THE STORY OF (3rd Edition 1946) By Austin, Mercer and Shipley

FAMOUS DIAMONDS OF THE WORLD (5th Edition 1948) By Robert M. Shipley


HANDBOOK OF GEM IDENTIFICATION (2nd Edition, 1948) By Richard T. Liddicoat, Jr.


A ROMAN BOOK ON PRECIOUS STONES (In preparation) By Dr. Sydney H. Ball

PROPERTIES OF GEM VARIETIES OF (posthumously 1948) Dr. Edward Wigglesworth Past President, G.I.A. INTRODUCTORY GEMOLOGY (1945) By Webster and Hinton GEMS AND GEMOLOGY, a quarterly. Course* FUNDAMENTALS OF GEMOLOGY, including the factors af- fecting the value of gems.


including Ornamental, Decorative and Curio Stones

A glossary of over 4000 English and foreign words, terms and abbreviations which may be encountered in English literature or in the gem, jewelry or art trades. BY ROBERT M. SHIPLEY Founder* Gemologicat Institute of America and American Gem Society ASSISTED BY ANNA McCONNELL BECKLEY Research Librarian, Gemological Institute of America EDWARD WIGGLESWORTH, PH.D., C.G. Past President, Getnoloffical Institute of America

ROBERT M. SHIPLEY, JR. Formerly Director of Laboratories, Gemotogical Institute of America

Vol. 4 of The Jeweler's Library Fourth Edition

First Printing,


All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be re- produced in any form without permission of the publishers.


To keep this Dictionary completely current and of the greatest possible help and value to its user, new develop- ments and discoveries in the gemological field, since publi- cation of the third edition in 1947, have been added.

Cross references are used when it is believed such procedure will give lucidity to the true meaning of defini- tions. In such instances the references are indicated by bold face type in the copy.

Much of the value of this book will be lost unless in- structions outlined in "How to Use This Book," page IX, are read and followed most carefully. Key to pronuncia- tion is given and certain departures from conventional dictionary practices are explained. Robert M. Shipley


Additional changes and corrections have been made to previous editions. Most of these were the result of addi- tional research of the writer as he compiled the glossary of the Jewelers Pocket Reference Book from February 1946 to April 1947.

Further corrections were made as the result of sug- gestions or criticisms of readers and of Dr. E. Giibelin, as well as R. T. Liddicoat, Jr., and Dr. George Switzer of the Institute's staff.

Robert M. Shipley


Toward fulfillment of our purpose of meriting the ac- ceptance of this Dictionary as an international reference book for the gemological profession, criticism of the first edition was invited from the several outstanding gemolo- gists, mineralogists and practical jewelers mentioned later in the preface. As a result, errors of varying importance have been corrected, definitions have been clarified in the body of the Dictionary, while valuable additions to many of the definitions will be found in the Addenda. Cross references in definitions in the Dictionary call to the reader's attention the entries among the addenda, as in the definition of bezel, on page 24, which contains a ref- erence to page 255, on which appear additional definitions of bezel.

Because of mechanical difficulties, no attempt has been made in this edition to include a number of additional words and their meanings which have been suggested. However, many new alternate definitions have been added ; the book has been carefully checked for typographical errors or am- biguous phrasing ; and the few factual errors of the first edition have been eliminated.

Credit for revisions is due principally to the generous cooperation of the following internationally recognized au- thorities on : Dr. B. W. Anderson, Director of the Precious Stone Laboratory, Chamber of Com- merce ; Dr. Sydney H, Ball, author of especially important reports and articles on diamonds and other gemstones; Dr. Edward Giibelin, Certified Gemologist, internationally edacated gemologist and founder of the Swiss Gemmologi- cal Association ; Dr. Edward H. Kraus, co-author of Min- eralogy, and Gems and Gem Materials; G. F. Herbert Smith, author of Gemstones, and president of the Gemmo- logical Association of Great Britain; L. J. Spencer, translator of Bauer's Precious Stones, author of Precious Stones, and secretary of the Mineralogical Society of Great

Britain ; and A. Espositer, of New York. George H. Marcher, Certified Gemologist, lapidist and authority on gemstones of western United States, contributed invaluable criticisms and suggestions. To these men we are especially grateful for their generous assistance toward what we hope will be only the first of many improved editions of the Dictionary in future decades. For the Authors, Robert M. Shipley. December 14, 1945


The forerunner. The forerunner of this dictionary was a gem- ological glossary published serially from January, 1934 to December, 1940, in Gems & Gemolagy, the quarterly periodical of the Gemological Institute of America, and later published in booklet form for use exclusively with its mail courses in gemology. That glossary was com- piled by various members of the Staff of the Institute during the years of its serial publication. It contained about 1,700 definitions and pronunciations. The sources. The definitions in this rewritten and expanded work, have been written by the compiler; or he or his assistant, A. M. Beckley, has condensed them from or checked them against the important books, reports, or articles which have been written by recognized gemo- logical authorities in English, German, or French. The name of any such gemological authority has been men- tioned in the definition only in the event (1) that the authority has written the definition or otherwise furnish- ed the information especially for this dictionary, (2) that the authority has been the only authority to make the statement indicating that it was the result of personal research, or (3) that the authority has differed from the compiler, or with other recognized authorities in which event a digest of the definitions of those author- ities who are in disagreement is also included in the definition. See Chapter entitled THE USE OF THE BOOK for more detailed information on this subject. Special recognition. Especial appreciation is due not only to the assistant compilers, Edward Wigglesworth, Robert

VII M. Shipley, Jr. and .A. M. Beckley, all of whom read the proof and supplied invaluable corrections and additions,

but also to staff members of G.I. A. who read proof ; to Dr. G. F. Herbert Smith, F.R.A.S., and Messrs. B. W. Anderson, F.G.A., and R. Webster, F.G.A., who gave special permission for the numerous references to their works; and to Dean Edward H. KTraus, and Mr. H. Paul Juergens, G. G., for specialized correction and advice, from the latter on the subject of . Future editions will become increasingly useful if our read- ers will advise the publishers of any seeming errors in the copy; of definitions which may seem to be at vari- ance with definitions or statements of authors or trade authorities of international recognition; or of additional definitions, or other additions which in their opinion will enhance the value of the book. Suggestions should be addressed to: The Gemological Institute of America, 541 South Alexandria, Los Angeles 5, California. The Companion Volume. A glossary, a portion of which appeared serially in the periodical Gems & Gemology, is now in preparation and will later be published as a book uniform with this volume. Hence the only definitions in this dictionary which contain any specialized information concerning diamonds are a few brief definitions of the bet- ter known and most famous diamonds, the replicas of which are frequently exhibited.


In determining the format of this book the compiler's prin- cipal purpose was to produce a compact, all-inclusive reference book which for the layman or the beginning student would (1) be a pocket-sized volume, (2) con- tain a definition of every unusual word or term used in any of its definitions, and (3) contain all essential gemo- logical information in such form that it will create a demand that it be revised and expanded frequently by the present compiler and his successors in future years. To accomplish this principal purpose certain departures from conventional practice have been made: Titles In quotation marks mean that the name or term is incorrect or misleading, as evidenced by the definition. For example: "African " is an incorrect term for green grossularite, as stated in the "African jade" def- inition.

Names or terms in bold type, whether in, the body of the definition or at the end of it, mean that the reader should refer to the entry for that name to be sure that the full meaning of the first definition is clear. While the reader may find no information which is new to him under the second definition, even advanced students of gemology are advised to follow this practice to assure accuracy. The physical properties of varieties of gemstones are not included under the definition of the variety unless such properties are especially distinctive from those of the entire gem species under which the properties

IX are, of course, listed. All abbreviations used are defined in their alphabetic order in this dictionary. All descriptive terms, such as those used in the nomenclature of , color, etc., are defined.

Such terms as oriental , Colombian , ., and others are listed but once as such. They are not again listed under amethyst, oriental; emerald, Colombian; spinel, ruby as is the common practice. Names of authorities mentioned in the definitions appear with a brief biography or list of their books in the alphabetical entries of the dictionary. When the name appears within a definition, it is enclosed in parentheses. If a period appears before the parenthesis, that name is authority for the information contained in the sentences immediately preceding. If the period appears after the parenthesis, the name is authority for that sentence only. If more than one authority of the same surname is quoted, identifying initials are given. If other dictionaries are quoted, the popular name is used, as Standard and Webster (as distinguished from the author R. Webster). References to Dana are to Dana's Textbook on Mineralogy, 4th (Revised) Edition. References to Schlossmacher are principally to his revised edition of Bauer's Edelsteinkunde. Pronunciation. The pronunciation key which we have adopted is designed to give the reader some guide to pronunciation with emphasis on the syllables to be ac- cented. In general, a vowel alone is to be sounded as soft, as, "a" alone should be sounded as the "a" in "cat/* An "e" following a vowel indicates a long sound for that vowel. Thus "ae" should be sounded as the "a" in "mate." When a vowel appears in a syllable, the same rule holds. is The syllable "it" pronounced as in "fit" ; "ite" is as in "bite." A primary accent (') indicates the syllable of the word which receives the greatest em- phasis, a secondary accent (") indicates that which re- ceives secondary emphasis. The dictionary's use as a gemological directory. An effort has been made to include in alphabetical order the names, descriptions and addresses of organizations, museums, laboratories and periodicals which are espe- cially concerned with gems. Gemological titles are described. Various authorized lists of birthstones, anniversary stones, and zodiacal stones as accepted in various countries will be found under birthstones, anniversary stones, etc.

XI "Every other author may aspire to praise, the lexicographer can only hope to escape reproach." DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON. DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

A or A.U. Abbreviation for Ang- ity of light of different colors, it strom unit, as, 7900 A. is called chromatic aberration. When in it often abalone (ab"a-lo'nee). The mollusc present magnifiers causes inaccurate decisions as Haliotis, also known as an ormer to flawlessness or color of or ear-shell. From Pacific waters gems. abrade. To wear of California, Mexico, Japan, away by friction; to produce abrasion. See abra- N. Z., and other countries. See sive. also Haliotis. abrasive A substance abalone A colored (ab-rae'siv). . pearl such as co- from the abalone. a emery (powdered Usually rundum) used to wear away an- blister pearl although a true other substance by friction. Car- pearl is found es- occasionally, borundum, diamond powder and pecially in Mexico and Califor- other abrasives are used in fash- nia. Usually of pronounced ioning gemstones. green, pale green or pink hues. absorption, (a) White light is a aba*. Persian for weight pearls. combination (blending) of those About 2.66 troy grains. hues of the spectrum which are aberration (ab"er-ae'shun). The seen in the rainbow. The hue of failure of a lens or mirror to a is due to the ab- bring the light rays to the same sorption of certain portions of focus. When aberration is due to white light in its passage through the form of the lens or mirror it the gemstone. The remainder of is called spherical aberration. When the light which is not absorbed due to the different refrangibil- in the gemstone combines or Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY blends to produce the hue seen. achromatic. Free from hue. See This process is called selective ab- achromatic color; achromatic sorption. See also selective reflec- loupe. tion, (b) The exact portions of achromatic color. White^ black, or which are absorbed white light any tone of neutral gray, i.e., by a gemstone or other sub- gray containing no tinge of any stance may be determined by hue. See chromatic color. means of the form- spectroscope achromatic loupe. loupe con- a band of colors known as Any ing taining an achromatic lens. an absorption spectrum, (c) Dark achromatic correct- zones crossing the spectrum rep- triplet. Loupe ed for chromatic aberration. See resent the portions of the light absorbed and are known as ab- Icupe. sorption bands or absorption lines. acicular. Needleiike. See Fraunhofer lines. aciform. Needle shaped. absorption bands. See absorption. acroita (Span.). Colorless tourma- absorption lines. Same as absorp- line. tion bands. actinolite. A green calcium-mag- absorption spectrum (plural, spec- esium- amphibole of which tra). See absorption. nephrite and an asbestos are accarbaar. Southeastern Asiatic usually considered to be varie- name for black coral. See aka- ties (Dana; Kraus and Hunt). bar. Occurs as fibers in prase, and as inclusions in sa- accidental macroscopic pearl. Genuine natural and other as from genitic gem- pearl distinguished (ar- stones. S.G. 3.0-3.2. R.I. cultured tificially induced) pearl. 1.61/1.64. A term not used in the trade acute. as it is of questionable meaning. Sharply pointed. adamantine or acentela (Span.). Rock . (ad"a-man'tin 'teen). Extraordinarily hard. acetylene tetrabromide. CzHaB^ From adamas (Greek). The lus- S.G. 2.964 (at 20 which can C.) ter of the diamond. be lowered by mixing with alco- hol (Smith). Is lowered by dilu- adamantine spar. A name for silky as seal tion with toluol (R. Webster). brown corundum. Same A Heavy liquid. . Now more generally applied to dull opaque corundum Achat (German). . from , ground for use a& achates. Ancient name for agate. polishing agent. achirite. Same as dioptase. adamite. Manufacturer's trade achroite (ak'roe-ite). Colorless name for artificial corundum . used as an abrasive.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY adductor muscle. A muscle passing Badakshan (Schlossmacher;. across from one valve of a bi- "African emerald." Deceiving valve to the other, for the pur- name for green fluor; also for pose of closing the shell. green tourmaline. See African "Adelaide ruby." Blood-red pyrope emerald. () from South Africa. African emerald. Emerald from the Transvaal. adinol. A silicified porphyry or dia- Usually quite yellow- base mentioned by Schlossma- ish green; often dark and dull. H. S.G. R.I. 1.58- cher; of little or no gemologi.cal 7.5; 2.72-2.79; Bi. 0.007 importance. 1.59; (Smith). - - - "African adularescence ( ad"ue lar es' ens ) . jade." Green grossularite. Reflection from thin platy twin Same as "Transvaal jade." lamellae that compose adularia African nephrite. Same as Trans- causing interference of light and vaal nephrite. blue sheen seen in the milky pre- African pearl. True pearl found in cious moonstone, often incorrect- small quantities on east coast ly called opalescence. of Africa between Zanzibar and Inhambane. adularia . trans- (ad"ue-la'ria) A African tourmaline. (1) Trade parent to transl icent, colorless term sometimes applied to all to milky, gem variety of ortho- yellowish-green to bluish-green clase, principally from Ceylon. tourmaline whether or not from Same as precious moonstone. Africa. Same as Transvaal tour- See orthoclase. maline. (2) A term sometimes adularia moonstone. Same as pre- used especially for fine, almost cious moonstone. See also adula- emerald-green, tourmaline from ria. S. W. Africa. aeroides. An American name for africita (Span.). Black tourmaline. sky-blue pale aquamarine Aff. Abbr. for the element silver. ( Schlossmacher) . or Names aetites. agalmatolite pagodite. Same as eagle stone to certain varieties of (Kunz). applied pinite (muscovite) , pyrophyllite Afghanistan lapis. Fine blue, best (pencil stone), and steatite. quality from Badak- From all of these the Chinese shan district, of Afghanistan, or fashion small images, miniature from just over the border in pagodas and other objects, which Russia. Better known in the are generally sold as soapstone trade as Russian lapis. in North America. Soft (H. 1-3; Afghanistan ruby. Ruby formerly S.G. 2.7-2.9), compact, greenish, mined near Kabul and also in yellowish, brownish or grayish. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the deftnitions, read the introductory pagres. DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY An ornamental stone. agate, agaphite. A vitreous variety of Per- agatize. To change into, or cause sian . to resemble an agate, wood. A of silici- agata musgo (Port, and Span.)- agatized variety fied wood which resembles . any variety of agate. One of the agate (ag' at). many aggregate. Cluster or group. See varieties of Multi- . crystalline aggregate. colored: (1) in parallel bands of A. G. S. American Gem Society. varying thickness, (2) in irreg- ular clouds, or (3) with inclu- Agstein (German). . sions of other minerals (as in ahkan. Burmese name for bed rnoss agate). Bands are usually rock, usually limestone, below irregular and sometimes con- the byon. (Gems

more recently been applied to alejandrita (Span.). Alexandrite. substitutes such as rock, glass, "Alencon diamond." Rock crystal. and pearl with little nacre. Aleppo stone. Al. Abbr. for the element alumi- Eye agate. num. Alessandrienturkis. Name used in German books for Alexandrian "Alabandine ruby" (al" a-ban'- turquoise. din). Originally, almandine garnet from ancient Alabanda, alexanderite. A misspelling of Asia Minor. Now sometimes ap- alexandrite which has been used for plied to violetish-red spinel. deceivingly alexandrite-like "or alabaster. A translucent to semi- synthetic sapphire synthetic transparent massive form of spinel. gypsum. Usually snow-white Alexandrian turquoise. A trade in color. Easily carved. term for Egyptian turquoise. CaS0 4 .2H2 0; H. l%-2; S. G. Alexandria shell. Mother-of-pearl. 2.3. Calcite is also sometimes in- "alexandrine." Incorrect name for correctly called alabaster. See alexandrite-like sapphire; also Egyptian alabaster; oriental ala- for SO-called "synthetic alexand- baster. rite." Altered rhod- alajites (Mexican). alexandrine sapphire or alexand- onite (Dwight). rite-like sapphire. A sapphire; alalite (al'a-lite). A mineral. Same blue in daylight, changing to as di side. op violet, purple or reddish under alaqueca (Span.). Bloodstone. most artificial light. So named alexandrite also "Alaska diamond." Rock crystal. because changes color under similar conditions.. albandine (arban-din). Same as almandine. "alexandrite." Alexandrite - like synthetic spinel or synthetic albite. A Species of the sapphire. See alexandrite. group. NaAlSi3 O 8 . H. 6-6.5; S. alexandrite . G. 2.6-2.7; R.L 1.53/1.54; Bi. (al"eg-zan'drite) A 0.011. See albite moonstone; variety of , emerald in red to violet feldspar, green daylight, by ordinary artificial light. From albite moonstone. A variety of al- Russia; Ceylon. bite, exhibiting adularescence, alexandrite A which is more pale greenish to cat's-eye. chatoyant of alexandrite. yellowish, although other colors variety appear simultaneously. Prom alexandrite-like andalusite. Anda- North America only, in Pa., N. lusite of various colors which under Y., and Canada ( Schlossmach- become reddish lamplight er). See also peristerite. and most other artificial light.

or term used is Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word be consulted. de0ned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

alexandrite-like tourmaline. Same agonal system as graphite, and as chameleonite. in amorphous forms as charcoal. Algerian coral. Trade term for alloy. An intimate combination of coral of inferior quality from (1) two or more metallic ele- the Mediterranean Sea. More ments, as bronze, which is an al- specifically only that from the loy of copper and silver, or (2) coast of Algeria. two or more metallic and non- alladimte. A casein resin used as a metallic elements, the principal mould material for many com- one of which is a metal, as steel, which is an mon objects. alloy composed prin- of iron. An alloy, like a mineral which cipally ^llanite. A may metal, is a crystalline aggregate. be cut as a very occasionally See solid . Interesting gemstone (Eppler). alluvial. to the action to collectors. Semi- Pertaining only gem of or to unconsolidated translucent to reddish rivers, opaque, material such as sand and brown to black with semi- soil, pitch which has been washed metallic luster. Mono. H. 5.5-6; gravel from one place and in S.G. R.L varies from deposited 3.0-4.2; another. Such a secondary de- 1.64 to 1.80. H. (Ca,Fe) 2 (Al, posit is known as an alluvial From Saxony, N. Y., CeJaSiaOia. whether found in a still N. J. and a few other sources. deposit r active river bed or one now cov- Same as orthite. ered by soil. See detritus. allochromatic stone. A mineral that alluvial deposit. An unconsoli- in its purest state would be col- dated or loose deposit, such as orless or white, but is often col- gravel, sand, etc., deposited by or6d by submlcroscopic impurities rivers. . or inclusions of other minerals. ( Wigglesworth ) Most gemstones are allochro- alluvial fan. An outspread sloping matic. See idiochromatic. deposit of boulders, gravel, and One of the forms as- sand left by streams where they allotrope. from a a sumed by an allotropic sub- spread gorge upon or an bottom. stance; as the diamond is an plain, open valley allotrope o'f . (Standard.) alluvial stone. A mineral that has See allotropy. been transported and deposited water. See alluvial allotropy, allotropism. The capac- by deposit. ity of existing in two or more alluvium. A deposit of gravel, sand, conditions that are distinguished or other material. See al- by differences in properties. luvial deposit. Thus carbon occurs in the cubic almandine fal'man-deen). (1) Gem- system as diamond, in the hex- ologically, a red to purple to

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


black species of garnet. Gem ina, or artificial corundum. qualities transparent and usually alpha quartz. Quartz which has purplish red. FesAlaCSiO^a. formed at less than 573C. in Iso. H. S.G. 7H; 3.9-4.2; R.I., veins, geodes and large pegma- 1.76-1.81. Bi. none. Disp. 0.024. tites (Dana). Includes most of From many countries, including the quartz cut as gems. Atomic Alaska, which produces few of structure varies as temperature is min- gem use. Almandite the increases to this point when eralogical name. Purple variety there is a distinct and perma- of spinel is, rarely, called al- nent change to beta quartz. mandine, but more correctly, al- Wild states that most fired mandine spinel. (2) As an ad- change in color from jective a color designation mean- 200 or 300 up to about 573 ing purplish-red or purple-red, when they change to as in almandine spinel. quartz. Other authorities with almandine sapphire. Reddish pur- less practical experience in heat ple sapphire. treatment differ. almandine spinel. Reddish purple alpha . A mineralogieal to purplish red spinel. name for any zircon with prop- erties about S. G. R. L "almandite." This term has been 4.7; 1.92/1.98. Strongly birefrin- deceivingly used as a trade name gent, 0.059. Almost no other type for synthetic almandine spinel. See almandite. is used in jewelry.. See zircon* beta 'zircon, gamma zircon. almandite . Minera- (al'man-dite) "Alpine diamond." Pyrite. logical name for almandine gar- net. See almandine. alsbedite. Sphene. altered stone. stone of which "almaz" (Russian, or Slavic). An Any uncut diamond. the appearance, especially the color, has been changed by any almond stone. Almandine garnet. artificial means, whatsoever. almashite. A green or black variety Such change may be either ex- of Rumanian . From Ala- ternal or internal. See treated mash Valley, Moldavia, Rumania. stone, coated stone. Heated alomite. Trade nam,e for the fine stone, stained stone. blue quarried at Ban- alumina. Aluminum oxide, the com- croft, Ontario, Canada, used as position of colorless corundum. an ornamental stone. Also called Synthetic ruby and sapphire is princess blue. manufactured from powdered alumina. aloxite. Proprietary name for a for arti- form of fused crystalline alum- alundum. A trade name Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

ficial corundum, rumanite; simetite; succinite. amaryl. A trade name for green (2) A color designation mean- synthetic sapphire. ing the color of orangy yellow amber as in amber amber amatista (Spanish). Amethyst. glass, opal. amatista mosquito (Span.). Same amber as amber as mosquito amethyst. colophany. Same amatrice. Trade name for concre- pitch. a tions of (sometimes amber drop. Term describing in which amber occurs. containing wardite), occurring shape in gray, reddish or brownish amber forest. A fossil forest from matrix of crystalline quartz which amber has been formed. (or chalcedony quartz or both), ambergris (am'ber-grees). A waxy which may also contain inclu- substance found floating in tropi- sions of variscite or wardite or cal seas; a morbid secretion both, H. 5-7. See amatrix. in the sperm whale, whence amatrix (abbreviation of American it is all believed to come. Valued in matrix) . Same as amatrice which in perfumery- Not used jew- is the preferred American spell- elry. Often popularly confused ing. with amber. amause. Same as strass. amberine. A local trade name of a chalcedony amazonite (am'a-zon-ite) . Bright yellowish green California green laminated variety of mi- from Death Valley, crocline. Used more as an orna- (English). mental stone than as a gemstone. amber lac. Same as amber varnish. and dis- Opaque. H. 6-6 V2 ; S.G. 2.5 ; R.I Amber pitch powdered 1.52/1.53. From Russia, Virgin- solved in turpentine or linseed ia, Pike's Peak, Colo., and other oil. amaxonstone. sources. Same as amberoid. A name for pressed am- Also see feldspar. ber. "Amazon jade." Amazonite. amber, oil of. A reddish brown dis- amazonstone. The .earlier and still tillation of amber. name for amaxonite. Also popular amber opal. Brownish-yellow va- written Amazon stone. riety stained by iron oxide. amber. 1 A to trans- ( ) transparent amber The residue resulting lucent fossil resin used as a pitch. from the distillation of oil of gem material. Usually yellow amber. or brownish. A hydrocarbon. a H. 2-2%; S.G. 1.05-1.10; R.I. amber tear. Term describing 1.54. Bi. none. See also true shape in which amber occurs. amber; block amber; burmite; amber varnish. Same as amber lac.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in thi& book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted* To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 8 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY ambery. Amber-like. heard of before World War I. American jade. from ambra (Italian). Amber. (1) Nephrite Wyo. (2) A misnomer for cali- ambre (French). Amber. fornite. ambre jaune (Fr., yellow- amber) . American jet. Jet from Colorado Amber in contrast to amber gris and Utah. Former takes high (Fr., grey amber). See amber- polish but latter is full of cracks. gris. Inferior to Whitby jet. ambrite (am'brite). A fossil resin American National Retail Jewelers occurring in large masses in New Association. A commercial asso- Zealand. ciation of retail jewelers. Larg- ambroid. Same as amberoid. est and oldest in U.S.A. Founded 1906. Headquarters, 551 Fifth American Gem Society. A profes- 3 Ave., New York 17, N. Y. sional society in U.S.A. and Canada which awards titles, to American pearl. A term often used individuals and firms, on basis to refer to fresh-water pearl of North America. of gemological examinations and maintenance of the Society's "American ruby." Red garnet. standards of business policy. American turquoise. Turquoise Founded in 1934 for the fur- from the southwestern states of therance of educa- gemological U.S.A. Usually pale blue or blu- which it tion, encourages by: ish green to greenish blue. Also such awarding and maintaining known as "Mexican turquoise." titles; assisting in the prepara- amethyst. (1) A violet to a tion and dissemination of .gem- pale deep purple transparent variety publications (including plogical of crystalline quartz used as a its own periodical Guilds} ; en- gemstone. February birthstone. couraging throughout North From America the instruction in and Siberia, Brazil, Uruguay and other sources. See Ahlamah. study of gems. International A color designation, same Headquarters, 3142 Wilshire Bou- (2) as amethystine. levard, Los Angeles 5, California. tine. men- See Registered Jeweler, Certified amethyst-basal A name, for Gemologist. tioned by Schlossmacher, pale reddish violet . American green jade. A Chinese trade name (Mei Kuo Lu) for amethystine. A color designation violet to used a poor variety of light green meaning purplish, as in jade, which because of its cheap- amethystine glass, amethy- stine and others. ness, became very popular with sapphire, American tourists and exporters amethystine quartz. Quartz of an in China. The name was un- amethyst color not necessarily Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

in or solidly colored or amygdaloid (a-mig'da-loid). An ig- transparent. See page 255- neous rock having gas vesicles filled with minerals. amethystine sapphire. Violet to secondary purplish sapphire. amygdaloidal geode. (a-mig"da~loi'~ A. which has formed amethyst point. Hexagonal ame- dal). geode in an See also thyst crystal from an amygdaloi- amygdaloid. dal geode. Usually possesses geode. only the six (or sometimes amygdule (a-mig'dule) . A spher- three) termination crystal faces oidal aggregate of secondary and usually graduated as to col- minerals formed in a cavity of or with best color at point or igneous rocks. apex and often colorless at base anaglyph (an'a-glif). Same as See burnt amethyst. cameo. amethyst quartz. Amethystine Anakie sapphire. See Queensland quartz. See page 257. sapphire. amorphous (a-mor'fus). A word analyzer. A polarizer placed above meaning "without form" applied the objective in a polarizing mic- to minerals or materials that gem roscope. In any polariscope the have no definite or orderly ar- polarizer nearest the observer. rangement of or crystal See polariscope. structure -and hence no external anatase. A transparent to nearly crystal form. Sometimes incorrect- opaque, brown, deep indigo to ly applied to crystalline minerals black mineral. that lack Transparent external crystal form. brown gems sometimes cut for amphibole (am'fi-bole). A group collectors. An allotrope of rutile, of ferro-magnesium silicate min- and similarly of higher RJ. than erals. This of minerals is group diamond, Tetr. Ti0 2 . H. 5.5-6; usually classified by German S.G. 3.82-3.95; RJ. 2.49/2.53- mineralogists as hornblende. See 2.49/2.56 (Dana) ; Bi. 0.056. also smaragdite. From Brazil, , Switzer- ampullar pearl. Any pearl such as land, Mass., Ark., Colo., and a true pearl formed in the am- other sources. or pulla epidermis of the mol- anatasia (Span.). Anatase. lusc, as distinguished from cyst anatherie. Same as anitari. pearl and muscle pearl. "Ancona amulet. A. charm, or talisman, worn ruby." A reddish or on the person to prevent disease brownish quartz, colored by iron. or misfortune. Gems are so worn "andalusite." Incorrect trade name and may have been before man (rare) for brown tourmaline. used them as adornment. See andalusite. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used ia defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pa&es. 10 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

andalusite (an"da-lue'site). Trans- whose tangent is the index of parent to opaque, yellow-green, refraction of a reflecting sub- brown-green or gray gem min- stance. (Dana.) eral. trichroic, Strongly green, angle of reflection. The angle red and brown. When cut which a reflected of with table to ray light, perpendicular on leaving the exterior or in- red color is prism edge, usually terior surface of an object, such visible and intensified under as a transparent stone or crys- most artificial light, producing tal, makes with the normal to alexandrite-like andalusite. Or- that surface. tho. AlaSiOs. H. 7-7.5; S.G. 3.1- angle of refraction. The 3.2; R.I. 1.63/1.64-1.64/1.65; Bi. angle which a refracted of 0.007-0.013. Brazil, ray light, Ceylon, the surface of an Spain and other sources. See upon leaving makes with the normal to also "andalusite"; chia*tolite; object, that surface. viridine. (Derivation: Andalusia, an old division in Spain). angle of total reflection. Same as critical angle. Anderson, B. W. (1901-.) B.Sc. Di- rector Precious, Stone Laboratory Angstrom unit. A unit used in of London Chamber of Commerce spectroscopy for measurements in the electro- 1925-. Lecturer, gemology, .Chel- below infra-red sea London. magnetic spectrum, which in- Polytechnic, Author, One Gem Testing for Jewellers and cludes the visible spectrum. ten-millionth of a millimeter. many articles in English and American gemological publica- anhydrous. Not containing hydro- tions. Member Educ'L Advisory gen or water in its composition. Institute of Board, Gemological ani. Ceylon trade grade for pearls 1936-. America, of fine luster, almost perfectly (an'dra-dite) . A species spherical in shape. of the . garnet group. Transpar- anisometric. Not isometric. ent to opaque. , to- or pazolite and melanite are vari- anisotropic (an-ef'so-trop'ik. eties of andradite. Iso. CaaFe troep'ik) . Doubly refractive, af- as it (SiO4 )s; H. 6.5; S.G. 3.8-3.9; fecting light differently R.I.1.82-1.94. passes along lines of different direction. See refraction, iso- angle of incidence. The angle, tropic; double refraction. which a ray of light, falling up- on the surface of an object, anitari or anatherie pearl. Ceylon for lower makes with the perpendicular' to trade name slightly that surface. quality of pearl than ani. The angle of polarization. That angle anniversary stones. gemstones used is Titles within marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term quotation should be consulted. defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 11 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY which are designated in the Antero aquamarine. See Colorado U.S.A. as being particularly ap- aquamarine, for anniver- propriate wedding anthrax (Greek). Ruby, garnet, or sary gifts are to be found on other red stone. the following anniversary gift antigorite. A brownish green ser- list approved by the A.N.R.J.A. : pentine resembling jade in ap- First, paper; second, cotton; pearance. H. 2.5; S.G. 2.4. third, leather; fourth, books; ''Antilles pearl." Not a but fifth, wooden (clocks) ; sixth, pearl of iron; seventh, copper, bronze, mother-of-pearl a sea snail, brass; eighth, electrical appli- anygyi. Burmese term for second- water ances; ninth, pottery; tenth, tin, . (Gems & Gem- aluminum; eleventh, steel; ologyj twelfth, silk, linen; thirteenth, anyum. Burmese term applied to lace; fourteenth, ivory; fifteen- first quality two- rubies. th, crystal; twentieth, china; (Gems and Gemology). twenty-fifth, silver; thirtieth, apatite ( a'pa-tite ) . . A transparent pearl; thirty-fifth, jade or coral; green, blue, violet, purple, pink, or fortieth, rubyj forty-fifth, sap- yellow, colorless gem mineral ; phjre; fiftieth, gold; fifty7fifth, except blue or green, is of emerald; sixtieth, diamond. See light tone only. Also grey or page 260. brown, non-gem varieties. Hex. anomalous. Abnormal. Cas (F, Cl) (P04 )3, H. 5; S.G. anomalous double refraction. Double 3.2; RJ. 1.63/1.63-1,64/1.65; refraction in a normally singly Bi. 0.002-0.005. Ceylon, Burma, refractive substance. Caused by Bohemia, Mexico, Maine, and internal strain. Seen by irregu- other sources. lar extinction when substance is aphrizite. A rarely used name for observed between crossed Nicols, black tourmaline from Norway, as in synthetic spinel and some- aphroseline (Greek) Adularia. times in garnet. See polariscope. aplanachromatic lens. A lens free anorthic system. Same as triclinic from both chromatic aberration system. and spherical aberration. See anorthite. A basic plagioclase feld- achromatic lens; aplanatic lens, spar. aplanachromatic loupe. A loupe con- A.N.R.J.A. Abbr. for American taining an aplanachromatic lens, National Retail Jewelers Asso- lens . ciation. aplanatic (ap"la-nat'ik) A lens free from spherical aberra- antelope jade. A descriptive term tion. See aberration; Chinese to a apochrom- applied by particu- atic lens, of lar color jade. aplanatic loupe. A loupe COBtain-

are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used Is J nnted in b W faced its ToTn fniiv ~A" V""j"lT *j i type entry should be consulted. fully understand the definitions, read the introductory paes, 12 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY an lens. ing aplanatic ignation meaning light blue to An lens light bluish green as in aqua- aplanatic triplet. aplanatic marine composed of three portions ce- glass; aquamarine tour- mented together to eliminate maline, etc. spherical aberration, A more "aquamarine chrysolite." Greenish- popular name for this is the yellow beryl. term triple aplanat. "aquamarine emerald." Trade name for a apple jade. A descriptive term ap- genuine beryl or aquama- See "emerald plied by Chinese to a particular rine^ triplet. trip- color of jade. aquamarine glass. A term appraisal. The estimation or fixing loosely of a money value on used for any light blue or green- anything ish blue such as a gemstone. Differs from glass, regardless of its valuation and evaluation. chemical composition or physical properties. apricotine. Trade name for yellow- - aquamarine Pale blue ish-red, apricot colored quartz sapphire. pebbles from near Cape May, sapphire. New Jersey, used as gemstones. "aquamarine topaz/' Greenish to- ( English ) . Other authorities paz. mention colors from red to red- aquamarine tourmaline. Pale dish yellow, which would be close greenish blue, sometimes pale to orange in color and nearer blue, tourmaline. the predominant color of apri- cot. aquamarine triplet. A genuine tri- plet which is used to imitate an apya. Burmese term to applied emerald, and often incorrectly fine-quality flat rubies. rough called an "emerald triplet." It apyrite. A little - used name for consists of two portions of aqua- peach-bloom colored tourmaline. marine with a cemented layer of matter between aquagem. Trade name for a green coloring light them. blue synthetic spinel (i.e.) a synthetic aquamarine spinel. aqueous. Of, pertaining to, or part- ly consisting of water. aquamarine (ak-wa-ma-reen') . (1) "Arabian diamond." The pale or light green-blue to magic Synthe- tic colorless or blue variety of beryl. H, 8; S.G. light golden sap- 2.68-2.75; R.L 1.57/1.58-1.58/- phire. 1.59. From Brazil principally; aragonite (ar'-a-gon-ite) . A min- also Madagascar, Russia, Ceylon eral of chemical composition and California. (2) A color des- identical with calcite but differ- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. E"^ry unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 13 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

ing from it as to crystal system, Armenian stone. (1) Lapis lazuli. specific gravity, etc. Not a gem- (2) An old name for azurite. stone but is the principal con- artificial ivory. See ivory, artificial. stituent of the Ortho. pearl. artificial stone. A stone which is CaCOs. H. 3.5-4; S.G. 2.85-3.15; either an imitation stone or a R.I. 1.53/1.68. Bi. 0.155. syntbetic stone. arborescent . Tree- (ar"bo-res'ent) artificial or simulated pearl. Same like in appearance. as imitation pearl. arciscuro. Italian trade term for Aru, Aroe, or Aroo pearl. Fine dark red coral. Same as very pearl from the Aru Islands south carbonetto. of Dutch New Guinea. Less sil- arendalite. Dark green epidote very white than Australian from Norway. pearl. argillaceous (ar" ji-lae' shus) . Con- As. Abbr. for the element arsenic. of or sisting containing clay. asah. Burmese term for third-wa- Arizona . Peridot from Ari- ter rubies. (Gems & Gemology). found in small zona, usually asbestos or asbestus. A name for sizes and light tones. fibrous varieties of actinolite, "Arizona ruby." Deep red pyrope tremolite, and other amphiboles, (garnet) from Arizona and and for chrysotile, which is a Utah. variety of serpentine which pos- "Arizona pinel." Deep-red pyrope sesses unusual heat - resisting (garnet) from Arizona and properties (Kraus and Hunt). Utah. Same as "Arizona ruby." Only actinolite of differing vari- eties is of interest. "Arkansas diamond." Rock crystal gemological from Arkansas. See Arkansas See also blue asbestos. diamond. aschentrecker or ascbentrekker. A Arkansas diamond. Diamond from Dutch name for tourmaline given mine near Murfreesboro, Ar- it when first imported to Holland kansas. See "Arkansas dia- from Ceylon. Meaning "ash mond." drawer," it referred to its ca- for ashes as it Arkansas Fresh-water pacity attracting pearl. pearl cooled. See from rivers in Arkansas, once pyroelectricity. aschentrekker. a larger producer of pearls than ascbtrekker. See any other state. asb drawers. Early name applied Arkansas stone. Not a gem. An oil to tourmaline because of its elec- or hone stone. trical property. arlequines (Mexican). Precious asparagus stone. Transparent yel- . lowish green apatite. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 14 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY assembled cameos. Cameos made stone. of or two more portions cement- "asteriated zircon." A variety of ed together. See assembled green zircon indicated by stone; composite stone. Schlossmacher in his discussion assembled stone. The term intro- of asterism as having been re- duced by Shipley in 1931 for any ported by Brauns, who, how- stone constructed of two or more ever, mentions observing a sheen parts of gem materials whether or chatoyaney such as in labra- they be genuine, imitation or dorite or cat's-eye, but not an both. An alternate term com- asteria. stone posite was later suggested asterism. The optical phenomenon of by Webster London. See of a rayed figure possessed by foil ^ doublet; back; triplet. an asteria. See diasterism ; epias- asteria (as-te'ria). Any gemstone terism, when cut cabochon in the which, asterite (French) . Star quartz. correct crystallographic direc- astralite Mentioned by a glass. tion, displays rayed figure (a Schlossmacher as similar to star) by either reflected or trans- aventurine tone) , but mitted See glass ( light. diasteria; epi- exhibiting a bluish glitter in a asteria; star. dark ground mass. Probably con- asteriated (as~te'riate"ed). Like a tains metallic bluish inclusions. star with rays diverging from astrumite. A trade name for grey- a center. green Tibet stone. asteriated beryl. A variety of beryl athaibouk. Burmese term applied which in thin sections exhibits to % carat rubies, diasterism. As yet of no gem- "Atlas ore.*' . ological importance. "Atlas White satin-spar. "asteriated emerald." A of pearls/' variety as beryl indicated by Schlossmacher Atlas spar. Same satin-spar. in his discussion of asterism as Atlas stone. Same as satin-spar. having been reported by - . When ordinarily used in min- auer, who, however, seems only eralogy, or gemology, refers to to have mentioned as visible by the smallest particle of an ele- transmitted light, a halo which, ment which exists either alone by turning, broadened into a or in combination with similar circle. See "star emerald." particles of the same or a differ- also molecule. asteriated stone. (Asteriated ruby, ent element. See sapphire, etc.) Stone exhibiting atomic plane. Any one of the lay- a star by either reflected or ers into which atoms form them- UJ. VJ. dur-^ transmitteddJUOJLJUlUl^U. light.i.Ag,JLJ.l<. SecKJGC; alsoCU.QVI tarLOuI selvesOCA V CO iniH anCHI orderlyv*.v,**j pattern|-ww>^-> Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is be defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also read immediately. To fuUy understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 15 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

ing the growth of a crystal. most of the Broome pearl. All atomic structure. The arrange- these pearls are much whiter ment of atoms in a substance. and have less orient than Cele- bes Manila See amorphous; crystal struc- pearl, pearl and oth- ture. ers from Australasia. (2) As a geographical classification, attached One which is at- any crystal. pearl from any Australian wa- tached to the mother rock, usual- ters, including the yellowish ly singly terminated. Shark's Bay pearl. Au. Abbr. for the element gold. "Australian ruby." Misnomer for Australian emerald. Usually light red garnet. beryl, rarely sufficiently green Australian . dark to be classed as emerald Sapphires from , most of which in the American trade. Prin- are olive green or bluish green. cipally from 9 miles NE of Em- The blue variety is usually very maville, New South Wales, dark or blackish. As a where a few of fine color have greenish trade term, very dark blue or been found. From Poonah, blackish sapphires. West Australia, and a few other Australian zircon. zircon localities. Genuine Mostly pale (green from Australia beryl), and badly flawed, including (a) brown, red or varieties Australian yellow jasper. Jasper speckled from near Anakie, in Queens- with red and flecks light grey land, which are especially sensi- (Eppler). tive to light or heat, the light Australian opal. Any Opal from yellow becoming blue by heat: Australia, but the term is often (b) hyacinth from Campbell Is- restricted to mean only the black land and (c) colorless and dark opal. Usually fashioned in flat, red zircon from New South polished slabs with beveled or Wales. See also Tasmanian zir- perpendicular sides, instead of con. in cabochons. Smith lists S.G. as australite. Moldavite. 2.12. See black opal; light opal. Austrian emerald. An emerald Australian pearl. (1) A trade whose occurrence and inclusions grade including silvery white are similar to Russian emerald. fine from pearl both (a) the Usually cloudy to almost opaque, Meleagrina margaritifera which is and of dark emerald green, or found in the waters north of light green color, which is some- Australia and yields Thursday times irregularly distributed. Island and the pearl, (b) Melea- Rarely of gem quality. From grina. maxima of the .northwest near Salzburg, Austria. coast of which Australia, yields Avanturine ( German ) . Aventurine.

" ta io1 ma ks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is /<* A m T vb ? r Kand if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. ToTn fuJly?,?5L A understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 16 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY aventurescence. Word used to de- lograpKic axes. metallic ef- scribe the spangled axial angle (optic). See optit in fect seen, in reflected light, axial angle. aventurine and aventurine feld- axinite (ak'sin-ite). A mineral spar. A sort of schiller but more rarely fashioned as a gem; rare- scintillating. ly transparent, usually translu- aventurine or aventurine quartz cent; vitreous; brownish, grayish (a-ven'tue-rin). Translucent yellow to greenish yellow, violet quartz (quartz aggregate), con- to violetish blue. Hues usually of taining very small inclusions, low intensity. (Ca,Fe) 7 Al4B 2 most of which produce a glitter- (Si04 )s. Trl. H. 6V2 -7; S.G. ing sheen or spangled effect. The 3.27-3.30; E.L 1.67-1.68/1.68- inclusions vary, mica inclusions 1.69; Bi. 0.010-0.012. Also called producing a silvery, brassy or glass schorl; glass stone; thu- golden glitter or 'aventur- mite. while fuchsite escence, pro- axis. See crystallographic axes. duces greenish aventurescence. azabache . Jet. A less metallic reddish appear- (Mexican) ance is caused by inclusions of azorite. A little used synonym for or goethite. The quartz zircon. itself may be grayish, yellowish, Aztec Eagle Opal. Same as 1 brownish or aven- green. Green Aguila Azteca Opal. turine is the most commonly Aztec stone. A name for fashioned as a gem; other colors greenish smithsonite; also for srreen tur- rarely. quoise. See also chalchihuitl. aventurine feldspar. See stinstone. azurchalcedony. Same as chryso- aventurine glass. Same as gold- colla quartz or azurlite. stone. azure. Lapis lazuli (Standard). Avicula. The genus of salt-water azure malachite. Same as azurma- bivalves allied to and in some lachite. cases including the principal azure Same as pearl-bearing molluscs. See Avi- quartz. sapphire culidae; Meleagrina. quartz. (Smith). azure Lazillite. Aviculidae (av"i-kue'li-de). Th< spar. family of bivalves which include azure stone. Same as (1) lapis la- among others the principal pearl zuli; (2) azurite. bearing molluscs. Same as "azurite." Trade term for sky-blue Pteriidae. smithsonite. See azurite. axe stone. Nephrite. azurite (or chessylite) (azh'ure-ite, axes. (Plural of axis). See crystal- a'zhure-ite). A translucent to Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 17 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

opaque blue mineral used prin- azurlite or azurchalcedony (azh'- cipally as an ornamental stone. ure-lite, a'zhure-lite) .Chalcedony Mono. 2CuCO 3,Cu(OH) 2 . H. colored blue by , from S%-4; S.G. 3.8-3.9. R.L 1.73/ Arizona, used as a gemstone. See 1.83. From Russia, Arizona and chrysocolla quartz. many other sources. Not often used as a gemstone, because of azurmalachite. Intergrowth of az- its inferior hardness. Somewhat urite and malachite, in compact resembles lapis lazuli in color. form is cut and polished as an In North America it is rarely ornamental stone. When botry- used as a gemstone. In Russia it oidal it is sometimes fashioned as has been extensively used as a gem stones of beauty, but it lacks decorative stone. durability.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used ia defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 18 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY


B. Abbr. for the element . from the side. Ba. Abbr. for the element barium. bague (bag') (French). A ring. Babel quartz. A variety of rock baguette (ba-gef). French word crystal so named for its fanci- meaning a rod. A style of step ful resemblance to the successive cut for small gems, rectangular tiers of the Tower of Babel. in outline. Often called cushion Babylonian quartz. Same as Babel cut by dealers in the colored quartz. stone trade. bacalite. A variety of amber said Bahia (ba-ee'a). A gem-bearing to be from Baja California, Mex- state or territory in Brazil. Also ico (English). a name for diamonds from this back (of a gemstone). The pa- territory. vilion. Bahia amethyst. Amethyst from bacon stone (obsolete). A variety Bahia, generally of lighter violet of steatite. tone than Uraguay amethyst but more often reddish and in Badakthan lapis. Lapis lazuli from smoky SE of Faisabad, Badakshan appearance. district, Afghanistan. Deep vio- Bahia emerald. Light slightly yel- letish blue; also green. Also deep lowish green beryl from Bahia. violetish blue lapis from near See Brazilian emerald. Khorog, in Russian Badakshan. bakelite. A resinoid or plastic made "Baffa diamond. Rock crystal. of phenol (carbolic acid) and Used as a substi- baffle. A baffle A in an formaldehyde. plate. plate tute for amber. Can be dyed instrument which checks, optical various colors. S.G. 1.25-1.28; deflects or otherwise controls R.L 1.54-1.70 (usually 1.62- li^ht in a desired manner, as in 1.66). the Diamondscope, in which it such as used to checks any direct rays which balance. A scale, or to might pass from the source determine S.G. weigh through a stone to the eye, di- gems. recting them to a reflector which balas. (1) Same as "balas ruby." redirects them into* the stone (2) A term listed by Pough as

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 19 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

being used in Brazil for a gem tals arranged more or less con- fragment of tourmaline from centrically. Does not cleave which the non-gem layers have easily hard and tough. been removed. ball japer. Jasper which occurs in "balas ruby" (bal'as). Rose-red spherical masses. Differs in color from spi- spinel. ball pearl. Name given to round nel ruby. by at the inland "baiia* Same as "bala* pearl pearlers ruby." ruby." fisheries of the United States. Ball, Dr. Sydney Hobart (1877- Baltic amber. In the ). American geologist and (1) jewelry a confined authority on diamonds, diamond trade, name usually to which is found on mining and precious stones. Au- succinite, shores of all countries thor of Gem Stone Chapter of the on the Baltic Sea. to Bureau of Alines Minerals Yearbook; (2) According some authorities succinite and Annual Review of the Diamond and which are the Industry; Egyptian Gemstones of only Pre-Ptolemmc Days (Jewelers' Circu- fsdanite,altic fossil resins often seen in the trade. (3) Succinite, lar-Keystone, 1928) ; Historical Notes ged- krant- on Gem Mining, Precious Stone Val- anite, glessite, beckerite, zite uation and Prices, Geological and and stantienite, (Schloss- Geographical Occurrence of Precious macher) . Stones (Econ. Geology, V. 126, No- 7, Baltimorite. Picrolite from Mary- 1931); Mining of Gems and Orna- land. mental Stones the American In- by banco (pi. bancos). The series of dians (Bull. 128', Bur. of Ethnology, benches each about one meter in other 1941); and many papers height, cut from hillsides in em- and treatises in American and erald mines- of Colombia (Gema foreign journals. Mem- Honorary

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 20 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY f colored bands. erently irregular Not a gemstone. (Kraus) (2) Barbara beryl. Term applied to Black jasper (Dana; Eppier). beryl from near Barbara in base. (1) The portion of a cut northeastern a source Transvaal, stone which is below the girdle; of African emerald. the pavilion. (2) The basal plane Bareketh or Bereketh. Third Stone of a crystal. (3) Same as base in Breastplate of High Priest. price. Often translated as base emerald, but price (of pearls). The price probably amazonite. Engraved of a single pearl is computed by with the name of Levi. squaring its weight in grains barium glass. Glass of unusually and multiplying the result by high S.G. and high R.I. used the base rate. This scheme of rarely in the manufacture of imi- establishing the price of a pearl tation stones. takes into consideration the fact baroda A name used that small pearls are many times gem. by one more manufacturer for an imitation common than large ones and that their foil back which simulates a dia- value therefore increases as the mond brilliant. square of their weight. For example: The price baroque (ba-roke'). of Any pearl of a pearl weighing 8.64 grains, very irregular form. the base rate of which is $11, baroque pearl (ba-roke'). Any is $821.15. (This is computed as pearl of very irregular form, in- follows: 8.64 X 8.64 = 74.65. cluding slug pearl. See also ori- The latter (when multiplied by ental baroque. the unit of money in any coun- barrok or barock pearl. Baroque try) is known as the "once/' pearl. Multiplying 74.65 by $11 base = $821.15, which is the of an basal. Parallel to the basal pina- price 8.64 at If coid of a crystal; a direction grain pearl $11 base.) there are two of perpendicular to the pearls approxi- principal 10 axis of a prism. mately equal size, weighing grains with a base rate of $9 basalt or . (ba-solf bas'olt) A basic they are as follows: dark and figured igneous rock, compact. 10 -5- 2 = 5 grains. 5 X 10 basalt glass. A black glassy form grains = 50 (once), 50 X $9 of basalt (Webster). Of no gem- = $450. Expressed as a form- ological interest. ula: the average size, times the total times the base rate basanite (baz'a-nite). (1) Lydian = weight, stone, or touchstone. Velvety the price of a group of pearls. black quartz used for testing basic igneous rocks. Those low in the color of the streak of metals. silica ; heavy and generally dark-

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual -word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 21 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

colored. cat's-eye from Harz Mountains in of is basket*. Brass sieves used in Cey- north Germany some- times sold as Bavarian lon for separating pearls of dif- cat's-eye. ferent sizes. See peddi. bayate. A local name for a brown bastard amber. Cloudy amber. ferruginous variety of jasper from Cuba. (English). bastard emerald. Peridot. Bazaruto True from of pearl. pearl "bastard jet." A soft variety Bazaruto Islands near Zanzibar. Canadian jet. See African pearl. bastard A miner's term for quartz. bdellium, (dell'i-um) . A substance white found un- glassy quartz mentioned in Genesis (II. 12). associated with other minerals. Variously translated by different bastite. A light green bronzite, al- authorities to be pearl, a red to tered more or less completely stone, a resin, or no stone at all serpentine. H. 3.5; S.G. 2.5-2.7. but manna. Also called schiller spar. Be. Abbr. for the element beryl- bati xaga. Term meaning arrow lium. obsidian used Indians by Pomp beccarite. An olive-green alpha zir- of California for obsidian which con from Ceylon. S.G. 4.7; R.I. was not as hard as xaga dupa 1.93/1.98. Biaxial positive. (S. H. Ball). Becke method or test. A determina- Dr. Max H. Bauer, (1844-1917). tion of R.I. by observation Professor of Mineralogy, Mar- through microscope of a line (so- University, Germany. Au- burg called Becke line), which ap- thor of the celebrated Edelstein^ pears at edges of minerals when 1896. 2nd Edition 1909. kunde, immersed in liquids of different Bauer-Spencer. Term used in this R.I.'s. Useful in identifying small book for Spencer's English trans- fragments of opaque gems or lation of Bauer's Edelsteinkunde. their imitations. See Schloss- Bauer; Spencer; beckerite. fossil resin. macher. A "beckite." Same as beekite. Baumstein (German). Tree stone. Same as mocha stone. See Moos- beef blood ruby. Term used IB stein. England for a subdivision of Burma rubies. Darker tone of "Bavarian cat's-eye." Quartz cat's- red than pigeon's blood. See eye, from Hof and other loca- pigeon blood ruby. tions in Bavaria which produce beekite. Silicified coral. See only a few stones of fine quality. espe- coral Other qualities usually sold as cially agate. "Hungarian cat's-eye." Quartz Beilby layer. The mirror-like sur- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 22 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

face layer, on all well-polished lazulite from Brazil. stones other than diamond, Barman balance. A sensitive tor- which seems to be caused by a sion spring balance made by fusion of tiny surface projec- Roller-Smith Co. for rapidly and tions on the stone during the accurately determining the S.G. polishing operation. In corun- of stones weighing less than 2 dum and quartz this layer is carats. See specific gravity. crystalline; in zircon and spinel Bernstein (beam' shtine). German it is amorphous and "pits" more name for amber. easily than other stones (Smith). beryl (bare'il). A mineral species belgite. Same as willemite. which includes the gem varieties aquamarine, emerald, morgan- bell pearl. Bell- or pear-shaped ite, beliodor and other colored pearl. beryl. Emerald is less tough and belomorite. A variety of moonstone hard than other varieties. Hex. from near the White Sea (Rus- Be3Al2 (SiO 3 )6. H. 8 (emerald sia). 7%); S.G. 2.6-2.9; R.L 1.56/ "Bengal amethyst." Purple sap- 1.56-1.59/1.60; BL 0.005-0.008; phire. Disp. 0.014. beryl cat's-eye. Beryl with a cat's- benitoite . A trans- (be-nee'toe-ite) effect. blue to blue eye (Schlossmacher, parent pale deep rare. colored found Smith). Extremely gem species only Same as in San Benito Calif. beryl glass. beryllium County, or fused Includes In color resembles the glass, beryl. sapphire, emerald colored with but is be- glass easily distinguished chrome and a blue cause of inferior hardness and oxide, glass used for imitation H. different dichroic col- gems. 6%; distinctly S.G. R.L 1.51-1.52 (An- ors. Hex. BaTiSiaCV H. 6-6%; 2.44; derson). S.G. 3.6; R.L 1.76/1.80. Bi. name). Rose- 0.047. Disp. 0.039-0.046 (very berylite (copyrighted colored of same high.) Discovered 1907. synthetic spinel color as balas Bereketh. See Bareketh. ruby. berylline. Like a beryl (Webster). berigem. ( Copyrighted n am e ) . beryllium. An element (metallic). Chrysolite-colored synthetic spi- constituent of beryl. nel. A principal See also beryllium glass. berilo (Span.); berilo or berilio glass. Consisting either berilio beryllium (Port.) ; (Ital.). Beryl. of same chemical composition as berilo verdemar (Span.). Aquama- that of the mineral beryl, or so rine. closely approaching it as to be berkeyite. A transparent variety of analysis proof, but not crystal- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 23 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

line. See beryl glass. table, joined to the girdle by one or sometimes two bevels, and beryllonite. A mineral little used a pavilion which may be step as a gem. NaBePO 4 . H. 5% -6. cut, brilliant cut or any other S.G, 2.8; R.L 1.55-1.56. Bi. style. Used mostly for opaque .012; Disp. 0,010. Transparent stones, and often Bevel and colorless to Gem intaglios. yellow. cut include: round, from Stoneham, Maine, shapes quality square, cushion, rectangular, ob- only. long, oval, pendeloque, navette, berylo*cope. A color filter, same as heart, diamond, horseshoe, the emerald glass. shield, pentagon, and hexagon The is used beryl triplet. Correct name for a shapes. style pre- for less valuable genuine triplet made from two dominantly Also as table cut. portions of greenish or colorless gems. known with a cemented of beryl layer bezel (bez'el or bez'il) . All that part green coloring matter between of a facetted gemstone lying called them. Often incorrectly above the girdle. See page 257. emerald triplet. bezel facets. The eight facets on beta quartz. Quartz which has the crown of a round brilliant formed at high temperatures cut gem, the upper points of (573 to 870) as in graphic which join the table and the granite, granite pegmatites and lower points, the girdle. If the porphyries. Has lower R.L and stone is a cushion-shaped bril- Bi. than alpha quartz (Dana). liant, four of these bezel facets Topaz quartz, which has been are called corner facets. heated, corresponds to beta bezil. Same as bezel. quartz (Wild). Bi. Abbr. used in this book for beta zircon. Mineralogical name for birefringence. See also D.R. any zircon with properties inter- bianco. Italian trade-name for mediate between alpha and gam- white precious coral. The word ma . In the heat process means white. used to zircon colors the change biaxsal or biaxial or bie- properties are converted into (bie-ak'sal two optic axes those of alpha zircon. See zircon, ak'si-al). Having two direc- alpba zircon, gamma zircon. and, therefore, optic tions, a property possessed by betel nut jade. A descriptive term crystals of the orthorhombic, applied by the Chinese to a par- monoclinic and triclinic systems ticular color of quality jade. only, all of which are anisotropic. bevel cut. A term applied to any See biaxial stone. style of cutting with a very large biaxial stone. Stone having two di- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used Js defined in this book and if printed in bold faced typ its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 24 DICTIONAKY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY reetions of refraction. single birefringence (bie"re-frin'jenz) . See biaxial. (1) Double refraction. (2) More B.LB.O.A. Abbr. for the Euro- specifically, in American gem- pean international federation of ology a term meaning the the industrial craft or trade as- strength or measure of double sociations of diamond, pearl or refraction; the amount being gem dealers, goldsmiths, silver- measured by the difference be- smiths, watchmakers and jewel- tween the R.I.'s of the ordi- ers. Headquarters, 1 Noordeinde, nary and extraordinary rays in The Hague, Holland. uniaxial stone; between alpha and in biaxial "bicycle tires." Brilliant-cut dia- gamma rays stones. This difference is ex- monds with girdles which are too thick. pressed by numerals, as, Bi. 0.006 for danburite, the R.L of bijouterie (bee"zhootree') (Fr.) the alpha ray being 1.630 and of General term to all applied jew- the gamma ray being 1.636. Bi. in which metal work is most elry is measurable by Tully refrac- See also important. joaillerie. tometer and other instruments, bike. Same as boke. but in only zircon, 0.059, peri- billitonite. Moldavite (tektite) from dot, .038 and a few others is " Billiton Island, Dutch East In- sufficiently strong to be visible dies. under a strong loupe. In most binarite. An obsolete synonym of species this difference varies in marcasite. different specimens, and in this book the numerals such as those binocular See micro- microscope. above indicate the average or scope. mean birefringence, unless two biological. Of or referring to bi- sets of numerals are listed as, ology. 0.047-0.052. See double refrac- biology. The science of life; the tion; D.R. which branch of knowledge Birne (German). Same as boule. treats of organisms; includes birtbstones or natal stones. Gems fishes and pearls. suitable to the birth month worn bion. An alterate of byon. spelling only since about 1562. Choice of bird's-eye quartz. Jasper contain- gems is traced to the twelve ing minute spherulites of usually stones in the Breastplate of the colorless quartz. High Priest (Ex. XXVIII) and birds'-eyes. Term applied by Amer- the twelve Foundation Stones ican fishermen to pearls which (Revelation XXI). The list has have slight imperfection on the varied from time to time. In best surface. U.S.A. the accepted list estab-

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used Is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 25 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY lished by A.N.R.J.A. in 1912 and black to dark brown, horny sub- revised by American Gem So- stance, distinct from precious ciety in 1938, specifies: Jan., coral. H. 2^-3; S.G. 1.5. Used garnet; Feb., amethyst; Mar., in beads, bracelets, art objects, bloodstone or aquamarine; Apr., etc., and highly regarded by na- diamond; May, emerald; June, tives of East Indian Islands. pearl or moonstone; July, ruby; Found in Malaya, Red Sea, Ber- Aug., sardonyx or peridot; Sept., muda and the Mediterranean. sapphire; Oct., opal or tourma- Some pieces are 2 1/2 ft, long. See line; Nov., topaz or citrine (to- king's coral. or paz quartz) ; Dec., turquoise "black diamond." Hematite. See lapis lazuli. In England the Nat'l. black diamond. Assn. of Goldsmiths' list specifies black diamond. Carbonado. the same with the additions of (1) (2) Black gem diamond. (3) rock for April; chryso- crystal Deceptive name for hematite. prase for May: for black Melanite July; lapis lazuli for November, garnet. (andradite and the omission of citrine for garnet ) . November. "black onyx." Incorrect name for black single colored agate or Biseau cutting. Same as bevel cut. chalcedony which is usually col- bishop's stone. Amethyst. ored artificially. Properly called black chalcedony. See onyx. bivalve (bie'valv). A mollusc hav- black of black or other ing two shells. See univalve. opal. Opal very dark color exhibiting play bizel. Same as bezel. of color. Fine specimens from black amber or stantientite. A fOS- Australia are most desirable of sil resin of rare occurrence. opals. See Lightning Ridge opal. black A trade name which in black andradite Melanite. pearl. garnet. the narrowest usage refers to a black and white onyx. Onyx with black or almost black pearl, or alteinate black and white bands, sometimes to a grey pearl; but from which many cameos are in its broadest sense refers to a cut. The black bands are some- brown or a dark blue, blue-green, times produced (permanently) or green pearl with a pronounced by artificial process. metallic sheen. "Black Prince's black chalcedony. Correct designa- Ruby." A famous tion for most of the so-called red spinel in the British Imperial "black onyx." State Crown, once thought to be a ruby. Still uncut. Length al- black coral. Coral-like, intense most 2 inches, or 5 cm. Weight

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory paes. 26 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY unrecorded. impure variety of chalcedony. black seed pearl. Very small Also an ancient name for hema- blackish pearl from the Pinna tite. See plasma. mollusc. See seed pearl, ' "blue alexandrite." Incorrect name "black-shell pearl.*' Mollusc shells for alexandrite-like sapphire. of which nacreous lining has a blue amber. Trade name for desir- black edge. able cloudy amber tinged a pale bladed. In mineralogy, elongated watery blue. and flattened like a knife blade blue asbestos. Same as crocidolite. and (Kraus Hunt). bluebacks. Shell of a variety of bleached pearl. Pearl which has Haliotis. been in color. See lightened blue chalcedony. See "sapphirine.** over-bleached pearl. blue . Chalcedony col- cavi- blebby. Containing bubbles, ored by inclusions of chrysocolla. ties or vesicles. Same as chrysocolla quartz, az- blende. Same as sphalerite. urlite and azurchalcedony. blended pearls* Pearls blended in a blue coral. A variety of akori. necklace to close sim- according blue earth. A greenish sand in ilarity of hue, tone and intensity which succinite occurs in East of color. See matched pearls. Prussia. cultured cultur- blister pearl. See blue-gray. In color nomenclature ed pearl. system of North American gem- blister pearl. Pearly at- ology, a color midway between tached to the shell and therefore vivid blue and neutral gray. not true pearl. Flattened, irregu- blue-green. In color nomenclature lar and sometimes contains clay, system of North American gem- water, etc., and occasionally a ology the hue midway between true pearl. See true pearl. blue and green. Same as green- block amber. Natural amber, as it blue. blue Bluish to grey- has been found; as distinguished ground. gray kimberlite as it comes from from pressed amber. ish the diamond pipes. See kimber- blood agate. (1) Flesh-red, pink, lite. or salmon-colored agate from blue jasper. See "Swiss lapis." Utah. (2) Hemachate. blue-John. English name for bluish blood coral. Name sometimes ap- violet to purple massive fluorite, plied to intense red coral. often banded in color. (Smith) blood -tone. Hematite. "blue malachite." Incorrect name blood jasper. Bloodstone. for azurite. bloodstone. Same as , an "blue moonstone." Bluish cnalce- used is Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term consulted. defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pa#es. 27 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

dony. See blue moonstone. blue moonstone. Term frequentV blue white. (1) A term most often applied to fine quality piecious used, except in the jewelry moonstone of bluish tinge; also trade, to mean a color more incorrectly applied to chalcedony white than blue. (2) In the artificially colored blue. North American jewelry trade, a term once used for a color "blue Incorrect name for onyx.*' grade of diamond, which, to ex- single colored blue agate or chal- perts, appeared (a) more bluish cedony which is dyed blue. than yellowish in diffused day- for la- "blue opal." A misnomer light free from bluish reflections, zulite. See blue opal. or (b) colorless when examined blue opal. Precious Australian by transmitted light. Now wide- opal from Queensland, with blu- ly used for any ish body color. grade between (a) that grade colorless in trans- blue pearl. Dark-colored pearl of which appears opaque slate-blue color some- mitted light, and (b) any grade times caused by a layer of con- with a yellowish tinge which is chiolin near the surface. Also not apparent to the average in- may be caused by a center of experienced purchaser. mud or silt, although recent in- blue zircon. Zircon which, by heat- vestigation indicates that the ing, has been changed from a color is usually caused by vari- naturally occurring color, usual- ous impurities in the aragonite ly grayish or brownish, to some (or cafcite). See pearl. hues or tones of blue. No nat- ural occurrence of zircon of blue point pearl. Pearl from a any blue color has ever fresh-water mussel (Quadrula pronounced been it imdtilata) known as blue-point authenticated, although once that or three ridge mussel, which was was reliably reported almost largest North American produc- very pale blue, white, zircon had been found in er of pearl. Cey- lon. blue schorl. (1) The earliest name bluisb gray. In color nomenclature for octahedrite. (2) Blue tour- maline. system of North American gem- ology, a color midway between blue Lazulite. spar. blue-gray and neutral gray. "blue talc". Cyanite. bluish green. In North American blue-violet. In color nomenclature , gemology the hue midway be- system of North American gem- tween green and blue-green, and ology the hue midway between hence more crreen than blue. blue and violet. Same as violet- bluish violet. In North American

