TAPAS Spain´s own potato wedges with oil and garlic Patatas Bravas 5,50 € Cuttlefish with mayonnaise Sepia con mayonesa 8,60 € Seafood salad Ensaladilla de Marisco 6,80 € Russian salad Ensaladilla Rusa 5,90 € Chopped seafood salad with onion tomato and pepper 8,00 € Salpicón de Marisco All i pebre de Anguilas All i Pebre 10,80 € Cantabrian sea anchovies. Half a dozen Anchoas 13,00 € Anchovies in vinegar with olives Boquerones con aceitunas 7,60 € Cod, pepper and dried salted tuna salad Esgarrat Mojama 8,10 € Cooked broad beans Habas Cocidas 5,10 € Snails caracoles 5,20 € Steamed mussels/local Valencian mussels(in season) 9,40 € Mejillones/Clochinas al vapor ( según temporada) Mussels/local Valencian Mussels with sauce ( in season) 9,90 € Mejillones/Clochinas en Salsa (según temporada) Small shellfish: Tellinas 13,20 € Cockles Berberechos 10,00 € Octopus prepared in the tradicional manner of Galicia fairs 15,40 € Pulpo Afeira Octopus iron Pulpo plancha 16,10 € Grilled small cuttlefish (local chipiron variety) Chipirón 17,60 € Cuttlefish roe Huevas de Sepia a la plancha 11,20 € Grilled small cuttlefish ( local sepionet variety) Sepionet 12,50 € Grilled squid Calamar de playa a la plancha 14,80 € Squid fried in batter Calamar rebozado 11,90 € They have at their disposal letters of allergies TAPAS Fried prawns Gambitas Fritas 8,80 € Baby squid fried in batter Puntilla rebozada 16,80 € Small fried fish in batter Pescaditos Fritos 10,50 € Small cuttlefish fried in batter Sepionet rebozado 13,70 € Garlic prawns Gambas al Ajillo 15,10 € Cod ball. Minimum 3 unit 2,20 €/Ud. Ham ball. 2,65 €/Ud Griddled artichokes Alcachofas plancha 7,90 € Foie artichokes Alcachofas foie 18,40€ Griddled mushrooms Champiñón plancha 6,40 € Griddled asparagus Espárragos plancha 8,00 € Small, hot Padron peppers Pimientos de Padrón 6,40 € Selection of grilled vegetables Combinado de verduras 12,10 € Complete (mixed) salad Ensalada completa 9,70 € Premium-grade tuna salad Ensalada ventresca 14,90 € Valencian or “Raf” tomato 18,40 €/kg Foie shavings with Apple compote Foie con compota 16,90 € Iberian ham Jamón ibérico Bellota 20,00 € Cured loin of pork Lomo Embuchado Ibérico 15,10 € Chorizo:A highly seasoned iberian pork sausage Chorizo I 8,60 € Salchichon:A spiced iberian sausage similar to salami Salchichó 8,60 € Patter of iberian seasoned meats Combi Ibéricos 14,40 € Cured cheese 100 gr. Queso Curado 100 gr. 7,70 € Chistorra:Spicy sausage for frying Chistorra 5,50 € Pork kebab Pincho moruno 4,30 € They have at their disposal letters of allergies SEAFOOD/SHELLFISH Carril cleams from Galicia. kg. Almejas 127,00 €/kg Clams Marinera style Almejas Marinera 16,60 € Angula Aguinaga 100 gr. 98,60 € Blue Lobster Bogavante Azul 71,00 €/kg Sea snails (spiny dye-murex) 250 gr. Canaillas 16,00 € Caviar Royal 50gr. 90,00 € Griddled crawfish kg. Cigalas Plancha 89,00 €/kg Crayfish with spring onions kg. Cigalas con Ajos tiernos 84,00 €/kg Sea Cucumber Espardeña- pepino de mar 21,00 € Sea urchin Erizo de Mar 4,50 € Griddled prawns kg. Gambas Plancha 174,00 €/kg Lobster Langosta 84,00 €/kg Pod razor. kg Navajas 55,00 €/kg Velvet crab kg. Necoras 55,00 €/kg Ortigulus. Ortiguilla 10,40 € Oysters. Per oyster Ostras ud. 