Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2014 No. 25 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was The poor witness was unable to an- checks ID, to offer his marijuana cus- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- swer my simple question, What is more tomer something else, something pore (Mr. LAMALFA). dangerous, marijuana or methampheta- worse, something more dangerous? I fear spreading misinformation and f mines? I asked, How many marijuana overdose deaths were there last year? wasting resources, arresting two-thirds DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO No clear answer. of a million people for something that TEMPORE The United States does have a drug most Americans now think should be The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- problem—make no mistake—and it ap- legal, undermines what could be an ef- fore the House the following commu- pears to be getting worse: 100 people fective approach. Think for a moment. nication from the Speaker: per day die of drug overdoses. About 9 Unlike marijuana, tobacco is a highly of them are from heroin; 60 percent of addictive killer—over four hundred WASHINGTON, DC, thousand people a year die from it yet February 11, 2014. the deaths are from prescription drugs; I hereby appoint the Honorable DOUG pharmaceuticals, over 22,000 in 2010, tobacco use has declined almost two- LAMALFA to act as Speaker pro tempore on the most recent year we have avail- thirds in the last half century. How did this day. able, almost three times higher than in that happen? JOHN A. BOEHNER, 1999. We don’t arrest people who smoke. Speaker of the House of Representatives. Why is the $25 billion we spend fight- We didn’t try tobacco prohibition. f ing drugs each year so ineffective in What we did was research. We found stopping, much less reversing, the out the facts. We told the truth. We MORNING-HOUR DEBATE controlled the product. We taxed it trend? Are our policies and programs heavily, raising the cost, especially to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- misguided? Could it be that too many young people—all the steps exactly the ant to the order of the House of Janu- of the wrong people are spending far opposite of our failed marijuana ap- ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- too long in jail, wasting lives and nize Members from lists submitted by proach. money? The States seem to think so. I will be clear. For me, this goes be- the majority and minority leaders for They are reducing sentences and re- morning-hour debate. yond issues of marijuana policy. It is a leasing prisoners. Now even the Fed- symbol of a political process that is The Chair will alternate recognition eral Government is starting to do that between the parties, with each party not thoughtful, not rational on dealing as well. with things from the national debt, to limited to 1 hour and each Member I think part of the problem is that we other than the majority and minority our failing infrastructure, to climate aren’t honest about the impacts and change. Isn’t it time for us to face leaders and the minority whip limited dangers. Nothing better illustrates to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- some facts, adjust some policies, and that than the continued move ahead? bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. misclassification of marijuana under f f Federal law as worse than cocaine and methamphetamines. That’s according CELEBRATING THE WORLD WAR II WHAT IS MORE DANGEROUS, to Federal law. WOMEN AIRFORCE SERVICE PI- MARIJUANA OR METHAMPHETA- Is it possible that this Federal dis- LOTS MINES? honesty means that people don’t take The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The drug warnings seriously? No one knows Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Chair recognizes the gentleman from anybody who ever died from a mari- Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- juana overdose. The failed marijuana utes. utes. prohibition could actually make the Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, real drug problem worse. on Saturday, we had beautiful skies in last week, during a hearing with the Since all marijuana sales are, by def- Miami. It was a perfect day for flying. Deputy Director of the Office of Drug inition, illegal, in the shadows, the I was given the opportunity to visit the Policy, there was a moment of clarity money, the income, the profits help fi- Wings Over Miami Air Museum to revel for me. I was struck by the realization nance a drug trade that destroys life, in the history of aviation with vet- that our own office, charged with drug like heroin, cocaine, illegal prescrip- erans, fliers, and the families of World policy, discouraging or eliminating tion drugs, and methamphetamines. War II Women Airforce Service Pilots drug use, might well be part of the How easy is it for the distributor, celebrating the life of one special problem. who has no license to lose, who never WASP, Fran Sargent. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1721 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:16 Feb 12, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11FE7.000 H11FEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1722 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2014 We came to honor these American WASP are all true pioneers whose ex- leave their jobs to reduce their hours, heroines, the first women in history to amples paved the way for the armed retire early, change careers, or to fly America’s military aircraft. They services to finally lift the ban on spend more time with their families, flew over 60 million miles in every type women attending military flight train- they couldn’t because doing so would of aircraft on every type of mission, ex- ing in the 1970s. While flying their P– risk their ability to provide affordable cept combat missions. 14s and AT–4s in training in Sweet- health insurance for their families. The WASPs served our country with- water, Texas, the WASP never sought b 1015 out hesitation and no expectations of to break the barriers for women, but recognition or praise. Yet, as our 23rd through their service and their success, What the Affordable Care Act did was President, Benjamin Harrison, once more opportunities became available right this wrong. By broadening access noted: for women in all fields. to health insurance, the ACA has in- The manner by which women are treated is Fran became a professor at my alma creased personal freedom and market a good criterion to judge the true state of a mater, Miami Dade College, where she choice. Now Americans can choose jobs society. took charge of developing the aviation based on what they want to be doing These courageous women had never program. One of her students, 73-year- instead of staying where they are un- received the full recognition they war- old Judy Portnoy, called Professor Sar- happy just to keep their insurance. ranted for their wartime military serv- gent ‘‘the most amazing person I The expansion of Medicaid eligibility ice to America. It was my honor then, know.’’ and the subsidies available in the ex- as the most senior Republican woman Mr. Speaker, today, women in mili- changes will give Americans the flexi- in the House of Representatives, to in- tary fly every type of aircraft, from the bility they need to raise their families, troduce the bipartisan legislation to F–15s to the space shuttle. My daugh- not encourage workers to seek less em- honor and award the Women Airforce ter-in-law, Lindsay Nelson, a Marine ployment, which was one of the most Service Pilots of World War II with the Corps pilot, is part of this lasting leg- misleading claims made after the re- Congressional Gold Medal. The Con- acy of WASP. Lindsay, a graduate of port was released. gressional Gold Medal is the highest the United States Naval Academy, The idea that hardworking Ameri- honor that this body, the United States served combat tours in Iraq and Af- cans will modify their employment Congress, can bestow. Cointroducing ghanistan where she flew F/A–18 fighter just to be eligible for social safety net the bill with me was Congresswoman jets. I am so proud of Lindsay and of programs is both ludicrous and offen- SUSAN DAVIS of California and Senators all of our servicewomen, past and sive. Nobody wants to live in a situa- Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas and present, who continue to inspire young tion that makes you eligible for Med- BARBARA MIKULSKI of Maryland. I was women to achieve what was, here- icaid or other social safety net pro- so honored to be part of this effort to tofore, unimaginable. So, on behalf of grams, but too many hardworking finally grant these women the recogni- Lindsay, my congressional colleagues Americans are forced to. tion they deserved. and a grateful Nation, I offer my sin- In Illinois, a family of four must It was right there at the Wings Over cere thanks and utmost admiration to exist on less than $32,500 per year to Miami Air Museum in August of 2009 our WASP.
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