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in hold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages, 28 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY gemology the hue midway be- from Japan. blue - violet. tween violet and Boley gauge* A Vernier slide More violet than blue. gauge, bluish wKite. In North American bolivarite. Probably variscite from a color which is whiter gemology, Spain. (Dana) blue white. than Bolivian boart. Same as bort. jasper. A red jasper from Bolivia, So. America. Bobrowka garnet (bob-roffka.) . Classified in some gem refer- Bombay pearl. Usually a cream ences as grossularite and in oth- rose pearl but may be any Per- ers as demantoid, with the latter sian Gulf pearl, Red Sea pearl, classification predominating. or other pearl which is common- marketed on bo-co de fogo (Brazilian). Crys- ly through Bombay, tals of green tourmaline with west coast of India. pink centers. (Pough) bonamite (boe'na-mite). A jewel- body appearance (of a stone). The er's trade name for an apple- optical effect produced by in- green smithsonite, resembling ternal structure, such as lamin- chrysoprase in color, from Kel- ations or numerous small and ly, New Mexico. Named "bona- widely distributed inclusions or mite" by Goodfriend Brothers, fractures. Often called sheen in N. Y. from the French bon ami translucent to opaque stones. meaning "good friend." Now "Bohemian chrysolite." Moldavite. rarely seen. "Bohemian diamond." Rock crys- bone amber or bony amber: A va- tal. riety of amber more opaque Bohemian garnet. A term loosely used than cloudy amber and resem- for any dark,intense red pyrope. bling bone or ivory in appear- brown. Takes an See page 257. ance. White to Same as osseous Bohemian A lime inferior polish. glass. potash glass amber. made in Czechoslovakia. Used to make cheap imitation stones "bone turquoise." Fossilized bone blue. but, principally for table ware. or teeth naturally stained for for "Bohemian ruby." Red, or rose A substitute turquoise which artificially stained bone or quartz. Although ruby does oc- are in turn often substi- cur in Bohemia, it is not suitable teeth for fashioning into gems. tuted. bort* "Bohemian topaz." (1) Citrine or boort. See topaz quartz. (2) Yellow fluo- borosilicate glass. An unusually rite. hard glass used for imitation boke. A pale quince-colored coral stones, especially aquamarines. or term used is Titles within marks are misnomers. Every unusual word quotation should be consulted. defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 29 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

H. 5% to almost 7. S.G. 2.3-2.4; mass of alumina that forms dur- R. I. 1.47-1.51. ing the production of synthetics. bort. (bortz, boort, boart, or bowr). bourguignon pearls. An obsolete A round form of poorly crystal- name for wax-filled imitation lized diamond, dark in color; pearls. or translucent opaque. Cleavage Boutan, Louis Marie August (1859- is difficult. Used for industrial ) . Professor of Zoology, In- "In the trade the def- purposes. stitute of Science, Algiers. Au- inition of 'bort' is extended to thor of Etude sur les perles fines all diamonds and even impure er. en particulier, sur les nou- to and of fragments powder gem velles perles completes de cul- on account diamonds, provided ture japonahe, 1921; Nouvelle of their small size or because etude sur les perles naturelles of are valueless impurities, they et sur les perles de culture, as stones." H. gem (S. Ball). , 1923; and of La perle, Mineralogically, however, bort is Paris, 1925. a distinct variety of the diamond bouton (boo'ton). French term for species. button pearl. bortz. Same as bort. bowenite. A fine-grained massive botch. A worthless opal. variety of serpentine resembling botryoidal (bot-ri-oi'dal). In min- nephrite (jade) in appearance eralogy, closely united spherical and sometimes sold as such. H. masses resembling a bunch of 5-5 V*; S.G. 2.6-2.8; mean R.I. grapes. varies from 1.50 to 1.55. From bottle stone. (1) Moldavite. (2) China, , India and An old namo for chrysolite. (3) Rhode Island. A little-used term for any min- "bowenite jade." Same as bowen- eral which can be melted direct- ite. into ly glass. bowr. See bort. bottom a (of gemstonc.) The pavil- Braganza Topaz. A coloi'less to- ion. paz of 1680 c. of unusual beauty boulder opal. Term used by miners and clarity in Portuguese crown. for nodules of siliceous ironstone Has been erroneously known as of concretionary origin contain- the Braganza Diamond. ing precious opal and occurring Brauns, Reinhard Anton, (1861- in the opal-bearing sandstone 1937). utstanding German and of Aus- clay Queensland, mineralogist, particularly inter- tralia. ested in gemstones. Author boule (bool). French, meaning a among other books) of Chem ball. A or ische pear- carrot-shaped miner>ctlogie (1893) ; Min- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should alo be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. SO DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

eralogie (1900); Das Mineral from near Minas Novas. Often Reich (1903-4) which was trans- of large size and finest greenish lated by L. J. Spencer as The yellow color. Mineral Kingdom (1908). "Brazilian chrysolite." Same *S Braunschweiger clear amber. Ger- . chrysolite chrysoberyl. man trade grade of amber; me- Brazilian-cut brilliant. A cushion- color dium quality; dark yel- shaped brilliant, with eight addi- low. See clear amber. tional facets around the culet, Brazilian amethyst. (1) Any ame- making 66 facets. Term has also thyst from Brazil. Principally been used synonymously with old from (a) Brejinha Mine, Bahia, mine cut. (deep velvety purple); and (b) "Brazilian diamond/' Rock crystal Rio Grande dp Sul (violet to from Brazil. See Brazilian dia- purple to bluish violet). Also mond. from Minas Geraes and Espirito Brazilian diamond. A trade term Santo and Diamantina. Goyaz, for diamonds from Brazil, As a trade in gem (2) grade U.S.A., which are in general of better purple to brownish purple, some- color than those from South times with patchy or streaky Africa. color. "Brazilian emerald/' Green tour- "Brazilian Greenish aquamarine." maline. See Brazilian emerald. topaz. See Brazilian aquama- rine. Brazilian emerald. Light yellowish from Bahia and Brazilian green beryl aquamarine. Aquamarine Minas Geraes. That from Bahia from various dis- gem-bearing and most from the other sources tricts of Minas Geraes, Brazil. is probably too light to be gem- Many of very large size, but un- ologically classed as emerald. S. til the of the discovery process G. 2.67-2.72. of heat treatment to improve "Brazilian An incorrect trade color, were not as fine blue as onyx." Madagascar aquamarine. term for onyx marble of superior color, from Argentina. Brazilian cat's-eye. Chrysoberyl cat's- "Brazilian pebble." Rock crystal eye from the state of Minas (quartz). Brazil. Inferior to Geraes, Cey- "Brazilian peridot." Light yellow- lon states that cat's-eye. Eppler ish~green tourmaline. found in Cey- cat's-eye formerly "Brazilian Rose-red or lon was less translucent and ruby." pink topaz, either naturally or arti- more grey-brown to yellowish. ficially colored. See pink topaz. Brazilian chrysot>eryl. Chrysoberyl "Brazilian sapphire." Light-blue Or Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used, is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 31 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY blue tour- greenish topaz. Also, Briggs, Henry E., Sc.D. (1906-). maline. Author of The Encyclopedia oj Brazilian topaz. True yellowish to- Gems. paz. Same as precious topaz. Brings Scale. A table of compara- break facets. The triangular facets tive tenacity or toughness of which adjoin the girdle of a gemstones, compiled from orig- brilliant cut; the 16 above are inal experiments by Henry E. called top break facets and the Briggs, the author of An Encyclo- 16 below, the bottom break pedia of Gems. facets. "Brighton diamond." Rock Crystal. brazilianite. to Yellow-green light "Brighton emerald." Green bottle to greenish yellow. Transparent glass. translucent. Cut for collectors. brilliance. Same as Resembles chrysoberyl, yellow- brilliancy, a green or chrysolite beryl, peridot, brilliancy, (of gemstone.) The amount of demantoid garnet and chrysolite light reaching the tourmaline. R.I. and S.G. near eye as a result of (1) reflections from the internal prehnite. Mono. Na Al c P4 0* surface of facets s (called total internal re- (OH) ;H.5y2 ;S.G. 2.94 ; R.I.1.598/ 1.625; Bi. 0.019. First found in flection) ; and (2) reflections from the Bahia, later at North external surfaces of Brazil, the Groton, N, H. table and other facets of a Breastplate of the High Priest. gemstone. See total reflection, Hebrew "hoshen," exact mean- luster, scintillation, ing of which is obscure, but the brilliant. (1) Most correctly, a bril- directions for making the Breast- liant cut diamond. (2) Less cor- plate are sufficiently clear in Ex. rectly, any brilliant cut gem- XXVIII, 13-30 and XXXIX, 8-21. stone, especially a colorless glass A species of pouch adorned with imitation. See single cut, Swiss stones. precious Worn by the cut, full-cut brilliant, standard High Priest when he presented, brilliant. in the Holy Place, the names of brilliant cut. The most popular cut the Children Israel. of for most stones; with round gir- breccia. A rock in which angular dle outline and usually 58 facets, fragments have been naturally sometimes less and often more. embedded or cemented. See con- See full cut brilliant, single cut. glomerate. Brinnell hardness. A hardness brecciated. Containing angular test for minerals or similar sub- fragments naturally embedded stances accomplished by meas- or cemented in the stone. uring the comparative depth to "Briancon diamond/' Quartz. which a hard steel point or ball Titles within quotation marks are misnonters. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 32 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY penetrates the substance. "bronzite cat's-eye." Bronzite with briolette (bree"o-lett').(l) A drop- a chatoyant effect, cut, usually elongated pear- brookite. A mineral fashioned stone covered with shaped trans- rarely as a gem even for collect- verse rows or bands of trian- ors. Same composition as ru- gular, or sometimes tile. rectangular Ortho. Ti0 2 ; H. 5.5-6: S.G. but not neces- facets; usually, 3.9-4.1; R.I. 2.58/2.74. Urals, sarily, without a girdle, and rare- Mass., N.Y. and other sources. ly with a table (Schlossmacher). Broome pearl. Australian pearl (2) A term used to mean drop marketed through Broome, West- cut or pendeloque. See page 257. ern Australia. "Bristol diamond." Rock crystal. brown. In color nomenclature British amber. A term which has system of North American gem- been used for amber washed ology a range of colors which in- cludes ashore on beaches of England, red-brown, orange-brown, reddish probably from Baltic Sea. Clear yellow-brown, brown, or or orangy brown and yellowish cloudy, yellow greenish brown. yellow and rarely wine color. "brown hematite." Limonite. brittle. Mineralogical term mean- ing not flexible, ductile, i.e., that "brown hyacinth." Vesuvianite. a stone will crumble under a brownish orange, brownish red, knife or hammer, but not neces- brownish yellow. In North Amer- sarily that it is fragile. ican gemology, colors which, re- "brittle amber/' Gedanite. spectively, are lower in intensity and darker in tone than broker. One who buys and sells. orange, red or but not dull In the jewelry trade one who yellow, as or dark as red- buys from, and sells to, both the orange-brown, brown, yellow-brown, trade and the public, although a few brokers sell only to the brown-orange, brown-red, brown- trade. yellow. In color nomenclature of North bromoform. A heavy liquid, S.G. system American gem- 2.90. Gems of higher S.G. will ology colors which, respectively, are sink, those of lower S.G. float approximately midway be- in it. tween (a) vivid orange, red or yellow and (b) the tone and in- broncita (Span.). Bronzite. tensity of brown which is almost bronze pearls. The variety of so- black. Same as orange-brown, called black pearls with bronze- red-brown, yellow-brown. like color and sheen. bruciato. Italian trade name for bronzite. A variety of enstatite. dark brown to blackish coral, Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 33 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

discolored by having lain on (feldspar) from Burma, which bottom of sea. Lowest quality of during recent years has included precious coral. The word means fine blue moonstone. burnt. Burma ruby (or Burmese ruby). bubbles. Globules of air or gas or T^ade term for the finest colored globular vacuums such as in syn- rubies whether or not from Bur- thetic or imitation stones. In the ma, where most of them are trade, inclusions of small crys- mined. tals of similar or different min- Burma sapphire. Term often used erals are, erroneously, also call- in America for fine royal blue ed bubbles. sapphire whether or not from buckKorn pearl. A fresh-water Burma. Same as oriental sap- pearl which rarely occurs in phire. spherical form in the Mississippi Burmese jade or Burmese jadeite. Valley mussel Tritigonia verrucosa, Finest known jadeite. From popularly known as the "buck- mines in Mogaung, subdivision of horn clam." Myitkyina district, Upper Bur- ma. The term buffed top. A term used for any Burma jade is stone which is faceted below the commonly used in the Orient to girdle, with a slightly convex distinguish it from any and all varieties surface above the girdle pro- of nephrite (jade). Same as duced by polishing on a buff soda-jadeite. instead of a metal lap. Burmese spinel. Red spinel and flame spinel found in buff stick. A of stick cover- perfect piece and fine ed with leather or velvet and pctahedra gem quality in alluvial deposits near charged with emery or other Mogok in upper Burma, in association powder used in polishing. (Cen- with rubies which are usually tury). water worn. as buffed buff-top. Same top. burmite. Amber found in Burma. bulb opal. opal, Generally pale yellow, but red- bullhead pearl. A fresh-water pearl dish and dark brown specimens from the North American mus- are also known. Slightly harder sels Pleurobema oesopus popular- than Baltic amber. See also Cbi- ly known as the "bullhead clam/* nese amber. burnt to bull's-eye. with a dark amethyst. Term applied sheen. artificially colored yellow trans- parent quartz (topaz quartz) Burma jade. Same as Burmese unlike colored jade. whic'h, pooriy yellowish quartz (citrine,), is Burma moonstone. Moonstone largely produced by heating Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in, bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pasres. 34 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY natural amethyst of brownish Illinois and Ohio Rivers (Cat- hue. See "burnt stone." telle). More recent reports of burnt cairngorm. Term applied to pearl production make no men- that topaz quartz which has tion of the continued finding of been changed from the color of pearls in this mussel. to cairngorm () button onyx or button opal. Names also burnt ame- topaz color. See for an opal agate with alter- burnt stone. thyst; nating bands of black chalcedony burnt coral. Dark brown or black- and common opal. discolored ish coral by having button lain at bottom of sea. Same as pearl. Dome-shaped pearl with one surface almost bruciato. plane. "Buxton diamond!." An English burnt stone. A stone such as topaz, name for rock crystal. aquamarine, etc., the color of or Burmese which has been changed by burn- byon byone. name for the alluvial in which or heating. See blue zircon; deposits ing rubies are found. topaz quartz, heated stone. name burnt Genuine which byssolite. A unnecessarily topaz. topaz coined for a of has been altered in color to pink variety quartz containing inclusions of green- topaz. ish fibers of, probably, actinolite bustamite. Greenish to reddish grey or asbestos. Differs from by- rhodonite. solite, a mineral of no gemolog- ical interest. butterfly pearl. A pearl from the See sagenitic Mississippi Valley mussel Plagiola quartz. secitris popularly known as the byssus (bis'sus). The threads se- "butterfly clam." One of the fin- creted by glands in the foot of est of fresh-water pearls (Kunz). certain shellfish, for attachment This clam was abundant only in to hard bodies or to one another.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately* To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 35 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

c Abbr. used in this book for cabocle. A compact rolled pebble carat. resembling red jasper, supposed aluminum-calcium C. Abbr. for (1) the element car- to be hydrous Found in the dia- bon, and (2) centigrade. phosphate. sands of Bahia, Ca. Abbr. for the element calcium. mond-producing Brazil (Standard). cabinet stone. An especially fine cabra stone. Fluorite. specimen of a gem or mineral; cabujon (Span.). Cabochon. a collector's item. cachalong (kash'oe-long) or cach- cabochon- An unfaceted cut stone olong. A pale bluish white, of domed or convex form, or the opaque or feebly translucent, style of cutting itself. The top is porcelain-like variety of com- unfaceted and smoothly polished; mon opal. Highly regarded in the back or base, usually flat, or the Orient, but of little gemo- slightly convex, and unpolished. logical interest in the Occident, The height of the domed top is although, banded with chalce- varied to accomplish various de- dony, it has been cut as cameos. sired effects. With convex top and caesium. A metallic element. flat base it is called a simple or cairngorm. Same as smoky quartz. single cabochon; with convex top A Scottish name. It has also and base, a double cabochon. All been loosely used for any vari- aster ias, cat's-eyes, and girasols, ety of quartz, and even for a most moonstones, opals and tur- style of large brooch in which quoise, are cut cabochon (or quartz gems are set. From spherical), as well as many Scotland and other sources. translucent or semitransparent calaite or kalaite. Mentioned by and other gem minerals. Bauer in 1909 as mineralogical Less desirable specimens of var- name for turquoise. See callaica. ious gem varieties are also some- calamine. European name for both times cut cabochon. The girdle a carbonate of zinc and a sili- outline may be oval, round, cate of zinc. The former is clas- square or any other shape. The sified in U.S.A. and England as backs of almost all transparent smithsonite; the latter (a non- or cabochons as calamine or semi-transparent gem mineral) , are polished. See hollowed ca- Kemimorphite. bochon; lentil; tallow top; shell. calcareous. In mineralogy, compos-

Titles -within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusiial word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 36 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

ed of, containing, or in the na- masses to improve the design or ture of calcite. In general, con- enhance the beauty of a jewel. sisting of or containing calcium See page 257. carbonate (CaCOs). "California cat's-eye." Compact calce'doine (Fr.). Chalcedony. fibrous serpentine, exhibiting an indistinct ligrht line or cha- calcedonia (Span. and Port.). . Chalcedony. toyant effect, and occasionally a fine calcedonia veteada (Span.). Cach- cat's-eye. olong. "California hyacinth." Hessonite. calcedony. A corrupt and little- "California iris." Kunzite (spodu- used spelling for chalcedony. mene). calcite (kal'site) . A mineral; usu- "California jade". Californite. ally white or colorless; often "California lapis." Misnomer for colored with impurities. See blue dumortierite quartz. onyx marble, satin spar. Col- "California moonstone." White or orless varieties are transparent whitish chalcedony. A misnomer. Iceland or cal- spar optical California morganite. Morganite cite. Hex. CaCOa. (Carbonate from California; some of fine of lime or ). color but more often of salmon H. S.G. R. I. 1.49/1.66. 3; 2.7; pink color. Source, widespread. "California onyx." A European calcite satin See satin spar. spar. name for "Mexican onyx." calcium-aluminum garnet. Same as California pearl. Term often used grossularite. overseas, for La Paz pearl, from calcium-chromium garnet. Same as Baja (Lower) California, Mex- uvarovite. ico. calcium glass. See crown glass. "California ruby". Garnet. calcium-iron garnet. Same as and- "California tiger eye." Same as radite. "California cat's-eye." calcomalachite. Mixture of mala- California topaz. Topaz from Mesa chite and calcite, and also, often, Grande and Ramona districts of gypsum. An .ornamental stone Southern California. Usually often sold as malachite. pale blue to almost colorless, but color as calibre cut (kal'i-bray or kal'i-ber) . occasionally as fine in (1) Stones of square, rectangu- any blue topaz, lar keystone or other shape, cut "California turquoise." Variscite. for setting in ring shanks, band California turquoise. Term some- rings, bracelets, etc. Usually very times used overseas to mean any small and set pave' in lines or turquoise from California or Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 37 DICTIONARY OP GEMS AND GEMOLOGY other southwestern states of stances composed of two or more U.S.A. differently colored layers. Gen- ' uine cameos a californite. (1) A green compact contain design which has been cut- variety of vesuvianite. H. 6 % ; produced by S,G, 3.40. Mean R.I. 1.72 (An- ting away portions of the upper or of the derson). (2) Schlossmacher ap- layer layers (or upper in colored sub- plies name also to white grossu- surface, singly If cut from larite garnet from Fresno Co., stances). genuine Calif. gem materials, it is advisable to describe such cameos as stone caliper. A device for measuring cameos; if from shell, as shell the dimensions of an object, usu- cameos; if from coral, as cond ally with movable jaws which cameos, etc. If cut from synthet- hold or contact an object. When ic stones, they should be des- equipped with means for accu- cribed as synthetic stone cameos. rate measurement of small units, Cameos are also molded or is a micrometer or press- called caliper and when so constructed a micrometer. ed, simply should be described as molded callais, callainite. callaica, callaina, or pressed. Cameos which are Ancient names still sometimes made of two or more separate used for turquoise. pieces joined together should callainite. Translucent, yellowish be described as assembled cameos to bluish green aluminum phos- when one or more parts are phate mineral found in a Celtic genuine, and imitation cameos grave in Brittany. Indicated by when made of glass or composi- Dana and Bauer to be closely re- tion. (Definition jointly prepared lated to variscite. and adopted by Nat'l. Better callaite. See calaite. Business Bureau, and the Amer- ican Gem See shell calliper. See caliper. Society). cameo; stone cameo. calmazul. Same as chrysocarmen. cameo ware. Same as jasper ware. calorescence. The phenomenon of Campeche pearl. Pearl from when a substance is glowing Gulf of In the trade stimulated the heat Campeche. by rays more often called Venezuela which lie beyond the red end of the visible spectrum. Same as pearl. thermolumineftcence. camphor jade, A variety of white translucent jadeite' resembling camafeo Cameo. (Span.). crystallized camphor in appear- Cambay stone. Carnelian. ance. cameos. Cameos are generally, but Canadian jet. Jet which came from not always, fashioned from sub- Pictou, Pictou Co., Nova Scotia. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its ntry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 38 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

Softer than Whitby jet. (Kunz) "Cape emerald." Incorrect name Canadian Jewelers Ass'n. The na- for prehnite. tional business association of carat (kar'at). A unit of weight which in- Canadian jewelers, for diamonds, other gems and cludes wholesalers and retailers, pearls. The carat formerly va- manufacturers. Incorporated ried somewhat in different coun- 1918. 73 Richmond Address, St., tries, but the metric carat of West, Toronto. 0.200 grams or 200 milligrams canary beryl. Greenish - yellow was adopted in the United States beryL in 1913, and is now standard in canary stone. Yellow carnelian. the principal countries of the world. Sometimes karat cancrinite, A transparent to trans- spelled but in U. S. A. karat refers lucent mineral which has been only to the fineness of solid See cut as for collectors. gold. gems also Bright orange, yellow to pale grain. violet or blue yellow, pale deep carato (Ital.). Carat. (Schlossmacher). Also green, carbon. An element. A jewelry reddish, white or gray varieties trade term often applied to any (Dana). Hex. A complex black-appearing inclusion or im- silicate; H. 5-6; S.G. 2.4-2.5 ;R.L perfection in diamond or other 1.49/1.51-1.50/1.52; Bi. 0.023. gems; also a term used in indus- From Siberia, Maine, Ontario, to refer to carbonado. and other sources. try cand or cann. (Cornish). Same carbonado. A crystal aggregate of as blue-John. very minute crystals of dia- mond; used for industrial pur- candite. Blue spinel. poses. Same as "Candy spinel.*' "Kandy carbon dioxide test. Same as dry spinel." ice test. cannel coal. Compact, often dull carbonetto. Italian Arade term for black coal. Sometimes substi- very dark red coral. Same as tuted for jet. ariscuro. Canton jade. Any jadeite or neph- carborundum. A trade-marked rite from one .of China's Canton, name for an artificial abrasive, three markets. largest jade crystallized carbide of silicon canutillo*. Term used in Colombia (SiC.) discovered in 1891. Be- for fine suitable for tween 9 and 10. in hardness on gems. Mobs scale, it is powdered and "Cape chrysolite". Green prehnite used in grinding gemstonea from South Africa. other than diamonds. used is Titles within quotation marks ar misnomers. Every unusual word or term he consulted. defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 39 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY carbuncle. used in Name ancient grade of blue sapphire applied and middle ages for any cabo- to stones of the velvety corn- chon-cut red stone, especially flower color (violetish blue) of red garnet, and gemologically the most desirable sapphires confined to the latter. See Kar- from Kashmir. funkel. cassiterite. A transparent to Cat-lot ta An oval pearl. 86-gr. . opaque mineral of which some shaped pearl which seems to unusually transparent stones are have been onee pawned by Em- cut and in demand by collectors press Carlotta of Mexico. and museums, especially its red or yellow varieties. It is the ore camelian (kar-neel-yan'j . Red, of orange-red, brownish red, or tin and usually is black or brownish orange, translucent to brown. Tetr. SnO 2 . H. 6-7; S.G. R.L semitranslucent variety of chal- 6.8-7.1; 2.00/2.09; cedony. Sometimes, yellow or Bi. 0.097; Disp. 0.071. From brownish yellow. Grades into England, Saxony, Czechoslovak- more brownish intensities of ia and other sources. these colors which are called catalln. An amorphous plastic *ard. S,ee carnelian onyx. similar to bakelite. "Catalina sardonyx", (kat'a-lee'- carnelian agate. Banded agate na). Catalinite. carnelian in similar to onyx col- catalinite. Beach from bands are not pebbles oring except Santa Catalina Island, Califor- straight and parallel. nia. carnelian with alter- onyx. Onyx cateye. A word used, apparently nating bands of white chalce- in ei'ror, for cat's-eye, and carnelian. See 257. dony page cathode. The terminal of carneol negative (obsolete). Carnelian. an electrical source. carre (French). Square cut. cathode rays (kath'ode). Rays caein. An amorphous plastic projected from the cathode of made from the albumen of milk a vacuum tube in which an elec- by treating milk with acid. tric discharge takes place. By Sometimes colored to imitate impinging on solids the cathode amber, agate, malachite, tortoise rays generate Rontgen rays or shell , ivory and other deco- X rays. rative materials. S.G. 1.3-1.4; cat sapphire. Same as lynx sapphire. RJ. 1.55-1.56. cat's-eye. (1) Term most properly Cashmere sapphire; also Kashmir only to cymophane, the or applied Kashmere. (1) Any sapphire chrysoheryl cat's - eye. (2) from Kashmir, a native state of Term applied to any gemstone northwest India. (2) A trade which, when cut cabochon, ex- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined ir. this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 40 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY hibits under a single, strong Cattelle, Wallis Richard (1848- point source, a sharp, well-de- 1912). Author of The Precious fined light band, line or streak Stones, 1903; The Pearl, 7907; The of white light across the dome Diamond, 1911. of which moves as the stone, catty. A Siamese measure of is turned about. This stone weight by w"hich zircons which resembles rough phenomenon are sold; 1-1/3 pounds averdu- in the slit of the shape pupil pois. eye of a cat is caused by reflec- cave pearl. A concretion with a tion of light from included fibers luster in or cavi- pearly formed lime- (crystals) long parallel stone caves the of ties or tubes. Few mineral by agency spe- water. cies produce well-defined cat's- eyes, and as the unmodified Ce. Abbr. for the element cerium. term is used only for cymo- eedarite. A fossil resin resem- pbane, the varieties of those bling amber. From bed of Sas- species which do are known as katchewan River, Canada. alexandrite tourma- cat's-eye, Celebes pearl. -Pearl from the cat's- line cat's-eye, scapolite Celebes Archipelago. In qual- or sev- eye, cat's-eye, ity, better than Australian pearl of eral varieties quartz cat's- but inferior to Bombay pearl or etc. other eye, Many gem- Madras pearl. stones exhibit a broader or celestial opal. A name for precious less well-de;fined light line, but these are more properly said to opal. have a cat y s-eye effect or a celestial stone. Turquoise. chatoyant effect. See also gira- cellon. A non-inflammable cellu- sol. "New Guinea cat's-eye." (3) loid. An amber imitation. S.G. A name incorrectly used for so- 1.26; R.I. 1.48. (Anderson) "shell called cat's-eye.'* cellular. Full of small openings; "cat's-eye enstatite." Enstatite sponge-like. with a chatoyant effect. celluloid. A from cat's-eye opal. Same as opal cat's- plastic produced a cellulose base of two eye. varieties, sometimes used for imitations "cat's-eye resin." See dammar. of amber, ivory, tortoise shell, See cat's- cat's-eye ruby. ruby etc. The newer noninflammable eye. cellulose acetate variety, or cat's-eye sapphire. See sapphire safety celluloid, has S.G.I. 3-1. 8; cat's-eye. E.I. 1.49-1.50. The old inflam- "cat's quartz." Same as quartz mable cellulose nitrate variety cat's-eye. has approximately same proper- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pajres. 41 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

ties. (Anderson) of that gemstone. Most of it centigrade thermometer, A ther- yields cat'*-eye or stones with mometer, on the scale of which chatoyant effect, and if dark the distance between the two green exhibits more or less the standard points, the freezing changeable color quality of alex- point and boiling point of water, andrite. is divided into one hundred equal "Ceylon or Ceylonese chrysolite." or parts degrees. Yellowish green to greenish yel- eer-agate. Yellow chalcedony. See low tourmaline. carnelian. Ceylon cut. Schlossmajcher de- cerannite (French). Nephrite. scribes as a mixed cut oval, il- cerkonier. Jargoon from Ceylon. lustrating one with 40 facets on crown and 64 on Cerkonier (German). Colorless pavilion. See cut. zircon. mixed See page 258. diamond." zir- Certified Gemologist. A title an- "Ceylon Colorless nually awarded to members of con. the American Gem Society who Ceylon garnet. Almandite from have successfully satisfied educa- Ceylon. tional and standards membership hyacinth." Hessonite the "Ceylon gar- required by Society. net. a eerulene. (1) Trade name for ceylonite. Dark, almost black, of calcite colored variety green especially greenish black spinel. azur- and blue by malachite and Sometimes cut for /mourning: So. ite. From near Bimbowrie, jewelry. Australia and other sources. An moonstone. Moonstone from ornamental stone. (2) Less cor- Ceylon which is source rectly, blue ftatin cpar. Ceylon, principal of the orthoclase variety. Usu- whitish ceylanite. Same as ceylonite. ally with adulareacence; less often bluish. .See blue moan- Ceylon alexandrite. The unusually stone. See page 258. transparent alexandrite which occurs in Ceylon in large sizes, "Ceylon opal." Misnomer for often of 20 or more carats in moonstone (feldspar) . after weight, cutting. Ceylon pearl. Fine pearl; a vari- from Meleagrina vulgaris, from or catVeye. ety Ceylon Ceylonee the Gulf of Manaar, Ceylon, Chrysoberyl cat's-eye. which averaged the finest in Ceylon chrysoberyl. Chrysoberyl quality of any source until the source from Ceylon, principal the yield of the mollusc beds Titles within quotation marks ar misnomers. Every unusual word or term used it defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 42 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY ceased several years ago. Ces- cedony. Gathered from beaches sations of yield have occurred in various parts of world, espe- previously. Pearls were largely cially in California, it has been marketed as Madras pearls. As widely sold as moonstone. It an American trade grade, usually lacks adularescence of genuine a white pearl with blueJavender moonstone. Same as "California or green orient. See Meleagrina moonstone.** See quartz. pearl. chalcedony onyx or chalcedony*. or "Ceylon peridot." Honey-yellow Chalcedony with alternating tourmaline. yellowish green stripes of grey and white. a Ceylon ruby. Mineralogically, "chalcedony patches/' White blem- ruby from Ceylon. However, be- ishes in rubies. ing lighter red and more trans- chalchihuitl, chalchi- parent than fine ruby, is often chalchihuite, or classed as pink sapphire. Also guite, chalchuite, chalchuites, an incorrect name for almandite. chalchuhuites. A Mexican name for jade, turquoise, smithsonite, Ceylon, Ceylonese .or Singhalese or any greenish stone of similar xircon. (1) Any zircon from appearance ; more specifically Ceylon. (2) More especially, a Kunz fine zircon. green turquoise, although red, cloudy as the C.G. Abbr. for Certified Gemolo- distinguishes jade pre- cious stones of Chalchihuitl. The a title of the American Gem grist, words are sometimes to Society. applied any stone which can be carved, chalcedony ( kal-sed'-o-ny ) . ( 1 ) regardless of species or color. The eryptocrystalline subspecies or chalcosite of quartz as distinguished from chalcocite (copper metallic min- crystalline quartz. Massive glance). Lead-grey used in semitransparent to translucent, eral sometimes cheap H. S.G. 5.5-5.8. white, gray, black and light jewelry. 2^-3; tones or low intensities of all chalk jade. A descriptive term ap- hues, many of which are known plied by Chinese to a specific by variety names. Such names color quality of jade. are in general use in the trade chameleonite. Name proposed for of U. S. A. for the blue except a rare variety of tourmaline, variety. (2) By popular usage olive green in daylight, changing in some portions of the trade of to brownish red in most artificial U.S.A., a word used to describe light. only the light blue variety of chameleon stone. the subspecies just described. Hydrophane. Labradorite. "chalcedony moonstone/' The changeant (Fr.). white, or almost colorless chal- change of color. The over-all Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold face* type its ntry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 43 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY change of color which occurs in stone with a chatoyant effect. a stone when the stone is moved chatoyant. Possessing chatoyancy. about as in lahradorite, in con- chatoyant effect (sha-toi'ant). trast to play of color. Terra in gemology used to des- chank pearl. A pearl similar in cribe that chatoyancy in a stone appearance to conch pearl, pink, which produces an irregularly devoid of nacreous luster and defined light band such as in therefore not a true pearl. From SO-called "bronzite cat's-eye,*' the Tttrginella scolymus gastro- "enstatite cat's-eye/' satin spar, pod. and others, but not the sharp channel setting. The style of setting well-defined light line necessary stones, with edges almost touch- for a true cat's-eye. ing, in a channel that is usually chatoyant stone. One exhibiting a straight line. See paved or either a cat's-eye or a chatoyant pave'. effect. Marketed Chantabun ruby. cheky (Turkish). Unit of weight, of Chantabun through city (Si- 820 grams. am) and mined in the 'district of Chelsea filter. See color filter. the same or south- name, Krat, chemawinite. A to west of that district. See Siam pale yellow dark brown fossil resin related ruby, to succinite. S. G. 1.055. From Charlemagne's Talisman. See near mouth of N. Saskatchewan Talisman of Charlemagne. River, Canada. Charles II Pearl. A pearl found . Indicates the in 1691, in the presumably of the substance. Americas, and presented to composition For AlaOa indicates Charles II. Almost equal in example, that each molecule of the sub- weight to La Peregrina; the two stance is of two atoms were worn in earrings by the composed of aluminum and three atoms of Queens of Spain. . Charles II Sapphire. Same as Stu- oxygen; other formulas have art Sapphire, similar meanings. reddish translucent chaton (Fr.), (1) Bezel of a ring. cherry opal. A (2) Same as chaton foil, opal from Mexico. chaton foil. A term applied to an cherry pearl. (1) Pearl of pro- imitation foil hack or an imi- nounced pink of the hue of any tation lacquer back. See page 258. variety of cherry; (2) pearl ap- the size of a chatoyancy (sha-toy'an-see, or Fr., proximately cherry sha'twa-yan-sy) . The phenom- (very rare). enon of a movable white light chessylite ( ches'i-lite ) . Same as band in either a cat's-eye or a azurite. fitles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used in defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read th'e introductory pages, 44 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

chestnut jade. A descriptive term peg and a screw. (2) Pearl Chinese to applied by a specific from China; usually fresh-water, color of quality jade. rarely oriental pearl. chevee (shev-vae). A flat gem China opal. Common opal resem- with a smooth concave depres- bling white porcelain. sion. If a raised figure is in Chinese amber. Sometimes cor- the depression it is a cuvette, although the two terms are rectly applied to amber mined in Burma and marketed in Chi- often used interchangeably in na, but more often applied in- the North American . trade. to Baltic am- chewu. (1) A Ceylonese weight. correctly pressed ber and often to bakelite or Same as chow. (2) Ceylonese other amber colored term used for pearls of superior plastics. quality including ani, anitari, "Chinese cat's-eye." Same as "shell masaku, and kaiyeral. See va- cat's-eye." kuruval. divu; Chinese jade. Term correctly ap- chiastolite A va- (kei-as toe-lite). plied to jadeite. of andalusite riety containing "Chinese tourmaline." Tourmaline black carbonaceous inclusions. from California and other non- have a definite ar- These usually Chinese sources fashioned as a cross. rangement resembling or art in China. A curio stone, H. 3-7%. gems objects chicken bone jade. Chinese de- "Chinese turquoise," A name used for a mixture of scriptive term for the disinteg- rarely rated texture and the yellowish soapstone, calcite and quartz, discoloration of white jade dyed blue. which has been burned or bur- Ch'iung Yii. Chinese name for a ied. See tomb jade, valuable type of red jade. chicot pearl. Same as blister pearl. Chivor emeralds. Emeralds from the ancient mine. Chi Ku Pai jade. Same as chicken Chivor Used as a trade bone jade. term, Chivor refers to a more less Chilean lapis. Pale to light blue bluish, velvety and less colored lapis lazuli containing veins of usually intensely white matrix; often tinged or emerald than Muzo emeralds. See Somondoco emeralds. spotted green and prominently veined with white or gray. chlorastrelite (klore-as'trolite) . A chimaltizatl. Aztec word for sel- translucent mottled green preh- or related with a enite (S. H. Ball). nite, mineral, chatoyant effect. From Lake Su- China or Chinese pearl. (1) A perior region, especially on Isle pearl with two drilled holes for Royale. Principally a curio fastening to a mounting by a stone. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used i*> defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 45 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

chloromelanite (kloe'roe - mel'a- chrome-idocrase. An emerald- nite). A gem mineral usually green variety of idocrase, con- classed as a dark-green, nearly taining chromium. From Black black variety of jadeite; rarely Lake, Quebec; Ekaterinburg, is it classed as a separate spe- Urals. (English) cies. .chrome mica. Fuchsite. chloropal. .A name for two dif- chromepidote or tawmawite. A ferent stones of no gemological chrome epidote from Mt. Taw- interest. (1) A green opal-like maw, source of Burma jadeite. hydrous silicate of iron (Dana). chrome common spinel. Greenish to dark (2) A greenish opal yellow brown, transclucent to from Silesia. opaque spinel. S.G. 4.1. of fluorite chlorophane. A variety chrome tourmaline. A non - gem, which a fluorescence yields green dark blue variety of tourmaline when heated. which exhibits a green fluore- chlorospinel. A green spinel. scence when heated. chlor-utahlite. Same as utahlite. chrome-vesuvian. Same as chrome chondrodite. Dark red garnet-like idocrase. stone found near Putnam, New chromite. An opaque iron-black to York. Mono. H. 6-6%; S.G. 3.1- brownish black mineral, very oc- 3.2; R.I. 1.59/1.64. Also yellow casionally cut as a gemstone for (and orange-red). Eppler men- collectors. Resembles jet in color tions as similar to peridot. but has higher metallic luster. Iso. FeCr2 O4 . H. 5.5; S.G. 4.3- chorlo (Span.). Tourmaline. 4.6; (4.1-4.9 Dana). From Tur- chow. Indian pearl unit. See tank. key, So. Rhodesia, Pa., Md., and other states and nations. chromatic (kroe-mat'ik) . Of or pertaining to color or colors. chromium. A metallic element. chromatic aberration. See aber- Gemologically important as col- ration. oring agent of emeralds and rubies. chromatic color. A as dis- hue, chromium garnet. Uvarovite. from black or tinguished white, stone. Same as of The chrysanthemum any tone gray. opposite kikukwaseki of achromatic color. chrysoberyl (kris'oe'barel or bar'- chrome. Same as chromium. il). One of the hardest and chrome . A variety of diop- most important gem minerals, of side. Dark green specimens are which alexandrite and cymo- seldom either transparent or "cut phane are varieties. Also green- as gems. ish yellow to bluish green and Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 46 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLO.GY

yellowish brown varieties. Ortho. See olivine; peridot. (3) As a BeAl,0*. H. 8.5. S.G. 3.5- qualifying adjective, as in the 3.8; R.L 1.74/1.75-1.75/1.76. term chrysolite chrysoberyl. Bi. 0.009; Disp. 0.015. From chrysolite heryl, etc. refers to Ceylon, Urals, Brazil, and China. hues between pale or light chrysoberyl cat's-eye. See cymo- greenish yellow to pale or light phane. yellowish green. "chrysoberyllus." A confusing chrysolite aquamarine. Same as name, rarely applied to greenish chrysolite heryl. yellow beryl. chrysolite heryl. Light yellowish chrysocarmen. Reported to be a green to light yellow-green red or brown copper-bearing or- beryl. namental stone from Mexico con- "chrysolite cat's-eye.** Chrysoberyl taining light and dark blue as cat's-eye. as well numerous green spots of, chrysolite chrysoberyl. Light green- azurite and malachite. perhaps, ish yellow to light yellow-green chrysocolla (kris*oe-koir a) . A soft, chrysoberyl. blue mineral which, as in- chrysolite sapphire. Light yellow- colors Amor- clusions, quartz. green sapphire. phous or cryptocfystalline ; a hy- chrysolite spinel. Light greenish drous copper silicate. H. 2-4; yellow to light yellowish green S.G. 2.0-2.2; R.I. 1.46/1.57 (Da- spinel. na), or varies from 1.575 to 1.635 (Kraus and Hunt). See chrysolite topaz. Pale green to chrysocolla qjiartz. pale yellowish green topaz. Same as "Saxon or Saxony topaz/' chrysocolla quartz, A translucent chalcedony colored by chryso- chrysopal. Translucent apple-green colla. Same as azurlite. common opal colored by nickel. From Silesia. See chrysodor. A trade name for a prase opal. green and White stone with "chrysophrase." A misleading word markings like marble. proposed for green-dyed chal- chrysojasper. Jasper colored with cedony, to replace the trade chrysocolla. misnomer "green onyx.** Obvi- used those who mis- chrysolite (kris'oe-lite). (1) A ously by or mineral species more generally spelled chrysoprase proposed those intended to known as olivine by geologists by who imply that was and peridot by gemologists. (2) green-dyed chalcedony In gemology the almost color- chrysoprase. less to yellow to yellowish green chrysoprase (kris'oe-prase). (1) variety cf that mineral species. A pale yellow-green variety of Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the' definitions, read the introductory pages. 47 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

chalcedony. (2) A misleading times lead grey, non-gem min- term for so-called green onyx eral which, however, often oc- which is a much darker green. curs as red impurities in differ- "chryopra*e colored onyx." Term ent quartz varieties of gem- which although formerly recom- stones or in combination with mended by National Better such varieties. Also used in Business Bureaus for green- China as coloring pigment for a red The dyed chalcedony, is neverthe- lacquer. principal less incorrect as it is not onyx. ore of mercury. Hex. HgS; Same as "green onyx/* H. 2-2.5; S.G. 8.0-8.2. Sources widely distributed. chrysoprase matrix. Chrysoprase noticeable white or brown with cinnabar matrix. A term applic- inclusions. able to various varieties of min- chrysoprasus. Ancient spelling of erals containing numerous in- chrysoprase. clusions of cinnabar but espe- to a Mexican variety of chrysoquartz. Green aventurine cially jasper. quartz. stone. cHrysotile. A variety of fibrous cinnamite. Same as cinnamon serpentine popularly known as cinnamon stone. The reddish brown asbestos. variety of hessonite. term for a chunam. (1) Ceylonese circle agate. Agate with circular to which tul shell-lime powder markings. is sometimes ground for use as an ingredient of a food. (2) circone (Italian). Zircon. Also used to mean various other Giro pearl. An imitation pearl. calcareous substances. (3) A sit- unit of weight for gold. citrine (sit'rin or preferably . The CK'uti. A Chinese term reen) transparent yellowish meaning or red-brown va- "out of the earth." Applied to to red-orange of Found naturally jade of various colors stained riety quartz. colors. Other brownish with oxides of all colors result- in these varieties known as smoky quartz. ing from long reburial in the earth. See topaz auartz. ciamita (Span.). Blue tourmaline. "City of Gems." Ratnapura, Cey- cianita (Span.). Cyanite. lon. cimofano (Span, and Port.). clam. Word often incorrectly ap- Chrysoberyl cat's-eye. plied to fresh-water mussels m cinnabar (sin'a-bar). A briglit which pearls are found, especial- red to brownish red and some- ly those in Mississippi basin. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 48 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

Clam is properly a different spe- faces between atomic planes cies. of a mineral, and along a cleav- clammer. One who fishes for the age direction. fresh-water mussel for its shell cleavage, false. Same as parting. or or both. pearl cleaving. A process occasionally clam pearl. Not fine pearl. Found used in fashioning of diamonds in oysters and clams. Light and but rarely in other stones; drab, purplish red or blue, al- the splitting of a stone into two most black. Sometimes incor- or more portions to produce rectly sold as black pearl. See pieces which are of sizes or clam. shape which will produce fash- clarified amber. More or less ioned stones more economically cloudy amber which has been or of better quality. clarified by heating in rape- Cleopatra emerald mines. Emer- seed oil. ald mines at Gebel Sikait and clastic. Composed of fragments. Gebel Zabara, in Northern Et- clean. A trade term usually mean- bai, near the Red Sea. See ing free from noticeable flaws. Egyptian emerald. clear amber. German trade term Cleopatra Pearls. Two pearls worn for transparent amber. See ice- as earrings by Cleopatra. One colored clear amber, braun- of these she was said (by Pliny) scnweiger clear amber and com* to have dissolved in vinegar (an mon clear amber. impracticability unless first The other was said cleavage. (1) The of powdered). tendency to have been bisected after her a crystalline mineral to death and in the ears of break in certain definite di- placed the statue of Venus in the Pan- rections more or less leaving theon at . smooth surface. (2) The act or process of producing such a Clerici's solution. Thallium nia- break. See cleaving. (3) One lonate and formate in water. of the portions of a mineral re- (Or thallium carbonate, malonic sulting from such a break, which acid and formic acid in water). 4.15. Mis- if of comparatively large size, A beavy liquid. S. G. is known as a cleavage mass. cible in water to produce low- (4) A term sometimes used for er S.G. diamond crystals which require cloud. A term used to describe a cleaving before being fashioned. group of tiny inclusions, or of cleavage crack. A more or less very small internal fractures, so clean and regular separation, arranged as to produce a semi- exhibiting smooth reflective sur- transparent to semitranslucent Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 49 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY film resembling a cloud. tralia. Similar to White Cliffs cloud agate. A name applied opal, but with bqdy more nearly especially to light gray trans- colorless. See Coober Pedy. parent to semitransparent chal- coconut or cocoanut pearl. A pearl cedony with more or less round- which in appearance resembles ed spots of darker gray which the meat of a coconut; from the resemble dark clouds. giant oyster or clam of Singa- cloudy agate. A term loosely pore (Kunz). Another trade au- used for white to gray chalce- thority mentions it as being dony containing any cloudy ef- from a white conch. fect. cohesion. A force of attraction cloudy amber, A trade classifi- which holds together the atoms cation which includes translu- of a substance and which tends cent to opaque amber. Its com- to resist any separation of them. parative opacity is due to in- See cleavage; fracture; tough- clusions of small bubbles. ness. cm. Abbr. for centimeter. collections,, gem. See museum gem Co. Abbreviation for the element collections. cobalt. collectors (of gems). Persons who make collections of as a coal jade. A descriptive term ap- gems hobby or because of scientific plied by Chinese to a specific interest. color quality of jade. collet. Same as culet; (2) a coated stone. (1) A stone en- (1) on which a gemstone tirely covered by some trans- flange is set. parent material to improve its color. (2) Same as lacquer back. collimator. A lens system which See also altered stone. parallelizes incident light rays. cobalt. An element. Gemplogically colloidal. Jelly-like. important as the coloring agent Colombian emerald. Emerald from of synthetic blue spinel and of any mine in Colombia. As a many blue glass imitations. trade term, any emerald of fine cobalt glass. Blue paste (glass) col- color quality, from any locality. ored with cobalt. Colombian pearl. According to cobaltite. A mineral. Usually re- Schlossmacher, pearl of the Aw- sembles pyrite except pinkish. cula squamulosa, about one-third Cut but rarely for gem use. Iso. the quality of Persian Gulf CoAsS; H. 5%; S.G. 6.0-6.3. pearl. Coberpedy opal. Precious opal colophonite. A cloudy yellow brown from Stuart's Ridge, South Aus- common variety of andradite Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 50 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY garnet, rarely, if ever, cut as and reflect others which produce gem. Also a nongem variety of the sensation known as the color vesuvianite. of that object. In opaque gems this absorption occurs near the color. (1) In the broadest sense, surface, in transparent it a sensation produced on the op- gems occurs as the rays pass through tic nerve by light, which varies the stone. See also absorption, as to (a) the wave length or primary colors. In a nar- combinations of wave lengths of (2) rower sense, the word color is that light, a variation described limited to hue, and the variation as a variation of hue, and as to of such hue as to its tone and the tone and intensity of (b) a limitation which ex- that hue. As a result of these intensity, cludes and black. variations of this sensa- white, grey possible Thus the term colored birds tion some authorities estimate would exclude blackbirds. See that about 150 hues and over chromatic colored stone. one million different color sen- color, sations, or colors can be dis- Colorado aquamarine. Aquamarine tinguished, each color being a from Mt. Antero, Colorado. Usu- variation in tone and intensity ally pale blue to pale blue-green, of one of those hues. In this but occasionally of the most valued blue. broader sense white light, pro- color, pale light duced by the combination of "Colorado diamond." Transparent wave lengths of all hues in the smoky quartz. visible is spectrum, also con- Colorado jet. Jet from Colorado; sidered to a as well be color, of good quality. as grey, which is the lower in- Colorado lapis lazuli. Dark blue of black which is tensity white, lazuli from Sawatch Range, a total absence of and the lapis color, Colorado. purple hues, which are a blend- ing of the red and blue or violet "Colorado ruby." Pyrope (gar- hues. All sensation of vision is net). from one of light, an object being Colorado topaz. (1) Topaz or visible only because of a color Colorado which is colorless for variation from its surroundings. pale blue. (2) A misnomer r An object which reflects all wave yellowish citrine O topaz lengths of the light which falls quartz, on it has the same color as that Colorado tourmaline. Fink, lilac, light e.g., blue light falling on green and colorless tourmaline a white object changes its ap- which, for a while after 1906, parent color to blue. Other ob- was found near Royal Gorge, jects absorb certain wave lengths Colorado. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is consulted. defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 51 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

Colorado turquoise. Turquoise of iety. color four different good from colorless. Devoid of any color, as localities in central Colorado. is pure water, a pane of ordinary is the state which Nevada only window glass, or a fine diamond; tur- produces more American therefore distinctly different quoise. from white, as is milk, or white colored pearl. A pearl which ex- jade. As only transparent ob- hibits a pronounced body color, jects can be colorless, and no which may be red, purple, blue opaque object can be colorless, and gray to dead black, as dis- such terms as white sapphire and tinguished from a fancy pearl. white topaz are misnomers. Rock Usually a fresh-water pearl. crystal is a colorless variety of colored stone. A trade term in quartz; milky quartz is a white common use in North America variety. to mean a gemstone of any spe- color nomenclature system. A cies other than diamond. This system of correlated names of usage iilogically classifies all colors by the use of which it varieties of such species as col- is possible to more nearly des- ored stones, including colorless cribe colors than by such names varieties, but it does not include as robin*$-egg blue, lea/ green, colored diamonds. However, it etc. In North American gem- has proved a practicable and ology a mathematical system satisfactory classification. has been developed and estab- color filter. Glass of a special color lished based on 24 hues, sys- which, when white light passes tematically equidistant from each on the circumfer- through it, absorbs or filters out other, all its spectrum colors except ence of a color circle. These hues certain ones. When emeralds, are systematically named blue, demantoid and some greenish blue, blue-green, bluish other genuine or synthetic stones green, etc. The variations of are seen through filter which these hues are further described absorbs all but red and green, as hues and intensity. To per- those stones appear red. Such fect this system the terms filters are known as beryloscopes, orangy a,n d violetish were emerald glasses, Chelsea filter, coined. etc. color play. A term usually used color jrrade. The grade or classi- to mean dispersion and not play fication into which a gem is of color. placed by examination of its columnar. In geology, having slen- color in comparison to the color der prisms in close parallel of other gems of the same var- grouping. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 52 DICTIONARY OP GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

common clear amber. A German fera mollusc and of most pearls or color of trade grade quality produced by it, CaoHisNoOu. yellow. transparent amber; light concnoidal fracture (kon-koi'dal). See clear amber. Shell-like or conchoidal fracture are common opal. Opal without play terms used to describe breakage of color. Most varieties are of which produces curved ridges no gemological interest or im- like the outside markings on a portance, others because of shell, or the ripple marks in their color or markings are set water. in jewelry. See precious opal. conchologist. One who is master of or compact. Consisting of a firm, proficient in, conehology, that branch closely united aggregate. of zoology which treats of molluscs with Those especially complex crystal*. having reference to their shells. many crystal forms and faces. conch pearl. Pearl, which be stone. term. may composite An English one of several from the Same as assembled stone. colors, conch. Only the pink, which re- comptonite. Opaque variety of sembles pink coral, is used in thomsonite from Lake Superior jewelry. Found principally in region; often cut cabochon as waters of Florida and Bahamas. a curio stone. Also from Italy. Devoid of nacreous luster; not conamara. A variety of grey-green a true pearl. to dark green precious serpen- . Mechanical aggrega- tine from England. (Eppler) tion, or chemical union of par- concentric. Consisting of spherical ticles of mineral forming balls layers about a common center. or nodules in a different material. confused. indistinct conch (konk). (1) A salt-water Irregular, ag- spiral univalve or snail; a gas- gregate. tropod. The species Strombus conglomerate (kon-glom'er-ate) . of em- gigas and the species Cassis mada- Rock composed gravel in which acts as a gascarensis produce conch pearl bedded sand, the cement. and former provides much 1 * emerald. of both the pink and brown "Congo Dioptase. shell from which cameos are "Connemara marble/' t)ark green carved. (2) A term sometimes to grayish gem quality serpen- used as a synonym of shell (of tine. any mollusc). conical. Cone shaped. In miner- an cone conchiolin or conchyolin (kon-kie'- alogy, usually elongated as are most icicles. ol-lin). A constitutent of the shell of the salt-water Margarit i- coniferous. Bearing cones as do Titles within quotation marks arc misnomers. Every unusual word ofr term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 53 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

the trees of the pine family. dirty gray and dirty brown. An instrument making Emits a resinous aromatic odor corioscope. when broken use of convergent polarized light (Dana). for gem examination; for the "copper emerald" Dioptase. interfer- purpose of producing "copper lapis." Azurite. ence figures. "copper malachite." Chrysocolla. contact goniometer. See gonio- coque

"Corean jade." "Korean jade." eral of which ruby, sapphire and Corean jade. See Korean jade, emery are varieties. Hex. AU corindite. Trade name for an arti- Oa; S.G. 3.9-4.1; R.I. 1.76/1.77- 1.77/1.78, Bi. ficial abrasive, consisting main- 0.008; Disp. 0.018. ly of corundum. Ruby from Burma, Siam, Ceylon and (rarely) N. C. Sap- cornelian. An alternate of spelling phire from . Kashmir, Burma, carnelian in preferred England. Siam, Ceylon, Australia and (Smith) Montana. cornalina. Car- (Span. andPort.). Coscuez (or Cosquez) emeralds. nelian. Emeralds from Coscuez mine cornaline. French word for carne- near Muzo mine, Colombia. lian, sometimes used in other cosmites. A term which has been nations as term for deceptive used to designate decorative analine-dyed red chalcedony. materials, ornamental stones cornerina. Carnelian. (Span.) and gems. "Cornish diamond". Rock crystal. costume jewelry. Term used in North America to describe corn tongr*. Especially in Eng- jew- for use land, tweezers with somewhat elry designed especially blunt rounded ends, ribbed with the current mode in wo- men's and within, with fairly weak spring. garments, usually to little in- Particularly suitable for hand- confined jewelry of trinsic worth. contains ling stones and pearls. (Ander- Usually imitations of gems and metal . See 258. son) page or materials of even less Pearls buried with value, corpse pearls. but the term is sometimes used Chinese dead in Sumatra, one for containing precious in the mouth and one in each jewelry stones and metals. eye. cowdie gum. Same as kauri copal. corrected cor- loupe. See loupe, Cr. Abbreviation for the element rected. . . .. chromium. Corsican green. A mineral similar to bastite; used as a substitute crackled quartz. See crackled for it in ornamental objects. stones. corundolite. A name which has crackled stones. Stones in the been suggested for (1) color- structure of which numerous less synthetic corundum, (2) small cracks or fissures have rock composed of corundum or been produced by heating and emery. sudden cooling in water, at which corundum (kor-run"dum). A min- time dyes may be forced into the Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 55 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

cracks producing stones of var- stone or other imitation dia- ious colors. See "Indian emer- mond. cristal cristal de ald." de roca (Span.) ; rocha Rock cradle. A trough in which placer (Port.). crystal. critical In the an- miners wash or rock gem grav- angle. gemology, which total reflection els. gle beyond occurs, which varies with the R.I. Rock crystal craquelee* (French). of the the the R.I. which has "crackled" producing stone; higher the smaller the critical iridescence. See crackled angle. slight of inside the stones. Rays light traveling stones will be totally reflected cream rosee pearl. A cream fancy back into the stones if they im- with a much more pro- pearl pinge upon the inside surface at nounced rose orient than a cream an than the critical rose angle greater pearl. angle; but those impinging at a for a fine cream pearl. Trade term smaller angle will largely be re- pearl, with a cream-colored body fracted out of the stones. without orient or overtone of crocidolite. A fibrous amphibole, any particular hue. Light, me- also known mineralogically as dium and dark cream pearls are blue asbestos. Its bluish color distinguished; dark cream pearl predominates in sapphire quartz is the .equivalent of medium yel- and hawk's-eye but is altered to low brown. See cream rosee pearl. yellow brown or red in its pseudo- cream rosee pearl. Same as cream morph, tiger-eye^which is some- pearl but with a rose orient. times incorrectly called crocido- Light, medium, and dark cream lite. rose pearls are distinguished. crocidolite opal. A common Opal (Gems and Gemology). See fan- containing inclusions of crocido- cy pearl; rose or rosee pearl. lite. See opal cat's-eye. kind of stone creolin. A pudding crocidolite quartz. Tiger eye. (brecciated jasper). cross facets. Same as break fa- creolite. Red - and - white banded cets. See also girdle facets. .jasper from Shasta and San IJer- nardino Counties, California. See cross stone. A name for (1) chias- page 258. tolite and (2) staurolite. crested. Consisting of groups of crown. That part of any facetted tabular crystals forming rideres. stone above the girdle. crisoberilo (Span.). Chrysoberyl. crown glass. A term which refers crisocola (Span.). Chrysocolla, to a group of glasses character- crisoprasa (Span.). Chrysoprase. ized by relatively low dispersion, cristal brilliant (Span.). Rhine- and used only for cheapest gem Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definition's, read the introductory pages. 56 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

imitations except occasionally gate. Same as crystal group. for of lowest dispersion. gems crystal faces. The fiat plane sur- S.G. usually 2.3-2.5; R.I. usually faces on crystals. 1.49-1.53, although extreme lim- form. its are S.G. 2.1-2.6; R.I. 1.44- crystal Form or shape in which 1.53. See glass. crystals occur; the cube, the octahedron and others. Crown of the Andes. A crown set with 453 emeralds, weighing crystal form, ideal. One in which 1523 carats. Its center stone the like faces are of the same is a 45-c emerald. Said to have size and shape. last been worn by Atahualpa, crystal Same as he taken group. crystal ag- Inca of Peru, when was gregate. by Pizzaro in 1532. Be- Prisoner>ngs to treasury of a religious crystal habit. See habit. It exhibited in organization. was crystal indices. Numbers or other U.S.A. in 1937-39. representations which indicate crucite. Same as andalusite. the inclination of a crystal face to (krip"toe-kris'tal- the crystal axes. Indistinctly in in). crystalline, crystalline ( kris'tal-in ) . Having which the crystalline grains are . The term is not discernible even under mag- often used in this book to de- nification, although an indistinct scribe a substance having crys- crystalline structure can be tal structure without definite proven by the polarizing micro- geometrical external form. scope. crystalline aggregate. Massive crys- crystal. (1) A crystalline solid talline material made up of many bounded by natural plane sur- particles, each an individual faces. (2) A trade term for dia- crystal too small to be seen by mond of a particular nuance of the unaided eye. When cut as color. a gem, can be polished with a smooth, reflecting surface. See crystal aggregate. A number of crystal aggregate, crystals grown together so that "crystalline emerald." (1) A doub- each crystal in the is large group let with rarely beryl, enough to be seen by the unaided quartz, crown and green glass pavilion. eye and each crystal is more or (2) emerald triplet. See page less perfect. In it dif- Any gemology 258. fers from a crystalline aggre- gate, as a homogenous gemstone "crystalline glass". German trade can be cut only from an individ- term for parti-colored glass used ual crystal of a crystal aggre- for gem imitations. (Schloss- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 57 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY macher) crystallography (kris"tal-og'ra-fi) . The science which describes the crystalline grains. Minute crystals form of crystals. or crystalline particles which kris'tal-oe- compose a granular crystalline crystalloluminescence ( aggregate. Distinguished from lue'mi-nes'ens). Light given off minute fiber-like crystals which by certain substances in crys- compose fibrous crystalline ag- tallizing from a solution. Ar- gregates. senic oxide (AsaOs) is an exam- crystalline material. Same as crys- ple. tal material. crystal material. Any substance possessing crystal structure but crystalline quartz. Term used to no definite geometric form visi- distinguish all the varieties of ble to the unaided eye. Also quartz which are not crypto- known as crystalline material. crystalline; rock crystal; ame- as thyst, citrine, cairngorm, rose crystal soldered emerald. Same quartz, tiger eye, etc. soldered emerald, but with rock crystal substituted for beryl. crystallite. A minute mineral form without a sufficiently definite crystal structure. An orderly ar- crystal outline to indicate the rangement of atoms; identical in species to which it belongs, but all specimens of any given min- marking the first step in the eral. crystallization process. Present crystal systems. Crystals are group- in some obsidian and other glas- ed according to certain of their sy volcanic rocks. systems: Cubic or isometric sys- crystallographic axes. In crystal- tem; tetragonal system; hexa- lography certain imaginary fixed gonal system; rhombic or or- lines of reference of indefinite thorhombic system; monoclinic length extending in definite di- system and triclinic system. The rections and intersecting at the recognition as systems, of classes center of the crystal. or subdivisions of these systems as distinct and separate sys- crystallographic direction (kris"tal- has been but Refers to directions tems suggested, oe-graf'ik). See in the various crystal systems never universally accepted. which correspond with the rhombohedral system; trigonal growth of the mineral and often system. with the direction of one of the crystolon. Trade name for an arti- faces of the original crystal it- ficially produced carbide of sili- self. con SiC, used as an abrasive. crystallographic plane. See plane Cs. Abbr. for the element caesium. of symmetry. ct. An abbr. for carat. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 58 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

Cu. Abbr. for the element copper. ly induced blister pearl. The cube. A crystal form. Its six faces Chinese forerunner of the whole are squares and perpendicular cultured pearl. Produced by to each other. placing an object, usually a hem- isphere of or a cubic. the form of a mother-of-pearl, Having cube, small Buddha in the shell of a as a cubic crystal; or referring fresh-water m.ussel which coated to directions to the faces parallel it with nacre. The of a as cubic hemispheres cube, cleavage. were cut from the shell and See cubic system. pegged to a hemisphere of moth- "cubic mineral or stone". Mineral er-of-pearl, creating a round or stone of the cubic system. pearl doublet. cubic system. A crystal system, cultured pearl. An artificially same as isometric system. propagated pearl of two types: (1) the cultured blister pearl, cubo-octahedron. A crystal form now rarely produced; and (2) which has faces of both the cube whole cultured and the dodecahedron. pearl consisting of a core, usually a sphere of culasse (koolos') (French). The mother-of-pearl over which lay- base or pavilion of a gemstone. ers of nacre, exactly like those culet. The small facet polished in natural pearl, are deposited across what would otherwise be by the mollusc. The combined lay- ers are more than one mil- the sharp point or ridge on the rarely pavilion of a faceted stone, espe limeter in thickness and except small constitute one which is brilliant cut. on very pearls, cially but a thin Cullinan. diamond comparatively coating Largest gem over the in rare ever found. 3106 m.c. nucleus, except Weighed instances. However the pearl Cut into nine stones, in- large retains its luster and orient and cluding the largest cut diamond rarely cracks, although if the in the world, the Star of Africa, natural coating is unusually thin 530.2 m.c., and nearly one hun- it will wear off, exposing the dred smaller brilliants. mother-of-pearl core. See cultur- cultivated pearl. An alternate ed blister pearl; one year pearl. name for cultured pearl. Thought by importers of natural cupid's darts. Fleches d'amour. of pearls in U.S.A. to be misleading curator. One who is in charge in its meaning. a department in a museum. culture pearl. A rarely used varia- curio stone. Term used in this book tion of the term cultured pearl. for a stone of little intrinsic cultured blister pearl. An artificial- value, which, however, combines Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 59 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

uniqueness or souvenir value light blue, green or brown gem with a reasonable amount of mineral, cut occasionally for collectors. Tri. Al beauty or durability. Examples: 2 Si0 6 ; H. 4-5 cross stone, fairy stone, Niag- along length of the crystal and ara spar. In other books on gems about 6-7 across it. S.G. 3.5-3.7; usually classed as an ornamental R.I. 1.71/1.73; Bi. 0.016. Disp. stone. 0.011. From Brazil, ,

1 N. curvette. A misspelling of cuvette, India, Mass., Penn., C., probably a result of mispronun- Mont, and elsewhere: Preferably ciation. See cuvette." spelled . Circular as in certain cushion cut. (1) A cushion-shaped cyclic. types of that tend brilliant. See also page 258. repeated twinning to produce circular forms. cushion-shaped brilliant. The fac- cyclops agate. An eye agate with eted style from which the present but one "eye". circular brilliant cut developed. Stone fashioned A more or less square form with cylinder (gem). as a, Carved with de- rounded corners. cylinder. signs, inscriptions or names, for cut (of a gem). The style or fuj/u use as seals. In the ancient busi- in which a gem has been fashion- ness and social world drilled ed; as brilliant cut, emerald-cut. lengthwise for insertion of cord cut stone. A stone which has been for carrying or wearing. Often fashioned as a gem, as distin- fashioned of gem minerals. guished from an uncut or rough cymophane. (sye'-moe-fane or sim'- stone. See cutting, fashioning. oe-fane). (1) The variety name includes all cutter. A term applied to a lapid- which chrysoberyl with a or chatoyant ary, or any other artisan who girasol fashions gemstones. effect. (2) Mpre specifically, chrysoberyl cat's-eye only. (3) A term in- use cutting. (1) general An alternate but little used name to mean fashioning and there- for the entire species of chry- fore to include the operations soberyl. not only of sawing (which tech- cyprine. (sip'rin or sip'rene.) A nically is the only cutting op- blue variety of vesuvianite. eration in fashioning) but of light True which oc- grinding, polishing and faceting. cyst pearl. pearl, curs in a sac or pouch within cuvette (kooVet'). A term some- the tissues of a mollusc as dis- times to the applied intaglio from pearl which which tinguished t has a raised cameo-like forms outside of the tissues or in a concave figure depression. mantle, such as blister pearl, cyanite (kye'a-nite). Colorless, which is not a true pearl. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pags. 60 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

