Step 1 - Introducing the Marc Chagall Slideshow Guide


Have you ever wanted to do something very much but were afraid to ask your mother, because you knew she wouldn’t agree? Maybe you put the question off, trying to find just the right moment when she was in a good mood.

That’s what Marc Chagall was facing at the age of nineteen. He had discovered he loved art and had a talent. He desperately wanted to become an artist, but it was an unheard of profession in his small village. Pictures weren’t even allowed on the walls of his home, and there was no word in his language for “pictures.” There was no doubt in Chagall’s mind that it would be very difficult to explain to his mother why he wanted to be an artist. He felt she wouldn’t understand his need to show things the way HE saw them and why he wanted so badly to create beauty out of colors and shapes.

One day he found his mother alone in the kitchen happily baking bread. The moment had arrived! He watched her nervously then suddenly blurted out, “Mother, I want to be a painter!” His mother was so startled that she almost dropped the bread pan! What would the family say? How would he ever make a living? These and other doubts raced through her mind.

Do you think Marc’s pleading and begging convinced her he should become an artist? (YES) She ended up taking Marc’s side, and she convinced the rest of the family it was the right thing for Marc to do. So it was decided that Marc should enter art school. That young man who nervously approached his mother would someday become one of the most important artists of the twentieth century.

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Today we will enter the world of Marc Chagall and travel the path that he took to become a famous artist. In all of his artwork he takes us to another world, a world of fantasy and imagination. In his world anything is possible! Many times Chagall’s world even seems dreamlike.

Do you dream while you are sleeping? Do your dreams sometimes seem mixed up? Is it sometimes fun to remember these mixed-up dreams and try to make sense of them? Pretend you have just awakened, and you know you have been dreaming. You lay there

1 MARC CHAGALL – Ages 10 – Adult | MeetTheMasters Online Edition

MARC CHAGALL– AGES 10 – ADULT | ONLINE EDITION trying to remember bits and pieces of that dream to fit it together like a puzzle. The specifics you remember seeing are a cow’s head, a man with a green face, and people and houses upside down. How would that all fit together? It seems all mixed up and crazy! As you let your mind wander further, you remember bright, mixed-up colors, too. It seems as though the colors are strange but fascinating and a big part of that dream. Why would a man have a green face?

As you continue to let your memory and imagination run wild, you put the puzzle together to form a picture in your mind. Let’s see if you imaginary dream-picture looks anything like a picture I’m going to show you that was painted by Marc Chagall.


Was your imaginary dream picture anything like this painting? (NO) Does it look like a puzzle that doesn’t quite make sense? (YES) Marc Chagall was always surprising his friends with his ideas. These ideas, and what he did with them in art, were different from what other artists were doing.

Did you visualize the colors like this? Which word best describes the colors you see -- quiet or exciting? (EXCITING) Chagall was a master at using color, and these brilliant, bold, special colors add to his imaginary world.

Can you think of a title for this painting? Let your eyes wander around to find all the wonderful things Chagall painted with his exciting colors. Then see if you can think of a title. (ANSWERS WILL VARY) I and the Village is the title given to this picture by Marc Chagall, and in it he painted a large profile of his own head. The village is really a small town in Russia with two rivers, bridges, churches, palaces and many wooden houses. Marc Chagall was born there on the 7th of July, 1887. He came from a very large family. He had seven sisters and two brothers - a family of twelve!

Besides painting from his imagination, Chagall painted from memories. The garden in front of Marc’s house was full of flowers, vegetables and herbs. In the little farmyards there lived cows, pigs, horses, donkeys and chickens. The artist spent his childhood in a large family amongst all these animals, which are to be found again and again in his pictures. What do you see in the painting that would belong in a small, farming village? (COW, MILKING, FARM TOOL, HOUSES)

Have you ever thought or dreamed about what you would like to do when you grow up? As a young boy in a small village, Marc dreamed of becoming first a singer, then a dancer, then a poet. Finally he dreamed about becoming an artist, and that’s when he approached his mother. He was always good in drawing class at school. In fact, that was all that interested him. He spent the rest of his time in school staring out of the window, dreaming and seeing things in his own special way.

