F.. LenU, flowers; Mrs. here was active in varsity wrest- guests were from Brooklyn, N.'Y., 30 hours of work put in making Haunt Kiver Edge and New Milford. , ings to the new primary school on W. T., Wilday, invitations. and ling, inter-company sports and was Donald Paul Miller received the ••" 'entrol avenue. She commended cancer pads. Mrs. H. Perdunn, reception. manager of the track team. He bachelor of law degree from Tu- Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Henry of Mrs. Harry Holland, Mrs. Frank Mrs. Irene Burns, coupon chair- held the rank of LTJG and was-a lane University at commencement . Air Conditioned B40 West Broad street are par- Urner, Mi-3. William Stanke and man, reported 408 coupons collect- member of the staff of cadet corps. exercises held Tuesday. ents of a son born May 22 it Over- Mrs. William Heine for opening ed. These coupons are redeemed tiqrry Grander Among He is a member of Sigma CM look Hospital, Summit. their honiis for the show as well and the money is puf toward gifts Western Md, Graduate! Guard Auxiliary fraternity, La Socitte Du Droit DINNER SPECIALS - ' ••» all members of the club who for the disabled veterans. Civil, civil law fraternity, Phi Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Neefufi have made the show a success. Hostesses for the evening were Holds Meeting Delta Phi legal fraternity and w>< Chef Moore-El's Famoui- returned to 239 Prospect street Assisting Mrs, Lake as hostess- Mrs. Vivian Blackmail and Mrs. Harry . Carlton Grander was president of the "King's Bench" after having spent the winter In were Mrs. Raymond Morczek Viola Dunham. Mrs. Jo Sprague graduated.from Western Maryland The regular business meeting of law society. CHICKEN IN BASKET...... ;..$!,7S Melrose, f la. Mr, Neefus' daugh- ind Mrs. Joseph H, Hershey. Re- presided. College Monday. He is the son of A. J. Miller Jr. the Ladies Auxiliary of the 50th STEAK SANPWjCH 2,75 ter, Mrs. Gordon D. Poole of Oak- freshments were also served in the A delegation attended the me- Harry was an active member Reconnaissance Battalian of the of 622 Forest avenue. ville, Ont., will arrive tomorrow to garden and Mrs. F. H. Stedman morial service at the Baptist and officer of the Alpha Gamma New Jersey National Guard was Frtnch Fritd Potato.., Cob Slaw spend several days here. md Mrs. Dayis poured. 'hurch Sunday. Tau fraternity, served on the In- held at the Westfield Armory Tues- Tha auxiliary participated in ter-fraternity Council for two, day evening. Parents of Daughter Roll' (•waft Mr. and MrsTwesIey Keeler of the Memorial Day parade in West- years, on the Gold Bug staff, the A new member, Mrs. Thomas 17C Harrow road are parents of a DAIIY LUNCHEON SPECIAL $1.15 20 Johnston street are parents of field. college newspaper, and on the staff Strong of Plainfield, was wel- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Camp- a daughter born last Wednesday daughter born May 19 at Over of the yearbook, the Aloha. ook Hospital, Summit. comed. Announcement was made bell of 25 Duncan Hill announce at Muhlenberg Hospital, PlainAeld. He is the son of Mr, and Mrs. that the annual family picnic will the birth of a daughter, Barbara •+• »•• Beckwiths Have Girl Mr. and Mrs. William Coles an If. C. Grander of 25 Doris park- be held at the Country Side, War- Ruth, Saturday at Muhlenberg Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stanley John- way. ren Township, June 20. Hospital, Plainfield. Mrs. Camp- son and their daughters, Laurie their children of 225 Edgewoo Mr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Beck- avenue speijt last weekend in Pe- Harry received the bachelor of Mrs. Peter Lo Guidice presided. bell is the former Ida Buth Smith and SuBan, of 1328 Wood,Valley with of 621 Arlington avenue an- arts degree with a major in eco- of WestHeld. HOTEL terboro, N. }V., as guest? of Mr. siionmn road, Mountainside, spent the nounce the birth of a daughter, $70 SPRINGFIELD AVE., SUMMIT SU. 6-3000 weekend in Millsboro, Pa., where Cola's sister, Mrs. F. W. Rainer. Graduates From «•- Jean Bowell, May 25 at Overlook they attended the wedding of Mr. Hospital, Summit. , Mrs. Beckwith Perkiomen School Johnson's sister, Miss Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mendenhall is the former Jean Orr of West- Meeting Postponed Johnson, to William Hamilton of 212 West Dudley avenue were field. hosts at a supper party Friday Deron Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. Johnson was ma- SCOTCH PLAINS—A meeting tron of honor. night for committee members plan- D. D. Hall of 816 Hazel avenue, ning the first evening social of the Sister Desmond of the Scotch Plains Chapter DAR was graduated from Perkiomen A bon voyage party was given season at the Highland Swimming has been postponed to Tuesday School, Pennsburg, Fa., at the Sunday for Mr..and Mrs. Robert Club, which is scheduled for J Receives Scholarship when members will meet at the commencement exercises Sunday Denkewalter of 830 Harding street 12. home of Mrs, Jeanette Atwood of afternoon. Devon has been a stu- ITS OUR by Dr. William McAlier of Eliza- Sister Mary Ellen Desmond of 1029 Westfield avenue and make dent at Perkiomen for the past beth. The Denkewalters sail tomor- Memorial Day weekend house Holy Trinity Convent has been a pilgrimage to Rocky Hill and year and has been active in extra row on the "America" and will guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. awarded the Clara Douglas Sheer- Somerville, taking box lunches. In curricular activities. ipend five weeks touring Europe. Peterson of 818 East Broad street an tuition scholarship for gradu- case of inclement weafher the Devon . plans to enter were Mrs. John Hart and hei ate work in sociology at the Cath- meeting will be in the home of hanna University in the i . Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy daughter, Patty Ann, and Mrs, olic University of America for the Mrs. Cecil .R., Bunn, Westfield •f 844 First atceet are parents of Henry Groves, all-of Ortega For- next academic year. road. CO TO CHURCH SUNDAY a son born last Wednesday at est, Jacksonville, Fla. Muhlenberg Hospitalp , Plainfield. This evening Mrs. F. S. Marik Mr. andMrs. Harola d F. Hugheg s of 714 Boulevard is entertaining cf 1044 Harding street were hosts at a bon voyage party in honor of •t a neighborhood picnic Sunday. Mrs. Robert J. Sullivan. HO MOTHS! HO WEFT! HO HRE! but the savings are yours! Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson Paul Smith of 8 Cherry lane were of 520 Hillcrest avenue have as hosts at a benefit bridge for the their house guest Mrs. Davidson's HO BULG/HG CLOSETS! \ Children's Service Committee of sister, Mrs. Leonard Sawdy of De- the Family and Children's Society troit, Mich. Of Elizabeth. Tomorrow afternoon Bridges for Mr. and Mrs. William Clot- COTTON SKIRTS 5.50 this benefit will be given by Mrs. worthy of 372 .Dogwood way, Regularly to 1O.«» .. . fin© solid color pirrw cottons and gay printed Jack Andrews of 209 Tu'ttle park- Mountainside, were hosts at a pic- styles . . . Broken assortment of linen skirts, tool " way and Mrs. E. C. Berry Jr. of nic Monday evening for a group 739 Birch place. of friends. COLD STORAGE The Children's Service Commit- tee uses its funds to pay for the Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Freeman o: care of children in foster homes 125 Ludlow place and Mr. and throughout the county. Mrs. David Albright of 912 Hard- DRESSES 7.50 ing street spent the Memorial Da; FUR TOMMED COATS 1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simone of weekend in Washington, D. C. y Regularly to 10.98 .. . brand new cottons with a full season ahead ot this low price. Also, a group of better cottons (12.9| fo 25.) at 20% off. CLOTH COATS COTTON SWIM SUITS 7,96 Regularly to I0.9B . . . cotton bloomer and dressmaker styles. Gay h OVBKOATS prints...... ;•, For your WOOLEN SUITS dhJht / NYLON HOSE 50c ea Northmo'1t •Jeuare... / Ml COATS 1 CAN-CAN PETTICOATS 3.98 Regularly 5.98 . . . permanent finish nylon taffeta and polished cotton make it a Me for the PARK! petticoats to give your dresses and skirU "that" look. For more than 60 years, G. 0. KELLER'S has been protecting' We confidently Invite you to bring your luncheon winter garments with the utmost care and finest or dinner gueitt to the PARK ... where thty will scientific methods, Once assigned to its own resting most assuredly enjoy a really fine meal, pre- place, every garment receives proper refrigeration COTTON PLISSE SLIPS 2.90 pared and served with finesse and unobtrusive' neis. and air conditioning to nurse it through the Regularly 3.98.. .cool, easy-to-waih, quick-to-dry, no ironing, shadow- hot summer months ahead. And there i! stays—fully panelled slips. White. 32 tp 40. You'll find Immediate eieape from heat ind hu- midity the moment you enter our lobby. The protected—until needed in the Fall. lounge, dining room, ballroom and function Only 1% of your valuolion » Minimum eharga for Fun $3.00 • Minimum ihargi for wpelins rooms are completely and pleasantly air* SKIRTS, TROUSIRS tuns CLOTH COMt conditioned, tool MCKITS, SWiATERS 3.49 DRIISII TOR TIIMMID NYLON TRICOT SLIPS WOOl SHIRTS COAT* Usually 5.98 ... all nylon tricot slips at ,a fraction of their usual prica. COMFORTABLY AIR-CONDITIONED J ... White. Sizes 32 to 40. Only 50C I °">/*1.00 My $|(50

Phil Clienlng Chargt en oil I

Other Tewni Just say "HANDI-CHAROE IT" pleastl . WX-2190 6-0190

Tom MarU of 42? Colonial ave- Show Bus Service Gorsky explained the operation of j drills. rs nue, a junior at Duke University, the law in emergency situations recently won an award for best To Be Expanded and Councilman Charles T. Todd A uniform ro* sports story of the year published spoke on police courses on emer- was modeled. INCIUDIS 4 SHIRTS in the university paper The Duke With the successful inaugura- gencies'in the area. Following the general finUhed Fre. JUNE Chronicle.. He also won the cham- tion of a show bus schedule, oper- the Defense Council spp 1 Mr. Malhews outlined general 8—Westfield Wumen pionship tournament in golf for ating from the Newarker restau- Chief Gorsky as the deputy AlSO TRY: Republican plans and noted assignments for aster control director for thai Club, 1:30 p.m.. 714 Boule- Sigma Chi fraternity. rant at Newark Airport, Joe Our txclliliv* STA-NU Dry Cleaning. vard. municipal departments during oug*. SM and feel fhi difference. It cam * * * Baum, manager of New Jersey's you nothing exltj. 8—Westfield Women's Republi- Elizabeth Wright of 2(54 Pater- fabulous restaurant, is extending can Club annual meeting. son road, Fanwood, who attended service to New Jersey theatre pa- CORBY'S 9~American Legion Auxiliary, the University of Delaware and trons by featuring playbills and completed her work at the Katha- ENTERPRISE LAUNDRY 8:15 p.m., Martin Wallbber. g reviews of all current Broadway At WRIGHT'S you will find Post S. rine Gibbs School in Monlclair, shows in the restaurant. In work Summit 6-1000 has accepted a position with Ciba 10—College Men's Club annual for the fall theatre reason is a Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., direct wire from the Newarker to dinner meetii •- 6:45 p.m.. Summit. Large Variety of YJ1CA. a theatre ticket agency in New • * # York. Four Broadway shows are Fireside Council, 715, Royal ARE Frederick William Zipf III of currently planning with Mr. Baum Arcanum, American Legion 781 Oak avenue will receive hi* and Mr. Murray of the Public Modern Fashions YOU Hall. commission as a second lieutenant Service Transport Co. of New Jer- 14—Mountainside Newcomers in the U. S. Army Reserves June sey, who operates the bus line to Orestes that are deliciously COOL SICK Club, 12:30-2:30 p.m., YWCA. 11 during a ceremony at Lafay- the Port Authority Terminal, and 15—Dramatic Club of College ette College, Easton, Pa. A grad- packaged show deals which will — for town shopping or country Woman's Club annual picnic uate in the field of government, he include dinner for two at the New- relaxing . . . and you all know TIRED received his commission in the in- meeting:, 734 Boulevard. arker, transportation direct to the about our Small Price Tagtl of Being 24—Fireside Council^ 715, Royal fantry and will report for two theatre and theatre tickets for two. Arcanum, American Legion years active duty with the infan- Howard Cullman, chairman of TIRED? Hall. try within the coming year. the Port Authority of New York, Sizes 9 to 34!4 • • « who hosted the show bus inau- Maternities - 10 to JO Ask Us About David A. Haessig of 208 North John C, Riley of 14 Tudor oval gural, pointed out that theatre go- TAKAVITES avenue will be among the 175 stu- will receive a bachelor of science ing has been rather difficult in dents who will receive degrees degree in business and Elizabeth New York in recent years, among SPECIALS ON OUR SALI RACK from Upsala College Monday. He H. Wheeler of 833 Carleton road the contributing factors being 20% TO 50% OF* will be awarded a bachelor of busi a bachelor of arts degree at the traffic, making it difficult to go to ness administration degree. 115th annual commencement at the theatre not only to buy tickets A graduate of Westfield High Miami University Monday. but to see a Broadway show. The Prices from 7.98 to 24.91 Store School, David attended Union Jun- « * * show bus plan simplifies the prob- 54 Elm St. or College before entering Upsalo Several Westfield boys received lem by affording express transpor- in September, 1952. Pingry letters for proficiency In tation timed to theatre attendance, spring sports at a recent assem- avoiding traffic and parking. WRIGHT'S DRESS SHOPPE bly program. The following re- ceived baseball letters: Varsity, 55 Elm St. Winthrop Hall of 400 Elm street, Disaster Program Open Monday Ivei. Guy Leedom of 883 Shadowlawn drive, Robert Biglow of 1100 Outlined in Funwuoil Wychwood road and McClure Hall " I IN ON THE ACT-Or if he's not ictually in it, this young racing of 400 Elm street; JV baseball, , FA^WOOD—Councilman Wil- ARE YOUR FURS enthusiast in Rome 1s anxious to get in it. He's holding onto Lawrence Jasper of 153 Moun- liam A. Mathews, Civil Defetue chairman, outlined the shite muni- his proudest possession and looking hopefully to the starter, tain avenue and Richard Fischer FRED KEE5ING of 161 Lincoln road; and third cipal disaster program last Wed- •s if ready to give his toy auto a violent push to victory. The team, Hugh Kellogg of 015 Tre-nesday night to municipal organ- OUTDATED? lad was watching the Mille Miglia race recently held in Italy. mont avenue. isations participating in civilian John McMartln of 588 Spring- defense. About 75 persons from let our expert* de yew Photographer field avenue will be 1966 captain the Auxiliary Police, liescue of the track team. Track letters Squad, Fire Department and medi- were awarded to: Varsity, Capt. cal staff attpnded. Keene Harkrader of 121 Benson Preparations for the nation-wldo FUR __. CANDID WEDDINGS With the Coded place, Gulnes McMartin of 688 air laid test June 14 were dis- J Springfield avenue and John Mc- cussed. Police Chief Joseph L. Martin and minor varsity, James Your eM far ceet OICOMM ,h. Girand of 208 Canterbury road. • fcM«KM, newty ityM ti.C Bert T, King of 130 Boynton work beyond the minimum require James Palmer of 157 North ave- Kent School, Kent, Conn., lias been Fur Stale), Fw Jacket or .. <» » wontortul Vuitlen or •™JF Hon»iraoon«ttblLO8 ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 WESTFIELD'S SUNDAY GIRDLES DRUGSTORESCHEDULE WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS BRASSIERES ALL-IN-ONES OPEN THIS SUNDAY WESTFIELD PHARMACY For all ages and sizes. Person formerly WITMAN-BELL'S ] ally fitted by Mrs. Rose Klion S A. M. lo B P. M, No charge for alterations. CoailnnoD* S«rvlee 7M

CLOSED THIS SUNDAY BROAD AT PROSPECT Baron's "fr Jarvis THE CORSET SHOP WESTFIELD 2-4300 A SAVINGS INSTITUTION 148 E. Broad St. Westfield, N. J. We. 2-2615 Whelqn'p P»»e Fourteen THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. JUNE 3, 1954 Paper Mill Playhouse Triumphs With Dieic New Junior Rifle Mrs. James F. Burke; first vice Paul V. Smith. Parade and Rites president, Mrs. Arthur W. Brown; The gavel was turned Operetta Version of Bizet's Carmen Club Formed Here second vice president, Herbert F. the aew president who pre By EVELYN BONNETT members are: Randolph Jr.; secretary, Mrs. Har- a pm to retiring president Held at 'Plains Fred W. Bauer of Mountain ry F. Reid and treasurer, Mrs. Never have I heard any musical Mrs. Helen Blackwell, Mr. and avenue has been selected as chief George H. Haslam ' at the Paper Mill, BO excitingly Mrs. Howard Bonnett, Mr. and SCOTCH PLAINS — Strength rifle instructor of the newly or- dramatic and beautifully portray- Mrs. R. B. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. ganized Ricochet Junior Rifle Club ed as tbe new operetta version of Joseph Burke, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. in both the spiritual and physical sense were urged as the best in- of Westfield, the National Rifle Bizet's "Carmen." Miss Virginia Emery, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Feld- Association has' announced. Card, a Jerseyite herself and a ly- man, Mr. and Mrs. Fletemeyer, surance for a peaceful and pros- ric soprano well known to NewRobert and Mrs. Eugene Fleid- perous nation by speakers at the Membership in the new club will Jersey and New York audiences, ner, Mrs. R. S. Gill, Miss Eliza- 87th Memorial Day observance in be restricted to youngsters under has written the lyrics. beth Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas which Fanwood and Scotch Plains 19 years of age. The recently char- This is the first time that "Car- Roy Jones, Mrs. Raymond King, jointly participated Monday. tered group voted for the follow- men," as an operetta has been giv- Mrs. V. B. Kingsley, Mr. and Mrs. Speaking at the flagpole in front ing officers: President, E. Blaine Take « tip. en in this area, having had its C. C. Lehman, Mrs. Vera Levet, of the Memorial Library following Cliver; vice president, Kent Dit- parade, Lieut. Col. John D. zel; executive officer, Carey Reed- debut performances in Chicago. Dr. Estelle Milliser, Edith Mott, Tow tail will look Miss Card has opened the way for Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Settlemire, Gill. U. S. Medical Corps, a resi- er; secretary, Peter Stevenson; many music lovers to hear the im-Mrs. Lucy Valente, Mr and Mrs. dent of Westfield now stationed at treasurer, Carl Fuhri. mortal melodies of "Carmen," as Johnstone Weelands, Mrs. Frank Valley Forge, Pa., hospital, sound- b«tt«r whan it well as Eossini's "Barber of Se- Wilkinson Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. ed the keynote. At the end of the May Day Affair ville" in operetta form instead of G. A. Wolff. parade several thousand residents Ihtwi a little of that of opera. Of course, much of Mountainside: Mrs. Edward Me- of the two communities, gathered At Wilson School the music gives way to the spoken nerth, Miss Dotty Dietz, Mr. and around the battle monument at y shirt collar dialogue, and the action takes on Mrs. A. R. Kelly, Mrs. Fred Front street and Park avenue, May Day exercises were held a faster pace. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kos- heard former Mayor Philip Cobb last Wednesday at Wtoodrow Wil- aid shirt cuff. Our ter, Misses Elizabeth and Petiu- of Scotch Plains pay tribute to son School. The exercises were In collaboration with Miss Card, residents of the two communities Mr. Carrington added still mor nella Koster, Mr. and Mrs. James preceded by the annual PTA meet- T. Holcombe. who served their country in the ing., iitUrt M« t* this always. dialogue. After much research on armed forces. the role of Carmen, they have fo: Events of the day were in charge -Two recommendations from the lowed the European portrayal of of Community Post, 209, Ameri- board were passed: Purchase of a Carmen—that of a young and spir- US Open Golf can Legion, with Comdr. Charles new projector for film strips and ited girl, colorful and highly tem- Ferguson serving as grand mar- slides, and a new screen for use pered, with a passionate sex at- shal. After the brief service in in Wilson School; $100 to the new John franks traction. Her love centers around Tickets on Sale front of the borough library Washington School to be used by Don Jose, the army officer of marchers, including municipal of- them in establishing a PTA. higher class than she and the bull SPRINGFIELD—Baltusrol Golf ficials, veterans, patriotic groups, The following officers were elect- fighter, Escamillo. Club, site of the USGA National Scouts and school children pa- ed for the coming year: President, Gloria Lane, »s a Carmen from Open Golf championship June 17- raded behind the high school band New York City Center Opera Co., 19, has announced that "season" to the Baptist Church cemetery. gives a most satisfying perform- grounds admission for the big Wreathes were laid on the graves ance, both vocally and dramatical- golfing event may be purchased in of veterans in all the nation's ly. One feels good to hear sueh a advance by writing the club and wars from the Revolution through vocal adequacy for Bizet's arias enclosing check" for $12. World War II. Members of Post in her rich full voice. She is sup- Tournament Chairman C. P. 209 conducted the American Le- ported by an excellent cast includ- Burgess points out that the "sea- gion services and also the GAR ing a popular favorite at the Pa-son" grounds admissions covers the itual. per Mill in Gail Manners, as Mi-three days of championship play, caela. Miss Manner* played the plus practice rounds on June 15 lead in Oklahoma. "Carmen" will and 16 and a playoff, if any, on play until June 19, at which time June 20. Injured In on the 22nd, "The Great Waltz," Daily admissions, which Mr. A STITCH IN TIME—An establishment In Paria which eaten by Strauss, has its opening. Burgess emphasizes will not be particularly to bacnelors is doing terrific business. As thii gen- 'Plains Accident A Paper Mill Association has sold in advance, will be available tleman waits behind a curtain, his pants are being mended. The been formed for those who will at- oil days of play at entrances to company cleans clothes, sews on missing buttons, and darn* SCOTCH PLAINS—Two worn- tendtend opeopeningg nighg t pperformances Baltusrol on this schedule of prices tocks while customers stand by. It's no wonder that bach- which include tax: Practice rounds i and three children were in- of all Paper Mill productions for elors realize their good luck and patronize the place. ured last Wednesday when the the year, with parties on stage to June 15 and 16—%Z each day; car in which they were passenger* meet the cast.' Those interested in Tournament play June 17 and 18 was in a collision at Park and joining the association may con-—$4 each day; tournament final Mountain avenues. The car with tact Mr. Carrington at the Paper round, June 19—$6 and playoff, if the injured passengers was driven Mill in Millburn. This is the sec->any, June 20—$4. >y Mrs, Dorothy Spooner of Mil- ond of 10 performances chosen by With The Servicemen ington and was in collision with vote of the association members, Hawaiian Fling At t > car driven by Paul W. Beckman three operettas, two musicals and if 209 Herbert avenue, Fanwood. five plays. Mrs. James T. Hol-Swimming Club The accident occurred, according combe of Orchard road is chair- Brown Named Honor Returns to States After to police, when Beckman was mak- man for this area. The Westfield The Highland Swimming Club is ing a left turn into Mountain ave- ilanning a Hawaiian Fling as a Graduate of Class 12 Months Overseas lue. Also injured were her daugh- get acquainted" party to be held ters, Margaret, 2, who suffered a Saturday, June 12 at 8 p.m. at Air Force M/Sgt. Robert R. A/3c Robert J. Ox, son of Mr. laceration of the left side back of he pool. The affair is for adult Brown, 32, son of Mr. and Mis. who had \Edw.MackiekSont Roger A. Brown, 331 Jerusalem and Mrs. Philip Ox of 2260 Morse members only. Decorations will be abrasions of the face. All three UrAr* Nor*.rn N J. a Hawaiian motif. There will road, Scotch Plains, was recently avenue, Scotch Plains, has return- foe O»«' SO Tun named honor graduate of his class were taken home by the Scotch be dancing around the pool, entei'- ed to the United States after serv- j Plains Rescue Squad. ItUrfltU MW4 tainment and box suppers will be at the Seventh Army Non-Com- missioned Officer Academy in Mu- ing 12 months overseas du£y in Others in the car who were in- Opw> Evening! by Appointment served. Japan. Airman Ox is now sta-jureu were Mrs. Elisabeth Perucki SKIRT nich, Germany. With both Army The committee in cliarge of ar- and'Air-Force students partiaipM^ tioned'at Hill Air Force Base, Og- of 203 Coriell avenue, Fanwood, SUP COVERS rangements' include"'Mr. and' g in its courses, the academy de«TU8ih.'*• * ' * laceration'of the left'ejeY «n*"W William Mendenhall, chairmen : teaches leadership, tactics and re- son, George, 3, abrasions of the MATTMSSM AND MX 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Elcome Jr., lated military subjects. face. Occupants of the Beckman IMJNOI MNOVATIO Mr. and Mrs. Leland Blazey, Mr. Coyendall Made car escaped injury. tm SOMfMiT STRUT nd Mrs. Henry Marshall, Mr. Sergeant Brown, whose wife, The front end of his car and the , N. t. and Mrs. J. R. Burns and Mr. andChristine, and two children, Sha- First Lieutenant left front fender of Mrs. Spooner's Mrs. Robert Scott. ron Anne, 9, and Toni Michele, 7, car were damaged. Officer Michael I live in Greenville, S. C, is a Stromick investigated. weather forecaster with the 29th Second Lieut. Richard Coykcn- Victim of Arm Weather Squadron in the Azores, dall, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Coy- a mid-Atlantic Portuguese island kendall, has been promoted to first Picnic Supper Big Bargains Injury Is Better lieutentant. Lieutenant Coyken- at group. The sergeant, in the Air Force since 1940, was a clerk at dall, whose parents live at 465 For Wesmarco CUT YOUR DRY CLEANING The condition of Henry Schulze, Channing avenue, is stationed at 20, of 2220 Coles avenue, Scotch the 36th street Airport, Miami, and LAUNDERING COSTS Fla., in civilian life. Wright-Paterson Air Force Base, Tonight at 6:30 Wessmarco will DR.YSON'S Plains, who suffered an injury to Dayton, Ohio, where he is attached hold its annual outdoor picnic at AT BLUE RIBBON Furriers Sine* 1912 the upper right arm Thursday to the Research and Development Rolling Meadows in Echo Lake ight, was reported good over the With Advisory Center. Park. weekend. Annual reports will be read by Mink, Persian Police report Schulze slipped Group in Korea Too Thick retiring officers and chairman of Sheered Raccoon nd fell while mopping a floor in committees. (Reg. 18c la.) the Robert Treat Delicatessen, in Pfc. Albert Clark, 21, son of Mr. Why are sauces and gravies thick- Let-out Muskrat Quimby street. His arm went er after they've stood for a day or The new officers for the eoming BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED and Mrs. Cornelius Clark, 192 so? Some of the liquid In them year will be announced and the in- Capet and Jackets through a showcase window. Watehung- terrace, Scotch Plains, He was given first aid by the evaporates. For this reason they coming president will then take- is serving with the Korean Mili- should not be' overcooked either. over the meeting. Hollanderiiing Volunteer Rescue Squad and taken tary Advisory group. Water evaporation in them, cause* to Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield, them to be thick and pasty. Various games and Softball will GnaraMtrcd Far storage in the squad ambulance. He was American military personnel as- be the events of the evening. :eleased Friday afternoon. signed to KMAG advise Republic Broad and Central (upstairs) of Korea Army units in training. Tel. We. 2-1078 iSHEETS LEADER WANT ADS PAY I The group played an important role in the build-up of South Kore- an forces. COAT or SUIT Clark, last stationed in Sacra- mento, Cal., with the 504th Signal No Better Glasses • STORED St. Christopher's Summer School Base Maintenance Co., is assistant adviser to the 86th-Signal Repair • INSURED FOR $25 •57 MOUNTAIN AVE. WESTFIELD, N. J. Co., ROK Army. A 1950 graduate WESTFIELD 2-0159 Ho Better Name w« of Scotch Plains High School, he Any All Summer Session for Children of Working Mothers was employed by the' Birch Hill Construction Co. before entering Six Week Summer Camp: (age 6-12) boys and girls. the army in February 1953. FUR COAT . Tutoring in Remedial Reeding, History, Geography, • STORED French, Latin and Mathematics. Private Totten In 3runner's • INSURED FOR $50 fiucnnKMi amcuM 4 HOUR SERVICE JULY 9 THROUGH AUGUST 19 Ft. Hood Maneuvers ON \ WKTHIU> J FUR COATS DRY CLEANING A SHIRT LAUNDERING Pvt. James Totten, son of Mrs. Crehore Totten, 511 South Chest- eWlto CLEANED ••< AT nut street, is on maneuvers in Ft. Hood, Tex. Open ffiunday.'tvtrtfrtg i • Gtwd GLAZED NO EXTRA CHARGE At Regular l'rlct. Only

THE WYLIE SCHOOL OF DANCING ^ ^Wtt AMTn»JM«TWftOOnft# SWEATER I 5C Any Presents Mdl SUIT 35c TROUSERS "»• JACKET M CLOTH COAT *" "THE TALK OF THE TOWN" SPORT SHIRT Owning Cbwg. DRESS CU«d«"« sa>.rF. OR BLANKET clwnloj *«•• A Dance Blur Fussiest Camera Fans Prefer Our Equipment Musical llxililiiiit 'Shutter bugs" keen on getting top results come to us for all their gear... such as precision- in built enlargers that insure prints with highest definition. 1 Six Scenes ' NO EXTRA CHARG Westfield Studios At REGULAR PRICES O N L 1 Portrait and Commercial Photographers 4HOUR SERVICE WHEN BROUGHT IN DAuV BEFORE NOON EXCEP' 5ATUIH 121 Central Ave. We. 2-0239 LINDEN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Fri. and Sat.. June 4th and 5th Tickets Available ot the Door Curtain: 7 p.m. Sharp 100 NORfH Store Hours - 7:30~A. M. foTrCrA SID.(N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 3. 1954 'AH Not Well in World' Sen. Hand fever usually develops one to four tims. But parents and physicians meaning of Memorial Day since weeks after a streptococcic sore must, work together to accomplish its inception, Named Controller throat or nose and throat involve- ment. It produces inflammation Tribute was paid to veterans of Of New York Firm This might bm YOU States in Memorial Day Address School Celebrates all American wars through the in the joints, but inflicts its chief media of patriotic songs and W. S. Robertson, president of RIGHT NOW damage upon theheart. Therefore American & Foreign Power Co., The first Memorial Day mes- if early attacks are unrecognized Memorial Day poems. . Those taking part were: •..cruising ipaifcU^g MM Mm sage was delivered in 1868 by Michael Oliver, announcer, Les- Inc., New York, announced today or aie passed off as "growing the election of Kenneth B. Sprague Congressman James A. Gai-field pains," later attacks may produce FANWOOD — The Memorial lie Bartell, Russell Butler, John (who later became president), in Day program at School Four was Cook, William Dickey, Robin Fe-of B14 Fairmont avenue as comp- ..«, nm*. fa*s , i. NASSAU more serious and lasting harm t troller of the company. Immedi- the National Cemetery at Arling- the heart. presented by Miss Jean Koppelt's f?el, Harry Neeltje, Jeffrey Jacsko, ton, Va., State Senator Kenneth fourth gradi- at 10:S0 a.m. and 2 Robert Kickenweitz, Roderick Mac- ately prior to this change, Mr, PACK A BAG AND GO.' Sprague was assistant comptroller C. Hand of Elizabeth said here The defense is alertness on the p.m. Friday. Safety patrol mem- kenzie, Douglas Snyder, Bruce 7 Days |14S *,*»»* 2 Pays I* NASSAU I Monday. part of parents against recurrent bers acted as a color guard and Thompson and Lance Wimmer. and, prior to that, was secretary nose and throat strep infections in devotions were in charge of Nor- and assistant treasurer of the com- JUNI 11, JUIY 2, 9, 16 \ Since that time, Memorial serv- Also Pamela Alexson, Pamela pany. ices have been held to comniem children and the use of antibiotics ma Roberts, a member of theBarnes, Lillian Bjorkman, Donna W*¥i flNrtattor• * 9 P.M. (DM) ham Mew Y«t orate the memories of those wh in conjunction with a detailed reg- class. The pupils presented a play Brower, Susan Crocker, Grace Mr. Sprague is a graduate of entitled "What Memorial Day have died for this country in tin imen of rest and care laid down Dinmore, Frederics George, Edith Syracuse University and Brooklyn INCtlf NASSAU UM wars since, said the Senator, a by the physician. Means to Me," an original adap- Hanover, Lieselotte Hellebrand, Law School and is & member of Today we have the means of tation of a Memorial Day pro- Carol Jewett, Jane Mackay, Bon- the New York State Bar. He is services in Mindowaslrin Park. gram which was prepared by Miss "Our hopes are more built up keeping rheumatic fever from nie Miller, Carolyn Newman and vice president anii director of the making cardiac cripples of its vie Roppelt and told the history and Martha Scott. YMCA and is a member of the at this time than in any era in First Methodist'Church. our history that all wais may end," he said. "Communism stalks across the stage, which brings to Grocer; and rn»


3 pr. plus free pr.3.2l 5 4 poin, reg. 5.40 to 6.60

h tu 3..!~i mi nm |mrchase! The more MIII Imv tin- niorr \nu -,IM -six pairj and you get ONLY AT BAM'S JViO l'MKS 11(11. Him- pairs and you get THKrT r\IUs lltir-« a dividend! These MAGNIFICENT nationally-advertised nylons are fine quality with beautifully fashioned heels and seams. Get off to a beautiful Summer start with plenty of these beautiful nylons—buy now for June graduation Bouffant gifts. Teleeervice and mail. Dress Sheers: 60 gauge, 15 denier Business Sheers: 51 gauge, 30 denier Petticoats Short, 8%-9%; Medium, 8^-11 j Long, 9%-H These fashion colors: Beige, Suntone, Taupe Sale 3.99 regularly 5.98-8.98 We wish you could liave heard our advertising staff ooh and aah over these—it might have given you an inkling of just how marvelous they are! A famous maker's originals—not a flounce or a frill changed. All in a, in. Teleservice on nylon can can in pink, raspberry, mauve, beige, lemon, nile or avocado green only. • Can-tans, tulips, princeis styles—in wftite pins color! • Nylon parchment taffeta, polished and embroidered cottons! • Pliases that skip ironing, delightfully babyish organdies?

