
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 06/14 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 341 - August 2014 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 editorial

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Unglaublich aber wahr: es sind schon wieder Sommerferien! Höchste Zeit also, den näch- sten Newsletter steigen zu lassen! Und der ist wieder richtig prall gefüllt mit Informationen zu den wichtigsten DVD- und Blu-ray- Releases in Deutschland und den USA. Ein- fach mit in den Koffer packen und gemütlich am Badestrand lesen. Für alle Multimedialen unter unseren Lesern haben wir natürlich auch wieder zwei neue Videos auf unseren Youtube-Kanal gepackt. Denn während des Indischen Filmfestivals in Stuttgart hatten wir Gelegenheit, uns mit zwei der anwesenden Regisseure zu unterhalten. Ob Sie jetzt also lesen oder schauen – wir wünschen viel Spaß dabei!

Ihr Laser Hotline Team

Oben: Amit Gupta, Autor und Regisseur der britischen Komödie JADOO

Unten: Amit Kumar, Autor und Regisseur des indischen Noir Thrillers MONSOON SHOOTOUT

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 23. Juni 2014 krassen Gegensatz rechnet man ganz Glück – was ist das? gewiss nicht und so wundert es nicht, Eine Komödie mit philosophischen An- dass diese Episode als störend emp- sätzen läutete meine recht volle Presse- funden wird. Dank der flotten Inszenie- woche heute ein. rung und der guten Darsteller aber überwiegt der positive Eindruck, der HECTORS REISE ODER DIE SUCHE allenfalls durch die sich in den Vorder- NACH DEM GLÜCK (1:2.35, DD 5.1) grund spielende Filmmusik etwas ge- OT: Hector And The Search For trübt wird. Happiness Verleih: Wild Bunch Dienstag, 24. Juni 2014 Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Kanada 2014 Zweiter Frühling und zweite Chance Regie: Peter Chelsom Das heutige Doppel brachte unter an- Darsteller: , Rosamund derem ein Wiedersehen mit der schön- Pike, sten Frau Frankreichs Kinostart: 14.08.2014 EIN AUGENBLICK LIEBE (1:2.35, DD Hector ist ratlos. Als Psychiater in 5.1) will es ihm einfach nicht mehr OT: Une Rencontre gelingen, seine Patienten glücklich zu Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) machen. Aber ist er denn überhaupt Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2014 selber glücklich? In der Beziehung mit Regie: Lisa Azuelos seiner Freundin jedenfalls läuft alles Darsteller: Sophie Marceau, François nach Plan – jeder Handgriff sitzt. Aber Cluzet, Lisa Azuelos genau das ist vielleicht ja zuviel des Kinostart: 07.08.2014 “Worst Case”-Szenario nur ein Guten. Hector zieht die Notbremse und Gedankenspiel ist. Der Film ist voll von beschließt, die Welt zu bereisen und Elsa und Pierre lernen sich zufällig auf solchen falschen Fährten und man ver- nach dem Glück zu suchen. Sein Weg einer Buchmesse kennen. Sie ist erfolg- zeiht es ihm immer wieder. Denn es führt ihn nach China, Afrika und Los reiche Autorin und alleinerziehende macht richtig Laune, dem Film immer Angeles. Und überall findet er Men- Mutter dreier Kinder, er ein erfolgrei- wieder mal auf den Leim zu gehen. Das schen, die glücklich sind... Ähnlich wie cher Strafverteidiger und glücklich ver- Gefühl der Verliebtheit, jenen zweiten als MITTY zu Jah- heiratet mit Kind. Von der ersten Se- Frühling, den die Protagonisten erle- resbeginn begibt sich auch Simon Pegg kunde an funkt es zwischen den bei- ben dürfen – Azuelos‘ Film bringt ihn in der Rolle des etwas exzentrischen den. Doch nichts passiert. Doch der auf den Punkt. Mit kleinen Gesten, mit Psychiaters Hector auf eine Reise in Zufall will es, dass sie sich ein zweites den eingespielten Songs, mit Slow Mo- entlegene Länder. War es bei Stiller Mal begegnen. Ihr Flirt wird intensi- tion. Dabei bilden Sophie Marceau und noch eine Sinnsuche, ist es bei Pegg ver... Lisa Azuelos‘ Film richtet sich an François Cluzet ein absolutes Traum- die Suche nach einer Definition für alle Romantiker im Publikum – und ganz paar, das es hervorragend versteht, Glück. Im Laufe seiner Reise wird speziell an jene mit ein bisschen Le- ihre Gefühle von der Leinwand in den Hector eine Vielzahl von Glücks- benserfahrung! Auf wunderbare Weise Zuschauerraum zu transportieren. EIN momenten finden, die er fein säuberlich zelebriert der Film jenen Moment, in AUGENBLICK LIEBE empfiehlt sich in sein Tagebuch schreibt. Und es sind dem sich zwei Menschen gegenseitig als das perfekte Date-Movie. Probieren ganz unterschiedliche Varianten des unwiderstehlich anziehen, sich aber mit Sie es aus! Glücks, die ihm begegnen. Man könnte Rücksicht auf ihr bisheriges Leben ein- fast sagen, es sind genauso viele Arten fach nicht – oder besser: noch nicht – CAN A SONG SAVE YOUR LIFE? von Glück wie es Menschen auf der aufeinander einlassen können. In Ge- (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Welt gibt. Am Ende freilich wird es den danken spinnt der Film oft fort, was OT: Begin Again verschrobenen Sonderling natürlich zu wohl passieren wird, wenn sich Elsa Verleih: Studiocanal seinem ganz eigenen Glück führen. Das und Pierre zueinander bekennen wür- Land/Jahr: USA 2013 kommt dann zwar nicht ganz unerwar- den. Erst in letzter Sekunde erkennen Regie: John Carney tet, wird aber gerne angenommen. Weit wir als Zuschauer, dass dies nur Darsteller: Keira Knightley, Mark weniger angenommen werden kann Präventivphantasien sind, die uns der Ruffalo, dagegen die Mixtur aus an Slapstick vorzüglich fotografierte Film (Kamera: Kinostart: 28.08.2014 grenzendem Humor und beinharter Rea- Alain Duplantier; in ausgewählten Ki- lität, so wie in jener Episode, in der nos in 4K-Auflösung) ab und zu ser- Der abgehalfterte Musikproduzent Dan Hector in Afrika entführt und gefan- viert. Und genau in diesem Moment lernt die junge Songschreiberin Gretta gengehalten wird. Mit einem solch sind wir dankbar dafür, dass dieses bei einem Auftritt kennen und bietet ihr

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog an, ein zu produzieren. Mangels er nicht sonderlich gut und auch die finanzieller Mittel wollen sie jeden Orientierung verliert er schon nach Song an einem anderen Ort im Freien in wenigen Schritten. Dass er keine New York aufnehmen. Das gemeinsame Freunde hat, ist nicht weiter verwun- Unternehmen hilft jedem der beiden, derlich. Eines Tages jedoch lernt er den ihre momentanen Lebenskrisen zu kleinen Oskar kennen. Auch er ist et- überwinden... Mit ONCE machte er von was sonderlich, trägt er doch stets ei- sich reden. Jetzt kommt John Carney nen Helm auf dem Kopf. Und der kleine neuer Film. Und wieder steht die Musik Steppke ist nicht nur vorlaut, sondern im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte. Einer auch hochbegabt. Da haben sich zwei Geschichte jedoch, die lange nicht gefunden....und werden dicke Freunde. mehr an die Qualität seines ersten Dann aber wird Oskar entführt. Jetzt ist Films heranreicht. Zwar gibt es gute Ricos gesamtes Können gefragt... Ansätze und alles andere als ein Larifa- Neele Leana Vollmar hat den ersten ri--Happy-End, doch läuft “Rico & Oskar”-Film (richtig: für 2015 hier alles etwas zäh ab. Speziell zu Be- ist bereits der nächste angekündigt!) ginn, bis der Film endlich zu seinem nach den Büchern von Andreas eigenen Rhythmus findet. Auf gängige Steinhöfel inszeniert und mit den bei- Klischees aus der Musikbranche ver- den Kinderdarstellern Anton Petzold zichtet das Drehbuch leider auch nicht. und Juri Winkler sogleich die Traum- Insgesamt nur bedingt zu empfehlen. besetzung gefunden. In dem für Kinder ab 6 Jahren geeigneten Großstadt- Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2014 abenteuerfilm im Stile eines Kalle Ein Thriller für die Großen und einer für Wobei seine Stilmittel sogar teilweise Blomquist werden auf ebenso spannen- die Kleinen aus dem Horrorbereich geborgt sind! de wie witzige Weise Probleme wie gei- Mit dem heutigen Doppelspänner war Mit seiner gelungenen Fotografie (Ka- stige Behinderung, zerrüttete Eltern- ich zufrieden mera: Andre Turpin) und dem suggesti- häuser und Freundschaft thematisiert ven Score aus der Feder von Gabriel und für die kleinen Zuschauer ver- SAG NICHT, WER DU BIST! (1:1.85 & Yared würde Dolans Film auch Meister ständlich aufbereitet. Der Kinderschar, 1:2.55, 5.1) Hitchcock alle Ehre machen. Die Kom- welche die heutige Pressevorführung OT: Tom A La Ferme bination aus Bild und Musik sorgen bevölkerte, hat es zumindest gefallen – Verleih: Kool von Anfang an für einen konsequenten es wurde viel gelacht und am Ende gar Land/Jahr: Kanada, Frankreich 2013 Spannungsaufbau, der am Ende nur applaudiert. Freilich können die Klei- Regie: Xavier Dolan eine einzige Frage in den Raum stellt: nen noch nicht alles verstehen, bei- Darsteller: Xavier Dolan, Pierre-Yves wer wird sterben? Mit Xavier Dolan, spielsweise den halbseidenen Job von Cardinal, Lise Roy Pierre-Yves Cardinal und Lise Roy sind Ricos Mutter. Aber schließlich soll ja Kinostart: 21.08.2014 die Hauptrollen in diesem verfilmten auch etwas für die Erwachsenen abfal- Theaterstück perfekt besetzt. Insbe- len. Als er nach langer Fahrt endlich auf sondere Pierre-Yves Cardinal in der dem Gehöft ankommt, ist niemand da. Rolle von Francis beeindruckt durch Freitag, 27. Juni 2014 Offensichtlich hat niemand Tom erwar- sein Spiel – der Typ ist wirklich unbe- Warum ist es am Rhein so schön...? tet. Dabei war er der Lover des verstor- rechenbar! Wer spannende Unterhal- An einer Antwort auf diese Frage ver- benen jüngsten Sohnes von Agathe, tung liebt, für den werden diese 105 suchte sich der erste Film heute die zusammen mit dem älteren Sohn Minuten wie im Flug vorübergehen. Francis den Bauernhof betreibt, und zu RHEINGOLD – GESICHTER EINES dessen Beerdigung er gekommen ist. RICO, OSKAR UND DIE TIEFER- FLUSSES (1:1.85, 5.1) Doch Agathe weiß nichts von Tom. SCHATTEN (1:2.35, 5.1) Verleih: Senator Und sie weiß auch nicht, dass der Tote Verleih: Fox Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 schwul war. Dass das auch so bleibt, Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Regie: Dr. Peter Bardehle, Lena macht der brutale Francis von Anfang Regie: Neele Leana Vollmar Leonhardt an Tom klar. Zunehmend gerät Tom in Darsteller: Anton Petzold, Juri Winkler, Kinostart: 21.08.2014 Francis‘ Bann. Ein perfides Katz- und Karoline Herfurth Mausspiel beginnt... Kanadas Regie- Kinostart: 10.07.2014 Wenn der Rhein etwas zu erzählen hät- wunderkind Xavier Dolan bezeichnet te, dann wohl mit der Stimme von Ben seinen neuesten Film als einen Rico bezeichnet sich immer als “tief- Becker. Gesagt – getan. In dem neue- “psychosexuellen Thriller”. Und liegt begabt”. Ganz Unrecht hat der etwas sten Film, der mit der revolutionären mit dieser Definition genau richtig. korpulente Junge nicht: Denken kann CineFlex-Kamera aufgenommen wurde,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog setzen seine Macher Dr. Peter Bardehle großen Arena sehenswert. Allerdings sächlich Zuschauer gibt, denen so et- und Lena Leonhardt auf Beckers sono- darf man nicht auf die Idee kommen, was gefallen könnte. Hier tut Aufklä- re Stimme als die Personifizierung jenes das Ganze zu hinterfragen (“Wie konn- rung not! Aber wie war das doch gleich geschichtsträchtigen deutschen Flus- te die Crew innerhalb von nur ein paar mit dem Rufer in der Wüste...? ses. Und dieser Fluss hat uns viel zu Minuten eine solch ausgefeilte Choreo- erzählen, während die Bilder von oben graphie ausarbeiten und einstudie- WOLFSKINDER (1:2.35, 5.1) über die Leinwand rauschen. Unterbro- ren?”) – denn damit bringt man sich um Verleih: Port-au-Prince (Barnsteiner) chen werden seine Geschichten ab und den ganzen Spaß. Hinterfragt werden Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Litauen 2013 an durch Erzählerin Anne Moll, die darf allerdings die Tatsache, dass uns Regie: Rick Ostermann Fakten liefert. Die Bilder sind dabei in der Pressevorführung eine nicht fer- Darsteller: Levin Liam, Helena Phil, wirklich spektakulär, wirken aber hin tige Fassung gezeigt wurde, die in Bild Patrick Lorenczat und wieder fast schon surreal durch und Ton zu wünschen übrig ließ. Kinostart: 28.08.2014 ihre übertriebene Tiefenschärfe, spezi- ell ganz am Anfang der Reise. Aller- Montag, 30. Juni 2014 Es ist der Sommer des Jahres 1946. Ost- dings kann auch dieser “Von Oben”- Roadtrip und Kriegsgeschichte preußen steht unter sowjetischer Herr- Film seine TV-Herkunft nicht leugnen: Es ist ja erst Montag...und trotzdem schaft. Als ihre Mutter stirbt, machen das eingeschränkte Bildformat ist zwar war einer der beiden Filme heute se- sich die beiden Söhne, der 14-jährige für Flatscreens durchaus passabel, henswert Hans und sein jüngerer Bruder Fritz, könnte im Kino jedoch sehr gerne in auf den Weg nach Litauen, um damit die ganze CinemaScope-Breite gehen. TAMMY – VOLL ABGEFAHREN den letzten Wunsch ihrer Mutter zu Die Verwebung des Mythos Rhein mit (1:1.85, DD 5.1) erfüllen. Denn in Litauen gibt es an- der Musik von Richard Wagner wird OT: Tammy geblich noch Bauern, die deutsche Kin- leider gebetsmühlenartig wiederholt, so Verleih: Warner der bei sich aufnehmen. Eine Reise vol- dass man es nach einer gewissen Zeit Land/Jahr: USA 2014 ler Gefahren beginnt... “Wolfskinder” – einfach über hat. Wie den gesamten Regie: Ben Falcone das sind anhanglose deutsche Kinder Film übrigens: nach 45 Minuten hat Darsteller: Melissa McCarthy, Susan und Jugendliche, die nach 1945 dem man erst die Hälfte hinter sich, aber Sarandon, drohenden Hungertod im nördlichen eigentlich auch schon genug. Kinostart: 03.07.2014 Ostpreußen zu entgehen versuchten, dabei in außerdeutsche Zusammenhän- STEP UP: ALL IN (1:1.85, 3D, 5.1) Wenn einem der Job gekündigt wird ge gerieten (zumeist in Litauen) und OT: Step Up: All In und man dann auch noch erfahren ihre Herkunft durch die Annahme einer Verleih: Constantin muss, dass man vom Ehemann schon neuen Identität zeitweise oder gar dau- Land/Jahr: USA 2014 lange hintergangen wird, dann ist das erhaft verschleiern mussten. Aufgrund Regie: Trish Sie wahrlich ein harter Tag. Aber für der widrigen Kriegsumstände waren sie Darsteller: Briana Evigan, Ryan Tammy kommt es noch schlimmer: ihr nur auf die Nahrungsaufnahme redu- Guzman, Adam Sevani fackelt nämlich auch noch der fahrbare ziert und “vertiert”. Für seinen Film Kinostart: 07.08.2014 Untersatz ab! Nichts wie weg, denkt recherchierte Regisseur und Drehbuch- sich das mollige Ding und schnappt autor Rick Ostermann sehr behutsam Um endlich die Gelegenheitsjobs an sich das Auto der Oma – mitsamt der das Schicksal einiger dieser Wolfs- den Nagel zu hängen, bewirbt sich die alten Lady und ihres Whiskey-Vorrats kinder und formte daraus einen Spiel- Dance Crew um Sean bei “The Vortex” natürlich. Und so gehen die beiden auf film, der so authentisch wie möglich die in Las Vegas, einem Tanzwettbewerb, Tour in bester Thelma & Louise Ma- Geschichte wiederzugeben versucht. bei dem den Siegern ein Engagement nier. Jetzt bleibt kein Stein mehr auf Dank seiner wunderbaren Kinder- winkt... Gerade als man dachte, es wäre dem anderen... Vergeblich versucht der darsteller sowie der eindrucksvollen alles vorbei, geht das STEP UP Fran- deutsche Untertitel die Belanglosigkeit Arbeit von Kamerafrau Leah Striker chise in die nächste Runde. Wie schon dieser Geschichte mit dem Slogan “Voll gelingt ihm dies außerordentlich gut. in den Vorgänger-Filmen stört auch hier abgefahren” zu tarnen – es mag ihm Eine sehr sparsam eingesetzte Film- eigentlich nur das Drehbuch, das wie- nicht wirklich gelingen. Zumindest bei musik verzichtet auf jeglichen Pathos derkäuend dieselbe Geschichte erzählt mir konnten weder die Witze mit Bezug und versucht erst gar nicht, auf die – mit Variationen natürlich. Aber es auf den Körperumfang der Titelheldin Tränendrüse zu drücken. Die Odyssee wird auch jetzt wieder ziemlich schnell (Melissa McCarthy) noch die geriatri- der alleingelassenen Kinder durch tiefe klar, dass die Rahmenstory nur Mittel schen Zoten ihrer Film-Oma (Susan Wälder, Seen und Felder, stets die zum Zweck ist. Der Zweck in diesem Sarandon) ein Lächeln entlocken. Ganz Angst im Nacken, entdeckt zu werden, Fall sind natürlich die Tanznummern. das Gegenteil war hier der Fall: so ge- lässt den Zuschauer nicht kalt, son- Wer auf Dance Battles steht, ist hier langweilt habe ich mich selten wie in dern zieht in förmlich hinein in deren sicher gut aufgehoben. Insbesondere diesem Filmchen. Erschreckend dabei fast auswegloses Schicksal. der Show Act ist aufgrund der ist allerdings der Gedanke, dass es tat-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 01. Juli 2014 überwinden kann. Auch darin ähnelt Von Kondomen und Werwölfen der Film seinem schwedischen Pendant. Was haben ein Priester, der Kondome Mit Sonia Suhl in der Rolle der Marie manipuliert, und ein Mädchen, das zum ist der Film erstklassig besetzt – ein Tief mutiert, gemeinsam? Richtig: sie unverbrauchtes, fast scheues Gesicht, waren beide Gegenstand des heutigen mit dem wirklich alles möglich ist. Fans Pressedoppels! subtiler Horrorgeschichten sollten sich den Film unbedingt anschauen. GOTT VERHÜTE! (1:2.35, 5.1) OT: Svecenikova Djeca Mittwoch, 02. Juli 2014 Verleih: Neue Visionen Alleingelassen Land/Jahr: Kroatien, Serbien 2013 Was tun, wenn die Mutter verschwun- Regie: Vinko Bresan den ist und niemand da ist, der einem Darsteller: Kresimir Mikic, Niksa die Tür öffnet? Im heutigen Pressefilm Butijer, Marija Skaricic gab es die Antwort. Kinostart: 07.08.2014 JACK (1:1.85, 5.1) Weil es auf der dalmatinischen Insel Verleih: Camino (Filmagentinnen) keine Geburten, sondern lediglich Ster- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 befälle gibt, greift der Geistliche Fabi- Regie: Edward Berger an, der die nachfolge des beliebten Darsteller: Ivo Pietzcker, Georg Arms, Dorfpfarrers antreten soll, zu einer List: Luise Heyer in alle Kondome, die Kioskbesitzer Kinostart: 09.10.2014 Petar verkauft, macht er in nächtlicher Sonja Richter Fleissarbeit winzig kleine Löchlein. So Kinostart: 21.08.2014 Der 10jährige Jack leistet ganze Arbeit: soll die Geburtenrate drastisch in die er schmeisst den gesamten Haushalt Höhe schnellen. Doch Fabian ahnt Marie ahnt, dass mit ihr etwas nicht und versorgt dazu noch seinen 6jähri- noch nicht, welche ungeahnten Folgen stimmt. Ist es nur ein Ausschlag oder gen Bruder Manuel. Seine Mutter das für ihn und die Insel haben wird... wachsen ihr tatsächlich oberhalb ihrer Sanna, gerade mal 26, ist alleinerzie- Warum aus der so herzerfrischend be- Brust Haare? Auch ihre Träume sind hend und muss für den Lebensunter- ginnenden Komödie nach der Hälfte alles andere als normal. Aber vielleicht halt sorgen. Auf Anordnung des Ju- plötzlich ein bierernstes Melodram liegt es ja einfach an der familiären Si- gendamts wird Jack in ein Heim ge- wird, dürfte sich wohl den wenigsten tuation. Denn das Mädchen lebt zu- bracht. Sehnsüchtig wartet er auf die Zuschauern erschließen. Die gute Lau- sammen mit ihrem Vater und der apa- Ferien. Am letzten Schultag jedoch er- ne, die man noch hat, wenn Pastor und thisch im Rollstuhl sitzenden Mutter, hält er einen Anruf seiner Mutter, die Kioskbesitzer die kleinen Löchlein in die ständig mysteriöse Spritzen benö- ihn erst ein paar Tage später abholen die Kondome stanzen und dabei zuneh- tigt. Zudem wird Marie an ihrem Ar- will. Jack bleibt alleine im Heim zurück. mend effektivere Methoden einzuset- beitsplatz in der Fischfabrik ständig Einzig der gemeine Danilo ist noch da. zen wissen oder der Apotheker, ein gemobbt. Nur der junge Daniel scheint Zwischen den beiden kommt es zu ei- verkappter Militarist, plötzlich in voller sie zu mögen. Eines Tages fällt Marie nem heftigen Streit, bei dem Jack sei- Soldatenmontur mitsamt großkalibriger die Krankenakte ihrer Mutter in die nen Widersacher verletzt. Verängstigt Waffen aufkreuzt, schwindet sofort, Hände. Offenbar hüten ihre Eltern ein läuft Jack nach Hause. Doch seine wenn der Film seine 180-Grad-Wen- großes Geheimnis... Jonas Alexander Mutter ist nicht da. Gemeinsam mit Ma- dung nimmt. Jetzt werden plötzlich die Arnbys Film weckt von Anfang an Er- nuel macht er sich auf die Suche... Ed- jüngst aufgedeckten sexuellen Entglei- innerungen an den großartigen schwe- ward Berger schildert in seinem sungen katholischer Priester dischen Vampirfilm SO FINSTER DIE Jugenddrama, wie es sich wohl tagtäg- thematisiert. Das hätte nun wirklich NACHT. Die atmosphärisch dichten lich in Deutschland zuträgt. Wird das nicht sein müssen. Aber vielleicht ge- Bilder von Kameramann Niels Thastum Familienleben der beiden Jungen und hört das ja zum serbisch-kroatischen schaffen die ebenso geheimnisvolle der Mutter anfangs noch als wahres Verständnis von Humor. wie bedrohliche Grundstimmung für die Idyll geschildert, beginnt man späte- Werwolf-Variation, die lobenswerter- stens dann zu zweifeln, als Jack von WHEN ANIMALS DREAM (1:2.35, 5.1) weise auf Splattereffekte weitgehend seiner Mutter telefonisch vertröstet OT: Når Dyrene Drømmer verzichtet und vieles einfach der Phan- wird. Am Ende wissen wir, dass Jack Verleih: Prokino (Fox) tasie des Zuschauers überlässt. Letzt- mit 10 Jahren schon so erwachsen ist, Land/Jahr: Dänemark 2014 endlich geht es in Arnbys Film nicht wie es seine Mutter nie sein wird. Die- Regie: Jonas Alexander Arnby vordergründig um blanken Horror, son- se Erkenntnis wird ihn zu der einzig Darsteller: Sonia Suhl, Lars Mikkelsen, dern um die Liebe, die alle Hindernisse richtigen und schwerwiegenden Ent-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog scheidung veranlassen. Bis es aber Hall”, ein Ort der freien Inspiration und Heavy-Metal-Nachwuchsband aus der soweit ist, bleibt die Kamera immer auf Entfaltung sowie ein Tanzsaal gleicher- – Mongolei! Heitkers Kameras blicken Augenhöhe ganz dicht bei Jack, wäh- maßen, ist schon lange geschlossen nicht nur auf die Bühne dreidimensio- rend er sich gemeinsam mit dem kleinen und droht zu verrotten. Mit Hilfe seiner nal, sondern blicken auch hinter die Bruder auf eine Odyssee durch die Freunde aber lässt er den Saal wieder Kulissen und beweisen, dass Wacken Stadt begibt, um die Mutter zu finden. auferstehen und zieht so alsbald den das friedlichste Musikfest der Welt ist. Ivo Pietzcker gibt diesem Jack ein Ge- Groll der katholischen Kirche auf sich... Wer Heavy Metal mag und auf super- sicht und er macht seine Sache außer- Ken Loachs Film basiert auf der wahren laut oder sogar krankenhauslaut steht, ordentlich gut. Eine Rolle, die auch Geschichte des irischen Freiheitskämp- der wird an diesem Event-Film großen einiges an physischem Einsatz von ihm fers Jimmy Gralton und inszeniert damit Spaß haben! abverlangt. Eine tolle Leistung. ein dunkles Kapitel irischer Geschichte. Es geht um das Aufbegehren der armen MR. MAY UND DAS FLÜSTERN DER Donnerstag, 03. Juli 2014 Unterschicht gegen die reiche Ober- EWIGKEIT (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Wenn Tanzen Sünde ist schicht, die den gesamten Grundbesitz OT: Still Life Heute gab es in der Pressevorführung an sich reisst. Unterstützt wird sie da- Verleih: Piffl den Film zu sehen, mit dem sich der bei von der katholischen Kirche, die Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, Italien 2013 britische Regisseur Ken Loach voraus- den Tanzsaal mit einem Sündenpfuhl Regie: Uberto Pasolini sichtlich aus dem Filmgeschäft verab- gleichsetzt. Die rauhe irische Land- Darsteller: Eddie Marsan, Joanne schieden wird schaft mit ihren Schattierungen von Froggatt, Karen Drury Grün bildet dabei die Bühne für dieses Kinostart: 04.09.2014 JIMMY’S HALL (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Drama, das durchgängig mit hervorra- OT: Jimmy’s Hall genden Darstellern ausstaffiert ist. Seit 22 Jahren schon arbeitet John May Verleih: Pandora Spannende Kinounterhaltung mit Tief- von einem kleinen Kellerbüro aus für Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2014 gang. einen der Stadtbezirke in London. Sei- Regie: Ken Loach ne Aufgabe ist es, den Nachlass von Darsteller: Barry Ward, Simone Kirby, Freitag, 04. Juli 2014 Verstorbenen, die offenbar keine Ange- Jim Norton Superlaut und ganz leise hörigen hatten, zu verwalten und deren Kinostart: 14.08.2014 Kaum zu glauben, aber der letzte Film Beerdigung zu organisieren. Das tut er der Pressewoche entpuppte sich als mit großer Hingabe und äußerst peni- Irland im Jahre 1932: 10 Jahre nachdem der beste Film seit langer Zeit! bel. Gelingt es ihm wider Erwarten tat- er seine Heimat verlassen musste, kehrt sächlich, einen Angehörigen ausfindig Jimmy Gralton aus den USA wieder in WACKEN 3D (1:2.35, 3D, 5.1) zu machen, weigert der sich aber meist, seine irische Heimat zurück. Die einst Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) der Beerdigung beizuwohnen. Denn von ihm aufgebaute “Pearse-Connolly- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 niemand beschäftigt sich gerne mit dem Regie: Norbert Heitker Tod. So bleibt es an John May, dem Kinostart: 24.07.2014 Verstorbenen das letzte Geleit zu ge- ben. Eines Tages muss May feststellen, Willkommen im “Holy Wacken Land”! dass sich der neueste Todesfall direkt Was sich in dem kleinen schleswig- gegenüber von seiner eigenen Woh- holsteinischen Dörfchen Jahr für Jahr nung ereignete. Der Fall beschäftigt vier Tage lang abspielt, ist schlicht und ihn so sehr, dass er beginnt, in seiner ergreifend der pure Wahnsinn. Hier Freizeit nach Angehörigen des Verstor- trifft sich die gesamte Prominenz der benen zu suchen... Wenn uns die Ka- Heavy Metal Szene, um gemeinsam mit mera Mr. May sehr ausgiebig vorstellt Fans aus der ganzen Welt richtig abzu- und wir nicht nur Zeuge werden, wie er feiern. Regisseur Norbert Heitker und die Gegenstände auf seinem Schreib- sein 25köpfiges Filmteam haben das tisch im rechten Winkel ausrichtet, gesamte Spektakel im vergangenen Jahr sondern auch das Abendbrot in seiner mit 3D-Kamers neuester Generation tristen Wohnung nach immer demsel- eingefangen und daraus eine Musik- ben Ritual herrichtet, dann wissen wir Doku gemacht, die Kinozuschauern im Grund genommen bereits mehr als überall das echte Wacken-Feeling na- der Protagonist. Denn auch Mr. May hezubringen. Neben Live Acts von u.a. gehört zu jenen Menschen, die voll- Rammstein, Alice Cooper, Deep Purple kommen alleine sind und sehr zurück- kommen einige der Konzertbesucher zu gezogen leben. Und vermutlich eines Wort, u.a. eine Taiwanesin, ein deut- Tages selbst zum Fall für Mr. Mays sches Vater-Sohn-Gespann sowie eine Schreibtisch werden. Eddie Marsan

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog liche Entdeckung: ein in Eis gehülltes, dem großen tontechnischen Aufwand zerstörtes Stück Land. Noch bevor sie trotz Auro 11.1 und Dolby Atmos in wieder zurück in ihre Heimat Berk flie- bundesdeutschen Lichtspielhäusern gen können, werden sie vom Drachen- nicht viel übrig bleiben wird, was die jäger Eret festgesetzt. Der will ihre und heutige Pressevorführung (in Anwe- auch alle anderen Drachen dem gemei- senheit unzähliger Kinder!) zutage nen Drago übergeben. Doch Eret hat brachte. Denn noch immer gilt die De- weder mit der List von Hicks und vise, dass Filme, deren Zielpublikum Astrid noch mit der Solidarität ihrer Kinder sind, mit geringerem Lautstärke- Freunde gerechnet... Es war natürlich Pegel vorgeführt werden. Dass damit von Anfang an klar, dass es die Fort- die Dynamik komplett verloren geht, setzung zu einem Film, der bereits so nimmt man dabei offensichtlich billi- gut war, dass er keine Fortsetzung be- gend in Kauf. Wie gut, dass es auch nötigt hätte, sehr schwer haben würde noch Heimkinos gibt. gegen das Original zu bestehen. Die Enttäuschung hielt sich daher in Gren- Mittwoch, 09. Juli 2014 zen. Man muss Teil 2 nicht schlechter Bayhem Rules Again! machen als er wirklich ist, doch Ist ein Film ohne innere Werte ein Syn- recycled im Wesentlichen alle guten onym für waschechtes Blockbuster- Ideen aus dem Originalfilm. Dazu ge- Kino? Vermutlich ja.. hört insbesondere das Verhalten der spielt ihn mit einem Minimum von Emo- Drachen, die uns automatisch an Ver- TRANSFORMERS: ÄRA DES UNTER- tionen derart überzeugend, dass daran haltensmuster gängiger Haustiere wie GANGS (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + kein Zweifel besteht. Seine Einsamkeit Hunde oder Katzen erinnert. Das anzu- Atmos) spiegelt sich auch in der Ausstattung schauen ist auch in Teil 2 der OT: Transformers: Age Of Extinction des Films, bei der triste Farben domi- DRACHENZÄHMEN-Saga einfach ge- Verleih: Paramount nieren. Rachel Portman packt die ge- nial und schickt immer wieder ein Land/Jahr: USA 2014 samte Tristesse von Mr. Mays Alltag Schmunzeln durch die Reihen. Wer sich Regie: perfekt in ihren wunderbaren Score zu schon von jeher dafür interessierte, Darsteller: Mark Wahlberg, Bingbing diesem kleinen Meisterwerk, dessen warum Hicks so ist wie er ist und ganz Li, deutscher Verleihtitel leider ganz weit anders als sein Herr Papa, der wird im Kinostart: 17.07.2014 entfernt vom Original ist. Uberto neuen Film bestens bedient. Ärgerlich Pasolinis Tragikomödie thematisiert auf indes jedoch ist, dass es schon wieder Mechaniker und Tüftler Cade Yeager sehr bewegende und berührende Weise einen Kampf der Bürger von Berk ge- gerät gemeinsam mit seiner Teeanger- den Tod, der aus unserem Alltag zwar gen eine große Übermacht gibt. Waren Tochter und deren Freund in einen komplett verdrängt wird, dem sich je- es damals noch die Drachen selber, so Kampf auf Leben und Tod zwischen doch niemand entziehen kann. Ein ist es dieses Mal ein machtgieriger Un- Autobots und einem garstigen Geheimtipp! mensch, dessen Motivation viel zu Kopfgeldjäger aus einer fernen Welt... nebulös bleibt. Als Zuschauer soll man Regisseur Michael Bay zelebriert mit Montag, 07. Juli 2014 das einfach so hinnehmen. Das aller- dem neuen TRANSFORMERS-Film Und täglich speit der Feuerdrache dings setzt ein Publikum voraus, das es wieder einmal genüsslich seinen Eine sehr spärliche Pressewoche be- bevorzugt, nicht nachzudenken. Die “Bayhem”! Das ist ein Kunstwort, zu- gann heute mit der Fortsetzung zu ei- Computeranimation ist wie gehabt ab- sammengesetzt aus “Bay” und nem meiner Lieblingsfilme solut perfekt (man ließ sogar die “Mayhem” (= Chaos), welches das We- Hauptcharaktere etwas altern!), wie sen der Bay’schen Filme auf den Punkt DRACHENZÄHMEN LEICHT GE- auch die Musik von John Powell, der bringt: soviel Zerstörungswut und Ma- MACHT 2 (1:2.35, 3D, Auro 11.1, DD seinen Score aus dem ersten Teil deut- terialschlachten gibt es nur bei diesem 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) lich erweitert. Was die Tonspur des Regisseur. Die Story bleibt dabei frei- OT: 2 Films angeht, so haben die Toninge- lich auf der Strecke. Dafür dauert das Verleih: Fox nieure wieder sehr viel Herzblut in das Bombardement fast drei Stunden – und Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Projekt gesteckt. Das gilt nicht nur für ist damit definitiv zuviel des Guten. Regie: Dean Deblois die Geräusche wie beispielsweise die Spektakulär ist die ganze Sache natür- Kinostart: 24.07.2014 Laute von Drache Ohnezahn, die von lich zweifelsohne und die visuellen Randy Thom kreiert wurden, sondern Effekte sind atemberaubend. Und im Auf ihren tagtäglichen Ausflügen mit auch für die von Studiolegende Shawn TRANSFORMERS-Fall lässt sich der ihren zahmen Drachen machen Hicks Murphy aufgenommene Orchestermu- gesamte Film genau darauf reduzieren. und seine Verlobte Astrid eine erstaun- sik. Leider ist zu befürchten, dass von Wer auf derlei Kost steht, den wird’s

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog umhauen. Allerdings sollte man sich und zeigt sehr deutlich, dass Vorbehal- Kinostart: 30.10.2014 den Film dann in einem extrem guten te auf beiden Seiten vorhanden sind. Kino anschauen, z.B. in einem IMAX- Mit vielen amüsanten Szenen wie z.B. 1984: schon seit Wochen Saal. Mindestens eine Szene in seinem der Einkaufsbummel der deutschen zwingt Margaret Thatchers eiserne Blockbuster hat der Action-Regisseur Eltern auf einem indischen Markt oder Hand die Minenarbeiter zum Streik. Um vermutlich speziell für die Auswertung das Groß-Reinemachen der Gastgeber die Arbeiter in ihrem Kampf zu unter- in IMAX konzipiert und dürfte dort zu demonstriert der Film, dass an jedem stützen, formiert sich in London ein schwindelerregendem Adrenalinaus- Klischee ein Fünckchen Wahrheit haf- winzig kleiner Trupp zur “LG.SM”, der stoß führen. Wer kein IMAX-Kino tet. Der Dokumentarfilm ist bewusst im “Lesbians and Gays Support the gleich um die Ecke hat, der sollte nach Retro-Look gehalten. Alles soll so aus- Miners”-Gruppe. Denn da sie selbst, so Kinos Ausschau halten, die den Film sehen, als hätte Franzi es mit ihrer Su- ihre Idee, von der Gesellschaft ausge- mit Dolby Surround 7.1 oder noch bes- per 8 Kamera eingefangen. Da wird grenzt werden, müssen sie sich mit an- ser mit Dolby-Atmos-Sound präsentie- Unschärfe zum Stilmittel. Passend dazu deren Minderheiten solidarisieren. Als ren. Dort bekommen dann die gibt es indische Schnulzenmusik in ihr Spendenaufruf großen Erfolg hat, Subwoofer eine Menge Arbeit! Low Fidelity. Übergänge zwischen den werden sie in ein kleines unterschiedlichen Passagen des Films Grubenarbeiterdorf in eingela- Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2014 machen witzig angefertigte Animatio- den. Doch die Vorbehalte gegenüber Ein echter Culture Clash nen, die dem Film dadurch zu einer ge- den Andersartigen ist riesengroß... Erst der dritte Film und schon Wochen- wissen Kurzweiligkeit verhelfen. Umso Solidarität ist das Hauptthema in ende – das muss noch besser werden! überraschender dann das Ende der Do- Matthew Warchus wunderbarem Film, kumentation, das eigentlich kein Ende der auf wahren Begebenheiten beruht. AMMA & APPA (1:1.85, 5.1) darstellt und eine Fortsetzung sugge- Damit weckt sofort Erinnerungen an Verleih: Zorro riert. den ebenfalls großartigen WE WANT Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 SEX über den Streik britischer Fabrik- Regie: Franziska Schönenberger, Montag, 14. Juli 2014 arbeiterinnen. Mit einem überzeugen- Jayakrishnan Subramanian Appetithappen den Cast und einem hervorragenden Kinostart: 04.09.2014 Der erste Film der neuen Pressewoche Drehbuch gelingt es Warchus, den Zu- hat mich hungrig gemacht... schauer vorbehaltlos für die gute Sa- Komödien gab es schon viele darüber. che zu gewinnen und ebnet damit Jetzt wurde es Zeit, dass sich mal je- MADAME MALLORY UND DER DUFT gleichzeitig den Weg für die Solidarität mand dokumentarisch mit einem VON CURRY (1:2.35, DD 5.1) mit Schwulen und Lesben. Als wichti- “Culture Clash” befasst. Also jenem OT: The Hundred-Foot Journey ges dramaturgisches Mittel dient die Zusammenprall der Kulturen, die meist Verleih: Constantin Musik im Film, die einerseits die Rhyth- durch eine Liebesheirat ausgelöst wer- Land/Jahr: USA 2014 men der 1980er-Jahre heraufbeschwört den. So wie bei Franziska Regie: Lasse Hallström und andererseits mit einem Score aus Schönenberger und Jayakrishnan Darsteller: , Om Puri, der Feder von Christopher Nightingale Subramanian. Sie Deutsche, Er Tamile. Manish Dayal (eingespielt vom Babelsberger Film- Während seine Eltern zuhause im fer- Kinostart: 21.08.2014 orchester) die Gefühlsebene hervorra- nen Indien nach einer passenden Frau gend bedient und dafür sorgt, das man für ihn suchen, ist Kunststudent “Jay” Aufgrund einer Sperrfirstvereinbarung den Kinosaal am Ende mit einem wah- in Deutschland schon ein ganzes Jahr gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film ren Hochgefühl verlässt. Unbedingt lang mit “Franzi” zusammen. Erst jetzt erst ab 05.08.2014 auf anschauen! erwähnt Jay gegenüber “Amma und www.wolframhannemann.de Appa” (Mutter und Vater) seine Freun- MIT GANZER KRAFT (1:1.85, DD 5.1) din, die er heiraten möchte. Franzis Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014 OT: De Toutes Nos Forces Antrittsbesuch bei ihren Schwiegerel- Von Außenseitern Verleih: Polyband (24 Bilder) tern in spe ist alles andere als einfach. Das heutige Double Feature hatte es in Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 Denn Amma kann es nicht überwinden, sich: positive Gefühle in Hülle und Fül- Regie: Nils Tavernier dass ihr Sohn eine Liebesheirat bege- le! Darsteller: Jacques Gamblin, Alexandra hen möchte, denn das gab es in ihrer Lamy, Fabien Héraud Familie noch nie und würde somit sämt- PRIDE (1:2.35, 5.1) Kinostart: 04.09.2014 liche Traditionen brechen. Hautnah OT: Pride zeigen die beiden verliebten Filmema- Verleih: Senator Der 17jährige Julien sitzt schon immer cher mit ihrer immer präsenten Kamera, Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2014 im Rollstuhl. Seine Mutter tut alles für wie dieser “Culture Clash” verläuft. Regie: Matthew Warchus ihn, doch sein Vater versucht ihm stän- Auch den Besuch der deutschen Eltern Darsteller: Bill Nighy, Dominic West, dig auszuweichen. Die Enttäuschung im Hause der Inder wird dokumentiert über seinen behinderten Sohn sitzt ihm

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog zu tief in den Knochen. Um ihn aus der Bordellbesuch und durchzechter Nacht derbar dargestellt von Tabea Hanstein) Reserve zu locken konfrontiert ihn abgenommen wurde. Die Hochzeit steht direkt ins Publikum sprechen lässt. Auf Julien eines Tages mit einem irrwitzigen wahrhaftig unter keinem guten Stern... diese Weise erklärt Lola ihren Zu- Vorschlag: gemeinsam mit seinem Vater Gleich vorweg: ich habe nichts Grund- schauern, nämlich den Kindern, auf möchte er als Team am “Ironman”-Ren- sätzliches gegen depressive Filme. Sol- sehr einfache Weise kompliziertere Zu- nen von Frankreich teilnehmen – 3,8 km che haben durchaus ihre Berechtigung, sammenhänge, die sie sympathischer- Schwimmen, 180 Kilometer Radfahren spiegeln sie doch meist ein recht au- weise aber manchmal selbst nicht ganz und 42 km Marathonlauf! Sein Vater thentisches Bild unserer Gesellschaft versteht. Durch diesen Kind-zu-Kind- wiegelt zunächst ab, lässt sich dann wider. Aber eben nur meist. Im vorlie- Dialog gelingt es dem Film, sein Ziel- aber auf den Vorschlag ein. Doch das genden Fall beispielsweise trifft dies publikum direkt mit einzubeziehen. Ironman-Komitee lehnt die Bewerbung nicht zu. Denn die Situationen und die Ebenfalls sehr schön und anschaulich ab. Für Juliens Vater eine klare Sache. darin agierenden Charaktere wirken in inszeniert: die behutsame Ablösung Doch so schnell gibt sich der Sohne- Vanessa Jopps Film extrem künstlich Lolas von ihrem Vater. Ist er anfangs mann nicht geschlagen... Nils Tavernier und lassen auch nicht nur den klein- noch als Gute-Nacht-Sänger in dem ließ sich für seinen Film von einer wah- sten Funken an Authentizität zu. So beweglichen Bild zu hören und zu se- ren Vater-Sohn-Geschichte inspirieren. wird viel deutsche Schauspieler- hen, das Lola auf dem Nachttisch ste- Besetzt hat er ihn mit zwei grandiosen prominenz verheizt. Nach 106 Minuten hen hat, beginnt er in nachfolgenden Darstellern. Jacques Gamblin spielt den fragt man sich unwillkürlich “Warum Szenen bereits den Text des Liedes zu Vater, der den Kontakt zu seinem Sohn habe ich mir das angetan?” und vergessen und entfernt sich am Ende vollkommen verloren hat und ihn erst verlässt verärgert den Kinosaal. Wun- gar ganz aus dem Bild. Dazwischen wieder durch das gemeinsame Aben- dern muss man sich darüber eigentlich ersinnt das Drehbuch allerlei lustige teuer wieder findet. Fabien Héraud, im nicht, da nicht einmal der Film selber Episoden, über die Kinderherzen sicher wirklichen Leben auch körperbehindert, weiß, wie er heisst. Im Film lautet er lachen können, die Erwachsenen natür- spielt den mutigen Julien, der sein schlicht LÜGEN, laut Presseeinladung lich ziemlich abstrus erscheinen. Aber Rollstuhldasein einfach satt hat und und Presseheft ist er LÜGEN UND AN- hier steht eben der Spaß im Mittel- endlich zu leben beginnen möchte. Eine DERE WAHRHEITEN betitelt. Deut- punkt. Die Kinder werden ihren Eltern wunderbare Kameraarbeit (Laurent sches Kino kann so viel besser sein als den Kinobesuch danken. Machuel) rundet dieses überaus positi- diese Frustmaschine. ve Kinoerlebnis ab, das einmal mehr Dienstag, 22. Juli 2014 klar macht, dass sich eine körperliche LOLA AUF DER ERBSE (1:1.85, 5.1) Der Basketballer und die Biene Behinderung vor allem im Kopf der Verleih: farbfilm Kontrastprogramm war heute mal wie- Nichtbehinderten abspielt. Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 der angesagt – voll krass. Regie: Thomas Heinemann Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014 Darsteller: Christiane Paul, Tabea NOWITZKI – DER PERFEKTE WURF Depressives und Fröhliches Hanstein, Tobias Oertel (1:1.85, 5.1) Ein deutsches Doppelprogramm be- Kinostart: 04.09.2014 Verleih: NFP (Tobis) stimmte meinen heutigen Kinotag Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Lola ist 11 Jahre alt und lebt zusammen Regie: Sebastian Dehnhardt LÜGEN (1:1.85, 5.1) mit ihrer Mutter auf einem Hausboot. Darsteller: Dirk Nowitzki Verleih: Wild Bunch (Central) Freunde hat Lola keine, weil sie als Kinostart: 18.09.2014 Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 absonderlich gilt. Nicht nur hat sie Regie: Vanessa Jopp einen Fleck am Hals, den sie schon seit Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung Darsteller: Meret Becker, Thomas Jahren nicht abwäscht, auch ihre Schu- gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Heinze, Florian David Fitz he sind immer dieselben und ihre Haare erst ab 07.09.2014 auf Kinostart: 11.09.2014 lässt sie sich nicht schneiden. Alles www.wolframhannemann.de. Symbole für ihren über alles geliebten, Nur noch ein paar Tage trennen Zahn- aber verschwundenen Vater. Lola hat DIE BIENE MAJA – DER KINOFILM ärztin Coco von ihrer Heirat mit Immo- sich damit aber arrangiert und gibt die (1:1.85, 3D, 5.1) bilienmakler Carlos. Doch da überstür- Hoffnung nicht auf, dass ihr Vater ei- OT: Maya The zen sich die Ereignisse. Erst muss sie nes Tages wieder zurückkommt. Alles Verleih: Universum Film (Walt Disney) ihre Assistentin Vera entlassen, dann ändert sich, als Lola in dem Kurden Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Australien der jungen Nachbarin aus der Woh- Rebin einen Freund findet und ihre 2014 nung über der Praxis das Leben retten Mutter plötzlich den Tierarzt Kurt an- Regie: Alex Stadermann und schließlich verkracht sie sich auch schleppt, der Papa ersetzen soll... Seine Kinostart: 11.09.2014 noch mit ihrer besten Freundin. Derweil schönsten Momente erlebt Thomas stellt ihr Verlobter Vera als Chauffeurin Heinemanns Kinderfilm immer dann, Kaum geschlüpft beginnt die kleine ein, weil ihm die Führerschein nach wenn er seine Protagonistin Lola (wun- Biene Maja die Welt zu erkunden, weil

