Our services begin every Friday at 6:30 PM. Board bimah assignment: 07 Riezenman Vayikra 14 Weisberg Tzav March 2014 • Adar I – Adar II 5774 21 Blinder Shemini Temple Beth-El 28 Furgatch Tazria 24 Coveway Drive Brownsville, Texas 78521-3602 Saturday services begin at 9:30 AM with Torah study (956) 542-5263 •
[email protected] immediately following in the Temple Library. featured artist Marc Chagall about the cover: featured artist - Marc Chagall European Jews became increasingly real, further and further south. Finally, in http://www.galeriedada.com/bio/Chagall_Marc.html July 1941, Chagall and his family took refuge in the United States; he spent most of the next few years in New York City or its neighbourhood. For a Russian-born French painter and designer, distinguished for his surrealistic while Chagall continued in his oil painting to develop themes he had already inventiveness. Chagall is recognized as one of the most significant painters treated in France; typical artworks of this period are the Yellow Crucifixion of the 20th century. (1943) and The Feathers and the Flowers (1943). But in 1944 his wife Bella died, and memories of her, often in a Vitebsk setting, became a recurring Chagall was born July 7, 1887, in Vitsyebsk, Russia and was educated in art pictorial motif. She appears as a weeping wife and a phantom bride in in Saint Petersburg and, from 1910, in Paris, where he remained until 1914. Around Her (1945) and, again, as the bride in The Wedding Candles (1945) The four years of this first stay in the French capital are often considered his and Nocturne (1947).