EXTRA SPECIAL! Just 60 nylon horsehair petti- coats, regularly 8.98, 3.99. No Teleservice or maiL 2 day SALE ;.; Figure Builder '••I

the girdle that fits 9 out of 10 women without alterations!

regularly 9.98 7. Don't miss out—it will be six months before you'll be able on Figure Builder again! It's the girdle that's made history at Barn's—for its deft design that slims and smooths you comfortably—for its marvelous fit-(that rivals a custom Hurry in tomorrow for the made!)—for its lightly boned elastic waist that won't roll or bag buy of a lifetime! bind. Join the hundred? of smart New Jerseyites who've dis- covered Figure Builder! Rayon satin or nylon taffeta; white or pink. Teleservice only. • 14" length, sizes 26-36 • 16" length, siws 26-38 Fabulous • 18" length, sizes 28-40 bag SALE 2.991 We picture one dramatic satchel from the hundreds and hundreds of marvelous handbags you will find at Barn's sale tomorrow—if you're bright and early, that is! We expect every hag will be gone by noon at this fantastically low price. So hurry, hurry, hurry for light straws, dtcssy fabric?, costly calfskins NEW Plainfield and many one-of-a-kind imports. Nn wail, 110 Tele- service. °*~~ Barn's open every Thursday, till 9 p. m. )\d Guards THE WESTFIELP (N.J.V LEADER, THURSDAY,, JUNE 3, 1954 fee GM Film IMPORTANT "LITTLE" CHAIRS American Harvest," a Genera' ilutors film, was shown the Oli uard Thursday in the YMCA. Harry Leon, a past director, pre- 99 ided. He paid tribute to the mem ny of Norman Hill, a former . THAT LOOK LIKE A "MILLION nember, who died recently of leart attack as he was leaving the neeting. A few moments of silent irayer were held. The singing of he hymn "Abide With Me," fol- owed. JM*< Names of members having birth- 39.95 lays last week were noted by his- orian Thomas A. Marshall. They rere Robert A. Keel, Harry Loeb They're everything a woman looks for in a chair ,. . graceful, elegaut lines . , , nd F. H. Holloway. luxurious, roomy comfort without big proportions. And if there's one touch oi Members welcomed after ex- mded absences by Rowland Math- the decorator in you, you'll have them placed in your living room ... or r, chairman of the reception ton- bedroom , , . on sight. You'll want a pair of the charming fireside cbair». ittee, included Anthony G. Hen- •ich, Walter E. Wasser, Chester One has a deep channel hack . . . the other a lut-li diamond-tufted back. locum, Arthur F. Kelley and Ed- •ard Taylor. You'll want several of the hostess chairs . . . and at this price you can have Harry E. Loeb reported on mem- 'em! We've luxurious satin stripes .. . velvets .. . even prints. You'll find lots icrs who are sick, including Henry more styles too ... in rich velvets, textures, boucles, herringbones , . , even Wagner, Ralph Tomlinson, Ed- ;ar Hilyard and John Wiese. lavish with boucle or nailhead trim. And colors are scrumptious too ... include Maj. Edward Van Winkle, chair- oyster white, pink, gold, rose, green, eggshell, toast, teal, lime, aqua, arid more! an of the inter-chapter commit- reported about 30 member) Does all this add up to a big price? .If it did, you'd never raise an eyebrow . .. 'ill visit the newly formed chap- for they look at least 59.95, instead of our Koos-low 39.9S! •r in Red Bank today. Cars will :ave the YMCA here at 9:15 a.m. rilliam Helmchen will be in iharge of transportation and Geo. ann is in charge of the trip. The loup will be guests of the Red iank Chapter for lunch. The regular meeting scheduled the YMCA here today will be eld as usual. Ladies Day orig- ally planned for Tuesday, June .5 in Tamaques Park, will be held hursday, June 17. Westfleld chapter will be hosts the annual inter-chapter picnic 'hich is scheduled for Monday, :pt. 27 in Tamaques Park. Singing was led by William Bar- iw, accompanied by, Frank Wood,- ff of the Plainfield chapter, at ie piano.

of Y pave Guest Speaker SCOTCH PLAINS — The May BIG FOAM CUSHIONED LOUNGERS leeting: of the Fanwood-Scotch 'lains YMCA Women's Auxiliary 'eatured as guest speaker, Mrs. D. Carlisle of the Plainfield Y .uxiliary, who gave pointers on reating interest in the Y, proj- icts the Auxiliary could under- NOT $59, NOT $69, BUT A-KOOS LOW ;ake and advised stressing public- ity, program and membership. Mrs. Hornbruch, president, gave etails and proceeds of the recent 'ather-son banquet and a rummage iale sponsored by the .organization. The group wilfgiva'a card "party" 49.95 ;o benefit the Y Oct. 8 and will *" SiS ssist the local Y at a tea to ben- Look at the handsome lines . ,'» the SIZE of these chairs! The width and fit the world service division of ;he Y. It was voted to sponsor depth of the seats . .'. the way the backs slope "just right" , . . their thick >ne of the girls' clubs in the Y nd provide leadership. luxurious foam rubber cushions! They're big enough, deep enough to give I man-sized comfort. . . and, yes! They've all the features that point to a big Hardy chrysanthemums are eas- price. But are they? Oh no ... Koos gives you all this for 49.95! You'll ly propagated by taking cuttings and rooting them in sand. love the fabrics, too ... lush damasks, rich metallic-shot tcxturcB, salt and peppers, multi-color textures ... in colors Dad will approve of... toast, rose, gold, red, and green to name a few! Why not make this Father's Day a day he'll remember , . , give him one of these luxurious lounge chairs ... put it on Eoos easy Payment Flan! Does if? BIG T.V. REVOLVING CHAIR

• Look: It swivels! Rocks! Tilts! • Just a shift of your body does it! • All this PLUS decorator designing!

now mt Koos for 69.95

It fooled us! It'll fool you! When we first laid eyes on this chair we pegged it as a good big handsome lounge chair at a terrific price . . . nothing more! Then we tried it for comfort' ... and found hidden treasures! As we sank into it, it tilted back! Then it rocked! Then lo-nnd-bchold it started to revolve! Just a slight shift of your body docs it! You'll watch TV ... then turn to Sharpens Lawnmowers? chat with guests without moving out of your chair! Now look at the beautiful decorator designing! See the nicely tailored kick-pleat skirt? It hides any hint of the chair's mechanical features. And its fabric is n. lush rich texture in coral, beige, charcoal, and green. All this for 69.95? We couldn't believe it ... took ANOTHER look at the price tag ... and it's true! It's an investment buy you'll always be nlrid you made! Paga Eighteen THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 cedures. by Cavalli just like the Charlies and Donnies, Association and THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Passing Scene Angies and Katies, Janes and SEE NEXT PACE place May 23 at the h01 Rand Summit. Follow! Entered at the Post Office at WutAeld. N. J., This is the day when, thrc h the Johns and Willies and Teddys of FOR as Second Class Matter. my girlhood to run around with list of officers elected Published Thursdays at "Weaffleld, New Jersey. wizardry of technology, it is po ible to OTHERS LETTERS TO fey The WeMfletd Leader Printing and Publishing when the time comes for them Co ing year: Company. An Independent Newspaper. • read news reports and see new photos try their wings. THE EDITOR Official Paper (or the Town of Westfleld and of events which took place a f< BETSY ULRICH FIOOBLEU,' %yroug~h of Mountainside. hours Subscription 12.50 a year In advance. earlier on the other side of th 'J(j, Metui'hen. globe; May 24, 1954 Established 1890. to instantly view happenings a oirand United GOP Croup James Humme, third" [ Office: It Kim Street, Westfleld. N. J. miles away by means of televis dent; Mrs. S. Hamler, „„,, <• Tsl. WE. I-440T — WE. 1-4401 n, and Reply From Flaridp Elects Officers president; James Gain s ^1 to travel from one coast to the President, R ;, "' Member ther in egin ualltr Weeklies of New Jersey a few hours. mins treasurer; Arthur S•w Jersey Press Association Editor, Leader: The annual election of officers recording secretary and A National Editorial Association I know that I am not qualified of the United Republican Voters Why then does the United Stj s Con- to give much comfort in trying to Moses, corresponding secre NATIONAL ID ITJ? RI A L gress of 1951 ignore the oppor nity to answer the letter of "a very dis- speed up legislative voting an chocs'; tressed mother" which appeared in your Leader May 20, but I have instead to continue making his ric de- worried and lived through three cisions by the same laborious vo ng pro- junior proms. Two of them were cess that was available to the Roman in Westfield, and each time, ray then teen-ager arrived home Senate in Caesar's day? around 6 a.m., having had a grand I THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 n MI time and wondering why her par- ents were worried. I have just ONE STEP Taxpayer No. 1 Traffic Safety gone through my first junior-se- Practically all of us look for ard to nior prom here and it was so dif- The people of New Jerssy who own ferent. For the past two years, automobiles are average people in every the week end as a time for l st and we have had planned activities on pleasure. We can catch up on ur golf prom night. First, the proni from respect. They are the farmers, the busi- game, work around the house a d have 8 to 1 at a place the students de- nessmen, the factory workers, the house- cide on. Then, a first rate movie some fun with the children. It's e time is shown at our leading movie the- wives, the typical American families who for going to church, watching te vision, atre, then a splash party at a consider their cars, not as luxuries, but listening to the ball game or vi ing or yacht club, with more dancing and last a big breakfast is served at usually as a necessary means of transpor- being visited by friends. NARROW one of the civic clubs, all activi- tation. The week ends are all of thos things BRIDGE ies are over at 7 o'clock. That will saw yeu MANY —except on the highways. In I 3, 15,- All activities are supervised by They are typical also in that they have mothers and fathers and the only no exemption from the general tax bur- 800 persons were killed and 00,000 real requirement is that each boy were injured in weekend accide Hw TfWMffi 5flfs4y Sfvwv den. They pay the same state, county, ts, ac- and his date check in at each place. At your earliett convenience, get mail: cording to figures compiled and cently I was one of several mothers who city and school taxes as everyone else, released by the Travelers In was asked to open my house for depoiit fonni from ui> Then when yon • the same federal income tax, the same urance ••TWMI I* Cm* K«W 2,400 in 1MI. the students to change into after- Companies. Forty-one per cent activitiea clothes. I had seven excise taxes on things they buy—and a of the young girl during the war years •re tired, or busy, or ill...when the I deaths and 36 per cent of the editor. Leader: girls and their dates and have nev- good bit more besides. njuries when there was supposedly a great er had nicer behaved youngsters weather it bad or the hour ia late, you [ were recorded on Saturdays a Congratulations »re in order deal of delinquency, and I never Sun- 'hici in my home. It was their big The point of difference between these days in 1953. saw any of it. We were entirely night. I do not think that par- most too busy with school and dances vehicles owners and their fellow citizens Saturday continued to be t ents as individuals can do too much BANK BY MAIL! I is in the added $89.38 a year they pay reason and • parties at home and going about this night out, nor do I dangerous day of the week. On places in enormous numbers to be think that the answer lies in ask- on an average in special automotive turday ield/^oytheiriobbying, the; delinquent. I never dated a sin- ia that more cars are in use S iave forced a Town Council t< ing help from church or civic taxes—$50.70 to the state in gasoline nother •eject the proposal for tatabliih gle local boy (and my scrapboyks gorups. Taken all together, all than on any weekday. There is testify to a goodly number) whom can help. The students here at tax and.license fees plus $38.68 to the ts this I would not trust with my own distinguishing feature which many first resented the plan and many federal government under the gasoline day apart from the others. For t From "Old Grad" daughter. I can't believe that a meetings were held about it before and other automotive excise taxes. when town that produced such decent it was accepted. people, Saturday night is a tim Editor, Leader: kids less than a decade ago is now WiSTHfLD - CKANFORD - pCOfCH HAMS - i These special taxes in 1953 added up o one raising embryo gangsters. Bach parent was asked to do- drinking and driving combine. I thought perhaps a letter from nate $2, but it was not compul- MMkhtW ttf PtsVssteffsl BftssMlfe iMWtMM CMBMMC^M to $158 million—$90 million for the knows exactly how many traf acci- an "old grad" might allay the I would like to thank my own, sory. This is not written as the state and $68 million for Uncle Sam. The dents are caused by drinking dri ers but fears expressed by a "Very Dis- and my friends' parents, publicly. answer to anyone's problem, but $90 million collected by New Jersey was oblem. tressed Mother" in your column. I think they deserve enormous I, as a parent think that the town everyone knows it is a major p The letter written by a "Very credit for the evenings they gave could do well to consider and per- ' 48 per cent of the stafe's total tax reve- Everyone needs to know that e en one Distressed Mother" and printed in up to ehaperone those noisy par- haps follow the example of Ft, nue—nearly double the ratio of such last week's Leader had a special ties we used to have, and for trust- Lauderdale and provide an enter- drink before driving is too man impact on me. Overtaken by a taxes collected by all other states, but Weekends indeed are a time ing us, and for making us feel taining program on prom night PHOTOSTATS f rest, sudden wave of nostalgia (prob- there was always a place to go if for the juniors and seniors of then, of course, most other states use For too many they are the be nnings ably brought on by my 26th birth- we wanted to have fun—home. Westfield. High School. There will their highway, taxes only for highway of a permanent rest. day) I had recently unearthed my You know, after closing the last be less juvenile trouble and fewer purposes. New Jersey's diversion of high- 10-odd memory-scrapbooks from of those silly, dog-eared scrap- worried parents. Over 93 per cent SAME DAY SERVICE »» «• the attic to re-read—and had spent books, I said a little prayer that I of the students who attended the way funds in 1953 amounted to $25 mil- some time contemplating what a Onward and Upward might guide my own son and prom attended the after-prom ac- lion. wonderful town Westfleld is for daughter through the innocence tivities. Next year we hope to Westfield Studios bringing up kids. make it 100 per cent. That is why the motorist here is said Time marches on and—with respect and newness and hiliarity and Portrait and Commercial Photographers to the state government budge — also I graduated from Westfield High heartbreak of adolescence as wise- JANE C. RONNEB, 'to be, without questipft? "New Jersey's School in 1946 and departed from ly as my mother guided me—and .v (Mrs. Edy*. P.) 121 CENTRAL AVENUE WESTFIEID 2-O23f i upward. college after two years to marry No. l;^^axer]^an d^pucb.ij!|hj|i8itu^ that my children might find ki' ' Ei-Ojuiletdale, Fla.. • ""That New Jersey has' by n means (I have two children).' I was an ation today, without even^oing into tbo honor student in both institutions. question of a $14 million increase in the been a laggard in the parade rising And I was certainly neitner a gasoline tax for school aid as proposed governmental appropriations i shown juvenile delinquent nor a Theda by a tabulation released by t e New Barra—the accolade , my senior in Assembly Bill- 389. class bestowed on me was to vote This proposed increase in the gasoline Jersey Taxpayers Association co paring me most "naive." But I stayed tax for a general fund obligation would annual appropriation bill totals i state out till night after the junior prom. government over a 10-year spa Staying out as late as possible hit the much-taxed motorist and him after the prom was a tradition alone, for it would apply only to gaso- The near $235 million appr riation nine years ago when I was a jun- bill submitted to the Legislatur for the ior in high school. I had a strict line used on the highways. Exempted deadline of 1 a.m. the rest of the from this tax is all gasoline used in fiscal year beginning July 1, ext, is year; this was relaxed only on airplanes,, boats, farm tractors, rail three times greater than the $7 million New Year's Eve and on prom equipment, stationary machinery, utility appropriated by.the state Legis ture in night. According to my "rec- 1945. ords" there were open houses aft- .bus companies, dry cleaning establish- er both these occasions—especial- ments and the like. , Since that time the state bu get has ly after the proms. And really, climbed annually. The $15 millio Distressed Mother, nothing could The gasoline tax is a highway-use tax spend- have been more innocent or more pure and simple—a special assessment ing increase proposed for next ear has circumspect than those parties. to pay for roads—but since New Jersey been exceeded only three time during The ones I attended, at le'ast, were. the 10-year span. devoted to playing silly games, over the years has seen fit to appropriate dancing and eating conglomera- so much of this money for other pur- The comparison of appropri ion to- tions of food the thought of which tals follows: makes my adult stomach turn poses, the only spectacular highway de- over. velopments in this state in recent years Legis- lature For the Personally I think the parents have been in the form of toll roads which Meet'? Originallgy y Fiical ase Over who run those parties are pretty the motorist will have to pay for a In AppropriateAi d Year put Year wonderful. A first prom is a '45-'46 once-in-a-lifetime proposition and second time. '45 ..$78,098,672 the long-suffering1 Moms and Dads *» ta *s '46 118,167,445 '46-'47 ?40 68,773 who add to the festivities with '47 .126,162,329 '47-'48 7 94,884 dinners and open houses are let- This Is Progress? '48-'49 26 04,121 ting the kids have their fling—yet Life for a Congressman must be just '48 .152,366,450 chaperoning- them at the same '49 ..159,587,397 '49-'5O 7 20,947 time. And the parents who invite one long, daily frustrating paradox. Ho '50-'51 4 l2,484 the gang for "breakfast" deserve is beset, on the one hand, by: '50 .164,099,881 .176,815,834 '51-'52 12 15,953 a medal—can you imagine any- (1) the tremendous pressure of find- '51 thing worse that cooking for a '52 210,683,627 '52-'53 33 67.793 bunch of giggling teen-agers in IT'S A TOUGH HURDLE FOR ANY MAN... ing time for the sessions of Congress, '53 219,659,828 '53-'54 -8 76,201 the middle of. the night! for committee hearings, other public '54* 234,803,302 '64-'55 1 43,474 After my prom, junior year, we functions, serving his ^constituents' indi- went in a group to a niffht club in Throughout the world — the American family man is looked upon as a "Appropriation Bill. Newark where we dissipated on vidual needs, performing numerous other' ginger ale, sandwiches and ice "good provider". He enables his family to live up to the world's highest tasks at Washington and also trying to cream. One of the girls held open standard of living. Under modern conditions, the responsibilities of a hus- squeeze in a few hours in his home dis- Other Papers Say: house for us later. I arrived home, band and father are greater than ever before. trict, while, Cerebral Palsy Month I believe, around 4 a.m. I don't remember now being exhausted the Alert business and professional men — men in all walks of life — are on the other hand, The annual Cerebral Palsy d ve for next day (I probably was), or funds opened throughout the that I had trouble doing my home- meeting the challenge of the future with a planned savings program, (2) he wastes long tedious hours wait- United work (I probably did.) But I re; ing on verbal roll calls and quorum calls States May 15 and will continue "or one member the night. It was wonder- First Federal offers you a convenient and efficient service, insured savings, 1% that could be taken faster whenever he month. ful. plus the highest dividend on your money — currently • • e and his colleagues so decide. This year's goal is $814 millio Westfield ' may have changed 2 which since I lived there—but I was a We invite your account. 2 It is estimated that the House of Rep- is one million higher than last year's, resentatives alone spends far over a There are an estimated 10,000 ad itional hundred hours each year—the equiva- babies each year who are stri en by lent of about 25 legislative days—as 435 this dreaded disease. ONE CALL members drone through the extended Union County's newly est lished that process of answering as their names are treatment-education center in E abeth could save a city! • called. The average roll call consumer is doing a good job but there i a con- SAVINGS INSURED -V ACCOUNTS OPENED BY THE 10th about 45 minutes it is said. stant demand for expanded fac ities so In the event of a UP TO $10,000 : surprise air at- • EARN DIVIDENDS FROM THE !«• In contrast is the procedure followed that more children will be able to eceive lock trained Ci- in the House of Assembly in New Jersey the benefits of these remedial tre tments vilian Plane Spot- w and special care. tcrs would be of invaluable service and in the Legislatures of 20 other states in Air and Civilian Defense. One MOST CONVENIENTLY LOCATED equipped with modern voting machinery. Seventy-five per cent of the fu ds col- call from just one spoiler euuld Here a vote can be recorded in a matter lected will be used at the Elizab nu'an the dillerence between life and h cen- death for an entire city. To learn of seconds. ter, the balance going to nati al re- IHJW easy it is to become a Spotter Pressure upon the Congressional day search. Some 200,000 children h e been and Jiow important send today for FIKST FEDERAL born with cerebral palsy in this I lie free booklet: -ONE CALL." could be relieved substantially through untry, Box 50, Air Defense Command, SAVINGS ,VAo. ASSOCIATION electronic voting anytime Congress de- More than 500 cases are regis red in, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 150 KLU -STREKT*. WHSTFIELO. NKW JERSEY cides to "go modern" and divest itself the area served by the Elizabeth enter. Published, as a public service in eo. of its ancient, time-consuming roll pro- —Plainfield Courier-News, May operation tcitk The Advertising Council THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 fic goes into Central avenue where LETTERS TO THE there is none until you reach North fered during the time children are would like to live according to the avenue. going through this intersection to highest standards. But often they ED/TOR school there is no protection to are caught in the whirlpool of con- Playing The Cards "2. Broad street is now thethose who are early or later. formity to lower patterns and main traffic artery from Spring- standards rather than be ostra- By ALEXANDER SPENCER To Town Fathers field, Millburn, the Oranges and "6. A light at this corner oper- The English expert who met points north and west to the Clark ating during the busy periods of cized. And so, too, are many of this hand in a match against Wales Township entrance to Garden the day would prevent a constant our parents. Patterns for living did everything wrong. #irst, he That's My Credit Referent! Editor, Leader: State Highway and the flow of pile-up of cars at the corners of in this day and age have boon set caused the grand slam to bid in the The letter below was written by this traffic is continuous and Central and below that at Elmfor us in both the Old and Newwrong suit; then he failed to find me to the Mayor and Town Coun- heavy. giving the officers on duty there Testaments. All we need to do is the right line of play to make it. cil: time to more easily control these to carry them out. Cover the East-West hands and "3. The addition of the Town spots. Why don't you suggest in your 'Dear Sirs: Hall in this section has added t:> see whether you can plan it better "I have been operating under "7. A pause in traffic caused by good paper the formation of a cit- than he did. the traffic and the parking of cars such a light at this central sec- izens' committee to study and he misapprehension that my ear-on both Broad street and Euclid NORTH tion of Broad street will give resi- tackle these problems? On it a> none ler request of the town for a traf- avenue, presently of the workers dents out of Chestnut, Linden and should be representatives of our fic light at the corner of East on the Town Hall project and lat- V K J 10 4 other streets a chance to get safe- children, our parents, our rcligiou • A K 7 3 Broad and Euclid avenue had been er the cars of people doing busi- ly into Broad street. leaders and our city government. •efused by the traffic engineering ness at the Town Hall offers a • A K Q 9 2 "I realize much effort has been As the parents of an eight and WEST EAST section of the Department of Law greater hazard particularly to cars a half year old boy, who moved ind Public Safety at Trenton. I and bicycle riders crossing Broad given to the traffic problem and *K.J9872»»A53 much has been accomplished but to Westfield because we thought ¥87 •/ 6 5 3 low learn that no request was at Euclid because you must be aI see the situation at this Broad this would be an ideal town in iver made of that office, car's width into Broad street be- • J 0 8 • 5 2 and Euclid location daily ancbhave which to live, we are ready to + 10 6 • J 8 7 4 3 "The need for such a light is fore you have an uninterrupted been greatly concerned. serve with such a group. iven more apparent now than it view of oncoming traffic and the LESLIE G. ANDERSON SOUTH through traffic has not compassion "May I respectively request that A Q 10 6 4 Right! There is no better as earlier and I give you some this application be considered and 528 Grove street if my reasons; for the people or cars attempting V A Q 9 2 reference then the bonk with an entrance into or passing thru passed along to the state with a • Q 10 0 4 1. Both Broad street and Eu- recommendation. which you do btismeo. lid avenue are through arteries Broad street. Thanks West fielders • 6 "According to my information North-South were using the Acol if traffic. There is no traffic light "4. There has been one, possi- the first step is to have a 14 hour At • reliable customer, w» m Euclid avenue from North to bly more deaths to pedestrians, at Editor, Leader: two-club bid, which is forcing to traffic count. If this can not be game unless opener's first rebid is CM fjve you • booit without disclosing confidents! information. ifountain, its entire length. There this point and a large number of done by the town I can arrange Clark-Hyslip Post, f>45, Veter- two notrump. The bid is conven- none from Broad street from its accidents. A fatality, after warn- to have this count conducted by ans of Foreign Wars of the Unit- tional and does not guarantee a Our recommendation it usually «N thet it M«MMiy. eginning point on Springfield ave- ing, could be unnecessarily disas- volunteer residents of the neigh- ed States and its Auxiliary, wish- club suit. Opener's Buit is Bhown ue until you reach Broad and trous. borhood." es to take this opportunity to i»s-on his first rebid. The bidding You're win lo develop « close essotielion with your baulk K !lm and most of the through traf- 5. While some protection is of- ALAN BRUCE CONLIN tend to the people of Westfield, their most sincere thanks for thewent: •en be yew beet aadVieit valuable Miel in busimei. support and co-operation given North East South We.t Why Not A them in the recent "Buddy" Poppy 2* pass 2* pass sale. Through this wonderful sup- 3* pass 3 • pass 1 Citizens Committee? 4* pass 4* pass port our "Buddy Poppy" campaign pass 5 NT pass WHEN IT!/ was very successful, and the mon- pass pass pass Editor, Leader: ies received from this source wi South's first bid should have Peoples Bank & Trust Company The letter in a recent issue of be used to carry on our service been two hearts, not two spades, TIME TO MOVE the Westfield Leader, from the work in the coming year. hut he still had a chance to cor Opposite Railroad Station mother of a 16 year old daughter, We also wish to extend to the rect that error by bidding three - "-4 outlines problems confronting both Westfield Leader, our thanks for hearts instead of three diamonds, _ THINK OF parents and children, not only in its continued support in all our 1 Weatfteld but in other communities When he finally got around to bid- undertakings, ami to Al Buist, ding hearts at the four-level, r t^lV^I^SIVWhBI^^^V er^B^VV^kreTVBV fllt^V^H^B^sMj BJI^B^HB\^B^SW^^B^H' ^E^OT _Bnt TOWNSEND throughout the world. It brings manager of the Kialto Theatre for North couldn't be sure South really to mind also the fact that here in his kindness and assistance in had a heart suit, since he might Westfield, we have an ideal com-showing the film on "Buddy Pop- have been cue-bidding the heart munity in many ways, and we arepies" to assist us in their sales. ace with the four-heart call. Whether it'i a trunk or a not taking advantage of the op- JOHN 1'. FITZGERALD JR. portunities afforded to us in con- After North raised the hearts to houseful of furniture . . . you Commander, Clmk-llyslip five, South bid 5 notrump. This nection with the raising of stand- Post fi-15,VFW . ards for parents and children of was tho Culbertson "Grand-Slam can rely on our expert movers MRS. A. POLTMAN Force" and requested North to bid WHY WAIT? INSTALL 10W-CWT all ages, as well us those of our President, Ladies Aux., to handle your household citizens who are keenly interested soven in the agreed suit if North Family Life Today Clark-Hyslip Post, 045, held two of the three top honors. MlCOHtAT NOW I but who do not have families. I VFW items with care. Call now for believe that most of us do not wish North thought diamonds was the PHYLLIS PAGE IW ADS II AW I to sit back and do nothing about agreed suit, and, having the two Specialist, in Human Relation* the details. Seedlings don't liku rough han- tops, obediently said seven dia- This fully automatic DELCO-HIAT it, but rather we are waiting for dling in the transplanting process. Rutgcrt, the State Univertity the right leadership in order to monds. Series "F" Conversion Oil Burner e»r New gardeners may overlook this Seven hearts Is easy, but de- move into action. The writer of DISCIPLINE THAT TEACHES be Intuited rifhc in your this letter points out that the re-and simply pluck out seedlings lu clarer found seven diamonds too Discipline is a leurning process. sponsibility rests with all segments be moved to another location, tear- tough, especially the way hoIt teaches and trains .toward tho Boiler or Furnace and will g« of our town—all our citizens, all ing fine roots and doing damage played it. West leads the 10 ofgoal of self-discipline in the fu- quiet, efficient operation with from which the little plant may clubs. What's your plan to make HENRY P TOWNSEND our churches and all our civic not recover. A small label stick ture. It is not at all the same distillate or catalytic fuel oil*. groups. seven diumonds? thing as punishment for an act notched in the end can be used to Declarer mangled tho hand this committed in the past. In handl- nit H*«Hn| Survey tmtf I ifJmetf* «af MOVING 1 STORAGE Why don't we move into action lift the plant out gently, along way. He won the first trick with with as much soil as possible. ing discipline problems with chil- LOCAL £ LONG DISTANCE and try to set up a pattern in the. club ace, pulled trumps in dren, thero are several steps need- Westfield which could be used in throe rounds, then ruffed a club, ed to ensure that the child learns BLUED VAN LINES ~~ other cities throughout the coun- USE LEADER CLASSIFIEDS hoping for n 4-3 break in the suit. and is helped to avoid wrong be- OIL HEAT SERVICE try and throughout the world? The clubs were 5-2 and that was havior in the future. 225 E. Bread St. • Tel. WI. 3-1213 241 NORTH AVE. flpWESTFIELD2-4464 Most certainly our children TO BUY OR SELL that. It's Important to determine ex- The hnnd makes with no trouble actly what happened. Too fre- at all if you happen to get thoquently parents jump to conclu- right viewpoint. Tako tho first trick sions about youngsters' behavior. with the club ace, lead tp theSometimes a parent sees the ac- queen of hearts, ruff a spnde, lead tion only from his own adult point to tho acu of hearts, rufF a spode. of view. Justice anil fuir treat- You get more car for less Now cash ace tmd king of dia-ment mean a great deal to every- monds, ruff the two of clubs to get, body, including children. It's only You get the most dollar-for-dollar value In a new to tho South hand. The queen of fair not to make snap judgments diamonds pulls the last trump that are as likely to be wrong as the payments are easy) while the nine of clubs is dlBcurdcd right or to look at something only from dummy and all the cards left from one viewpoint. When par- on tho board are winners. ents find out what really happen- ed, they can go on from then1. LOWER PRICES The next step is to get the rea- Prune Forsylliia son for the behavior. Did the child ALWAYS You get more for your trade-in To Keep Its Shape really know he was doing some- thing wrong? Did the child mis- behave deliberately? Did lie know, Our sates are high ... so our overhead per car Is low. Foraythia and other flowering but was so carried way by his in- SAVE 29c And we're poising this .avina on to you in the form (and lQna TO shrubs that have finished bloom- terest or excitement that ho just of Ih. highest trade-in allowance, in our history. ing can be pruned now. The plant didn't think? Did ho misbehave 98c DDT Aerosol can be shaped and truincd so that in order to get more attention? ny young shoots that are left will How the behavior is to be cor- make rapid growth and set their rected depends to a great extent Bomb . . . cut to 69c Jossom buds. upon knowing exactly what hap- But don't delay pruning after pened and the reason for it. Be- You get tomorrow's styling the first week in June, warns Eric havior should always be consider- H. Peterson Jr., county -agricul- ed in relation to tho feelings and SAVE 39c Ford's styling will do more than show friends your tural agent, us forsythia and sim-attitude of the child and not the Sr " "°'dha -" (onoflwr reason why Fords "trade" high) ilar plants make their flower buds action alone. The steps taken by $1.98 Para Nuggets, in July and August. the parents to correct the behavior Pruning does not mean giving need to help the child learn what 5 lbs. . . . cut to $1.59 ;hcse naturally graceful shrubs a to do in the future. crew cut, the agent points out. lo that the shape can be retained, Broccoli for fall harvest can be simply cut out Home of tho oldest planted the last of May or the SAVE 3Oc You get a V-8 engine cHnes close to the base of the plant first of June in a row in the gar- and open the top. den. Seedlings are transplanted Ford Is the world's largest builder of V-8 engines. Shearing off the top of the plant where they will stand. Allow 18 $1.49 Jumbo Plastic r the most modern Six n the only increases the density of theinches between plants in rows 30 (° > industry) top growth when actunlly the plant inches apart. Garment Bag . $1.19 needs a renewal growth of shoots from the buse. LEADER WANT ADS PAY I Grass clippings from the lawn, SAVE $1 Jcft where they fall, enrich lawn You get ball-joint suspension soil. However, exceptionally long SAVE or dense clippings that may form $2 Dorothy Gray New Ball-Joint Front Suspension Is the greatest chassis a dense mat can be scattcr«d or advance In 20 yean! Only Ford and two high,r- perhaps gathered to be used for Summer Cologne . *I priced cars offer its eosier handling and riding. U> mulch. y«t another woy tn which Ford's worth more. CASH and CARRY SAVE 30c LINES BY SOGLOW OA RUG CLEANING 69c Rubber Gloves cut to 39c Hamrah-Emerson, Inc. One tf N. J/s largael Ruf Cleenera Ml UlAND AVI., PLAINFIUO FATHER'S DAY. Sunday, JUNE 20