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ihr der Bienenstock viel zu eng er- Internetzugang. Da bleibt nichts ande- Taylor beschließt es dabei zu belassen. scheint. Bald schon findet sie in Biene res übrig als sich mit Opa auseinander- Doch wie kann Taylor ihre große Liebe Willi, Grashüpfer Flip und einem zusetzen und den Traditionen im Dorf je vergessen? - In den fünfziger und Hornissenjungen gute Freunde, die ihr zuzuschauen... Leise weht der Mistral sechziger Jahren waren sie noch sehr dabei helfen, die Pläne der bösen um die Olivenbäume...und auch direkt “en vogue” – heutzutage sind sie als Bienenratgeberin Gunilla zu durchkreu- in den Kinosaal. Denn die Bilder, die Filmgenre fast komplett ausgestorben: zen... Hallo liebe Kinder – hier kommt Stephane Le Parc mit seiner Kamera Musicals. Und so freut man sich über ein Film ganz speziell für Euch! Wenn einfängt, vermitteln dieses grandiose jedes kleine Musical, das noch im Kino Ihr maximal acht Jahre alt seid, dann Gefühl mitten im Sommer zu sein. In angeboten wird. Zuletzt war es werdet Ihr das freche und unerschrok- dieses Sommerambiente pflanzt Regis- SUNSHINE ON LEITH, der leider kurz- kene Bienchen Maja ganz sicher lieben. seurin Rose Bosch ihre Protagonisten fristig vom Verleih noch vor dem Kino- Für Euch Erwachsene freilich wird da und deckt damit gleich drei Generatio- start aus dem Programm verbannt wur- nicht viel dabei sein, was Euch begei- nen ab. Die Mitglieder ihrer de. Der enorme Publikumserfolg von stern könnte. Immerhin ist die zentrale dysfunktionalen Großfamilie werden MAMMA MIA!, der Verfilmung des Aussage des Films “Sei einfach so wie sich erst im Verlauf der nächsten 105 Abba-Musicals, dürfte Max und Dani Du bist, so wirst Du Deinen Platz im Minuten finden. Dafür müssen alte (wie die beiden Regisseure im Titelvor- Leben finden” für alle Altersklassen Wunden erst wieder aufgebrochen wer- spann genannt werden) dazu bewogen gültig. Was die Optik des Films angeht, den, um alsbald wieder heilen zu kön- haben, etwas Ähnliches zu inszenieren. so wurde aus dem zweidimensionalen nen, und Familienmitglieder müssen Wieder gibt es eine exotische Kulisse Zeichentrickabenteuer jetzt eine dreidi- lernen, über den eigenen Schatten zu und wieder altbekannte, vorproduzierte mensionale Computeranimation ge- springen. Alles unterlegt mit Ever- Hits, zwischen die eine mehr als triviale macht und dürfte damit aktuelle Seh- greens, deren Spannbreite von den Handlung gepackt wird. Das klingt zu- gewohnheiten befriedigen. Was die Sechzigern bis in die Jetztzeit reicht. nächst so, als könne man die Geschich- Tonspur des Films betrifft, so erfreut Abgerundet wird der Film der leiseren te gleich komplett vergessen, aber das eine gelungene Orchestermusik (Ute Töne durch exzellente Darsteller. Wenn Ergebnis – und das ist das Wichtige Engelhardt) das Ohr. Die Titelmelodie nach diesem Film der Run auf die Pro- bei der Sache – macht großen Spaß! aus der TV-Serie wurde zwar beibehal- vence losgeht wäre das nicht weiter Dieser “Best of the 80s”-Mix, der sich ten, doch auf Karel Gott wurde zugun- verwunderlich. hier auf der Tonspur Bahn bricht, fetzt sten einer weiblichen Stimme verzich- mächtig! Und das in einer Qualität, wie tet. Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2014 man sie hierzulande äußerst selten zu Feelgood Thursday hören bekommt. Die komplett neu ein- Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014 Endlich mal wieder ein Musical auf gespielten Songs rocken den Kinosaal Der grießgrämige Opa CinemaScope-Bildwand...made my day! – allerdings nur in Filmtheatern mit Passend zum Wetter gab es heute einen einer leistungsstarken Tonanlage. Ein Sommerfilm WALKING ON SUNSHINE (1:2.35, 5.1) bisschen vermisst man freilich die aus- OT: Walking On Sunshine ladenden Choreographien der alten EIN SOMMER IN DER PROVENCE Verleih: SquareOne/Universum (Walt Musicals. Die neuen Nummern reichen (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Disney) da längst nicht heran, am ehesten über- OT: Avis De Mistral Land/Jahr: Spielfilm, Großbritannien zeugt hier noch “Girls Just Wanna Verleih: Concorde 2014 Have Fun”, bei dem die Protagonistin- Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2014 Regie: Max Giwa, Dania Pasquini nen in der Aufmachung von achtziger Regie: Rose Bosch Jahre Popikonen den Junggesellinnen- Darsteller: Jean Reno, Anna Galiena, Darsteller: Annabel Scholey, Hannah abschied feiern, während parallel dazu Chloé Jouannet Arterton, Giulio Berruti die Jungs mit “Wild Boys” zur Sache Kinostart: 25.09.2014 Kinostart: 25.09.2014 gehen. Was die Besetzung angeht gilt auch hier, dass man es nicht mit Cha- Opa ist alles andere als erfreut, als Oma Vor drei Jahren verlebte Taylor ihren rakteren zu tun hat, wie man sie aus zusammen mit den drei Enkelkindern in schönsten Sommerurlaub in Apulien – Hollywood-Musicals kennt, sondern seinem Einsiedleranwesen in der Pro- in den Armen ihres Traummannes Raf. um Abziehbilder ohne Tiefe, die ein- vence auftaucht. Sie hatte ihm einfach Doch ihren Traummann gab sie zugun- fach nur schön und sexy auszusehen nicht gesagt, dass die Kinder den Som- sten ihres Studiums auf. Jetzt kehrt sie haben. Damit passt WALKING ON mer hier verbringen werden, während wieder sehnsüchtig dorthin zurück, nur SUNSHINE natürlich optisch perfekt in deren Eltern irgendwo anders in der um feststellen zu müssen, dass Raf unsere oberflächlich gewordene Gesell- Welt einer Scheidung entgegensteuern. inzwischen mit ihrer lebenslustigen schaft. Der Freude am Genuss der herr- Auch die Kids sind sauer. Nicht nur Schwester Maddie liiert ist und die lichen Bilder (Kamera: Philipp Blau- wegen des grießgrämigen Alten, son- Hochzeit bereits in zwei Tagen stattfin- bach), die einem Urlaubskatalog ent- dern auch wegen dem fehlenden det. Maddie ahnt nichts davon und sprungen sein könnten, in Kombination

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog mit den Hits der 80er Jahre, tut das der der alte und der neue Film im Hauses erst sekundengenau mit dem keinen Abbruch. Ein Feelgood-Movie Doppelpack im Rahmen einer Preview Beginn der Purge-Nacht aktiviert?), die eben. gezeigt wurden nicht hätten sein müssen. Das Resultat ist damit leider nur mäßig spannende Freitag, 25. Juli 2014 THE PURGE – DIE SÄUBERUNG Unterhaltung. Vertauschte Kinder (1:2.35, 5.1) Ein beeindruckendes Drama aus OT: The Purge THE PURGE – ANARCHY (1:2.35, DD stand heute auf dem Programm Verleih: Universal 5.1 EX) Land/Jahr: USA 2013 OT: The Purge – Anarchy LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON (1:1.85, DD Regie: James DeMonaco Verleih: Universal 5.1) Darsteller: Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Land/Jahr: USA 2014 OT: Soshite Chichi Ni Naru Max Burkholder Regie: James DeMonaco Verleih: Film Kino Text Kinostart: 13.06.2013 Darsteller: Frank Grillo, Carmen Ejogo, Land/Jahr: Japan 2013 Zach Gilford Regie: Hirokazu Kore-eda Amerika im Jahre 2022. Einmal im Jahr Kinostart: 31.07.2014 Darsteller: Masaharu Fukuyama, Yoko gibt es für 12 Stunden lang die staat- Maki, Jun Kunimura lich verordnete “Purge”-Nacht, in der New York im Jahre 2023. Es ist wieder Kinostart: 25.09.2014 jeder Bürger nach Belieben so viel “Purge”-Nacht, jene Nacht des Jahres, Morden kann wie er möchte und dabei in der für zwölf Stunden das Gesetz Die Eltern des sechsjährigen Keita sind straffrei ausgeht. Die Regierung erhofft außer Kraft gesetzt wird und jeder Bür- fassungslos: erst jetzt teilt man ihnen sich dadurch die kostenoptimale Elimi- ger nach Belieben morden darf. Ausge- mit, dass ihr Baby bei der Geburt ver- nierung von Menschen, die den Sozial- rechnet jetzt versagt das Auto eines tauscht wurde! Ein Treffen mit der an- systemen auf der Tasche liegen. Dass jungen Paares, das sich alsbald einer deren Familie wird arrangiert und die die “Purge”-Nacht jedoch auch zur Schar mordlustiger Angreifer ausge- Eltern ringen nach einer Lösung. Sollen Befriedigung niederer Instinkte genutzt setzt sieht. Eine Mutter und ihre Toch- sie ihr bisheriges Kind gegen das rich- wird, wird billigend in Kauf genommen. ter werden von einem ziemlich auf- tige eintauschen? Das Drama nimmt So sieht sich eine Familie in ihrem her- dringlichen Nachbarn drangsaliert. Und seinen Lauf und bald schon macht man metisch abgeschirmten Haus in jener ein Sergeant geht schwer bewaffnet auf sich gegenseitig Vorwürfe... Es ist Nacht mit einer ganzen Horde mord- seinen ganz persönlichen Rache- schlicht und ergreifend der Alptraum lustiger Gesellen konfrontiert und muss feldzug. Das Schicksal führt sie alle in aller Eltern: feststellen zu müssen, dass sich zur Wehr setzen... Wollten Sie der Nacht der Nächte zusammen... Der das Kind, welches man seit sechs Jah- nicht immer schon ihren lästigen Nach- Fortsetzungsfilm zum Überraschungs- ren hegt und pflegt, gar nicht das eige- barn rückstandslos entsorgen? Oder hit aus 2013 präsentiert sich weitaus ne Kind ist! In seinem Drama schildert den alten Mann, der Sie ständig daran ambitionierter als der erste Teil. Der der japanische Regisseur Hirokazu hindert schneller zu gehen? In der Produktion stand offensichtlich ein Kore-eda das Schicksal zweier Famili- “Purge”-Nacht haben Sie die Gelegen- größeres Budget zur Verfügung, was en, die mit diesem Alptraum konfron- heit dazu – und das alles vollkommen sich deutlich in den Locations und der tiert werden. Er tut dies ohne je auf die legal! Die Grundidee von James agilen Kameraarbeit widerspiegelt: Tränendrüse zu drücken, ja sogar fast DeMonacos Überraschungshit THE ganz New York dient jetzt als Spielwie- nüchtern. Durch die daraus resultieren- PURGE – DIE SÄUBERUNG ist zwei- se für die “Purge”-Nacht. Auch die de Authentizität wird sein Film erst felsohne hochinteressant und stellt im Grundidee des Films wird weiterentwik- richtig ergreifend und führt dem Zu- Prinzip eine Weiterentwicklung der kelt. Mit Anleihen bei Filmen wie schauer die menschliche Tragödie da- Progromnacht dar. DeMonaco baut HOSTEL oder THE HUNGER GAMES hinter in all ihren Facetten vor Augen. daraus einen sogenannten “Home In- wird die Dekadenz der Schönen und Mit farbreduzierten Bildern, einem mi- vasion”-Thriller, in der eine Familie in Reichen thematisiert, die sich für teu- nimalen Filmmusikscore und hervorra- ihrem vermeintlich geschützten Zuhau- res Geld Menschen einkaufen, um sie genden Darstellern (sowohl die Er- se von Fremden drangsaliert wird. in der Abgeschiedenheit ihres Zu- wachsenen als auch die Kinder) schafft Trotz der sich dadurch ergebenden hauses ihrer “Purge”-Lust zu opfern. er einen zutiefst bewegenden Film, des- klaustrophobischen Grundstimmung Mit Frank Grillo findet der Film seinen sen Wirkung auch noch lange nach kann der Film seine Spannung nicht Helden – einen einsamen, namenlosen dem Kinobesuch anhält. Anspruchs- immer aufrecht erhalten und ergeht Rächer, der für einige Bedürftige zum volles Kino vom Feinsten. sich in so mancher Länge. Zu oft fängt Erretter wird. MAD MAX lässt grüßen. die Kamera die Protagonisten in Groß- Regisseur James DeMonaco versteht Samstag, 26. Juli 2014 aufnahme ein und beraubt den Film es hervorragend, diese Zutaten zu ei- Es darf “gepurged” werden! damit echter Kinoqualität. Dazu gesel- nem konsequent spannenden Thriller Freitagnacht lud der Filmverleih alle len sich genre-typische Logikfehler zu mischen. Etwas störend wirkt die Journalisten zur “Purge”-Nacht ein, in (warum wird die Sicherungsanlage des deutsche Synchronfassung, die allzu

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog steril ihre Dialoge in den Kinosaal ab- nes Action-Hits zu inszenieren. Ganz im gibt. Fazit: für Thriller-Freunde durch- Gegenteil. Er entwickelt seine Story zu aus empfehlenswerte Unterhaltung. Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014 einem spannenden asiatischen Es rummst gewaltig in der Galaxie! Gangsterfilm weiter. Der steckt natür- Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014 Das Marvel-Kino-Universum hat einen lich voller fulminanter Wahre Helden Neuzugang zu vermelden. Wir durften Actionsequenzen, nimmt sich aber ge- Der heutigen Pressevorführung durfte ihn heute sehen. nügend Zeit für seine Figuren, die er wieder eine Kinderschar beiwohnen. behutsam entwickelt. Das gelingt ihm Passt. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY dank seiner exzellenten Darsteller, die (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) nicht nur schauspielerische Fähigkei- PLANES 2: IMMER IM EINSATZ OT: Guardians Of The Galaxy ten unter Beweis stellen dürfen, son- (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) Verleih: Walt Disney dern auch physische Fitness! Keine OT: Planes: Fire & Rescue Land/Jahr: USA 2014 visuellen Effekte dominieren hier die Verleih: Walt Disney Regie: James Gunn Fights, sondern waschechte Martial- Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Darsteller: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Arts-Kunst. Der exzellent fotografierte Regie: Roberts Gannaway Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, Benicio Film wird von einem gelungenen Kinostart: 14.08.2014 Del Toro, Lee Pace, Djimon Hounsou, Sounddesign (made at Skywalker Michael Rooker, , John C. Sound) unterstützt. Den Bildschnitt Rennflieger Dusty muss einen Gang Reilly besorgte der Regisseur übrigens zurückschalten: sein Getriebe ist defekt Kinostart: 28.08.2014 selbst. Wer harte Action-Kost mag, der und Ersatzteile gibt es nicht mehr. wird sich ganz sicher über die asiati- Doch sein Frust darüber verblasst, als Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung schen Blutfontänen freuen, die oft er sich einer neuen Aufgabe widmet: er gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film augenzwinkern dargeboten werden und lässt sich zum Feuerwehrflieger ausbil- erst ab 15.08.2014 auf durchaus der Freigabe erst ab 18 Jah- den. Bei Rettungshubschrauber Blade www.wolframhannemann.de ren würdig sind. Wer noch mehr sehen Ranger geht er zwar durch eine harte will: das Ende des Films suggeriert eine Schule, gewinnt dafür aber neue Freun- Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2014 weitere Fortsetzung. de sowie neues Selbstvertrauen... Nach Es wird Blut fließen...viel Blut dem ziemlich blassen ersten PLANES, Ich habe mal wieder einen Film “nach- der eigentlich nichts anderes als ein gesessen”... lauwarmer Aufguss des Pixar-Films CARS war, war ich auf das Schlimmste THE RAID 2 (1:2.35, 5.1) gefasst. Doch Fehlanzeige: Teil 2 darf OT: The Raid 2 man durchaus als “gelungen” bezeich- Verleih: Studiocanal nen. Der Mix aus fulminanter Action Land/Jahr: Indonesien 2014 und die feinen Zwischentöne im Regie: Gareth Evans zwischenmensch...äh...zwischenflugzeuglichen Darsteller: Iko Uwais, Arifin Putra, Bereich macht richtig Spaß. Die kleinen Yayan Ruhian Zuschauer werden an den halsbrecheri- Kinostart: 24.07.2014 schen Aktionen der Flugzeuge beim Löschen der Waldbrände ihre helle Polizist Rama lässt sich auf eine ge- Freude haben, während den begleiten- fährliche Mission ein: als Undercover- den Eltern vermutlich das Menscheln Ermittler soll er sich im Gefängnis das der Flugzeuge einiges an Schmunzeln Vertrauen von Uco erschleichen, dem abverlangen dürfte. Die Computer- Sohn eines der größten Gangsterboss animationen (made in !) lassen Jakartas. Das Vorhaben gelingt und so nichts zu wünschen übrig. Ergänzt wer- wird Rama nach seiner Entlassung in den die Bilder durch eine sehr effekt- das Syndikat aufgenommen... THE volle Tonmischung und einen bemer- RAID 2 knüpft genau dort an wo THE kenswerten Score von Mark Mancina. RAID aufhörte. Doch Regisseur Gareth Evans erliegt nicht der Versuchung, einfach nochmal eine Neuauflage sei-

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Sony Music Strategic Entertainment dia) 26.08.2014 Division(Europa) 08.08.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060626 Animation 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060835 JoNaLu - DVD 4 Beats! - Die komplette Se- Ein Brief an Momo Jonalu Momo E No Tegami Dir. Nina Wels, Konrad Weise, Anja Hans- rie (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Dir. Hiroyuki Okiura mann Angel Beats! Trickfilm/Drama 2011 115min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2010 101min. Dir. Seiji Kishi Universum Film Home Universum Film Home Diverse Entertainment(Universum ) Entertainment(Universum Kids) 19.09.2014 Trickfilm 2010 359min. 05.09.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060916 Universum Film Home 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060528 Entertainment(Universum Anime) Kill la Kill - Box 1 (2 Discs) 08.08.2014 Bubble Guppies - Wir rocken to- Kill La Kill 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060543 tal! Dir. Hiroyuki Imaishi Angelina Ballerina - Alex, der Bubble Guppies Audiokommentar Bonus-Episode Action/Zeichentrick 175min. Dirigent Trickfilm 92min. AV Visionen(Peppermint) 01.08.2014 Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps Paramount Home Entertainment 04.09.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060843 Dir. Davis Doi 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060877 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 50min. Kill la Kill - Box 1 (2 Discs) (Blu- Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Dino-Zug - Kürbis-Tag ray) Division(Europa) 08.08.2014 Dinosaur Train Kill La Kill 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060834 Wendecover Dir. Hiroyuki Imaishi Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 91min. Audiokommentar Barbie und die geheime Tür STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Action/Zeichentrick 180min. Barbie And The Secret Door 25.09.2014 AV Visionen(Peppermint) 01.08.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 70min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060664 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060845 Germany(Universal) 04.09.2014 Das Dschungelbuch (Gold Edition) Die kleine Biene 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060694 Dir. Toshiyuki Hiruma, Takashi Masunaga Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006 55min. Kapiteleinteilung, Hintergrundinfos justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Barbie und die geheime Tür (Blu- Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1994 50min. 08.08.2014 ray) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment( Me- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060793 dia) 26.08.2014 Barbie And The Secret Door 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060627 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 73min. Die Legende von Prinz Eisenherz Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Die Dschungelhelden - Operation: - Gesamtedition (13 Discs) 04.09.2014 The Legend Of Prince Valiant 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060718 Piratenschatz Robby Benson, Michael Horton, Noelle Les As De La Jungle North, Alan Oppenheimer, Efrem Zimbalist Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Dir. David Alaux, Eric Tosti Jr., Samantha Eggar, Tim Curry, James Collector’s Pack: Wolkig mit Aus- Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 70min. Avery Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) sicht auf ... (2 Discs) Abenteuer/Trickfilm 1991-1993 1515min. 25.09.2014 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 23.06.2014 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs / 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060725 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060465 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Dir. Chris Miller, Phil Lord, Cody Cameron, Emily Erdbeer - Neues aus The Lego Movie Kris Pearn Bitzibeerchenhausen, Box 1 (2 The Lego Movie Trickfilm/Komödie 2009-2013 min. Dir. Phil Lord, Chris Miller Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Discs) Strawberry Shortcake Featurettes 02.10.2014 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 96min. Trickfilm 1981-2010 160min. tba BestellNr.: 20060541 Warner Home Video Germany 21.08.2014 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060498 Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie 08.08.2014 Collector’s Pack: Wolkig mit Aus- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060575 The Lego Movie (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- sicht auf ... (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Go Wild! Mission Wildnis - Folge ray) Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs / 7: Ein Koala in der Wüste The Lego Movie Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Dir. Phil Lord, Chris Miller Wild Kratts Dir. Chris Miller, Phil Lord, Cody Cameron, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Kurzfilme, Outtakes, Entfallene Chris Kratt - Dir. Chris Kratt, Martin Kratt Kris Pearn Szenen Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 100min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2009-2013 min. Edel:Kids 08.08.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 21.08.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060788 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060521 02.10.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20060546 Go Wild! Mission Wildnis - Folge The Lego Movie (Blu-ray) Boop Box 8: Der Alarm der Nasenaffen The Lego Movie Wild Kratts Dir. Phil Lord, Chris Miller Betty Boop - Cartoon Classics Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Kurzfilme, Outtakes, Entfallene Trickfilm 30min. Chris Kratt - Dir. Chris Kratt, Martin Kratt Szenen BROKEN SILENCE(Inter-Pathé) 11.07.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 100min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060790 Edel:Kids 08.08.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 21.08.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060789 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060520 Bob, der Baumeister - Sprinti ist auf Zack Heidi (Gold Edition) Lego Ninjago - Staffel 3.2 Dir. Toshiyuki Hiruma, Takashi Masunaga Bob The Builder Lego Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1994 50min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 50min. Dir. Michael Hegner, Justin Murphy Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me-

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Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 88min. justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Trickfilm/Action 75min. Universum Film Home 12.09.2014 AV Visionen(Kazé) 25.07.2014 Entertainment(Universum Kids) 26.09.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060985 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060842 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060556 Niklaas, ein Junge aus Flandern - Senran Kagura - Vol. 4 (Blu-ray) Lenas Ranch, Vol. 3 - Freunde Die komplette Serie (4 Discs) Senran Kagura fürs Leben Furandâsu No Inu Jodie Blank - Dir. Takashi Watanabe Le Ranch Dir. Yoshio Kuroda Postkarten Trickfilm/Action 78min. Dir. Monica Maaten Trickfilm 1975 1230min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 25.07.2014 Karaoke-Song Universum Film Home 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060844 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 110min. Entertainment(Universum Kids) 26.09.2014 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060542 08.08.2014 Sophie und der große freundli- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060818 Die Olsenbande auf hoher See che Riese Olsen Banden På Dybt Vand The BFG Looney Tunes: Platinum Dir. Jørgen Lerdam Dir. Brian Cosgrove Collection - Volume 3 (2 Discs) Fantasy/Zeichentrick 1989 80min. (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 77min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 03.07.2014 Capelight Pictures 26.09.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060581 The Looney Tunes 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060959 Trickfilm 1930-1969 350min. SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Die Warner Home Video Germany 21.08.2014 Die Olsenbande auf hoher See 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060638 komplette sechste Season (4 (Blu-ray) Discs) Das magische Haus Olsen Banden På Dybt Vand Spongebob Squarepants The House Of Magic Dir. Jørgen Lerdam Kurzfilme, Karaoke-Musikvideos Dir. Ben Stassen, Jeremie Degruson Trailer Trickfilm/Komödie 1999-2006 584min. Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 80min. Paramount Home Entertainment 03.07.2014 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 82min. Capelight Pictures 26.09.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060653 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060967 Germany 25.09.2014 Super Sonico - The Animation 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060687 Perrine - Gesamtbox (4 Discs, Di- Soniani: Super Sonico The Animation gital überarbeitet) Dir. Kenichi Kawamura Das magische Haus (Blu-ray 3D) Periinu Monogatari Postkarte, Schlüsselanhänger (Blu-ray) Dir. Shigeo Koshi, Hiroshi Saito Komödie/Zeichentrick 96min. FilmConfect Home Entertainment The House Of Magic Bonus-Episode, Hintergrundinfo Trickfilm 1978-1979 1248min. 25.07.2014 Dir. Ben Stassen, Jeremie Degruson Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060674 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 85min. 26.09.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060983 Super Sonico - The Animation Germany 25.09.2014 (Blu-ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060711 Peter Hase, DVD 1 Soniani: Super Sonico The Animation Peter Rabbit Dir. Kenichi Kawamura Das magische Haus (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 88min. Postkarte, Schlüsselanhänger The House Of Magic Universum Film Home Komödie/Zeichentrick 100min. Dir. Ben Stassen, Jeremie Degruson Entertainment(Universum Kids) 12.09.2014 FilmConfect Home Entertainment Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060729 25.07.2014 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 85min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060701 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Peter Hase, DVD 2 Germany 25.09.2014 Peter Rabbit Team Hot Wheels - Wie der 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060710 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 88min. Wahnsinn begann Universum Film Home Team Hot Wheels: The Origin Of Awesome Mike, der Ritter... und das Wild- Entertainment(Universum Kids) 12.09.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 70min. schwein 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060730 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Mike The Knight 04.09.2014 Dir. Neil Affleck Robot Metropolis (2 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060696 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 50min. Technotise - Edit I Ja Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Dir. Aleksa Gajic, Nebojsa Andric, Stevan Team Hot Wheels - Wie der Division(Europa) 08.08.2014 Djordjevic Wahnsinn begann (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2009 89min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060836 Team Hot Wheels: The Origin Of Awesome Edel Germany(Starmovie) 25.07.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 73min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060746 Mit Jan und Tini auf Reisen, Box Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 5 (2 Discs) Robot Metropolis (2 Discs) (Blu- 04.09.2014 Dir. Jörg de Bomba 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060720 Booklet ray) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 340min. Technotise - Edit I Ja Timmy das Schäfchen... auf Safa- Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) Dir. Aleksa Gajic, Nebojsa Andric, Stevan ri 19.09.2014 Djordjevic Timmy Time 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060981 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2009 93min. Dir. Jackie Cockle Edel Germany(Starmovie) 25.07.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009-2011 50min. Die Mumins - Gesamtedition (8 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060758 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Discs) Senran Kagura - Vol. 4 Division(Europa) 08.08.2014 Dir. Hiroshi Saito, Takuo Suzuki 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060838 Booklet Senran Kagura Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1990-1992 Jodie Blank - Dir. Takashi Watanabe The - Staffel 1, Box 1 1300min. Postkarten

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(2 Discs) Bill Murray, Peter Gallagher, Joanne Horror/Episodenfilm 2013 87min. The Winx Club - The Winx Club Whalley, , Richard Wilson, Maritim Pictures 26.09.2014 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2004-2008 180min. Geraldine James, John Standing, Anna 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060804 justbridge entertainment media(company of Chancellor, Nicholas Woodeson, Simon kids) 08.08.2014 Chandler - Dir. Jon Amiel All Hallows’ Eve - Komm raus und 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060573 Komödie 1997 90min. spiel! (k.J.) Warner Home Video Germany 21.08.2014 All Hallows’ Eve 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060634 Katie Maguire, Catherine A. Callahan, Mi- chael Giannelli, Marie Maser, Kayla Lian, Film Die Akte Bin Laden Cole Mathewson, Sydney Freihofer, Marc Infinite Justice Romano - Dir. Damien Leone Kevin Collins, Raza Jaffrey, Jennifer Wendecover 13 Sins Calvert, Constantine Gregory, Irvine Iqbal, Horror/Episodenfilm 2013 83min. 13 Sins Jeff Mirza, William Roberts, Liza Zapol, Maritim Pictures 26.09.2014 Mark Webber, Rutina Wesley, Devon Graye, Mitchell Mullen, Graham Bohea, Ivana Basic 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060782 Pruitt Taylor Vince, Tom Bower, Ron - Dir. Jamil Dehlavi Perlman, Christopher Berry, Stephanie Drama/Thriller 2006 93min. The Amazing Spider-Man / The Honore, Deneen Tyler - Dir. Daniel Stamm FilmConfect Home Entertainment Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Trailer 22.08.2014 Electro (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Thriller/Horror 2014 85min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060993 The Amazing Spider-Man / The Amazing Koch Media 25.10.2014 Spider-Man 2: Rise Of Electro tba BestellNr.: 20060486 Die Akte Bin Laden (Blu-ray) , Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Infinite Justice Jamie Foxx - Dir. Marc Webb 13 Sins (Blu-ray) Kevin Collins, Raza Jaffrey, Jennifer Action/Science Fiction 2012-2014 277min. 13 Sins Calvert, Constantine Gregory, Irvine Iqbal, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Mark Webber, Rutina Wesley, Devon Graye, Jeff Mirza, William Roberts, Liza Zapol, 16.10.2014 Pruitt Taylor Vince, Tom Bower, Ron Mitchell Mullen, Graham Bohea, Ivana Basic tba BestellNr.: 20060708 Perlman, Christopher Berry, Stephanie - Dir. Jamil Dehlavi Honore, Deneen Tyler - Dir. Daniel Stamm Drama/Thriller 2006 97min. The Amazing Spider-Man / The Trailer FilmConfect Home Entertainment Thriller/Horror 2014 88min. 22.08.2014 Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Koch Media 25.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060997 Electro (Blu-ray 3D, 2 Discs) (Blu- tba BestellNr.: 20060510 ray) Alien Dawn (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Der Admiral - Krieg im Pazifik The Amazing Spider-Man / The Amazing Alien Dawn Spider-Man 2: Rise Of Electro Rengô Kantai Shirei Chôkan: Yamamoto Rachelle Dimaria, Brooke Lewis, Alex Bell, Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Isoroku Michael Abruscato, Tiffany Adams, Tiffany Jamie Foxx - Dir. Marc Webb Kôji Yakusho, , Masatô Ibu, Martin, Cynthia Martin, Iva Franks Singer, Action/Science Fiction 2012-2014 277min. , Kippei Shiina, Mieko Harada, Giovanni V. Giusti, Angela T. Baesa, Daniel Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) , Takeo Nakahara, Toshirô Bridges, Neil Johnson - Dir. Neil Johnson 16.10.2014 Yanagiba, Mitsugoro Bando, Ikuji Nakamura, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20060709 Eisaku Yoshida, , Toru Science Fiction/Action 2012 81min. Masuoka, , Yoshihiko Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise Hakamada, Asaka Seto, Hiroshi Tamaki, 25.07.2014 Tetsuo Yamashita - Dir. Izuru Narushima 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060706 of Electro (Blu-ray 3D, Limited Trailer, u.a. Edition, 3 Discs, + Figurine) (Blu- Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 135min. Alien vs Ninja (Blu-ray) (k.J.) ray) ICESTORM Entertainment 14.07.2014 Alien Vs. Ninja The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise Of 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060651 Mika Hijii, Shuji Kashiwabara, Ben Hiura, Electro Yuki Ogoe, Masanori Mimoto, Donpei Afflicted Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Tsuchihira - Dir. Seiji Chiba Dane DeHaan, , Sally Field, Afflicted Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie , Chris Zylka, - Derek Lee, Clif Prowse, Baya Rehaz, Ben- Action/Science Fiction 2010 84min. Dir. Marc Webb jamin Zeitoun, Zach Gray, Edo Van Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Breemen, Jason Lee, Gary Redekop, Lily 12.08.2014 Musikvideo Py Lee - Dir. Derek Lee, Clif Prowse 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060631 Action/Science Fiction 2014 143min. Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Featurette Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Horror 2013 82min. Alien vs Ninja (k.J.) 04.09.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Alien Vs. Ninja 199,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060766 04.09.2014 Mika Hijii, Shuji Kashiwabara, Ben Hiura, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060731 Yuki Ogoe, Masanori Mimoto, Donpei The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise Tsuchihira - Dir. Seiji Chiba of Electro (Limited Edition, 2 Afflicted (Blu-ray) Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Afflicted (Blu-ray) Action/Science Fiction 2010 81min. Discs, Lightbox) (Blu-ray) Derek Lee, Clif Prowse, Baya Rehaz, Ben- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise Of jamin Zeitoun, Zach Gray, Edo Van 12.08.2014 Electro Breemen, Jason Lee, Gary Redekop, Lily 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060600 Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Py Lee - Dir. Derek Lee, Clif Prowse Dane DeHaan, Paul Giamatti, Sally Field, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Featurette All Hallows’ Eve - Komm raus und Martin Sheen, Chris Zylka, Denis Leary - Horror 2013 85min. spiel! (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dir. Marc Webb Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, All Hallows’ Eve 04.09.2014 Musikvideo Katie Maguire, Catherine A. Callahan, Mi- Action/Science Fiction 2014 143min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060736 chael Giannelli, Marie Maser, Kayla Lian, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Agent Null Null Nix (Blu-ray) Cole Mathewson, Sydney Freihofer, Marc 04.09.2014 Romano - Dir. Damien Leone 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060767 The Man Who Knew Too Little Wendecover

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise The Appearing Ur Marjonetternas Liv of Electro (Limited Edition, 2 William Wallace, Emily Brooks, Dean Cain, Christine Buchegger, Martin Benrath, Ro- Don Swayze, Bodison, Quinton bert Atzorn, Walter Schmidinger, Heinz Discs, SteelBook) (Blu-ray) Aaron, Joe Estevez, Conroy Kanter - Dir. Bennent, Toni Berger, Gaby Dohm, Erwin The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise Of Daric Gates Faber, Lola Müthel, Ruth Olafs, Karl-Heinz Electro Horror/Mystery 2014 93min. Pelser, Rita Russek - Dir. Ingmar Bergman Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, justbridge entertainment media(justbridge Wendecover Dane DeHaan, Paul Giamatti, Sally Field, movies) 14.11.2014 Drama 1980 99min. Martin Sheen, Chris Zylka, Denis Leary - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060910 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dir. Marc Webb Germany(Arthaus) 25.09.2014 Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, - Die kom- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060662 Musikvideo Action/Science Fiction 2014 143min. pletten Staffeln 1-3 (5 Discs) (Blu- Bad Neighbors Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) ray) Bad Neighbors 04.09.2014 Arrested Development , , Zac Efron, Chri- 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060768 Jason Bateman, Portia de Rossi, Will stopher Mintz-Plasse, Dave Franco, Ike Arnett, Michael Cera, Alia Shawkat, Tony Ambush 1941 - Spähtrupp in die Barinholtz, Jerrod Carmichael, Lisa Hale, David Cross, Jeffrey Tambor, Jessica Kudrow, Halston Sage, Jake Johnson - Dir. Hölle Walter, Henry Winkler, Mae Whitman, B.W. Nicholas Stoller Rukajarven Tie Gonzalez, Justin Lee, Liza Minnelli, Justin Komödie 2014 94min. Peter Franzén, Irina Björklund, Kari Grant Wade, Judy Greer, Charlie Hartsock, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Heiskanen, Taisto Reimaluoto, Kari Jeff Garlin, Michael Paul Chan, Michael 18.09.2014 Väänänen, Tommi Eronen, Pekka Bartel, Charlize Theron, Ed Begley Jr., 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060688 Heikkininen, Pekka Huotari, Tero Jartti, Patricia Velasquez, Amy Poehler, Dave Rauno Juvonen, Arttu Kapulainen, Matti Thomas - Dir. Joe Russo, Paul Feig, Bad Neighbors (Blu-ray) Laitinen, Kristo Salminen, Kari-Pekka Anthony Russo, Lee Shallat Chemel, Jay Bad Neighbors Toivonen - Dir. Olli Saarela Chandrasekhar, Greg Mottola, John Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne, Zac Efron, Chri- Trailer, u.a. Fortenberry, Peter Lauer, Robert Berlinger, stopher Mintz-Plasse, Dave Franco, Ike Drama/Kriegsfilm 1998 117min. Lev L. Spiro Barinholtz, Jerrod Carmichael, Lisa ICESTORM Entertainment 14.07.2014 Trailer Kudrow, Halston Sage, Jake Johnson - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060649 Komödie 2003-2006 min. Nicholas Stoller Capelight Pictures 24.10.2014 Komödie 2014 97min. American Muscle (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060970 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) American Muscle 18.09.2014 Nick Principe, Robin Sydney, Todd Farmer, Arrested Development - Die kom- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060712 John Fallon, Trent Haaga, Malice McMunn, pletten Staffeln 1-3 (8 Discs) George P. Wilbur, Jennifer Wenger, Joshua Arrested Development Banklady Lou Friedman - Dir. Ravi Dhar Jason Bateman, Portia de Rossi, Will Nadeshda Brennicke, Charly Hübner, Ken Behind the Scenes, Trailer Arnett, Michael Cera, Alia Shawkat, Tony Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 80min. Duken, Andreas Schmidt, Heinz Hoenig, Hale, David Cross, Jeffrey Tambor, Jessica Alamode Film( Le Fou) 10.10.2014 Henny Reents, Niels Bruno Schmidt, Jürgen Walter, Henry Winkler, Mae Whitman, B.W. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060895 Schornagel, Elisabeth Schwarz, Olaf Gonzalez, Justin Lee, Liza Minnelli, Justin Krätke, Heinz Struck, Nathalie Thiede, Chri- American Muscle (k.J.) Grant Wade, Judy Greer, Charlie Hartsock, stine Schorn, Nele Hollinderbäumer - Dir. Jeff Garlin, Michael Paul Chan, Michael American Muscle Christian Alvart Bartel, Charlize Theron, Ed Begley Jr., Nick Principe, Robin Sydney, Todd Farmer, Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Patricia Velasquez, Amy Poehler, Dave Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 113min. John Fallon, Trent Haaga, Malice McMunn, Thomas - Dir. Joe Russo, Paul Feig, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment George P. Wilbur, Jennifer Wenger, Joshua Anthony Russo, Lee Shallat Chemel, Jay Germany 11.09.2014 Lou Friedman - Dir. Ravi Dhar Behind the Scenes, Trailer Chandrasekhar, Greg Mottola, John 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060660 Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 78min. Fortenberry, Peter Lauer, Robert Berlinger, Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 10.10.2014 Lev L. Spiro Banklady (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060881 Trailer Nadeshda Brennicke, Charly Hübner, Ken Komödie 2003-2006 1142min. Duken, Andreas Schmidt, Heinz Hoenig, Angriff der Urzeitmonster (k.J.) Capelight Pictures 24.10.2014 Henny Reents, Niels Bruno Schmidt, Jürgen 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060965 Cryptid Schornagel, Elisabeth Schwarz, Olaf Krätke, Heinz Struck, Nathalie Thiede, Chri- Lori Petty, Petey Pablo, Nicholas Irons - Dir. Auch die Engel essen Bohnen Darrell James Roodt, Michael D. Sellers stine Schorn, Nele Hollinderbäumer - Dir. Anche Gli Angeli Mangiano Fagioli Horror 2006 83min. Christian Alvart Giuliano Gemma, Bud Spencer, Robert Edel Germany(Starmovie) 22.08.2014 Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Middleton, Riccardo Pizzuti, Steffen Zacha- Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 118min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060785 rias - Dir. E. B. Clucher STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment The Appearing - Von Dämonen Komödie 1972 123min. Germany 11.09.2014 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 21.08.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060667 besessen (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060821 The Appearing Bankraub in der Rue Latour William Wallace, Emily Brooks, Dean Cain, Auch die Engel essen Bohnen Curd Jürgens, Klaus Kinski - Dir. Curd Jür- Don Swayze, Wolfgang Bodison, Quinton (Blu-ray) gens Aaron, Joe Estevez, Conroy Kanter - Dir. Anche Gli Angeli Mangiano Fagioli Booklet Daric Gates Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1961 93min. Giuliano Gemma, Bud Spencer, Robert Horror/Mystery 2014 97min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Middleton, Riccardo Pizzuti, Steffen Zacha- justbridge entertainment media(justbridge AG(Filmjuwelen) 31.12.2014 rias - Dir. E. B. Clucher movies) 14.11.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060589 Komödie 1972 127min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060919 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 21.08.2014 - Traumreise durch Bay- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060827 The Appearing - Von Dämonen ern / Die Geschichte vom besessen (k.J.) Aus dem Leben der Marionetten Brandner Kaspar (Limitierte

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Geschenkedition, 2 Discs) Beyond the Front Line - Kampf Media Group) 02.10.2014 Franz Xaver Kroetz, Michael Bully Herbig, um Karelien 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060948 Lisa Maria Potthoff - Dir. Joseph Vilsmaier Framom Främsta Linjen Black Aria (Uncut) (k.J.) Komödie 2008-2012 184min. Tobias Zilliacus, Ilkka Heiskanen, Christoff- Last Caress Concorde Home Entertainment 04.09.2014 er Westerlund, Kim Gustafsson, Martin Julie Baron, Anna Naigeon, Ioanna Imbert, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060882 Bahne, Carl-Gustaf Wentzel, Jan-Christian Aurélie Godefroy, Guillaume Beylard, Rurik Söderholm, Sampo Sarkola - Dir. Ake Sallé, Elsa Toro, Clara Vallet, Yannis El Bavaria - Traumreise durch Bay- Lindman Hadji, Antony Cinturino, Julien Quaglierini, ern / Die Geschichte vom Making of, Interview Michel Coste - Dir. François Gaillard, Brandner Kaspar (Limitierte Drama/Kriegsfilm 2004 127min. ICESTORM Entertainment 14.07.2014 Christophe Robin Geschenkedition, 2 Discs) (Blu- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060648 Horror 2010 78min. ray) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8 Films) Franz Xaver Kroetz, Michael Bully Herbig, Bibi & Tina - Der Film 09.09.2014 Lisa Maria Potthoff - Dir. Joseph Vilsmaier Lina Larissa Strahl, Lisa-Marie Koroll, Ruby 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060957 Komödie 2008-2012 191min. O. Fee, Louis Held, Charly Hübner, Michael Concorde Home Entertainment 04.09.2014 Maertens, Winnie Böwe, Max von der Black Widow - Verhängnisvolle 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060898 Groeben, Fabian Buch, Martin Seifert, Affäre Detlev Buck - Dir. Detlev Buck Before It Had A Name Bergfest Kinderfilm 2013 97min. Claudio Botosso, Seymour Cassel, Giada Anna Brüggemann, Peter Kurth, Martin KIDDINX Studios 05.09.2014 Colagrande, , Isaach De Schleiß, Rosalie Thomass - Dir. Florian 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060887 Bankolé, Emily McDonnell - Dir. Giada Eichinger Colagrande Drama 2009 85min. Bibi & Tina - Der Film (Blu-ray) Originaltrailer, Making of Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Lina Larissa Strahl, Lisa-Marie Koroll, Ruby Drama 2005 95min. 22.08.2014 O. Fee, Louis Held, Charly Hübner, Michael 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 25.09.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060462 Maertens, Winnie Böwe, Max von der 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060823 Groeben, Fabian Buch, Martin Seifert, Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Detlev Buck - Dir. Detlev Buck The Blacklist - Die komplette er- Collector’s Pack: Die Schlümpfe / Kinderfilm 2013 101min. ste Season (6 Discs) Die Schlümpfe 2 (2 Discs) KIDDINX Studios 05.09.2014 The Blacklist 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060903 Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Hintergrundinfo Smurfs / Smurfs 2 Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2013 901min. , , Hank Big Bad Wolves (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Azaria - Dir. Raja Gosnell Big Bad Wolves 04.09.2014 Trickfilm/Komödie 2011-2013 min. Lior Louie Ashkenazi, Menashe Noy, Tzahi 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060647 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Grad, Rotem Keinan, Guy Adler, Dvir 02.10.2014 Benedek, Gur Bentwich, Dovale Glickman, The Blacklist - Die komplette er- tba BestellNr.: 20060539 Nati Kluger, Ami Weinberg - Dir. Aharon ste Season (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Keshales, Navot Papushado The Blacklist Thriller/Komödie 2013 min. Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Hintergrundinfo Collector’s Pack: Die Schlümpfe / Highlight Communications Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2013 939min. Die Schlümpfe 2 (2 Discs) (Blu- (Deutschland)(Constantin) 27.11.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060814 04.09.2014 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060654 Smurfs / Smurfs 2 Big Bad Wolves (k.J.) Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, Hank Blood Ties Azaria - Dir. Raja Gosnell Big Bad Wolves Blood Ties Trickfilm/Komödie 2011-2013 min. Lior Louie Ashkenazi, Menashe Noy, Tzahi , Billy Crudup, , Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Grad, Rotem Keinan, Guy Adler, Dvir , Zoe Saldana, Matthias 02.10.2014 Benedek, Gur Bentwich, Dovale Glickman, Schoenaerts, James Caan, - Dir. tba BestellNr.: 20060544 Nati Kluger, Ami Weinberg - Dir. Aharon Keshales, Navot Papushado Guillaume Canet Thriller/Komödie 2013 min. Behind the Scenes, Trailer Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 122min. Highlight Communications Collector’s Pack: Kindsköpfe / Koch Media 25.09.2014 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 27.11.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060487 Kindsköpfe 2 (2 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060809 Grown Ups / Grown Ups 2 Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock - Bilitis Blood Ties (Blu-ray) Blood Ties Dir. Dennis Dugan Bilitis Clive Owen, Billy Crudup, Marion Cotillard, Komödie 2010-2013 min. Mathieu Carrière, Patti D’Arbanville, Mila Kunis, Zoe Saldana, Matthias Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Bernard Giraudeau, Mona Kristensen, Schoenaerts, James Caan, Lili Taylor - Dir. 02.10.2014 Gilles Kohler - Dir. David Hamilton tba BestellNr.: 20060540 Trailer, Wendecover Guillaume Canet Erotik 1976 91min. Behind the Scenes, Trailer Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 127min. Best of Hollywood - 2 Movie AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Busch Koch Media 25.09.2014 Media Group) 02.10.2014 Collector’s Pack: Kindsköpfe / 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060511 Kindsköpfe 2 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060936 Grown Ups / Grown Ups 2 Bilitis (Blu-ray) Bloodbath (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock - Mar Negro Bilitis Dir. Dennis Dugan Walderrama Dos Santos, Tiago Ferri, Kika Mathieu Carrière, Patti D’Arbanville, Komödie 2010-2013 min. de Oliveira, Mayra Alarcón, Carol Aragão, Bernard Giraudeau, Mona Kristensen, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Marcelo Castanheira, Ricardo Araújo, Gilles Kohler - Dir. David Hamilton 02.10.2014 Trailer, Wendecover Petter Baiestorf, Ana Carolina Braga - Dir. tba BestellNr.: 20060545 Erotik 1976 95min. Rodrigo Aragão AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Busch Horror 2013 96min.

