DISCOVERING THE LEGACY OF CUL I URAL AND HISTORICAL ILLINOIS KANSAS Gates of the !\iloun ta1ns Upper M1ssour1 River Breaks .i\ ahonal Monument Three I r1bes !\iluseun1 fhe Narro\VS LE\VIS AND CLARK RESOURCE PROTECTION The expedition passed thiough the spectacular M1ssoun R ver This area contains ren1nant natural landscapes of the Upper M1ssoun I his 1nterpret1'.e center focuses on the relanonsh1ps bet\\een the The expcd1t1on 111easured this nano\\ neck of land a..;; being 2 000 F ort L ca\en\\01 th Canyon remarking on ho\v the tov.enng wall s seemed to c lose upon River as seen by the cxpcd ton Thi s national monun1ent includes an 1 hree Affiliated Tnbes (M indan H1datsa and Ankara) and th i.: yards actoss while the d stance aronnd the bend measured 30 111 !es The stor\ of Cap t ains l\1erI\\ eth e r L e\VIS a nd \Vtlham Cultural rcsou1ee and histoneal sites arc places \\ here people \\Orked, F ort l\tassac S tate Park Le\v1s and Clark passed this site on Jul) 2 1804 and obser\ ed the the1n l ke gates The) v1ev.ed b ighorn sheep along the narrow shelves ecosystem that parallels the Upper Missoun Nat1onal Wild and Scenic expedition This 1s the largest naturally occurring total bend 1n any rrver system hvcd, traveled v.orslupetL ind played 1n eras past 1nclud1ng the time and perpendicular cliffs con1mon \V Il dltfe seen today C la rk and the Corps of D1scoverv continue s to fire On No\.i.:tnbcr I I 1803 the party a rnved tt Fort \1assac \Vhile at prominent bluff which later became the site for Fort Leaven\vorth Rncr through north central l\itontana This is one of the longest free I ocallon 4 m Jes we~t ol New To\'1-11 North Dakota in the Also located nearby are the Buff do Interpretive of the L 1.:\~1s and Clark expedition Sometuncs thesi.: sites n1a\ be A merican 1mag1nat 1ons Travehng n early 8,000 miles 111 28 est:.ibhshcd Ln 1827 I he fort 1s the A.nnv s oni) actne

\----4 MJLWALH<.t~E Lewis to leacl tbis expetlitio11. . To prepare for this 11101z1t - '" 1nental trek, Lewis st11died a ·-·-·-· wide range ofscietitific topics '" _ .l- __ _ _ in Philadelphia. Lewis al

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• Homecoming

With the Missou1i River's .TEXAS

ettrrent, the Corps of Discovery I covered ttp to 70 1niles a day "\ and ret11rned to St. Louis 011 September 23, r8o6. The ~ / expedition had traveled nearly Preparation 8,ooo 11tiles ofterri tory iti over z years. Their detailed jo1trnals contribitted i1npor­ Recruitment tant ilifonnahon abo11.t the SCALE 1 :6,336,000 '} i land, its geographic featnres, Exploration and 100 200 300 400 m:ies it-.; ntttz1ral resources, attd its Homecoming 11ative peoples. - r--- --, - -100 30) 400 500 600 kilometers On July 25, 1806, Captain CJ a:rk inscribed his O\VD 0(f \ name and date in the rock of ''Po1npeys Tov;.'er," s L.r-../ Indian Reservation One inch represe nts 100 miles or about 161 kilometers nan1ed for 's son Vi'hon1 he nicknan1ed Tribal Reservations are not public lands and are enclosed by boundaries established by treaties un