Brochure Cover

Brochure Cover

DISCOVERING THE LEGACY OF CUL I URAL AND HISTORICAL ILLINOIS KANSAS Gates of the !\iloun ta1ns Upper M1ssour1 River Breaks .i\ ahonal Monument Three I r1bes !\iluseun1 fhe Narro\VS LE\VIS AND CLARK RESOURCE PROTECTION The expedition passed thiough the spectacular M1ssoun R ver This area contains ren1nant natural landscapes of the Upper M1ssoun I his 1nterpret1'.e center focuses on the relanonsh1ps bet\\een the The expcd1t1on 111easured this nano\\ neck of land a..;; being 2 000 F ort L ca\en\\01 th Canyon remarking on ho\v the tov.enng wall s seemed to c lose upon River as seen by the cxpcd ton Thi s national monun1ent includes an 1 hree Affiliated Tnbes (M indan H1datsa and Ankara) and th i.: yards actoss while the d stance aronnd the bend measured 30 111 !es The stor\ of Cap t ains l\1erI\\ eth e r L e\VIS a nd \Vtlham Cultural rcsou1ee and histoneal sites arc places \\ here people \\Orked, F ort l\tassac S tate Park Le\v1s and Clark passed this site on Jul) 2 1804 and obser\ ed the the1n l ke gates The) v1ev.ed b ighorn sheep along the narrow shelves ecosystem that parallels the Upper Missoun Nat1onal Wild and Scenic expedition This 1s the largest naturally occurring total bend 1n any rrver system hvcd, traveled v.orslupetL ind played 1n eras past 1nclud1ng the time and perpendicular cliffs con1mon \V Il dltfe seen today C la rk and the Corps of D1scoverv continue s to fire On No\.i.:tnbcr I I 1803 the party a rnved tt Fort \1assac \Vhile at prominent bluff which later became the site for Fort Leaven\vorth Rncr through north central l\itontana This is one of the longest free I ocallon 4 m Jes we~t ol New To\'1-11 North Dakota in the United States Also located nearby are the Buff do Interpretive of the L 1.:\~1s and Clark expedition Sometuncs thesi.: sites n1a\ be A merican 1mag1nat 1ons Travehng n early 8,000 miles 111 28 est:.ibhshcd Ln 1827 I he fort 1s the A.nnv s oni) actne <ll ty 1nstall:.i Locallon 17 miles north ol Helena tvlontana flo\\1ng segments of the fvlissoun R \ er The area 1nspued Le\\ IS to Center and the Circle of f ip1s lnfo rmatton Center unknO\\ 1n gly damaged 111 d misused, 1esult ng ill the loss of in1 po1 ta 11 t the fo1t Lew ts acquired m1ht iry supp hes to outfit his men Several Three Tnbcs Muse Lm Inc v. mont h s, the Le\v1s a nd Clark Exped1t1on cro ssed the terr1- t1on along the route and has one of the te\v ex1st1 ng n:mnaots of Hele 1a National I ore st rite about the romantic appearance of the n \ ei t:lifis and added, 11 p 0 Box 147 Ne\\ T JW1l ND :i876Y Location 10 n11le& northv.est ofCha1nberlai11 South Oak 1la links to ou1 p ist It is 1lleg 11to1erno\. e any item s frotn f<cdl:ral lands volunteers frotn the troops stationed at the fort 1nclud ng the tor) ot t h e n e\\ ly a c quired but u ncharted Lou1s1ana nterpretei Geo1gc Di ouillard, Joined the exped1 t1 on hard\\OOd bottomland forests fhe last plant specimen co l!ected on 2880 Sk\ \\ 1y Dn\e Helena NIT 59601 seemed as 1f those seens of\ 1s1onar) tnehantment \\ould never ha\ e an Pl one 701 627.44TI 1nclud1ng arttiacts and/or loss1ls Report da1nage looting or vandal Lo\vc1 Brule Sioux Tnbe Tour sm Office the cxpcd1tton s rclllm in 1806 was from