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Mad Dimension GmbH 26.09.2014 Antônio Lâmego, André Lobo, Maurício Drama 2013 132min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060479 Ribeiro, Reginaldo Secundo, Júlio Tigre Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (Júlio) - Dir. Rodrigo Aragão Germany 12.09.2014 Bloodbath (k.J.) Making of, Interviews, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060547 Mar Negro Horror 2008 105min. Walderrama Dos Santos, Tiago Ferri, Kika Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Cannibal Inferno de Oliveira, Mayra Alarcón, Carol Aragão, 09.09.2014 Isle Of The Damned Marcelo Castanheira, Ricardo Araújo, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060958 Jared Books, Chris Brenza, Peter Crates, Petter Baiestorf, Ana Carolina Braga - Dir. Aimee Cummings, Dustin Edwards, Larry Rodrigo Aragão Der brave Sünder Gamber, Morgan Mae, Megan Mundane - Horror 2013 92min. Max Pallenberg, Heinz Rühmann, Dolly Dir. Mark Colegrove Mad Dimension GmbH 26.09.2014 Haas, Josefine Dora, Fritz Grünbaum - Dir. Horror/Komödie 2008 76min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060471 Fritz Kortner Tiberius Film(Illusions Unltd.) 04.09.2014 Booklet, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20060494 Boardwalk Empire - Die komplet- Komödie 1931 109min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Cannibal Inferno (Blu-ray) te vierte Staffel (4 Discs) AG(Filmjuwelen) 02.10.2014 Isle Of The Damned Boardwalk Empire 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060961 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 660min. Jared Books, Chris Brenza, Peter Crates, Warner Home Video Germany 21.08.2014 Breezy - Begegnung am Vormit- Aimee Cummings, Dustin Edwards, Larry 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060604 Gamber, Morgan Mae, Megan Mundane - tag Dir. Mark Colegrove Boardwalk Empire - Die komplet- Breezy Horror/Komödie 2008 79min. William Holden, Kay Lenz, Roger C. Carmel, te vierte Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Tiberius Film(Illusions Unltd.) 04.09.2014 Marj Dusay, Joan Hotchkis, Jamie Smith - tba BestellNr.: 20060517 Boardwalk Empire Jackson, Norman Bartold, Lynn Borden, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 684min. Shelley Morrison, Dennis Olivieri, Eugene Adriano Celentano 6er Pack (2 Warner Home Video Germany 21.08.2014 Peterson - Dir. Discs) 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060637 Drama 1973 102min. Bingo Bongo / Bluff / Gib dem Affen Zuk- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) ker / Der Größte bin ich / Ein Knallkopf in Bonnie & Clyde 2 - Der blutige 18.09.2014 der Unterwelt / Sing Sing Horrortrip 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060577 Komödie 1973-1984 529min. Bonnie & Clyde Vs. Dracula Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions) Tiffany Shepis, Trent Haaga, Allen Lowman Bride of Re-Animator (Blu-ray) 22.08.2014 - Dir. Timothy Friend (k.J.) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060611 Kriminalfilm/Horror 2008 90min. Bride Of Re-Animator Edel Germany(Starmovie) 29.08.2014 Jeffrey Combs, Kathleen Kinmont, Bruce Champagner für Zimmer 17 (k.J.) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060784 Abbott, Claude Jones, Fabiana Udenio, Tamara Baroni, Herbert Fux, Alexander David Gale, Mel Stewart - Dir. Brian Yuzna Das Boot - TV-Serie (Director’s Allerson, Elio Crovetto, Renate Larsen, Audiokommentar, Making of, Hörspiel, Podcast, Intro, Trailer Erwin C. Dietrich - Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich Horror 1989-1990 97min. Cut, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Erotik 1969 80min. Capelight Pictures 29.08.2014 Jürgen Prochnow, Klaus Wennemann, Her- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Pidax) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060949 bert Grönemeyer, Hubertus Bengsch, Mar- 12.08.2014 tin Semmelrogge, Bernd Tauber, Martin May, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060555 Uwe Ochsenknecht, Erwin Leder - Dir. Bride of Re-Animator (k.J.) Wolfgang Petersen Bride Of Re-Animator Christine (Blu-ray) Jeffrey Combs, Kathleen Kinmont, Bruce Behind the Scenes Christine (Blu-ray) Kriegsfilm 1979-1981 308min. Abbott, Claude Jones, Fabiana Udenio, Keith Gordon, John Stockwell, Alexandra EuroVideo Medien 11.09.2014 David Gale, Mel Stewart - Dir. Brian Yuzna Paul, Robert Prosky, Harry Dean Stanton, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060900 Audiokommentar, Making of, Hörspiel, Podcast, Intro, Trailer Horror 1989-1990 93min. Christine Belford, Roberts Blossom, William A Boy And His Dog Capelight Pictures 29.08.2014 Ostrander, David Spielberg, Malcolm Danare, Steven Tash, Stu Charno, Kelly A Boy And His Dog 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060937 Preston, Marc Poppel, Robert Darnell, Ri- Don Johnson, Susanne Benton, Alvy Moo- chard Collier, Bruce French, Douglas War- re, , Helene Winston, Briefträger Müller hit, Keri Montgomery - Dir. Charles McGraw - Dir. L. Q. Jones Heinz Rühmann, Heli Finkenzeller, Oskar Sima, Gisela Meyen, Wolfgang Condrus, Kommentare, Entfallene und alternative Szenen, Featurettes -Track, Biografien, Infos zum Buch, Interview Fantasy/Thriller 1983 110min. Science Fiction 1975 87min. Rainer Gröbel, Susanne von Almassy - Dir. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(epiX Media) John Reinhardt, Heinz Rühmann 18.09.2014 09.09.2014 Booklet 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060737 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060954 Komödie/Heimatfilm 1953 95min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing A Boy And His Dog (Blu-ray) AG(Filmjuwelen) 26.09.2014 Citizen (2 Discs) Citizen Kane A Boy And His Dog 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060974 Orson Welles, , Agnes Don Johnson, Susanne Benton, Alvy Moo- Moorehead, Harry Shannon, Ruth Warrick, re, Jason Robards, Helene Winston, Die Bücherdiebin (Blu-ray) Dorothy Comingore, Everett Sloane, Erskine Charles McGraw - Dir. L. Q. Jones The Book Thief Trivia-Track, Biografien, Infos zum Buch, Interview Sophie Nélisse, , Emily Sanford, Buddy Swan, Sonny Bupp, Ray Science Fiction 1975 90min. Watson, Ben Schnetzer, Nico Liersch, Ben Collins, William Alland, Paul Stewart, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(epiX Media) Becker, Heike Makatsch, Julian Lehmann, , Fortunio Bonanova, Gus 09.09.2014 Gotthard Lange, Rainer Reiners, Kirsten Schilling, Philip Van Zandt, Gregoria 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060966 Block, Oliver Stokowski, Hildegard Backus - Dir. Orson Welles Dokumentation, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Dokumente, Bilder- Schroedter, Levin Liam, Sandra Nedeleff, galerie, Booklet Brain Dead Zombies (k.J.) Rafael Gareisen, Carl Heinz Choynski, Drama 1941 114min. Mangue Negro Carina Wiese, Rainer Bock, Barbara Auer, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ricardo Araújo, Kika de Oliveira, Sebastian Hülk, Matthias Matschke - Dir. Germany(Arthaus Premium) 25.09.2014 Walderrama dos Santos, Markus Konká, Brian Percival 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060663

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Crook - Tödliche Konsequenzen (k.J.) The City (Blu-ray) Zombie Night The Search For John Gissing Crook Anthony Michael Hall, , Ra- Mike Binder, Janeane Garofalo, Alan Adam Beach, Leah Gibson, Bill Lake, Jon chel G. Fox, Alan Ruck, , Rickman, Sonya Walger, Juliet Stevenson, McLaren, Matthew Stefiuk, Luigi Saracino, Jennifer Taylor, Daniel Ross Owens, Allan Corduner, Owen Teale, Frank Harper, Joe Marques, Guy Buller, Alexis Maitland - Gibson Bobby Sjobeck, Zoe Canner - Dir. James Lance, Lee Oakes, Angela Dir. Adrian Langley John Gulager Pleasence, Tim Briggs, Caroline Holderway Trailer Making of, Outtakes, Trailer - Dir. Mike Binder Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 92min. Horror 2013 83min. Komödie/Satire 2001 91min. Tiberius Film 02.10.2014 Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 24.07.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20060866 11.09.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060579 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060888 - The End of the Common Law - Die komplette Se- Beginning Louis de Funès Collection - 3 Blu- rie (3 Discs) 009-1: The End Of The Beginning rays (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Common Law Mayuko Iwasa, Minehiro Kinomoto, Nao Brust oder Keule / Die große Sause / Louis Michael Ealy, Warren Kole, Sonya Walger, Nagasawa, Ryohei Abe, Kazutoshi und seine außerirdischen Kohlköpfe Jack McGee, Lyle Brocato, Leslie Castay, Yokoyama, Mao Ichimichi, Shizuka Louis de Funès, Michel Colucci, Julien Vanessa Cloke, Gary Grubbs, Indigo, Midorikawa, Minami Tsukui, Sanae Hitomi - Guiomar, Jean Carmet, , Yohance Myles, Alicia Coppola, Elizabeth Dir. Koichi Sakamoto , Terry-Thomas - Dir. Claude Zidi, Chomko, Kerry Cahill, Sean Scarborough, Trailer Jean Girault, Gérard Oury Liza J. Bennett, Nora Zehetner - Dir. Action 2013 81min. Featurettes, Verschiedene Sprachfassungen, Bildergalerien, Stephen Surjik, Dermott Downs, Aaron Tiberius Film 02.10.2014 Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1966-1981 331min. Lipstadt, Mel Damski, Jon Turteltaub tba BestellNr.: 20060856 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kriminalfilm/Komödie 527min. Germany 11.09.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 04.09.2014 Cyborg 009 - The End of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060669 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060884 Beginning (Blu-ray) 009-1: The End Of The Beginning Conspiracy - Wem kannst Du Dead or Alive (Limited Special Mayuko Iwasa, Minehiro Kinomoto, Nao Edition, 2 Discs) (k.J.) trauen? (Blu-ray) Nagasawa, Ryohei Abe, Kazutoshi Dead Or Alive: Hanzaisha End Game Yokoyama, Mao Ichimichi, Shizuka Riki Takeuchi, Sho Aikawa, , Cuba Gooding Jr., James Woods, Angie Midorikawa, Minami Tsukui, Sanae Hitomi - Hitoshi Ozawa, Shingo Tsurumi, Kaoru Harmon, , Brian Presley, Dir. Koichi Sakamoto Sugita, Dankan, Michisuke Kashiwaya, Ren Heather Dawn, Peter Greene - Dir. Andy Trailer Osugi, Susumu Terajima, Mizuho Kouga, Cheng Action 2013 85min. Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien Tiberius Film 02.10.2014 Hirotarô Honda, Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi, Action/Thriller 2006 92min. tba BestellNr.: 20060867 Kyôsuke Yabe, Tomorowo Taguchi - Dir. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 25.09.2014 Takashi Miike 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060829 Die Dackel sind los Booklet Thriller 1999 105min. Wiener Dog Nationals AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Shock Cornetto Trilogy (3 Discs) Alicia Witt, Jason London, Morgan Fairchild Entertainment) 29.08.2014 The World’s End / Hot Fuzz / Shaun of the - Dir. Kevan Peterson 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060932 Dead Komödie/Familie 2013 80min. Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Paddy Considine, MIG Film 18.09.2014 Deadly Trust , Kate Ashfield - Dir. Edgar 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060677 Heaven’s Prisoners Wright , Kelly Lynch, Mary Stuart Komödie 2004-2013 329min. Dark Night of the Walking Dead Masterson, Eric Roberts, , Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Vondie Curtis-Hall, Badja Djola, Samantha 25.09.2014 Zombie Night Lagpacan, Joe Viterelli, Tuck Milligan, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060728 Anthony Michael Hall, Daryl Hannah, Ra- Hawthorne James, Don Stark, Carl A. chel G. Fox, Alan Ruck, Shirley Jones, Cornetto Trilogy (3 Discs) (Blu- McGee - Dir. Phil Joanou Jennifer Taylor, Daniel Ross Owens, Bildergalerie ray) Gibson Bobby Sjobeck, Zoe Canner - Dir. Thriller 1995 126min. The World’s End / Hot Fuzz / Shaun of the John Gulager Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Dead Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bonusfilm 22.08.2014 Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Paddy Considine, Horror 2013 87min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060623 Jim Broadbent, Kate Ashfield - Dir. Edgar Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Wright 11.09.2014 Death in Paradise - Staffel 3 (4 Entfallene Szene, Making of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060905 Discs) Komödie 2004-2013 329min. Death In Paradise Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dark Night of the Walking Dead Kris Marshall 25.09.2014 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2014 420min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060995 Zombie Night Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 12.09.2014 Anthony Michael Hall, Daryl Hannah, Ra- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060773 Crook - Tödliche Konsequenzen chel G. Fox, Alan Ruck, Shirley Jones, Crook Jennifer Taylor, Daniel Ross Owens, Des Teufels Advokat Adam Beach, Leah Gibson, Bill Lake, Jon Gibson Bobby Sjobeck, Zoe Canner - Dir. Sir , Stéphane Audran, Jason McLaren, Matthew Stefiuk, Luigi Saracino, John Gulager Miller, Paola Pitagora, Raf Vallone - Dir. Guy Joe Marques, Guy Buller, Alexis Maitland - Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bonusfilm Green Dir. Adrian Langley Horror 2013 87min. Drama 1977 105min. Trailer Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) EuroVideo Medien 25.09.2014 Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 88min. 11.09.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060908 Tiberius Film 02.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060904 tba BestellNr.: 20060855 Dark Night of the Walking Dead Des Teufels Advokat (Blu-ray) Sir John Mills, Stéphane Audran, Jason

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Miller, Paola Pitagora, Raf Vallone - Dir. Guy Entertainment(Barnsteiner) 22.08.2014 des Wahnsinns Green 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060466 Breaking At The Drama 1977 109min. Milo Ventimiglia, Rebecca Da Costa, Gabriel EuroVideo Medien 25.09.2014 Dr. M schlägt zu Macht, Johnathon Schaech, Logan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060918 Siegfried Lowitz, Jack Taylor, Fred Williams Browning, Brianne Davis, Andie - Dir. Jess Franco MacDowell, Louis Gossett Jr., David Dexter - The Complete Series Kriminalfilm 1972 80min. Harland Rousseau - Dir. Predrag (Bloodslide Box, 35 DVDs) (Blu- Pidax film media(Pidax film) 22.08.2014 Antonijevic ray) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060680 Horror/Thriller 2013 82min. EuroVideo Medien 11.09.2014 Dexter Dr. med. Hiob Prätorius Michael C. Hall, Julie Benz, Christina 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060878 Heinz Rühmann, Liselotte Pulver, Fritz Robinson, Jennifer Carpenter, Lauren Rasp, Fritz Tillmann, Werner Hinz, Peter Vélez, David Zayas, The Edge of Sanity - Am Abgrund Lühr, Klaus Schwarzkopf, Robert Klupp, Diverse des Wahnsinns (Blu-ray) Lisa Hellwig - Dir. Kurt Hoffmann Kriminalfilm/Thriller 5091min. Breaking At The Edge Paramount Home Entertainment 05.09.2014 Booklet Komödie 1964 88min. Milo Ventimiglia, Rebecca Da Costa, Gabriel 359,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060901 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Macht, Johnathon Schaech, Logan Browning, Brianne Davis, Andie Dexter - The Complete Series AG(Filmjuwelen) 26.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060972 MacDowell, Louis Gossett Jr., David (Bloodslide Box, 35 DVDs) (k.J.) Harland Rousseau - Dir. Predrag Dexter Dracula (Blu-ray) Antonijevic Michael C. Hall, Julie Benz, Christina Dracula (Blu-ray) Horror/Thriller 2013 86min. Robinson, Jennifer Carpenter, Lauren , Sir , Do- EuroVideo Medien 11.09.2014 Vélez, David Zayas, John Lithgow nald Pleasence, , , 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060890 Diverse Jan Francis - Dir. John Badham Kriminalfilm/Thriller 4874min. Horror 1979 110min. El Alamein 1942 - Die Hölle des Paramount Home Entertainment 05.09.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Wüstenkrieges 179,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060885 18.09.2014 El Alamein: La Linea Del Fuoco Dick und Doof - Abenteuer im 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060741 Paolo Briguglia, , Luciano Scarpa, Emilio Solfrizzi, Thomas Spielzeugland (Blu-ray 3D, Re- Die Drei Musketiere - Kampf um Trabacchi, Piero Maggio, Antonio Petrocelli, staurierte Fassung) (Blu-ray) Frankreichs Krone Giuseppe Cederna, Roberto Citran, Silvio Babes In Toyland Tri Mushketera Orlando - Dir. Enzo Monteleone Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Charlotte Henry, Rinal Mukhametow, Yuri Chursin, Aleksei Making of, u.a. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2002 114min. Henry Brandon, Anne Brown - Dir. Gus Makarov, Pawel Barschak, Wassili ICESTORM Entertainment 14.07.2014 Meinz, Charley Rogers Lanowoi, Anna Starschenbaum, Jekaterina 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060650 Komödie 1934 77min. Wilkowa, Konstantin Lawronenko, Maria Edel Germany(Starmovie) 15.08.2014 Mironowa - Dir. Sergei Zhigunow The Employer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060801 Trailer, Bildergalerie Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 112min. The Employer Dick und Doof - Abenteuer im Spirit Media 23.09.2014 Malcolm McDowell, Howard, Billy Spielzeugland (Restaurierte Fas- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060484 Zane, David Dastmalchian, Michael DeLorenzo, Matthew Willig, Katerina Kopel, sung) Die Drei Musketiere - Kampf um Nicki Aycox, Daniel Aldema - Dir. Frank Babes In Toyland Frankreichs Krone (Blu-ray) Merle Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Charlotte Henry, Thriller 2013 90min. Tri Mushketera Henry Brandon, Anne Brown - Dir. Gus Maritim Pictures 23.09.2014 Rinal Mukhametow, Yuri Chursin, Aleksei Meinz, Charley Rogers 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060481 Komödie 1934 74min. Makarov, Pawel Barschak, Wassili Edel Germany(Starmovie) 15.08.2014 Lanowoi, Anna Starschenbaum, Jekaterina The Employer (Blu-ray) Wilkowa, Konstantin Lawronenko, Maria 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060775 The Employer Mironowa - Dir. Sergei Zhigunow Malcolm McDowell, Paige Howard, Billy Dick und Doof - Abenteuer im Trailer, Bildergalerie Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 112min. Zane, David Dastmalchian, Michael Spielzeugland (Restaurierte Fas- Spirit Media 23.09.2014 DeLorenzo, Matthew Willig, Katerina Kopel, sung) (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060507 Nicki Aycox, Daniel Aldema - Dir. Frank Babes In Toyland Merle Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Charlotte Henry, Das Dschungelbuch und seine Thriller 2013 94min. Henry Brandon, Anne Brown - Dir. Gus Freunde Maritim Pictures 23.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060504 Meinz, Charley Rogers Bigfoot und die Hendersons / Das Komödie 1934 77min. Dschungelbuch / Ele, My Friend / Jungle Das Ende einer Nacht Edel Germany(Starmovie) 15.08.2014 Boy / Nishko, der Indianerjunge Barbara Auer, Ina Weisse, Jörg Hartmann, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060800 Abenteuer 580min. Katharina Lorenz, Matthias Brandt, Chri- Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 15.08.2014 stoph M. Ohrt, Alexander Hörbe, Johann Djeca - Kinder von Sarajevo 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060778 (OmU) Adam Oest, Bernhard Schütz, Christina Hecke, Tobias Oertel, Melika Foroutan - Dir. Djeca Eastsiders - Season 1 (OmU) Matti Geschonneck Marija Pikic, Ismir Gagula, Nikola Djuricko, Eastsiders Thriller 2012 90min. Stasa Dukic, Velibor Topic, Bojan Navojec, Van Hansis, Kit Williamson, Constance Wu Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Aleksandar Seksan, Mirela Lambic, Vedran - Dir. Kit Williamson 15.08.2014 Djekic, Jasna Ornela Beri, Sanela Pepeljak, Drama 115min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060625 Semir Krivic, Mario Knezovic - Dir. Aida good!movies(GMfilms) 01.08.2014 Begic 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060673 Erbarmen Drama 90min. Kvinden I Buret Lighthouse Home The Edge of Sanity - Am Abgrund Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Fares Fares, Sonja Rich-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 22 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD ter, Mikkel Følsgaard, Søren Pilmark, Troels 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060594 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Lyby, Rasmus Botoft, Peter Plauborg, Ma- Home Edition) 04.09.2014 gnus Millang, Per Scheel-Krügerten - Dir. The Fetish Club - Preaching to 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060562 Mikkel Nørgaard the Perverted (k.J.) Making of, Interview, Trailer Preaching To The Perverted Flug 7500 - Sie sind nicht allein Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 93min. Guinevere Turner, Christien Anholt, Tom (Blu-ray) Warner Home Video Germany(NFP) Bell, Julie Graham, Julian Wadham, 7500 25.09.2014 Georgina Hale, Ricky Tomlinson, Don Leslie Bibb, Amy Smart, Ryan Kwanten, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060853 Henderson, Sue Johnston, Roger Lloyd- , Scout Taylor-Compton, Erbarmen (Blu-ray) Pack, Keith Allen - Dir. Stuart Urban Johnathon Schaech, Nicky Whelan, Christi- Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Featurettes, Making of, an Serratos, Jerry Ferrara, Alex Frost - Dir. Kvinden I Buret Bildergalerie, Trailer Takashi Shimizu Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Fares Fares, Sonja Rich- Erotik 1997 100min. Trailer ter, Mikkel Følsgaard, Søren Pilmark, Troels Donau Film 26.09.2014 Thriller 2012 80min. Lyby, Rasmus Botoft, Peter Plauborg, Ma- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060584 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde gnus Millang, Per Scheel-Krügerten - Dir. Home Edition) 04.09.2014 Mikkel Nørgaard Das finstere Tal 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060568 Making of, Interview, Trailer Sam Riley, Paula Beer, Tobias Moretti, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 97min. Helmuth Häusler, Johannes Krisch, Martin Footsoldiers of - Ihr Wort Warner Home Video Germany(NFP) Leutgeb, Clemens Schick, Florian Brückner, ist Gesetz 25.09.2014 Hans-Michael Rehberg, Carmen Gratl, Tho- St George’s Day 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060864 mas Schubert, Franz Xaver Brückner, Xe- Frank Harper, Craig Fairbrass, Vincent nia Assenza, Erwin Steinhauer, Branko Regan, Ashley Walters, Neil Maskell, The Evil Mad (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Samarovski - Dir. Andreas Prochaska , Sean Pertwee, Luke Audie & The Wolf Drama/Action 2013 110min. Treadaway, Dexter Fletcher - Dir. Frank Derek Hughes, Tara Price, Christa Warner Home Video Germany( Filme) Harper Campbell, Rance Howard, Richard Riehle, 04.09.2014 Alex Alexander, Annabelle Milne, Atticus Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060852 Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 93min. Todd - Dir. B. Scott O’Malley KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.09.2014 Trailer, Entfallene Szenen Das finstere Tal (Blu-ray) Horror/Komödie 2009 77min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060489 Sam Riley, Paula Beer, Tobias Moretti, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 04.07.2014 Helmuth Häusler, Johannes Krisch, Martin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060537 Footsoldiers of Berlin - Ihr Wort Leutgeb, Clemens Schick, Florian Brückner, ist Gesetz (Blu-ray) Hans-Michael Rehberg, Carmen Gratl, Tho- The Expendables Selection (6 St George’s Day mas Schubert, Franz Xaver Brückner, Xe- Frank Harper, Craig Fairbrass, Vincent Discs) (k.J.) nia Assenza, Erwin Steinhauer, Branko Regan, Ashley Walters, Neil Maskell, Derailed / Inferno / Inside the Beast / Red Samarovski - Dir. Andreas Prochaska Charles Dance, Sean Pertwee, Luke Scorpion / The Last Warrior / Undisputed Drama/Action 2013 115min. Treadaway, Dexter Fletcher - Dir. Frank Jean-Claude van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Warner Home Video Germany(X Filme) Steven Seagal, Harper 04.09.2014 Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Behind the Scenes, Trailer 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060863 Action 1988-2003 546min. Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 97min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.09.2014 Splendid Film 04.07.2014 Flammen über Fernost (Blu-ray) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060560 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060513 The Purple Plain Extase Gregory Peck, Win Min Than, Bernard Lee, Frankie Maurice Denham, , Extase Frankie Lyndon Brook, Anthony Bushell, Josephine - Dir. Cheyenne Carron Eve Myles, Dean Lennox Kelly, Derek Trailer, Bildergalerie Griffin - Dir. Robert Parrish Riddell, Jemma Redgrave, Julia Ford, Leila Drama/Erotik 2010 70min. Trailer Mimmack, Carla Henry, , Kriegsfilm 1954 104min. Donau Film 14.11.2014 Ben Owen-Jones - Dir. Alice Troughton, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 08.08.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060964 Ashley Way, Mark Everest 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060826 Drama/Komödie 2013 300min. Ferocious - Fame Can Turn on Fleming (2 Discs) justbridge entertainment media(BBC) 08.08.2014 You Fleming 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060582 Ferocious Dominic Cooper, Lara Pulver Amanda Crew, Dustin Milligan, Kim Coates, Drama/Biographie 2014 200min. Die Frau hinter der Wand Katie Boland, Michael Eklund, Stephen polyband Medien GmbH 12.09.2014 Vincent Redetzki, Katharina Heyer, Florian Huszar, Amy Matysio - Dir. Robert Cuffley 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060940 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 93min. Panzner, Ronald Nitschke, Robert justbridge entertainment media(justbridge Fleming (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Stadlober, Petra Zieser, Almut Zilcher, Hanns Zischler, Niels Bormann, Nikolai movies) 10.10.2014 Fleming 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060529 Kinski - Dir. Grzegorz Muskala Dominic Cooper, Lara Pulver Entfallene Szenen, Kurzfilm, Trailer Drama/Biographie 2014 200min. The Fetish Club - Preaching to Thriller 2013 91min. polyband Medien GmbH 12.09.2014 Capelight Pictures 22.08.2014 the Perverted (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060950 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060779 Preaching To The Perverted Guinevere Turner, Christien Anholt, Tom Flug 7500 - Sie sind nicht allein Die Frau hinter der Wand (Blu- Bell, Julie Graham, Julian Wadham, 7500 ray) Georgina Hale, Ricky Tomlinson, Don Leslie Bibb, Amy Smart, Ryan Kwanten, Vincent Redetzki, Katharina Heyer, Florian Henderson, Sue Johnston, Roger Lloyd- Jamie Chung, Scout Taylor-Compton, Panzner, Ronald Nitschke, Robert Pack, Keith Allen - Dir. Stuart Urban Johnathon Schaech, Nicky Whelan, Christi- Stadlober, Petra Zieser, Almut Zilcher, Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Featurettes, Making of, an Serratos, Jerry Ferrara, Alex Frost - Dir. Hanns Zischler, Niels Bormann, Nikolai Bildergalerie, Trailer Takashi Shimizu Erotik 1997 104min. Trailer Kinski - Dir. Grzegorz Muskala Donau Film 26.09.2014 Thriller 2012 77min. Entfallene Szenen, Kurzfilm, Trailer Thriller 2013 95min.

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Capelight Pictures 22.08.2014 Nickerson Barbara Stanwyck, , Michael 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060802 Trailer, Bildergalerie Anderson jr. - Dir. John Llewellyn Moxey Action/Drama 2007 96min. Horror 1970 72min. Eine Frau verschwindet / Toten- Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 03.07.2014 engel 25.07.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060580 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060705 Peter Haber, Maja Maranow, Tobias Moretti, Das Geld liegt auf der Bank Katja Riemann, Christian Berkel - Dir. Matti Für immer Single? Geschonneck Georg Thomalla, Nora von Collande, Utz That Awkward Moment Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2011-2013 180min. Richter, Eckart Dux, Gerit Schieske - Dir. Zac Efron, Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Isolde Rinker Imogen Poots, Mackenzie Davis, Jessica 22.08.2014 Theater/Komödie 1990 120min. Lucas, Addison Timlin, Josh Pais - Dir. Tom 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060721 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.09.2014 Gormican 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060850 Die Frau vom Fluss Komödie/Lovestory 2014 92min. Universum Film Home La Donna Del Fiume George Gently (Staffel 04) (3 Entertainment(SquareOne) 19.09.2014 Sophia Loren, Gérard Oury, Lise Bourdin, Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060572 Rik Battaglia - Dir. Mario Soldati Inspector George Gently Booklet Für immer Single? (Blu-ray) Martin Shaw, Lee Ingleby - Dir. Euros Lyn, Drama/Melodram 1954 94min. Ciaran Donnelly That Awkward Moment AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Kriminalfilm 2007-2008 270min. Zac Efron, Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, AG(Filmjuwelen) 08.08.2014 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 22.08.2014 Imogen Poots, Mackenzie Davis, Jessica 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060467 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060774 Lucas, Addison Timlin, Josh Pais - Dir. Tom Freiheit ist ein Paradies Gormican Ghost Writer - Nichts wird mehr Komödie/Lovestory 2014 96min. S.E.R. so sein wie vorher Wolodja Kosyrew, Alexander Burejew, Universum Film Home Suffering Man’s Charity Witautas Tomkus, Swetlana Gaitan, Waleri Entertainment(SquareOne) 19.09.2014 Alan Cumming, David Boreanaz, Anne Epifanow, Sergei Schkalikow, Alexandr 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060591 Heche, Carrie Fisher, , Henry Waschtschenko, Michail Mesenew, Kim-Ho- Thomas, Karen Black - Dir. Alan Cumming Nam, Nadeschda Scharikowa, Wadim Gabrielle - (K)eine ganz normale Komödie/Horror 2007 90min. Borissow - Dir. Sergei Bodrov Liebe Edel Germany(Starmovie) 22.08.2014 Drama 1989 76min. Gabrielle 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060780 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 14.08.2014 Gabrielle Marion-Rivard, Alexandre Landry, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060796 Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin, Vincent- Godzilla Guillaume , Benoît Gouin, Sebastien Godzilla Der Freund Ricard (Raphaël), Marie Gignac, Isabelle Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Watanabe, Philippe Graber, Johanna Bantzer, Andrea Vincent, Robert Charlebois - Dir. Louise Elizabeth Olsen, Juliette Binoche, Sally Bürgin, Michel Voïta, Emilie Welti, Therese Archambault Hawkins, , Affolter, Patrick Serena, Christopher Dokumentation, Trailer - Dir. Gareth Edwards Novak, Urs Jucker, Oriana Schrage, Drama/Lovestory 2013 99min. Action/Science Fiction 2014 118min. Michèle Müller, Vera Bommer, Pascal Alamode Film 05.09.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 25.09.2014 Holzer, Catriona Guggenbühl, Verena Zim- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060670 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060913 mermann, Elisabeth Graf - Dir. Micha Der ganz große Fang Lewinsky Godzilla (Blu-ray 3D, 2 Discs) Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer, Featurette Somos Gente Honrada Drama/Lovestory 2007 90min. Miguel de Lira, Paco Tous, Unax Ugalde - (Blu-ray) good!movies(Schwarz-Weiss) 08.08.2014 Dir. Alejandro Marzoa Godzilla 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060817 Trailer Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Watanabe, Komödie 2013 86min. Elizabeth Olsen, Juliette Binoche, Sally Friendly Fire 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 25.09.2014 Hawkins, David Strathairn, Bryan Cranston Friendly Fire 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060822 - Dir. Gareth Edwards Carol Burnett, Ned Beatty, , Action/Science Fiction 2014 123min. Timothy Hutton, Dennis Erdman, Sherry Der ganz große Fang (Blu-ray) Warner Home Video Germany 25.09.2014 Hursey - Dir. David Greene Somos Gente Honrada 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060923 Kriegsfilm 1979 141min. Miguel de Lira, Paco Tous, Unax Ugalde - Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Dir. Alejandro Marzoa Godzilla (Blu-ray) 22.08.2014 Trailer Godzilla Komödie 2013 90min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060613 Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Watanabe, 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 25.09.2014 Elizabeth Olsen, Juliette Binoche, Sally 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060828 From Mexico with Love Hawkins, David Strathairn, Bryan Cranston From Mexico With Love Das Geheimnis der chinesischen - Dir. Gareth Edwards Kuno Becker, Bruce McGill, Steven Bauer, Action/Science Fiction 2014 123min. Danay Garcia, Stephen Lang, Michael Nelke (Blu-ray) Warner Home Video Germany 25.09.2014 Klesic, Henry Kingi, - Dir. Jimmy FBI Contre L’Oeillet Chinois 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060922 Nickerson Paul Dahlke, Olga Schoberová, Dietmar Trailer, Bildergalerie Schönherr, Horst Frank, Klaus Kinski, Brad Das Gold der Wüste Action/Drama 2007 92min. Harris, Dominique Boschero - Dir. Rudolf Ray Barrett, Christiane Krüger - Dir. Henri Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Zehetgruber Safran 25.07.2014 Booklet Wendecover 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060682 Kriminalfilm 1964 90min. Abenteuer 1979 305min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Pidax film media(Pidax film) 12.09.2014 From Mexico with Love (Blu-ray) AG(Filmjuwelen) 22.08.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060979 From Mexico With Love 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060569 Kuno Becker, Bruce McGill, Steven Bauer, A Good Man - Gegen alle Regeln Danay Garcia, Stephen Lang, Michael Das Geisterhaus (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The House That Would Not Die Klesic, Henry Kingi, Ron Yuan - Dir. Jimmy A Good Man

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Steven Seagal, Victor Webster, Tzi Ma, Ron Drama/Biographie 2014 102min. Booklet Balicki, Massimo Dobrovic, Iulia Verdes - Universum Film Home Komödie 1963 118min. Dir. Keoni Waxman Entertainment(SquareOne) 02.10.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Featurette, Bonus-Episode 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060873 AG(Filmjuwelen) 26.09.2014 Action 2014 114min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060973 Splendid Film 26.09.2014 The Great Train Robbery 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060892 The Great Train Robbery Hazard Jack - Slasher Massaker Luke Evans, Jim Broadbent, Martin (Blu-ray) (k.J.) A Good Man - Gegen alle Regeln Compston, Nick Moran, Neil Maskell, Robert Hazard Jack (k.J.) Glenister, Paul Anderson, Nicholas Murchie, Quincy Taylor, Amanda Maddox, Alison A Good Man Jack Roth, Del Synnott, Jack Gordon, Lani, Kevin Sporman, Jason O’neil Hudson, Steven Seagal, Victor Webster, Tzi Ma, Ron James Fox - Dir. Julian Jarrold, James Macauley Gray, Aimee Bello, Jeremy Eben- Balicki, Massimo Dobrovic, Iulia Verdes - Strong stein, Shaun Hart - Dir. David Worth Dir. Keoni Waxman Interviews, Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Trailer, Bildergalerie Featurette, Bonus-Episode Abenteuer/Kriminalfilm 2013 178min. Thriller/Horror 2014 79min. Action 2014 109min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.09.2014 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.09.2014 Splendid Film 26.09.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060490 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060515 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060880 The Great Train Robbery (Blu-ray) Hazard Jack - Slasher Massaker Good Vibrations The Great Train Robbery (k.J.) Good Vibrations Luke Evans, Jim Broadbent, Martin Hazard Jack Jodie Whittaker, Richard Dormer, Michael Compston, Nick Moran, Neil Maskell, Robert Quincy Taylor, Amanda Maddox, Alison Colgan, Karl Johnson, Adrian Dunbar, Liam Glenister, Paul Anderson, Nicholas Murchie, Lani, Kevin Sporman, Jason O’neil Hudson, Cunningham, Dylan Moran, Mark Ryder, Jack Roth, Del Synnott, Jack Gordon, Macauley Gray, Aimee Bello, Jeremy Eben- Andrew Simpson, Niall Wright, Kerr Logan, James Fox - Dir. Julian Jarrold, James stein, Shaun Hart - Dir. David Worth Killian Scott, Chris Patrick-Simpson, Strong Trailer, Bildergalerie Demetri Goritsas, Paul Caddell - Dir. Lisa Interviews, Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller/Horror 2014 76min. Barros D’Sa, Glenn Leyburn Abenteuer/Kriminalfilm 2013 185min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.09.2014 B-Roll, Interviews, Trailer KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060491 Musikfilm/Biographie 2012 99min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060514 Rapid Eye Movies HE 17.10.2014 Headhunt (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060655 Die große Blockbuster Action Edi- Redd Inc. tion Nicholas Hope, Kelly Paterniti, Sam Reid, Good Vibrations (Blu-ray) Action 605min. Alan Dukes, James Mackay, Hayley Good Vibrations KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 23.06.2014 McElhinney, Daniel Krige, , Bridie Jodie Whittaker, Richard Dormer, Michael 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060459 Latona - Dir. Daniel Krige Colgan, Karl Johnson, Adrian Dunbar, Liam Komödie/Horror 2012 94min. Cunningham, Dylan Moran, Mark Ryder, Hannas Reise Mad Dimension GmbH 26.09.2014 Andrew Simpson, Niall Wright, Kerr Logan, Karoline Schuch, Doron Amit, Lore Richter, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060480 Killian Scott, Chris Patrick-Simpson, Max Mauff, Trystan Pütter, Suzanne von Demetri Goritsas, Paul Caddell - Dir. Lisa Borsody, Lea Koenig, Daniella Shimshoni, Headhunt (k.J.) Barros D’Sa, Glenn Leyburn Sigalit Fuchs, Tsahi Hanan - Dir. Julia von Redd Inc. B-Roll, Interviews, Trailer Heinz Nicholas Hope, Kelly Paterniti, Sam Reid, Musikfilm/Biographie 2012 103min. Interviews, Making of, Trailer Alan Dukes, James Mackay, Hayley Rapid Eye Movies HE 17.10.2014 Komödie 2013 96min. McElhinney, Daniel Krige, Tom Savini, Bridie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060665 good!movies(Zorro) 25.07.2014 Latona - Dir. Daniel Krige 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060456 Grace of Monaco Komödie/Horror 2012 90min. Mad Dimension GmbH 26.09.2014 Grace Of Monaco Hannas Reise (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060472 , Tim Roth, Frank Langella, Karoline Schuch, Doron Amit, Lore Richter, , Parker Posey, Milo Ventimiglia, Max Mauff, Trystan Pütter, Suzanne von Her , Robert Lindsay, Geraldine Borsody, Lea Koenig, Daniella Shimshoni, Her Somerville, Nicholas Farrell, André Sigalit Fuchs, Tsahi Hanan - Dir. Julia von Joaquin , , Amy Penvern, Roger Ashton-Griffiths, Yves Heinz Adams, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde, Portia Jacques, Olivier Rabourdin, Jean Dell, Flora Interviews, Making of, Trailer Doubleday, Sam Jaeger, Matt Letscher, Nicholson, Jeanne Balibar, Philip Delancy, Komödie 2013 100min. Chris Pratt - Dir. Ron Webster, Serpentine Teyssier, Bruce good!movies(Zorro) 25.07.2014 Drama/Lovestory 2013 121min. McEwen, Satya Dusaugey, Elizabeth 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060474 Warner Home Video Germany 04.09.2014 Counsell - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060854 Drama/Biographie 2014 98min. Hans Kloss - Spion zwischen den Universum Film Home Fronten Her (Blu-ray) Entertainment(SquareOne) 02.10.2014 Tomasz Kot, Marta Zmuda Trzebiatowska, Her 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060860 Piotr Adamczyk, Stanislaw Mikulski, Emil , Scarlett Johansson, Amy Karewicz, Daniel Olbrychski, Wojciech Grace of Monaco (Blu-ray) Adams, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde, Portia Mecwaldowski, Adam Woronowicz, Piotr Doubleday, Sam Jaeger, Matt Letscher, Grace Of Monaco Glowacki - Dir. Patryk Vega Chris Pratt - Dir. Spike Jonze Nicole Kidman, Tim Roth, Frank Langella, Interviews, Trailer, u.a. Drama/Lovestory 2013 126min. Paz Vega, Parker Posey, Milo Ventimiglia, Action/Kriegsfilm 2012 104min. Warner Home Video Germany 04.09.2014 Derek Jacobi, Robert Lindsay, Geraldine ICESTORM Entertainment 14.07.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060865 Somerville, Nicholas Farrell, André 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060652 Penvern, Roger Ashton-Griffiths, Yves Hercules Reborn Jacques, Olivier Rabourdin, Jean Dell, Flora Das Haus in Montevideo Hercules Reborn Nicholson, Jeanne Balibar, Philip Delancy, Heinz Rühmann, Ruth Leuwerik, Paul John Hennigan, Christina Ulfsparre, Christi- Ron Webster, Serpentine Teyssier, Bruce Dahlke, Ilse Pagé, Dr. Michael Verhoeven, an Oliver, James Duval, Marcus Shirock, McEwen, Satya Dusaugey, Elizabeth Doris Kiesow, Hanne Wieder - Dir. Helmut Dylan Vox, Jeremy M. Inman - Dir. Nick Counsell - Dir. Olivier Dahan Käutner Lyon

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Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Himalaya - Die Kindheit eines 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060598 Abenteuer/Action 2014 91min. Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Karawanenführers Hooligans (3 Discs) (k.J.) Himalaya: L’Enfance D’Un Chef 25.09.2014 Hooligans / Hooligans 2 / Hooligans 3 Thilen Lhondup, Lhakpa Tsamchoe, Gurgon 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060500 Action/Drama 279min. Kyap, Karma Tensing, Karma Wangiel, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 26.08.2014 Jampa Kalsang Tamang, Tsering Dorjee, Hercules Reborn (Blu-ray 3D) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060614 (Blu-ray) Labrang Tundup, Rapke Gurung, Pemba Bika, Karma Chhewang, Tensen Charka, Hercules Reborn Hooligans (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Yangzom, Gyalsen Gurung, Phuti Bika, John Hennigan, Christina Ulfsparre, Christi- Hooligans / Hooligans 2 / Hooligans 3 Sangmo Gurung, Karma Angbu Gurung, an Oliver, James Duval, Marcus Shirock, Action/Drama 285min. Ringmo, Saldang - Dir. Eric Valli Dylan Vox, Jeremy M. Inman - Dir. Nick Trailer Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 26.08.2014 Lyon Drama 1999 104min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060641 Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bonusfilm Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Abenteuer/Action 2014 95min. 17.10.2014 Hot Shots - Der zweite Versuch Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060783 (Blu-ray) 25.09.2014 Hot Shots Part Deux 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060524 Hitlerkantate Charlie Sheen, , Valeria Hercules Reborn (Blu-ray) Lena Lauzemis, Hilmar Thate, Rike Schmid, Golino, Richard Crenna, Brenda Bakke, Arnd Klawitter, Krista Stadler, Dirk Martens, Miguel Ferrer, Rowan Atkinson - Dir. Jim Hercules Reborn Christine Schorn, Andreas Guenther, Chri- Abrahams John Hennigan, Christina Ulfsparre, Christi- stiane Lemm, Armin Dillenberger - Dir. Dr. Making of, Promo-Featurette, Trailer an Oliver, James Duval, Marcus Shirock, Jutta Brückner Komödie 1993 89min. Dylan Vox, Jeremy M. Inman - Dir. Nick Drama 2005 119min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Lyon absolut MEDIEN 22.08.2014 Germany 05.09.2014 Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bonusfilm tba BestellNr.: 20060872 Abenteuer/Action 2014 95min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060470 Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Hot Shots - Die Mutter aller Fil- 25.09.2014 Hobgoblins 1 - Sie sind böse 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060523 Hobgoblins me! (Blu-ray) Tom Bartlett, Paige Sullivan, Steven Boggs, Hot Shots! Heroes & Demons Kelley Palmer, Billy Frank, Tamara Charlie Sheen, Cary Elwes, Valeria Golino, Heroes & Demons Clatterbuck - Dir. Rick Sloane Lloyd Bridges, Kevin Dunn, Jon Cryer, Chris Hemsworth, Andrew Garfield, Kirsten Komödie/Horror 1988 88min. Efrem Zimbalist Jr. - Dir. Jim Abrahams Dunst, , , Michael Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- Making of, Trailer Komödie/Action 1991 85min. Sheen - Dir. Carlos Cuarón, Christopher dia) 09.09.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Obi, Ross Clarke, Hattie Dalton, Luke 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060955 Germany 05.09.2014 Davies tba BestellNr.: 20060871 Thriller/Episodenfilm 2012 92min. Der Höllenhund (FSK 18) Devil Dog: The Hound Of Hell Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) House of Cards - Die komplette 25.07.2014 Richard Crenna, Yvette Mimieux, Kim Ri- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060685 chards - Dir. Curtis Harrington zweite Season (4 Discs) Thriller/Horror 1978 92min. House Of Cards Heroes & Demons (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 22.08.2014 , Robin Wright, Kate Mara, Heroes & Demons 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060787 Curtiss Cook, Albert Jones - Dir. David Chris Hemsworth, Andrew Garfield, Kirsten Fincher Dunst, Tom Hardy, Mark Strong, Michael - Die komplette Featurettes Drama 2013 636min. Sheen - Dir. Carlos Cuarón, Christopher Season 3 (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Obi, Ross Clarke, Hattie Dalton, Luke Homeland 04.09.2014 Davies Claire Danes, , Rupert Friend, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060587 Thriller/Episodenfilm 2012 96min. Mandy Patinkin, Morena Baccarin, David Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Harewood, Morgan Saylor, Jackson Pace, House of Cards - Die komplette 25.07.2014 Sarita Choudhury, , F. Murray 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060707 Abraham - Dir. Lesli Linka Glatter, Clark zweite Season (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Johnson, David Nutter, Carl Franklin, Seith House Of Cards Herzenssache - Ein Pferd für die Mann, Jeffrey Reiner, Keith Gordon, Daniel Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Kate Mara, ganze Familie Minahan Curtiss Cook, Albert Jones - Dir. Christmas For A Dollar Thriller/Drama 2014 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Featurettes Brian Krause, Nancy Stafford, Danielle Drama 2013 663min. Germany 19.09.2014 Ryan Chuchran, Heather Beers, James Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060629 Gaisford, Jacob Buster, Ethan Hunt, Mela- 04.09.2014 nie Stone, Liam Buie - Dir. John Lyde 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060596 Trailer, Bildergalerie Homeland - Die komplette Drama/Familie 2013 101min. Season 3 (4 Discs) Hunted - Vertraue niemandem (4 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.09.2014 Homeland Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060492 Claire Danes, Damian Lewis, Rupert Friend, Hunted Mandy Patinkin, Morena Baccarin, David Melissa George, Adewale Akinnuoye- Die Hexen und Dämonen Harewood, Morgan Saylor, Jackson Pace, Agbaje, Morven Christie, Oscar Kennedy, Collection (2 Discs) Sarita Choudhury, Tracy Letts, F. Murray Dhaffer L’Abidine, Scott Handy, Aaron Neil, Hexenjagd / Eleonore / Vlad - Der Pfähler / Abraham - Dir. Lesli Linka Glatter, Clark Manjinder Virk, Peter Vollebregt, Adam Roger Cormans Dracula / Die Maske des Johnson, David Nutter, Carl Franklin, Seith Rayner, , Maddie Griffiths, roten Todes / Bathory - Die Blutgräfin Mann, Jeffrey Reiner, Keith Gordon, Daniel Jane Riley, Lex Shrapnel, Stephen Campbell Horror 625min. Minahan Moore, Tom Beard, Helen Kennedy, Patrick Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 22.07.2014 Thriller/Drama 2014 min. Malahide - Dir. S.J. Clarkson, Daniel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060859 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Percival, Alrick Riley, James Strong Germany 19.09.2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 26 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Entfallene Szenen Trailer Komödie/Drama 2012 84min. Thriller 480min. Thriller/Horror 2013 89min. Bubblegum Movie AG 29.08.2014 WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Tiberius Film 04.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060583 26.09.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20060633 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060744 It’s a Disaster - Bist du bereit? I Spit on Your Grave 2 (Blu-ray) Hunted - Vertraue niemandem (4 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) It’s A Disaster Discs) (Blu-ray) I Spit On Your Grave 2 Rachel Boston, David Cross, Kevin Hunted Jemma Dallender, Joe Absolom, Mary Brennan, , Jeff Grace, Melissa George, Adewale Akinnuoye- Stockley, Yavor Baharov, Aleksandar Erinn Hayes, Blaise Miller, Julia Stiles, Agbaje, Morven Christie, Oscar Kennedy, Aleksiev, Michael Dixon, Valentine Pelka, Jesse Draper, Laura Adkin, Rob McGillivray Dhaffer L’Abidine, Scott Handy, Aaron Neil, George Zlatarev, Peter Silverleaf, Georgi - Dir. Todd Berger Manjinder Virk, Peter Vollebregt, Adam Zlatarev - Dir. Steven R. Monroe Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer Rayner, Stephen Dillane, Maddie Griffiths, Trailer Komödie/Drama 2012 87min. Jane Riley, Lex Shrapnel, Stephen Campbell Thriller/Horror 2013 89min. Bubblegum Movie AG 29.08.2014 Moore, Tom Beard, Helen Kennedy, Patrick Tiberius Film 04.09.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060593 Malahide - Dir. S.J. Clarkson, Daniel tba BestellNr.: 20060632 Percival, Alrick Riley, James Strong Jail Bait - Überleben im Frauen- Entfallene Szenen I Spit on Your Grave 2 (k.J.) knast (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Thriller 480min. I Spit On Your Grave 2 Jailbait WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Jemma Dallender, Joe Absolom, Mary Sara Malakul Lane, Erin O’Brien, Steve 26.09.2014 Stockley, Yavor Baharov, Aleksandar Hanks, Shannon D. Walters, David Brite, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060757 Aleksiev, Michael Dixon, Valentine Pelka, Samantha Cardona - Dir. Jared Cohn George Zlatarev, Peter Silverleaf, Georgi Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Hunter - Staffel 4.1 (3 Discs) Zlatarev - Dir. Steven R. Monroe Drama/Thriller 2013 90min. Hunter Trailer Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Zenith Thriller/Horror 2013 86min. Fred Dryer, Stepfanie Kramer, Charles Pictures) 23.09.2014 Tiberius Film 04.09.2014 Hallahan, Perry Cook, Garrett Morris, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060509 James Whitmore, Bruce Davison, Darlanne tba BestellNr.: 20060603 Fluegel - Dir. James Whitmore Jr., Michael Imagine Jail Bait - Überleben im Frauen- Preece, Tony Mordente knast (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1991 540min. Imagine Jailbait Tiberius Film 04.09.2014 Edward Hogg, Alexandra Maria Lara, Mel- Sara Malakul Lane, Erin O’Brien, Steve tba BestellNr.: 20060601 chior Derouet, Francis Frappat, David Atrakchi, Teresa Madruga, Luís Lucas, Hanks, Shannon D. Walters, David Brite, Hunter - Staffel 4.2 (3 Discs) João Vaz - Dir. Andrzej Jakimowski Samantha Cardona - Dir. Jared Cohn Drama 2012 101min. Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Hunter Drama/Thriller 2013 90min. good!movies(Neue Visionen) 22.08.2014 Fred Dryer, Stepfanie Kramer, Charles Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Zenith 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060990 Hallahan, Perry Cook, Garrett Morris, Pictures) 23.09.2014 James Whitmore, Bruce Davison, Darlanne 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060508 Fluegel - Dir. James Whitmore Jr., Michael Imagine (Blu-ray) Preece, Tony Mordente Imagine Jail Bait - Überleben im Frauen- Edward Hogg, Alexandra Maria Lara, Mel- Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1991 450min. knast (k.J.) Tiberius Film 04.09.2014 chior Derouet, Francis Frappat, David Jailbait tba BestellNr.: 20060602 Atrakchi, Teresa Madruga, Luís Lucas, João Vaz - Dir. Andrzej Jakimowski Sara Malakul Lane, Erin O’Brien, Steve I Love Your Moves Drama 2012 105min. Hanks, Shannon D. Walters, David Brite, Samantha Cardona - Dir. Jared Cohn I Love Your Moves good!movies(Neue Visionen) 22.08.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060996 Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Andoni Zorbas, Erika Cortes, Catherine Drama/Thriller 2013 86min. Lidstone, Scott Cullen, Michael Swan, Regi- In Darkness We Fall Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Zenith na Palian, Sandra Staggs, Adam Findley, Pictures) 23.09.2014 La Cueva Jack Brand - Dir. Henri Charr 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060485 Trailer, Bildergalerie Marta Castellote, García, Xoel Drama/Tanzfilm 2012 100min. Fernández, Marcos Ortiz, Jorge Páez - Dir. Jarhead 2: Zurück in die Hölle KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.09.2014 Alfredo Montero Jarhead 2: Field Of Fire 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060493 Thriller/Horror 2014 80min. Stephen Lang, Cole Hauser, Esai Morales, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 Jason Wong, Danielle Savre, Bokeem I Love Your Moves (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20060750 Woodbine, Jesse Garcia - Dir. Don Michael I Love Your Moves Paul Andoni Zorbas, Erika Cortes, Catherine In Darkness We Fall (Blu-ray) Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 99min. Lidstone, Scott Cullen, Michael Swan, Regi- La Cueva Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) na Palian, Sandra Staggs, Adam Findley, Marta Castellote, Eva García, Xoel 25.09.2014 Jack Brand - Dir. Henri Charr Fernández, Marcos Ortiz, Jorge Páez - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060726 Trailer, Bildergalerie Alfredo Montero Drama/Tanzfilm 2012 104min. Thriller/Horror 2014 83min. Jarhead 2: Zurück in die Hölle KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.09.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060516 tba BestellNr.: 20060762 (Blu-ray) Jarhead 2: Field Of Fire I Spit on Your Grave 2 (Blu-ray It’s a Disaster - Bist du bereit? Stephen Lang, Cole Hauser, Esai Morales, 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) It’s A Disaster Jason Wong, Danielle Savre, Bokeem I Spit On Your Grave 2 Rachel Boston, David Cross, Kevin Woodbine, Jesse Garcia - Dir. Don Michael Jemma Dallender, Joe Absolom, Mary Brennan, America Ferrera, Jeff Grace, Paul Stockley, Yavor Baharov, Aleksandar Erinn Hayes, Blaise Miller, Julia Stiles, Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 103min. Aleksiev, Michael Dixon, Valentine Pelka, Jesse Draper, Laura Adkin, Rob McGillivray Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) George Zlatarev, Peter Silverleaf, Georgi - Dir. Todd Berger 25.09.2014 Zlatarev - Dir. Steven R. Monroe Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060734

