
• THE EVENING Washington, '" STAR. D. C. Williams, but the whole is ob- too. He’s in high rTI TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, IQftfl ¦ such a taxi B-14 WHERE viously a composite picture. And 1 bracket that he’d have to earn 1 ' r* Jack Carson Portrays you know what those are. $490,000 to get $49,000 and no “Lo Sfrodo" is ami- The Manheim-Marx THE PASSING SHOW comedy i dame Is gonna walk around in ntntly worthy 8i its , AND WHEN takes up Gordy several $490,000 mink,coat bought. Current Theater Attractions Just as I a he crises are approaching in his > * if * * gvafyj-ionor” and Time of Showing An Egocentric Comic V a life. He is about to get married, These are something less or I Cormady, Sfow Oboler's World Ends By HARRY MacARTHUR just as soon as he can get the ; Stage more than problems universal The comedian whose ego has grown fat feeding the . girl to sign a lengthy contract. of Arena Theater—“A on adula- 1 experience, instantly recognize to ) , View From tion of a vast television audience has caught fancy He has Insisted on this docu- i i Bridge”; p.m. the of at ! all playgoers. Couple this with jthe 8:30 number of writers. The latest of these are Mannie Manhelm and ment before each of his I * On Bang', No Whimper ’ the fact that you couldn’t care | I An'hnny Quinn National "Everybody Loves > Arthur Marx, who have seen fit-to write , weddings, ever since his first Musing- 1 a comedy called “Every- ’ of C.uiiiiTU By JAY Me”; 8:30 p.m. body Loves Me” revolving about wife divorced him when he less at the end act two how CARMODY an entertainer of monstrous self- , hap- j Gordy Williams will fare in act j I TRANS-t.rX PLAZA Using spaceship, Night >.approval. Producer Max Gordon broughto--- v»*v pened to be homeward bound moon, as Shubert—“The of the it to Nationalituviuuoi in California, nick-; from ij | ;l W. T -at 14th 12 Naan , a the his the l See MacARTHUR, Page B-15 platform. sings humanity's valedictory in “Night off Auk”; 8:30 p.m. ; Theater last night for a pre-i ing him for that 50 per cent! opened night at Broadway week with Jack Carson : 1 1 “EVERYBODY LOVES ME." * new , property the Auk" which last the Shubert Theater. Splay by Mannie settlement. eloquent song by fire, go Theaters in the leading role. Manhelm and Arthur It is an of death and it should 'Marx, presented by Max Gordon, dl- Another crisis involves the Stevens Mokes 'GIANT" a Truly GIANT without saying, an arresting one. The spectator , Ambassador “Giant”; 1:25, . What’s more, Mr. Carson plays I reeted by Robert Sinclair, setting by Film. has no reluctance , I Edward Gilbert At the National issue of this first union, Gordy’s ¦ —' " to agree with every word of '5:10 and 9 pffh. it broadly and well. And he has Theater HARRY MacARTHUR—Sior l l it. _ The Cast Teddy (Pinky) son Johnny. He's doing all right Indeed hangs on to the veryf\ “.** a drama In, Capitol—“The Power and the : some good support from Temple! ,| Plnkham i „ three acts produced by Kermit Bloom- _ Pat Harrlntton , with a midnight TV show on a garden, by a.m., 1:40, 3:40, .Texas, Robert Pastene, i Bascom Emory last word before he falls free i written Arch Oboler. directed i Prize”: 11:35 Marion Richardson small station and the network Into the void. by Sidney Lumet, with setting and light- •>5:40, 7:45 and 9:45 p.m. Randall, Conrad Janis and Gordon Williams (Gordy) Jack Carson ing by Howard Bay. At the Shubert Richard Hessler . Harry Worth 1 heads get the notion that he r Theater several others. It further should Violet Anderson Temple Texas The residual doubt is not of Colony—“Fruits of , Rex would be THE CAST Summer”: be reported that a number Kane Robert Pastene great as his father’s p.m. of! Johnny ~ the truth Mr. Oboler speaks but ColonaL Tom Russell Wendell Corey \ 6. 