THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY SJXTY-FQURTH YEAR-^^s Entered aa Second Class Matter Post Offlte. Westfleld. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1954 Published 32 Pag«i—t Cwtfa Every Thursday 'Operation Alert,' Two Selected By Clubwomen Sweepstakes At Flower Show Library to Set Up Nationwide Air Baccalaureate Service I'll Won By Washington Woman Discussion Groups Raid Test Set At Presbyterian Church Mrs. S. V. Stewart of Washing- Rosen, hybrid perpetual: On Next Winter ton (N. J.), was awarded th variety, three blooms, 1, Mrs. J. Instructions To sweepstakes for the entire show To Talk on Education S. Little; 2, Mrs. D. W. Timber- Study of 'Great Public Outlined at the spring flower show of the lake; 3, Mrs. A. D. Larken. For Senior HS Garden Club of Westfield yestei Roses, climbers and ramblers: Books' Long A For June 14 Drill day. She also won the sweepstake; Pink, 1, Mrs. G. D, Brant; 2, Mrs, in the horticultural classes. E. L, Coffey; 3, Mrs. C. H. Long- Desired Program Class of '34 TRENTON — General orders Mrs. John Leedom won th shore; honorable mention, Mrs, covering New Jersey's public par- greatest number of blue seals ii Aubrey Schliess. Yellow, 1, Mrs, The "Great Books Discussion' Baptist Minister ticipation in the nation-wide air the artistic arrangements section D. G. Brant; 2, Mrs. A. E. Becker: groups will be sponsored by the raid test "Operation Alert" were Prizes were given to the fo! 3, Mrs. B. Warwick; honorabl Fiee Public Library next winter, Will Preach issued today by State Civil De- lowing blue seal winners in th< mention, Mrs. A. T. Glider. White according to the librarian, Miss fense and Disaster Control Direc- junior classes: Kerry Lockett 1, Mrs. B. Warwick. Red, 1, Shirley Wright. "For several years The annual baccalaureate serv- tor Leonard Dreyfuss. The test Janet Wilson, Sabrina Coffey D. G. Brant; 2, Mrs. Osgood Rog- it has been wish of the board of ice for the members of the 1954 will be held at an unannounced Helen Berquist, Susie Wick, Deb- ers; 3, Mrs. J. C. Batmen; honor trustees to sponsor the 'Great graduating cltsa of the Weatfield time June 14. bie Putnam, Jean Burley, Mary able mention, Mrs. Charles Tice, Books' program, but lack of space Senior High School will be held in Ann Leedom, Linda Wallace, Bar- made it impossible in the old build- the Presbyterian Church Sunday Public notices have been distrib- Bl-color, 1, Mrs. Frank Shilling ing. With the move to the new uted to all major public buildings bara Bailey, Jean Burley and Car- 2, Mrs. Frank Shilling. at 8 p.m. with the Rev. Richard olyn Pierpont. building this Bummer, it will be L. Smith, aiaociate minister of the and many of the stores in town Roses, floribundas: Red, 1, Mrs one of the first activities planned announcing the drill, Norman T. MISS JESSIE ANN STANZEL MISS BARBARA RAKOWSKI Exhibitors in the various classei Oegood Rogers; 2, Mrs. A. D. Lar host church, presiding. received awards as follows: for the 1054-1956 season," Miss At this service, the Key. Elbert Sprague, local CD director, stated. ken; 3, Mrs. Roger Stephens, Wright said. He added that only wardens, aux- Horticulture, roses, hybrid tea White, 1, Mrs. H. L. Brooks; hon E. Gates Jr. of the First Baptist iliary and regular police will be Woman's Club Announces Winners Pink, 1, Mrs. Frank Lewis; 2, Mr orable mention, Mrs. A. D. Larken "Many thousands of adults have Church, will preach the lermon oa used during this test. Frank Schilling; 3, Mrs. A. D. Lar- Pink, 1, Mrs. Frank Shilling; found that learning to think for the subject, "Marks That Count." ken; honorable mention, Mrs. Os- The scripture lesson will be read In a special directive to all de- Mrs. A. T. Glider: 3, Mrs. Osgao< themselves by studying great Of Two $400 College Scholarships good Rogers. Red, 1, Mrs. Frank Rogers, Joan Larken; honorabl books can be fun, as well aa stim- by the Rev. Frederick W. Blati, fense councils, Director Dreyfuss Shilling; 2, Mrs. Chester Wallace rector of St, Paul's Epiieopal ordered: "The confidential yellow mention, Mrs. A. D. Larken an ulating. EVer since 1947, when The Woman's Club of Westfielc 3, A. Donald Green; honorable Mrs. John McDonnell. Yellow, 1 the Great Books Foundation was Church, and the evening prayer alert shall go to key defense staff Ely Endorsed As mention, Mrs. Ruth Hackcnberg. ALBERT E. MEDEA JR. will be offered by the Riv, Gordon members only. It shall not be has announced the winners of twi Mrs. S. V. Stewart; 2, Mrs. A. D incorporated in Chicago as a non- college scholarships which it i White, 2, Mrs. Ruth Hackenberg; Larken; honorable mention, Mr