BUY IDEAL! Largest Selection of Pipes & Cigars For The in Westfield MTUID to yonr earl—the tinkle HARD TO FIT GIRL of dollare piling Dp. Whot'e jroui theme eong—"My Dreama are Get* Complete line of ' ting Better ell the Time"? Dream- SUBTEENS 8 to 14 ing of owning youl own homo * • • FOR THE BEST DEAL ON AN travel ahroad • » • or Juet faxy dey. to come with no GnanciaJ worries? CHUBETTES, GIRLS, AUTOMOBILE ..SEE YOUR Don*t play It by ear. Keep In ttuie SUBTEENS and TEENS BROAD & ElM STS., WESTHE1D Foul Dealer by inveetixig regularly tn U. S. Sav- Inge Booda. for regular future re- D. LASS, Ph.O. S. WEINTRAUB, Ph.0. turn. Get on Payroll Savings) when IDEAL SHOP Filling Prescription! It tha Mast Important Part roowora ortheBond-a-MonthPlan Westfield Motor Sales Co., Inc. at yomr bunk. Yon'U harmonize to 129 E. Front St. of Our BuiinMi 8-4 lime—for each $3 eared* ycmil Plainficld, N. J. FREE DELIVERY - PHONE WE. 2-2142 get H when Bonds mater* Start 319 NORTH AVENUE WESTFIELD 2-1038 the tnotlo—toda/l Pmge Twenty THE WESTFTELD (N. JV) LEADER, THURSDAY, JUN1 8. 1054 You just dissolve one heaping ta- Often Gardener Who good soaking,, so the moisture Jersey Racing h ] Get After That blespoonful of the crabgrass killer 7^*" goes down at least six inches, ad- in one gallon of water and apply Sprinkles Does More vises Peterson. That is, assuming that your local water supply will New Jersey ranks it evenly with a pressure .sprayer (Easy Gardening Harm Than Good parses awarded in 3.3 ,t Crabgrass Now! -^-v permit you to use water for gar- or gallon jus spray attachment to den purposes. racing is conducted wi 100 square feet of jawn area. bution of $0,182,525 Some gardeners—even those who j You can make a soaker hose by By THE WASTER GAliDESER For best results with the non- should know better—are often car- which $2,069,505 cam punching holes in an old length of mouth Park. You can't >augh at crabgrass, poUonous, non-coi-rosive potassium ried away with the idea of water-1 hose, or buy one. but nowadays you can free your cyanate type of crabgrass killer, ing the garden. ' ' lawn of crabgrass ami ehickweed it is best to apply it to your lawn Squirting the hose seems such ; LEADErf WANT ADS PAY! GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY and smile while you do it. Gone both early and late in the season. easy fun because it's one job that are the days of laborious grub- Nationally conducted trials have can be done from the comfort of bing; instead you now can spray shown that this type of product, a beach chair. Often a job like away crabgrass with a killer while often- effective if applied this is hard to resist and so it's 119 easily as you finish off dan- once, will really clean out the erab- not always easy to convince gar- delions-and plaintain with 2, 4-D. grass if applications are made dur- den sprinklers, that they're prob- ably doing more harm than good. Eric H. Peterson Jr., county ag- ricultural agent, points out that in ROOFING I FOR BETTER LAWN the first place sprinkling wastes Slop «nd dun your roies on considerable water because much Siding and General Repairs AND GARDENS the way to work in the morning. is lost in evaporation. This may New insecticide-fungicide com- be reason enough this season if bination* come in liandy dust* public water supplies continue to gun-packages &o you cmi tlo lite be below normal. Mr. anal Mrs. John M. Ckamhera, formerl, of notion. Maae, are now at job without a mess — and you home at 541 Treniunt avenue. Thl» kume vta* uurekaNed from' Mr. can chose materials which leave And from the standpoint of the and MM. Wm. V. llralce through the office of BauliuVra A Mulford. Visit The GAR DEN CENTER no clinging odor or harmful res- ThU was at multiple llNtlng-. garden, shallow watering trains idue. Regular applications of roots to search for moisture up to- J. J. MORAN preventive pest-control chemicals will keep your flowers free of ward the surface of the soil rather Nature has a way,' actually, of than under conditions of too much bun and blights all season lung. than downward, where they'd nor- taking care of plants pretty well moisture. 410 FIRST ST. WESTFIILD, N. J, A few puff's of dust at least once ROSES mally find it. Under a warm sun under fairly dry conditions, says But if the times comes that Phonou WI. 34323 - WI. 2-0190 • week will do a lot lo keep your shallow roots dry out, and then the agent, and a plant usually can POTTE& garden looking the way you your garden is suffering from want il. real trouble can be expected. survive better under dry conditions lack of water, then give it a JailcMin ft Parkins (Da toil Gocdn Inlounollon Santa) • HYBRID HAS We're Ing both June and August. The • CUMBHS AS NGC* first application should be made in • FIORIBUNDAS June when the seedlings are less ToVoa • TRf E than an inch high. If these appli- cations do not control all the seed- BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1.75 to 6.25 lings, (and there are literally mil- lions of them on an average sized RAPID MLTKRENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES lawn) repeat treatments on older crabgrass and chiekweed a month • AUTO DEALERS CLEANERS* DYERS • ELECTRICIANS • LOANS ' RUG CLEANERS WOOD TRELLISES or six weeks later, bat before the grass has matured to the point of ELECTRICAL for ytur climbing KM. Me. LAING , BROWN AND KELLER'S setting seed. CLKANBIIi A«J DtUI CONTRACTING HAMRAH BROS. Whit* Painted or Natural California Redwood Some temporary discoloration of "Sam* Dar Dry Cle«nln» Service" LOANS IAROE SIUCTION the desirable grasses is to be ex- MOTOR CO. i Prompt, Dapandobla Service ONE OF PLAINFIBUVI pected and this is aggravated by Mate OCfca aac Ptamt DOUGLAS W. FIELD $25 to $500 OI.DBST HUG CI.BAREM Tear ABtkarlee« IS-lt Waaklaartea AT*. 1036 Seward Ave. Westflelc hot, dry weather. Don't spray CADILLAC , Cemplete laaaranee Cenitli your lawn unlea there is plenty of MaiaiaM. M. J, Cmolldate Bllla—Finance Parchaaea HYBRID RHODODENDRON $6.00 Dealer T.I. We. 2-3641 or fur ear ataer need. Safe Storage Paellltna soil moisture and air temperatures Complete Repair Senlra Phone John E, Pitcher EVERGREENS - FLOWERING SHRUBS are high. Effectiveness is increased |T?j' Sale* and Service FLOOR COVERINGS , Wall-Te-Wall Gareetlat and recovery of lawn grass is more • CLEANERS A DYERS rapid. If lawn grasses are well Pheaei PLalnleU «-*Stt Westfield 2-4800 Cleaned la Ike Boau or Otlei IMKWICD HOUAND fed, they come back quickly and IIt-111 E. (th Mntt Plalafel Prompt Cleaners HYDE & ELLIS, INC 332 letond Ave. rlctinM will do their share by shading- out Service De»t.i 134 B. 4th HitM Friendly Finance Co. the weakened crabgrass early in GLADIOLUS BULBS SAME DAY SERVICE FLOOR COVERINGS 3.15 15. Broad St. WeatleM PLalnfield 6-4466 the summer. Late season appli- Lie. No. 728 Bog of 30 Mixed Colon includes General Ilsenhewers. cations require twice the concen- «Ia at 1» — Oat at Fife" FLOOR TILE tration, since, by this time, the 13S Central Are., WeatleU LINOLEUM • SERVICE STATIONS WI Al$O HAVI CHOIC1 , weeds become old and tough. If Lucchesi Motor Co. • MOVING AND yours is a bentgrasslawn, never Pkan* We. S-MM1 Tour Authorised llak To»i MICHIGAN,,ORgWN BULBS use the double strength rate since Wall COTerln STORAGE bent is less tolerant than other de- • COAL DEALERS • r Victor Rogers STRAIGHT and MIXlD C010IS Wall paper sirable grasses. Then, too, if your Studebaker Llsat Flitnrea ALLIED VAN LINES LOOSI and PACKAOEO lawn wa3 newly seeded this spring, CRANFORD COAL CO. Texaco Products Dealer loatk Are. w.. at Plaaa wait until you have mowed it sev- SIR SOOTH AVE. B. HAVOLINE Motor OH eral times before attempting crab- CALL CR. «-15I0 Canna, Dahlia, Peony Roots Sales and Service SAVE WBattieid i.tio» grssa control. Winter Snnmier Per Lily of the Valley Pips . Parti — Repair! Prlee' Price Ton Complete eradication of crab Imt •* Steve.. SS3.TII f2t.M 93,33 • INTERIOR MARFAK call WE.tfleld 2-7887 Pen ao.T.i I§.TJI 2.00 grass in one year Is nice to dream ••etc ir.m la.n .is DECORATORS Lubrication ? Rubrum 0 Regal • Willmottae • Orange Triumph of but not probaWe.- The seeds W. North Avt. Westf ield Rlee IB Ik) M.M ,1m may remain in the soil fof several Distance Movlnr Storage — Packing — Shipping Tires, Batteries and Acceitorh BEGONIAS - GLOXINIAS years before germinating. There- • CORSETS CHAIN Cara Called For and DellmeJ • fore, if you have a badly infested HARRY MILLER MOTORS ROBBINS & ALLISON, INC. SOllTH AVB. « JtOil Th, [ lawn you may have to keep after INC. Htr ' WESTFIELD 2-4SU i ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS THE CORSET SHOP DECORATORS Local and Lone Distance Movlnr the pest for several seasons. Authoring _J CUSTOM MADE VEGETABLE PUNTS "To Getl Corsnta Call CRanrord 6-0S98 CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH Is Salesmanship" • Furniture Atlantic Service Station Sealer 213 Sontk Ave.. E. Cranford FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS "To Fit Them I» Art" • Slip Corera Bllney & TTaaowiU Easy to Knock Out •am an* imln a Draperlee WEltbll 3-loag LeaAlna; Brandt to C«oo«e From Props. ' a Henpholateriaia; Opea S4 Haan Tent Caterpillar in North AT*. H. WMti«U MS E. Broad WEatlleld 2-M1S • MUSIC AtOVNTTC A FULL LINE OF Pkone For On ,^mmm^—, IIOAD SBRVICI eall WEatlleld 2-3SM, 2-81M Almost any day now you can ex. ROBT. A. NASH CO. Decorator pect to look at CONTRACTORS THE MUSIC STAFF Nortk Ave. W. and Ccntial. Wertlll INSECTICIDES HIDIilI WEstfield 2-4040 ry, apple, plum, peach, pear, haw- Barbara Ryan for every garden need. SPRAYERS and DUSTERS. thorne or rose tree or bush and Z1T n. BROAD ST. WE1TPIELD LARRY'S SHELL SERVICE find that most of the leaves are NEUMANN PLolnflold 6-8870 Record.—Skeet Mnale—PnOBOtraaa Free advice on your spraying problems. gone, and in the fork of the Sales an* gervlee _ Parte — Renalre MW E. FRONT ST. PLAIirnGLD Moaleal Aceeuorlea Complete Aato,Serrlclaf PLalnleU ft-TTIO CONSTRUCTION CO. Inc. branches of the plant is an un- 114 E. 2na Street Plainteli 27 Elm Street WEatlleld »-H48 Aato Waaklna>-Plck-ap * Wlr*! sightly, dirty, white nest. MASON covrnAorons • JUVENILE FURNITURE TIME FOR WEED CONTROL This nest serves as headquarters BUILDER* Batterlen — Tlrn — AMettmtei for the ^eastern tent caterpillar. Repalra and Alteration! Dry or Liquid Application . NORRIS eall WEatneld 2-1111 AL BERSE'S • OFFICE SUPPLIES SIS ITartk Ave. B. WEltteU »«< The black caterpillars at first SSta Seneea PI. Weatlteid small and later up to two and one- CHEVROLET, INC. CAROUSEL half inches, are usually home. If • DRUG STORES • STORAGE JAPANESE BEETLES not, they are out on a limb look Aatkerlie* e Faraltare •« Voy-a A Game* TERRILL'S GRUB PROOF NOW . ing for more leaves. call wlitltll 2-S8J5 We. 2-5623 116 Elm Street HENRY P. TOWNSEND Wo have a large ulcction of GRUB PROOFING COMPOUNDS. You'll have no trouble finding 20 ELM STREET WESTFIELD Commercial Stationery • Filing Supplies Apply new la prevent damage to your lawn and garden. them as larvae hatched from a DARBY'S DRUG STORE Wtddlng end Birth Annoynantfntl STORAGE : single egg mass may number be- Fountain Pen Repair! tween 160 and 350, and they form Phone: WEstfield 2-1198 THE TOY CHEST Minieagraph Supplier MOVING & PACKING • We Carry A Complete line of clusters. Hale* Mai gervlea JUVENILE FURNITURE - TOYS eall WEiHrio !•**>* If, you would rather have leaves Complete Part* Deat. 339 South Ave. W. Westfield SCOTT'S LAWN PRODUCTS than caterpillar nests on your Cor. Central Ave. & Quimby St. • OPTICIANS 241 JVortk Ave. W. trees, use DDT or methoxychlor, ITertk anal Central Avea. WeatleU WE RECOMMEND WBataela 2-02S* Westfield 2-7207 advises Erie H. Peterson Jr., agri- CENTRAL PHARMACY > TELEVISION SERVICE cultural agent. These are avail- MHRTON MINTZ, Ownor-Mgr. ROBERT F. DAY GARDEN CENTER LAWN SEED Michael J. Cermele, Rei. Pharm. able at most garden supply, hard Prescription Optician • VELVET • SPECIAL •SHADY ware or seed stores as five per cent PRESCRIPTIONS STATION RADIO « Carefully Compounded ' LAUNDRIES call AND GARDEN CENTER LAWN FOOD . solutions in small containers spe RAWSON Draca - Perfamea - Couiettea TELEVISION, INC. cially prepared for home use. §leh ROOM Sasplle* " Eli St. Werttleld TELEVISIOV * RADIO RUM»" 50% ORGANIC Two or three squirts properly MOTORS, INC. Dollr Mailaon lee Cream SAMOSET LAUNDRY (Opp. Peoples Bank ft Trust Co.) All Btake« a»4 M«asl» - ' Our Formula! (Proven Bejt for This Area) aimed at the center of the nest, us BZ4 Central ATC. WBatleld X-14M SERVICE, INC. Guaranteed Work ing. a machinist's hand oiler, will Authorized WEstflelfl 2-4M#_^|,|( soak through the nest and do the LAIINDHT _ Dnr CLt^ANUtO 1 DAIRIES "Drive-In Service" PET SHOPS *w ,••!> Avt. We»t in'ji^' job. A single spray containing PONTIAC Cash and Carry MICHIGAN PEAT DDT or methoxychlor is also effec- call PLalnfleld 8-2H4O • UPHOLSTERERS AND' tive and should be used as directed ••lea an* Service » Worth Are. Plalnfteld PLAINFIELD PET & Nature's finest soil builder on the container. Caaralete Parta an* Retain DESIGNERS WHSTFIEHJD/ 1 POULTRY SUPPLY SHOP 1—2—4 bu. bags and bulk. 433 Jfortk ATe. B. WEataelt 2-3700 SC HMALZ LAUNDRIES - "Everything Tor Pets" U.S. Qov't Inspected Horae Meat In New York City's Green^J Chemical Kills PbAIHFIDLD SELF SERVICE Frr.h DallT Village for 25 years, «dM 120 Park Ave. PlAtaHeM S-MOO • Milk & Cream Brtj Chick. COMPLETE LINE OF Westfield for the past 30 y«™ Lawn Weeds • Buttermilk PLalnneli 0-008S QUALITY GARDEN TOOLS SCOTCH PLAINS M Watchnng Ave. Plalnnel* our dccumulativs experi"* Dandelions, plantain and buck- UNION COUNTY • Cottage Cheese HALF-HOUR LAUNDRY at your service. horn are easy to kill with 2, 4-D • Butter & Eggs miNO • PLTJFK DRYING PHONOGRAPHS preparation. If your lawn is in- DRT CLEANING a DYEINC1 "STRICTLY FOR THE BIRDS" BUICK CO. a SHIRTS Charles Lecher Feeders — Houses — Suet Calces and Holders — Chfcodee fested with these weeds, get a Delivered Fresh FAnwood S-7337 Authorized THE BANDSTAND Corner South Ave. and and Community Diners — Seed — Endorsed by Audubon 2, 4-D preparation from your lo- From Our 101 park Are. Scotch Plain cal garden supply store and apply BUICK Cumberland St. Society. MUSIC SHOP it according to instructions, sug-. Nearby Farm Complete Line of Ne* Upholstered FarnlW* gests Eric H. Peterson Jr., Union LAWN MOWERS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Slip Covers, D«peH««. ", County agricultural agent. Bought and Sold Fine Fabrics on ""nlw If you do not have a sprayer CALL PL 6-2277 LaGRANDE LAWN "Private Instruction OPEN DAILY 8 to 8 - SUNDAYS 9 to 4 and the number of weeds is not on All Instruments" too great, 2, 4-D solution can be MOWER REPAIR SHOP IS8 B. Broad WEatOeld 2-S903 applied with a paint brush. Be Sales &V Service LAWN MOWERS sure to keep 2, 4-D off trees and OHO TRUCK SALES DOORS & WINDOWS Snlea nnd Service • PLUMBERS Goad Used Can a Sharpened a nepalred a Filed garden plants as these may be se- 430 North Are. E. Westfteld WEatneld 2-SSOO KeraMnde —Bleed Toola Sharptned verely injured, Mr. Peterson said. 404 S. Elmer WEitHeld 2-0.10.1 ITSS Also, a sprayer that has been used United S Silver Door Co. WILLIAMS PLUMBING & for 2, 4-D application should not 22 nioomlngdale ATe. 1 HEATING SERVICE WELCH'S PAINT « Cranford. N. J. Cr. 8-2204 LIQUOR STORES be used on other plants. A bul- Westfield a Jnnltrol Gm Heotlns; WALLPAPER STOW letin, "Using 2, 4-D Safely" is Aluminum combination storm doors a Pcnmitlt 'Water Sottenera a^Oll nnrncrs available free on request to agri- Motor Sales Co. Inc.and windows, Jalousies, storm win- lows and doors. Venetian bllnal. ELM LIQUOR SHOP Wl^tfleld 2-205T cultural agent, Eoom 1G, Court Toar Authorised Aluminum door haoda. Ovflrhend BBS Onmberlnnd St. Weatlleld House, Elizabeth 4. porn. All repair masonry work done. Paul W. Twllley, Pron. • ELECTRICIANS "The adjustment now taking Beer — Wines — Liquors • RUG CLEANERS • LANDSCAPE CRAFTSMAN • CERTIFIED TREE EXPERT place is the aftermath of war . . . Established 192B This Bhift from a war economy to a semi-peace economy is occurring CHARLES T. BRENNAN WE bELIVER BROWN & KELLER'S PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO WE. 2-3109 - WE DELIVER Experienced with remarkably little disturbance Dealer ELECTRICIAN 1100 SOUTH AVE. W. WESTFIELD . It is less severe in most fields The beat In electrical work at the Oriental and Dementia SALES — SERVICE call WEstfield 2-3113 IlUG CLEANHng than the very moderate setback of PARTS — REPAIRS leaat coat to yon. Modern Cold Storngo Vaulto 1048-49."_U. S. News & World 310 \orlh ATe. El. WeaiBetd Daya We, Z-Olon-J Em, We. 2-3MT 218 E. IJrnnd, ^Ventflcld WE. 2-(KKi0 Report. WSltOelS 3-1018 Elm St. Westfield Bl» Edarar Boad 13-18 Wnahlneton ATe. rlnlnlltld PL. 0-8400 ffl. J.) LEADER. TfftTMDAY. JUNE 3, 1954 tivity. I've told you of our local LIZZIE LETTERS and state programs. The national STARTING 36th SEASON ! Dear Sis: program which was adopted in Mother-Daughter Edward J. Brennan, general the summer well be actively par- manager at Monniouth Park race As usual in New Jersey we've ticipating in the planning of Unit- April, for a two-year period of jumped from topcoats to bathing work, has two items. The first is: track, is starting his 36th year in ed Nations week in Westrield in Banquet Held lacing. He has been with the New suits! Isn't it wonderful to be line with a motion adopted at 'the "Support of U. S. trade policies Jersey track since its inaugural in able to have the doors open and national convention in Denver that that will help solve national and 1940. the children running in and out "all local leagues eontinu. international economic problems." More than 2(50 persons attended without having- to peel off layers This item reflects the league's the annual mothrr-daugrhler ban- round community activities yea r conviction that the expansion of Make successive plantings of of clothing—to say nothing of put- Port of the UN." quet of the W'estfteld Y-Toi-n Club gladiolus until July 1 to insure a ting- it on again in five minutes. world trade is an important key Thursday. An informal program longer blooming season. Vacation weather, we say, but gov- The phairmen of the variuu to the solution of many economic and the installation of new officers ernment takes no vacation and committees of the league will b. and political problems both na- followed the dinner. neither does the league. During busy recruiting personnel to work tional and international. The The following girls were elected on the various levels of league at- means by which expanded world to office; Sophomore group I, pres- trade may be brought about will ident, Jack O'Connor; vice presi- he the subject of concentrated dent, Helen Blackwood; secretary, league study and action. Judy O'Neil; treasurer, Cynthia Among the issues selected for Washburn; publicity chairman, special attention, the ones most Carol DeChellis; service chairman, familiar to the league through Roxanne Alpher and social chair- past study and action are the ex- man, Beverly Newmiller. tension of the Reciprocal Trade Sophomore group II, president, does McTavish Agreements Act and the estab- Jackie Sparks; vice president, lishment on a permanent basis of Bonnie Birdsall; secretary, Con- in touch with home? the General Agreement on Tariffs nie Drummond; treasurer. Penny and Trade (with the fascinating Mr. and Aim. Jufcit If. Mtlltr of New RoebeHe, IV. Y.. arr BOW reHiillnsr Park; publicity choiVnmn, Mere- By thr-r-r-riifty Long Distance. It cost* nickname of GATT), the interna- fa tfcelr new humr at 30 Pntei-Mon rmtd. Kmnuud. which Hiej- pur- even less now that the tax has been chtiNrd frniu Mr. »»a N», lt«»- H. Htntfr. Thr wale1- wirn nr|p«>llfil<>«" dwica el n»M f the importance cf expanded o make us realize that it's dyna- that is not constantly on the move. garet Ellis, Judie Botts, Miss Se- b6dy »tyl«, optional tqul»m»flt mi world trade, not only to the par- mite if used unwisely. They will do best if the "water 1; cor, Suzanne Ball, Mis» Dunn, Pat PPri m may vary illflhtliflyy In «d|oUiln|« ticular region, but also to the nu- warmed by plenty of sunshine. Swsenson, Miss Mumford, Peggy b«ou» of dipping char««. All prim «ftV|*rt M 'For instance," he went on, "a Each lily should be placed in a Garber, Judy Bremner, Miss Sul- SALE tion and the world as a whole. speeding car travels a greater livan, Sandra Healy, Phyllis changa without nolle*. Check cur IwdftMdl box or tub and have no more than It's a fascinating: subject, a distance between the time the one foot of water above it. Th Furqh, Miss O'Connor, Lillys very worth-while one, but one rakes are applied and the time; roots should be pressed gently into Marik, Mellnda Scolt, Miss Park, June 3rd through June 17 which will require a great deal of he car stops than a Btowei'-movini? the soil', which should be good top MaryAnn Leedom, Miss Spurks, study and work. Our local chair- machine. Obviously, a driver's soil to which one pound of plun Misa Platt, Miss Drummond, Miss man will be Mn. C. B. Addinal. chances of hitting an object thut food per bushel is added. Thi Hulso, Peggy Ratclilte, Nancy She and her husband spend part suddenly looms In its path increase leaves will likely remain sub Hughes, Nancy Byam, Lyn Kim- of every yenr in Europe and her as his speed increases." merged the first day, but by thi ball and Kathy Shakotko. SAVE! To illustrate his point, the Chief first hand knowledge of trends and second day they will roach the said that a car with good brakes conditions in that area should be surface. Water may be added grad- Primrose is the common name very helpful to the committee. can stop in about 21 feet after the uully to the pool as tho lilies de- brakes are applied from a speed 1 for primula, a flower plant with You've always been interested in velop, but bo sure not to excee many this country and of 20 miles per hour. It will take the one to one and a half foo 40% to eo% world trade, why don't you look about 189 feet for the car to stop Europe. There are several hun- maximum. — tu YOUI OLDf MOBILI DIAIII TODAVI • up your local chairman and vol- if the speed ia 00 miles per hour. dred species and most prefer par- unteer to serve on her committee? - The hardy lilies are rapid, grow- tial shade und garden moll that is LIGHTING FIXTURES Personally, I'm more interested in Another dangerous factor about ers and they need to bo divide, well drained and not too acid. the second item on the national speed," he continued, is that force every two or three years. Don'i NORRIS CHEVROLET Inc. All Nu-Tone Chime$ 20% off genda, but I'll tell you about that of impact is increased much more attempt to feed the lilies by scat- Authnitmi D*mUt fur Yomr Htm* TeuiH rapidly than speed—at twice the tering plant food directly into the LEADER WANT AD9 PAY1 All Electric Clocki 10% off next week. speed, for example, you hit four water. This will do the lilies no North * Central Am., WeitfieM, N. J. Til. We. M2M All Fibre Glan Shadei 20% off Love, times ns hard. particular good but will tremend- All Aluminum Ciftware 25% off LIZZIE OF THE LEAGUE "In other words, the Chief said, ously increase the algae content of All lamp Shadei ..10 to 20% off (Lizzie of the League is a com- "if your ear hits a fixed obstacle the water causing it to become All Table Lamps : 10 to 40% off posite of the members of the West- when you're going 20 miles1 an green and cloudy. All Flaor lamps 10 to 40% off "ield League of Women Voters.) hour it will suffer as much dam- All Gift Ware .„ 10 lo 25% off age as if it were dropped from u All Electric Fans .....: 10 to 20% off By All Means height of 13 feet onto a concrete It's better to buy seed of colum- highway. But if you hit the same bine, rather than try to Bave it Plant An Elm object when you're doing f>0, the yourself, as columbine pollinates car will be damaged as much as YOUR * EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE ON SALE DURING OUR great deul, and thin means When a tree dies, plant another. if it were .dropped from a 10-story )robnble mixture among seedlings 36th ANNIVERSARY When you're in doubt what to building." of the next crop. plant, "plant an elm," says Dr. F. A. Bartlett of the Bartlett Tree A light but thorough raking of HAPPIEST * Fair trade Items exceptpd Experts. the garden-*—even the as yet un- PI. ft-OOOB Elms will not die out because planted parts—after the soil dries of the Dutch elm disease, Dr. Burt- following rain can head off a lot Open 24 Hours a Day lett holds. "But the surest way of grief from weeds. they will become extinct is to re- fuse to plant them." To take advantage of egg HOURS "We have learned to live with abundance, you can serve two-egg RUTS PHARMACY the disease," Dr. Bartlett says, plates. Offer two eggn baked in 611 Park Ave., Plainfield OPEN "just as we have learned to live cheese sauce in individual casser- THURS. with such killers as heart disease oles. Or serve hot deviled or stuffed Regittored Pharmacist In 'TIL 333 PARK AVE., PLAINFIELD and cancer and other human ills. eggs surrounded by hot tomato attendance at tier*, 9 P.M. TEL. PL. 6-4181 Today, there's a greater chance sauces, suggests the U. S. Depart- of saving our elms from Dutch ment of Agriculture. Day and Night elm disease than ever before. Each year the spread of the Infection is being slowed by such sound practices as sanitation, spraying, feeding and chemotherapy." June 12 Sights . . . are spent in the comfort and security of your FOR O own Lome. i liM. MANY YEARS 206 NORTH AVE., WESTF1ELD OF HIS LIFE A F. H. A. loan can help you realize your dream DID BENJAM/N Telephone We. 2-0003 FRANKLIN of a good life in a good home. It hag proved for ATTEND SCHOOL many an inexpensive way to finance home improve- ments and repairs. Payments can he conveniently WE RECOMMEND made out of future income with up to 36 months lo repay. • I^Jill