LASER HOTLINE Seite 27 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Jurassic Dark - Das Dinosaurier Mukhtar Gusengadzhiew, Andrej Frolow, Jerry, der Astronauten-Schreck Experiment (Blu-ray) Sabine Zindler - Dir. Sergej Chekalow Visit To A Small Planet Trailer Raptor Ranch Jerry Lewis, Joan Blackman, Earl Holliman, Action/Kriegsfilm 2010 124min. Jana Mashonee, Lorenzo Lamas, Declan Fred Clark, , Jerome Cowan, Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Joyce, Al Burke, Donny Boaz, Cody John Williams, Barbara Lawson - Dir. 08.08.2014 Vaughan, Lexy Hulme, Jack Gould - Dir. Norman Taurog 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060639 Slideshow Dan Bishop Science Fiction/Komödie 1960 80min. Horror/Abenteuer 2013 85min. Die Kinder des Monsieur Mathieu Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) justbridge entertainment media(justbridge (Blu-ray) movies) 10.10.2014 22.08.2014 Les Choristes 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060920 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060612 Gérard Jugnot, François Berléand, Kad Kapitän Bontekoes Schiffsjungen Merad, Jean-Paul Bonnaire, Marie Bunel, Jigsaw (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Paul Chariéras, Carole Weiss, Philippe du Elimination / Der verlorene Schatz der Tem- Janerand, Erick Desmarestz, Jacques Danny Vasquez, Nicole Warner, Meredith pelritter (2 Discs) Perrin, Jean-Baptiste Maunier, Maxence Grau, Daniel Fanaberia, Olivia Briggs, Pablo De Scheepsjongens Van Bontekoe / Perrin, Grégory Gatignol, Thomas Hernandez, Mafe Guarin Mcallister, Sarah Tempelridderns Skat Blumenthal, Didier Flamand - Dir. Christophe Rich - Dir. Juan Carlos Vargas Abenteuer 220min. Barratier Trailer, Bildergalerie FilmConfect Home Entertainment Drama/Musikfilm 2004 97min. Thriller/Horror 2010 91min. 25.07.2014 Highlight Communications Musketier Media(8-Films) 12.08.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060570 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060630 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060812 Karate Kid 3 - Die letzte Entschei- Jigsaw (k.J.) The King of the Streets (Blu-ray) Elimination dung (Blu-ray) Danny Vasquez, Nicole Warner, Meredith The Karate Kid Part Iii (k.J.) Grau, Daniel Fanaberia, Olivia Briggs, Pablo Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita, Thomas Ian Jie Tou Zhi Wang Hernandez, Mafe Guarin Mcallister, Sarah Griffith, Robyn Lively, Martin Kove, Sean Yue Song, YuFei Li, Becki Li, Yang JunPing, Rich - Dir. Juan Carlos Vargas Kanan - Dir. John G. Avildsen Kang En, Li Chang-Hai, Yang JianPing - Dir. Trailer, Bildergalerie Action 1989 112min. Zhong Lei, Yue Song Thriller/Horror 2010 87min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Action 2012 89min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) 18.09.2014 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 12.09.2014 12.08.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060738 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060755 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060599 Aki Kaurismäki - Alle Kinofilme The King of the Streets (k.J.) Joe, der Galgenvogel (Blu-ray) bis 2011 (12 Discs) Jie Tou Zhi Wang Preparati La Bara Dir. Aki Kaurismäki Yue Song, YuFei Li, Becki Li, Yang JunPing, Terence Hill, Horst Frank, George Eastman, Trailer Kang En, Li Chang-Hai, Yang JianPing - Dir. Pinuccio Ardia, Andrea Scotti, Barbara Drama 1358min. Zhong Lei, Yue Song Simon, Spartaco Conversi - Dir. Ferdinando Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Action 2012 86min. Baldi 31.12.2014 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 12.09.2014 1967 86min. 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060588 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060742 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 25.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060830 The Killing - Die komplette zwei- The Kings of Summer te Staffel Toy’s House Julchen und Jettchen, die ver- The Killing , Nick Offerman, Mary Lynn liebten Apothekerstöchter (Blu- Kriminalfilm/Drama 2012 618min. Rajskub, Erin Moriarty, , ray) (k.J.) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Moises Arias, Gabriel Basso, Nick Robinson, Angela Trimbur, Kumail Nanjiani - Jane Baker, Elodie Delage, Roman Huber - Germany 11.09.2014 Dir. Jordan Vogt-Roberts Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060658 Komödie 2013 91min. Erotik 1980 89min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 12.08.2014 The Killing - Die komplette zwei- Germany(Arthaus) 23.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060566 te Staffel (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060628 The Killing Julchen und Jettchen, die ver- Kriminalfilm/Drama 2012 622min. The Kings of Summer (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment liebten Apothekerstöchter (k.J.) Toy’s House Germany 11.09.2014 Jane Baker, Elodie Delage, Roman Huber - Alison Brie, Nick Offerman, Mary Lynn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060666 Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich Rajskub, Erin Moriarty, Megan Mullally, Erotik 1980 86min. Killing Basterds Moises Arias, Gabriel Basso, Nick Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 12.08.2014 Robinson, Angela Trimbur, Kumail Nanjiani - Black Sheep 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060551 Dir. Jordan Vogt-Roberts Kiril Rubtsow, Wladimir Tolokonnikow, Klaus Komödie 2013 95min. Kurtz, Michail Tarabukin, Wiktor Solowjow, Jurassic Dark - Das Dinosaurier STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Mukhtar Gusengadzhiew, Andrej Frolow, Experiment Germany(Arthaus) 23.10.2014 Sabine Zindler - Dir. Sergej Chekalow Raptor Ranch Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060646 Jana Mashonee, Lorenzo Lamas, Declan Action/Kriegsfilm 2010 119min. Joyce, Al Burke, Donny Boaz, Cody Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Kite - Engel der Rache Vaughan, Lexy Hulme, Jack Gould - Dir. 08.08.2014 Kite Dan Bishop 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060606 India Eisley, Callan McAuliffe, Samuel L. Horror/Abenteuer 2013 85min. Jackson, Carl Beukes, Deon Lotz, Jaco justbridge entertainment media(justbridge Killing Basterds (Blu-ray) Muller, Matthew Van Leeve, Zane Meas - movies) 10.10.2014 Black Sheep Dir. Ralph Ziman 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060911 Kiril Rubtsow, Wladimir Tolokonnikow, Klaus Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 86min. Kurtz, Michail Tarabukin, Wiktor Solowjow, Tiberius Film 02.10.2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 28 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD tba BestellNr.: 20060857 Carmichael, Gerald Harper, Jenny Runacre, Liam Garrigan, Johnathon Schaech, Jean Anderson - Dir. Anthony Page Roxanne McKee, Gaia Weiss, Rade Kite - Engel der Rache (Blu-ray Thriller 1979 95min. Serbedzija, Jukka Hilden, Luke Newberry, 3D) (Blu-ray) Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Spencer Wilding - Dir. Renny Harlin Kite 22.08.2014 Behind the Scenes, Wendecover Fantasy/Action 2013 95min. India Eisley, Callan McAuliffe, Samuel L. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060615 Splendid Film 05.09.2014 Jackson, Carl Beukes, Deon Lotz, Jaco 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060671 Muller, Matthew Van Leeve, Zane Meas - Landauer - Der Präsident Josef Bierbichler, Jeanette Hain, Herbert Dir. Ralph Ziman The Legend of Hercules (Blu-ray Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 90min. Knaup, Andreas Lust, Andrea Wenzl, Eisi Tiberius Film 02.10.2014 Gulp, Bernhard Butz, Harry Täschner - Dir. 3D) (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20060869 Hans Steinbichler The Legend Of Hercules Trailer, Wendecover Kellan Lutz, Scott Adkins, Liam McIntyre, Kite - Engel der Rache (Blu-ray) Drama/Biographie 2013 89min. Liam Garrigan, Johnathon Schaech, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kite Roxanne McKee, Gaia Weiss, Rade Germany(Weltkino) 16.10.2014 India Eisley, Callan McAuliffe, Samuel L. Serbedzija, Jukka Hilden, Luke Newberry, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060661 Jackson, Carl Beukes, Deon Lotz, Jaco Spencer Wilding - Dir. Renny Harlin Muller, Matthew Van Leeve, Zane Meas - Behind the Scenes, Wendecover Landauer - Der Präsident (Blu- Fantasy/Action 2013 99min. Dir. Ralph Ziman Splendid Film 05.09.2014 Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 90min. ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060698 Tiberius Film 02.10.2014 Josef Bierbichler, Jeanette Hain, Herbert tba BestellNr.: 20060868 Knaup, Andreas Lust, Andrea Wenzl, Eisi Gulp, Bernhard Butz, Harry Täschner - Dir. The Legend of Hercules (Blu-ray Komasaufen (Blu-ray) Hans Steinbichler 3D, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Markus Quentin, Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Oli- Trailer, Wendecover The Legend Of Hercules Drama/Biographie 2013 89min. ver Mommsen, Kai Scheve, Anna Lena Kellan Lutz, Scott Adkins, Liam McIntyre, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Klenke, Julius Nitschkoff, Paula Knüpling, Liam Garrigan, Johnathon Schaech, Germany(Weltkino) 16.10.2014 Johanna Gastdorf, Falk Willy Wild, Samuel Roxanne McKee, Gaia Weiss, Rade 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060668 Cakan, Carlo Degen, Sebastian Kreutz, Serbedzija, Jukka Hilden, Luke Newberry, Spencer Wilding - Dir. Renny Harlin Jordi Carl - Dir. Bodo Fürneisen The Last New Yorker Drama 2013 93min. Behind the Scenes The Last New Yorker Fantasy/Action 2013 99min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 08.08.2014 , Dick Latessa, Kathleen Splendid Film 05.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060994 Chalfant, Josh Hamilton, Joe Grifasi, Keith 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060700 Kombat Sechzehn Middleton, Sylvia Kauders, Kate Buddeke, Ben Hammer - Dir. Harvey Wang The Legend of Hercules (Blu-ray) Florian Bartholomäi, Ludwig Trepte, Max Drama 2007 90min. The Legend Of Hercules Mauff, Max Oelze, Sven Lubeck, Isabelle Lighthouse Home Entertainment 22.08.2014 Kellan Lutz, Scott Adkins, Liam McIntyre, Mbarga, Alice Dwyer, Annett Kruschke, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060460 Liam Garrigan, Johnathon Schaech, Falk Rockstroh, Christine Diensberg, Dirk Roxanne McKee, Gaia Weiss, Rade Borchardt, Petra Hartung, Errol Shaker, The Last New Yorker (Blu-ray) Serbedzija, Jukka Hilden, Luke Newberry, Adrian Topol, Matthias Schweighöfer - Dir. The Last New Yorker Spencer Wilding - Dir. Renny Harlin Mirko Borscht Dominic Chianese, Dick Latessa, Kathleen Behind the Scenes, Wendecover Audiokommentare, Kinotrailer Fantasy/Action 2013 99min. Drama 2005 92min. Chalfant, Josh Hamilton, Joe Grifasi, Keith Splendid Film 05.09.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(epiX Media) Middleton, Sylvia Kauders, Kate Buddeke, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060697 12.08.2014 Ben Hammer - Dir. Harvey Wang 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060605 Drama 2007 94min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment 22.08.2014 The Legend of Hercules Labor Day 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060477 (Steelbook) Labor Day The Legend Of Hercules Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin, Clark Gregg, Lauf Junge lauf Kellan Lutz, Scott Adkins, Liam McIntyre, Tobey Maguire, James van der Beek, Dylan Andrzej Tkacz, Kamil Tkacz, Elisabeth Liam Garrigan, Johnathon Schaech, Minnette, Brooke Smith, Gattlin Griffith, Duda, Itay Tiran, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Roxanne McKee, Gaia Weiss, Rade Maika Monroe, J.K. Simmons - Dir. Jason Jeanette Hain, Lukasz Gajdzis, Rainer Serbedzija, Jukka Hilden, Luke Newberry, Reitman Bock, Krzysztof Porowski, Franciszek Spencer Wilding - Dir. Renny Harlin Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen Wielkoszynski, Szymon Kurylo, Julia Behind the Scenes Drama/Lovestory 2013 108min. Stachowicz, Jacek Wojciechowski - Dir. Fantasy/Action 2013 95min. Paramount Home Entertainment 18.09.2014 Pepe Danquart Splendid Film 05.09.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060879 Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060672 Drama 2013 103min. Labor Day (Blu-ray) EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 25.09.2014 The Legend of Hercules Labor Day 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060656 (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin, Clark Gregg, The Legend Of Hercules Tobey Maguire, James van der Beek, Dylan Lebende Ware Kellan Lutz, Scott Adkins, Liam McIntyre, Minnette, Brooke Smith, Gattlin Griffith, Horst Schulze, Marion van de Kamp, Liam Garrigan, Johnathon Schaech, Maika Monroe, J.K. Simmons - Dir. Jason Hannjo Hasse, Siegfried Weiß, Wolfgang Roxanne McKee, Gaia Weiss, Rade Reitman Greese, Peter Sturm - Dir. Wolfgang Serbedzija, Jukka Hilden, Luke Newberry, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of Luderer Spencer Wilding - Dir. Renny Harlin Drama/Lovestory 2013 112min. Booklet Behind the Scenes Paramount Home Entertainment 18.09.2014 Drama 1966 92min. Fantasy/Action 2013 99min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060891 absolut MEDIEN 08.08.2014 Splendid Film 05.09.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060469 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060699 The Lady Vanishes The Lady Vanishes The Legend of Hercules Léon - der Profi (20th Anniversary Elliott Gould, Cybill Shepherd, Angela The Legend Of Hercules Edition) Kellan Lutz, Scott Adkins, Liam McIntyre, Lansbury, Herbert Lom, Arthur Lowe, Ian Léon

LASER HOTLINE Seite 29 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Jean Reno, Gary Oldman, Natalie Portman, Schechter Lone Survivor (Blu-ray) , Peter Appel, Michael Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2013 min. Lone Survivor Badalucco, Ellen Greene - Dir. Highlight Communications Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Featurettes, Interviews, Fact Track, Making of, Bildergalerie, (Deutschland)(Constantin) 27.11.2014 , Eric Bana, Ali Suliman, Alexan- Trailer, Wendecover 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060815 Thriller 1996 106min. der Ludwig, Sammy Sheik, Dan Bilzerian - Dir. Peter Berg STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Die Lindenstraße - Das komplette Germany 11.09.2014 Interviews Drama/Kriegsfilm 2013 122min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060659 26. Jahr, Folgen 1301-1352 (Collector’s Box Limited Editi- Universum Film Home Lesser Evil - The Stalker Entertainment(SquareOne) 17.10.2014 on,10 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060874 Lesser Evil Marie-Luise Marjan, Joachim Hermann Alison Eastwood, Nels Lennarson, Thea Luger, Moritz A. Sachs, Georg Uecker, Her- Lords of London (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Gill, Artine Brown, Marc Singer, Colin mes Hodolides, Domna Adamopoulou, Lords Of London Cunningham - Dir. Timothy Bond Sybille Waury, Andrea Spatzek, Jo Bolling, Glen Murphy, Ray Winstone, Giovanni Bildergalerie Joris Gratwohl, Amorn Surangkanjanajai, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2006 90min. Capalbo, Serena Iansiti, Christopher Hat- Knut Hinz, , Julia Stark, Sontje Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) herall, Cassius Terence Murphy, Glyn Peplow, Erkan Gündüz, Moritz Zielke, Sara 25.07.2014 Grimstead, Helen Latham, Joe Egan, Mark Turchetto, Harry Rowohlt, Giselle Vesco, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060683 Adams - Dir. Antonio Simoncini Cosima Viola, Gunnar Solka, Toni Thriller/Mystery 2014 95min. Lewis - Der Oxford Krimi - Snétberger, Daniela Bette, Philipp Sonntag, justbridge entertainment media(justbridge Irene Fischer, Jacqueline Svilarov, Philipp Collector’s Box 1 (13 Discs) movies) 10.10.2014 Neubauer, Sarah Masuch, Julia Beerhold, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060533 Lewis Valentin Schreyer, Anna Sophie Claus, Kevin Whately, Laurence Fox, Clare Lilian Büchner, Greta Short, Ludwig Haas, Lords of London (k.J.) Holman, Rebecca Front - Dir. Bill Anderson, Horst D. Scheel, Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr, Lords Of London Dan Reed Claus Vinçon, Dominique Kusche, Ute Glen Murphy, Ray Winstone, Giovanni Kriminalfilm 1230min. Mora, Annemarie Wendl, Thorsten Nindel, Capalbo, Serena Iansiti, Christopher Hat- Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 29.08.2014 Marcus Off, Franz Rampelmann, Marianne herall, Cassius Terence Murphy, Glyn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060771 Rogée, Rebecca Siemoneit-Barum, Liz Grimstead, Helen Latham, Joe Egan, Mark Baffoe, Margret van Munster, Willi Herren, Liebe aus Leidenschaft Adams - Dir. Antonio Simoncini Costas Papanastasiou, Sigo Lorfeo, Ulrike Thriller/Mystery 2014 92min. Murder Rap C. Tscharre, Wolfgang Grönebaum, Christi- justbridge entertainment media(justbridge John Hawkes, S. Kathleen Feigny, Tim an Kahrmann, Tilli Breidenbach, Dagmar movies) 10.10.2014 Mateer - Dir. Kliff Keuhl Hessenland, Ines Lutz, Raimund Gensel, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060530 Thriller 1987 108min. Jeremy Mockridge, Heinz Marecek, Anna Edel Germany(Starmovie) 01.08.2014 Nowak, Johannes Scheit, Birgitta Der Lügner 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060745 Weizenegger, Susanne Evers, Klaus Heinz Rühmann, Giulia Follina, Annemarie Nierhoff, Anja Antonowicz, Susanna Liebe ist das perfekte Verbrechen Düringer, Gustav Knuth, Werner Hinz - Dir. Capurso, Wookie Mayer, Michael Baral, Ladislao Vajda L’ Amour Est Un Crime Parfait Jennifer Steffens, Christian Rudolf, Tanja Booklet, Trailer , Karin Viard, Maïwenn Le Frehse, Cynthia Cosima, Clara Dolny, Komödie 1961 90min. Besco, Sara Forestier, Denis Podalydès - Arnfried Lerche, Markus Anton, Urs AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Dir. Arnaud Larrieu, Jean-Marie Larrieu Villiger, Fritz Egger, Marc-Oliver Moro, Til AG(Filmjuwelen) 02.10.2014 Interviews, Making of, Trailer Schweiger, Bernd Tauber, Monika 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060976 Drama 2013 110min. Woytowicz, Tilmar Kuhn, Tim Knauer, Su- Alamode Film 17.10.2014 sanne Gannott, Stefanie Mühle, Herbert Macho Man 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060586 Steinmetz, Fritz Bachschmidt, Selma Macho Man Liebe ist das perfekte Verbrechen Baldursson, Hasan Ali Mete, Michael A. René Weller, Bea Fiedler, Peter Althof, Mi- Grimm, Cetin Ipekkaya, Dietrich Siegl, Clau- chael Messing, Jacqueline Elber - Dir. Alex- (Blu-ray) dia Pielmann, Franz Braunshausen, Ursula ander Titusbenda L’ Amour Est Un Crime Parfait Ludwig - Dir. Herwig Fischer, Wolfgang Action 1984 82min. Mathieu Amalric, Karin Viard, Maïwenn Le Frank, Hans W. Geißendörfer, Holger Gim- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- Besco, Sara Forestier, Denis Podalydès - pel, Michael Günther, Kaspar Heidelbach, dia) 09.09.2014 Dir. Arnaud Larrieu, Jean-Marie Larrieu Jens Hercher, Daniel Anderson, Karin 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060956 Interviews, Making of, Trailer Hercher, Nikolai van der Heyde, Ilse Hof- Drama 2013 114min. mann, Ron Jones, Lutz Konermann, Heidi Das Mädchen von Triest (k.J.) Alamode Film 17.10.2014 Kranz, Kerstin Krause, George Moorse, Ch La Ragazza Di Trieste 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060595 Interviews, Outtakes, LED-Schlüssellicht Ornella Muti, Ben Gazzara, Mimsy Farmer - Drama 1985-2014 1560min. Life of Crime Dir. Pasquale Festa Campanile MORE Music and Media (More Brands and Drama 1982 93min. Life Of Crime Products) 29.08.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 26.08.2014 Jennifer Aniston, Isla Fisher, Will Forte, Tim 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060987 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060617 Robbins, John Hawkes, Dante Beze, Char- lie Tahan, Kevin Cannon - Dir. Daniel Lone Survivor Mädchenhandel Schechter Lone Survivor La Tratta Delle Bianche Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2013 min. Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Eleonora Rossi-Drago - Dir. Luigi Comencini Highlight Communications Ben Foster, Eric Bana, Ali Suliman, Alexan- Booklet (Deutschland)(Constantin) 27.11.2014 der Ludwig, Sammy Sheik, Dan Bilzerian - Drama 1952 97min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060810 Dir. Peter Berg AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Interviews AG(Filmjuwelen) 19.09.2014 Life of Crime (Blu-ray) Drama/Kriegsfilm 2013 117min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060939 Life Of Crime Universum Film Home Jennifer Aniston, Isla Fisher, Will Forte, Tim Entertainment(SquareOne) 17.10.2014 Die magische Welt von Pardoes - Robbins, John Hawkes, Dante Beze, Char- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060861 Die komplette Staffel 1 (2 Discs) lie Tahan, Kevin Cannon - Dir. Daniel De Magische Wereld Van Pardoes

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Peter Faber, Alex Hendrickx., Emilie Pos - Heard WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 12.08.2014 Dir. Marc Willard, Vincent Schuurman Trailer 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060559 Fantasy 260min. Komödie 2013 84min. justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Tiberius Film 04.09.2014 The Mine - in der Höl- 08.08.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20060518 le (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060576 Mein Schulfreund Abandoned Mine Saige Thompson, Reiley McClendon, Alexa Heinz Rühmann, Loni von Friedl, Ernst Maleficent - Die dunkle Fee (Blu- Vega, Adam Hendershott, Charan Schröder, Robert Graf, Hans Leibelt, ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D, Ungekürzte Prabhakar, Valerie C. Walker, Joseph Hertha Feiler, Alexander Kerst, Mario Batzel, Cody Walker, Jordan Chamberlain - Fassung) (Blu-ray) Adorf, Carsta Löck - Dir. Robert Siodmak Maleficent Booklet Dir. Jeff Chamberlain Angelina Jolie, Sharlto Copley, Elle Fanning, Komödie/Drama 1960 94min. Horror/Mystery 2013 95min. Sam Riley, Imelda Staunton, Juno Temple, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing justbridge entertainment media(justbridge Lesley Manville, Kenneth Cranham, Brenton AG(Filmjuwelen) 26.09.2014 movies) 14.11.2014 Thwaites - Dir. Robert Stromberg 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060971 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060921 Fantasy 2014 97min. (Germany) Die Melchiors - Die komplette 1. The Mine - Halloween in der Höl- GmbH 02.10.2014 Staffel (2 Discs) le (k.J.) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060897 Hans Putz, Evelyn Balser, Stephan Stroux, Abandoned Mine Hansi Jochmann, Wolfgang Schneider, An- Saige Thompson, Reiley McClendon, Alexa Maleficent - Die dunkle Fee (Un- dreas Poliza, Thomas Stroux, Ulrike Blume, Vega, Adam Hendershott, Charan gekürzte Fassung) (Blu-ray) Friedhelm Ptok - Dir. Hermann Leitner Prabhakar, Valerie C. Walker, Joseph Maleficent Drama/Historienfilm 1972 325min. Batzel, Cody Walker, Jordan Chamberlain - Angelina Jolie, Sharlto Copley, Elle Fanning, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.09.2014 Dir. Jeff Chamberlain Sam Riley, Imelda Staunton, Juno Temple, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060849 Horror/Mystery 2013 91min. Lesley Manville, Kenneth Cranham, Brenton justbridge entertainment media(justbridge Thwaites - Dir. Robert Stromberg Memorial Day (Blu-ray) movies) 14.11.2014 Fantasy 2014 97min. Memorial Day 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060912 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Jonathan Bennett, , James GmbH 02.10.2014 Cromwell, Jackson Bond (Kyle Vogel), Mister & Pete gegen den Rest der 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060896 Emily Fradenburgh, Charles Hubbell, Corby Welt Kelly, Luke Schuetzle, Reed Sigmund, Tho- The Inevitable Defeat Of Mister & Pete Ein Mann geht durch die Wand mas Sellwood, Erin Traxler - Dir. Sam Fi- Skylan Brooks, Ethan Dizon, Jordin Sparks, Heinz Rühmann, Nicole Courcel, Anita von scher Jeffrey Wright, Anthony Mackie, Jennifer Ow, Rudolf Rhomberg, Rudolf Vogel, Mi- Trailer Hudson, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Julito chael Burk, Hans Pössenbacher, Max Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 112min. McCullum, Adam Trese, Lana Giacose - Dir. Haufler - Dir. Ladislao Vajda MIG Film 08.08.2014 George Tillman Jr. Booklet, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20060640 Drama/Jugend 2013 108min. Science Fiction 1959 95min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 29.08.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Mercenaries (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060532 AG(Filmjuwelen) 02.10.2014 (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060975 Mercenaries Mister & Pete gegen den Rest der Zoe Bell, Vivica A. Fox, , Mega Python vs. Gatoroid (Blu- Welt (Blu-ray) Brigitte Nielsen, , Nicole The Inevitable Defeat Of Mister & Pete ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Bilderback - Dir. Christopher Ray Skylan Brooks, Ethan Dizon, Jordin Sparks, Mega Python Vs. Gatoroid Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bonusfilm Jeffrey Wright, Anthony Mackie, Jennifer Action 2014 90min. Deborah Gibson, Tiffany Renee Darwisch, Hudson, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Julito Edel Germany(Starmovie) 22.08.2014 A Martinez, Kathryn Joosten, Kevin M. McCullum, Adam Trese, Lana Giacose - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060703 Horton, Carey Van Dyke, Arden Cho, Carl George Tillman Jr. Ciarfalio, Michelle Coutinho, Jeff DuJardin, Mercenaries (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama/Jugend 2013 112min. Sarah Belger - Dir. Mary Lambert Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 29.08.2014 Mercenaries Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060535 Abenteuer/Horror 2011 94min. Zoe Bell, Vivica A. Fox, Kristanna Loken, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 15.08.2014 Brigitte Nielsen, Cynthia Rothrock, Nicole Mr. Bean - Back to School, Mr. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060805 Bilderback - Dir. Christopher Ray Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bonusfilm Bean Mein Jungesellenabschied Action 2014 90min. Mr. Bean Stag Edel Germany(Starmovie) 22.08.2014 Rowan Atkinson, Matilda Ziegler - Dir. John Donald Faison, Eva Amurri Martino, Jon 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060702 Birkin, John Howard Davies, Paul Weiland Dore, Pat Thornton, Tony Nappo, Leah Humor 1989-1995 45min. Renee, Jefferson Brown, Brendan Gall, Mercenaries (k.J.) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Mayko Nguyen, Clé Bennett - Dir. Brett Mercenaries 11.09.2014 Heard Zoe Bell, Vivica A. Fox, Kristanna Loken, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060724 Trailer Brigitte Nielsen, Cynthia Rothrock, Nicole Komödie 2013 81min. Bilderback - Dir. Christopher Ray Mr. Selfridge - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) Tiberius Film 04.09.2014 Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Mr. Selfridge tba BestellNr.: 20060495 Action 2014 86min. Aisling Loftus, Ron Cook Edel Germany(Starmovie) 22.08.2014 Drama 2013 467min. Mein Jungesellenabschied (Blu- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060675 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 04.09.2014 ray) Russ Meyer Kinoeditions-Box - 7 Stag 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060727 Donald Faison, Eva Amurri Martino, Jon kultige Original Kinofilme (7 Dore, Pat Thornton, Tony Nappo, Leah Discs) (k.J.) Mistresses - Aus Lust und Leiden- Renee, Jefferson Brown, Brendan Gall, Dir. Russ Meyer schaft (2 Discs) Mayko Nguyen, Clé Bennett - Dir. Brett Erotik 565min. Mistresses

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Sarah Parish, Sharon Small, Orla Brady Michael B. Jordan, Melonie Diaz, Octavia Drama 2010 200min. Spencer, Kevin Durand, Chad Michael Die Nichten der Frau Oberst - justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Murray, Ahna O’Reilly, Ariana Neal, Keenan ECD Collection (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 08.08.2014 Coogler, Richie Stephens, Liisa Cohen, (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060574 Laurel Moglen - Dir. Tamara Baroni, Kai Fischer, Heidrun van Drama 2013 81min. Hoven, Heiner Hitz, Steven Tedd - Dir. Er- Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone DCM 02.10.2014 win C. Dietrich 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060832 (Blu-ray) Erotik 1968 92min. The Avengers Nächster Halt Fruitvale Station Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 12.08.2014 , Uma Thurman, Sir Sean 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060565 Connery, Patrick Macnee, Jim Broadbent, (Blu-ray) , Eddie Izzard, Dame Eileen Fruitvale Station Die Nichten der Frau Oberst - Atkins, John Wood, Carmen Ejogo, Keeley Michael B. Jordan, Melonie Diaz, Octavia ECD Collection (2 Discs) (k.J.) Hawes - Dir. Jeremiah S. Chechik Spencer, Kevin Durand, Chad Michael Tamara Baroni, Kai Fischer, Heidrun van Action/Komödie 1998 89min. Murray, Ahna O’Reilly, Ariana Neal, Keenan Hoven, Heiner Hitz, Steven Tedd - Dir. Er- Warner Home Video Germany 21.08.2014 Coogler, Richie Stephens, Liisa Cohen, win C. Dietrich 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060636 Laurel Moglen - Dir. Ryan Coogler Erotik 1968 89min. Drama 2013 85min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 12.08.2014 Mitten in der Winternacht DCM 02.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060550 Midden In De Winternacht 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060840 Dennis Reinsma, Dana Goldberg, Jelka van Nimm mich, liebe mich - Die Ge- Houten, Arjan Ederveen, Derek de Lint, Nächstes Jahr, selbe Zeit Carla Hardy, Jeroen van Koningsbrugge Same Time, Next Year schichte der Nana (k.J.) (Moos), Brian Herring - Dir. Lourens Blok , , Ivan Bonar, Bernie Nana Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Kuby, Cosmo Sardo - Dir. Robert Mulligan Anna Gaël - Dir. Mac Ahlberg Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 80min. Booklet Trailer, Bildergalerie KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.10.2014 Drama 1978 114min. Erotik 1970 92min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060931 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Donau Film 24.10.2014 AG(Filmjuwelen) 19.09.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060962 Mitten in der Winternacht (Blu- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060938 ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Ninja Apocalypse (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Ninja Apocalypse Midden In De Winternacht Nero - Der Tyrann Roms Christian Oliver, Ernie Reyes jr., Cary- Dennis Reinsma, Dana Goldberg, Jelka van Quo Vadis Hiroyuki Tagawa, Antoinette Kalaj, Kaiwi Houten, Arjan Ederveen, Derek de Lint, Pavel Delag, Magdalena Mielcarz, Lyman - Dir. Lloyd Lee Barnett Carla Hardy, Jeroen van Koningsbrugge Boguslaw Linda, Michal Bajor, Jerzy Trela, Franciszek Pieczka, Krzysztof Majchrzak, Wendecover (Moos), Brian Herring - Dir. Lourens Blok Action 2014 94min. Rafal Kubacki, Andrzej Tomecki, Jerzy Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Splendid Film 26.09.2014 Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 84min. Nowak, Zbigniew Walerys, Agnieszka 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060715 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.10.2014 Wagner, Malgorzata Pieczynska, Marta 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060946 Piechowiak, Danuta Stenka, Malgorzata Ninja Apocalypse (k.J.) Foremniak, Teresa Marezewska, Anna Ninja Apocalypse Mitten in der Winternacht (Blu- Majcher, Eugeniusz Priwieziencew - Dir. Christian Oliver, Ernie Reyes jr., Cary- Jerzy Kawalerowicz ray) Hiroyuki Tagawa, Antoinette Kalaj, Kaiwi Midden In De Winternacht Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Kostümfilm 2001 134min. Lyman - Dir. Lloyd Lee Barnett Dennis Reinsma, Dana Goldberg, Jelka van Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 15.08.2014 Wendecover Houten, Arjan Ederveen, Derek de Lint, Action 2014 90min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060781 Carla Hardy, Jeroen van Koningsbrugge Splendid Film 26.09.2014 (Moos), Brian Herring - Dir. Lourens Blok Nero - Der Tyrann Roms (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060691 Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 84min. Quo Vadis Ninja Kommando Pavel Delag, Magdalena Mielcarz, KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.10.2014 Long Zhi Ren Zhe Boguslaw Linda, Michal Bajor, Jerzy Trela, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060945 , Conan Lee - Dir. Corey Franciszek Pieczka, Krzysztof Majchrzak, Yuen Rafal Kubacki, Andrzej Tomecki, Jerzy Mom’s Action/Abenteuer 1982 95min. Nowak, Zbigniew Walerys, Agnieszka Mom’s Night Out Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 26.08.2014 Wagner, Malgorzata Pieczynska, Marta Sarah Drew, Sean Astin, , 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060618 Trace Adkins, David Hunt, Andrea Logan Piechowiak, Danuta Stenka, Malgorzata White, Robert Amaya, Abbie Cobb, Harry Foremniak, Teresa Marezewska, Anna Ninja Kommando (Blu-ray) Majcher, Eugeniusz Priwieziencew - Dir. Shum jr., Alex Kendrick - Dir. Andrew Er- Long Zhi Ren Zhe Jerzy Kawalerowicz win, Jon Erwin Hiroyuki Sanada, Conan Lee - Dir. Corey Komödie 2014 95min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Kostümfilm 2001 138min. Yuen Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 15.08.2014 Action/Abenteuer 1982 99min. 02.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060803 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 26.08.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060732 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060643 Morituri The Next Karate Kid - Die näch- ste Generation (Blu-ray) Ninja Turtles - The Next Mutation: Lotte Koch, Winnie Markus, Hilde Körber, Die komplette Serie (4 Discs) Catja Görna, Josef Sieber, Walter Richter - The Next Karate Kid Ninja Turtles - The Next Mutation Dir. Eugen York Pat Morita, Hilary Swank, Michael Ironside, Booklet , Chris Conrad, Arsenio Jarred Blancard, Mitchell A. Lee Yuen, Kriegsfilm 1948 84min. Trinidad, Michael Cavalieri - Dir. Christo- Gabe Khouth, Richard Yee, Nicole Parker, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 22.08.2014 pher Cain Fiona Scott, Lauren Attadia, Scott McNeil, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060681 Drama 1994 107min. Justin Soon, Chang Tseng, Michael Dobson, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Ronnie Way, Garry Chalk - Dir. Richard Nächster Halt Fruitvale Station 18.09.2014 Flower, Ed Anders, Robert Lee Fruitvale Station 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060739 Action 1997-1998 300min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 32 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Slobodan Stefanovic, Sofija Rajovic, 12.09.2014 Zorana Kostic Obradovic (Scylla), Jelena One Chance - Einmal im Leben tba BestellNr.: 20060991 Rakocevic - Dir. Milan Todorovic One Chance Horror 2014 95min. , Alexandra Roach, Julie Nordstrand Splendid Film 29.08.2014 Walters, Colm Meaney, Mackenzie Crook, Daniel Michel, Martin Schleiß, Luise Berndt, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060716 Jemima Rooper, Valeria Bilello, Christopher Anna Thalbach, Rainer Wöss, Martina Cowlin, Barrie Martin - Dir. David Frankel Krauel, William Boer, Louis Lex, Lennart Nymph - Mysteriös. Verführerisch. Featurette Bartels, Jan Waßmuth - Dir. Florian Tödlich. (k.J.) Komödie/Drama 2013 100min. EuroVideo Medien(Concorde Home Edition) Eichinger Mamula 02.10.2014 Drama 2012 89min. Kristina Klebe, Dragan Micanovic, Natalie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060883 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Burn, Miodrag Krstovic, Franco Nero, 22.08.2014 Slobodan Stefanovic, Sofija Rajovic, One Chance - Einmal im Leben 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060461 Zorana Kostic Obradovic (Scylla), Jelena Rakocevic - Dir. Milan Todorovic (Blu-ray) Nurse (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Horror 2014 91min. One Chance Nurse Splendid Film 29.08.2014 James Corden, Alexandra Roach, Julie Paz de la Huerta, , Judd 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060692 Walters, Colm Meaney, Mackenzie Crook, Nelson, Corbin Bleu, Boris Kodjoe, Niecy Jemima Rooper, Valeria Bilello, Christopher Nash, Melanie Scrofano, Adam Herschman Oktober November Cowlin, Barrie Martin - Dir. David Frankel - Dir. Douglas Aarniokoski Ursula Strauss, Nora von Waldstätten, Pe- Featurette Komödie/Drama 2013 104min. Making of, Interviews ter Simonischek, Sebastian Koch, Johan- Thriller 2014 87min. EuroVideo Medien(Concorde) 02.10.2014 nes Zeiler, Samuel Finzi, Sebastian Hülk, Universum Film Home 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060899 Barbara Schnitzler, Judith Engel - Dir. Götz Entertainment(SquareOne) 10.10.2014 Spielmann Open Grave 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060876 Interview, Trailer Drama 2013 110min. Open Grave Nurse (Blu-ray) (k.J.) MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 14.10.2014 Sharlto Copley, Thomas Kretschmann, Nurse tba BestellNr.: 20060749 Josie Ho, Joseph Morgan, Erin Richards, Paz de la Huerta, Katrina Bowden, Judd Max Wrottesley, Éva Botos, Tofi Seffer - Nelson, Corbin Bleu, Boris Kodjoe, Niecy Oktober November (Blu-ray) Dir. Gonzalo López-Gallego Nash, Melanie Scrofano, Adam Herschman Ursula Strauss, Nora von Waldstätten, Pe- Featurettes Horror 2013 98min. - Dir. Douglas Aarniokoski ter Simonischek, Sebastian Koch, Johan- Universum Film Home Entertainment Making of, Interviews nes Zeiler, Samuel Finzi, Sebastian Hülk, Thriller 2014 87min. 26.09.2014 Barbara Schnitzler, Judith Engel - Dir. Götz Universum Film Home 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060690 Spielmann Entertainment(SquareOne) 10.10.2014 Interview, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060875 Drama 2013 114min. Open Grave (Blu-ray) MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 14.10.2014 Open Grave Nurse (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20060761 Sharlto Copley, Thomas Kretschmann, Nurse Josie Ho, Joseph Morgan, Erin Richards, Paz de la Huerta, Katrina Bowden, Judd Die Oktonauten... und der Max Wrottesley, Éva Botos, Tofi Seffer - Nelson, Corbin Bleu, Boris Kodjoe, Niecy Zitronenhai Dir. Gonzalo López-Gallego Nash, Melanie Scrofano, Adam Herschman Featurettes - Dir. Douglas Aarniokoski Horror 2013 102min. Making of, Interviews Bjørn Alex Olsen - Dir. Monica Kruse, Lars Universum Film Home Entertainment Thriller 2014 84min. Julio Muri 26.09.2014 Universum Film Home Kinderfilm 2010-2011 50min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060714 Entertainment(SquareOne) 10.10.2014 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060862 Division(Europa) 08.08.2014 Paranormal Asylum 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060837 Paranormal Asylum: The Revenge Of NYC Underground Typhoid Mary N.Y.C. Underground Once Upon a Time in Brooklyn Aaron Mathias, Nathan Spiteri, Laura Clayne Crawford, Sean Faris, Arielle Goat Gilreath, Grace Evans, Jenny Lee Mitchell, Kebbel, Rob Mayes, Dania Ramirez, Evan William DeMeo, Wass M. Stevens, Louis Tym Moss, Paul Bright, Boomer Tibbs, Ross, , Reiner Schöne, Crystal Vanaria, Armand Assante, Jeffrey „Ja Ilanah Lobel Torres - Dir. Nimrod Hunt - Dir. Jessy Terrero Rule“ Atkins, Ice-T, , Cathy Zalmanowitz Thriller/Action 2013 83min. Moriarty, Robert Costanzo, Samantha Ivers Featurette, Trailer, Bildergalerie Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 19.09.2014 - Dir. Paul Borghese Horror/Mystery 2013 85min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060743 Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 122min. KSM GmbH 20.10.2014 justbridge entertainment media(justbridge 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060926 NYC Underground (Blu-ray) movies) 10.10.2014 N.Y.C. Underground 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060531 Paranormal Asylum (Blu-ray) Clayne Crawford, Sean Faris, Arielle Paranormal Asylum: The Revenge Of Kebbel, Rob Mayes, Dania Ramirez, Evan Once Upon a Time in Brooklyn Typhoid Mary Ross, Matt Servitto, Reiner Schöne, Crystal (Blu-ray) Aaron Mathias, Nathan Spiteri, Laura Hunt - Dir. Jessy Terrero Goat Gilreath, Grace Evans, Jenny Lee Mitchell, Thriller/Action 2013 86min. William DeMeo, Wass M. Stevens, Louis Tym Moss, Paul Bright, Boomer Tibbs, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 19.09.2014 Vanaria, Armand Assante, Jeffrey „Ja Ilanah Lobel Torres - Dir. Nimrod 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060756 Rule“ Atkins, Ice-T, Vincent Pastore, Cathy Zalmanowitz Moriarty, Robert Costanzo, Samantha Ivers Featurette, Trailer, Bildergalerie Horror/Mystery 2013 88min. Nymph - Mysteriös. Verführerisch. - Dir. Paul Borghese KSM GmbH 20.10.2014 Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 116min. Tödlich. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060943 Mamula justbridge entertainment media(justbridge Kristina Klebe, Dragan Micanovic, Natalie movies) 10.10.2014 Paranormal Investigations 7 - Burn, Miodrag Krstovic, Franco Nero, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060534

