Alan Moore, | 288 pages | 24 Oct 2008 | Turtleback Books | 9780606340069 | English | United States movie review & film summary () | Roger Ebert

Menu Menu. Log in. Top Bottom. V for Vendetta Games Hangouts. EtcetEra Hangouts. Hide Images. Dark Theme. Light Theme. Gaming Forum. Gaming Hangouts. EtcetEra Forum. Trending Threads. Latest Threads. Make sure you're registered to vote and know all your options to vote safely! Don't wait! V for Vendetta. Thread starter wachie Start date Friday at AM. Forums Discussion EtcetEra Forum. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Oct 25, Everything from the writing, dialogue, music, direction to the performances is extraordinary. This is such a masterpiece. Oct 27, 5, United Kingdom. Resembles the reality of the UK even more so now. Soap Chicken Chaser Member. Oct 27, 4, S1kkZ Member. Oct 27, 1, Oct 29, 1, Commentary on thatchers britian is not forward thinking. Jason Frost Member. Oct 27, 3, We not even the fifth of November and I already want eggs in the basket. LookAtMeGo Member. Oct 25, 6, a parallel universe. Yeah its a brilliant movie. Watched it again a few years ago. I should give it another go. PyroPaperPlanes Member. Nov 1, 2, This movie has been on my mind all year. The ending is more optimistic than the novel NullPointerException Member. Oct 27, 1, Scotland. Now watch "Children of Men" to see what will be like. Strings V for Vendetta. Oct 27, 14, I've kind of hated it on subsequent watches because the Spoiler imprisoned Evey. NullPointerException said:. Nov 13, Copenhagen, Denmark. Like it's been mentioned before me: the movie isn't exactly forward thinking, seeing as totalitarian societies are almost always build through the same means of action, but it's certainly unfortunate how the current political climate is full of people, whom all seem perfectly fine going down that route. It's as Hegel said: "the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history". Gernau Morat Gurgeh Member. Oct 31, 5, Oct 25, 2, Munich. Stumbled upon V for Vendetta Youtube fan video for the movie the other day. Looked down to the comments a saw the uploader, a huge fan of the movie, was an ardent Trump supporter and called people who saw similarities between the movie and whats going on right now morons. That's the video, the uploaders comment in pinned. The movie has a pretty big fanbase of people who didn't understand V for Vendetta it was about at all. Jawmuncher Spooky Crisis Dino Moderator. Oct 25, 18, Ibis Island. Will never forget seeing this in a theater where a dude was totally getting V for Vendetta an aisle down from V for Vendetta under a blanket. Dec 18, 3, I might need to rewatch it. Bishop89 What Are Ya' Selling? Oct 25, 16, Melbourne, Australia. Zarshack Banned. May 15, V for Vendetta Australia. I V for Vendetta this again recently and i had forgotten a lot of stuff about it, It was eerie how close it felt to what was going on in the US right V for Vendetta in a lot of ways. Sesuadra V for Vendetta. Oct 26, 2, Herne Member. Dec 10, 2, Great film, will have to watch it again soon. S1kkZ said:. Oct 25, 9, England. Bishop89 said:. Temascos Member. Love V For Vendetta, great movie. Not surprised that people missed the points the story made, I read some of the original and I quite liked it too, but the movie just clicks with me a bit more. Probably because I saw that first to be fair. In recent years I have found myself agreeing a bit more with V's tactics, sometimes decorum and compassion don't stop hate, sometimes you have to fight back in a way that they'll understand. The Benny Hill scene is cringey though :. Lightning Count Member. Jan 27, 2, Both the film and graphic novel are great, but there are significant differences V for Vendetta the storyline. Ravelle Member. Oct 31, 9, I didn't care much of it but then again, I didn't really pay attention way back when I watched it. And hearing its getting a 4K release if the reviews are good I'll pick it up. Box Avenger. Oct 27, 6, Lancashire. Elliott Member. Oct 25, 2, Hugo WeaVing is great. Number45 Member. Oct 25, 3, Going to get the extra bonus this year of being able to watch it with my daughters V for Vendetta the first time. V for Vendetta movie review & film summary () | Roger Ebert

On November 5,Evey Hammondan impoverished sixteen-year-old orphan who has turned to out of a desperation to survive, tries to solicit a man on Guy Fawkes Night. The man turns out to be a Fingerman, a member of the state secret police. Evey watches helplessly as two more of his colleagues emerge from the darkness and announce their plans to rape and kill her. Suddenly, a mysterious cloaked figure wearing a rescues her using tear gas and a V for Vendetta disguised as a prosthetic hand. The enigmatic figure, known as V, brings Evey to a safe distance then blows up the Houses of Parliament, destroying it completely and treating onlookers to a pyrotechnics display issuing from the smoldering V for Vendetta. V then takes V for Vendetta to the Shadow Gallery, V for Vendetta underground hideout, which is full of banned materials like art, music, and non-state approved literature. In the safety of the gallery, Evey shares her life story, narrating the sad circumstances of how she lost her parents during the nuclear war of the s, which also decimated the