Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction: Vol. 17 (No. 1) January 2020: 1-24 1 How to cite this article: Tan, K. E., Ng., M. L. Y., Abdullah, A., Ahmad, N., Phairot, E., Jawas, U., & Liskinasih, A. (2020). Indonesian, Malaysian and Thai secondary school students’ willingness to communicate in English. Malaysian Journal of Learning & Instruction, 17(1), 1-24 INDONESIAN, MALAYSIAN AND THAI SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ WILLINGNESS TO COMMUNICATE IN ENGLISH 1Kok-Eng Tan, 2Melissa Ng Lee Yen Abdullah, 3Amelia Abdullah, 4Norlida Ahmad, 5Ekkapon Phairot, 6Umiati Jawas & 7Ayu Liskinasih 1-4 School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia 5Songkhla Rajabhat University, Thailand 6-7Department of English Language and Literature Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia 1Corresponding author:
[email protected] Received: 6/9/2018 Revised: 14/7/2019 Accepted: 10/11/2019 Published: 31/1/2020 ABSTRACT Purpose – This quantitative study explored willingness to communicate (WTC) across two settings, ESL in Malaysia, and EFL in Indonesia and Thailand. Participants’ WTC levels were measured and communicative situations in which participants were almost always willing and almost never willing to communicate in English were identified. Method – Convenience sampling was used to select the three countries, four secondary schools and 42 intact classes from Years 7 to 10. Two schools were in Malaysia, while one school each was in Indonesia and Thailand. A total of 1038 participants, consisting of 291 Malaysians, 325 Indonesians and 422 Thais took part in the study. The instrument used was an adapted questionnaire measuring WTC inside and outside the English classroom. 2 Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction: Vol.