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When he was twenty-three years old, he left Russia to live in Paris, France. Artists from all over the world lived together in a section of the city. It was a difficult decision to leave his homeland and relocate so far from friends and family. But he found the artistic opportunities in Russia very limited. The political leaders dictated and controlled the artists. He was not free to paint what or how he chose, even when he ran his own art school. Chagall knew he had to leave. It was in Paris that he painted I and the Village. He was lonesome for his home in Russia and of life in the country. Paris was a huge city very different from his village.

What do you see in I and the Village that is imaginary? (ANSWERS WILL VARY) How does this painting make you feel? Do you think that painting this was a pleasant experience for Chagall? (YES) Let your eyes wander over the picture discovering all the details. Does the picture make sense? (NO)

Chagall didn’t like to explain what his pictures meant. He painted them out of feelings of happiness, and not to tell a story. Listen to Chagall’s own words: “My pictures are part of me, but I don’t know what they’re about.”

People always asked him to explain why he painted the way he did. For instance, in this painting, look inside the cow’s head. What do you see? (WOMAN MILKING COW) Do you wonder why he painted that? Listen to Chagall’s answer. “In my painting, ‘I and the Village,’ I painted a small cow and a milkmaid in the head of a large cow, because I needed that kind of SHAPE in that place for my COMPOSITION.” Where else do you think he added a SHAPE, because it was needed there? (ANSWERS WILL VARY) Raise your hand if you see CONTRASTING colors. (YES) What colors contrast? (RED & GREEN, WHITE & RED, BLACK & WHITE, ETC.) Let’s take another look at Chagall’s village.

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What first caught your attention? (HUGE FLOATING MAN) Does he look like a traveler? Can you point to any patterns? (YES) Look at the shapes of the rooftops and notice any similarities to this next photograph.

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Do you see any Russian buildings in this photo that Chagall included in his last painting? (YES) Chagall visited and was inspired by the shapes and architecture of Russian cities. This building in Moscow reflects the country’s love of patterns and bright colors.

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Have you ever been so happy that you felt you could float up in the air? Think of a very happy time in your life. Remember the feelings you experienced. Imagine that you are feeling so happy and light that you can feel yourself floating up, up, up in the air like a colorful balloon! Wouldn’t that be wonderful to experience? Can you imagine being that happy? Let’s see if you visualized your happy floating self like this.


Does this look anything like what you pictured in your imagination? This is how a young man felt one day when his fiancée brought him flowers for his birthday. He was so very happy that he felt he could float! Can you remember a really great birthday of yours when you were extremely happy?

The young man you see floating in this painting was Marc Chagall. When he felt this overpowering happiness, he picked up his paintbrush and made this painting, titled The Birthday. He painted this picture with bright colors on a piece of cardboard. On Chagall’s birthday, Bella, his fiancée, could hardly wait to celebrate it with him. She walked through fields and climbed over fences to pick a whole armful of flowers. At home she donned her most beautiful dress and packed a freshly- baked cake to take with her. Then she ran through the town to his little house by the river.

After observing his artwork, tell me if Chagall was a realistic painter. (NO) Can you point out something that is unrealistic? (ANSWERS WILL VARY) Chagall painted parts that were realistic, but his placement of those parts was imaginary. He changed ordinary things when he painted them. Can you find any patterns in this painting? (TABLECLOTHS, COLLAR-LIKE WINDOW SHADE, CAKE, WALL HANGINGS) Would you like to see another memory Chagall painted from his childhood village in Russia?

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5. THE

Can you give a title to this painting? The title Chagall gave it was The Green Violinist. Why do you suppose he pictured a green violinist? The partial answer to that can be found in the customs of Russia.

Throughout the year celebrations were held in Marc’s little Russian town -- and there were always fiddlers there to play music. Marc Chagall loved the musicians, the cheerful sounds of their music, and since one of these musicians lived with Chagall’s family, he was allowed to play the violin from time-to-time when he was a little boy. So, is this a painting showing happiness? (YES) Besides the fiddler, do you see anything else showing happiness? (PERSON FLOATING IN AIR)

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Where is the fiddler standing? (ON THE ROOFS OF HOUSES) Do you think Chagall was using his imagination when he painted the fiddler on the roof? (YES) Actually, that part of the painting is real. When Chagall was a child his uncle played his fiddle on the rooftops of Marc’s village. There also is a famous musical and movie titled “Fiddler on the Roof.” Have you seen the play or movie “Fiddler on the Roof?”

