Great Leader Ghairmai • Chinese Missions '• A

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Great Leader Ghairmai • Chinese Missions '• A Great Leader Ghairmai • Chinese Missions '• A 0ej*mra¥ic PeopJeV Republic of Korea ment' and in strengthening\and.'developing the.-friend• ship and unity between the-peoples, of Korea and CMEBUV Comrade Kim II Sung, General Secretary of the "The death of Comrade Mao Tsetung Is a great lossf : Central Committee•"" of • 'the- Worlers': Party of Korea, not only to the Chinese people but also. to the Korean President of the State of the Democratic People's Re• people-and the world revolutionary people. ,; public of Korea and the great leader of the- Korean "Though Comrade Mao Tsetung has departed from people, oh the- afternoon of September 10 called at the us, his precious exploits will shine for ever." , j "j Chinese Embassy in Pyongyang to express condolences on the death of Chairman- Mao Tsetung. .He presented The Central Committee of the Workers' Party ot a wreath. .. : Korea, the Central People's Committee of the Demo• cratic People's Republic of Korea and the ' D.P'-R.KS ' President" Kim U Sung stood in silent tribute' be• Administration Council sent wreaths to the Chinese fore, the portrait' of Chairman Mao Tsetuhg: He then Embassy on. September' 10.; -. i...." told Shih Kub-pao,; Charge d'Affaires ad interim of the Chinese. Embassy: "I feel deeply grieved over the pass• . Other Korean Party and government leaders pay-* ing" away' of Comrade Mao' Tsetung, ' The whole ing condolence calls, at the Chinese. Embassy on Sep-; membership of our Party and all "the people of our tember 10 were: Kim Dong. Gyu, Kang Ryang Uk, Pak country as well as I myself are in boundless sorrow like Sung Ghul, O Jin U, So Choi, Li Gun Mo, Yon Ilyong the Chinese people. - -;' Muk, Li Yong-Mu; Chora Mun Sop-, Hyon Mu Gwang, O Back Ryong, Hah Ik Su, Kim Yong Nam, Kim Choi "I believe that the relations of friendship and co• Man, Kang Song San, Ho Dam, Kong Jin Tae, Yun Gi operation between the'peoples " of Korea and China Bok, Li Jong Ok, Kim Hwan and Hwang Jang Yop. founded by Comrade Mao Tsetung will last- for gener• ations.. -.We are determined to side for ever with the Albania '.•... -•; Chinese- people and fight shoulder to shoulder with them against the. common enemy. - - - Comrade Enver Hoxha, - Eirst Secretary of the "Please convey our condolences to the Central Central Committee "of the .Albanian Party of Labour, Committee of the Communist Party of China and the called at the Chinese Embassy in Tirana on the morn• Chinese people." ' ing of September 10 to'express "deep grief and condol• ences on the passing away' of Chairman'Mao Tsetung President Kim n Sung wrote in the book of con• and laid a wreath before his portrait. dolence: "I express deep condolences over the death of Comrade-Mao Tsetung, the great leader of the Chinese Among those who also made condolence calls at the people,, the closest comrade-in-arms of the Korean peo• Embassy were Haxhi Lleshi, President of the Presidium ple and. one of the outstanding leaders of the interna• of the "People's Assembly of "the -People's Republic of tional communist movement and working-class -move• Albania; Mehmet Shehu, Member of the Political ment. Bureau of the Central Committee of the Albanian Party of Labour and Chairman-of the Council of Ministers; "Comrade Mao Tsetung was the great proletarian and other Albanian Party and; state leaders Adil Car- revolutionary who founded the Conamunist - Party of cani, Haki Toska, Hekuran Isal, Hysni Kapo, Kadri China,, the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Hazbiu, Manush Myftiu,-Pali Miska, Ramiz Alia, Rita People's Republic of China, led the revolutionary cause Marko, Spiro Koleka, Llambi Gegpriftl, Pilo PeristerL of the Chinese people to brilliant victory and perform• Qirj.ako Mihali, Xhafer Spahiu and Petro Dode. ; ed immortal exploits in accelerating the liberation cause of the oppressed nations and oppressed people Comrades Nexhmlje Hoxha and-Nesti Nase also and the victory of the international communist - move• made-condolence-, calls.- - September 30; 1976 In deep grief and sincerity, Enver Hoxha, Haxhl Tsetung was an outstanding man who devoted all his. Lleshi, Mehmet Shehu and other Albanian comrades life to the cause of revolution and construction of New stood in silent tribute before the portrait of Chairman China and made important contributions to the strug• Mao Tsetung. Then, - Comrade Hoxha told Han Po, gle against imperialism, colonialism and neo-colonial- Charge d'Affaires ad interim of the Chinese Embassy: ism and the cause for world peace and socialism. Com• "On behalf of the Albanian people, the Central Com• rade Ceausescu described his meeting with Comrade mittee of the Albanian Party of Labour, the Presidium, Mao Tsetung in Peking in 1971 as a particularly im- of the People's Assembly, the Council of Ministers and .portant event in the history of the development of the all Albanian Communists, I express deepest condol• relations of friendship and co-operation between the ences on the passing away of Comrade