Georges Hübner, PhD Accounting, Law, Finance and Economics Department Affiliated Professor - Speciality: Finance Phone : (+32) 42324728 / (+31) 433883817 E-mail :
[email protected] /
[email protected] Georges Hübner (Ph.D., INSEAD) holds the Deloitte Chair of Portfolio Management and Performance at HEC Management School – University of Liège (HEC-ULg), where he is member of the Board of Directors and chairman of the Master in Management Sciences program. He is also Associate Professor of Finance at Maastricht University, an Affiliate Professor at EDHEC (Lille/Nice) and an Invited Professor at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. He has taught at the executive and postgraduate levels in several countries in Europe, North America, Africa and Asia. Georges Hübner regularly provides executive training seminars for the preparation of the GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals) certification. Georges has published numerous research articles about credit risk, hedge funds and derivatives in leading scientific journals including Journal of Business Venturing, Review of Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, Financial Management and Journal of Portfolio Management. He has written and co-edited several books on hedge funds, operational risk and corporate finance. He is the elected Chairman of the French Finance Association (AFFI) in 2016. Georges Hübner was the recipient of the best paper awards of the Journal of Banking and Finance in 2001 and of “Finance” in 2011, and the co-recipient of the Operational Risk & Compliance Achievement Award 2006, hosted by Operational Risk Magazine, in the best academic paper category. He is also the inventor of the Generalized Treynor Ratio, a simple performance measure for managed portfolios that competes with the traditional performance measures used to assess active portfolio managers.