What is imaginary about the fiddler? (SIZE, GREEN FACE) When you think of the color green, how does it make you feel? (ANSWERS WILL VARY) Do you think Chagall was experiencing some of those same feelings when he chose the color green for the fiddler’s face? (YES) Would you get a different feeling from this painting if the houses were large and the fiddler small? (YES)

What color stands out the most? (ORANGE OF VIOLIN) Orange is the only WARM color among the COOL colors, and WARM colors advance, or seem to come towards you. Notice how all the colors create a sense of music. What is the man doing floating in the sky? Do you think he is a soaring dancer inspired by the music, or do you think Chagall simply needed a shape in that space?

Now let’s look at another important part of this COMPOSITION. What PATTERNS can you discover and point out? (IN HIS PURPLE COAT, IN THE CLOUDS, ON HIS PANTS) Those patterns invite our eyes to keep searching for more!

Let’s see if Chagall used patterns in this next painting. Click Next To Change Slide


What strikes you first about this painting? (BRIGHT COLORS) Are they mostly warm or cool colors? (WARM) Chagall’s use of warm colors will give you a clue to what this painting is showing. Look carefully and see if you can tell me what is happening. (A FIRE; CLUES IF NECESSARY - MAN IS CARRYING A BUCKET OF WATER, WOMAN IS PROTECTING HER FACE, HORSE IS SCARED)

This painting resulted from a real event in Marc’s life. On the day he was born, a raging fire burned down his house. It was a very traumatic experience for his parents and one they told him about many times.

Let’s investigate these wonderful colors some more. Chagall said, “I don’t know if color chose me, or I chose color, but since childhood I’ve been married to color in its pure state.” What do we call colors in their pure state? (PRIMARY COLORS) Do you see PRIMARY COLORS in this painting? (YES)

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Can you find any patterns? (COLORED DASHES ON GROUND) Can you tell what time of day is it? (NIGHT AND DAY) Can you find many contrasting colors? (DARK BLUES CONTRAST WITH WARM COLORS) Is blue a warm or cool color? (COOL) Do you remember where Marc lived after he left Russia? (PARIS) See if you notice anything in this next painting that tells you this was painted in the city of Paris, France.

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What do you see that tells you this is Paris? (EIFFEL TOWER) Through the window of an attic room we see the slanted rooftops and the famous Eiffel Tower. Who do you think the man is? (CHAGALL) Let’s see if you can interpret why he painted himself with two different faces, each facing in separate directions. Remember how he missed his village?

That will help you understand. Can you guess why he has two faces looking different ways? (LOVE FOR PARIS, LONGING FOR RUSSIA) Have you ever felt two very different feelings at the same time? What about the feelings shown in the face colors? (BLUE, SADNESS, YELLOW-HOPE, HAPPINESS) Look at the cat on the windowsill. Notice that the cat seems to have a strangely human face. Chagall was so lonely in the big city of Paris that even his cat seemed human and was his companion.

What do you see traced on Chagall’s hand? (HEART) He had left his fiancée, Bella, in Russia and missed her very much. What else do you see in this painting that tells of Chagall’s feelings? (UPSIDE DOWN TRAIN - TRAVEL PLANS TURNED UPSIDE DOWN, MAN AND WOMAN BEING DRAWN TOWARDS EACH OTHER IN AIR, MAN UP IN AIR -- UNSETTLED) What can you tell me about Chagall’s use of color in this composition? (BRIGHT, PRIMARY COLORS; REPEATED, CONTRASTING) Would it have the same affect if it were done in black and white? (NO)

Do you think Chagall ever returned to the Russia he loved and missed? Finally Marc took the long journey back to his native village, and there he married Bella. But war between Germany and Russia, the Russian Revolution, and the Communists prevented Marc and Bella from returning to Paris for nine years. But a wonderful thing happened while he was in Russia. Paintings he had left with friends in Paris for exhibition in Holland and Germany were being praised by critics in many lands. You can imagine how surprised and pleased he must have been on his return to find himself a popular artist! From that time on he had a good income and lived well.

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How do you think Chagall felt about the importance of art in his life? Was it the most important thing in his life to him? I’ll let Chagall answer that in his own words, “It was more necessary for me than food. It seemed to me like a window through which I could have taken flight towards another world.”

