Products list Product Catalog 2020 Herpac is a family company based in the South of Spain Our main products are our preserves of differents parts in Barbate , province of Cadiz. of tuna and our Mojama (salted and dried tuna We produce salted and dried fish , preserves and semi- loin) , it is like ham (ham from the see) . Our mojama preserves and smoked fish. We work with two kinds have the IGP (PGI, protected geofraphic of tuna : yellowfin and bluefin tuna, we also work with identification) “Mojama de Barbate”. mackerels, sardines , frigate mackerel .... Salazones Herpac, SL. Polígono Industrial El Olivar, s/n. 11160. Barbate (Cádiz). Tel: 956 43 13 76 /
[email protected] / Mojama IGP MojamaLa mojama is onees, ofindudablemente, Barbate’s most recognizeduno de losproducts,productos being másone of Recognition came in 2017, converting it into obtaining the first An- reconocibles de Barbate, ye s también una de las elabora - the most appetizing preparations you can make with tuna. dalusianen el primer salting productproducto andaluz de salazóne n obtenerlo. ciones más deliciosas que pueden hacerse con el atún. Herpac es miembro fundador de ambos organismos, que Herpac is a founding member of several organizations that have En Herpac llevamos muchos años defendiendo su singu - tienen entre sus objetivos garantizar que los productos among their objectives to ensure that products that carry this quali- Atlaridad, Herpac,sus wecualidades have been defendingys ue xcelencia, its uniqueness,lo que itsnos qualitiesimpul and- que lleven este sello distintivo de calidad cumplan con los itssó originalityhace varios for years,años awhichabandera has longr, primero stimulated,l auslucha to becomepara lathe tyrequisitos distinction establecidos meet established en criteriala normativa for normality.