thrn area The Frontier Army Phone 406 449 520 I end The area also includes Decision Point whe1e the Man as River WWIV n1Jiu11 atto11 COlll Location 3 m ks 1 o th\\ est of Paducah Kc1 tucky off 1 24 exit .J ~ P 0 Box 232 Lowc1 Brule SD 57548 P u rch ase, and b eyond to t he Pac1f1c O cean ism of a site to tny J- cdc1 il State or I u bal law cnJ01 cement officer Mt scun1 presents the nuhtary history of the Corps of Discovery 11 ww fs fed.11 slr l /hele11t1 drains 11to the !Vli ssoun River Th s was an area of much debate among Phone 605 473 0561 Just as the men1bers of the Corps of Discovery be respectful of tort Massac State Paik lll11101s Dcpart1nent of J\atur 11 Resources Location l 0 1n1les north\\ est of Kansas City Kans 1s expedition members as to wluch rn er \Vas actually the Jvh ssoun www le1usar1dclark200 !j Q\ (Select The \arrow~) T h ey "'alked , r ode, a n d paddled tor a total o f 2 \tar s, 4 Ame 11ca s latural and cultural resou1cc her 1tagc fhcv a1c 11n po1 tant 1308 E :ith Street Nlctrupol s IL 62960 Gibbons Pass Location The \VL ld m d Sccrnc nver seg n~nt runs 149 m les frmn Fort Benton m o n t hs, a n d 9 da) s This 'vas o n e o f the most r e markable Phone 618 524 4712 D rector Front er Army Museum to nlany peoplr;; Please help preserve the past for the future genera In July 1806 Clark \Vlth 20 men Sacaj awea and her baby and )0 Montana to James K pp Recreation Arca Montana OREGON tt 1111 d11r. state 1l tt'llla11 ds/Ia11 dmgtlpark r;/rS/fn11111det lltm Fort Lcaven1~orth KS 66027 and productive md1tarv expcdttions and sc1enttf1c explo­ t1 ons to discover and enjoy horses hcadi.: d up the Bitterroot Rl\er to the place they had nlet the Phone 913 684 3767 Upper M1sso1 n National \V1ld and Seen c R1ve1 lleadquarters r a tions in A 1ner1ca n ln storv T h e n 1agn1tude of t heir 1our­ Salish Indians the year before Inste<1d of backtracking through the 1 11 w11 leai e1111Qrlh annJ 1111 1 (Click H1 1tory a1ul Tour) Bureau of Land Managc1ncnt l cw1stown Field Office Columbia River Gorge ' at1onal Scenic Area TENNESSEE Len1h1 Valley they crossed the Continental D1v1dc at Gibbons Pass nev 1s equivalent to t oda) •s exploration of space INVASIVE SPECIES PO Box 1160 Lcwstl ~n MT 'l94)7 r he exped1t1on docum ented geology geography pl ants and alli n1als \\ ood River/Camp Rl\er DuBois MISSOURI follov. 1ng an Indian road into the B ig H ole Valley back to the cache Phone 406 538 7461 along the Colu1nb1 a River Gorge s spectacul ar ri ver canyon \.vhi ch 1s Lewis Death and Burial Site at Camp I ortw1a tc T he L e\\ 1s a nd Clar k Exp cd1t1on 1n1t1atcd relat1o nsh1ps Invasive species a1e plants and an1111als that ha\.e beivn introduced into 1 he hr st \.V1nter encampment of the expedition ( 1803 04) vv <1s located IVIVW nit bf11t govl ldol u m the only sea level rout<: through the Cascade Mountain Range The Gnnders Sta nd \vas a s111 11l 1nn along the Natchez Trace 111 Tennessee an area \vhere the) did not n 1turally e\. olve Vi/ithout n 1t ural enem ies Location 1 ! m1ks south of Sula Montana bet""een the U nited S t ates and aut onom ous I n d ian Nations on th e cast si de ot the M1ss1ss1pp1 River icross fro1n the 1nouth of the F or t O sage Nation.II H1stor1c L andmark N 1t1011al Scerue Arca ts 80 1n ill:~ long and up to 4 000 feet deep with 1t \Va s here that Le\.VJ S died of g w1 shot wounds on October l 1 1809 Vote Th1 road 01 er Gibbon~ Pas ~ 1~ Meep and narro\t 11ot suited le }01 111 this nev. atea to keep theu nun1 bcrs balan ced un asl\ es 111a) M1sso u11 Ri vel A ft er the expedition Wilham Clark as the Indian i\gent for Upper the 11011h can\ on walls m V..