D. Abbrevation sometimes used for danburite. Dark orange-yellow, yel- density in specific gravity. lowish brown, or yellowish brown dammar or dammer. A name ap- to colorless, greyish, transparent plied to two different varieties to translucent, mineral, cut for of resin: (1) from the tree Pin- collectors. Resembles topaz, us dammara of East Indian or- more in chemical composition igin and marketed principally and physical properties than in from Singapore; sometimes call- appearance. Ortho. CaBz H. ed eat's-eye resin. Has resinous (Si04 ) 2 ; 7-7% ; S.G. 3.0; R.L odor. (2) That known as kauri 1.630/1.636. Phosphoresces red- copal, which smells like turpen- dish when heated. Fluoresces tine. These varieties (1) and pale blue (Smith). First found (2) are often confused. Both near Danbury, Conn. Other prin- are used as varnish and some- cipal localities: yellow, Burma times as amber imitations, or and Madagascar; colorless, Bur- melted with amber, and often ma and Japan. See also "dan- contain real or imitation insects. buryite." unlike are Both, amber, easily or danburite." Has softened and made "danburyite sticky by used for red ether. to both been light synthetic According Bauer, corundum. See danburite. become sticky when rubbed briskly. See copal. Danish amber. Amber from coasts Dana, Edward Salisbury (1849- of Denmark. See Baltic amber. 1935) . Author of numerous min- eralogical books including Text daourite. Same as rubellite. Book of Mineralogy, 1877 (the Darwin glass. A form of tektite fourth edition being edited and rich in silica, from Tasmania. E. enlarged by W. Ford, 1932) ; S.G. 1.8-2.3. See tektite. also the sixth edition of System of stone A term used by of which his date jade. Mineralogy father, Chinese fo~ color J. D. had been the particular Dana, original of author, and which has world- quality jade. wide acceptance as the standard datolite (dat 'oe-lite). A transpar- reference work. ent to translucent mineral, rare-

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 61 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

ly white and opaque. Greenish, deer-horn pearl. Pearl from the yellowish, reddish, brownish, "buck-horn clam" sometimes white and mottled varieties and called the deer-horn. the white variety porcelain-like deflagration (def"la-grae'shun) . in found Lake Superior region, Sudden combustion; flashing like which often contains copper in- gunpowder. clusions, are sometimes cut as deformed crystal. A crystal bent or a curio stone. Mono. HCaBSiO5 ; twisted out of its normal shape, H. S.G. 2.9-3.0; R.I. 5-5%; so that the between its Bi. 0.44. From angles, 1.62/1.67; Italy, faces differ Norway, Germany, Tasmania, crystal may widely from those on the regular form. Conn, N. J., and other sources. See distorted crystal. "Dauphine diamond" (do'feen). * stone. One from Rock dehydrated which crystal (quartz). the normal water content has of daour- daurite. Corrupt spelling been evaporated, usually by nat- ite. ural processes. davidaonite. According to Schloss- dekorite. Bakelite. macher, an American term for delatinite. Same as delatynite. greenish yellow beryl. A of amber D.C. A trade abbreviation meaning delatynite* variety from Delatyn in the Galician or brilliant cut. Carpathians, differing from "suc- "dead term for pearl." Trade pearl cinite in containing rather more white with lusterless or dead ap- carbon (79.93%), less succinic pearance. acid (0.74-1.67%), and no sul- or decomposition. The breaking up phur (English). Schlossmacher decay of compounds into simpler classifies among Rumanian am- chemical forms. bers as delatenite, (evidently a decorative stone. (DA stone use.d which other authors in misspelling as architectural trimming have copied) and gives H. 2-2.5; columns, mantles, and store S.G. 1.0444. sometimes be set as Fronts. May delawarite. Aventurine feldspar in or silver, gold-filled jewelry, from Delaware County, Pa. but then usually as curio stones. delphinite. Yellowish green epidote Examples : malachite, marble. from France. Same as thallite or (2) A term sometimes used alt- oisanite. ernately with ornamental stone but not in this glossary. Del t ah pearls. Tradermarked name solid and wax-filled im- decrepitation. Violent breaking for both itation away of particles, with crack- pearls. ling sound, on sudden heating. demantoid. (1) A transparent green Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Kvery unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 62 DICTIONARY OP GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

variety of andradite (garnet) or their substitutes, refers to still often bought and sold as their specific gravity, "oilvine." Rare in sizes. large dentelle. French word meaning Disp. .057, highest of all impor- lace, but in U.S.A. a misnomer tant gemstones. Less hard than for glass imitation stone. other garnets. Iso. Ca 3 Fe2 Derbyshire spar. Massive fluorite. (SiO*)*; H. 6.5; S.G. 3.8- 3,9 ; R.I. 1.88-1.89. From Russia only. derbystone. Amethyst colored flu- See andradite; olivine. (2) As an orite. adjective, diamond-like. descriptive gemolpgy. The classifi- Demantspar. From demantspath, cation, composition, properties, the German name for adamantine trade grades, sources, and the spar. methods of recovery, fashioning and use of minerals and demidovite. Blue compact chryso- gem materials and their substi- from Nizhne, Tagilsk, Rus- gem cplla tutes. See sia. Has been cut as a gem. gemology. dendrite. A tree-like form as some desert glass. Obsidian or molda- vite. crystal aggregates or as inclu- sions such as in dendritic agate. Detectoscope. Manufacturer's trade dendritic. Having the form of a name for (1) a misnamed hand tree. apparatus which both magnifies and illuminates stones from dendritic agate. Agate such as thus it mocha stone and moss agate, above, actually making which have inclusions of iron or more difficult to detect inclus- a manufacturer's oxide arranged in ions; (2) manganese trade name for a forms resembling trees, ferns gem-testing instrument dif- and similar vegetation. employing eight ferent color filters. dendritic opal. Common opal with determinative The sci- tree-like inclusions. gemology. ence of be- name for a differentiating (1) Densiscope. A specific tween the various made in Vi- gemstones (2) gravity apparatus and between gemstones and their enna. Designed especially for and between S.G. of as an substitutes, (3) obtaining pearls such substitutes. indication, but not a proof, of their (cultured determinative inclusion. In deter- genuineness an pearls usually have a higher minative gemology, inclusion, of which assists in S.G.). the nature the determination of the exact density. The quantity of matter in of an unknown stone. a given space. When used in de- identity scribing a property of gemstones detrital. Of, or pertaining to de- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 63 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

tritus. ish to green or dark green, also sometimes detritus. Loose particles or frag- brown, exhibiting ments of rock. schiller. Mono. H. 4; S.G. 3.2- .3.35; R.I. 1.68; Bi .024. (Dana) devitrification. The change of a sol- Schiller varieties used rarely as id substance from glassy (amor- ornamental stone. (Bauer) structure to crystalline phous) Transparent varieties sometimes structure, after solidification. cut as gems. (Kraus) Devonshire Emerald. A splendidly dial micrometer. See micrometer. formed crystal from Muzo mine, Colombia, presented in 1831 to diamantiferous (dye"a-man-tif'er- the Sixth Duke of Devonshire by us). Bearing or containing dia- Dom Pedro (once Emperor of monds. Brazil). Now in British Museum diamond. Hardest of known sub- (Natural History). Weight stances. Invaluable as abrasive 1383.95 m.c.; 2" in diameter in industry and when transpar- and about the same length; in- ent and comparatively flawless tense grass green. is highly valued as a gem which deweylite. Eppler classifies as a occurs in various tones of red, reddish, greenish, light yellow, violet-blue, green, orange and or white ornamental stone cut in yellow as well as colorless and U.S.A. Dana classifies as an brown. Its hardness and high R.I. amorphous mineral near and oc- permits its fashioning as the curring with serpentine, in most brilliant of gems. Pure Mass., Fenna., and overseas. EL carbon. Iso. H. 10; S.G. 3.5; R.I. 0.044. From various 2-3.5 ; S.G. 2.0-2.2. 2.42; Disp. diabase. A dark igneous rock. sections of south, southwest and Sometimes used as a decorative middle Africa, central, east, and In- stone. Composed essentially of northeast South America, Australia. Also plagioclase and augite (a py- dia, Borneo, roxene). found in U. S. A., but not in commercial diakon or per*pex. A plastic used quantity. in Great Britain to imitate ivory. diamond cut. In the colored sione S.G. 1.2; R.L 1.50 (Anderson) trade means brilliant cut. dial gauge. A measuring device diamond dust. Same as diamond with jaws, the movement of one powder. of which is indicated on a dial. diamondiferous. Same as diaman- More accurately called a dial tiferous. micrometer. See gauge; Lev- Diamond Imperfection Detector. eridge gauge. Similar to Diamondscope, except diallage. A pyroxene mineral, gray- that it employs a monocular Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 64 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

is also microscope ; manufactured 1.70/1.75; Bi. 0.048. From Urals, and patented by G.LA. Mass., Pa. and other sources. diamond powder. Small particles of diaspro (Italian). Jasper. diamond used often in loose diasteria. An asteria which exhib- form in or in the first grinding its a star by transmitted light stones and polishing of colored only. Of little or no importance for faceting and polishing dia- as a jewel. See asteria. monds. Also moulded or forced diasterism. Asterism seen trans- the surface of tools used by into mitted See for similar light. asterism; epias- purposes. terism. Diamondscope(trademarked name). diatom. A microscopic plant. An especially designed illumin- diatomaceous. Formed from the ator employing a gemstone hold- silicious skeletons of diatoms. er of special design, a binocular microscope and a combination dichroic colors. A term loosely used baffle which affords examination to refer to either the two colors of stones by either (a) trans- observable in a dichroic stone or mitted light or (b) by reflected the three colors in a trichroic light incident to all pavilion fa- stone. Same as twin colors. See cets only, and against either a dichroscope. white or black background. Has dichroic gem or stone (dye-kroe'~ the effect of eliminating most re- ik). One which possesses dichro- flections from the facets on the ism. crown so that inclusions (imper- dichroism. The of most observed property fections) may be easily doubly refractive colored miner- identified. Used for b6th the and als of the tetragonal and hexa- of colored stones identification gonal system of transmitting and the grading of diamonds. two different colors in two dif- See also Diamond Imperfection ferent (right angle) directions. Detector. See pleochroism; trichroism; di- diamond spar. Adamantine spar. ckroscope; polariacope.

diaphaneity (dye"a-fa-nee'i-ti) . dichroite. Same as iolite. The property of being either dichroscope (dye'kroe-scope). An transparent or translucent. instrument designed to detect diaspore (dye'a-spore). Transpar- two of the different colors em- ent to semitranslucent colorless, erging from pleochroic (i.e., di- grayish, yellow or violet min- chroic or trichroic) gems. Con- eral, sometimes cut for collec- tains a rhomb of Iceland spar tors. Also brown. Ortho. AlaOa. and a lens system in a short H 2 0; H. 6.5-7; S.G. 3.3-3.5; R.I. tube, and exhibits the two colors Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 65 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY side by side. in the earth's crust which has diffraction. A modification which been filled with igneous mate- rial forced while light undergoes, as in passing by upward molten the edges of opaque bodies or and become rock by cooling. or through narrow slits, when dimetric system. Same as tetragon- transmitted through or reflected al system. froni a diffraction grating in See which the rays of white light are dimorphism. polymorphism. broken into a series of colored diopside or alalite or malacolite. A spectra. The optical phenomena mineral of which the transpar- of diffraction also takes place ent bottle-green varieties are upon reflections of light from often cut as gems. Monoclinic; of bro- the sharp, jagged edges CaMg(Si0 3 )2; H. 5-6; S.G. 3.2- of ken glass and from the edges 3.4; R.L 1.67/1.70. Sources the scales which make minute up Italy, Ontario, New York. See the surface of a nacreous pearl. also violane, chrome diopside, See also orient. mayaite, tuxtlite. diffraction grating. .A grating of fine parallel lines ruled on glass diopside cat's-eye. Fine green or metal, used to produce spec- chrome-diopside cat's-eye, from tra by diffraction. See grating. Burma. (Smith) diffraction spectroscope. See spec- diopside-jadeite. A term sometimes troscope. used for pyroxene, intermediate between and diffusion column. A long, narrow jadeite diopside, from Mexico or Central Ameri- test tube partially filled with two such as ca, as distinguished from soda- heavy liquids methylene of iodide with about five times as jadeite, the jadeite proper Burma. See mayaite. much benzol added^. The benzol and methylene iodide gradually dioptase (dye-op'tase) . A mineral diffuse and a mixed results liquid often approaching emerald in whose increases density (S.G.) color. Cut as gems for collectors from to bottom. gradually top but is usually imperfectly trans- Stones of S.G/s within the limits and cleaves too easily for of the settle parent liquid at the levels extensive commercial use. Hex. which correspond with their par- H 2 CuSiO4 . H. 5; S.G. 3.3; R.L ticular densities. See S.G. 1.64/1.69-1,66/1.71; Bi. 0.051- digging*. Any mineral deposit or 0.054; Disp. 0.022. From Russia, mining camp. In U.S.A. applied the Congos, S. W. Africa, Ari- to placer mining. zona, and other sources. See dike. A vertical or inclined fissure "copper emerald/' Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 66 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY direct weighing method. Same as distrene. A polystyrene plastic hydrostatic weighing. S.U. 1.05; R.I. 1.58. (Anderson) dirigem. Copyrighted trade name Adaptable to imitating amber. for green synthetic spinel. ditroite (German). Socialite. Abbreviation for disp. dispersion. divergent. Extending in different dispersion. The property of a trans- directions from a point; radiat- parent gemstone or other prism ing. to separate white or nearly doblete (Span.). Doublet. white light into colored rays, doctored pearls. Pearls which have white light being into separated had surface cracks have the spectrum colors; the interval filled, been artificially or which between such colors varies in colored, have been made more spherical different gemstones, and is usu- by removing certain ally expressed by the measure of portions other than an entire the difference between the wave- layer as in peeling. lengths of the red ray (Fraun- dodecahedral hofer line B) and the violet ray (doe"dek-a-hee'dral) . (Fraunhofer line G). This meas- Pertaining to the rhombic dodec- ure is used in this book and ab- ahedron. breviated disp. as, zircon, disp. dodecahedron ( HI o e'' d e k - a - h e e - .038. Same as fire. dron). A twelve-faced geometri- cal form of disseminated. Scattered through a crystal the isometric rock or other mineral system. If the faces have four aggregate each of in the form of grains or edges equal length, it is pebbles. a disseminated rhombic dodecahedron; if five crystals. Crystals edges (with one longer than the which are found not attached to others) it is a pentagonal dodeca- the mother rock ; sometimes with hedron or pyritohedron. well-developed faces and doubly terminated. Doelter, Dr, Cornelio A. (1850- 1930). Professor and Director disthene. Same as cyanite. Mineralogical Institute Univer- distinct dichroism, trichroism or sity of . Author of Edel- pleochroism. See pleochroism. steinkunde, 1893, and of many im- distorted A whose portant books and pamphlets on crystal. crystal and faces have developed unequally, geological mineralogical some being larger than others. subjects. Some distorted crystal forms are dog-tooth pearl. Tusk-like baroque drawn out or shortened, but the pearl. angle between the faces remains dollar value (of pearl). Same as the same. Sec deformed crystal. the once.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should, be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 67 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY domatic (doe-mat'ik) . Relating to doublet. See page 258. a dome; a horizontal prism. doubly refractive. Possessing the dot agate. White chalcedony with property of double refraction. round, colored, spots. doubly terminated crystals. See double cabochon. See cabocbon. termination. double pearl. A pearl formed of D.R. Abbreviation for double re- two distinct pearls united under fraction. Used by British gemo- a nacreous coating. logical authors more specifically double refraction. The refraction to refer to the strength of dou- and separation of each of the ble refraction or birefringence, single rays of light into two rays and hence the equivalent of Bi. which occurs as they pass ob- dragomite. Rock crystal from Mar- liquely from air into minerals of marosch, Galicia. (Schlossmach- any but the isometric system. er) The two then travel at dif- rays Fabulous stone said to ferent velocities and vibrate in dragonite. be found in the head of the fly- perpendicular planes. The polar- ing dragon (Pliny). Probably iseope or dichroscope or crossed a rounded quartz pebble. Nichols reveal the presence of double refraction. See birefring- Dragon Lord Ruby. See Gnaga Boh ence; Bi.; anomalous double re- Ruby. fraction. dravite. Brown tourmaline. double rose cut. Form of cutting Dresden Green. A famous diamond. consisting of two rose-cut forms 41 m.c.; set in an ornament; in joined along their bases. See Green Vault of Dresden. rose cut. Dresden Wbite. Same as Saxon double rosette. Same as double White. rose cut. drilled pearl. Pearl through which assembled stone of two doublet. An a hole has been entirely drilled bound a portions, together by for stringing or drilled partly cement or fused to- colorless through for attachment on a pin If both are of gether. portions or peg for use as earrings, rings, the species being imitated, it is etc. a genuine doublet; if of one por- cut. form of for tion it is a semigenuine doublet; drop Any cutting suitable for use in pend- if it contains no portion of the gems such as the species being imitated, it is a ants, earrings, etc., briolette and false doublet; if no portion is a pendeloque. geniune mineral it is an imi- drop-form cut. Same as drop cut. tation doublet. See also hollow drop or drop-pearl. Pearl of pear Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. G8 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

or oval shape, especially suitable dumortierite quartz. A massive, for , earrings, etc. See opaque variety of quartz (ag- pear pearl. gregate) colored by intergrown "druggists' pearls." See Mytilus crystals of dumortierite. Deep pearls. blue to violetish blue, sometimes dull blackish blue. druse (drooze). A surface covered or with small projecting crystals; a dupa xaga. Term used by Porno In- geode. dians of California for harder drusy or drused. Covered with min- obsidian than bati xaga. The term means which cuts. ute crystals closely crowded, giv- obsidian, The was used for razors. ing a rough surface with many variety H, reflecting faces. (S. Ball) dry diggings. Dry alluvial or placer durchscheinend (German). Trans- mining operations. lucent. dry ice test. A test for the detec- durchsichtig (German). Transpar- tion of glass imitations. If a ent. crystalline substance such as a dust pearls. Small seed pearls gem mineral be placed in contact weighing less than 1/25 of a upon a piece of dry ice (solidi- grain. fied carbon dioxfde, CO 2) a "dutch bort." Zircons found in the noise can be heard. squeaking South African diamond mines. This is not true of noncrystalline substances such as glass and Dutch East Indies pearls. Similar plastic. to, and often classed in trade, as Australian duck bone jade. Descriptive term pearls. applied by Chinese to a particu- dyed pearl. Pearl which has been lar color grade of jade. dyed any one of various colors, Dudley Diamond. Same as Star of the usual process being to force South Africa. dye into the pearl by way of the drill hole. Duke of Devonshire Sapphire. A famous sapphire weighing 100 dyed stones. Minerals which are ar- m.c. last reported in possession tificially dyed to improve their of the Duke. color or to imitate a more val- uable stone. Usually fade or dis- dull. in brightness or in- Lacking color. tensity; almost devoid of luster. dyke. Same as dike. dumoi*tierite (due-more'ti-er-ite) . Intense blue to greenish blue, dysluite. Zinc-manganese-iron, transparent to translucent orna- brownish gahnite from Mas&. mental stone. H. 7; S.G. 3.2-3.4. and N. J. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, reaJ the introductory Pages. 69 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

Eacret Benltoite. A 7.6-e. flawless rubber used sometimes in mour- benitpite. Found by discoverer ning jewelry. of mine and purchased by God- ecaille. French word meaning shell frey Eacret of San Francisco, and used by the trade in France it is the largest gem quality and some other nations to de- benitoite known. Now in Roe- scribe tortoise shell. Often ap- bling Collection, U. S. National plied by unscrupulous dealers to Mus., Washington, D. C. imitation of tortoise shell. eaglestone or aetites. A concretion- eclat. The splendor or flash of a ary nodule of ironstone of the gem. (Briggs). size of a walnut or The larger. Edelstein. German word for pre- ancients believed that the eagle cious stone. Literally "noble to her transported these stones Stone." See Schmuckstein. nest to facilitate the laying of Edelsteinkenner or Edelsteinkun- her eggs (Webster). Evidently a quartz pebble (Kunz). diger (German). Gemologist. Edelsteinkunde ae'del-shtine-koon- ear-shell. The popular name for ( The science of Haliotis. See abalone. da) (German). precious stones, gemology. earth amber. A term rarely used to amber from Edith Haggin de Long Ruby. A star distinguish mined 1 sea amber. Also to describe am- ruby, measuring l /^ inches (4 and 1 inch (2.5 cm.) across ber, the outer portion of which cm.) and 100 metric carats. has deteriorated in luster, trans- weighing From Burma. In Am. Mus. of parency, and color. Nat. Hist., N. Y. earth stone. A term sometimes ap- edible edulus. plied to mined amber to distin- oyster. See Ostrea guish it from sea amber. edinite. Prase. earthy. Consisting of minute par- edisonite. A name proposed for a ticles loosely aggregated; clay- mottled blue turquoise. like, dull. Edwardes Ruby. A fine ruby crys- East African pearl. See African tal presented to British Museum pearl. in 1887. ebonite. A name for vulcanized efferverscence. Evolution of gas in

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 70 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

bubbles from a liquid. jasper. e.g. Abbr. meaning for example. Egyptian peridot. Term properly egeran. A variety of vesuvianite. applied only to peridot from St. Found near Eger in Western Bo- John's Island in the Red Sea. hemia, in region annexed by Egyptian turquoise. Term properly Germany from Czechoslovakia applied to turquoise found on in 1939. the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, from egg jade. A descriptive term ap- which turquoise has come since plied by the Chinese to a partic- Biblical times; usually greenish ular color grade of jade. blue, sometimes fine blue and translucent. egg pearl. Pearl shaped like an unusually egg. eight cut or eight side cut. Same as cut. egg-shell turquoise. Turquoise with single crackled appearance due to Eisenberg. A trade name for gowns fine, irregular arrangement of and dress accessories, including matrix which appears like cracks jewelry called Eisenberg Ice. in an egg shell. This contains some genuine, but Egyptian alabaster. Banded calcite principally imitation, gems, found near Thebes, Egypt. Same which because sold as "genuine material as onyx marble. Eisenberg" is sometimes thought to be some unusual emerald. Emerald from genuine gem- Egyptian stone. the ancient Egyptian mines of Gebel Sikait, Gebel Zarbara in Eisenkies (German). Pyrite (Da- northern Etbai, near the Red na). Sea, which were rediscovered in Ekaterinburg. The former name of 1818, but principally produce Sverdlovsk. of color. cloudy stones light elaeolite. A mineral sometimes cut Egyptian jasper. (1) Banded yel- as an ornamental stone. Trans- low, red, brown or black jasper lucent specimens sometimes ex- from Egypt. (2) Misnomer for hibit a chatoyant effect. Reddish, an from beaches brownish, greenish, or grayish. in the state of Washington. See nepbeiite. Egyptian pearls. Pearls from Egyp- El Aguila Azteca Opal ("the Az- tian shore of Red Sea. Creani to tec eagle"). Fine 32 c. fire opal yellowish body color. See Red carved with head of Mexican Sea Pearl. sun god. In Field Mus. of Nat. Once in collection Egyptian pebble. (1) Jasper peb- History. Hope bles usually from deserts of (S. H. Ball). Egypt. (2) Same as Egyptian elastic. The property of springing Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages, 71 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

back to its original form when native to the Elster River, Sax- bent, as in thin sheets of mica. ony, a part of Germany. Ei Doradoite. A locally coined trade "Ely ruby." Same as "Elie ruby." name for a blue quartz, some- emaldine. Same as emildine. times cut as a gemstone. From ematite (Italian). Hematite. El Dorado Co., Calif. emerada. Trade-marked name for electric calamine. Same as nerai- a synthetic morphite. yellowish-green spinel. "electric emerald." A glass imita- tion of emerald. emerald. (1) The bright full green of There is as The en- variety beryl. yet electromagnetic spectrum. no standard for a line of electrical dividing tire range energy, between emerald and either extending from the extremely aquamarine or the lighter green long rays of radio and electricity variety which is known as green at one end to the extremely beryl. Colored chromium, a short X at the other. The by rays fine emerald is one of the five visible spectrum (visible light) most valuable gems. Its full is included. bright green color is possessed electrons. The particles or electric by no other gemstone but emer- the charges which make up ald jade. H. 7.5; S.G. 2.67-2.77; greater portion of the atom and R.L 1.57/1.58-1.58/1.59. See the nucleus which revolve about synthetic emerald. (2) A color of the atom. See protons. designation meaning the color electrum. (1) An obsolete name of an emerald, as in emerald for amber. (2) The alloy of gold glass, emerald jade, etc., al- and silver. though the meaning is often in- elektron. Ancient Greek word for correctly extended to mean any amber. color approaching the green of element. A form of matter which emerald. cannot he decomposed by any emerald cut. A form of step cut- chemical means; for example, ting. Favored for diamonds and other carbon, oxygen, silicon, etc. emeralds and many color- ed stones when the element stone. Opal. principal pur- pose is to enhance the color in Dark to elephant jasper. light- contrast to the brilliancy or to brown with scattered jasper emphasize the absence of color black dendritic inclusions. small, in diamonds. Rectangular or "Elie ruby." Red pyrope (garnet) square with rows (steps) of from Elie, Scotland. elongated rectangular facets on Elster pearl. Pearl from a mussel the crown and pavilion, parallel Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 72 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

to the girdle; usually with cor- composed of feldspar and quartz ner facets. Corresponding facets (Eppler). are generally placed on the gir- "emerald triplet." An assembled or dle. The number of rows steps stone consisting of (1) rock crys- emerald may vary. See square tal body with a thin top plate of cut. cut; sharp-cornered emerald garnet and lower pavilion of emerald filter. Same as emerald glass, (2) a crown or rock crystal or or colorless glass. green beryl (less often) with a pavilion of emerald glass. (1) The usual glass, rock or trade name for a color filter crystal, (rarely) beryl; fused with cement through which genuine emeralds together green and also known as a "soldered and some other genuine stones emerald." If crown and appear reddish to violetish while pavilion are both glass it is an imitation glass imitations and some gen- uine stones appear green. triplet. See page 258. Same as beryloscope. See also emeralite. Light green tourmaline Mesa Calif. Walton filter; Detectoscope. Al- from Grande, so (2) any green glass such as "emeraudine." Misnomer for diop- used in manufacture of imita- tase. tion stone. (3) A glass of em- emeraud soude (French). Soldered erald color made by fusing emerald. Same as soude emer- beryl. S.G. 2.5; R.I. 1.52. (An- ald. derson) emery. Impure granular (pow- emeraldine. A coined name for dered) variety of common corun- green dyed chalcedony. Also a, dum. Often mixed with other name for a dark green dye for minerals of lesser hardness. of no in- fabrics, gemological emildine. A variety of spessartite; terest. from South Africa. **neraldite." An incorrect and emilite. Same as emildine. misleading spelling of emeralite. emission spectrum. The field seen in emerald to jade. Semitransparent a spectroscope or spectrographic of emerald translucent jadeite photograph when a source of most desired color in color; light (such as a sodium light) is North America. Also called im- viewed. perial jade. See also Fei TVui. Empress Eugenie Diamond. A fa- "emerald malachite." Same as di- mous 51 c. Indian diamond once optase. owned by Eugenie, wife of Na- emerald matrix. Any rock embed- poleon III of France. Now be- ded with emerald, especially one longs to Gaekwar of Baroda. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used la consulted. defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 73 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY enamel. A vitreous composition "endura emerald." A coined name usually opaque or semiopaque, used for glass imitation sold by applied by fusion to the surface a particular distributor and still of precious metals and other sub- sometimes used for any glass stances. Has been used, par- imitation of emerald. ticularly in the ancient world, engelardito (Span.). Zircon. to imitate in gemstones jewelry. English amber. See British amber. en cabochon. See cabochon. English brilliant cut. A cushion- endiopside. A mineral intermedi- shaped brilliant with eight star ate in composition between en- facets, eight upper break facets, atatite and diopside. (Spencer). eight lower break facets, four endpmorph. A crystal of one spe- pavilion facets, a table and a cies inclosed within one of an- culet. See star cut, other, as one of rutile in quartz "English crystal." A term used for (Webster). Here rutile is an en- fine tableware, including "cut domorph and quartz is a peri- glass." See also imitations; glass. and rutile is said to be morph, English Dresden Diamond. A fa- and to be endomor- endomorphic mous 119.5 c. Brazilian diamond in phous quartz. cut to 76. 5c. It was sold to endomorphou*. Of, or pertaining Gaekwar of Baroda. to, endomorph. English, George Letchworth, endoscope. In gemology, an instru- (1864-1944). Consulting Min- ment which affords a magnified eralogist, Ward's Natural Sci- image of the drill hole of a ence Establishment, Inc. Com- pearl. Used to distinguish be- piler of Descriptive List of New Min- tween genuine and cultured erals, 1892 to 1938. Author of pearl. A modification of it di- Getting Acquainted with Minerals. rects onto the walls of the drill enhydros. (Greek, "holding wa- hole a tiny beam of light, the ter"). Term used in describing subsequent path of which nodules of chalcedony contain- through the pearl reveals wheth- ing water. Such chalcedony is er the structure of its core is found in Uruguay, Australia and concentric (real pearl) or par- India, and is a curio stone of no allel (cultured pearl). See also gem value. pearl-testing miscroscope. enstatite (en'sta-tite). A mineral endoscopic stage. A special micro- of which a translucent yellow- scope stage used for distinguish- ish-green to bluish-green variety ing between drilled genuine and was found in blue ground in So. cultured pearls. Incorporates Africa. This and a fibrous vari- the principle of the endoscope. ety which, cut cabochon, pro- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 74 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

duces a chatoyant effect, have other sources. been fashioned as gems for col- epithelial sac (ep"i-theli-al). A lectors. Enstatite is also white, sac composed of epithelium, as grayish, yellowish or brownish. 3S the pearl sac. Ortho. (Mg,Fe)SiO 3 . H. 5.5 Gem epithelium. A layer of cellular tis- varieties S.G. 3.1-3.3; RJ. 1.66' sue whether external or internal, 1.67. Bi. 0.009. From Burma bounding a surface in the body and other sources. See bronzite, of an animal. "enstatite catVeye." Enstatite Eppler, Dr. Alfred (1867-1923). Author of Edelsteine und Schmuck- which, when cabochon cut, has steine* 1912. a chatoyant effect, but not a Eppler, Dr. WilKelm Fredrick well-defined eye. (1902- ). Author Der Dutmant eosite. A trade name for a rose- und Seine Bearbeitung, 1933; also colored Tibet stone. edited, revised and enlarged his epaulet -(cut). A five-sided mod- father's Edelsteine und Schmuck- ern cut of the step cut which steine, 1934. resembles an epaulet in outline. Erb & Gray refractometer. A gemo- epiasterla. An asteria which, cut logical refractometer made in two cabochon and in the correct models, one (1 ) with a fixed hem- crystallographie direction and ob- isphere of glass arfd (2) with a served by reflected lignt, exhibits rotating hemisphere similar to the the optical phenomenon of a star. Tully refractometer. See also re- See asteria, diasteria. Rayner refractometer, Smith fractometer. epiasterism. Asterism seen by re- erinide. Trade-mark name for a flected light, as in star ruby or sapphire which is cut cabochon yellowish green synthetic spinel. to reveal the asteria. erinoid. A casein plastic used for common epidosite. A mixture of epidote moulding many objects and sometimes for inferior and quartz sometimes cut cabo- gem chon as a curio stone. imitations. S.G. about 1.33; K.L about 1.53-1.54. A mineral of epidote (ep'i-dote). escarboucle (Fr.). Carbuncle (gar- which the more transparent, pis- net). has some- tachio-green variety esmeralda (Span, and Port.) Em- times been cut as a gem for erald. collectors. Epidote is also yel- espectroscope (Span.). Spectro- lo'w, red, brown, black, gray or colorless. Mono. HCa2(Al,Fe)a espinela (Span* and Port.). Spinel. Si3 0i3. H. 6-7; S.G. 3.2-3.5; RJ. essence d* orient. (elans' doe" 1.73/1.77. Bi. 0.039; Disp. 0.030. rian') . A substance imitating the From Italy, Norway, France and luster or orient of a pearl; made used is Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 75 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY from silvery scales of underside loses some of its yellow tint by of a fish, known as the "bleak," artificial Hfirht, appearing more found in Mediterranean waters. greenish. Used in manufacture of most exfoliation. Splitting .apart and ex- flakes or scales on imitation pearls. pansion of heated. essonite. Same as hesionite. being extinction. . estealita extinction; position. (Span.) Soapstone. When a etched. the surface employing polarizing Having rough- or for ened solution or corrosion. microscope, polariscope by the examination of ethical The of the gemstones gemology. study in correct and incorrect nomen- parallel polarized light, upon the field from clature of with rotation, changes gems, emphasis to dark 90 on names and terms which light every degrees, may the stone is re- mislead or deceive purchasers. provided doubly fractive and sufficiently trans- euclase (ue'klase). A very rare The to dark is gem, the blue be- parent. change light variety known as extinction. re- ing held in great esteem col- Singly by fractive stones either exhibit no lectors, but lacking in toughness or if they ano- usually desirable in gemstones. change, possess malous double refraction, the Transparent, blue, blu- pale pale almost occurs at ish-green and colorless. Mono. change always H. S.G* irregular intervals. Be(Al, OH)Si04. 7.5; extraordinary ray. In a uniaxial JU. 1.65/1.67. BL 3.0-3.1; mineral, the ray which, depend- 0.019; 0.016. From Russia, Disp. ing upon its direction through

Uncalledoften called rare . i Has, bands which may be of various

s ' about a dark worn over the , eye glass. Any glass evaluate. fix a To valuation, but eye to aid vision. The term is not to appraise. a l so often used by jewelers to evaluation. The of a valu- fixing meaji ?n eye loupe. ation, not an appraisal. Used m eye loupe. Any loupe so construct- preference to the word valua- ed that it can be held in the eye tion which is often confused with socket; used in watch making, appraisal. gem grading and setting, engrav- even fracture. When, the surfaces ing, etc. See loupe. of the fracture are smooth and eyes tone. Thomsomte. ezteri ( Spanish-American ) . A "evening emerald." Peridot, which green jasper with reddish veins.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 76 DICTIONAKY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

F. Abbr. for the element fluorine. chine. face. In crystallography, one of the facsimile. An exact copy or repro- plane surfaces which form the duction. See imitations; synthe- sides, and often theoretically at tic stones. the ends or termination, least, fading. A term loosely used to refer of a crystal. to loss of color, or to any unde- facet. One of the small, plane, or sirable change of colon in a gem- approximately plane, polished stone. surfaces which are placed upon Fahrenheit. to the scale fashioned as brilliant Pertaining gemstones used by Fahrenheit in the grad- cut, step cut or any other facet- uation of his thermometer; as, ed cut. 40 Fahrenheit (or 40 F). faceta (Spanish). Facet. faience. A term now applied to all cut or faceted cut. facet A type kinds of glazed pottery, includ- of cut bounded gem by plane ing the type which was used in faces as distinguished from ca- the ancient world to imitate bochon cut or other unfaceted opaque stones such as lapis la- cut. See facet; cutting. zuli and turquoise. See ceramic. faceting machines. Mechanical de- fairy stone. A name for ( 1 ) stauro- vices for stones holding during lite, or (2) the variety of staur- grinding or polishing facets upon olite which occurs in the form them. their use facets can By of a twinned crystal. be at the exact placed angles German name which theoretically result in pro- falcon*s-eye. (Fal- for ducing the most brilliant stone. kenauge) hawk's-eye. Rarely used in fashioning dia- fales. Stones with two, or more, monds or the more valuable col- differently colored layers. ored stones where recovery of a "false amethyst." Purple fluorite. greater amount of weight is "false Same as molda- more important than maximum chrysolite/' vite. brilliancy. See grinding; polish- as ing, false cleavage. Same parting. faceting tool. See faceting ma- "false diamond." Rock crystal. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 77 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

false doublet. See doublet. countered commercially, such as a or an "false emerald." Green fluorite. fancy sapphire, (2) unusually fine gemstone, par- as hesson- "false hyacinth." Same ticularly a diamond of unusually ite. fine color grade. Blue- false lapis. (1) Lazulite. (2) Farrington, Oliver Cummings, "Swiss dyed agate or jasper. See Ph.D. (1864-1933). Curator of lapis.'* Geology, Field Museum (1894- false nephrite. A misnomer for 1933). Author of Gems and Gem serpentine, "Transvaal jade" or Minerals, 1903; Museum book- other green mineral similar in lets on amber, agate, and fam- appearance to nephrite. ous diamonds. "false ruby." Red fluorite. Fasergips (German). Fibrous gyp- "false sapphire/* Blue fluorite. sum, i.e., satin spar. "false topaz." Same as (1) topaz fashioned gemstone. One which quartz; (2) yellow fluorite. has been cut and polished. See fahm brilliants. Name for theatre fashioning. jewelry made of a lead-tin alloy. fashioning (of gems). Includes . Agates showing deli- slitting, cleaving, cutting, polish- fancy and other em- cate markings and intricate pat- ing, operations terns. ployed in preparing rough gem material for use in jewelry; also cut. term used for fancy A styles the determination of the propor- of which are little cutting used, tions. or are new at the moment. In- red to brown- in this book Fashoda garnet. Dark cludes those defined from Tan- as modern cut. ish-red pyrope garnet ganyika. A with a body fancy pearl. pearl Iron-rich color of white or cream and a "Fashoda ruby." (1) py- rose orient on an rope garnet from Tanganyika superimposed as Fashoda overtone of some hue such as (Smith). Same gar- net. In the trade refers blue-green, violet, purple, blue (2) to red or greea. (Gems & Gemalogy). usually any garnet. See colored pearl. fat amber. Opaque yellowish am- ber, fancy sapphire. (1) A sapphire of for any hue other than blue or color- fat stone. . A name nephelite. have less, although colorless is in- Its fractured surfaces cluded by some. See page 258. greasy luster. fancy stone. (1) A variety of a fatty amber. Same as flohmig am- g-emstone which is less often en- ber.

^Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 78 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

fault. Anything within, or on the more recently to bright green or surface of a stone which de- bluishgreens. Like quality names creases its beauty or value. of diamonds in U.S.A., the term faulty structure (of stones). Ir- has become meaningless and sometimes is regularities of crystallization ; applied to all quali- also subsequent breakage or sep- ties with the possible exception aration between the atomic of dark opaque, jadeite. See planes, such as a cleavage crack, kingfisher jade; Pi Yii; Pai Yii. cloud, or feather. feldspar. A group of closely re- Fe. Abbr. for the element iron. lated minerals species, the only feather. A trade term gemologically important of (1) (a) which are commonly applied to almost any albite, lahradorite, ortho- flaw inside a stone, and (b) microcline, oligoclase and clase, which several more specifically, to a jagged yield gem See also irregularly shaped fracture varieties.. plagioclase. which is white in appearance. feldspar-apyre (French) . Andalus- (2) In determinative gemoiogy, ite. a series of liquid inclusions felspar. A British spelling of feld- which under the microscope are spar. in elongated and irregular felted structure. See matted. shape, and grouped together in female. A term to orderly to each other rarely applied proximity and colored in a manner which makes them light pale specimens of a See resemble the over-all pattern gem variety. feminine, of the feathers on a bird's wing. male ruby, masculine. (Obsolete.) female etc. A term feather gypsum. Same as satin ruby, sapphire, to or *par. rarely applied light pale colored specimens of ruby, sap- Federal Trade Commission. A etc. See feminine; mas- Government commission of the phire, culine. (Obsolete.) IT. S. A. which, among other feminine. Term to stones functions, promulgates rules re- applied garding the use, in the repre- of a pale color. (Almost obsolete.) sentations or sale of merchan- fereto (Span.). Hematite. dise, of words or terms which ferozah or firozah (firuza). Per- might mislead or deceive a sian word for turquoise; means buyer. "victorious**, and is derived from Federgip* (German). Same as the word feroz or, /roz, "victory, Fasergips. victorious, successful." (Lau- Fei Ts'ui. Chinese name once ap- fer). plied only to kingfisher jade, and ferriferous. Containing iron. used is Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 79 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOtOGY ferri-turquoise. A variety of crys- Disp. 0.015. Blue variety some- tallized turquoise containing 5% times distinguished as fibrolite; FegCb. From Lynchberg, Va. fibrous varieties as sillimanite. ferroltte. A name for a black iron See "fibrolite cat's-eye." slag, said to be satisfactory for "fibrolite eatVeye." Pale greenish fashioning into gemstones. fibrolite with fibrous inclusions ferrous mineral. Any mineral hav- which, when cut, produces a cha- effect but not a well de- ing a considerable portion of toyant fined iron in its composition. cat's-eye. substitute for cellu- ferruginous. Stained by or contain- fibroltthoid. A ing iron. loid. fibrous. a thread- Fersman, Aleksandr Evgfen'evicK, Having hair-like, or fiber-like form as a (1883-1945). Educated Moscow like, or in a a University. Director of both fibrous crystal, mineral, of such Mineralogical Inst. and Geo- structure composed crys- tals. cheniical Inst., U.S.S.R. Acad. of Science. Author of several min- fibrous aggregate. A crystalline ag- eralogical books and Diamond gregate composed of closely in German. Gem supervisor and packed fiber*. Takes a good pol- editor of The Treasure of U.S,S.R^ ish. (a catalogue of crown jewels, fibrou* calcite. Translucent calcite etc.). composed of fibrous crystals, F.G.A. Abbr. for Fellow of the which like fibrous gypsum, with Gemmological Assoc. A class of which it is often confused, membership awarded to persons causes a silky sheen. When cut having passed the established ex- cabochon produces a girasol or aminations of that association. chatoyant effect, but not a true fiber. In crystallography a hair- catVeye. Also like fibrous gyp- satin but like or thread-like crystal. See sum, it is called spar fibrous. less correctly. fibrolite or sillimantte. A transpar- fibrous gypsum. Satin spar. See ent to translucent pale violetish fibrous calcite. blue, greenish or brownish gem "figure stone/' Agalmatolite. mineral, often a fibrous aggre- Fijian soapstone. A soapstone from used as an inferior substi- gate, Fiji Islands. tute for jade. Other colors some- times cut as a curio or for col- Fiji Islands pearl. A good quality fine from Fiji Islands, So. lectors. Ortho. AUSiOs. H. 6-7, pearl Pacific. or 7.5 for crystals (Smith). S.G. 3.2; R.I. 1.66/1.68. Bi. 0.019; filter. Colored glass used in de-

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 80 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY correct terminative gemology to filter usage. imitation out certain colors of the spec- "fire agate." (1) A glass as trum. See color filter. of fire opal. (2) Same gold- stone. filtered light. A term commonly fired stones. Same as heated stones. used to refer to light which has fired zircon. ( J ) Any zircon, the through a colored glass passed original natural color of which (a filter) which absorbs the rays has been changed or entirely of some hues, allowing those of eliminated The in- other hues to pass through. by heating. duced colors often fade. or fine-granular min- fine-grained fire marble. A variety of marble eral. Consisting of small crystal- emitting fire - like chatoyancy, line grains. which resembles opal matrix. See fine pearl. (1) A true pearl which lumachelle or lumachella. all the qualifications of possesses fire opal. Transparent to trans- a gemstone, such as oriental of lucent orangy, yellow to red, pearl. (2) A translation perle sometimes or the French trade term for brownish-orange fine, brownish-red opal, generally a natural pearl as distinguished classed as precious, whether or from a cultured pearl. not it displays a play of color. to certain finish. Term referring R.I. about 1.45. Principally from details of fashioning, such as Mexico. and of the the placing polishing "fire Translucent glass and facets. See opal glass." girdle, culet, fire Usually S.G. make. imitating opal. 2.4 or more. Finnish amber. Amber from the fire stone. Flint (quartz). of Finland. See Baltic shores Precious amber. firmament stone. opal. term . A common opal, occurring fish belly jade. A descriptive the Chinese to a near hot springs. If with pearly applied by par- of luster is called pearl sinter. A ticular color grade jade. curio stone only. fish eye. (1) A little-used name also for with fire. (1) Flashes of the different for moonstone, opal spectrum colors seen in gem- a girasol effect. (2) A popular stones as the result of dispersion; trade term for any transparent that its the presence or the vividness of faceted stone so cut which depend upon refractive center is lacking in brilliancy. index, fashioning, transparency fish eye stone. Apophyllite, which and color. (2) A term used by is not a- gem or ornamental for practical jewelers in U.S.A. stone. used to play of color, a gemologically in- fish pearl. Term rarely

or' term wsed is Titles within marks are misnomers. Every unusual word quotation should be consulted. defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 81 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY describe the common imitation flaw (in a gemstone). Inclusion pearl made wholly or partly of another substance, internal from fish scales. cleavage, or fracture or visible fish tiller. Same as fish pearl. imperfect crystallization. fissure. (1) Separation along cleav- Heches d'amour. (Fr., arrows of age plane which slightly pene- love). (1) A name formerly trates the surface of a stone. used in Russia for amethyst (2) Geologically, a narrow open- containing brown needles of ing formed by a parting of the goethite; from Russia and North earth's crust. America (Bauer; also Schloss- Five Great Gem*. Called the Mi- macher). (2) The acicular crys- haratnani by the , these tals contained in any variety of consist of diamond, emerald, sagenitic quartz. (3) A term pearl, ruby and sapphire. used loosely and questionably as a of In determinative synonym sagenitic flag. gemology, Same as darts. same as feather. quartz. cupid's "Flinders diamond." Incorrect flame opal. Opal in which red play name for a colorless from of color occurs in more or less ir- topaz Tasmania. regular streaks. See page 258. Flame Queen Opal. A Lightning flint glass. A name used for any Ridge opal famous for its one of a group of glasses char- unique shape and its coloring acterized by relatively high dis- which was dark red bronze with persion, usually the result of a green border. Last known lead in the composition. May owner, in Brisbane, paid $2,500 be light flint, medium Hint, heavy for it. silicate flint, extra-heavy sili- cate flint or other classifica- flame spinel. Intensely bright or- tions. The last three classes ange-red rubicelle. mentioned, and others, are also flash fire as opal. Same flash opal. called lead glass. H. 5; S.G. in the flash opaL Opal which play (usually) 3.1-4.2; R.I. (usually) in of color is pronounced only 1.57-1.68, although either prop- one direction. erty may be higher or lower flat. A term which used in con- (Shipley). H.5; S.G. 2.9-5.0; nection with the price of pearls R.I. 1.54-1.78 (Anderson). H. or other gemstones means price about 5; S.G. 3.15-4.15; R.I. per grain or carat regardless 1.58-1.68 (Smith). See also beryl of size. glass; crown glass; borosilicate flat double cahochon. Same as len- glass; strass; thallium glass. til. floating opal. Small pieces of gem Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read

immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory . pages. 82 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY opal, placed in glycerine in and opals, and many other sub- transparent drop-shaped or stances. Colorless fluorite fluor- spherical glass container, for use esces violet; diamond various principally as a drop on a neck colors. See phosporescence. ornament. fluorite. A transparent-to-translu- float stone. A of variety opal that cent green, blue, violet, yellow, will float on water. orange, red, brown or colorless flohmig amber. Fatty amber, re- ornamental mineral, occurring sembling goose fat; full of tiny principally in pale to light tones. bubbles, but not as opaque as The compact, massive variety is cloudy amber. especially adaptable for carving as snuff Florentine Diamond. A famous yel- figurines, lamp bases, low Indian diamond weighing bottles, boxes, etc., and is rarely cut as 137.27 m.c. In the Hofburg in gems. Iso. CaFa; H. 4; S.G. R.I. Vienna before World War II. 3.2; 1.43. From Eng- land, Arizona, and other sources. flower agate. (1) Any moss agate. 1 In a (2) Translucent chalcedony from fluoroscope. ( ) general screen Oregon. Contains inclusions of coated with fluorescent material to make the minerals, sometimes red, brown, possible direct ob- servation of or yellow and green, arranged the effect of X-rays., in flower-like forms, often of cathode rays, etc. (Shipley, Jr.) In both red and green colors. (3) (2) popular usage, the term is sometimes Term is often applied to any applied to a closed moss agate or mocha stone with chamber in which specimens, such flower-like markings. as pearls, may be exposed to cathode or ultra- flower stone. Flower X-rays, rays (1) agate. violet and observed for (2) Incorrect term for beach light, the presence of flourescence. See pebbles of chalcedony. pearl fluoroscope. Huor. Same as fluorite. fluorspar. Same as fluorite. fluorescence. A of lumines- variety flux. To to fuse. cence. The melt; As a noun, phenomenal property a fluid or substance which of the short invisible may changing be used to fuse some other ma- wave lengths into longer visible terial, as in imi- ones, and them as vis- making glass reflecting tations. ible colors when exposed to the influence of X rays, cathode foamy amber. Frothy amber. Al- rays, ultra-violet rays, including most opaque chalky white am- ber. Will not take a those in sunlight, etc., possessed polish. by ruby, kunzite, yellow-green foil back. Trade name for an as- synthetic spinel, some diamonds sembled stone. (1) Genuine foil

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 83 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMQLOGY

back: a genuine gemstone backed Earth and Sfcy; Gems and Gem with colored or silver foil to im- Material^ Washington, 1934; num- prove its color or brilliancy or erous mineralogical papers and both. (2) False foil back: one reports. stone of a different in which a fossil. Originally, any rock, min- species is backed with a color eral or other objects dug out of to imitate a more desirable one. the earth. Now, any remains, back: one in (#) Imitation foil impression, or trace, of an ani- is for a which glass substituted mal or plant of past geological back. stone. See also lacquer ages, which has been preserved foiling. A thin leaf of metal silver- in a stratified deposit or a cave. ed and burnished and after- The term frequently further re- wards coated with transparent stricted to remains of a stony colors; employed to give color or nature, as those which have un- brilliancy to pastes and inferior dergone more or less petrifac- stones. See foil back. tion. See also petrifaction. folia. Thin flakes or leaves; lamel- fossil coral. Same as oeekite. lae. fossiliferous. Containing fossils, re- foliated. Compesed of, or easily mains of plants or animals. splitting into, thin plates or fossilized. Preserved by burial in Hakes. ., "fool's gold." A popular name for rock or earthy deposits. pyrite. fossilized wood. Same as petrified formation striae or formation stri- wood. ation*. Color bands in synthetic fossil resin. Geologically preserved corundum or spinel, which, since resin or gum of long-buried they are always distinctive and plant life. All of the harder, almost always curved, differ tougher varieties have been from the straight color zones in questionably called amber, in- genuine. cluding ajkaite, beckerite, che- formula, chemical. See chemical mawinite, delatynite, glessite, formula. krantzite, retinite, and stantien- fortification agate. Agate with ite. See true amber, dammar. parallel zigzag lines which are fossil turquoise. Same as odonto- heavier than in topographic lite: agate. foundation stones. The wall of the Fodkag, William Frederick (1804- New Jerusalem rested on twelve as described ). Head Curator of Geology foundation stones U. S. National Museum (Smith- in Apocalypse (Revelation XXI)-. is be- sonian Institution). 1919 . There a close connection Author of Part 2 Minerals from tween these and the stones of Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold, faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 84 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

the High Priest's breastplate. star facets, 4 bezel facets and See birthstones. 12 girdle facets. The pavilion is fowlerite. Variety of rhodonite either a step cut or a variation 258. from Sussex Co., New Jersey; of the brilliant cut. See page cut and polished locally as a French stones. A deceptive term gemstone. for glass imitation stones. Fr. Abbr. used in this book for fresh-water pearls. Pearls from the French. Unio. fracture. Term used to describe the friable. Readily broken into grains; or of a stone chipping breaking crumbling easily. in a direction other than that of "friable amber." Gedanite. cleavage plane or across cleavage frictional de- planes. In mineralogy, fracture is electricity. Electricity classified as conchoidal fracture, veloped by rubbing (with *a splintery fracture, etc. See also cloth) amber, tourmaline, topaz, cleavage. diamond, and some plastic imi- tations. frangible. Capable of being brok- front a en; breakable; brittle; fragile. (of gemstone). The crown. Fraunhofer lines. A group of dark frost agate. Grey chalcedony with lines (absorption bands) in the white markings which resemble frost or snow. frost stone. solar spectrum. The position of See certain Fraunhofer lines, de- frost stone. A local trade name for noted by letters, is useful in chalcedony found near Barstow, spectroscopy. See absorption. Calif., in 1912, which contained white inclusion to be Frederician cut. A style of cabo- thought chon cut with one or two rows opal. of facets around the girdle, fre- frothy amber. Same as foamy am- quently applied to chrysoprase. ber. "Fremy rubies." Synthetic rubies fruit flesh jade. A descriptive once made by the French chem- term applied by the Chinese to a color of ist, Fremy. particular grade jade. "French color" rubies. Rubies of FTC. Abbr. for Federal Trade light color. See also Ceylon ruby. Commission. French cut. A variety of mixed cut. fuchsite. A green mica (chrome as colors Square in shape with . a square mica) which, inclusions, verdite and aventurine table placed at a 45 angle to quartz. muscovite. the edges of the stone. Also on See the crown 24 smaller facets are "full crystal." See "English crys- usually placed, consisting of 8 tal." Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be* read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 85 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY full exit brilliant. The term correctly fused quartz. See quartz used for a brilliant cut diamond (1) Any gem substi- tute Ponced by melns of fns-

ion ! or ,11 especially synthetic stone above the girdle and 24 facets , ._ x . gla s - < 2 An assembled stone and a culet below. On colored t >, , such as old ^d emerald. stones the girdle Is usually poi- ished, but not on diamonds. See fuWe. Capable of being fused or also standard brilliant. melted by the blowpipe. furrowed. Having deep grooves or futuran. Trade-marked name for striaticmc. a phenol aldehyde plastic; used fused beryl. Same as beryl glass. as imitation amber.


G. Abbr. sometimes used for spe- due to deteriorated crystal struc- cific gravity, ture. S.G. 4.0; R.I. (single) 1.79- Gablonz jewelry. Glass imitation 1.84. Bi. approximately zero. jewelry made in Gablonz, Czech- Rarely fashioned as a gem. See oslovakia. zircon. Gagat (German). Jet. gangue (gang or ganj.) The min- erals associated with metallic gahnite. Semitransparent-to-opa- ores in a deposit. Usually worth- que, yellowish, greenish to black less although some minerals such spinel in which zinc has replaced as apatite occur. See veinstone. magnesium. Rarely, if ever, cut as gem. S.G. and R.I. higher than garden (in emerald). See jarcttn. gahnospmel. Gargun (German). Same as jar- gahnospmel. Zinc-rich, blue-green, goon. green or light violet spinel with garnet. (1) A name which covers greater S.G. (as high as 3.98) a number of closely related min- and higher R.I. (as high as 1.78) erals. Several chemically similar than other (magnesium) spinel elements freely replace one an- fashioned as gems. other in the garnet group. As a the of the gair. Burmese term for large opa- result, properties and there que rubies. group are variable, are a number of garnet gems, galalith. A casein plastic of vari- quite different in appearance. ous used in imitations of colors, and The iso- and (Kraus Slawson). amber, coral, jet, ivory, replacement of one tortoise shell. morphous element, such as iron by an- Gambier pearl. Pearl from Gam- other (such as magnesium or bier in Tuamotu Archipelago, calcium) results in terms such as Pacific. unusual South Of and iron garnet, magnesium garnet and almost chalky whiteness. others, and also in variations in gamma zircon. That type of zircon properties such as the hardness which possesses lower proper- of almandite, 7.5, and that of de- ties than the alpha and beta zir- mantoid 6.5, and the unusually con. Amorphous or nearly so, high dispersion in the latter.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 87 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

Classified gemologically as dif- phosphate, etc.) which has a ferent species, the reddish to structure similar to garnet, in- purplish iron aluminum garnet, cluding hydrogarnet, grossular- almandite, and the reddish mag- oid, and others (Spencer). nesium aluminum garnet pyrope garnet shell. See shell (cut). are not often differentiated by garnierite (gar'nee-er-ite) . A min- the jewelry trade and are com- eral resembling steatite (Ep- as monly known merely garnet, pler) or serpentine (Dana). Pale while others such as the green apple to emerald green, appar- of calcium- (demantoid) variety ently amorphous. H. 2-3; S.G. iron are species (andradite) 2.3-2.8; E.I. 1.59 (Kraus and known by variety names. See Hunt). demantoid; grossularite; hesson- gas bubbles. Bubbles seen as in- ite; rhodolite; spessartite; topaz- clusions in glass, synthetic cor- olite; uvarovite; isomorphous re- and As an undum synthetic spinel, placement. (2) adjective, which reveal their difference a color designation meaning dark from red as in the term genuine corundum, spinel garnet glass. and most other genuine gems, in garnet blende. Same as sphalerite. which inclusions are more an- garnet doublet. (1) A term cor- gular. to the most com- rectly applied gas inclosure. A gas inclusion in mon that with a doublet, very a stone, such as can be found thin of red top garnet, regardless in all synthetic corundum. of the color of the doublet. (2) division of univalve The term is -used the trade gastropod. A by molluscs which includes land and in U.S.A. for any doublet of dark sea the abalone, etc. red color regardless of whether snails, any portion of it is garnet. This gauge. In general* a measure of di- is more correctly called a garnet- mensions, distance or capacity colored doublet. or a device for measuring, reg- or In the "garnet jade.*' A name applied to istering marking. gem the several varieties of so cal ] ed trade, the word usually refers to a for Transvaal jade, and also to the device measuring diameter, translucent to semitranslucent thickness, height and other di- of a and is light green grossularite garnet, mensions gemstone sometimes almost emerald green then more accurately called a in hue and closely approaching micrometer. See also Leveridge, fine jadeite in appearance, a Moe gauge; caliper. small deposit of which was found gaungsa. Burmese term applied to in Oregon about 1930. pale, inferior rubies of mixed garnetoid. A substance (silicate, sizes up to six carats. (Gems & Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 88 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

Gemology) - gemmary. (1) (Rare) The sci- gawdone. Burmese term for star ence of gems (Standard). (2) house or sapphire. A receptacle for gems or jewels; also gems collective- gedanite (jed'a-nite). A brittle fos- ly. (3) An engraver of sil resin sometimes classed as gems (Standard) amber, but not by those who the of succinic gem material. A term used particu- specify presence Kraus and Slawson to acid as a requirement, although larly by Schlossmacher mentions a trace mean (a) any synthetic or other substitute for a of it in gedanite. Lacks tough- important gem- stone, or mineral ness and ability to take as high (b) any rough from which a can be polish as succinite. Rarely used gemstone such as a of un- as except for beads. H. fashioned, piece gem cut 1.5-2; S.G. 1.06-1.07. See fos- jade. sil resin; Baltic amber. gem mineral. Any mineral species which either a gem. (1) A cut and polished stone yields gem variety or individual which, which possesses the durability specimens meet the and beauty necessary for use in qualifications of a gem. jewelry; or a fine pearl. (2) A Gemmological Association of Great term often applied to an espe- Britain. Established 1933 as the cially fine specimen, as a gem educational branch of the Na- emerald. (3) As an adjective, a tional Association of Goldsmiths. prefix, as in gem crystal, gem Actually the second body to be quality, gem material, etc. (4) established for the furtherance As a verb, to decorate with gems of the study of gems. Since its (Standard). establishment, th Gemmological Association has conducted the gem collections. See museum gem collections. gemmological courses previously offered through the Nat'l. Assoc. gem collector. See collectors. of Goldsmiths. color. The most desirable col- gem gemmologist. (The English spelling or for a stone of its particular ing of gemologist). One who variety. Perfection color. has mastered gemmology. gem crystal. A crystal from which Gemmologist, The. A monthly a can be cut. gem periodical published in England. gem gravels. gravels Gem-bearing gemmology ( jem-ol'oe-ji) . The of or former river or present spelling of gemology as used in lake beds. Great Britain where it was form- gem jade. Same as jewel jade, em- ed from the Latin gemma (a erald jade. gem), and the suffix -ology de- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 89 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY rived from the Greek meaning scope. See a science. Introduced previous gemological polariscope. pol- to the time of the establishment ariscope; Shipley polariscope. of the gemological courses in gemologist. A word which seems England in 1910, probably about to have been first used by the 1900. See semology; gemnaary. Gemological Institute of Amer- in Gem of the Jungle Sapphire. Un- ica in 1930. Then used Eng- 1931 usually large blue sapphire found land, spelled gemmologist, in, the of but just below the grass, in Burma, as name a periodical in 1929. Weighed 958 carats. spelled with two m's. Subsequent- Cut into nine gems. ly used in other languages. In Gemolite (trade-mark). An illumi- U.S.A. it was, until 1948, confined nator designed especially to il- almost entirely (1) to one who luminate inclusions (in gem- had passed the examinations of stones) more effectively. Em- the American Gem Society and ploys a monocular microscope. been awarded its title of Certified Gemological Institute of America Gemologist or (2) to mineralo- (United States and Canada). gists and other educators who Established 1931. The first na- had specialized in the scientific tional body organized exclusive- study of fashioned gemstones. the ly for the furtherance of gem- Since July, 1948, title has been ological research and the study extended (3) to one who holds a of gems. A non-profit endowed diploma of completion of the cor- institution supplying books, edu- respondence courses of the Gemo- cational displays and both mail logical Institute of America or (4) and verbal instruction in gem- to one who is a Graduate Gemolo- ology. International Headquar- gist. An amateur mineralogist, ters. 541 South Alexandria, Los gem collector or jeweler who has Angeles 5, California. Eastern, not passed established examina- Headquarters, 5 East 47th Street, tions in gemology is not recog- 17. See Gemol- nized as a gemologist, and one ogist, Graduate Gemolbgist. using the name is considered to gemological laboratory. Labora- be unethical by the jewelry trade. tory equipped with instruments Spanish gemologiBto,; French, which are especially designed ffemmologiste ; Portuguese, gem- for testing fashioned stones, and ologista; Italian, gemmologista; especially mounted stones. German, Edelsteinkundiger* See See jeweler's gemological lab- also gemology, gemmology, oratory, national gemological gemmologist. laboratories. gemology (Fr. gemmologie; German, gemological microscope. See micro- Edelsteinkunde, Ital., gemmologm; Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bald faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 90 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