Now that we’ve taken flight with Chagall to another world through his art, let’s see a photograph of him. Do you think he will have a green face? Click Next To Change Slide


Let me introduce the master artist Marc Chagall as he says hello to all of you! Doesn’t he look like he enjoyed life? No wonder he painted such cheerful, colorful pictures. A large part of his happiness centered around his love for his wife Bella. They lived happily together for many years, until she died suddenly from an illness. He was so upset that he stopped painting for almost two years. When he started again his colors were not as bright and cheerful. She had been a very important part of his life and his art. He had painted Bella many times, and she had helped him with his art. Many times she was the one who thought of the titles for his paintings.

Friends always commented on Chagall’s dazzling smile that was impossible to forget. His eyes would light up with his smile. They said that as he painted his face would be tense and painful when he concentrated very hard. Other times, his face would break into his brilliant, likeable smile. Sometimes he sang while he worked. That was a sure sign that his work was going well.

You’ve seen a happy photograph of Chagall. Let’s see if he looks the same in his self- portrait. This time will he have a green face? Let’s find out!

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All dressed up, with a yellow waistcoat, a spotted shirt, and a necktie, Marc Chagall sits in front of his easel. He has even put a rose in his buttonhole. In his right hand he is holding some paintbrushes and a palette covered with various paints --red, green, yellow, violet. He has big eyes. He would like to look at everything very closely, so that he can paint it. Did you notice anything strange about his hand? Show me with your fingers how many fingers he has on that one hand! (SEVEN) Yes! Do you think he felt that one hand with the normal five fingers wasn’t enough to paint the way he wanted? (YES)

Does he have a green face? (YES) Where is he living? (PARIS) Which picture of Chagall do you like best -- his photo or this self-portrait?

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QUIZ Let’s see how much you learned about Marc Chagall. I hope you’ve listened well!

1.Where was Chagall born? RUSSIA, Italy, France

2.Besides painting from his imagination, Chagall painted from ___? Photos, MEMORIES, Live Models

3.Who was very important in his life and his art? HIS WIFE, his mother, His dog 4.Was Chagall a realistic painter? NO, yes

5.Where did he live as an adult? New York, PARIS, Rome 6.While he was in Russia how were his paintings discovered? BY A FRIEND, In an Attic, by an art critic 7.What was the title of the painting that showed Chagall The Birthday,The floating in the air? Last Supper

8.Why did he paint himself with two faces in LOVE OF PARIS, Paris Through the Window? LONGING FOR RUSSIA/ Feeling Old, Looking Young/ Being Poor, Getting Rich

I think we would make wonderful, happy, floating people in Marc Chagall’s paintings! Would you enjoy that?

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Step 2 - Learning From: Marc Chagall


Chagall liked to use patterns in his paintings. Patterns are fun to invent. Patterns are made by repeating simple combinations of lines and shapes.

Curves Straight lines

Angels Shapes

Use your pencil to fill some spaces in the drawing below with a different Pattern. Leave some spaces blank for balance.

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An Enchanted Village

Sketch a village as Chagall Would have in the frame below. Use this drawing for ideas. Use a pencil and sketch lightly.

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The last few pages of this section contain the Art Activity for Marc Chagall. This step-by- step outline will be a guide for instructing your child(ren) through the activity. The parent/instructor should review all steps necessary to complete this project before beginning any work.

Cut out the Artist Profile Slip below and attach it to the back of the completed art project.

Marc Chagall

(shah-GAHL) Russian 1887-1985

The colorful, imaginary world of Russian born Marc Chagall was explored through his fascinating paintings. Chagall’s genius was shown in his colors, patterns, shapes, and compositions.

ART ACTIVITY EMPHASIS: Color & Pattern, Creating “Enchanted Villages” MEDIA: Oil Pastel on Colored Paper

Marc Chagall

(shah-GAHL) Russian 1887-1985

The colorful, imaginary world of Russian born Marc Chagall was explored through his fascinating paintings. Chagall’s genius was shown in his colors, patterns, shapes, and compositions.

ART ACTIVITY EMPHASIS: Color & Pattern, Creating “Enchanted Villages” MEDIA: Oil Pastel on Colored Paper

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Step 3 - Working With: Art Activity Instructions

ARTIST LEVEL Marc Chagall (shah-GAHL) Advanced 1887-1985 Russian TECHNIQUE Oil pastel patterns ART ELEMENTS Line, color, pattern VOCABULARY Enchanted, outline, pattern, MEDIA analogous Oil pastel PRINT EMPHASIS The Russian Village Color, pattern, perspective SUGGESTED MUSIC Music from the 1900s MATERIALS FOR INSTRUCTOR AND STUDENTS One 9” x 9” bright colored construction paper One 12” x 18” sheet of newsprint Paper Towel Artist profile slip Boxes of oil pastels Masking tape Pencil and glue

PREPARATION Construct an example to become familiar with the procedure. Place the Chagall print in front of the room. Tape your demonstration paper to the board and arrange materials nearby.

SET-UP [ 5 minutes ] Distribute the materials: SUPPLIES [1] Oil pastels PAPER [4] Colored paper, newsprint, paper towel, and artist profile slip

ORIENTATION [ 5 minutes ] Do you remember what is special about Chagall’s painting? (COLORS, FLOATING THINGS, IMAGINING) Chagall loved to create unusual paintings to inspire our imaginations. Today you will create an enchanted village using oil pastels and your imagination. You will use enchanted colors like ______? (BRIGHT PURPLE, GREEN, BLUE, PINK) You will draw enchanted buildings like ______? (STRANGE, COLORFUL, OR FLOATING

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BUILDINGS) Then you will fill the village with interesting patterns. Let’s get organized so that we can begin!

ORGANIZE YOUR WORK AREA 1.Place your colored paper on top of your newsprint in the center of your desk. 2.Put your oil pastels on a corner of your newsprint. 3.Put glue and artist profile slip at the top of your desk.

Demonstration AND ACTIVITY

A BACKGROUND FOR THE VILLAGE [ 3 minutes ] 1.Draw some hills for a background. 2.Start in front and sketch a large hill LIGHTLY with a pencil. 3.Sketch two or three smaller hills behind it. (Have the students follow this step immediately.)

THE VILLAGE BUILDINGS [ 5 - 7 minutes ]

1.Draw a large interesting rooftop shape in front of the hills. (Draw right over the hills; don’t worry about erasing pencil lines.) 2.Add other rooftops behind it. Aim for 5-7 rooftops total. Try to keep all the rooftops together in a group…touching or overlapping. 3.Then draw the sides of the buildings with vertical (straight up and down) lines. 4.You may turn the paper around, and draw sideways, or upside down buildings, as Chagall would have.

5.Draw just the basic shapes. You’ll add details later. (Have the students follow this step immediately.)

When most have finished, have the students put down their pencils and watch the rest of the demonstration before they continue.

THE BUILDING PATTERNS Fill each building shape with a different pattern of straight, stiff lines.

1.Choose a color to draw over lines of a rooftop shape.

2.Fill the shape with a pattern using straight lines.

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3.Choose related colors, next to each other on the color wheel (analogous), to fill in the spaces of the pattern.

4.Go over the outline of the shape once again with the same color or a related color.

5.Do this for each shape in the village.

THE BACKGROUND PATTERNS Fill each background hill shape with a different pattern of curved lines.

1.Outline a hill shape. 2.Fill it with a pattern. 3.Fill in the pattern with a related color. 4.Go back over the outline.


1.Outline the sky area with any color (rooftops and hills). Outline it again with an analogous color. Keep outlining until the sky is filled with the pattern 2.Or the sky (or a small hill or house) may be left blank for balance. 3.Or have students choose a small “sky” pattern to fill the area.

[Give students about 30 minutes to color villages with patterns. Play music while they work.]


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(Profile slips for each artist are provided. They give a brief description of the artist, the technique, and the media used in the art activity. They should be mounted on the back of each art project after it is completed.) 1.Write your name on the front of the artist profile slip. 2.Using glue, mount the profile slip on the back of your artwork. 3.Encourage students to discuss their artwork at home using this artist slip of information.


Let’s put all our small villages together now to make a fascinating large village! Please hold up your enchanted village next to your neighbors. What wonderful imaginations you have! Would you like to visit this enchanted village? Wouldn’t that be fun! Marc Chagall would be very proud of you!

GUIDANCE Encourage students to make each area contrast with the next by using limited (1 or 2 analogous) colors for each pattern.


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