4,40 € Goose neck barnacle 200 gr. Percebes 29,40 € Shrimp 150 gr. Quisquilla 19,50 € Variegated scallops Zamburiñas Unidad 2,50 € FISH/PESCADOS Grilled swordfish. Emperador 11,90 € Monkfish fried in batter. Rape rebozado 17,60 € Raons ( season) Raons 82 €/Kg Wild dentex Denton 92 €/Kg Wild rooster zeidae Gallo San Pedro 92 €/Kg Red Scorpionfish Escorpa 100,00 €/kg Atlantic Bluefin tuna Atun Rojo 100,00 €/kg Wild grouper Mero 100,00 €/Kg They have at their disposal letters of allergies MIXED DISHES/BANDEJAS Festival: Blood-pudding sausage with spicy sausage and Galicia-style sausage, Padrón peppers and french fries. Festival Per Person. 10,40 € Fried eggs with Lazo Iberian ham and french fries. Huevos fritos con jamón ibérico Lazo y patatas fritas Per Person. 11,90 € Carved sirloin steak portions with french fries and cooked Spring onions Solomillo de ternera trinchado con patatas fritas y ajitos tiernos Per Person. 16,60 € Chop lamb with french fries and Piquillo´s pepper Chuletitas de cordero lechal con patatas fritas y pimientos del piquillo Per Person. 17,00 € Basquet ox fillet steak ´s portions with french fries and Piquillo´s pepers Entrecote de buey Vasco trinchado con patatas y pimientos del piquillo Per Person. 13,60 € REVUELTOS Prawns and spring onions sauteed with egg 17,10 € Revuelto de gambas y ajitos tiernos Smoked salmon sauteed with egg 14,30 € Revuelto de salmón ahumado Asparagus and ham sauteed with egg 14,30 € Revuelto de espárragos y jamón Botetus (mushroom) and foie sauteed with egg 18,80 € Revuelto de boletus y foie Boletus, variety mushrooms and iberian ham sauteed with eggs 11,90 € Revuelto de boletus con jamón ibérico Blood-pudding sausage and pine nuts sauteed with egg 14,30 € Revuelto de morcilla con piñones *Ask for your preferred egg saute They have at their disposal letters of allergies SMALL, SAVOURY BITE-SIZED SNACKS/MONTADITOS Anchovy Anchoa 3,00 € Ham Jamón 2,00 € Tuna Atún 2,00 € Pork loin Lomo 2,00 € Cod and Pepper Bacalao 2,90 € Spicy pork sausageLonganiza 2,00 € Roe Hueva 2,90 € Black pudding Morcilla 2,00 € Salmon Salmón 2,90 € Veal or beef Ternera 2,90 € Dried salted tuna Mojama 2,40 € Chistorra Chistorra 2,00 € Grilled foie Foie plancha 4,10 € Sailor Marinero 4,10 € SALTED FISH AND CAN/salazones y conservas Mojama Tuna jerky 89,00 €/kg Maruca roe Hueva Maruca 89,00 €/kg Mullet roe Hueva de Mujol 184,00 €/kg Tuna´s roe Hueva de atún 324,00 €/kg Paco Lafuente´s clam can. Almeja 21,40 €/kg Paco Lafuente´s common cockle can Berberecho 15,80 €/kg Ramón Franco 6/8 mussels can . Mejillones 6/8 10,50 €/kg Ramón Franco 4/6 mussels can Mejillones 4/6 15,80 €/kg Ramón Franco sardine can Sardinas 5,40 €/kg Bonito del Norte Ortiz Premium-grade tuna can Ventresca 10,10 €/kg They have at their disposal letters of allergies PREPARED WITH GREAD ROLLS CUT LENGTHWISE, NOT WITH SLICED BREAD Almusafes:“Sobrasada”spicy pork sausage, cheese and grilled onion 6,20€ Chivito: Pork loin, cheese, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise 6,80€ Salvaje: Cured “Serrano “ ham omelette and cheese with 6,80€ Catalan-style tomato on the bread Súper: Bacon, cheese, fried egg & french fries 6,80€ Tremendo: Blood-pudding & spicy sausage omelette with “ Piquillo” Red peppers. 