Most Clement Lord and Father, 1. Notebook Entry: Westernization I have read the paper your Majesty gave me on the 27th of October, 1715, after the funeral of my late consort. 2. Why did Peter I want absolute power? I have nothing to reply to it, but, that if your Majesty will deprive me of the succession to the Crown of by reason of my incapacity, your EQ: How does the reign of will be done; I even most instantly beg it of you, because I do not think myself fit for the government. My memory is very much weakened, and reflect the characteristics of absolutism? yet it is necessary in affairs. The strength of my mind and of my body is much decayed by the sickness which I have undergone, and which have Justification, Strong Economy, Prestige, rendered me incapable of governing so many nations; this requires a Bureaucracy, Military Strength, Empire more vigorous man than I am. Therefore I do not aspire after you (whom God preserve many years) to the succession of the Russian Crown, even if I had no brother as I have By the end of class our objectives are to: one at present, whom I pray God preserve. Neither will I pretend for the - explain changes in Russia caused by westernization future to that succession, of which I take God to witness, and swear it - evaluate the importance of St. Petersburg upon my soul, in testimony whereof I write and sign this present with my - analyze the extent to which Peter’s rules changed Russia own hand. I put my children into your hands, and as for myself, I desire nothing of Absolutism Expository Essay: Thursday you but a bare maintenance during my life, leaving the whole to your consideration and to your will. Absolutism Quiz: Friday Your most humble servant and son, Alexei

three years later Westernization: Peter the Great has Alexei locked in jail and tortured • Peter loved Russia -He dies there but believed it needed to change • Wanted to use what he saw on his trip as a model

Catherine I of Russia • He took more – Peter’s second wife power to force – After Peter’s death change becomes Empress

Peter said to an advisor: “For you know yourself that, though a thing be good and necessary our people will not do it unless forced to.”

What will it take to make this happen? How can Peter make people listen to him?

1 • Peter saw the traditional Russian beard as showing too much Mongol influence • Keeping your beard required paying a tax

Changes in Russia: St. Petersburg: • Peter took control of the church • “window to the sea” • Reduced power of great landowners • 21 year war with • Promoted men of lower-ranking families to gain land • Increased and modernized the army • Swampy land –Heavy taxes • Good location • Potatoes become staple of Russian diet • Forced serfs to build city • Started first newspaper –Up to a 100,000 died from poor conditions • Raised women’s status • Ordered nobles to move to the new capital • Ordered nobles to wear from Moscow Western fashions