existing order and led to the hyper-oppressive totalitarian government that controls London. The focus changes from Evey and V to Eric Finch, a seasoned police detective who heads the police V for Vendetta, which members of Norsefire colloquially refer to as The Nose. The Leader compulsively supervises government activities through the guidance of Fate, a computer surveillance system that has cameras and microphones trained on the people of London. Next, V pushes Bishop Anthony Liliman, the highly corrupt head of Westminster, to eat a cyanide-laced mass wafer after exposing him as a vicious pedophile. His next victim is the skilled doctor Delia Surridge, a medical researcher. Finch sends Almond to Surridge's house, but V manages to kill her before Almond arrives; he then stabs Almond in the hall when Almond discovers his gun is unloaded. Entries in the journal reveal that V was an inmate in Room Five at the Larkhill facility and a recipient of her inhuman medical experiments. V succeeded in destroying and escaping the prison camp and is now systematically executing former Larkhill officers, presumably for the atrocities they have committed. Detective Finch sends his findings to the Leader, who worries that all these seemingly personal vendettas may just be a prelude to a much larger, more crippling anarchist attack. V breaks into the Jordan Tower, forcing Dascombe to broadcast a speech urging the people to rebel against the government. V kills Dascombe and escapes. Finch goes on a forced vacation. , meanwhile, has been abandoned by V. She starts a relationship with an older man named Gordon. Now that both men are dead, she works as a stripper at the Kitty-Kat Keller. The relative peace that Evey enjoys with Gordon is abruptly ended by Alistair Harper, a Scottish mobster being tapped by Creedy, a member of the Norsefire party. Creedy needs Harper to provide them with manpower—his thugs—in preparation for an uprising he is planning. Harper murders Gordon by stabbing him with a sword through his door. Evey attempts to avenge his death by V for Vendetta Harper outside the Kitty-Kat Keller, but she is captured and trapped before she can pull the trigger. Evey is tortured and cross-examined nearly to the point of breaking. While imprisoned, she finds an old letter secreted in her cell wall. The letter was written by Valerie, a former actress who was imprisoned, tortured, and finally executed because she was a lesbian. The letter speaks of her defiance of the system and it moves Evey to endure her situation. Evey then learns that her imprisonment was all an elaborate ruse set up by V to V for Vendetta her loyalty and provide her with insight into the pivotal incidences that birthed the V persona at Larkhill. V informs Evey that Valerie was a prisoner in Room Four, and that the letter provided him with the inspiration he needed to escape. Evey forgives V for the abuses she received at his hands and V divulges the next step in his grand plan for vengeance: he has hacked into the Fate system V for Vendetta has begun to manipulate , playing with his emotions and mental condition through a series of intricate mind games. Subsequently, Adam Susan has begun to go mad; he feels romantically V for Vendetta to Fate, fawning over its statements like a spurned lover. The year is now In a conversation, V mentions that he seeks to achieve a working revolutionary society that he calls the Land of Do-as-You- Please, but he has not yet realized this dream. His gamble pays off when he infers that V for Vendetta Shadow Gallery is located in an abandoned Victoria line Underground station. In the Underground station, Finch finds a train car full of flowers. V greets him by name and Finch fires four shots. Finch stabs his shoulder and defiantly claims that he cannot be killed, as he is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof. Finch gives up chasing after V; seeing the copious amounts of blood pooled on the floor, he assumes V for Vendetta V is now dead from excessive bleeding. Evey then dons a different Guy V for Vendetta mask and assumes V's identity, continuing his legacy. Creedy has been trying to compel Susan to make public appearances, as a show that they are still in control. His true intention is to expose him to danger, giving would-be assassins a chance to kill him. This ploy pays off: Adam Susan is shot V for Vendetta the head by a vengeful Rosemary Almond in retribution for the death of her husband and her lover and for the miserable life that she is now forced to live. Finch proclaims that V is now dead; however, V for Vendetta pretends not V for Vendetta remember where V's hideout is. The death of Adam Susan leaves a power vacuum within Norsefire. Harper and Conrad Heyer kill each other, each having been V for Vendetta by Helen. Dominic Stone assumes leadership of the peacekeeping police forces responsible for V for Vendetta the riots and patrolling the streets V for Vendetta a precaution in case V should survive and make his awaited public address. A crowd witnesses the appearance of V, who is in truth Evey; she announces that 10 Downing Street the prime minister's residence will be bombed the next day. She tells the crowd to choose what V for Vendetta next: live lives of their own, or return to life in chains. The residents promptly reply