HIGHWAY FURNITURE SHOP Come in for a friendly discussion of your

Highway 22, North Plainfield We associate Franklin and thrift. And thrift reminds needs. Or telepehone WE. 2-0666 for further in- us of our values which result from quality that is high and formation. For warm weather comfort, outfit prices that are fair. your porch or patio with furniture INATIONAL BANK from the large stock at this big shop. OF WESTFIELD Wonderful new items you will want The Frltndlf Bant Phil »nd Bonnie Bonta are With iht Clock to see. Drive over — stop in. shown in their South American Radi the order of CHARLES puj tluii of hind separated frurn other the date uf a regular planning intervals for land of ' letter mup exists, streets and drainage access, circulation c relied upon by eaid pur"ha« chung Stables. A. OTTO, JR., Surrogate of tlie parcels or portions tiy description board meeting. Unless the pre- slope. rlehta-of-way shall be shown on the (safety of street traff Bhown on such tentative m«S - County of Union, made on the sev- aa on a subdivision of record or liminary plat* is approved with- (m) Certificate from tax collec- final plat in accordance with sec- (b) In blocks over 100< feet? long, The provisions of tm» ,'.o« Camp Half Moon is directed by enteenth day of May, A. D., 1954, survey map or by metes and bounds out changes, the final plat shall tor that all [Taxes are paid to tion 20 of Chapter 433 of the Laws pedestrian walkways 10 ft. wide shall terminate Janunrv 1 n-c"OT upon the application of the under- for purpose of sale, lease or separate have incorporated all changes of l'J;>i and &hall be such aa to lend may be required ii locations Section <. The Planning ft i Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Store signed, as Kxecutor of the estate of use. or modifications required by the themselves to the harmonious de- necessary by the plan- approving; mapB and sJhflSf'" of Orienta Point, Mamorneck, N said deceased, notice Is hereby given Section 15.. .S*rect. Any street, planning board. Artlclr VII velopment of the town and enhance ing be and in determining the »"„ I'?"«• to the creditors of said deceased to the public welfare in accordance ing'board. oup nous- Y., where Dr. Storey is the direc- exhibit to tlie subscriber under oath avenue, boulevard, road, lane, parK- (c) The final plat shall be ac- IMPROVEMENTS with the following design stand- (c) For commercial-. ,, _g thereon Bhall not. be llmiiX to ?? or affirmation their claims and de- way, viaduct, alley or other way companied by a" statement by Section 1. Prior to the granting ards: ing or industrial use, minimum requirements ,,t ?.Uf tor of health and physical educa- mands against the estate of said which in an exiting st*ate, county the town engineer that tie is In uf final approval, the subdivlder shall be sufficient t tion for the public schools. deceased within six months from or municipal roadway, or a street receipt of a map showing all shall have installed or shall have Section 2. Streets. urea and yard requlr the date of said order, or they will or way shown upon a plat heretofore utilities in exact location and furnished performance guarantees (n*> The arrangement and width &uch use, including provlsioi be forever barred from prosecuting approved pursuant to law or ap- elevation identifying those por- for the ultimate Installation of the of streets not1 shown on the for off-atreet parkin§ proved by official action or a street tions already installed and those following: Section 4. lJ»t«. • LEGAL NOTICES • or recovering: the same against the, or way on a plat duly filed and re- (a) Pavement*—standards and re- master plan or official map shall (a) I-.ot dimensions and subscriber. corded in the office of the county to be installed and that the be such HS to provide for the subdivdor has complied with one requIrementB. appropriate extension of exist- not be less than it.1 e require-. KOTtCB George Bruce Hargan, recording: officer prior to the ap- or both of the following: 1. Every street shall have a merits of the zoning ordinance. Take Notice that Antonio Dagas Executor pointment? of a planning board and taved roadway constructed ing streets and for future traf- (b) Insofar as IB pracri «!, side lot taro hHH applied In the Mayor and BEARD & McGALL, Atfys. the grant to such board of the power 1, Installed all improvements fn accordance with plants fic requirements. lines shall be at righ. angles to Council of the Town of Westfleld for 66 Elm St. to review plats, and includes the In accordance with the re- approved by the town engi- (b) Minor streets shall be so de- straight streets, and radial to renewal of the Plenary Ketail Con Westfleld, N. J. land between the street lines wheth- quirements of these regula- neer. signed as to discourage through curved streets. sumption License for premises Bit 5-20-n Fees |9.00 er improved o'r unimproved, and may tions, or, 2. Arterial streets shall be traffic. (c) Each lot must front upon an UBted at 501-503 Central Avenue, comprise pavement, shoulders, gut- 2. A performance guarantee paved to a width of 40 feet (c) Subdivisions abutting arterial approved street at ledst 50 feet Westfleia. ters, sidewalks, parkins areas and has been poetfed with the streets shall provide a marginal NOTICE other areas within the street lines. town engineer in sufficient using- a concrete base 7 service road or reverse frontage in width except•ep?r lots i ronting on Objections, if any, should be mad Take Notice that Ralph Zimmer- For the purpose of this ordinance amount to assure the com- Inches in thickness and a with a buffer strip for planting, streets describerib(d in in writing Immediately to Jane F, man trading as the QUALITY WINE streets shall be classified as follows: pletion of all required im- 3 inch bituminous concrete or some other means of separa- (d), 4 and 5 of this a Jones, Town Clerk of Westfield, AND LIQUOR CO. has applied to the provement. surface. . tion of through and local traffic (d) Where extra widtt has been pr^rI N. J. Signed Mayor and Council of the Town of (u) Arterial streets are those (d) it the planning board ap- 3. Collecfur streets shall be as the planning board may de- dedicated for wldenln g of exist- more than thirty days andI ANTONIO DAOASTARO, Westfleld fur renewal of a RETAIL which are used primarily fur paved to a width of 36 feet ing streets, lots sha]I begin at DISTRIBUTION LICENSE for prem- proves the final plat, a notation termine appropriate. parcel, plot or lot BO 501 Central Ave., fast or heavy traffic. to tliut effect shall be made on with a modified penetration (d) The right-of-way width shall Hueli extra width Uti e, and all hii h H Westfleld, N. J, ises situated at 161 Kast Broad (b) Collector streets are those each plat and shall be signed by macadam pavement having be measured from lot line to lot setbackH nhall be mea aured from 5-27-2t Pees $4.18 Street, Westfleld, N. J. which curry traffic from minor file charrinan and the secretary a 1% inch bituminous con- line and shall not? be less than such line. Objections, If any, should be made street's to the major system of of the planning board. crete top surface and hav- the following: (e) Where there uestion as NOTICE: Immediately In writing to Jane P. arterial streets including the (ej Failure of the planning board ing a total thickness of 9 1. Arterial streets 80' fo the suitability of a lot or Take Notice that L4T.. liquor. Jones, Town Clerk of Weatfield, N. J. principal entrance streets of a to act within the alloted time or inches. lots for their intend* d use due Inc. has applied to the Mayor nn< Signed residential development and 4. All other streets shall tie 2. Collector streets 60' to factors such as rt ck forma- ,Council of the Town of Westfleid Ralph Zimmerman sheets for circulation within a mutually agreed upon exten- 3. Minor streets 00' or similar Ing Permit Act (11153)", the town nil sion shall be deemed to be a paved to a width of 30 feet 4. Marginal access streets 40' tlons, flood conditions Institute and maintain a civil £ for renewal of the Plenary Retni 21 Garden Drive, such a development. favorable approval and the town wirh a modified penetration 5. The right-of-way width for circumstances, the p a n n In g Distribution license for premises a fto&elle, N. J. (c) Minor streets are those which clerk shall issue a certificate to macadam pavement having board may, after ad squate in £17 South Ave. W., Westfleld. N. J. 27-2t Fees $7.04 & 1H Inch bituminous con- Internal roads and alleys in uatprove ina (a) For Injunctive relief. Objections, if any, should be made are used primarily for access to that effect.' m u 111 -family, commercial vestlgation, withhold (b) To set aside and invalldaf. the abutting properties. (O If any person shall be ag- crete top surface and hav- and Industrial development of such lott. approval Immediately in writing to Jane F. LIX.AL NOTICE (d) Margins.) access streets are l»r a total thickness of & Section 5. Public U"« >•* Service any conveyance made punauant Jones, Town Clerk of Westfleld Bids will be received June 17th, grieved by £he action of the Inches, shall be determined on an to such a contract or eale if» N. jr. streets which are parallel to and filannlng board, appeal in writ- Individual basts, and shall Area*. certificate of compliance has not 1854, at 8 P.M., DST. for an addi- udjacent to arterial streets and ng to the governing body may &. "Westfield Standard Granite In all caeBfl be of sufficient (a) Tn large scale development, UtU LIQUORS, INC. tional roufe, or extension of our highways; and which provide be taken within 10 days after Block Curbing on all streets. width and desigm to safely easements along rea been issued in accordance with 2*0 W. Front St. present transportation tystem of (b) Where required by the plan- section twenty-four of Chantw Plalnfleld, N. J. pupils to and from the Mountainside access to abutting properties and the date of the action of the accommodate the maximum lines or elsewhere for 43S of the Laws of \m.£ Schools. protection from through traffic. planning board. A hearing there- ning board; Weetfleld specifica- traffic, parking and loading stallatlon may be reqi only if me town nan a pUnnbu '5-27-2t Fees J4.42 (ej Alleys yre minor ways which on shall be made on notice to all tion concrete sidewalk, 4 feet In needs and maximum access easements shall be a. , _ board or a committee thereol Specifications are available from are used' primarily for vehicular par ties in interest, who shall width and 4 Inches in thickness. for fire fighting equipment. feet wide and locattd In con with power to act and which' ' * NOTICE the office of the Board of Education service act-ens to the bacfe or the be afforded an opportunity to be Thickness at* driveways to be aultation with the companies or ' Take Notice that Nicholas Cuni- of the Borough of Mountainside, side of properties otherwise hetird. Affer such hearing the Increased to 6 Inches. (e) No subdivision showing: re- town departments coi 1. meete regularly on a monthlt .rella, t/a Liberty Food Store, ha» Donald O. Maxwell, Secretary, 885 abutting un a street. governing body may affirm or (c) Storm drains, drainage struc- serve strips controlling accent or more frequent b&siB. and ^applied to the Mayor and Council of Mountain Avenue, Mountainside, Section 16, Drainage HIsM-of- reverse the action of the plan- tures, brook enclosure, brook to streets shall be approved ex- (b) Where a subdlvlalc 2. whose governing body hai >the Town of Westfield for renewal W«r. The lands required for the ning board by a recorded vote channel Improvements, sanitary cept where fhe control and dls- ereed by a water course, storir adopted standards and prij. i of a LIMITED PLENARY RETAIL i-27-H Fee« I2.U installation of tstorm water sewers, of a majority of the total mem- sewers and utilities fineduftte In potml of land comprising; such drain, brook or dralra^e chan- cedures in accordance with •DISTRIBUTION LICENSE for prem- brook enclosure, brook, channel im- bers thereof. The findings and slue for all present and probable Ktrlpe has been placed in the nel, there shall be i " * section twenty of Chaptw • ii«B siriiated at 62! Central Ave., PUBLIC NOTICE provements or drainage ditches, reasons for the disposition of the future development. governing body under condi- storm wafer easemeni 433 of the Laws of 1953, •Westn«ld, N. J. Public Notice Is hereby given that or required along a natural stream appeal shall be stated on the 1. Brooks, streams or drain- tions approved by the planning age right-of-way c In any such action the tVBnBferet ' Objections, if any, should be made an ordinance of which the following or watercourse for preserving the records of the governing body, age ways shall be enclosed board. substantially with th_ ., purchaser or grantee shall be en- 'immediately, In writing', to Jane F. in a copy, was Introduced, read channel and providing for the flow and the applying party shall be where the drainage area 1B (f) Subdivisions that adjoin or such water course, mid of such titled to a liftn utJon the portion ol ; Jones, Town Clerk. Municipal Build- and parsed on first reading by the of water therein to safeguard the given a copy. width as will be adequate for the land from which the Rubdivlalu public against flood damage In ac-, less than 450 acres. Include existing streets that do the purpose. was made that remnlns In the nog- Jln», Westfieldtiiciu, ,ii . Nu., i. Council of the Town or Westtleld, 2. Brooks, stream or drainage not conform to widths OH shown NICHOLAS CtlNICELLA, &t a meeting held May 24th, 1054, cordance with chapter one of Title (gj Upon llnal approval, coplea way channels shall be im- on the muater plan or official 0 days from the date of tirades on ofher streets shall 1, inr>4 all lotn shown on'snob devel- side, N. J. Town Clerk. least two weeks prior to the suuh approval. If any final plat in accordance with plans ap- not exceed 10%. No street ahull XI Objections, If any, should be made regular meeting of the board a proved by the -town engi- opments or new maps or subdivi- VALIDITY Immediately, In writing, to Robert GENERAL ORDINANCE JVO. sketch plat uf the proposed sub- Is not filed within this period, neer. have n minimum grade of less sions thereof nhall have an average the approval shall expire. than one half of 17c. width of nut IOHS than. HO feet for If any article, section, sub-BCotitn, ' Lalng, Borough Clerk of Mountain- AS OHDINANCB KSTAH1.IHHINT, division with three copies there- (I) No plat shall be accepted for (d) Street signs shall be Installed (h) Street Intersections shall b& sen fence, clause, or phrase of this side, N. J. HLI.KH, HKtiULAT10XS AMD of /or purposes of classification filing by the county recording nt >t 11 Htreet intersections and as nearly at right angles its Is each lot and an area oi not less ordinance Is for any reason lie Id to (Signed) STANDARDS COVERING THK and preliminary dlsausKian. officer unless It has been duty shall be of a type specified by noHslhlQ nnd in no CUHQ nhall be than 12,000 square feet it each lot*. be unconstitutional, or invalid, such THB HAUWAT HOUSE, lUBDIVlSIOM OF LANU Wll'H- (b) If classified and approved as approved by the Town of Weat- the town engineer. leas than Hixty (80) degrees. Section 2. In all tmbdi decision Khali not Hffect the remain- Joseph Lombardo, IX THB TOWN OF WE8TFIELD, (e) Shade frees shall be planted ing portions of this* ordinance. 28 Meadowbrook Village, COUNTY OF HI*ION AND MTATK a minor subdivision by anant- ileid planning board and signed TIIH block cornet's at InterMec- land Incnted In a nfelghb rnuus action of the subdivision fay the chairman or the secretary on each aide of every street at tions shall be rounded at the area where dwellings 1 Artlclr YI1 Plalnfleld, N. J. OF NEW JKHSKV, PURSUANT committee, a, notation to that of the board. approximately fiO foot Intervals. curb line with a curve having a erected within 600 feet of < 6 27-2t Fees (4.16 TO THB AUTHORITY SET FORTH They shall be of a Westfleld ap- ADMINISTRATION L IN CHAPTER *U OF THB LAWS effect wilt be made on the radius of not less fhan 20 feet. to be subdivided and wh Section 1. These rules, reguh* Sketch plat. The plat will then Article VI proved type having a diameter (I) Street jogs with center line the dimensions of said ona and standards shall he consid- PUBLIC NOTICE OP 1»M. AND AMENDMENTS be forwarded to the chairman PLAT DETAILS of not less than l% Inches and Impractical to subdivide TAKH NOTICE thai ;Frank La AND SUPPLEMENTS THKHETOj of the planning: board and the Bhall be so located on the street ottticta of le»8 than 125 feet shall lots having an average wi ered the minimum requirements for ", terra, t/a Charlie's Delicatessen, has SBTTING FORTH THB PROCE- town clerk for their signatures Section 1, Mkrlvk Pl.t. The line RB not to interfere with be prohibited. dth of 100 the protection of the public health, applied to the Mayor RV.i Council of IUHK TO BK FOLLOWED BY sketch plat shall be based on tax (]) A tangent nt least 100 feet feef, the new lots shall have an safety and welfure of the citizens ot and returned to the subdivlder map Information, or some other sim- sidewalks. average width of not les i than 75 the Town of Westneld. Any action the Town of Wefitfleld for the re- THE PLANNING BOARD IN AP- within one week following the (f) Top Boil projection s No top long shall, be Introduced between feet, providing that sue! newal of the Limited Retail Distri- PLYING AND ADMINISTERING next regular meet Ing; of the ilarly accurate base at a nettle of reverse curves on arterial and ' a width taken hy the planning- board under bution Licence heretofore issued for THEHB Rl'LfrlS, HEtiliLATIONS not leas than 100 feet to the Inch soil Nhall be removed from the collector streefH. would conform with th average the terms of this ordinance shall planning board. No further and shall show or Include the fol- fcite or used as Bpoil. Top soil width oE such improved give primary consideration to the premises situated at 346 E. South AND STANDAHD8; AND I'KOVIII- planning bonrd approval shall lowing Information: moved during the course of con- (k) "When connecting street lines cepting lots on which a du lots (ex- Ave.. Westfleld, N. J. ING PENALT1KS FOll TIIU VIO- fee required. deflect from eaoh other at any or apartment hua been ilex house abovfi mentioned matters anil to the Objections, If any, should be mad LATION TUKHEOF. (a) The location of that portion struction sliitll be redistributed one point by more than 10 de- erected) welfare of the entire community. (c) Before the town clerk returns which is to be subdivided In re- eo as to provide at leant 6 Inches grees and not more than i?i within said distance of 50 feet, and However, if the subdivider er ma Immediately In writing to Jane P. Hny approved sketch plat? to the lation to the entire tract. of cover to all areas of the providing furtiier that th agent can clearly demonstrate that, Jones, Town Clerk, Municipal Build- Article I subdivision and shall be stabil- degrees, they Hlinll be connected said lota Khull conform depth of ing, Westneld, N. J. Bubdlvider, the clerk shall fur- (b) All existing structures and by a curve with a radius of not depth of adjoining lot: with the because of peculiar conditions per- SHORT T1TL.E nish one copy to each of the wooded areas within the portion ized by seeding or planting. less than 100 feet for minor on said taining to his land, the literal ne* Signed: This ordinance bhall be known following: to be subdivided and within 100 (g) Monuments: To bo of. the size Btreefs and 300 feet for arterial Htreet. forcenient of one or more of the** FRANK LA TEMA and may be cited as: The Lund regulations is impracticable or will t/a Charlie's Dcllcatesse 1. Town clerk. feet thereof. and chape required by section - "• and collector HtreetH. If any auch proposed ubdlvlsioh 1 346 E. SouthAve. Subdivision Ordinance of the Town 2. Town englner. (c) The name of the owner and 4 of Chapter 358 of the Laws of dUUiOB f< Information: the developer before the im- Unwise, J7 Springfield Road. Moun- Bhiill te administered1 by fhe Town Tentative Approval. (a) A key mnp*shovvlng the en- provement in accepted by the tnlnslde; Secretary, Kntle Bitwise, of Westfield planning board In &r dedicated to public Such perforinnnce guumntco shall one now. Just fill in and mail the coupon. , ObJectionK, if any, should be msule tliin ordinance, nnd mich oilier duties use, nil lntilnoM mid oilier nito run for a period to be fixed by tho ' Immediately In vritlriK to Jano F. relating to land siibdlvfnion which 1, That the uencrnl terms nnd lints; with Hcfurntfi dimensions, planning bonrd hut, In no case, for • Janes, Town Clerk of Westlicld, N. J. may be conferred on this committee conditions under which the bi'urlngH or deflection iniKle-s » term of more t'lmn three years. Blprned, jn-elimlnnry approval w»« iiud radii, arcH, + and central However, with the coii»r>nt of the Oeorpc Clirone 'Section'y. '^uliillvliler. Any indi- UTiinted will not be substan- aniileN of all curves. owner find the surety, If thero be vidual, linn aKSOL'i.'Ltlon. syndicate, tially chunked, ono, the governing body may by I PUBLIC SERVICE 40!i-ll North Avo. (u) The purpose of any easement rpHOlutton extend the term of such V'estfielil, N. J. co-Jpiirtnernhlp1 , corporation, trust 2. That the mitd iipnllrant may or Innd ri'8f>rved or dedk'itted to j Room 8311, 80 Park Place, Newark, N. J. ,E-27-2t Fi-cs $1.18 any1 utlier le^iil entity com- tui b in it on or before the ex- public urn* .shall he denlg-nut'cd, performance trunmntpo for (in addi- enctnK proceeding undflr this cr- piration dale the wholo or find the proposed line of HHCS tional period nut to exceed throe O »end ma a copy of your book "The „ • SOTICH uiidce to effect' a Hiilidlvlaion of part or PHTIM of said plat for other Hum residential shull bo yearn. The nmotint of Che perform- Take Notice tbiit the Third Ward nd hcreunder for himself or for fliiul ftpprovfl], noted, mice frititriuiteo may be reduced by New Jersey". Political Club has applied to tlir Heclinn 3. I..i|-rovrinr>»U nr C.u»r- (d> Kneii block shall be num- tlic govern IIIR: body by roHclution '•Mayor iiud Council of ttio Tnu-n of Section 10. Owner, Any Individ- iiem Prior 1i> Final Approval. bered, find the lot.s within ouch when portions of the required Im- .%VEHtf!cld for u CLUB LICBNKE for .1, linn, asHoriiitlon, f-ymlieute, Hefore coiiHldeniLIun of a Until sub- block nhall be nnmlii»rrd con— provements havo been ItiMtdlled. 'promises situated at 005 Central -partnership or corporation liav- division pint, tlio Mubillvldrr will KAt'utlvcly beginning with num- Ifthc required improverncntn Intvo Avenue, Wentlield, N. J. &• mi IT I client proprietary interest have iiiHtiilled the Improvements re- ber one. not been liiHtiiHetl In accorrliint'o Numes of ttio ofl'lcei-M of this club In tli« land nought to be subdivided quired 1under Article VII or tho (c) Minimum hulltllng setback wlth tlifl performance Kiiftrnntcc, the 81ld the offices they Mil respectively .'onimcnco ami maintain proceed- planning bonrd HIHIII require the line on nil lotH ;uni otiicr ultUH. ohllpor nntl surety HIIHII lie linble ,_4 to subdivide the Hume under pfiHtifi(? of u d equate performance thereon to tlje town for the reason- .nre: Prewident: Kttore Di> Surro, 500 tftuirantwH to unmir« the Insinuation (O Locution utitl description of Oputrnl Avenue, West'lii'ld: Vice Ills nr'linanctj. llll IMOUUMlF'lltR. able coHt of the linprovmncmtH not president: Albert pollzil, (M4 Cen- .Sect if in II. Perform nncp fimir- of tlio required Improvement.*. 1 untilIIP'1 find upon rer'Hpt of tbo utre. Any wciirit'y which nuiy '"! (K> NiiiucN uf owners of afljofn- •ocei'dH tlu-n-of the town HIUIII in- tral Ave,, Westliclcl: Sficrctnry: An- Set't ion 4. SUIHUINNIOH UC Finn] ine uitniilMlivicled liiml. t thonyVeminilpJlii, 705 W. Drond St., ircr-pteri fn lien of n requirement I'lnl of Hiijor f-iil>iltvl»toii. (h) c:eriltlrntIon by I'liKineer or all such luiproveiiiL'iitH. "WemftisUl; 'I're.-tHUrRr: Paul Kcnrl'lfr- hut certain Improvement*- he. nuide (it > The Dniil pint Hhall he mibinit- Mirveyor n* io imuumi-y of de- Ariicir Till lililo, 4)6 Kilirur Rnud, Wtwtlleld! Htfore tlm i>InririJrifr bonrd npprovrs tetl to the town dork fur fnr- tttllH of plat. lllroctor: EniBSt SnlloU, 725 Munimlt pl:il, including; imr forma nee bonds, wjifdfiiir to tho pliuinlnjr board (i) Cor11 lientfmi Unit the :«ppll- Tho Huli'dlvlilc'r HJIHU' «»I.MII V0 H,C Avn.. Wrstflvld. Truxtccu: Krni-Hi tiurow Hgret'tnontM, and other t?ltni- for tinal approval within 3 yojirn mnt Is iitfrnt or uwm>r of tho fallowing r('f|iili-ciiinnta of lunil Hiib- Kiilloia, 72B Summit Avo, WonfllnM; ii' collaterlal or nnr<;ty a^rccmentM. from the dnto of preliminary litiifl, or that tin) owjifr him l*ion in tho ilPNiwii or each sub- Knillln DelMonaco, SIS Central Ave, SecLlon 1«. blaster I'laii. A coin- approval. The town dork ahull given consent uuder an option division or portion fhereof. SVtald Aatbenjr J, Ajigolo, ici immediately notify the score- ?jite of the mapped and written agreement Section I. Ocneral* Tbo BubdlvU THE WESTFIELP (-V.J.-)-LBADEIt, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1954 Twenty* genee and proper use of its infor- Ground Observer County Treasurer, advising that 0 Public Wplfare Committee. relative to t.idi thejr submlttud. Ai Defense Perform Here June 12 he has HO\<\ $47,000 of Itond Antlcl- County Supervieof of Ro&S», ad- n!err«d to Boa4 nd SfJ««e*G Imtktn XftVs to the Summit Trust rising Ihat liaftaei HO&t»lMi made Z7Z\ Co. at their to id of one mid one- l ^lft'r:u *" ~fpt. of Publig Utilities, advttiag Qunrtcrlr Report ft U-ntiuit in tin* u'lnliimu uf North hat a|»i>HeatInn a maie by the Our Country i'rlillf Il'utn thf tlufUiflli Hi'rtfun vt •rtfd u> J{ii«uiM miii lirhlgt'S t'otu- 1 W S oallonl for fn^frtke*, Look for more information next in WOLIJ cvli'inJuig aUuut one mile Aflw. ~nss"lViutl!i liaitrp&d t'y. for i>«*r- wi-ek, or phone Kussfll Tmaaints. ward \Vrstii<-!il, WHS r*-rt't'i'ed lu ... siuu to oh»HKc Hi« giatui of the fiwo February 1, Jjff -- - - }>'-\t\. of "Wrights nnd Meafurc-H, ^uutli Klitabelh St'alion frum agent'y Mi. wan receive* t We. 2-H56-M. .Ivlning anioiiiil I'tirwarded lu Htytf. Caunty Hem €oatrol By RUSSELL TREMAINE jjumugti ul I'.uNfllu iNirk, advising 1'tm-lmtiiMff t'uinmittee, advising j.tUitinn-s rt'i-oiVHfi fur two Whllw lionnle liurn S^nntorium, enclos- Iifontlily report? w^p^ rftse This week we will follow a mock ilt if tllB fOUIlty Will 111*1*11 Ii ill follow a mock j „,. full wUUU im vemciit on J.oeitst rufkp ff>r its«» Koad l>eot., was re- ng ri'Halntlun adopted by [In'ir from ttie County ^reasurfil*. air raid reported Street from Wt^tlield Avctiufi to tlis ^•ritd lu ituads ami UrlUs^d Com- Hoard of Managers, afcejiting bid o( County t'hyilolRn, tJ» H«B« £• ISorougli Lino, that tllt'.v will tiustail mit tro. Americim 1-nuiutry Machinery Co.,on^tratien Agent aa4 thft ^tpei the Ground Obae by members of lips on Handling Real 1 Undent of Wo la Ufa ml Meafure !>M a Ion? this sciilon, was r«- , Purehasing Committee, or I'uriilshiriK laundry machinery eial of these pra advising tjf hiUa rReeivpd for meat's a per fiperitieatlonp. was referred There belne no further iiai«fl»p--- SS/SS&HveLob.ier.CiJen and nn'Ht prm1m>ts uovrrinr the o I'uUlio Welfare Committee. to be connHered, Director pro T#M.» been made on the United State 1 Herllch declared the Board **T'» State Highway Poiif nd vising |!L-rioU of .May 3rd to 3I?t Tor Bonnie Paul R. Davis of Westflelu, ri>ln- in the past year. To say the leai that the ('ommlssioner nthoriaed i-iu)-n ^un;ilortuni «nd the Jult, was Ive to tlie unemployment xituniion jourued until Thurse of tbo meeting of Version in English TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE" to imagine the feelings of a lob- Report of Committee on Roads April 22nil be approved, which mo- Filter Center to McChord Air nnd yrjdg-es, recommending that the tion was duly seconded by Froe- Adapted by Virginia Card' "Libarac* ol the Piano" Bter popped into boiling water. — ADDtiD Force Base, Tacoma, Wash. The County contribute tlie BUHI of $2000 holder Vulintine and unanimously WITH A CHEAT CAST "Muiic to Malt* You Mlify"- You may even forego the pleasure toward the improvement of a natu- curried. Air Force was in business again. ral fitleam which el'ossns "WoodacreB Tickets Kriiat'i, Bam'i, All Aganctoi JOAN PONTAINI - JACK fALAH of eating lobsters rather than be Beaolution that all bills presented Mull Onlrri. Jacki* Olcaton McChord estimated the situation Drive. for payment be ordered paid, was and probable targets of the bomb- a party \a the boiling. Do it this The following- resolutions were on roll call unanimously adopted. "Tht Oltnn Mllkr SMry" "FIKJHT TO TANOIMJ" ti Introduced ami inoved for adoption: The following communications ers and passed the word to Ham-way, urges the Fishery Council, 'Songt for Y*un| Uv«rt"— ' . |S( COLOR and you will spare your own ner- (11 — Freeholder Bennlnger for were received and ordered mod: ilton Air Base. Roads nnd Bridge*, agreeing to con- Corps of Mutineers, U. H. Army. Frank Sinatra vous system as well as that of the tribute to the Boroiiffh of Mountain- bdvlsins that application IIUH been Because of precise Ground lobster, place the lobster in a pot side f £000 toward the improvement? made for an Army permit to Install CRANFORD W«dn«»doy.SatordH {NHntriitteo. ROUU 1) • UN 1 I'iirkt-r HeXou PIAINPIILD pattern of attack. Pilots of several of two ways..reports the Fishery n. Ftreum which crospest Walnut County i']«rk, encloHftiB Oath of * ![)[ AL I AMU V I NTS RI AlTJMf Nl ( H 11 [) W ( N I H I ! • Council. Instantaneous death is Street, and authorising Director and Office of Frank J. I'fnlt HS a Mem- "THE NAKED JUNOLE" units proceeded to intercept on a Clerk t'd execute agreements cover- ber cf the Hoard of Taxation. caused by severing the spinal ing Maine, WHS on roll call uiinnl- dead-reckoning basis, able to mako HorouKh of Watch unjjf, oncloslnfr Sun.-Tuf. chord. This is done by inserting inoUHly adopted. resolut'lcm asking tho fJonrds or PLUS Frl.-Sat, Jun* 4-3 exceedingly accurate calculations (4 ) — Freeholder Tien n In per for KreehoUierH of Somerset and Union the point of a knife where the Roads and bridges, accepting1 btd ofCount leu to widen a brltlffo over n*rl»iirn of the right time and places to .lurk Actlun Piek« Prl«p» Rxpan Ntunwrok tail and body come together. An- Hall & Funs, Inc., for furnishing to (Ireen Urook on Valley lUmd exten-1 intercept the raiders. the Road Pept. two White Trucks uion In the Uonmirh of Watchung Cloimey Ciirmon "IIQWINO A group of six bombers had ither effective method Is to strike nt a net delivered price of $8,56!>.0G and the Township of Berkeley "RIOT IN CIIL HOCK 11" tho lobster a Bharp blow with a each or a total or $17,130,10, was IlefKhtR, was referred to Hoails and "RED GARTERS" .headed for San Francisco, six for on roll call unanimously adopted. lirld^es Committee. •Us heavy knife across the back shell •l.o Los Angeles and three for the (5) — Freeholder Hennlnger for Corps of Engineers, U. R. Army, about one inch back of tho eyes. BUbiniilinK schertulo of feeH for LI-," atomic installations in the Albu- Roads and Bridges, granting re- Mo»l«umrry W«t»|t To broil lobsters it is necessary (|Ui-Ht of RafTnel Roselja, laborer In cenflln^f and related activities, was TICCIIMCOLOB SPECIALTY Wnti querque area, All three flights the Ro»d lJept,, nnd authorizing his referred to Jluads and UridgeM Coin- Sun., Mon., Tue. June 6-7-8 that they be killed before cooking. retirement on half pay under t'lie mlllw, ; "OUN HIT" were successfully intercepted 1'KTB SMITH NUVELTV Veterans' Act, effective April 1, 1954, Proflpcul'or, advising the appoint- All Trchnlnuior Show In Ti-cfcMlcolor about 60 miles from their targets. Lobster should be boiled no was on roll cull unanimously adopt- ment of Wllllum J. CahlU, ,lr., as , BUGS BUNNY CAHTOON ed. County Detective, effective tentative Bob Hope—.lonit T'ont^iJije ' Thus the action which had longer., than.. twelve minutes. To (C) — Freeholder fcennlrtffer, for •'Mit^'-lO, li'fH, at* |4000'i)er annum, started about 4 a.m. on the Canad- "BVoll .split"lobsters, six minutes Roads and DridRe.i Coin mil tI:IIOI.I>I:KS IIKLU ON MAouslY y to a great liumnnltarlan ap- peal, was on roll call unanimously 111, 11134. IUYNOWI v adopted. HUNT Wed. thru Sat., June 9-12 PLAYERS n<*eular meptlng of tlifi TTnlon (8) —• Freeholder Benninger for SAVI tOO 1 Roads nnd Ilrldges Committee, cre- BROS. Cotintv Board ut chosen J rcenolu- ating the position of Principal Clerk 3-SPEED PORTABLE prs was held iif the Court HoiiHe, •Bookkeeper, CcmntV Kngineer'fl Of- Contains Elizabeth, N. .1., on Thurndny, May fice with a snlury range of $3980 1.1, 1954, tit 10:11(1 A.M. to $4^80, wns an roll call adopted Orfffttry IlHn CHLORDANE Director Pro Tern Herllch presitd- by a vote of woven tn the nfflrnnitlvo ins. Roll call showed eight members to one, Freeholder Ilerllch, In the Peek CJn m and D.D.T. present and one, Director Dudley; negative. ALL SEATS 40< GREGORY'S MUSIC CENTER "NIGHT PEOPLE" 330 VV. FRONT ST. PI. «-SS49 ' Pry, toiy to apply by kond or with (fi) — Freeholder Rennlnger for On motion of Freeholder Bennln- Roads nnd Bridges Committee, ap- CHILDREN 14c a ipnodir. Killi Jap Orubi, onli, er duly seconded by Freeholder pointing Raymond D. Ituilck aa I'lu. chine bug> end othtf lawn Inwcti. alentine, It wns moved and carried Principal Clerk Bookkeeper, County * * * nat the reglilnr order of business Engineer's Office at $4980 per an- Audlc SiiKnn 25 Ib. bog (lor 20O0 iq.ft.) *4T » num, effective January 1, Iflrn, was Academr Awnrd Winner on roll call adopted by a voto of Muriih)- (50 Ibi., *M0) seven In tho affirmative nnd one. Wllllnra llor.DBV Freeholder Herllch, iti t*he negative. "RIDE CLEAR OF DIABLO" COAL In kia Vlimlnit Bills (10)—Freeholder Cnrr for Public PERFORMANCE LANDSCAPING lOCHtUIPAUK, N.J. Save "%" Per Ton Property Committee, accepting bids PAR I of wittmann'H Meat Market and Kay THE "STALAG17" TOTOWA, N. I. SPRING PRICES Food Products for furnishing meats and meat products to the. Union BIG MENAGERIE HEY, KIDSI CO-HIT Permanent Driveways and Curbing Stovi $20.95 Buck $16.95 County Jail covering the period of SEE YOUR is ONE STKirf AHTAn or NOAMURK Kllcnlit-lh TAYLOR Nut $20.95 Rice $15.45 May 3rd to aim, 1!)iU, was on roll iMfltrot TMI AHMfli-, (,g( KtFftt Don't Mils Our LOCAL DEALER call unanimously adopted. S[ N1TD B1 HQnr TH'IN Ohr PAIR. Pea $18.45 (ID—Freeholder Cnrr for Public Masonry * Waterproofing BIG SURPRISE KIDDIE SHOW "A PLACE IN U SRf PROVfN PBODUCH SiHIufncllon GunrnntKHl Propert'y Committee, appointing SENSATIONAL James h. Bodwell as watchman In Thoroteal System rsK OI'II COVVBNIKNT the Department of Public Works at •ACTS • THIS SAT. MATINEE lU'OGF.T PLAN' $2:120 per annum, effective May 1, liifH, was on roll call unanimously THRIUIHG PERFORMANCES AND A HO/1UD OF CAPITOL FUEL CO. (12)— Freeholder Hlckok for Fi- LEADER DRAINS CONCRETE WORK PL. e-3901 UN. 2-3848 nance Committee, approving thir- The Bandstand teen personnel nctionn In various FUNNY CLOWNS STONE WALLS PATIOS departments, was on roll call unun- LIBERTY iniously adopted. 138 E. BROAD ST. (13)_Froeholder Hlckok for Fi- PI. 6-5477 - Shows 2:30-7-9:05 nance Committee1 , finally passing Wettfield 2-6363 and adopting resolution entitled NOW thru MON, A. S. MANNING & SONS STARTING MONDAY . . , "Resolution authorizing the issu- ance of $47,000 of Bonds of the Serving Westfield for 25 Years Complete Stock of ' THESKVTONES County of Union to finance the cost Mnllnce i:..r> IHiJ nt ^inO P.M. of acquiring land for nubile parks Cuni. Mhuw sat. A Sun. Wt. 2-493S or We. 2-789T-M RECORDS aerial 'cyclists on the tight wire nnd parkwayn and the original ~~»~»M-O-M »••••»?• STANWYCK grading', drainage and planting of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE'S Gl-orxe S.IMIERJ 78.45-33 1/3 R.P.M. GONZALES SISTERS' dog troupe nucli lands and the Improvement of RUDENKO BROS., torch Jugglers such parks nnd parkways" and au- thorizing the Clerk to publish said "WITNESS MUSICAL June MORGAN, petite contortionist resolution with a. statement, was on JULIUS I 4 & 9:30 p. m. . always free seats roll call unanimously adopted. MURDER" INSTRUMENTS (H) „ Freeholder Maekey for Committee on Public Safety nnd In- CAESAR SWIMMINO POOL formation, appointing C. Addtson Fanwood Stone Crushing 1 WORLD FOR" all facilities open 10 a.m.—7 p.m. Ely of Wpfltfleld as County Disaster il"""" MARLON BRANDO PHONOGRAPHS Control Coordinator for a term ex- (A* pl'c for fun nirlng Pec. 31, 1 f*fi-t. subiect to the WESTFIELD , JAMES MASON RANSOM" Spproval of the State Civilian De- and Quarry Company HARMONICAS fense Director, was on roll call JDHNGIEL6UD * OLYMPIC PARK unanimously adopted. Auip. Poll #3, American Legion LOUIS CALHERN i (15) Freeholder Scheldoler for CRUSHED BLUE TRAP ROCK SHEET MUSIC IXVINGTON-MAPLEWOOD Public Welfare Committee, accept- EDMOND O'BRIEN SJ ing bid of Morris Meat Market, Inc., .»D 6REER CARSON TEACHERS of Plalnfleld. for furnishing to Bon- SAT., JUNE 12 Rhonra Dallr - for Roadi, Walk*, Drives, etc. nie Burn Sanatorium meats and DEBORAH KERR Continuous Snl-Sun. MUSIC BOOKS Today through June 6J meat products, covering the period Tel. l"li. a-S6OO from May 3rd to 31 at, at tnf/al price 2 P.M. and 8 P.M. Next Attrnctfuii BATONS Come see of $5 370 0G, was on roll call unanl- Pr.AMK * Vi.hZHU** Call ^tf-iTreriiolder Scheldeler for W. Broad and Scotch Plains Ave. FAnwood 2-7640 LESSONS building on all Musical Instruments For Prices and Delivery

graduation or commencement OFFICE: 141 CENTRAL AVE, WEitfield 2-3653

Both are significant . . . the end of one phase and the beginning of onother. Make the gift for { A World's Fair of John or Mary a handsome leather photograph Complete Bear Wheel and Frame Straightening Planning BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAYS • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING HOME Building frame so that they can take you with them to GAS STATIONS - PARKING AREAS Remodeling GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING A. A. college or that new job. IIIIAKU SBKVICE — OAnilllllKTOH * ICNITIOV ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Fully Erected Vou CBU I'nr tho Cii«« on HIIIIKL-I Ttniu ,* RESURFACING AND PENETRATION WORK Tichbuilt "Excursion" Houu continues lo offer old Sponsored by the to any wlio hove an Ford Foundation's TV Workshop swains art store WHALEN'S GARAGE Wm. A. PARKHURST honest desire lo stop 71st REGIMENT ARMORY Bridge St. Authorized "Bear" Station (SERVICEJ drinking. Park Avenue and Uth St. 317 W. Front St. CONTRACTOR Dallyi Noon-IOJO PA Plalnfleld New Hope 600 NORTH AVE., E. . TEL. WE. 2-0393 Phone Wastffeld 2-1738 Res. Mill Ian* R O. BOX 121 Sunday: 2.30-10.30 P.M. WESTFIELD, N. J. Call For and Delivery P. O. Box 334, Weitfleld Mountainside, N. i. Admission: M-5" pluitox • or Call MA. 3-7528 Page Twenty-Four THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 9. An octagonal - shaped road The citation for the award of of this city. He makes the lit* high honors, Drosdick said, his MONMOUTH SETS PACE What Do You Know sign mfeans:

Servicing over 35 Cities and Towns monthly.