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Pennhurst Pessi und Illusia im Feenland Sylvie van den Elsen, Hervé Sogne, Pennhurst Pessi Ja Illusia Christophe Sermet - Dir. Frédéric Fonteyne Haylie Duff, Beverley Mitchell, Michael Jorma Uotinen, Sami Kangas, Annu Martilla, Drama 1999 78min. Rooker, J. LaRose, Jimmy Palumbo, Amanda Ejia Ahvo, Esa Suvilehto, Rabbe Smedlund, Atlas Film Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Dunn, Michael McKiddy, Robb Pruitt - Dir. Pauli Pöllänen, Raimo Grönberg - Dir. Heikki 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060585 Michael Rooker Partanen Horror/Mystery 2012 74min. Kinderfilm/Fantasy 1983 76min. Proxy (Blu-ray) (k.J.) MIG Film 23.10.2014 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 14.08.2014 Proxy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060769 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060747 Alexia Rasmussen, Alexa Havins, Kristina Klebe, Joe Swanberg, Brittany Wagner, Paranormal Investigations 7 - Pettersson und Findus: Kleiner Kitsie Duncan, Faust Checho, Adam Pennhurst (Blu-ray) Quälgeist - große Freundschaft Stephenson - Dir. Zack Parker Thriller/Horror 2013 125min. Pennhurst Ulrich Noethen, Marianne Sägebrecht, Max Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 Haylie Duff, Beverley Mitchell, Michael Herbrechter - Dir. Ali Samadi Ahadi tba BestellNr.: 20060763 Rooker, J. LaRose, Jimmy Palumbo, Amanda Making of, Featurette Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 87min. Dunn, Michael McKiddy, Robb Pruitt - Dir. Proxy (k.J.) Michael Rooker Senator Home Entertainment 26.09.2014 Proxy Horror/Mystery 2012 77min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060561 Alexia Rasmussen, Alexa Havins, Kristina MIG Film 23.10.2014 Klebe, Joe Swanberg, Brittany Wagner, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060798 Pettersson und Findus: Kleiner Quälgeist - große Freundschaft Kitsie Duncan, Faust Checho, Adam Die Paranormal Investigations Stephenson - Dir. Zack Parker (Blu-ray) Thriller/Horror 2013 120min. Trilogie 2 Ulrich Noethen, Marianne Sägebrecht, Max Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 Sanatorium / Horror Drift / Evil Things Herbrechter - Dir. Ali Samadi Ahadi tba BestellNr.: 20060751 Jim Lewis, Matthew Temple, Mike Gaglio, Making of, Featurette Davina Joy, Mike Marsh, William McMinn, Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 90min. Die rabenschwarze Nacht - Fright Senator Home Entertainment 26.09.2014 Shane Van Dyke, Erin Marie Hogan, Fia Night (Blu-ray) Perera - Dir. Anthony Fankhauser, Sean 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060567 Fright Night Tretta, Shane Van Dyke Wendecover Philomena Chris Sarandon, William Ragsdale, Amanda Horror 2007-2010 257min. Philomena Bearse, Roddy McDowall, Stephen MIG Film 11.09.2014 Dame , Steve Coogan, Sophie Geoffreys, Jonathan Stark, Dorothy Fiel- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060886 Kennedy Clark, Anna Maxwell Martin, Ruth ding - Dir. McCabe, Kate Fleetwood, Peter Hermann, Horror 1985 106min. Die Paranormal Investigations , Michelle Fairley, Charlie Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Trilogie 2 (Blu-ray) Murphy, Simone Lahbib, Charles Edwards - 18.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060740 Sanatorium / Horror Drift / Evil Things Dir. Stephen Frears Jim Lewis, Matthew Temple, Mike Gaglio, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer Komödie/Drama 2013 94min. Rampage - Capital Punishment Davina Joy, Mike Marsh, William McMinn, Universum Film Home Shane Van Dyke, Erin Marie Hogan, Fia (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Entertainment(SquareOne) 12.09.2014 Perera - Dir. Anthony Fankhauser, Sean Rampage 2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060501 Tretta, Shane Van Dyke , Lochlyn Munro, Mike Dopud, John Sampson - Dir. Dr. Horror 2007-2010 260min. Philomena (Blu-ray) MIG Film 11.09.2014 Wendecover Philomena Action/Drama 2014 96min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060902 Dame Judi Dench, Steve Coogan, Sophie Splendid Film 26.09.2014 The Patrol Kennedy Clark, Anna Maxwell Martin, Ruth 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060717 McCabe, Kate Fleetwood, Peter Hermann, The Patrol Mare Winningham, Michelle Fairley, Charlie Rampage - Capital Punishment Nav Sidhu, Ben Righton, Owain Arthur, Murphy, Simone Lahbib, Charles Edwards - Daniel Fraser, Alex McNally, Oliver Mott, (k.J.) Dir. Stephen Frears Nicholas Beveney - Dir. Tom Petch Rampage 2 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer Brendan Fletcher, Lochlyn Munro, Mike Drama/Kriegsfilm 2013 85min. Komödie/Drama 2013 98min. Dopud, John Sampson - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Lighthouse Home Entertainment 22.08.2014 Universum Film Home 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060458 Wendecover Entertainment(SquareOne) 12.09.2014 Action/Drama 2014 92min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060525 The Patrol (Blu-ray) Splendid Film 26.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060693 The Patrol Rosamunde Pilcher Collection Nav Sidhu, Ben Righton, Owain Arthur, XVII - Was das Herz begehrt (3 Die Ranch der Pferde Daniel Fraser, Alex McNally, Oliver Mott, Bluegrass Nicholas Beveney - Dir. Tom Petch Discs) Cheryl Ladd, Mickey Rooney, Wayne Ro- Drama/Kriegsfilm 2013 89min. Rosamunde Pilcher: Dem Himmel so nah / gers, Brian Kerwin, Anthony Andrews, Lighthouse Home Entertainment 22.08.2014 Rosamunde Pilcher: Im Licht des Feuers / Shawnee Smith - Dir. Simon Wincer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060476 Rosamunde Pilcher: Solange es dich gibt / Rosamunde Pilcher: Tiefe der Gefühle / Drama 1988 180min. Das perfekte Weihnachten Rosamunde Pilcher: Traum eines Som- MIG Film 25.09.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060909 The Perfect Holiday mers / Rosamunde Pilcher: Vermächtnis der Liebe Morris Chestnut, Gabrielle Union, Queen Rebecca (2 Discs) Latifah, Faizon Love, Charles Q. Murphy, Drama 2000-2004 521min. Rebecca Katt Williams, Jill Marie Jones, Rachel True, Universum Film Home Entertainment(ZDF Anthony Bate, John Branwell, Jonathan Khail Bryant - Dir. Lance Rivera Video) 19.09.2014 Trailer, Bildergalerie 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060847 Cake, Tom Chadbon, Lucy Cohu, Charles Komödie/Lovestory 2007 96min. Dance, Faye Dunaway, Emilia Fox - Dir. Jim KSM GmbH 20.10.2014 Eine pornografische Beziehung O’Brien 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060927 Une Liaison Pornographique Bio- und Filmografien, Interviews, Trailer Drama 1997 191min. Nathalie Baye, Sergi Lopez, Paul Pavel,

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Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- Tom Yum Goong 2 - Vol. 2 (2 Discs, OmU) dia) 12.08.2014 Tony Jaa, JeeJa Yanin, RZA, Petchtai Kaiki Daisakusen 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060553 Wongkamlao, Marrese Crump, Patrick Tang Yasumi Hara, Homare Suguro, Shin Kishida, - Dir. Prachya a Pinkaew Seiji Matsuyama, Reiko Kobashi, Akiji Redwing - Flucht vor den schwar- Wendecover Kobayashi - Dir. Toshihiro Iijima, Akio Jissoji Action 2014 105min. zen Droiden Thriller/Mystery 1968-1971 300min. Splendid Film 26.09.2014 The Outlaws And The Starship Redwing Pidax film media(Pidax film) 29.08.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060893 Tyler Coppin, Ralph Cotterill, Hugh Keays- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060679 Byrne, Donogh Rees, Deep Roy, Joy Ricky - Normal war gestern Smithers, John Tarrant, Cassandra Webb - The Sacrament Rafael Kaul, Jordan Elliot Dwyer, Merle Dir. Roger Christian The Sacrament Juschka, Paul Maximilian Schüller, Hoang Bildergalerie Joe Swanberg, AJ Bowen, Amy Seimetz, Dang-Vu, Laszlo I. Kish, Petra Kleinert, Science Fiction 1985 96min. Kentucker Audley, Gene Jones, Kate Lyn Clelia Sarto, Kai Schumann, Samuel Hum- Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Sheil, Donna Biscoe - Dir. Ti West mel, Dennis Kamitz - Dir. Kai S. Pieck 22.08.2014 Horror 2013 min. Drama/Jugend 2013 88min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060622 Highlight Communications Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.11.2014 22.08.2014 Reich und arm - Buch 1 und 2, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060808 Komplettbox (9 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060463 Rich Man, Poor Man Ritter der Antike Collection (2 The Sacrament (Blu-ray) Peter Strauss, Nick Nolte, Susan Blakely, The Sacrament Edward Asner - Dir. David Greene, Boris Discs) Joe Swanberg, AJ Bowen, Amy Seimetz, Sagal, Bill Bixby Abenteuer 584min. Kentucker Audley, Gene Jones, Kate Lyn Booklet, Episodenführer, Biographien Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Sheil, Donna Biscoe - Dir. Ti West Drama 1976 2040min. Pictures) 12.08.2014 Horror 2013 min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060558 Highlight Communications AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 17.10.2014 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.11.2014 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060473 Rizzoli & Isles - Die komplette 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060813 vierte Staffel (4 Discs) Das Reis-Mädchen Rizzoli & Isles Salò oder die 120 Tage von So- La Risaia Angie Harmon, Sasha Alexander, Jordan dom (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Elsa Martinelli, Folco Lulli, Michel Auclair - Bridges, Lee Thompson Young, Bruce Salò O Le 120 Giornate Di Sodoma Dir. Raffaello Matarazzo McGill, , Brian Goodman, Paolo Bonacelli, Giorgio Cataldi, Uberto P. Booklet Chazz Palminteri, Billy Burke, Colin Drama 1956 90min. Quintavalle, Aldo Valletti, Caterina Boratto, Egglesfield, Michael Massee, John Doman, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Elsa de Giorgi, Hélène Sugère, Sonia Donnie Wahlberg, Chris Vance, Lolita AG(Filmjuwelen) 08.08.2014 Saviange - Dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini Davidovich, Chris Butler, Jack Conley, Omar 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060468 Drama 1975 93min. J. Dorsey - Dir. Michael Zinberg, Mark EuroVideo Medien 25.09.2014 of Joe Rich - Das Haber, Michael M. Robin, Nelson McCormick 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060924 Kriminalfilm 646min. neue Gesetz der Mafia Warner Home Video Germany 21.08.2014 Salò oder die 120 Tage von So- The Return Of Joe Rich 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060607 Sam Witwer, Talia Shire, Armand Assante, dom (k.J.) Tim Kazurinsky, Joe Minoso, Vanessa Robo X-Cops Salò O Le 120 Giornate Di Sodoma Paolo Bonacelli, Giorgio Cataldi, Uberto P. Vander-Pluym, Rich Komenich - Dir. Sam Mei Loi Ging Chaat Quintavalle, Aldo Valletti, Caterina Boratto, Auster Andy Lau, Barbie Hsu, Bingbing Fan, Jiao Elsa de Giorgi, Hélène Sugère, Sonia Trailer Xu, Mike He, Fan Siu-wong, Yifei Tang, Komödie/Drama 2011 91min. Saviange - Dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini Jingwu Ma, Law Kar-ying, Lee Kin-Yan - Tiberius Film 04.09.2014 Drama 1975 89min. Dir. Jing Wong tba BestellNr.: 20060496 Trailer, Bildergalerie, Making of EuroVideo Medien 25.09.2014 Action/Science Fiction 2010 91min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060915 Return of the Warrior (Blu-ray 3D, Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Unrated Edition) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 08.08.2014 Ein Sarg aus Hongkong Tom Yum Goong 2 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060609 Heinz Drache, Elga Andersen, Sabine Tony Jaa, JeeJa Yanin, RZA, Petchtai Sesselmann, Ralf Wolter, Willy Birgel, Moni- Wongkamlao, Marrese Crump, Patrick Tang Robocop - Hollywood-Collection ka John - Dir. Manfred R. Köhler - Dir. Prachya a Pinkaew (Director’s Cut) (k.J.) Kriminalfilm/Drama 1964 93min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 09.09.2014 Wendecover Robocop Action 2014 105min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060549 Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O’Herlihy, Splendid Film 26.09.2014 Ronny Cox, Kurtwood Smith, Miguel Ferrer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060894 Ein Sarg aus Hongkong (Blu-ray) - Dir. Paul Verhoeven Heinz Drache, Elga Andersen, Sabine Science Fiction/Action 1987 89min. Return of the Warrior (Uncut Ver- Sesselmann, Ralf Wolter, Willy Birgel, Moni- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment ka John - Dir. Manfred R. Köhler sion) (k.J.) Germany(MGM/UA) 05.09.2014 Kriminalfilm/Drama 1964 98min. Tom Yum Goong 2 tba BestellNr.: 20060851 Tony Jaa, JeeJa Yanin, RZA, Petchtai Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 09.09.2014 Wongkamlao, Marrese Crump, Patrick Tang Rocker Collection (FSK 18) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060564 - Dir. Prachya a Pinkaew Brute Corps / The Survivalist / Woman on Sauna - Wash Your Sins (Blu-ray) Wendecover Wheels Action 2014 105min. Action 1972-1989 354min. (k.J.) Splendid Film 26.09.2014 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Sauna 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060907 22.08.2014 Ville Virtanen, Tommi Eronen, Viktor 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060619 Klimenko, Rain Tolk, Kari Ketonen, Sonja Return of the Warrior (Unrated Petäjäjärvi, Vilhelmiina Virkkunen, Taisto Edition) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) S.R.I. und die unheimlichen Fälle Reimaluoto - Dir. Antti-Jussi Annila Trailer, Bildergalerie

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Horror/Abenteuer 2008 85min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060777 Peter Mervis Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Thriller 2008 96min. 26.08.2014 Die schönsten Familienfilme SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 24.07.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060644 Kinderfilm 241min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060578 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- Sauna - Wash Your Sins (k.J.) dia) 12.08.2014 Sex für Anfänger Sauna 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060552 Roger Dodger Ville Virtanen, Tommi Eronen, Viktor , Jesse Eisenberg, Isabella Klimenko, Rain Tolk, Kari Ketonen, Sonja Schwarzer Nerz auf zarter Haut Rossellini, Elizabeth Berkley, Jennifer Petäjäjärvi, Vilhelmiina Virkkunen, Taisto (k.J.) Beals, Mina Badie, Ben Shenkman, Chris Reimaluoto - Dir. Antti-Jussi Annila Tamara Baroni, Erwin Strahl, Herbert Fux, Stack, Stephanie Gatschet, Colin Fickes, Making of, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Erweiterte Szenen, Claus Tinney, Franca Polesello, Elio Tommy Savas, Gabriel Millman, Courtney Trailer, Teaser Sherman, Morena Baccarin, Lisa Emery - Horror/Abenteuer 2008 77min. Crovetto - Dir. Erwin C. Dietrich Dir. Dylan Kidd Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Bildergalerie Thriller/Erotik 1969 85min. Featurettes, Trailer 26.08.2014 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 12.08.2014 Komödie/Drama 2002 102min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060620 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060986 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) 22.08.2014 Sauna - Wash Your Sins Das Schweigen der Lämmer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060464 (Steelbook) (k.J.) The Silence Of The Lambs Sauna , Sir Anthony Hopkins, Scott Sex für Anfänger (Blu-ray) Ville Virtanen, Tommi Eronen, Viktor Glenn, Anthony Heald, , Frankie Roger Dodger Klimenko, Rain Tolk, Kari Ketonen, Sonja Faison, Kasi Lemmons, Brooke Smith, Paul Campbell Scott, Jesse Eisenberg, Isabella Petäjäjärvi, Vilhelmiina Virkkunen, Taisto Lazar, Dan Butler, Lawrence T. Wrentz, Rossellini, Elizabeth Berkley, Jennifer Reimaluoto - Dir. Antti-Jussi Annila Lawrence A. Bonney, Roger Corman, Leib Beals, Mina Badie, Ben Shenkman, Chris Trailer Lensky, Gene Borkan, Pat McNamara, Stack, Stephanie Gatschet, Colin Fickes, Horror/Abenteuer 2008 81min. Tracey Walter, Kenneth Utt, Diane Baker, Tommy Savas, Gabriel Millman, Courtney Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Ron Vawter, Charles Napier, Danny Darst, Sherman, Morena Baccarin, Lisa Emery - 26.08.2014 Cynthia Ettinger, Brent Hinkley, George A. Dir. Dylan Kidd 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060621 Romero - Dir. Jonathan Demme Featurettes, Trailer Komödie/Drama 2002 106min. Thriller 1991 114min. Savannah Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Savannah 22.08.2014 Germany (MGM/UA) 05.09.2014 James Caviezel, , Jack 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060478 tba BestellNr.: 20060824 McBrayer, Jaimie Alexander, , , Sam Shepard, Tracey Das Schweigen der Lämmer (Blu- Sex für Fortgeschrittene Walter, Simone Griffeth, Daniel Jones - Dir. À Coup Sûr Annette Haywood-Carter ray) Laurence Arne, Eric Elmosnino, Didier Making of, Trailer The Silence Of The Lambs Bezace, Valérie Bonneton, Jérémy Lopez, Drama 2013 97min. Jodie Foster, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Scott François Morel, Eric Boucher, François Lighthouse Home Entertainment 26.09.2014 Glenn, Anthony Heald, Ted Levine, Frankie Morel, Julia Faure - Dir. de Delphine Vigan tba BestellNr.: 20060917 Faison, Kasi Lemmons, Brooke Smith, Paul Trailer Lazar, Dan Butler, Lawrence T. Wrentz, Komödie 2014 91min. Savannah (Blu-ray) Lawrence A. Bonney, Roger Corman, Leib Alamode Film 07.11.2014 Savannah Lensky, Gene Borkan, Pat McNamara, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060934 James Caviezel, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Jack Tracey Walter, Kenneth Utt, Diane Baker, McBrayer, Jaimie Alexander, Hal Holbrook, Ron Vawter, Charles Napier, Danny Darst, Sex für Fortgeschrittene (Blu-ray) Bradley Whitford, Sam Shepard, Tracey Cynthia Ettinger, Brent Hinkley, George A. À Coup Sûr Walter, Simone Griffeth, Daniel Jones - Dir. Romero - Dir. Jonathan Demme Laurence Arne, Eric Elmosnino, Didier Annette Haywood-Carter Trailer Bezace, Valérie Bonneton, Jérémy Lopez, Making of, Trailer Thriller 1991 118min. François Morel, Eric Boucher, François Drama 2013 101min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Morel, Julia Faure - Dir. de Delphine Vigan Lighthouse Home Entertainment 26.09.2014 Germany(MGM/UA) 05.09.2014 Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20060925 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060839 Komödie 2014 95min. Alamode Film 07.11.2014 Der Schaum der Tage Scott & Bailey - Staffel 3 (4 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060941 L’ écume Des Jours Scott & Bailey , , , , Lesley Sharp Short Term 12 Omar Sy, Aïssa Maïga, Charlotte Le Bon, Behind the Scenes Short Term 12 Sacha Bourdo, , Vincent Kriminalfilm/Drama 2013 372min. Brie Larson, John Gallagher Jr., Kaitlyn Rottiers, Laurent Lafitte, Natacha Régnier, Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 12.09.2014 Dever, Rami Malek, Keith Stanfield, Kevin Zinedine Soualem, - Dir. Mi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060772 Hernandez, Melora Walters, Stephanie chel Gondry Beatriz, Lydia Du Veaux, Alex Calloway, Trailer, Wendecover Sechs Pistolen jagen Professor Z Frantz Turner, Diana - Dir. Drama 2013 91min. Peter van Eyck - Dir. Julio Coll Destin Cretton STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Booklet Kurzfilmfassung, Making of Germany(Arthaus) 01.09.2014 Kriminalfilm 1966 82min. Drama 2013 96min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060657 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 26.09.2014 AG(Filmjuwelen) 22.08.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060753 Die Schlange 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060563 Le Serpent Short Term 12 (Blu-ray) Yul Brynner, , Dirk Bogarde, Serienkiller Massaker (k.J.) Short Term 12 , , Martin Passed The Door Of Darkness Brie Larson, John Gallagher Jr., Kaitlyn Held, , Virna Lisi - Dir. Henri Mark Colson, Matthew Prater, Kathryn Dever, Rami Malek, Keith Stanfield, Kevin Verneuil Avery Hansen, James M. Conner, Greg Hernandez, Melora Walters, Stephanie Thriller 1973 110min. Aronowitz, Judy Dixon, Christopher Beatriz, Lydia Du Veaux, Alex Calloway, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 15.08.2014 DeMaci, Tammy Klein, Scott Frazelle - Dir. Frantz Turner, Diana Maria Riva - Dir.

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Destin Cretton Summer In February Kurzfilmfassung, Making of So ein Mustergatte Dominic Cooper, Emily Browning, Dan Drama 2013 100min. Walter Roderer, Sylvia Frank, Hannes Stevens, Hattie Morahan - Dir. Christopher Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 26.09.2014 Schmidhauser, Olga Gebhardt, Max Haufler Menaul 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060765 - Dir. Karl Suter Drama 2013 min. Komödie 1959 98min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sie sind frei, Dr. Korczak Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Pidax) 04.09.2014 Leo Genn, Orna Porat, Efrat Lavi, Chad 12.08.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060719 Kaplan, Benjamin Völz, Charles Werner - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060554 Dir. Aleksander Ford Das Sonderkommando - Tötet Drama 1973 93min. SOKO Kitzbühel - Staffel 9 (2 Heydrich Pidax film media(Pidax film) 29.08.2014 Discs) Operation Daybreak 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060678 Kristina Sprenger, Andreas Kiendl, Jakob Timothy Bottoms, Martin Shaw, Joss The Signal Seeböck, Andrea L’Arronge, Heinz Ackland - Dir. Lewis Gilbert Marecek, Ferry Öllinger, Christine Klein, Kriegsfilm 1976 103min. The Signal Bernd Tauber, Peter Weiß, Julia Heinze, SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 14.08.2014 Brenton Thwaites, Olivia Cooke, Beau Thure Riefenstein, Claudia Wipplinger, Cor- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060797 Knapp, Laurence Fishburne, Lin Shaye, nelius Obonya, Hans-Michael Rehberg - Dir. Robert Longstreet, Jeffrey Grover, Sarah Gerald Liegel, Michael Zens, Olaf Kreinsen Die Director’s Clarke - Dir. William Eubank Kriminalfilm 2009 440min. Science Fiction/Thriller 2014 93min. Collection (8 Discs) (Blu-ray) SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Rex Film) Capelight Pictures 14.11.2014 Duell / Sugarland Express / Der weiße Hai 14.08.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060963 / 1941 - Wo bitte geht’s nach Hollywood? / 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060754 E.T. Der Außerirdische / Always - Der Feuerengel von Montana / / The Signal (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Some Velvet Morning The Signal Vergessene Welt - Jurassic Park Some Velvet Morning Brenton Thwaites, Olivia Cooke, Beau Dir. Steven Spielberg Alice Eve, Stanley Tucci - Dir. Neil LaBute Knapp, Laurence Fishburne, Lin Shaye, Booklet Drama 2013 80min. Science Fiction/Fantasy 1971-1997 min. Robert Longstreet, Jeffrey Grover, Sarah Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Clarke - Dir. William Eubank 02.10.2014 16.10.2014 Science Fiction/Thriller 2014 97min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060733 tba BestellNr.: 20060735 Capelight Pictures 14.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060969 Somewhere in Time - Ein tödli- Die Spur führt nach Soho Silvi cher Traum (Blu-ray) The File Of The Golden Goose Yul Brynner, Charles Gray, Edward Lina Wendel, Thorsten Merten, Harald Somewhere In Time Woodward, John Barrie, Adrienne Corri, Polzin, Ivan Gallardo, Peter Trabner, Judith Christopher Reeve, , Christo- Graham Crowden, Walter Gotell, Ivor Dean, Steinhäuser, Gerdy Zint, Leni Wesselman, pher Plummer, Teresa Wright, Bill Erwin, George Voskovec, Susan French, John Hugh McDermott - Dir. Sam Wanamaker Thérèse Kemnitz, Lucas Kemnitz - Dir. Nico Wendecover Sommer Alvin, Eddra Gale - Dir. Jeannot Szwarc Making ofs, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Booklet Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1969 101min. Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Booklet Pidax film media(Pidax film) 12.09.2014 Drama 2013 94min. Drama 1980 99min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060980 Bildkraft 01.09.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060723 AG(Filmjuwelen) 29.08.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060592 Squanderers - Fast Cars & Dirty Snowpiercer Deals (k.J.) Snowpiercer Ein Sommer auf dem Lande (Blu- Squanderers Chris Evans, Jamie Bell, John Hurt, Ed ray) (k.J.) Chad McQueen, Don Swayze, Joe Estevez, Harris, , Song Kang-ho, Ko Segrete Esperienze Di Luca E Fanny Sydney Lassick, Julie Strain, Melanie Good, Asung, Octavia Spencer, Ewen Bremner - Brigitte Lahaie, Jane Baker, Guy Berardon, Chuck Zito - Dir. John Sjogren Dir. Bong Joon-ho Fawzi Devaux, Elodie Delage - Dir. Roberto Action 1996 91min. Science Fiction/Action 2013 121min. Girometti, Gérard Loubeau Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.09.2014 Erotik 1980 94min. 25.07.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060748 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 26.08.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060686 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060642 Snowpiercer (Blu-ray + DVD, Staudamm Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Ein Sommer auf dem Lande (k.J.) Friedrich Mücke, Liv Lisa Fries, Dominic Raacke, Arnd Schimkat, Lucy Wirth, Carolin Snowpiercer Segrete Esperienze Di Luca E Fanny Fink - Dir. Thomas Sieben Chris Evans, Jamie Bell, John Hurt, Ed Brigitte Lahaie, Jane Baker, Guy Berardon, Drama 2013 88min. Harris, Tilda Swinton, Song Kang-ho, Ko Fawzi Devaux, Elodie Delage - Dir. Roberto good!movies(Zorro) 11.07.2014 Asung, Octavia Spencer, Ewen Bremner - Girometti, Gérard Loubeau 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060455 Dir. Bong Joon-ho Erotik 1980 90min. Steelbook Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 26.08.2014 Science Fiction/Action 2013 126min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060616 Robert L. Stevenson Box Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.09.2014 Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde / Der Schatz der tba BestellNr.: 20060760 Sommer im Februar Korsaren / St. Ives Summer In February Abenteuer/Drama 254min. Snowpiercer (Blu-ray) Dominic Cooper, Emily Browning, Dan Edel Germany(Starmovie) 22.08.2014 Snowpiercer Stevens, Hattie Morahan - Dir. Christopher 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060776 Chris Evans, Jamie Bell, John Hurt, Ed Menaul Harris, Tilda Swinton, Song Kang-ho, Ko Drama 2013 min. Storm Rider - Schnell wie der Asung, Octavia Spencer, Ewen Bremner - Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Wind Dir. Bong Joon-ho 04.09.2014 Storm Rider Science Fiction/Action 2013 126min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060695 Kevin Sorbo, , C. Thomas Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.09.2014 Howell, Danielle Ryan Chuchran, Jacob 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060759 Sommer im Februar (Blu-ray) Buster, Darien Willardson, Sam Jenkins,

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Terence Goodman, Sarah Bernstein - Dir. Craig Clyde Terminator: The Sarah Connor Trapped (Blu-ray) Trailer Chronicles - Die komplette zweite Piégé Drama/Familie 2013 86min. Staffel (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Pascal Elbé, Laurent Lucas, Caroline Bal, Koch Media 25.09.2014 Arnaud Henriet, Jeremie Galan, Patrick Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060488 Gimenez, Othman Younouss, Rabii Benjhail Lena Headey, Thomas Dekker, Summer Tadlaoui, Eric Aubrahn - Dir. Yannick Saillet Storm Rider - Schnell wie der Glau, Richard T. Jones, Brian Austin Green, Making of, Trailer Wind (Blu-ray) Garret Dillahunt, Dean Winters, Jonathan Thriller/Kriegsfilm 2014 77min. Jackson, Shirley Manson, Leven Rambin, Storm Rider Atlas Film Home Entertainment 31.10.2014 Stephanie Jacobsen, Sonya Walger, Busy Kevin Sorbo, Kristy Swanson, C. Thomas 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060947 Philipps, Mackenzie Smith, Shane Edelman, Howell, Danielle Ryan Chuchran, Jacob Dorian Harewood, Leah Pipes, Peter Buster, Darien Willardson, Sam Jenkins, (T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode Mensah - Dir. David Nutter, Charles Terence Goodman, Sarah Bernstein - Dir. 1 Beeson, Jeffrey Hunt, Bryan Spicer Craig Clyde Audiokommentar, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Gag Reel Michael Bully Herbig, Rick Kavanian, Chri- Trailer Action/Science Fiction 2008 967min. stian Tramitz, Til Schweiger, Anja Kling, Drama/Familie 2013 90min. Warner Home Video Germany 18.07.2014 Sky Du Mont, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Rick Koch Media 25.09.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060548 Kavanian, Anton Figl, Reiner Schöne, Chri- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060512 stoph Maria Herbst, Hans-Peter Hallwachs - Dir. Michael Bully Herbig Stripper Zombieland (Blu-ray) Peter Thorwarths Unna Trilogie (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Komödie/Science Fiction 2003 84min. (k.J.) Highlight Communications Bang Boom Bang / Was nicht passt wird Stripperland (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.09.2014 passend gemacht / Goldenen Zeiten Benjamin Sheppard, Maren McGuire, Ileana 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060807 Komödie 435min. Herrin, Jamison Challeen, Daniel Baldwin, Turbine Media Group 22.08.2014 Linnea Quigley, Lloyd Kaufman, Boyd (T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060825 Banks, Hank Cartwright, Thom Bray - Dir. 1 (Blu-ray) Sean Skelding Peter Thorwarths Unna Trilogie (5 (T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 Horror/Komödie 2011 103min. Discs) Michael Bully Herbig, Rick Kavanian, Chri- MIG Film 23.10.2014 stian Tramitz, Til Schweiger, Anja Kling, Bang Boom Bang / Was nicht passt wird 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060799 Sky Du Mont, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Rick passend gemacht / Goldenen Zeiten Kavanian, Anton Figl, Reiner Schöne, Chri- Komödie 425min. Stripper Zombieland (k.J.) stoph Maria Herbst, Hans-Peter Hallwachs Turbine Media Group 22.08.2014 Stripperland - Dir. Michael Bully Herbig 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060816 Benjamin Sheppard, Maren McGuire, Ileana Komödie/Science Fiction 2003 87min. Herrin, Jamison Challeen, Daniel Baldwin, Tödliche Freundschaft Highlight Communications Linnea Quigley, Lloyd Kaufman, Boyd (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.09.2014 Deception Banks, Hank Cartwright, Thom Bray - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060811 Sean Skelding Debi Mazar, Karina Lombard, Marc Lavoine, Horror/Komödie 2011 99min. Jack Langedijk, Daniel Pilon, Charles Powell Der Traumtänzer - Verliebt in Du- - Dir. Max Fischer MIG Film 23.10.2014 blin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060770 Originaltrailer Thriller 2001 82min. Quackser Fortune Has A Cousin In The Tammy - Das Mädchen vom Haus- 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 21.08.2014 Bronx 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060820 Gene Wilder, Margot Kidder, Eileen Colgan, boot (5 Discs) Seamus Ford - Dir. Waris Hussein Tammy Torture Chamber (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Komödie 1970 85min. Debbie Watson, Frank McGrath, Denver Torture Chamber SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 14.08.2014 Pyle, George Furth, Donald Woods, Dorothy Vincent Pastore, Christie Sanford, Lynn 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060794 Green, David Macklin, Linda Marshall - Dir. Lowry, Ron Millkie, Richard D. Busser, Car- Leslie Goodwins, Sidney Miller men LoPorto, Raine Brown, Ellie Pettit, Twighlight Witches (k.J.) Booklet, Hintergrundinfo Danny Lopes - Dir. Dante Tomaselli Witches’ Night Komödie 1965-1966 572min. Thriller/Horror 2013 94min. Gil McKinney, Jeff Christian, Wesley Walker Turbine Media Group 25.07.2014 Maritim Pictures 23.09.2014 - Dir. Paul Traynor 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060571 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060505 Horror 2007 81min. Terminator Rising SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 14.08.2014 Torture Chamber (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060795 Perfect: Android Rising Torture Chamber Samantha Talbott, Roberto Lombardi, Vincent Pastore, Christie Sanford, Lynn Under the Skin - Tödliche Verfüh- Hector De La Rosa, Kasey Williams, Sarah Lowry, Ron Millkie, Richard D. Busser, Car- McAvoy, Rick Zahn, Andrew Roth, Dana rung men LoPorto, Raine Brown, Ellie Pettit, Jesberger - Dir. Chris R. Notarile Under The Skin Trailer Danny Lopes - Dir. Dante Tomaselli Scarlett Johansson, Paul Brannigan, Science Fiction/Action 2013 81min. Thriller/Horror 2013 90min. Lynsey Taylor Mackay, Adam Pearson, Tiberius Film 04.09.2014 Maritim Pictures 23.09.2014 Jessica Mance, Scott Dymond, Michael tba BestellNr.: 20060497 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060482 Moreland, Jeremy McWilliams, Krystof Hadek, Joe Szula - Dir. Jonathan Glazer Terminator Rising (Blu-ray) Trapped Science Fiction/Thriller 2013 104min. Perfect: Android Rising Piégé Senator Home Entertainment 10.10.2014 Samantha Talbott, Roberto Lombardi, Pascal Elbé, Laurent Lucas, Caroline Bal, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060833 Hector De La Rosa, Kasey Williams, Sarah Arnaud Henriet, Jeremie Galan, Patrick McAvoy, Rick Zahn, Andrew Roth, Dana Gimenez, Othman Younouss, Rabii Benjhail Under the Skin - Tödliche Verfüh- Jesberger - Dir. Chris R. Notarile Tadlaoui, Eric Aubrahn - Dir. Yannick Saillet rung (Blu-ray) Making of, Trailer Trailer Under The Skin Science Fiction/Action 2013 84min. Thriller/Kriegsfilm 2014 74min. Scarlett Johansson, Paul Brannigan, Tiberius Film 04.09.2014 Atlas Film Home Entertainment 31.10.2014 Lynsey Taylor Mackay, Adam Pearson, tba BestellNr.: 20060519 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060935

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Jessica Mance, Scott Dymond, Michael Upper East Side Society - Shea, Paula Plum - Dir. John Stimpson Moreland, Jeremy McWilliams, Krystof Schulstart mit Hindernissen Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Hadek, Joe Szula - Dir. Jonathan Glazer Komödie/Lovestory 2012 87min. The Best And The Brightest Science Fiction/Thriller 2013 108min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.10.2014 Neil Patrick Harris, Bonnie Somerville, Amy Senator Home Entertainment 10.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060928 Sedaris, Peter Serafinowicz, Kate 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060841 Mulgrew, Jenna Stern, Bridget Regan, John Viva la libertà Unforgiven - Das Todesurteil der Hodgman, Christopher McDonald - Dir. Josh Viva La Libertà Shelov Toni Jo Henry Toni Servillo, Valerio Mastandrea, Valeria Komödie/Lovestory 2010 90min. Bruni-Tedeschi, Michela Cescon, Anna The Pardon Lighthouse Home Entertainment 22.08.2014 Bonaiuto, Eric Nguyen, Judith Davis, An- Jaime King, Jason Lewis, John Hawkes - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060457 drea Renzi, Gianrico Tedeschi, Massimo de Dir. Tom Anton Francovich, Renato Scarpa, Lucia Mascino, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 90min. Upper East Side Society - Giulia Andò, Stella Kent - Dir. Roberto Andò Lighthouse Home Entertainment 22.08.2014 Schulstart mit Hindernissen (Blu- Komödie 2013 94min. tba BestellNr.: 20060676 ray) good!movies(Arsenal) 22.08.2014 Unforgiven - Das Todesurteil der The Best And The Brightest 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060989 Toni Jo Henry (Blu-ray) Neil Patrick Harris, Bonnie Somerville, Amy Sedaris, Peter Serafinowicz, Kate Waking the Dead 3 (4 Discs) The Pardon Mulgrew, Jenna Stern, Bridget Regan, John Waking The Dead Jaime King, Jason Lewis, John Hawkes - Hodgman, Christopher McDonald - Dir. Josh Kriminalfilm 2003 400min. Dir. Tom Anton Shelov justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 94min. Komödie/Lovestory 2010 94min. 12.09.2014 Lighthouse Home Entertainment 22.08.2014 Lighthouse Home Entertainment 22.08.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060992 tba BestellNr.: 20060704 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060475 Wang Yu - Der stählerne Todes- Unruhige Töchter (k.J.) Valeria - Leidenschaften einer schlag Brigitte Skay, Jöns Andersson, Bella Neri, Meng Si Hung Feng Ruedi Walter, Inge Burckhardt - Dir. Hans- Minderjährigen (k.J.) Jimmy Wang Yu, Paul Chang, Yueh Sun - jörg Amon La Minorenne Dir. Silvio Amadio, Piero Regnoli Dir. Ting Shan-hsi Erotik 1968 77min. Bildergalerie Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Pidax) Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Erotik/Komödie 1974 85min. Action/Eastern 1972 80min. 12.08.2014 Donau Film 26.09.2014 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 22.08.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060557 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060933 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060610 Unter Bestien - Der alte Mann Vaterfreuden War Nation - Memorial Day und die Wölfe Matthias Schweighöfer, Friedrich Mücke, Memorial Day The Old Man Isabell Polak, Tom Beck, Katharina Jonathan Bennett, John Cromwell, James Erbulat Toguzakov - Dir. Ermek Tursunov Schüttler, Luise Bähr, Alexander Khuon, Cromwell, Jackson Bond (Kyle Vogel), Action/Abenteuer 2012 102min. Moritz Grove, Lina Hüesker - Dir. Matthias Emily Fradenburgh, Charles Hubbell, Corby Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Schweighöfer, Torsten Künstler (Co-Regie) Kelly, Luke Schuetzle, Reed Sigmund, Tho- Pictures) 23.09.2014 Komödie/Lovestory 2014 106min. mas Sellwood, Erin Traxler - Dir. Sam Fi- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060984 Warner Home Video Germany 28.08.2014 scher 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060499 Trailer Unter Bestien - Der alte Mann Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 108min. und die Wölfe (Blu-ray) Vaterfreuden (Blu-ray) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 08.08.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060608 The Old Man Matthias Schweighöfer, Friedrich Mücke, Erbulat Toguzakov - Dir. Ermek Tursunov Isabell Polak, Tom Beck, Katharina Wasteland - Am Ende der Action/Abenteuer 2012 107min. Schüttler, Luise Bähr, Alexander Khuon, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Moritz Grove, Lina Hüesker - Dir. Matthias Menschheit (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Pictures) 23.09.2014 Schweighöfer, Torsten Künstler (Co-Regie) Wasteland 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060998 Komödie/Lovestory 2014 110min. Garret Sato, Derrel Maury, Janelle Warner Home Video Germany 28.08.2014 Velasquez, Ira Katz, Erin Laurence, Unter Freunden - Komm, lass uns 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060522 Kimberly Robin, Sherry Shaoling, Jordan spielen (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Lawson, Lucky Sagiao - Dir. Kantz Verführen für Anfänger Trailer Among Friends Action/Science Fiction 2011 80min. School For Seduction Danielle Harris, Christopher Backus, Tiberius Film 03.07.2014 Kelly Brook, Emily Woof, Dervla Kirwan, Jennifer Blanc, Kane Hodder, Alyssa Lobit, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060597 Kamala Jones, AJ Bowen, Brianne Davis, Margi Clarke, Jessica Johnson, Neil Stuke, Dana Daurey - Dir. Danielle Harris Tim Healy, Ben Porter, Daymon Britton, Nick Way of the Wicked Whitfield, Jake Canuso, Sharon Percy, Jody Komödie/Thriller 2012 80min. Way Of The Wicked Baldwin, Nicola Blackwell, Jane Holman, Tiberius Film 02.10.2014 Vinnie Jones, Emily Tennant, Jake Croker, Gez Casey, Tracy Gillman, Sophie Dix, An- tba BestellNr.: 20060870 Christian Slater, Aren Buchholz, Matthew tonio Pellegrino, Emma Lawson, Sue Heel, Robert Kelly, Brittney Wilson, Jedidiah Donald McBride, David Whitaker, Adam Unter Freunden - Komm, lass uns Goodacre, Jillian Fargey - Dir. Kevin spielen (k.J.) Page, Duncan Bannatyne - Dir. Sue Heel Interviews, Originaltrailer, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie Carraway Among Friends Komödie 2004 100min. Horror/Mystery 2014 93min. Danielle Harris, Christopher Backus, 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 21.08.2014 Maritim Pictures 23.09.2014 Jennifer Blanc, Kane Hodder, Alyssa Lobit, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060819 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060483 Kamala Jones, AJ Bowen, Brianne Davis, Dana Daurey - Dir. Danielle Harris Vier Schwestern zu Weihnachten Way of the Wicked (Blu-ray) Komödie/Thriller 2012 77min. The March Sisters At Christmas Way Of The Wicked Tiberius Film 02.10.2014 Julie Marie Berman, Kaitlin Doubleday, Me- Vinnie Jones, Emily Tennant, Jake Croker, tba BestellNr.: 20060858 lissa Farman, Molly Kunz, , Christian Slater, Aren Buchholz, Matthew Charlie Hofheimer, Mark Famiglietti, John Robert Kelly, Brittney Wilson, Jedidiah

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Goodacre, Jillian Fargey - Dir. Kevin Capelight Pictures 26.09.2014 25.09.2014 Carraway 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060968 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060914 Horror/Mystery 2014 97min. Maritim Pictures 23.09.2014 Wolf Creek 2 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Yatterman 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060506 Wolf Creek 2 Yattâman John Jarratt, Ryan Corr, Phillipe Klaus, Shô Sakurai, Saki Fukuda, , Der Weihnachts-Chor - Melodien Shannon Ashlyn, Gerard Kennedy, Annie Sadao Abe, Anri Okamoto, Katsuhisa der Herzen Byron, Shane Connor, Chloé Boreham, Kate Namase, Kendô Kobayashi, Shingo Ippongi The Christmas Choir Englefield - Dir. Greg McLean - Dir. Takashi Miike Jason Gedrick, Marianne Farley, Rhea Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller/Horror 2013 103min. Action/Komödie 2009 106min. Perlman, Tyrone Benskin, Michael Sarrazin, KSM GmbH(NewKSM Cinema) 20.10.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Roc LaFortune, John Dunn-Hill, Luis Oliva - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060944 26.08.2014 Dir. Peter Svatek Trailer, Bildergalerie 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060624 Drama 2008 84min. Wolf Creek 2 (k.J.) KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.10.2014 Wolf Creek 2 Yatterman (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060929 John Jarratt, Ryan Corr, Phillipe Klaus, Yattâman Shannon Ashlyn, Gerard Kennedy, Annie Shô Sakurai, Saki Fukuda, Kyoko Fukada, Wildes Land - Weg der Verdamm- Byron, Shane Connor, Chloé Boreham, Kate Sadao Abe, Anri Okamoto, Katsuhisa ten (2 Discs) Englefield - Dir. Greg McLean Namase, Kendô Kobayashi, Shingo Ippongi Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie - Dir. Takashi Miike Dead Man’s Walk Thriller/Horror 2013 99min. Trailer, Bildergalerie, Behind the Scenes David Arquette, , Jennifer KSM GmbH(NewKSM Cinema) 20.10.2014 Action/Komödie 2009 119min. Garner, F. Murray Abraham, Keith 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060930 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Carradine, Patricia Childress, Brian 26.08.2014 Dennehy, , Harry The Wonder Kid - Entführung ins 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060645 Dean Stanton, Eric Schweig - Dir. Yves Glück Simoneau Wonder Kid Yves Saint Laurent Western 1996 234min. Bobby Henrey, Muriel Aked, Elwyn Brook- Yves Saint Laurent AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Jones, Oskar Werner, Christa Winter, Ro- , , Charlotte AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 19.09.2014 bert Shackleton, Sebastian Cabot - Dir. Karl Le Bon, Laura Smet, Marie de Villepin, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060977 Hartl Nikolai Kinski, Ruben Alves, Astrid Booklet Whettnall, Marianne Basler - Dir. Jalil Wildes Land - Weg der Verdamm- Drama 1949 85min. Lespert ten (Blu-ray) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Making of, Featurette, Interviews Dead Man’s Walk AG(Filmjuwelen) 19.09.2014 Drama/Biographie 2013 102min. David Arquette, Jonny Lee Miller, Jennifer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060978 Universum Film Home Garner, F. Murray Abraham, Keith Entertainment(SquareOne) 05.09.2014 Carradine, Patricia Childress, Brian Words & Pictures 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060689 Dennehy, Edward James Olmos, Harry Words And Pictures Dean Stanton, Eric Schweig - Dir. Yves Clive Owen, Juliette Binoche, Valerie Tian, Yves Saint Laurent (Blu-ray) Simoneau Bruce Davison, Navid Negahban, Amy Yves Saint Laurent Western 1996 272min. Brenneman, Christan Scheider, Keegan Pierre Niney, Guillaume Gallienne, Charlotte AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Connor Tracy, Adam DiMarco, Janet Kidder Le Bon, Laura Smet, Marie de Villepin, AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 19.09.2014 - Dir. Fred Schepisi Nikolai Kinski, Ruben Alves, Astrid 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060982 Komödie/Lovestory 2013 111min. Whettnall, Marianne Basler - Dir. Jalil Senator Home Entertainment 10.10.2014 Lespert Windwalker - Das Vermächtnis 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060846 Making of, Featurette, Interviews Drama/Biographie 2013 106min. des Indianers (Blu-ray) Words & Pictures (Blu-ray) Universum Film Home Windwalker Entertainment(SquareOne) 05.09.2014 Words And Pictures , Nick Ramus, James Remar, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060713 Silvana Gallardo, Serene Hedin, Emerson Clive Owen, Juliette Binoche, Valerie Tian, John - Dir. Kieth Merrill Bruce Davison, Navid Negahban, Amy Zombie Outbreak (k.J.) Brenneman, Christan Scheider, Keegan Abenteuer/Drama 1980 109min. Rise Of The Damned Connor Tracy, Adam DiMarco, Janet Kidder Pidax film media(Pidax film) 01.08.2014 Liane Balaban, Luis Guzmán, Warren - Dir. Fred Schepisi 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060590 Christie, Jennifer Copping - Dir. Michael Komödie/Lovestory 2013 116min. Bafaro Wolf Senator Home Entertainment 10.10.2014 Bildergalerie, Trailer Wolf 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060848 Horror 2006 82min. Raymond Thiry, Chemseddine Amar, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 15.08.2014 Marwan Kenzari, Bo Maerten, Cahit Ölmez, World At War - Spielfilmbox (2 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060786 Slimane Dazi, Jacob Derwig, Bjorn Niessen Discs) (k.J.) - Dir. Jim Taihuttu Im Schatten des Triumphbogens / Zeit zu Zombies - An Undead Road Movie Making of, Featurette, Clips, Trailer leben, Zeit zu sterben / Die Leibstandarte April Apocalypse Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 118min. / The Veteran / American Marines / Flying Reece Thompson, Rebekah Brandes, Roger Capelight Pictures 26.09.2014 Tigers Bart, Brent Tarnol, Todd Stashwick, George 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060960 Sir Anthony Hopkins, Donald Pleasence, Lopez, Stephanie Hunt, Sarah Hyland, Lesley-Anne Down, Nicolas Cage, Ricky Morgan Sheppard, Mark Rolston, Wolf (Blu-ray) Tognazzi, Patrice-Flora Praxo, Ally Sheedy, Marguerite MacIntyre, Hunter Cope - Dir. Wolf Bobby Hosea, Michael Ironside, Curtis Jarret Tarnol Raymond Thiry, Chemseddine Amar, Morgan, Zan Calabretta, Jordan Brown, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Marwan Kenzari, Bo Maerten, Cahit Ölmez, John Wayne, John Carroll, Anna Lee - Dir. Horror/Komödie 2013 80min. Slimane Dazi, Jacob Derwig, Bjorn Niessen David Miller; mit John Wayne, John Caroll, KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.09.2014 - Dir. Jim Taihuttu Anne Lee 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060752 Making of, Featurette, Clips, Trailer Kriegsfilm 1942-2006 544min. Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 123min. Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Zombies - An Undead Road Movie