with an uprising and rush the police. The next night, Evey gives V a Viking funeral by putting V's body in the underground train full of flowers and gelignite explosives. She sends it to a point on that track where V said it would be blocked with rubble, directly beneath Downing Street. She goes to the roof to watch the explosion, then descends to the Shadow Gallery where Stone has woken up. She introduces herself in the way V did to her, implying that she will begin grooming Stone as her successor. The story ends with Finch walking north out of London on the darkened and empty M1 motorway. What is important about the fact that Gordan has V for Vendetta Quran? There is a sense of patriarchy over V's imprisonment of Evie. V, a man, is in control of Evey and "teaching" her lessons. Although these lessons might be of value, they are still wielded by the V for Vendetta gender upon the female gender. V holds total V for Vendetta. That really depends on the reader. I felt a little wound up and ready to rebel against authority V For Vendetta study guide contains biographies of and David Lloyd, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. V For Vendetta essays are academic essays for citation. Remember me. Forgot your password? Buy Study Guide. In the story, the Quran has been banned by the government. It represents government control. Study Guide for V For Vendetta V V for Vendetta Vendetta study guide contains V for Vendetta of Alan Moore and David Lloyd, V for Vendetta essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. V for Vendetta (film) - Wikipedia He is a mysterious anarchistvigilanteand freedom fighter who is V for Vendetta recognizable by his Guy Fawkes masklong hair and dark clothing. He strives to topple a totalitarian government of a V for Vendetta United Kingdom through acts of heroism. According to Moore, he was designed to be morally ambiguousso that readers could decide for themselves whether he was a hero fighting for a cause or simply insane. V's background and V for Vendetta is never revealed. He is at one point an inmate at " Larkhill Resettlement Camp"—one of many concentration camps where blacksJewsleftistsbeatnikshomosexuals and Ethnic Irish are exterminated by Norsefirea fascist dictatorship that rules Britain. While there, he is part of a group of prisoners who are subjected to horrific medical experimentationconducted by Dr. Delia Surridge. Lewis Prothero is the camp's commandant, while Father Anthony Lilliman, a paedophile vicar, is at the camp to V for Vendetta "spiritual support". All prisoners who are part of the experiment die, with the sole exception of "the man in room five" "V" in Roman numerals. As a result of the experiments, the man develops Olympic -level physical abilities and an incredibly expanded intellect. During that time, the man had some level V for Vendetta communication with Valerie Pagea former actress imprisoned for being a lesbiankept in "room V for Vendetta, who wrote her autobiography V for Vendetta toilet paper and then pushed it through a hole in the wall. Over time, the man is allowed to grow roses violet carsons and raise crops V for Vendetta camp officials. The man eventually starts taking surplus ammonia -based fertilizer back to his cell, where he arranges it in bizarre, intricate patterns on the floor. He then takes a large amount of grease solvent from the gardens. In secret, the man uses the fertilizer and solvent to make mustard gas and napalm. On a stormy night namely, December 23 in the novel or November 5 in the filmhe detonates his homemade bomb and escapes his cell. Much of the camp is set ablaze, and many of the guards are killed by the mustard gas. The camp is evacuated and closed down. He adopts the new identity, "V", and dons a Guy Fawkes mask and costume. V spends the next five years planning his revenge on Norsefire and building his secret base, which he calls "The Shadow Gallery". He then kills off most of the over 40 V for Vendetta personnel from Larkhill, making each killing look like an accident. In the process he stumbles across Evey Hammond as she is being accosted by several members of "the Finger", Norsefire's secret police, and saves her, bringing her back to his lair. V then kidnaps Prothero, who is now the "Voice of Fate" on the government's propaganda radio, and drives him insane by destroying his prized doll collection in a satire of the exterminations that occurred at Larkhill. V kills now-Bishop Lilliman by forcing him to eat a communion wafer laced with cyanide. V then injects Surridge, the one Larkhill official who feels remorse for her actions, with a poison that kills her without pain. V stages an attack on the government's propaganda broadcasting station, strapping himself with explosives and forcing the staff to follow his orders under threat of detonating them. V then broadcasts a message to the people, telling them to take responsibility for themselves and rise up against their government. He systematically kills the head officials of Norsefire except Eric Finch, the head of Norsefire's police force, whom he senses V for Vendetta a decent man. V also radicalizes Evey by kidnapping and torturing her and leading her to believe she is a prisoner in one of Larkhill's camps; when she announces that she would rather die than inform on him, he