------------- -, bill see sections BELGIUM-Activities, GREECE-Activities, NORWAY-Activities, THE NETHER LANDS-Activities, and POLAND-Activities] THE ALLIED FORCES (Norwegian air forces) Order, 1941, June 26, 1941, S. R. & 0. (1941) No. 918, CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE provides for application of the Allied Forc·es Act to the Norwegian air forces. Text: Burke, John M., ed. Loose-leaf war legislation, 1941/ 42, p. 560-561. LIBRARY THE ALLIED POWERS (Maritime Courts) (Scotland) Rules, 1941. S. R. & 0 . (1941) No. 966. 700 JACKSON PLACE WASHINGTON, 0. C . THE ALLIED FORCES (Application of Acts to Colonies, etc. (No. 2)) Order, 1941, July 26, 1941, S. R. & 0. (1941) No. 1102, applies this act to the Free French colonies. Text: Burke, John M., ed. Loose-leaf w ar legislation, 1941/42, p. 613-616. Memoranda Series, no. 3 Revised January 25, 1943 ALLIED POWERS (War service) ACT, 1942 (5 & 6 Geo. 6. Ch. 29, 1941/ 42) permits conscription for war service of nationals of all Allied governments in England. .. I EUROPEAN GOVERNMENTS IN EXILE Compiled by HELEN LA WR ENCE SCANLON Librarian NOTE: This memorandum attempts to set forth the organization, personnel, diplomatic activities and publications of the European governments which are now functioning outside their own territories. In addition, certain British laws and regulations which especially concern these governments are listed and described briefly. Information about these governments has not been easily available and many contradictory statements concerning them have been published. So far as it has been possible to ascer tain, the information given herein is correct as of January 25, 1943.
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