Cheese Food •?** NOTHING TO BUY!PHILADELPHIA BRAND Extra Sharp Mil Acura CutUaMii Will Win T*tal Ptiici «l 5,512 WMki «l Hoaw-Dallv- WISFIIDI on- Cheese 79* I SHARP i-et. ea<. uuC Cream Cheese 2 ^27 V&ai i*. 57c Gorgonzola Cheese ,,. 75c Ajax Cleanser 2>*~21c 2.r35c Domestic Swiss Cheese •». 59c Roquefort ""<>•«» '"Jf$1.37 Pahnolive Soap 3-;K."22C 3.x.,31 & ! Imparted Swiss Cheese " 99c Danish Bleu I"P0BTID ». 77e Cottage Cheese K 5i 19 Mild Colored Cheese ...49c Cheese""*™1' "SSL. .£& 35c Kraft Velveeta .&&53C Swiss Slices «•*" ,-SX 43e VOLUME 10 a D CAmerican Slices KS7. £"20e Kraft Cheez Whiz *ff 29c rum A WACNAU Licderkranz Cheese V»!'39c Gruyere SSSTVAon Vff 43c Universal Standard » Sharp Cheese _ *. 59 Domestic Blue Cheese ,.. 67c Pccorino Romano1-""^ f 1JB Encyclopedia 99' I Exap. Milk is? 6lr 68' Alt Fl Paatcurtied O^' Homocmind O ^C eeaaelei. eel *f • re4e»eel Mm Mm Quirt Carton JaM«# Oal» At Aeaarl Milk Quart Carton Vet Acme Kwp Vour Milk MK. ANU MK3. MLKBtKl A. &B82&. Bill Down! ***""" -^ A ^aV eh JhtL Ae^ak *' Joy Scouts Silver Beaver Award To lalsey for "Distinguished Service" "V. S. CHOICE" Herbert A. Halsey of 539 Shack- Boy Scout camping fraternity. He Orange Juice fcrnaxon drive recently was award- can often be seen dressed in In- Roast or id the Silver Beaver, an award dian regalia at Order of the Ar- IDEAL Concentrated lb. Ritz Crackers"^ 31' riven to a limited number of adults row ceremonies. Large 12-o«. can Steak Chuck ZI-M. «|% BBV DEL MONTE fcach year by the Boy Scouts of Mr. Halsey's son, Bill, is a grad- Each am make* Uiree pinta. The government*! "Choice"—your absolute guarantee of top quality. America for "distinguished servie uate of Westfield High, an Eagle Bone In. Properly trimmed t TwCllRi lo boyhood." It is the highest Scout, and is now a senior at Brad- iward which can be given below ley University, Peoria, 111. His (••Mara BVXB |he national level. daughter, Jeanette, served as a G*v*nuauil Graded *U S. CHOICE" "Herb", as Mr. Halsey is known, hostess for the United Air Lines Asparagus Spears (tarted his Scouting career as a before becoming a matron of Den- IDEAL roop committeeman of Troop 72 ver, Col. Mrs. Halsey is active in f the Presbyterian Church in Westfield affairs. Broccoli Spears or lb. Vestfield in 1947. He is a member BIBDS EVK COOKIES. CIACKEIUS CANDY DEPAITMENT bf the Triangle Bible Class of that Veal Rump I.V8K fchurch. An ardent camper, he di- Serve a vc»I roast for a delightful clianso. lu Golden Cut Corn art* t55SJ."*''!.'.". 29c Lemon Drops '^117c rected his energies to the promo- NEED SCREENS? SNOW CROP lion of camping in the local coun- Cookies "•"""" f, 29c LEWIS CALL WEATHER CHECK ril, which includes the Scout or- Red Raspberries 'OVEN BEADY" 7-Inch Cnt Ik. ' Nabisco Grahams '.V 32c Licorice Caramels w 25c Vanizatiuns in the communities RIB ROAST BEEF Government Graded "U.S. Chelee" N*•". onto ; TOASTED OOCOANDI lilong the Jersey Central and Laek- WE 2-5750 * CR 6-5700 Arri.E. CHERBY. PEACH s.ndwlth oille Marshmallows 19« Fcciory: 7 South Ave Garwood l ".7 pwanna from Garwood and Sum- BONELESS CHUCK ROAST Vienna Fingers f "?I*",n. 39c nit to White House and Glad- Morton's Pies 2 Lucky Mix fctone. For the past fire years he 27c Sunshine Hydrox ,rt,.*;",. 39c rtfAiMi IJriSKet rreia er Ceraec « Ik. has had charge of the physical KOYAL ARCANUM French Fries Weston Wild West ",*£• 25c Spice DrofM 25c plant at the Boy Scout camps at FIIIISIOE COUNCIL Ne. 715 SUNK1ST 49c Plate Beef Camp Lion, near Scotch Plains, Meeting in New Quarttra at Lemonade y* eane PANTRY NEEDS Tootsic Roll pnd at Camp Watchung, Glen American Legion Hall Me Befaai Hell la Ofterl Short Ribs W, North Ave. and Croiiway PI. V/llVCa KIPE f.el, lar AlC Party Mints Gardner. The present fine physical 2nd and 4th Thuriday Evening* Ground Beef Condition of these camps is largely BIBDS EYE French Style Green. Jumbo Ripe Olives "'';"• 33c Party Jellies »H.,,. ,H.H.^ his work. Members and Vitittng Arcanlaiw Veal Chops Are Invil.d to Attend Veal Chops Peanut Butter SST,!!, 37c ICVCBAGES Mr. Halsey was graduated from Dole Pineapple .s.V.0E.?n 31c BaiaClub 2,Si.*.'. 27c [the University of Missouri in 1922 Beans 2 K 41 Breast of Veal s n AND Bala Club 3^X.29c as an electrical engineer and went Chuck Lamb Beans K .nN"V "' 2 *!£; 19c vith the Western Electric Co. at DIAMONDS-WATCHES' Pa{!in TOMATO ft fl-or, nft- LAUNDRY NEEDS Itheir Hawthorne plant in Chicago. AND JEWELRY Pork BoUSST * 1 9SIC rROURKSSO Bnnd O c,n, iitC •He came east for that company Heinz Ketchup 2 ..V,J,'; 49c Lux Flakes "ft" 3Xk^S,60c Jwhen the Kearny plant opened an-1 OUR DIRECT SOURCE OF DIAMONDS/ Lifebuoy Soap •is at present setting the technical MAKES SAVINGS FOR YOU Chocolate Chip Silver Spaghetti ,n£ll'n£™'52 19c Alto Repairs to 1 Lifebuoy Soap •standards for No. 4 toll crossbar .Mayonnaise "•"»•""'• "j;; 73c *SS:60*SS e [switching for that company. He WATCHES AND JEWELRY Uncl. CORNED BBOAnOAHT no. ^;"- ••!. ) Including Rebuilding and Creative Word/ has served as president of the Loaf Cake 25 riilsn nEEr m-.t. tan aOC free eeiiiM < \rZ •Council of Western Electric Tech- ESTIMATES GIVEN Tender, mellow white cake, chockful r r |nical Employees at his plant. of chocolate chips. Miracle Whip Eft.. iff3Bc Lux Soap CHARLES H.ROTHROCK Bread Crumbs ,0-oi. PM,. In addition to his care of the CALL WE. 2-3532 . WATERMELON Lux Soap |Boy Scout camp properties, Mr. Virginia L«e Sticky JUICES IHalsey is vigil degree member of Member United Horologkal Atl'n. C Grapefruit Juice 2 ',".;; 19c Swan Soap •the Order of the Arrow, honorary Cinnamon Buns >.v. 3 5 RED Whole Ac . Swan Soap Rceularly 39c! An "old Ume favorite." 1 Orange Juice 2 ",:";23c 5?.V.'.23c RIPE lb. Swan Soap With rannoo • "I l 0 Silver Dust Face Cleth pkf. Raisin Bread *•&:,- 23 Slewled Juice 2 ',;5 23c IVIth Cannes 8i-ee.| TOILETRIES Silver Dust Dlatl Towel »k(. ^ White Bread ware. 15* With Cannep !»••«. ' Still On If I5c! Finest Inci In ilirer iclllnr telletrlei Breeze Dated f« FrufaneMf CANTALOUPES race Cleth pi«. < Halo Shampoo *')" 57c Breeze With Caanea 3t-.i. I 1 ltr(ek«el>.r Cream Shampoo c" ". "j" 53c Woodbury Soap 4 Cekei Large Size A Ltrcc bring the flavour Medium Silt Household Combs '.Vi29c Woodbury Soap Bobby Pins X.L.°«"«25c i 39c Nylonge Sponges ZlZ',"Qtaiit of Europe to Boston Lettuce ss Breck Shampoo i."\. 60c Kee Detergent reskeie your table with nUelvwIIUIIl IP«HWI»w tw enan iejejaf n ^^^ DANISH BLUE CHEESE Cookware Offer 1 Selected Tomatoes Rival Dog Food 3^35' ecllo ' Buy a ease of 48 for only M.85I June Festival Celebration Feature! UOOKWare YlTl-i Umm Romaine Lettuce 2-19pk«. c Ai all Acmes! I What a difference Blue Cheese makes to a Florida Seedless Grapefruit 3 t« 29c meal-and what a difference genuine EndS June 12th | Wmm Western Carrots All Prices Effective Through Saturday, June 5th imported DANISH BLUE makes to Blue Hurry! Vour last chance to save *0 to f Limes . Pk,. 15c Cheese itself. For in DANISH BLUE comes 50% on top-quality Household Institute W that indefinable "something extra" zest, aluminum cookwaro that lasts a lifetime! U IN ACME'S JUNE FESTIVAL CELEBRATION in body, in flavour...that distinguishes the Listerine Antizyme Gold Seal Gorhams L Renuzit Erase-Away i very best of European cuisine. Gerber's Cream White Tooth Paste Cleaning Kit In yojr next salad dressing, or as a special Silver Polish Baby Foods Pure Egg Taekaie 79C .dessert this very evening, treat yourself and » 59c Stnlned! •s 25c Shortening In Stores Setllof TolletflM \our family to Imported DANISH BLUE All VerleUeal 5 's- 49c Noodles 2 :>r. CHEESE, a true luxury in eating pleasure.- Super Creamed— for just a few extra pennies. 4 - in - 1 Zippy Lux Liquid Gerber's Gut-Rite Pure Vegetable 1 Concentrate for Wax Paper Liquid Starch Detergent Junior Foods Grape Drink 16-oz. ..a..... 39c '•x 39c ttHj. 69c Chopped! R "*••»• "Ksr 25c can 30c 279c Dolllc ' AlIlI Varletleal *» Jera 2 ts 29c Parson's Conte Luna Onliwon Play Boy Speedup Gemdlli Princess Flat Paper Dog Food SUDSY Ammonia The Twin SpifbetU Ib. 7QC Towels s-ss" 33c That Holds tho 8»uce pk|. ~^ Waxed Aerosol Newman's Creamy Lolli-Pups Al-Po Bomb Gold Seal Paper Chocolate Mint Dog Candy Dog Food Elbow Macaroni 12-oz. 125-Foot Sticks - 29c ssz» 27c can 2 ";••• 37c Roll 22c «««st 23c 79c *• pki>. " " j OPEN EVERY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. CHEESE ASSOCIATION 37O South Avenue, Westfield Large Free Parking Lot Wtge Twenjy-Stx THE WESTFTELD /N. J.) LEADER,. THURSDAY,. JUNE 3, .1954 will be "Prospects for the Future." 28th Industrial Mr. Nichols is also a member of the board of directors of the Wes- Honored At Library Asks fcon Co. He was formally associ- SAVE Confab Slated ated with the Newark Chamber of Testimonial Fete Readers' Aid j CoiimifITI? us a professional staff j . Ross Nichols, executive vice member and served us its <*i-re- | William J. Carson of 320 Harri- i The Public Library, which is president of the Wealon Electrical taiy until 1942. He is a trradimtf | son,i gg^,.^ manager and : planning to move to new quarters Instrument Corp.. Newark, • and I of Gtoig-e Washing-ton University j t,.easurer of the Rodic Chemica] I about July 1, when the new Me- Law School and is a member of Ian d Rubber Corp _ North Brunj. [ COMPLETE 6 PC. GROUP Clancy Isaac,, president of the Tri- morial Library, which is under I the New Jersey Bar. Mr. Nichols ! ^^^1 _ | eolator Co., Newark, wili be the wiek| was ghen a din construction, will be ready for oc- principal speakers at the 28th an- resides with his family in Kahway. ; ner at Cedar Manor Tuesday in I cupancy, has come up with a novel nual Northern New Jersey indus- Mr. Isaas was formally assoi'i- j observance of his 26th anniver- method of moving its 40,000 books. trial conference to he held at ated in the advertising business j sary with th? company, a subsid- It will ask its 13,700 members to !«»**, Camp Wavt-ayanda Saturday and with the J. C. Proctor Agency in iary of Remington-Rand Inc. | do the job, merely by borrowing a New York and in the publicity de- In behalf of the lira, B. F. An- j few books each from the old li- Sunday. Mr. Nichols will speak partment of RKO Radio Pictures, on "The Problems of an Expand- derson, vice president in charge of j brary and returning them to the and Weco Products Corp. He is new. ing Economy." Sir. Isaac's speech domestic production, presented Mr. a graduate of Ohio State College Carson with a gold watch and ex- The idea has many advantages. of Commerce and holds a reserve tended t'ongvatulations for his long The main one, however, is econ- commission as a major in the Ad- years of service. Also present was omy. A $5,000 saving is envision- jutant Generals Department. Frederick Denz, director of the \ ed if the readers co-operate. DUMONT The Northern New Jersey Chap- company's suggestion division in The new $760,000 Hall Television Service ter of the National Council of In- Buffalo, N. Y. and Memorial Library will be com- dustrial Management Clubs is j Mr. Carson went to work for pleted early in July. Sometime SINCE 1940 composed of the Industrial Exec- the corporation May 1, 1929, as Multliilr lUtlllK •"1(1.—Mf. mill Mm. Donald I.. Ncwland, foniivrl) of this monthj according to Migs Shir- utives' and Foremen's Clubs "* chief accountant in the New York Oreaiiiildr, K. »„ are mm IITIIIK In tlie humr plillirra ul.».f, lootril nt ley Wright, head librarian, the 4,- Bnl Mfuipptd Durtiont Bayonne, Bergen County, Newark 12T itrl«idi-r«. nvcuur, KaiiHoad, fvlilfh they ttiirrlinMed rrrritlfF frois office. - He was appointed assistant Mr. >IHI Hr», I. »,hu(l.-r,>. Tkla lioair HIM tuiilllnlr ll«lr> 200 members of the children's de- s«r*-Mt-vice shop in New- and West Hudson, New Bruns- treasurer of the L. B. Recording "Ith Ike Uecina-la Hoard of HruKiiis and ••id »,- tUc aliceiif llnrrclt partment and the 9,500 adult mem- ark. W« specialize in re- wick, Elizabeth, Jersey City, Or- and Statistical Corp. of New York, A- ("mtu, I»4%. Kralt»rs. * bers will be granted unlimited bor- pairing and urvicing anges and Bloomfield, Peterson, another Remington-Rand affiliate, rowing privileges. It is the li* Dument television t«lt. Perth Amboy, Watchung area and in 1B31 and went to the Brooklyn brary's hope that members will 24 hour ttrvica. Morris County. These clubs are division as chief accountant in borrow an armful of books each affiliated with the Young Men's and keep them until they can be Any Male, of T.V. 1935. Christian Association of their re- returned to the new building. spective areas. In 1940, Mr. Carson was named DAIDONE treasurer of the Rodic Chemical Present facilities, constructed in Reservations may be made by and Rubber Corp., which wae then IT'SNOSCCMT... 1906, are crowded for both people ALL ELECTRIC calling either the Westfield or located in Garwood. He assumed and books. In the spacious new •42 Seuth Orange Avo. Plainfield YMCA. the position of acting manage Memorial Library the institution • * ft. • rih UmsWtsHa wHti Vaianct. 15.25 N4W0IK/ N« J, when the firm moved to North will be able to expand to a collec- • M" White liMmtstodl Stool TaMa 13.S0 Plioar S-81M We know the truth, not only by tion of 70,000 volumes. Brunswick in September, 1952 and • 4 tartan Chairs with Cvihion. „ 1 1.95 M. the reason, but also by the heart. 1 Baiablteaee] Man was named manager and rjlaced in 6KICK CHURCH —Pascal "" complete charge of the plant Nov. One of the subilmest thing in 1 of last year. 'He also retained the world is plain truth Bulwer his post as treasurer of the divi- What we have in us of the image sional plant. ALWAYS HAS THE of God is the lore of truth and justice.—Demosthenes - Library Lists Latest Additions towesT PRICES / LOWEST PRICES! MUTE II w~ - »«-~. twJORTN 'I/HHFIEIO Books added to the library dur ing the week of May 22 to 29 in- •rick Church nally cuts pricvi dt«p M all WE 2 b!!iO ' CR 6 5100 I i •. m ii f. M. - iMMiM ...fa,, clude; Fiction, "The Noonday top-namt brandi. OUR PRICES NEED NO Devil," Curtiss; "Mr. Hobbs' Va cation," Streeter; "The Power and CHECKING, *hty art •)way* tht lowtit. WE the Prizq," Swjggett and "The •UY |IG—WE SEji. IIG. All brand MW mtr- (juaker Bride," Whitney. Also non-fiction: "Understand ebandiit, iomt ant of a kind—toint fleer ir.g Boy!,'1 Moser; "Love, Tower sampltt, and in sent caiei dtlivtry, Instal- « SERVICES YOU NEED i and Justice," Tillich; "pjain Chris- t.unity," Phillips; "Roadblocks to lation and service eitra*. Faith," Pike and'Kriinn; "Life, Cktck frick Cfcvrck Itfor* fan liiy! • REPAIRS • UNDSCAPING • TYPEWRITERS Tuith, and Prayer," Ikln; "Immi- Ki&tion Laws of the U, S.," Crosa- * WISIINOHOUSI FRICIOAIKE WESTINOHOUSE UPHOLSTERY A. R. DAMIANO TYPEWRITERS »ell; "-American Income and Its ALL MAKES Bold, rented, ripihsl •EFt'lOHATM . IEFIIOIRATOR ItFnGEUTOI FURNITURE RIPAIRS COMPIETC LANDSCAPING Authorized dlstrllutor for I" Use," Hoyt; "Footprints of As- 12 cu. ft. Dsluo 2-Dr. Rtfrlgeralor 2 Rflfrlavrator- ROTOTILLER SERVICE OJflee Tt-perrrltpra, surance," Bulau; "The Younger Froit frie Frtezer— IS10I Frieur—TFE114 DON MAXWELL Dig. Reg. Sf 1.0. We, Z-SS2S>W TERRILL'S American Scholar," Knapp S479.H WoitfUU 2-0226 • 0-3-tl Oar New I.Dcnlle. "Women in the Modern World," C-3-t: IK Bias 81. Wt, Ml Msssslcl*al Parklat la len ; Komarovsky; "The Challenge of tcmer'Trcacheej Wsitcr TrcMcfccsj Man's Future," Brownf "Gallery KilVINATOR FRIOIOAIM CROtLEY W< O. HEBLER TREE SERVICE of American Dogs," Mawhinney JIEFRIOIRATOR REFRIGERATOR REFRI0E1ATO* We, 2-T6OT Tissaa aj>i Shrafea and "Raising Chinchillas for Prof- StoiM ssasl Toa loll Trlaevea—Plaatret—Heas*Te< • MOVING-TRUCKING I 12 cu. ft! 2-Dr. Fanilly Slu Croji-Top fresier Oil Tsssik Holes F»o<1*IT. LANDSCAPES CONaTHUCTIOIf it," Schwab. Comb. — MT 11 cu. fl-SEIl 6-3-t Rig. FRUIT TRBB BPRAVUtQ COURTNEY'S HXPI1ESS-T And ""Printing Today," Tarr S529.00 and moving. Small Jorji I LUGGAGE REPAIRING W«. 2-S MOVINO et IT- .-•ICE-. Technology Vol. .12," Kirk WHTINQHOUIE IRONRITE RUSKIN'S TRKKJ TKIHHCU > Now loading household goooJll LAllND»X)MAV ••• '"•-•'(koWiii ISO North AY.. PI.AI.NFIEI.D 4-»J9t all 48 States and Canada, «W c OUVER A. HOWARTH, JR. , lzlng in New EnEland, Fl NfeW Homp3hi"re Arts' anil Ci1»f t •' Deluxe - Ml -*- ,,-,.. .VI FJI»>t I'p '*•'* and California BBlpmenti. i ' ' Console ' ' * '"' " * WE. VMM-H . van 'to destination. Let u« i.._ Now Available 24 Hrs. A Day "American Annual of Photofra ••9. 1 mate your next move. Unites «• WE HBPAin any and all appllancei TREE* TRIMMED, phy"; "Negative Retouphlng and 6-13-13 Lines, Ted Sat/gent, Agent. »«• Print Finishing," Draper; "Mod VAN'S APPLIANCE CO. 2-3035. Mj SERVE YOURSELF 1 Cor. Central and Norsk ATCS, ern Color Photography," Durning We. 9-8720 UNDSCAPE NURSERYMAN HENRY P. TOBNiKSD "Rebels and Ancestors,", Gelsmar ROPER , MAYTAG TAPPAN Uraamealal Plaatlnsa Movlac — Tnirklsg — atinn' G-3-tl Lana Coaalraetloa "The Desert Watches," MaqAr OAS RANGE WASHER. CAS RANGE Dstllr Trips In lit 8ken b 36 QeLuxe Aulomallc 40" DeLuKe Tnta Trlauie* an el RemOTCel Ml NORTH AVE. . WE. **\ Automatic Ice Vending Station thur; "Vacation Ideae," Better liqlit — Clock AMP 1953 We, 2-«S2d or We, X-»Wt Homes and Gardens; "The White Reg. 1 • BLDG. CONTRACTING Bre'i alter 81OO House," McConnell; "Catherine of -MODERNIZING JIM LOVEIAND • Block Ice Siena," Undset; "The Yazoo Riv- 6-3-t • RADIOS er," Smith; "A' History of the WESTINOMOUn HOTPOINT * GENERAL REPAIRS OUTDOOR TELEVISION - RADIO Borgias," Rolfe. WHIRIPOOL • Handy Cubed Ice - DRYER DISHWASHER WASHER Alteration ass* Mal>tea»M UVING SPACE Applianct Portfolios of art reproductions 220 Volt - Deluxe Under' Counter Deluxe — Aulomolie Small Jobs a Sp«clal«y Patio., Walla n»a Walka Service (In Bags) Include "Dogs," by Cooke. D5 DeLu«e — MCU DAVIDSON'S Dealsssed to Bait Your Cruunda EIA»MDIO*ElECT«C«l IMlBB Witt Z-T609-J FOR FnEE ESTIMATES Stndwlca Baw e-3-ff > CALL. W1J. 2-4W5 WB, 2-5JT0 (H|I Crusty to'ls make • fine biM tat ALTERATIONS A REPAIRS SMYTHE'S M.ndwlche« when they're topped KITCHEN AID WELillT AIR ' KITCHEN CABINBTB EXPERT SERVICE DISHWASHER GAS RANGE CONDITIONER HECREATION CELLAHf LANDSCAPE SERVICE with a ilict of tomato topped with ATTIC ROOm IGE VENDERS t >Uce of. processed cheese and . • 34" - Ton Deluxe; TELEVISION Heal Control Roorino WESTFIELD brpltad. Reg. •GRBEM* - 6-3-tf (All M«ke») 324 South Ave. E. Westfield »12».9S rrOHM SABH, ETC. RECORD CHAIJOEM , WM. GRASINO PLAIT Spring landpcaplnr now SMALL APPUAKCM PLainfield 6-7321 Q«si*ml BBllilHir CBfttraetor New lawns—shrubs—maintenance. SM CHOVK IT.. BAIT B. Yount Tel. PI. 4-1411. WESTFIELD RADIO WE. 2-KJM ' 6-3-tf AND APPLIANCE CO, LOOK AT THESE MIRACLE VALUES! 6-3-tf LANDSCAPING AND GARDENER 31 EM' Broad »«• NOTICE CALL YARUSSI, WE. 2-5007 1 We». 2-377S , Hoofs Rafinithed, ou fc0or» made 5-20-«t Gf NItAL ELECTRIC RATED NO. 1 BY CONSUMERS like new by electric machine; mod- erate prlcea. R. B. Ooddard. 791 STEAM IRON VACUUM . PrOMlect St., 'Phone WE. 2-2946. > TAILORING Swltek fr«M (turn ts 0-3-tf > LAWN MOWERS *y ' Imtnttly Kilt TAILORING •III killin eeittrsi: HOWARD F. WESP swim TOP REFAIinS REMDDELINO MelNTYRE'S Why Swelter? KBN'g AND WOMEN'S GARMENTS CqrpcnUr and Buildar H jiOWEB «HW Expert workmanship. Quick service. LLTERAT1OVT GARAOC1S Reasonable rate*. Estimate obeer- SPECIAL! '45.88 MSVLATIOIf IIOOriNO fully given. • • • H80EL F40 IIDINO LEADER AND GUTTER "•IT rilCED FIXED" (RAND NEW MS Sariee Ate. Garwaet) MAYFAIR TAILORS Buy An Air Conditioner Complete with Attachments Wi.I-UIf 111 4>las>r St. We. 1-lIM G-3-fI • 0-3-tf DeeeraHiw - Reeleg Famous Mo.e U" •LACK t DECKER GARDEN . 1. C. 8HI9BRAM • MISCELLANEOUS LAWN MOWER Vi" ELECTRIC HOSE We. S^EM • 5 lIUo. All Steil DRILL 0) 5-Yr, Guarantee and Enjoy the Summer e Sinl-Potinslli Tim AUTO FAINTING • Broil Couplings KITCHEN REMODELING Reg. * How la Ta« Ttaie . «29 16188 Special! *IM TOCH car repainted any color. Open Evenings Let ua rernoSol your ldfchen while £'le'* ,8tart at |45. 2-ton« only you vacation. Special prices dur- *T6. Drive In for appointment 9:00 You'll live better lnr Hummer months. We assume A.M. to 6:00 P.M., lnclualng- Sat n1 hendaches at plumbing, eleo. tirday. fOR YOUR FAMOUS MAKE trlcal, plastering, and carpentry WASHING MACHINE IVHHAT'g AUTO BODY SHOP 12" OSCILLATING work. We Install both Bteel and You'll feel better "ALL" wood cabinets. Call ror treo esti- Z3O3 gouth Ave. »'wl a», • NO EXTRASI 8WB-M3 '15.88 »7.88 pairs. Wall outlets, light awltohes, also DEERING, • 1 DAY SERVICE! etc. Lamps rewired. DoorbelU and LET..MB BO^RD YOUR PET In my chimeB repaired. John Frey, WB. homo. Expert enre. Reasonnblo. Give your cor a new leas* on 2-4094-M. fi-3-tf Cnll Cranfortl 6-93S2. C-3-tf Ilia . . with factorr.flnlth ihna for those HARD-TO-FIT casement windows room iparklel You get a genuine WATER T11HNXHI5B REFRIGERATOM InlraRed Oven-Baked PAINT JOB, AIR CONDIT,lid In ONE DAN Sprayed DRESSMAKING OLIVER A. HOWARTH, JR. wllh 3 coots of finest DuPont »ONERS! AIR CONDITIONING Polnr-Ov.., Dok.dl One-Yeor Cool wealh.r has hurl our lolei of AIR CON. WE. 2-0800-R Wrltltn Guarantee! Chalet of eol. DRESSMAKING I l orf. Any make ear. Pay only DITIONERS and w. n«d the war.hous. span lurra. COATfl, and all klnda of al. FnotlllK«— Oil Tanha—Top Soll-i- Icinar, J5J" iBy'i)"«"Jj5i»* S1.25 weakly. Same mslhodl and ... WE MUST SEIL PART OF OUJ TREMENDOUS lorntlonB. Wo. 2-SB78-K. 0-3-tr SIDnea—Pill Dirt VAN'S APPLIANCE CO. personnel 01 In leading auto foe. INVENTORY AT COST 1111 All Famous Makes. lories. Thousands of satisfied cus- tomers. Bfautlfies cor ... In. P1IILC0 -»- VOltNADO — FF.DDEB9 • HOME MAINTENANCE OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR Bud Hollingsworth, Prop. trtalei trade-In voluel MITCHELL — OTHERS |C7 Installed. Floor nnnder ana EXPERT BODY AMD FENCE! HEPAIIS waxer at reaRonnble prices. NIW JERSEY'S OR10INAI AND REPAIRS T»rmt>rii — Klc-olrlr Iron. PlnlnOeld S-II2I1S OLDEST RELIABLE 5-!0-4t •.•.'"»*> AUTO FACTOSY SAVE ^200.00 Pnnis — llnillrra — Wnfflc Irotsa Cor. Central and North Aves. We. 2-3726. All lynri, ,,r . WINDOW wnxhlng. Alnn stnrni wln- FINISHERS nmnll Rlpctrlpnl Appllnnrpa [lows and nrreens. 13. F. Dunn, PIANO TUNING Frt'f I'lirkluic Our Oirtt I'rirklilK l.nt Free I'lik-up nml IJpllrerr I'Ulton 1-0C2D. C-20-3t TEL. WE. 2-5969 REPAIRINS, Open Mon., Thurs., and Fri. evenings ASPHALT driveways, mnson work, Cranford P SSOCIATED AUTO Br5dln,F' "'<»ich 'Ilirelne:. top soil nnd nil cilrt. mnd nml slone. Call BODY WORKS ; BRICK CHURCH APPLIANCE LINOLEUM CONTR. V. Laliraclo, We. Z-44S7. 6-20-4f WE REPAIR WASHERS 317 FRELINGHUYSEN AVE. STANLEY KATZ ~ ORange 5-8300 I'lt-lr Hue of I.lnolenni, NEWARK Blgelow 2f1795 Oork nml llulihrr Tile USE LEADER CLASSIFIEDS Free llutur KnHmunyi TOM.Ave, .Wed. , 'Tlium .