reveals the V for Vendetta to her. While she initially condemns him, she eventually comes to understand what he was trying to do and becomes his accomplice. V explains to her that he is an anarchist in the strict political sense of the term, and essentially believes all governments will eventually turn into oppressive fascist states. V's goal is not simply to overthrow the Norsefire regime, but to destroy the organized state entirely. He hopes that from the rubble will emerge a utopian anarchistic society — not "the land of take what you want" but "the land of do as you please". In the climax of the graphic novel, V destroys the government's CCTV surveillance buildings, eroding V for Vendetta control over British citizens. However, V is mortally wounded when he is shot by Finch and he staggers back to the Shadow Gallery, where he dies in Evey's arms. Evey then puts him in state, surrounded by violet carson roses, lilies and geligniteV for Vendetta an Underground train that stops at a blockage along the tracks right under 10 Downing Streetwhich V had previously prepared. The explosives-laden train detonates, giving V a Viking funeralfulfilling his final request to Evey, who takes on the mantle of "V. The film adaptation of the starred Hugo Weaving V for Vendetta V. James Purefoy was originally cast as V for Vendetta, but was replaced by Weaving six weeks into production. Purefoy stated that he found it hard to act while wearing the mask, V for Vendetta that was the reason for his departure. Although some of Purefoy's performance was used in the final film, Weaving received sole credit. The film V for Vendetta him as being disfigured as a result of the torture he V for Vendetta at Larkhill, and having near-superhuman physical abilities as a result of the biological experiments he was put through. He claims to have lost all memory of his past, completing V for Vendetta transformation into the " everyman " he claims to be in the comic. Several events involving V differ markedly from the comics. He sets his first bomb to destroy the Old Bailey and targets the Houses of Parliament one V for Vendetta later, but he does not blow up the Post Office or 10 Downing Street and the bomb he leaves in Jordan Tower is safely defused with it being unclear if he ever legitimately wanted that bomb to go off or just set it up as an excuse while he transmitted his message. Also, where the comic V was portrayed as a political anarchist who sought the destruction of all governments, the movie V focuses his anti- government philosophy exclusively on Norsefire, commenting to Evey as he prepares for his final stand that he leaves it up to her if Parliament should be destroyed, as he recognizes that he does not have a right to shape a world he will not see. Although still willing to resort to violence and brutality to accomplish his goals, V also displays a certain compassion, killing the former camp doctor with a painless poison as a way of accepting her sincere apologies for her role in Norsefire's crimes, as opposed to the brutal assaults he carries out on other former Larkhill staff. V is V for Vendetta shown sobbing out of guilt for what V for Vendetta put Evey through, and admits before his death V for Vendetta he fell in love with her. Creedy executes Sutler, but V refuses Creedy's command to take off his mask and surrender: through a hail of gunfire, V stays on his feet long enough to kill Creedy and his men. A piece of armor plating under his cape stops most of the bullets, but V is still mortally wounded. He staggers down to the tunnel, where Evey is waiting, and dies in her arms. She places his body on the explosive-laden train for a V for Vendetta funeralbut Finch arrives with the intent of arresting V for Vendetta. However, he relents and allows Evey to start the train, having finally decided to turn his back on the tyrannical Norsefire regime. The two V for Vendetta, along with thousands of spectators dressed as V, as the train explodes and destroys the Houses of Parliament. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirected from V comics. Anarchism portal Comics portal Speculative fiction portal. Archived from the original on 30 March Retrieved 31 March V for Vendetta. Alan Moore David Lloyd. Comics Film accolades soundtrack. V Evey Hammond Adam Susan. Norsefire Guy Fawkes mask. Alan Moore. Categories : V for Vendetta characters DC Comics martial artists DC Comics superheroes Fictional anarchists Fictional mass murderers Fictional swordsmen Fictional marksmen and snipers Fictional English people Comics characters introduced in Comic martial artists Fictional hackers Fictional revolutionaries Fictional vigilantes Superhero film characters Martial artists characters in films Characters created by Alan Moore DC Comics characters who V for Vendetta move at superhuman speeds DC Comics characters with superhuman strength Fictional characters with disfigurements Fictional kidnappers Fictional terrorists Fictional torturers Fictional characters without a name. Hidden categories: Character pop Converting comics character infoboxes. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons. Enhanced strength, agility and reflexes Genius -level intellect Master fencermartial artist and marksman Master computer hacker Master of stealth Master in demolition.