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(Blu-ray) Dokumentarfilm/Politik 2013 88min. April Apocalypse Special Interest Senator Home Entertainment 26.09.2014 Reece Thompson, Rebekah Brandes, Roger 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060503 Bart, Brent Tarnol, Todd Stashwick, George Beltracchi - Die Kunst der Fäl- Lopez, Stephanie Hunt, Sarah Hyland, Watermark - Wie wir das Wasser Morgan Sheppard, Mark Rolston, schung verändern und wie das Wasser Marguerite MacIntyre, Hunter Cope - Dir. Wolfgang Beltracchi, Helene Beltracchi, uns verändert (tlw. OmU) (Blu- Hendrik Hanstein - Dir. Arne Birkenstock Jarret Tarnol ray) Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Featurette Horror/Komödie 2013 84min. Dokumentarfilm/Kunst 2013 98min. Watermark KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 15.09.2014 Senator Home Entertainment 26.09.2014 Dir. Jennifer Baichwal, Edward Burtynsky 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060764 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060502 Interviews Dokumentarfilm/Politik 2013 92min. Zorro - Der blutrote Adler Beltracchi - Die Kunst der Fäl- Senator Home Entertainment 26.09.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060527 The Vigilantes Are Coming schung (Blu-ray) Robert Livingston, Kay Hughes, Guinn Wolfgang Beltracchi, Helene Beltracchi, Weekend of a Champion (OmU) Williams, Raymond Hatton, Fred Kohler Jr., Hendrik Hanstein - Dir. Arne Birkenstock Weekend Of A Champion Robert Warwick, William Farnum, Bob Featurette Jackie Stewart, Helen Stewart, Roman Pol- Kortman - Dir. Ray Taylor, Mack V. Wright Dokumentarfilm/Kunst 2013 102min. Bonusfilm „Zorro im Wilden Westen“ Senator Home Entertainment 26.09.2014 anski - Dir. Frank Simon, Roman Polanski Abenteuer/Western 1936 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060526 Dokumentarfilm 1971 min. BROKEN SILENCE(Inter-Pathé) 11.07.2014 good!movies(Arsenal) 22.08.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060792 Crystal Lake Memories - Die gan- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060536 ze Geschichte von "Freitag, Zulu (k.J.) der 13." (Blu-ray) Zulu Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete Orlando Bloom, Forest Whitaker, Conrad History Of Friday The 13th Kemp, Tanya van Graan, Patrick Lyster, Sean S. Cunningham, Kane Hodder, Tom Tinarie Van Wyk-Loots, Iman Isaacs, Savini - Dir. Daniel Farrands Roxanne Prentice, Regardt van den Bergh, 2 Discs; Trailer, Bildergalerie, Booklet Sven Ruygrok, Inge Beckmann, Joëlle Dokumentation/Film 2013 400min. Kayembe, Randall Majiet, Danny Keogh, KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 20.10.2014 Christian Bennett, Nomhle Nkonyeni, Oscar 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060942 Pietersen, Khulu M. Skenjana, Chuma Sopotela, Dean Slater, Thenjiwe Stemela, Elvis - That’s the Way It Is (Blu- Natasha Loring, Adrian Galley - Dir. Jérôme ray) Salle Elvis - That’s The Way It Is Drama/Thriller 2013 106min. Elvis Presley - Dir. Denis Sanders Studio Hamburg Enterprises 31.10.2014 Dokumentarfilm 1970-2000 97min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060722 Warner Home Video Germany 21.08.2014 Zwei Waisen im Sturm 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060635 Orphans Of The Storm IMAX: Fighter - Operation Lillian Gish, Dorothy Gish, Joseph Schild- kraut, Frank Losee, Katherine Emmett, Red Flag Morgan Wallace, Lucille la Verne, Sheldon Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag Lewis, Frank Puglia - Dir. D.W. Griffith Dir. Stephen Low Drama 1922 114min. Dokumentarfilm 2004 47min. Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) EuroVideo Medien 25.09.2014 25.07.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060889 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060684 IMAX: Fighter Pilot - Operation Zwischen Welten Red Flag (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Ronald Zehrfeld, Mohsin Ahmady, Saida Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag Barmaki, Abdul Salam Yosofzai, Felix Dir. Stephen Low Kramer, Burghart Klaußner, Pit Bukowski, Dokumentarfilm 2004 49min. Tobias Schönenberg, Roman Rien, Abdul EuroVideo Medien 25.09.2014 Sabor Rasooly, Sher Aqa, Ali Reza - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060906 Feo Aladag Drama 2013 99min. Journey to Jah Majestic Filmverleih 02.10.2014 Gentleman, Alborosie, Theresa Williams, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060791 Carolyn Cooper, Devon Gayle, Richard Stephenson, Balfour Constantin Bailey, Zwischen Welten (Blu-ray) Damian Marley - Dir. Noël Dernesch, Moritz Ronald Zehrfeld, Mohsin Ahmady, Saida Springer Barmaki, Abdul Salam Yosofzai, Felix Dokumentarfilm 2013 92min. Kramer, Burghart Klaußner, Pit Bukowski, good!movies(Zorro) 29.08.2014 Tobias Schönenberg, Roman Rien, Abdul 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060988 Sabor Rasooly, Sher Aqa, Ali Reza - Dir. Feo Aladag Watermark - Wie wir das Wasser Drama 2013 103min. verändern und wie das Wasser Majestic Filmverleih 02.10.2014 uns verändert (tlw. OmU) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060806 Watermark Dir. Jennifer Baichwal, Edward Burtynsky Interviews

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 42 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Animated Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, princess who discovers a secret door in her kingdom and enters a whimsical land filled with magical creatures and Children’s, Family, Thrillers 78min. surprises. Inside, Alexa meets Romy and Nori, a mermaid and Animation Lionsgate 07.10.2014 a fairy, who explain that a spoiled ruler named Malucia is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124033 trying to take all the magic in the land. To her surprise, Alexa 4 Film Favorites: Family has magical powers in this world, and her new friends are certain that only she can restore their magic. Discover what Adventures (Blu-ray) Alpha And Omega 2: A Howl-Day happens when Alexa finds the courage to stand up for what’s right and learns that the power of friendship is far more Helen Mirren, Catherine Keener, Miriam Adventure (DVD + UltraViolet) precious than magic. Margolyes, Theresa Randle, Forest Lindsay Torrance, Kate Higgins, Ben Diskin, Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Whitaker, , Wayne Knight, Chris Smith - Dir. Richard Rich mation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Drama, Fairy Michael Jordan, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Kate & Humphrey and their three wolf cubs (Smokey, Tales, Family, Friendships, Magic, Musical Anthony LaPaglia, Bill Hunter, Hugo Claudette and Runt) are happily preparing to celebrate their first winter holidays together when their smallest cub, Runt, 81min. Weaving, David Wenham, Anna Faris, Mark mysteriously disappears. They must now go on a new journey Universal Studios 16.09.2014 Ruffalo, Joel Edgerton, , Justin across the wilderness to find Runt before the winter 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123590 Timberlake, Charles Barkley, Essie Davis, festivities begin at home. It’s their greatest adventure yet, Tom Cavanagh, Larry Bird, Abbie Cornish, filled with both action and suspense as well as of the humor and heartwarming moments first theatrical release. : Assault On Arkham (Blu- Emily Barclay, Jim Sturgess, T.J. Miller, While their adventure does not go exactly as planned, in the Andrew Daly, Max Records - Dir. Joe end Kate & Humphrey discover that „Home is where the ray) Pytka, Spike Jonze, Zack Snyder, Eric Family Is.“ When the government teams up a group of super villains with Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, the code name Suicide Squad and forces them to break into Brevig Animated Feature Films, Animation, Arkham Asylum to bring back top secret information the Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Riddler has stolen, Batman soon becomes involved. But things Children’s, Family, Thrillers 78min. Based On TV Show, , Blu-ray, go from bad to worse when one of the Squad () Lionsgate 07.10.2014 frees the Joker, who has the means to not only blow up the Book-To-Film, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124032 asylum, but most of Gotham City as well. Giant Monsters!, Kidnapping, Monsters, Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Movies, Science Fiction, Sports min. Crime, Movies, Superheroes min. Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 Amazon Jack Warner Bros. 12.08.2014 Animated. The world’s rarest and cutest creature lives 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123897 happily on a peaceful island with his best friend. But when a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123726 greedy millionaire puts out a reward for finding the creature, : The Complete he must leave his home, evade capture and outwit the tycoon Beware : Dark before he ends up in a zoo for good. Fourth Season Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Justice Jeremy Shada, John DiMaggio, Hynden Danish, Family, Foreign, Movies, Musical JB Blanc, Anthony Ruivivar Walch min. The groundbreaking all-new CGI animated series returns. It’s one crazy adventure after another for human boy, Finn, Peace Arch Entertainment 12.08.2014 Batman, Alfred and swordstress Katana are back to take on and his best friend, Jake, a 28-year old dog with magical the underworld likes of Anarky, Professor Pyg, Mister Toad powers. They’re out to have the most fun possible and they 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123697 and Magpie. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, this sure do find it exploring the Land of Ooo! Whether it’s saving action-packed detective thriller deftly redefines what we have Princess Bubblegum, battling zombie candy, taunting the Ice Baka And Test: Season 1 come to know as a „Batman show.“ King or rocking out with Marceline the Vampire Queen, with Action, Adventure, Animation, Cartoon Finn & Jake it’s always Adventure Time! This fun and crazy release from the comic anime series Baka And Test includes all 13 episodes of the show, following the Network, Superheroes, Television 286min. Adventure, Animation, , story of Yoshii, a class clown who goes to a school where Warner Bros. 30.09.2014 Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Television instead of engaging in schoolyard fights, kids with a bone to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123517 286min. pick summon tiny avatars to fight it out for them. Animation, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 Beyblade: The Classic First 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123764 Japanese, Romance, Television 2011 325min. Season Adventure Time: The Complete 02.09.2014 Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123985 Family, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Fourth Season (Blu-ray + Television min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Baka And Test: Season 2 Cinedigm 12.08.2014 Jeremy Shada, John DiMaggio, Hynden This frenetic release from the wacky anime series Baka And 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123640 Walch Test offers all 13 episodes of the show’s second season, It’s one crazy adventure after another for human boy, Finn, following the story of Yoshii, a class clown who goes to a Beyblade: The Classic First and his best friend, Jake, a 28-year old dog with magical school where instead of engaging in schoolyard fights, kids powers. They’re out to have the most fun possible and they with a bone to pick summon tiny avatars to fight it out for them. Season - Volume 1 Animation, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, sure do find it exploring the Land of Ooo! Whether it’s saving Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, Princess Bubblegum, battling zombie candy, taunting the Ice Japanese, Romance, Television 2011 Family, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, King or rocking out with Marceline the Vampire Queen, with 325min. Finn & Jake it’s always Adventure Time! Television min. Funimation 02.09.2014 Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Cartoon Cinedigm 12.08.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123986 Network, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Tele- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123641 vision 286min. Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 Barbie: The Secret Door : Box Set 22 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123772 It’s the ultimate fairytale musical! Barbie stars as Alexa, a shy princess who discovers a secret door in her kingdom and Michelle Ruff, , Stepha- enters a whimsical land filled with magical creatures and nie Sheh - Dir. Noriyuki Abe Alpha And Omega 2: A Howl-Day surprises. Inside, Alexa meets Romy and Nori, a mermaid and Ichigo returns from Hueco Mundo at last to battle Aizen. But Adventure (Blu-ray + DVD + a fairy, who explain that a spoiled ruler named Malucia is in the face of Aizen’s overwhelming power, Ichigo begins to trying to take all the magic in the land. To her surprise, Alexa lose his will to fight. The Thirteen Court Guard Squads are UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) has magical powers in this world, and her new friends are there to support him, and along with the Visoreds they launch certain that only she can restore their magic. Discover what a full-scale attack. Even Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto Lindsay Torrance, Kate Higgins, Ben Diskin, happens when Alexa finds the courage to stand up for what’s joins , attempting to incinerate Aizen in a blazing Chris Smith - Dir. Richard Rich right and learns that the power of friendship is far more inferno. But is anything enough to stop the Soul Society’s Kate & Humphrey and their three wolf cubs (Smokey, precious than magic. ultimate foe? Claudette and Runt) are happily preparing to celebrate their Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Adventure, Animation, Anime, Boxed Sets, first winter holidays together when their smallest cub, Runt, mation, Children’s, Drama, Fairy Tales, mysteriously disappears. They must now go on a new journey Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, across the wilderness to find Runt before the winter Family, Friendships, Magic, Musical 81min. Japanese, Television min. festivities begin at home. It’s their greatest adventure yet, Universal Studios 16.09.2014 Viz Entertainment 30.09.2014 filled with both action and suspense as well as plenty of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123566 humor and heartwarming moments first theatrical release. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123766 While their adventure does not go exactly as planned, in the end Kate & Humphrey discover that „Home is where the Barbie: The Secret Door (Blu-ray Blood Lad: The Complete Series Family Is.“ Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Action, Animation, Comedy, Drama, It’s the ultimate fairytale musical! Barbie stars as Alexa, a shy Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, International TV,

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Japanese, Television 240min. contains rare first editions of some of the world’s best-known 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123731 children’s books. Nat has no interest in reading and hasn’t Viz Entertainment 02.09.2014 bothered to learn how; he feels like he’s been gypped, and 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123987 lets his folks sell the collection to the mysterious Mr. Pickall : Roarsome in order to pay for repairs to their home. But Nat learns there’s more to the library than he thought when suddenly the Tales Blood Lad: The Complete Series characters come to life and tell him that unless he can read a The only thing cuddlier than a Hugglemonster may be a (Blu-ray) magical incantation printed in one of the books, the characters monsterpet, so get ready to discover the most huggable, will vanish and their stories will be for all time. After an snuggable little critters ever to bark, swim or chirp. Join in Action, Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Drama, encounter with a devious witch, Nat is transported to the the fun as Henry shares everyday adventures with his loving Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, International TV, world of the fairytale characters, and in cahoots with Alice family, his good friends and a delightful array of monsterrific From Wonderland and The White Rabbit, he looks for a way pet pals. Celebrate the birthday of Beckett, Henry’s loyal Japanese, Television 240min. to rescue the books from Mr. Pickall and keep the stories monsterdog; meet Sneez-O, an adorable beastie with a Viz Entertainment 02.09.2014 alive. trumpety beak who helps Henry learn a valuable lesson about 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124003 Animation, Children’s, Family, Foreign, taking good care of pets, and visit Rainbow Falls, where a real-life game of „go fish“ soon turns into an amazing case of French, Movies 2009 80min. „Grow fish!“ Bursting with over two hours of surprises, Henry The Boxcar Children Cinedigm 12.08.2014 Hugglemonster: Roarsome Tales just might become your little Animation, Fantasy, Movies, Science 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123628 „’s“ new best friend! Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Fiction min. Family, Friendships, Monsters, Preschool Peace Arch Entertainment 19.08.2014 Freezing: The Complete First 132min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123830 Season (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) Disney / Buena Vista 26.08.2014 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123789 DC Super Villians Justice tional TV, Japanese, Science, Television League: Masterminds Of Crime 300min. Justin & The Knights Of Valor Funimation 05.08.2014 A collection of bad guys who are powerful and audacious Antonio Banderas - Dir. Manuel Sicilia enough to challenge the . These villains are 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123651 not just threats to one super team, but the entire DC Uni- Freddie Highmore (Finding Neverland), Mark Strong, Saoirse verse! Featuring super villains from Lex Luthor, to Ronan, Antonio Banderas, Olivia Williams. Join the Darkseid. Garfield Show: A Cat’s Best unlikeliest of heroes and his friends on the journey of a Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, lifetime that promises oodles of magic, heaps of fun...and a Friend flamethrowing crocodile! Monsters, Superheroes 286min. Animated Animals, Animation, Based On A Adventure, Animation, Coming-Of-Age, Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 Comic Strip, Comedy, , Family, Foreign, Movies 2013 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123780 Family, Television 2014 74min. Anderson Merchandisers 22.07.2014 Cinedigm 29.07.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123494 Doc McStuffins: School Of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123865 Medicine Justin & The Knights Of Valor Drop by Doc McStuffins’ School Of Medicine for five song- : Even Stranger (Blu-ray) tastic episodes about staying happy and healthy, whether you’re a girl, a boy... or a toy! Share the fun as Doc teaches The mystery mounts, the plot thickens and the quirkiness Antonio Banderas - Dir. Manuel Sicilia the toys how to patch themselves up when they’re down, and quadruples in Even Stranger - the second volume of hilarious Freddie Highmore (Finding Neverland), Mark Strong, Saoirse shows them how visiting the , seeing an optometrist and tales from the #1 hot spot for supernatural hijinks: Gravity Ronan, Antonio Banderas, Olivia Williams. Join the even getting an X-ray can work wonders! Banish the blurries Falls. Tag along on the adventures of 12-year-old twins unlikeliest of heroes and his friends on the journey of a as you help Professor Hootsburgh choose the perfect pair of Dipper and Mabel Pines as they inch ever closer to bringing lifetime that promises oodles of magic, heaps of fun...and a glasses, get soccer star Johnny Foosball back in the game, the town’s deep, if not-so-dark, secrets to light. Free the flamethrowing crocodile! and fix a friendly bath-time shark’s cracked tooth. The, when eighth-and-a-half president of the U.S. from a „prison“ of solid Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Coming-Of- Doc sprains her ankle, join the toys as they rush to her peanut brittle, unravel the fabric of the universe with a time rescue. But don’t worry: With rest, patience, and plenty of machine disguised as a tape measure, and much more in Age, Family, Foreign, Movies 2013 90min. cuddles, she’s back on her feet before you can say, „The Doc nearly three hours of freaky, fantastical fun! Of course, Anderson Merchandisers 22.07.2014 is in!“ Dipper and Mabel’s enigmatic „Grunkle“ Stan just might be the to solving the riddles of Gravity Falls. He obviously 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123520 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, knows more than he’s willing to tell - or does he...? Children’s / Educational, Doctors & Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Knight Rusty Medicine, Educational, Family, Friendships, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Mystery 176min. Embark on an adventure like no other with a very special Preschool 110min. Disney / Buena Vista 26.08.2014 knight in this imaginative animated family film! Rusty lives Disney / Buena Vista 09.09.2014 with his dragon Cole and faithful friend Bo in the kingdom of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123790 Scrapland, a magical world completely made of scrap-metal. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123788 With dreams of winning the great knights’ tournament, Rusty Gumball And Friends acquires a speedy engine for his horse Chopper that propels Dragon Ball Z: Season 6 (Blu-ray) them into first place. But when the engine turns out to be The Amazing World of Gumball features one hilarious episode stolen from ambitious Prince Novel, brave Rusty must redeem Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Interna- after another for Gumball and his friends. Gumball’s world is his knightly honor, save the kingdom and prove that true pretty run-of-the-mill. He’s chased around school by a T-Rex. friends always stick together. tional TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Television He has a friend named Anton who’s a piece of toast. He’s got min. a crush on Penny, a peanut with antlers. His dad is a 6’4" Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Funimation 05.08.2014 bunny. His mom works at a Rainbow Factory. And his brother Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Friendships, is a goldfish named Darwin. Yup, everything looks perfectly Horses, Magic, Royalty 84min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123652 normal here. This DVD is packed with 12 funny episodes from Season 1 and more all ready to keep you laughing. Universal Studios 14.10.2014 Dragons: Gift Of The Night Fury Animated Animals, Animation, Cartoon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124048 Network, Children’s, Comedy, Family, Tele- (Blu-ray) Lalaloopsy Babies: First Steps The Dragons are back in the exciting next chapter to the vision 132min. Academy Award-nominated film, How To Train Your Dragon. Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 (DVD + UltraViolet) The epic story of Hiccup and Toothless continues as they 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124051 Join the Lalaloopsy friends for this sew sweet movie about take flight in a thrilling, all-new adventure to discover an their first adventures together! After they discover an old island of never=before-seen dragons. Explosive action and scrapbook filled with photos and mementos from when they fire-breathing excitement collide in this exhilarating Heaven’s Lost Property: Season were babies, the friends reminisce about their nursery days. DreamWorks Dragons story. Two (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- They realize how those early adventures helped to shape Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, their personalities and develop their interests - and how much Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, ray) the friends and the pets mean to each other - in this delightful, Fantasy, Movies 2011 min. This fantastical release from the romantic anime series fun-filled movie that Lalaloopsy fans will treasure! Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Anderson Merchandisers 27.05.2014 Heaven’s Lost Property includes all 12 episodes of the show’s second season, following the story of a guy Children’s, Family, Friendships, Preschool 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123811 named Tomoki Sakurai, who happens to be there when an angelic being named Ikaros, who vows to become his personal min. servant. Lionsgate 14.10.2014 Eleanor’s Secret Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124040 A young boy learns about the power of the written word in this fantasy from French animator Dominique Monfery. When their Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, offbeat Aunt Eleanor passes away, two children are willed Japanese, Robots / Androids, Television Leapfrog: Letter Factory gifts from her estate. Angelica is given an antique doll, while 2012 300min. Adventures Lemonade - Counting Nat receives the keys to his aunt’s secret library, which Funimation 12.08.2014

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On (DVD + UltraViolet) get going so Pororo and his friends hitch a ride to Northpia to Shippuden: Volume 19 participate in the race. But to win, they must compete against Jillian Michaels, Kathleen Barr the former champions, The White Tigers, the win at all cost As the Leaf Village prepares for war, each shinobi and clan Turn lemons into learning fun on a math-filled adventure! Tad, Brown , and numerous other teams. must contemplate the role they will play in the battles to come. Lily, Leap and friends stir up lots of learning fun when they Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, While Naruto’s peers seek training from surprising sources, decide to sell lemonade and use their earnings to buy new Naruto himself must confront both his biggest weakness and books for the library. With the help of Cousin Toad, Matilda, Animation, Auto Racing, Children’s, Family, Greatest strength - the Nine-Tailed Fox. To reach optimum Quigley, and Burfder, the twins apply their new skills in Racing 120min. power, Naruto must learn to control the beast within him so he counting, addition, and subtraction to their new venture of seeks help from the one person who has mastered just that, Lionsgate 07.10.2014 Killer Bee! But the Jinchuriki of Eight Tails wants nothing to making the most delicious lemonade ever! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124018 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, do with training Naruto! Includes 13 Episodes (232-244) Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Children’s / Educational, Family, Music, Based On Comic Book, Fantasy, Foreign, Preschool, Television min. The Magic School Bus: Space International TV, Japanese, Science Lionsgate 09.09.2014 Adventures (with Book) Fiction, Television, Thrillers 2002 300min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123926 Three otherworldly Magic School Bus episodes are the contents of this collection from the animated children’s series. Viz Entertainment 08.07.2014 Episodes included are ‘Out of This World,’ ‘Taking Flight,’ 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123557 The Legend Of Sarila and ‘The Magic School Bus Gets Lost in Space.’ Please see Dustin Milligan, Tim Rozon, Rachelle individual titles for synopsis. Animation, Children’s, Children’s / Over The Hedge / Lefevre, Genevieve Bujold, Christopher Educational, Science Fiction, Space 2002 William Shatner, Martin Scorsese, Michael Plummer, Elisapie Isaac - Dir. Nancy 78min. Imperioli, Angelina Jolie, , Nick Florence Savard Three youths must face overwhelming obstacles and brave Cinedigm 12.08.2014 Nolte, Bruce Willis, Thomas Haden Church, numerous dangers to save their community from starvation in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123632 , Renee Zellweger, Eugene Levy, their search for a legendary land. Garry Shandling, Allison Janney, Doug E. Adventure, Animation, Canadian, Family, The Magic School Bus: Takes A Doug, Vincent Pastore, Jack Black, Ziggy Foreign, Movies 2013 82min. Marley, Wanda Sykes, Avril Lavigne, Ro- Peace Arch Entertainment 01.07.2014 Dive (DVD + Book) Welcome aboard the Magic School Bus! Are you ready for a bert De Niro, Katie Couric, - 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123575 wild ride? Grab a seat and hang on for three episodes of the Dir. Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick, Bibo Emmy award-winning animated science-adventure series Bergeron, Vicky Jenson Legends Of Oz: Dorothy’s Return based on the best-selling books. Goes To Mussel Beach Over the Hedge In DreamWorks’ smash-hit comedy, these Topic: Tidal Zone Ms. Frizzle’s Uncle Shelby wants the class hungry critters go over the hedge to take a bite out of Kelsey Grammar, Dan Akroyd, , to look after his „luxurious“ beachfront property. Gets Suburbia. Plus, check out the Mini-Movie Hammy’s Jim Belushi, , Martin Short Swamped Topic: Wetlands Should Walkerville get rid of the Boomerang Adventure... It’s the funniest, furriest four minutes Kids of all ages will love this musical, animated journey back swamp and replace it with a new shopping mall? The class you’ll ever see. Shark Tale, a comic catch from the studio that to the magical world of Oz that features a legendary cast, learns that the swamp is an important habitat. Takes A Dive brought you , Shark Tale is a hilarious hit and „a including Lea Michele from TV’s , Dan Akroyd, Martin Topic: Coral Reefs When Wanda discovers that one of Ms. wonderful under-the-sea adventure for movie lovers of all Short, Jim Belushi, Patrick Stewart, Kelsey Grammar and Frizzle’s ancestors was Redbeard the Pirate, she wants to ages!“ (Clay Smith, Access Hollywood) Oscar (Will Smith), a more. A devious new villain, the Jester, rules over Oz and follow the treasure map he left. lowly tongue-scrubber at the local Whale Wash, becomes an Dorothy must return from Kansas to rescue her old friends: Adventure, Animation, Children’s, improbable hero when he tells a great white lie. To keep his the Lion, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man. Set to irresistible Children’s / Educational, Family, Fantasy, secret, Oscar teams up with an outcast vegetarian shark, new songs from Academy Award-nominated singer/songwriter Lenny (Jack Black), and the two become the most unlikely of and featuring a host of delightful new Teachers, Television 2012 104min. friends. When his lie begins to unravel, it’s up to Oscar’s characters, this animated return to Oz is sure to be a family- Cinedigm 22.07.2014 loyal friend Angie (Renee Zellweger) and Lenny to help him favorite filled with fun and laughs for generations to come! tba BestellNr.: 40123958 stand up to the most feared shark in the water (Robert De Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Niro) and find his true place in the reef. Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated Feature Films, Animation, Children’s, Family, Mononoke: The Complete Series Friendships, Magic, Monsters, Musical Animals, Animated Feature Films, Animati- Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, 88min. on, Children’s, Comedy, Double Features, Japanese, Television min. 20th Century Fox 26.08.2014 Family, Mobsters & The Mafia, Sharks Cinedigm 15.07.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123761 173min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123800 DreamWorks 14.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124043 Legends Of Oz: Dorothy’s Return Monster High: Freaky Fusion (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- While attempting to help Frankie Stein learn more about her PAW Patrol: Winter Rescues ray) freakycool scaritage, the fashionably fierce ghoulfriends travel back in time to the first day ever of Monster High! PAW Patrol is on a roll - even through the ice and snow - in Kelsey Grammar, Dan Akroyd, Lea Michele, There, they meet Sparky, a skullastic teen with an obsession these 7 wintery missions, including a double-length adventure for creating life. But when Sparky follows the ghouls through to save Christmas! From a ski-lift rescue to tracking down a Jim Belushi, Patrick Stewart, Martin Short snow monster, no job is too big and no pup is too small. Plus, Kids of all ages will love this musical, animated journey back a killer time portal to modern-day Monster High, the event results in eight of them fusing together into four creeperiffic see how Rubble first joined the team by helping out in a to the magical world of Oz that features a legendary cast, snowy situation! including Lea Michele from TV’s Glee, Dan Akroyd, Martin hybrid Monsters. Now, they’ll really have to work together to Short, Jim Belushi, Patrick Stewart, Kelsey Grammar and control their bodies in the big Bitecentennial Play and stop Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, more. A devious new villain, the Jester, rules over Oz and one of Sparky’s experiments from destroying imperfectly Children’s, Christmas, Family, Holidays, Dorothy must return from Kansas to rescue her old friends: perfect Monster High! Television 92min. Animation, Children’s, Family, Friendships, the Lion, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man. Set to irresistible 07.10.2014 new songs from Academy Award-nominated singer/songwriter High School, Monsters 74min. Bryan Adams and featuring a host of delightful new 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123885 characters, this animated return to Oz is sure to be a family- Universal Studios 30.09.2014 favorite filled with fun and laughs for generations to come! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123882 Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, Pokemon 4Ever Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, Monster High: Freaky Fusion (Blu- Rachael Lillis, Ikue Ootani, Veronica Taylor, Eric Stuart - Dir. Jim Malone, Kunihiko Friendships, Magic, Monsters, Musical ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 88min. Yuyama While attempting to help Frankie Stein learn more about her In order to escape a greedy Pokemon huneter, Celebi must 20th Century Fox 26.08.2014 freakycool scaritage, the fashionably fierce ghoulfriends use the last of its energy to travel through time to present day. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123769 travel back in time to the first day ever of Monster High! Celebi brings along Sammy, a boy who had been trying to There, they meet Sparky, a skullastic teen with an obsession protect it. Along with Ash, Pikachu, and the rest of the gang, for creating life. But when Sparky follows the ghouls through Sammy and Celebi encounter an enemy far more advanced The Little : Poror’s a killer time portal to modern-day Monster High, the event than the hunter left behind in the past. This new enemy Racing Adventure (DVD + results in eight of them fusing together into four creeperiffic possesess a Pokeball called a „Dark Ball“, which transforms hybrid Monsters. Now, they’ll really have to work together to the Pokemon it captures into evil and far stronger creatures. UltraViolet) control their bodies in the big Bitecentennial Play and stop When Celebi is captured, the fate of the entire forest is one of Sparky’s experiments from destroying imperfectly threatened. let Pokemon 4Ever trasnport you to a world of Jerry Trainor, Drake Bell, , perfect Monster High! adventure as Ash, Suicune and the rest take action to save Anthony Anderson, Rob Schneider, Jay Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, the day. Mohr Friendships, High School, Monsters 74min. Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Curious little penguin Pororo and his friends accidentally Universal Studios 30.09.2014 mation, Based On TV Show, Children’s, cause an airplane to make an emergency landing at their village. After giving the villagers lessons in ice sled racing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123894 Family, Friendships, Monsters 80min. and passing on the championship spirit, the plane’s crew must Lionsgate 07.10.2014

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17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124035 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, International TV, Japanese, Science Comedy, Family 80min. Fiction, Supernatural & Paranormal, Televi- Pokemon: Heroes Universal Studios 14.10.2014 sion 600min. Madeleine Blaustein, Rachael Lillis, Ikue 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124047 Funimation 01.07.2014 Ootani, Veronica Taylor, Eric Stuart - Dir. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123591 Jim Malone, Kunihiko Yuyama Scooby-Doo On Zombie Island In a magical water city of canals and mazes; Ash, Pikachu and Get ready for far-out fun in Scooby-Doo’s feature-length / the rest of the gang face off against a slick pair of thieves animated movie. Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne and who plan to steal and awesome and dangerous jewel guarded Fred reunite to solve the most frightfully funny mystery of Aron Warner, Guillermo Del Toro, Billy Bob by Latios and latias. To save the city from total destruction, their careers. The scream team’s headed to a haunted bayou Thornton, John Cleese, Rupert Everett, our heroes must defeat the evil duo and overcome impossible island to investigate the ghost of Moonscar the Pirate. But it , Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers, obstacles... but time is running out. turns out the swashbuckler’s spirit isn’t the only creepy Constance Marie, Salma Hayek, Antonio Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- character on the island. The sleuths also meet up with cat Banderas, Mike Mitchell, Jennifer mation, Based On TV Show, Children’s, creatures and zombies... and it looks like for the first time in their lives these ghouls might actually be real. Just as things Saunders, Zach Galifianakis, Amy Sedaris Family, Fantasy, Friendships 71min. start to get really spooky, Scooby and Shaggy save the day - Dir. Chris Miller, Andrew Adamson, Kelly Lionsgate 07.10.2014 with a little help from a surprisingly spooky source. Scooby- Doo On Zombie Island is the most hilarious Scooby adventure Asbury 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124036 of all time that dishes up equal portions of music, laughs, Shrek 2, happily ever after never seemed so far far away thrills and chills. Bonus Disc: Scooby-Doo! and the Zombies when a trip to meet the in-laws turns into another hilariously Primates Of The Seven Seas Smile and say „ciao!“ The phantom-busters travel to Italy in twisted adventure for Shrek and Fiona. With the help of his Pompeii and Circumstance. With a colossal mystery to solve, faithful steed Donkey, Shrek takes on a potion-brewing Fairy John Littlerocks, Rachael Zinn, JJ Lewis, will our friends be ghoulish gladiator goners, or will their Godmother, the pompous Prince Charming, and the famed Anthony Jenkins - Dir. Jan Rahbek love for Italian art and Scooby Snax save the day? Then it’s ogre-killer, Puss In Boots, a ferocious feline foe who’s really When a charming tycoon builds a gigantic monkey-shaped off to the City by the Bay for the Gri just a pussycat at heart! Puss in Boots, you loved him in casino on his beloved resort, dedicated beach officer Marco Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Shrek... now see where the one-and-only swashbuckling uncovers a diabolical plan to take over the island and Comedy, Family, Friendships, Ghosts, Mon- feline found his fame - and a very big pair of boots - in the monkey-nap its residents. Fearless and determined, our „hilariously funny“ (Associated Press) animated epic! Lover, unlikely hero must join forces with a motley crew of monkey sters, Mystery, Thrillers, Zombies 131min. fighter and outlaw Puss In Boots (Antonio Banderas) is off on pirates and set out on an action-packed rescue mission filled Warner Bros. 14.10.2014 the adventure of his nine lives as he teams up with Kitty with cannonballs, ray guns, and a sea monster and giant robot 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124052 Softpaws (Salma Hayek) and Humpty Dumpty (Zach clash of epic proportions. Get ready to go overboard with the Galifianakis) for the ultimate showdown with the notorious wildest, craziest, zaniest primates this side of the Caribbean! Jack and Jill (Billy Bob Thornton and Amy Sedaris). Here’s Scooby-Doo!: Frankencreepy the true story of The Cat, The Myth, The Legend - Puss In Adventure, Animation, Movies, Pirates 2012 Boots! 72min. Scooby-Doo and those „meddling kids“ Shaggy, Fred, Daphne and Velma are back in this all-new original movie! Velma Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Peace Arch Entertainment 08.07.2014 discovers she’s inherited her great-great-uncle Dr. Von Feature Films, Animation, Children’s, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123581 Dinkenstein’s cursed castle in the terrifying town of Comedy, Double Features, Fairy Tales, Transylvania... , that is. Just when the Gang persuades Velma to go claim her inheritance, the ghost of Family, Fantasy, Friendships, Magic 182min. : The Complete Dinkenstein Castle blows up the Mystery Machine as a DreamWorks 14.10.2014 First Season (Blu-ray + warning! Now the Crew must spring back into action, but this 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124045 time it’s personal! Who’s responsible for the Dinkenstein UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) monster? What family secret has Velma been hiding? Will Fred recover from the loss of his beloved Mystery Machine? Shuriken School: The Complete Spencer Grammer, Brandon Johnson, Tom Can any helpless snack survive Scooby and Shaggy’s Kenny, Chris Parnell, Kari Wahlgren, Sarah monster-sized appetites? This Scooby-Doo adventure has Series Chalke enough spooky fun to make the whole family come alive! Adventure, Animation, Anime, Comedy, From comedic masterminds Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Foreign, French 2006 min. comes Rick and Morty: The Complete First Season Blu-ray Family, Ghosts, Horror, Mystery, Thrillers and DVD. ’s newest series follows the adventures Cinedigm 12.08.2014 of mad scientist Rick Sanchez, who returns after 20 years to 74min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123631 live with his daughter, her husband, and their children Morty Warner Bros. 19.08.2014 and Summer. All 11 episodes of the hilariously frantic comedy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123516 will be available on Blu-ray and DVD, featuring a unique slip : The Complete case designed by the show creators themselves. Seventeenth Season Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Cartoon Scooby-Doo!: Frankencreepy Mona Marshall, Issac Hayes, , Network, Comedy, Mad Scientists & Deadly (Blu-ray) Doctors, Science Fiction, Television 2013 Animated Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, All ten episodes from South Park’s epic 17th season are 242min. Children’s, Family, Ghosts, Horror, Mystery, stuffed into this exclusive two-disc set. Join Stan, Kyle, Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 Cartman and Princess Kenny as they infiltrate the NSA, Thrillers min. thwart patient zero, tame some strange and fight in the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123898 Warner Bros. 19.08.2014 greatest battle of their young, hot lives. Throw in some big 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123857 floppy never-before-seen deleted scenes to dangle in your DC Comics face and you’ve got a box set that will make everyone jelly. Yummy yummy! Special 2: Villains In Paradise Senran Kagura: Ninja Flash! - Animation, Comedy, , Tele- Robot Chicken has fun with the DC Comics universe once Limited Edition (Blu-ray) vision 220min. again, but this time around, the villains take charge of the narrative, and their unpredictable tale takes them from the Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Comedy Central 16.09.2014 swamps to the sky to the beach, where they finally face a International TV, Japanese, Martial Arts 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123562 mind-boggling threat to their very existence! Releasing on DVD, the latest special features extraordinary guest stars, 300min. plus hilarious special features. Funimation 29.07.2014 South Park: The Complete Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123526 Seventeenth Season (Blu-ray) mation, Cartoon Network, Comedy, Dark Mona Marshall, Issac Hayes, Matt Stone, Comedy, Spoofs & Parodies, Superheroes, Shakugan No Shana: Season Two Trey Parker Television min. - Repackage (Blu-ray + DVD Com- All ten episodes from South Park’s epic 17th season are Warner Bros. 14.10.2014 stuffed into this exclusive two-disc set. Join Stan, Kyle, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124055 bo) (Blu-ray) Cartman and Princess Kenny as they infiltrate the NSA, Season II: The Next Chapter in the Scorching Saga! From the thwart patient zero, tame some strange and fight in the studio and director behind Slayer comes the iconic series greatest battle of their young, hot lives. Throw in some big Rooster Doodle-Doo centered around the heated bond and supernatural battles of floppy never-before-seen deleted scenes to dangle in your two friends from two very different worlds. The heated bond face and you’ve got a box set that will make everyone jelly. Get ready for fun, feathers and a fantastic good time with the Yummy yummy! whimsical tale Rooster-Doodle-Doo. Journey to a charming between Shana and Yuji is tested as their paranormal and delightful village, where everyone begins their days adventures continue. The Flame Haze fends off supernatural Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Comedy before dawn, thanks to the town’s punctual (and loud!) foes by night. By day, she contends with a classmate who’s Central, Television 220min. rooster. But when some of the locals begin to resent the also after Yuji’s heart. Emotions flare as a suspicious transfer Comedy Central 16.09.2014 boisterous bird’s early morning racket, they hatch a scheme to student who resembles a recently defeated Denizen clings to get rid of him. Can the community join together and find a Yuji. His training rises in intensity when they catch wind of a 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123586 solution to their problem? Find out in this entertaining revered warrior in search of her lost lover - who will stop at animated comedy that will have the whole family laughing - nothing to extract the power keeping Yuji alive! Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Best and maybe even crowing! Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign,

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Friends Friendships, Mystery, Preschool 62min. It’s friends first for Strawberry Shortcake and her favorite gal Universal Studios 16.09.2014 Transformers: Cybertron - The pals in Berry Best Friends! When Orange Blossom’s general 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123568 store overflows with a new line of fruits and veggies, she Complete Series tries to handle all of the details without any help from others, Action, Animation, Children’s, Giant Robots, and, as a result, she’s exhausted! Strawberry is excited to be Thomas & Friends: Tale Of The building a new marketplace, but has a tough time learning how Science Fiction, Television min. to graciously say, „no, thank you.“ Both soon learn that talking Brave (Blu-ray + DVD + Shout Factory 05.08.2014 about what you need is the berry best thing to do. When the UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123511 BFFs form a new band called Strawberry and the Sweet Beats, they’re all jazzed to head out on the road...except After a monstrous storm on the Island of Sodor, a landslide Orange, who is afraid to admit that she doesn’t want to leave unearths some very unusual footprints. Thomas and Percy are : The Complete home. Once she tells her friends how she feels, she’s ready eager to find out what could have made these marks but to set out for a rockin’ good time! obstacles and danger seem to appear around every bend in Collection Animation, Children’s, Family, Friendships, the track. With the help of new friends, a little digging and a This release from the whimsical dark and sexy anime series heap of courage, they discover the surprising answer and, Vampire Knight includes all 13 episodes of the show, Preschool, Television 66min. along the way, uncover the true meaning of bravery. following the students of the Cross Academy, where Yuki and 20th Century Fox 16.09.2014 Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Zero watch over the Disciplinary Committee guard a careful 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123873 Family, Friendships, Mystery, Preschool secret about the school’s night classes - that they’re entirely 62min. populated by vampires. Animation, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Universal Studios 16.09.2014 Team Hot Wheels: Origin Of Japanese, Romance, Television, Vampires 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123593 Awesome! 2011 min. In the slowest town in the world, four lucky kids are about the Viz Entertainment 29.07.2014 discover that life is better...in the fast lane! Gage, Wyatt, Toaru Kagaku No Railgun: A Brandon and Rhett are seriously skilled racers and together 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123506 they become Team Hot Wheels! When a mysterious black car Certain Scientific Railgun - roars into their town, it creates an incredible orange track Season Two Part One Wheels On The Bus: A Day At The wherever it goes, but is also creates insane transformations and rampaging monsters. Team Hot Wheels must discover Something sinister is growing in Academy City. The shadows Farm their true inner races, confront the Mutant Machines, navigate are filled with whispers of a project to clone one of the super- chaotic track, learn to work together and race to save their powered students known as Espers. High-ranking master of Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, town! electricity Mikoto Misaka laughs off these stories until she Preschool, Puppets 2013 min. comes face to face with a copy of herself. The duplicates are Action, Adventure, Animation, Auto Racing, real and are being mass-produced from Misaka’s DNA, E1 Entertainment 03.06.2014 Cars & Motorcycles, Children’s, Family, making each one of them a little piece of her. These clones - 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123485 Friendships, Monsters, Racing 78min. her sisters - are being systematically murdered in a series of experiments designed to turn a sadistic killer into the Universal Studios 30.09.2014 strongest esper in history. Misaka vows to save her copies Woody Woodpecker And Friends: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123883 and destroy the project, but this might be fight she can’t win Halloween Favorites alone. High-energy battles and intense action explode in this continuation of the Railgun series from the creator of A It’s time for crazy tricks and treats with everyone’s favorite Team Hot Wheels: Origin Of Certain Magical Index. wacky red-headed bird! Created by renowned cartoonist Walter Lantz, the Woody Woodpecker and Friends Halloween Awesome! (Blu-ray + DVD + Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Interna- Favorites collection includes 7 spooky cartoon adventures UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- featuring Woody Woodpecker and his friends Chilly Willy, vision 300min. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Wally Walrus, Buzz Buzzard and In the slowest town in the world, four lucky kids are about the more. It’s non-stop fun the whole family will enjoy every discover that life is better...in the fast lane! Gage, Wyatt, Funimation 01.07.2014 Halloween! Brandon and Rhett are seriously skilled racers and together 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123573 they become Team Hot Wheels! When a mysterious black car Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, roars into their town, it creates an incredible orange track Comedy, Family, Friendships 79min. wherever it goes, but is also creates insane transformations Toaru Kagaku No Railgun: A Universal Studios 02.09.2014 and rampaging monsters. Team Hot Wheels must discover their true inner races, confront the Mutant Machines, navigate Certain Scientific Railgun - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123676 chaotic track, learn to work together and race to save their Season Two Part Two town! Woody Woodpecker And Friends: Action, Adventure, Animation, Auto Racing, Action, Adventure, Animation, Foreign, In- Blu-ray, Cars & Motorcycles, Children’s, ternational TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Holiday Favorites Television min. Everyone’s favorite wacky, red-headed bird is back to spread Family, Friendships, Monsters, Racing good cheer to the whole family this holiday season! Created 78min. Funimation 19.08.2014 by renowned cartoonist Walter Lantz, the Woody Universal Studios 30.09.2014 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123832 Woodpecker and Friends Holiday Favorites collection includes 7 memorable cartoon adventures featuring Woody 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123895 Woodpecker and his friends Chilly Willy, Wally Walrus, Tom And Jerry: Santa’s Little Buzz Buzzard and more. It’s non-stop fun and laughs the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Helpers family will enjoy every year! Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Season One It’s going to be a wild winter with your favorite cat and mouse as Tom & Jerry are back in this new 2-Disc collection of their Christmas, Family, Friendships, Holidays Hoon Lee, Nolan North, Jason Biggs, Kevin most wonderful wintertime hits! Included in this compilation is 83min. Michael Richardson, Greg Cipes, Rob Paul- the all-new holiday special, Santa’s Little Helpers. Jerry is living the good life in Santa’s workshop, until the day Tom is Universal Studios 07.10.2014 sen, Mae Whitman, Sean Astin rescued by the Clause family. With Tom in the house, it’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124050 Get ready to relive all the non-stop ninja action in this 4-disc merry mayhem at the North Pole, but when the dust settles can set including all 26 episodes from the first season, and the destructive duo work together to save Christmas and awesome special features! Join the four crime-fighting learn the true meaning of friendship? The laughs continue with Wrinkles brothers Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo as 29 more adventures as Tom & Jerry encounter The Abominable George Coe, Martin Sheen, Matthew they take down robotic kraangdroids, mutated villains, and the Snowmouse, let the fur balls and snowballs fly in Snow Brawl merciless leader of the Foot Clan, Shredder. and Jerry finds a protective pal in Polar Peril. So gather the Modine - Dir. Ignacio Ferreras Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- family for a wonderland of fun, cause its snowtime with Tom & Martin Sheen (, The Departed), Matthew Jerry! Modine (The Dark Knight, Weeds), and George Coe (Funny mation, Children’s, Comedy, Martial Arts, People, Archer) lead a cast of eccentric characters who rebel Monsters, Nickelodeon 625min. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, against authority in this wonderfully animated and poignant Nickelodeon 07.10.2014 Children’s, Christmas, Comedy, Family, comedy for adults. The story opens with former bank manager Friendships, Holidays, Television min. Emilio being dispatched to a retirement home by his family. is 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123884 new roommate is a wily wheeler-dealer named Miguel, who Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 cheerfully swindles small amounts of cash from the more Thomas & Friends: Tale Of The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123776 befuddled residents, but is also full of handy insider tips that are crucial to survival. Like One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Brave Transformers: Beast Machines - Nest in an old folks home, we are introduced to daily pill After a monstrous storm on the Island of Sodor, a landslide regiments, electric gates and nighttime joyrides as the reality unearths some very unusual footprints. Thomas and Percy are The Complete Series of Emilio’s future life begins to sink in. Using hand drawn eager to find out what could have made these marks but animation, Wrinkles moves freely between the inmates’ daily obstacles and danger seem to appear around every bend in Action, Animation, Children’s, Giant Robots, routines and their more colorful, dementia-induced fantasies, the track. With the help of new friends, a little digging and a Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Televi- leaving plenty of room for both tears and laughter as it pokes heap of courage, they discover the surprising answer and, sion min. pointed fun at society’s attitude toward the elderly. Animation, Drama, Foreign, Movies 2011 along the way, uncover the true meaning of bravery. Shout Factory 02.09.2014 Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, 89min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123929

