Monorails In Japan: An Overview Special Report No. 9 Leroy W. Demery, Jr. June 22, 2005 Copyright 2005, Leroy W. Demery, Jr. A web-based publication of P.O. Box 6076 Vallejo, CA. 94591-6076 (707) 557-7563 (707) 557-6735 fax Use Policy. Our goal is to make information on widely available. You are welcome to quote and use excerpts from documents, provided you credit the authors. Most documents are posted in HTM or PDF format. Contact us at
[email protected] if you need other formats. Just let us know how you plan to use it. Comments and suggestions are also welcome. Monorails In Japan: An Overview June 22, 2005 1 Table of Contents Abstract 4 I. Introduction 5 Notes on Transcription 8 Other Details 8 II. The Monorail Market Niche 11 III. Monorail and Other Modal Specifications 14 IV. Criteria For Application 16 V. Small-Scale Installations 18 東京 Tōkyō 豊島園 Toshima-en amusement park (1951-?) 19 東京 Tōkyō 上野懸垂線 Ueno Suspended Line (Ueno Park) 19 奈良 Nara 奈良ドリームラン Nara Dreamland 20 犬山 Inuyama 20 川崎 Kawasaki 読売(よみうり)ランド Yomiuriland (1964-1978) 21 名古屋 Nagoya 東山公園 Higashiyama Park (1964-1974) 22 川崎 Kawasaki - 向ヶ丘 Mukōgaoka (1966-2000) 23 姫路 Himeji (1966-1974) 24 横浜 Yokohama (1966-1967) 25 大阪Ōsaka - Expo ‘70 (1970) 26 VI. The Large-Scale Prototypes 26 Monorails In Japan: An Overview June 22, 2005 2 東京 Tōkyō 東京モノレール Tōkyō Monorail 26 鎌倉 Kamakura 湘南モノレール Shōnan Monorail 33 VII. Unrealized Plans 35 VIII. Standards Adopted For Supported and Suspended Monorails 39 IX.