6,80€ Brascada:Veal, cured “Serrano” ham and grilled onions 7,50€ Don Vicente: Carved sirloin steak portions with oil and garlic 9,80€ PREPARED WITH BREAD ROLLS CUT LENGTHWISE, NOT SLICED BREAD Blood-pudding sausage with spicy sausage Blanco y negro 3,80 € Pork loin Lomo 5,60 € Veal or beef Ternera 5,90 € Veal or beef roll in fried egg-yolk batter Pepito de Ternera 6,20 € Salmon sauteed with egg Revuelto de salmón 6,80 € Squid Calamares 8,00 € Baby squid Chipirones 11,00 € Grilled baby cuttlefish Sepionet plancha 7,50 € Cuttle fish with mayonnaise Sepia con Mahonesa 7,50 € Spain´s own potato wedges with oil and garlic Patatas Bravas 4,80 € Anchovies 4 fillets Anchoas 4 filetes 9,80 € They have at their disposal letters of allergies PREPARED WITH BREAD ROLLS CUT LENGTHWISE, NOT SLICED BREAD Iberian ham Jamón ibérico Lazo 8,30 € Pork loin seasoned sausage Lomo embuchado ibérico 6,60 € Chorizo:A highly seasoned iberian pork sausage Chorizo Ib 4,50 € Salchichon:A spiced iberian sausage similar to salami Salchichó 4,50 € Potato omelette (Tortilla de Patatas) 4,50 € Tuna omelette Tortilla de Atún 5,60 € Prawn omelette Tortilla de gambas 7,30 € Ham omelette Tortilla de Jamón 5,60 € Asparagus omelette Tortilla de espárragos 5,60 € Mixed sándwich Sándwich mixto 4,50 € Mixed sándwich with egg Sándwich mixto con huevo 6,00 € Vegetarian sandwich Sándwich Vegetal 6,00 € *Ask for your sándwich as you like it ACCOMPANIMENTS/GUARNICIONES Cooked broad beans Habas 1,40 € Ratatouille Pisto 1,40 € Oil and garlic sauce Ajoaceit. 0,90 € French fries Pat.fritas 1,20 € Catalana-style tomatoCatalana 1,00€ Cooked spring onionsAji 1,20 € Cheese Queso 0,70 € Onion Cebolla 0,90 € They have at their disposal letters of allergies DESSERTS/POSTRES Fruit in season Fruta del tiempo pieza 4,90 € 3,25 € Strawberries Fresas 4,00 € Strawberries and whipped cream Fresas con nata 5,30 € Melon or Sandia Melón o Sandia 4,50 € Pineapple Piña 6,10 € Mango Mango 6,70 € Flan with whipped cream Flan con nata 4,20 € Tocino de cielo:Egg –yolk and syrup sweet Tocino de cielo 3,40 € Apple cake. Tarta manzana 5,20€ Cheesecake Tarta de Queso 4,60 € Santiago cake Tarta de Santiago 3,50 € Crispy 3 chocolate delight Crujiente de 3 chocolates 5,60 € Truffles unity Trufas 1,30 € Frozen walnut ice-cream or truffled frozen walnut Castaña 2,40 € Magnum Frac, Blanco, Double Choc, Sandwich 3,00 € Cornetto 2,50 € Negriton Helado 3,30 € They have at their disposal letters of allergies CERVEZAS BARRIL Caña 1,70 € Doble 2,20 € Copón (0,45 l ) 3,20 € TERCIOS Mahou 2,20 € Mahou Sin 2,40 € Mahou 00 Tostada 2,40 € Mahou Sin Gluten 2,40 € Mahou Maestra 3,00 € Amstel 2,20 € Carslberg 2,60 € Águila Sin filtrar 2,60€ Amstel Radler 2,20 € Heineken 2,60 € Heineken 00 2,60 € Voll Damm 2,60 € Turia Märzen 2,60 € Alhambra Especial 3,00 € They have at their disposal letters of allergies BBAARR RRIICCAARRDDOO DESDE 1947 CARTA VINOS They have at their disposal letters of allergies VINOS TINTOS RIOJA Beronia Crianza 14,70 € Beronia Crianza Magnum 1,5 l 28,40 € Beronia Reserva 21,80 € Azpilicueta Crianza 16,40 € Azpilicueta Magnum 1,5 l 31,60 € Hacienda López de Haro 14,70
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