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Bibliography There is no claim that any section of this bibliography is complete. All that can be said is that an honest attempt has been made to list most of the major papers in the various topics up to the end of 197 5. There are problems whenever one attempts to cover such a vast field as this. Would the reader prefer an alphabetical list of authors?-or an alphabetical list of subjects? How should the topic be subdivided to make reference easier? As soon as subdivision is made there are sure to be papers that overlap more than one section. There will also be papers that do not really 'fit' any one subdivision, so there is almost bound to be a 'General' section, which many classifiers condemn as a mark of failure. An attempt has been made not to duplicate a paper in two or more sections but to decide, on balance, which is the more relevant section. The main overlap occurs, of course, between 'Transport' and 'Levitation', and readers are warned to check carefully that an apparently 'missing' paper is not in the other section. The order of presentation is fairly arbitrary. 'General' could equally well have come last. The other problems as to the order of listing were finally solved by declaring: 'This is a history book, the papers shall be listed in order of year of publication'. In that way, the order at least makes a vague attempt to follow the text. The only thing that is claimed is that this is probably the most comprehensive list of publications to date on the subject of linear motors and allied topics. Order General Industrial Applications Levitation Transport Theory 234 BIBLIOGRAPHY 235 GENERAL 1957 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Linear induction motors', Proc. IEE, 1957, 104A, No.18, 461-70 WILLIAMS, F.C., LAITHWAITE, E.R. and PIGGOTT, L.S.: 'Brush less variable-speed induction motors', ibid., No.14, 102-18 1958 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Induction machines- some new ideas', Technology (publ. by The Times), June 1958, 2, No.4, 110 VOL' DEK, A. I., VIL 'YAMYAE, G. Kh., SILLAMAA, Kh. V. and TIISMUS, Kh. A.: 'Proposed compensation windings in a linear induction device', Trudy Tallinskogo Politekhniche skogo Instituta (USSR), 1958, Ser. A, 131. In Russian WILLIAMS, F.C. and LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Unusual induction machinery', Proc. Manchester Assoc. of Engineers, 28 Feb. 1958, 83-104 1959 NORTH, G.G.: 'Linear induction motors', M.S. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, Dec. 1959 1961 MARINESCU, M.: 'On a new electric motor with oscillatory motion', Rev. Gen. Elec., 1961, 70, No.9, 453-9. In French THORN, K. and NORWOOD, J. Jr.: 'Theory of an electromag netic mass accelerator for achieving hypervelocities', NASA Technical Note D-886, 1961 1962 HAUS, H.: 'Alternating current generation with moving conducting fluids', J. Appl. Phys.(USA), 1962, 33, No.7, 2162-72 IDELBERGER, K.: 'Geradeaus-Beschleuniger arbeitet nach dem Prinzip des Induktions-Motors', VDI-Nachrichten, 1962, 16, No.6, 2 236 A HISTORY OF LINEAR ELECTRIC MOTORS JAYAWANT, B.V.: 'A new linear oscillating motor', Elec. Rev., 1962, 171, No.20, 767-72 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Oscillating machines, synchronous and asynchronous', Proc. IEE, 1962, 109A, No.47, 411-4 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'The linear motor', Discovery, 1962, 23, No.11, 17-22 LAITHWAITE, E.R. and MAMAK, R.S.: 'An oscillating synchro nous linear machine', Proc. IEE, 1962, 109A, No.47, 415-26 MARINESCU, M., GAVRILIU, N. and GRiNARU, I.: 'Asupra efectului de "histereza electromecanica". Un nou proces de transformare a energiei electrice in lucru mecanie ~i aplicarea la realizarea de noi tipuri de ma~ini electrice', Stud. Cercet. Energ. Electrotehn. (Rumania), 1962, 12, No.3, 337-61 WEST, J.C. and JAYAWANT, B.V.: 'A new linear oscillating motor', Proc. IEE, 1962, 109A, No.46, 292-300 YANES, Kh. I., TIISMUS, Kh. A., VESKE, T.A., LIIN, Kh. A. and TAMMEMYAGI, Kh. A.: 'Proposed compensation windings in linear induction device', Trudy Tallinskogo Politekhniche skogo Instituta (USSR), 1962, Ser. A, 215, 197. In Russian 1963 JAYAWANT, B.V. and WILLI&~S, G.: 'Analogue of a new linear oscillating motor', Control (GB), 1963, 6, No.60, 97-9 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Recent developments in linear induction motors', 18th Electronics Convention, Manchester College of Science and Technology, 13 July 1963 (Institution of Electronics) BIBLIOGRAPHY 237 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'The linear induction motor', Machine Design Engineering, 1963, 1, No.5, 35-8 ('The principle of the linear machine'), ibid., No.6, 39-43 ('Applications') LAITHWAITE, E.R. and TUSTIN, A.: 'An oscillating synchronous linear machine', Proc. IEE, 1963, 110, No.8, 1494-5 (Correspondence) 'Linear motors. Review of main features', Elect. Engr. (Australia), 1963, 40, No.4, 47-9 STUHLINGER, E.: 'Electric propulsion', Electrical Engineering (USA), 1963, 82, No.7, 459-65 1964 IDELBERGER, K.: 'The linear induction motor- a new form of the induction motor', Elektrotech. z. (ETZ) B, 1964, 16, No.5, 105-8. In German SEQUENZ, V.H.: 'Electrical machines with linear motion', Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau (Austria}, 1964, 81, No.l7, 421-31. In German USAMI, Y.: 'Linear motor', Japanese