Mao Tsetung, out• two Parties, the two countries and the two peoples. He standing and glorious Marxist-Leninist, the great lead• stressed that Chairman Mao Tsetung was an. outstand• er of the Chinese people' and the most esteemed ing fighter in the international communist movement friend of Albania. He will live in our hearts for ever. and a great friend of the Romanian people. His death We will certainly strengthen friendship and unity be• is a great loss not only to the Chinese people but also tween our two Parties, our two peoples and our two to the Romanian people. Comrade Ceausescu reaffirm• countries. Eternal glory to Comrade Mao Tsetung!" ed the feelings of solidarity and friendship cherished by the Romanian Communist Party and the Romanian • ' A wreath was laid jointly by the Central. Com-. people for -the Communist Party of China and the Chi• Eiittee of the Albanian Party, of Labour, the Presidium, nese people during moments of grief. He expressed of-the People's Assembly and. the Council of Ministers. the resolve of the Romanian Communist Party and the. :.' Representatives of the ministries and committees of Romanian people to exert all efforts to further develop the Albanian Government,. mass . organizations, • the the relations of friendship and co-operation between Executive Committee of the Tirana District People's the two Parties, the two countries and the two -peoples. Council, factories and mines, agricultural co-operatives Among those who made condolence "calls at the and schools also, made' condolence calls at the Chinese Chinese Embassy were also members and' alternate Embassy. ' . ;. members-of-the Central Committee of the'Romanian Communist Party, members' of the State Council and Romania. ...'•• the government, directors, of departments - of the Party Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu, General Secretary o* Central Committee, top-ranking generals^ leading, mem• bers of central -government organs, mass organizations};. the Romanian. Gommtm|^i^ar|v>eaRd,:^:esidait .-of the Socialist Republic.of Romania,"called at the Chinese Industrial enterprises, educational and cultural institu• Embassy in Bucharest on the afternoon, of September tions, prominent figures ."of various circles and repre^ 11 to express deep condolences on the passing away, of sentatives of the masses.' Chairman Mao Tsetung.' ' . Accompanying him were Elena Ceausescu, Member Democratic Kampuchea of the Executive Political Committee of the Central Khieu- Samphan, President of the Presidium of the Committee' of the Romanian Communist Party, Manea State of Democratic Kampuchea; Nuon Chea, ChairT Manescu, Member of the Executive-Political Committee man of. the Permanent Committee of the People's Con• of the Party Central Committee and Prime Minister, gress of Kampuchea; and Polpot, Prime Minister,of the and other Romanian Party and state leaders Stefan Government of Democratic Kampuchea called. at. -the Voitec, Emil Bobu, Cornel "'Bur'tica, Gheorghe Cioara, Chinese. Embassy, in "Phnom Penh on. the morning of Liha Ciobanu,'Jahos Faz'ekas, Paul Niculescn, Gheorghe September 18 to extend most profound condolences on Oprea, Gheorghe Pana," Ion Patan, Dumitru Popescu-, the passing of Chairman Mao Tsetung. Gheorghe' Radulescu, Leonte Rautu, Iosif, Ilie Prime Minister Polpot'said, to Chinese Ambassador Verdet, Stefan Andrei, Iosif Banc, Teodor Coman, -,Mi- Sun.Hao: "On behalf of the Kampuchean revolution• hai.Dalea, Ion Dinca, Mihai .Gere, Nicolae Giosan, Vasi- ary . organization, the .Kampuchean people, the Presid• le Patilinet, Ion Ursu, Constantin Dascalescu and Aurel ium of the State of Democratic Kampuchea, the Duma as well as Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Permanent Committee of the People's Congress of George Macovescu. Kampuchea, the Government "of Democratic Kampu• - In the mourning hall-were--wreaths from Nicolae chea and the ' Kampuchean Revolutionary Army; we Ceausescu, General Secretary - of • the Romanian Com• have come to the Embassy of the People's''Republic of munist Party and President of - the Socialist- Republic China with extreme. grief and regret to. extend our of Romania, the Central Committee of the Romanian boundless revolutionary affection and esteem to. the Communist Party, the State Council and the govern• memory of the sublime soul of .Chairman Mao Tsetung, ment. ••..-•••' . - ... the esteemed and beloved great leader of the Chinese Nicolae Ceausescu and "other Romanian Party and people—our fraternal comrades-in-arms, the outstand• government leaders stood in silent tribute -before the ing teacher of the world proletariat and the oppressed portrait of. Chairman Mao.Tsetung and.signed the con- . nations and oppressed people, and the closest and most dolence.vbookv-.-Comrade. G said to Chinese. warmhearted . comrade-in-arms of the Kampuchean Ambassador • Comrade Li Ting-chuan:- Chairman Mao people." •. .. • ... ..... • .. 20 Peking Review,' No. 40 '.. ; The f .Prime. Minister... added: "Though Chairman Dong, Vo Nguyen Giap, Le Thanh Nghi, Hoang Van Map-Tsetung has.
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