Portuguese, gemohgia; Span., eral species. gemologim; Swiss, gemologie) . The gem-stick. A stick on which a science of minerals and other gem is cemented while being natural substances the possessing cut (Standard). necessary beauty and durability for wear as ornamental gemstone. (1) A term which in- objects, cludes substances used to imitate them, pearl, amber, coral, jet, or any stone of and the history of their source, any variety of a gem which is of fashioning and use. mineral, production, sufficient and as taught in North beauty durability Gemology for use as a ornament. America also includes the study personal of metals. The word Formerly hyphenated, as gem- precious stone or used as two was either coined in U.S.A. prior words, gem Stone. See decorative or- to 1910 or adapted from the stone, namental curio stone. Also British word gemmology by the stone, gem material. (2) The term rec- usual American practice of elim- ommended B.I.B.O.A. to re- letters which are useless by inating the term or tend to obscure the place semiprecious meaning. stones. See geramoiogy; gemologist; de- criptive gemology; determina- gem-testing laboratory. See gem- tive gemology; historical gem- ological laboratory. ology; Gemological Institute of gem variety. That variety of a min- America. eral species which yields gem- stones. gem pearl. A term often used for those better qualities of fine genera. Plural of genus. pearls, which possess a rose or genesis (gemological). Origin or other particularly desirable ori- formation of a natural gem min- ent. Does not include white eral. 258. pearl. See page "Genera ruby." (1) An obsolete gem-peg, A rest for the gem- trade name given to the earliest stick, in gem cutting (Stan- reconstructed ruby, probably dard). first made in 1882 in a small gem quality. Possessing the quali- Swiss town near . (2) fications of a gem. The name deceivingly applied to the first rubies made syntnetkal- Gems & Gemology. A scientific ly in 1891. periodical published four times each year by Gemological Insti- genuine doublet. See doublet. tute of America. Established genuine pearl. A natural pearl in 1933. contrast to a cultured pearl. gem species. A gem-bearing min- genuine triplet. See triplet. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 91 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY genus (jee'nus or jen'us). A group G.I.A. Pearl Illuminator. A micro- of two or more species of ani- scope accessory designed to con- mals or plants". Plural genera or, centrate an intense light through rarely, Demises. a pearl which is observed under low value as geo-chemistry. The science of the magnification. Of a of chemistry which treats of the rapid means detecting some materials of the earth. cultured pearls, but not an in- fallible method. geode. Cavities in clay or other formations which have been in- G.I.A. Registered Loupe. An aplana- crusted with a wall of quartz chromatic lens mounted in a hand or other mineral and which (la- or eye loupe. The latter mounted ter) separate as a hollow mass, in specially shaped duralumin the interior walls of which are cup to compensate for the extra usually studded with crystals. weight of lens system. Labora- See amygdule. tory-tested to insure absence of both chromatic and geology. The science which treats spherical aberration. of the history of the earth. Gibraltar stone. A colored "German diamond." Incorrect light marble found at Gibraltar term for rock onyx crystal. and elsewhere. See "Mexican "German gold." Amber (S. II. onyx." Ball). gibsonite. Fibrous pink thomsonite Jet from German jet. Swabian (English), fi*om Renfrewshire Alps and Saxony; of inferior and Dumbartonshire, Scotland. quality. gigaku. Japanese name for jade "German lapis/' Incorrect term; or for precious stones in general. same as "Swiss lapis." Originally gilsonite. Same as uintabite. jasper from Nunkirchen, Ger- Italian name for black many, dyed blue. giogetto. coral. German silver or nickel silver. An girasol (jir'a-sol). (1) A name alloy of copper, nickel, zinc, and which has been to sometimes other metals, but no applied (a) moonstone, (b) fire opal, (c) an silver, in which gemstones are almost with a but rarely set. transparent opal bluish floating light; see girasol Or siliceous sinter. A opal; and (d) to many other porous variety of common opal stones (Bauer-Spencer). (2) In deposited by geysers. North American gemology and ghost crystal. Same as phantoms. in this glossary an adjective, G.I.A. Gemological Institute of used as in girasol sapphire, to America. describe any gem variety which Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 92 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

exhibits a billowy, gleaming, placed. On the latter these often round, or elongated area of light consist of a series of more or less which floats (i.e. moves about as flat polished surfaces which are the stone is turned or as the light more or less accurately termed source is moved). When the girdle facets. forms an uneven elongated light girdle facets. (1) In a brilliant- or indistinct band the stone is cut stone, (a) in traditional said to have a effect. chatoyant trade usage, the same as break the is Only when band sharp and facets, or (b) a term more or distinct is it a cat's-eye. (3) A less correctly applied to the pol- trade for name glass spheres ished or partly polished flat sur- used in manufacture of imita- faces which often are placed tion pearls. on a polished girdle. (2) In girasol chrysoberyl. Cymophane other styles of cutting, es- with girasol effect but lacking pecially emerald cut, the gir- true chatoyancy. dle is usually, polished, well-defined rectan- girasol opal. A term which has been producing or other in been used for (1) an opal with gles parallelograms contrast to the outline of those blue to white body color and a on which are red play of color as well; (2) brilliants, usually uneven and in the varieties of opal described unsymmetrical under girasol. comparison. glass. An amorphous substance, or- "fc>asol pearl." An imitation pear? dinarily consisting of a mixture with a glass base. See girasol of silicates. Glass is usually (3). manufactured by fusing silica, girasol sapphire. Sapphire with a an alkali, and lead oxide or an- floating cloud of light or with a other metallic oxide. The better wide indistinct light band. Often glass imitation stones contain a incorrectly called sapphire cat's- large proportion of lead and eye. may contain oxides of rarer ele- girdle. The outer edge or periphery ments, such as thallium. Some imitations are made ac- of a fashioned stone ; that portion glass which is usually grasped by the cording to* very complex form- of setting or mounting; the dividing ulas. The properties glass used line between the crown and pa- in imitations vary widely. H. 5- vilion. In most diamonds it is left 6%; S.G. 2.0-5.0; K.I. 1.44-1.69 contains unpolished. On emerald cut dia- (rarely 1.77). Usually whorls. monds, on almost all colored air bubbles and often stones and on some brilliant cut See also heryl glass; horosilicate flint strass; diamonds, polished girdles are glass; glass; paste; Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 03 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

thallium glass. gneiss (nice). A crystalline rock of metam with its glass agate. A name applied to orphic origin mineral content bedded so that transparent to seraitransparent, the rock in ir- gray chalcedony; also, appears crude, slightly or sim- even less correctly to obsidian. regular layers laminae; ilar to granite in composition. glass lava. An undesirable name for obsidian. goethite or gothite. A yellowish, reddish or brownish mineral meteorite. An undesirable glass blood red by transmitted name for moldavite. (often light), thin needles of which glass opal. Hyalite. sometimes occur as prominent glass quartz. A little-used name inclusions in sagenitic quartz; for rock crystal. also, according to G. F. H. as inclusions in sunstone. glass schorl. Axinite. Smith, FeO(OH) ; Ortho. H. 5-5.5; S.G. glass stone. A glass imitation stone. 4.3; R.L 2.26/2.40. Named for Also a term applied to axinite. the poet Goethe, and similarly glassy lustre. Vitreous lustre. See pronounced. vitreous. gold. A metallic element and pre- glazing. An operation in the fash- cious metal. See gold jewelry. ioning of gemstones (other than golden beryl. Yellow to greenish diamond), between grinding and beryl. See heliodor. polishing. Also called sanding. golden sapphire. Yellow to green- giessite. A fossil resin. ish yellow sapphire. glimmering. Affording imperfect golden stone. Greenish-yellow per- reflection, apparently from idot. points on the surface. A form of luster. gold glass. Term sometimes applied glistening. Affording a general re- to "goldstone." flection from the surface. gold jewelry. Term used in U.S.A. globular. Having spherical or for jewelry made wholly or rounded form. principally of solid gold; also glow stone. Chalcedony. designates gold-filled or gold- Gnaga Boh Ruby (Dragon Lord plated jewelry. Ruby). A fine Burmese ruby gold matrix. Gold in a matrix of which weighed 44 carats, rough, milky quartz. Same as gold and when fashioned, 20 carats. quartz. gnat stone. Dendritic quartz (moss gold opal. Opal which exhibits only agate or mocha stone) with an over-all color of golden yel- small black inclusions. low.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 94 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

quartz. Milky quartz contain- quality of emerald. inclusions of ing gold. Same as gotMte. Same a goethite. gold matrix. goutte de eau. Colorless topaz. "gold sapphire.** Lapis lazuli con- goutte de sang. Blood-red spinel. taining flecks of pyrite. See also goutte de suif. Same as tallow top. golden sapphire. gr. Abbr. for grain (weight). cut. cut. goldstone. A translucent or semi- graduated Step Gradu&te translucent, usually brown, glass Gemologist. A title author- used imitation in which copper filings atively by one who holds the have been included. Same as diploma in the theory and prac- tice aventurine glass. of gemology awarded by the Gemological Institute of America "gold topaz/' (1) Heat treated upon completion of both its topaz-quartz. (2) Naturally col- and ored citrine. correspondence residence courses. See Gemologist. goniometer. An instrument used grain. (1) A unit of weight; to measure angles between one-quarter of a metric carat or facets of a gem or faces of a 0.0500 metric gram; commonly The contact crystal. goniometer is used for pearls, sometimes for a physical instrument incorpor- diamonds: rarely for other a gem- ating protractor; the reflection stones. (2) A popular trade term or reflecting goniometer uses light for cleavage direction in a gem reflected in a fixed the system, mineral or gemstone. (3) In turned on a cali- specimen being mineralogy, a minute crystalline brated table. the most Probably particle. See crystalline grains. valuable to the is the gemologist granada (Port.). Garnet. horizontal single-circle goniometer granat (German). Garnet. which is used to measure the in- Grande Pintadine. Same as dex of refraction the method Meleag- by rina margaritifera* See of minimum deviation. (Boutan). (Shipley, Meleagrina pearl. Jr.). grandite. A name suggested for goodletite. A name for Burmese garnets, the chemical composi- marble forming matrix of rubies. tion of which is between gros- sularite and gooseberry stone. A name for andradite. granite. A granular rock grossularite, and more specific- igneous containing principally and ally for its yellow-green to yel- quartz lowish green varieties. feldspar. granitic. Granite-like, or composed goshenite (goe'shen-ite) . Colorless in part of granite. beryl. granular. Composed of or resem- gota de aceite (Spanish). The best bling crystalline grains. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 95 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY graphic granite. A variety of gran- empire founded in India by the ite containing quartz crystals ar- Mongols in the 16th Century. ranged so that their cross sec- Their chief seat was at Delhi. tions resemble cuneiform and The Moguls had vast stores of Hebrew writings. gems, especially diamonds. grating:. A system of close equidi- Great Mogul Diamond. Name giv- stant and parallel lines or bars, en by Tavernier to a 280-carat especially lines ruled on a pol- Indian diamond, which may have ished surface, used for produc- disappeared, or more likely was ing spectra by diffraction. Grat- reduced in weight, and later ings have been made with over known as either the Orloff or the 40,000 such lines to the inch, Kohinoor. but those with a somewhat small- Great Southern Cross. Group of er number give the best defini- nine Australian pearls forming tion. Of great assistance in spec- a cross and said to have been troscopic work. found naturally in this exact grave jade. Same as tomb jade, form, but claim later discred- gray-blue, gray-green, gray-purple, ited. Said once to have sold gray-iviolet. In color nomencla- for $135,000, and to have been ture system of North American in possession of the Vatican. gemology, colors which, respec- Same as Southern Cross Pearl. tively, are midway between neu- green beryl. A term applied to the tral gray and blue, green, violet, lighter green varieties of beryl purple. as distinguished from the full grayish blue, grayish green, gray- green emerald and the light violet. In ish purple, grayish blue-green aquamarine. North American gemology, col- color nomenclature more green-blue. In ors which are, respectively, of North American gem- than vivid system grayish blue, green, the hue between or but not as ology, midway purple violet, gray- green and blue. Same as blue- ish as gray-blue, gray-green, green. gray purple, gray-violet, some gray sapphire. The gray variety of green chalcedony. Usually of sapphire popular as a gem only cryptocrystalline variety if asteriated. quartz stained green. Also may ' grease stone. A name for tea- be chalcedony of natural green color. luater. Luster greasy resembling "green-ear." A name which has that of Produced oily glass. by been applied to fresh-water reflection from a sur- non-plane pearl. face. Seen on polished jade. The demantoid va- Great Mogul. Title of the native green garnet. of andradite garnet. The sovereigns (1526-1857) of the riety Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 96 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AXD GEMOLOGY

green grossularite garnet Is us- green-yel low. In color nomencla- ually known as gooseberry gar- ture system of North American net. Also a misnomer for ensta- gemology, the hue midway be- tween green and yellow. Same greenish blue. Jn North American as yellow-green, gemology, the hue midway be- grenat (Fr.). Garnet. tween blue and ereen-blue. grenat noble (Fr.). Almandine. greenish gray. In North American grenat Siriam (French, meaning gemology, a color midway be- Siriffm garnet) . According to Kunz, tween green-gray and neutral a trade name for any red garnet gray. with tinge of violet. greenish yellow. In North Ameri- grey, greyish. Alternate spelling of can gemology, the hue midway gray, grayish. between yellow and green-yel- grinding. The preliminary shaping low, therefore more yellow than of a rough colored stone; fol- green. lowed by polishing. Grinding is green-gray. In color nomenclature done on, carborundum wheels or of North system American gem- on metal laps, and diamond pow- ology, a color midway between der or carborundum is usually vivid green and neutral gray. used, depending on hardness of green-john. Green fluorite. stone. "green onyx." In U. S. A. jewelry griqualandite. Mmeralogical name trade, a widely accepted, but for the yellow silicified crocidol- otherwise incorrect term for arti- ite which appears in parallel lay- ficially colored green chalcedony. ers in tiger eye. Not as light green as chrysoprase. Grodzinski, Paul. Born 2nd Febru- See onyx. ary, 1902, DipL Ing. Technische greenovite. A reddish or pinkish Hochschule, Dresden, A. M. I. variety of sphene. Mech. E., M.A.S.T.E., Head, In- "green quartz." Name sometimes dustrial Diamond Information used for green transparent fluor- Bureau, Diamond Kesearch De- ite. partment, Industrial Distributors starstone. .Chlorastrolite. green (Sales) Ltd., London, E.C.I; Correct name for greenstone. (1) Technical Editor, 'Industrial Dia- A little used mis- nephrite. (2) mond Review'; Author (1) Ge- nomer for chiastolite or for triebelehre with H. Bolster, Ber- fuchsite. 2 2 Grod- Green Vault. The Griines Gewol- lin, 1933, Vols., (V. by zinski only). (2) Dia/mantwerk- in Dresden. Germany, where bes 1936. Diamond are exhibited the gem collec- zeuffe, Berlin, (3) and Gem Stone Industrial Pro- tions of Augustus II, a former Elector of Saxony and King of duction, London, 1942 (2nd re- Poland. vised edition in preparation, ap- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Kvery unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type should also be read immediately. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 97 DICTIONAEY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY pearing in Ind. Diamond Rev. be- Grime* Gewolbes. Same as Green ginning with April, 1948, as a Vault- "Guadalcanal Same as serial) . (4) Diamond Tools, New catVeye." York and London, 1944. (5) A "shell cat's-eye." uanin. The constituent of essence Practical Theory of Mechanisms, f d* orient which causes its iri- Emmott & Co., Manchester, 1947. for descence. . A , . ro**ular. A British term gros- guarnaccine garnet. A trade term sularite garnet. for yellowish red garnet. Same grossularite (gros'u-lar-ite). A as vermeille garnet (Kunz). white, colorless, rose, yellow to Gubelin. Dr. Edward. Degree con- orange, brownish or pale to al- ferred by Univ. of Zurich. Cer- most emerald green mineral spe- tified Gemologist, Gemological cies of the garnet group. A cal- Institute of America, 1939. First cium aluminum garnet of which Research Member, Gemolog. In- the to semitrans- transparent stitute, 1943. Founder Gemo- lucent varieties known as bess- logical Institute of Switzerland. onite. "Garnet and "white jade" Author of many reports on orig- of jade" only are gemological inal gemological research in Gems importance. Iso. CasAl2(Si04)3. & Gemology, 1940- , H. S.G. R.I. 6.5-7.5; 3.4-3.8; Guilds. The periodical of the Amer- 1.74-1.76. 0.028. Hessonite Disp. ican Gem Society. from Calif, and Ceylon, Italy, gum anime. A recent fossil resin, other sources. Green grossularite often containing insects; some- from Transvaal and Oregon. times mistaken for amber. Groth, Paul H. R. Von. (1843- gun-metal pearl. (1) The variety 1927). One of the world's out- of so-called black pearl; the standing mineralogists, profes- color and luster of which re- sor at and Munich, Strassburg sembles gun metal. (2) founder and editor of a niineral- polished A imitation of such and author of gun-metal ogical periodical a A misnomer. the standard books on chemical pearl. Same as and minor books gypsite. gypsum. crystallography 1 on gems. gypsum (jip'sum ). An ornamental, decorative and curio grothite. Sphene. mineral, the Grubstake Opal. A fine example light colored varieties of which are of precious opal pseudomorphous easily dyed. A white after wood. A 4 Mjx%-in. polished opaque variety is alabaster; the fibrous white is slab. From Virgin Valley, Neva- variety satin da. Pawned by prospector who spar. Mono. CaSO42H2O; S.G. failed to reclaim it. Now in 2.2-2.4; R.I. 1.52/1.53. Bi. 0.010. Amer. Mus. of Nat. History, Sources widely distributed. N. Y. (Whitlock) Tibetan name for turquoise. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in boW faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 98 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY


H. ( 1 ) Abbreviation for the degree India. of hardness of a substance. (2) half-bored pearls. A pearl drilled The in a chemical form- symbol, partly through for use in ear- ula, for the element . rings, scarf pins, etc. habit. form or forms in Crystal "half carnelian," Yellow carnelian. which a mineral usually is found. half facets. Same as break facets, hackle back pearl. A fresh-water cross facets. See girdle facets. pearl of the Mississippi Valley, half moon. A style of cutting which in the mussel found, rarely, produces a stone shaped as a Symphynota complanata, popularly half circle. known as the hackle back, hatch- et back, or heel splitter. half opal. Semiopal. hackly fracture. Breaking with a Halford-Watkins, Lt. Colonel, J. rough surface having many F. V. D. ( 1938). Formerly sharp points, like most metals. Deputy Agent of the Burma haematite. Same as hematite. Ruby Mines, and later a Di- rector of Mo- hair (rare). Trade term for hair- Ruby Mines, Ltd., like fractures or needlelike in- gok. Authority on rubies and Private clusions in gemstones. sapphires. gemological laboratory 1925-38; Member Ed- hair amethyst. Sagenitic amethyst. ucational Board, Gemological In- See amethyst, sagenitic quartz. stitute of America 1932-38. Left hair crystal. Same as hair stone. uncompleted book on gemology. hair stone. of Any variety crys- half pearl. (1) Half of a round talline fibrous quartz containing pearl; (2) rarely used to mean a or thread like inclusions of other cultured blister pearl. minerals. See Thetis hair stone; Venus hair stone. Haliotidae. A family of gastro- oval shell with Haiti pearl. Pearl mentioned by pods, with deep and a flat Cattelle in 1906 as being from a row of perforations or ear-shells. south and west coasts of Haiti, lip; ormers and of good quality. Haliotis. A genus typical of halio- hakik. General name for agate in tidae; an ear shell. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 99 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY halo. See pleochroic halo. hardness. In gemology, the resist- halves facet. Same as half facet. ance of. a substance to being hambergite. Grayish white or col- scratched, a property by which orless mineral. Colorless variety various gemstones and imita- from Madagascar, cut as gems tions may be identified. See for collectors only. Looks like Mohs scale. rock Ortho. Be* crystal. (OH) hardness gauge. Same as hardness H. S.G. R.I. 1.55/ BO3 ; 7.5; 2.35; points. 1.62; Bi. .072. hardness Same as hardness Hamlin, Augustus Choate, (1829- pencils. 1905). Author of Leisure Hours points. Among the Gems (1884); Treatise hardness plates. A series of small on the Touunaiine (1873); The of minerals of differing History of Mount Mica (1895). Siecesardness, polished flat, and set hammered pearl. Pearl with tiny side by side in cement, for test- indentations in its surface, which ing hardness of another mineral resemble the hammer marks on which is drawn across one after hammered silver. See also ham- another piece, beginning with mer pearl. the hardest, until it scratches hammer pearl. Pearl shaped like one. head of a hammer. See also hardness points. Small pieces of hammered pearl. minerals of differing hardness, Han or Han jade. Same as Han Yii. with one end pointed and affixed hand loupe. See loupe. to small handles of wood, metal Han Yii. Chinese name for (1) or plastic, to be held in hand and jade of the time of the Han used for testing hardness of an- dynasty. (2) In trade, tomb other mineral, by ascertaining jade or any jade which resem- which points will scratch it. Min- bles it in color and texture even erals of hardness 10 to 6 are though it be artificially treated usually used as points for test- to accomplish that resemblance. ing gemstones. hard clam pearls. From hard clam hardness scale. Same as hardness or (Venus quahog mercenaria)^ table. See Mohs scale. from Atlantic Coast. U.S.A. of sub- hard mass (or masse). A trade term hardness table. Any listing stances as to their used originally for a special glass comparative of an unusual hardness of 6 or hardness. more. Now misused to mean any hardness wheel. A hand instrument glass, especially green glass arti- in which hardness points are set of a rim- ficially flawed to imitate emerald ; as equidistant spokes and sometimes to mean synthetic less wheel, permitting more rap- sapphire or spinel. See page 259. id selection of points in testing Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold laced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 100 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

hardness. part to it a blue color. In form harlequin opal. Opal with close-set, and sheen it resembles tiger-eye angular (mosaic-like) patches of to which it alters geologically. color, of similar size. See cat's- Differs from sapphire quartz, in eye opal; pin fire opal. which fibres are not parallel. Harz cat'*-eye. Name sometimes haystack or haystack pearl. Term used to mean any quartz cat's- applied by American river fish- eye, but more especially a va- ermen to high-domed button riety from Harz Mountains pearls. (Germany). Is usually inferior He. Abbr. for the element helium. to the better of Bavar- qualities healed pearls. Those in which sur- ian and Ceylonese quartz cat's- face or subsurface cracks have eye. been repaired by experts. hatchet back Same as hackle pearl. brilliant. A heart- back heart-shaped pearl. shaped variation of the pende- Hatchet stone. Nephrite. loque; usually with a large table haiiyne or haiiynite (ha'win or ha'- and a shallow crown. win-ite). A constituent of lapis heated stone. A stone that has been lazuli. Hardness 6; translucent artificially heated to the proper to opaque; bright blue to green- temperature with the intention blue. See lapis lazuli. of improving or completely alter- "Hawaiian diamonds." Rock crys- ing its color. The induced color is tal. permanent in varieties such as "Hawaiian golden yellow topaz." Hyacinth, burnt amethyst, etc.; Clear plagioclase feldspar. less permanent in blue zircon. See also stained (S. H. Ball) stone. heat treated stone. Same as heated Hawaiian peridot. Peridot from stone. near Hilo, Hawaii, in. cut stones, sizes averaging about one-half heaven stone. Benitoite. carat. Same as hawaiite. heavy liquid. Liquid having high hawaiite. Gemological: A name giv- S..G., such as methylene iodide, en to a pale green variety of in which different species either peridot from Hawaiian Island float if their S.G. is lower than lavas (English). Geological: A that of the liquid, or sink if variety of basalt. higher. See diffusion column. hawk's-eye. Also spelled hawk-eye. Hebrew stone. Graphic granite. An Transparent colorless quartz con- intergrowth of crystals of feld- taining closely packed, parallel spar and quartz in which the ar- fibres of crocidolite which im- rangement of the latter suggests Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 101 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

letters of Hebrew alphabet. sources. Less desirable yellow hedgehog atone. Transparent spots also occur. Same as blood- quartz containing larger needles stone. of goethite or some other hy- hexnachate or haemachate. A light- drous iron oxide than those in colored agate spotted with red agenitic quartz. jasper. heel splitter pearl. Same as hackle hexnatinon or haematinon. A dark back pearl. red glass, known to the ancients, hei-tiki. A carved for the image to which metal filings are .added often buried neck; jade amulet, to produce aventurine glac*. with Maoris of New Zealand. Same as purpurin. (Kunz) hematite. An heliodor. A name opaque mineral; originally given red and to an of yielding pigments when iron-bearing variety fashioned as Found in 1910 in German earthy; intaglios beryl, and other Southwest Africa and erroneous- carved gems when dark gray to black with metallic ly as a new stone al- reported luster. latter is foun'd in Bra- The variety though previously translucent and red in thin zil and Described very Madagascar. sections. Leaves red streak by Dana and Kraus as yellow; which identifies from most imi- Anderson, Eppler, Smith, Spen- tations. The principal ore of cer and R. "Webster, as golden or iron. Hex. FeaOs; H. 5% -6^; greenisluyellow; and by Schloss- macher as S.G. 4.9-5.3; R.L 2.94-3.22; yellowish green. (S.G. from Scandinavia, 2.693), as distinguished from England, U.S.A. Superior region). beryl (S.G. 2.680 to (Lake golden called Brownish has also Incorrectly "bloodstone/* 2.685). beryl ancient also "black been called heliodor in the trade. (its name), diamond.** Sometimes used to See golden beryl. imitate black See Wood- heliodore. alternate of pearls. An spelling hematite. heliodor. stone, specular heliolita (Span.). Aventurine feld- Hemetme. A copyrighted, confusing an imitation of spar. name for h^ma- heliolite. Sunstone. tite. Fashioned in the form of an Dark imitation intaglio or imitation heliotrope (heeli-oe-trope). from green chalcedony containing cuvette. Possibly processed a friable or mineral or spots or patches of red jasper powdered substance. About H. (Kraus). Sometimes fades to other 6.5; grayish and are S. G. 4.8. Streak black. green spots r earthy hematite ( Schlossmach- hemihedral (hem"i-hee dral) . Hav- er) From India and other ing but half the planes or faces

Titles or term used is within quotation marks are misnomers. , Every unusual word defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 102 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

which a symmetrical crystal of glass, used for imitations. the to which it type belongs Hex. Abbreviation used in this would possess. book for hexagonal crystal sys- hemimorphic (hem"?-more'fik) . tem. the ends Having opposite (of hexagon cut. of cut the terminated Any style crystals) differently. outline of the girdle of which Kemimorphite. Translucent to is six sided, i.e., hexagonal. Call- opaque yellow to blue-green ed square hexagon if all sides are specimens have been cabochon- of equal length; pointed hexagon cut for gem collectors. When if two parallel and equal-length pure or mixed with smithsonite, sides are much longer than oth- from which it differs but slight- ers; called oblong hexagon if those ly, it sometimes appears in the sides are but slightly longer. trade as smithsonite. Ortho. hexagonal mineral or stone. A H. S.G. 3.3- HaZnzSiOs; 4.5-5; mineral or stone of the hexagon- R.I. Bi. 0.022. 3.6; 1.614-1.636; al system. Also called calamine. From Mon- A in tana, Utah, Nev., Ariz., and hexagonal system. system other states and countries. crystallography, a division of which is known as the rhombohe- hemiopal. Same as semiopal. dral system ; has four axes, three Herbert Smith Refractometer. in one plane intersecting each Same as Smith Refractometer. other at 60, the fourth perpen- Hercules stone. A name for lode- dicular to this plane. Corundum, stone. beryl, tourmaline, and quartz "." Rock crys- are important gems in this sys- tal, from Herkimer County, New tem. See also crystal systems. York. hexahedron. A solid bounded by herrerite. Copper-stained blue and six plane faces. The regular green smithsonite from Albarra- hexahedron is the cube, a com- don, Mexico. (Schlossmach'er) mon crystal form. hessonite . A (hess'on-ite) transpar- Hf. Abbr. for the element hafnium. ent to translucent variety of Abbr. for the element mer- grossularite. Yellow to red-orange Hg. varieties known as hyacinth gar- cury. net; yellow-brown to reddish hiaqua (American Indian). Neck- brown as cinnamon stone. Usu- lace of beads (or shells). (S. H. ally has a loupe-visible granular Ball) structure unlike true hyacinth hiddenite (hid'n-ite). Green spo- (zircon) . dumene found only in small hessonite glass. An orange- colored crystals in North Carolina. In- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 103 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

tense but pale yellowish-green to hollowed cabochon. Cabochon-cut yellow-green. See spodumene. stone with a concave depression in its under to High Priest's Breastplate. See surface, lighten its color. Breastplate of High Priest. hollow wax-filled Hindoo OF Hindu cut. Schlossmach- pearl. Same as pearl. er describes this as a style of un- symmetrical over-all faceting of holohedral forms. Those which are stones to preserve maximum holohedrons. weight and size of the rough. holohedron. A form having the full hinge pearls. (1) Pearls of elongated number of symmetrically ar- shapes from the hinge of the ranged faces possible in its crys- fresh water mussel. (2) A trade tal system. term for cut from pearl shapes hololith ring (hoe'loe"lith) . An en- the hinge. tire finger made from a sin- Brownish red ring "Hinjosa topaz." gle piece of gem material. citrine from Hinjosa del Duero, or com- District of Cordova, Spain, Heat holomorphic. Uniformly treated to fiery red-orange color pletely symmetrical. as distinguished from the Ma- Holzstein. The German name for deira wine color of so-called petrified wood. "Madeira topaz." See also "Honan jade/' Same as "Soochow "Spanish topaz." jade." of historical gemology. History Hope Cat's-eye. A large, nearly the discovery and production hemispherical stone, about 1 Vz of gemstones and their sub- inches in diameter, once in the stitutes and of their use as per- Hope collection. A chrysoberyl sonal, and other ornament. eat's-eye. hmaw sit sit. In India, a dark Hope Chrysoberyl. A 45-ct., flaw- green and soft variety of jade- less, yellowish-green, oval, bril- ite. liant-cut now in the hmyaw* or hmyaudins. Mining chrysoberyl, British Museum His- term used in Burma for a deep (Natural called it a matchless open mine in a gently sloping tory), by Once in collec- hillside or between hills, situated specimen. Hope tion. in a sloping valley. hollow doublet. A doublet which Hope collection. A collection of Thos. P. a contains a colored liquid in a gems made by Hope, concave depression hollowed out wealthy British banker of the of the lower surface of its top early 19th Century. section or the upper surface of . A famous diamond, its bottom section, or both. blue, 44.5 m.c.; once in Hope Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 104 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

collection, now belonging to the a fine grained cryptocrystalline estate of Mrs. Edw. McLean. quartz, grading into, but not in- Also known as Hope Blue Dia- cluding, jasper and chalcedony. mond. Gray or brown, and sometimes black ov Hope Opal. See 1 Aguila -Azteca green, yellow; rarely yellowish red as in Opal. apricotine, its of Pearl. An only variety gemological Hope 1800-grain pearl interest Schlossmach- somewhat but swell- (Eppler, cylindrical, Bauer's earlier inclusion of at one but brown er). ing end, white, and wood tinted at one end. Once in Hope chrysoprase petrified as varieties is now of interest collection, and now in British only in historical gemology. Museum (Natural History). It "Hot is thought to be the largest Springs diamond." Rock crys- known precious pearl; length tal. l 1 2 /2 inches, circumference, S ^ howdenite. Chiastolite with fern- to 4^ inches. See also Pearl of like markings, from South Aus- Asia. tralia. (Merrill) "Hope sapphire." Term originally Hsi jade (Hsi Yii). A Chinese applied to blue synthetic spinel, name lor either clear water or and later used extensively for clear black jade. synthetic blue sapphire. Hsieh jade. Hsieh Yii, a Chinese Hope stone. A trade name applied name for ink black jade. by an American importer to any Hsiu Yen. A Chinese name for synthetic corundum or spinel. green and white jasper. Often See "Hope sapphire." sold to tourists as jade. "Horatio diamond/' Rock crystal hue. The principal attribute by from Arkansas. which a color is distinguished hornblende. (1) A dark green from black, white or neutral brown non-gem amphibole; (2) gray. The attribute by which A term used by most German colors, when they are arranged mineralogists to refer to the en- in their orderly spectrum sequ- tire amphibole group. See ne- ence, are perceived as differing phrite. from one another. Thus, techni- hornblende A term sometimes cally, each wave length in the jade. a used overseas for smaragdite. visible spectrum propagates different hue. Thus, red, yellow horn coraL See black coral. and green, as well as greenish hornstone. (1) In Anglo-Ameri- yellow, green yellow, and yellow- can usage, a flint-like non-gem ish green, are different hues, quartz. (2) In Ger*man usage while pink (light red), maroon Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 105 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

(dark red), and brownish red, tella in northern Spain (Bauer- are colors which have the same Spencer and Schlossmacher). hue but which differ in other at- Others attribute the red color tributes. See tone, intensity. to inclusions of hematite. Still huinzo. Peruvian Indian name for others apply the term, through to reddish and lapis lazuli. (Ball) error, gypsum, Schlossmacher makes a second hulls. The thin outer very coatings reference to it as brownish or of nacreous layers pearl. citrine. inferior "Hungarian cat's-eye." An "hyacinth of Vesuvius." Brown of yellowish green variety or honey - yellow vesuvianite quartz cat*s~eye from Bavaria, from Mt. Vesuvius. not Hungary. hyacinthozones (hye'a-sinth"oe- Hungarian opal. A white opal with zone-is). Sapphire-blue beryl. a fine play of color, found in for- mer Hungary now Czechoslo- hyacinth quartz. Red to reddish brown citrine. vakia. See page 259. "hyacinth." Incorrect when applied hyacinth sapphire. Reddish orange to hessonite, unless full name to red-orange sapphire. hyacinth garnet is used. See "hyacinth topaz." An incorrect hyacinth. name for hyacinth (a zircon). hyacinth (hye'a-sinth). A variety hyaline. Opalescent milk quartz of zircon. The term is by some (Eppler). authorities to the applied only hyalite. Colorless common opal; red and of orange variety, many not gem quality. which have been heat treated. hyalithe. An opaque variety of Others use it interchangeably glass, black, green, with jacinth to mean yellow- frequently etc. Resembles orange or red or brown zircon. brown, red, (Standard). It is sometimes loosely used to porcelain. mean any zircon. The word is hyalosiderite. Rich olive-green oli~ also used as a color designation vine, containing much iron meaning orange-red to orange, (Merrill). as in hyacinth garnet, hyacinth hydration. Combination with wa- sapphire. See "hyacinth." ter or the elements of water. hyacinth garnet. Hessonite. See hydrolite. Same as enhydros. and hyacinth, "hyacinth." hydrophane. A dehydrated, yel- hyacinth of Compos tella. Bed fer- lowish, brownish or greenish va- ruginous quartz from gypsum riety of common opal which beds of Santiago de Compos- when immersed in water, be- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 106 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY comes more translucent or weights. transparent. Sometimes may hydrous (hye'drus). Containing exhibit play of color. Similar hydrogen or water, and there- and more permanent results are fore, yielding water on heating. sometimes obtained by immers- hypersthene (hye'per-sthene). A ing or boiling in oil. See ocu- translucent to opaque, dark lis mundi; pyrophane. green or brown to black mineral, hydrostatic weighing. Weighing of often exhibiting a metallic schill- a substance first in air, then in er. Ortho. (FeMg)Si03 ; H. 5-6; water. The S.G. is then obtained S.G. 3.3-3.5. R.I. 1.67/1.68-1.72/ by dividing the weight in air by 1.73; BL 0.010-0.016. From La- the difference between the brador and other sources.

Titles within quotation marks are misnoiners. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 107 DICTIONARY OP' GEMS AND GEMOLOGY


I. Abbr. for the element iodine. Idar agate. Name for any of the small agates the discov- ice-colored clear amber. (German ery of which resulted in the trade grade). Best color quality establishment of the gem of amber. Colorless transparent cutting industry at Idar- or very pale. See clear amber. Qberfttein. "Iceland agate." (1) Obsidian Idar-Oberstein. Twin towns in from Iceland, (2) A brownish southwestern One of or of obsidian. Germany. grayish variety the world's largest cen- alternate for obsi- cutting (3) An name ters of less valuable colored dian. stones. See Idar agate. Iceland crystal. Same as Iceland ideal crystal form. See crystal spar. form, ideal. identification a The Iceland spar. calcite. (of gemstone). Transparent of the Because of its strong double re- testing physical proper- ties of a stone to determine fraction its more flawless quali- whether or not if ties are used in optical instru- genuine and, ments and research and known genuine, its species; as distin- from the former method as optical calcite. guished of rendering of opinions based ice spar. Term has been incorrectly on the appearance of the stone applied to adularia (moonstone) to the eye. See determinative but is an alternate name for f em cloggy; gemological labora- colorless sanidine, a different tories. of orthoclase. variety idiochromatic stone (id'i-oe-kr e- ice stone. Name used by Ojibways mat'ik). Stone in which the (American Indians) for white substance producing the color is flint. Name doubtless applied to an inherent constituent of the rock crystal. (Ball). mineral. Limited to such stones icy flakes. A seldom used trade as chrysocolla, malachite, diop- name for small cracks along side, azurite, turquoise and peri- cleavage planes sometimes caus- dot. ed by overheating stones during idiophanous. Exhibiting interfer- polishing. ence figures without the aid of

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 108 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

the polarise ope. terial other than genuine gem ma- terial. A stone that idocrase (eye'doe-krase) . Same as genuine vesuvianite. imitates a more desirable one is sometimes called its imitation; igmerald. Coined name of the I.G. preferably its substitute. (2) Farbenindustrie of Germany for More the variety of emerald specifically, glass, plastic, synthetic or other amorphous substitutes made by it. or reproductions as distinguished igneous rock (ig'nee-us). A rock from synthetic and reconstruct- formed by the solidification of a ed stones (which are crystalline) molten magma, either at the sur- and from genuine assembled face, as volcanic lava or within stones (portions of which are the earth as plutonic rock or crystalline). See also reproduc- intrusive igneous rock. tion; simulated stone. illam. Singhalese name for the immersion cup. An accessory for local sedimentary gem gravels. a gemological microscope con- ilmenite. An opaque black mineral taining a liquid of high R. I. and to eliminate rarely cut for collectors or sub- designed reflections from facets and stituted for hematite. (Its streak highly polished thus to the observation is brown, hematite's is red). expedite of determinative inclusions. Hex. FeTiO3 . H. 5-6; S.G. 4.5-5. immersion method. image stone. Agalmatolite. Term applied mineralogists to method of imitation cameo. See cameo. by determining R. I. of a substance imitation doublet. See doublet. by observing it in various liquids. imitation foil back. See foil back. See Becke method. imitation lacquer back. See lacquer immersion stage. See stage. back. imperfection. A trade term used to refer to an inclusion or imitation pearls. Beads made of faulty structure of kind which is glass, wax or other substances any visible to the whether ob- coated with essence d' orient, as eye served with or without the aid of distinguished from natural pearls a and cultured pearls. See Roman magnifier. pearl; "indestructible pearl." imperfection detector. An in- strument imitation star sapphire. See star designed especially doublet. for the detection of imperfec- tions in fashioned diamonds, imitation See triplet. triplet. but equally useful in observing imitations or imitation stones. (1) the nature of inclusions in In the broadest sense, any ma- fashioned, transparent, colored Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 109 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

stones. See Diamond Imperfec- substance, such as liquids or tion Detector. small crystals of one mineral in Imperial Chinese jade. Same as another, or air or gas bubbles emerald Jade. in glass or synthetic stone, visi- ble Imperial cultured pearl. One of the to the unaided eye or with a privately controlled trade names magnifier only. See determina- under which cultured pearls are tive inclusion. sold in the U.S.A. inclusion, irregular. Irregularly Imperial Diamond. Same as Vic- shaped inclusion, especially that toria Diamond. without apparent crystal form. imperial jade. ( 1 ) In China, a term incrustation. A crust or coating. properly applied to the finest "indestructible pearl." An imita- emerald color of green jadeite. tion pearl consisting of a solid has been in The term adopted opalescent glass bead covered the American trade. See emerald with layers of pearl essence, the other a jade. (2) In countries, quality of the imitation depend- term which also has been used ing upon the number of coats, for a aven- substitute, green the quality of essence d'orient, turine quartz. etc. Fairly durable, but not in- "Imperial Mexican Jade." Green- destructible. dyed calcite. index of refraction. A numeral Yii-Stone. Green aven- Imperial which expresses the ratio of the turine See Yii. quartz. speed of light in air to its ve- impregnated. Having a substance locity in a substance, and also, intimately dispersed or dissemi- the ratio of the sine of the an- nated within. gle of incidence to the sine of manga (Maori). A highly prized the angle of refraction. In min- grey variety of New Zealand eralogy this index is indicated nephrite. by the symbol n; in gemology, Inca rose. Rhodochrosite. by the abbreviation R.I. Thus the index of amber is Inca stone. Pyrite. expressed as either n or R.I. 1.54. incident or That which 1.54, light ray. Same aa . strikes the surface or enters a Indian name for mocha stone, as distinguished from the agate. A stone or moss Same as light which has subsequently en- agate. dendritic tered the stone and, in most agate. cases, 'been refracted or re- Indian cmt's-eye. Cymophane. Same flected. as chrysoheryl cat's-eye, Ceylon inclusion. Any foreign body, what- cat's-eye. ever its origin, enclosed in a Indian cut. Term applied (1) by Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold laced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 110 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY Bauer - Spencer to 10-facet violet-blue to blue. Frequently table cut only; (2) by Cattelle almost black, sometimes green- to a clumsy form of the single ish-blue. brilliant cut; (3) by Schloss- indigolite. Same as indicolite. macher to all unsymmetrlcally indigo sapphire. Very dark blue shaped or faceted, brilliant, step, mixed or cabochon stones cut in sapphire. the Orient to preserve maximum indra. A casein resin (plastic). weight from the rough. infra-red. That part of the electro- "Indian emerald." Crackled quartz. magnetic spectrum beyond the red end of the visible Indian garnet. Almandite. spectrum (7900 AK containing the so- "Indian jade.*' Aventurine quartz. called heat rays which produce Indian pearl. (1) Pearl from East luminescence in certain gems Indian waters, including Ceylon. and other substances. (2) Any Bombay pearl or Mad- inky sapphire. Very dark blue sap- ras pearl. (3) Rarely used to phire. mean oriental any pearl. ins or in-byes. Excavations in the Indian rule. Same as Tavernier Burma ruby mines, larger than rule. kobins. "Indian topaz." (1) Citrine or in situ (in sigh'tue). A term used topaz quartz. (2) Yellow sap- to describe the location of min- phire from India (Smith). See erals when found in the place correct usage under Indian to- where they were originally paz. formed. Indian topaz. Saffron yellow topaz intaglio (in-tal'yoe or en-tal-yoe). from Ceylon (Bauer-Spencer, A carved gem which may be used Schlossmacher, and Bull. 118, as a seal, in which the design has U. S. Nat'L Museum). been engraved into the stone. indicator*. Term used in determi- Intaglios differ from cameos, in native gemology for minerals or that the edges of cameos are other substances of known S. G.j lower than the figures. pieces of which are used to indi- intensity (of a color). The com- cate or calibrate the approxi- parative brightness (vividness) mate S. G. of heavy liquids. See or dullness or brownishness of a also diffusion column. color; its comparative possession indices, refractive. See refractive or lack of brilliance; therefore, index. the variation of a 'hue on a vivid- to-dull scale. See hue, tone. indicolite ( in-dik'oe-lite ) Blue tourmaline. Very light to dark interfacial angle. In crystallogra- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.

Ill DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY phy the internal angle between as to the arrangement of their any two faces of a crystal form. colored rings and curves, com- bined with black bars interference (of light). Explained and curves, by the undulatory theory as the and the manner in which they reinforcement or tne partial or behave when the mineral or complete destruction of certain stone is rotated, indicate whether of the rays of the spectrum when the mineral is uniaxial, or bia- the undulation of the light rays xial, and whether positive or traveling in the same direction negative. See optic character; coincide (and reinforce one an- optic sign. other) or interfere (and tend to intergrowth. A mutual interlocking destroy each other). This com- of crystals, during their crystal- plete or partial destruction or lization. The crystals may be of reinforcement of certain of com- same or different minerals and ponent (colored) rays of white in more or less close contact. See light causes iridescence, labra- crystal aggregate, crystalline dorescence, orient, and play of aggregate. color. interlaced or interwoven. Confus- interference colors. In descriptive edly interwined, as are fibres or gemology the colors which are slender crystals in some min- observable as the result of the erals. interference of light, such as International Jewelry Trade Bu- in of color of the the play opal, reau. Same as B. I. B. O. A. and iridescence in rainbow interpenetration twins. Two or quartz. In optical mineralogy, moi'e in twinned and determinative the crystals posi- gemology, tions which each other. number of orders of color ob- penetrate Same as twin. See served in the axis of penetration optic figure twin. a specimep of given thickness intumescence (in"tue-mes'ens). is an index of the strength of The of and birefringence. property bubbling swelling upon fusing. interference figures. Figures due invelite. A similar to bake- to the interference of light plastic which can be seen in most lite. doubly refractive minerals when Inverell sapphire. Blue sapphire examined in a certain way in from New South Wales, mar- keted Inverell. convergent light, as in through Lighter polarized Anakie a petrographical or gemological blue than typical sap- microscope, or under certain phire. conditions in a gemological po- "invisible light." A term used to lariscope. The figures differing refer to certain radiations of Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced typ its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 112 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

light traveling1 in wave lengths fering refractive index. too short or too long to be dis- "iridescent cat's-eye/* Unsatisfac- tinguished by the human eye tory term sometimes used for such as ultra-violet, infra-red. See cKrysoberyl cat*seye to distin- also visible light. guish it from quartz -cat's-eye. lolanthite. Local trade name for a iridio-platinum. An alloy usually banded reddish jasper-like min- containing 90<# or more of eral from Crooked River, Ore. platinum. The remaining per- centage is of iridium which is iolite. Transparent to semi translu- necessary to an blue to blue-violet, often produce alloy cent, stiff for mineral. Some- sufficiently use in greyish blue, gem mountings. times cut as gem, but rarely faceted. Usually massive and iris agate. Banded agate which in cloudy to almost opaque. Very thinly fashioned sections dis- strongly trlchroic to the unaid- plays iridescence. Of almost no ed eye; dark violet-blue, light gem importance. grey-blue and light yellow are iris quartz. Rock crystal containing the trichroic colors most gener- thin air-filled cracks which pro- ally listed by mineralogists. duce iridescence. Same as rain- Ortho. Mg2Al4 Si5Oi 8 ; H. 7-7.5; bow quartz. S.G. 2.57-2.66; R.L 1.53/1.54- "Irish diamond." Rock crystal from 1.54/1.55 (Dana shows varia- Ireland. tion 1.53-1.60); Bi. 0.009; iron-aluminum garnet. Same as Sometimes displays a star-like ef- almandine. fect and frequently a girasol ef- iron opal. Same as jasper opal. fect when cut cabochon. From "iron pyrites." Popular name for and Brazil Ceylon principally. pyrite. Same as dichroite, cordierite. ironstone. Any hard earthy ore ion. atom An electrically charged of iron, such as .hematite. or atomic group. irregular inclusion. See inclusion, Iran or Iranian as Per- lapis. Same irregular. sian lapis. iserine or iterite, A blackish Iran or Iranian turquoise. Same as ferruginous mineral with a Persian turquoise. higher metallic luster than hema- iridescence. The exhibition of pris- tite. H. 5% -6; S.G. 4.5-5.2. matic colors in the interior or Streak, brownish black. Has upon the surface of a mineral been substituted for hematite. caused by interference of light iserite. See iserine. from thin films or layers of dif- "Isle of Wight diamond.** Rock Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


crystal. iron, lithium and magnesium, Isle Royal greenstone. Chlorastro- etc., replace each other with re- lite. sulting wide ranges of colors but little variation in other Iso. Abbr. used in this book for prop- iron no isometric system- erties, producing gem qualities. In other cases of iso- is ochromatic (eye*'soe-kroe-mat'- morphic replacements wide vari- the same color. ik). Possessing ations in physical properties re- isometric (eye"soe~met'rik). Equal sult. See garnet. in measure, as the isometric isotropic (eye"soe-trop'ik) . Singly system. refractive. Affecting light sim- isometric mineral or stone. Min- ilarly in all directions as it passes eral or stone of the isometric through the mineral. See also system. anisotropic. isometric system. The cubic sys- "Italian chrysolite.** Vesuvianite. tem of Sub- crystallization. Italian coral. Coral from sea wa- stances of this are all system ters of Italian mainland and isotropic and their axes are of neighboring islands, as distin- equal length. An ideal crystal guished from Algerian coral, Tu- form of this is therefore system nisian coral. a cube or a variation of it -such "Italian as an octahedron. Diamond, spi- lapis." Same as "Swiss nel and the garnets are the most lapis." important gem minerals of this itatli. An Aztec name for obsidian. system. Same as cubic system. ivory. The hard creamy-white See crystal system. opaque, fine-grained substance, isomorphism (eye"soe-mor'fiz m). consisting of a peculiar form of The property of crystallizing to- dentine, which comprises the gether in variable chemical pro- tusks of elephants; also the portions possessed by some min- dentine of the tusks of other erals (and other of substances) large mammals. H. 2 % ; S.G. like atomic structure. See iso- 1.70-1.93; R.I. 1.54 (R. Web- morphic replacement. ster). In a broader sense, the isomorpHous. Exhibiting isomor- dentine of any tooth. phism. ivory, artificial. Any substitute for isomorphous replacement. Replace- ivory, such as bakelite, cederon, ment of one element by an- celluloid, fibroc, invelite, micar- other of the same valency in the ta, redmanol, and others. chemical composition of a min- ivory jade. A descriptive term of eral, as in tourmaline, where the Chinese for jade of a partic- * j quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if in bold faced its should be consulted. To printed type entry fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


ular color and texture. Mexican onyx (Merrill). See "ivory turquoise." Odontolite. chalchifcuitl, "Mexican onyx."

. white hroryj vegetable The hard jztn. Aztec name for obsidian kernel of the nut of certain palm wfci ch because of its many uses, trees (R. Webster). was surnamed teotetl (divine iztac chalchlKuitl. White or green stone). (Ball)

Titles within quotation marks arc misnohiers. Every unusual word or terhi used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted* To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 115 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

jacinta garnet. A trade term for opaque glass, usually a lead yellowish garnet (Kunz). ("flint") glass; S.G. about 3.73. jacinth (jae'sinth or jas'inth). A (Anderson) semi-translucent to al- name which was originally an jadeite. A alternate of hyacinth, most semi-transparent mineral, spelling" a more valuable than but which has been used for (1) jade neph- rite. and white yellow or brown zircon, (2) red White, green, most common. Also or orange zircon, (3) any zircon, gray, mauve, or (4) hyacinth garnet. Having lavender, pink, reddish, and become meaningless, the name orangy to brown. Structure of is now obsolete in the American tougher qualities consists of trade. closely matted fibrous crystals. Chloromelanite is a dark jacinto (Spanish). Hyacinth. green to nearly black variety. NaAl Jacumba hessonite. Hessonite from (Sip,)*, Mono. H. 6.5-7 j S.G. near Jacumba Hot Springs, San 3.3-3.5; (Chloromelanite 3.4); Diego Co., Calif. R.I. 1.66/1.68 (Schlossmacher) ; jade. A gemologieal group of two 1.654-1.667 (Dana). From upper minerals, jadeite and nephrite, Burma; perhaps also China, Ti- of differing chemical composi- bet, and Mexico. See jade, neph- tion but rather closely related rite. in appearance, in physical prop- jadeolite. A deep-green chromifer- erties, especially their unusual ous syenite cut as a gemstone toughness, and in uses which in- and resembling jade in appear- clude jewelry, carved objects, ance, from the jadeite mine at and various ornamental objects. Bhamo, Burma. Possibly the Occurs in large compact masses, same as pseudojadeite. its is often and color unevenly "jade tenace." Saussurite. distributed. See jadeite; neph- Jet. rite. jais, jai, jayet (French). Japan (or Japanese) pearl. (1) jade fisher. Chinese name for A term originally used for cul- an alluvial miner. jade tured blister pearl but later used jade glass. A green translucent to for whole cultured pearl. (2) A Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 116 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

correct name for any pearl from ologically classified as a variety Japanese waters whether cul- of chalcedony. Smith attributes tured or genuine. The latter oc- its color to its impurities. Weil casionally is marketed with the attributes a fibrous structure to former, and not distinguished the fine grains. The mineralogi- from it. cal difference between agate, and Japanese coral. Coral from jasper, is slight, but Schloss- Jap- macher states anese waters. Usually pink in that (in color with white centers. Beads Germany) classify completely material as and and cut specimens pink, often opaque jasper, flecked with white. semitranslucent to translucent as if Term chalcedony, or, varicol- jardin. (French, garden). ored, as agate. Widely distrib- to of applied a group mossy uted. See also hornstone. Co- inclusions typical of fine mixed lombian emerald. jasperated agate. Jasper with agate, jargoon or jargon. A name used "jasper fleuri," Jaspe fleuri. 1 for ( ) infrequently any variety jasperine. Banded jasper of vary- of more zircon, (2) generally ing colors. for colorless to grayish yellow jasperite. Same as jasper. or pale yellow zircon, (3) most Term used Chi- specifically and correctly for col- "jasper jade." by for orless zircon only. nese dealers jade substitutes, including serpentine, quartz or jasp agate or jaspagate. A mixture combinations of quartz and jade. of jasper and chalcedony with See "Soochow jade/* chalcedony predominating. almost Schlossmacher mentions that jasper opal. An opaque common opal, most commonly cutters call it agate jasper or yellow-brown ; almost reddish jasp agate, depending upon brown to due to iron oxides. whether the translucent agate red, or opaque jasper predominates. Resembles jasper in appearance. ware. A em- jaspe (Fr. and also Span.). Jasper. jasper semiporcelain ploying a granulated dip invent- fleuri jaspe (obsolete). Vari-color- ed by Josiah Wedgwood, adapt- ed jasper agate. able to various types of ceramic jasper. An opaque red, yellow, ware, but especially to the brown, rarely dark green, or moulding of cameos, the most little-used grayish-blue or lav- popular of which in jewelry, are ender, fine-grained, impure of white figures on a blue cryptocrystalline quartz, gem- ground. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 117 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY jaspe sanquin (French). Black tion jewelry or to any maker or jasper. repairer of jewelry. See Regis- tered A.G.S. jaspidean. Consisting of or con- Jeweler, taining jasper; like jasper. jeweler's gemological laboratory. In North America a in a jaspilite. A term used in Lake Su- department store in which perior region for bright red jas- jewelry gemstones are identified and diamonds per alternating with bands of Minimum in- black, commonly, specular hem- graded. equipment atite, cludes: (a) a diamond balance; (b) a Diamondscope, diamond Jaspis (German). Jasper. imperfection detector, or a Gemo- or jasponyx. An opaque onyx, part Hte; (c) a micrometer; (d) a of consist of all whose layers refractometer; (e) a monochro- or near jasper like jasper, mator; (f ) a gemological polari- chalcedony. scope; (g) diehroscope; and (h) jaspopal. Same as jasper opal. hardness points. " jet. A black variety of lignite jeweler's topaz." Citrine or topaz

(brown coal) ; a fossilized coni- quartz. ferous wood. Inflammable. H. jewel jade. Same as emerald jade. 3-4; S.G. 1.10-1.40; R.I. 1.64- jewel land. See Mogok Stone Tract. 1.68. From and England Spain. In H. jewelry (British, ). jet glass. Black, opaque glass. North America, any personal about 5, adornment wrought from preci- jet stone. Black tourmaline. ous metals, or any ornament (Power). which can be worn as a sub- jewel. (1) A fashioned gem- stitute for it, such as shell stone or a pearl. (2) Any jewelry, plastic jewelry, etc. See ornament made of the platinum costume jewelry. In trade usage, metals or gold of more than the term jewelry includes (1) 10 karat fineness whether or any article worn or carried not set with a genuine or syn- wholly for personal adornment, thetic gemstone, or with a genu- or (2) any article worn or car- ine or cultured pearl. (I) A ried for utilitarian needs which badge or ceremonial ornament is (a) made of precious metals, containing genuine or artificial (b) set with precious gems or gems, enamel or the like. See (c) made in imitation of any jewelry, solid gold. utilitarian article made of preci- jeweler Term ous metals and set with gems. (British, jeweller). from applied in U.S.A. to any mer- Differs in meaning jewel. chant selling genuine or imita- jig. A sieve shaken vertically in Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 118 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

water to separate gem gravel nation of specific gravity of material. from worthless Also, medium to very large-sized spe- a pulsator. cimens of cut and rough gems. joaillerie. The French term for Jonker Diamond. (I) A 726-C jewels, separate and distinct South African diamond of ex- from the term bijouterie, which ceptional color and purity dis- refers to jewelry, containing; no covered in 1934. (2) The gems. See also bijouterie. largest stone cut from it which jobber. A wholesaler as distin- weighs 125.65 metric carats. guished from an importer or "Jourado diamond." A colorless manufacturer, either of whom imitation stone. sell to or retailers may jobbers Juan jade. A mixture of fine or both. white &nd red jade. jobbing stones. A jeweler's assort- Jubilee diamond. A famous 650.8 ment of unmounted stones, kept m.c. South African diamond for use in repair, remodeling or from which was fashioned a rehabilitating jewels. 245.35 m.c. brilliant-cut stone. Job's tears. Local name for peridot Thought to be now in treasury from Arizona and New Mexico. of an East Indian prince. jobnite. A variety of vitreous or junk box. Term used by jewelers scaly turquoise. for a collection of damaged or jolite. lolite. temporarily useless gem mater- Jolly balance (jol'i; prop., yole'e), ials, for the most part salvaged A spiral spring balance especi- from worn-out or out-moded ally adaptable to rapid determi- jewelry.

Titles within quotation marks are misnofriers. Every unusual word or terto used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted* To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 119 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY


K. Abbreviation for (1) the ele- "Kandy spinel." Almandite from ment potassium; (2) Karat; see Ceylon. carat. Kaneelstein (German). Hesson- kahurangi. A pale-green translu- ite. cent variety of New Zealand Kan Huang jade. A Chinese rare. nephrite jade; (Smith) name for light yellowish jade. trade name Kaiyeral. Ceylonese Kan jade. Kan Yii, a Chinese treble for a dark-colored pearl, name for jade which is the color not quite round. (Kunz) of boiled chestnuts. kalanchu. (1) A Ceylonese meas- kann. See kand. ure of used in trade weight pearl ; karat. See carat. the equivalent of 67 grains troy. Karfunkle (2) A term applied to the four (German). Carbuncle. Inferior classes of true pearl Karlsbad Spring stone. A banded from Ceylon, i.e., kalippu, pisal, red, white and brown gypsum Icural, and tul. See chewu; vadi- used in small carved objects and vu. cheap jewelry. (Pough) Kalette (German). Culet. Karneal (German). Carnelian. kallainite. Same as callainite. Kashgar jade. Nephrite of in- kallait. Same as callait. ferior qualities from the jade center of kallipo or kalippu. Ceylonese trade market and cutting Turkestan. grade of pearls; includes lens Kashgar, Chinese from this area shaped or elongated pearls Best qualities are sold to cutters in usually flattened, (Kunz) and usually with external blemishes (Bou- Peiping, Shanghai or Canton. tan). Similar to masanku, but Kashmere or Kashmir sapphire. of poorer quality (Cattelle). Same as Cashmere sapphire. kalmuck or Same as opal agate. kauri copal, kauri gum or kauri cacholong. Resin from Kan resin (cow'ree). C'hing jade. A Chinese name the Kauri pine (Dammara aus- for pale bluish jade. trails) from Australia, New kand or kann. Same as cancL Zealand, and other sources. Oc- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 120 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY curs in whitish yellow masses. qualities from jade market and Used in some inferior imitations cutting center of Khotan (Sin- of amber. According to Bauer kiang), Chinese Turkestan. The has dirty appearance compared best qualities mined in the with amber. Smells like turpen- neighborhood are usually sold tine. See also copal; dammar. to cutters in China. kawakawa. Maori name for ordi- "kidney stone." Nephrite. of nary green variety nephrite. kikukwaseki (Japanese). A radial (Smith) aggregate of xenotime and zir- kawk. Cornish name for fluorite. con. Also called chrysanthemum stone. kelve. Cornish name for fluorspar. From Ishikawa, Iwaki province, Japan Kerr, Paul Francis (1897- ). B. (English). "Killiecrankie S., Occidental College, 1919. Ph. diamond." Colorless D., Stanford, 1923. Faculty Co- topaz from Tasmania. lumbia Univ., 1923; instructor, kimherlite. Mineralogical name for extension evening classes in gem- the petrological brecciated peri- stones, Columbia Univ., 1923. dotite, more usually called blue Professor (mineralogy) Colum- ground, which is the diamond- bia Univ. 1932-. Exec. Officer bearing rock of the South Afri-

Dept. Geology 1944- ; member Ex- can "pipes." aminations Standards Board, kimpi (East Indian). A red or Institute .of Amer- Gemological brownish variety of jadeite. ica, 1930-. Co-author, with A. F. kindradite. for a Rogers, of Optical Mineralogy, Mis-spelling' spher- ulitic from 1942, and some fifty other min- jasper-like quartz eralogical contributions. California. See kmradite. Charle* William ktjTstoneite. Blue or King, (1818- chrysocolla Author of Handbook En- chalcedony colored 1888).. of by copper Natural silicate. graved Gems; History of Gems; Natural History of Precious khesbet. word for Egyptian lapis Stones and of the Precious Metals; lazuli but of probably Babylon- Natural History of Gems, or Semi' ian origin. (S. Ball) Previous Stones. Khiraj-i-Alam Ruby. See Timur King Croesus stone. Same as "Ruby/* simav opal. Khorog lapis. Lapis lazuli from kingfisher jade. Jade resembling near Khorog, Russian Badak- the color of the brilliant blue- shan, and usually sold as Badak- green back of the kingfisher. See T** *


Great Barrier Reef of Australia. or blue-black slag-like pearl. Not used in Occident. See black (Kunz) In this definition pris- coral. matic shell probably has same meaning as prismatic layers. king stone. Same as "king topaz." Koenigskrone mine. An old mine in "king topaz." Term used in Ceylon which was the source of for deep yellow sapphire, but Saxony the in the crown elsewhere in Orient for orange topazes jewels of the of See or even brownish sapphire, and King Saxony. Green Vaults. for pale yellow citrine. Kohinoor Diamond . trade name (or Koh-i-nur) kinradite. A local World'.? most famous diamond. for jasper containing spherul- An Indian diamond with long ites of colorless or nearly color- history with Mogul dynasty and less Much of it is the quartz. Persian rulers. Reaching Eng- as orbicular From same jasper. land it was recut from about California and Oregon. 186 to 108.93 m.c. In state crown of the Queen of Eng- klaprothine. Same as lazulite. land. See Great Mogul Dia- Klein's solution. Boro-tungstate of mond. cadmium; melts to an aqueous Kollin garnet. Almandite from Kol- solution of S.G. 3.55 which is lin (Bohemia). See Bohemian lowered by dilution with water. garnet. R. Webster places S.G. of Klein's Kongo emerald. Same as Congo solution at 3.28. emerald. kobins. Reinforced pits from four "Korean or Korea Jade." Term to five feet in diameter in Burma used for (1) various impure ruby mines. jades; (2) bowenite (Smith); kochenite. A fossil resin, like am- (3) artificially colored soap- ber. Kochenthal, Tyrol. (Eng- stone or other minerals; (4) lish) glass imitations of jade. kodai pearl. Ceylonese trade grade kornerupine. An unusual mineral for a pearl with no nacreous sometimes cut for collectors. luster; formed of prismatic Colorless, yellow or brown, and shell. It may be large, is usually from Madagascar, sea green. spherical, and includes pearls Ortho. MgAl2Si0 6 ; H. 6%; S.G. of various colors. The name is 3.28-3.34; R.I. 1.67/1.68. Dichro- also used for white pearls with ism, strong, green and yellow to black or brown marks. Van kodai: reddish brown. Also from Cey- a kodai pearl with one side lon, Germany and Greenland. nacreous. Karunk hodai: a black (Smith) Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 122 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY korowell. A Ceylonese trade grade and Company. Author of Curious includes double of pearls; pearls Lore Precious same as of Stones; Magic of (Boutan). Apparently Jewels and Charms; The Book kuruval. Rings; of the Pearl with Charles Hugh krantzite. A fo0 resin. Stevenson. Ivory and the Elephant; Gems and Precious Stones North Kraus, Edward Henry (1875-). Pro- of Gems. fessor of Crystallography and America and California Dean Emeritus of the College of kunzite (kponz'ite). Transparent Literature, Science 'and the Arts, pink to lilac-colored spodumene University of Michigan. B.S., named for Kunz. A comparative- ScD. (hon.),LL.D. (Syracuse); ly new gemstone, discovered in Ph. D. (Munich). President 1902 or earlier in Southern Cali- later found in (1946-) and Honorary Member fornia; Madagas- of Gemological Institute of car. America. Member G. I. A. Exam- kural. A Ceylonese pearl trade inations Standards Board; Fel- grade said to include (1) very low Geological Society of Amer- small and misshapen pearls ica; Mineralogical Society of (Boutan; Kunz), or (2) deform- America (Boebling Medalist ed or double pearls (Cattelle who confused with 1944) ; Author of "Hineralogtf* probably with Walter F. Hunt and Lewis kuruval). S. Ramsdell; "Gems and Gem kuruval. Ceylonese trade grade 9 Materials' with Chester B. Slaw- consisting of deformed or double son; and other reference works pearls (Kunz). See vadivu. on mineralogy and numerous kyanite. Same as cyanite. and gemological mineralogical kyauk-ame (East Indian). Black papers. variety of jadeite. Kunatlicher Edelstein (German). kyauk-atha (East Indian). White Artificial stone. translucent jadeite. Kunz, George Frederick (1856- kyauk-me (East Indian). Term ap- 1932). Mineralogist and gem ex- plied to dark stones at the Bur- pert. Vice-President of Tiffany ma ruby mines.

used is Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pagres. 123 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

laboratories, national gemological. of labradorite. Specimens from See national gemological labora- Madagascar are translucent, yel- tories. low-brown with fine bluish

laboratory, gemological. See gem- adularescence. ( Schlossmacher ) . ological laboratory. Labrador rock. Labradorite. labradorescence. The phenomenon Labrador spar. Labradorite. notably possessed by labrado- Labrador stone. Labradorite. rite and peristerite which, when polished along the proper erys- lacquer back. A transparent or tallographic direction (Smith translucent stone, the pavilion says along a cleavage plane) dis- of which has been covered with plays laminated flashes of an colored lacquer, cement or simi- iridescent-like but single hue lar material to change or in- which gradually changes as it is tensify its color. A glass imita- moved about in a reflected light. tion stone so treated is an imita- See labradorite. tion lacquer back. Gemologically a foil Labrador feldspar. Labradorite. variety of back. lad ward- Labrador hornblende. Same as hy- j jui (Afghan for Lapis La- persthene. zuli Brock). The name of the stream near Faisabad near which labradorite (lab"ra-dore'ite or Badaksban lapis is found. lab'ra-dor' ite). An opaque plagioclase feldspar, the colors "Lake George diamond." Colorless of which are grayish except doubly terminated quartz crystal when cut to display labrador- from Herkimer Co., N. Y. escence which consists of bril- . ( 1 ) Any liant blues, and less frequently, agate from Lake Superior re- greens, yellows, reds, oranges, gion. (2) Incorrect name for and bronzes. Sometimes carved thom son ite from same region as cameos. H, 6; S.G. 2.6-2.7; which is marked or banded as R.I. 1.56-1.57. From Labrador, is agate. Russia Finland, and Colorado. "Lake Superior fire agate." A See feldspar. glass imitation of opal. ( Kraus Labrador moonstone. A variety and Slawson)

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term useed is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should he consu lted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 124 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AXD GEMOLOGY Lake Superior greenstone. Chlor- Usually black pearl of grayish astrolite. or bronzy varieties but some- times white lamellae (la-mel'ee). Thin plates or pearl of fine qual- layers; laminae, ity. Formerly marketed through La Paz, Mexico, but most of the lamellar (la-mel'ar or lam'e-lar). molluscs have disappeared. They Consisting of laminae ; tabular. were variously reported to be laminae Thin or (lam'i-nee). plates found in the species Margaritifera but not layers, usually, always, TW. mazatlanica (Kunz). or the spe- of or repeated polysynthetic cies Meleagrina californica (Bou- twinning. tan). Schlossmacher mentions laminated (lam'i-nate"ed). Con- the mussel Malleus as producing sisting of, or arranged in, plates the bronze pearl. Same as Pan- or layers. ama pearl. See also Venezuela landerite. Pink grossularite from pearl. Xalostoc, Morelos, Mexico. Same La Pellegrina Pearl. Pearl of as rosolite and xalosticite. 111 3A grains, described by Kunz landscape agate. White or gray as one of the world's finest chalcedony with inclusions of pearls. Last known in Russia in irregular arrangements of man- 1827. oxide which bear fanci- ganese La Peregrina Pearl. A pearl of ful resemblance to a landscape. 134 grains, found in Panama Lao Kan C'hing jade. A Chinese or Venezuela about 1570, and name for bluish jade. See Kan presented to Phillip II of Spain. C'hing jade. Probably burned in fire at pal- Lao Kan Huang jade. A Chinese ace in 1734. Same as Phillip II name for deep yellowish jade. Pearl. lap. Horizontally revolving metal lapidary. (1) One who fashions col- circular disc, usually 12" to 18" ored stones. (2) Place where they in diameter, against which gems are fashioned. are held to be ground or polished . One who has or faceted. Soft iron for dia- lapidist (lap'i-dist) a special knowledge of minerals monds. metal, lead, Copper, gun and their preparation for use as pewter, cloth-covered, wood, gems or ornamental objects. leather-covered, etc., for colored stones. lapis (lape'is). Latin, a stone. Often used in the trade as an La Paz pearl. A trade term for abbreviation for lazuli. pearl fished in the Gulf of Cali- lapis fornia and Pacific coastal waters lapis ardens. A Latin name for of Mexico and Central America. amber.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 125 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

lapi* lazuli (lay'pis laz'ue-lye or ski) lap'is iaz'ue-lye). A granular lardite. Agalmatolite. crystalline aggregate composed lard stone. Agalmatolite. principally of the mineral lazu- rite (or blue haiiynite according La Regente Pearl. Egg-shaped to Smith), and calcite or pearl of 337 grains, once a pyrite, or both, which often form French court jewel. Sold in May, noticeable inclusions 3 and some- 1887. times with smaller amounts of diopside, amphibole, mica, etc. La Reine des Perles (The Queen A rock; hence its properties of Pearls). A fine, round orien- vary, depending on proportions tal pearl weighing 27,5 c. stolen of various minerals, present, the with other more that violet blue lazurite in 1792. Thought by some to predominates the finer the qual- have been purchased and re- ity; if all the usually associated named La Pellegrina Pearl. minerals are absent it is lazurite, La Tausca pearls. Trade-marked not lazuli. S.G. 2.5-2.9. lapis name for both solid and wax- From Afghanistan, Chile, Rus- filled imitation pearls. sia. See lazurite. lathi Term to lapis lazuli ware. A variety of (Burmese). applied Wedgwood, colored and marked 1% -carat gemstones. to resemble lazuli. lapis lattice. The pattern in which atoms lapis lazzale (Italian). Lapis la- or molecules are arranged in zuli. crystal structure. lapis matrix. Lapis lazuli contain- lat yay (East Indian). Clouded ing prominent patches of calcite. jadeite. Used for making but- See Chilean lapis. tons, hat pins, etc. lapis mutabilis (L.) Hydrophane Lauegrams, A name for Laue pho- opal. tographs or diagrams. The X- lapper. A person who operates ray photographs used in identi- a lap. fying gemstones and pearls. The Named for the noted physicist lapping. grjnding or polish- Max von Laue who discovered of colored on ing stones a lap, them. by use of water and (I) dia- mond dust rolled or hammered Laufer, Berthold, (1874-1934). into a soft metal lap or (2) American anthropologist and a mixture of abrasive grit, usu- orientalist. Assistant at Amer. ally silicon carbide. (Grodzin- Mus. of Nat. Hist. Author of Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 126 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY more than 200 monographs re- phire quartz. to ethnol- lating archaeology, lazurspar. Lapis lazuli. art and arrd of the ogy, religion, lazurstone. following books: The Diamond; Lapis lazuli. A Study in Chinese and Hellenistic lead glass. Any glass which con- Folk Lore, 1915; Jade; A Study in tains a large proportion of lead Chinese Archaeology and Religion, oxide ; the inclusion of this oxide 1912; Notes on Turquois in the East, raises the refractive index and 1913. dispersive power over that of The lead lava. Molten rock, as that which ordinary glass. glass most often used for imita- flows from volcanosj also the gem tion is same rock after solidification. flint glass (or strass). See flint glass. lavendine. Amethyst quartz (Mer- lechosos opal or lectio* opal. (1) rill). An opal with a deep green play lazulite. A transparent-to-opaque of color (Kraus and Holden). mineral, light to a dark sky-blue, (2) A Mexican fire opal with which somewhat resembles lazu- emerald-green color play and rite in color. Rarely cut except flashes of carmine and dark for collectors. Mono. (Fe,Mg)Ala violet-blue (Bauer-Spencer re- H. (OH) 2 (PC*) 2 ; 5-6; S.G. 3.1; peated by Schlossmacher). (3) R.I. 1.61/164; BL 0.031. From A Mexican opal showing simul- Brazil, Germany, Calif., N. C., taneously an opal play of color and Ga. with a fiery red self color lazurfeldspar. A blue variety of (Schlossmacher). (4) Colorless orthoclase, found in Siberia. or transparent colored Mexican opal with deep emerald-green lazurite. A semitranslucent to and also dark-blue, dark-violet, to intense opaque, light green- carmine and play of to violet-blue mineral. rose, purple ish blue color H. (Eppler). Iso. gNaAlSiOJfeiS; 5-5.5; lemanita Jade. S.G. 2.4; K.I. 1.50. Principal (Span.). term for a first constituent of lapis lazuli, in lenbouk. Burmese which lazurite often contains, water ruby exceeding four by Uomorphou* replacement, carats. molecules of the closely related lens system. Same as optical sys- minerals hauynite, and sodalite tem. and, according to Schlossmacher, lente acromatic (Span.). AchrO- occasionally noselite. See lapis matic lens. lazuli. lente aplanatica (Span.). Aplana- lazurquartz. Blue quartz. See sap- tic lens. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this boojc and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


lenticular. Lens-shaped ; of tabular Levy, Michel. French chemist who form, thick at the middle, and made synthetic spinel. toward the thinning edges. Li. Abbreviation for the element lentil. A form of cabochon cut- lithium. ting approximately symmetrical Lichtbrechnungr (German). Refrac- about the girdle plane, with com- tion (of light). paratively thin convex top and base. This style is used especial- ligament pearl. Elongated mis- ly for fashioning opal. shapen pearl formed near hinge leonite. A trade name for a yel- of a mussel. lowish Tibet stone. Also a light. A form of radiant energy, for a min- mineralogical name which like X-ray, radio, and interest. eral of no gemological other similar radiations, travels leopard jade. A descriptive term through space. See interference applied to spotted jade resemb- (of light) ;refraction; speed of ling the colors and marking of a light; monochromatic light; ul- leopard. tra-violet; infra-red. lepidolite (lep'i-doe-lite) . Light Lightning Ridge opal. Any black lithia a reddish violet mica; opal from Lightning Ridge matrix of tourmaline. area of New South Wales, leptology (lep-tol'oe-ji). Rhine's Australia, often of large term for the science of the fine size. See page 259. structure of substances. See also light opal. Term which has been crystal structure. used to distinguish White Cliffs Leshem. Seventh stone in the opal and other Australian white of the breastplate high priest. opal from black opal. See white Translated as ligurius; probab- opal. ly amber, but other authorities rose Same as white give jacinth, others a brown light pearl. but with rose orient or a agate. with the name pearl, Engraved cream-colored Joseph. very light pearl with rose orient. Differs from leucite. Same as "Vesuvian gar- cream rose net." light pearl. An leuco-sapphire (lue'ko). Colorless ligurite. apple green sphene. sapphire. (Dana) leukorite. Bakelite (Eppler). Ligurius. See Leshem. Leveridge gauge. A dial microm- lime jade. A descriptive term ap- eter designed by A. D. Lever- plied by Chinese to a lime-green idge. color of jade.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.