7:50 and 9:40. Williams Conrad Jams replacement. IMF Judy . summer t Lt Mac Dick funny things said during ! Marshall Marlon Randall Ml II emmtmrn whether he has shaped it as a a Hartman* York Columbia—“ The Last Wagon”; are the m dl Matt Crowley WAIMBCO R*M „ Lewis Rohnen ! “Everybody I ? t '.l Borthwick Gordy has a money problem, course of Loves Me.” : Irwin Tucker • ; Truman ¦¦¦¦' ¦ ' ' ® Dr ‘ play which may, of course! be i I Bruner Claude Rain* I ill:20 am., 1:25, 3:25, 5:30, 7:35 I Erneat Bragin Ralph Bmlth ffiLIZASITB G R the veriest technicality. Cer- j Lt. Jan Kephart Marlon Brook* and 9:40 p.m. The trouble is that it all does! Purdum W' S7EVEN£L tainly no one else has made a Dupont—" Secrets of Life”; 1, , not In the end add up to very! with TAYLOR \ himself, “Night of the Auk” has Gordy Williams by the end BURLESQUE more arresting two-and-one- ; 2:45, 4:35, 6:25, 8:15 and 10:10 I much. iof “Everybody '^I\ much of the fuzziness that always * Loves Me,” It is half-hour argument out of the ! ! p.m. ** * ftW ' attends this speculation. closing fast. He’d be hilarious in HOT HUUjUN L horror of the superbomb. Keith’s—“The Unguarded Mo-1 .j The reason for this is fairly] pi? 'TOO First Site 11 an % Fwtl Sbeelga | a 10-minute sketch on the Sid I /f anyone . Nevertheless, Mr. Oboler has a ment"; 11:45 a.m„ 1:50, 3:55, 6,| obvious. Nothing really happens! MffiH [Uil Sli»« IKpa \ Ul Skew Spa | Nor has made it clearer rocket-propelled by i Caesar show, but a full evening sjrs.TO HANDLE' those associated with the ; idea the tail I 8:05 and 10:10 p.m. to the Gordy Williams played by! with him, i than : on a no matter how lea- dean Jillh Kermit and he hangs to it with l MacArthur “The Third Carson. Things occur in his life,! fTiTiTil :1 Bloomgarden production I vened with laughter, does be- .auMKOW | I-Kkt.lt74M j F!!(eHTtO4M^ that after the bang ! frequently admirable, always sus- • Man”; 6, 7:50 and 9:45 p.m. but nothing happens to him. He I PATTI WAGGINI of this penseful grip. His weapon against come wearing. ! Metropolitan “Giant”; 10:45 : is an egocentric boor when first, ** * * weapon there will be no one left one i to whimper. Contributing ' the the nuclear scientists > am., 2:10, 5:40 and 9:10 p.m. encountered and he is an ego-! im- ! have invented is words, but he, There is a disclaimer in the portantly to this impression is >1 Ontario “Friendly Persua- centric boor when the National's; program ’ Director Lumet and the 1:25, 4:10, rings jNational’s that de- Howard Bay’s startling set. a sion”; 6:55 and 9:40 i curtain down on him. clares: “All the stand there firing as if they !p.m. possibly characters are mad mechanized sphere which This was what the 1 fictitious. You identify believe words have a chance. "Teen-Age mind, couldn’t looks as if it might hurtle to [ Palace Rebel”: i .authors had in of course—- them if you tried.” It The talk during the sphere’s 11:40 a.m., 1:40, 3:40, 5:45, , demonstration probably the moon at any moment. ; 7:45, a via comedy that is the You may •ree fall runs the gamut and p.m. nothing happen truth. see aj 1321 Bay's of the ¦ 9:45 ; does to these of NEIGHBORHOOD#^!!Than Routine Merit Mr. is the perfect ma- reminder of one or Films More ' bomb’s discussion, all the way Playhouse “Lust for Life”; types.' They get a 39.6 rating another chine from which the last man- famous man in Carson’s Gordy! GER THAN LIFE,” James Mason misuses cortisone and WINELAND THEATRES [ from Hiroshima to the dire pos- 11 a.m., 1:05, 3:15, 5:25, 7:40. . week after week and catac- in this case five men—might no life a suspenseful melodrama. sibilities of tomorrow. and 9:50 p.m. lysm in private life can convince his becomes taunt and *np npiup Ilf 7100 Indian Hnd scream the last “Why?” of hu- j=T" “BUS STOP,” Marilyn Monroe proves she also can act as the IMUIMRHwy iq. 7-Jsjs It is best in the reflections of Plaza—“Lp Btrafla”; 12, 2,4, , them that everybody does not PATRICK HAYES CONCERTS man folly. 