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Cinedigm 15.07.2014 to Earth to test its living conditions. Among them are Clarke, Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Abby’s bright daughter; Wells, Jaha’s son; the daredevil Finn; 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123814 and siblings Bellamy and Octavia. With the survival of all in Based On Video Game, Blu-ray, Devils And their inexperienced hands, The 100 young people must learn Demons, Giant Monsters!, Martial Arts, Yu-Gi-Oh!: 3D - Bonds Beyond to rise above their differences and forge a new path on a wild Monsters, Movies, Spies & Secret Agents, and dangerous landscape that teems with radioactive waste, Supernatural & Paranormal min. Time turbulent weather and unimaginable predators... or face the With his world crumbling into chaos, a masked menace known ultimate extinction of the human race! Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 as Paradox travels into the past to eliminate the source for his Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, End Of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123896 world’s destruction - the Duel Monsters card game! Standing The World, Nuclear Holocaust, Science in his way are three legendary duelists who will do whatever it takes to save what’s on the line - their friends, their family Fiction, Space, Television, The CW 2014 4 Film Favorites: Family Fantasy and the game they love. for the first time ever, Yugi, Jaden and 572min. Collection (Blu-ray) Yusei will team together and battle with all their hearts in a Warner Bros. 23.09.2014 Rowan Atkinson, Freddie Prinze Jr., dual that will decide the past, present and future! 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123795 Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Leonard Stone, Peter Ostrum, Denise Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Nickerson, Gene Wilder, , Japanese, Science Fiction, Television, 14 Blades Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Michael Donnie Yen (Ip Man 2). A kung fu thriller set during the Ming Thrillers 2010 min. dynasty, centerted on a secret service agent in the emperor’s Keaton, Matthew Lillard, Jeffrey Jones, Cinedigm 15.07.2014 court who is betrayed and then hunted by his colleagues. Jack Albertson, Roy Kinnear, Julie Dawn 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123797 Action, Adventure, Chinese, Drama, Cole, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Linda Foreign, Movies 2010 113min. Cardellini, Noah Hathaway, Barret Oliver, Yu-Gi-Oh!: 3D - Bonds Beyond / Anchor Bay 02.09.2014 Tami Stronach, Isla Fisher - Dir. Wolfgang Time (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123982 Petersen, Tim Burton, Mel Stuart, Raja With his world crumbling into chaos, a masked menace known Gosnell as Paradox travels into the past to eliminate the source for his 14 Blades (Blu-ray) Adventure, Based On TV Show, Blu-ray, world’s destruction - the Duel Monsters card game! Standing Donnie Yen (Ip Man 2). A kung fu thriller set during the Ming Book-To-Film, Classics, Comedy, Dark in his way are three legendary duelists who will do whatever dynasty, centerted on a secret service agent in the emperor’s it takes to save what’s on the line - their friends, their family Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Ghosts, Mon- court who is betrayed and then hunted by his colleagues. sters, Movies, Musical, Mystery, and the game they love. for the first time ever, Yugi, Jaden and Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Chinese, Dra- Yusei will team together and battle with all their hearts in a Supernatural & Paranormal min. ma, Foreign, Movies 2010 113min. dual that will decide the past, present and future! Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- Starz / Anchor Bay 02.09.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123899 ray, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124001 TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers 2010 min. 2 Broke Girls: The Complete 4 Film Favorites: Final Destinati- Cinedigm 15.07.2014 Third Season on Collection (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123806 Krista Allen, Nick Zano, Devon Sawa, Mary Beth Behrs, Kat Dennings, Jennifer Elizabeth Winstead, Kris Lemche, A.J. Coolidge, Garrett Morris Season Three serves up sweet surprises for two of Cook, Kerr Smith, Ali Larter, Ryan Brooklyn’s hottest waitresses, Max (Kat Dennings) and Merriman, Tony Todd - Dir. James Wong, Caroline (Beth Behrs), who continue to dish up sarcasm and David R. Ellis Film smarts. They’ve got a new cupcake business at the diner’s back walk-up window, and Caroline and Max negotiate a Drama, High School, Horror, Horror Series, work-study program at the Manhattan School of Pastry: Movies, Thrillers min. The 100: The Complete First Caroline works in so Max can study professional Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 Season baking. Plus, love - and the aroma of freshly cooked tarts - is in the air! Caroline has the hots for the school’s hunky master 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123792 Eliza Taylor, Ricky Whittle, Eli Goree, Ri- chef and Max falls head over sticky buns for the outrageous chard Harmon, Marie Avgeropoulos, Tho- class clown. The girls still worry about money - but their 4-Movie Marathon Pack: mas McDonell, Bob Morley , Devon Bostick, friendship is worth a million bucks. Sit back and savor all 24 outrageous and witty episodes iced with scandal and laughs! Aliens Genevieve Buechner, Henry Ian Cusick, CBS, Comedy, Friendships, girl power, On Richard Dysart, Michael Pare, Roddy Piper, , Television 528min. Ninety-seven years after nuclear Armageddon destroyed our Meg Foster, Christopher Reeve, Kirstie planet, humanity’s sole survivors live on the Ark, an aging Warner Bros. 14.10.2014 Alley, William Baldwin, Wilford Brimley, space station experiencing overpopulation and inadequate 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123775 Jamie Lee Curtis, , Donald resources. When faced with difficult choices, the Ark leaders - chief medical officer Abby, Chancellor Jaha and the Sutherland, Richard Masur, Donald Moffat, mysterious Kane - decide to send 100 juvenile prisoners back 4 Film Favorites: Action Thrillers Charles Hallahan, Joanna Pacula, David to Earth to test its living conditions. Among them are Clarke, (Blu-ray) Clennon, Raymond St. Jacques, Mark Abby’s bright daughter; Wells, Jaha’s son; the daredevil Finn; and siblings Bellamy and Octavia. With the survival of all in Edgar Ramirez, Naomie Harris, Keira Hamill, Marshall Bell, Thomas G. Waites, their inexperienced hands, The 100 young people must learn Knightley, Rick Yune, Djimon Hounsou, Cliff Curtis, , Peter to rise above their differences and forge a new path on a wild Jason, T.K. Carter, Linda Kozlowski, and dangerous landscape that teems with radioactive waste, Jennifer Connelly, Leonardo DiCaprio, turbulent weather and unimaginable predators... or face the Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, Halle Berry, Sherman Augustus, Julio Oscar Mechoso, ultimate extinction of the human race! Kurt Russell - Dir. Stuart Baird, Edward Lindsey Haun, Pippa Pearthree, George Action, Adventure, Drama, End Of The Zwick, Tony Scott, James McTeigue Flower, Keith David, Joel Polis, Thomas World, Nuclear Holocaust, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Assassins & Hitmen, Dekker - Dir. John Carpenter, John Bruno Space, Television, The CW 2014 572min. Blu-ray, Bounty Hunters, Hostage Crisis, Action, Adventure, Aliens, High Seas, Hor- Warner Bros. 23.09.2014 Military, Movies, Ninjas, Special Forces, ror, Killer Animals, Monsters, Movies, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123786 Terrorism, Thrillers min. Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers 384min. Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 Universal Studios 02.09.2014 The 100: The Complete First 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123791 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123610 Season (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 4 Film Favorites: Blades & Battle 4-Movie Midnight Marathon Pack: Eliza Taylor, Ricky Whittle, Eli Goree, Ri- Collection (Blu-ray) Creatures chard Harmon, Marie Avgeropoulos, Tho- Linden Ashby, Martin Sheen, D.B. Fred Ward, Gregg Henry, Helen Shaver, mas McDonell, Bob Morley , Devon Bostick, Sweeney, James Remar, Talisa Soto, Christopher Gartin, Reb Brown, Victor Genevieve Buechner, Henry Ian Cusick, , Theresa Randle, John Wong, Finn Carter, Michael Gross, Michael Isaiah Washington Leguizamo, Robin Shou, Christopher Lam- Rooker, Kevin Bacon, Strother Martin, Dirk Ninety-seven years after nuclear Armageddon destroyed our bert, Brian Thompson, Michael Jai White, Benedict, Heather Menzies, Bobby Jacoby, planet, humanity’s sole survivors live on the Ark, an aging , Richard B. Shull, Jack space station experiencing overpopulation and inadequate Sandra Hess, Ian Anthony Dale, Johnson resources. When faced with difficult choices, the Ark leaders Phan - Dir. Mark A.Z. Dippe, John R. Ging, Reba McEntire, Elizabeth Banks, - chief medical officer Abby, Chancellor Jaha and the Leonetti, Paul W.S. Anderson , Charlotte Stewart, Nathan mysterious Kane - decide to send 100 juvenile prisoners back

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Fillion, Jennifer Copping - Dir. Ron Beahan, Joy Bryant, Deborah Kara Unger , Image Ent. 26.08.2014 Underwood, S.S. Wilson, Bernard Sarah Strange, Mike Dopud - Dir. Tom 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123969 Kowalski, James Gunn Shadyac, Iain Softley, Geoffrey Sax, Asif Action, Adventure, Aliens, College Life, Kapadia Aftermath (Blu-ray) Dark Comedy, Horror, Killer Animals, Mad Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Fantasy, Hor- Jessie Rusu, Andre Royo, C.J. Thomason, Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Monsters, ror, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Monica Keena, Edward Furlong - Dir. Peter Movies, Romance, Science Fiction, Thrillers Nurses & Doctors, Romance, Science Engert 404min. Fiction, Thrillers 393min. The end of the world marks the beginning of a nightmare as Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Universal Studios 02.09.2014 nine survivors of a nuclear war seek refuge in a secluded farmhouse. As deadly fallout rains down from the sky and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123613 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123629 deranged refugees surround the farmhouse, the survivors must choose between defending their shelter and staging a 4-Movie Midnight Marathon Pack: 4-Movie Midnight Marathon Pack: daring escape. But even if they manage to flee, what horrors will await them in a world where the threads of humanity have Demons Thrillers been violently torn asunder? Edward Furlong, Monica Keena, Dule Hill, John Kapelos, , Jennifer Sky, Laura Regan, Sean CW Andre Royo, and William Baldwin star. Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Hor- Joel Edgerton, Virginie Ledoyen, Catriona Johnson, , Timothy ror, Movies min. MacColl, Bokeem Woodbine, Matt Craven, Olyphant, Neal McDonough, Marley Shelton, Image Ent. 26.08.2014 Michael Rooker, Jacob Vargas, Lou Doillon, Steve Zahn, David Caruso, Milla Jovovich, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123994 Dorina Lazar, Sarah Wayne Callies, Sean Bean, , Zachary Geoffrey Arend, Blake Woodruff, Chris Knighton, Kiele Sanchez, Kyle Davis, Chris Messina, Bojana Novakovic - Dir. John Hemsworth - Dir. Dave Meyers, Brad Age Of Uprising: The Legend Of Kapelos, Marcus Adams, John Erick Anderson, Marc Evans, David Twohy Michael Kohlhaas Dowdle, Pascal Laugier Action, Adventure, Crime, Horror, Mental Drama, Foreign, Movies, War 2013 min. Crime, Devils And Demons, Drama, Fantasy, Illness, Movies, Mystery, Serial Killers, Music Box Films 26.08.2014 French, Horror, Kidnapping, Mental Illness, Thrillers 376min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123916 Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thril- Universal Studios 02.09.2014 lers 369min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123633 Age Of Uprising: The Legend Of Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Michael Kohlhaas (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123617 4-Movie Midnight Marathon Pack: Drama, Foreign, Movies, War 2013 min. Zombies Music Box Films 26.08.2014 4-Movie Midnight Marathon Pack: , Zakes Mokae, Paul Winfield, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123942 Predators Cathy Tyson, Jameson Parker, Lisa Blount, Tom Bower, Jon Bon Jovi, Mark Wahlberg, , John Leguizamo, Dennis Agency Of Vengeance: Dark Steven Bauer, , Ernie Hopper, Ving Rhames, Bill Pullman, Michael Rising Hudson, Marisa Tomei, Keanu Reeves, Gough, , Dennis Dun, Jayne Landy Cannon, Brigitte Kingsley, Julia John Lithgow, Reese Witherspoon, James Eastwood, Asia Argento, Jake Weber, Schneider - Dir. Andrew Cymek Spader, Lolita Davidovich, William Peterson, Theresa Merritt, Matt Frewer, Dey Young, Action, Canadian, Foreign, Movies, Science Alyssa Milano, Amy Brenneman, Gregg Robert Joy, Conrad Roberts, Brent Fiction 2011 92min. Henry, , Lindy Booth, Paul James, Jennings, Badja Djola, Simon Baker, Tony First Look 12.08.2014 Mel Harris, Chris Ellis, Jared Padalecki, Nappo, Peter Jason, Shawn Roberts, Justin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123626 Sandra McCoy, Julian Morris, Kristy Wu, Louis, Jennifer Baxter, , Dirk Anna Deavere Smith - Dir. James Foley, Blocker, Michael Kelly, Eugene Clark, Do- Brian De Palma, Joe Charbanic, Jeff nald Pleasence, Burrell, Boyd Banks - Wadlow Dir. John Carpenter, Wes Craven Caitlin Stasey - Dir. , Lucky Crime, Drama, FBI, High School, Horror, Action, Drama, End Of The World, Horror, McKee High-school misfit Maddy (Caitlin Stasey) seeks revenge on Kidnapping, Mad Scientists & Deadly Mad Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Mon- the captain of the football team by joining the cheerleading Doctors, Movies, Mystery, Serial Killers, sters, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers, squad, but her plan hits an unexpected hitch when her fellow Thrillers 287min. Zombies 394min. cheerleaders are killed in a car accident. Using magic to resurrect the dead girls, Maddy soon realizes that she has Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Universal Studios 02.09.2014 made things much worse in this gruesome horror comedy from 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123620 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123639 Chris Sivertson (The Lost, ) and Lucky McKee (May, The Woman). 4-Movie Midnight Marathon Pack: About A Boy: Season One Comedy, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 89min. Benjamin Stockham, Adrianne Palicki, Minnie Psychos Image Ent. 22.07.2014 Meg Tilly, Dennis Franz, Diana Scarwid, Driver Successful songwriter and bachelor Will Freeman (David 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123488 Robert Loggia, Anthony Perkins, Moses Walton) lives a carefree life as the „ultimate man-child.“ His Gunn, Lori Petty, Vera Miles, Jeff Fahey, perfect world is turned upside-down when single mom Fiona All Cheerleaders Die (Blu-ray) Roberta Maxwell, Henry Thomas, Gregg (Minnie Driver) and her 11-year-old son Marcus (Benjamin Caitlin Stasey - Dir. Chris Sivertson, Lucky Henry, Olivia Hussey, Bud Cort, Kurt Paul, Stockham) move in next door. Based On Feature Film, Comedy, Drama, McKee Kerrie Keane - Dir. Anthony Perkins, Ri- NBC, Romance, Television 2014 min. Teenage outsider Maddy (Caitlin Stasey, I, Frankenstein) is chard Franklin, Mick Garris, Richard Universal Studios 16.09.2014 keeping some dark secrets and holding a serious grudge Rothstein against the captain of the Blackfoot High football team. When 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123565 Maddy joins the school’s elite and powerful cheerleading Dark Comedy, Drama, Horror, Mental Illness, squad, she convinces her new friends to help inflict her Movies, Mystery, Rocky Relationships, revenge. After a late-night party goes awry, their plans take Thrillers 389min. Aftermath an unexpected turn for the worst and all of the girls die. A Jessie Rusu, Andre Royo, C.J. Thomason, sinister, supernatural power intervenes and the girls Universal Studios 02.09.2014 mysteriously appear at school the next day with a killer new 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123625 Monica Keena - Dir. Peter Engert look... and some unusual new appetites. „Sexy, campy, funny, The end of the world marks the beginning of a nightmare as subversive, angsty and most importantly fun“ (The Hollywood nine survivors of a nuclear war seek refuge in a secluded Reporter) All Cheerleaders Die is a rebellious horror-comedy 4-Movie Midnight Marathon Pack: farmhouse. As deadly fallout rains down from the sky and that redefines the genre. deranged refugees surround the farmhouse, the survivors Supernatural must choose between defending their shelter and staging a Comedy, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Peter Sarsgaard, Kate Hudson, Sarah daring escape. But even if they manage to flee, what horrors 89min. will await them in a world where the threads of humanity have Image Ent. 22.07.2014 Michelle Gellar, , Kathy been violently torn asunder? Edward Furlong, Monica Keena, Bates, , Ian McNeice, Sam Andre Royo, and William Baldwin star. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123519 Shepard, John Hurt, , Michael Apocalyptic Future, Fantasy, Horror, Keaton, Chandra West, Adam Scott, Kate Movies min. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

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Felicity Jones, Emma Stone, Andrew 20th Century Fox 07.10.2014 Arquette), The Day (starring X-Men Days of Future Pasts Shawn Ashmore, Lord of the Rings ), The Garfield, B.J. Novak, Marton Csokas, Colm 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124014 Collapsed, and End of the World. Feore, Paul Giamatti, Campbell Scott, Jamie Action, End Of The World, Movies, Multi- Foxx, Sally Field, Embeth Davidtz, Dane : Coven Feature Discs, Nuclear Holocaust, Science DeHaan, Louis Cancelmi - Dir. Marc Webb (Blu-ray) Fiction, War 378min. It’s great to be Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield). For Peter Parker, there’s no feeling quite like swinging between Taissa Farmiga, Gabourey Sidibe, Evan Starz / Anchor Bay 16.09.2014 skyscrapers, embracing being the hero, and spending time Peters, Emma Roberts, , 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123716 with Gwen (Emma Stone). But being Spider-Man comes at a price: only Spider-Man can protect his fellow New Yorkers Sarah Paulson, , Angela from the formidable villains that threaten the city. With the Bassett, Appaloosa / The Assassination Of emergence of Electro (Jamie Foxx), Peter must confront a foe An all-star cast reigns supreme in American Horror Story: Jesse James far more powerful than he. And as his old friend, Harry Coven, including Emmy winner and two-time Oscar Winner Osborn (Dane DeHaan), returns, Peter comes to realize that Jessica Lange*, Oscar Winner Kathy Bates and Academy Jeremy Renner, Paul Schneider, Casey all of his enemies have one thing in common: Oscorp. Award Nominee . The exceptional young Affleck, Viggo Mortensen, Sam Rockwell, Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, witches at Miss Robichaux’s Academy are under assault by forces of ignorance and hate. Caught in the turmoil is new , Renee Zellweger, Ed Harris, Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Romance, arrival, Zoe, who harbors a terrifying secret of her own. Sam Shepard, , Garret Dillahunt, Superheroes, Supernatural & Paranormal, Fiona (Lange), a Supreme Witch with unimaginable powers, is Brooklynn Proulx - Dir. Ed Harris, Andrew Thrillers 2014 283min. determined to protect the Coven, but her obsessive quest for immortality will lead her to cross paths with a formidable Dominik Sony Pictures Home Entertainment voodoo queen (Bassett) and a murderous slave owner (Bates) Action, Adventure, Biography, Crime, Dra- 19.08.2014 cursed with eternal life. ma, History & Events, Movies, Outlaw 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123490 Drama, Fantasy, FX, Haunted Houses, Hor- Country, Western min. ror, Mystery, Television, Thrillers, Witches Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Blu- & Warlocks 594min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123888 ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + 20th Century Fox 07.10.2014 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124025 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Armed Response (DVD + Felicity Jones, Emma Stone, Andrew Anna UltraViolet) Garfield, B.J. Novak, Marton Csokas, Colm , Ed Begley Jr., Adam Arkin, Taissa Farmiga, Mark Strong, Indira Varma, Feore, Paul Giamatti, Campbell Scott, Jamie Vinnie Jones, Clea DuVall, Ethan Embry, , Noah Taylor Foxx, Sally Field, Embeth Davidtz, Dane A man with the power to guide people back into their memories Alan Arkin, Ving Rhames, Cary Elwes, Clea DeHaan, Louis Cancelmi - Dir. Marc Webb seeks to determine whether a troubled teenage girl is a DuVall It’s great to be Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield). For Peter cunning sociopath, or the anguished victim of repressed When a home security business falls on hard times, the Parker, there’s no feeling quite like swinging between suffering in this mind-bending psychological thriller. John owners decide to start robbing local houses in an attempt to skyscrapers, embracing being the hero, and spending time (Mark Strong) has a unique gift for exploring other people’s add to their income and create a desperate need for their with Gwen (Emma Stone). But being Spider-Man comes at a memories — a talent that he used to assist in police services. The plan seems to work perfectly until, in an attempt price: only Spider-Man can protect his fellow New Yorkers investigations until the day he suffered a stroke during a to one-up the competition, they finish a job with more in their from the formidable villains that threaten the city. With the particularly intense session. He’s never been the same since, haul than they bargained for. emergence of Electro (Jamie Foxx), Peter must confront a foe and after his wife dies, John is left destitute and alone. Later, Action, Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Dra- far more powerful than he. And as his old friend, Harry when John happens across the unusual case of Anna (Taissa Osborn (Dane DeHaan), returns, Peter comes to realize that Farmiga), the highly intelligent scion of a wealthy family who ma, Movies, Thrillers 94min. all of his enemies have one thing in common: Oscorp. is currently staging a hunger strike, he senses an opportunity Lionsgate 16.09.2014 Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, to once again use his powers for good. Now the deeper John 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123875 probes into Anna’s mystery-shrouded past, however, the more Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Drama, Fantasy, he begins to suspect that she’s a master manipulator, and that Movies, Romance, Superheroes, she could be guiding him down a very dangerous path. Around The Block Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers 2014 Action, Adventure, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Daniel Henshall, Matt Nable, Christina Ricci, 283min. min. Jack Thompson - Dir. Sarah Spillane Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Anderson Merchandisers 05.08.2014 Christina Ricci, Jack Thompson (The Great Gatsby). Set in a 19.08.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123692 contemporary, tough, inner-city precinct, a teenage boy is torn between his unexpected love of theatre and the disintegration 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123518 of his family. With encouragement from his unconventional Anna Karenina American drama teacher, he confronts his past and eventually Amber Alert: Terror On The High- Geoffrey Toone, Davyd Harries, Sheila takes control of his future. Australian, Drama, Foreign, Movies 2013 Gish, Nicola Pagett, Caroline Langrishe, way 104min. Larsan is a man on the edge, making a dead rush for Mexico David Gwillim, Eric Porter, Stuart Wilson and kidnapping two young girls along the way. He is hotly Leo Tolstoy’s masterpiece has been adapted many times for Shout Factory 05.08.2014 pursued by police chief Martha Geiger, herself a mother of film and television, but never with such care and attention to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123507 two. Using the amber alert system, Geiger constructs a detail. Made by the BBC, this definitive version first aired on psychological trap that will brutally punish the man who Masterpiece Theatre in 1977 and has been a fan favorite ever messed with her town. since. Set in Imperial Russia in the 1870s, this is an epic tale At War With The Army Drama, Kidnapping, Movies, Thrillers 2009 of passion, betrayal, society, and the search for happiness. Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin, Polly Bergen, Nicola Pagett (Upstairs, Downstairs) stars as Anna - young, min. beautiful, and trapped in a loveless marriage to the high- Mike Kellin - Dir. Hal Walker Anderson Merchandisers 29.07.2014 minded, much older Karenin (Eric Porter, The Forsyte Saga). At War with the Army follows Alvin Corwin (Jerry Lewis), the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123606 When she meets debonair cavalry officer Count Vronsky low man on the totem pole, who goes from one mishap to (Stuart Wilson, The Age of Innocence) on a Moscow train another at an Army training camp in World War II with his platform, she can’t resist looking back. Unspooling over 10 friend 1st Sgt. Vic Puccinelli (Dean Martin). This was Martin American Horror Story: Coven lavish episodes, this Emmy nominee for Outstanding Limited & Lewis’ first starring feature and the early beginnings of Series covers all the story lines and characters with the their career together, which would last until 1956. As was Taissa Farmiga, Gabourey Sidibe, Evan depth and richness that Tolstoy’s flawless tome deserves. typical in future martin & Lewis deatures, At War with the Peters, Emma Roberts, Frances Conroy, Army portrays Martin as the higher level Sergeant ladies’ man BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, International with the crooner’s voice, which Lewis plays the bumbling Sarah Paulson, Kathy Bates, Angela TV, Mini-Series, Television 1977 539min. Private First Class. While realizing that the Army wasn’t Bassett, Jessica Lange Acorn Media 01.07.2014 everything they hoped it would be, it did allow the charm of An all-star cast reigns supreme in American Horror Story: martin and the antics of Lewis to shine through brightly. Coven, including Emmy winner and two-time Oscar Winner 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123578 Martin & Lewis were the hottest act in America during the Jessica Lange*, Oscar Winner Kathy Bates and Academy early 1950s, but on July 25, 1956, ten years to the day after Award Nominee Angela Bassett. The exceptional young Apocalypse 4-Pack first official teaming, one of the most legendary splits in witches at Miss Robichaux’s Academy are under assault by Hollywood history had come to pass. forces of ignorance and hate. Caught in the turmoil is new Shawn Ashmore, Lauren German, Ashton Classics, Comedy, Military, Movies, Musical, arrival, Zoe, who harbors a terrifying secret of her own. Holmes, Milo Ventimiglia, Ivan Gonzalez, Fiona (Lange), a Supreme Witch with unimaginable powers, is Romance 1950 93min. determined to protect the Coven, but her obsessive quest for Dominic Monaghan, Greg Grunberg, Film Chest Media Group 29.07.2014 immortality will lead her to cross paths with a formidable Courtney B. Vance, Rosanna Arquette, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123967 voodoo queen (Bassett) and a murderous slave owner (Bates) Brad Dourif, Michael Biehn, Mark Hildreth, cursed with eternal life. Caroline Cave, Neil Grayston Baby Drama, Fantasy, FX, Haunted Houses, Hor- The end is near with this collection of the best end of the ror, Mystery, Television, Thrillers, Witches world films from Anchor Bay. The collection includes The Chinese, Foreign, Horror, Movies 2013 min. & Warlocks 594min. Divide (starring Fire’s Lauren German, Terminator’s Well Go USA 02.09.2014 Michael Biehn, Heroes Milo Ventimiglio, and Rosanne

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40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123983 Bates Motel: Season Two Wilton and Matthew Goode. Blu-ray, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Nicola Peltz, Max Thieriot, Freddie Period Piece, Movies, Romance 2013 Baby Blues (Blu-ray) Highmore, Ian Tracey, Vera Farmiga 104min. Chinese, Foreign, Horror, Movies 2013 min. In the aftermath of Miss Watson’s murder, Norman’s (Freddie 20th Century Fox 26.08.2014 Well Go USA 02.09.2014 Highmore) innocence is buried under blackouts, suspicious characters and his strange behavior. Meanwhile, Norma 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123768 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124002 (Vera Farmiga) faces dark truths of her own when family secrets begin to unravel while looming threats from local villains jeopardize Norma’s stab at happiness. No matter Ben Hur: Diamond Luxe Edition Baby Geniuses And The where you turn, there’s no escaping what bubbles beneath the Treasures Of Egypt surface in White Pine Bay. (Blu-ray) A&E, Based On Feature Film, Horror, Mental Frank Thring, George Relph, Haya Dominic Burgess, Andy Pandini, Jaime Illness, Mystery, Television, Thrillers Harareet, Stephen Boyd, , Martha Andrews, Rob Bruner, Beth Payne, Skyler 428min. Scott, Andre Morell, Hugh Griffith, Jack Shaye, Jon Voight - Dir. Sean McNamara Universal Studios 07.10.2014 Hawkins, Charlton Heston - Dir. William Adventure, Children’s, Family, Movies 2014 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123931 Wyler min. As big and bold as the character he plays, Charlton Heston is Anderson Merchandisers 29.07.2014 Ben-Hur in a charismatic performance that brought him the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123607 Bates Motel: Season Two (Blu-ray Best Oscar in the classic that won a record-setting 11 + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) , including Best Picture. One of the most spectacular achievements in movie history, the film has Bad Santa (Blu-ray) Nicola Peltz, Max Thieriot, Freddie numbers that speak volumes: 100,000 costumes, 8,000 extras, Brett Kelly, Tony Cox, Lauren Graham, Highmore, Ian Tracey, Vera Farmiga 300 sets and a staggering budget. This 2-Disc Special Edition In the aftermath of Miss Watson’s murder, Norman’s (Freddie was restored frame by frame from the original 65mm camera Bernie Mac, Billy Bob Thornton, John Ritter Highmore) innocence is buried under blackouts, suspicious negative and remastered in stunning 1080p high definition for - Dir. characters and his strange behavior. Meanwhile, Norma maximum picture and clarity so you can experience all the The baddest Santa ever comes to town with the hilarious Billy (Vera Farmiga) faces dark truths of her own when family sheer pageantry of Hollywood’s Golden Age of epics! Bob Thornton, Bernie Mac, and John Ritter! Ill-mannered secrets begin to unravel while looming threats from local Academy Award Winners, Adventure, store Santa Willie Stokes (Thornton) is really a safecracker villains jeopardize Norma’s stab at happiness. No matter Ancient Greece / Rome, Blu-ray, Classics, with a holiday tradition of making one big score every where you turn, there’s no escaping what bubbles beneath the Christmas Eve with his clever Elf-partner-in- crime Marcus. surface in White Pine Bay. Drama, Epics, Movies, Politics, Revenge But this year’s heist-fest could be completely foiled by a A&E, Based On Feature Film, Blu-ray, Hor- 1959 222min. snoopy store manager (Ritter), savvy mall detective (Mac), Warner Bros. 30.09.2014 sexy Santa fan, and an innocent 8 year old misfit who thinks ror, Mental Illness, Mystery, Television, the intoxicated and felonious Willie is the real Santa he Thrillers 428min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123536 seeks. Forget the cookies and milk; this is the gritty gut Universal Studios 07.10.2014 busting comedy Rolling Stone pegs as „a Christmas perennial Best Of Elmo’s World Collection for Scrooges of all ages!“ 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123948 Christmas, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Holidays, Movies, Substance Abuse, Beethoven’s Treasure Tail Educational, Family, Preschool, Puppets, Thieves 2003 176min. Alec Mapa, Jeffrey Combs, Morgan , Television min. Lionsgate 07.10.2014 Fairchild, Kristy Swanson, Jonathan Warner Bros. 14.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124027 Silverman - Dir. Ron Oliver 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124053 After being fired from a movie, Beethoven begins the long journey home with his trainer Eddie. On their way, they Best Worst Friends Bankers Of God: The Calvi Affai become stranded in a small coastal town where the beloved canine befriends a young boy who is searching for buried Directed by Nicolas Lopez (Aftershock). A loveletter to 80’s Pier Paolo Capponi, Omero Antonutti, movies and a fun quirky comedy. As developmentally disabled Giancarlo Giannini, Rutger Hauer - Dir. treasure. Adventure, Animals & Nature, Children’s, Papitas nears death, his wish is to have his best friends help Giuseppe Ferrara him fulfill his bucket list, a list that includes seeing a Directed by Giuseppe Ferrara, the political thriller I Comedy, Family, Movies 98min. leprechaun and traveling to the future. What could possibly go Banchieri Di Dio (God’s Bankers) is based on the true-crime Universal Studios 28.10.2014 wrong for these best worst friends? saga of the corrupted Banco Ambrosiano and the unsolved 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123932 Comedy, Movies 2013 min. murder of bank president Roberto Calvi in 1982. Co-written Peace Arch Entertainment 19.08.2014 by Ferrara and Armenia Balducci, the complex story involves 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123829 the discovery of a trillion lire deficiet in the bank accounts. Beethoven’s Treasure Tail (Blu- Calvi (Omero Antonutti) is blamed and thrown in prison. With the help of his wife (Pamela Villoresi), Calvi goes between ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The Big Valley: Season 3 the corrupt system of political and religious leaders who can Alec Mapa, Jeffrey Combs, Morgan Lee Majors, , Richard Long, get him out of jail. Rutger Hauer appears as Cardianle Fairchild, Kristy Swanson, Jonathan Marcinkus, the head of the Vatican bank. In March of 2002, an Peter Breck, Barbara Stanwyck Italian businessman tried to ban Gods Bankers, claiming Silverman - Dir. Ron Oliver Saddle up and ride back to the days when the land was Action, Adventure, Foreign, Italian, Movies, After being fired from a movie, Beethoven begins the long untamed and the West was still wild with The Big Valley: Thrillers 2002 125min. journey home with his trainer Eddie. On their way, they Season Three, the television Western classic starring Barba- become stranded in a small coastal town where the beloved ra Stanwyck, Lee Majors, and Linda Evans. Victoria Barkley Kino Video 05.08.2014 canine befriends a young boy who is searching for buried (Stanwyck) is the matriarch of one of the most powerful 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123677 treasure. families in 1870s , controlling cattle herds, gold Adventure, Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, mines, citrus groves, and logging camps. Along with her Bankers Of God: The Calvi Affai Children’s, Comedy, Family, Movies 98min. close-knit brood, Victoria must persevere through the trials Universal Studios 28.10.2014 and tribulations of the Old West. Share the drama and (Blu-ray) adventure with the Barkleys in all twenty-six Season Three 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123949 episodes of this beloved saga! Pier Paolo Capponi, Omero Antonutti, Drama, Television, Western 1965 1350min. Giancarlo Giannini, Rutger Hauer - Dir. Belle (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- Timeless Media Group 08.07.2014 Giuseppe Ferrara 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123743 Directed by Giuseppe Ferrara, the political thriller I ray) Banchieri Di Dio (God’s Bankers) is based on the true-crime Sam Reid, Matthew Goode, Penelope saga of the corrupted Banco Ambrosiano and the unsolved Bigfoot Wars murder of bank president Roberto Calvi in 1982. Co-written Wilton, Tom Wilkinson, Emily Watson, by Ferrara and Armenia Balducci, the complex story involves Miranda Richardson - Dir. Amma Asante C. Thomas Howell, Judd Nelson the discovery of a trillion lire deficiet in the bank accounts. Gugu Mbatha-Raw delivers „a breakthrough performance“ C Thomas Howell, Judd Nelson. A sheriff of a small town Calvi (Omero Antonutti) is blamed and thrown in prison. With (Mark Olsen, Times) in this „gorgeous must-see enlists the help of an expert survivalist to hunt down a vicious the help of his wife (Pamela Villoresi), Calvi goes between film“ (Cori Murray, Essence) that’s based on an extraordinary beast resembling the legendary sasquatch. However they the corrupt system of political and religious leaders who can true story. Although Dido Elizabeth Belle (Mbatha-Raw), an soon discover that an entire tribe of sasquatch are waiting for get him out of jail. Rutger Hauer appears as Cardianle 18th century English woman of mixed race, is raised in them and the enraged creatures descend from the hills into the Marcinkus, the head of the Vatican bank. In March of 2002, an privilege by her aristocratic great-uncle (Tom Wilkinson) and town to declare war on its citizens. Italian businessman tried to ban Gods Bankers, claiming his wife (Emily Watson), she is denied a proper social Monsters, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2014 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Foreign, Italian, standing because of her skin color. But when Dido falls in min. love with a young idealist lawyer (Sam Reid) who aspires to Movies, Thrillers 2002 125min. create positive change, she finds herself caught between two Peace Arch Entertainment 05.08.2014 Kino Video 05.08.2014 worlds. With everything to lose, she struggles to convince 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123615 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123722 those around her - and the society in which she lives - to overcome their biases and accept her fully. Only if she succeeds will she find true happiness in this exquisite Bitten: First Season masterpiece that also stars Miranda Richardson, Penelope

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Greyston Holt, Greg Bryk, Laura 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123989 matters. Corbin Bernsen (, L.A. Law), Grant Show (Devious Maids, Melrose Place) and Sharon Lawrence Vandervoort (Rizzoli & Isles) co-star in this action-packed second film in Canadian, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Bones: Season Nine the Born to Race franchise. Television min. T.J. Thyne, Michaela Conlin, John Francis Action, Auto Racing, Cars & Motorcycles, E1 Entertainment 12.08.2014 Daley, Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Drama, Movies, Racing, Romance 2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123635 Tamara Taylor 98min. TV’s most anticipated wedding day has arrived! And since Starz / Anchor Bay 09.09.2014 Bitten: First Season (Blu-ray) dealing with death is part of their jobs, it probably won’t part 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123717 FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) and quirky Greyston Holt, Greg Bryk, Laura forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan - aka Bones Vandervoort (Emily Deschanel). But Bones and Booth must still address Born To Race: Fast Track (Blu- serial killer Christopher Pelant’s threat to murder five people Canadian, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, if the couple marries. Meanwhile, they work to solve murder ray) Television min. mysteries involving a terrorist, a man who shows up at his Beau Mirchoff, Diogo Morgado, Brett E1 Entertainment 12.08.2014 own funeral, and dancing vegetables, among others, as they devote themselves to each other and their young daughter. Davern, Tiffany Dupont - Dir. Alex 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123654 Now with this DVD set, you can love, honor and cherish all Ranarivelo 24 smart, funny Bones Season 9 episodes again, and Brett Davern and Beau Mirchoff of MTV’s Awkward star as Blandings: Series Two get exclusive bonus features, including a behind-the-scenes Danny and Jake, small-town street-racing rivals with fast look at the wedding episode. cars and quick tempers. But when Danny scores a Jennifer Saunders, Timothy Spall, Mark Comedy, Crime, Drama, FBI, Fox, Murder scholarship to a top racing school, he’ll find himself in fierce Williams competition with an arrogant Italian driver (Diogo Morgado of Mysteries, Mystery, Romance, Serial Kil- Son of God and The ), in a risky relationship with a new BBC, British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, In- lers, Television, Terrorism 2014 1042min. classmate (Tiffany Dupont of Greek), and competing on the ternational TV, Television min. 20th Century Fox 16.09.2014 same team as his old nemesis Jake. The are high. The Acorn Media 26.08.2014 track is hot. And survival of the fastest is the only rule that 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123872 matters. Corbin Bernsen (Psych, L.A. Law), Grant Show 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123970 (Devious Maids, Melrose Place) and Sharon Lawrence Borgman (Rizzoli & Isles) co-star in this action-packed second film in Blended (Blu-ray) the Born to Race franchise. A disturbing series of events are set into motion when a Action, Auto Racing, Blu-ray, Cars & Joel McHale, Terry Crews, Kevin Nealon, mysterious man disrupts the comfortable existence of an Motorcycles, Drama, Movies, Racing, Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore - Dir. Frank affluent family in this drama from writer/producer/director Alex Van Warmerdam. Narrowly escaping death when three armed Romance 2014 98min. Coraci men raid his underground bunker, enigmatic vagabond Camiel After a bad , a man and woman find themselves stuck Borgman (Jan Bijvoet) swiftly warns his associates to be on Starz / Anchor Bay 09.09.2014 together at a resort for families, where their attractions grows watch before cleaning up in a gas station bathroom, and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123737 as their respective kids benefit from the burgeoning escaping into an upper class neighborhood. There, he is relationship. violently assaulted by hot-headed husband and father Richard Comedy, Family, Movies, Romance 2014 (Jeroen Perceval) after requesting to take a bath in his home, Breakheart Pass and insinuating that he was once close with Richard’s artist A muscular Western featuring the fisticuffs of Bronson. In 117min. wife Marina (Hadewych Minis) who takes mercy on the 1870, the soldiers at an Army outpost in Utah are supposedly Warner Bros. 26.08.2014 stranger, nursing him back to health and offering to let him suffering from a diphtheria epidemic. A train heads toward the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123939 sleep in their guest house on the agreement that he remains a fort filled with soldiers, medical supplies and Bronson, an secret from Richard. Later, after scheming with Marina, undercover agent posing as an arrested criminal. There, he Camiel murders their gardener. Subsequently altering his makes a stunning discovery: there is no epidemic, but there is Blended (DVD + UltraViolet) appearance, Camiel returns under the guise of answering an a conspiracy between a group of killers and a tribe of Indians. ad for a new gardened. Upon being hired, he quickly summons Fabled stunt man Yakima Canutt helped out, and boxer Archie Joel McHale, Terry Crews, Kevin Nealon, his four associates, who begin to insidiously integrate Moore shows his stuff. Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore - Dir. Frank themsel Movies, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers, Coraci Action, Adventure, Family, Movies min. Western 1975 95min. After a bad blind date, a man and woman find themselves stuck Cinedigm 09.09.2014 together at a resort for families, where their attractions grows Kino Video 12.08.2014 as their respective kids benefit from the burgeoning 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123990 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123815 relationship. Comedy, Family, Movies, Romance 2014 Borgman (Blu-ray) Breakheart Pass (Blu-ray) 117min. A disturbing series of events are set into motion when a A muscular Western featuring the fisticuffs of Bronson. In Warner Bros. 26.08.2014 mysterious man disrupts the comfortable existence of an 1870, the soldiers at an Army outpost in Utah are supposedly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123900 affluent family in this drama from writer/producer/director Alex suffering from a diphtheria epidemic. A train heads toward the Van Warmerdam. Narrowly escaping death when three armed fort filled with soldiers, medical supplies and Bronson, an men raid his underground bunker, enigmatic vagabond Camiel undercover agent posing as an arrested criminal. There, he Blood Glacier Borgman (Jan Bijvoet) swiftly warns his associates to be on makes a stunning discovery: there is no epidemic, but there is watch before cleaning up in a gas station bathroom, and a conspiracy between a group of killers and a tribe of Indians. A team of scientists researching climate change in the Alps escaping into an upper class neighborhood. There, he is comes under attack by nightmarish mutants after discovering a Fabled stunt man Yakima Canutt helped out, and boxer Archie violently assaulted by hot-headed husband and father Richard Moore shows his stuff. mysterious melting glacier that appears to be flowing with (Jeroen Perceval) after requesting to take a bath in his home, blood. With the Environmental Minister scheduled to visit and insinuating that he was once close with Richard’s artist Movies, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers, soon, the scientists race to decipher the mystery of the wife Marina (Hadewych Minis) who takes mercy on the Western 1975 95min. bizarre crimson fluid. Their worst fears come true when that stranger, nursing him back to health and offering to let him Kino Video 12.08.2014 fluid comes into contact with local wildlife, causing the sleep in their guest house on the agreement that he remains a healthy animals to morph into aggressive biological freaks of secret from Richard. Later, after scheming with Marina, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123846 nature. With the swarm of creatures multiplying fast, the Camiel murders their gardener. Subsequently altering his horrified scientists must fight for their lives if they ever hope appearance, Camiel returns under the guise of answering an Breathe In to make it out of the mountains alive. ad for a new gardened. Upon being hired, he quickly summons Horror, Monsters, Movies, Slasher 97min. his four associates, who begin to insidiously integrate A British exchange student disrupts the family dynamics of an themsel American household in this domestic drama from director MPI 26.08.2014 Drake Doremus (Douchebag, Like Crazy). Before he taught 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123919 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Family, Movies music, cellist Keith Reynolds (Guy Pearce) was just another min. struggling musician trying to make it in . Years Bloodsport / Ninja Assassin Cinedigm 09.09.2014 later, Keith has settled down with his wife Megan (Amy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124004 Ryan). As their daughter Lauren (Mackenzie Davis) prepares Naomie Harris, Leah Ayres, Donald Gibb, for her senior year of high school, Keith begins to grow Rick Yune - Dir. Newt Arnold, James increasingly nostalgic about his bohemian youth. Meanwhile, Born To Race: Fast Track the occasional gig as a substitute cellist for an esteemed McTeigue Manhattan symphony provides a much-welcomed reprieve Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Biography, Beau Mirchoff, Diogo Morgado, Brett from his predictable life as a family man. But when Megan Davern, Tiffany Dupont - Dir. Alex decides to host British high-school senior Sophie (Felicity Crime, Drama, Martial Arts, Movies, Ninjas, Jones) as an exchange student, the wistful musician finds the Romance, Sports, Thrillers min. Ranarivelo impulsive nature that he has successfully repressed once Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 Brett Davern and Beau Mirchoff of MTV’s Awkward star as again bubbling to the surface, where nothing is nearly as Danny and Jake, small-town street-racing rivals with fast placid as it appears. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123778 cars and quick tempers. But when Danny scores a scholarship to a top racing school, he’ll find himself in fierce Drama, Movies, Romance 97min. competition with an arrogant Italian driver (Diogo Morgado of Anderson Merchandisers 12.08.2014 Blue Bloods: The Fourth Season Son of God and The Bible), in a risky relationship with a new 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123816 CBS, Cops, Crime, Drama, Television min. classmate (Tiffany Dupont of Greek), and competing on the Paramount Pictures 09.09.2014 same team as his old nemesis Jake. The stakes are high. The track is hot. And survival of the fastest is the only rule that Breathe In (Blu-ray)

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 52 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