128 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY limestone. A sedimentary rock com- per. H. 2-2 M>; S.G. 2.9; R.I. posed chiefly of calcium carbon- 1.61/1.67; Mono. From Arizona ate (calcite). See also marble. and other sources. limonite. brown iron oxide some- A "Lithia amethyst" (lith'i-a). Kun- times coating gem minerals, and zite. an associated mineral usually "Lithia emerald." Hiddenite. with turquoise, in which it is often seen as brownish inclu- lithia lazuli. Same as Hthoxyie. sions. With large pieces of tur- Jithion beryl. Beryl containing lith- quoise it is fashioned as tur- ium but no caesium, purely a quoise matrix. S.G. 3.8. chemical distinction. limpidity. Water-like transparency. lithomancy. Divination by min- Linde synthetic ruby. Trade name erals or gems. for synthetic ruby made in U.S.A, Hthoxyie, lithoxyl, or lithoxylite. . Linde Air Products Co. by wood in which Linde synthetic sapphire. Trade. Opalized original woody structure is observable. term forsynthetic sapphire made in U.S.A. by Linde Air Products liver opal. Same as menilite. Co. loadstone. Same as lodestone. Lingah pearl. Same as Persian lodestone. That of the min- Gulf pearl. See also zinni pearl. variety eral which is itself a Linschoten. Famous 16th magnetite Century magnet. Dutch traveler in Orient who formulated a rule -for the valua- loodwins (Burmese). Mine work- in caves or fissures. tion of gems. (S. KL Ball). ings (V. Ball). lintonite. An agate-like variety of thomsonite greenish or with al- loop. See loupe. ternating bands of pink and loose diamond, pearly or other gem. green. From Lake Superior reg- A gem not set in a jewel. ion where it is cut and sold as Los Cerrillos turquoise. From Los a gemstone. Cerrillos mines (near Mt. Ghal- lion's-eye. A name used in some cichnite), close to Santa Fe, N. nations for cat's-eye. M., possibly worked by Indians for centuries but now almost in Hroconite (lye-rok'oe-nite) . A ; active fine translucent to opaque blue to ; produced quality greenish-yellow mineral occas- American turquoise. ionally used as an ornamental loss of color. Becoming lighter, or stone, and more rarely as sub- darker in tone, as when blue be- stitute for turquoise. A hydrous comes darker when observed un- arsenate of aluminum and cop- der artificial light or becomes

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


lighter when exposed to sunlight. lucinite. Variscite from near Lu- Any loss in intensity of color or cin, Utah. change to a less desirable hue. lucite. DuPont's trade name for lot pearl*. Small pearls, under 1 a transparent methyl-methacry- carat each. late plastic. S.G. 1.19; R.I. 1.49. See plexiglass. loup. See loupe. stone. Same as staurolite. loupe (French), lupe (German), lucky loup, or loop. The French word Lu jade. Lu Yii, a Chinese name is accepted as correct spelling in for bluish green jade. English - speaking nations. Any lull. Local name for imitation small magnifying glass mounted pearl made in Egypt in the Ro- for use in the hand as a hand man era, by silvering a glass loupe, or so that it can be bead and then flashing over it at- held in the eye socket or another coat of glass. to as an tached spectacles eye lumachella. See fire marble. loupe. Loupes may contain a lumachelle. Same as lumachella. single lens or a system of lenses, and in commercial usage range luminescence. A general term used in magnifying power from 2 to to describe the emission of light 20, the usual jeweler's or watch- by a substance when excited by maker's loupe being from 2 to 3 rays (particularly ultra-violet or power, and aplanatic loupes X rays), electrical discharge, from 6 to 20 power. See loupe, heat, friction, or similar agency. corrected. lumpy girdle. A too-thick girdle. in which loupe, corrected. A loupe lumpy stone. Refers to one cut the lens has been cor- system with great depth in propor- for either or top rected spherical tion to its width. chromatic aberration, or both. lunaris mean- See aberration, aplanatic loupe, (lue-na'res) Latin, ing moonstone. apochromatic lens, G.I.A. Regis- tered Loupe. lunar stone. A phosphorescent va- of barite. loupe-visible. Visible with aid of riety a loupe. lus. Mining term used in Burma mines for under- love's arrows. Same as Heches ruby deep d'amour. ground excavations or shafts in- to the hillsides, sometimes sev- love stone. Aventurine quartz. eral hundred feet in depth. lozenge cut. A modern style of gem luster. The appearance of a sur- cutting; shaped lik^ a playing face in reflected light. It depends card diamond. principally upon the relative Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


smoothness (texture) of the sur- lynx eye. Green labradorite. face and the upon refractive in- lynx eye labradorite. Labradorite which the dex, governs amount with a green schiller. of light reflected. Schiller, play "lynx sapphire." Dark blue iolite of color, orient and other such (Schlossmacher). See lynx sap- optical phenomena are distinct phire. from luster, but luster is re- lated to sheen. See adamantine lynx sapphire. (1) Term applied luster; metallic luster; pearly to dark blue sapphires in Cey- luster; resinous; silky; vitreous; lon (Smith). (2) Very pale blue waxy. sapphire with a girasol effect (Schlossmacher). See "lynx "luthos lazuli". Violet fluorite. sapphire". Lydian stone. Same as hasanite. lynx stone. Iolite.

Titles -fcrithin quotation marks are misnohiers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


M machastone. Same as mocha Madagascar morganite. Morganite stone. of fine color and large size, from machcHakai. See vadivu. Madagascar. made (niak'I). Same as maacle. Madagascar pearl. Fine pearl from (1) A seldom-used name for Island of Madagascar, sold chiastolite. (2) A twin crystal. through Indian pearl markets as Indian pearl. (Boutan) macroscopic (mak"roe-skop'ik) . Large enough to be observed madanku. A Ceylonese trade grade without the microscope. for pearls. Literally, folded or bent. Pearls of small or vadivu Madagascar alexandrite. Alexand- class, but imperfect in form and rite from Madagascar of inferior color (Kunz). See mondogoe. quality to Ceylon alexandrite or Russian alexandrite. Madeira stone. Same as "Madeira Madagascar amethyst. Amethyst topaz." from Madagascar, which is dark "Madeira topaz." Originally, cit- violet^has a slightly smoky tinge rine of fiery Madeira wine color, and if lighter in color is usually from Salamanca. Since 1900, violetish purple. similar colored stones have been Madagascar aquamarine. A term produced by heating amethysts See burnt am- formerly used by some gem (Schlossmacher). dealers to describe any aquama- ethyst. rine which was darker than the Madras pearl. ( 1 ) Any oriental pearl usual light blue variety. Most of marketed through Madras, India. these were mined in Madagas- (2) Any oriental pearl found in car. More recently many stones the Madras area. (3) As an from Brazil have by heat treat- American trade grade, a white ment equalled or excelled them pearl with faint bluish overtone in depth of color. and a rose orient, a combination which produces a lavender tint. Madagascar citrine. Said by See also Madras white pearl. Schlossmacher to be better, brighter and more like topaz Madras white pearl. Trade term in color than Brazilian citrine. for slightly rose pearl with Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.

132 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMGLGGY whiter body color than Bombay and not yet worn. pearl (Kunz). Other authorities main facets. The bezel and describe as slightly more metal- pavilion facets. See 259. lic. Came principally from the page now-dormant Ceylon, fisheries. make. Trade term referring to See Ceylon pearl. proportions, symmetry, and pol- as a well-made a magic stone. A white, opaque va- ish; stone, lump\ a swindled etc. riety of hydrophane, in rounded stone, stone, lumps, with a chalky or glazed malachite (mal'a-kite). An opaque, coating; from Colorado. bright green ornamental and decorative magma (mag'ma). Molten (liquid) mineral; an ore of rock material within the copper, often banded in lighter earth; and the molten mass from which any darker layers. Mono. CuCOs H. igneous rock or lava is formed. Cu(OH) 2 ; 3M>-4; S.G. 3.5- 4.1; R.I. 1.66, 1.91. Bi. 0.25. magnesium-aluminum garnet. Same From Arizona and numerous as pyrope. overseas localities. magnetic. Capable of either at- malacolite or ma- tracting a magnetic needle or (mal'a-koe-lite a of being attracted by a magnet. lak'-o-lite). Originally light- colored variety of diopside from twin. Same as magnetic polysyn- Sweden; now same as diopside. thetic twin. Malachite. magnetite. Opaque iron-black malaquita (Span.). mineral of no gemological im- "malchit-jade." Same as chrysodor. portance. See lodestone. male ruby, sapphire, etc. Any dark- magnifier. Any instrument which colored ruby, sapphire, etc. See magnifies such as a reading female ruby, sapphire, etc. glass, loupe, Gemolite, Diamond- malleable. Capable of being shaped scope, Diamond Imperfection by hammering or rolling. Detector or Microscope. Malleidae. The family of salt-water Mahabharata (ma-ha-ba'ra-ta) . A bivalves which include both the Hindu epic containing early in- hammer shells and the so-called formation regarding India. pearl oysters. Same as Aviculi- Mahar. See Lingah pearl. dae or Pteriidae. See also Mal- Maharatnani. The five great gems leus; Meleagrina pearl. of the Hindus, which for cen- Malleus. The genus of Malleidae turies have been the diamond, containing the hammer shells. pear!, ruby, emerald and sap- See also LaPas pearl, phire. (S. H. Ball) makes ite (mol-teze'ite). A variety maiden pearl. Pearl newly fished of andalusite resembling chiasto-

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 133 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY'

lite in its markings; from Fin- sand sea-bottom. land. Maori. The name of the native mammillary (mam'i-Iae-ri). Having race and language of New Zea- a smooth, hummoeky surface, land. with curved protuberances larg- Maori stone (ma'oe-ri), colloq. er than botryoidal. See botryoi- mou'ri). Name given nephrite of reniform. dal; New Zealand from its use by the mancnadi. A the Maori natives. Ceylonese weight, ,' equivalent of 3.55 grains troy. marble. Crystalline limestone, a Manchurian jade. Soapstone. massive form of calcite. A build- and decorative stone. manganese-aluminum garnet. Same ing Many varieties are ornamental as spessartite. stones, as Parian marble and Carrara manganese garnet. Spessartite. marble used in sculptured fig- spar. Rhodonite. manganese (1) ures and figurines, lamp bases, 2 Rhodochrostte. ( ) etc. Some varieties are used in manganoandalusite. Same as viri- costume jewelry, as the onyx dine. marble called "Mexican onyx" mangelin (man'g'Hn ). Hindu or "Mexican jade." Never a gem weight equal to 1% carats. stone. Manila gum. Fossil resin from the marcasite (mar'ka-site). (1) An to Philippines. opaque bronze grayish min- eral with metallic luster. Ortho. Manila pearl. Pearl marketed FeS2. (Same as pyrite). H. 6- through Manila. Principally of 6%; S.G. 4.8. (2) Trade term same quality as Philippine pearl. for pyrite, with which costume Man Man a Chinese jade. Yfi, jewelry is* sometimes paved, red name for jade of blood which has more brassy color but hue. is more durable than true mar- mantle. External body wall or skin casite. of a mollusc; that portion of the marekanite. A variety of obsidian body which secretes the shell- from Siberia. (1) Mottled brown building material. and black (Merrill). (2) Cloudy manufactured stone. In gemology, smoky gray (Eppler). (3) any man-made substitute for a Brown and gray, often yellow genuine gemstone. It may be an and red, part uniform, part va- imitation, a synthetic stone or ried in color. Similar material any other man-made reproduc- from Mexico and elsewhere tion. (Schlossmacher). manul (Ceylonese). Loose or soft margarita (Latin). Pearl.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fuljy understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 134 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

margaritaceous. Pertaining to or genuine beryl triplet. See also resembling pearl. "emerald triplet." Margaritifera pearl ( mar"gar-ri- masculine. Term applied to stones tif'er-a). Pear! from the genus of a deep and rich color. an alternate name Margaritifera, masengoe. Same as Cattelle's defi- for the which genus Meleagrina^ nition of masanku (Boutan). most scientists consider a more " or name for this sub- masitj'il, (meaning "ink-dust, preferable "chalk genus of Avicula. See Melea- powder"). Generally used for medicinal purposes, or grina pearl. burnt and eaten with areca-nut margaritiferous. Pearl-bearing. and betel by the natives. A margaritomancy. Divination by Ceylonese trade grade of pearls use of pearls. (Kunz). marialite. A variety of scapolite. mass aqua. Trade term for borosi- *'mari-diamond." Rock crystal from licate crown glass imitation of India. aquamarine. H. 6; S.G. 2.35- "marmarosh diamond.* 1 Same as 2.37; R.I. 1.50-1.51. dragomite. massive. Not occurring in crystal forms, but not necessarily non- trarmol (Span.), Marble. crystalline. In mineralogy, a Marmor Marble, (German). compact crystal aggregate show- marquise. A term loosely used in ing no exterior crystal form is the trade to mean either a mar- said to be massive. quise cut O1* a marquise ring. massive amber. A compact, almost marquise cut (mar-keze') . A va- colorless to dark orange-yellow riation of the brilliant cut with variety of Baltic amber. double-pointed boat-shaped out- mass opal. Opal matrix. line. See navette; also page 259. Matan Diamond or Mattan Dia- Marquise ring. One shaped like mond. An unauthenticated a marquise cut.Usually with one Borneo diamond, probably stones. single stone or paved with quartz. masaku or masanku. Ceylon trade "Matara diamond/* Ceylonese grade which includes (1) pearls name for colorless to faintly somewhat irregular in shape and smoky zircon, most of which has slightly faulty in shape or color been decolorized by heating. (Cattelle). (2) Badly colored Some naturally colorless may pearls, usually symmetrical, grey come from the district of Matara and with luster (Kunz). or Matura, Ceylon. "mascot emerald/' Trade name for matched pearls. A term often in-

's within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pajjes. 135 DICTIONARY OP GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

terpreted to mean pearls exactly less topaz from Ceylon which, duplicated In color as to all of when brilliant cut about 1897, the color attributes hue, tone weighed 369 m.c. and created and intensity which is practi- much comment (Kunz). Since cally an impossibility with the then many larger colorless, yel- number of pearls necessary in a low and blue topazes have been necklace. Pearls may, however, cut. be matched as to body color and mayaite (ma'ya-ite or my'a-ite). predominant color of orient. Thus Diopside jadeite from Central a necklace may consist entirely America such as found in an- of light cream rose pearls, but cient tombs of the Maya nation. those pearls vary slightly in one Grades from tuxtlite to nearly or more color attributes, usually albite. White to gray green tone and intensity. See blended or yellow-green. See diopside- pearls. jadeite, matrice. Same as matrix. m. c. Abbreviation for metric carat. matrix (mae'triks). The rock in mean birefringence. The numeral which a mineral is contained, which represents the average be- portions of it containing pieces tween the greatest strength of of the mineral being known as double refraction and the least turquoise matrix, opal matrix, strength of double refraction etc. possessed by a species or variety. matrix. (Span.). Matrix. R.I. of sphene is 1.885/1.990- hence the birefrin- matted. Tangled closely together. 1.915/2.050; varies from 0.105 to 0.185. Said of crystalline aggregates in gence The or is 0.120. which the crystals are closely average, mean, See also refractive index. packed together, as in nephrite. Same as felted structure. mean refractive index. The R. I. which is from the Matto Grosso (mat'oo grose'oo). equidistant least R. I. and the R. I. A gem-bearing state or territory greatest of Brazil. which is possessed by any sub- stance. The mean R. I. of singly "Matura diamond." as "Ma- Same refractive is ex- tara diamond." gem species pressed by one figure as 1.50; Maxixe aquamarine or beryl. A or doubly refractive substances name which has been applied to by two RJ.'s as 1.50/1.55. (An- a deep blue, boron-bearing beryl derson defines mean R.I. of a from the Maxixe Mine, Minas singly refractive gem as its most Geraes, Brazil. usual R.I.) See refractive index. Maxwell Stuart Topaz. A color- medfordite. A local Oregon name Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


for massive white quartz with Meleagrina martensi (or Margariti- streaks and patches of green fern martensi) yields both the cul- and brown moss. tured and natural pearls of "medina emerald." Green glass. Japan. These and all other Meleagrina molluscs are subdivis- medium cream rose See pearl. ions of the genus Avicula. See cream rose pearl, also LaPaz pearl; oriental pearl; medwins. Open cuttings in East Venezuela pearl. Indian alluvial hill over deposits mellow amber. A name for geda- which water is led. nite. meerschaum (meer'shom or shorn). melon cut. A style of fashioning Same as sepiolite, a bead or a cabochon stone; an megascopic (meg"a-skop'ik) . Visi- elongated form with equidistant ble to the unaided eye in con- longitudinal depressions or meri- trast with miscroscopic. Same as dians separating convex sections macroscopic. as in a cantaloupe. Mei-kuo Lu jade. Same as Ameri- melt. Often used to mean a paste can green jade. or enamel in the liquid state before it meionite. A variety of scapolite. hardens. melanite. Black andradite garnet. melting snow jade. Descriptive Has been used in mourning term for a white to grayish jewelry. color grade of jadeite with opaque patches traversed by Meleagrina martensi, Meleagrina translucent streaks. margaritifera, Meleagrina vul- menilite or garis, Margaritifera margaritife- (men'i-lite men-ill'ite). or brownish ra. See Meleagrina pearl. Opaque, grayish banded common opal. An orna- Meleagrina pearl (mel"e-ea-gree'- mental stone. na). Pearl from the Meleagrina, A source formerly and still more popular- mercury vapor lamp. light derived from an electrical dis- ly known as Margaritifera. The vapor. principal producer of true pearls charge through mercury Valuable as a source of ultra- and sole producer of oriental violet light and also for distinc- pearls. Meleagrina vitlgaris (or tive in the visible reg- Margaritifera vulgaris) yields Cey- spectrum ion. lon pearl, Persian Gulf pearl, (Shipley, Jr.) and others. Meleagrina margariti- Merguian Pearl. Pearl from Mergui fera (or Margaritifera margaritifera) Archipelago, on eastern shore yields the Tahiti pearl, some of Bay of Bengal. Similar in Australian pearl, and others. quality to Philippine pearl. ( Cat- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 137 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

telle) Principally from Mdeagri- change in chemical composition na maximum* but also from Melea- or in the structure of a rock or grina vitlgaris. See Meleagrina mineral by heat pressure and pearl. other natural agents. Merrill, George P. (1854-1929). meteoric glass. See moldavite. Professor of Geology and Min- meteorite. A mass of stone or eralogy, George Washington metal that has fallen to the University; Head Curator U. S. earth from outer space. National Museum, Washington, methylene iodide. (CHgla). A D. C. of Gems Compiler Catalog of hignly refractive (R.L 1.74) and and Precious Stones, Washington, heavy (S.G. 3.32) liquid used 1922. for specific gravity determina- Mesa Grande tourmaline. Tour- tion and as a contact fluid for maline from pegmatite ledge the refractometer. For the lat- near Mesa Grande, San Diego ter use, it is usually saturated Co., Calif. Much of fine qual- with sulphur (S) and tetraiodo- ity was formerly mined there ethylene (Call) to attain an together with pink beryl.- ( Gems R.L of 1.815 (Shipley Jr.). & Gemology) metric carat. See carat. Meshed or Meshhed Tur- turquoise. metric grain. See grain. from Meshhed, Persia, quoise mewdwins. Same as medwins. the market for Persian tur- quoise. Mex. Abbr. used in this book for Mexican and for Mex- metallic luster. Having the surface language, ico. sheen of a metal; with a metal- like reflection. "Mexican agate." Banded calcite or metallography. The science of aragonite. metals. "Mexican amber." Fossil resin __ to metallotdal luster (met"aT-oy'dal)7 from Mexico, related "San amber" Reflecting light, somewhat like a Domingo (Schlossmach- metal, but less than metallic er). See also bacalite. luster. Mexican amethyst. Amethyst of a metallurgy. Separation of metals distinctive reddish purple color from their ores or from impuri- from Guanajuato, Mexico. (Ep- ties. pler). "Mexican diamond." Rock metamorphic (rnet"a-more'fik) . crystal. Of. pertaining to, produced by, Mexican emerald. One which is or or exhibiting metamorphism. has been owned in Mexico, prob- metamorphism. The geological ably mined in what is today Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


Colombia. Mexico (U.S.A.) (2) Blue tur- "Mexican jade." A green-dyed auoise with a brown matrix, from common mineral, usually calcite. Baja, Calif., Mexico. See page A variety of "Mexican onyx." 259. See page 259. Mexican water opal. Term applied "Mexican onyx/* Term loosely ap- to translucent to almost trans- plied to banded, mottled or parent opal variety from Mexico clouded travertine (calcite) or with vivid play of color; yellow- aragonite, and more specifically ish by transmitted light. (Ander- to the yellowish or greenish son) banded varieties. From Argen- Mg. Abbr. for the element mag- tina principally. nesium. Mexican opal. (1) Any opal from mica ( mike'a) . A of minerals Mexico. 2 Almost group ( ) transparent, notable for their easy cleavage, whitish, very pale red or yel- thin flakes (laminae) ; low often with yielding precious opal, low in hardness and of gemolog- fine of color. S.G. 1.98-2.03 play ical importance only as inclus- (Smith). See als.o fire opal, ions. See fuchsite; lepidolite. Mexican pearl. A term which is not used in the trade but which micaceous (mei-kae'shee-us) . Com- or seems to have been added to posed of thin plates scales, like of pearl nomenclature by an incor- or, mica, capable being into thin sheets. rect interpreptation of Schloss- easily split macher's definition and descrip- micarta. A plastic similar to bake- tion of the occidental pearl. lite. The term could be used in mica schist. Schist a geographic sense to mean any composed large- ly of mica. pearl from east or west coast of Mexico including La Paz Michel, Dr. Hermann (1888-). Of pearl and pearl from Gulfs of Vienna; author of Die Kunstlichen Campeche and Mexico. The sug- Edelsteine, 1926. The Pocket Book gestion that the term apply to for Jewelers, 1929. pearls from Gulf of Mexico only microcline (my'kroe-kline). Green, seems illogical as the word pink, pale yellow or white min- Mexican is generally accepted eral of feldspar group. Tri; as referring to the nation, and K.Al.SisOg. H. 6-6.5; S.G. 2.5- not the Gulf. 2.6; R.I. 1.52-1.53. Only gem or Mexican turquoise. (1) A name com- ornamental variety is amazonite. monly used in some nations for micrometer. A device for obtaining light blue to greenish-blue and accurate linear measurements of bluish-green turquoise from New small distances. Usually reads

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 139 DICTIONARY OF GEMiS AND GEMOLOGY to .001 inch or .01 millimeter. erals or rocks. A gemological or The most universally used gem-testing microscope is a polariz- is the screw micrometer, in which ing microscope equipped with the motion is measured by means universal immersion stage and of an accurate threaded plun- other accessories, the entire ger working in a tapped hole. equipment especially designed Other types are the dial microm- for the testing of fashioned gem- eter, in which motion is trans- stones, particularly those set in mitted through a gear train to mountings. A. pearl testing micro- a pointer revolving around a dial, scope is a microscope equipped and the optical micrometer in with special accessories for pearl which measurements are made identification especially with an directly through a lens system endoscopic stage and a pearl il- which magnifies the object to luminator. A pearl and gem testing be measured Shipley, Jr.). microscope is a combination of micrometer caliper. Less correctly the last two microscopes, and like is or millimeter caliper gauge. See them especially assembled caliper; gauge. manufactured for the purpose "microphotograph." Incorrect des- by Gemological Institute of Am- ignation for photomicrograph. erica, and by Gustave L. Herz of Dr. Edward Gubelin An instrument Vienna, microscope. optical of and others. which affords Lucerne, high magnification to the mic- of minute objects such as inclus- microscopic. Pertaining or visible its ions in gems. A monocular micro- roscope, only by aid; minute. scope employs a single eye-piece microscopy (my-kros'ko-pi) . The or ocular. A binocular microscope art of observing and investigat- is equipped with two oculars. ing objects under the micro- In the Greenough type, two com- scope. lens systems are used, giv- plete midge stone. Same as gnat stone. ing true stereoscopic vision. A Star. unusual 117- polarizing microscope is equipped Midnight An with polarizing attachments pro- carat purple star sapphire in Mus. of viding polarized light, and is a Morgan Collection, Am. combination of microscope and Natural Hist. polariscope. With proper attach- "Mikimoto pearls." A trade term for those ments and accessories, it may be particular cultured pearls used to determine optic char- whose formation is artificially acter. See also polariscope. A propagated and scientifically Dr. petrograpkic or petrological micro- controlled by Mikimoto, a scope is a polarizing microscope Japanese scientist. especially designed for use with milk opal. A translucent, milky- prepared thin sections of min- appearing variety of common Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


opal. Rarely exhibits play of acteristic chemical composition color. and usually possessng a definite milky jasper. Eppler lists as a crystal structure, which is some- white jasper; no other authority times expressed in external geo- mentions. metrical form or outlines. (Kraus) milky quartz. A translucent to nearly opaque white variety of mineralogy. The science of min- crystalline quartz. When con- erals. taining small particles of gold is mineral species. See species. known as gold quartz. mineral turquoise. Term occasion- millimeter. One thousandth of a ally used to distinguish turquoise meter (.03937 inch). from odontolite. * millimeter screw micrometer. A mine run. Unassorted product of a but term is also to precision caliper gauge which mine, used measures the over-all dimensions meaii the medium or low grades of unmounted fashioned gems of anything, such as gemstones. more accurately but less conven- mine salting. See salting. than dial See iently gauges. minimum deviation. The position Leveridge gauge. of a prism in relation to a beam mimicry. Imitations of crystal of light where the beam is pass- forms of higher symmetry by ing through symmetrically, and, those of lower grade of sym- as a corollary, with minimum metry, usually the result of deviation. By measuring the twinning. prism angle (A) and the angle Minas Geraes (meen'as jay-rice'). of minimum deviation (D), re- A state northeast of Rio, Brazil; fractive index may be determin- from the formula: highly productive of gems. ed = Minas Geraes emerald. Emerald n sin % (A+D). from this state which is usually sin % A darker than Bahia emerald. misnomer. An incorrect name, oft- minas novas (Port.). See pingos en but not always misleading as d'agoa. to the true nature of the subject Minas Novas chrysoberyl. Yellow- named. In this book, titles of ish chrysoberyl from Minas No- definitions within quotation or tend to vas district, Minas Geraes, Bra- marks are misleading, to the actual zil. Usually lacking in transpar- be misleading, as ency (Smith). nature or value of the subject in quotes. mineral. An inorganic substance occurring in nature with a char- mixed cut. A combination of bril- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


liant cut above the girdle with daern'). Any modification or of usually 32 facets, sometimes combination table cut, step more but rarely less, and often cut and brilliant used especially a larger and higher table, and in connection with diamond. In- cludes step-cut below with the same baguette, triangle, key- number of facets. Often used for stone, half moon, and others. colored stones, especially fancy Moe or Moe's gauge. A caliper sapphires, to improve color and gauge with accompanying tables, retain brilliancy. Variation of for estimating weight of bril- a mixed cut with an emerald- liant cut diamonds. used for cut crown sometimes Mogok Stone Tract. A gem-bearing zircons. district north of Mandalay; home mix!* (French). A semigenuine of the Burma ruby mines; also doublet. yielding sapphires, , tour- and some less Mn. Abbr. for manganese. malines, zircons, important gems. lie. Abbr. for the element molyb- denum. Mogul dynasty. See Great Mogul. "Mohave moonstone." Translucent, mocha pebble. Same as mocha stone. lilac-tinted chalcedony from the Mohave Desert, California. mocha stone. (1) White, gray or Mohave is the Indian yellowish, translucent crypto- (Merrill). is the crystalline quartz with brown to spelling; Mojare Spanish red iron-bearing, or black man- spelling. ganese-bearing, dendritic inclu- Mohs scale (moze). The most com- sions to which can be assigned monly used scale of relative fanciful forms. (Schlossmacher) hardness of minerals diamond From many localities, especially 10, corundum 9, topaz 8, quartz the Northwest States of the U. 7, orthoclase feldspar 6, apatite S. A. as Same landscape agate, 5, fluorite 4, calcite 3, gypsum tree as agate, etc., but not same 2, talc 1. Divisions are not equal, moss agate. (2) In Britain and minerals representing various U. S, A. distinction is rarely hardnesses having been chosen be- made, except gemologically, aibitrarily by the mineralogist tween mocha stone and moss ag- F. Mohs. The difference between for ate. Originally named city 9 and 8 is considerably greater of Mocha; capitalized form Mo- than between the lower numbers, cha is still sometimes used. stone and between 9 and 10 is greater Also spelled mochastone. than between 9 and 1. modern cut or moderne cut (moe- "Mojave moonstone" (moe-ha'vee).

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


A gray translucent chalcedony rill). See Mohave moon- (Pougll). Mono. Abbreviation -used in this stone. book for monoclinic system. Mokkastein Mocha (German). monochromatic (rnon"oe-kroe- stone. mat'ik). Having or consisting of, moldavite (mol'da-vite) . A natural one color only. glass classed by Smith as a bot- monochromatic light. (1) A term to brownish - green, tle-green used to described tektite. commonly light from a single, limited reg- molded cameo. cameo A produced ion of the spectrum, hence light in a mold such by casting ma- of a single color (Shipley, Jr.). terials as ceramics, metals, glass, (2) In its strictest but seldom- or plastics, sealing wax. See used sense, light which corre- WedgwoocL sponds to one wave length only. molecule. The smallest unit of a monochromator. A device for pro- substance in which the chemical ducing monochromatic light. Us- of that substance are properties ually applied to a form of spec- retained consist of entirely ; may troscope which can be adjusted one or more elements and there- to transmit light from any de- of than one atom. fore more sired region of the spectrum, mollusc (morusk). A soft-bodied but may also be applied to any non-segmented invertebrate ani- source of monochromatic light mal which typically possesses a (e.g. to a sodium vapor lamp). hard shell. This shell may be (Shipley, Jr.). univalve as in the snail, or bi- monoclinic mineral or stone. Min- valve, as in the oyster, cockle eral or stone of the monoclinic mollusk. and musseL Also spelled system. mollusk. An alternate approved monoclinic system (mon"oe- of mollusc. spelling klin'ik). A crystallographic sys- mondogoe. Bent or folded pearls tem; has thiexs axes, two of (Boutan). Probably same as which are unequal in length but madanku. at right angles to one another, monel metal. An alloy of nickel the third also of unequal length (about 75%), copper (about and not at right angles to the 23.5%), and iron (about 1.5%). plane of the other two. See also Sometimes used for imitations crystal systems. of Hematite cameos. monocular microscope. See micro- money stone. A local name in scope. Pennsylvania for rutile (Mer- monster pearl. Same as paragon Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 143 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

pearl. correctly applied, without proper Montana A name for mocha prefix, to milky or girasol varie- agate. of stone from Montana. ties chalcedony, seapolite, etc. See "Montana from corundum, adulares- jet." Obsidian, cence; chalcedony moonstone. Yellowstone Park. moor's head. Name for a colorless Montana moss agate. So-called or greenish tourmaline crystal moss agate or mocha stone from with a black termination or end. Montana, the principal source From Elba. of these stones in U.S.A. Prin- Moosstein (German). Moss agate. cipally from bed of Yellow- stone River and containing man- *'Mora diamond," Probably rock

. crystal (Merrill). ganese ( pyrolusite ) "Montana ruby." (1) Pyrope or Morales Pearl. See Oviedo Pearl. like almandine garnet, although m orall a or morallion. (1) Semi- it have been any misnomer may crystallized material from Co- indeed used for other garnets, or lombian emerald mines, similar any stone. (2) Grossularite gar- in to mat- - appearance turquoise net ( Schlossmacher in error). rix, but green; (2) as a trade Montana sapphire. A sapphire from term it is sometimes used to Montana. Many fancy colors in* mean any of the poorer grades addition to blue stones have been of emeralds. in this state. As a produced morganite. A light red-purple to trade it refers to the sap- grade light purplish red caesium-bear- no matter where found, phire, ing variety of beryl. From Bra- possessing a comparatively light California. and zil, Madagascar, comparatively grayish-blue Same as rose beryl; vorobievite. color called electric blue, or steel blue. Stones of this grade from morion (moe'ri-on). Deep-black, Montana have a slightly metallic- almost opaque, smoky quartz. appearing luster. morning dew jade. Fanciful term "Mont Blanc ruby." Reddish used by Chinese to describe a quartz. greenish jade sprinkled with moonstone. A term (1) correctly glistening specks. to applied only adularia (preci- moro coral. Dark red, the finest ous moonstone) which is a va- color of Japanese coral. riety of orthoclase and to other . blue to to translucent moroxite ( moe-rok'site ) A semitransparent of adularescent (milky blue) feld- greenish-blue variety apatite. spars of the albite, labradorite, morphology. The science of struc- and oligodase species; (2) in- ture or form. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


mosaic agate. Brecciated Mexican moss opal. Milky opal with black agate (Merrill). moss-like (tree-like) inclusions. mosquito amethyst. Amethyst con- moss stone. (1) Crystalline quartz taining tiny scaly or platy in- containing inclusions of green, clusions of goethite. fibrous crystals, probably asbes- mosquito stone. Spanish name tos (Bauer - Spencer repeated for quartz with tiny dark in- by Schlossmacher). (2) Same as clusions. A variety of mocha moss agate, which is cryptocrys- stone. talline quartz ( Schlossmacher and See Thetis hair moss. Term used for fractures or others). stone. fissures in gemstones which pro- duce the appearance of moss, mossy stone. In gemoiogy, a stone as in many emeralds. containing moss-like inclusions. mother or moss agate. (1) Term used gen- liquid liquor. (1) Gem- a erally in U.S.A. for any trans- ological, magma, especially a lucent chalcedony (cryptocrys- deep-seated magma in which dia- talline quartz) containing in- monds may have formed; (2) clusions of any color arranged Chemical, the residual solution after its contained in moss, fern, leaf, or tree-lite remaining substances have become patterns. Little if any distinc- crystal- lized or tion is being made in U. S. A. precipitated. or England between it and "mother-of-emerald." ( 1 ) Green mocha stone. (2) In European fluorite; (2) prase. countries and in gemology the mother-of-opal. Rock matrix con- term moss agate is generally taining minute disseminated confined to translucent chalce- specks of precious opal (Mer- inclus- dony containing green rill). ions of actinolite or other green mother-of-pearl. The iridescent minerals in the arranged pat- lining of the shell of any pearl- terns mentioned above. bearing mollusc ; usually of same "moss jasper." (1) Term some- color composition and general times used synonymously with quality as the pearls produced moss agate although (2) Eppler by the particular mollusc. See defines as moss agate almost nacre. opaque from packed inclusions. mother-of-pearl opal (or agate). (3) A regional American Same as cachalong. name for banded wood pertified mother-of-ruby. Ruby matrix. with streaks of translucent mother rock. See matrix. quartz found in Arizona and New Mexico. mother's gem. Jade. Selected by Titles within quotation marks ar misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 145 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

American Gem Society members rnucket pearl. Any fresh-water as an especially appropriate gift pearl from the Lanipsilis liga- on Mother's Day in U. S. A. See mentinus mussel, the so-called page 259. nrueket clam, a mussel of the mottled stone. One with irregularly . Mississippi Valley. placed spots or patches of color. mud. A lapidary's term for a mix- moulded cameos. See molded cam- ture of silicon carbide grit and eos. water, used as an abrasive in mountain crystal. Rock crystal. sawing of colored stones, to Mountain Lily topaz. Blue topaz which mixture is added a small from mine of this name in San amount of fine clay or flour in Diego Co., Calif., in which order to obtain greater viscosity. fine blue have been large topaz mud lapping. See lapping. found. mud pearl. Pearl containing a cen- mountain Reddish obsi- mahogany. ter of mud or silt. Same as silt dian. pearl. See blue pearl. mountain stone. A Chinese name mud saw. A disk of iron, steel or for jade. copper varying in diameter from mounted stone. (1) Stone fixed in eight to fifty inches, which, when a setting as in jewelry. See loose fashioning colored stones, passes stone. (2) Stone improved in through a metal container part- color by backing with foil or ly filled with mud. enamel or sometimes with a thin mulawa. Singhalese name for the coat of dye. and Slaw- (Kraus layer of clay which frequently son). lies just below the illam and mounting. Trade term for that por- which indicates the bottom of tion of a piece of jewelry in the mine. which a or other object is gem Mutter's glass. Same as hyalite. to be set or has been set. Same The of sub- as setting. multiple. price pearls to the of mousseline glass (French). A thin ject multiple weight. (Cattelle). glass, which imitates patterns in lace; called also muslin glass multiple pearl. Any double pearl, (Standard). triple pearl or pearl which is of than three mouth jade. A term used synony- formed more pearls united nacreous coat- mously with tomb jade, although under one more specifically it refers to ing. jade which had been placed, us- muntenite. A variety pf amber ually together with quicksilver, from Olanesti, Rumania. (Eng- in the mouths of the dead. lish)

Titles within quotation marks arc misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.

146 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY murra or murrha. An ornamental France. Jardin des Plantes (in- stone of ancient Rome, which cluding a Morgan Collection), may have been jadeite, fluor, Paris. Germany. Grimes Gewol- porcelain, iridescent glass or bes, Dresden. similar substance. V. Ball be- muslin glass. Same as mousseline. lieves it to be chalcedony, per- mussel. A of bivalve mol- haps artificially colored. variety lusc of which certain varieties Mursinka blu- aquamarine. Light of both fresh and salt water ish graen aquamarine from Mur- produce pearls. See Mytilidae; sinka, in Ural Mts. Unio. Mursinka topaz. Light blue topaz Name to fresh- from Mursinka, in Ural Mts. mussel-egg. given water pearls by Tennesseans. Same as Siberian topaz. mussel pearl. Pearl from a true muscle pearl. Small irregular pearl salt-water mussel as dis- found in the muscular tissue Mytilus from from so- near its attachment to the shell. tinguished pearl called hammer mussel Malleus. muscovite. A of the mica species Usually dark and possessing lit- Common mica. Mono. H. group. tle, if any, luster, although Bou- S.G. R.I. 2-2.25; 2.7-3.1; 1.55A tan mentions that it can some- 1.59-1.56/1.60. Fuchsite is a va- times be classed as a bluish See riety. asalmatolite. seed pearl. See Mytilus pearl. museum gem collections. Collec- mussjte. Same as diopside. tions of special note are: C/.S.-4., Am. Mus. of Natural Hist, (in- mutton fat jade. Descriptive term used by Chinese for a clear white cludes Morgan Collection) ; Met- ropolitan Museum of Art (Bish- nephrite resembling mutton fat. op Collection of Jade, Egyp- **mutzcnen diamonds." Rock crys- tal. tian jewelry, etc.) ; New York; Harvard Mineralogical Museum, Muzo emerald. Colombian emerald Cambridge; New England Mus. from the ancient Muzo mine, of Natural Hist., Boston; The about 75 miles N.N.W. of Bogo- of Natural Academy Sciences, ta, which produces the finest Philadelphia; Chicago Natural known emeralds. History Museum (formerly Field In a trade name Mus. of Nat. History); U. S. mya yay. Burma, for the most Nat'LMus. (Smithsonian Institu- precious variety of translucent with a tion), Washington. England. Brit- jadeite, uniform grass-green color. ish Museum (Natural History ), London; Geological Museum, myrickite. (1) A name used for South Kensington, London. whitish or greyish chalcedony, Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 147 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

opal, or massive quartz marked sembling St. Stephen's stone, by or intergrown with pink or See page 257. reddish inclusions of cinnabar, Mytilidae. The family of sea the color of which tends to be- mussels gemologically important come brownish. The opal variety only as producers of seed pearls. is *'so as From known opalite. See Mytilws pearls. California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. (2) Mytilu* pearls. Pearls from family English originally listed it as a Mytilidae. Rarely lustrous, and if variety of chalcedony, showing not, are known as "druggists' red spots on a gray ground, re- pearls."

Titles within quotation marks are misnohiers. Every unusual word or term used id defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted* To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 148 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY


n. In optics and mineralogy, the naoratna or nararatna. The nine- symbol for refractive index. gem jewel of the Hindus which, Same as R.I. Also often used to like the pancbratna, was a cere- indicate the mean refractive in- monial offering to a Hindu tem- dex. ple. Na. Abbr. for the element sodium. napoleonite. An obsolete synonym of orthoclase. nacar (Span.). Nacre. Nassak nacker. Same as nacre. Diamond. A famous In- dian diamond, once in a native nacre. The iridescent substance of temple. Weighed 90 m. c. when which and true mother-of-pearl brought to England. It has ara- pearl consists, principally been twice recut and is now a 47.24 m .c. emerald cut and be- nacreous (nae'kree-us). Possessing longs to an American diamond a coating- of nacre, or the ap- importer. pearance thereof. Nassau pearl. A name for conch nacrescope. A pearl illuminator. pearl. An instrument containing a natal stones. Same as birtkstones. which the strong light through National Gemological Laboratories. nature of the nucleus of a pearl Gemological laboratories which can sometimes be observed. Dif- serve an entire nation or are the fers from in that the pearloscope only laboratories devoted exclu- effect of the of passage light sively to gemological activities the whole is ob- through pearl in that nation. England, London served. Can be used as an ac- Chamber of Commerce, 55 Hat- of the mic- cessory gemological ton Garden, London, E. C. 1; See roscope. pearl illuminator; France, Chambre Syndicale des pearloscope. Pierres Preoieuses, 18 Rue de N. A. G. Abbr. for National Asso- Provence, Paris; India, Moti ciation of Goldsmiths (of Great Jhaverno Dharamno Kanto, Britain and Ireland), the com- Bombay; Switzerland, Schweizeri- mercial association of the Brit- schen Gemologischen Gesell- ish jewelry industry. shaft, c/o Dr. E. Giibelin, C.G., Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 149 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY tals. Schweizerhofquai, 1, Lucerne; Occur often as inclusions of North America, Gemologieal Insti- rutile, actinoilte, etc., in some tute of America, 541 So. Alex- gemstones. See also fiber. andria, Los Angeles, 5, (research needle-spar. (Obsolete). Aragonite. and identification) ; 5 East 47th needle stone. Sagenitic quartz. St., New York 17, (identifica- nefretita. tion)- (Span.) Nephrite. (Ep- natrolite. A colorless or white, also pler) reddish yellowish to greenish negative crystal. (1) In a mineral mineral sometimes fashioned in- or cut gemstone, an inclusion uten- to small ornaments, writing (of air, gas or liquid) having the sils, etc. in Germany, especially form of a crystal. (2) Same as that combining tones of yellow negative mineral. from southern Wiirttemberg. negative mineral or stone. A crys- Ortho. NasAlaSisOio. H. 5-5.5; tal exhibiting negative double re- S.G. 2.2-2.3; R.L 1.48/1.49; Bi. fraction. See also positive min- 0.013. eral or stone; optic sign. natural glass. Vitreous amorphous substances occurring in nature nephelite or nepheline. (nef'e-lite) . mineral. Hex. which have apparently solidified A rock-forming Elaeolite is too quickly to crystallize. See NaAlSi04. variously tektite. listed as another name for it or natural pearl. A pearl which origi- for a translucent gray, bright nates naturally in a mollusc as green, or brown to brownish red distinguished from a cultured variety, of which the more de- pearl or imitation pearl. sirable green is sometimes cut natural stone. A stone which oc- as a gem or ornamental stone. curs in nature; as distinguished Usually full of small inclusions. from a man-made substitute Elaeolite often produces a cat's- such as reconstructed, synthetic, eye or girasol effect when cut assembled, or imitation stone. cabochon and has H. 5.5-6 S.G. 2.6. From Norway, Russia, Ar- navette . French (cut) (nav-vet') and other sources. 1 kansas, meaning little boat. Same as marquise. In U.S.A. navette or nephrita (Span.). Nephrite. boat shape are names preferred nephrite (nef'rite). Gemologically one of the two of in "colored stone trade, marquise species jade in diamond trade. Eppler indi- and the least rare. Mineralogic- an close to ac- cates that navette and marquise ally. amphibole are used in Ger- tinolite. Occurs In tough compact synonymously foliated or mat- man trade. masses of either ted crystal fibers. Semi-transpar- .needles. Slender needle-like crys- ent to opaque; usually spinach

Titles within quotation marks are miSnonfers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


green, also gray, brown, reddish, which produces the greatest bluish, lavender, and rarely yel- quantity of this gemstone. low or black. Mono. Ca (MgFe)2 New Caledonia jade. Nephrite 3 H. 6-6 1 S.G. (Si0 )4; /-; 2.9-3; from Wen Island, New Caledo- R.L 1.60/1.63-1.61/1.64. From nia. China, Siberia, New Zealand, Alaska, and other New Caledonia pearl. True pear! Wyoming from the sources. (R. Webster lists S.G. Meleagrina margaritifem of New Caledonia. The finest 3-3.3; R.L 1.60/1.63-1.62/1.65.) are colored. An obsolete term nephritoid. (1) "New Guinea Same for of paral- cat's-eye." nephiite composed as "shell lel fibrous crystals in contrast cat's-eye." to other nephrite of matted fi- New Guinea jade. Nephrite from brous crystals (English). (2) Humboldt Bay district, New In the various editions of Bauer, Guinea. the term nephritoids is used syn- New Mine sapphire. (1) A trade onymously with jade, to include term applied to intense blue nephrite and chloromelanite. sapphire of velvety appearance "Nerchinsk aquamarine." Aqua- during several years after the marine-colored topaz from Ner- discovery, in 1926, of these chinsk, Siberia. stones at Bo Ploi, Siam. (2) A term which was also for a time Nerchinsk beryl. Aquamarine, used for Montana sapphire*, chrysolite beryl and morganite mined by the New Mine Sap- from Nerchinsk district, Trans- phire Syndicate, which were not baikal, Siberia. of as fine blue as Yogo sapphires. Nerchinsk rubellite. Rubellite from new rock. An abbreviation of new near Nerchinsk in Transbaikal, rock turquoise. Siberia. new rock turquoise. (1) Old Per- neurita (Span.). Nephrite. (Ep- sian term for inferior turquoise pier) or for turquoise matrix. (2) neutral gray. Gray which is de- Term sometimes used in Amer- void of any tinge of any hue. ica for turquoise which" does not It may be of any tone from retain its color very well. (3) almost white to almost black. A French and German term for "Nevada diamond." Obsidian arti- odontolite. ficially decolorized. Newton scale. A type of specific "Nevada turquoise." Variscite. gravity scale. Nevada turquoise. Turquoise from "New Zealand greenstone." Ser- Nevada, the state of U.S.A. pentine; although originally the Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 151 DICTIONAEY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

term meant nephrite. mented in such a fashion as to the New Zealand jade. Same as neph- pass only extraordinary ray from New Zealand. of the two doubly refracted rays, rite; thus Term producing polarized light. Niagara spar. applied locally See polarizing prism. in Niagara Falls, N. Y., and vi- to fibrous niggerhead pearl. A fresh-water cinity, gypsum import- from a mus- ed through Canada from Eng- pearl Quadrula ebena, sel of the land. (Kraus and Slawson) Fi- Mississippi Valley, brous found in popularly known as the nigger- calcite, originally head "clam." vejns in limestone near Niagara Falls, Ont., was perhaps the "night emerald." Same as "eve- original satin spar. See satin ning emerald.** spar. nigrine. A black variety of iron- "Nichol." A frequent mis-spelling rich rutile which when polished of Nicol. resembles black diamond in bril- liancy. nicks. Very small fractures along nilasa. Burmese term for the girdle or facet junction of a mixed, cut stone; more common in syn- inferior sapphires. thetic or glass reproductions nilion. Name used by the Greeks than in the natural stones. See for a stone thought to have also pit. been (1) grayish to honey- Nicol or Nichol. In microscopy and brown jasper or (2) nephrite. mineralogy, a word almost al- nilt. Burmese term for large sap- ways used to mean Nicol prism* phires. The term between crossed Nicols nimelai pearl. Ceylonese trade refers to the of two position grade for a nose-pearl, perfect which set so Nicol prisms are skinned and pear or egg-shaped that the second does not trans- (Kunz). mit the light transmitted by the "nixonoid." A type of celluloid. first, unless a doubly refractive substance be inserted between "nobbies." A local Australian name them. Some authorities capital- for a characteristic form of black ize the word when used in this opal. They are probably pseu- manner; others do not. domorphous. nicolo (nik'oe-loe). Onyx with a noble metals. Same as precious black or brown base and a blu- metals. ish-white top layer. noble stone. Approximately same Nicol prism, (nik'ul) A calcite as precious stone. Noble opal is prism sawed through and rece- precious opal; noble topaz is Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


precious topaz, etc. See Edel- ular to (at right angles to) the stein. surface of an object, such as the nodule (nod'ule). Small shapeless table of a stone. A direction or knot or lump of mineral or rock line which is said to be normal sometimes enclosing a foreign to such a table is perpendicular body in the center. to it. nomenclature. The system of names Norwegian amber. Baltic amber, peculiar to any science, industry from the coast of Norway. or trade. noselite or nosean. One of the Same as amor- noncrystalline. sodalite group of minerals, phous. which group includes lazurite. noodling. Local Australian term Properties closely resemble those meaning to search the opal mine of haiiynite, sodalite, and lazu- tailings or dumps for gem min- rite. erals. noumeite. Same as garnierite. Nophek. Fourth stone in the novaculite. A siliceous Breastplate of the Priest. fine-grained High rock used for whetstones. Translated as "carbunclus" and Found near Hot and probably a Stone en- Springs, Ark., garnet. sometimes fashioned as a curio graved "Judah." stone. norbide. An artificial abrasive used in fashioning gems. B4C. nugget. Rounded, irregular lump, especially of a metal. Nordica Pearl. A fine 175 gr. abalone pearl of greenish hue; Numeite or Numealte. German part of the famous necklace of name for noumeite. colored pearls which belonged to Nunkircben jasper. Light grey to Madame Nordica. yellow or brownish red jasper normal. A word used in geometry from Nunkirchen, near Idar- to mean perpendicular. The nor- Oberstein, Germany. Dyed and mal is the direction perpendic- sold as "Swiss lapis."

Titles Within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 153 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

CX Abbreviation for the element the Orient; (2) often to indicate oxygen. inferior varieties or qualities as The of lenses in distinguished from the better objective. system and a microscope which furnishes the qualities; (3) frequently in a as initial magnification of the gem misrepresenting substitute stone or other object. The im- being the genuine gem it resem- age formed by the objective is bles; for example, "occidental picked up and further magni- turquoise." See also oriental. fied by the ocular. occidental oblique system. Same as monoclinic agate. Agate poorly marked and not system. very translucent (Bauer). oblong hexagon cut. See hexagon cut. occidental amethyst (obsolete). Genuine amethyst as distinguish- obsidian (ob-sid'ee-an). Natural ed from "oriental amethyst." an ornamental volcanic glass; occidental carnelian. used cut as a Rarely stone, rarely gem. term for all but translucent civilizations fash- quite Many early carnelian. See oriental carnelian. ioned black obsidian utensils and occidental cat's- sculpture. Solidified out of lava, cat's-eye. Quartz See oriental it is a rock, hence has but fairly eye. cat's-eye. constant properties. Black to occidental chalcedony. Rarely used gray, yellowish, reddish or green- term for all but quite trans- ish. Amorphous; H. 5-5}/i; lucent white or gray chalcedony. S.G. 2.3-2.6; R.I. 1.4&-1.60. See oriental chalcedony. Chemical variable. composition, "occidental diamond." Rock crys- See natural tektite. glass; tal (quartz). "obsidian cat's-eye." Obsidian pos- occidental pearl. Defined by schiller. Never sessing chatoyant. Schlossmacher as any pearl from occidental. A prefix used (1) some- Atlantic or Pacific Coast of Cen- times literally, i.e., to distinguish tral America and apparently also gemstones found in other parts Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, of the world from those found in Ecuador, and Peru. Described Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.

154 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY by him as larger, but less well oddumuttu or ottumuttu. A Ceylon- shaped and duller than oriental ese trade grade (meaning shell pearl. However, the term is not pearl) for an attached pearl or used in American trade which nacreous excrescence on the out- classifies pearls of this general side of the shell (Kunz). Else- description as Venezuelan pearl, where Kunz includes both blis- and of other description as La ter pearl and baroque in this Paz pearl. See also oriental trade grade. pearl. Odem. First stone in the Breast- "occidental topaz." Citrine as dis- plate of the High Priest; prob- tinguished from "oriental topaz" ably a earnelian, although Jose- and from precious topaz. phus translates as sardonyx. En- "occidental turquoise." Odontolite. graved with name of Reuben. (Kunz). occurrence. The manner in which gem-minerals are found in the odontolite (oe-don'toe-lite). Bluish earth's crust. fossil bone, or tooth (tusk). Nat- urally colored blue by phos- ocean-spray. Satin spar (gypsum). phates of iron and rarely, green, ocherous or ochreous (oe'ker-us). by copper. H. about 5; S.G. 3- Earthy and usually red, yellow, 3.5; sometimes as low as 2.4. or brown in color. Same as bone turquoise. octahedral (ok"ta-hee'dral) . Re- odor test. One made by heating, ferring to or resembling an breathing upon, rubbing, or octahedron. striking a mineral. Rarely of octahedrite. Same as anatase. value in gem identification ex- cept in distinguishing amber octahedron (ok"ta-hee'dron) . A from its substitutes. crystal form in the cubic system oeil de boeuf or having the of two (Fr., "bull's-eye" appearance Labradorite. four-sided pyramids united base "ox-eye"). to base. "oil pearl." Same as Antilles octavo. A Brazilian gem weight, pearl. 17% carats. oil stones (So. African) . The agates found with alluvial diamonds. ocular. The system of lenses com- oisanite. as prising the eye-piece or eye- Same delphinite. lens of an instrument, as of a ojo de gato (Span.). Cat's-eye. microscope. old English cut. Same as single oculus mundi (Latin). Eye of the cut. World. A name for hydrophane old mine cut. A term used for an which exhibits play of color. old style of the 58 facet bril- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used Is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 155 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

limit which possessed a cushion- prized by natives. shaped girdle and a crown which "oli-rirae" or "olivene." Incorrect was much higher than in the jewelrj trade name for deman- present style. toid. See olivine. old rock. abbreviation of old An olivine (ol-iv een or ol'i-vin). (1) rock turquoise. A name which, although some- old rock turquoise. ( 1 ) Old Persian times applied to a series of min- term for fine quality turquoise; erals (more commonly known as (2) French and German term the chrysolite series), is more for turquoise as distinguished specifically and generally ap- from odontolite; (3) term used plied to a mineral species also in American Indian country of more commonly known by min- Arizona and New Mexico for eralogists as chrysolite and by compact deep-blue turquoise gemologists as peridot. See also which holds its color better than "olivine," (2) A name some- new rock turquoise. times applied, gemologically, to oligociase (ol'i-go-klase). A min- the dark olive-green to brownish eral of the plagioclase series variety of that species. of the feldspar group. Its gem once. The square of the weight of varieties include sunstone, oligo- a pearl, used in calculating the ciase moonstone, and unusual or value. Also known as the "dol- occasional specimens such as lar base." See base price. colorless to bluish stones pale onegite. Light amethyst - colored from North Carolina which are sagenitic quartz. From Lake sometimes cut for collectors. Onega, north of Leningrad. Tri. H. 5-6; S.G. 2.6-2.7; R.I. 1.54/1.55. "one-year pearl." A term which has been used for a cultured oligociase moonstone. A white to pearl upon which exceptionally greyish adularescent variety of few layers of nacre have been oligociase. From North Carolina. deposited on the mother-of- (Schlossmacher) . pearl bead, regardless of length olive. A popular trade name for a of time the bead remained in bead elongated parallel to it& the mollusc. Perhaps most cul- drill hole and hence shaped like tured pearls are removed from an olive, but often much more mollusc within one year, but the slender. May be faceted or un- number of layers may be much faceted. greater and their quality quite olivet. African trade name* for superior to others and may be coral, imitation pearl, or a sold as fifteen-year pearls, al- tube-shaped white glass bead, though the Japanese pearl-bear- Titles within quotation marks arc misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.

156- DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY ing mollusc does not live that banded as in the term onyx long. Many beads are left in the marble. See page 259. mollusc for several but years, onyx agate. Banded agate with for more than four. rarely straight parallel layers of differ- onicolo. Same as nicolo. ing tones of gray. It is incorrect to use as a onychite. An ornamental alabaster onyx agate synonym of onyx. See or caicite (stalagmite) with yel- onyx. low or brown veins, carved ]?y "onyx alabaster." Misnomer for the ancients into vases, etc. Parallel-banded caicite. See onyx (Standard). marble. "onyx." Commonly used, but onyx marble. A translucent com- nevertheless incorrect name for pact variety of caicite generally (1) solid-colored chalcedony. deposited as stalagmites; with See "black onyx**; "green onyx." parallel bands usually irregular., (2) Marble and similar minerals curved or bent. Colors usually used in ornamental and utilitar- white, often grayish, brownish ian objects, an even more con- or reddish. Dyes easily and is fusing usage. See "black onyx"; marketed in several natural and "green onyx"; onyx; onyx mar- dyed colors in many parts of ble. the world under incorrect names, One of the va- including "onyx," "Brazilian onyx. (1) many "Mexican "Mexi- rieties of Same as onyx," onyx," chalcedony. can Gibraltar banded agate except that the jade," stone, and "ori- alternately colored bands of "Egyptian alabaster," ental alabaster." The alabaster onyx are always straight and of the ancient world. See P. 259. parallel. Stones most common are black and white or gray, onyx obsidian. Parallel-banded ob- sidian. black and red to brownish red, white and red to brownish red, onyx opal. Common opal with but those banded only with grays straight parallel markings. or are gray and white more oolitic (oe"ue-lit'ik) . Containing specifically known as onyx agate. or consisting of small rounded Stone cameos are carved prin- particles, suggesting fish roe, a cipally from onyx. The term texture possessed by some min- onyx used except as a qualifying erals. for other adjective than parallel State of be- banded multi-colored chalcedony opacity (oe-pas'i-ti). ing opaque. is incorrect. See "onyx"; carael- ian onyx; sardonyx. (2) Quali- opaco (Span.). Opaque. fying adjective meaning parallel opal (oe'pal). A non-crystalline, Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 157 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

colorless, white, yellow, brown, opal doublets. More or less thin, pink, red, green, blue, or biack, usually flat layers or films of gem mineral; solidified from precious opal cemented onto gelatinous silica, deposited In some substance, usually of same cracks and cavities from aqueous appearance; liable to crack and solution (Kraus). Transparent disintegrate more easily than to nearly opaque colors usually thicker sections. varieties of r pale. Most precious opalescence (oe 'pal-es'ens) . The Gpal exhibit a play of color milky or pearly appearance of caused by a structure of very some common opal. Not to be thin layers of slightly differing confused with the play of color, refractive Indices and sometimes exhibited by precious opal. See probably by minute cracks. Ex- also girasol. cept Australian and fire, opal, opalescent cat's-eye. A Confusing usually cut cabochon. Common term sometimes applied to chry- is of little value and some- &pctl soberyl cat's-eye. times earthy. Amorphous; 8162 1 Green- plus H2 O (water), 1 to 21 a "opalescent chrysolite." ( ) ish or ex- (usually 6 to 10 CJ- in precious chrysoberyl corundum, opal). H. 5-6 te; S.G. 2.-2.20: hibiting opalescence. (2) Chrys- rare R.I. 1.38-1.60 (precious opal oberyl cat*s-eye (a usage). 1.44-1.47). Source of precious opalescent sapphire. Girasol sap- opal: Australia, Mexico, Hun- phire. etc. See gary, Nevada, Idaho, "opal glass." Milky-white, some- Australian opal; Mexican opal; times yellowish variation of fire opal, crown glass containing additions opala (Port.). Opal. of fluorine, etc. S.G. 2.07 and up; R.I. 1.44. Used for imitations of opal-agate. Banded opal having al- some ti'anslucent and ternate layers of opal and gems etched with chalcedony. rarely, when acid, for pearls, but not for precious opal cat's-eye. Rarest variety" of opal. See also fire opal glass. harlequin opal. Exhibits chato- or yant line, usually green, said by opaline (oe'pal-in -ine). (1) Eppler to result from included Opal matrix; (2) pale blue to fibers of crocidolite. bluish-white opalescent or girasol corundum; (3) a brecciated im- opal. dirt. of Opal-bearing layers pure opal replacement of ser- soft clay-like or material, clayey pentine (English). layers of soft material, or clayey Labradorite. sand, underlying sandstone in opaline feldspar. most Australian deposits. opalite. Term used for impure,

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.

