Deli meat products Authentic, flavourful recipe ideas


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FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 2 17/01/13 19:17 Cooked ham and goat’s cheese nibbles


l 4 slices cooked ham l 1 tub fresh goat’s milk cheese l 2 cloves garlic l 300 g rocket salad l 4 tablespoons vinaigrette l 1 small red bell pepper l 1 small yellow bell pepper l Salt and pepper Nutritional value One slice Supérieur cooked ham (45 g)

Calories Proteins Lipids Sodium 54 kcal 9,6 g 1,6 g 0,4 g

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FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 3 17/01/13 19:17 Cooked ham and goat’s cheese nibbles Cooked ham, is made using the pig’s hind leg. In France, there are 3 categories of cooked ham: Supérieur, which contains no polyphos- phates or gelling agents; Standard; and Choix, which contains no gelling agents. The hams are cured in brine and steamed, coo- ked au torchon (in a special cloth) with or without the bone, or cooked in bouillon.

Ingredients l 4 slices cooked ham l 1 tub fresh goat’s milk cheese l 2 cloves garlic l 300 g rocket salad l 4 tablespoons vinaigrette l 1 small red bell pepper l 1 small yellow bell pepper l Salt and pepper

Preparation and cooking time Wash and spin-dry the salad. Place in a salad bowl and season with vinaigrette. Cut the bell peppers into thin strips. Peel the garlic cloves, remove the germ, and chop finely or crush with a garlic press. Chop up 8 sprigs of chives. Place the goat’s milk cheese, garlic, chopped chives salt and pepper in a bowl and mix well. Lay the ham slices on your kitchen countertop. Cut each lengthwise into 3 or 4 strips depen- ding on the size of the slice. Spread the cheese mixture onto each strip of ham. Roll each strip up and tie it up to hold it together using a sprig of chive. Place the salad in plates, top with the ham nibbles and decorate with the sliced bell peppers. Serve chilled. Bon appétit !

FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 4 17/01/13 19:17 Dry-cured ham spring rolls and julienne vegetables with anchoïade

Ingredients l 4 thin slices dry-cured ham l 1/4 cucumber l 1/4 long white radish l 1/2 carrot l 1/2 green apple Anchoïade: l 6 anchovy fillets l 2 cloves of garlic l 1 egg yolk l 1 squeezed lemon l 30 cl olive oil

Nutritional value One slice dry-cured ham (30 g)

Calories Proteins Lipids Sodium 70,8 kcal 8,2 g 4,1 g 0,6 g

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FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 5 17/01/13 19:17 Dry-cured ham spring rolls and julienne vegetables with anchoïade

Dry-cured hams, are made using the pig’s hind leg. The legs are rubbed in salt and then dried. The length of drying varies depending on the type of ham. Finest-quality (Supérieur) dry-cured ham: 210 days minimum Dry-cured ham: 130 days minimum Cured uncooked ham: less than 130 days

. Ingredients l 4 thin slices dry-cured ham l 1/4 cucumber l 1/4 long white radish l 1/2 carrot l 1/2 green apple Anchoïade: l 6 anchovy fillets l 2 cloves of garlic l 1 egg yolk l 1 squeezed lemon l 30 cl olive oil

Preparation and cooking time Peel all of the vegetables and the green apple. Cut all of the vegetables and the apple into long half-centimeter thick strips or shred them in a food processor using the “carrot grater” setting. Anchoïade: Mix the anchovy fillets, garlic, lemon juice and egg yolk in a food processor, then add the olive oil and whisk the mixture as you would with a mayonnaise. Mix the anchoïade with the vegetables and roll up in a half slice of dry-cured ham as you would a spring roll. Store in an airtight contai- ner. Serve with a green salad of mixed young greens, such as mesclun, or with vegetables cut into small sticks that can be dipped in the remaining anchoïade Bon appétit !

FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 6 17/01/13 19:17 Monkfish with diced bacon and preserved lemons


l 200 g diced bacon l 500 g monkfish fillets l 4 lemons preserved in brine l 1 tablespoon cumin seeds l 2 tablespoons olive oil l 4 sprigs coriander l 2 onions l The juice of one grapefruit l Salt and pepper Nutritional value Plain diced bacon (40 g)

Calories Proteins Lipids Sodium 133,6 kcal 9,5 g 10,3 g 0,6 g

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FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 7 17/01/13 19:17 Monkfish with diced bacon and preserved lemons Diced bacon, is made using breast. Careful selection and trimming of pork breasts has helped to obtain diced bacon that is leaner than in the past.