A British exchange student disrupts the family dynamics of an The (Blu- stina Ricci, Eric Idle, Cathy Moriarty, Bill American household in this domestic drama from director Pullman, - Dir. Brad Drake Doremus (Douchebag, Like Crazy). Before he taught ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) music, cellist Keith Reynolds (Guy Pearce) was just another Silberling struggling musician trying to make it in New York City. Years Elsa Lanchester, Douglas Walton, Gavin From director Brad Silberling and Steven Spielberg’s Amblin later, Keith has settled down with his wife Megan (Amy Gordon, Valerie Hobson, , Entertainment comes a live-action fun house ride filled with Ryan). As their daughter Lauren (Mackenzie Davis) prepares Dwight Frye, , O.P. Heggie, Boris laughter, excitement and ghostly surprises. „Ghost therapist“ for her senior year of high school, Keith begins to grow Dr. James Harvey (Bill Pullman) and his daughter Kat (Chri- increasingly nostalgic about his bohemian youth. Meanwhile, Karloff - Dir. stina Ricci) arrive at drafty, old Whipstaff Manor. Its greedy the occasional gig as a substitute cellist for an esteemed In one of the most popular horror films of all time, The Bride of owner, Carrigan Crittendon (Cathy Moriarty), has hired Dr. Manhattan symphony provides a much-welcomed reprieve Frankenstein, Boris Karloff reprises his role as the silver Harvey to exorcise the house’s apparitions: a friendly but from his predictable life as a family man. But when Megan screen’s most misunderstood monster who now longs for a lonely young ghost named Casper, who’s just looking for a decides to host British high-school senior Sophie (Felicity mate. Continuing exactly where the original left off, the friend, and his outrageous uncles Stretch, Stinkie and Fatso Jones) as an exchange student, the wistful musician finds the critically acclaimed sequel introduces Dr. Pretorius (Ernest (The Ghostly Trio). If the plan works, she and Dibs (Eric impulsive nature that he has successfully repressed once Thesiger) as a deranged scientist who forces Dr. Franken- Idle), her partner-in-slime, can get their hands on the manor’s again bubbling to the surface, where nothing is nearly as stein (Colin Clive) to help him create a companion for the fabled treasure. Meanwhile, Casper has found a kindred placid as it appears. monster. Once again directed by James Whale and adapted spirit in Kat, but The Ghostly Trio will not tolerate „fleshies“ Drama, Movies, Romance 97min. from Mary Shelley’s classic novel, the sequel features in their house. With hilarious antics and dazzling special outstanding makeup and special effects, instantly making The effects from many of the creators of Who Framed Roger Anderson Merchandisers 12.08.2014 Bride of Frankenstein (Elsa Lanchester) one of the most Rabbit and Jurassic Park, Casper is a mile-a-minute 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123847 recognizable monsters of all time. adventure comedy for the whole family. Classics, Frankenstein, Horror, Mad Adventure, Blu-ray, Children’s, Comedy, Brick Mansions Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Monsters, Family, Fantasy, Ghosts, Movies, Science Movies, Romance, Science Fiction, Thrillers Robert Maillet, David Belle, Carlo Rota, Rza, Fiction 1995 101min. 75min. Andreas Apergis, Bruce Ramsay, Paul Wal- Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Universal Studios 02.09.2014 ker 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123524 Fast & Furious star takes it to the limit in this 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123667 gritty thrill-ride packed with high-flying Parkour stunts. Cast A Giant Shadow Walker stars as Damien, an undercover cop determined to The Broker’s Man: Series 2 bring down Tremaine (RZA), the crime lord who murdered his Frank Sinatra, Angie Dickinson, Yul father. Tremaine rules the violent criminal compound known as British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, International Brynner, Topol, Kirk Douglas, Senta Berger, Brick Mansions, but he’s thwarted at every turn by a heroic TV, Mystery, Television 1997 min. ex-convict named Lino (David Belle.) Their paths never John Wayne - Dir. Melville Shavelson should have crossed, but when Tremaine kidnaps Lino’s Acorn Media 05.08.2014 Action, Drama, Movies, War 1966 146min. girlfriend, Damien and Lino become unlikely allies, and must 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123693 Kino Video 26.08.2014 work together to stop Tremaine’s sinister plot to devastate the entire city. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123973 Action, Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season One Drama, Kidnapping, Movies 2014 91min. Stephanie Beatriz, , Terry Cast A Giant Shadow (Blu-ray) 20th Century Fox 09.09.2014 Crews, Dirk Blocker, Joe Lo Truglio, Andre Frank Sinatra, Angie Dickinson, Yul 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123866 Braugher Brynner, Topol, Kirk Douglas, Senta Berger, Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) is a Brooklyn detective with a gift for closing cases and little respect for authority. When John Wayne - Dir. Melville Shavelson Brick Mansions (Blu-ray + no-nonsense commanding officer Raymond Holt (Andre Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, War 1966 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Braugher) joins the 99th precinct with something to prove, the 146min. two go head-to-head with hilarious results. Kino Video 26.08.2014 Robert Maillet, David Belle, Carlo Rota, Rza, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Detectives, NBC, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123997 Andreas Apergis, Bruce Ramsay, Paul Wal- Television 2013 477min. ker Universal Studios 23.09.2014 Fast & Furious star Paul Walker takes it to the limit in this 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123678 Cedar Cove: Season One gritty thrill-ride packed with high-flying Parkour stunts. Sarah Smyth, Dylan Neal, Brennan Elliott, Walker stars as Damien, an undercover cop determined to Teryl Rothery, Andie MacDowell bring down Tremaine (RZA), the crime lord who murdered his Burning Blue (DVD + UltraViolet) father. Tremaine rules the violent criminal compound known as Judge Olivia Lockhart (Andie MacDowell) is considered the Brick Mansions, but he’s thwarted at every turn by a heroic Trent Ford, community’s in the picturesque, coastal town of ex-convict named Lino (David Belle.) Their paths never They have been trained to meet danger head-on, to execute Cedar Cove, Washington. But like everyone else, Olivia should have crossed, but when Tremaine kidnaps Lino’s vital strategic maneuvers while flying at breathtaking speeds. fights the uphill battle of balancing career with family and girlfriend, Damien and Lino become unlikely allies, and must But after a series of fatal accidents, a close-knit squadron of finding love, all the while doing her best to care for the work together to stop Tremaine’s sinister plot to devastate the male Navy pilots begins to splinter - and becomes the focus of township she calls home. based on best-selling author Debbie entire city. a criminal investigation. As a government agent digs to Macomber’s beloved book series. uncover the cause of the accidents, two of the pilots engage Drama, Family, Romance, Television 2013 Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Cops On The Edge, in a secret, forbidden relationship. Their affair is exposed - Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, Movies 2014 and the squadron is engulfed by an incendiary scandal that 588min. 91min. will challenge each pilot’s notions of friendship, love, honor, Cinedigm 15.07.2014 20th Century Fox 09.09.2014 and courage. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123812 Biography, Drama, Friendships, Gay / 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123869 Lesbian Interest, Movies, Navy, Rocky Chemical Peel (DVD + Relationships, Romance, Spies & Secret The Bride Of Frankenstein Agents, War 105min. UltraViolet) Elsa Lanchester, Douglas Walton, Gavin Lionsgate 09.09.2014 Arielle Brachfield, Natalie Victoria, Stepha- Gordon, Valerie Hobson, Ernest Thesiger, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123543 nie Greco, Leigh Davis, Eric Hailey, Ruben Dwight Frye, Colin Clive, O.P. Heggie, Boris Pla - Dir. Hank Braxtan Karloff - Dir. James Whale Captive Heart: The James Mink A weekend trip to the woods for a bachelorette party turns In one of the most popular horror films of all time, The Bride of deadly when a nearby train accident causes a chemical Frankenstein, Boris Karloff reprises his role as the silver Story reaction to overtake the secluded valley. But waiting out the screen’s most misunderstood monster who now longs for a disaster inside could prove to be just as dangerous as the mate. Continuing exactly where the original left off, the Peter Outerbridge, , Kate Nelligan outdoors. critically acclaimed sequel introduces Dr. Pretorius (Ernest - Dir. Bruce Pittman Disasters, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 Thesiger) as a deranged scientist who forces Dr. Franken- In this made-for-TV movie set in the 1850s, James Mink is a 95min. stein (Colin Clive) to help him create a companion for the wealthy Canadian businessman who is married to a white monster. Once again directed by James Whale and adapted woman. When their daughter is duped into marrying a slave Lionsgate 14.10.2014 from Mary Shelley’s classic novel, the sequel features trader, the Minks set out for the American South to track down 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124038 outstanding makeup and special effects, instantly making The their missing daughter and bring her home. Bride of Frankenstein (Elsa Lanchester) one of the most Drama, TV Movies 1996 92min. : Season Two recognizable monsters of all time. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Classics, Frankenstein, Horror, Mad Charlie Barnett, Taylor Kinney, Monica 22.07.2014 Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Monsters, Raymund, Christian Stolte, David Eigenberg, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123495 Movies, Romance, Science Fiction, Thrillers Jesse Spencer, Lauren German, Eamonn 75min. Walker, Dick Wolf Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Casper (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Get a riveting look into the everyday heroics and private lives (Blu-ray) of the firefighters, rescue squad and paramedics of Firehouse 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123659 51, where plunging into roaring infernos and putting out Ben Stein, , Joe Alaskey, Chri- personal fires is just another day on the job. There’s more

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 53 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA than just flames to battle when the station lands on the short Ray Davis - Dir. Derrick Sims list for a shutdown, sending the team on a rescue mission Cinemanovels A grandfather and grandson wander to find the they’re not equipped to handle. deer they shot. They find a trespassing neighor instead. With Action, Cops, Crooked Cops, Drama, Ben Cotton, Katharine Isabelle, Kett Turton, a history of land disputes between them, the lines between Firefighters, NBC, Television 934min. Lauren Lee Smith, Jennifer Beals - Dir. good and evil blur as the darkness deepens. Soon they begin Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Terry Miles to question if everything will really be okay, Come Morning. Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2012 80min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123493 The estranged daughter of a celebrated Qubcois filmmaker begins to adopt her late father’s while curating a Monarch Home Video 23.09.2014 retrospective of his films in this wry comedy-drama from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124058 Chicago P.D.: Season One writer/director Terry Miles (RECOIL, THE DAWN RIDER). Archie Kao, Sophia Bush, Sydney Tamiia Grace (Lauren Lee Smith) is gathering some of her recently deceased father’s belongings when, despite never having Community Service Poitier, Robert Wisdom, , actually seen any of his work, she agrees to help select films JD Lawrence, Terri J. Vaughn, Drew Koteas, Ian Bohen, , Jon Seda for an upcoming tribute series. Meanwhile, as reclusive Chicago P.D. is a riveting police community. At the helm of the Grace begins the formidable task of reviewing his filmography, Sidora, Buddy Lewis, , Intelligence Unit is Sergeant Hank Voight (Jason Beghe), a she confides her growing sense of self-doubt in her close Clifton Powell man not against crossing legal and ethical lines to ensure the friend Clem (Jennifer Beals). Fortunately for Grace, her Comedy, Drama, TV Movies 2013 min. safety of the men and women of his District 21 who put it all friendly neighbor Adam (Kett Turton) is a well-versed film buff on the line to serve and protect the city he loves. who is more than willing to help with the project. But later, in E1 Entertainment 05.08.2014 the aftermath of an unsettling run-in with her late-father’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123508 Action, Cops, Drama, NBC, Television 2014 lover and leading woman Sophie (Gabrielle Rose), Grace 682min. begins to experience a gradual personality shift that can only Universal Studios 02.09.2014 be attributed to genetics. Ben Cotton, Katharine Isabelle, and Crawl Or Die 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123496 Sarah Grey co-star. Drama, Movies min. Canadian, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Anderson Merchandisers 12.08.2014 Movies, Romance 2013 91min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123818 The Children’s Hour Monterey Home Video 26.08.2014 Karen Wright (Audrey Hepburn) and Martha Dobie (Shirley 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123974 MacLaine) are just beginning to succeed in their struggle to Crazy Dog make the Wright-Dobie School for Girls a going concern. Karen believes she will soon be able to marry Joe Cardin Cloverfield / Dark City Gian Marco Tavani, Marco Bonetti, (James Garner). However, Karen has to discipline Mary Giuseppe Schisano, Tinto Brass, Franco Jessica Lucas, Lizzy Caplan, Mike Vogel, Tilford (Karen Balkin). Mary always wants her own way and, Nero - Dir. David Petrucci worse, is a congenital liar. Mary complains to her Ian Richardson, Jennifer Connelly, Rufus grandmother Mrs. Tilford (). To lend strength to Twenty years ago Marco’s father was brutally murdered by a her complaint, Mary repeats part of a conversation that she Sewell, Colin Friels, William Hurt, Kiefer coldblooded serial killer known as the Crazy Dog. Since then overheard, but barely understood—a conversation in which Sutherland, Bruce Spence, Kelvin Yu, T.J. he has been ceaselessly trying to unveil the chain of events Martha’s aunt Lily () accused Martha of Miller, Theo Rossi, Margot Farley, Odette that have resulted in dad’s death. Marco contacts Raul having an unnatural attachment to Karen. Mrs. Tilford is Chinna, a well-known criminologist that has made the Dog’s horrified and spreads the word to the parents of the other Annable - Dir. Alex Proyas, Matt Reeves bloody legacy his very own field of expertise. As soon Marco girls—with disastrous results. The Children’s Hour is Action, Double Features, Giant Monsters!, and Chinna start to recall the past, they both have to face the William Wyler’s second version of Lillian Hellman’s Mental Illness, Monsters, Movies, Murder fact there is another man obsessed by the murders of Crazy controversial 1934 Broadway play. In Wyler’s first version, Dog: David Moiraghi, a journalist who’s been working for These Three, made in 1936, the lesbian theme was entirely Mysteries, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thril- decades on the serial killer. As the truth starts slowly to suppressed. In contrast, The Children’s Hour, somewhat lers min. emerge from the mists of time, Marco has to acknowledge that belatedly, allowed the theme out of Hollywood’s closet. The Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 there is maybe something more that links professor Chinna Children’s Hour is clearly set in the and Moiraghi. The thin line between truth and fiction starts 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123902 slowly to blur while Marco is forced once again to face his Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies worst nightmares all over again. Crazy Dog, directed by 1962 106min. David Petrucci, is a fast and stylish low budget action thriller Kino Video 12.08.2014 The Coed And The Zombie Stoner that brings back all the thrills from the heyday of Italo 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123817 College Life, Comedy, Movies, Zombies min. Seventies crim flicks. A taut direction, a keen eye for detail Cinedigm 24.06.2014 and style, Petrucci works together the gia Action, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Italian, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123804 The Children’s Hour (Blu-ray) Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Serial Karen Wright (Audrey Hepburn) and Martha Dobie (Shirley Killers, Thrillers 2012 83min. MacLaine) are just beginning to succeed in their struggle to The Cold Lands CAV 09.09.2014 make the Wright-Dobie School for Girls a going concern. Self-sufficient 11-year-old Atticus (Silas Yelich) flees into the Karen believes she will soon be able to marry Joe Cardin Catskill Mountains following his mother’s death, and begins to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123976 (James Garner). However, Karen has to discipline Mary find his sense of reality slipping until he’s befriended by a Tilford (Karen Balkin). Mary always wants her own way and, mysterious, pot-smoking vagabond named Carter (Peter The Creature From worse, is a congenital liar. Mary complains to her Scanavino). Atticus grew up in the backwoods, where his grandmother Mrs. Tilford (Fay Bainter). To lend strength to independent-minded mother (Lili Taylor) taught him to fend for Nestor Paiva, Whit Bissell, Antonio Moreno, her complaint, Mary repeats part of a conversation that she himself. When she dies, the authorities show up at their home Richard Denning, Julie Adams, Richard overheard, but barely understood—a conversation in which and Atticus retreats into the hills. The young boy becomes the Martha’s aunt Lily (Miriam Hopkins) accused Martha of subject of an intense search, but manages to survive on his Carlson - Dir. Jack Arnold having an unnatural attachment to Karen. Mrs. Tilford is own thanks to his late mother’s teachings. Then Atticus meets Perfectly blending Universal’s classic monster heritage with horrified and spreads the word to the parents of the other Carter, a free spirit with a taste for cannabis, and a talent for the science-fiction explosion of the 1950s, Creature from the girls—with disastrous results. The Children’s Hour is making quick cash by selling homemade jewelry at music Black Lagoon tells the mythical story of a dangerous half- William Wyler’s second version of Lillian Hellman’s festivals. Although at first Carter’s carefree lifestyle proves human, half-fish creature lurking in the depths of the Amazon. controversial 1934 Broadway play. In Wyler’s first version, intensely alluring to his impressionable young companion, the After discovering a unique prehistoric claw fossil on an These Three, made in 1936, the lesbian theme was entirely pair soon begin to develop a mutually dependent relationship expedition deep in the jungle, archeologists investigate its suppressed. In contrast, The Children’s Hour, somewhat that eventually starts to weigh heavily on Atticus’ origins which lead them directly to a mysterious creature. Led belatedly, allowed the theme out of Hollywood’s closet. The increasingly troubled conscience. by marine life specialist David Reed (Richard Carlson), the Children’s Hour is clearly set in the Drama, Foreign, German, Movies 2013 men try to capture the monster who has become obsessed with Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies David’s assistant, Kay (Julia Adams). Originally released in 101min. 1962 106min. 3D, this thrilling adventure inspired sequels, TV series and Oscilloscope Laboratories 12.08.2014 more that continue to strengthen the monster’s legacy to this Kino Video 12.08.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123699 day. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123848 Classics, Horror, Monsters, Movies, Romance, Science Fiction, Thrillers 80min. Christmas Bounty (Blu-ray + DVD Come Morning Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Elise Rovinsky, Thor Wahlestedt, Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123660 + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Ray Davis - Dir. Derrick Sims Francia Raisa, Mike Mizanin - Dir. Gil Jun- A grandfather and grandson wander into the woods to find the ger deer they shot. They find a trespassing neighor instead. With The Creature From Black Lagoon A former bounty hunter turned schoolteacher struggles to a history of land disputes between them, the lines between (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) keep her low-class bounty hunting family a secret when her good and evil blur as the darkness deepens. Soon they begin rich and high-class boyfriend visits for Christmas, just as she to question if everything will really be okay, Come Morning. Nestor Paiva, Whit Bissell, Antonio Moreno, tries to catch her last bounty that got away. Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2012 80min. Richard Denning, Julie Adams, Richard Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Bounty Monarch Home Video 23.09.2014 Carlson - Dir. Jack Arnold Hunters, Christmas, Drama, Family, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124054 Perfectly blending Universal’s classic monster heritage with the science-fiction explosion of the 1950s, Creature from the Holidays, Hunting, Movies 90min. Black Lagoon tells the mythical story of a dangerous half- Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 Come Morning (Blu-ray) human, half-fish creature lurking in the depths of the Amazon. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123773 After discovering a unique prehistoric claw fossil on an Elise Rovinsky, Thor Wahlestedt, Michael expedition deep in the jungle, archeologists investigate its

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Backed up by the forensics 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123991 Classics, Horror, Monsters, Movies, and detective work of the rest of the (including Paul Guilfoyle, , Wallace Langham, Elisabeth Romance, Science Fiction, Thrillers 80min. Harnois, David Berman and Jon Wellner), the truth always Dead Within (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 02.09.2014 triumphs. The 22 relentlessly thrilling episodes packed in this Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123668 six-disc set features the special 300th episode with a special guest appearance by former team member 87min. () and the first appearance of Special First Look 09.09.2014 Creature From The Black Agent Avery Ryan (Emmy winner ) of the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124005 FBI’s Cyber-Crim Lagoon: Complete Legacy CBS, Crime, Detectives, Drama, FBI, Murder Collection Mysteries, Serial Killers, Television 936min. Deadly Eyes (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu- Nestor Paiva, Whit Bissell, Antonio Moreno, Paramount Pictures 16.09.2014 ray) Richard Denning, Clint Eastwood, John 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123549 Lesleh Donaldson, Cec Linder, Sara Bots- Agar, Julie Adams, Richard Carlson, Lori ford, Sam Groom, Lisa Langlois, Scatman Nelson, Rex Reason, Jeff Morrow, John Day Of The Siege Crothers - Dir. Robert Clouse Bromfield - Dir. Jack Arnold Each year they plunder one fifth of our food, spread our Jerzy Skolimowski, F. Murray Abraham, deadliest diseases and destroy billions of dollars worth of Adventure, Classics, Horror, Monsters, Alicja Bachleda, Antonio Cupo, Piotr homes and property. Grain contaminated with steroids produce Movies, Mystery, Romance, Science Adamczyk, Enrico Lo Verso, Yorgo large black rats that begin feeding on the citizens of Toronto. Fiction, Thrillers 241min. A college basketball coach (Sam Groom, The Baby Maker) Voyagis, Daniel Olbrychski - Dir. Renzo teams up with a local health inspector (Sara Botsford, The Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Martinelli Fog) to uncover the source of the mysterious giant rats. When 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123569 The year is 1683, and three hundred through battle-hardened they discover that the rats are living in the subway, they to to warriors of the Ottoman Empire lay siege to the vital fortified prevent a new subway line from opening before all hell breaks city of Vienna, gateway to the west. The heroic few of the loose underground. This is man’s last desperate, bloody battle Crossbones: Season One war-weary cavalry are all that stand between the bloodthirsty to preserve the existence of the human race! Based on the Michael Desante, Ezra Buzzington, Richard invaders and the destruction of western civilization. On novel The Rats by James Herbert with a by September 11th, after two months of gallant resistance, the Charles Eglee (Dexter, The Walking Dead), this nail-biting Coyle, Julian Sands, city walls are breached by cannonballs and an epic battle thriller is directed by Robert Clouse (Enter The Dragon) and It’s 1715 on the island of Santa Campana and the diabolical begins to decide that fate of the world. co-stars Scatman Crothers (), Lisa Langlois (The pirate Blackbeard reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, Nest) and Lesleh Donaldson (Happy Birthday To Me, outlaws and miscreant sailors. Get ready for an extraordinary Action, Adventure, Drama, Foreign, History & Events, Movies, Polish 2012 114min. Curtains). action adventure where one can’t be sure whether the pirates Horror, Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction or the British crown are the villains. Peace Arch Entertainment 01.07.2014 1982 87min. Action, Adventure, Drama, Pirates, Televisi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123577 on 2014 min. Shout Factory 15.07.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123808 Universal Studios 02.09.2014 The Dead 2 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123564 Joseph Millson - Dir. Howard J. Ford, Dear Viola Jonathan Ford The Crow: Salvation (DVD + In this ferocious sequel to the worldwide horror hit, The Kellie Martin, Kira Gelineau, Jefferson UltraViolet) Dead, The Ford Brothers take their chilling vision of the Brown - Dir. Laurie Lynd zombie apocalypse to a different country and a whole new Soon after Katie Miner (Kellie Martin) takes over penning the Eric Mabius, Fred Ward, William Atherton, level: As the infectious epidemic spreads through India, an advice column „Dear Viola,“ she is struck by a letter for Russ Kirsten Dunst - Dir. Bharat Nalluri American turbine engineer (Joseph Millson of Casino Royale) (Jefferson Brown), a widower who calls himself „Mr. Lost Kirsten Dunst (Spider-Man franchise) and Eric Mabius learns that his pregnant girlfriend is trapped near the slums of Love.“ As they correspond, Katie finds herself falling for (Cruel Intentions) star in The Crow: Salvation - the third Mumbai. Now, one man must battle his way across a 300-mile Russ, but when he starts dating the knockout in exciting motion picture in The Crow legacy! Wrongly wasteland of the ravenous undead and into a nightmare city town, „Viola“ has to decide if it’s still in her best interest to executed for the murder of his girlfriend, Alex Corvis seething with flesh-eating madness. The Dead 2 puts the Ford keep her identity a secret. (Mabius) returns from the dead and sets out to find the real Brothers’ unique apocalyptic vision on a far bigger canvas in Canadian, Comedy, Foreign, Movies, killer! Aided by his girlfriend’s sister (Dunst)...and under the terms of breathtaking scope, thrilling action , death-defying Romance, TV Movies 2014 87min. guidance of the mysterious crow...he unmasks a web stunts, emotional resonance and spine-tingling fight. The of corruption and deceit! Alex seeks not only retribution for Dead 2 is bigger, better and more exciting than the first, raves E1 Entertainment 08.07.2014 his injustice, but redemption for the darkness in his soul. HorrorCultFilms. „Thrilling, frightening and incredibly violent. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123580 Action, Crime, Fantasy, Movies, Mystery, Powerful stuff!“ Action, Drama, End Of The World, Horror, Revenge, Romance, Thrillers 2000 102min. Killer Viruses, Movies, Zombies 2014 Death For Hire Lionsgate 09.09.2014 98min. Assassins & Hitmen, Movies, Thrillers min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123545 Starz / Anchor Bay 16.09.2014 First Look 15.07.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123718 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123802 Crown And The Dragon: The Paladin Cycle The Dead 2 (Blu-ray) Defiance: Season Two Adventure, Fantasy, Monsters, Movies min. Joseph Millson - Dir. Howard J. Ford, , Nicole Munoz, Jaime Murray, Cinedigm 12.08.2014 Jonathan Ford Tony Curran, Stephanie Leonidas, Grant 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123637 In this ferocious sequel to the worldwide horror hit, The Bowler, , Julie Benz, Mia Dead, The Ford Brothers take their chilling vision of the Kirshner Crown And The Dragon: The zombie apocalypse to a different country and a whole new A drifter-turned-lawkeeper and the newly-appointed mayor level: As the infectious epidemic spreads through India, an attempt to lead the human and alien residents through the Paladin Cycle (Blu-ray) American turbine engineer (Joseph Millson of Casino Royale) prejudices and politics that threaten the fragile peace they’ve learns that his pregnant girlfriend is trapped near the slums of Adventure, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Monsters, fought for. Mumbai. Now, one man must battle his way across a 300-mile Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Drama, In Movies min. wasteland of the ravenous undead and into a nightmare city The Future..., Science Fiction, Television Cinedigm 12.08.2014 seething with flesh-eating madness. The Dead 2 puts the Ford Brothers’ unique apocalyptic vision on a far bigger canvas in min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123656 terms of breathtaking scope, thrilling action , death-defying stunts, emotional resonance and spine-tingling fight. The Universal Studios 23.09.2014 Dead 2 is bigger, better and more exciting than the first, raves 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123682 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - HorrorCultFilms. „Thrilling, frightening and incredibly violent. The Fourteenth Season Powerful stuff!“ Action, Blu-ray, Drama, End Of The World, Defiance: Season Two (Blu-ray + Eric Szmanda, Elisabeth Harnois, Wallace Horror, Killer Viruses, Movies, Zombies UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Langham, George Eads, Jorja Fox, Paul 2014 98min. Noah Danby, Nicole Munoz, Jaime Murray, Guilfoyle, Elisabeth Shue, Ted Danson Crime never stops, and neither do the brilliant minds of CSI: Starz / Anchor Bay 16.09.2014 Tony Curran, Stephanie Leonidas, Grant Crime Scene Investigation. In the fourteenth gripping season, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123738 Bowler, Graham Greene, Julie Benz, Mia the six-time Emmy Award winning drama dives into new Kirshner depths. From serial slaughter and arson to mysterious

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A drifter-turned-lawkeeper and the newly-appointed mayor Starz / Anchor Bay 16.09.2014 meek office drone who bumbles his way through his day, attempt to lead the human and alien residents through the forever pining for a pretty girl (Mia Wasikowska) who lives prejudices and politics that threaten the fragile peace they’ve 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123719 near him and working hard for a boss (Wallace Shawn) who fought for. doesn’t see any of his accomplishments. One day Simon Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Blu-ray, Disaster L.A.: The Last Zombie discovers that he has a new co-worker, James Simon (also Drama, In The Future..., Science Fiction, Eisenberg), who looks just like him and possesses all of the Apocalypse Begins Here confidence and charisma that Simon lacks. Simon befriends Television min. Justin Ray - Dir. Turner Clay this new person, and soon the put-upon man is asserting Universal Studios 23.09.2014 himself. However, he begins to fear he’s becoming just THE CITY OF ANGELS HAS GONE TO HELL STAY another pawn in James’ relentless self-interests. The Double 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123723 INDOORS. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO VACATE THE CITY. screened at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. STAY AWAY FROM OTHER PEOPLE. When meteors strike Los Angeles, the massive destruction they cause is the least Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 93min. The Den of the city’s worries as its inhabitants begin to fall deathly ill Magnolia Home Entertainment 26.08.2014 Melanie Papalia - Dir. Zachary Donohue from the resulting smoke. But when the dead begin to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123905 A graduate student observing the habits of internet chat room reanimate and feed off the living, five friends make a run for participants becomes of a psychotic killer after the coast before they can be killed by the infected - or worse, witnessing a brutal murder during one of her online research by government forces who will fight to contain the situation at The Double (Blu-ray) sessions. When Elizabeth Benton (Melanie Papalia) sees a any cost - in this nightmarish no-holds-barred thriller. Jesse Eisenberg, Mia Wasikowska, James Action, Adventure, End Of The World, Hor- teenage girl slaughtered on web-cam, the police chalk it up to Fox, Wallace Shawn, Cathy Moriarty, Noah a sick joke. Meanwhile, in her quest to solve the crime, ror, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Elizabeth is drawn into a sadistic game of death that threatens Taylor - Dir. Richard Ayoade to spell doom not just for her, but for she cares about Zombies 2014 83min. Richard Ayoade’s stylized adaptation of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s most as well. Warner Bros. 23.09.2014 novella The Double stars Jesse Eisenberg as Simon James, a Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 76min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123787 meek office drone who bumbles his way through his day, forever pining for a pretty girl (Mia Wasikowska) who lives MPI 29.07.2014 near him and working hard for a boss (Wallace Shawn) who 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123500 Disaster L.A.: The Last Zombie doesn’t see any of his accomplishments. One day Simon discovers that he has a new co-worker, James Simon (also Apocalypse Begins Here (Blu-ray) Eisenberg), who looks just like him and possesses all of the Detour Justin Ray - Dir. Turner Clay confidence and charisma that Simon lacks. Simon befriends Claudia Drake, Ann Savage, Tom Neal, Pat THE CITY OF ANGELS HAS GONE TO HELL STAY this new person, and soon the put-upon man is asserting Gleason, Esther Howard, Tim Ryan, Ed- INDOORS. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO VACATE THE CITY. himself. However, he begins to fear he’s becoming just STAY AWAY FROM OTHER PEOPLE. When meteors strike another pawn in James’ relentless self-interests. The Double mund MacDonald - Dir. Edgar G. Ulmer Los Angeles, the massive destruction they cause is the least screened at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. Detour tells the story of All Roberts (Tom Neal), a New York of the city’s worries as its inhabitants begin to fall deathly ill Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 93min. nightclub pianist who accepts a ride from gambler Charles from the resulting smoke. But when the dead begin to Magnolia Home Entertainment 26.08.2014 Haskell, Jr. to join his girlfriend in Hollywood. When the reanimate and feed off the living, five friends make a run for driver mysteriously dies, Al assumes the man’s identity and the coast before they can be killed by the infected - or worse, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123907 the car, fearful he’ll be accused of murder. Shortly thereafter, by government forces who will fight to contain the situation at he picks up the beautiful Vera (Ann Savage) who had any cost - in this nightmarish no-holds-barred thriller. Dracula coincidentally been given a ride by Haskell earlier. She Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, End Of The realizes Al has disposed of the body and, holding the threat of Edward Van Sloan, Helen Chandler, David World, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, summoning the police over his head, forces him to continue his Manners, Dwight Frye, - Dir. ruse to collect an inheritance from Haskell’s millionaire father Thrillers, Zombies 2014 83min. Tod Browning whom he hasn’t seen in years. Warner Bros. 23.09.2014 Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Movies 1945 The original Dracula, starring Bela Lugosi, launched the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123774 Hollywood horror genre and defined the iconic look and 67min. frightening character of the famed vampire. Towering Film Chest Media Group 22.07.2014 ominously among the shadows of the Carpathian Mountains, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123956 Doc Holliday’s Revenge (DVD + Castle Dracula strikes fear in the hearts of the Transylvanian UltraViolet) villagers below. After a naive real estate agent succumbs to the will of Count Dracula, the two head to London where the Devil’s Deal (DVD + UltraViolet) Ashley Hayes, William McNamara, Eric Ro- vampire hopes to stroll among respectable society by day and Jaysen Dry, David K. Shelton, Matthew berts, Tom Berenger - Dir. David DeCoteau search for potential victims by night. The inspiration for In 1882, Joseph and Elizabeth Cooley head West to reunite hundreds of subsequent remakes and adaptations, this classic Greer - Dir. Allen Reed, Justin Mosley with Elizabeth’s family and are stranded in a logging camp film directed by Tod Browning, is the signature adaptation of Hell has come to the town of Burning Bush. When the terms of just outside Tucson. Then, a wounded Indian stumbles into Bram Stoker’s story with its eerie passion, shadowy a deal with the devil made long ago resurface, the innocent their camp, and they must defend him against his would-be atmosphere and thrilling cinematography. must fight for their lives as the Devil aims to destroy killer - Doc Holliday. Elizabeth considers Doc a stone-cold Classics, Dracula, Horror, Monsters, everything and everyone in the town to reap the souls he was killer, but during the course of their tense stand-off, she Movies, Romance, Thrillers, Vampires 1931 promised. comes to find that this courtly, ailing man has a surprisingly Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Thril- well-honed sense of justice, frontier-style... 75min. lers 101min. Action, Adventure, Movies, Revenge, Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Lionsgate 14.10.2014 Romance, Western 2014 105min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123661 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124039 Lionsgate 07.10.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124016 Dracula (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Devil’s Mile (Blu-ray) David Hayter, Maria Del Mar : Series Three, Part 2 Edward Van Sloan, Helen Chandler, David Fleeing a botched kidnapping, a gang of desperate ex cons Freema Agyeman, John Barrowman, , Dwight Frye, Bela Lugosi - Dir. and their terrified teenage hostages take an ill-advised detour down a dark stretch of haunted highway. Now they must fight Tennant Tod Browning together to escape the sinister supernatural forces pursuing Tenth Doctor David Tennant (Broadchurch, Harry Potter and The original Dracula, starring Bela Lugosi, launched the them. the Goblet of Fire) and his companion, Martha Jones (Freema Hollywood horror genre and defined the iconic look and Agyeman, Law and Order UK, ) travel across frightening character of the famed vampire. Towering Action, Crime, Horror, Movies 2014 min. space and time in another set of thrilling adventures. Along ominously among the shadows of the Carpathian Mountains, Peace Arch Entertainment 12.08.2014 the way. Oscar nominee Carey Mulligan guest stars in the Castle Dracula strikes fear in the hearts of the Transylvanian 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123701 episode that introduces the terrifying Weeping Angels, villagers below. After a naive real estate agent succumbs to Torchwood’s Captain Jack (John Barrowman) storms back the will of Count Dracula, the two head to London where the into the Doctor’s life for a trip to the end of the Universe, and vampire hopes to stroll among respectable society by day and Disaster 4-Pack in the thrilling 2-part finale, the Master hatches a plan to search for potential victims by night. The inspiration for enslave the entire population of the Earth and only Martha hundreds of subsequent remakes and adaptations, this classic Ed Quinn, Donnelly Rhodes, Andrew Airlie, Jones has the ability to save all of humankind! film directed by Tod Browning, is the signature adaptation of Jewel Staite, Diane Farr, Alan Dale, David BBC, British, Foreign, International TV, Bram Stoker’s story with its eerie passion, shadowy Cubitt, Kirk Acevedo, A.J. Buckley, Michael Science Fiction, Television, Time Travel atmosphere and thrilling cinematography. Classics, Dracula, Horror, Monsters, Hogan, Laura Harris, Roark Critchlow, Holly 320min. Movies, Romance, Thrillers, Vampires 1931 Elissa Dignard, Ryan Grantham, Magda BBC Home Video 08.07.2014 75min. Apanowicz, Jessica Parker Kennedy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123570 This collection includes the best disaster films from Anchor Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Bay. The collection includes: Doomsday Prophecy, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123669 Snowmageddon, Collision Earth, and 12 Disasters. The Double Action, Christmas, Disasters, Drama, End Jesse Eisenberg, Mia Wasikowska, James Dracula (Blu-ray) Of The World, Movies, Science Fiction, Fox, Wallace Shawn, Cathy Moriarty, Noah Jan Francis, Donald Pleasence, Tony Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers 2014 Taylor - Dir. Richard Ayoade 361min. Richard Ayoade’s stylized adaptation of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Haygarth, Trevor Eve, Kate Nelligan, Frank novella The Double stars Jesse Eisenberg as Simon James, a Langella, Laurence Olivier - Dir. John

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Badham Drama, Football, Movies, NFL, Sports, CBS, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Dysfunctional Throughout history, Dracula has filled men’s hearts with Sports Entertainment 2014 110min. Families, , Television min. fear...and women’s hearts with desire. Can the bloodthirsty Count Dracula (Frank Langella) escape his legendary Summit Entertainment 02.09.2014 Paramount Pictures 09.09.2014 nemesis Van Helsing (Laurence Olivier), the renowned and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123552 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123993 relentless vampire hunter seeking to end the Dark Prince’s reign of terror over the citizens of Transylvania. Classics, Dracula, Drama, Horror, Mon- Draft Day (DVD + UltraViolet) The Equalizer: Season Two sters, Movies, Romance, Thrillers, Chadwick Boseman, Terry Crews, Sean Luis Guzman, Melissa Joan Hart, Tony Vampires 1979 110min. Combs, Jennifer Garner, Kevin Costner, Shalhoub, Bradley Whitford, Edward Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Frank Langella, Sam Elliot, Denis Leary, Woodward 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123589 Ellen Burstyn - Dir. Ivan Reitman Action, CBS, Detectives, Drama, Television On draft day, a life-changing day for a few hundred young men min. with dreams of playing in the NFL, general manager Sonny First Look 26.08.2014 Dracula: Complete Legacy Weaver goes against advice making a series of risky, unexpected maneuvers to save his team. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123838 Collection Drama, Football, Movies, NFL, Sports, Helen Chandler, David Manners, Glenn Sports Entertainment 2014 110min. Escape To Athena Strange, Otto Kruger, Dwight Frye, Bela Summit Entertainment 02.09.2014 Roger Moore, Elliott Gould, David Niven, Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Lou Costello, Bud 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123541 , Stefanie Powers, Sonny Abbott, John Carradine, Lenore Aubert, Bono - Dir. George P. Cosmatos Jane Randolph, Frank Ferguson, Charles Dragonwolf Escape To Athena is an action packed WWII film that pits a Bradstreet, Onslow Stevens, Gloria Hol- Action, Foreign, Movies, Thai 2013 120min. small band of Greek freedom fighters against a German den, Marguerite Churchill, Edward Van battalion. It begins in a prison camp where Allied POWs are Well Go USA 29.07.2014 Sloan - Dir. Robert Siodmak, Charles Bar- forced to spend their days unearthing priceless Greek art 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123504 treasures for the Nazis. Meanwhile, in a nearby brothel, ton, Tod Browning, Lambert Hillyer resistance fighters led by Zeno (Telly Savalas) conspire to Classics, Dracula, Drama, Frankenstein, rid their island of the German occupiers. Zeno and his men Dragonwolf (Blu-ray) stage a daring daylight rescue of prisoners about to be Horror, Mad Scientists & Deadly Doctors, executed in the village square. Then, in a race against the Monsters, Movies, Romance, Thrillers, Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Movies, Thai 2013 clock, Zeno leads a perilous raid on a German garrison Vampires 550min. 120min. stationed in a remote mountain monastery. Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Well Go USA 29.07.2014 Action, Adventure, British, Comedy, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123594 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123523 Foreign, Movies 1979 120min. Hen’s Tooth 01.07.2014 Dracula: Season One Duel At Diablo 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123864 Jessica De Gouw, , Bibi Andersson, , Bill Tra- Katie McGrath, Nonso Anozie, Alastair vers, Sidney Poitier, James Garner - Dir. The Exorcist: The Complete Mackenzie, Ben Miles, Victoria Smurfit, Ralph Nelson Anthology (Blu-ray) Based on the novel Apache Rising by Marvin Albert, this bold Thomas Kretschmann, Robert Bathurst and inspired western meets every expectation of its genre. Gabriel Mann, Ed Flanders, Stellan Centuries after the Order of the Dragon cursed him with Director Ralph Nelson keeps the pace lively in this Calvary Skarsgard, Linda Blair, Clara Bellar, Max immortality and murdered his wife, Dracula (Jonathan Rhys verses the Indians narrative and puts both James Garner and Von Sydow, Brad Dourif, George C. Scott, Meyers) arrives in Victorian London to wreak his revenge. Sidney Poitier to great use. Garner plays Jess Remsberg, a Posing as an American industrialist who intends to bring rugged handsome scout, and Poitier plays Toller, a former Louise Fletcher, Ellen Burstyn, Richard modern science to England, Dracula sets out to destroy the trooper, who now makes a living breaking in horses. Bill Burton - Dir. William Friedkin, Paul sect, only to fall in love with a woman (Jessica De Gouw) Travers is their formidable leader, Lt. Scotty McAllister. Schrader, , John who strongly resembles his dead wife, an obsession that When the vigorous McAllister leads his group of recruits to a threatens to thwart all his plans. far away fort they are unexpectedly attacked by Apaches. The Boorman British, Dracula, Drama, Foreign, Horror, group is saved by Remsberg’s knowledge of the Indians and Here it is. The scream of the crop. The scariest and most Myths & Legends, NBC, Television, Thrillers Toller also helps out in unexpected ways. Poitier stretches fascinating collection of movies in modern horror. At the here, and the result is a surprising and delightful center of these ultimate clashes between darkness and light 2013 448min. characterization. The well staged, action packed, battle are intrepid souls who dare to look evil in the eye and Universal Studios 14.10.2014 sequences are also a credit to Nelson’s direction. Look for unsheathe the weapons of faith. The struggle begins with the 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124049 , who turns in a memorable cameo as the trend-setting The Exorcist (presented it its original theatrical wagon driver. version and Extended Director’s Cut). Exorcist II: The Action, Movies, War, Western 1966 103min. Heretic and The Exorcist III bring added perspectives, blood- Dracula: Season One (Blu-ray + curdling visuals and shocks to the harrowing tale. And the Kino Video 29.07.2014 two prequel stories (by two different directors) of Dominion/ UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123609 The Beginning enrich the original by revealing the amazing genesis of the battle between Father Merrin and humanity’s Jessica De Gouw, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, most foe. Katie McGrath, Nonso Anozie, Alastair Duel At Diablo (Blu-ray) Classics, Devils And Demons, Drama, Hor- Mackenzie, Ben Miles, Victoria Smurfit, Bibi Andersson, Dennis Weaver, Bill Tra- ror, Horror Series, Movies, Possession, Thomas Kretschmann, Robert Bathurst vers, Sidney Poitier, James Garner - Dir. Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers 700min. Centuries after the Order of the Dragon cursed him with immortality and murdered his wife, Dracula (Jonathan Rhys Ralph Nelson Warner Bros. 23.09.2014 Meyers) arrives in Victorian London to wreak his revenge. Based on the novel Apache Rising by Marvin Albert, this bold 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123793 Posing as an American industrialist who intends to bring and inspired western meets every expectation of its genre. modern science to England, Dracula sets out to destroy the Director Ralph Nelson keeps the pace lively in this Calvary sect, only to fall in love with a woman (Jessica De Gouw) verses the Indians narrative and puts both James Garner and Fading Gigolo who strongly resembles his dead wife, an obsession that Sidney Poitier to great use. Garner plays Jess Remsberg, a rugged handsome scout, and Poitier plays Toller, a former Vanessa Paradis, Woody Allen, Liev threatens to thwart all his plans. Schreiber, John Turturro, Sharon Stone - British, Dracula, Drama, Foreign, Horror, trooper, who now makes a living breaking in horses. Bill Travers is their formidable leader, Lt. Scotty McAllister. Dir. John Turturro Myths & Legends, NBC, Television, Thrillers When the vigorous McAllister leads his group of recruits to a Writer/director John Turturro’s Fading Gigolo centers on an 2013 448min. far away fort they are unexpectedly attacked by Apaches. The elderly New York bookstore owner (Woody Allen) who Universal Studios 14.10.2014 group is saved by Remsberg’s knowledge of the Indians and becomes a pimp when he turns his middle-aged friend Toller also helps out in unexpected ways. Poitier stretches (Turturro) into a gigolo hoping to raise enough money when it 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124056 here, and the result is a surprising and delightful looks like their store is going to close. Eventually, they begin characterization. The well staged, action packed, battle to make more money than they ever expected. sequences are also a credit to Nelson’s direction. Look for Draft Day (Blu-ray + DVD + Richard Farnsworth, who turns in a memorable cameo as the Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 90min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) wagon driver. First Look 19.08.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Movies, War, Western 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123708 Chadwick Boseman, Terry Crews, Sean 1966 103min. Combs, Jennifer Garner, Kevin Costner, Kino Video 29.07.2014 Frank Langella, Sam Elliot, Denis Leary, Fading Gigolo (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123645 Ellen Burstyn - Dir. Ivan Reitman Vanessa Paradis, Woody Allen, Liev On draft day, a life-changing day for a few hundred young men Schreiber, John Turturro, Sharon Stone - with dreams of playing in the NFL, general manager Sonny Dynasty: The Final Season - Dir. John Turturro Weaver goes against advice making a series of risky, Volumes 1 & 2 Writer/director John Turturro’s Fading Gigolo centers on an unexpected maneuvers to save his team. elderly New York bookstore owner (Woody Allen) who

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 57 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA becomes a pimp when he turns his middle-aged friend 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124023 Charlene „Charlie“ McGee. Eight-year-old Drew Barrymore (Turturro) into a gigolo hoping to raise enough money when it stars as the child who has the amazing ability to start fires looks like their store is going to close. Eventually, they begin with just a glance. Can her psychic power and the love of her to make more money than they ever expected. Favorites Of The Moon (30th father save her from the threatening government agency, „The Drama, Movies 2013 90min. Anniversary) Shop,“ that wants her destroyed? Filled with blazing special First Look 19.08.2014 effects and featuring an all-star cast including Martin Sheen Crime, Drama, Foreign, French, Movies min. and Heather Locklear, Art Carney, Louise Fletcher and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123732 George C. Scott, Firestarter is a must-own film for any fan of E1 Entertainment 12.08.2014 the supernatural. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123636 Fanie Fourie’s Lobola Classics, Horror, Mad Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Movies, , Comedy, Foreign, Movies, Romance, South Favorites Of The Moon (30th Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers 1984 African 2013 96min. 115min. Olive Films 12.08.2014 Anniversary) (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 02.09.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123703 Crime, Drama, Foreign, French, Movies min. E1 Entertainment 12.08.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123498 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123655 Father Brown: Season One Firestarter (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Tom Chambers, Nancy Carroll, Sorcha Cusack, Hugo Speer, Mark Williams Filth (Blu-ray) Series inspired by the stories of GK Chesterton; a Catholic James McAvoy stars in director Jon S. Baird’s outrageous Martin Sheen, Moses Gunn, Freddie Jones, priest who has a knack for solving mysteries in his English dark comedy based on the book by Irvine Welsh, and centered on the exploits of a debauched cop on a mission to crack a David Keith, Heather Locklear, Drew village. Barrymore, Art Carney, George C. Scott, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Mystery, Reli- murder case, earn a big promotion, and win back his estranged wife. Detective Sergeant Bruce Robertson Louise Fletcher - Dir. Mark L. Lester gion/Spirituality, Television 2013 450min. (McAvoy) is unlike any cop on the force. A pervert, a drug Charlene „Charlie“ McGee is a child who has the amazing BBC Home Video 16.09.2014 addict, and an irredeemable jerk, he thinks he’s in control, ability to start fires with just a glance. Can her psychic power 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123765 even as his life spirals into oblivion. Now, in order to earn a and the love of her father save her from the threatening major promotion, Detective Robertson will actually have to government agency, The Shop, that wants her destroyed? work, instead of hustling his way though each day in a haze of Classics, Horror, Mad Scientists & Deadly The Fault In Our Stars drugs and alcohol. Meanwhile, the harder he tries to get a grip, the further his future seems to slip out of reach. Jamie Doctors, Movies, Science Fiction, Stephen Nat Wolff, Ansel Elgort, Lotte Verbeek, Bell, Jim Broadbent, Imogen Poots, Shirley Henderson, and King, Thrillers 1984 115min. , Sam Trammell, Laura Joanne Froggat co-star. Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Comedy, Drama, Movies 97min. Dern, Willem Dafoe - Dir. Josh Boone 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123644 Hazel (Shailene Woodley) and Gus (Ansel Elgort) share a Magnolia Home Entertainment 12.08.2014 sarcastic sense of humor, a distaste for the conventional, and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123819 ultimately a love that sweeps them on an unforgettable Forrest Gump: Diamond Deluxe journey. Although the two teens face unlikely challenges, their courage and dedication to each other prove that while life Filth (Blu-ray) Edition (Blu-ray) isn’t perfect, love can still be extraordinary. James McAvoy stars in director Jon S. Baird’s outrageous Robin Wright Penn, Haley Joel Osment, Sam (Little Fockers) and Sam Trammell (TV’s True Blood ) also dark comedy based on the book by Irvine Welsh, and centered Anderson, Mykelti Williamson, Sally Field, star in this powerfully moving film based on John Green’s on the exploits of a debauched cop on a mission to crack a New York Times best-selling novel. murder case, earn a big promotion, and win back his , - Dir. Robert Adventure, