
How long to beat 4

Continue 22:19 Average time 01:01 Minimum time 200:00 Maximum time is not recorded yet. makes the jump in the Switch today, and if you haven't played before then you're in for a real treat. One of records in the series, Leon's adventure to save Ashley from the clutches of Ganados is a proper rip-roaring affair. However, with a high asking price many players are probably wondering how much time they will be in should they pick it up. Fortunately, like an older title, the completion clock is already well documented. Whether you're just here for a major story or want to collect all the treasures and finish the DLC, here's how long to beat Resident Evil 4. As Resident Evils go, Leon's journey is one of the longer games to beat. © With more than 700 users surveyed, popular hour-tracking website Howlongtobeat puts the average completion time for a Resident Evil 4 story at a solid 16 hours, making it a fairly lengthy title compared to others in the series. There's still plenty to enjoy in Resi 4 though, including an excellent mercenary mode and a separate DLC path that lets you play as the elusive . Put the time into all these and hunt down a treasure or two and you will most likely gain about 20-22 hours. Of course, some of us are here to see and do it all. Resi 4 contains many treasures, weapons and other secrets for you to find, and some can only be obtained by taking certain paths or fulfilling odd requirements, all of which will increase the amount of time you can expect it to take to beat. If you're a completionist, expect Resident Evil 4 to take up to 30 hours or more to completely win. Those who are in a hurry who just want to blitz through the main story will probably be able to do so in 10-12 hours. If you're a speedrunner in the heart, you may be interested to hear that players have knocked that time up to 1 hour and 33 minutes at the top of things. However, they use a few tricks you probably won't be aware of at the first launch. Recall here's how long you can expect Resident Evil 4 to take a beat: History: 16 Hours Average dLC: 20-22 Hours Of Completionist: 28-30 Hours Of Speedy: 10-12 Hours How Many Chapters in Resident Evil 4 There are 5 chapters in Resident Evil 4 main story. © Capcom I wonder how many chapters there are all in the game? We can help. There are five proper chapters, but each one is divided into several sub-chaiters, the number of which differs from chapter to chapter. We've included the full list below to give you an idea of the scale of the game, but it's worth noting that each chapter varies in length and complexity, too. Beware of minor spoilers from the titles of each chapter. Chapter 1 Chapter 1-1 Chapter 1-2 Chapter 1-3 Chapter 2 Chapter 2-1 Chapter 2-2 Chapter 2-3 Chapter 3-1 Chapter 3-2 Head Chapter 3-4 Chapter 4-1 Chapter 4-2 Chapter 4-3 Chapter 4- 4 Chapter 4-4 Chapter 5-1 Chapter 5-2 Chapter 5-3 Chapter 5-4 Chapter 5-4 Separate Ways DLC Chapter 1: Ring Church Bell Chapter 2: Saving Luis Sera Chapter 3: Stop Killing Leon Chapter 4: Get a sample There You Have, Here's How to Beat Long Resident 4. Will you be picking up the game on the ? Have you played Resi 4 before? Let us know in the comments below! If you are looking for some help, we have some Resident Evil 4 guides available including how to turn the items and whether you should save the dog! This latter will make sense once you play the game, honestly. The Guide to Cutting Edge Resident Evil 4 Load Comments This article is about the . For the fourth film in the Resident Evil film series, see Resident Evil: The Afterlife. For the animated film, see Resident Evil: Vendetta. RE 4 redirects here. For German rail service, see Wupper Express. Bio-danger 4 redirects here. This should not be confused with Biohazard Level 4. 2005 third-person Resident Evil 4North American GameCube cover artDeveloper(s)Capcom Production Studio 4Publisher(s) Capcom GameCubeJP/NA: CapcomPAL: NintendoWindowsJP: CapcomNA/PAL: UbisoftWiiJP/NA/EU: CapcomAU: Nintendo Australia Director(s)Shinji MikamiProducer(s)Hiroyuki KobayashiDesigner(s)Hiroshi ShibataKouji KakaeShigenori NishikawaProgrammer(s)Kiyohiko SakataWriter(s)Shinji MikamiComposer(s)Misao SenbongiSeriesResident EvilPlatform(s) GameCube PlayStation 2WindowsWiiiOSZeeboPlayStation 3Xbox 360AndroidPlayStation 4Xbox OneNintendo Switch Release January 11, 2005 GameCubeNA: January 11, 2005JP: January 27, 2005PAL: March 18, 2005PlayStation 2NA: October 25, 2005EU: November 4, 2005AU: November 9, 2005JP: December 1, 2005WindowsAU: March 1, 2007EU: March 2, 2007NA: May 15, 2007JP: June 7, 2007WW: February 27, 2014 (HD)WiiJP: May 31, 2007NA: June 19, 2007AU: July 5, 2007EU: July 13, 2007iOSNA: July 27, 2009JP: July 28 , 2009NA: April 3, 2010 (iPad)JP: May 21 , 2010 (iPad)SeeboBR: August 11, 2009Player 3, 360JP: September 8, 2011NA: September 20, 2011EU: September 21, 2011AndroidJP: January 23, 2013WW: April 23, 2013 (Samsung)PlayStation 4, Xbox OneWW: August 30, 2016Nintendo SwitchWW: May 21, 2019JP: May 23, 2019 Genre (s), third-person shooterMode (s)Single-player Resident Evil 4.a. - third-person shooter developed by Capcom Production Studio 4.1 and published by Cap. The sixth major installment in the Resident Evil series, it was originally released for GameCube in 2005. Players control special agent of the U.S. government Leon Kennedy, who goes on a mission to rescue the daughter of the U.S. President Ashley Graham, who was kidnapped by a cult. In rural Europe, Leon fights hordes of villagers infected with a mind-controlled parasite and reunites with Ada Wong. Development of PlayStation 2 began in 1999. Four of the proposed options were rejected; The first attempt was made by after producer . In a departure from the fixed camera angles and slower survival of the horror gameplay of previous installments, the team is focused on developing more dynamic shooting action. Resident Evil 4 was announced as a GameCube exclusive as part of Capcom Five, but was ported to numerous formats, becoming a cross-platform hit, selling over 10 million copies across all platforms. He gained acclaim for his storytelling, gameplay, voiceover, and characters, and is often called one of the best video games, winning several Game of the Year awards in 2005. This influenced the evolution of survival horrors and third-person genres, popularizing the over-shoulder third-person view. The sequel, , was released in 2009. The Gameplay Player controls the main character, Leon S. Kennedy, from a third-person perspective. Going back significantly from the previous games in the series, the gameplay focuses on actions and shootouts with fewer elements of survival horror. The camera is placed behind Leon and zooms in for over-shoulder vision when aiming the weapon, or from first-person sight when aiming with a sniper rifle. There is no crosshairs for firearms; instead, each firearm has a laser sight. Unlike previous games, where players can only shoot straight, up or down, players have more options. For example, shots to the feet can cause enemies to stumble and shots in their hands can cause them to drop their weapons. Players can also shoot down projectiles such as abandoned axes or braids. Leon in battle with the Group Ganados. Unlike previous entries in the series, Resident Evil 4 has a camera following directly behind the main character. The laser sight allows the player to target key areas of hit on enemies. Resident Evil 4 adds context-sensitive controls. Based on the situation, players can interact with the environment: kicking down the stairs, jumping out of the window, dodging the attack or performing the finishing move on weakened enemies. There