Railway Engineering (Japan Railway Engineers' Assoc.), 1964, 7, No.1, 3198-200 1965 BARWELL, F.T. and LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Linear induction motors', Mining Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 1965, 45, No.532, 195-9 IVANOV-SMOLENSKI!, A.V. and TAMOYAN, G.S.: 'An experimental investigation of the processes occurring in a layer of conducting liquid in the "air" gap of an induction motor', Elektrotekhnika (USSR), 1965, 36, No.2, 5-9. English trans. Soviet Elect. Engng., 1965, 36, No.2, 8-12 238 A HISTORY OF LINEAR ELECTRIC MOTORS MACCHIAROLI, B.: 'Linear induction motors', L'Energia Elettrica, 1965, 42, No.1, 21-7. In Italian MARINESCU, M.: 'Despre transformarea direct~ a fortelor electromagnetice pulsatorii in forte alternative. Perspectivele dezvolt~rii motoarelor liniare de tip electromagnetic', Stud. Cercet. Energ. Electrotehn. (Rumania) 1965, 15, No.1, 63-72 MARINESCU, M.: 'On the direct transformation of pulsatory electromagnetic forces into alternating forces. Development prospects for electromagnetic type linear motors', C.R. Acad. Sci. (Paris), 1965, 260, No.ll, 3021-4. In French MARINESCU, M.: 'Unmittelbare tJmwandlung pulsierender elektromotorischer Krafte in alternierende Krafte. Entwicklungsaussichten linearer Motoren elektromotorischen Typs', Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech. Electrotech. Energet., 1965, 10, No.1, 99 TAKAHASHI, M.: 'An experimental study on the two-phase linear induction motor', Reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University, Takeda, Japan, Dec. 1965, No.16, 104-8 USAMI, Y.: 'Linear motor, the second report', Japanese Railway Engineering (Japan Railway Engineers' Assoc.), 1965, 8, No.1, 3821-3 1966 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: Induction machines for soecial purposes (London: Newnes) 1966, (New York: Chemical Publishing Co.) 1966 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Linear induction motors', Engineering, 29 April 1966, 201, 835-40 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'New forms of electric motor', Science Journal, 1966, 2, No.2, 38-43 BIBLIOGRAPHY 239 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: Prooulsion without wheels (London: English Universities Press) 1966, (New York: Hart Publishing Co.) 1968 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Self-oscillating induction motors', Elec. Rev., 1966, 179, No.lO, 346-8 1967 BALA, C.V.: 'Predetermination of the load characteristics of the electromagnetic linear oscillating motors', Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech. Electrotech. Energet., 1967, 12, No.1, 55-73 In German BERTINOV, A.I. et al: 'The movement of a conducting piston in a magnetic field', Magn. Gidrodin. (USSR), 1967, No.14, 149-52. In Russian CAMPANARI, E.: 'Linear asynchronous motors', Elettrotecnica, 1967, 54, No.9, 716-27. In Italian CERINI, D.J. and ELLIOTT, D.G.: 'Performance characteristics of a single wave length liquid metal MHO induction generator with end loss compensation', 8th Symposium on Engineering Aspects of Magnetohydrodynamics, Stanford, 1967 IDELBERGER, K.: 'Der Linear-Motor lauft geradeaus statt zu rotieren', Elektro-Jahrbuch (Zurich), Dec. 1967, 48-56 KUNTE, J.: 'Der Linear-Induktionsmotor', Industrie-Elektrik und Elektronik, 1967, 12, No. 15/16, 321-2 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'A tubular reluctance motor "shotgun"', Elec. Rev., 1967, 180, No.22, 836-7 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Linear electrical motors', Engineering Materials and Design, 1967, 10, No.1, 83 240 A HISTORY OF UNEAR ELECTRIC MOTORS LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Linear induction motors', Project, Autumn 1967, No.5, 8 & 23 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Magnetic power in new forms', The Times, 28 April 1967, v. LAITHWAITE, E.R.: The engineer in wonderland (London: English Universities Press) 1967 1968 BRANOVER, G.G.: 'Experimental investigation of the velocity distribution in the flow of conducting liquid in rectangular ducts situated in a transverse magnetic field', Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Mekh. Zhidkosti Gaza, 1968, No.1, 79-83. In Russian KALE, K.S. et al: 'Magnetic track circuit- a hypothesis', J. Instn. Engrs. (India), 1968, Pt. ET, 48, 713-9 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'A self-propelled magnetic circuit', Elec. Rev., 1968, 182, No.l7, 622-3 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Linear induction motors', Electrical India, 1968, VIII, No.4, 27-30 LAITHWAITE, E.R.: 'Linear line-up in force', The Times, 19 April 1968, 23 POLOUJADOFF, M. and PELENC, Y.: 'Recent developments of the linear induction motor', Ingenieur (Canada), 1968, 54, No.237, 14-9. In French REMY, E.: 'Why the linear motor?', Flux (Revue des Anciens tleves de l'lcole Superieure d'flectricite), 1968, No.5!, 12-5. In French BIBLIOGRAPHY 241 TIMMEL, H.: 'The travelling-field linear motor- a remarkable special form of the induction motor', Elektrie, 1968, 22, No.10, 398-402. In German 1969 ASTROP, A.W.: 'A linear micro-stepping motor', Mach. & Prod. ~. (GB), 1969, 115, No.2966, 465-7 BAR~HALON, M.: 'Reciprocating electric motor', Patent UK 1152209, 8 Sept. 1966; publ. 14 May 1969; prior. 24 Sept. 1965, France 32529 DAS, J.K.: 'Use of single-phase linear induction motor as a synchro substitute', J.