158 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AXD GEMOLOGY colored varieties of common parent calcite which, because See also opal. myrickite. of its unusually high birefring- opalized. Converted into opal. ence is used in the polarizing opalized wood. Fossilized substance microscope and the dichroscope. in which common opal, or more optical character. Same as optic rarely, precious opal, has re- character. wood. A of silici- placed variety optically negative (stone). See fied wood. optic sign. Same as opal jasper. jaspopal. optically positive (stone). See opal matrix. Opal with portions of optic sign. matrix included in the fashion- optical micrometer. See microme- ed gem. See opaline. ter. opal mother. A dark opal matrix from optical phenomenon or phenomena. Hungary. See phenomenon. opalo de fuego (Spanish). Fire optical properties. The effects of opal. a substance upon light. Refrac- Misnomer for "opal onyx.** onyx tive index (R.I.), double refrac- opal. tion, (and its strength, bire- opal pipe. Australian term for any fringence), dispersion, pleochro- ism long narrow cavity filled by opal. and color are gemplogically the most opaque. Transmitting no light; op- important optical prop- posite of transparent. erties. operculum (Latin). See "shell optical system. A group of lenses cat*s-eye." so arranged that the desired op- tical result is secured. ophites. Serpentine marble, por- phyry or talc, valued by the optic axes. Plural of optic axis. Egyptians. (Pliny) optic axial angle. The acute an- opnthalmms. A medieval name for gle between the two optic axes opal. of a biaxial mineral. Usually as which is the optical anomaly. An irregularity in given 2V, ap- value with the mineral optical properties or unusual parent phenomenon such as anomalous not immersed. double refraction in a diamond optic axis. In any anisotropic or other singly refractive min- (doubly refractive) mineral, a eral. Observable in most synthet- direction in which no double re- ic spinel, but rarely seen in a fraction occurs, strain. genuine spinel. See optic character. Refers generally optical calcite. Colorless trans- to the optical properties of a Titles within quotation marks are misnomers- Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


gerastone, and especially to the "orange topaz." Same as "Spanish number and position of optic topaz." axes, and the type of double re- orange-yellow. In North Ameri- fraction. {Shipley, Jr.). See can gemology the hue midway uniaxial, biaxial, optic sign. between orange and yellow. optic*. The division of physics Same as yellow-orange. which covers the behavior of orangy. A coined word, used in light. North American gemology to optic sign. The type of double re- mean more nearly orange than fraction in a mineral. In uniax- any other hue, just as reddish ial minerals the material is posi- means more nearly red than any tive when the extraordinary ray other hue. has a refractive index higher orangy brown. In North Ameri- than the ordinary ray, negative can gemology the color approxi- when the ordinary ray has "the mately midway between (a) greater index. In biaxial min- orange-brown and (b) the tone erals, which have three basic op- and intensity of brown which tical the refractive directions, is almost black. See index of the intermediate or orangy. beta ray is the criterion; if its orangy red. In North American R.I. is nearer that of the low gemology the hue midway be- tween red. or alpha ray, it is said to be a orange-yellow and More red than positive mineral or stone: if it is yellow. nearer the high or gamma ray, orangy yellow. In North Ameri- it is said to be a negative mineral can gemology the hue midway or stone. between orange-yellow and yel- orange. The hue midway between low. More yellow than orange. red and yellow; yellow-red. orbicular. Round, circular. Ge- orange-brown. In color nomen- ology: Containing minerals crys- clature system of North Ameri- tallized in rounded bodies with radial or concentric can gemology, the color approxi- groups. mately midway between ' (a) orbicular jasper. Jasper contain- vivid orange and (b) the tone ing round or spherical inclu- and intensity of brown which sions, sprinkled or spotted here is almost black. Same as and there, usually of contrast- brown-orange. ing color to the body of the orange-red. In North American stone. gemology the hue midway be- ordinary ray. In uniaxial stones, tween orange and red. Same that ray of light which, like any as red-orange. ray in an isotropic stone, travels Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages, 160 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY with the same velocity in any cate the finer varieties of gems direction in the stone. See in more or less the same manner extraordinary ray. that the prefix precious or n&bln ordinary refractive index. The R.I. is used, as oriental chalcedony; of the ordinary ray. and (3) as misnomer for fancy oregonite. Kinradite jasper. See sapphires which were formerly page 259. described as "oriental amethyst/' "Oregon jade/* (1) European "oriental emerald," etc. misnomer for green jasper. (2) oriental agate. Well-marked trans- Misnomer for massive grossuiar- luscent agate. See occidental ite found in and garnet Oregon, agate. indeed for almost any translu- "oriental cent to opaque green stone alabaster/* Banded cal- found in Oregon or California. cite or onyx marble. The ala- "Oregon moonstone." Same as baster of the ancients. ''chalcedony moonstone.** "oriental almandine." Purple-red organic. Belonging to the animal sapphire. or vegetable kingdoms. "oriental amethyst." Violet to pur- organic gem, materials. Naturally ple sapphire. occurring substances whose or- "oriental aquamarine/' Pale blu- igin is wholly or partly organic ish-green to greenish-blue corun- such as pearl, amber, coral and dum. jet. oriental baroque. Trade term for orient. The minute play of color salt-water pearl of irregular on, and just below the surface of, form as distinguished from the nacreous pearl. May be pre- fresh-water slug (pearl) which dominantly one color, as in rose is also a baroque. pearl. oriental carnelian. Deep bright red "orienta pearl." An importer's translucent carnelian. trade name used first for imita- "oriental cat's-eye." Girasol sap- tion pearl and later for cultured phire. pearl. oriental cat's-eye. Same as chrys- oriental. to the Pertaining oberyl cat's-eye. Orient, hence technically ap- Fine translu- plicable only to gem materials oriental chalcedony. cent or white originating there, but in general gray chalcedony. used as a trade The latter when cut cabochon prefix as (1) moon- sometimes used to stress the is same as "chalcedony genuineness, as oriental tur- stone." quoise; (2) often used to indi- "oriental chrysoberyl." Yellowish- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 161 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

green sapphire. oriental ruby. A trade term (1) "oriental Greenish- recognized by B.I.B.O.A. as chrysolite/' from Burma yellow chrysoberyl or sapphire. meaning ruby only and so used by many American "oriental emerald." Green sap- jewelers; (2) sometimes used to j>hii*e. distinguish genuine from sub- oriental garnet. Almandine. stitutes such as "spinel ruby." oriental girasol. Girasol sapphire. oriental sapphire. Ameiican trade "oriental hyacinth." Orange-red term for royal (slightly violet- sapphire. tinted) blue sapphire. See Bur- oriental jasper. Bloodstone, ma sapphire. oriental lapis. Lapis lazuli. See page "oriental sunstone." Reddish or 259. yellowish girasol corundum. "oriental moonstone/* Giraso! CO- oriental sunstone Same rundum. See oriental moonstone. (obsolete). as oriental girasol. oriental moonstone. Genuine moon- stone as distinguished from "oriental synthetic alexandrite/* "chalcedony moonstone." Same as "synthetic alexandrite." "oriental onyx." Banded, mottled, "oriental topaz." Yellow corun- or clouded travertine. dum. oriental oriental opal. (1) Precious opal; turquoise. Genuine tur- as (2) (obsolete), Hungarian opal quoise distinguished from formerly merchandised through substitutes. oriental markets. oriental vermeille. Red-brown COr- undum. oriental pearl. A trade name ap- plied (1) broadly, to any nat- oriented stone. A stone so fash- urally occurring Meleagrina ioned as to place the optic axis pearl, and therefore not to cul- in a predetermined position, as tured pearls, fresh-water pearl, for instance, in asteriated stones abalone pearl, or mussel pearl. which should be so oriented as (2) More specifically, to such to place the axis normal to the pearls fished in the Orient only, top surface in order to achieve although this usage is not gen- the best star. Most rubies should eral, since many pearls fished in be cut with the axis normal to Africa and elsewhere are sold the 'table in order to exhibit the in India and are thereafter in- best color; most distinguishable from those fished with axis parallel to the table. in the Orient proper. Orleans pastes. Reputedly fine "oriental peridot." Olive-green sap- imitations of gems in glass or phire. enamel made about 1700 by a

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed In bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 162 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

chemist, Homberg, who dupli- orthorhombic mineral or stone. cated the collection, mostly in- Mineral or stone of the orthor- taglios, and cameos, of the Duke hombic system. of Orleans, Regent of France. orthorhombic system (ore"thoe- See also Tassie paste. rom'bik ) . A crystallographic Qrloff Diamond. Also Orlov or system; has three axes of un- Orlow. One of the most famous equal length, each perpendicular of Indian diamonds, once given to the plane of the other two Prince Orlov to by Catherine axes. See also crystal systems. the Great and now in Treasury orthose. of U.S.S.R. Weight 199.6 m.c. (1) Yellow orthoclase, See Great Mogul Diamond. sometimes yielding moonstone; an obsolete name for the ormer. Same as abalone. (2)^ entire feldspar group of min- ornamental stone. A gemological erals. classification which includes both oscillatory twinning. those stones which have more or Repeated twinning in which the lamellae less but which beauty because are in reversed are alternately posi- they insufficiently durable or tions. beautiful or obtain- very easily osseous are fashioned into amber (os'se-us). Same as ed, frequently bone amber. ornamental objects such as fig- ures, ash trays, etc., and those Ostrea or Ostrea eduiis (os'tree-a) . which, when set in jewelry, are The common edible oyster. rarely mounted in gold or plat- Ostridae. A family of bivalves inum; examples, agate, onyx which includes Ostrea. rose marble, rhodonite, quartz. ouachita stone. Same as novaculite. See curio stone, decorative curio stone, gemstone, precious stone. oulopholite. A variety of gyp- sum found in the form of ro- orthite. Same as allanite. settes, flowers, vines, etc., in ortho. Abbreviation used in this Mammoth Cave, Ky. book for orthorhombic system. ounce pearl. (1) A low grade of orthoclase. of the A species feld- pearl sold by the ounce. (2) A of which adularia spar group European name for seed pearl. moonstone is a and of variety, ouvarovite. Same as uvarovite. which other unusual transparent oval cut. slender barrel- to translucent varieties, includ- A flat, with small ing sanidine, are sometimes cut shaped stone covered for collectors. Mono. KAlSiaOg; triangular, facets. Used for H. 6-6.5; S.G. 2.56; R.I. 1.B2/ beads. See page 259. 1.53-1.53/1.54. over-bleached pearl. Pearl which Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 163 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

has been harmed by bleaching. ovo doema. Brazilian term for wa- See bleached pearl. ter-worn quartz crystals overtone (of pearl). A light tone (Pough). of blue, green, yellow or orange owl-eye agate. An eye agate with which is seen in some white only two "eyes," and those re- pearls and cream pearls as a sembling the eyes of an owl. tint on the superimposed body ox-k!ood coral. Dark, rich, deep-red is an a color. Possibly orient, coral; very desirable. minute play of color caused by Labradorite with dark red- interference of light between oxeye. dish of color. scales on layers of nacre some- change what below the surface. More oxeye agate. An eye agate with likely the tint is that of some only two "eyes," and those re- minor constituent of the par- sembling the eyes of an ox in ticular pearl, as it is usually coloring. Same as owl-eye agate. characteristic of most pearls oxidation. A chemical union with Some- from a particular locality. oxygen. times but one overtone is pres- oxide (ox'side or -sid). A com- ent sometimes a rose tint is also ; of the element oxygen but the latter, which is pound present; with another element or ele- an is more definitely orient, ments. nearly on the surface. A blue overtone and rose orient pro- oyster pearl. A concretion found in duces a purplish tint. See fancy common edible oyster (Ostrea pearl. edulis). Generally black, pur- or with a mixture of black Onedo Pearl. A 26-carat ple, pearl and or and white. purchased in Panama about 1520 white, purple Almost invariably devoid of at "650 times its weight in fine the same as nacreous luster, possessing gold." Probably nor value the Morales or Pizarro Pearl. neither beauty and hence not a true Thought to have been in Aus- pearl. trian crown before seizure of ozarkite. White massive thomson- Austria by Hitler. ite from Arkansas.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


P. Abbr. for phosphorus. . ordinary cultured pearl; posses- paar. (Ceylonese). The rock or ses less greenish tint or over- hard-bottom oyster bed on Cey- tone. lon coast. pale. In the color nomenclature padmaradscKaK. Same as padparad- system of North American gem- sha. ology a tone approximately the same as padparadsclia (pad"par-ad'sha) . A very light, Very pale is still rare light orangy, yellow to or- lighter. ange, variety of sapphire, more palladium (pal-lae'di-um) One of often encountered as synthetic the platinum metals. sapphires of those colors. pampel. Same as pampille. A coin used in India in pagoda. pampille ( cut) . A drop-shape close- the days of Tayernier. Value ly related to the briolette but 8 shillings British. with circular (or polygonal) stone. pagoda Same as agalmato- cross-section and usually more Hte, Also Chinese limestone, sec- elongated. Covered with rows of of which contain fossils ar- tions facets of differing shapes and in ranged pagoda-like designs of sizes, which become smaller as no gemological interest. See page they approach the lower point 259.. of the stone. painted stone. See coated stone. Panama pearl. Same as La Paz Pai Yii. Chinese name for either pearl. white or white jadeite nephrite. A ceremonial Alternate spelling of Pao Yii. panchratna. jewel to a Hindu com- Pala beryl, kunzite or tourmaline. offering temple, Stones from Pala district of posed of gold, diamond, sap- and Like the San Diego Co., Calif., many of phire, ruby pearl. fine naoratna the jewel is sold when no longer considered worthy and Palau pearl. Cultured pearl from is purchased by devout the island of Palau in the Caro- eagerly Hindus (Kunz). lines. Cultured in Meleagrina mar- A star facet. garitifera mollusc; lower in aver- pane. age S,G. (about 2.73-2.75) than panella (Brazilian). A miner's Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 165 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY term for druse. ent stones with zones of different color such as pink and green Primitive method of panning. zones often seen in tourmaline. washing minerals from alluvial (2) Also, technically, stones such use of a pan. gravel by as the sapphires of green color pantfea (Indian). White and trans- that are produced by blending lucent jadeite. very thin zones of yellow alter- with zones of blue. Pao YiL Alternate spelling of Pai nating Yii. parting. Separation of a mineral along planes of twinning, as op- diamond" (pae'fos). "papho* posed to true cleavage which oc- Quartz. curs along crystallographic from Papua Gulf pearl. Pearl planes. Gulf of Papua, New Guinea. Not A French word as white as Australian parure (pa"rur'). quite meaning a set of jewels, such pearl. as a parure of emeralds, consist- trade paradise jasper. A local ing of rings, bracelets, earrings, name for a variegated red jasper brooch, etc. Calif. from Morgan Hill, Pasha of Egypt Diamond. A fa- paragon pearl*. Round pearls of mous 40-carat diamond, once in exceptional size, few if any of the Egyptian Treasury. which are fine pearls. Passau pearl. Term for fresh-water parallelogram. A four sided figure pearl found in Central Europe, whose opposite sides are paral- marketed through Passau, Ba- lel. varia. paranthine. Hauy's name for scap- paste. Name for glass when used olite. as imitation of gems. parent rock. In geology the rock pastoral ring. Bishop's ring. formation which held, originally pate de riz (French, meaning rice and still a mineral or may hold, paste). Glass which was or is ore, fragments of which have made as an imitation of nephrite carried as in a been elsewhere, (Bauer-Spencer). placer. (Standard) pate goung. Indian name for the imitation Paris pearl. An pearl, Meleagrina vulgaris which yields made partly from essence d' ori- the Persian Gulf pearl. ent. Pathakkamala. An Indian historical paronigar*. Skilled workmen who jewel set with precious gems. string Bombay pearls The central stone is an emerald in di- parti-colored stones. (1) Transpar- one and one-half inches Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 166 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AXD GEMOLOGY

ameter and weighs sixty rati. sembling a pear, or more loosely f Th e Gemm ologistj . the outline of one, such as a paulite. Same as hyperstliene. pendeloque. or pave' (pa'vae')- The style paved pear drop or pear eye. A pear- of setting small "stones as close shaped drop pearl. together as possible in areas, A calcareous concretion con- as distinguished from channel pearl. sisting of occasional layers of setting;. conchiolin and predominant lay- pavilion. In North America and Britain, ers of aragonfte cal- the portion of a fashioned stone (or rarely, cite) most of which have been below the girdle. On European concentrically deposited about a continent, the part above the gir- central point or nucleus. In most dle, the portion below being cases the nucleus is to known as the culasse. thought have been, originally, the loca- pavilion facets. The main facets tion of a parasite or other or- on the pavilion of any cut stone. ganic matter which the mollusc In the brilliant cut, the eight has covered with the substances main large five-sided facets; al- mentioned above, with which it though some diamond cutters also forms its own shell. Con- further distinguish four of these chiolin predominates in the by the name of quoin or bottom outer portion of the shell, arago- corner facets. nite in the -mother-of-pearl lining Payne, C. J. B.Sc. Ass't. Director and in pearls which occur only in certain of Precious Stone Laboratory, molluscs , notably the London Chamber of Commerce. salt-water genus known various- Pb. Abbr. for lead. ly as Avicula, Meleagrina, or Mar- and the fresh-water Peace Ruby. Found in garitifera, 1919; Unio. The layers in round pearls 42 c. for weighed Sold 20,000 which form free within the man- and or (Schlossmacher Smith) tle are and concentric. for spherical 27,500, the highest price are not round and Halford-Wat- Many pearls any rough ruby ( others are attached to the shell. kins and Winfield Scott, Ameri- Gemologically a true pearl is com- can Consul in Schloss- Burma). posed of predominantly nacreous macher mentions a 27-c, ruby layers and formed unattached to also found in which sold 1919, a shell. Fine pearls are those true for but neither Halford- 27,000, pearls which possess all the quali- Watkins nor Scott record it. fications of a gemstone and are peacock stone. Banded malachite largely limited to oriental pearls cut to exhibit an eye. and fresn-water pearls. Compo- pear cut. Any style of cutting re- sition CaCOa, water and con- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 167 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMGLOGY

1 1 ehiolin; H. 2 a-4 s; S.G. 1.5-2.78 pear! fluorescence detector. Usu- (most fine pearls 2.66-2.76). ally a lead-lined, light-tight Principally from Persian Gulf, viewing box in which a pearl is Australia, Islands of South Sea, activated by X rays. Persian Gulf Panama, Venezuela. See also pearls do not fluoresce. A few cultured pearl; blister pearl; Australian pearls, all Japanese far cyst pearl. cultured pearls so tested, and all fresh-water pearls do In determinative pearl compass. fluoresce. gemology, an apparatus for dis- See criminating between genuine pearl fluoroscope. fluoroscope. and cultured pearls. A pearl is pearl garnet. A dark amber-brown hung between the poles of a variety of andradite (Schloss- powerful electromagnet. A cul- macher). tends to rotate and tured pearl pearl gauge. A scale arranged as orient itself according to the to various diameters and the while a structure of its core, corresponding estimated weights tends to remain genuine pearl of fine spherical pearls. stationary. pearl grain. The unit of pearl pearl corundum. Corundum with weights equal to % metric carat. bronzy iridescent luster. pearl illuminator. A device which pearl diver. One who dives for employs a light for the illumi- pearl molluscs. nation of a pearl. It may illu- the exterior for obser- pearl doctor. (1) One proficient in minate vation of the entire the preparation of doctored (a) pearl as in the or of pearls. (2) A term also loosely nacrescope (b) hole as in a used to mean one who peels the drill pearloscope; or it illuminate the drill pearls. See peeling. may hole as in the type of endoscope pearl doublet. See cultured blis- which a hollow needle ter employs pearl. with two mirrors. pearl drop. The trade term for an pearling. The business of pearl fish- irregularly shaped or imitation ing. pearl mounted with an attached ring for use on pendants, ear- pearlite. Same as perlite. rings, etc. pearl luster. -The surface appear- reflected pearl endoscope. See endoscope. ance of a pearl in light, which may be either highly re- essence. essence d'orient. pearl See flective or somewhat dull. Some- pearl-eye. A spherical pearl times confused with orient. See (Bauer-Spencer) . also luster. Titles within quotation marks ar misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


pearl miscroscope. A microscope starts the nucleus of a pearl. with equipped a pearl-testing In cultured pearls this tissue is stage. Same as pearioscope. See cut from one mollusc, the microscope. mother-of-pearl, sphere inserted pearl mussel. Popular name for the in it, and then it is placed in an Unio. incision in another mollusc. In natural pearls it as an Pearl of Asia, or Perle (TAsie. A begins indentation in the mantle, even- 2420 gr. baroque, shaped some- at the neck and se- what like an elk's but tually joins tooth, cretes the nacre which forms more cylindrical. Claimed to be the pearl. the largest precious pearl in the world and to have been valued pearl-shooting. Artificial coloring at over $200,000. Apparently or dyeing of pearls. from the mollusc which yields pearl spar. Variety of dolomite the Tahiti pearl. (Boutan). with a pearly luster. A name which has pearioscope. pearlstone. Same as perlite. been used to include the various See pearl-testing devices which em- pearl-testing stage. stage; ploy a microscope and a pearl- pearioscope. testing stage. pearl tongs. Tweezers with con- cave on each pearl oyster. A popular but mis- hemispheres prong to fit and hold a leading name for the pearl-pro- designed spheri- cal ducing molluscs, as none of the pearl. Ostridae family, Including the pearly. Resembling the surface ap- edible variety, bear fine pearls. pearance of the pearl. See Margaritifera; Ostridae. pearly luster. The combination of pearl peeler or peeling. See peeler; luster and of body appearance peeling. caused by internal structure, seen in or See pearl price calculator. A chart de- moonstone, pearl. sheen. signed to obtain quickly, from weight, the base price of two or pear pearl. A term often used for more pearls. any drop pearl, but more espe- for pear-shaped pearl. pearl radiogram. The record on a cially photographic film or plate of pears. Pear-shaped pearls. X rays transmitted through a pear-shape (cut). Same as pende- pearl; an "X-ray photograph" loque. of a pearl. pebble. (1) A rounded stone, es- pearl sac. The tissue which forms pecially a waterworn stone; (2) about the irritating agent which said in dictionaries to mean also

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 169 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

transparent colorless quartz. quality. Same as pebble crystal. A waterworn or peesal. pisal. similarly rounded crystal. peganite. Variscite from Saxony. pebble ware. A variety of Wedg- pegmatite. Coarsely grained, igne- wood ware with a variegated ous rock mass, usually in form of a which its slow body of different colored clays dike, during solidification contained rare intermingled, called according gas or which aided in form- to pattein, agate, Egyptian peb- vapors, lazuli, por- ing especially large and well- ble, granite, lapis formed of which serpentine, verde antique, crystals, aqua- phyry, tour- etc. (Standard) marine, spodumene, topaz, maline, and transparent quartz Pechopal (German). Pitchopai. are gemologically important. "Pecos diamond" (pae'kos). Quartz pegmatitic. Of, or pertaining to from Pecos River, Texas, or New pegmatite. Mexico. Peiping jade or Pefcin jade. (1) Incorrect name "pectolite jade." Any jade from Peiping, one of for pectolite, a semitranslucent- China's three largest jade mar- white or min- to-opaque, grayish, kets, although little jadeite is cut fi- eral; tough, compact, and^ or sold there. (2) Usually Smith has been carv- brous. says nephrite. ed as ornaments and tools by pelhamine. A variety of light gray- native Alaskans. Mono. H. 5; from S.G. about 2.87. green precious serpentine Pelham, Mass. (Eppler) name for bas- peddi. Singhalese Name for ket. pelle d'angelo (Italian). a rose-red coral. pedra de estrelada (Port.) . Asteria. Pellegrina Pearl. Misomer for La pedra fina (Port.). Gemstone. Pellegrina Pearl. Precious pedra preciosa (Port.). pencil stone. Same as agalmatolite. stone. cut. A term used loosely pedra verde. (Port.). Nephrite. as a synonym for drop cut. with an peeler. A pearl imperfect pendeloque (pan"d'loke') . A pear- skin, the removal of which might shaped modification of the round improve the pearl. Also a per- brilliant cutting often used for son who peels pearls. See peel- a pendant. Pear-shaped brio- ing. lettes were formerly called pen- peeling. Removing outer layer or deloques and the two styles are layers of a pearl in the hope that still often confused. See birio- under layer will be of better lette.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


penetration twin. A pair of crystals perforated beads. Beads carved developed in reverse position through to an irregular design. with reference to one another peridot or and each (per'i-dot per'i-doe). penetrating through (1) The gemological name for the other. the 9 transparent -to -translucent, diamond. " Iron "Pennsylvania, py- olive to light yellow green, rite. brownish, or grayish mineral pentagon cut. Any of several va- species, known also as chryso- riations of the step cut, having lite or olivine. Ortho. (MgFe)z five sides. straight SiO4 ; H. 6*2-7; S.G. 3.2-4.3; pentagon facets. A British term R.L 1.64/1.68-1.67/1.71. Bi. for quoin and pavilion facets. 0.038. Disp. 0.018. Source: St. John's Island in Red Bur- peredell topax. Light green to yel- Sea, Arizona lowish green topaz. ma, Ceylon. and New Mexico etc. The Pearl. Misnomer for La (in sand) (2) Peregrina full-colored Peregrma Pearl. transparent yellow- green to green to olive-green stone. trade used perfect A term, variety of that species. S.G. 3.2- for principally diamonds, refer- 3.5; R.I. 1.64/1.68-1.66/1.70; to ring usually absence of in- Disp. 0.020 (Smith). clusions or structure with- faulty basic in the some mer- peridotite. A very igneous stone, although of olivine chants have used it to refer to rock, consisting chiefly and make, absence of exterior blem- pyroxene. ishes, ancl absence 01 undesir- "peridot of Ceylon." Same as "Cey- able colors. Federal Trade Com- lon peridot." mission defines as absence of perigem (per'i-jem). Trade-marked blemishes or internal imperfec- name for light yellow-green tions under magnification of ten synthetic spinel. power. American Gem Society perimorph. A mineral of one prohibits the use of the term by species enclosing one of another its members and recommends use (Webster). See endo- of the term to mean ab- species flawless morph. sence of internal flaws. Less fre- quently used for colored stones periostracum (per"i-os'tra-kum) . in which small inclusions or The outermost horny conchiolin mollusc. structural faults are less unde- layer of the shell of a sirable, and in fact, sometimes peristerite. A variety of reddish desirable. albite from Ontario, Quebec, and perfection color. Finest color of Madagascar, which displays blu- that particular variety of gem. ish labradorecence (Kraus and Titles within quotation marks are misnomers, Every unusual word or term used is defined im this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 171 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

called al- times used for the fine Slawson) ; sometimes quality bite moonstone. Afghanistan lapis from Badak- perla (Span.). Pearl. shan, once Persian territory. Persian trade perle coq. French term for a hol- turquoise. (1) A for the finest tur- low pearl. name quality quoise, intense, light blue in perle fine (French). Same as fine color, which in early times came pearl. from Persia (now Iran) al- perles au nacre. Same type as though some may have been "perles des Indies." mined in Turkestan or Tibet. (2) "perles des Indies." Imitation More specifically, turquoise from pearls which were made from various present-day mines in pulverized nacre of mother-of Iran. pearl. perspex. A polymerized acrylic perlite (pur-lite). (1) Obsidian ester plastic. S.G. 1.18; H.L 1.50. with a concentric shelly struc- (Anderson). Same as diakon. ture, probably produced by con- Peruvian emerald. A term applied traction in cooling. (2) A gray to genuine emerald from South obsidian. See also spherule. America taken to Spain during perlometer. The manufacturer's and after the conquest of Peru, trade name for his model of a which then included present-day pearloscope. Colombia. See Colombian, emer- perola (Port). Pearl. ald. as Persian Gulf pearl. At present the pesal. Same pisal. finest quality of oriental pearl. peso especificio (Span.). Specific Noted for fine color, shape and gravity. 'a va- orient. From the Mahar, petal pearls. Flattened, leaf-like Mar- riety of Meleagrina (or pearls. a of garitijera) vulgaris, species agate or stone. Fossil mollusc which the Petoskey produces coral from Petoskey, Michigan. Lingah shell. Principally from banks near Bahrien Island. Term petrifaction (pet"ri-fak'shun) . Process of ma- also deceivingly applied to an changing organic terial into stone imitation pearl. Same as Lingah by replacement. The structure is some- pearl. Geographically, any other original retained. pearl found in Persian Gulf can times be meant by this term, including petrified asbestos. A name for or zinnt pearl. See Meleagrina either tiger eye, Kawk'-eye, pearl. quartz cat's-eye. in Persian lapis. A term still some- petrified wood. Fossilized wood Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 172 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AXD GEMOLGGY which the cells have been entire- outline of the faces of the form- ly replaced by crystallized sil- er crystal, parallel to the faces ica and hence converted into or to the possible crystal faces quartz or opal, or (2), less often of the present crystal. Several by other substance. It is usual- phantoms may occur in the same ly easy to identify as it re- crystal at different intervals. veals, more or less, the origi- The differently colored zones in nal structural pattern of the transparent tourmaline, sap- wood. See petrifaction; agatized phire, etc., are sometimes classi- wood; opalized wood; silicified fied as phantoms but are usua 1 - wood. ly more resrularly spaced, more petrographic or petrological micro- strongly colored and more often scope. See microscope. caused by differing coloring petrosilex. (1) An old name for oxides. extremely fine crystalline por- Phassachate (German). A lead- phyries and quartz and for those colored agate. finely crystalline aggregates we pbenacite (fena-site). A trans- now know to be devitrified parent to semitranslucent min- glasses. (2) Hornstone (Schloss- eral of little gem value except macher) . to collectors; colorless, pale ye!7 Pezometer. Trade name for a Ger- low, pale red. Dana lists also man diamond weight calculator bright wine, yellow and brown. constructed Wilhelm by Rau, on Hex. Be2Si04 ; H. 7% -8; S.G. same principle as Moe gauge. 2.95-3.00; R.L 1.65-1.67 (Smith) all phanerocrystalline. Having crys- or 1.67-1.69 (Schlossmacher) ; talline grains large enough to be BL 0.016; Disp. 0.015. From seen with the unaided eye as Ural Mountains; Brazil; Colo- distinguished from cryptocry- rado; Maine; Tanganyika, and talline. other sources. phantasy pearl. An 18th Century phengite. (1) A kind of transpar- name for blister pearl. ent or translucent mineral, used phantoms. In a transparent crys- by the ancients for windows; of mus- tal, visible layers, of slightly dif- (2) a non-gem variety ferent tone or hue, which once covite (Webster). were the faces of the crystal, and phenocrystall me. Same as phanero- on which during its growth par- crystalline. ticles of some different sub- ex- stance or a phenomenal gem. A gemstone substances, usually an mineral, were deposited in one hibiting optical phenomenon. or more adjacent atomic See phenomenon. (growth) planes, producing an phenomenon* In gemology, an Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 173 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

optical effect in visible light oc- Jr.) but not in curring in certain, all, photomicrograph. A photograph of a See specimens species. of the greatly magnified image aster adularescence; lam; chatoy- of an object. ancy; fluorescence (in ultra-violet physical properties. The specific ; girmsol; lahoradorescence; light) hardiness, orient; play of color; schiller. gravity, tenacity, A cleavage, fracture and other pherayldi-iodoarsine. CsHsAsIa. similar characteristics of a sub- refractive liquid (R.I. highly stance, and to a lesser extent, used for 1.85) making optical its contact between stone and dense optical properties. glass of refractometer, and as picotite. Same as chrome spinel. fluid Web- an immersion (R. picrolite. A variety of fibrous ster) . green precious serpentine. H. Philip II Pearl. A Venezuelan 2.5 (Eppler). From various pearl. Same as La Peregrina. sources. See also baltimorite. Pearl from va- Philippine pearl. piece pearl. A name used in books of the rious islands Philippine by early authorities to mean a and is- Archipelago adjacent small pearl somewhat larger than lands. In quality, Philippine seed pearl. white pearl is better than Aus- A brownish red va- tralian pearl and inferior to Ma- piedmontite. of from dras pearl or Bombay pearl. riety epidote Piedmont, Italy. phosphoresence. A continuance, after the removal of the exciting piedra arhol (Span.). Mocha stone. radiations, of fluorescence. piedra de aguja (Span.). Sagen- phosphoroscope. Basically, a closed itic quartz. chamber in which specimens may piedra de calmuco. (Span.) A be observed for phosphorescence cloudy opal, usually a cacha- after having been exposed to long. X cathode rays, or ultra- rays, piedra de camela. Cinnamon stone. violet rays, or after having been rubbed, heated, etc. (Shipley, piedra de grosella (Span.). Groa- Jr.). sularite. photometer. An instrument for piedra de ijada (Span.). (Colic measuring the intensity of light, stone.) Original Spanish name or for comparing intensities for jade from which the words from two sources. The more jade and jadeite ha^re evolved in accurate types are built around Spanish, English, and other lan- photoelectric cells. (Shipley, guages. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used Is defined in this book and if printed in bald faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.

174 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY piedra del ol (Span.) Sunstone, in mosaic patterns in marble. piedra die madera. A Spanish pietra precioio (Italian). Precious name for jasper. stone. piedra de me*. BirthstOZie. piezoelectricity. The property pos- sessed piedra de sangra (Span.). Hema- by certain crystals, such as tite. quartz and tourmaline, of de- veloping a charge of electricity de *erra (Span.). Brazilian piedra when under pressure or tension. agate. A piezoelectric effect is observed piedra de aimava (Span.). Fire in some quartz which consists opal. of alternate expansion and con- piedra dorado (Span.). A name traction producing oscillations for chrysolite. useful in radio equipment. blood a piedra estrellada (Span,). Asteria. pigeon ^ate. Local name. for piedra fina (Span). Gemstone. carnelian or red and white agate from Cisco, Utah. piedra miel (Span.). Mellanite. blood of the moca. (Span.) Mocha pigeon ruby. Ruby piedra finest color stone. quality. Purplish red, Precious likened to color of arterial blood piedra precio*a (Span.). of fresh-killed stone. pigeon. pigment (in gems). Term loosely sintetico Synthetic piedra (Span.). used to mean the particles which stone. impart color to gems; princi- piedra verde (Span.). Nephrite. pally oxides. pierre argentine (French, meaning Pigot or Pigott Diamond. An In- silvery stone.) Moonstone. dian diamond variously said to pierre de lune (Fr.). Moonstone. have weighed 47 to 85.8 carats and to have been pierre etoilee (Fr.). Asteria. destroyed by its owner. fausse Imitation pierre (Fr.). amazo- stone. Pike's Peak amazonite. Fine nite from Pike's Peak and its fine Precious stone. pierre (Fr.). environs including Crystal Park, pierre precieuse (Fr.). Precious Crystal Peak, Devil's Head and stone. other localities in Colorado. pietra (Italian). Stone. pinacotdal. Relating to crystal pietra albero (Italian). Tree forms with two planes parallel stone. Same as mocha stone, to two or more* crytallograpnic axes. pietra dura (Italian). Ornamental stones, especially those inlayed pincette. A French name for tweez- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and If printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 175 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

ers. of determining the dividing line between the more pinchbeck. (1) An alloy of cop- these, highly stones of to per, zinc and tin used as imi- transparent light full color often classed as tation gold. (2) Figuratively being pi while more often a an imitation, especially a pre- sapphire tentious one. much paler stone is called Ceylon ruby. pin fire opal. Opal exhibiting pin- pink topaz. Topaz either naturally point color flashes smaller and pink or artificially colored usually less regularly spaced pink by heating yellow or brown than the patches in harlequin varieties. See pinked topaz. opal. Pinna A of various Burmese term for pearl. pearl pingoo. silky colors from any of the several ruby with or without star ( Gems pearl-bearing varieties of the & Gemology). salt-water of Burmese term for genus bivalve pmgoo-choo. known as Pinna or best star rubies. wing shell, quality of which Pinna nobUis of the pingos d'agoa (Portuguese mean- Mediterranean sea produces the ing drop of water). Brazilian most desirable varieties which colorless water-worn term for have a peculiar rose tint but pebbles (Bauer). no orient. Pinna pearl has a pinite. A mineral resulting from more crystalline structure and decomposition of iolite and be- is more nearly translucent than longing to the mica group pearl from Margaritifertr (Kunz). (Dana) ; a silica-rich variety of Also yellow, brown and black. it is a variety of a^almatolite See Margaritifera pearl. (Smith). pin-point opal. Same as pin-fire pink beryl. Same as morganite. opal. pinked topaz. Pink topaz artificially Pintadina. The pearl oyster. (Stan- colored by heating yellow or dard) brown varieties. See heated pintas. A Mexican name for sur- stone. face indications of opal-produc- pinking. Heating topaz to change ing areas... ,. rock mass of its color to pink. pipe. The cylindrical in which dia- "pink moonstone/' Pink volcanic origin girasol monds occur. (Wi#lesworth) scapolite. pipe opal. _ Long narrow cigar- pink sapphire. Pale to light red shaped opalized fossils. See page corundum as distinguished from 259. full red or dark red which is pipes. Volcanic chimneys or fissure ruby. As yet there is no standard widenings which sometimes con-

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.

176 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY tain kimberlite. pitchy luster. Resembling the luster of a fresh piropo (Span, and Italian). Py- surface of pitch. rope. Pitdah. Second stone in Breastplate of piruzeH (Persian). Turquoise. the High Priest, called to- pazius. However, "tdpazius" of pisal. Ceylonese trade for grade the ancients signified a stone of a deformed or cluster of pearl or small of greenish hue, chrysolite, peri- misshapen pearls, poor dot. The derivation of the He- color and of little value. brew Pitdah is "yellow" and may (Kunz.). refer to our topaz. Engraved pisolitic (pie^soe-lit'lk or piz"oe- with the name Simeon. lit'ik). Composed of or contain- pitted. Containing pits. ing rounded masses about the Pi size of peas. Yii. Chinese name for the veget- able green nephrites, although pissophane. Wax-impregnated hy- See some jadeites of those hues are drophane (Schlossmacher). sometimes included. See pyrophane. spinach jade; Fei Ts'ui; Pao Yu. pistacite (pis'ta-site) . Epidote. Pizarro pearl. See Oviedo pearl. pit. Trade term for a small frac- ture in the flat surface of a facet PL Abbreviation for pleochroism. of a gem, or along the junction placer (plas'er or pla-ser'). Alluvial of two facets. or glacial deposit in which min- erals are found. an ac- pit amber. A name for mined Usually amber in contrast to sea amber. cumulation of sand and gravel containing gold, gem material, pitch garnet (German Pechgranat). or other minerals of value. Very dark yellow andradite. Placuna A pearl from the metal or other pearl. pitch lap. A rigid or window shell with whose surface has been cov- placuna glass lap a micaceous luster. Is sold in ered with pitch, useful in ob- the Orient, usually for medicinal better on soft taining polish (Kunz). gemstones. purposes The series or group A to brownish plagiociase. pitch opal. yellowish of minerals, including with a lus- feldspar common opal pitchy and labradorite. ter. albite, oligoclase cut. A form without facets; pitch stone. Obsidian with pitch- plain cabochon, for example (Pough). like luster. Gray, yellow, red or brown, containing more water plane of symmetry. In crystallog- and harder (5% -6) than most raphy, the plane which, in an obsidian (Eppler). ideal crystal form, would divide Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 177 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

the crystal into identical halves. as principal, and the next three Such a crystal could have more as minor constituents of alloys than one plane of symmetry de- used for mountings or settings pending upon the number of of gems. faces it possesses. platy. Consisting of, or readily plasma (plaz'ina). Green semi- splitting into, plates. translucent, almost opaque, of color. The some- play optical phen- cryptocrystalline quartz, omenon consisting of flashes of times with white or yellowish different prismatic colors due to with red it is blood- spots; spots interference of light at thin films stone. within or near the surface of a plaster stone. Gypsum. gem, and seen in rapid succession plastic. A natural or, more fre- when the gem is moved, as in quently, a synthetic materal opal. It partly causes the orient which can he shaped when soft of pearls, but differs from and hardened afterwards. Some- change of color, dispersion, fire, times transparent or translu- and opalescence. as or lucite. Oc- cent, hakelite, pleochroic colors. The colors ob- fashioned as imitation casionally servable in a pleochroic gem. gems, especially those with resin- ous luster like that of amber. pleochroic gem or stone. One which exhibits plate cut. A style of cutting in pleochroism. which many opaque ring1 stones pleochroic halo. In gemology, a are fashioned. Consists of large, cloudy inclusion in some gems flat, parallel top and back; sides apparently caused by inclusions ' may be beveled or stepped. of radioactive minerals and gen- plates. Laminated layers in a min- erally surrounding such inclu- eral; broad, relatively thin sions. Sometimes concentric, masses. sometimes radial. platinum (plat'i-num). (1) A jpleochroism (ple-och'ro-izm) . The metallic element. (2) A very property of most doubly re- heavy, very pale gray, soft metal fractive colored minerals of ex- of the platinum metals, more hibiting either two or more dif- costly than gold. See iridio-plat- ferent colors, when viewed in inum. different directions by transmit- platinum metals, the. The precious ted light, the doubly refracted metals known as the platinum rays traveling in different direc- group: platinum, iridium, pallad- tions having been absorbed dif- ium, ruthenium, rhodium, and ferently by the mineral. Rarely osmium. The first two are used distinguished by the eye except Titles within quotation marks ar misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 178 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

as one blended color, unless ing .52 carat is said to be a viewed through an instrument fifty-two point sapphire or a such as a polarizing microscope, fifty-two pointer. or The polariscope, dichroscope. point agate. Same as chalce- of point comparative strength pleo- dony. chroisra is expressed as strong, distinct or weak. See dichroism; point chalcedony. Pough lists as trichroism. white or gray chalcedony flecked with tiny of iron pleocroismo (Span.). Pleochroism. spots oxide, the whole surface as- pleomorphism (plee"oe-more':fizm) . suming a uniform soft red Same as polymorphism. color. pleonaste (plee'oe-nast) . Black pointed hexagon cut. See hexa- spinel. gon cut. plexiglass. A trade name for trans- point source (of light). A single parent methyl-methaerylate plas- point from which light emanates, tic. S.G. 1.19; R.L 1.49. such as the sun, the filament of Pliny the Elder, Gains Plinius an electric lamp or other super- Secundws (Circa A.D. 23-79). heated metal, etc. The term is Author of Historia Naturalis; (37 often extended to include as well books, the last 5 books treating the reflections of such point largely of gems and other min- sources as seen in mirrors, or erals). the facets of gemstones. Some are to reflect plume agate. Same as flower agate. objects designed multiple images of a point Feather-like. plumose. source, and each of such images pocket. A cavity in rock, often is also popularly known as a filled with minerals. point source. Pogue, Joseph Ezekiel, Jr. (1887-). polariscope. An optical instrument Ass't. Prof, of Geology, North- consisting basically of two po- western Univ., 1914-17. Petrol- larizers with a means of rotat- eum expert. Author of: The TUT- ing a specimen between them. quois: A Study of its History, Min- The polarizer through which eralogy, Geology, Ethnology* Archae- light enters is called the polari- ology, Mythology, Folklore, and Tech- zer, that through which observa- nology (Memoirs of NafL A cad. of tions are made is called the an- Sci VoL P Xn, 2, 3rd Memoir) alyzer. A polariscope is used to Washington, 1915. ascertain whether a substance point. Term used in the jewelry possesses single refraction or trade to mean one hundredth double refraction. If especially of a carat. A sapphire weigh- designed to hold fashioned and Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 179 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY A smooth mounted or unmounted gemstone"s, polish. surface, usually friction or abrasion. it is known as a gemological po- produced by lariscope. See Snipley polariscope. polished girdle. See girdle. polariser. See polariscope. polishing. The act of producing a on the facets polarity (of crystals). The proper- polish, especially 1 of a gemstone. ty of haying differing types of termination at the two ends of polka-dot agate. Local name for a prismatic crystal. May be re- translucent, almost colorless, flected in pyroelectric properties, chalcedony, with yellow, red, or conduction of electric current, brown circular dots. From Ore- etc. gon. polarized! light. Light of which pollucite. A rare, transparent, col- the vibrations have been limited orless gem mineral of interest to to parallel planes, as contrasted collectors only. Iso. HaCs4Al4 with ordinary light, which vi- (SiOsH; H. 6.5; S.G. 2.9; R.I. brates in all planes at right 1.52. Disp. 0.012. From Aus- angles te its direction. tralia, Sweden, Maine and other sources. polarizer. A device employed to produce polarized light: Nicol poliux (obsolete). Same as pollu- prism, polaroid sheet, tourmaline cite. plate, glass reflecting plates, etc. polychroite. Same as iolite. polarizing microscope. See micro- polygonal. Having straight sides; scope. usually more than four, in con- polarizing prism. Any prism so trast to parallelogram. constructed as to produce polar- polymorphism. The occurrence of ized lig-ht; usually made of a chemical substance in two or and recemented calcite. sawn more crystal forms possessing (R. M. Shipley, Jr.) See also different atomic structure, and Nicol prism. therefore different properties. Polaroid. A trade name for a plas- Carbon crystallizing as diamond tic sheet in which tiny polariz- (isometric) and graphite (rhom- ing crystals are held in common bohedral) is called dimorphous*, orientation. Light transmitted TiOa, crystallizing as rutile, through it becomes polarized. brookite, and octahedrite is See also polarizing prism (R. M. trimorphous. These as well as Shipley Jr.). others such as SiOa, crystallizing Polar Star Diamond. A famous in a greater number of forms Indian diamond last reported are polymorphous or pleomorphous. as in Russia; weighed 40 c. polysynthetic twin or twinning. See

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 180 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

twin; twinning. portation. "pomegranate ruby." In India, a positive mineral or stone. A doubly misnomer for red spinel. refractive mineral or stone in

politic dhryselectrL Citrine (Pliny) . which the index of refraction for popo (West African). Green jas- the extraordinary ray is greater for per. than the ordinary ray, the former refracted poppy stone. Red orbicular being nearer jasper to the normal than the popular with mineral collectors latter, as in See also for cutting cabochon. From quartz. negative California. mineral. positive double refraction. See or op- porcelain (por'see-lane pors' tic sign. lane). A vitreous, translucent positive stone. See optic pottery product, usually glazed. sign. face. face Hard baked or possible crystal A which, porcelainite. partly because of the known clay or shales crystal metamorphosed system to which a mineral be- on floors or roofs of burn- found or have ed-out coal mines. longs, might be, been, present on a crystal, but which Red or "porcelain jasper." green may not now be existent on it. porcelainite. potato stone. A potato-like geode porcelain opal. Milky white opal of quartz, having a central cav- more than milk opaque opal. ity lined with crystals. porous stones. Those crystalline or potch. Australian miners' term for cryptocrystalline aggregates an opal which may be colorful, which permit the entrance of but without fine play of color. solutions such as dyes between potstone. S capstone (impure talc) . particles. See stained stone. Pough, Frederick Harvey, (1906 -) porphyritic obsidian. Obsidian re- Ph.D. Harvard 1935. Assistant sembling porphyry in appear-, Curator of Minerals, Am. Mus. ance. of Nat. History, 1935-1942. Cur- porphyry (por'fi-ri). A fine-grained ator, Physical Geology and Min- rock containing embedded crys- eralogy, 1942-. Author of gem tals of much larger size. Polished definitions Jewelers' Dictionary sections produce a distinctive published serially in Jewelers' mottled design. Circular-Keystone 1942-'45. porphyry ware. A variety of Wedg- prase. Translucent light or gray- wood colored and marked to re- ish yellow-green quartz (1) semble porphyry. cryptocrystalline (chalcedony)

Port. Abbr. used in this book for (Dana, Kraus) ; (2) crystalline Portuguese. and colored by inclusions of portability. Capability of easy trans- actinolite needles. ( Smith,

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers- Every tmusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.

181 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY includes opal with play of color Schlossmaeher)' to most au- "malachite. Grayish chalce- and also, according prate See common dony the color of which is thorities, fire opal. of semiopaL caused by thick sprinklings opal, Gem inclusions of malachite. From precious scapolite. quality Arizona and other copper-pro- scapolite (Eppler).

1 Gem ducing states. precious schorl (obsolete). See schorl. prase opal. Same as pra&opal. quality tourmaline. serpentine. A term used prasio (Span.)- Prase. precious by Dana, Kraus, Eppler and oth- Prase. prasius. for oil-green and light-green Green common opal col- ers, praaopal. to light-yellowish translucent va- ored chrome. From Australia, by rieties of serpentine which are Brazil (Eppler). See Hungary, easily fashioned as ornataental also erysopal. stones, or used as substitutes for precious cats-eye. Chrysoberyl jade or chrysoprase. Eppler in- coral. Coral of reddish cludes bowenite and williamsite, precous ^ hues and tones distinguished also picrolite, retinalite, pelHa- from common coral and black mme and conamara. coral. precious stones. As contrasted with precious jade. True jadeite or so-called semiprecious stones, nephrite, more often the former. include the more important and precious garnet. (1) A trade term comparatively more valuable for rhodolite garnet from Siam gems such as diamond, ruby, (Thailand), an especially bril- sapphire, and emerald. However, sense all liant garnet (2) almandite when in a strict genuine gem are See semi- it is unusually purplish and bril- materials precious. stones* liant (8) pyrope when it is quite precious red and not too dark to reduce precious topaz. (1) Term still ap- its brilliancy. plied, by some jewelers, to g-en- precious metals. Metals which are uine topaz to distinguish it from more beautiful, rare, easily topaz-colored quartz, known as worked, and resistant to cor- "jewelers' topaz". (2) Incorrect rosion than most other metals, term for yellow-to-brown sap- and which also have durability phire. desirable in and jewelry, coinage precious tourmaline. Tourmaline the arts. and the Gold, silver, which, like many other gem min- platinum metals. occurs most in moonstone. Adularia. See erals, frequently precious varieties. moonstone. dark colored non-gem precious olivine. Peridot. precipitate. The solid produced precious opal. A classification which (generally in powdery or min- used is Rtles within quotation marks an* misnomers. Every unusual word or term defined in this book and if printed In bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


utely crystalline form) when prism. (1) (Optics) Transparent chemical reaction produces an medium contained between plane insoluble compound. facets, usually inclined to each other. prehnite (prane'ite or pren'ite). A (2) (Crystallography) A translucent green - to - yellowish form having all its faces, with the of green, also white or grayish gem exception bases, parallel mineral of most interest to col- to one axis. lectors. Gut cabochon and some- prisma. (1) (German) A prism. what resembling jade, green va- (2) A highly refracting glass rieties often fade. Ortho. Hz (Pough).

Ca2Al2 (SiO4)3; H. 6-6V2 ; S.G. prismatic (priz-mat'ik) . (1) (Op- Bi. 2.8-2.9; R.L 1.62/1.65; 0.030. tics) the colors form- Prom New and Resembling France, Jersey, ed by the refraction of light Lake district. Superior through a prism. (2) (Crystallo- pressed amber. An amber substi- graphy) Having elongation in one tute produced by consolidating direction, commonly parallel to of under fragments amber press- one of the crystallographic axes ; ure, 'usually with linseed or also parallel to the faces of a other oil as a binder. Also called crystal, as prismatic cleavage. reconstructed amber. prismatic layer. A layer, in pearl pressed cameo. Similar to molded or mother-of-pearl, composed of cameo, but pressed. minute crystals of aragonite ar- with their axes pressed copal. Made like pressed ranged principal to the surface of amber, from fragments of copal. perpendicular the Glass formed layer. pressed glass. objects moonstone." Clouded by forcing glass heated to a "prismatic viscous state into moulds. Pro- chalcedony. cess used to produce the cheap- "prismatic quartz." lolite. est sort of imitation gemstone. prismatic spectroscope. See spec- primary colors. A term which may troscope. refer either to three primary prism, polarizing. See polarizing hues, red, yellow* and blue, or prism. to six primary hues, red, orange, proper proportion (of a cut gem- yellow, green, blue and violet. In a transparent stone, See stone). spectrum, the proportion of the mass above primary deposit. A deposit of min- and below the girdle, as well erals in situ; i.e., where they as the angles of the facets in were formed, as distinguished relation to the girdle, which will from secondary deposit. produce the greatest brilliancy

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 183 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

from the particular species. similarly appearing substitute of These proportions vary with the the stone. R. L of the species. A gem p&eudojadeite. Name given especi- table of of proper proportions al! to a mineral from on y jade-like various stones appears Page a at 84 of Kraus and Slawson's jadeite quarry Tawmaw, Upper Burma. S.G. 2.577; class- f/>OT5 end Gem Materials* 3rd ed as albite. edition. A hydrous Term used to pseudomalachite. phos- properties. loosely phate of copper occurring ordi- the and mean ptiysical properties in massive forms of of a narily bright optical properties gemstone green color resembling malach- or its substitute. ite. (of a cut gemstone). proportion pseudomorph. A mineral having See proportion. proper the characteristic crystal form protons (proetons). The name for of another species (the original the particles or electrical charges material composing it having which make up the nucleus of been altered or replaced but an atom. See electrons. retaining the form of the orig- inal species.) Thus tiger eye amber. from Prussian Succinite (quartz) is pseudomorph of the Prussia, See also Baltic amber. mineral crocidolite and is no but It pseudo. False. longer crocidolite, quartz. is said to be pseudomorphic or pseudochrysolite. Moldavite. pseudomorphous after crocidol- pseudocrocidolite. Quartz pseud o- ite. (Wigglesworth) morphous after crocidolite; tig- pseudomorphic or pseudomorph- er-eye and hawkVeye, ous. See pseudomorph. pseudodiamond. Quartz crystal. pseudophite. A green mineral re- and men- pseudoemerald. Malachite. sembling serpentine tioned by Anderson as a possible pseudohexagonal, pseudotetragon- jade substitute. Classified by al, etc. Having false and mis- Dana as a variety of penninite. leading resemblance to crystals Mono. H. 2.5; S.G. 2.6-2.8; R.I. of the hexagonal, tetragonal sys- 1.57-1.58. Bi. 0.003 (R. Web- tem, etc. ster). From Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Scandinavia and other pseudojade. False jade. Term like sources. many others with the prefix pseudo- referring to almost any pseudosilk. A false silk often

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.

184 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY observed in Siam rubies or sap- pyralmandite. A contraction of phires, understood to be due to pyrope and almandite for gar- microscopic acicular crystals of nets of intermediate composi- titanic iron (R. Webster). tion. pseudosuccinito. Amber from pyramid. A crystal form. See Equilleres, Basses-Aipes, France. pyramidal. R.I. 1.085. pyramidal. Possessing the form of Pteriidae. Same as Aviculidae or or pertaining to the pyramid; a Malleidae. crystal form the faces of which pudding stone. A conglomerate in commonly intersect three "crys- axes. which the pebbles are rounded tallographic and cemented together by a "pyramidal garnet." Idocrase. finer-grained mineral. See also pyrite. Same as iron pyrites. A breccia. metallic, pale brassy yel- pudding stone jade. Nodules of low mineral, widely sold as nephrite cemented together by marcasite which it slightly re- a darker olive-green variety of sembles; also often occurring as nephrite. flecks (inclusions) in lapis lazuli and called "fool's "pudding stone jasper." A pudding popularly Iso. FeS 2 H. S.G. stone of quartz pebbles cement- gold." ; 6-6% ; 4.8-5.2. From localities. ed by chalcedony. Cut as a curio many stone in Lake Superior district. pyrites. Name used popularly and Maori name for axe stone without qualification for pyrite punamu. or iron Or nephrite. pyrites. Mineralogically there are other minerals, of no A fanci- purple-of-the-veins jade. gemological interest, called tin ful term descriptive applied by pyrites, copper pyrites and oth- Chinese to a stone which, if jade, ers. must be extremely rare. pyritohedron. See dodecahedron. purplish red. In color nomencla- An electric ture system of North American pyroelectricity. charge in certain substances gemology, a hue between red produced in tourmaline. and violetish red but nearer the by heating, as latter. "pyroemerald." Green fluorite. purpurin. Same as hematinon. pyrometer. An instrument for putty powder. Same as tin oxide. measuring high temperature used in production of heated pycnometer or pyknometer. Same stones. Such instruments are as specific gravity bottle. used to heat gemstones accu- pyralin. A variety of celluloid. rately in order to alter their

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 185 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

color. Utah, Colorado, etc. A of the pyrope. species garnet pyrophane. Wax-impregnated hy- group, the transparent varieties drophane { Bauer-Spencer ) . of which are gemstones. The spe- pyrophylllte. A mineral the cies grades as to color and chem- species, compact form of which is used ical composition into rhodolite for slate and which also and almandite. Colors pencils range includes part of what is known from intense to in- orange-red as agalmatolfte. A hydrous alu- tense which is the best. pure red, minum silicate. H. 1-2; S.G. Brownish red and other brown- 2.8-- 2.9; R.I. 1.55 1.60; BL 0.048. ish varieties are of less value. Known in the trade as Bohemian pyroxene { pie'rok-seen or peer'- &ameta especially when its color ox-ene). In mineralogy, a group of is the dark intense red. BfgsAl* minerals which includes diop- (SiO*)*; Iso.; H. 714; S.G. 3.6- side, enstatite, hypersthene, and 3.8; R.I. 1.74-1,75; (non-ge.m va- jadeite, spodumene. They all rieties 1.705-1.77). SourcesiSouth, contain silica in combination with other elements. Africa, Czechoslovakia, Arizona,


quahog pearl. Pearl from the "Quebec diamond." Quartz crystal. mercenaries) a salt quahog (Venus ; Queen Elizabeth Pearls. A name Atlantic water clam. From coast sometimes applied to the four as clam of North America. Same drop pearls, suspended from the pearl. intersections of the arches of the quartz. One of the most common Imperial State Crown of Great and widely distributed minerals. Britain, which pearls, according Includes many varieties of orna- to tradition, belonged to Queen mental stones and gemstones of Elizabeth ( Younghusband ) . many differing colors, some crys- Elizabeth was one of the world's talline and some cryptocrys- greatest collectors of pearls. talline. H. S.G. Hex. Si0 2 ; 7; Queen of Pearls. See La Reine des 2.59-2.66 (chalcedony 2.55- Perles. 2.63). R.I. 1.54/1.55; Bi. 0.009; Queen Pearl. The most famous Disp. 0.013. See chalcedony. American fresh-water pearl. quartz cat's-eye. Light to dark Found in Notch Brook near Pat- grayish green quartz with good erson, N. J., in 1857, it was cat's-eye effect resulting from pinkish and weighed 93 grains. fibrous mineral inclusions. See Purchased by Tiffany and Co., "Bavarian," "Harz," "Hungar- it was sold to a French gem ian," and occidental cat's-eye. dealer, who sold it to Empress Eugenie, who also possessed the quartz grla. (1) Transparent Diamond. fused rock better known Empress Eugenie crystal, (Kunz) as fused a term some- quartz^ (2) state in the Com- times often Queensland. A applied, deceptively, monwealth of Australia in the to any glass, which, being made northeast part of the continent. from sand, is principally quartz. A sand- Queensland opal. Australian opal . metamorphosed color. From stone. with light yellowish Queensland. rock. Same as quartz quartzite. Queensland sapphire. Sapphire "quartz topaz." A frequently used from near Anakie, Queensland, incorrect name for citrine. See Australia, which is usually the topaz quartz. dark blue of the typical Aus-

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 187 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

sapphire. Often green, quetzalitztli. Translucent jacle fS. sometime? yellow, pink or pur- H. Ball I . Named afteT the gorg- plish. Rarely lighter and more eoos feathers of the Trugans desirable blue. Many bluish Ftar refilendens, which the Aztec chiefs sapphires also have been found wore in their hair. here. quicksilver jade. A descriptive Queenstownite. Same as Darwin term of the Chinese for an un- glass. usual variety of jade. qiieluzlta (Brazilian). Spessartite. quilate (Spanish and Portuguese). Carat. Queretaro { ka-ray'tah-ro ) . Mexi- can state and city, 100 miles qumciie or qwinzite. (1) A rose- northeast of Mexico City, known colored common opal. (2) A va- as principal locality for Mexican riety of sepiolite associated with opal. it but spelled quincite only.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, re.ad the introductory pages.



radiated. Having fibers, columns, quartz. or scales, plates diverging from rain stone. Pebbles a of waterworn point. quartz. radioactive. Capable of spontan- Ramona beryl, hessonite and tour- eously emitting special radia- maline. From Ramona tions which can ob- gem penetrate mines, 10 miles S.E. of Mesa jects opaque to ordinary light. Grande, San Diego County, radiogram. Name used for X-ray Calif. photograph of pearls, used as an raspberry spar. Rhodoehrosite also indication to determine whether ; incorrect name for tour- a is pink pearl genuine or cultured maline. pearl. The most revealing radio- rati. See rutee. grams have recently been obtain- ed by immersing the pearl in ratine (ra-tenae'). The cottony or CC14 . fuzzy appearance seen in a mix- radiograph. Term used for X-ray ture of alcohol and water. The photos of pearls wlndi indicate body appearance of most bril- the nature of their interior struc- liant-cut zircons. ture. See X rays. ratna. In Singhalese, a gem. radio halo. Same as pleochroic ratti (rut'ee). See rutee. halo. Rayner refractometer. A gemologi- radio opal. Common opal of a cal refractometer employing small smoky color caused by organic fixed prism of dense glass or, inclusions or impurities (Mer- rarely, a prism of diamond. Suit- rill). able for use in the hand. See rainbow agate or chalcedony. Smith refractometer, Tully refrac- Iridescent agate. tometer, Erb & Gray refractom- "rainbow obsidian/* An American eter. Indian name for iridescent reconstructed amber. Same as obsidian. From Lake County, pressed amber, Oregon. "reconstructed emerald.*' A term rainbow quartz. Same as iris which has been applied to vari-

Titles within quotation marks are- misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To -fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 189 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

oiis imitations of emerald, in- (a) red-brown and (b) the tone and of brown cluding glass, doublets and espe- Intensity which is almost black. cially smaragdolin. Emerald was never successfully reproduced as reddish orange. In North Ameri- a reconstructed stone. can gemology, the hue midway reconstructed ruby. Particles of between red-orange and orange; than red. genuine ruby fused together. hence more orange Term is often used incorrectly reddish violet. In North American for synthetic ruby. See synthetic gemology, the hue midway be- stones. tween red-violet (purple) and "reconstructed sapphire." An in- violet. correct name for synthetic reddish yellow. A hue which sapphire. Blue corundum has would correspond roughly with never be*n rtcwiitrticted com- orange-yellow. merclally, if at all. red flame opal. Opal that exhibits reconstruct**! t**f. Stones made pronounced streak or streaks of by fusing together small parti- red. cles of the genuine stone. They redmanoL Name of a phenol resin differ from synthetic stones. molding composition and varnish similar to bakelite. reconstructed turquoise. (1) Re- somewhat constructed stone made from red-orange. In North American hue small of turquoise gemology the midway be- particles red and Same (Schlossmacher). (2) Incorrect tween orange. term for a turquoise substitute as orange-red. Same hue as reddish made of powdered ivory, ce- red-purple. mented and stained. violet. Rutile. rectangular. (1) Being a rectangle. red schorl. (2) Having one right angle or Red Sea pearl. (1) A fine pearl more. from the waters of the Red Sea, red-brown. In color nomencla- principally from its southern ture system of North American end. From Margaritifera vul- and marketed gemology, the color approxi- garis, mostly mately midway between vivid through Bombay, See Bombay incorrect term red and the tone and intensity pearl. (2) An for coral of brown which is almost black. which has been used Same as i>rown-orane. fashioned as a bead. reddish brown. In color nomen- red top moss agate. Mocha stone at base of the clature system of North Amer- with red stain dendritic inclusions. ican gemol^gy, a color which is black approximately midway between reduction. Chemical loss of oxygen. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 190 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AXD GEMOLOGY red-violet. In North American bending power of different gemology the hue midway be- substances such as gems. The tween red and violet. The index (R.I.) of a vacuum is 1.00, same hue as purple. of water, 1.33, fluorite 1.43, med-yellow. The same iiue as or- methelyne iodide 1.742, rhodo- ange, which is midway between lite garnet 1.76. Different speci- red and yellow. mens of the same species usually show slightly different R.I.'s and reflected light. Light that has been the of is indi- reflected from any surface; range differences cated thus : 1 .74-1.75. Fur- hence, any light not traveling Pyrope from the or thermore, the R.I. of any doubly directly sun, lamp, refractive mineral and or other source. See reflection, varies, transmitted it is customary to indicate the light. and lowest which reflection. The or deflec- highest values, returning in this book are indicated thus: tion of which strikes a light R.I. 1.54/1.55. In ad- surface. Quartz, since different reflection or reflecting goniometer. dition, specimens See goniometer. usually show slightly different reflectometer. Same as total reflec- R.I.'s, the range of such differ- tometer. ences is indicated thus: Corun- refraction. Bending of light rays. dum, R. I. 1.76/1.77-1.77/1.78. The deflection from a straight See refraction; index of refrac- path suffered by a ray of light tion; double refraction; mean as it passes obliquely from one refractive index; R,J. medium into another in which refractometer (ree" frak torn' e- instrument used the velocity of the ray is dif- ter) .Any optical for the refractive in- ferent, as from air into wa- measuring dex of solid or fluid substance. ter, or from air or water into any used for a gem mineral. See R.I. refrac- Refractometers gem- are almost tive index; D.R.; .double "refrac- ology universally tion, based upon the measurement of refractive. Having the power to the variation of the critical an- refract. gle in a hemisphere or prism of highly refractive glass; such index refractive (pi. indices). The variation is produced by placing ratio of the sine of the angle the specimen to be tested in con- of incidence to the sine of the tact with the reflecting surface angle of refraction. A measure of the dense glass prism or of the amount a light ray is bent hemisphere. An instrument of as it enters or leaves a given this type is also known as a substance, expressed by numerals total reflectometer. Gemological re- that indicate the comparative fractometers usually read R.I. of Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


either mounted or unmounted the Society's examinations in the stones, directly on an enclosed fundamentals of gemology, pre- scale. By use of monochromatic cious metals and silverware, and in the of diamonds. See light and by revolving the stone grading on the hemisphere (or by revolv- Certified Gemologist. ing the glass and stone together) regular system. Same as iso- the highest and lowest R.I. of metric system, be obtained, many stones may reniform. Kidney-shaped. as we!! as the birefringence. twin or See Erb & Gray, repeated twinning. See Rayner, TuIIy, 1 twin or . and Smith rcfiractometer. twinning A term used to in- The capacity of be- reproduction. refrangibility. clude reconstructed stones, syn- refracted. See refraction. ing tketic stones, and, less accu- . Ca- refrangible (ree-fran'ji-bl) rately, cultured pearls, in a man- as pable of being refracted, rays ner similar in its application to of light. See refraction. the use of the word for the finer . A French crown copies of original works of art. jewel usually on display in The Imitation stones are not repro- in Paris. A 410-c. Indian ductions as they differ structur- diamond, it was cut into a bril- ally or chemically from the stones liant weighing 143.2 m.c. ac- they imitate. See also imitations; cording to Farrington, or 140.5 synthetic stone. to Smith. m.c. according resin (rez'in). A solid to semisolid, Regent Pearl. Same as La Regente transparent to opaque organic Pearl. substance (from plants). Usu- to brown in Registered Jeweler A. G. S. An an- ally yellow color, resins the nually awarded and advertised but especially syn- occur in membership classification in the thetic products may almost color. See fossil American Gem Society signify- any ing that a retail jewelry store resin. has met the standards of that resinosd. Same as bakelite. and is to do Society, continuing resin opal. Honey-yellow, to ochre- so and to observe its rulings ous-yellow variety of common which are for the designed pro- opal with a resinous luster. tection of the buying public. Luster like that Every such store has a gem resinous luster. of natural resins. buyer or salesman in the store, yellow who is also classed as a Regis- Retger's salt. Thallium silver ni- tered Jeweler American Gem So- trate which, when melted at 75 ciety, by virtue of having passed C. to a yellow liquid, has S.G. of Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


4.6; lower S.G. if diluted. A pyrope, one of almandine. Iso. H. 7 1 heavy liquid. *; S.G. 3.84; E.I. 1.74-1.76. From North Carolina reticulated ( ree-tik'ue-!ate"ed) . and prob- ably Rare. Having slender crystals or fibers Ceylon. crossing like the meshes of a rhodonite (roe'doe-nite) . A trans- net. lucent to opaque, pink or rose, to retinalite. A variety of massive red-brown ornamental min- eral. Rose-colored is used pale greenish yellow pre-no-s princi- fn serpentine. pally Russia, for brooches, beads, buttons, Easter etc. retinite. A fossil resin. eggs, Tri. MnSiO3 ; H. 5.5-6.5; S.G. "Rhine Diamond." Colorless beryl. 3.4-3.7. R.I. 1.71/1.73-1.73/1.74. (King). Bi. 0.011 to Bi. 0.013. From Si- rhinestone. (1) Historically, rock beria, New Jersey, and else- crystal. (2) In the jewelry trade, where. the commonest of U.S.A., usage rhomb (rom or romb). In crystallo- of dia- is for foil back imitations graphy, a form bounded by three but term is sometimes used mond parallel pairs of lozenge-shaped for other colored foil backs and faces. for colorless glass. occasionally rhombic (rom'bik). Four-sided; rhodochrosite. A semitranslucent, each side of equal length but light red, yellowish, or brownish, not at right angles to each other rarely used ornamental stone. as a rhombic facet. S.G. Hex. MnC03 ; H. 4; 3.5-3.7; rhombic dodecahedron. See dode- R.I. 1.60-1.82. Bi. 0.22. From cahedron. and other sources. Argentine, rhombic facet. See rhombic. rhodoid. An artificial resin (cellu- lose acetate) used to imitate am- rhombic system. Same as orthor- ber S.G. about 1.28; R.I. about hombic system. 1.49. (Anderson). rhombohedral system (rom' 'boe- rhodolite. A beautiful, transparent, hede'ral). A division of the light red-purple to purplish-vio- hexagonal system. See also crys- let garnet,, frequently mistaken tal systems. in the trade for an almandine. rhomboid. A parallelogram in which Mineralogically classed by some there are no right angles and the as pyrope variety, by others adjoining sides are of unequal almandine variety, but gem- length. a ologically distinct species. rhomb oidal. Shaped like a rhom- Composition, two molecules of boid, as a rhomboidal facet. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 193 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

glass." Obsidian. Author Crystals and the Fine Struc- R.L Abbreviation for refractive in- ture of Matter. dex, ripe pearl. A rarely used term for which is nacreous and of riband agate. A variety of banded pearl good luster, in contrast- to un- agate with especially wide tands which is of inferior which, according to Bauer- ripe pearl, nacre or luster. See Spencer, are plane or uniformly unripe pearl. curved, without indentures or river agate. Pebble of mocha stone prominences. See banded agate. or moss agate from a stream with bed. riband jasper. Banded jasper ribbon-like stripes of alternating river pearl. A fresh-water pearl. colors. See Egyptian jasper. river sapphire. Light-colored sap- ribbon agate. Same as riband phire from Montana. agate. R. J. Abbreviation for Registered ribbon jasper- Same as riband jas- Jeweler, A.G.S. per. roasting. Heating at a low red heat rice jade. Descriptive name used with a strongly oxidizing blow- by the Chinese for a particular pipe flame, for the purpose of quality of jade. driving off sulphur, arsenic, etc. rice stone. Steatite the color of rob old pearl. A trade term for a unpolished rice. pearl which is not quite round. Richelieu pearl. A brand of imita- rock. Any mineral or aggregate tion pearl. of minerals comprising an im- of the earth's crust. ricolite. A green banded serpen- portant part tine. Rock may consist of a single as a or with concentric component, limestone, ring agate. Agate of two or more minerals but with less distinct color (Kraus rings and lazuli is a contrasts than Hunt). Lapis eye agate. rock of the latter kind. See ring-around. Term applied by stone; mineral. American fishermen to a pearl rock as block amber. having a discolored ring around amber. Same rock crystal. Clear, colorless stone. in ring* (1) Any stone usable quartz. a finger ring. (2) A trade term rock glass. Obsidian. for any facetted stone with "rock Red crown consisting of large table. ruby." pyrope garnet. Rinne, Frederick Wilkelm Bert- rock turquoise. Turquoise matrix bold, (1863-1933). Professor, with scattered specks of tur- University of Leipsig, Germany. quoise. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold laced type its entry sJiould be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 194 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

"Rocky Mountain ruby." Garnet. stance pierced through the cen- Roebling Benitoite. Same as Eacret ter for use between beads in Benitoite. necklaces. Its edges are usually facetted, but if not its is RoeWing Black Opal. A 355.19 c. shape that of the lentiL cabochon-cut black opal from Virgin Valley, Nevada. rosaline (roe'za-lin). Thulite. Roebling Opal. An opal in the U. S. rosa pallido coral (Italian). Pale Nat'l. Museum (Smithsonian In- red coral. said to stitution) be the largest rosa vijo coral (Italian). Vivid red mass of precious opal known, coral. weight 2610 c. From (Foshag). rose agate. Local name for a Virgin Valley, Nevada. See grey and rose banded agate Roebling Black Opal. from Brewster County, Texas. Roentgen or Rontgen ray. Same as rose beryl. Same as X ray. morganite. rose cut. A of the rogueite. A local trade name for style cutting, bottom of which is wide, fiat and greenish jasper from gravels of unfacetted, and 'the top of which Rogue River, Oregon. is somewhat dome-shaped, is RohrbacK's solution. Solution of covered with facets, and termin- barium iodide in water. mercury ates in a point. Now confined to S.G. 3.58. A heavy liquid. small stones. rolled Pebbles which have pebbles. rosfe garnet. (1) Rhodolite. (2) been worn by transportation in Trade name for an ornamental water to a smooth comparatively stone containing rosolite, vesu- and round shape. vianite, wallastonite etc., from Romanian amber; as Same Ruman- Xalostoc, Mexico. See page 259. ian amber. roseki. Term used by Japanese for romanite. Same as rumanite. agalmatolite or figure stone Roman pearl. A sphere of opales- (Webster). cent glass with interior coated "rose kunzite." Pink synthetic sap- with essence d*orient and then phire or spinel. filled with wax. roselite (roe'ze-lite). Name cor- - - romanzovite ( roe'manz oe vite ) . rectly applied to a triclinic non- Dark brown grossularite garnet; gem mineral, and sometimes in- from Finland (Schlossmacher). correctly to a pink garnet. See rondel. Same as rondel le. rosolite. "rose moonstone." Pink rondelle (ron-del')- A thin disk of scapolite. gemstone, metal or other sub- rose opal. Same as quincite. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 195 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

rose pearl. Pink, iridescent, fresh- rouge (roozh). Formerly prepared water baroque pearl. by reducing hematite to fine Now a red rose or rosee pearl (roz-ay'). Name powder. amorphous of ferric ox- for with rosy or pinkish powder consisting pearl ide used for metals. overtone or orient. The most ; polishing highly regarded orient. See cream rough. Trade term for any gem mineral has rosee pearl; fancy pearl. which not yet been cut and rose quartz. Pink or rose, translu- polished. cent to semitransparent gem and rough gem or gem mineral. One ornamental variety of quartz; which has not been cut and often diasteriated. Such a dias- polished. teria is often backed by a blue roumanite. Same as rumanite. reflective substance to imitate royalite. Trade-marked name of a star See star quartz. sapphire. purplish red glass. rose rose to lilac topaz. Light royal topaz. Blue topaz. colored topaz. See pink topaz. rozircon (roe"zur-kon' or roe-zir rosette. Same as rose cut, kpn). Trade-marked name of a rosin (ros'in). A variant of resin. pink synthetic spinel. rosinca. Trade name for banded rubace. See rubasse. rhodochrosite from Argentina. rubasse (roo-bos'). Quartz colored rosolite. A rose-pink grossularite red by numerous small scales garnet from Xalostoc, Mexico. or flecks of hematite or oxide Same as landerite. of iron. From Brazil, and other sources. Imitated under same Rospogli, Rospoli, or Ruspoli sap- name, or name rubace, by red phire. A 135-carat, flawless, stained crackled quartz. brownish sapphire in Museum of Jardin des Plantes, Paris. rubellite (roo'bel-ite). Red tour- maline. rosso coral (Italian). Red coral. rubicelle (roobi-sel). Yellow to rosso scuro coral (Italian). Dark red coral. orange-red spinel. Rubin (German). Ruby. rosterite. Rose-red beryl. rubino-di-rocca (Italian). Red gar- rothoffite. Yellow to brownish and- net of violet tinge. radite garnet. rubis (French). rottenstone. An abrasive powder; Ruby. of red principally silica from decom- rubolite. A variety common posed limestone. Used in final opal. From Texas. (Merrill). polishing of colored stones. mby. (1) Corundum of vivid See tripoli. to dark red to purplish red

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 196 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

color, the lighter tones of these rumanite (roo'man-ite). Yellow- hues being known as pink sap- brown to red, also black amber, phire; (2) a color designation containing cracks. Workable, and meaning bright red to violetish rarer than succinite. Rarely yel- red, as in ruby glass, ruby spi- low, sometimes black. Fluores- nel, etc. cent varieties are even more ruby balas. Balas ruby. frequent than in simetite and are sometimes greenish or blu- cat's-eye." Term applied "ruby ish. to girasol ruby with a chatoyant effect. Although a true catV Russian alexandrite. Alexandrite eye is theoretically possible in from Urals which occurs in a ruby, as well as in any gem smaller sizes than Ceylon alex- andrite. species yielding asterias, a well Also more bluish defined single band of light oc- (Smith). curs rarely. See also girasol. Russian amethyst. See Siberian ruby glass. Bright red glass. amethyst. ruby juice. Transparent red lac- "Russian chrysolite.*' Same as quer sometimes used for coating "Uralian chrysolite." pavilion of stones. See lacquer "Russian crystal." Colorless selen- back. ite. ruby matrix. (1) Any rock em- Russian emerald. Emerald from the with red bedded corundum; (2) Starka, Takovaya and other especially that which consists of tributaries of the Bolschoi Reft and red corundum smaragdite in the Urals, Siberia, generally in N. and found Clay Co., C., of inferior quality to Colombian sometimes cut cabochon. emerald. See Takovaya. A term some- "ruby sapphire." Russian jasper. Red flecked jas- times used for almandine sap- per. (Eppler) phire or amethystine sapphire. Russian jet. Jet from Irkutsk, Si- or ruby spinel. Ruby-colored red beria. spinel. Russian Trade term for ruby tin. Red cassiterite. lapis. (1) lapis lazuli, from the Russian ruin agate. Agate with markings Badakshan near the border of which resemble the outlines of Afghanistan, or for Afghanistan ruins. lapis exported through Russia. ruin marble. Calcite with markings (2) A term which can be ac- of iron oxide resembling ruins. curately applied to an inferior Rumanian amber. Same as ruma- quality of lapis lazuli from Lake nite. Baikal, in Siberia. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


Russian topaz. Same as Siberian parent-to-opaque, brownish-red- topaz. to-black mineral of higher R.I. rutee or rultee (Anglo-Indian). A than diamond. Sometimes cut for pea-like scarlet seed of the licor- collectors. Important as in ice, used as a weight; about 1.75 acicular inclusions many gem Tetr. TiO H. S.G. grains troy. Same as rati 02- rat- stones 2 ; 6-6*2; R.I. Bi. 0.287. ti; see also tank. 4.2-4.3; 2.62/2.90; From Switzerland, North rutilated quartz. Same as sagenitic Italy, and other sources. quartz. See rtttile. Carolina, rutile (roo'teel or roo'til). A trans- rutilio. (Span.) Rutile.