are also quick event times in which the player must press the buttons shown on the screen to perform actions such as dodging a falling boulder or fighting the enemy to stay alive. They are often included in many fights games in which the player must avoid instant murder attacks. The main enemies are the fiercest villagers, called Los Ganados (Scot in Spanish). Los Ganados can dodge, own melee weapons and projectiles, and are able to work collectively and communicate with each other. The inventory system has a mesh system presented by the attache corps, in which each element will take up a certain number of spaces. can be upgraded several times, allowing for more space. Weapons, ammunition and medical items are stored stored case, while key items and treasures are stored in a separate menu. Items can be bought and sold to a trader who appears in various locations. He sells first aid sprays, weapons, allows you to upgrade weapons and buys various treasures that Leon finds. Different types of weapons have their advantages and disadvantages. Capcom added content for the PlayStation 2 version, which was later included in THE PC and releases. The biggest addition is Separate Ways, a mini-game that focuses on Ada Wong's involvement in Resident Evil 4 and her relationship with series villain Albert Tesker. Ada's Report, a documentary of five couples, analyzes Ada's relationship with Usker and his role in the plot. Other unlockable content in all versions includes the mini-games The Mercenaries and The Purpose of Hell (using Hell to get Las Plagas samples), new costumes for Leon and Ashley, new weapons and browser . U.S. government agent Leon S. Kennedy (Paul Mercier) is on a mission to rescue Ashley Graham (Carolyn Lawrence), the daughter of a U.S. president who was kidnapped by a mysterious cult. Villagers were once simple farmers until they became infected with a mind-control parasite known as Las Plagas. While in the village, Leon is captured by her boss, Bitores Mendes, and introduced with Las Plagas. He is held captive by Luis Sera (Reno Romano), a former Los Illuminato explorer. They work together to escape, but soon go their separate ways. Leon learns that Ashley is in the church and saves her. They both escaped from the church after Osmund Saddler (Michael Gough), the leader of Los Illuminados, reveals his plan to use the plaza they had injected into Ashley to manipulate her to give the President of the United States a pattern as soon as she returned home, allowing Seddler to begin his conquest of the world. After killing Mendes, Leon and Ashley try to take refuge in the castle, but they are attacked more illuminato under the command of Ramon Salazar (Rene Mujica), another henchman Saddler, who owns the castle, and they become separated by the traps of Salazar. Meanwhile, Luis is looking for pills that will slow down Leon and Ashley's infection, as well as a sample of Las Plagas. He brings two items to Leon, but dies from Seddler, who takes a sample, while the pills to suppress the infection remain in Leon's hands. While in the castle, Leon briefly meets Adu Wong (Sally Cahill), a woman from his past who supports him during his mission. He fights through the castle before killing Salazar. Leon then goes to a nearby island research center, where he Search for Ashley. He discovers that one of his former training mates, Jack Crowther (Jim Ward), who is believed to have been killed in a helicopter crash two years earlier, is responsible for her abduction. Ada and Crowther are working with Albert Usker (Richard Waugh), for whom both intend to get a sample of Plagas. Suspecting the mercenary's intentions, Seddler orders Krauser to kill Leon, believing that no matter which one dies, he wins. After a fatal defeat, Krauser Leon rescues Ashley, and they remove Plagas from their bodies using a specialized radiotherapy device. Leon confronts Saddler, and with the help of Ada, he manages to kill him. However, Ada takes a sample from Leon at gunpoint before escaping by helicopter, leaving Leon and Ashley to escape through their jet skis when the island explodes. In 1999, producer Shinji Mikami announced that the Resident Evil sequel was in development for PlayStation 2. Resident Evil 4 underwent a long-term development, during which at least four versions of the game were discarded. The first version was directed by Hideki Kamiya. At the turn of the millennium, the writer created a script for the game based on The Idea of Kenya to make a cool and stylish . The story was based on the mystery surrounding the body of the main character Tony, an invincible man with skills and intelligence greater than that of normal humans, with his superhuman abilities explained by biotechnology. Because Kamiya felt that the playable character did not look brave enough and heroic enough in battles at a fixed angle, he decided to abandon the forerunners of the previous parts and instead chose a dynamic camera system. The team spent 11 days in the UK and Spain photographing objects such as Gothic statues, bricks and stone pavements for use in textures. Despite the fact that the developers tried to make the theme of coolness fit into the world of Resident Evil, Mikami felt that it had moved too far from the roots of the horrors of survival of the series, and gradually convinced the staff to make an independent game. This was Capcom's new franchise, , released for PlayStation 2 in August 2001. The Fog version of Development on Resident Evil 4 was relaunched in late 2001. The first announcement was made in November 2002 as one of five games developed exclusively for GameCube capcom Production Studio 4, Capcom Five. This revision, commonly referred to as the foggy version, was directed by Hiroshi Shibata and was 40 percent complete at the time. In the game, Leon S. Kennedy fought for survival after infiltrating the castle's main headquarters in Europe and showing traditional Resident Evil monsters such as . In the course of the The story, which was re-written by Sugimura to create the script, Leon contracted the Praginitor virus and had a hidden power in his left hand. The producer of the final version also noted that Ashley did not appear at the time, although there was another girl who was never shown to the public. There were to be some first-person elements in the game. Version of Hook Man This screenshot of the canceled version depicts Leon fighting with a hook. While this previous revision still used fixed camera angles when exploring the environment, the battles already used over-the-shoulder vision seen in the final assembly. At 2003, Capcom showcased a version commonly known as the Hook Man version. Later it was called Maboroshi no Biohazard 4 (幻「バオハザ4ド」, lit. Ghost Bio-Danger 4) on DVD Biohazard 4 Secret. During the trailer' appearance, Mikami assured that the development was going smoothly, and said that the game is scarier than ever before. The story was set in a haunted building where Leon contracted a strange disease and fought paranormal enemies such as animated armor, live dolls and a ghost man armed with a big hook. The game had an otherworldly feel to it, containing elements such as memories and hallucinations, which were marked by a bluish tinge and a trembling camera. It also displayed various gameplay mechanics that are moved to the final release, like an over-the-shoulder camera and a laser sight for aiming in battles and quick time events. Other features, such as the choice of dialogue, were removed later. Five minutes of gameplay were released on biohazard 4 Secret DVD, a Japanese pre-order bonus released in January 2005. The hallucination version of the Hallucination version was only the basic concept of the story, having educed the previous script written by Nobor Sugimura's flagship. In 2012, Resident Evil 3: screenplay writer Yasuhisa Kawamura said he was responsible for this version as he wanted to make Biohazard 4 scarier and offered to use a specific scene from the movie Lost Souls, where the main character suddenly finds himself in an abandoned building with a killer on the loose. An arranged version of this idea eventually evolved into Hook Man. The idea went through several iterations as Mr. Sugimura and I carefully clarified this world (which, I must say, was very romantic). Leon enters Spencer Castle in search of the truth, while inside the laboratory, located deep inside, a young girl wakes up. Accompanied by a B.O.W. (an abbreviation from Bio Organic Weapon in the series 'Knowledge) Dog, the two begin to make their way up the castle. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles that need to be overcome and the cost of development is considered too costly. Kawamura added that he it is very unfortunate and even embarrassing that Mikami had to step in and abandon this version. After this attempt in the last canceled edition again appeared classic zombies. However, it was discontinued a few months later, and before it was ever shown to the public, how the developers felt it was too formulaic. The story of the progenitor virus was eventually covered by Resident Evil 5, and Spencer Manor became the place for downloadable content Resident Evil 5 (DLC) Lost in Nightmares (featuring and ). The final version After that, it was decided to reinvent the series. Mikami took over the directorial duties in Shibat and began working on the version that was released. In an interview with , Mikami explained his decision to switch to a new game system because of the feeling that the old system is more of the same after the game Resident Evil 0. He says he was only nervous again, playing with the new system. Speaking for the team, game producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi described how the staff were tired of the same and how some were bored and moved on to other projects. In addition to this, the producer also felt that the old format was stuck in the shape of a cookie cutter and described it as shackles holding us. However, employees disagreed about changing the gameplay system. Some members felt depressed and difficult to motivate after the focus shifted from horror to action. Eventually, he intervened, explained his proposed changes and wrote a new story that, unlike the previous parts, was not focused on Umbrella. Inspired by 3: Demon Siege, a game that Mikami loved to play but felt that it could have been better from a different perspective, he decided to plant the camera behind the playable character. To go along with the new gameplay and history, a new type of enemy called Ganado was created, as opposed to using the undead from previous Resident Evil games. In addition, the producers spent additional details to modify and update characters that previously appeared in the series. In a documentary explaining the concept of the characters, Kamiya stated that he intended to make Leon Kennedy look tougher, but also cool. English actors recorded their parts in four sessions, over a period of three to four months. Capcom appointed Shinsaku Ohar as the script translator and voice coordinator. Carolyn Lawrence, who provided the voice to Ashley Graham, described her character as vulnerable because Leon has to come to her aid all the time. She also described Kennedy's character as more muscular, possibly, than the brain. In addition to Acting, the game designer details each cinematic sequence so that each character's micity matches the tone of their actor's voice. Along with Resident Evil: Dead Aim and Resident Evil Outbreak, two side games that do not fall under exclusive politics, on October 31, 2004, it was announced that Resident Evil 4 would come to PlayStation 2 in 2005, citing increased profits, changing market conditions and increased consumer satisfaction as the main reasons. The PlayStation 2 version included new features, most notably a new sub-game featuring Ada Wong. On February 1, 2006, Ubisoft announced that they would publish the game on Windows PCs. On April 4, 2007, a version of the Wii was announced, which was released later this year. The game contains all the extras in the PS2 version, along with other additions, including the trailer for Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles. The original version for GameCube included two different collector's editions. The first was available as a pre-order, which included a game, a prologue art book, and a T-shirt. GameStop offered another limited edition that was packed into a tin box with an art book, Leon's attendees, and a CD soundtrack. Australia received an exclusive collector's edition, which came with a game and bonus disc with interviews and footage of the creator. Ports Resident Evil 4 was ported to PlayStation 2 after Capcom said it did not fall under the exclusivity of the deal with Nintendo. It was released in North America on October 25, 2005. The biggest addition is Separate Ways, a new script for Hell written by Haruo Murata. According to producer Masachiki Kawata, the Separate Ways campaign was something the PS2 porting team came up with and was added after receiving approval from Shinji Mikami. The port was later included in Code: Veronica X and Resident Evil Outbreak as part of Resident Evil: The Essentials. The PlayStation 2 version included two standard and pre-order kits. The standard package included a game and t-shirt, while collectible bundles also included Leon's figurine, and the Biohazard Sound Chronicle soundtrack Best Track Box. It quickly sold out, and a second press was released that included a Figure of Hell. Another, called Resident Evil 4: Premium Edition, was packed into the SteelBook media event, along with an art book, a documentary DVD, and a hell's art man. The Resident Evil 4 computer port, developed by Sourcenext, was released in Hong Kong on February 1, 2007, published by Typhoon Games. It was released in Europe, North America and Australia in March 2007 and was published by Ubisoft. The port contains bonus features from the PS2 version, such as Separate Paths, P.R.L. 412 laser gun and second unlockable costumes for Leon and as well as an easy of sophistication. It also supports several widescreen permits. Shadow and lighting problems were fixed in the only patch, Version 1.10. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition was released for the Wii on May 31, 2007 in Japan and June 19, 2007 in the United States. It has updated controls that use the pointing and motion sensing abilities of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, although both the GameCube controller and the classic controller are also supported. The Wii Remote is capable of aiming and shooting anywhere on the screen using a grille that replaces the laser sight found in other versions, while motion-based gestures are used to perform some context sensitive actions such as dodging or cutting Leon's knife. The Wii Edition also includes additional content from the PS2 and PC versions, as well as the trailer for Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles. The Wii was released for download from Nintendo eShop in Europe on October 29, 2015. Resident Evil 4: Mobile Edition was released in Japan for AU's BREW 4.0 on February 1, 2008. It was announced by Capcom at TGS 2007. Differences from the original include changing the flow of history from continuous to dividing into sections such as Village, Raven, Fortress, and Underground Tunnel. There is also a more complex regime for mercenaries. The game uses the MascotCapsule eruption engine, which has been adapted to seebo and iOS platforms. On July 13, 2009, without any official announcement, Resident Evil 4: Mobile Edition was released by Capcom for the iOS platform through the App Store in Japan, but was quickly removed, although some players were able to buy and download it. The game has since been released in Japan and North America. Later, Capcom made an update that had different levels of difficulty and high scores. Capcom has released a separate new version called Resident Evil 4 for Beginners, which offers the first two levels (three counts of training) of both Story mode and mercenary mode. However, the rest of the levels are available to purchase in-game as downloadable content. In connection with the release of the iPad, Capcom recreated the iPhone version of Resident Evil 4: Mobile Edition and updated it to HD graphics as Resident Evil 4: iPad Edition. On March 23, 2011, it was announced that Ingers of Resident Evil - Code: Veronica and Resident Evil 4 for and PlayStation 3 as part of the Resident Evil: Revival selection series were developed. Ports have all the bonus content from previous releases, including Separate Ways. On July 23, 2011, Capcom announced at Comic-Con 2011 that Resident Evil 4 would be released on September 20, 2011 for The PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Games on demand. In Japan, Resident Evil 4 and Angry code: Veronica was released on a single disc called Biohazard Revival Selection on September 8, 2011. For North America and Europe, both games, including Resident Evil 4 HD, were released only as downloads on Xbox Live Games on Demand and PlayStation Network. On February 27, 2014, Capcom released the Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition for Windows. The port has improved graphics and many other enhancements that have been included in Resident Evil 4 HD. Resident Evil 4 was reocoked out on PlayStation 4 and on August 30, 2016. In April 2013, Resident Evil 4 was released on Android, but outside of Japan, it is exclusive to Samsung through Samsung Galaxy Apps. All three games were released on May 21, 2019 worldwide and May 23, 2019 in Japan. The Merchandise Biohazard 4 Original Soundtrack was released in Japan on December 22, 2005. It contains 62 compositions from the game and a 48-page visual booklet with liner notes from composers Shusaku Uchiyama and Misao Senbongi. Other products included figures made by McFarlane Toys, NECA and Hot Toys. Agatsuma Entertainment has also created a variety of miniature collectibles based on several main characters and enemies from Resident Evil 4. Two special controllers designed to resemble chainsaws have been developed by NubyTech for use in GameCube and PlayStation 2 versions. Receiving Reviews ReceptionReview EstimatesPublicationScoreGPCPS2PS3WiiXbox 3601Up.comA 97'A 98'AllGame 104-7.8/10-105-9.3/10-106-9.1/10-107- Gamespy 113-9.5/10-114-8.5/10-115-9/1 0-116-Nintendo Power10/10-117-OXM (U.S.)9/10-118-Aggregate AssessmentMetcrytic96/100-119-76/118 Version Resident Evil 4 has a 96/100-121-84/100,122-91/100.84/100 rating, reflecting the universal recognition of Resident Evil 4. In addition to the gameplay, the characters and the story in general received positive comments, leading to the fact that the finished product was recognized by the majority as one of the best video games ever made. Greg Kasavin of GameSpot praised the voiceover, but said he was betrayed by some uncharacteristically blunt dialogue. Adam Pavlacka of Yahoo! Games and Kevin VanOrd of GameSpot were recognized by Capcom for adding a lot of detail to the characters. IGN's Matt Casamassina detailed his review of Resident Evil 4, praising not only the detailed design of the characters, but also the combat choreography and three-dimensional modeling in cinematic sequences. Casamasina also praised the actors, especially Paul Mercier (Leon), commenting once the characters are believable because Capcom has hired competent actors to put their voices up. Leon in particular is very well produced. IGN and have specifically recognized the design of Resident Evil 4 characters and voiceovers. The increased variety of weapons has been highly appreciated by game publications such as GamePro and Game Over Online. G4 TV show X-Play gave it 5 out of 5, to introduce a new style of gameplay for the series, as well as incorporating moments when the player would have to interact with the cut scenes. Shortly thereafter, he was awarded as the best game ever reviewed on the show. The creators of Resident Evil 4 have worked on various innovations related to the use and inventory of weapons. Game Over said players can use a wide range of weapons to go for a headshot now. Game Informer stated that Resident Evil 4 munitions are more numerous than in other games in the series, making it more action-oriented. PC port ratings were not as high as for other versions. It has been sharply criticized for lack of mouse support and frustrating keyboard management, poor quality FMV cut scenes, choppy rendering graphics (lack of shadows and proper lighting) and requiring a gamepad controller for more accurate aiming and gameplay. Despite the challenges, the game received generally positive reviews from IGN and GameSpot, which praised the gameplay. Japanese gaming magazine reviewed the Wii version, with two editors giving it a perfect 10 points, and the remaining pair giving it 9, resulting in a score of 38 out of 40. Reviewers felt that the new controls offered something fresh. Several reviewers agreed that even those who own the original will find something fun and enjoyable in this version. The British magazine NGamer gave the Wii Edition a rating of 96%, which is slightly lower than the 97% given by the version of GameCube. They praised the visuals, controls and features and commented on the fact that such an exceptional package was on sale at a low price; however, while writing about Wii Management, they said: If you played the GC version it wouldn't be as special. The official Nintendo magazine gave the Wii version 94%, 3% less than the original because of its simply not having the same influence it did then. IGN praised the Wii version, saying it was a superb edition, but not pushing the Wii as it did with GameCube and PS2. GameSpot praised the new Wii Edition controls, but commented on the lack of exclusive Wii features. Hyper's Jonti Davies praised Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition for its visual improvements but criticized it for its lack of new content. The PS3 version of Resident Evil 4 HD received a 9.0 rating from , which called it the hallmark of perfection. In its October 2013 issue Edge in hindsight it's ten out of ten, one of twenty-three games to achieve the perfect score in the magazine's twenty-year history. The Resident Evil 4 Awards were named Game of the Year at the 2005 Spike Video Game Awards, as well as Nintendo Power and Game Informer. He is associated with II as Famitsu 2005 Game of the Year. Nintendo Power acknowledged that the voice was honored at the 2005 Nintendo Power Awards, while IGN presented the game with the Best Art Design award in its Best 2005 segment. The International Game Developers Association nominated Resident Evil 4 for best Visual Arts award, but lost the Sony award. Resident Evil 4 is often considered one of the best video games of all time. Nintendo Power ranked it at number 25 of the best GameCube games of all time in 2005, and also ranked second on the list