Ingredients l 200 g diced bacon l 500 g monkfish fillets l 4 lemons preserved in brine l 1 tablespoon cumin seeds l 2 tablespoons olive oil l 4 sprigs coriander l 2 onions l The juice of one grapefruit l Salt and pepper

Preparation and cooking time Peel the onions and slice thinly. Cut the preserved lemons into four. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan, and brown the onions and diced bacon. Set aside when browned. Cut the grapefruit into whole wedges, remo- ving all of the pith and membrane. Squeeze any broken wedges. Pour the juice into a bowl and add the olive oil and sliced onions. Season with salt and pepper. Place the monkfish fillets in the frying pan and cook for one minute on each side. Pour in the grapefruit juice and sprinkle with cumin seeds. Add the diced bacon and onion mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with chop- ped coriander. Serve immediately. Can be served with a few mange-tout peas (snow peas). Bon appétit !

FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 8 17/01/13 19:17 Pate croquettes with Espelette pepper

Ingredients l 350 g liver pate l 350 g farmhouse pate l 4 sprigs chives, chopped finely l 2 tablespoons finely chopped coriander l 2 red onions, chopped finely l 150 g baby spinach l Olive oil l Celery salt l 30 g Espelette pepper cream (or Tabasco) l Mustard l Espelette pepper jelly (or 1 spoonful of honey) l Espelette pepper mustard (or spicy mustard) l 4 egg yolks l 300 g Japanese bread crumbs (or standard bread crumbs) Nutritional value Farmhouse pate (40 g)

Calories Proteins Lipids Sodium 134,4 kcal 6,3 g 11,8 g 0,3 g

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FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 9 17/01/13 19:17 Pate croquettes with Espelette pepper Liver pate, farmhouse pate, liver cream, liver mousse, terrines… the diverse range of pro- ducts obtained can be explained by the nature of the ingredients, the various ways of preparing meats (with herbs, spices and marinades), as well as way the meat is ground and cooked. Farm- house pate is always made using pure pork, primarily throat with the rind removed, or liver, with perhaps some pork meat or . Liver pates are made using pork liver and fat from pigs or other animals (for example, poultry).

Ingredients l 350 g liver pate l 350 g farmhouse pate l 4 sprigs chives, chopped finely l 2 tablespoons finely chopped coriander l 2 red onions, chopped finely l 150 g baby spinach l Olive oil l Celery salt l 30 g Espelette pepper cream (or Tabasco) l Mustard l Espelette pepper jelly (or 1 spoonful of honey) l Espelette pepper mustard (or spicy mustard) l 4 egg yolks l 300 g Japanese bread crumbs (or standard bread crumbs)

Preparation and cooking time Sweat the red onions in olive oil and cook the baby spinach in olive oil for 30 seconds. Set aside to cool. During this time, chop the liver pate and farm- house pate into large chunks and place in a container. Add the red onion and herbs. Chop the baby spinach and add. Mix everything together and form 30 g meatballs. Dip the meatballs into the breadcrumbs and fry for 3 minutes at 180°. Set aside after cooking. Next, mix the Espelette pepper cream with the mustard, the Espelette pepper jelly and the Espelette pepper mustard. Serve the croquettes with the Espelette pepper sauce and a few leaves of rocket salad. Bon appétit !

FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 10 17/01/13 19:17 Cucumber and rillettes makis with black sesame

Ingredients For 12 makis l 1 cucumber l 120 g pork rillettes l 40 g black sesame seeds l 1 tablespoon oil

Nutritional value One serving of pure pork rillettes (40 g)

Calories Proteins Lipids Sodium 171,6 kcal 6,1 g 15,4 g 0,2 g

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FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 11 17/01/13 19:17 Cucumber and rillettes makis with black sesame

Rillettes, are made using pork (or goose, duck, rabbit or other meats) that slowly roasted over low heat. This slow-cooking technique helps to obtain a creamy, flavourful mixture.