-•:?« Leek at This Ust of Typical EVERYDAY Uw Prices at SAFEWAY COMPARE 260 NORTH AVENUE - WESTFIELD Plenty ef Free Parkina COCA COLA (PLUS DEPOSIT) bptf. PRUNE JUICE SUNSWEET quart boh CHISCO OR SPRY 3 Ib. can Ritz Crackers NABISCO TOWN SALAD DRESSING HOUSE 46 ox. c»n /or finest FRU/TS and VEGETABLES Grapefruit Juice 19c KRAFT'S 1CY Tomato Soup (Special 20c OK Label Jar Pick) Jar 99* Carrots »Ncv-auo i ib. Pk8. \ 5e Green Peppers *>• 17 CEU fACK oi k Cucumbers CRISP, FIRM n>. 12c Radishes ° < >=»- 9:. Tomato Catsup or DELMONTE2 to£ 29< CabbageFRESH~MILD FLAVOR ">' 4c Onions ^lwCROr - 2 **• 15c 9 a TOMATOES BeetS GARDEN FRESH bunch t Oc LeiTIOnS TANGY GOODNESS Ib. | Oj HICHWAY b Bartlett - 29< GARBENSIBE 11I. can 10 Fresh Spinach BULK ib. 7c Romaine Lettuce 9« Sliced Pineapple .,s&. "s 29c Sweet Corn s&isss 2 29c Every cut ef Safeway M«at It guaranlaad t»nd«r, full-(lavor«d, juicy, ptrftct-tatlng or your rnoniy (hMrfully r*Fund«d. Tuna Fish PWNCEPAUL-UGHTMEAT 7 oz. can 25c Niblets Corn ™ 2»"29c Chuck Beef Royal Satin Shortening™ 77c i..._. UStf UPTON-TOMATO' ^ »nv. ^Of ROAST or STEAK US CHOICE - BLADE CUTS '•-V SOUP MIX VECETABLE or NOODLE 4#pkg. BVJ7* l7 Del Monte Sweet Peas <" 17c SLICED BACON COLD COIN or ORIOLE 69 Libby's Sweet Peas 2 :33< sHiETS LAMB CHOPS RIB or SHOULDER - U. S. CHOICE lb. 83 Scottissue '°°° "10c Beef Roast ib 03C Teddy's Famous Chopped Chuck cREENciiNT Plate Beef 15c Seafood Values Ground Beef 5PEC1ED lb- 39C Sweet Peas 2'«.?35c Short Ribs "«'««» 43c Fresh Flounder Fillets » 63c Stewing Lamb ^A^^>, - 15c B n Beef Brisket F^cm. 69c Fancy Fresh Shrimp '59c Beef Liver ;:X.^ = 35c Schimmel's Grape Jam s 15c ROUN D O ULDER R Beef Roast 5. 5 CHO,C°E •>• 59c Scallops' ^HfRim-HEAi.nd EM b. 69c Bologna VACU^ACK *«•** 29c CRE*MSTVLE libby's Corn 2«™31< Produce & Meat Prices Effective Thurs., Fri. & Sat.—June 3rd, 4fh & 5th Mott's Apple Sauce 2 f.r 35c We reserve the Apple Sauce LAKEMEAD 2™-29t right to limit 6 quantities. Libby's Tomato Juice °- 23c None sold to SAFEWAY NABISCO PREMIUM 1 Ib. pkg. dealers. Crackers or SUN5HINE KRISPY 19. Page Twenty-Eight THE WESTFIELD. (N..J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 Activities In The Churches of Westfield and Vicinity Evening Guild Will Presbyterian Church Redeemer Lutheran Evening Auxiliary Woman's Society Christian Scieinee Meet Mexl Thursday To Install Officers To Install Officers Sermon of the Week Today: 9:30 a.m., circle of pray- Westfield's Lutheran Church is The church is er in the chape! every Thursday open daily for prayer and medita- located THE SINKING MOUNTAINS i The evening Guild of the WSCS The Woman's Society of Chris- tion. Main entrance on Cowper- The Rev. Frederick W. Blatz East Broad street. By the Rev. William Thomai Kennedy Jr. of the First Methodist Church will morning. All women are invited Sunday services at 11 ,„ , to join in this half hour of silent tian Service of the First Metho- thwaite place, between Clark and will install the new officers of the St. Luke A.M.E. Zion Church meet in the assembly room of Wes- dist Church will hold its monthly Prospect streets. The Rev. Wal- Evening Auxiliary of St. Paul's 8 pan; Sunday school at iT'? ley Hall Thursday evening, June prayer. 6:30 p.m., Jane Morrow Wednesday: 8:15 p., Guild picnic su_pper meeting at the meeting Thursday, June 10 at ter A. Reuning is the pastor. Church at the last meeting of the 10 at G;80 p.m. fur its semi-annual 10:30 a.m. Luncheon will be served Whitsunday will be observed in season to be held in the guild room ial meeting. Psalm 46:2 . . . though the earth do clianye, and though the pot luck supper. ... "„ -.. , i iu:,su a.m. kuncneon win De served of the palish house Wednesday. The importance of the pulpit committee in the lounge two services, at 8:15 and 10:45 mountains be shaken into the seas; Dr. Miohalson will install the pamh house. 8 p.m., meeting of, 2 fl fa . , Q d h ._ The new officers are: President, ing God and man frot annex. rection of Mrs. W. R. Marsh. a.m. The sermon in both services Under the dedicated, impassioned heart of the psalmist where new slate of officers, and a special Mrs. Alfred H. Connollee, vice point of spiritual tl Tomorrow: 11:30 a.m., church Mrs. Frank L. Beattys will open will treat the subject, "The Pente- nature responds to his quest for an idea of God, mountains toppling musical program will be in charge the afternoon session with devo- cost Miracle." Communion will be president, Mrs. John L. Danch; be stressed at Christian into the sea is a great tragedy. of Mrs. William Overbay. staff discussion and prayer service. recording secretary, Mrs. Emil services Sunday. The 2:45 p.m., young peoples commun- tions. Special music is being ar- celebrated in the later service. The psalmist with an inherently symbolical mind views nature Hostesses will be Mesdames ranged by Mrs. Charles S. Smith. Registration of names of all par- Hladky; corresponding secretary, mon "God the Only for the wisdom and worship she will evoke to the meditative heart. icants class. 7:30 p.m., the session Mrs. Robert L. Day and treas- ator" will include the Frank Feely Jr., O. L. White, M. will examine the young peoples The Rev. Dan S. Bowers will in- ticipating communicants will be He sees man, who would rebel against God, but in nature he sees urer, Mrs. John L.' Mackenzie. passage from the Kinu J8 V. Ruyle. C. W. Beam, F. E. Mor- class for church membership. 8 stall the newly appointed officers made in advance of the service. total "obedience to the end". When men refuse to sing "Hallel" to ley and K. Tiersbier. and then give an address on "Stews Office hours in the church study Preceding the installation serv- sion of the Bible: "Por t God, then, "even the stones cry out!" The hills skip and dance like p.m., preparatory service in the the Lord that created the chapel for all members of the ardship." Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. ice, a pot luck supper has been rams in praises to God. Will Cullen Bryant has captured the genius planned for 6:30 p.m., by Mrs. God himself that forrai of the psalmist in the opening line of his "Thanotopsis" when he cries, First Congregational church and those who are plan- Sunday at 5 p.m. a service of and made it; he hath ,. "To Him who in the love nature holds, ning to join. thanks and praise will be held in Connoliee, program chairman for Today: 1 p.m., the annual busi- Methodist Church observance of the 25th wedding this year, assisted by Mesdames it, he created it not in vain . Communion with her visible forms, ness meeting and luncheon of the 9 p.m., tne session will meet anniversary of Pastor and Mrs. Hladliy, Warren Buhler and Steph- formed it to be inhabited- I,, She speaks a various language ..." Women's Fellowship is being held with the adults who are to be re- Today: The executive board of Walter Reuning, conducted by Vi- en Perry. the Lord; and there is noneeltt* Now in the midst of the tragic and phenomenal sinking of the in the parish house. New officers ceived as new members, following the WSCS will meet in Wesley car Walter H. Reuning and Daniel Among the citations from "s.- mountains into the sea, the Hebrew heart would sing praises to God, for 1954-55 will 6e elected. which there will be a reception Hall at 9:30 a.m. This is also Reuning, sons of the local Luther- ence and Health with Key to th Yet, in his day, the psalmist loved the beautiful blue-green mountains Sunday: Pentecost. At the 10:50 given by the officers of the church sewing day. an parsonage. The service will be St. Paul's Church Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eto und dreaded and hated the strange, unfamiliar sea. and their wives. The Elizabeth service, Dr. McCorison is preach- At 8 o'clock in Wesley Hall, followed by a reception for the Sunday, Whitsunday: Service of the following will be read- "jj? This poetic picture skillfully characterizes the everyday experi- ing; his sermon, "The Ordinary Norton Bible class is in charge Mrs. Arthur Wright will speak. celebrants in Luther Hall to which of Nazareth was the most tri™. ences of men. We have all known the feeling of dislocation, insecur- of arrangements for the reception. Holy Communion at 8 p.m. The and the Wonderful." The chan- Her subject "Parent Panorama" the members of Redeemer Church 9:30 a.m. service will be morning tific man that ever trod the globe. ity, even despair that comes with the drowning of familiar mountains cel choir will sing. James R. Len- Sunday: will deal with children and youth, have received invitations. He plunged beneath the material in unfamiliar seas. prayer and sermon and the 11 a.m. surface of things and found Hj ney, organist and choir director, 9:30 a.m., Elizabeth Norton Bi- and the experience of watching Tuesday: 8:15 p.m., the Wom- service, Holy Communion and ser- Accepted and revered heights in our own personal mountain will play. ble class for women. Men's Tri- them grow. Her book "Room For spiritual cause." chain, seeming everlasting in their permanence are shaken into the, en's Evening Guild meeting will mon by the rector, the Rev. Fred- The church school and the jun- angle Bible class. One More" was made into a movie be held. The topic discussion will erick W. Blatz. The Rev. Samuel The golden text is from !«„*. sea and oar mind's eye unable to accept the empty space finds noth- and movie rights have been pur- tion: "Thou art worthy, 0 Lord, I ing for support in its confusion. ior church will meet as usual at 0:30 and 11 a.m., Bible school develop the subject, "Why a Synod E. Purdy, curate, will assist at all 9:30 ,a.m. but the men's Bible and church-hour nursery. Serv- chased for her new book "The Organization?" A talk on "Flow- services. The first session 'of to receive glory und honour ml The most painful aspect of death Is this toppling of rnountains. Gentle House." Many of her Ixioka power: for thou hast created ill A deep seated love appears so blissfully permanent. It is as if a great class has been discontinued until ces. The Sacrament of the Lord's er Arrangements" will be given church school will commence at the fall. At 10:46 a.m. the nurs- Supper will be administered at have been serialized. by Mrs. Alder Owens of the Blue 9:30 a.m. and the second session things, and for thy pleasure th mountain that hid captured our love had fallen into the sea and left Tomorrow: The sanctuary choir are and were created." o desert waste against the evening sky. Now the foundations of our ery school is open for children both services. The two services Star Garden Club of Mountain- at 11 a.m. The Junior YPF will whose parents wish to attend the will be identical except that the will rehearse in the choir room at side. Mrs. Eric Peterson will pre- meet in the guild room at 6 p.m. personal world have crumbled and our hearts are reluctant to create 8 o'clock. a new world. 10:50 a.m. service. reception of new members will side. and the Senior YPF will meet at Mtside. Presbyterian 4 p.m., the Congregational take place at the later service. Saturday: The MYF young peo- 7:15 p.m. Both groups are under Yet there is inescapable growth in the awe of drowned moun- ple will hold their annual beach Wednesday: 8 p.m., the mid- Church of Maple Shade, lias call- The Rev. .Kidhaid L. Smith will the leadership of the curate. "The Relevance of Faith" v, tains. Catskills which we thought were permanent shows themselves ed an Ecclesiastical Council for give the Communion meditation. party leaving the church at 9:30 week Bible study course will take unstable as puddles before the afternoon sun and disappear, and we a.m. Transportation will be by up chapter two of Ephesians for Tuesday: DNA will meet in the be the subject of the sermon lj the purpose of breaking groum 8 p.m., the baccalaureate service guild room at 9:30 a.m. The the Rev, D. E. Rayson at the ( are forced to create a new world. for the construction of a new bus. Reservations must be made closer analysis. Class held in When oar faith is more than a rigid fundamentalism and our for the graduating class of West- Luther Hall. boys' choir will meet with Miss a.m. service Sunday at the CenM church edifice and to take the nee field Senior High School will be in advance. creeds and disciplines »re more than empty memory verses, though Thursday, June 10: 1:30 to 8 Marie L. Schumacher in the choir Avenue School. A nursery is arsK essary steps for the installation of held in the sanctuary. The Rev. Sunday: All departments of the room at 3:15 p.m. able to care for small childnf they be solid mountains, they topple into the sea of changing time3 its minister, the Rev. John DeBoer p.m., the strawberry festival spon- to he replaced by more stable hUls. E. E. Gates Jr. of the First Bap- church school, including the cradle Wednesday: Regular weekday during the church hour. » at 8 p.m. Supper will be served tist Church will preach the ser- and crib, but excepting the senior sored by the Ladies Aid Society In many instances the shaking of fixed mountains is a close at 6 p.m. Members of this parish will be held in Luther Hall and service of Holy Communion will There will be a meeting of Hi mon. department, will meet at 9:45 a.m. be at 9:30 a.m. The boys' choir executive committee this evenoj companion of moral progress. Political, social and economic creeds are invited to attend the service The men's Bible class, which has garden on Clark street. Motion have stood before societies as stable and proven as the Watchung The junior high fellowship and Monday: 7:15 p.m., Boy Scouts pictures will be shown at 3, 0:30 will meet with Miss Schumacher at the home of H. W. Bell, Pof Troop 72 in Westminster Hall. been meeting in the YMCA, has in the choir room at 3:15 p.m. The lar avenue. i Mountains. The plantation economy, the barter system, the com- the pilgrim fellowship meet at 6 discontinued until the fall, as has and 7:30 p.m. in the upper class- munal state, separate but equal education facilities, all these have p.m. and 7 p.m., respectively. Tuesday: 3:45 p.m., Girl Scouts room. At 7:30 p.m. the Luther evening branch of the Woman's The site and structure's SDV Troop 75 in the assembly hall, 8 the senior department. Auxiliary will hold its regular committee on design and conjtnr been and still ire for some, everlasting mountains in the world of 8 p.m., the annual baccalaureate choir will meet. At 8 p.m. the ideas. It is only under the rumbling quake of life itself that these p.m., meeting of session in the At the 11 o'clock service in the adult membership class will meet. monthly meeting in the guild room. tion will meet on June 14. mountains are stripped of their falseness and replaced by a better service sponsored by the Westfield assembly hall. Meeting of the sanctuary, the Rev. Dan S. Bow- It will be a supper meeting at 7. Choir rehearsal is held at 8 pi Council of Churches for the West- ers, assistant minister, will preach. Friday, June 11: 8 p.m., the Members and guests, are invited to each Wednesday evening at IS understanding and a truer set of values placed in the "lonesome field High School senior class will board of trustees in the Bible Couples' League meeting will be place against the sky" that they occupied. school office. Music will be by the sanctuary attend. home of Mrs. N. if. Jacobus, Put. be held at the Presbyterian choir. held in Luther Hall. Donald Baed- ridge run. Anyone interested ii It is near tragedy that the prestige of volcanic ideas must be ,Church. The Rev. Elbert E. Gates Wednesday: 8 p.m., meeting of er will preside. Thursday: YCS will hold its pic. upset by the explosion of human suffering and social unhappiness. executive committee of Westfield At 8 o'clock in the Presbyterian nic »t 12:30 at the home of Mrs, joining the choir can call Mra.Ji. Jr. is preaching the sermon. Par. cobus at We. 2-5795-J. The opening verse of this 46th Psalm is penned: ents und friends of the graduating Chapter, National Council of Pres- Church, the annual baccalaureate Natalie F. Derrey, 231 Kimbal God is our refuge and strength, byterian Men in the lounge. service will be held. Grace Presbyterian avenue. The girls' choir will meet Anyone having information fin class are invited. these parish notices is requeitet a very p.resent help in trouble, Monday; 6:30 p.m., the Chris- Monday: A religious dramatic with Miss Schumacher in the choir Therefore,-will -we not fear . . ." group is being organized for the The Women's Missionary Soci- room at 3:15 p.m. There will be to call Mrs. Lyman Parrigin, W« tian education committee with Churchwomen 2-1429-M. Information must bl When the thunders roll, and the earth quakes and mountains Mrs. Kenneth Griggs, chairman of coming year with the first meet- ety of Grace Orthodox Presbyte- a choir picnic for the parish and are shaken into the sea, there is one very sure help, that of a Close Season With ing being scheduled for tonight at rian Church will meet at tho adult choirs to be held on the received no later than one veei arrangements, will be hosts to the prior to pOblication. permanent Jiorizon behind the disappearing mountains and hills, church school staff with their hus- Annual Tea June 10 8 o'clock in Wesley Hall. All those church on the Boulevard tonight parish grounds at 6:30 p.m. and God iB the endless height behind toppling mountains. As men see bands or wives. A film, "For Al! interested are invited to attend. to sew for missionaries and to in case of rain, in the guild room that permanent background of life,, violent diastrophism cannot over- Wednesday: There will be one wrap relief parcels to be sent to Tickets for the boat trip'to Rye Children" will be shown, using The Woman's Association of the whelm their souls. It takes real men, stout-hearted men to stand in the new projector, the gift of the group of new members received them for distribution to the needy Beach, sponsored by the Westfield the midst of violent- upheaval and watch mountains of tradition Presbyterian Church closes this into the fellowship before the fall. on foreign fields. Council of Churches, may be pur- Couples'" Club, Women's Fellow- season with its annual tea Thurs- crash down around them and keep an eye to building a better world ship, and the board of trustees. The first preparatory class for Sunday morning the minister of chased from the church school .of- where the mountains used to be. day, June 10 at 2 p.m. "Christ 7:30 p.m., the Boy Scouts^ AjtiV this group is at 8 o'clock in the the church, the Rev. Leslie A. fice, Mrs. Caroline S. Leland. Chil- Light In these times of momentous change^ of rapid transitions, of Calls Us—to Witness Through chapel. Anyone interested ;in< join- Dunn, will preach on the topic, dren under 12 years^of age must social upheaval, we need strong, stout, hearts and dedicated lives meet in the Coe Fellowship room Music" is the theme of the day Sunday, June 13 is Children's ing at this time is invited to at-, "The Meaning of Pentecost." At be accompanied by an* adult on 'the in the Night like those of the psalmists who before the phenomena of the hand of and will be the subject of the talk tend. The date of reception is the evening worship service his trip. God in human history would muse: Day.' There will be a service for to be given by the church organ- June 20. the church school in the sanctuary subject will be "The Zeal of the Despite the present God! is our refuge and strength, ist, Richard Litterst, as he ex- Lord." 1 at 9:30 a.m. The children will plains and demonstrates the organ First Baptist of fear in the world, there is i A very present help in trouble. meet in their own departments at Therefore will we not fear, recently installed in the newly ren- Choir Mothers Plans are being completed for lamp whose light is bright with J| 9:30 and march from there into ovated chancel. Guests will aft- the summer Bible school to be con- Today: 8 p.m., senior choir re- though do change, the sanctuary. Parents and friends Honored at Tea ducted by Grace Church under the Love. And though the mountains be erwards adjourn to the parish hearsal in the chapel. Mrs. Hen- are invited. house where tea will be served by direction of the pastor and his ry C. Loges is the organist for the Indeed for many, this light is ; shaken into the heart of the seas; The ministry of music of the summer assistant, Edwin C. Ur- Though the waters thereof roar Mrs. Walter Schneider's circle. month of June. Missionary com- the long-promised Comforter, First Methodist Church was host ban from Westminster Seminary. mittee meeting- in the church of- and be troubled, Alliance Church This is also the day when spe- to the choir mothers and other as- Christian Science. cial attention is focused on the Tha two week session will begin fice. New officers will be instalj- Though the mountains tremble sistants in the music program of June 28 and will be held in Lin- By sincere study of the Chris- with Ihe swelling thereof. (Selah) CRANFORD — Dr. George A. Presbyterian Homes for the Aged. the church at a tea held in Wesley ed. The first; Presbyterian Home of coln School for all children of Tomorrow: 6:30 p.m., Men's tian Science textbook Aitcheson, pastor of the Alliance Hall Tuesday afternoon. school age. Come, behold the works of the Lord, Church, Retford avenue and Cher- the Synod of New Jersey was Favors in the form of choir boy Club annual outdoor steak dinner What desolations he hath made in earth. ry street, will bring the second in founded at Belvidere. The home figurines were presented to each The mid-week service is held at Tamaques park. SCIENCE and HEALTH He maketh wars to cease unto the end a series of sermons on "The Chris- there cares for G5 persons. The and suggestions for the coming Wednesday evening under the di- Saturday: 10 a.m., Children's WITH KEY TO IKE SCBlPTCMj Synod of New Jersey has now es- of the earth; tian; His Creed and His Conduct" year were discussed. rection of the pastor. He is teach- Day program rehearsal. by Mary Baker Eddy : at the 11 ajn. worship service Sun- tablished a second home in the ing the Book of Ephesians. Sunday: He breaketh the bow, and cuttcth southern part of the state. A two Those who have acted as choir the spear in sunder; day. His subject will be "The mothers, accompanists, assistant 10 a.m., sermon by the pastor, many are finding, in a perfect year quest led to the discovery of the Rev. Elbert E. Gates Jr. on He burneth the chariots in the fire. Christian and His Amusements." directors and music secretaries the Strawberry Festival • ly plain and practical way, tl». Be still, and know that I am God: Following the sermon, communion a site in Haddonfield. past season have been: Mesdames the subject, "A Sound From Heavr I will be exalted among the nations, will be observed. Mrs. F. H. Huber, G51 Elm O. V. Earhart, K. R. Outram, At Lutheran Church eh." Visitors and newcomers are i God who is divine Love, I will be exalted in the earth. At the 7:45 p.m. evangelistic street is the "key woman" of this Clarence Winans, Sam Bass, W. invited, Their peace and joy can M organization and conducts a pa- The Lord of hoBt3 is with us; service, Dr. Aitr'ieson will bring F. Knecht, S. S. Mantz, H. R. Ko- The strawberry festival, spon- 11:16 a.m., church school. Class- yours in the same way-wl The God of Jacob is our refuge. (Selah) the 15th in a series of messages tronesses plnn to raise money for sek, Wallace McGwire, Paul Pea- sored by the Ladies' Aid Society es for all ages. from the Book of Genesis. There this work. Anyone contributing cock, A. D. Sargent, A. J. Fisch- of Redeemer Lutheran Church, 6:30 p.m., youth installation and loving care is for us all will be a vocal duet by the Jeremko one dollar or more a year becomes er, F. R. Clark, M. L. Mount,' J. B. will be conducted in Luther Hall communion service in the sanc- Scienco and Health may t» Calvary Evangelical Temple Emann-El sisters.• a patroness. Anyone interested Garber, F. L. Class, L. M. Doug- and garden Thursday, June 10 tuary. read, borrowed or bought at may be a patroness, Membership from 1:30 to 8 p.m., according to 8 p.m., baccalaureate service at Lutheran (ULCA) A unique service will be held at The executive board will meet las, William Overbay, Paul Troth, at the church Monday at 8 p.m. in the Woman's Association is not Lew Everett and Dan Bowers and a report made by Mrs. Augusta the First Presbyterian Church. CHRISTIAN SCIENM Temple Emanu-El tomorrow at required, she said. CEANFORD — Today: The Sunday Bible school will meet Misses Diano Tosto, Marcia Yo- Michaelis, president. Mr. Gates will preach on the sub- READING ROOM 8:15 p.m. when seven adult mem- Ticket distribution is in charge ject "Marks That Count." Lutheran Welfare Association of bers of the congregation will be Sunday at 9:30 a.m. The school kum, Helen Earhart and Zylpha Hi QJIMBY STMEI New Jersey, which is observing its will remain open all summer and Fanwood Presbyterian Bentley. Mrs. H. R. Heiple has of Miss Cornelia Filsinger. The Monday: 7 p.m.. Boy Scouts, WESTFiELD confirmed by Rabbi David Raab, following committee chairmen have Troop 71 in Fellowship Hall. EOth anniversary, is giving a spe- spiritual leader of the congrega- visitors will be welcomed. The been chairman of this year's Choir Hours: 10 to 4:30 cial luncheon for Lutheran pas- tion. Confirmation ceremony is us- daily vacation Bible school, nor- FANWOOD — Minister of the Mothers Guild. been appointed: Ice cream, Mrs. Tuesday: 3 p.m., Girl Scouts, tors and their wives who reside in ually conducted for boys avl girls mally conducted in June, will be church is the Rev. Harold A. Scott; Herman Raiehle and Mrs. Alfred Troop 24, in Fellowship Hall. 8 Also Monday, 7 lo» held in August this year. Beltz; berries, Mesdames John p.m., board of trustees in the and around Cranford. The lunch- between the ages of 14 and 16. director of Christian education is InformtrtM fooceratw e»nrc Bethel Baptist Church Schade, Eva Reusch and Johanna m ] X eon, to be held at Calvary, will be This particular ceremony tomor- A special children's day pro- Miss Jane E. Evans. church office. (undir School "i! '«• f " ° ^ prepared and Berved by the wom- row will be for "adults who had gram will be given Sunday, June Sunday: Church services are Aichele; cake, Mrs. Fred Senne; •to »vslhbl«. 13. The morning worship service Sunday: 9:30 a.m., regular ses- beverages, Mesdames John Schade, CO TO CHURCH SUNDAY en of the Women's Guild of the not been confirmed before." Those held at 8:45 and 11:15 a.m. Sun- sion of the church school. Nurs- host church. The senior choir will to be confirmed will include: Na- and the Sunday school hour will day school at 8:45, 10 and 11:15 Erie Staffers and Miles Miller; be combined, starting at 10 a.m. ery class and kindergartens meet table service, Mrs. Albert Egsie- IllllHISIHIllMlliliSUIIIlllilJIISUIllElill'll rehearse at 8 p.m. thaniel Cohen and Mesdames An- a.m. The Men's Bible class meets in the recreation room, Mrs. Mil- thony Curt, Fred Ehrich, Abra- Each department of the Sunday at 10 a.m. in the church library. ker and cashier, Miss Olga Blo- Tomorrow: The entire staff of school will have a part in the pro- dred Bailey is superintendent. 11 land. ham Braff, Joseph Kligman, Raab The Women's Bible class meet at a.m., sermon by the pastor, the the Sunday school will meet with and Leonard J. Wilson. gram and the pastor will bring his 10 a.m. in the sanctuary. Motion pictures will be shown the pastor at 8 p.m. message during the latter half of JXev. R. L. Smith. Music will be in the upper classroom at 3 p.m., Rabbi Raab will preach the ser- The church society has post- furnished by the morning choir. Saturday: The Catechetical class the service. poned its regular meeting date 6:80 and 7:30 p.m. Two features mon, "Better Lntc Than Never." The Sunday school picnic will 3:30 p.m., the Woman's Club will be "New Worlds in Motion" will meet at 9:30 a.m. to rehearse He will also give the charge to from today to June 10. The sum- will celebrate its 30th anniver- for the confirmation service. be held Saturday, June 19 at Roo- mer schedule for church services and "Decision for Chemistry." No WATER—-SOAP —TIME the confirmands. Cantor Paul Sil- sevelt Park in Menlo Park, Me- will begin June 20. There will be sary. The Rev. Jonathan Brown admission charge. Communion will be administered bersher will chant the liturgical tuchen (area one). Buses will of New York will be guest speak- selections' accompanied by Miss just one service at 10 a.m. er^ All women of the church are at both the 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. leave the church at 10 a.m. return- Tho Bession will meet with new services Sunday. The Rev. Arn- Mary Elizabeth Bonnell, organist. ing af, 4 p.m. invited to take part in the pro- Willow Grove old J. Dahlquist, pastor, has chos- A reception sponsored by tho cori- members at 8 p.m. today. gram. Add them up and you will see flrmands will be given in the tem- Saturday, there will be a pri- Presbyterian en "Babel nnd Pentecost" as his mary department family picnic at 7:30 p.m., communion will be sermon title. Sunday school con- ple social hall following the serv- First Baptist Men served by the pastor. The eve- that it is far more economical to 1 ice. Seeley's Pond from 11 a.m, to 2 The Willow Grove Presbyterian venes at 0:30. A nursery is held To Have Steak Dinner p.m. ning choir will furnish the music. Church will observe its June com- in the church house during the 11 Tuesday at 10 a.m. a special Reception of new members Sun- All are invited to attend these munion service Sunday at the 11 have us do ALL your laundry. Our % o'clock service. Mrs. George Kiese- Shovuos, or Festival of Weeks The Men's Club of the First day. services. a.m. service. Moderation by the wetter and Mrs. Walter Kirk- Baptist Church will hold its an- Eev. Julian Alexander Jr. A reg- modern equipment does a really patrick will be in charge this aerivce will take place at the tem- Circle 11 will meet Monday at ple. A memorial service will be nunl steak dinner tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. in the library. Woodsidc Chapel ular service will be held at 8:40 week, assisted by Lynn Larsen and G:30 p.m. in Tamaques Park. This a.m. Sunday school classes meet Sharon Parkin. included at this time. Shovuos, or professional job, too, yet is easy Festival of Pentecost, as it is some- is the first meeting of the club Church of Christ PANWOOD — John Smart of at 8:40 and 9:50 a.m, Tuesday: The cancer sewing times known, completes exactly under the new leadership. The Plainfield will be tho speaker at Monday: 8:30 p.m., course in on clothes. Try us and see. unit of tho Women's Guild will seven weeks from the second day meeting will be conducted by Wil- both the 11 a.m. nnd 8 p.m. serv- "Christian Education." . meet from 1U a.m. to 4 p.m. in the of the Passover to this festival. bert Allen, president. All men of Worship services will be con- iceB Sunday with Sunday School Tuesday: 8:30 p.m., session church basement. All ladies of the This holiday was originally cele- the church are invited. Reserva- ducted by Echo Lnlce Church of also convening at 11 a.m. in the meets. church are welcome. Boy Scout brated as the harvest festivnl. It tions nre necessary nnd mny be Christ Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and basement auditorium. Wednesday: 8:30 p.m., course Troop 84 assembles in the church s also the time of the giving of made through the church office 7:30 p.m. Sermons will be deliv- At tho mid-week service Tues- on "What Christians Believe." basement at 7:30 p.m. A meeting the Ten Commandments to Moses (We. 2-2279) or by contacting An- ered by the minister, Sewell Hall, day at 8 p.m., Bible studies in the Thursday; 8:30 p.m., adult Bi- of tho evangelism committee will at Mt. Sinai. drew BogjjH III. Stpnks will bo at both services. Bible school is nt Gospel of Matthew will resume blo class meets. 9:30 a.m. IVORY DRY CLEANERS be held nt 8 p.m. in the church Sunday, nil boys and girls of P"P«cd only for those who have with a prnyer service following. house with the pastor. mad o 0 Tonight, a panel of three of tho The nnnunl Sunday school pic- the religious school and their par- I I" ?"' """" men of the church will discuss the How Christian Science Heals The last Sunday of June, the ents are asked to gather nt the nic will be held" Saturday, June 12 AND LAUNDERERS ubject, "Christian Giving." This at the Unhwny River Park nt the "HEALING THE 27, will bojfin tho summer sched- temple at 10 a.m. whence the group Madison Ave. Chapel meeting is at 8 p.m. west playing field, meeting there WE. ule of church services. One serv- Will proceed to the annual picnic 10 a.m., Sunday school. The church meets at COO Spring- at about 2:30 p.m. There will be AFTEREFFECTS T6 PROSPECT ST. ice T.VIU be hold at 9 a.m. This to be held at Echo Lake Park. 11 a.m., the Rev. George M. field avenue. guinea and ball-playing and sup- schedule will continue- through Sport activities will be highlight- Runner will preach on the topic, per will be served by the ladies of OF WAR" Sept. 5. ed. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAr the chapel. WVNJ (620 Ice), SUNDAY 9:00 A.M, 'Three Steps to Discipleship." WOR (710 kc,), SUNDAY 10:15 A.M. THE WESTPTELP fN. X) LEADgR, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954: Celebrates Birthday lighting fixtures, steel lockers and the summer and the i Regional PTA Blind Pianist School Board various ssport equipment and sup- three-year contract far plies. control. Wodc #f control) r mite is scheduled to tejfitt w Installs Leaders Breaks Record Buys Supplies The purchase of paint, and the in a month. use of the summer maintenance Board zneis&eir $$us?t m crew to paint the interior of School was authorized to confer with 1 Mrs. John J. Mayer Jr. was (he SCOTCH PLAINS—Dr. Earlp SCOTCH PLAINS—The Board 4 were approved. Bids for the In- installing officer at the regular W. Browr. of !I47 Summit avenue, Fanwood Bcroug'h Council « of Kdueation awarded contracts terior painting were j ejected since n-inin; the acquisition of tax i meeting of the Jonathan Dayton Westfield, blind pianist, broke 8 Thursday night for $7,303 worth the low bid was above the budget Regional High School PTA May modern musical record Friday allocation. property adjacent to School 27 in the school auditorium. The when he presented his J,108th spe- I of equipment and supplies. Ex- Mrs, Harriet Bluhm w»s i following women were installed as cial school assembly program, penditures will be for purchase Also authorised was the over- as third grade teacher in vice presidents representing the "Keyboard Fun," in the Scotch and iiwstiillution of hot cathode hauling of the school bus during 4 for 1954-65. six municipalities: Mrs. Walter Plains High School auditorium. Ilartitr, Berkeley Heights; Mrs. The seventh and eighth grade pu- H. A. Frediani, Clark Township; pils in attendance made a total of Mrs. George Cassera, Kenilworth; more than 1,000,000 boys and girls Mrs. Lawrence Cuitiss, Mountain- who heard the program since 1922. side; Mrs. A. Bowman, Springfield Dr. Brown, who received several and Mrs. Joseph Burns, Garwood. letters and telegrams of congratu- Miss Jane Meeker of the school lations from music school and or- faculty was named recording sec- ganization officials, played an "ah- retary; Mrs. Harvey Benner, cor- favorit«M concert, including novel- responding secretary and Mrs. ty acts which he has made famous. Paul Martin, treasurer. He opened the program with the year, it will join in the „,.-„.„- Mrs. Harold Danielson, presi- last (movement of his "Pax Con- sis was changed to ready to wear dent, introduced Miss Mildred certo," the composition that won The Paterson Co. tion of the Paterson Co.'s 30th an- and it was one of the first ready niversary, now being observed. Midkiff, high school music direc- the Mrs. Sarah Delano Roosevelt to wear specialty shops in the tor, who presented as a specialty Award in 1940. By special request Marks Birthday The parent Plainfield store was state. feature a high school quartette Dr. Brown had performed the work founded in 1924 by S. C. Shapiro The Plainfield store was remod- consisting of Joan Ann Giannat- for King George V and Queen INNERSPRING MATTRESS and was first known as the Pater- eled twice, in 1938 and again in tasio, Jeannette Anderson, Maria Elizabeth of England. Although the Westfield store son Silk Shop, since it sold yard 1949 to keep it the up to date store Anderson and Beverly Kihlgren; Dr. Brown also played classical has been open just less than a goods. The name was changed to it has always been. also several solo selections by Don masterpieces, and "Chop Sticks" The Paterson in 1930 when empha- The Westfield store, at the cor- McKinnie accompanied by Miss in the manner of Strauss, Bach ner of East Broad street and Cen- Betty Haselman. Another stu- and Chopin and a "jiv« artist" Rest assured of night- tral avenue, was opened after ex- dent Allen Kindt, played piano se- from , La. He contin- tensive alterations were made in- lections. ued by playing simultaneously long support and side and out to the former store, Movie shorts on teen age prob- "Yankee Doodle" with his left WANTED--100 PIANOS It is managed by Dorothy Matas- lems and a discussion period fol- hand and "Dixie" with his right comfort on one of chek and is under the supervision lowed under the direction of Mrs. hand. USED UPRIGHTS and STEINWAY GRANDS of Mrs, Evelyn Gerson, daughter Thomas Doherty, program chair- Dr. Brown was Introduced h; these fine mattresses. of the founder. man. Refreshments were served Raymond Perry, faculty member For Shipment to in the school cafeteria. Hostesses and thanked by Kenneth luso, were from Mountainside; floral president of the Student Council, Callow Honored For centerpieces were arranged by the Warren Groff Piano Co. 25 Years Service Blue Star Garden Club of Moun- tainside. Jury Votes $1,000 Westfield 2-4763-M Cranford 6-0976 William R. Catlow of 71G Sland- ish avenue was among 22 employ- Confirmation Service ees cited for completing 26 years In Hoy's Injury with the company at the annual At Cranford Church Bakelitu "Old Timers Reunion" ELIZABETH—After a four-day Regularly $39.50 held at the Essex House, Newark, CRANF0R1)—The annual serv- trial and more than five hours of Operotei for on entire month on one 1 St May 21. Mr. Catlow, who serves ice of confirmation will be held deliberation, a Superior Court jury as manager of the development Sunday afternoon at ,'! o'clock in "A" "B" battery...greater economy, Friday afternoon awarded $1,000 laboratories at Bakelite's Bound the Calvary Evangelical Lutheran in damages to nine year old Den .50 fewer battery changes... greater-ftian-ever clarity I Brook plant, was presented with a Church. The Rev. Arnold J. Dahl- nis B. Gillen and his father, Jo- SPECIAL SALE PRICE gold watch by the company's presi- quist, pastor, will preach on "The End of the Beginning." seph T, Gillen of 219 Eaglecrofl 19 TUMLISS, dent, George C. Miller; road, Westfleld. Joining Bakelite in May, 1929, Among those to be received into The verdicts, $250 for the boy 3-TRANSISTOR he has spent the bulk of his ser- full membership by confirmation and $750 for his father, wero OTHER FAMOUS MAKE MATTRESSES vice with the company at the Bake- are Stuarf Burns Jr. of Fanwood against Kenneth V. McCormick of iite deve 1 o p m e n t laboratories, and Karen Michelson of Westlield. Bloomfield, driver of a car which AT EQUALLY DRASTIC REDUCTIONS Bloomfield. struck the boy April 1), 1951; in Mi1. Catlow was graduated from Sports Program Mountain avenue near Walnut Carnegie Institute of Technology street ill Westfleld. "Royal-T" with a degree in chemical engi- For Spires Meeting Dennis suffered a fracture of neering. The Catlows have two the wrist and a concussion of the children, Marilyn, 16, and Robert, On Sunday the Spires of the brain, according to medical testi- HEARING AID 10. Presbyterian Church will have a sports program with films on (folf mony at the trial. The plaintiffs Auster's prk*daty$125 and baseball. The meeting will charged Mr. McCormick with neg- fKm Coitwim trnw no*nn t»w Cm Amnesia Victim start with a devotional period at ligence nnd tho defendant main- By Maken of Zenith TV «nd Radios. 8 p.m. tained the boy had dashed into 143 E. Broad Street WEttfield 2-6994 Zenith's outstanding vacuum-tub* the street without warning. Mucli models are Kill available, 175 each. SCOTCH PLAINS —A woman of the trial was devoted to medicu who collapsed in Plainfield avenue Truth is the foundation of all witnesses. Saturday was identified at the knowledge, and tho cement of Mil YOU CAN OIMMO ON etTTIM Call or Write for Hem* Demonstration — No Obligation societies.—Drydcn Paul J. O'Neill represented the Elizabeth General Hospital Mon- plaintiffs, who had asked damage:! THE rtMcrr IN Mtvr* »T day as Mrs. Lucille Smith of New- of $70,000, and John F. Ryan was ark. • Tfiuth cannot be contaminatod defense counsel. Judge Richard J. The woman was taken to Muh- by error.—Mary Baker Eddy Hughes was on the bench. LIBERTY FOODTOE FRANK N. NEHER lenberg Hospital, Plainfield by the I MlVtH TftAOt tLKMHCM.* Prescription Optician Scotch Plains Rescue Squad. She was later transferred to the Eliza- Awards Presented 211 E. Fifth Street Plainfield beth hospital. Police reported she In Essay Contest was unable to explain her where- Tel. PI. 5-8545 abouts because of amnesia. TERMITES Awards to winners in the an- nual essay contest for students flt LEADER WANT ADS PAY! Holy Trinity High School, spon at* flying again. Watch for sored by Westfleld Council 1711, "Swarm*" of "flying Ants" Knights of Columbus, were pre which coma with Spring, sented Friday night at class night shed their wlngi, then dis- ceremonies in tho high school. appear, Th«M wood de- Winners were: First prize, D stroying inserts causa much vid O'Connor, second, Nancy Cory, damage to proper!/. Build- and third, Joan DelGiudlce. Hon- orable mention, Eileen Bride, Mar- FRUITS - VEGETAUIS THANK YOU! ings not protected during lene Hanscnkamp, Carol Kessler, construction usually require Barbara McGeary and Janice it later. Pearson, NEW CRIEN James Mullen, essay contest ..Ib. 5c WESTFIELD We Specialize Exclu- chairman of the council, made the sively in protection presentations. Richard J. Hanley READY-TO-COOK | £ and Mr. Mullen wero the judges. SPINACH, cello bag I9C Contributions to the of property against "The Papal Peace Program" waa the subject of this year's essays, TERMITES and other FRESH JERSEY Wood Destroying In- RHUBARB bunch 5c sects, using dependable Lollipop Tree Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad engineering methods, We Blooms Again FRESH CRISP £ an not simple extermina- The town's famous "Lollipop CUCUMBERS ....•ach 3C tors. Every job is suporvised Tree" at Chestnut street and Tre- SIRLOIN STEAK Ib. by an experienced, techni- mont avenue' bloomed Monday, LARGE SUNKIST Building Fund Memorial Day. MILK FED FRICASSEE FRESH CUT CUBE LEMONS 5 for cally trained, licensed en- Several hundred children in the CHICKEN STEAKS, ld»ol for QP. gineer. Westfleld area plucked sweets from 5-lb. avg Ib. picnics Ib. 7 DC a tree in the yard of George A. as of Saturday, May 29th, were END CUTS PORK HONEY CURED We are a New Jersey or- Lloyd of 6B8 Tremont avenue, FROZEN FOODS ganization, employing New "The Lollipop Man," who has per- CHOPS ...Ib. 53c SLICED BACON Ib. 73c Jersey residents, and we petrated the lollipop tree legend for 20 years. SNOW CROP nrt- $13,500 have served New Jersey Mr. Lloyd had mailed Illustrated property owners sutcets- cards to "friends of all believers ORANGEADE 6-oz. IZC fully sine* 1935. Our in leprechauns" inviting them to reputation in this field is partake of the annual skcet treat. SNOW CROP OUR GOAL IS $25,000 unsurpassed. The legend of the lollipop treo LEMONADE ... 2 for 27C originated when the Lloyd family DOLE lived in Elizabeth. A friend used PINEAPPLE JUICE 46-«. can 27c SNOW CROP DICED nij Thousands of references to enthrall their daughter, Joan, POTATOES 2 for X7C If your contribution has not are available In New Jersey by making believe he could "pick STRAWBERRY —not in some diltant State. lollipops from trees and bushes." PRESERVE 12-0*. jar 2.DC Our work Is GUARANTEED Tho child was so delighted by been picked up by Saturday, FOR 5 YEARS without ad- the visitor's antics that the Lloyd.i CLOROX ditional charge-a one-year began having annual lollipop par- Qt. Bottle 2,0,29c DAIRY FOODS June 5, please send it to the guarantee Is worthless. ties for children in the neighbor- hood. Tho practice was continued SWANSON'S OO- ALL-SWEET MAR- when they moved to Cranford and BONED CHICKEN .•: 5-OI. ZYC For Information or Free In- then to Westfield. GARINI Ib. Z/C WESTFIELD spectidn and Advice—CALL IVORY SOAP, medium ilxe 2 for 17e Boy, 8, Injured IVORY FLAKES 2 (or 17e PARMESAN |n. CHEESE 2-oz. lar IYC VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD, INC. TERMITE Riding Bicycle CAMAY .bath, 2 for 23c Reg.ilar 3for 23c Thomas Graesser, eight year old TIDE • ;. .'. large size 30e KRAFT CHEESE 405 North Ave., Westfield son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas GraeH- CHEER giant size 72c LINKS ._...6-oz. 25C CONTROL ser of 748 Crescent parkway, suf- fered abrasions of the face Fri- - OR PHONE - BUREAU day flt 7:50 p.m. while riding a bicycle on Crescent pnrltwhy. He :4 2 Locust Street collided with" the side of a car WE. 2-6672 or WE. 2-1209-R driven by Warren Rorden of '109 ROSELLE PARK, N. J. N. Chestnut street. LIBERTY *hod£fa and it will be picked up at your home. The child was treated at the of- . Telephones: fice of a local physienu nnd taken Let's go over the top on this Drive. to his home. Officers Floyd S. fleftr VELI\/ER.y»WGfTFfELI? 2-1294 CHestnut 5-1492 Hewitt and William B. Kenny in- • 522 CENTRAL AVE. WESTFIELD vestigated. WE NEED YOU NOW - YOU MAY NEED US LATER ELIlabeth 2-2755 LEADER WANT ADS PAY I p. T~~i Thirty THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADEB, THUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1854 Double Loss Drops Hawks In Standings of County Baseball League Lose Games To Women Play Against Blue and White School Golfers Blue Devil Track Ken Welch Playing Top Girl Players to Meet Here In Par at Echo Lake Win Ninth Match In Yale Tennis League dimming Memorial Tennis Event Linden. Braves A match play against par tour- Nine Loses Two Westfield High's golf team won Team Beats West Kenneth Welch of 717 Coleman nament held at Echo Lake last its ninth match in 11 starts at the place is participating' in an intra- Charles F. Patterson Sr,, ref-No. 5; Miss Lewis, No. 7. «• Over Weekend week by women members, was won Echo Lake Country Club Thurs- mural tennis league, playjng for eree, announced today that every- Cook, No. 8; Miss Eawcliff, T in Class A by Mrs. S. C. Morton, Of Three Games day by trimming Morristown High, Orange in Final Calhoun College, one of the ten thing is in readiness for the stag- 10, and Miss Anderson, No $ even par and in Class B by Mrs. residential upperclass colleges at ing of the 24th Anne Cumming In rankings for girls 15 „"; A 7-5 loss to Linden Sunday an Jock Heatly 2 up. Second in Class Westfipld's Blue Devil nine lo; Carding 87s for Westfleld were yea Westfield High ended its track Yale University. Memorial Tournament at th,e West- age and under, Miss Wright & a 4-3 defeat at the hands of th A was Mrs. Walter Bennett, 2 two of three games over the pasl Bruce Crichton and Barry Max- season fit the .500 mark by beating A senior this year, he gradu- field Tennis Club Saturday, June 2; Miss Harris No. 3 »nj «,' Elizabeth Braves Monday, droppe down and winner of the putting well.. Ralph Bennett was next with few days. The team lost 4-3 to West Orange, 64-53, here Thurs- ated from Westfield Senior High. 12. Official play will begin at Gulbenkian No. 5. ** the Westfield Hawks out of secoin contest was Mrs. Jerome Tripp Union last Thursday, came back 88. day. The Blue Devils wound up At Yale he is in the engineering 10:30. Present indications are that The Anne Cumming Ton™. place in the County Basebal with 31. with an 11-3 win over Holy Trin Kalph Bennett (SS). Weslfiekl. de- e tented Jim Riordan 1991, 3-0; Brui'e at 3-3. school. 50 junior girls will vie for top League standings. The local nin Second prize winner in Class B ity Friday, then took a 13-1 lacing w "L 7/1 inaugurated by tli cirichtuii IS7), tt'estfteld, dpffated honors. Westfield Tennis Club to pet * is now 2 and 2 with Cranford the was Mrs. Souder, 1 up and thefrom Roselle Park Monday. 1-tob Phyllky (S*fi). 3-0; Bob EiicuHon For Westfield, the two Robin- w opponent this Sunday at Cranford. <»1). Wt-alllrld1 , deadlocked wild Boo Rateu as one of the most popu- ate the memory, youthful'S winner of the putting contest was The Park game was close for MeGowan (9- ). 1V4-IH; Barry Mux- sons, Jim and Eddie, and Harris The loss to Linden actually came lar tournaments cf its kind in this and sportsmanship of its ranC Mrs. A. H. Meyer with a score of five innings with the score tied «•«•]! (87). Weainuld, defeated Jack Mosher were the standouts. Jim P in the eighth inning, when the win- 34. Cuskar (9S). 3-0. won the 440; 120 yard high hur- Trinity Awards section of the country, the event «W Player of 193 0, J^ 1-1 at that point, but by the time carries with it the New Jersey ate and develop championS ners, at that point trailing 4-5, ral the sixth had been completed, Park dles, and placed second in the lied for three runs. Hoffers' pinch javelin. Ed won the mile and tied State Singles Championship for tennis among young girls ly J. was ahead, 10-1. School Letters girls under 16 years x>f age. The tabhshing a permanent memorM single with two on and none ou Park was first to score, picking Roosevelt Beats for first with West Orange's Wal- Stars-Caseys tournament is held each year un- in the form of an open 8iniriM brought in two runs and Curtin up a run in the fourth. Westfield ler in the pole vault..Mosher won scored the other on Toft's sacrifice the discus. Summaries: Awards of athletic letters were der the auspices of the Eastern tournament for girls for the chit. knotted the score in the sixth. made at the annual Lettermen'B and the United States Lawn Ten- pionship of New Jersey. fly. The Hawks had scored one in Bob Medley went all the way to Plainfield Frosh Tie for Lead 100 yd. dash: 1 Piermoutli. West Dinner of Holy Trinity held last nis Associations. The tournament is limited to the first, two in the sixth and one second when the pitcher, Richard Oranre; 2, Mooher, Weutfield; Bik- week in the High School cafeteria. girls who have not reached their each in the seventh and eighth McCormick, threw his grounder Two home runs by Joe Freeman ley, West Orairge. Time: 10.6, Joan MacLelland of New York They scored 15 hits but left 13 on After three weeks of play in the 220 yd. dash: ]. Flermouth, West Or- Speaker was Gilbert R. Augustine, 18th birthday before January 1 wild past first. Sonny Peterson Jr., son of Westfield High's foot- ange; 2, MonhiT, Westfleld; 3, tli City, seeded No. 3, captured the Community Softball League, the president of the Perth Araboy 1954. As in prior years, a consola! b«se; singled Medley to third and the ball coach, and excellent pitching between Forgion and Sperrow championship last June by defeat- North Stars and Caseys are in a West Orange. Time: 23.4. Board of Education, graduate of tion tournament will be hcld,opa Fn'Monday's game, Johnny Mor bases were loaded when Bob Gard- by Dave Morphis, combined to give 440 yd. run: 1. Robinson. WeBlneld ing top-seeded Doris Knoeppel of dead heat with three wins and no Notre Dame, where he was a pitch- to all players who lose in their ris, father and son, shared the ner walked. Bob List's sacrifice fly Roosevelt Junior High School's 2, Thurn, Wentfleld; 3, FulUrton Cliffside Park, 9-7, 6-2. Both girls mound. Morris senior started, but defeats, they being followed by West Orange. Time: 56.6. er and founder of the N. J. Fed- first round matches. got in the run. nine a 7-0 shutout over the Plain- S80 yd. run: 1, Holsworth. Westfleld are eligible for play but according in the fifth was touched for three the Triangles and ABC with a one field freshmen here Friday. 2, Wilson, WentfleM: 3, Stirrup, eration of Baseball Umpires. to early reports neither Miss Mac- John A. Carter will act as urn. and one record. Park scored nine in the sixth Weatfleld. Time: 2:1:2. •ingles and a run. In the sixth, the Freeman homered in the fifth William J. Ford, athletic direc- Lelland nor Miss Knoeppel expect Tire. In addition to Mr. Patte,. Braves scored three runs. The During the week the Garden on six hits, four walks, a hit bats- One mile run: 1, E. Robinson, Weat. son, others on the committee ire man, two stolen bases, an error and sixth innings.* Morphis kept field: 2, Schneider, West Orange tor, was toastmaster and other to participate this year. Should Hawks opened the scoring with a State team broke even, defeating the visitors helpless throughout 3, Randall. Weatlteld. Time: 1:51 speakers included the Rt. Rev.Miss MacLelland decide to defend Mrs. Robert H, Stuhler, Mrs 8. •ingle run in the top of the first, the Community Center team 11-8 and a sacrifice. 180 yd. .low hurdles: 1, Sperrov N. Bailey, Mrs. C. P. Patterson Sr, WESTFI13LD and allowed only three hits, all West Orange; !, Welch, Westfield Msgr. Henry J. Watterson, rector her title, the hard hitting New but were tied with a single by the and losing to the Triangles 9-16. AB H 11 singles. 3, Moulier, Westneld. Time: 22.2. of Holy Trinity; George Keppler, York youngster would be favored Mrs. John A. Carter, Mr. and Mri Due to the heavy scoring, only uHfnor, ss 4 o 120 yd. high hurdles: 1, J. Robinson, Gordon B. Booth, Mr. and Mn Braves in the fifth. The sixth in- IJrown, t-f ;» o PHS FBOSH Westfleld; 2, Welch, Westfleld; baseball coach; Frank Quinn, as- to retain her crown. Miss Knoep- titng rush put the game on ice, the one game went the full seven in- AB Bishop, West Orange. Time: ]6.2. John Kraft, Carl R. Byers, Thomu (joukl, p i y Keenan, 2b sistant coach; Mr. Wurtie, presi- pel, however, is in training to be- locals coming in with two, but not nings when the ABC team came Hut-hamm, tb l) n D1»CUB: 1, Moaner, Weetneld; 2, Ca>m J. Talley III, and Charles R. Cum. Carnevale, c i o Yam'ey, HH brla, Westneld; 3, DuBoiB, Wed dent of the Parents' Guild, and come a nurse and her schedule is enough, in the ninth. from behind to defeat the Na- RlddkK, p > ming. Horner, e o O Conroy, 3b Orange. ]>iRlnm e: 119 ft., gu In. Ed McCIoskey, assistant baseball such that she will not be able to w. I.. tionals 6-5. Medley, rf ^ i Shot put: 1, DuBold. West Orange Peterson, lf-p \ ...... 4 . y Waliey, aa-p 2, Oiunbria, Westfleld; 8, Prescoe coach. appear. Eiltatteth Brave* .. 4 1 Schedule for next week; Ja<>o!>t*on, c Plalnneld Drelen .. 2 1 Gardner, Ib-lf-p 3 o Broad't, r*-nf west Orange. Distance: 41 ft., 9M With both the champion and Local Boy Wins Linden Buckeyes .. 8 •i JUNE L,l»t, p-t-f ( o Selfrldtfe. cf In. • Receiving letters were: Cheer- 1'lainfltld Blue Slurs 3 2 3—VMCA vs. Nationals Ortel, 2b 3 o Trolano, If Javelin: 1, Williams, West Orange; last year's No. 1 seeded star pass- Westfleld Hiwkl . . 8 2 4—Caiwys-Garden Stale Honneau, 3b o . 0 2, J. Robinson, Wftstlield; 3, Pfaff, leaders Janet Fuccio, captain, Jan Mercersburg Award Macofs) 3 0 ABC 1 1 Drew, If , l Van, lb 3 0 Broad Jump: 1, Sperrow, WeBt Or. Van Hart, 2b 4 0 Garden Htate ...... 1 2 Hennessey, v.l ..».,. , 3 ange; 2, Haickentourg, Westlleid; 3 Whalen and Joe Hoffman, man- Harris of Brooklyn, Carole Wright Rec League To Co I bath, c 4 0 Nationals 1 2 niiharda, 'Sb 4 Qulirl«y, rf 2 2- Mellltlo, Weot Orange. DUtunce: Ii of Brooklyn, and two local club Swlntqn, ef 1 2 ft., 6V4 1n. ager. Baseball—Ray Robertson, W«uer, rf 4 1 YMCA 0 1 Conk, rf » Lambert, 2b ...... 2 0 members, Lynn Anderson and Meet June 9 Carroll, of < 1 Community .,, 0 3 Partellu. rf 3 Northcutt, 3b 1 1 captain, John' Park, Hugh Duffy, Morris Sr.. p 3 0 Garden State ,~ 4^3 20—11 10 7 Kick, ss Baruaes, 3b O 0 The Blue Devil track team de Pat Minogue, Jim Whalen, Fran Mary Gulbenkian. Howls Jr., p 0. 0 Community 106- 01— 8 4 8 Uteri, ih 4 Bloyn. c 3 0 feated Bound' Brook 64-53 last The Recreation Bowling Leigoi •Sexton .. 1 ! 0 Umpire: Kelly. UllieBPlf, 2b 0 Morphia, p , 3 0 Cagnassola, Jules Pgrrella, Dave In Eastern Lawn Tennis Asso- will hold a regular business meet- McCormick, p-lb 4 week. O'Connor, Bob Westrich, Phil San- ciation rankings for girls 18 years Total as 3 Triangles 002 304—9 8 2 Totals 22 7 5 ing next Wednesday at the Knigbti • ELIZABETH BRAVES Garden State .. 400 020— 6 9 3 Totnls 333 13 Each club had a pair of doubl ford, Rudy Menditto arid Mike of age and under, Miss Gray is AH H Umpire: Davis. Score by innings: Score by innings; of Columbus Hall, Prospect md PHS Froatl O00 000 0—0winners. For Bound Brook, Bo Holdeck, manager. ranked No. 2; Miss Carrington, Dade. 3b 2 0 Weuttteld 000 001 OO— Rooaevelt Jr. High. 032 011 x—7 Broad streets at 8 o'clock. Jukob, cf 4 0 North Stars 408 00—12 IS 4 Hosele Park .... 000 loa 21x—13 Errors: Hnr.kcnburKli, Northe.utt. Twiman won the two dashes—10! Bharkey. rl 4 1 Community 501 10— 7 4 1 Brrors: Broivn, Medley, WiigiH Kecnan, Htigrhes. Home runs: Free- and 220. Joe Cambria copped th M. Frank, If 3 1 Umpire: Davis., MrCormlck. Two base hit: Richards man 2. Struck out: By Bioadbent, 0: WoJciak, P 4 0 Three base hit: Belfurd. Umpires, Riadlck, -2; Walley I; Morphis, 13. discus and shot put for Westfield, Ek'born, 1b i 1 Caseyi £10 012—12 16 1 Hliello, Delancy. Base on balls: off Broadtoent, 2; Rld- Summaries: Jlulhearn, lib 0 0 YMCA -000 013— 4 5 2 dlck, 3; Wulley, 2; Mnifphla, 5. Wild Klo», 2b 4 1 Umpire: Kelly. nltt-hon: Rldak'k,' 1. Umpires: Wise, 100 yd. dash: 1, Twiman, Boan Shrlner, c 4 0 The Blue Devils had two big Joko. Br°"k; 2, Mosher, Westfleld; : Collcchlo, »» _4 J> innings, scoring four runs in the Markle. Bound Rrook. Time: 10.5. Nationals ... Oil 000 0— » t 4 220 yd, dash: 1, Twiman, Boun Total* 33 4 ABC ... 101 003 1—654 first and five in the third against Brook; 2, ilormloil, Westneld; I *Batted in 9th. Umpire: Kelly. Trinity. They picked up single Egposito, Griffin J. Robinson, Wenttield. Time: 23.S Score by innings: 440 1, Blake, Bound Brook WeitflelS 100 000 002—3 runs in the fourth and fifth in- Win Long Match 2. Hiiekenburs, Westlledl; 3, Thorn, EUl. Braves OU0 013 OUR—» ning's. Holy Trinity picked up their Westfleld. Time: 66.7. Errorj: Miller 2, Turner, froder- 880 yd. ran—1, Hnlaworth, Westfleld luknun, MorrlB Sr., Dude, Shriner, Williams Wins three runs in the fifth. In one of the longest doubles 2, Hoffman, Hound Brook: 3, Dun Collcchlo. Three btute hits: Neuer, bar, WesttlcUl. Time: 2:11.2. Kharkey. Double plays: Colbuth tini In the first inning, Grosvenor matches in the New Jersey Ten- One mile run: 1, Hiindall, We-stfleld 11 llVII i/1HI S/O// Miller] MHler, Van Hart and Fred- walked to open and stole second, nis League this year, Captain 2, B. Roblnsun, Westlh-ld; 3, Haney •rickaon. Baeci on balls: Oft* Morris At Echo Lake After John Morris struck out George Esposlto and Fred Griffin Bound Brook. Time: 6:07.6. gr., 2; JtoreU Jr., I); Wojciak, : ISO yd. high hurdles: 1, , BJdlfir, Struck out: By Morris Sr., 3; Morris Nino Carnevale was safe at secon. of the Westfield Tennis Club de- Bound Brook; 2. J. Hoblnso'fi, Jr. 0;' WoJilBk, 6, Ixmlns pitcher L. A. Williams won the caddy Wentlleld; 3, Welch, Weutficlo. ATLANTIC on a two base error and Grosvenor feated Jim Sullivan and Jack Jiorrim Br. Umpires: Rust a Time: 15.9. tit this s iff II scholarship tournament for menscored the first run of the game, Koeninger of the Racquets Club 180 yd. low Hurdles: 1. Welch, West' V./ WESTFIELD at the Echo Lake Country Club Bob Medley beat out a single and of Short Hills Monday E-7, 10-8, field; 2, Ridley, Bound Brook; 3, AB R H Stanton, Bound Brook. Time: 21.ii. C. Miller, ss 8 12 with 89-19—70, Monday. John stole second. After Leo Brown 9-7. The doubles event was a post- DIKPUS: 1. Cambria, Westlteld; : Gllletrpie, lf-Sb 6 13 Kraft and L. E. Brace posted net walked, Bob Gardner drove two poned match from several weeks Stanton, Bound Brook; 3. Mosher, Tenta, cf 3,0 « 71's. Westfleld. Distance: 116 ft., 1 In, •Rugglero 0 O 0 runs home on a long single to right because of rain. The Racquets Club Shotput: 1, Cambria, Wontlield; 2, Provost, cf 2 0 0 The scholarship event for wom- for four times at the plate, was won the three singles events and Stanton, Bound Brook; 3, filosher, Frederickson, lb 5 O 2 Westneld. Distance: 41 ft., 4 In. Turner, 3b ...t 5 0 1 en resulted in a two-way tie at 69 field. Gardner, who had two hits No. 2 doubles which gave them a Javelin: 1, Aduma, Bound Brook; 2 Van Hart, 2* -c 5 1 0 between Mrs. E. R. Beer (106-87) brought up from ihe junior var- 4-1 win over the local club team. Centra, Bound Brook; 3, Endollffe, Valoney, c 5 1 and Mrs. R. H. Thompson. Mri. sity. After dropping the opening set Westfleld. Distance: 143 ft. you buy products of a company Morrl,, p, If J » « Pole vault: 1, E. Boblnaon, Weatfleld Neuer, rf 4 0 4 J. W. Valentine was next with After Don Wright died to short, 7-5, Griffin and Esposito proved 2, tie between Garrison, Westfleld, Sexton, p i 1 1 and Dennis, Bound Brook. HelglH 103-33—70. Fred "Duke" Gould singled two their mettle by winning the final 10 ft. Totals 14 ,15 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thompson more runs home. Pitcher Bob two sets and the match. High Jump: 1, Welch, Westflcld: J, AB captured Monday's mixed four- Malik, the ninth man pitcher Bob tie between Pfaff and Striisyewski Kowalnskl, PS 4 Park faced, struck out to end the Bouad Brook, Height: R ft., 7 in. Houl, rf 4 some event with 142. Mr. and Mrs. Broad jum,p: 1, Strobata, Bound owned by more Breidt. lb 4 J. W. Valentine came in second frame. Additional Brook; 2, J. Robinson, Westfield; 3 Vincent, cf 3 Twiman, Bound Brook. Distance Cnuvullo, 3b 4 with 145. In the third inning, Brown made, 17 ft, 5 In. Hunter, II 2 The team of Al Johnston-E. J. second on an errdr by the right Sports 3. Miller, c < Bttntolll, 2b 3 Loranger-H. E. Scott-W. Langs fielder. Bob Gardner flied to right Pagea 31-32 FOR BEST RESULTS • ••Hotter 1 won the two day best ball four- for the first out. Wright got to tCurtln. 2b 0 USE LEADER WANT-ADS jTaw, p * some tourney with 59. A stroke first on the thjrd baseman's error people behind was the combine of R. Ban. d both men moved up a base on 'V invest Totals 30 7 : '"Batted In 8th. Lowc-R. C. Dowell-John Kraft-M. a wild pitch by Park. , »Ran In 5th. L. McCormick. Saturday through Gould walked to load the sacks It stands to reason . Score by Innings: ,-WeBtfleld 100 002 110—5 Monday sweep results: and Bob Marik was out on the >14nflen COO 0OS O3x—7 SATURDAY fielder's choice, scoring Brown their i Iflrrom: C. Miller 3, Neuer, rBeidt, Class A—-K. J. l^oraneer, 80-12— because 'Hunter, Taw Ii. Two batte hit: 8ex- S3; It. C. Dowell. 7il-10—611; lrvlnpr Grosvenor popped for the second money "'ton. Three base hits: Gilletfpie, J. Partelow, S0-! I)—70; Clam* S—C. W. out and List, pinch hitting for Mor- A dealer 'Miller. Bases on balls: Off Sexton, 3: Anderson, S7-1S—60; John Krast, 91- Jefl 'Taw, 6. Umpires: Powers and 20—71. ris, singled home two runs. Carne- SUNDAY vale's double, the only extra base Clans A—W. A. Shmgcr Jr.. 7S-10 hit of the game, scored the fourth —6S; TVtllliim Kessler. 81-13—68; you can trust Albert Malcolm. 79-10—UJ; Clans B— run of the inning. When Medley they have faith in Atlantic- jBrown, Perry U. 15. Brace, S6-2G—70; Al. Everett, was safe on an error, List scored 01-20—7.1; Joel Gray, SS-lli—72. MONDAY the fifth run. Then Carnevale was Class A—C. W. Hlte, 77-5—72; Nile picked off third to end the scoring. sells a used car [In Junior Tie Jordan, 81-9—72; B. B. Beers, S8-H— Holy Trinity picked up thre % . • ^___ 7d; Cla-«» B—U A. Williams. 89-19— runs in the fifth after Park opene... • Browns, former leaders, and 70: John Krast, 9-20—71: L. K. Braoe, in its research 97-26—71. the inning by flying to right. Whe- you can trust J Perry, tied for the lead of the lan singled and moved to third o • Junior Summer Bowling League FOR BEST RESULTS ! Saturday, when Browns defeated (Please turn to page 32) ;Xenney 2-1 and Perry swept Mer- USE LEADER WANT ADS ' It's easy to get fooled when you buy a • cer. Aylward 'won two from Gray Un the third match. Bob and Don used car. So your safest bet is to deal only products i, •Perry rolled high three, each with with folks who have lots to gain by not 400. Ed Robinson had high game, a 196. fooling you. . ' . j W. I'. ' Brown 7 2 : ferry 7 - We Ford Dealers are established busi- -all with one purpose-to l Kenny i> I ? Aylward f» 4 nessmen. We want you to be completely • oniy r ' Mercer 1 8 ; KE.N.NEV satisfied with our used cars. After all, we A. I'lii'hs 122 113 113 It. Kcnzle Ill 111 HO want your service business . . . and we ,J1. Koiuicy Ill 111 in il). Perry HI 1110 133 hope to sell you a new car some day. 'keep your car 1^=51 on the go V Toluls BUS 061 47L' : BHOWN N. Grt'cu S3 127 1!» And, you'll find our prices rock bottom! K. Brown 104 1 15 liJU (jene Uallowuy . 104 135 M That's because we've got to make fresh V: lloDlnaim .... 156 lilli 11(1 room for all the trade-ins we're getting Toliila 1117 UU3 152 on new car sales. Come on in and see our 1 .U'MVAHD Iton Ayhvard ... 1 IN its large selection of A-l used cars. We've 7 ll'J •II. Olouk llfi mo 100 X PeCu-prlo .... 100 I is just the one for you. If. L'air SO 111) OCEANPORT, N. J. 1 Totttls 414 GJU V Starts tttwern Rid Bink & Lon| Branch , Blind 100 100 .']). FUcllS Ill ill I—GRANDSTAND-i It's where you buy a used car that countsl 'illlllll .- 100 100 100 D. Urtfy 111 121 171 Sat. June 12 KATURES! Totula 50 KACINO DAYS 2-way Escalators It helps new cars keep their' pop and helps keep JIBUCEil'S 'if (All Vie. N. J. Tuinplk. lo WaodbrldH till II lounges and Terrace* 101 s.,yoUr FORD DEALER'S J. arlbblo 12.1 lin and Highway 33, tuin at Ealonlown to TracK. Overlooking older cars running like new— th6 really new gasoline that's K Wins 103 Ii)7 lit .... i •.:'• 127 SPECIAL TRAINS DIRECT TO GRANDSTAND Saddling Paddock 'Wind loo liio 1011 (DAYLIGHT TIME) L«. Finn. Stili.n, N.V 12:25 (Sitl. 4 Julf 5,11:55) Cafeteria *nd Restaurants USED CARS miide with platinum —ATLANTIC PREMIUM. Totals ... 