of the best games of the 2000s in 2010. In 2008, Resident Evil 4 also ranked number one in the list of the best video games of all time according to IGN readers. ScrewAttack named Resident Evil 4 the best GameCube game of all time, while GamePro ranked it second in the PS2 Best Games ranking. In 2010, readers of the official PlayStation magazine named it the 10th PlayStation game. In 2007, The Edge ranked the game in second place on the list of the best games of all time, behind only Legends of zelda: Ocarina of Time. That same year, G4 named it the 21st top video game of all time, calling it a modern masterpiece of horror. In 2015, it was ranked 7th in the list of the 15 best games since 2000. In early 2006, in its 200th release, Nintendo Power ranked it second in the list of the 200 best games of all time, also behind only : Ocarina of Time. The GameCube version sold more than 320,000 copies in North America in its first twenty days. The European release sold 200,000 copies in the first month. By January 31, 2006, more than 3 million copies of GameCube and PlayStation 2 versions had been sold worldwide. As of January 17, 2007, provided by Capcom, gameCube Resident Evil 4 has sold a total of 1.6 million copies worldwide, while the PS2 version has sold more than 2 million copies. As of June 30, 2020, Resident Evil 4 has sold 10.2 million copies across all platforms; including 1.9 million copies on PS4/XONE, 1.2 million on X360/PS3, 2 million on the Wii and 1.2 million on PCs. This is the second-selling game Resident Evil, and it is the record holder for the version Best-Selling Survival in 2012 in the Guinness Book of Records. Resident's Legacy 4 is considered one of the most influential games of the 2000s, especially because of its influence in redefining the third-person shooter genre by introducing shifted camera angles that make no secret of the action. The viewpoint presented in Resident Evil 4 later became standard in third-person shooters and action games, including titles from to : Arkham Asylum. It has also become a standard precision feature for action games in general, with examples such as , , Ratchet and Clank Future, Fallout, Uncharted, and The Last of Us. In 2019, Game Informer called Resident Evil 4 the most important third-person shooter in history and said it was an innovation of two genres, inspiring developers like Horror Survival and Shooter Games. Resident Evil 4 redefined the survival horror genre, highlighting the reflexes and precision of aiming, thereby expanding the gameplay of the series with elements from the broader action game genre. However, it also led some reviewers to the fact that the series Resident Evil abandoned the genre of horror survival, demolished the genre conventions created by it. Other major survival horror series have followed suit, developing their combat systems to show more action, such as Homecoming and 2008 version of Alone in the Dark. These changes represent a general trend among console games that shift toward the visceral action of the gameplay. While working on The Last of Us took signals from Resident Evil 4, in particular, about stress and actions. BioShock was also influenced by Resident Evil 4, including its approach to the environment, combat and tools, its game design and tactical elements, its gameplay fueled by storytelling and inventory, as well as its level of village opening in terms of how it handled the nature of the sandbox of combat and in terms of environment. Corey Barlog cited Resident Evil 4 as an influence on the God of War series, including God of War 2 (2007) and, in particular, God of War (2018), which was influenced by a combination of ready-made research and cleaning of Resident Evil 4 cameras. VentureBeat credits Resident Evil 4 with popularizing remastered editions in the video game industry, inspiring remastered editions of games including , and Grim Fandango. Notes known in Japan as Biohazard 4 (Japanese: バオハザド 4, Hepburn: Bayohazedo 4) References Studio 4 (Japanese). Capcom Co., Ltd. Archive from the original February 6, 2005. Stanescu, Alexandru (February 1, 2007). Resident Evil 4. Soft-pedalia. Received on September 1, 2011. Problems with the camera have been finally solved thanks to a very useful shoulder and behind the player's camera, which makes the whole sighting process very easy. b Abode Evil 4 - Gamecube Preview at IGN. Ign. March 17, 2004. page 2. Archive from the original on March 4, 2012. Received on September 1, 2011. Resident Evil 4 Secrets revealed. Ign. March 23, 2004. page 1. Archive from the original on March 4, 2012. Received on September 3, 2011. Mike, Major (October 5, 2005). Feature: Resident Evil 4 - Weapons of Mass Destruction Guide. GamePro. Archive from the original on June 7, 2011. Received on September 5, 2011. Stratton, Stephen (2007). Weapons and objects. Resident Evil 4 (Wii version): Prima Official game guide. Prima game. ISBN 978-0-7615-5701-2. Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways. Ign. September 26, 2005. Received on September 3, 2011. Bryn Williams (September 26, 2005). Previews: Resident Evil 4. Gamespy. Received on September 3, 2011. Drake, Audrey (September 21, 2011). Resident Evil 4 HD Review - PlayStation 3 Review on IGN. Ign. Received on October 20, 2011. - Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom. Leon: That was just before I had to take on the responsibility of protecting the president's daughter when she was kidnapped. This is the ultimate reason I am in this lonely and rural part of Europe. According to our intelligence, there is reliable information that the girl is very similar to the daughter of the president. Apparently, it is held by an unidentified group of people. Who would have thought my first job would be a rescue mission? Alex Pham (February 12, 2009). Racism in Resident Evil 5? Capcom, two black actors react . LA Times. Archive from the original on January 31, 2019. Received on August 20, 2019. - Hedin, Jesse (February 26, 2009). Resident Evil: Many views are infected. Ign. p. 7. Received on September 3, 2011. b Capcom Production (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom. Leon: We decided to lie low in the castle, but it looks like it was a bad move. / Hunnigan: Meaning? / Leon: It appears that this castle is also associated with Los Illuminatos. They don't have to get a lot of visitors because they give me one hell to welcome. / / Saddler: Oh, I believe I forgot to tell you that we gave you the same gift. / Leon: (When I was unconscious.) - Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom. Sera: This is a viral outbreak incident right? I think I saw a sample of the virus in the lab in my department. - Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom. Leon: Calm down. It's going to be all right. My name is Leon, I'm under the president's orders to save you. / Ashley: What? My father? / Leon: That's right, and should get you out of here. Come with me. Capcom Production (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom. Saddler: If you should know my name is Osmund Saddler, the master of this fine ... religious community. / Leon: What do you want? / Saddler: To demonstrate to the world, our amazing strength, of course. The United States will no longer think it can police the world forever. So we kidnapped the president's daughter to give her our power and then send her back. - Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom. Saddler: Now that I have a sample, you serve me no purpose. / Leon: Saddle! / Saddler: My boy Salazar will make sure that you follow the same fate. / Leon: Stay with me, Luis. / Sera: I'm a researcher ... hired