Titles within quotation marks are misnohiers, Every unusual word or terin us fed is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted* To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


S. Abbr. for the element sulphur. manner in which the crystals sabalite. Same as trainite. are arranged. See sagenite; ru- tilated quaftz. "sacred turquoise." Pale-blue Saint Edward's Sapphire. Fine blue smithonsite. (Merrill) sapphire reputedly worn by saffronite or safronite. A little- King Edward about 1042. Recut used coined word recommended as a rose and now in diamond- by 1933 B. I. B. 0. A. confer- cross which surmounts the ence payed to supplant topaz as then British Imperial State Crown. used by jewelers to mean citrine Saint Stephen's stone. Translucent or topaz quartz. whitish or greyish chalcedony safirina (Port.)- Misnomer for sprinkled with small red spots. blue spinel or quartz. sakal (Egyptian). Amber. sagathai. Burmese term applied to l "Salamanca topaz." Citrine from /z carat rubies. Cordova; not from Salamanca. sagenite. (1) Same as sagenitic Same as "Hinjosa topaz." quartz (Kraus and (2) Holden). salam stone. (1) Term used in the Needle-like crystals of rutile Orient for sapphire. (2) Variety crossing at 60 angles. Also sim- of transparent pale red or blue ilar crystals of rutile, tourmaline, sapphire found chiefly in Ceylon. etc. rock goethite, penetrating (Standard). crystal (Standard). (3) Reticu- salis gem (Obsolete). Moonstone. lated twin groups of crystals such as in sagenitic quartz. (Da- salting. Scattering upon the sur- face or into the na). The word is derived from " digging ground, of or Latin sagena, meaning a large gems or particles gold net. other rich ore to make a mine or mine rich. sagenitic quartz. Term used for reputed appear transparent colorless or nearly salt-water pearl. Any pearl from colorless quartz containing any salt-water mollusc, including Pinna and needle-like crystals of rutile, ac- Meleagrina, Mytilidae, tinolite, goethite, tourmaline or Haliotidae. other mineral, regardless of the samadiam pearl. Ceylonese trade Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 199 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

grade for a pearl of reddish hue, boulders between layers of sand- pear shaped, but dull. (Kunz) stone and soft clay. See page 259. samarskite. Dana classifies % as a sandy sard. Sard dotted with dark- nearly opaque velvety black min- er spots. eral; Ortho. H. 5-6; S.G. 5.6-5.8; Sang-i-yeshan. Bowenite from from Russia, Madagascar, N. C. northwestern China. etc. to is some- According Pough sanguinaria. A Spanish name for times cut for collectors. (1) heliotrope; (2) hematite. sammatti. Singhalese name for See piedra de sangra. master of a boat. pearl fishing sanidine. A colorless or white to sammyt. Alternate Burmese name yellowish or greyish variety of for byon. orthoclase, of which the trans- samotsvet. An ancient Russian parent colorless to yellowish word for a_ natural colored stone. varieties are often cut for col- Diamond. A famous dia- lectors. mond from India weighing 55 m.c. which belonged succes- "saphir d* eaw." (French, water sively to English, French and sapphire.) lolite. Indian sovereigns. Now owned by saponite. A very soft white, green- Lord Astor. ish, bluish or reddish mineral; sandal wood jade. A descriptive S.G. 2.2-2.3; R.I. 1.48-1.52. term used in China for a par- From Scotland, Ontario, Minn., ticular variety of jade. Mich., and other sources. See sanding-. See glazing. soapstone. "San Domingo amber." A fossil sappare. Translucent cyanite. resin from San Domingo, West (Merrill). Indies. retinite. A variety of sapphire. As generally used r refers Transparent and rarely if ever to any gem corundum other than cloudy. Yellow to brownish. red. By some, considered as Typically with blue fluores- only the fine blue corundum, cence. (Schlossmacher) other varieties being classed as sandstone. A rock consisting of old fancy sapphire. The word sap- beds of sands or very small phire is also used as an adjective rounded gravels or both, bound to describe blue varieties of oth- together by natural cement which er species, as sapphire spinel. f is usually of light hue. sapphire cat s-eye. 'Term often sandstone opal. A contraction of applied to girasol sapphire with sandstone boulder opaL A va- a chatoyant effect. Although a riety of boulder opal in which true cat's-eye is theoretically thin layers of opal occur in possible in sapphire, a well-de- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


fined single streak of light oc- sard. Translucent brown to red- curs rarely. See "ruby cat'*- dish-brown or yellowish-brown eye." chalcedony. See also carnelian. sapphire glass. Sapphire-blue glass. One variety of unknown composi- sardachate. (1) Carnelian agate tion has exceptional hardness up (Standard) (2) Sard. to 6%. sard agate. Banded agate similar sapphire quartz. Opaque coarse- to sardonyx in coloring except grained quartz aggregate, color- bands are not straight and par- ed blue by included fibers of allel. silicified crocidolite, which Sarder (German). Sard. unHke are not in hawk's-eye sardium. A name for sard which parallel arrangement. (Eppler has been artificially colored & Smith). See page 260. brown. sapphire spar. Cyanite with opal- ardoine Sard. escence or girasol effect. (Fr.) sapphire spinel. Sapphire-colored sardonice (Span.). Sardonyx. spinel. An unrecommended sardonyx (sar'don-iks) . Chalce- term; derivation similar to that dony (agate) with straight par- of ruby spinel. allel bands or layers of reddish- "sapphirm" or "'sapphirine." brown to brown alternating with Names used for (1) blue quartz other colors. Name is used in- or chalcedony; or (2) blue correctly for (a) carnelian and, spinel; or (3) a blue cobalt (b) more often, for sard or car- glass. Sapphirine is also the cor- nelian onyx. See page 260. of mineral of no rect name a sard stone. Name variously ap- interest. gem plied to (1) sard; (2) sardonyx. Ancient name for sapphires. lapis satelite. A trade name for fibrous lazuli (Pliny), and sometimes from Tulare or serpentine County, azurite, probably any opaque with chatoy- dark blue stone. California, slightly ant effect. sappir. A foreign word Hebrai- satin 1 Translucent cised. Almost every authority is spar. ( ) fibrous, " cut that the modern silky white gypsum. When agreed lapis has a lazuli is the stone described un- cabochon, pearly chatoy- der that name. Fifth stone ant effect. From England, Rus- sources. less in the of the sia and other (2) Breastplate High of Priest. Old versions of Bible correctly aragonite (calcite) the same which is translate as sapphtrus or sapphiri, description called calcite but most a lazuli. more accurately probably lapis See Engraved with the name Issa- satin spar. Niagara spar. char. (Cooper) satin stone. Same as satin spar. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 201 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

saturated solution. A liquid in lar crystal. which has been dissolved the scaly. In mineralogy consisting of maximum possible amount of scales or tabular crystals. another substance. scapolite. A group of minerals saussurite. A jade substitute. A ^ consisting of meionite, werner- altered consist- compact feldspar ite, mizzonite, and marialite. In zoisite. Greenish or In^ chiefly of gemology no distinction is made white. H." S.G. R.I. 6-7; 3.2-3.3; between them, all being called 1.70/1.70. From Switzerland, scapolite. Gem varieties are very Lake Superior and elsewhere. rare and are transparent to sawing. In fashioning, this process translucent; yellow, pink, blue of grinding a narrow slit through or violet. The last three produce a gemstone is usually accom- well-defined cat's-eyes (rare). plished by a metal disc charged Tetr. H. 6.5; S.G. 2.6-2.7; R.I. with an abrasive. Phosphor 1.54/1.55-1.55/1.57; Bi. 0.016- bronze charged with diamond is 0.022; Disp. 0.016. From Brazil used for diamonds and other val- and Madagascar (yellow only) uable gemstones, sheet iron and and Burma (all gem colors). diamond for less valuable ones, scarab. A gemstone or other sub- for and the mud-*aw inexpensive stance fashioned into a .con- ones. ventionalized representation of "Saxon or Saxony chrysolite." Pale a Scarabaeus beetle which, especi- greenish-yellow topaz. ally Scarabaeus sacer, was wor- "Saxon" or "Saxony diamond." shipped by ancient Egyptians as Topaz. a symbol of fertility and resur- rection. Fashioned them in "Saxon" or "Saxony topaz." (1) by metals or Incorrect term for citrine. minerals, ceramics, (2) with Correct term for genuine yellow especially faience, inscrip- tions on the base. Were used as topaz from Saxony, although used in U.S.A. talismans and ornaments and rarely were buried with the dead. These Sb. Abbr. for the element anti- and modern scarabs have been mony. mounted in especially scale. (1) The portion of a jewelry^ weigh- finger rings. Their intaglio-cut instrument which holds ing the bases are also used as seals. All object to be The weighed. (2) modern seal rings are probably weighing instrument or balance a of the scarab and as the Bex-man balance. development itself, the cylinder. (3) A series or group of lines or graduations placed on some scenic agate. Practically same as substance. (4) In descriptive ntin- landscape agate. eralogyy same as a plate or tabu- scepter quartz. Quartz forming

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 202 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

in a crystal resembling a scep- is colored red with a metallic ter in shape. salt, as copper or gold, and used to flash white "Schaumberg diamond." Rock crys- glass (Standard). A term which has been de- tal from Schaumberg, Germany. (2) fined, apparently in error, as a Schettler Emerald. Emerald weigh- particular kind of ancient glass 87.64 cut in India. ing carats; which was green in color, but In Am. Mus. Natural Hist. N. Y. red by transmitted light, similar schiller. A phenonenom related to to Solomon's gem. sheen. An almost metallic iri- Schmuckstein (German). A term descent shimmer seen be- just which distinguishes either "semi- low the surface in certain direc- precious" or ornamental stone in certain minerals as in tions from Edeistein. bastite, bronzite, hypersthene, Schnecken or Schneckenstein to- etc. Differs markedly in appear- paz. Genuine topaz. Same as ance from any other optical Saxon phenomenon except adulares- topaz. cence and aventurescence. schnide. Bluish glassy common op- al from Queensland. "schiller chrysolite." Misnomer for schorl. Black chrysoberyl cat's-eye. (1) tourmaline; (2) An old name for the tourmaline schiller obsidian. Obsidian with species. schiller effect. Schwefelkies (German). Pyrite. schiller quartz. Quartz cat's-eye. "scientific brilliant." Term unsuc- schiller spar. Same as bastite. cessfully coined for early syn- schist (shist). A metamorphic rock thetic colorless sapphire with a highly developed parallel (Smith). or foliated structure, along "scientific emerald.'* (I) Original- which it splits easily. ly a misleading trade name for emerald-colored glass. Schlossmacher, Dr. Karl (1887- ). beryllium imitation Director, Mineralogical and Pet- (2) Any green glass rographical Institutes of Konigs- of emerald. berg, East Prussia. Author, 3rd scientific gem. Same as scientific Edition of Bauer's Edelstein- stone. kunde (completely revised), "scientific ruby." Red glass. Leipsig, 1932; Praxis der Edel- "scientific sapphire." Blue glass. 1937. steine-Bestimmung, scientific stones. A term correctly schmelze (glass). (1) Any one of used for reconstructed or syn- the various kinds of decorative thetic stones, but p,ften used mjs- glass especially the variety that leadingly for various imitations. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word of term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


"scientific topaz." ( 1 ) A name for screw micrometer. See micrometer, the first synthetic sapphires sea amber. Amber which has been which were pale pink (Smith). scooped from the ocean or found (2) Topaz-colored glass. on the beaches. Its surface is scintillation. In North American devoid of the incrustations na- gemology, the flashes of light tural to mined amber unless from numerous facets. The they have been artificially re- sparkling of light from these moved to imitate sea amber. See facets as distinguished from scoop stone. brilliancy or the amount of light seal sapphire. A seal-brown silky reflected by the stone. variety of sapphire, usually a sometimes scissors cut. A modification of the girasol; epiasterated. Same as adamantine spar. See step cut which increases the scin- tillation of stones of lower R.L page 260, seam. A thin vein; also a bed in such as quartz, beryl, topaz, stratified (layered) rocks, as a tourmaline, etc., by breaking up seam of coal. the long running facets, next the seam opal. Masses of common girdle, into four triangular opal with bands of precious white facets, and usually the corner opal from White facets into two or four facets Qliffs, N.S.W., Australia. See page 260. of triangular or other shapes. sea as salt-water sclerometer. An instrument for de- pearl. Same pearl, termining the degree of hard- seastone. Amber. ness of a mineral by measuring seaweed agate. A descriptive term the comparative pressure neces- for certain specimens of mocha stone or moss sary to scratch it with a moving agate. diamond point. Seberget. Same as Zeberged. scoop stone. A name for amber secondary deposit. A deposit con- dredged from Baltic Sea. sisting of minerals (1) which have been altered or scorpion stone. Coral or jet. decomposed from minerals which "Scotch" One of several occupied pebble. the same or which varieties of cairn- deposit, (2) quartz, chiefly have been from the gorm. transported place in which they were "Scotch" or Scottish pearl. Fresh- formed, as into an alluvial de- water fr.om Scotland. pearl posit (for instance, the second- "Scotch" or Scottish stone. Cairn- ary deposits of sapphires in gem gorm. gravels). "Scotch or Scottish topaz." Same secondary twinning. Twinning as topaz quartz. produced subsequently to the Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual worfl or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 204 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

original formation of a crystal, bastard amber. or crystalline mass, due to pres- semicarnelian. An old and undesir- the inversion of sure, causing able name for yellow carnelian. the atomic pattern of the crystal structure in certain lamellae. semicrystalline. Partly crystalline or The cause of parting. (Wiggles- partly amorphous. worth) semigenuine doublet or triplet. See sectile. Capable of being cut as doublet, triplet. Term used for into slices or shavings. semiopal. loosely (1) common opal; (2) hydro- sedimentary. Produced by, or per- de- sedimentation. See phane; (3) any partially taining to, common opal. sedimentation. hydrated semiprecious stones. An indetermin- sedimentation. Process of rock or ate and misleading classification mineral formation by consolida- based on species or varieties and tion of material transported not on individual stones and in- from its place of origin. cluding all gem species ranking seed pearl. A name for any true below precious, an almost worth- pearl of rounded irregular shape less sapphire, pearl, etc., being weighing less than % pearl grain. precious, a fine costly cat's-eye or jade, etc., being selective absorption. See absorp- semiprecious. tion. B. I. B. 0. A. has recommended that term be eliminated in the selective reflection. The reflection languages by a substance, such as an opa- principal European and replaced in English by gem- que gem, of light rays of only stone. A.G.S. rules its members certain wave lengths, the others shall not term. See also being absorbed. This cause of employ stones; ornamental stones; color in gems is a sort of selec- precious decorative stone* tive absorption. semitranslucent. A degree of di- selenita Moonstone (Span.). (feld- aphaneity between translucent spar) . and opaque. Passes light selenite (sel'e-nite). Colorless through edges of cabochons but in gypsum occurring crystals very little through thicker parts. or large cleavage masses. Used as an ornamental stone, espe- semitransparent. A degree of di- cially in Russia. aphaneity between transparent selenites. (Obsolete) Moonstone. and translucent. Objects may be seen, but imperfectly, through semeline. Same as spinthere. thick sections of semitranspar- sentience Seed (Fr.). pearl. ent material, and quite clearly semibastard amber. Partly cloudy through thinner parts. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this bodk and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


"semitwrquoise.** A term which Mar (Mountains), in the state has been used for soft pale blue of Rio Grande do Sul, in South- turquoise or turquoise-like min- ern Brazil.

eral. 1 setting. Same as mounting . More sepiolite (seep'ee-o lite). A white specifically, only that portion of to grey or light yellow, partly the mounting which actually amorphous ornamental mineral holds a stone, as distinguished used especially for pipes, cigar from the rest of the mounting to and cigarette holders, etc. H. which the setting is attached, 2-2.5; S.G. 2; R.I. varies from such as the shank of a ring. 1.52-1.53. S.G. Abbreviation for specific grav- serpentine. A translucent-to-opa- ity. que mineral of many colors. shade. In color terminology (1) Has been used for cameos, in- any dark tone of a hue; (2) in- ornamental taglios, and as an correctly used as a synonym of or decorative stone. Only green- hue. ish gemstone varieties of gem- "shale. A fine-grained sedimentary ological importance, principally rock, formed from beds of clay, as jade substitutes. Mono. EU mud or silt. MgaSiaOs. H. 2M>-4, or rarely to Shah Diamond. Also called 6; S.G. 2.50-2.65; E.L varies Shah from 1.49-1.57. Source widely of Persia. A famous Indian distributed. See bowenite, wil- diamond of 88.77 m.c., only faces of which liamsite, verde antique; precious the original have three of serpentine. been polished. Upon these faces have Same as inscriptions "serpentine cat's-eye." been engraved. In Treasury of satelite. U.S.S.R. term some- "serpentine jade.'* A shamir. In Jewish legends a mira- times used for bowenite. culous stone used in engraving serpentine marble. Same as verde the names of the twelve tribes antique. on the stones of the High Priest's serpentine ware. A variety of Breastplate. Thought to be co- Wedgwood; colored and marked rundum (emery). to resemble serpentine. Shanghai jade. Any jadeite or from China's Serra points. Term applied to loose nephrite Shanghai, amethyst crystals (detached largest jade market before from their geodes) in Southern World War II. Brazil. See amethyst points. shank pearl. Same as chank pearl. Serra stone. Agate from Serra do Shark's Bay pearl. Yellowish to Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 206 DICTIONARY OP GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

yellow pearl from Shark's Bay, darker layers. Western Australia. Sometimes "shell The classed as colored catVeye." nonehatoy- pearl. From ant operculum or door of the Meleagrin carchanu m . shell of a sea snail (Turbo peth- sharp-cornered emerald cut. A 30- olfttus) from the waters north facet square emerald cut with of Australia to Indo-China. but four equal sides, and there- Loose or strung in necklaces is fore with a girdle outline which prized by islanders of the East is square. Indies^ freely purchased by Shebo or Shebho. The eighth stone American servicemen during in the Breastplate of the High World War II. Diameter % in. Priest. Translated as achates to 1 in. Domed, oval or round (agate). Probably a grey and with markings of yellowish to white banded agate. Engraved white and reddish to dark brown with name Benjamin. and green. Bears no resemblance to the cat j those sheen. (1) An optical effect due gem s-eye, but with round centers to reflection of light from a po- green of,,vari- able somewhat resemble the sition within the stone, in con- size, of a cat in color tradistinction to luster. (R. Web- eye combinations H. S.G. ster). (2) An optical effect that only. 3%; 2.7-2.8; R.L modifies the luster of a mineral , about 1.57. See page 260.. and hence a variety of luster, as .sherry topaz. (1) Topaz the color the mineralogical definitions of of sherry wine. (2) An incorrect both pearly and silky luster in- name for citrine of the same dicate (3) In describing pearl, color. a ^term often coniused with shimmer malachite. Free translation orient. of German schimmermtdackite ; shell (cutting). A cabochon with mentioned by Schlossmacher as base or back hollowed out to malachite from California show- lighten the color or to eliminate ing a slight gliibter or glimmer undesirable inclusions. A gar- as it is moved about. net so fashioned is called a shining. Producing an image by garnet shell; a sard is called a reflection, but one not well de- sard shell. fined. shell agate. Agate containing silici- Shipley polariscope. A gemological fied mollusc shells. polariscope suitable for use in shell cameo. A cameo carved the hand without use of micro- from shell with raised figure scope or other magnifier. Can cut from white layers and the be used in determinative gem- background cut away to the ology to detect glass imita- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 207 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY tions and to differentiate be- Gemology. Co-author Advanced tween singly and doubly refrac- Gcmology, 1937. Officer U. S. tive gemstones. A mounted or Army Air Corps 194.1-. Major A. unmounted stone is held,* in an U. S. 1943-44 (retired). Consult- enclosed compartment, by a de- ant, Education and Research, vice which permits its being ob- G.I.A. served in various positions, af- Shoham. The eleventh stone in the fording rapid determination. Breastplate of the High Priest. as En- Shipley, Robert M. (1887- ). Re- Usually translated onyx. tail jeweler, Wichita, Kanas, graved with the name of Gad. 1912-27. European trade and shwelu. In India, a light green museum research 1927-29. In- jadeite gemstone with spots and structor, University City Col- streaks. lege, U. of So. Calif. 1929-31. Si. Abbr. for silicon. Pounder Gemological Institute of "Siam Or Siamese aquamarine." America 1931; President 1931- An incorrect but rarely used 1941; Executive Director 1941-. term for blue zircon or for Founder American Gem Society greenish spinel. 1934; Executive Director 1934-. Siam or Siamese ruby. (1) Any Author Science of Gemstones, 1933; ruby from Siam. (2) Dark slight- Diamonds, 1935; Silverware, 1940; ly brownish or orangy-red ruby, Famous Diamonds of the World., regardless of its source, as dis- 1939 and 1944. Co-author, Ad- tinguished from true red to vanced Gemology, 1937; Precious purplish red Burma or oriental Metals and Jewelry, 1938; 2nd and ruby. (3) Misnomer for dark

3rd edition 1944; The Story of red spinel. ^ Diamonds, all published in Los Siam or Siamese sapphire. Blue Angeles. Compiler, the Dictionary sapphire from Bo Ploi, 200 miles of Gems and Gemology, 1944; northwest of Bangkok or from Jewelers Pocket Reference Book, Pailin gem district which lies in 1948. Author of firSt North both Siam and Indo-China. Fine have come from these American mail courses in qualities gemol- and Siam are ogy; revised and expanded the regions sapphires so highly regarded in England mail in. present courses gemology that Smith believes sapphire with Robert M. Shipley, Jr., and from Burma is sold as the Siam others. product. In U.S.A., Siam sap- Shipley, Robert M-, Jr., (1912-). phire is a trade term for a dark Director of education and re- blue sapphire less desirable than search, Gemological Institute of Burma sapphire. America, 1932-41. Co-author Siam zircon. ( 1 ) Blue zircon usual- North American mail courses in ly from Indo-China. Imported Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 208 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

to Siam as brownish or greyish topaz from Trans-Baikal, in the stones which are usually heat- region around Nerchinsk; and treated and fashioned in Bang- (3) blue, yellow or green topaz kok before being exported. (2) from Kamchatka (Schlossma- A zircon from the less important cher). Siamese mines. Siberian tourmaline. Light violet- Siberian amethyst. A Long-estab- ish red (rubellite) to violet tour- lished trade term for the de- maline from the Urals. sirable deep or reddish-violet or siberite. A purplish rubellite. ame- purple amethysts although Sicilian amber. Simetite. thysts now found in the Urals siderite sid-er-ite . are characterized by the less de- ( ) (1) A name for sirable light violet co*or. sapphire quartz. (2) More the name of a mineral Siberian Ssjne as Mur- correctly aquamarine. of no inter- sinka species gemological aquamarine. est. "Siberian chrysolite." Demantoid Siegstein (German, meaning "vic- garnet. tory stone.") Has been applied Siberian emerald. Same as Rus- to star sapphire. sian emerald. Siegstone. Incorrectly coined Siberian garnet. Almandine frar- word combining English and net. German. See Siegstein. silex. (1) Same as silica. (Stand- Siberian jade. Nephrite from Si- ard). (2) Incorrect name for beria, fine almost emerald-green striped jasper, similar to band- qualities being found in Lake ed jasper. (Schlossmacher). Baikal region. silica. A white or colorless, ex- Siberian lapis. lazuli from Lapis silicon south of near Baikal. tremely hard, crystalline Irkutsk, dioxide found as Seldom as fine color as other (Si02) pure in rocks and Russian or as quartz, many sands, lapis, Afghanistan and combined with various other but more translucent and lapis, metallic oxides in all the silicate with fewer inclusions. pyrite a of minerals Dark also dark minerals, group blue; violet, which varieties. and red. yield jnany gem green, light (Schloss- See page 260. macher) silica glass. (1) A pale yellowish- "Siberian Rubellite from ruby." green natural glass, 98% silica Urals. much more than in moldavite or Siberian topaz. A term used for obsidian. Discovered 1932 on (1) Uralian topaz; (2) color- Libyan Desert. H. 6; S.G. 2.2; less, bluish, or yellow to brown R.L 1.46 (Smith). Slightly opal- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 209 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

escent (Anderson). (2) An ar- "sillimanite cat's-eye." Same as tificial glass made by fusing "fibrolite cat*seye." quartz in oxyhydrogen flame. H. silt. A fine-grained, uncemented 5; S.G. 2.2; R.L 1.46 (Smith); alluvial deposit. H. 6; S.G. 2.2; R.L 1.44 silt pearl. See mud pearl! (Schlossmacher). "Silver Peak jade." Local Nevada silicate. mineral or rock Any term for malachite. of which silicon is an important constituent. silver stone. Moonstone. "simaostone." Simav siliceous or silicious. Of, pertaining Opal. to, or containing silica. simav opal or stone. Opal from mine near and sea of "siliceous malachite." Green chry- city that soc.olla. name N. E. of Smyrna, Turkey. Colorless, milky or brownish; silicified Converted (si-lis'i-fide). also yellow, orange or red va- into quartz or opal. rieties, some with same play of silicified wood. A term which in- color as that in fire opal. cludes all those varieties of pet- simetite (sim'e-tite) . Amber from rified wood that have been con- the waters off Sicily. Red to verted into silica. light orange yellow or brown, silicon carbide. An abrasive of im- contains less succinic acid ; usual- portance in fashioning colored ly darker than succinite. Also stones; powdered in a binder, or strong yellowish green or bluish molded into fashioning wheels sheen, due to fluorescence. Bet- or tools. ter known as Sicilian amber. silk. Microscopically small inclus- simili. A name for lead glass imi- ions in ruby or sapphire; sub- tations of colorless gemstones. surface reflections which pro- "Simon stone." Simav opal. duce a whitish sheen resembling cabochon. See cabochon. the sheen of silk fabric. Inclus- simple ions now generally conceded to simulated hematite. See imitation be tiny needles of rutile, al- hematite. though some authorities still simulated stone. Any substance mention canals or negative crys- fashioned as a gemstone which tals. See pseudosilk. imitates it in appearance. An silky luster. A silklike sheen, a advertising term widely used m reflection from fibers in fibrous U. S. A. but not often by better crystalline aggregates such as jewelry stores. See also tiger eye. chatoyancy. Sinai turquoise. Turquoise from sillimanite. Same as fibrolite. ancient mines of Sinai Penin-

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 210 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

sula, Egypt. tables and interior architectural Singhalese. The race which consti- trim. tutes majority of Ceylon's pop- Siriam garnet. (1) AImand in e gar- ulation. Used synonymously with net. Same as Syriam garnet. (2) Ceylonese. Same as grenat Siriam. Singhalese cat's-eye, Singhalese sirippu pearl. Ceylonese trade garnet, etc. Same as Ceylon grade for a pearl grooved with cat's-eye, Ceylon garnet, etc. irregular wrinkle-like furrows. single bevel cut. A style with bev- (Kunz). eled sides, flat top and flat base, skeleton crystals. Those with edges used for opaque stones. defined, but with faces -not fully filled as of ice on single cabochon. Same as simple in, crystals cabochon. window panes. skew facet. An old name for circle See eight single goniometer. goni- break facets ometer. of the sixteen top on the old stvle cushion-shaped single cut. A brilliant form of cut diamond* with but eighteen- facets, eight skiagram. A name sometimes used a table and bezel, eight pavilion, instead of radiograph for X-ray a culet. photograph of pearls. refraction. When a of single ray skill facet. A name for certain top light enters a crystal of the iso- and bottom break facets. Now metric system, or an amorphous distinguished from other break it is refracted in the substance, facets only by diamond cutters. normal this is manner; single Term has also been incorrectly refraction in contradistinction defined as being to double refraction. synonymous with star facet. terminated See singly crystals. skin. As applied to pearls, the out- termination. er layer of nacre. Sinkiang jade. Nephrite fom Sin- skinning. Same as peeling. Chinese Turkestan. kiang, "slaves' diamond." Colorless to- sinopal or sinople. An aventur- paz. escent quartz with inclusions of Slawson, Dr. Chester Baker a red iron mineral. From Hun- (1898- ). Ph. D. University of gary. Michigan, 1925; Assoc. Prof. "Sioux Falls jasper." A decora- Mineralogy, 1939-. Educational tive brown jasper - like fine- Advisory Board, Gemological In- grained quartz, from Sioux stitute of America, 19 34-; Mem- Falls, So. Dakota. Used for ber Examining Board, 19 35-. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 211 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

Educational leader Detroit Guild, in boules shaped like those of American Gem Society, 1936-, synthetic corundum. H. 5-5.5; Author The Fluorescence of Min- S.G. 3.S.-3.45; R.1. 1.62 (Schloss- erals, 1935, and numerous arti- macher). and Gem cles. Co-author of Gems smaragdus (Latin). Emerald; H. Kraus. Materials, with Edward which name, in Latin, includes slitting. A term used for the saw- most green stones. of colored stones. ing Usually smeraldo (Italian). Emerald. accomplished with a thin soft metal wheel or disc which re- Smith, George Frederick Herbert, volves vertically. The operation M.A., D.Sc. (1872-). Ex-Keeper precedes grinding. of Minerals and Ex-Secy. British wheel. The saw used in Museum (Natural History). slitting examiner slitting: colored stones. Principal Gemmolo^i- cal Association of Great Britain Ig (pearl). Trade term for very since 1913; and President since irregular distorted fresh-water 1942. Author of Gemstones (re- pearl frequently composed of in- or vised 10th edition 1946). Member tergrown masses, groups Educational Board clusters of small pearls. Often Advisory without luster. Gemological Institute of America, Ex-officio Member Examinations slush, box. Container about the Standards Board. polishing wheel which collects the mud often used in lapping. Smith refractometer. A very small Smaragd (German). Emerald. gemological refractometer of fair a smaragdine (Rare). Of, or pertain- accuracy employing segment ing to emerald. of a hemisphere of highly refrac- A tive glass in a non-rotating smaragdite. bright green amphi- mount. G. F. Herbert near actinolite in Designed by bole, compo- Smith. Suitable for use in the sition A (Dana). hornblende, hand. See related to Has been Rayner refractometer, diopside. Erb substituted for Tully refractcmeter, & Gray jade (Schloss- refractometer. macher). See ruby matrix. smithsonite. A normally unattrac- sinaragdmatrix. Emerald. Feldspar tive, translucent-to-opaque min- and embedded with em- quartz eral. The better light-blue qual- erald. ities sometimes resemble tur- smaragdolin. Trade name of a quoise and the apple-green colors Viennese firm for a glass imi- are sometimes substituted for tation of emerald which was jade or chrysoprase. Those colors usually beryl glass and was sold and yellow also are often locally

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


cut as curio stones. Dana ap- and California. the calamine to both plies term sodium light. Light emitted by the smithsonite and hemimorphite. glowing vapor of sodium, con- of minerals is A mixture these sisting of two sets of light waves often sold as smithsonite. Hex. of slightly different wave ZnCOs; H. 4.5-5.5; S.G. 4.1- lengths, and commonly consider- 4.6; R.L 1.62/1.85 (Dana); ed to be a monochromatic light. Bi 1.62/1.82 (Kraus) ; 0.20-0.23; Used with the refractometer to Disp. 0.017. See page 260. produce more well-defined read- smoky opal. Smoky-brown common ings than can be obtained with opal. white light. Special monochroma- electric smoky quartz. Smoky greyish- tors, employing special bulbs and brown to almost black crystal- special filters, produce similar of but a line quartz. Much of it, by heat- light consisting few wave and such ing, becomes yellow to yellow- lengths, light is also known as sodi- brown topaz quartz. See cairn- popularly gorm, morion. um light. sodium vapor lamp. A light source "smoky topaz.** Smoky quartz. derived from an electrical dis- Sn. Abbr. for the element tin. charge through sodium vapor. soap-rock. Soapstone. Valuable as a source of mono- soapstone. Steatite. However, much chromatic yellow (sodium or D- agalmatolite is loosely called line) illumination, which when the soapstone, as is also saponite used as illumination in using ref which, however, is of no gem- usual gemological ractometer, the in- ological interest. assists the efficiency of strument (Shipley, Jr.). Sobrisky opal. Opal from Lead "soldered emerald." for Pipe Spring district, Death Val- A name ley, Calif. any emerald doublet, but CO1*- rectly for a fused one only. soda-jadeite. Burma jadeite as dis- tinguished from diopside jade- soldier's stone. Amethyst. ite. "solid gold." Term once used incor- sodalite. A rectly for gold or any alloy of translucent-to-opaque 10 of deep-blue ornamental mineral gold of over parts gold. the standard of sometimes sold locally as a curio Based on pure of 24 stone, or in the trade as substi- gold, consisting parts. karat contains 14 tute for lapis lazuli. Iso. A com- Thus 14 gold of See alloy. plex silicate; H. 5.5-6; S.G. 2.2- parts pure gold. 2.4; R.I. 1.485. From Urals, solidification. The process of chang- Italy, Norway, Ontario, Maine, ing from a liquid or gas to a Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


solid, as, for instance, the solidi- quartz, but a term now used for fication of molten alumina to serpentine, agalmatolite, dyed solid in the synthesis of corun- soapstone and similar jade sub- dum. stitutes. solitaire (French, done). Used in soude emerald. Same as soldered English to mean a ring contain- emerald. ing a single gem and often ex- source (of a gemstone). A term tended to mean a ring contain- used in gemology to mean the ing one important gem, with geographical location in which a comparatively unimportant species or variety of gemstone stones set in the shank (or finger is found or mined. band). "South African jade." Same as Solomon's gem. Probably paste "Transvaal jade." which was green by reflected "South African nephrite." Same light and red in transmitted as'Transvaal nephrite/' light. Said to have been made in Alexandria of the Roman South African tourmaline. Same as world* See Schmelze glass. Transvaal tourmaline. Somondoco emerald. (1) In the South African turquoise. Tur- trade, a term sometimes used quoise of fine blue color found for emerald from the Somon- in limited quantity in Kimberly doco district, Colombia, and neighborhood. therefore for Chiror emerald Southern Cross Pearl. Same as which constitutes most of the Great Southern Cross. emerald from the district. A South Sea pearl. A term which few of these are fine quality. might refer to any pearl found (2) More emerald specifically, in Oceania or but from the Somondoco mine, Micronesia, which is used for which was mined the Inca usually only by cultured from Palau or then hidden from the pearl Indians, other islands held by Japan be- Spanish conquerors. fore World War II, to dis- Sonstadt** solution. An amber-col- tinguish it from pearl cultured ored saturated solution of potas- in Japan. sium mercuric iodide in water. lattice. See lattice. S.G. 3.196 reducible by dilution space in water; R.I. 1.733. A heavy spalmandite. A contraction of spes- liquid. Same as Tnoulet solu- sartite and almandite for gar- tion. nets of intermediate composition "Soochow or Soochoo jade." Orig- (Spencer); inally a combination of jade and Spaltbarkeit (German). Cleavage; Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory paffes;


cleavability. meaning a crystalline mineral Span. Abbr. used in this book for found in the fields, as feldspath Spanish (language). (feldspar). Most of these spars are more or less vitreous, and spandite. A contraction of spes- easily cleavable as feldspar and sartite-andradite applied to gar- fluorspar. (Kraus). nets; intermediate in chemical composition between spessartite species. A mineralogical division. A1J the and andradite (English). varieties in any one spe- cies have the same basic Spanish amethyst. A term former- prop- erties such as refractive index, ly used for fine purple amethysts and of unknown marketed specific gravity, hardness; origin, but they may vary widely in through Spain. form, color, and transparency. Spanish citrine. Citrine from Spain, See variety. especially that called "Hinjosa specific gravity (abbr. S.G.). The topaz/' ratio of the density of any sub- Spanish emerald. In Europe, Peru- stance to that of water at 4c. vian emerald which came into S.G. of gems is usually obtained Europe through Spain, was us- by hydrostatic weighing. See ually called Spanish emerald, also Berman balance. and even today a particularly specific gravity bottle or pycno- beautiful emerald is sometimes meter. An especially made water so called. The source of Span- bottle with a drilled glass stop- ish or Mexican emerald is to- % so marked that it can al- unknown but the per day only ways contain a definite amount known source of fine emeralds of water. Used for determining was, and is, Colombia. See Co- S.G. of liquid, powders and lombian emerald. See 260. page small fragments (and, rarely Spanish jet. Jet ot good qual- small loose stones) by direct ity from Aragon and Oviedo, weighing method. Spain. specimen. (1) Term broadly used "Spanish lazulite." lolite. to refer to any single gem or as "Spanish topaz." (1) A trade term piece of rough distinguished broadly used for any orange to from the entire variety or spe- orange-red citrine. (2) More cies. (2) More especially if it is of the class or specificially, that citrine called representative "Hinjosa topaz/' See also "Ma- exemplifies an unusual property. deira topaz/* Speckstein ^German). Steatite. spar. In mineralogy, the equivalent spectacle stone (obsolete). Popu- of the German word "spath" lar name for selenite. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


spectra. Plural for spectrum. use of the spectroscope and observed spectra! color*. Same as spectrum phenomena by it. colors or primary colors. * spectrum. A word which (1) as used generally and in fundamen- spectrograph. An optical instrument tal refers to the vis- similar to a spectroscope except gemology ible that the results are recorded on spectrum. (2) As used in or film rather than physics advanced gemology photographic refer to observed directly. may electromagnetic spectrum, or to that portion of An instru- spectrometer. optical it which includes the infra-red but more versa- ment similar to, and ultra-violet as well as the tile the spectro- than, simple invisible spectrum. See also ab- Scales are for scope. provided sorption spectrum; emission reading angles. (Shipley, Jr.) spectrum. A wave-length spectrometer is one See designed or equipped in a man- spectrum, absorption. absorp- ner to measure the wave-lengths tion. at which absorption bands Oc- spectrum colors. The hues into cur in an absorption spectrum. which white light is separated a spectrophotometer. An instru- upon passing through prism. Six of these hues are dis- ment combining the functions easily the of the spectroscope and the pho- tinguished by eye: red, blue and tometer. Through its use, light orange, yellow, green, violet. See visible intensity in any portion of the spectrum. spectrum may be measured. spectrum, emission. See emission (Shipley, Jr.) spectrum. spectroscope. An optical instru- specular hematite. The metallic ment for forming and examining dark grey to black variety of he- spectra, by the dispersion of matite. into its- wave light component specular iron. Same as specular lengths: (1) by diffraction hematite. through a grating (the diffrac- specular reflection. Reflection of tion spectroscope) ; or (2) by from the surface as refraction through a prism (the light only, from reflection of prismatic spectroscope). Used in distinguished determinative gemology for ob- light from positions below the serving the comparative absorp- surface. tion of different hues in different speculum. Medieval name for the stones. crystal ball used in divination. spectroscopy. (spek-tros' ko-py) . speed of light. In air, approxi- The science pertaining to the mately 186,000 miles per sec- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used Is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 216 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY ond. In any other substance, used in mineralogy to describe 186,000 divided by its R.I. a radiating spherical group of Spencer, Leonard James, Sc.D., minute acicular or prismatic C.B.E., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.C.S., crystals or crystallites; a spher- F.R.G.S. (1870-). Member, Edu- ical body having a radiated cational Advisory Board, Gemo- structure. Occur particularly in logical Institute of America. some vitreous volcanic rocks Outstanding mineralogist. Keep- such as obsidian and/or perlite, er of Minerals, British Mus. Nat. also in agate (Wild), and in Hist., 1927-35. Author of nephrite (Schlossmacher). (2) triannual New Mineral Names; The word sphaerulite has also The World's Minerals (1911); been suggested as a name for an obsidian containing sphae- Precious Stones (1936) ; numerous rules of articles, papers and reports. crystallites. Translator of Brauns* Mineral sphalerite, (sfal' or sfael'er-ite). A Kingdom, and of Bauer's Prec- mineral closely approaching dia- Stones Bauer. mond in refractive index and ious^ (1904). See it atomic structure. When trans- Ed or , Min eralogtcal M agasine (1900- ). parent and yellow to brownish is sometimes cut as a spessartine." The French word, yellow and has sometimes used in England, for gem higher dispersion than other Too soft and spesaartite. any gem. cleaved for use mineral of the easily practical spessartite. A gar- in Iso. H. net of jewelry. ZnS; 3.5-4; group, rarely gem qual- S.G. 4.0-4.1; R.I. 2.37; Disp. which is to ity, orange-red 0.157. From Spain, Mexico, and brcwnish-red, rarely yellow or other sources. orange - brown. Iso. MnsAlz A (SiO4 )s; H. S.G. 4.1-4.2; sphene. transparent-to-opaque 7%; rose to R.I. 1.79-1.81. Ceylon, Brazil, red, yellow green, brown, or black mineral of Germany, Sweden, Virginia, Ne- grey high refractive index. Gem varieties vada, and other sources. are to A term used transparent yellow green- sphaerite. (1) by ish and are in great demand by Schlossmacher for a which pearl collectors for their brilliancy is hollow or without a nucleus, and exceptional fire. Mono. but not used in American trade. CaTiSiOs; H. 5-5,5; S. G. 3.4- A mineral of no (2) gemological 3.6; R.I. 1.88/1.99-1.91/2.05; interest. Bi. 0.105-0.135. Disp. 0.52. Switz- spKaerolitic. Containing sphaero- erland, Ceylon, Ontario, Quebec, lites. New York, Pennsylvania and phaerule, sphaerolite or sphaeru- other sources. Its mineralogical lite. (1) Synonymous terms name is titanite. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual -word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type^ts entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 217 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

spherical aberration. See aberra- produces elongated splinter-like tion, fragments. spherule or spberulite. Same as split facet. Break or cross facet. sphaerule or sphaerulite. (Whitlock). with spherulitic jasper. Jasper spodumene (sppd' ue -meen). A inclusions of spherulites which mineral occurring in transparent are usually quartz. If they are rose, lilac, violet, green or yellow of different color from the jas- gem varieties of light tones. Also per it is usually an orbicular colorless. Difficult to cut as it jasper. cleaves easily. Should be oriented Spiller amber. An obsolete name with table perpendicular to verti- for pressed amber, cal axis. Mono. LiAl (Si03 )a. H. spinach jade. Dark green nephrite, 6-7; S.G. 3.1-3.S; EX 1.66/1.68; Bi. 0.015; 0.017. spinel, (spi-nelF, rarely spin'-el). Disp. Madagas- North Cali- A transparent red, orange, yel- car, Brazil, Carolina, and other sources. low, blue, violet, or purple gem fornia, many See hiddenite* mineral. Transparent, especially kunzite; red most desirable. Iso. MgAl spread. Width of a stone at the 2 O4 ; H. 8; S.G. 3,5-3.8; R.I. if that width is 1.71-1.73. From Burma, Ceylon, girdle, especially so great, in proportion to the New Jersey, and other sources. depth of the stone, that it mark- (Ceylonite variety 4.1). Dark- affects the to translucent to edly possible beauty green black, of the stone. opaque, nongem varieties with higher properties. See synthetic square. Term used in pearl trade spinel. for method of reckoning the cost of of size at a "spinel ruby.** Bed spineL any pearl any lot price, by the square of price "spinel Blue sapphire." Spinel. given, with the grain as a unit. spinel twin. Variety of contact (Cattelle). See base price. twin which is typical of twin square cut. (1) Step cut with crystals of spinel and which con- square outline and table. (2) A sists of two identical but re- variation of this; a fancy cut versed portions of octahedrons with only four facets, or four joined on a plane which is paral- facets and a culet, on the lel to a face of the octahedron. pa- vilion. (3) Any square stone. spinthere. Greenish sphene. square emerald cut. (1) Name oft- splendent. Very bright by reflected en applied to any emerald cut light. in which the four longer sides splintery fracture. Breakage which of the table, of the culet and of Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 218 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

the outline of the girdle are re- stagmalite. A general term includ- spectively of equal length; i.e., ing both stalactite and stalag- an octagon of four long, and four mite suggested by O. C. Farring- very short equal sides. (2) More ton. specifically, an equal-sided sharp- stained agate. See stained stone. cornered emerald cut, stained stone. A stone, the color square hexagon cut. See hexagon of which has been altered (1) cut. by dyeing with analine dyes, which fade or square method. A method of com- (2) by impreg- nation with a like puting the value of pearls. See substance, base. sugar, followed by either a chem- ical or heat treatment, which Stachelbeerstein Gros- (German). usually produce a permanent col- sularite. or. Cryptocrystalline quartz is stage. The portion of a microscope especially adapted to staining, on which the specimen is placed including agate, in which the for observation. In a polarizing bands become more pronounced. microscope used in pearl or gem- stalactite. An inverted conical min- testing it rotates and is called eral formation, attached to the a immersion rotating stage. An roof of a cave, formed by the a stage is microscope stage which percolation of mineral-bearing permits immersing the speci- water. men. A universal or universal stage stalagmite. A conical or cylindrical motion is a stage microscope stage formation on the floor of a cave, which of the permits placement produced by the dripping of in desired specimen any position. mineral-bearing water from the Most universal stages are cali- roof. to of brated permit measurement of slender col- the between two stalky. Consisting angle any posi- umns, or long stout fibers (crys- tions. See microscope, A universal tals). immersion stage is a microscope Standard. A word used in this book stage which affords universal mo- refer to of the Standard tion of .an immersed specimen. to any dictionaries of the Funk and The stage is of the greatest value Co. in gemological microscopy. An Wagnalls used to endoscopic stage is a microscope standard brilliant. Term bril- stage equipped with an endo- describe the usual 58 facet with circular scope. A pearl testing stage, if liant cut diamond cut complete, is a microscope stage unpolished girdle. See full equipped with both a pearl endo- brilliant. scope and a pearl illuminator. stantienite. A black fossil resin, Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


rarely occurring in amber mines star cut. (1) A form of standard in East Prussia; of little or no brilliant cut with 56 facets, table gemological importance. Called and culet, but with the lower black amber. See true amber. break facets elongated until their almost reach the star. (1) A rayed figure, normally points thus the of four to twelve rays, consist- culet; pavilion facets form a ing of two or more intersecting roughly 16-rayed star. A brilliant bands of light, seen in an epias- (2) complicated form used for colored stones teria; an optical phenomenon in which but caused by reflected light from every portion ^the inclusions (or channels). Stars table is covered with star (i.e., are usually four- or six-rayed, triangular) facets. (Schloss- but three, five, seven, or nine- macher) rayed stars occur, or are pos- star doublet or triplet. Assembled sible, due to absence of inclus- stones which imitate star sap- ions in a portion of the stone. phire or ruby, consisting usually (2) The stone itself; an epias- of (a) a cabochon top of some teria which must be cut cabo- asteriated stone, usually decol- chon to exhibit the light phenom- orized rose quartz; (b) a thin enon. See asteria; star stone. mirror of sapphire or ruby col- sometimes indented with in- star agate. Agate exhibiting star- or, lines; and shaped figures. tersecting (usually) an unpolished domed back of star almandine sapphire. A correct some star transparent-tp-translucent name for purplish sapphire substance which imitates the which is usually misnamed "star bajck of the genuine stone. Star ruby." sapphire has also been imitated star amethystine sapphire. A cor- by coating the back of decolor- rect name for violet star sap- ized rose quartz with a brilliant phire which is usually misnamed coloring substance. See lacquer "star ruby." back; also starolite. "star beryl/' A term whi

220 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY rayed, or both four-rayed and facturer's trade name for a star six-rayed epiasterism when cut doublet backed with a blue mir- cabochon. See star, ror. starlight. A distortion of the word star quartz. Asteriated rose quartz starlite. which often shows a star by starlite. A name proposed by Kunz transmitted light and sometimes for blue zircon, but rarely used by reflected light if cut cabo- in U.S.A. chon. See also starolite. "star malachite." Chalcedony star quartz doublet. A star doub- with inclusions of malachite ar- let of asteriated quartz. ranged in the form of a star. star ruby. A ruby epiasteria with A variety of prase malachite. normally six rays. The trade Star of Africa. See Cullinan. illogically but usually uses the same name for or Star of Artaban. A 316 c. blue star pink, purple violet star See in Smithsonian S. sapphires. star; sapphire (U. star star National Museum), Washington. amethystine sappbire; almandine sapphire. Star of Este. A famous small but "star flawless diamond of 26.16 m.c. ruby sappbire." Pink, purple or violet star sapphires. Star of India. A Ceylonese blue star sappbire. A sapphire epiasteria star sapphire of 563.35 c. with normally six rays, rarely Thought to be largest in world. twelve. Bluish and gray are most Comparatively flawless, with well-defined star. In Am. Mus. frequent, although light purplish occurs often, and other colors of Nat. History, New York. rarely. See star. Star of South Africa. Famous star diamond in the spinel (rare). Spinel display- weighing rough or both 85.75 when cut 47.75 m.c. ing four-rayed four-ray- m.c., ed and on First diamond found in six-rayed epiasterism large one stone. Africa. A seven-rayed epias- teria is in the collection of U. S. Star of the South. Famous Bra- National Museum. See star. zilian diamond discovered 1853. star stone. In Cut stone weight 128.5 m.c. In (1) general, any stone in which a of Gaekwar of Baroda, rayed figure Treasury as in a star India. can be seen sap- pbire, star agate, starolite, or Star of the West. 105 A grain even in specimens of petrified sold for Australian pearl once wood in which (in its more 6,500 pounds sterling. transparent portions) numerous starolite or star-o-lite. A manu- small star-like figures sometimes Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


occur. (2) More correctly, an all parallel to girdle and there- asteria only. fore, except those on the cor- and narrow. ***tar topaz/* Yellow star sapphire. ners, long usually Two or three rows above and "star zircon," See "asteriated zir- usually more below. Among con." modifications are the em- f many staurolite (sto roe-lite). An opa- erald cut, square cut, scissors que, rarely translucent brownish cut. to black oc- mineral, frequently Stephen's stone. Same as Saint in twins curring interpenetrated Stephen's stone. in the form of a cross. A curio Stewart Diamond. Famous South stone used without fashioning, African alluvial diamond; although often artificially im- rough 296 cut 123 m.c. proved by cutting. Sometimes m.c.; imitated in softer tones. Ortho. stilbite. A mineral which often H. 7-7%; S.G. 3.4-3.8; B. L forms cross-shaped twin crystals 1.74/1.75-1.75/1.76. From Swit- usable as ornaments. A substi- zerland, South America, Georgia tute for staurolite. H. 3.5-4; and other sources. See stilbite. S.G. 2.1-2.2. staurotypou*. In mineralogy, hav- S to? berg or Stollberger diamond. ing cross-like markings. (Stand- Rock crystal. ard). stone. ( 1 ) Any small piece of rock stealite. Chiastolite. or mineral. (2) In the gem trade the term usually implies a cut steatite (stee-a-tite). A very soft and polished mineral (or occa- and easily carved ornamental a rock, such as mineral (massive talc) some- sionally lapis or or arti- times used as an inferior sub- lazuli obsidian) any ficial or substi- stitute for jade. Brownish, reproduction of, tute for it. See greyish green, grey or almost gemstone. white. Sometimes tinged with stone cameo. See cameo, red. Ortho. or mono. (Dana) stone gauge. Any measuring de- H. 1-2.5; S.G. 2.6-2.8; R.I. sions or angles of gemstones. 1.54/1.59. See Leveridge gauge; Moe steinheilite. Cordierite. gauge; millimeter screw micro- meter. stellate. Radiating so as to produce star-like forms. strahlite. A name for actinolite. step cut. A basic style of cutting Strahlstein. A German word for in which all facets are four-sided chlorastrolite meaning ray- and in steps or rows, both above, stone. See page 260. below ana usually on the girdle; strain. An irregularity in the usual

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 222 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

orderly pattern of atoms in the between differently colored lay- crystal structure of a mineral, ers seen in some genuine sap- frequently caused in diamond by phires in which they are parallel an inclusion of a tiny crystal or and straight, and in synthetic crystals of diamond or another sapphire in which they are par- mineral. Strain produces anoma- allel and curved. See striation*. lous double refraction in dia- striae (stry'ee) . Plural of stria. See other mond, garnet, spinel and cooling striae. isometric (singly refractive) striated minerals. crystal. One with striae on the surface of a face or faces. strass. (1) Flint glass with high con- tent of lead which results in striations (strye-a'shuns). Striae, relatively great S.G., R.I. and usually parallel, on the faces of dispersion. It is the most com- crystals. mon glass imitation of dia- striped jasper. Same as banded mond. Also used to imitate other jasper. colored gemstones. See paste. (2) strong dichroism, Irichroism or A term widely, "but incorrectly pleochroism. See pleochroism. used as a of to synonym paste structure. Term loosely used in mean imitations of any glass gemology to mean crystal struc- gems. ture. strata. or beds of some an- Layers Stuart Sapphire. A blue sapphire cient lake or stream. sea, set in back of British Imperial strawberry pearls. Large, pink, State crown, l 1^ in. by 1 in. iridescent and lustrous baroques, "Styrian jade.'* Same as pseudo- in with the fairly regular shape, phite. appearance of being thickly sanded under the nacre. styrine. A transparent plastic with comparatively high R. I. streak. The color of the powder and dispersion. R.I. 1.59. of a mineral, which can Jbe ob- served by drawing the mineral subadamantine. Luster not as high- but across a streak plate, a test of ly reflective as adamantine, only occasional value in deter- more so than vitreous. minative gemology. See hema- submetallic luster. Like metallic, tite. but somewhat dulled. streak plate. A piece of unglazed substitute. In gemology, any sub- porcelain. See streak. stance represented to be, or stria (stry'a). A line, especially used to imitate, a more valuable one of a series of parallel lines or better known substance such as in groups of demarcation lines as a genuine gemstone. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


subtranslucent. Same as semitrans- clase, containing tiny inclusions lucent. of hematite or goethite which, if in flakelike form, a subtransparent. Same as semitrans- produce yellowish or reddish aventures- parent. cence, and sometimes a reddish an suWitreou*. Having imperfect cast, to the entire stone. Also vitreous luster. known as aventurine feldspar. "succinite.** Incorrect term for Suriam garnet. Same as Syriam succinite garnet. See succinite, garnet. succinite, (suk'sin-ite). The min- Sverdlovsk. A large city (for- eralogical term for an amber merly Ekaterinburg) in Ural mined in East Prussia or re- Mts., Siberia. A mining, cutting covered from the Baltic Sea. and trade ceriter of gemstones Yields suceinic acid when heat- from the Urals. See Takavaya; ed. See amber; Baltic amber, Russian emerald. succinite garnet. Light yellow am- Swedish amber. See Baltic amber. ber-colored andradite (Sehloss- sweet-water pearl. Pearl from macher) . fresh water. succinum. Ancient name for am- swirl (marks). Same as whorl. ber. "Swiss jade." Stained jasper (R. Sudaifee pearl. Pearl from the Su- Webster) . See stained stones. daifee variety of Meleagnna ml- "Swiss lapis." or garis of the Persian Gulf. Often Chalcedony jas- blue. yellowish in color and generally per artificially dyed inferior in quality and number syenite. A rock composed prin- to the Ling-ah pearl, cipally of feldspar and resem- in ex- "sulphur diamond." Pyrite. bling granite composition that it contains little or no stone. cept sulphur Pyrite. quartz. Sulu Fine pearl. quality Philippine "synthetic alexandrite." Usually from the Sulu pearl Archipelago, synthetic spinel; sometimes syn- the of the Is- portion Philippine thetic sapphire. See synthetic lands between Mindanao and stone. Borneo. reaches the Usually "synthetic aquamarine.** Pale blue trade as Manila pearl. synthetic sapphire or synthetic Sun God as 1 Opal. Same Aguila spinel. Synthetic aquamarine is Azteca Opal, not yet made commercially. sun opal. A fire opal. synthetic beryl. (1) Made com- sunstone. Translucent grey-to- mercially in all tones of green. white feldspar, usually oligo- See synthetic emerald. (2) Mis- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


nomer for light-green synthetic synthetic spinel. Made in many spinel. colors by same method as is syn- synthetic corundum. Made by melt- thetic corundum and in similar ing alumina in an oxyhydrogen forms except that boules usually flame. So far has been crystal- exhibit four lateral faces at right lized only in long slender rods angles to each other. Detected in or in houles which differ great- somewhat the same manner. of natural ly from shape crys- synthetic stone. A reproduction of tals. Rarely the correct color of a stone which has the same natural stone. De- the genuine chemical composition, hardness, tected most na- effectively by specific gravity, refractive pow- ture of its inclusions which dif- er, dichroism, etc., as has the fer from those of cor- genuine genuine stone it reproduces. undum. See synthetic stone. Many gem minerals have been synthetic emerald. (1) A synthetic made synthetically as a scien- beryl crystallizing in same form tific experiment, but only corun- as the genuine and sold com- dum, spinel and emerald have mercially. Often of sufficiently been commercially made and cut dark green color to be accurately as stones for the trade. classed as emerald. in Made Ger- "synthetic turquoise." A misnomer many and California, but so far for various amorphous imita- in small quantities and only in tions of turquoise, including Vi- sizes that will yield gemstones of enna turquoise. not more than a few carats. (2) syntholite. Trade-mark name for a Term used for so-called widely alexandrite-like sap- emerald and for imi- synthetic triplets glass changing to violet- of phire, green tations, especially beryl glass.. ish. "synthetic hematite." Manufactur- Syriam garnet. An old name for ers' misnomer for various metal- almandine garnet. lic imitations of hematite. "Syrian garnet." Incorrect name synthetic ruby. See synthetic cor-, undum. for Syriam garnet. szaskaite. Same as smithsonite. synthetic sapphire. See synthetic corundum. (English).