111 L». Ni»irt (Pun.) 1239 (Sill, » Jul(5,12:10) L«, Liberty SI.. N.V. (C'U).. .12:30 (Sill. 4 Julr 5.12:251 Ktlchs ... vn IT. Nl»llk (Jrnty Cintril) .. .12:40 (Sill 4 July 5,12:13) Gtn. Adm. SieOla.lntl Drive in today and ^ront your car to a tankful. ('iHlltiM-tlilg Train l.i-nti'M WVMtllflil ChildrtniutadnKttif Gordon 133 129 WESTFIELD MOTOR SALES CO., Inc. U, jr,7 ISO MINI. Him Krl., mill (Sula. £ July POST 2:30 • DAHY DOUBLE CLOSES 2:20 Tulals >. "Si 6-3 ' 139 North Avenue Westfield 2-1038 TVT * 1 WBart-iaLU (N.J.) ^LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 3954 - JWm»ig4 National j^eagu^Alljtars Defeat American Team in Boys Leagu Bears and Bisons WHS Courtmen Mixed League Tennis Club Miss Stevens And Schwariz-Bassin 8-1 Winners In Win at Shaokumaxon Win Ninth Match Leaders Roll Splits Matches Pony Loop Game Bill Fullard Win Mrs. P. Schwartz and Ai Bawla The Westfleld High tennis team Another Sweep won the Scotch Foursome eren$ at favored with Pingry and Plain- In League Play Tennis Club Event Shackamnxon Country Clttb Sml| tz fl t ld day with a gross 88. ' * The National Leagu„„„„«e: ucabeaut thlnrf., . '. '" ""' conference champion- American League 12-4 in the All I ?"'P batl"'da>'> won its ninth match It's getting- to be a habit. Five In second with a 94 was th«- . The Westfleld Tennis Club team Star St Wt ek defeati Pins, leaders of the Summer Mixed Miss June Stevens of Cranford earn of Mrs. H. K. Green JuWF^j tar Boys League baseball Eani'e • ' ' "S Morristown split its weekend matches in the and Bill Fullard Jr. captured top J pi . . _ s lutout lio Bowling League, rolled their fifth Gerse Barondess. With 106 w«f "t layed Monday afternoon as aK narIUt '" -° ' - «ie Bonnett New Jersey Tennis League, losing honors in the third annual E. R. of the dedication of the new Chest- undefeated with a three sweep Monday night for a 17-1 Mrs, Lefinston and Yec* ghapto*^ set win over Art Jenkins. It wasmark to date. This time they to the Arlington Players Club 3-2 Merry Memorial Tournament held Two teams tied at 75 let th# t nut street diamond. In -the second Saturday, and defeating the Eliz- at the Westfield Tennis Club courts pame, between Pony League teams, his tenth win this season. Dave blanked Atoms, pushing; the loser's low net award. They were Mrs, jE#Ta Kochat, playing doubles, won hLout of second place. Splitters, abeth Town and Country team Monday afternoon. Miss Stevens, Kaplan-Sam Bum and Mrs. George the Bears and Bisons defeated the Sunday 4-1. Both engagements winner of the event in 1952, won Wolm-J. Levy. These tied at 1% Chiefs and Wings 8-1. eighth consecutive match and Bill three game winner over Sham- Fullard won his ninth match out rocks, took over the runnerup were played on the local club 11 out of 12 matches, with Fullard, Mrs. Sam Bassin-Dr. Irving An eight run splurge by the Na- of ten. place. Two game winners were courts. junior singles champion at the berg, Mrs. J. Gersten-Jack tionals in the fourth, gave them a Summaries: Comets over Rockets, Warhawks In the concluding matches of the club and Westfleld High School's and Mrs. Bruce Blick-Ku substantial lead after the Ameri- over Bombers and Avengers over 1954 league season, the local team No. 1 net star, gained 9 victor- Jim Tingley's 76 won lew »$%.."; Singles—BUI Fullard. WMim-M, ies during afternoon play. Sixty cans had scored one each in thedefeated Ivt.. H,ii-tlir,..i, t.;. 6.": Jets. . plays host to the Orange Lawn prise in the Presidmt's Cup t«ne»"r| ) ctt - defeated members took part in the tourna- first and second. In the Pony 4,T * ' 8;'"" . « e.slf,eia1 6 ] , 1 p Tennis Club Saturday, and Sunday ney Sunday. A. W. Kvaaner took . \v iS"A'" ' ••-"• "- - - : at Fios.1, Carmen Bracuto paced the bowl- ment, an nil time high in the his- League game the double B's scored 6-f""V-* (J''featl'(l i'"ra"lt ers with two doubles, 204 and 201, the Park Lakes team will play the net award with 84-IT-—67, jf^P two in the first and four in the here. Captain George Espoaito and tory of the club. n''£l"J'tf.—B»» CanBld/ and Don and Ann LaCosta was high among second, topping- this with two more Drake, WesttieM. defeated Chorlea the women with a 207 nightcap. his teammates hope to ling down Despite frequent changes in t:~~4 in the sixth. lilller and Spencer Potter, 6--> 6-3: the curtain with two victories this partners and keen competition, the ir v?n JV"1'"" »'"• 1>O"S Johnson, w. i.. AMERICAN M!A(',T.r!3 Five Hn» . w weekend. winners withstood an all court at- Splitters ... .. 1- tack to walk off with coveted hon Hod Sox 5' Comets .... In Saturday's encounter with ors in the mixed progressive dou- Tigers ,. .' 4 A u Arlington, the local team salvaged Hrowtis .' 3 Klifimroi-lfR bles event. Miss Hetty Cpumbe, Senators ..." ;i Jlockets .. . but one singles and one doubles winner of the tournament a year Yankeek s Skytops Lead Avengers . . match. Playing in the No. S singles I J.-ts 10 ago, was runnerup with 10 wins js .... ] Wurhavrku JINGLES—with h*r younf amir, Bet.y Ann Millm.n of Weil. spot, Captain Esposito downed NATIONAL, IJCAO-rE Hombpra . . fi«M, up, ii ihown takini a fenc« at the Wntchung R * D Club in 12 rounds of play'. Mrs. H. E. Boro League 11 Rich Arnold of the visitors in Kinkead finished third In the wom- Rravea Hars* Show, where the hone wan the reterve junior divition straight sets 6-4, 6-3. In No. 2 farrls championihip over the weekend. en's division. Gordon McGovern Mar>' Owens 151 •JSO doubles, Henry Hesse mid Dave was runnerup. in the men's divi- The end of May marked the H. Kerreby . . . 110 1:17 119 Sargent proved too strong for Phils Win. Fei-rt'by 11! 18< 152 sion. Dodgers halfway mark in the Mountainside Art Nllnm J«7 US Alan Harvey and Irwin Halevey Little League season for 1954 and Average Tennis Club Women of Arlington, winning 0-2, 0-4. Participating in the event, were It. Andersou . . Local Riders the following! Mesdames H. E. Other games played during the the game played Monday saw the Tie Short Hills Bud Sowden, of Arlington, No, 1 past week resulted as follows: Sky(;ops defeat the Mountaineers Totals iV i singles player, and reputedly one Kinkoad, Ellen Small, Bobble Gal BmvPH 2no 030—5 Sl'UTTMHS ligan, Virginia Bailey, M. S. 'Mar- 11-9 to break a tie for the lead. •117 100 The women's team of the \Vesi of the finest players in this part of Doilgprs (Mil) 001—1 fl. Anderson .... 1S4 HI 1211 Show Winners shall, Fred Parmly, Edith Kyte, l>oubles: fnrr I2>, Torborir The game was loosely played and A. 1'upanUria ... 134 field Tennis Club tied the Shoi tho country, downed Fred, Hesso (Hi-aves); Mulvlliill (Doilsrers). Win- N\ llrynlldHen .. HI 103 121! and H. S. Kelly. The Misses Cam neither starting pitcher lasted. ISO 10!. Hills team last week, the loca of the local team G-0, 0-7. Tom ning pitcher: Tonbortr <<-0). Losing R. Schwai-u .-. . . ISO 1C0 HI! Randolph, K. D. Harrison, Betty ipltiiher: Gullnian (0-2). Wally MeMahon came in and won H. Hl-ynildue.n .. 201 winning two singles and one dou Frank Chapot of Mountainstd' Palma of the visitors was extended riding three horses owned by Frei Coumbe, Mary Gulbenkian, pot in relief. Wilson was the defensive Totals 822 bles and Short Hills taking all the way but won out from Bob Olants .100 100—1 Blum of Brooklyn, made a virtua Qulbenklan, Kitty Voder, Muriel . Uai-Uu « 01)0 000—0 star for the winners with two singles and two doubles. Result! Jackson of Wentfleld 1-6, 6-4, 6-2. FIVIO 1'l.VS clean sweep of the open jumpci Demarest, ' Lucy Wlltrukia, Jutie Doubles: fthurkry, Reid (Olonts). sparkling catches in left field. ^f. Argenzluno .. Hti 1SS Singles: Charlotte Lee, 811, d In No. 1 doubles, Don Weir and Stevens, Jana Craig, Nancy Carter, Tvlnnlnfi- nitolier: Sohum.-icher (1-0). Other games in recent days saw J. 1SS S7 no events in the Watchung Riding am Fred Griffin romped off with the loosing pitcher: Sllrrup (1-1). p. mwrlHco .. 1S1 15S 121 feated Bobbie Ualligan, W, C-4 Driving Club horse show held Sat first set of their match with Lynn Anderson, Barbara "Stufgls, the race tighten up considerably. D. IvOKilll 159 1M 17!) 0-2; Anita Freudenberg, W, di Jay' Bentley, Eilpha Bentley, M. AMI!HI(;AN It, Ilerardlnoll ir.9 1113 15» urday and Sunday at the Wa Charles Fix and Don Moxham 0-2, Browns 220 40— RThe Blue Stars defeated the Moun- 181 feated Helen Hageinmn, SH, 0-2 chime Stables, Summit Chopo Maxwell, G. Spencer, B. YoJer and Tltrera ISO S.—14 and were within a stroke of win- taineers 12-11 with a come from otals "778 7-5; Marion Williams, W, defeatcc rode Blum's Stray Star to tlv Susan Nye. Called/ for darkness. behind six run rally in the fifth • ATOMS Mimi Gysin, SH, (i-4, fi-3. ning but a lapse in play cost them Winning- pilclior: Carlisle (?-0). n. mien ... 114 101 120 jumper championship and Prlnci tho match, 2-0, 7-5, 0-3. Charles Patterson Si\, Larry Im- loosing iiltcher: Fri-Jerk-ltsou (1-1). inning. David Haupt was the win-11. Ililiiiltld . .... 13.2 Jill 117 Doubles: Charlotte Lee am River, a stablemate, to the reserve. hof, Charlie Smith, Tom Tolley ner, but Nick Schmidt, recently I1'. Blurvosa 124 . IB'J 1 46 NATIONAL, A. IVlvivlell .... ISO 10H 157 Kik Deemer, SH, defeated Billii Along the way in the two do Wcstfleld's triumph over the III, John Kraft, Carl Hyera, Jack traded from the Skytops, closed 141 160 Cubs 000 340—7 W. 1'erry .. 1U9 Yeager and Jean Suivig, W, 0-1 show he piloted the horses to flij? Elizabeth Town and Country Club Andrews, Bill Fullard, 1)1 mi Gul- Ms 014 000—5 out the game by striking out the team Sunday was a notable one. Doubles: Wipffnian (Oufcs). Totals , 075 0-1; Anita Freudenberg and Ma second and third places in thi benkian, Dan Reeves, George Yen ning plU'hrr: Newell (2-1). three leading home run hitters of ion Williams, W, defeated Heler NJSPCA jumper event; first sec Elizabeth had counted on a com->er, Roger Small, George Otanl, pitcher; Onque (0-3). the league in the sixth. Barry COMETS paratively easy victory here but .. ., 1SI1 123 Hagerman and Miml Gysin, SH ond and fourth in the P1IA Cha Bob Ciissidy, Hill Dudelia, Charles Woodruff hit his second home run US 110 120 0-4, 4-fl, C-4; Joun Whitini? ant c outside of Cephas Monnett captui- AMEMOAJ* lenjre Trophy open jumper cla. Keul, Terry Bentley, Jerry Bent- fnm a buttoa... awl tiila pawarM of the season with one on. Devlin Kobinson i 124 Kill Kuth Hughes, SH, defeated Lo ing the No. 1 singles contest from ley, Gordon McGovern, Bob Mac- Ynnkeps 100 000—1 llariiiK IBS 121 icr> and second in the Simpson knock KTlnmd. BIG TWIN wkitb to lif.l lied Hnx (1110 • 20.— also homered for the losers, over 170 McCoy and Sally Rogers, W, 0-1 Fred Hesse fl-2, 2-0, 0-4, the visi- Parian, H. Wright, Dave Itochat, Doubles: Lumber!. Davidson (Van J. Argenjiiano 191 down and out and to* other rib With no more effort thin (Urtinf yam' the right center field fence. Later 0-4. tors were outclassed. keeS); I'attyson (Heel Sox). wlnnMK 7H4 bons. P. W. Cros, H. Halgh, H. C. Mar-«r. Now you on ma everything Inm pitcher: T'littyium ((2-0). Losing in the week the Blue Stars again Totals shall, Fred Parmly, Spencer Kipo, llot'KHTK Jingoes, owned by BeUy An Gordon Booth of the local club a amfortabla ml up forward. V«l pitcher: Wolffe (1-1). defeated the Mountaineers 9-3, P. Dlcliev HI!' CHIT Roblson, H, S. "Pete" Kelly, Hoi) Keller HO Millman of Westfleld, was the re defeated Harry Hamilton of Eliza, Mart tb« motor, Senators '. H02 10—fi with Haupt the winner again. Davi- Ilk-key ... 115 152 beth C-2, (i-3 in No. 2 singles. Bob Perry Fisher, J. Benjamin, Ralph choka it, ililfl it, Indiana 001 00—1 111 I Venneri Trounces servo junior division champion af Atkinson, and G. Atkinson. The Mustangs defeated the Sky- H. Ml 142 ter winning the jumper class foi Jackson triumphed over Bud Kreh Doubles: Ija Due (Sen.tlors). AVin-1 157 1C8 "gun" "• Wl« I'- olnR pitcher: HRlnea (1-0). Losing tops 7-0 with the winning run J. Glrit e ... 175 horses ridden by juniors and plac- of the visitors 0-0, 0-2 in No. 3 The E. K. Merry Memorial Tour- iitchcr: Westrkk (0-3). 70S ll! with finger-Up forced in on .a bases loaded walk Totals SKI ing first in one working hunte singles. nament is held each Memorial Day JC Oriole Nine MM! NOW IDTOO* NATIONAL in the last of the sixth. The Mus- hack class and second in another, to perpetuate tho memory, spirit, WA11HAWKS The No. 1 doubles match proved —your wlf« of Hunts fl.TO 11 n- tangs tied it up in the fifth with A. HMI. 17S 124 Betsy won the open hunt seat equ enthusiasm and good sportsman, 2uli» lino 003- J. l'erry ...; 150 The Vennuri BBC of Westfieli to bo a gruelling tussle. W. Dick- Toung«t«ri—my. Donlilos: Orar. Cline, Adelanr, three runs. Larry Ciowl delivered 121 tation class and placed third i ship of the club'g former president Matey ; defeated the Jersey City Oriole: son Cunningham, president of the MM wbo can man* TJense (r.Iunts); wiegmnn, rier^nmn the clutch single in this inning. W. Hoblniron us Hi 8 both the medal and Maclay claesen, Eastern Lawn Tennis Association, who died In December 1951 after (2), llnllcy, Peterson ffulis). Win- D. Perry ..; 1112 a2 Sunday 12-0, with a twelve hit at having served an president for 31 •ge m boM can | ning pitchers: Newell (3-1). Ixisingr Donald Evans won this game in 131 tack paced by Leedom's two dou Miss Gwyneth, owned by Mi and Dr. Lemolno Heuser, consid- pitcher: Slmrkoy (1-1). relief. The Mountaineers returned Totals ,. i years, •tart anil run I T3G bles, Lint's triple and two hits eacl petty Gaido of Wostfleld, won ered one of the finest doubles com- Evlnnde'a new I PliUs. : ...... _000 too—r, to the winning column Thursday, binations In New Jersey net cir- H. E. Morgan handled all cour' e f k tt Wr-Ho'hl niron p !»*.-• foJPljtaino and Rayzlnsld. Paulsoi second In thu, class for,. wotrkini •leetrle ttartiag Brav-etC ~-i.tZ,...'.";>.'..;. -7220 (11 .• tftfeatfnr '"ifie "Mustangs" 10-4. 1B0 1H7 '- hunters, amateurs to ride ami , cles, were defeated by Captain assignments during the afternoon Ooti'blcfl: Otironc, Reach (Phils); li'O pitched two hit ball for five! in BIG TWIN. Cad Mann (2), Williams (Uravea). Win- Jimmy Thurston was the winning K. Mill ••• 94 Esposito and Don Weir of tho lo-and served as referee of tho event 11. MacLejui 1.1S 120 ning3 when Avallone lifted him tc third in the hunter appointment ning: pitcher: Torborg (G-0). Losing: pitcher and helped his own cause O. Kiaruto . 5(11 nllow Malo to got some exercise. class. cnl team 4-0, 11-9, and G-2. Ths pltrtier: Benoih (0-1). with three clean hits. Barry Wood- match was one of the finestdou - Totals ,. CH 5 712 Malo pitched one hit ball and pro- Jimmy Lee, also of this town Scotch Plains Youth AMERICAN ruff belted his third homer to take tected the lead which ended rode Ms First Edition to a socon bles engagements seen at the local Yankees son 4—7 over the league lead in that de- JI3TM club courts in years. In No, 2 Senators 330 2—S :. i in 97 207 Vennerl's first shutout of the sea- place in the $100 Working Huntei Wins College Letter Called for ilnricness. Ann T^aCosta . doubles, Henry Hesse and Davo Smith Motors; partment. Helen HuriiH . •. . 1.11 118 113 son. Stake class and placed second ir Tlmililes: rietter (Yankees): Ilalnes. ». 10(1 132 149 Sargent scored an easy straight E. Howard Perkins of Scotch Bi-lokiion (Senators). Winning pltrh- Friday, the Skytops nosed out Adelaide Harm the Maclay equitation event. Wcitfield'i Marina CMM Maurlre Siien* e r. 13a 123 175 Sunday tho local nine plays hosl set triumph over Dick Hoover and Plains, a freshman at Nichols Jun. pr- Cliandor (2-0). Losing: pitciier: the Blue Stars 7-G and knocked .. 1D0 Kenneth Fritz, also of this town, li-nson (1-1). I Illlnd the Stars out of the lead. Lahn was Jdhn Croeto ... 170 to the Newark Boys Club senioi Jack Stearn of Elizabeth 0-1, 0-2.lor College, Dudley, Mass., re- 115 NEW STREET, WISTflEU. team. placed second in the horscmunship ceived his varsity golf letter re- NATIONAI. the winning pitcher and managed Totals .., .. 820 cluss for members of the Watchung Doileers 001) 00—0 J, C. ORIOIiEH In a postponed Racquets Club cently. He is the eon of Mr. and Boots - Kits - SuppIlM to survive a last ditch uprising Boys Troops. match, Bob Jackson of Westfield, O(« Dally list «• a Cards ..'. 5S< 01—13 .Toe KniHeo ... 14:{ i-n liili Rorlilnclt, 21) All R Mrs. Erwin O. Perkins, and for Called fur darkness. which left the Blue Stars one run 1 152 lost to Bob Emery of the Racquets ••••, mm FH. Mil • Home Runs: Wllday (Cards). Dou- Kteve Kli'ZiM - .. 1 I " m. Kir»t, cf merly attended Wcstfield High short. l'\ Spencer ... 122 H2 128 VintL-en, II Club of Short Hills 0-4, 0-4. bles- Uaker, Mnnnlno (Oards). Win- 130 134 Klein I nu, 31) Echo Lanes lo Get School and Blair Academy. nlnir pitcher: Olllesplo C-0). LoslnR TIOAM STANDINGS, MAT 31 S3 170 pitcher: Capanls (1-1). «-. i.. lvt. o.n. Joe. llueclno . . 1S7 Latnye. HR Skylapa II 4 .COO ('nrheme, KH Eastern Pin Classic Totals Ki'hinaker, If TO BUY OR SELL AMERICAN Muim-tiiiu » S 5 .BOO 1 Halites, rf rndlnn (122 101— 7 nine Stan .. i A .5(in 1 llnpp, « Workmen have started construe USE LEADER CLASSIFIEDS Brown 001 92.—15 Musmnsrs ... :i r. .370 J Koiipen, p Home runs: Ban-on (Indian*); Mrs. Charles Koos Medley p tiou of a "25-alley addition to th GOING TO CAMP? Taetobus i being built explicitly to handli Hallam (1-1). I-oslng pitcher: Reltz A coveted golf trophy was wonHall, -'! -I (0-1). the Eastern All-Stur Classi Afh Ran Ross, Westfleld and Plain- by Mm. Charles Koos of Westfleld, IT. Peluso, 3li 2 League, which operated out of th Tlffers, 7; Red Rox, 7 wife of the president of Koos Bros. Hen!, Hi , •• 3 ' LEADER STORE field area representative on the Dlmllio, H Newark Recreation Center this 109 E. BROAD ST. Tie. score at end of 7 innings. To be Furniture in Rahway, while par- ef rescheduled. Union County Bowling Associa- Itncbynakl, season and achieved wide recogni- WESTMEID ticipating in a tournament spon- H. Mm, rf ... tion bfcuuso it was televised. netu>hedu!ed traineo of Hay 8th. tion and for the past two yeara sored by the 34th annual Comp- II, Kvei-H, rf . 1 Plnyed May !9th. president of the Recreation loop (3., p 3 Lou Marks, president and foun- • NATIONAL trollers Convention of the National C. Mulo, I» . . . 1 der of the Eastern Classic, has re U»e Handl-Charga, fln,ras- 721 00ft—10 here, has been elected president of Retail Dry JGoods Association, re- nmlKors 103 020— « the county organization. Totals 2r» 12 11 vealed that he is taking his Wlldnv (2-0). Losing pitcher: J cently. Mr. and Mrs. Koos wcro show, television and all, to Echo Doubles: Glliesnle (Cards); Touns, attending the convention held in J. <• Orioles 000 0(10 0— 0 pitcher: Smith (0-D). x—1J ,anes next season. BUY THE BEST CAMP TRUNK IIIU, (D.-vdirers). Winning pitcher: J 303—11 Yosemite' National Park, Califor- VeniKTl 410 Jones (0-2). Red Sox 203 Winning pitciier: Paulson. J»»lnB Tisers 00vv 0f jf>l>— 1 Use of the 25-alley addition wil And Fiji II With Summer Wothablas ... 10* £84—16 risers "">'— * nia. pitcher: Koppen. Two Imse lilts: I.ei- Braves fioiililes: WoHBiinK (Hell Box); »e- tU.iii (21, Mull, lVifrum. Tlireo tjaso not bo limited to the Eastern Clas Giants .... 001 020— 3 vltt, Huns (TIBers). Winning pitcher: It was a lOOryard hole,- hole-in- hits: 1.1st. 'I't,.,„.,=.l : Toriiorg, Noonan (Braves). uVesineer (1-0). Losing: pllolier: iic, however. The Sturcke broth- nbuWes: Carr (2), Torborg, Noonan. Tlnnesz (1-1). „,. .,. .„ one contest. Mrs. Koos was de- ers, with the new addition, expect Onlllns, .Williams. (Ellis, McGeury Indiana OH 413—10 clared winner hy finishing three to tuke on more leagues and wi IT'S BUYING TIME (Braves). Winning- pitcher: Collln« Senators 30" ID"— * inches from the hole. The trophy 1—1B32 CIir.VltOMOT, (1-0). Losing pitcher: Sharkey (1-2). Triple: Wontrlek (Indinn«l. Uo"- 1 have additional opportunity to bles: Bernstein (IndlanB). Vlnnnu was a silver cup. More Sports on •X floor, lilrsv (120.1 JJhlla T7T.. 101 03— 5 pitcher: We«trluk (1-3). ">« \«f handle occasional bowlers. 2—11)51 Clir.VHOMOT, CubB 342 02—11 piteher: Bauer (0-2). Wc»trlck l.liu-k, aeilni IO3O (I'hils). Triples: • - "a no-hitter. All runs scored Page 32 Doubles: Selvlg 1 LEADER WANT-ADS PAY! a—mil CIII:VIIOI,I;T, nerarman (Culis). Winning1 pitcher: Hlffffina (1-1). IJ*ising pitcher; Gill —AdvertUement— ntnflmi ivneiMi ...... 1103 (0-t). 4—Him cnnviiouoT, — ADVERTISEMENT — G—11117 i iiKvmii.iri', imiimi l co 000 Ml— mr, jrowns i Yankees . v-0 1—1031 OI.DHMdllll.l:, T»Mp|eFT»Mp|eF--' JJones. Hnllam (nrowns); Native Dancer's Belmont Stakes "OH" Convrrlllile I1S0S O^ttet r (Ynnkees)Y . nnuble.i: Jones (llrowns); bnnibert (Yarkeen) w In- 2—ID.-M) OI,l)Hft!OlfllJ4, nins pitcher: W. Butler (1-0). LOBlne hllie, "KM' |i,. 1030 "OS" nt-i'tan, blue.'.''... CBX By MICHAEL PIZZI 4—111111 OI.DMMOIIII.i:, BRIDES AND GROOMS! I '2 door **7II" 323 Wllh Trar 1—Itl.-.O PjONTIAC, Sturdr Fibre The groom looks at his pretty lilltek, Neiliin ... .$003 Black or Color* brido with eyes that glow and 2—1010 POKTIAC. shine with pride. The bride, in Green ronvcrlllilF ... 823 ,'|_l|)l(| POKTIAC, m-ilnn 03 Plus Tax turn, is proud to I—llir.l rOIIU, '.'-iloor... 830 be the mate of r—i».->o rl.inot ill, CHECK LIST FOR CAMP SUPPLIES such a man as he. Krvy 2-iln»r ...... R03 Both this young n—in.i<> Mi:it( riiv, Miuk, • Camp Shorts • Laundry Bags man and his U-r coupe 01)3 young wife shall 7—1030 DIOHOTO. • T Shirt* • Camp Cots jfreen, cliili rimpe .... 903 • Pup Tents lead a pleasant • White Duck! married life if MONT OP TIIISMK CA1IS IIAVE • Sleeping Bags IIAIIION AND UKATKIt!) • Chino Pants each of them will • Knapsacks realize how much • Hood P-F Sneakers it pays to com- • Whistles iromise. e Cotton Sox with Nylon • First Aid Kits • Swim Trunks WE PICK-UP AND The newlyweds must also rea- • Hiking Shoes izo how important it is to deal • Moccasins • Pistol Belts DELIVER YOUR CAR NORRIS e Dungarees • Canteens Here's real convenience when ith reliable merchants. In tho atter of auto body and fender Chevrolet nml Olilnmoldle • Levis • Tennis Balls . your car needs service! Saves 200 l'E.VI'IUI, AVi:. • Lee • Wool Blankets your time . . . costs nothing /ork, no matter how great the LOT AT (111 riiM'IML AVE. WKSTI'IHI.H 2-0220 • Headlight • Hatchets extra. Just phone and our fought him to a head in the second plon"...Tho winner Is almost In- amage, you can bo sure of the Netlvo Dancer sealed his claim to variably the Champion ... Native • Test ' • Compass modern Servi-Car will be at championship honors In his divi- race of the Triple Crown series, icst at fair prices, if you como to the Preakncss. Dancer (1953), One Count (1962), vour door promptly. sion In 1953 by winning the great- Counterpoint (1951) were Belmont in expert at Michael's Auto Elec- est of 3-year.old race., The Bel- Saturday, Juno 12th, lo Belmont Shop the LEADER STORE and SAVE! Stakes Day this year; again the Slakes winners and champions, ric Service, 802 Mountain Ave- mont Stakes... in a thrilling Juno 12th climaxes Bolmont's stretch duel he defeated Jamie K., cream of the crop wfll meet in the ue, Mountainside. Tel. WE. 2- Open Mori, and FrI. evenings Union County Buick Co. grent J'.S mile "Teat of the Cham- great meeting. 430 North Av«. the Inspired challenger which had 830. Wwtfitld 2-5500 Page Thirtjr-Two THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 Open House At Tuesday at 8 p.m. The public is Coffee and punch will be served. ton, Sam Goldstein, A. K. Rainey, invited. The open house will be under C. R. Mayer, Marios Seed and Additional Sports Westfieltl Co-op The open house will feature a the direction of Mrs. Bess Helmen- John O'Brien. demonstration of the various meat dollar, vice chairman of the pub- An open house for new members lic relations committee. She will cuts by Fred Weiss Jr., new man- Every violation ef truth is a County Horseshoe and friends will be held by Con-ager of the Co-op meat depart- be assisted by Mesdames R. N. Summer Drug sumer's Co-operativ« of Westfield ment, with an explanation of the Hunter, W. Spencer Bowen, C. E. stab at the health of human so- The Majors at the store, 420 South avenue, advantages of the various cuts. Morrell, A. J. Kelly, James Plin- ciety—Emerson Tourney June 13 Br B. O. THOMAS Applications are now open for Cleveland eel a torrid pace in the seventh annual John Rosselet Needs Cost the American League and at Memorial horseshoe pitching tour- week's end had a 14 game winning nament for the Union County open Proudly Emphasizes streak alive. It begins to look as championship to be held June 13 if the Indians may finally become at Warinanco Park, Sponsored by the bride this season instead of the the Union County Park Commis- perennial bridesmaid. You Less sion in cooperation with the New CO-OP a price that is higher There are several good reasons Jersey Horseshoe Pitchers' Assn., for Cleveland's outstanding rec- the event is one of the largest in Our Hamburger is at least 10c per Ib. higher than that of other ord. Bobby Avila is leading the the East. league with a fat .387 average. Competition will be held in three large stores. And teammate Al Kosen is second classes, with the highest average AT BARON'S with ,362. Al also leads the Amer- players competing in the cham- ican League with home runs, hav- pionship round. The tourney ia I ing hit 13 round trippers so far open to all pitchers who are mem- We are concerned about its quality. this year. bers of the national association. Johnson A Johnson f The Yankees were in third, only Contestants can sign up the day LUSTRE CREME three and a half games off the of play. We, the owners, are the customers. , pace and Mickey Mantle appear; Entries will close at noon, June l to be getting his eye on the ball 8, with George T. Cron, assistant SHAMPOO FIRST AID again which can only mean that superintendent of recreation of We eat it. the Yanks will mpve upward. The the Union County Park Commis- Reg. 2.00 Jar go go White Sox are only one sion, Competitors may use their game behind the tribe and the own horseshoes provided they meet TRAVEL KIT .3 Tigers are now holding down the official requirements. We refuse to join in a race to provide the cheapest — and the fourth. The National League is still a Farrell Wins least palatable Hamburger. rat race. Whichever team enjoys a winning streak ends in first place Baltusrol Event at the end of the week. The Giants, who were struggling for quite a Twenty-six years after he won We W9 carefully selected Beef, only. the U. S. Open golf championship, 69c while, went on a winning spree and are now in a three way tieJohnny Farrell of Westfield has for second place. The Dodgers and proved he shouldn't be overlooked We don't use left-overs, ground days ahead, then shovelled out the Phils are in the three way tie in next month' Open tourney at and this week, some heads will roll. Baltusrol. ASSORTED PLASTIC of cans. The Braves are in first place, but Farrell, still as dapper as ever, Reg. 25c only by a small margin. And in shot par-equalling 72 to lead a the National League, only live field of more than 100 in a press- games separate the first .seven celebrity tournament Friday at TRAVEL We grind it fresh—you may even have to wait for it. teams. In the junior circuit, the Baltusrol. The event was sponsored SCOTCH team in seventh place (Red Sox)by Life Magazine in connection are twelve and a half out. So, thewith its National Golf Day pro- We keep it wholesome—our customers are the owners. Cubs, currently in seventh slot, giant Saturday, June 5. KITS TAPE could get red hot and upset the entire standing of the senior cir- IT MUST BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR US TO EAT. cuit. Blue and White One of the old baseball adages CO-OP COMPETES —BUT SETS ITS STANDARDS HIGHER. is that you've got to win 'em. (Continued from Page 36) Whether it's in June or Septem- two successive wild pitches. He up ber, the games won count just the scored on O'Connor's single. Min- 1.00 BLUE RIDGE CROSS RIB same. So, on that basis, these wins ogue was safe at first on the third CO-OP CHUCK ROAST are mighty important now and in baseman's error and after Parella the NL the struggle for wins is a lined to short, Robertson's single tough one. IAMN1GEI BACON orSTEAKj ROAST scored O'Connor. Robertson stola Reg. 7.95 U. S. CHOICE BOHETli One of the interesting develop- second and Curt Oertel's error al- TRAVEL U.S. Choice ments over the weekend wa3 thslowed him to score the third run. PHILRAY renewed life of the Dodgers. Many McCormick struck out to end the pople were beginning to bury the inning. Bums before they met the Yanks Westfield picked up two single- SUN TOOTH in the World Series, but even Sal tons in' the fourth and fifth and Maglie, the supposedly old Neme- both men who scored got to first GLASSES sis of the Dodgers, discovered via a walk. that they were very much alive. HOLY TRINITY Ground and Polished [ BRUSH ' Al a And then Leo threw Antone'.H Parellu, ss 4 o at them, . although the Bums Hobertson, Ub-p 3 o Lens Caenasolc. it 1 0 haven't lost to a left hander yet. McCormick, If 1 0 And that game went down the Weatrii-li, cf 2 0 SPECIAL Menclltto, rf 1 0 drain although Billy was not Mannion, p , 1 0 charged with the defeat. He wasn't ruck, p-ef 3 0 around when the final score was Hantor 79c AB II he may have difficulty hitting the Grosvonor. ss 4 1 coop apple the first few times around, Morris, rf J.. 2 0 POCKET | -7., Tl IKI A FANCY Uat, If 1 3 his presence on the team is a big Gould, If 1 1 BRILLO OREEN PKG. 3 ™; 89c morale booster. But confidentially, Uarneva.li1, c 3 1 I /C I UNA SOLID LIGHT MEA Medley, m>-rl 2 1 didn't Al Walker do better behind Brown, cf - 3 the plate than Kay Kabt is doing Oiinliier, ll> ...... 4 0 TISSUES ELECTROSOL 26-oz. pkg. 3lC PEACHES DEL MONTE 2'^ can 2/C Wright, 3ib S 1 SPONGE for the Giants? VentimlBlia, 3b 1 0 3-oz. NATIONAL, LEAGUE Oei-tel, zb ' 2 0 3 ]•(•(. GJ1. Marlk, p i 1 for Traveling •pkg,. FOOD Milwaukee 23 .5110 BLU WHITE 4, £27c PARD DOG 3«*.40c New York .550 Totals 28 11 Brooklyn .350 Double: Carnevale. ErrorB: Par- Fhllndclphln .550 .jllii (2), Robertson, Mendltto, San- St. JjOUiH . .535 ford. Oert«l. Strike outs: By MnTlk Cincinnati .500 3V4 7; by Paj-k, 3: Manion, 1: Sanford AN INVITATION Chicago .. .163 0; Robertson, 1. Walks: By Mnrlk FROZEN FOODS I'lttsbursh 2SS 13 2; by Park, i; Manion, 1: Sunford, 1. 12c AMEHICAiN L13AGUK Robertson, 1. Wild pitch: Marik, 2; FLAGSTAFF Cleveland 13 .693 Robertson, 1. Officials: Smith.; Lay. Chicago . ., 14 .659 Score by innings: CO-OP WILL HOLD OPEN HOUSE Now York . If, .600 Holy Trinity COO 030 0— 3 Detroit ... 16 .543 Woatllola JO5 110 x—11 Orange Juice 2£"29c Won Illusion .421 b Philadelphia .359 SEABROOK Uoston .. .344 An R Tuesday Evening, June 8, at 8 P.M. Baltimore .312 GrOBevennr, S3 ...... 4 o Bi-ou'ti, cf 4 • o Carnevale, c 2 *o INSECT Asparagus *.»« TIP, W pkg 29c Medley, rf 2 1 WE'D LIKE EVERYONE TO ATTEND Regional Takes VontlnrlKlla., 3b 4 1 SEABROOK Oortel, 2b 4 o County Title Gould, 11 4 o KILL Ust, P 3 1 WATCH FRED WEISS, JR., our meat department manager, Wade, lb 1 0 0RPAYH0THM Broccoli Spears 2'Z: 45c A 320-foot home run by Eddie Peterson l o cut down a side of beef into the parti and sizes you want. Ruby, with teammate Ray Rieff Buchanan, IU l _o SPRAY AmazintNEW on base in the 11th inning, en- Totuls , 3D 3 Learn how to recognize and choose the best grade for abled Springfield Regional to de- UNION Reg. 1.39 NOMN AB It every need. ' feat Thomas Jefferson of Eliza- Huznr, 2b ..« a . 1 HEARING A©r J71 Co-op Coffee beth, 4-2, at Plainficld High Field folnnl, ib 3 v Hiiyefl, cf ' 2 o tspAymtTmiim* Saturday to win the first annual Tutt, cf 3 o. Union County Baseball Conference Rlczynskl, c; 3 0 Reg. Lb. Richardson. If 3 1 You'll Meet Your Friends title. PeterH. ss-3b ..- 4 1 Blend Can Germlt, rf 2 0 1 Local Dog Wins aw.:::::::;:::: i »° Prete, lb 3 0 HrtiHaack, 3b 1 0 Refreshments and Interesting Prizes Tastes Better — Goes Further Ch. Ventmoor Catiddywids, tStiolz, rf 3 0 St'hnlz, p <> 0 USE OUR REAR ENTRANCE FROM TOWN PARKING 10T owned by Mrs. Joseph Barnes of Kernk-olu, , 2 3 2 Wcstneld, took second in the ter- Totals 33 4 rier group at the Plainficld Kennel •Si'orc by innings; Hub dog show at Linndcn Airport WcHtllold 000 200 1O0—3 CRISP PRODUCE union 1(10 101 001—4 Sunday. HmirH: Poimini, VenttmlelliL, Gros- I'L'iior. Two biiHe hltn: Fernlcola, YOUNG TENDER TASTY JERSEY -iirncvalr, OorU»l. Three IHIHO lilts: LEADER WANT ADS FAY! Petern. List. Uinpirca: Wise and Smith. Green Beans 2 ibs. 29c Asparagus large bunch 39c

JERSEY ICEBERG YOUNG GARDEN Lettuce 2hd>.29c Spinach 5c Make shopping easy - uu your Handi-Charga at Boroit'*



Meat and Produce Prices guaranteed through June 5th. Others through June OPPOSITE R1ALTO THEATRE 9th. 243 E. BROAD ST. CO-OP Open Monday Evenings 6:00 to 8:00 QUANTITIES MAY BE The Friendly Bank with the Clock PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS LIMITED FOOD'STORE The Only National Bank In Westfield THE NATIONAL BANK OF WESTFIELD Phone Westfield 2-6680 420 SOUTH AVENU'E Blemltcr Federal Ilepoult ltt*urnnoe Corporation