Saddler. He found out what I had invented. / Leon: Don't say it. / Sera: Here. It should suppress the growth of the parasite. Sample... Saddler took it. You have to get it back. - Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom. Leon: You work with Sszcker. / Ada: I see you were doing your homework. - Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom. Crowther: I died in a plane crash two years ago. Is that what they told you? / Leon: You're the one who kidnapped Ashley! / Krauser: You catch on fast. It's expected. After all, you and I know where we came from. / Leon: What do you want? / Crowser: Hmph. Sample Saddler designed, that's all. - Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom. Crowther: Saddler has one. I think he sniffed out our little game. / Hell: Perfect. / Crowther: Just so we understand each other clearly, I don't trust you. So is Wesker. If you try to do something smart, I'll kill you. / Hell: Is that true? You know, I met Veskever long before you. - Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom. Leon: Wow? What are you talking about? I thought he was with you. / Saddler: What are you talking about? Did you really think I was an American? To tell you the truth, I was thinking about getting rid of him. But because of you, you don't have to. / Leon: You just used it from the beginning. - Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom. Ada: Sorry, Leon. Answer him. / Leon: Ada, you know what it is. - Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom. Leon: We have to dump this island right now! It's going to explode any minute. Douglas Perry (December 3, 1999). Resident Series for Haunt PlayStation 2. Ign. Received on July 17, 2010. a b c d e f g Kevin Gifford, Mark McDonald (April 2005). Belated thoughts: Resident Evil 4. Electronic games are monthly. Sieff Davis Media Inc. (190): 51-52. a b Kamiya, Hideki (July 2001). 新しいバイオ. The devil can cry column. Capcom Co., Ltd. Archive from the original March 6, 2010. Received on July 17, 2010. a b Hideki Kamiya (July 2001). The story of the script. The devil can cry column. Capcom Co., Ltd. Archive from the original March 6, 2010. Received on July 17, 2010. Minoru Funatsu (April 11, 2001). カプコ、深作欣⼆監督を招き「クロクタワ3」を制作 3 production invited to Capcom, directed by Kinji Fukasaku. The charm of hope is different from the evil it is. GAME Watch. Impress Watch Corporation. Received on July 8, 2010. The Devil Can Cry Graphic Edition. Kadokawa Shoten. December 2001. ISBN 978-4-04-707071-4. Hideki Kamiya (@PG_kamiya) (September 19, 2010). But in the first story of the hero's name was Tony (Tweet). Received on July 13, 2015 - via Twitter. Hideki Kamiya (July 2001). 背景 (Background). The devil can cry column. Capcom Co., Ltd. Archive from the original March 6, 2010. Received on July 17, 2010. James Mielke (August 18, 2006). Retro/Active: Hideki Kamiya - Okami Family Tree. 1UP.com UGO Entertainment, Inc. Archive from the original on June 5, 2012. Received on July 20, 2008. Douglas C. Perry (May 17, 2001). E3 2001: Interview with Shinji Mikami. Ign. received on July 20, 2008. New from Capcom: The Devil Can Cry. Ign. November 15, 2000. Received on July 17, 2010. a b Abode Evil 4 Entwickler-Tagebuch - Tail 1: Die Entstehung. N-zon (in German). Computec Media AG (12/2004): 76-77. December 2004. Die ersten Arbeiten Resident Evil 4 haben bereits Ende 2001 begonnen. Die Teamgr'e fluktuiert je nach Entwicklungsstand, derzeit arbeiten etwa 60 Mann an dem Titel. [...] Hiroyuki Kobayashi: Es war nicht einfach, das team bei laune zu halten, nachdem wir die Richtung de Spiels so radical ver'ndert hatten. Als die Entscheidung getroffen wurde, das Spiel actionlastiger zu gestalten, war death Stimmung im Team schon sehr gedr'ckt. / The first work on Resident Evil 4 has already begun in late 2001. The size of the team varies depending on the stage of development, about 60 people are working on the name at the moment. [...] Hiroyuki Kobayashi: It was not easy to keep the team after we changed the direction of the game so radically. When the decision was made to make the game more action-oriented, the team felt very depressed. Production studio 4 (Japanese). Capcom. Archive from the original on February 6, 2005. Fantastic Five Kapcom. Ign. November 13, 2002. Received on July 17, 2010. a b Director's Comment: Bio-Danger 4. Production Studio 4 Ads. Capcom Co., Ltd. (via Archive). November 14, 2002. Archive from the original on November 16, 2002. Received on July 17, 2010. The game that the whole world was waiting for will finally be open. The action takes place deep in the heart of Umbrella, the evil company responsible for the progenitor virus. The main character of , Leon S. Kennedy, is back in the game. What umbrella will have in store for it this time? This surprise will push Leon to the very limits of his being for one purpose ... STRUGGLE to survive. Director / Hiroshi Shibata - Neue Infos zu Biohazard 4. GameFront Online. GameFront Verlagsges. (via the ). November 20, 2002. Archive from the original on May 5, 2004. Received on July 17, 2010. b c Heidi Kems (September 27, 2004). Hiroyuki Kobayashi on Resident Evil 4 and Killer 7. Gamespy. Received on July 18, 2010. Capcom Co., Ltd. (January 21, 1998). Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation). Capcom USA, Inc. Chris's Diary: We discussed this and decided to fly to the umbrella's headquarters in Europe. Im Hesprem mit Shinji Mikami. Play (in German). CyPress GmbH (5/2001): 27. May 2001. Mikami: Ja, flagship hat die story dazu geschrieben. Mehr sber Vale 4 verrde their aber nicht verraten (lacht). / Yes, Flagman wrote a story for him. But I won't reveal anything more about Part 4 (laughs). Profile series Resident Evil. Ign. June 25, 2004. Received on July 17, 2010. Interview with Paul Mercier. unWIRED TV. September 21, 2009. Received on July 17, 2010. (Japanese) カプコ、「bioazar4」など個性向け作品を挙に強い挙に強い5タト発表, GAME Watch, November 14, 2002 - b c d Travis Fahs (March 11, 2009). IGN presents a history of inhabiting evil. Ign. Received on July 17, 2010. Juan Castro (January 26, 2005). RE4 Bonus Drive Frames. Ign. Received on July 18, 2010. Written by Resident Evil 4 Hook Man Experiment, .com, March 15, 2012 - Lark Anderson, Resident Evil 5: Lost in Nightmares Review, GameSpot, March 2, 2010 Archived October 19, 2012, on Wayback Machine - b Interview: Resident Evil 4. Ign. March 17, 2004. Received on July 18, 2010. Redesigned, updated and pure (abode) evil. Game Informer. No 131. Gamestop. March 2004. Received on September 25, 2016. I remember playing Resident Evil and told myself it was just more of the same... That's why I wanted to change the system. With the new system, I'm once again nervous and scared when I play. E3 2004: Resident Evil 4 Interview. Ign. May 13, 2004. Received on May 27, 2008. The staff, which includes me and, of course, Shinji Mikami, decided that we wanted to go in a new direction and create a series. We're tired of doing the same thing as well. We wanted to do something new and original. That's how it started. Making Resident Evil 4 (DVD). 2005. I've worked on a number of Resident Evil titles in the past, and to be honest, I think the series has been recycling the same models, the same gameplay every time. The creators began to get bored with it, and many moved to other projects. Heidi Kems (September 27, 2004). Hiroyuki Kobayashi on Resident Evil 4 and Killer 7. Gamespy. Received on July 18, 2010. In past installments, we're stuck in cookie cutter RE mold. We had to break these shackles by holding us before we came up with something new. and a new evil. Nintendo Power. Nintendo of America, Inc. (180). June 2004. Umbrella corporation no more. That's the only thing that makes sense if you think about it, explains Resident Evil 4 producer Hiroyuki Kobaisi. Why would the U.S. government allow the company that developed the T-virus to eventually destroy an entire city to continue to exist? They wouldn't have done it. Hence the rationale that the umbrella goes after RE3. [...] From the beginning, we wanted to do something new and innovative for the show, so Mikami ordered the team to do what the testing ranges, the camera, everything looks like. But, every time the staff tried to do it without its direction, they only came out with little minor changes. It's nothing serious. Perhaps they were too afraid to accept this series that he created and completely change it. But anyway, he stepped in and showed what he wanted. - biohazard4. Capcom. Archive from the original on December 28, 2004. b E3 2004: Resident Evil 4 Interview. Ign. May 13, 2004. Received on May 27, 2008. De Matos, Khawaja (March 9, 2011). Shinji Mikami is on the shadow of the damned and inspires a new generation of competition. . GameFly, Inc. Archive from the original march 13, 2011. Received on March 13, 2011. b Making Resident Evil 4 (DVD). Capcom. 2005. a b c Carl, Chris (August 2, 2005). Babe Interview: Carolyn Lawrence. Ign. 2-3. Received on June 4, 2008. b Capcom (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2). Capcom Entertainment, Inc. Scene: Staff credits the main game and separate ways. Abode Evil 4, Onimusha 3: Demon Siege and the Devil Can Cry 3: 's Awakening Special Edition is coming to PC starting in February 2006. Ubisoft. February 1, 2006. Archive from the original on March 11, 2007. Received on January 28, 2007. a b McElroy, Justin (April 4, 2007). Resident Evil 4 on Wii Official, Umbrella Chronicles on The Rails shooter. Joystick. Received on April 4, 2007. b Mason, Mike (August 27, 2007). Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition. Cubed3. Received on September 3, 2011. Resident Evil 4 Collector's Tin (GCN). Gamespy. Received on January 28, 2007. Resident Evil 4 (Australian Collector's Edition). Ign. Archive from the original on October 19, 2012. Received on October 20, 2011. - Game Informer Online - Resident Evil: Basics - PS2. Ign. received on September 6, 2011. Mirabella III, (November 18, 2005). Resident Evil 4: Premium Edition. Ign. Received on January 28, 2007. Bio-danger 4. . Archive from the original on February 29, 2008. Received on July 12, 2007. Resident Evil 4 PC 1.10 Patch. Strategy Informer. Received on April 11, 2011. Fahmy, Albaraa (October 24, 2015). Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition soon Wii U eShop. Digital spy. Hearst Magazines UK. Archive from the original on October 29, 2015. Received on October 29, 2015. Thomas Whitehead (October 29, 2015). Nintendo Download: October 29 (Europe). Nintendo life. The homer network. Archive from the original on October 29, 2015. Received on October 29, 2015. Onitte, Charles (September 22, 2007). Resident Evil 4 Mobile. Ign. Archive from the original on October 19, 2012. Received on September 22, 2007. - ⽔⼝真 (February 1, 2008). 『バオハザド4』au携帯電話版配信タト (Start delivering a version of the Mobile Phone Resident Evil 4 au) (Japanese). Inside. Received on October 26, 2011. Mobile Capcom. Archive from the original on June 19, 2008. Hi Corp. Product Information. HI Corp. Archive from the original dated August 4, 2011. Received on January 5, 2011. Justin McElroy (November 10, 2009). Resident Evil 4: The mobile edition is ported to Seebo. Joystick. Received on September 6, 2011. a b Buchanan, Levy (July 15, 2009). Resident Evil 4 gets a date. Ign. Archive from the original on October 19, 2012. Received on July 15, 2009. 'Resident Evil 4' Mobile Video Edition, Random Early Release?. Touch the Arcade. July 13, 2009. Received on July 15, 2009. Buchanan, Levy (July 14, 2009). Resident Evil 4 for iPhone. Ign. Archive from the original on July 17, 2009. Received on July 15, 2009. Capcom Announces Resident Evil 4: iPad Edition. PR-Inside. April 3, 2010. Archive from the original on April 29, 2011. Received on April 4, 2010. Gantayat, Anoop (March 23, 2011). Here's what's known about Resident Evil Revival Choice. Andriasang. Received on March 23, 2011. Gantayat, Anoop (March 23, 2011). Read more about Resident Evil Revival Choice. Andriasang. Received on July 23, 2011. Riley, Jim (March 24, 2011). Abode Evil 4 HD Tapping PSN and Xbox Live. Ign. Received on April 26, 2011. Macuh, Eddie (July 23, 2011). Resident Evil 4, code: Veronica X HD lurch in the U.S. in September. Gamespot. Archive from the original on October 6, 2011. Received on September 4, 2011. Abode Evil HD Titles Dated, Priced, Video'd Gameplay. Capcom Unity. July 27, 2011. Received on September 4, 2011. The English version of Resident Evil 4 is now available on Android in the Samsung Apps store. April 2013 - Phillips, Tom (October 26, 2018). Resident Evil 4 headed for the Nintendo Switch. . Received on October 26, 2018. ^ 4 (Resident Evil 4) Original soundtrack. Received on September 6, 2011. Brookhart, Ryan (October 20, 2007). Ryan Brookhart has a Preview Hot Toys RESIDENT EVIL 4 Figures. collider.com. Archive from the original on October 4, 2008. Received on May 21, 2008. Danielle Roswell (October 21, 2007). The abode of evil figures. levelselect.co.uk archive from the original on May 29, 2008. Received on May 21, 2008. Abode Evil 4: Series 1 (pictured) , DVD, book reviews, news, interviews in Dread Central. Dreadcentral.com. November 22, 2005. Received on February 2, 2010. Jorge Bocanegra, Ada Wong figure joins Hot Toys' Resident Evil line, Lean on Horror, May 27, 2011 - Agatsuma Entertainment. KingZombie.com. received on May 21, 2008. Block, Jerry (November 11, 2005). A duel of chainsaws! NubyTech's GC and PS2 Resident Evil 4 chainsaws square off. Ign. received on September 5, 2011. Shane Bettenhausen (February 2, 2005). Review: Resident Evil 4 (GameCube). 1UP. Archive from the original on June 5, 2012. Received on March 16, 2010. James Michelke (June 19, 2007). Review: Resident Evil 4 (PC). 1UP. Archive from the original on June 5, 2012. Received on March 16, 2010. Marriott, Scott Alan. Resident Evil 4 (GameCube) - Review. AllGame. Archive from the original on December 10, 2014. Received on March 21, 2017. Marriott, Scott Alan. Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2) - Review. AllGame. Archive from the original on December 10, 2014. Received on March 21, 2017. Marriott, Scott Alan. Resident Evil 4 (Wii) - Review. AllGame. Archive from the original on December 10, 2014. Received on March 21, 2017. b Ten Amendments: We've been crowned seven games in the last 20 years with a retrospective of 10. Edge Magazine. The future of Publishing. September 18, 2013. Archive from the original on September 21, 2013. Received on February 22, 2014. b Gantayat, Anoop (May 21, 2007). Famitsu Reviews RE4 Wii. Ign. Received on May 21, 2007. a b Casavin, Greg (January 10, 2005). Abode Evil 4 for GameCube Review. Gamespot. Received on May 17, 2008. b Vanord, Kevin (May 22, 2007). Abode Evil 4 PC review. Gamespot. Received on August 19, 2007. Casavin, Greg (October 24, 2005). Resident Evil 4 for PlayStation 2 Review. Gamespot. Received on February 5, 2009. b c VanOrd, Kevin (June 19, 2007). Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition. Gamespot. Received on May 18, 2008. Ryan O'Donnell (January 6, 2005). GameSpy: Resident Evil 4 Review (GameCube). Gamespy. Received on February 6, 2009. Kuo, Li (June 6, 2007). GameSpy: Resident Evil 4 Review (PC). Gamespy. Received on April 18, 2012. McGarvey, Sterling (October 28, 2005). GameSpy: Resident Evil 4 Review (PS2). Gamespy. Received on February 6, 2009. Bryn Williams (June 18, 2007). GameSpy: Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Review. Gamespy. Received on February 6, 2009. a b c Matt (January 7, 2005). IGN: Resident Evil 4 Review. Ign. received on May 17, 2008. a b Onitte, Charles (May 25, 2007). Resident Evil 4 Review (PC). Ign. Received on February 5, 2009. Mirabella III, Fran (October 21, 2005). Resident Evil 4 Review (PS2). Ign. Received on February 5, 2009. Audrey Drake, Resident Evil 4 HD Review, IGN, September 20, 2011 - b Casamassina, Matt (June 19, 2007). Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Review. Ign. Sieff Davis, LLC. Received on January 20, 2016. a b c Resident Evil 4. Nintendo Power: 105. March 2005. Mitch Dyer (September 20, 2011). Abode Evil 4 HD review. . Archive from the original on September 25, 2011. Received on April 14, 2020. b Resident Evil 4 for GameCube Reviews. Metacritics. CBS Interactive Inc. on January 20, 2016. Review: Resident Evil 4 for PC Reviews. Metacritics. CBS Interactive Inc. on January 20, 2016. b Review: Resident Evil 4 for PlayStation 2 Reviews. Metacritics. CBS Interactive Inc. on January 20, 2016. Abode Evil 4 HD for PlayStation 3 Reviews. Metacritics. CBS Interactive Inc. on January 20, 2016. A b Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Reviews. Metacritics. CBS Interactive Inc. on January 20, 2016. Abode Evil 4 HD for Xbox 360 Reviews. Metacritics. CBS Interactive Inc. on January 20, 2016. - Pavlacka, Adam (October 27, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (PS2). Yahoo! Games. Archive from the original on December 16, 2008. Received on May 18, 2008. Feature: Resident Evil 4 - Weapons of Mass Destruction Guide. GamePro. May 10, 2005. Archive from the original on December 21, 2008. b Wilde, Thomas (February 14, 2005). Resident Evil 4 review. Playing over an online magazine. Received on September 6, 2011. Adam Sessler; Webb, Morgan (February 1, 2005). Resident Evil 4 (GameCube) review. X-Play. Archive from the original on March 10, 2013. Received on February 27, 2015. Resident Evil 4: Capcom reveals a ton of new details about weapons upgrades, a new inventory system, Ashley's management and more. Ign. November 23, 2004. Received on September 6, 2011. Cook, Chris (January 10, 2005). Resident Evil 4 practical impressions and films. Game Informer. Archive from the original on May 20, 2008. Review: Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, Official Nintendo Journal, January 4, 2008. Received on February 5, 2009. Archive January 4, 2012, in Wayback Machine and Davis, Jonty (August 2007). Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition. Hyper. Next media (166): 60, 61. ISSN 1320-7458. Jonathan Holmes, Resident Evil 4 HD, Destructoid, September 20, 2011 - Sinclair, Brendan (November 19, 2005). RE4 is named Game of the Year at the Spike Awards. Gamespot. Received on January 28, 2007. Resident Evil 4. Game Informant: 134. March 2005. Famitsu Awards 2005賞は『キグダム Famitsu Awards 2005 Kingdom Hearts II and Resident Evil 4! (Japanese). It's family. Received on January 28, 2007. 2005 Nintendo Power Awards. Nintendo Power. 203: 55. May 2006. Best of 2005. Ign. Archive from the original on May 17, 2008. Received on May 28, 2008. Brendan Sinclair (February 27, 2006). The nominees of the IGDA Award have been announced. Gamespot. Archive from the original august 4, 2009. Received on May 28, 2008. Thorsen, Thor (2006). Colossus casts a shadow over the GDC Awards. Gamespot. Archive from the original September 11, 2007. Received on July 30, 2006. The best of the decade. Nintendo Power (252): 76. March 2010. Top 99 Games of all time. Ign. Received on September 11, 2008. GameCube's Top 25 Games. Game Informer. PlayStation 2: Games that have defined a generation. Game Informer. Craig Sistimas (July 19, 2012). Top 10 GameCube games. ScrewAttack's Top 10. ScrewAttak. Received on January 31, 2013. 36 best PS2 games, page 5, GamePro Story Feature - PlayStation Official Magazine Issue 50, Future Publishing, October 2010 - EDGE'S TOP 100 GAMES OF ALL TIME. Edge. July 2, 2007. page 10. Received on January 28, 2012. Top 100 video games of all time #21 - Resident Evil 4 - G4tv.com Archived March 10, 2013, on Wayback Machine - Williams, Mike (July 31, 2015). The 15 best games since 2000, number 7: Resident Evil 4. United States. The homer network. Archive from the original on August 1, 2015. Received on August 1, 2015. The latest installment in Capcom Hit Resident Evil series Abode Evil 4 Ships 3 Million!. Capcom. Archive from the original on December 8, 2006. Received on January 28, 2007. Platinum titles. Capcom. Archive from the original on June 21, 2007. Received on July 12, 2007. Platinum titles. Capcom. June 30, 2020. Received on August 14, 2020. James O'Connor (August 14, 2020). Resident Evil 7 Hits a New Sales Mark and (Sort of) Capcom's second bestselling game. Gamespot. Received on August 16, 2020. Ben Reeves (December 30, 2011). Guinness Book of Records 2012 Gamer's Edition Preview. Game Informer. Received on December 31, 2011. b Caszor, Daniel (December 30, 2009). Decade in review: The most influential video games since 2000. National Mail. Canada. Archive from the original on June 9, 2010. Received on January 24, 2010. Jason Dobson (March 12, 2007). Post-GDC: Cliff Blazinski says iteration won the Gears of War. Gamasutra. Received on April 2, 2009. James Brightman (March 2, 2005). Capcom's RE4 enlivens the franchise. GameDaily BIZ. Archive from the original on October 12, 2007. Received on January 28, 2007. The most important evolution of games. GamesRadar. page 7. Received on September 6, 2011. b 10 years later, Resident Evil 4 still affects the industry. Venture fight. January 11, 2015. Received on May 29, 2019. Gwaltney, Javi (May 21, 14 years later, Resident Evil 4 remains the most important third-person shooter ever. Game Informer. Received on May 30, 2019. James Brightman (March 2, 2005). Capcom's RE4 enlivens the franchise. GameDaily. Archive from the original on October 7, 2008. Received on April 16, 2009. The gate is terrifying. UGO Networks. October 17, 2008. Archive from the original on April 19, 2012. Received on April 16, 2009. a b Jim Sterling (December 8, 2008). How the horror of survival turned into extinction. A destruid. Received on April 16, 2009. Matthew Pellett (December 6, 2008). Resident Evil 5. Computer and video games. Archive from the original on May 18, 2012. Received on April 16, 2009. Jim Sterling (June 9, 2008). Fear 101: A beginner's guide to the horror of survival. Ign. Received on April 17, 2009. Ellie Gibson (May 29, 2008). Interview by Phil Harrison Atari. Eurogamer. Received on April 16, 2009. Is the horror of survival still there?. . September 29, 2008. Received on April 16, 2009. Prestia, Gaetano. The Last of Us, Inspired by , RE4 - PS3 News (en) MMGN Australia. Ps3.mmgn.com. Archive from the original on June 10, 2013. Received on July 16, 2013. An archival copy. Archive from the original on January 18, 2017. Received January 18, 2017.CS1 maint: archived copy as a headline (link) - How Resident Evil 4 influenced BioShock. Den Out Geek. October 29, 2018. Received on May 30, 2019. Macuh, Eddie (April 26, 2018). God of War PS4 director explains why they changed the fight and more. Gamespot. Received on May 30, 2019. Wikiquote's external link has quotes related to: Resident Evil 4 Official site extracted from how long to beat resident evil 4 separate ways. how long to beat resident evil 4 hd. how long to beat resident evil 4 / biohazard 4

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