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 225 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

tab asheer or "tabasheer opal." were removed to form a very Translucent to opaque, white to large culet and larger table; the bluish-white amorphous silica; remaining portions of the eight found in certain species of bam- octahedral faces were then pol- boo in India, Burma, and South ished. America. Resembles hydro- table cutter. A lapidary who cuts plane. tables or plane faces on dia- monds or other stones table. (1) Gemological: The hori- precious zontal flat surface (facet) on (Standard) . See page 260. the crown of a faceted gem- table stone. A term which has been stone. (2) Mining: A concentrat- applied to any stone cut in any ing machine which separates of the styles described under smaller crystals or portions of table cut. rock or crystals from larger tablet. In mineralogy, a tabular crys- portions. tal. table cut. (1) A variation of the tabular. In mineralogy, formed in step cut, with very large table broad flat crystals or masses, joined to girdle by beveled tablet-like. edges. (Kraus and Slawson). tabular crystal. A broad flat crys- (2) A classification under which tal; a tablet-like crystal. Schlossmacher includes the lat- Tahiti ter and other miscellaneous va- pearl. (1) Specifically, any from Tahiti. Like riations of step or brilliant cut pearls Eearlrom other islands in the South which have an unusually small be number of facets. (3) Term Seas, may white, yellowish, or blackish. See also sometimes loosely used to de- greyish Tuamotu trade scribe any one of the variations pearl. (2) A term for white with of the bevel cut, provided it has any pearl a of often the usual large table of that only tinge orient, with a cut. (4) (Obsolete). Probably slightly greyish metallic cast. Found in the earliest symmetrical style of Meteagrina margarittfera. fashioning diamonds in which op- tailings. The part of washed gem posite points of an octahedron ground or of an ore concentrate Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 226 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

which is thrown behind the tail Talisman of Charlemagne. A jewel of the washing apparatus to be composed of two large sapphires, washed again or to be thrown cut en cabochon, and joined and out. surrounded by precious stones. iaille en seize (Fx.). Faceting in These form a small box contain- sixteen facets, plus table and ing a cross. Was in cathedral culet. Same as single cut, at Aachen before World War II. takhtis. "Word used to designate talladura (Span.). Cut (of a emeralds that were carved in stone). Delhi, India, as early as the six- tallar (Span.). To cut gems. teenth and I believe are century tallow drop. A style of cutting pre- crafts- still carved by the Indian cious stones in which the stone men." (Whitlock). is domed on one or both sides. takin. Same as takhtis. (Century dictionary). Same as Takovaya or Takawaya. A river in cabochon. Ural Mts. near which emeralds tallow top, A cabochon stone with were discovered abaut 50 miles a low, convex surface. of in the northeast Sverdlovsk, taltalite. Green Brazilian tourma- most important emerald7bearing line. district on the Eurasian conti- tama Jade. Same as nent. Beryl, alexandrite and (Japanese). phenacite are also found there. gigaku. Also spelled Takoveeja. Tammaw jade. Same as Tawmaw Takovaya alexandrite. Fine alex- jade, andrite found in association tangawaite or tangiwaite. Name with Takovaya emerald. for bowenite from New Zealand. Resembles in talc. A very soft mineral. nephrite appear- EkMgg ance. (8103)4. Its only variety of gem- ological interest is steatite. tangiwai (Maori). Same as tan- gawaite. Talifu jadeite. A term referring to Talifu or Tay-hy-fu, Yunnam tank. A Hindu unit of weight for ratis or about 0.145 Province, China, a jadeite mar- pearls ; 24 ket, but not a source. (Schloss- oz. macher). Tarshish. The tenth stone in the talisman. A charm, often a gem- Breastplate of the High Priest. stone, which is supposed to pro- The Hebrew word tarshish means duce unusual effects, such as pro- a stone of Twsus from" Tartes- tecting the wearer, or bringing sus, (a maritime country men- him good luck, good fortune, etc. tioned in the Old Testament, Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in hold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 227 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

Jean d* probably^ in Spain). Tartessus Tavernier, Baptiste, Baron means "golden stone** sometimes Aubonne (1605-1689). French translated as "chrysolite" which traveller and gem dealer who was probably the topaz of today. reported many details of gem May have been citrine quartz or mines, mining and markets and topaz quartz. Dr. Kunz sug- described many important gems gests yellow jasper. Engraved in his Les Six Voyages de Jean Bap- with the name Naphtali. tiste Tavernier. Translated into V. Ball as Travels in Tasmanian alexandrite. Alexand- English by India. 2 vols. rite of from Tas- (1st ed., 1889; good quality 2nd 2 vols. mania. ed., 1925). Tavernier rule. A method of diamond." White to- gem "Tasmanian value calculation. Price increases paz. by the square of weight of Tasmanian topaz. Colorless to light stones. Now obsolete. Tasmania. blue topaz from Tawmaw (Tawma, Tammaw) Jade. Tasmanian zircon. Yellow brown Jadeite from Tawmaw, in upper to dark red zircon from Tas- Burma, probably the most im- mania, the former becoming col- portant jadeite source. orless by heating. tawmawite. A chrome-rich variety Tassie paste. Glass which is low- of epidote. Yellow, dark-green er in lead content than strass, to green, approaching emerald used by James Tassie (1735- color. From Tawmaw, Upper 1799), a Scottish chemist who Burma. studied art and later pro- tecalco. See tecali. duced in his of impressions paste marble. most of the then-known famous tecali. A name for onyx From Mexico, also spell- antique intaglios and cameos, re- Tecali, markable ed Tecati and Tecalco. See reproductions repre- ''Mexican "Mexican senting almost all colored stones. onyx;" Complete sets were made for jade." collections. The paste was in- tecati. See tecali. ferior for imitating diamonds. "Tecla emerald." A false triplet. It contained about 49% silica, "Tecla pearls/' Trade-marked lead 34% monoxide, 10% potas- name for both solid and wax- sium oxide, etc. filled imitation pearl beads. tataya. Burmese name for topaz. tektite. A natural siliceous glass, Tauridan. Very light blue, almost found as loose, rounded, pitted colorless, topaz. Same as Siber- fragments in various parts of ian topaz (Bauer-Spencer). the world. Now thought to be

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pa^es. 228 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

of meteoric origin. (jSpencer). portant gem minerals of this Its only gem variety is molda- system. See also crystal systems. vite. (Smith). tetrahedraL Pertaining to the te- templet. Same as bezel facet. trahedron, a four-sided form of of tenacity. Same as toughness. the cubic system. termination. In mineralogy, the Thailand. Same as Siam. end of a crystal and especially Texas agate. Jasp-agate from gem the natural crystal faces on that gravels of Pecos River, Texas. end as distinguished from a thallite. Same as delphinite. broken or end. polished A crys- thallium. A rare metallic element tal is said to be termin- singly of the aluminum group, resem- ated if natural faces occur on bling lead in physical one end as in attached properties. only crys- Symbol, Tl. A constituent of terminated if tal; doubly they some glass imitations of occur on both ends as in dissem- gems. thallium glass. A flint which inated crystals. glass contains thallium. S.G. to The technical or up terminology. 5.4. Highly refractive and dis- words or terms used in special persive; occasionally used es- any science, art, industry, trade, pecially to imitate gems of high etc. See nomenclature. dispersion, test stone. Basanite. Used for test- thermo-luminescence. A variety of streak of metals. ing precious luminescence produced, as in tetr. Abbr. used in this book for chlorophane, by heat (infra-red) tetragonal system. rays. tetrahromoethane. Same as ace- Thetis hair stone. Crystalline quartz tylene tetrabromide. containing inclusions of green be tetragonal mineral or stone. Min- fibrous crystals which may or into a ball eral or Stone of the tetragonal tangled wound system. and are hornblende (Schloss- macher), or actinolite or asbes- tetragonal system. In crystallogra- tos (Bauer). See moss stone, Ve- phy, a system which has three nus hair stone, sagenitic quartz. axes, two of equal length per- In a thin pendicular to one another, the thin section. mineralogy, of a third of a different length, per- slice mineral, usually pre-. for examination under a pendicular to the plane of the pared other two. Same as isometric microscope of high magnification to a thin system except crystals are longer by cementing transpar- or shorter than their width. Zir- ent glass plate or slide. con and rutile are the only im- thiruvana. Singhalese word for a Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 229 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY contains rocky gravel of whitish color quartz which twinning finding of which indicates the laminae. presence of gem-bearing ground. Thursday Island pearl. Australian thcmsonite. A translucent to pearl fished in neighborhood of opaque curia stone, popular in Thursday Island in the Torres Lake Superior district where it Strait, between Australia and occurs as water-worn pebbles, or New Guinea. more rarely in amygdules. Mot- Ti. Abbr. for the element . sometimes or- tled or banded; Tibet stone. Mixture of aventu- bicular. White, gray, brownish, and Cut rine quartz quartz porphyry reddish, yellowish, greenish. which may be of various colors. cabochon. Ortho. 2(Ca T Naa)Al2 Has been cut as ornamental or 0. H. S.G. (Si04 )2.5H 2 5-5.5; curio stones. From Russia. 2.3-2.4 (Kraus); RJ. varies from 1.51 to 1.54. See compton- Tibetan turquoise. Genuine tur- in Tibet is more ite, lintonite, ozarkite. quoise which highly regarded than any other thooL Ceylonese pearl trade term gem. However, the efforts of for seed pearl. Same as tul. Laufer, in 1913, and Pogue .in Thoulet solution, (thue-lae) Same 1919. failed to authenticate the Sonstadt's solution. as presence of any turquoise mine three-phase inclusion. An inclusion in Tibet. On the other hand in a gemstone consisting of a Schlossmacher, in 1932, and Ep- or inclusion liquid negative pler, in 1934, mentioned tur- a which in turn encloses (a) quoise sources in western Tibet gas or air bubble or bubbles, near Ngari-Klorshum, and in the and (b) a small mineral crystal neighborhood of Lhasa in the or crystals. Distinguishable un- Batang and Chando districts of der gemological microscope in eastern Tibet. some especially some stones, Diamond. A bril- emeralds. Tiffany yellow liant South African diamond, An orna- thulite (thue'lite). (1) belonging to Tiffany & Co., N. stone. The mental and decorative Y. Weight 128.5 m.c. red to light purplish red light mine. A mine, variety of zoisite. (2) Tiffany turquoise (rose) miles from Los Also the name for a variety of seven Cerillos, of no in- N. M., reputed to have produced saponite gemological of terest. large quantities fine-quality to 1915. thumb marks. In gemology, the gems previous rhythmic or rippled markings or Tiffany Queen Pearl. Same as the fractured surfaces of crystalline Queen Pearl. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.


tiger-eye. A yellow and yellowish- its royal owners. brown ornamental and va- gem "tin cut," A misleading trade term of riety quartz. Pseudomorph- sometimes applied to glass imi- ous after crocidolite. Colored by tations of rock crystal beads limonite which by heating prob- which have been cut, as dis- turns to hematite and ably tinguished from moulded or cast a red and brownish-red produces beads. See tin polished. tiger eye. Gre/ tiger eye is pro- duced by an acid treatment. tincture. Literally, a tint, but some- times used to mean or When cut with flat surface par- foiling foil back or back. allel to the fibers, the slightly lacquer differing colors produce a tinge. A color designation. A faint changeable silky sheen as the trace of a hue which modifies stone is moved. A popular stone another hue as, a blue with a for cameos and intaglios. When tinge of green, i.e., blue tinged" cut cabocbon with base parallel with green, or, stated different- to the fibers, produces a cat's- ly, very slightly greenish-blue. eye effect. Principal source As- tin-lap. In gemology, a tin or tin- bestos Mountains west of Gri- covered lap. South Africa, Some- quatown, tin oxide. An abrasive usually used times called tiger's-eye. in the fashioning of all facetted tigerite. Same as tiger-eye. colored stones, except possibly tiki (Maori). A figure carved from corundum or peridot to produce nephrite, worn as a neck orna- a high polish; not used on dia- ment by Maori women ; a symbol monds. of fecundity. tin polished. A term correctly ap- "Timur Ruby". The largest known plied to gems which have been (361 m.c.) red spinel, famous for polished on tin laps. Also in- six centuries and thought to be correctly used synonymously a ruby for most of that time. with the term "tin cut." as Known Khiraj-i-Alman (The tin spar. Cassiterite. (A. H. Ches- of the it Tribute World) was ter). seized Timur in Delhi in by tinstone. Cassiterite. 1398 (Smith). It continued to change hands usually in the same tint. An attribute of color. (1) Cor- it to manner until was presented rectly, any light tone of hue. (2) Victoria by the East In- to Queen Often loosely used mean tin^e. in 1851. dia Company Now (3) In popular usage, tint is among British crown jewels, it often used in error to mean tone. is still uncut and bears inscrip- tions in Persian indicating six of Tintenbar opal. Opal from Tin- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 231 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

tenbar district in NE New South ish. The Occident customarily Wales which develops cracks on confines the term tomb jade to exposure and loses color. such colors, although many other titanic schorl. Rutile. colors, all of which are due to oxidation, are recognized in titanite. tan-ite). Same as (tye' China. Coloration may be repro- sphene. duced artificially. See Han Yii, toad's-eye tin. Reddish cassiterite mouth jade. with structure. Some- concentric tone. That attribute of a color times cut cabochon for collec- which determines its position in tors. a scale from light to dark. Thus todal. Singhalese name for the wa- white, and also light gray, are boat. ter bailer or pearl fishing light tones, and dark gray the todo mundo stone. Brazilian term dark tone of the same color sen- for dark-green tourmaline in- sation; pink is a light tone of clined to yellowish or brownish red, and maroon a dark tone.

hue ( Schlossmacher. ) A light tone is usually known as a a dark tone as a "tokay lux sapphire." (1) Name tint, shade. for a brownish-black obsidian tongs. In gem cutting, a stand from Hungary (Schlossmacher). having at its upper end a vise- Eppler spells it luchssaphir mean- like arrangement by which to ing "lynx sapphire" which is an hold the cup in which a gem is incorrect name for iolite. cemented, so as to press the lat- the "tokay lynx sapphire." Same as ter against polishing wheel "tokay lux sapphire." (Standard). See also corn tongs; tongs* tola. An Indian measure of weight pearl test. test which for pearls, 62 ratis or about % tongue A by crys- ounce. (Gems & Gemology). tals or crystalline gemstones, all of which are genuine or syn- toluene or toluol. A light hydro- thetic, can be distinguished from carbon, related to benzine, with which feels warmer in com- low surface tension. Used in glass when held to the place of water in accurate spe- parison, tongue. cific gravity determinations. Also used as a solvent to lower the "tooth turquoise." Odontolite. S.G. or R.I. of methylene iodide. top (of a stone). That portion (Shipley Jr.) above the girdle. See crown. tomb jade. Jade which has been topacio (Span.). Topaz. buried, usually with the dead, topaz. (1) A transparent-to-trans- conforming with a Chinese cus- lucent gem mineral; usually tom. Usually reddish or brown- white or pale blue, also yellow, Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 232 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

orangy yellow, brown, light red colored quartz^ and does not im- violet or (pink) ; rarely green- ply a mixture of topaz and ish. Sometimes called precious quartz as the term might imply it cit- topaz to distinguish from if it were hyphenated (i.e., topaz- rine or topaz quartz with which quartz). Rules? of the F.T.C. spe- it has long been confused by cify that it shall not be repre- less well-informed jewelers. Or- sented as topaz. (2) The term tho. Al2 (OH,F) 2Si04 ; H. 8; topaz quartz is also used for S.G. 3.5-3.6; R.I. 1.61/1.62-1.63 burnt amethyst or burnt cairn- 1.64 ;Bi. 0.008. Disp. 0.014. From gorm as distinguished from cit- Brazil, also Ceylon, Urals, Cali- rine. Their properties are ap- fornia, Colorado, Maine and other proximately the same as those sources. See also topaz quartz. of citrine, except that the dichro- (2) As an adjective, a color des- ism of citrine is much stronger. ignation meaning greenish-yel- Both topaz and citrine (topaz low to orange-yellow as used in quartz) are listed by the Ameri- topaz glass, topaz quartz. can Gem Society as the Novem- ber birthstone. See 260. "topaz cat's-eye." Yellow girasol page sapphire which theoretically can topaz saffronite. A coined word for exhibit a more or less well-de- topaz quartz (citrine). Recom- fined light line, or chatoyancy. mended by B.I.B.O.A. for trans- itional use until the topaz glass. Topaz colored glass. permanent One variety used in imitation establishment of sa&ronite. gems has S.G. 4.98; R.L 1.77 topographic agate. Agate with fine (Anderson) . markings like lines on a topo- See fortification topazolite. A little-known greenish- graphic map. yellow to yellow-brown variety agate. of andradite garnet. Rarely torsion balance. A sensitive weigh- transparent. (Schlossmacher). ing device which operates on the Beautiful, transparent but rare- principal of the twisting (tor- ly cut. (Eppler). sion) of a rod or bar of metal. balance of topaz quartz. (1) The term rec- A specially-designed ommended by B.I.R.O.A. and this type, known as the Herman is used for accurate American *Gem Society to super- balance spe- determination on sede the use of topaz, quartz cific gravity small mineral or topaz, occidental topaz, and sim- fragments ilar terms formerly used by all gems. jewelers to describe citrine, tortoise shell. Mottled dark brown, burnt amelnyst or burnt cairn- light brown and yellow mottled gorm. The term means topaz- shell of the hawk's-bill sea tur- Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 233 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

tie fCh clone imbricate) Easily ness of gemstones, and of im- molded when hot; used for boxes, portant ornamental stones. See cigarette cases and fine toilet tenacity; cohesion. trans- ware. Freely imitated in plas- tourmaline. An important tics in which the dark portions parent gem mineral occurring in of lack the swarms of spherical red- almost all the principal hues the but not in dish particles seen under the mi- spectrum, emerald croscope in the genuine (Ander- green; also opaque black and son). S.G. 1.26-1.35; R.I. 1.55- colorless. Green and light red 1.56. Front Celebes, New Gui- are the most frequent gem col- nea, China, India, Africa, and ors and prismatic crystals are Australia. (R. Webster) See often of one of these hues band- ecaille. ed near the surface with the tosa coral. Medium quality of Jap- other hue either concentrically anese coral. or at the ends. A complex boro- total reflection. In gemology, total silicate. Hex. H. 7-7.5; S.G. 3.0- reflection occurs when a ray of 3.2; R.I. 1.61/1.64-1.64/1.67, light, after entering a gemstone, (1.61/1.68-1.63/1.65 for paler strikes any boundary of . that stones). Bi. 0.018-0.030. Disp. gemstone at an angle greater 0.017. From Ceylon, Madagascar, than its critical angle. Total re- Brazil, Urals, Burma, Califor- flection may continue indefinitely nia, Maine. within a stone, as the light strik- touraamel. A Ceylonese term which ing any boundary is totally re- has been used for both tourma- flected until it strikes a boundary- line, and zircon. (S. H. Ball). at an angle less than the critical trainite. Local trade name for a angle, in which event it passes green stone, somewhat like vari- out of the stone. scite or turquoise, which was total reflection, angle of. Same as originally thought to be banded critical angle. variscite and later listed by Eng- total reflectometer. An instrument lish as a mixture of vashegyite for measuring the critical angle with a colloidal zeolite. (of total reflection) translucency. State of being trans- touchstone. Same as basanite. lucent. toughness. The resistance which a translucent. Passing light imper- gemstone or similar substance fectly. A translucent material offers to breakage or other change transmits light, but objects can- of form. The tenacity of a sub- not be resolved through it. stance. Briggs' "Encyclopedia of Translucent gem material is not Gems'9 contains the only extant suitable for brilliant cutting, but table of the comparative tough- only for cabochon, beads, etc. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual -word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type Its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 234 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY transmitted light. Light which has plied to fine green tourmaline. passed through an object as dis- Marketed through the Transvaal tinguished from reflected light. but probably from Southwest Geins are usually examined for Africa. imperfections by transmitted trap brilliant. A trap or step cut light. stone, the girdle of which is ap- transparency. State of being trans- proximately circular. parent. trap cut. Same as step cut. transparent. Passing light perfect- trap rock. A dark, basic, heavy, ly. A transparent material trans- igneous rock, fine-grained or mits light, and objects can be dense in texture. cut. A or seen clearly even through a con- trapeze fancy-shaped siderable thickness. modern cut, the girdle outline of "Transvaal emerald." Same as which consists of four straight "African emerald." lines, the two larger ones being Transvaal garnet. A green garnet, parallel but of unequal length; said by most authorities to be the shape of the trapezoid or grossularite. S.G. 3.45-3.50; R.I. truncated triangle. travertine, 1.72-1.73 (Smith). Others class (trav'er-tin) . A decor- it as demantoid or *other variety ative and architectural stone, of andradite. See "Transvaal easily dyed. A water-deposited jade." variety of calcite. As a dyed sub- "Transvaal jade." (1) A compact, stitute, has found its way into fine-grained grossularite garnet. jewelry. treated stone. heated Light green in color. S.G. 3.45- A stone, stained stone, coated stone or a 3.5.0; R.I. 1.72-1.73. From 40 miles west of Pretoria (Smith). stone which has been treated with Often contains black bands of X rays or radium, to improve or its color. Also chromite and is used for orna- otherwise change a stone which have been mental objects (Pough). (2) may flaws as are Dark green andradite from SW treated to disguise doctored the cracks Africa, also called Transvaal pearls, opals of which have been filled with nephrite ( Schlossmacher ) . ( 3 ) Dark oil, etc. green, nephrite-colored tree agate. See mochastone. garnet-hornstone from Buffels- tree stone. Same as tree agate. fontein and Turffontein. H. 7; "Trenton diamond." Quartz crystal S.G. 3.49 (Eppler after Brauns). from Herkimer County, New See "garnet jade." for "Transvaal nephrite." See "Trans- Tri. Abbr. used in this book tr{clinic , vaal jade." system., , triangle cut. A fancy shaped or Transvaal tourmaline. A term ap- modern cut of which the outline used is Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term consulted. denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 235 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

of girdle and table is a triangle. ftombic system.

t rib luminescence. ( trib"oe-lue- trimorpKism (trye-mor' fern). The mi-nes'-ens) Luminescence pro- property of being trimorphous. duced by rubbing. trimorphous. See polymorphism, trichroic colors. ( . trye'-kroe-ik) triphane. Same as spodumene. The colors observable in a tri- chroic stone. triple pearl. A pearl formed of three distinct pearls united un- trlcnroic or stone. One gem pos- der a nacreous coating. sessing trichroism. triplet. An assembled stone of two trichrofsm. The of most property main portions bound colored min- together by doubly refractive, a layer of cement or other thin erals of the mono- orthorhombic, substance which can be colored and triclinic of clinic, systems, to reproduce the color of the transmitting three different col- stone which the triplet imitates. ors in the three different direc- If it is of two portions of the tions which with the correspond species being imitated, plus a three axes. See crystallographic binding layer, it is a genuine pleochroism, dichroism, dichro- trip- let; if of one portion only, it *ccpe. is a semigenuine triplet; if it con- triclinic mineral or stone. Min- tains no portion of the species eral or stone of the triclinic sys- being imitated it is a false triplet; tem. if no portion is a genuine min- triclinic system. A system in crys- eral, it is an imitation triplet. tallography based on three axes, tripletine. A name for emerald- no two of which are of equal colored beryl triplet. See also length and no two of which are "emerald triplet." perpendicular to one another. tripoli. A porous decomposed The least symmetrical crystal (quartz) and siliceous limestone system. rock which ,when powdered is trigonal system. A subdivision of used as an abrasive in fashioning the rhorobohedral system. See gemstones. Rottenstone is simi- also crystal systems. lar and in popular -usage the two trilling. A symmetrical intergrowth words are synonymous. of three The of crystals. type tripolite. A form of silica made up twinning such as the six-rayed of the siliceous shells of "diatoms* twinned of crystals, consisting A variety of common three opal. (Da- individuals, which occur na). A term also sometimes in ap- chrysoberyl. plied to the decomposition prod- trimetric system. Same as orthor- uct of siliceous limestone. (Kraus

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 236 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMGLOGY and Hunt). A term often used which one or more systems of almost synonymously with trip- parallel lines have been inscribed. oli. Also called diatomaceous These lines produce a star in a earth. somewhat similar manner as do true amber. term used a few A by inclusions in a natural asteria. authorities for succinite only, See star quartz. especially those influenced by propaganda of the German gov- true topaz. Genuine topaz as dis- ernment which has controlled tinguished especially from ci- the mining and manufacture of trine or topaz quartz. succinite. Most authorities in- Tsao P'i Heng. Chinese name for clude any fossil resin which con- date skin red jade. tains succinic which acid, among Tschantabun ruby. Same as Chan- are simetite and bur- rumanite, tabun ruby. mite, although the presence of Tuamotu Pearl from the the acid in burmite is question- pearl. Tuamotu or Paomo- ed. Still other authorities include archipelago tu a trench other fossil resin such as gedan- Islands, possession in the South east of The ite. Pacific, Society Islands (also French), true doublet. doublet. A genuine among which is Tahiti. Similar doublet. See to Tahiti pearl. true pearl. Pearl unattached to the tul. Ceylonese pearl trade term for shell whose surface is formed seed pearls. The word means from nacre, as distinguished powder. Same as thool. See from similar formations which chunam. to are not nacreous or attached tulip. A fancy-shaped or modern shell. While a cultured pearl is cut. The outline resembles tire scientifically classed as a true outline of a tulip, as seen from pearl, the popular description of the side. it as such might be misinterpret- refractometer. A ed as meaning a genuine natural Tully large gemo- refractometer for pearl and such description is logical designed considered by the F.T.C. as an the laboratory. Employs a seg- unfair trade practice. ment of a hemisphere of glass of true star. Proprietary name for a high R.I. in a rotating hemi- patented star triplet made to imi- sphere which expedites the rota- tate star sapphire. Composed of tion of a specimen for the pur- synthetic stones with polished top, pose of obtaining birefringence. cabochon cut, with a backing of See Rayner refractometer, Smith unpolished plastic or stone, the refractometer, Erb & Gray refrac- two parts separated by foil upon tometer. or term used is Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word be consulted. defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 237 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

Tunisian coral. Coral from the in non-gem sizes. A basic phos- coast of Tunis from around Sfax phate of aluminum and copper, and around Tabarca. An Alger- in which iron may replace part ian coral, of aluminum, causing greenish turckese or turchina (Italian). Tur- hues. Tri. H. 6; S.G. 2.6-2.9; R.I. 1.61/1.65. From Persia, Tur- quoise. New twrco* Turquoise. kestan, Egypt, Australia, (obsolete). Cali- from Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Turkestan jade. Nephrite fornia. Chinese Turkestan. matrix. Name for cabo- Turkestan Turquoise turquoise turquoise. chon-cut mixtures of turquoise from several mines near Sa- its mother which is markand and Kuraminsk in Tur- and rock, kestan district of U.S.S.R. usually brown, sometimes grey turkey fat. Popular name for yel- or almost black. from Arkansas. low smithsonite turtle back ( 1 ) A name for chlor- turkey stone. A misnomer for tur- astrolite, especially the green va- quoise. riety with patches of color. (2) matrix or vari- turkis (obsolete). Turquoise. Turquoise (3) scite matrix. A North Amer- turkois. A rarely used spelling of (4) ican fisher's term for an turquoise. pearl domed-topped pearl. See turk's head. A name for Brazilian oblong turtle-back pearl. tourmaline crystal with a red termination or end. turtle-back pearl. (1) American fresh-water pearl fisherman's turquesa (Span.) ; turqueza (Port.) name for a button pearl with a Turquoise. in contrast to turquois or turquoise (tur-koiz' or low dome hay- tur'kwoiz; French, toor-kwawz'). stack pearl. (2) A trade name The most important opaque gem- for a pearl with irregular sur- stone. Treasured in- by early face more or less resembling the habitants of both the Old and pattern of the depressions and New World. Light blue to light elevations on a turtle's shell. of which the blue-green, green- name to ish hues are least desirable. (3) A rarely applied round from the variety Sometimes yellowish green. Usu- pearls of American clam known as the ally apparently amorphous turtle back. (Kraus and Hunt), or crypto- crystalline (Dana). Found in Tuticorin pearl. Pearl formerly minute crystals only in Virginia, fished near Tuticorin on coast Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 238 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

of Madras Presidency, India, composed of a great number of across the Gulf of Manaar from very small contact twins produc- Ceylon. Similar to Ceylon pearl. ing thin laminae, each twin crys- See Madras pearl. tal being arranged in reverse tuxtlite. A name for the mineral order to the next one. See midway between the sodium and twmninjr. magnesium pyroxenes. From twinlones. Burmese mining term for or excavation Tuxtla, Mexico. The principal any T>oring, pit sunk in alluvial constituent of mayaite. See also deposits. twinning. The process which a diopside jadeite. by twin or are pro- tweezers. Small used for crystal crystals pincers duced. Caused by the reversal of picking and holding up gem- the atomic position in the crys- stones. tal lattice. Polysynthetic or repeated twin. term A frequently employed twinning is the production of to twin mean crystal. polysynthetic or repeated twins, twin crystal. The intergrowth of and frequently gives rise to or individuals two more ( crystals characteristic fine parallel lines, or parts of crystals) in such a called twinning striations, on way as to yield parallelism in the surface o? a crystal (Kraus the case of certain parts of the and Slawson). different individuals and at the laminae. The laminae or same time other of the twinning parts thin in twins. different individuals are in re- plates repeated See twin. verse position in respect to each striations. See other (Dana). A contact twin is twinning twinning. one in which its two parts have twin or twinned pearl. Same as grown side by side, in contact double pearl. with one another, but in reverse twins. (1) The plural of twin. (2) order, so that if one half of the A miner's abbreviation of twin- twin crystal be rotated 180 on lones. its the form of joining plane, twin stone. Staurolite. the normal crystal will result. or An interpenetrant or penetration two-color pearl two-colored twin is one in which the two pearl. True pearl which ex- Un- crystals or parts have grown hibits two distinct colors. but sat- so they penetrate each other, desirable for necklaces often producing crosses or stars. isfactory for -rings or other Polysynthetic or repeated twins are jewels.

used is Titles -within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term consulted. defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 239 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY


igite. (1) A white and yellow undurchsichtig (German). Opaque. banded stone with a somewhat uneven fracture. Fracture produc- pearly sheen. Related to or class- ing an uneven or irregular sur- ed as prehnite. From Uig on the face. Island of Scotland (Ep- Skye, uniaxial stone. One which has crys- . A of chlorastrolite pler) variety tallized in the tetragonal or hex- from on Island of Skye Uig agonal system, and therefore has (Schlossmacher) . only one direction or axis of aintaite or uintahite. of A variety single refraction. See biaxial black, brilliant, lustrous asphalt stone. which has many uses in the arts; Unio. A of fresh-water mus- from Utah; H. 2.-2.5, S.G. 1.065- genus sels which fresh-water 1.070 (Dana). Has been used yields as a substitute for pearls, including, according to jet. those of North America. ultralite. Trade-marked name for Kunz, Boutan states a red-violet Although only synthetic sapphire. North American mussels are of of the ultra-violet. The ^portion a related genus, he does not spectrum beyond visible violet. specify the genus and their Ultra-violet is of value in light pearls are called Unio pearls by as a means of gemology exciting most scientific pearl authorities. fluorescence. Unionidae. A of umina. Inca name for emerald. very large family fresh-water bivalves known as unakite or for a unakyte. A name fresh-water mussels, certain gen- stone cut in U.S.A, occasionally era of which, especially the gen- as a curio stone or for col- gem us, Unio, yield fresh-water pearls. lectors, and according to Eppler univalve. mollusc a shell cut in Ger- A having formerly frequently of a A many. Consists of a ground mass consisting single piece. See bivalve. of green epidote with pink to gastropod. red inclusions which are prob- universal immersion stage. See ably feldspar, and usually mica. stage. unctuous feel. Very smooth and universal or universal motion stage. slippery; greasy to the touch. See stage. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 240 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

unknown atone. In gemology any Urals. The Ural Mts., a mountain stone the genuineness, classifica- system dividing European Rus- tion and species of which has~no"t sia from Siberia (Asiatic Rus- yet been determined by means sia) . Many gemstones are found of a gemological test, by the per- there; the more important ones son who is asked to identify it. on the Siberian side of the di- unripe amber. Gedanite. vide. See Sverdlovsk. or "unripe diamond." Rock crystal or Uruguay Uruguayan agate. colorless zircon. Agate from same area as Uru- guay amethyst; usually found in unripe pearl. See ripe pearl. large masses of grayish color Red zircon. "unripe ruby." and before World War II, stain- upala (Sanskrit). A precious stone. ed at Idar-Oberstein. is derived from the word Opal Uruguay or Uruguayan amethyst. H.JBall). (S. A term which, when used to des- uparatnani. The four lesser gems cribe a trade grade or trade of the naoratna: jacinth, topaz, quality, usually refers to a deep cat's-eye and coral. See naorat- violet, very transparent ame- na. thyst. A term also used to in- Ural or Uralian amethyst. Same as clude all amethysts from an area Siberian amethyst. along the border of Urugliay and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Ural or Uralian chrysoberyl. Alex- which are small and ir- andrite. mostly regularly colored. "Ural" or "Uralian chrysolite/' De- Utah jet. An inferior jet which mantoid garnet. came from Wayne Co., Utah. Ural or Uralian emerald. (1) Em- utahlite. (1) Variscite found in erald from near Si- Sverdlovsk, nodular masses in Toole Co., beria. Same as Russian emerald. Utah Also (2) an al- term for deman- (Dana). (2) Incorrect ternate name for the species toid. variscite. "Ural or Uralian olivine." Deman- utahlite matrix. An alternate name toid garnet. for amatrice. "Uralian sapphire." Blue tourma- "Utah turquoise." Misnomer for line. variscite. or Uralian topaz. Mursinska topaz uvarovite ( oo-vah'rof-it yuh- and also fine yellow topaz, and var'oe-vite). An uncommon al- rose, violet and colorless topaz most emerald-green, chromium- from Sanarka in the southern colored species of garnet, which Urals. has occurred in sizes too small

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 241 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

for gem use, excepting, perhaps R.I. 1.84-1.85; (1.83-1.87 Win- the larger crystals mentioned by chell) . From Urals, Transvaal, Spencer in 1936 as having been Calif., and elsewhere. found in Finland. Iso. CasCra (SiO4 )3; H. 7.5; S.G. 3.4-3.5; uwarowit. Same as wvarovite.

Titles within quotation marks are tiiisnotners. Every unusual word or terhi used la defined m tins book and if printed in bold faced its To type ntry should be consulted* fully understand the definitions, read the introductory paces. 242 DICTIONARY OP GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

vabanite. A brown-red jasper with with other things, not neces- yellow flecks. From California sarily in terms of money, as in (Schlossmacher) . gemology to compare the value of one with or vadivu. (1) A Ceylonese trade ruby another, of rubies with grade of pearl. Small, irregular garnets. However, in the trade it is often used as a in shape and of good luster. Larg- of See er than seed pearl and especially synonym appraisal. ap- favored in the Orient (Kunz), praisal; evaluation. (2) The term (which means value. The comparative desirability beautiful) is also used by the or worth of a thing, not neces- Ceylonese for a* broader classi- sarily in money. Not synony- fication of pearls which include mous with price unless express- the medium grades, machchakai, ed in terms of money. vadivu, and madanku (Kunz) valve. In conchology, one of the See chevvu; kuruval. parts or pieces of a mollusc's valence or valency. (1) The prop- shell. of erty possessed by elements variety. In gemology, a division of oth- combining with or replacing a species, or of a genus, based con- er elements in definite and on color, type of optical phe- stant proportion. (2) Also the nomenon or other distinguishing degree of this property a de- characteristic of appearance, as gree which varies with different emerald and aquamarine are elements, oxygen having a val- each a variety of beryl, and ence of two, carbon a valence of alexandrite and cymophane are four, etc. each a variety of chrysoberyl; in valencianite. A name for adularia addition, sometimes based on from the silver mine at Valencia, source, as Brazilian aquamarine Mexico. and Madagascar aquamarine, or Broome "Vallum diamond." Rock crystal Thursday Island pearl or from Tanjore district India. pearl. In mineralogy, the variety be based upon a minor var- valuation. The act of comparing may iation in chemical composition. the desirability of anything such . An oraa- as a gemstone, in comparison variscite (var'is-cite) or term used is Titles within marks are misnomers. Every unusual word quotation consulted. defined in this book and if printed in bold farced type its entry should be To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 243 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

mental or curio stone; yellow- for the same class or grade of green to blue-green; translucent pearl. See also Meleagrina pear!. to opaque. Ortho. A1P042H20. venturina (Span.). Aventurine H. 4-5; S.G. 2.5; mean R.I. quartz (Eppler). 1.56-1.57. From about Utah, Venus hair stone. and elsewhere. See also Crystalline quartz Saxony containing inclusions of reddish amatrice, lucinite, peganite. brown or yellow rutile fibers mixture of va- variscite-matrix. A which may be tangled. See hair or riscite and other mineral stone, Thetis hair stone, sagen- rock, especially amatrice. itic quartz. vashegyite. A mineral somewhat verd-antique. A decorative stone. in A like variscite appearance. Green serpentine clouded or from Nevada has variety yielded veined with white or paler or green some ornamental stones gem- calcite or with dolomite or mag- stones for collectors. H. 2-3; nesite, other minerals of the /z 1.50 S.G. 1.96; (Dana). calcite group (Dana). See vegetable ivory. ivory (vege- verdfe de Corsica (Fr.). Same as table). Corsican green. vein. A crack, crevice, or fissure, verdite. A beautiful green rock or with filled, practically filled, composed of fuchsite and clay. mineral matter. Rarely substituted for jade. veinstone. Any mineral other than From Transvaal. metal which occurs in a vein. vermeil or vermeille. (Fr. meaning See gangue. vermillion). A word used usual- 1 Venezuela pearl. ( ) A trade term ly to mean vermeille garnet but for a fine pearl from waters of also to mean orangy-red spinel the Western Caribbean, especi- or zircon. off the coasts of South ally vermeil ruby. Orangy red to red- America and lower Central brown corundum. America. From the Margaritifera vermeille A trade term for radiate^ it is softer and much garnet. same as whiter than Ceylon pearl or more any orangy-red garnet; p>uarnaccine yellow than Persian Gulf pearl. garnet (Kunz). A term also sometimes to See Mexican pearl. (2) Accord- applied ing to Schlossmacher a name for any brownish-red garnet. bronze pearl from the hammer Verneuil process. The method an- oyster Malleus and synonymous nounced in 1902 by Verneuil, a with La Paz pearl or Panama French chemist, and used in the pearl, but these three names are manufacture of synthetic corun- not used in the American trade dum and synthetic spinel.

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 244 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY vernier. A small movable auxiliary Victoria Diamond. A well-known scale for obtaining fractional diamond which appeared in Eng- parts of the subdivisions of a fix- land in 1884, weighing 469 m.c. ed scale, as on various instru- in the rough. Cut to 184.5 m.c. ments of precision. "Vienna turquoise." An amorphous vesicle. A small cavity in a min- imitation of turquoise formerly eral or rock, in many cases pro- manufactured in Vienna, duced by the liberation of vapor Czechoslovakia, France and Eng- in the molten mass, land. More difficult to detect vesicular. Having steam or gas bub- than the various blue stained ble cavities, as in certain igne- minerals which have replaced it ous rocks. as a turquoise substitute, it has "Vesuvian garnet." An early name approximately the same chemical for leucite, an isometric min- composition, hardness, specific and fracture. eral of no gem value or interest, gravity except that its crysals resemble vigorite. Bakelite (Eppler). garnet crystals in form. viluite. Same as wiluite. - - - sue'vi an . vesuvianite (vee ite) vindharas. Skilled workmen who Better known in England as ido- pierce and drill pearls in Bom- crase. A mineral semitranspar- bay. ent to semitranslucent brown, Same green, occasionally sulphur yel- vinegar spinel (obsolete). as rubicelle low, rarely light blue (Dana). (Bauer-Spencer). Also reddish and nearly black; violan or violane (yye'oe-lane). A clear and transparent green to translucent massive bluish violet brown varieties being cut as variety- of diopside. H. 6; S.G. gemstones (Kraus). Also color- 3.23; R.I. about 1.69 (Smith). less (Schlossmacher). Tetr. A violet coral. A variety of akori. silicate of calcium and alumin- violetish. Possessing the hue violet um. H. 6.5; S.G. 3.3-3.5; R.L as a violetish blue color, a vio- varies, 1.70 to 1.74; BL 0.001 to letish ruby, etc., A coined word 0.010; 0.019. From Rus- Disp. used in color nomenclature sys- Calif, and sia, Italy, Quebec, tem of North American gem- other sources. Its varieties in- ology. clude californite, cyprine, eger- stone. Cordierlte. an, wiluite, and xanthite, violet a "vesuvianite jade." Same as cali- violite. Trade-marked name for fornite. purple synthetic sapphire. "Vesuvian jade." The californite viridine (manganoandalusite). A variety of vesuvianite. grass-green manganese-bearing term used is Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or be consulted. defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 245 DICTIONARY OP GEMS AND GEMOLOGY It is the luster of variety of andalusite. Strongly gemstones. See also subvitre- dichroic. R.I. 1.66-1.69. broken glass. ous. "viscoloicL" A variety of celluloid. vitrification. The act or process of vis- visible light. The light of the becoming vitrified, i.e. converted invisible ible spectrum. See also into glass, as crystalline quartz light. is sometimes converted into visible spectrum. That portion of quartz glass. the electromagnetic spectrum, vitreo (Span.). Vitreous. the waves which normally pro- "volcanic chrysolite." VeSUVianite. duce, upon the human eye, color volcanic glass. Obsidian. sensations of red, orange, yel- Colorless low, green, blue, violet or their vorobievite or vorobyevite. intermediate hues, or of white or rose-colored beryl (morgan* ligrht if the rays are combined. ite). From Urals and Madagas- Distinguished from radio, infra- car. red, ultra-violet, gamma and X rays. vulcanite. Crude rubber heat-treat- with S.G. 1.15-1.20 vitreous luster, A tvpe of luster ed sulphur. See ebonite. possessed by the majority of (R. Webster).

Titles wtthin quotation marks are misnoiMers. Every untisual word or terhi used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type itfe entry should be consulted* To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 246 -DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY


Wade, Frank Bertram (1875-). A eyes because of its concretionary pioneer in gemological education form. A hydrous aluminum phos- in North America. Head of phate. H. 5; S.G. 2.5; R.I. 1.59/ Chemistry Dept., Shortridge High 1.60 (Dana). From Utah. School, Indianapolis. Member warrior. Trade term for cameos or Educational Advisory Board intaglios carved with the figure Gemological Institute of America of a warrior of ancient Greece 1931-. Author of Diamonds; a or other ancient nation. the Factors That Gov- Study of wart agate. Variety of carnelian ern Their Value, New York and of mammillary or small Text spherical London 1916; A Book of growths. Often found as cover- Precious Stones, New York and ing colored agate. London 1918; also papers on syn- wart pearl*. German name for thetic stones, regional African baroque pearls. geology, etc. warty. Having small rounded pro- Walton filter. An emerald or glass tuberances, like warts. mounted to resemble beryloscope fresh-water a hand and called an em- warty-back pearl* Any loupe from the Val- erald in Observed pearl Mississippi loupe Europe. mussel it the filament of an ley Quadrula pustulosa through known as the electric reddish popularly warty- lamp appears back clam. yellow, light from this filament passing through most genuine water. Term occasionally used nr emerald appears the same col- some countries, principally Brit- or; through a Brazilian emerald ish, as a comparative quality from Minas Geraes, green; designation for color and trans- and through an epidote, red; a diop- parency of diamonds, rubies, are described tase, green, etc. (Schlossma- other stones which cher). as rubies of second water, or diamonds of first water, etc. wardite. A mineral of gemological water agate. Same as enhydros. interest only for its occurrence Moldavite. in amatrice or as inclusions in "water chrysolite." variscite, where it resembles water drop quartz. Rock crystal Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 247 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

containing inclusions of water chalcedony with a pronounced and air. A curio stone. Similar to waxy luster. Similar to yellow enhydros. carnelian. watermelon tourmaline. A term ap- .wax-filled pearl. Imitation pearl plied to tourmaline, the center made of a hollow glass sphere f of which is pink and the edges coated with essence d orient and green. Often seen in crystals but filled with wax. Same as Roman not in cut stones. See also bocco pearl. de fogo. wax opal. Yellow opal with a waxy water opal. (1) Same as hyalite, luster. or (2) any transparent precious waxy luster. Similar to vitreous water opal similar to Mexican luster but lacking its bright re- opal, or (8) a misnomer for flection. moonstone. weak dichroism. See dichroism. water (1) Light-colored sapphire. weathering. Disintegration and de- blue (Schlossmacher). sapphire composition of rocks or min- Misnomer for iolite. (2) (3) erals by elements of the at- A term which has been applied mosphere, especially by the ac- to water-worn of topaz, pebbles tion of frost and ice which, form- quartz, etc., from Ceylon, which ing in cracks, splits rocks. usage is also except misleading Webster. A word used in this book when applied to sapphire peb- to to bles. refer the Webster diction- aries of G. & C. Merriam Co. water stone. (3) Moonstone. (2) Webster, Robert. Fellow, Gem- Hyalite. (3) Enhydros. (4) A Assoc. of Great Brit- Chinese name for jade. mological ain. Author Gemmologisfs Pocket waterworn stones. Gem minerals, Compendium, London, 1937, and especially crystals, rounded by Practical London them Gemmology, (not action of water rolling dated). Referred to in this book against rocks or gravel in beds , as R. Webster. of rivers, lakes or ocean. wedding anniversary stones (U. wave length. The length of a wave S.A.). See anniversary stones. (of light, water, sound, etc.) Wedgwood. A well known make of measured from a given point on porcelain and semiporcelain, the one wave to the same point on latter including jasper ware in the following or preceding wave. which the Wedgwood cameo is wave-length spectrometer. See moulded and set in jewelry. spectrometer. well. A trade term for the dark wax agate. Yellow or yellowish red nonreflecting spot often seen in Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 248 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

the center of a fashioned stone, ky-white chalcedony. in a colorless stone. especially White Cliffs opal. Opal from White Weltauge (German) . Same as ocu- Cliffs, 60 miles north of Wil- lus mundi. cannia, New South Wales, Aus- wernerite. A species of the scapo- tralia; an opal-bearing area. See lite group. See scapolite, light opal. Usually possesses a to white color. WestphaPs balance. A balance for milky body determining S.G. of heavy "white emerald." Caesium beryl liquids; employs a weight and a (Merrill). sinker. white garnet. A translucent variety West's solution. A liquid consist- of grossularite which sometimes ing of eight parts of white phos- resembles white jade in appear- phorous and eight parts of sul- ance. phur to one part of metheylene "white iron pyrites." Same as mar- iodide. Useful in obtaining R.I. casite. the Becke method. R.I. 2.05. by white jade. (1) White jadeite or Whitby jet. Jet from the coal mines nephrite. (2) Misnomer for of Yorkshire, near Whitby, Eng- white translucent grossularite land. Was considered to be the garnet from California. most desirable of quality jet white moss agate. Agate contain- when was in jet vogue. ing laige areas of white inclus- white acid. Hydrofluoric acid. ions. white agate. A term sometimes ap- white opal. A trade term for pre- plied to white or whitish chal- cious opal with any light body cedony. color as distinguished from black "white beryl," "white zircon/' etc. opal. A term often incorrectly but pop- white pearl. (1) Trade term for ularly applied to transparent fine pearl with white or very stones which are in fact color- nearly white body color, and less. For example, white quartz with no particular overtone or is chalcedony and not rock crys- orient except a very pale bluish stal. The latter, being transpar- one. Does not include light rose ent, is colorless. pearl. (2) A trade term some- white carnelian. A term which has times used to distinguish any with white or cream been used for white chalcedony pearl body colored with faint tint of carnelian col- color from black pearl, or two color or or spots or splashes of that pearl pearl. color. Also has been used even "white sapphire." See white beryl, less accurately for white or mil- etc. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 249 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY **white schorl," A confusing and Precious Stone of Idar-Oher- undesirable name for albite. stein. white silk stone. Same as satin wild pearl. Term sometimes used spar. by scientists for a pearl whose **white stone diamonds/* Genuine growth began naturally as con- or imitation colorless stones of trasted to a cultured pearl. various kinds. willemite. A mineral often strong- "white topaz." Colorless topaz. ly fluorescent, and sometimes fashioned as gemstone for col- Whitlock, Herbert Percy (1884-). Curator of Gems and lectors, especially if transparent. Minerals, to Am. Mus. of Nat. Hist. 1917-41. Transpai-ent opaque, white, Author of Art the greenish, yellow, yellowish- of Lapidary, reddish and brown Amber and green, (Da- 1926;Jfl

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 250 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

(1874 -). Professor of Mineral- therefore intermediate between ogy and Petrology, Univ. of Wis- tigrer eye and hawk's-eye. consin. Author of The Elements wollastonite. A mineral, of 3 N. gemo- of Optical Mineralogy., Vols., logical interest only as a con- 1929. Y., stituent of so-called rose garnet. winchellite. An alternate name for White, inclining to grey, yellow, lintonite. red or brown. CaSiOs. Mono. wine jade. A descriptive term ap- 4.5-5; S.G. 2.8-2.9; R.I. 1.62- 1.63 0.015 plied by Chinese to a particular ;Bi. (Dana). color of jade. wood agate. Agatized wood. wing pearls. Pearls that are elon- Wooden Spoon Sellers Sapphire. gated or irregular, resembling a Same as Rospogli Sapphire. wing or part of a wing. wood opal. Same as opalized wood, Wisconsin pearl. Formerly a term but not applied to precious opal applied to the better quality of pseudomorphous after wood. fresh-water pearl found in the Wood's filter. A very dark glass Mississippi Valley; whether or which absorbs almost all the vis- not from the state of Wisconsin. ible spectrum, but transmits ul- Also a name more or less synon- tra-violet rays. with fresh-water ymous pearls, wood stone. An alternate name for as a of them were large quantity wood. See Holzstein. marketed through Milwaukee, petrified Wisconsin. world eye or world's-eye. A name for hydrophane. wisps. Whitish wisp-like fractures resembling thin wind - blown Wiirttember^ jet. Jet from Schom- clouds. Occur in some synthetic berg, Boll and many other places emerald but never in the gen- in Swabian Alps (Bauer-Schloss- uine. macher). See German jet. wolf's-eye. (1) Same as moonstone Wyoming jade. Nephrite from (feldspar) or (2) Same as Wyoming. Jadeite also reported wolf's-eye stone. from Wyoming in 1944, was later to be wolf's-eye stone. A rarely used proven nephrite. name for tiger eye especially "Wyse ruby." An alternate and ob- that which is partly silicified and solete name for "Genera ruby."

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 251 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

California Indian name for the action of the atomic struc- obsidian (S. H. Ball). ture of minerals (aragonite or xalostocite. Same as landerite. calcite in pearl) to act as dif- fraction grating diverting the xantKite. A name for yellowish to rays in such a as to record, yellowish brown way yesuvianite on a photographic plate, differ- from N. Y., with no Amity, par- ent of for differ- different characteristics patterns spots ticularly ent also different from other vesuvianite. minerals; pat- terns for round and moth- Wood pearls xilopalo (Span.), opal, er-of-pearl. The latter difference Xiuitl (Mex.) Turquoise found by identifies genuine pearls from the Aztecs near the City of cultured pearls. The photographs Mexico. are known as Lauegrams. X-ray x-rays* Radiations of the electro- radiations also produce fluore- magnetic spectrum of wave scence in most cultured pearls lengths shorter than ultra- but rarely in genuine salt-water violet and averaging about one pearls. They are also used to Angstrdm unit. Because they obtain radiograms used in pearl penetrate opaque as well as testing. transparent substances they have x-ray test (for pearls). See x-rays. been used for altering the color A trade name for a cel- of some gemstones and also in xylonite. luloid. testing gemstones, principally pearls. Such tests are based on xylopal. A name for opalized wood.

"Titles within quotation marks ane misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and If printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 252 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

Yahalom. The sixth stone in the gemology, the color approxi- Breastplate of the High Priest. mately midway between vivid Kunz believes the stone to have yellow and the tone and inten- been onyx; Cooper believes it sity of brown which is almost rock crystal. Some scholars ar- black. Same as brown-yellow. that in the Hebrew gue original yellow-green. In color nomencla- was the sixth stone in Yashpheh ture system of North American, of Yahalom. place Engraved gemology the hue midway be- with name of Zebulom. tween yellow and green. Same yakhont. Ancient Russian word as green-yellow. or term for, denoting semipre- yellowish brown. In North Ameri- cious stones, amethyst, sapphire, can gemology a color between hyacinth, ruby, etc. yellow-brown and the tone and yanolite. (1) A name for violet intensity of brown which is al- axinite. (2) Same as axinite most black. (Standard). yellowish green. In North Ameri- Yarkand jade. Nephrite from the can g-emology a hue, approxi- jade market and cutting center mately midway between green of Yarkand, Russian Turkestan, and yellow-green. Therefore of inferior qualities as best qual- more green than yellow. ities are sold to cutters usually yellowish orange. In North Amer- in China. ican gemology, a hue approxi- Yashpheh. Twelfth stone in Breast- mately midway between orange plate of the High Priest. Ancient and yellow orange, and there- versions translate as jasper, fore more orange than yellow. a probably green jasper, though yellow-orange. Same as orange- there is reason to believe that yellow. the stone may have been nephrite or jadeite, the Chinese Yii stone. yeso (Span.). Gypsum. Engraved with the name of As- . Montana sapphire sher. from Yogo Gulch, Montana, or yellow-brown. In color nomencla- mined by Yogo American. Sap- ture system of North American phire Syndicate. Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 253 DICTIONARY OP GEMS AND GEMOLOGY Younghusband, Sir George John tiny boulders. Usually of walnut (1850-1944). Keeper of the or almond size. The center of Crown Jewels of England since some of these is opal, at other 1917. Books: The Crown Jewels times ironstone covered with a of England, 1919; The Tower of thin band of opal. They are less London Within, 1919; The Jewel often hollow. From near Yowah House, 1921. station in West Queensland. youstone. An old English term for Yii (yue). Chinese word for jade, jade. or for any very precious stone. yowah nut. A term which has been Yuh. Same as yii. used for a subvariety of boulder opal which occurs in the form of yustone. Jade.

Titles within quotation marks are misnohiers. Every unusual word or teriri usfed is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted., To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 254 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

zafirina (Span.). Misnomer for smithsonite. blue or blue spinel chalcedony. zinc spinel. Same as gahnite. zafiro (Span.). Sapphire. The zinni pearl. Pearl from the zinni name is sometimes also incor- variety of Meleagrina vulgaris of rectly applied to lapis lazuli. the Persian Gulf and therefore Zanzibar pearl. Same as African geographically a variety of Per- pearl. sian Gulf pearl. Often yellowish in zeasite. (1) Wood opal. (2) An color and generally inferior old name for a variety of fire in quality and numbers to Lin- opal. gah pearl. Zeberged. The island in the Red zircolite. A copyrighted trade name Sea where peridot was first dis- for colorless synthetic spinel. covered and from which the fin- zircon of the most est qualities have come. Also (zur'kon). One known as St. John's Island, Se- important gemstones, occurring in color- berget, Sebirget and Zebirget. naturally transparent less, red, orange, brown, yellow zebra jasper. Dark brown jasper and green varieties. The non-gem- with lighter brown streaks. From varieties are translucent to India. stone opaque brownish or greyish and "zebra Same as "zebra jasper." certain of these, when heated, stone." may change to transparent col- "zebra stone." Brown limonite ors of the natural gemstone vari- with brown of an- lighter layers eties, or frequently to blue, a cient shell material. color which never occurs in na- zeuxite. A name for green Brazil- ture except perhaps such a pale ian tourmaline. blue that it is almost colorless. zircon is unusual in zeylanite. Same as ceylonite (Stan- As a species R.I. dard). its great range of S.G. and H. S.G. 4.0- Zimtstein (German). Hessonite. Tetr.; ZrSiO*; 7.5; 4.8; R.I. 1.92/1.95-1.96/2.02; Bi. zincblende, A name for sphalerite. 0.060. The S.G. and R.I. vary zinc spar. An early name for because of variations in the crys-

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 255 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY

' tal structure consisting of partial colors. After heat treatment to complete breakdown of the these stones have properties of lattice the lower crystal ; proper- the normal (or alpha) zircon, but ties occurring in the zircon indi- fracture more easily and often cate that the lattice is entirely revert toward their original color broken down and the zircon when exposed to direct sunlight. therefore amorphous. This amor- See jacinth; hyacinth; Siam zircon, zircon is phous usually green and zirconite. A name for brown zir- from with Ceylon, properties ap- con (Smith). proaching- H. 6.; S.G. 3.95; R.I. zircon rose. term for (singly refractive) 1.79. Often European designated mineralogically as rose-cut zircon. gamma zircon. It is rarely seen "zircon spinel.'* Synthetic blue in the gem trade. The normal spinel. of zircon type fully crystallized zirctone. A copyrighted trade name is and of the various transparent for a bluish green synthetic sap- colors. It is found gem naturally phire. in all these colors, except blue, in Zn. Abbr. for zinc. Burma, Ceylon, Australia, Rus- sia and elsewhere. This is the zodiacal or astral stones. Gems be- type almost always seen in the lieved to be peculiarly and mys- gem trade and has about S.G. tically related to the zodiacal 4.7; R.I. 1.92/1.98; Bi. 0.059. It signs. These are: Aquarius (Jan. is often designated mineralogi- 21-Feb. 21) garnet; Pisces (Feb. cally as alpha zircon. In all other 21-March21) amethyst; Aries zircon the S.G. and R.I. are inter- (March 21-April 20) bloodstone; mediate between the normal crys- Taurus (April 20-May 21) sap- tal type and the amorphous type phire; Gemini (May 21-June 21) which is partly amorphous and a?ate; Cancer (Jure 21-July partly crystalline. Most authori- 22) emerald; Leo (July 22-Aug- ties include in this classification ust 22) onyx; Virgo (Aug. 22- only greenish zircon from Ceylon. Sept. 22) carnelian; Libra (Sept. Mineralogically such stones* are 22-Oct. 23) chrysolite; Scorpio often classed as beta zircon. No (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) beryl; Sagit- authority has reported on the tarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 21) topaz; properties of the smoky brown Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 21) zircon usually found in Indo- ruby. most of which is heat China, zoisite (zo'iss-ite) . A mineral which treated in Bangkok, Siam, to yields ornamental and decorative transparent gem qualities of all xtone (including thulite) but no

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word, or terni us fed id defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages.

256 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY gemstones. Ortho. curring jasper or chert of vari- is ; H. 6-6.5; S.G. 3.2-3.4. R.I. ous colors (Merrill). 1.70/1.71. Bi. 0.006. Kraus class- zonochlorite (zo-no-klor'ite). A ifies as an orthorhonnbic modifi- green banded pebble found in Prehnite cation of emdote . From Mass., Lake Superior region. Pa., Tenn., and overseas. similar to chlorastrolite (Mer- rill). zonite. A name which has been Zr. Abbr. for zirconium. used in Arizona for locally oc- xylonite. Same as xylonite.


Definitions which appear on these pages are. in addition to those which appear injjregular order in the dictionary proper. The numerals (2) or (3) indicate these definitions to be the second or third meaning of the word.

amethyst quartz. A term loosely used Bohemian garnet. (2) A term less by some members of the trade to often used to refer to garnet designate badly flawed cabochon found in Bohemia that is usually amethysts, especially those cut dark intense red in color. Most from amethystine quartz. often seen as rose cut stones pav- ing low carat jewelry. bezel. (2) A term more specifically to surface used mean the sloping briolette. (3) This style as usually of the crown between the table seen in U.S.A. has no girdle or and the girdle. (3) Still more table and is of very elongated specifically used to mean only a pear shape but pointed at top. small part of that sloping surface just above the girdle; the so- calibre. (2) A word also used in the called setting edge. (4) The trade loosely and incorrectly, but groove made in a setting to rarely, for any modern fancy cut. receive the girdle and the immedi- ately adjacent section of a gem- carnelian onyx. (2) Also a term stone. used in a broader sense for any

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is denned in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 257 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY if it is the true onyx, one or more of the cut; oblong, same as Cabochon and other alternating bands of which are baguette carnelian colors. Differs from styles that have curved sides and rounded corners are sardonyx. See carnelian agate. known as antique cushion cut. Ceylon cut. (2) Also a trade term in U.S.A. for a stone of almost doublet. (2) In the North American trade the stone to which any facetted style fashioned un- jewelry this term is most symmetrically to preserve as generally ap- is a doublet of much of its original weight as plied semigenuine with a thin possible. See Indian cut. glass garnet top. Ceylon moonstone. (2) A term also emerald triplet. (2) Also a triplet used by some jewelers to distin- consisting of (a) a thin plate of from its guish genuine moonstone red garnet for the table (b) rock moon- substitute "chalcedony crystal for the body and (c) stone.*' green glass for the lower part. chaton foil. (2) A term often more Rare. (3) The term is also loosely specifically used in the trade to and incorrectly used to designate mean a colored imitation foil back, green doublets. com tongs. (2) In the U.S.A. a fancy sapphire. (2)' Also, in the term infrequently used to de- trade assorted lots of sapphires scribe pearl tongs, and sometimes as many as a dozen other mineral of creolite. (2) A name also applied to species almost conceivable color a silieified from extreme every are sold under this northern part of Baja Cali- incorrectly fornia. term. (Wade) flame opal, (2) A flash opal with "crystalline emerald," (2) A mis- red the color. leading name for a false doublet predominant of green glass with a white glass French cut. (2) A term also ques- in top. tionably used the American trade to mean calibre cut. cushion cut. (2) Same as step cut. (Kraus and Slawson) (3) A .gem pearl. (2) A term more trade term used, by some North specially used to mean an iri- American importers of colored descent pearl, really spherical, stones, to describe facetted and with maximum luster of even other styles of cutting that have intensity, free from all visible rectangular girdle outlines. If blemishes and of a decided and the sides are of equal length, the desirable orient such as pink style is known as square cushion rose.

Titles within quotation marks ar misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 258 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY hard mass. (2) A term sometimes the English language, is In gen- also used in the trade to mean eral use by a large part of the any green glass imitation of em- jewelry trade in U.S.A. notwith- erald, especially those containing standing the fact that most lay- imitations of jardin*. Also spelled men associate onyx with lamp hard masse. bases, ash trays, etc. made of Hungarian opal. (2) A name widely onyx marble. used by the gemstone importing onyx marble. (2) An incorrect trade in U.S.A. for any white trade term for easily dyed un- opal regardless of where it was banded marble (calcite) which found. is also sold under the same in- correct names. Lightning Ridge opal. (2) The name oregonite. (2) A certain type of of a of particular opal especially orbicular jasper that is charac- large size. terized by a white outline around main facets. (2) Any other facets each sphaerule or orb. It IS extending from girdle to table found near Grants Pass, Oregon. or from to culet. girdle oriental lapis. (2) A term also less marquise cut. (2) A term also correctly applied to any lapis sometimes applied to a cabochon lazuli to distinguish it from sub- of the same outline. stitutes. "Mexican Jade." (2) A name which oval cut. (2) A term used most has been also more correctly often to mean a style of cutting used for mayaite or diopside - in which the girdle outline is el- jadeite. liptical, i.e. a rounded oblong. myrickite. (2) Cinnabar inter- pagoda stone. (2) An agate with grown with common white opal pagoda -like markings (Ander- or translucent chalcedony. (3) son). Massive quartz unevenly colored pipe opal. (2) A local Australian pink or reddish by cinnabar, name for sandstone opaL which soon turns brownish. rose garnet. (3) Also a trade term onyx. (3) A name applied, incor- for a rose-cut garnet. rectly from a mineralogical or sandstone opal. (2) This variety of gemological standpoint, to un- boulder opal "occurred in the banded chalcedony of pure black, form of 'pipes* from the thickness or pure green, pure white color, of a needle to one inch or more, as for example, "black onyx," running through a free sand- or "green onyx," "white onyx." stone," it was thick enough to Such terminology, although also cut into well-shaped cabochons. unapproved by dictionaries of (Wollaston.)

Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pave** 259 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY sapphire quartz. (2) In western effect, states of this term is U.S.A., ap- silica. (2) Also occurs in uncrystal- plied to chalcedony of light sap- line forms. blue to blue phire pale sapphire Smithsonite. Has also been color. (2) found, infrequently, in deep green sardonyx. (2) This name is being but gemstone quality, principally in increasingly confusingly New Mexico. used in the jewelry trade of the emerald. In U.S.A. U.S.A. to mean camelian, espe- Spanish (2) trade this is also a com- cially that carnelian which is jewelry misnomer for a dyed, a usage which is neverthe- mon green glass less generally considered to be imitation of emerald. inaccurate and incorrect. Strahlstein (German). Usually re- fers to actinolite. seal sapphire. (2) A sapphire fash- table cutter. (2) A in a ioned as a seal with a large table lapidist who fashions the suitable for the engraving upon large shop only tables of Because a it of a monogram or crest. gemstones. table is relatively the largest seam opaL (2) Also a name for facet and irregularities of polish sandstone opal. (3) A form of are more apparent on it, the lap white opal which is found at must be more skillfully handled White Cliffs in thin flat cakes than in polishing smaller facets. sometimes without mat- adhering topaz quartz. (3) A term also often rix ; sometimes consists of both used in the gemstone importing precious and common opal. trade of U.S.A. for poor quality "shell cat's-eye." (2) A term also yellow to brownish crystalline applied to any piece of mother of quartz or citrine, translucent or pearl which exhibits a chatoyant transparent, often streaked and flawed.

ADDENDA (fourth edition) anniversary stones. A new wedding ers Association, National Associ- anniversary list of 1948 super- ation of Credit Jewelers, and cedes all previous lists now in National Wholesale Jewelers circulation; sponsored by Jewelry Association. The list follows: Industry Council; endorsed by (1) Clocks, (2) China, (3) Crys- American National Retail Jewel- tal and Glass, (4) Electric Ap-

Titles within quotation marks ar misnomers. Every unusual word or term used is defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be consulted. To fully understand the definitions,- read the introductory pases. 260 DICTIONARY OF. GEMS AND GEMOLOGY pliances, (5) Silverware, (6) Jewelry, (15) Watches, (16) Sil- Wood, (7) Desk Sets, Pen and ver Hollow ware, (17) Furniture, Pencil Sets, (8) Linens and (18) Porcelain, (19) Bronze, Laces, (9) Leather, (10) Dia- (20) Platinum, (25) Sterling Sil- mond Jewelry, (11) Fashion ver, (30) Diamond, (35) Jade, Jewelry and Accessories, (12) (40) Ruby, (45) Sapphire, (50) Pearls and Colored Gems, (13) Gold, (55) Emerald, (60) Dia- Textiles and Furs, (14) Gold mond.

used is Titles within quotation marks are misnomers. Every unusual word or term consulted. defined in this book and if printed in bold faced type its entry should be To fully understand the definitions, read the introductory pages. 261 ^fe^^


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