Proceedings of a Workshop on the Development of a Genetic Improvement Program for African Catfish African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) production has gained considerable importance in a number of African countries. The species has several desirable attributes that make it attractive for aquaculture development. It is easy to reproduce, it does not require specialized feed, it tolerates high stocking densities, it accepts artificial feed, it tolerates poor water quality, and very importantly, it is highly sought after in local markets and economically viable in pond production systems. The species is endemic to Africa. In 2007 the WorldFish Center organized a workshop in Accra, Ghana, hosted by the Water Research Institute, to review the status of the catfish industry in Africa and develop recommendations on how best to approach the issue of genetic improvement programs. The results of the workshop are presented in this volume. PROCEEDINGS | 1889 Clarias gariepinus Proceedings of a Workshop on the Development of a Genetic Improvement Program ISBN 978-983-2346-68-5 for African CatfishClarias 2008 The WorldFish Center gariepinus For further information on publications please contact: Business Development and Communications Division The WorldFish Center Edited by R.W. Ponzoni and N.H. Nguyen PO Box 500 GPO, 10670 Penang, Malaysia Tel : (+60-4) 626 1606 Fax : (+60-4) 626 5530 Email :
[email protected] This publication is also available from: Printed on 100% recycled paper Printed on 100% recycled Reducing poverty and hunger by improving fisheries and aquaculture Proceedings of a Workshop on the Development of a Genetic Improvement Program for African Catfi sh Clarias gariepinus Accra, Ghana, 5-9 November 2007 Edited by Raul W.