profit organization, groups of 20 E. Michalaon, minliUr of th* disseminated generally. Should County CD Co-ordinaloi 3, Mrs. A. D. Larken. Yellow, First Methodist Church, Tha Her. the red or white signal fail to be awarding to June graduates o. Homer Baker and Ruth Hacken to 30 people from coast to coast Westfteld High School who intern Mrs. Charles Ttce; 3, Mrs. Fran: berg. Any other, 1, Joan. Larken have been meeting to discuss booka Robert L. Smith, paator of tha received by a municipality, that Shilling, Peace, 1, Mrs. Franl Annual Meeting Bethel Baptist Church, will lead community shall not sound a sig- to prepare for the teaching pro- ELIZABETH—The State Direc- 3, Mrs. Osgood Rogers. Collection written by such authors as Plato, fession. Each scholarship is fo tor of Civil Defense and Disastei Shilling; 2, Mrs. M. G. Mulinos, 1, Mrs. A. D. Larken. Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, in the responsive reading. nal just because a neighboring Control has endorsed the Count; Any other, 1, Mrs. Frank Shilling: The music {or the service will community's sirens are blowing. $400, payable at the rate of $100 Peonies, Japanese and singles books as old as the Bible, as new Of College Men a year for four years. Freeholders' appointment of Add 2, Mrs. C. E. Baker; Mrs. Fran Pink, 1, Mrs. A. L. Luessenhop; 2 as Freud. They have fouTid that be conducted by Charlea Fiahtr, ' "There shall not be any mobili- son C. Ely, Westfield lawyer, as Shilling. Collection, 1, Mrs. Franl minister of music of the First zation of civil defense forces oth- Those who won the awards are Mrs. C. A. Robinson. White, books deal with basic problems as Barbara Rakowski and Jessie Ann county coordinator of civil defens H. Lewis; 2, Mrs. G. D. Brant; 3 Mrs. A, L. Luessenhop; 2, Mrs. B current and important today a? Rutgers Dean Is Methodist Church. He will direct er than police, auxiliary police or and disaster control. Mrs. Frank Shilling. Three bloomi the choir* of the Methodist and wardens who are near their posts Stanzel. Warwick. Red, 1, Mrs. S. V. Stew when they were written: The prob Dinner Speaker His backing was read from one variety, 1, Mrs. Chester Wa lems of justice, happiness, immor- Presbyterian churches in two an- at the time the sirens sound. In Miss Rakowski is the daughter lace; 3, Mrs. Donald W. Way. (Please turn to page 2) thems, "Lord, We Cry to The*" a real "condition red" such per- of Mrs. Allen Buck Jr. of 630 letter sent by the director's offic tality, government, and the nature Tho annual dinner meeting of at Thursday's session of Freehold- of man. by Zwlngly -Dickinson and sonal would take cover themselves Iianford place. She is a member of the College Men's Club of West- "PraiBe" by Rowley. after the sirens stopped. For this ers in Elizabeth. "The regular reading schedule field will take place Thursday, the Spanish Club, Mask and Mime, Town Engineer Moves The prelude, "Chorale in E Ma- test, however, they shall remain and is secretary of Y-Teens. She Mr. Ely, who receives no com- Barbershoppers gives the participants an opportun- June 10 at 0:46 p.m. in the West- outside on duty. pensation for his duties, was swor To New Offices ity to do the reading they have al- field YMCA. Reports of officers jor" by Frtnck will be played by has been accepted for admission Miss Audrey Gleason, a member to Macalester College in St. Paul into the post last week by Countj ways planned to do, then exchange and committee chairmen will be "Local directors shall make nec- The town engineering depart ideas with fellow-citizens at the of the graduating class. Richard essary arrangements in advance Minn., next September. Clerk Henry G. Nulton. He hai Elect Officers received and there will be an elec- already assumed his office. ment today mbved its offices intc 'Great Books' .round-table. Ses- tion of five trustees to serve three W. Llttcrst, organist of the Prc§- to have members of the staff ob- Miss Stanzel is the daughter o: the new Municipal Building sions are not taught; the 'Great byterlan Church, Will be at the or- serve the test in order that a re- Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Stanze; The director, Leonard Drcyfuss, years each and of one trustee to cited Mr. Ely's work for a numbei Kaufmunn Is East Broad street, (John T. Hop Books' are the teachers. Members serve for two years, gan. For the recessional poitlude, port may be made to state head- of 587 Sherwood parkway. She ha kins, town engineer, has an do the reading, then are asked "Trumpet Voluntary" by Purcell quarters in writing after the test.
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