6, IN CONSTITUTION HALL chantootsie kidnaped by a cowhand. FIRST RUN the eldsrly physicist played by 8 and 10 p.m. love them. H This, incidentally. Is the “THE EDDY DUCHIN STORY,” Kim Novak and Tyrone Power vtjwinia* vocal p Rains, a guilt-tortured man TranS-Lnit— “The Solid Gold Unfortunately, a boor gener- £ls* ‘r&BKRT pitch Sidney SMr. in an overly tearful but musically fine biography. stack ruth roman in Robert toward which Lu-' played part Cadillac’’; 11 a.m„ 12:45, 2:30, , ally turns out a SUN—3:OO ß who a that he now to be bore and THIS P.M. Kelly, Bing Crosby ••oreatda'y met intelligently directs the Obo- 4:19, 6:15, 8:15 p.m. ROBERT » “HIGH SOCIETY.” Grace Frank Sinatra and ’in'“tot*morntno"' ’ :annot unplay. Itis coldest, with and 10:15 if this fate hasn’t caught up i Plxnl.t o M play’s frolic in “The Philadelphia Story” set to music. ernm™ np }»W ler cast, which is headed the cosmic chill of military objec- Uptown—“Oklahoma!”; 2 and watTwn" by Claude I “LOVE IS A MANY SPLENDORED THING,” especially as en- charlotte , oree n wood ft Rains, Wendell Corey tivity, in the terms of the Air . 8:30 p.m. 4 and Christopher Plummer. r Worth 110 Weigh' V acted here by Jennifer Jones and William Holden. L* _ Force general, played by Mr. Warner—“Cinerama Holiday”; DICK,” Melville’s classic novel made into .. “MOBY Herman a *** * ln Song * CASMESUS HILLSIDE DRIVE-IN Corey. 8:30 p.m. l 0} Laugh* \ Mozart: Sonata In T. K, 322 truly classic motion picture hy John Huston. 6200 Marlboro Pik* Md.. jo 8-7266 Mr. Oboler has let his imagina- Mr. Plummer’s man, the meg- I f Beethoven: “Appasslonata" Sonata ! “TEA AND SYMPATHY,” Deborah Kerr and John Kerr repeat T h , L tion riot in “Night of ' Schumann: "Forest Scenes” and i iN s n ''TowA^ TitE unknown 3^ run the i alomaniac who financed the "Etudes Symphonlques” their stage rolls in a sensitively-made film. EO gob el m 9 S9E '¦ "the Auk,” on the not unreasonable trip, is enchanted with science’s SHUBERT NOW! GOOD SEATS AVAILABLE “WAR AND PEACE,” a magnificent, star-studded film classic fJW? 5 AND THE B,!ES “8 30 assumption that this may be the : i achievements only as he can em- SI.IO. $1.85, 52.20, $2.76. $3 30 that captures the meaning and spirit of the great novel. 1415 Good HopTld last hope of grasping the signifi- ploy them bolster his shaky CLAUDE WENDELL CHRISTOPHER nnrsi.uaANAffKTIIlim to HAYEB j 5 E l(J ] 7m cance of atomic weapons. place in the world of males. All j CONCERT BUREAU ' (In Campbell's) 1108 G St. N.W. For three acts mounting ; played in BunerScop* of three roles are with the RAINS-COREY-PLUMMER 8 f Ljjf*i Vf "Hj*A | NAtional 8-7151 Steinway Plano j Stanley Warner Theaters SIDNEY LUST THEATRES 1 New Hits and Tech- I tension, he dangles his space! II telling earnestness of humans ; | ||P J| j 1; eh Fr " p *rkln « AMBASSADOR * c.i, ship and its crew of five in who share Mr. Oboler’s outrage JJ I I AiubASSMOK Rd. n.w. n r S ti BELTSVILLE DRIVE IH "OR ,EA4 D AY IN THE“ MORNING Infinity to make the point that that man s material gains have 1 man might better explore his 1 been his moral bankruptcy. i 1 , WRMKi*Jiii.i.iiWiilliU .dtJNj judy °pen Prl B,t *nd B

Broadway * ' Musicals 0 olni nt °im* m prison® JOHN BARRYMORE TowAnn thV7nknow: ; 'SHeffi's x. -r KATHARINE in CONCERT, SAT., HEPBURN J POP Nov. 24-8:30 FAIRFAX Fairfax, V*. C» J 2W9 DAVID O HFLZNICK'S GLEBE M DiV THE - Lloyd Goiolor Conducting "THE EDDY DUCHIN HTOrVT ' TYRONEY OrCement” "n>WARD UNKNOWN POWER KIM NOVAK _Coj*!trrip« BILLIE RCRKE Plus Wrr Holden. Lloyrl Rolan ~ SPONSORED RY GAS r *" WASHINGTON LIGHT COMPANY RISEN RETHESna a,. JEFFERSON •'*<• ‘ *«*» niolall1 BLIBUUA 012 4848 Tt«. M-)vinr Lire llwr of the In-om- i data »d ,It 2 8846 OKLAHOMA P(rr- MT FAIR LADT PAJAMA SAME PRANK erNATRA o*r*b> REMBRANDT, a Self j T*»n Big Hits' Tint MATOrNR OP KISS ME KATE ON THE TOWN SOUTH PACIFIC ' »»>« »» cam, tn,r,t - 1 “JOHNNY CONCHO” _ SHOWIOAT OF THEE SINO ¦ risawpv ¦ sTIo, 8" ' I CAROUSEL Jnaw Feature at 825 19 KEM- , txtN °l’»e*’Win-Jrii* —— .^?5»/r LON CHANEY and tGCTOR JORT. - branDT at 8"0 745 hi" PH Ik EARL WRIGHTSON & LOIS HUNT I MANFISH PARKING at Wilier sang. 1229 _WU tw faa.il-I N;|l GOOD SEATS AVAILABLE: SI 50. 2. 2 50. 1. 3 50. 4 CIRCLE f*- I Tf,m « TOMORROW Bmiij r SYMPHONY »QX OsPICE. CugOMTi HOP 6 Sv, NA. 8-7332 11 mt " L ’ s I // f i i j A r*