- ash1 n.;ton and the south canyon walls 111 Toda) debate continues on \\hether he died by his (nvn ha nd 01 was of the \'est T he a ssistan ce of the T n bes, and Sacaganea, a traile r ~ 01 long \'Chicles and H open onli dunng the 511mmer months Inquire sp1ead uncontrolled alon0 the land a nd \\ ater seg1nents of the Lc\.v1s Location 20 miles north of St I Ol s Missoun on Jlhno1s R )Ute 3 J oun g, dedicated Shosh one ''o man travehng \\1th the Lou1s1 1na estabhshed the foi t 111 1808 as a trading post with the I i:alh }or ondall 11~ NEBRASKA Oreb, on rn u1dercd and Clark Nationa l H1 ston c Trail lt is eas\. to 1nad\.ertently spread Ll.:v.1s ind Clark State H1stonc Site llhno1s H1 stor c Prcscrvat1 on Ag..,no:;y Os 1ge Indian s B tterroot Nallonal Forest Sula Ranger Station Location The Scemc Area 1s east of Portland Oregon along both s1dcs of Location 50 n 1ks southv. est of Nashv lie I ennessee C orps ot Disco, cry, a ssu red the s u r of t h e m em b ers ot 1n\aSl\e species through achv1n es such ::is h1k1ng horseback n d1ng Le\\ is and Cla1k lra1! Hartford ll 62048 Location 12 m Jes northeast of Independence M1ssoun the exped 1t1on a n d their r eception by t h e T ribes 10 the 7.J38 l-l V<\ 93 So uth Sula ~1 T 5987 1 Fort Atkinson State H1stor1cal Park the Columbia Rn er from Troutdale east to B ggs Junction Oregm \ '1s1tor Natchez Trace Parkwa) b1k1ng boating canoeing and duv1ng You c::in help pre\cnt the Phone 618 2:il 581 l Centers are located at Skamarua Lodge Nlultnoniah Falls Gorge Disco,,ery Fon Osage Natwnal Htstonc Landmark Phone 406 821 320 ! On A ugust 3 1804 and Clark held the fust counctl \V1th 2680 Na chez Trace P a r k\~U) Tl pelo W1S 38804 sp1r1t of p eace a nd fr1endsh1p spread of 1nvasf\e species Learn to recognize 1nvas1ve plants and www cump ri1 erdubots co111 Center {The Dalles) and Bonne\11le Dam I 05 Osage Street Sibley IvtO 64088 1111ttfs f ed11slrllb1tterroot Indian Tnbes meeting with the Oto and Missouri Indians Lc\v1s and Phone 800 30:i 74]7 aquatic nuisance species such as zebra tnusscls Check your\ c h icle Phone 816 65 0 5737 Clark recon1mended this site as a nu htary outpost \Vh1eh in 18 19 USDA Forest Sef\ JCe Colu1nbm R1\er Go1ge '.\lat101 al Seen c A1ca IVIVll nps ROV!tratr As the C o r p s of D 1sco, erv tra,eled ''est' " a rd, m embers of clothing shoes <:1 nd e\ en your pet for \\ eed seeds Clean and Beaverhead Deerlodge >1a11onal Forest \\1sdom Rangc1 District 1vw™ l11sto11lforlosage to111 becam e Fort Atkinson 902 Wasco Avenue Smte 200 Hood River OR 97031 t he expe d 1t1on \Vrote a bout m anv of t he landscapes and Jry tny1lu ng that l on1es 111 contact \\ Ith \vate1 Efforts arc undcrwav PO Uox238 W1sdon Mf :i9761 Phone 406 689 3243 L-Ocahon 9 miles north of Omaha

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