Ingredients For 12 makis l 1 cucumber l 120 g pork rillettes l 40 g black sesame seeds l 1 tablespoon oil

Preparation and cooking time Peel the cucumber and cut it into round sec- tions approximately 1 cm thick. Using a small scoop, gently scoop out the mid- dle of the cucumber rounds. Garnish the inside of the rounds with some rillettes. Brush the outside of the cucumber slices with a bit of oil, then roll them in the sesame seeds. Refrigerate until serving time.

Bon appétit !

FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 12 17/01/13 19:17 Quinoa and dry verrines

Ingredients Serves 4: l 200 g quinoa l 2 carrots l 15 sprigs chives, finely chopped l 1 bunch radish l 20 thin slices dry sausage l The juice of one lemon l 2 tablespoons olive oil l 1 tablespoon hazelnut oil l Salt and freshly ground pepper

Nutritional value One serving of dry sausage (30 g)

Calories Proteins Lipids Sodium 126,6 kcal 8 g 10,9 g 0,5 g

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FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 13 17/01/13 19:17 Quinoa and dry sausage verrines

Dry , are made using a mixture of meats (around 3/4 lean meat and 1/4 fatty meat) that is ground more or less finely. There are two broad varieties of dry sausages: medium/coarse-ground and finely ground.

Ingredients Serves 4: l 200 g quinoa l 2 carrots l 15 sprigs chives, finely chopped l 1 bunch radish l 20 thin slices dry sausage l The juice of one lemon l 2 tablespoons olive oil l 1 tablespoon hazelnut oil l Salt and freshly ground pepper

Preparation and cooking time Rinse the quinoa and place it in a pot of boiling salted water. Drain the quinoa and set it aside to cool. Peel and grate the carrot. Wash the radishes and chop them into very thin rounds. Mix the lemon juice and the 2 oils. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste and add the chives. Mix with the quinoa. Garnish the bottom of the verrine glasses with grated carrots, then top with the seasoned quinoa. Next, add the thin radish rounds and top off with the slices of dry sausage. Serve chilled. Bon appétit !

FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 14 17/01/13 19:17 Pan-fried vegetables and Toulouse sausage


l 2 Toulouse sausages l 2 red onions l 1 large head of broccoli l 200 g mange-tout peas (snow peas) l 8 marinated artichoke hearts l 2 tablespoons olive oil l 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar l Salt and pepper Nutritional value Cooked Toulouse sausage (35 g)

Calories Proteins Lipids Sodium 103 kcal 6,6 g 8,4 g 0,2 g

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FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 15 17/01/13 19:17 Pan-fried vegetables and Toulouse sausage Cooked sausages, are made using a mix- ture of very finely ground meat.

Ingredients l 2 Toulouse sausages l 2 red onions l 1 large head of broccoli l 200 g mange-tout peas (snow peas) l 8 marinated artichoke hearts l 2 tablespoons olive oil l 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar l Salt and pepper.

Preparation and cooking time Cook the Toulouse sausages and set them aside. Peel the onions and cut them into four. Drain the artichoke hearts. Wash and dry the mange-tout peas. Cut the head of broccoli into small bouquets. Bring two pots of salted water to a boil. In one, cook the mange-tout peas for 5 minutes. In the other, cook the broccoli for 10 minutes. Drain both after cooking. Pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large frying pan and add the red onion quarters. Brown over medium heat, turning the onions over from time to time. When they start to become transparent, turn up the heat and add the broccoli, mange-tout peas, artichoke hearts and sausages. Sautee for 10 minutes, stirring with a spatula. Add a dash of vinegar, sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste and serve imme- diately. Idea for kids: For young children, you can re- place the Toulouse sausages with frankfurters. They will love it! Bon appétit !

FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 16 17/01/13 19:17 Blood pudding, pear, orange flower and walnut verrines

Ingredients l 1 kg black pudding cut into 5-cm thick slices l 100 g crushed walnut halves l 2 pears l 2 squeezed oranges and their zest l 2 tablespoons orange flower water l 8 gelatine sheets softened in cold water Nutritional value Fried black pudding (125 g)

Calories Proteins Lipids Sodium 326,2 kcal 18,5 g 27 g 0,9 g

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FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 17 17/01/13 19:17 Blood pudding, pear, orange flower and walnut verrines

Black pudding, is made of pig’s blood and fat. Some regional variations contain meat and offal. White pudding, is made with pork, or poultry meat and fat.


l 1 kg black pudding cut into 5-cm thick slices l 100 g crushed walnut halves l 2 pears l 2 squeezed oranges and their zest l 2 tablespoons orange flower water l 8 gelatine sheets softened in cold water

Preparation and cooking time Peel the pears, remove the cores and cut into half-centimetre cubes. Pour the orange juice and zest into a saucepan, then add the pear cubes and a bit of water to obtain approxima- tely 1 litre of this mixture. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes, then add the gelatine and the orange flower water. Fry the slices of black pudding for 3 minutes on each side and drain on paper towels. Place a bit of the pear-orange compote in the bot- tom of the verrine glasses, then make alterna- ting layers of black pudding and compote. Press the layers down gently into each glass. Top with the crushed walnut halves. Refrige- rate overnight. Serve with toasted bread and chutney. Serve the black pudding verrines with a few leaves of salad. Bon appétit !

FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 18 17/01/13 19:17 Pan-fried andouillette with chanterelle mushrooms

Ingredients l 4 andouillette sausages l 400 g chanterelle mushrooms l 20 g butter l 1 shallot l 1 branch rosemary l Salt and pepper

Nutritional value One fried andouillette (125 g)

Calories Proteins Lipids Sodium 378,7 kcal 30,6 g 27,9 g 1,4 g

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FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 19 17/01/13 19:17 Pan-fried andouillette with chanterelle mushrooms

Andouillette, is a sausage made by mixing pork meat and intestines and stuffing the mix- ture into a casing made of the pig’s digestive tube or colon. The sausage is then cooked. The recipe may also include salt, spices, herbs, seasonings and condiments, the only autho- rized ingredients and additives.


l 4 andouillette sausages l 400 g chanterelle mushrooms l 20 g butter l 1 shallot l 1 branch rosemary l Salt and pepper

Preparation and cooking time Cut each andouillette sausage into 4 pieces. Clean the chanterelle mushrooms and cut the larger ones up. Slice the shallot thinly. Add 20 g butter to a frying pan over medium heat. Add the andouillette rounds, chanterel- les and shallot. Add salt and pepper to taste, then brown for approximately 7 minutes over low heat. Serve immediately, garnishing the plates with a few sprigs of rosemary. Bon appétit !

FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 20 17/01/13 19:17 Tripe tartines

Ingredients Serves 4: l 1 jar tripes or 400 g of tripes from the butcher’s l 8 slices country style bread l 1 red onion l A few sprigs of chervil l Rocket salad l Freshly ground pepper

Nutritional value One serving of tripes (100 g)

Calories Proteins Lipids Sodium 97 kcal 16,9 g 3 g 0,7 g

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FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 21 17/01/13 19:17 Tripe tartines

Tripes are made by cooking aspic seasoned with pieces of cow’s, calf’s, sheep’s or pig’s stomach.

Ingredients Serves 4: l 1 jar tripes or 400 g of tripes from the butcher’s l 8 slices country style bread l 1 red onion l A few sprigs of chervil l Rocket salad l Freshly ground pepper

Preparation and cooking time Heat the tripes in a saucepan over low heat. Toast the slices of bread. Peel the onion and slice it thinly. Lay the tripes on the slices of toasted bread and top with slices of onion. Sprinkle with fres- hly milled pepper. Serve immediately with rocket salad.

Bon appétit !

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FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 23 17/01/13 19:17 1 Cooked ham and goat’s cheese nibbles 2 Dry-cured ham spring rolls and julienne vegetables with anchoïade 3 Monkfish with diced bacon and preserved lemons 4 Pate croquettes with Espelette pepper 5 Cucumber and rillettes makis with black sesame 6 Quinoa and dry sausage verrines 7 Pan-fried vegetables and Toulouse sausage 8 Blood pudding, pear, orange flower and walnut verrines 9 Pan-fried andouillette with chanterelle mushrooms 10 Tripe tartines Imprimé sur papier issu de forêts gérées durablement - Conception, réalisation : Print Management 06 09 57 10 97 - Crédits photos : Infocharcuteries : Print Management 06 09 57 10 97 - Crédits durablement - Conception, réalisation gérées Imprimé sur papier issu de forêts

FICT RECETTES-GB2.indd 24 17/01/13 19:17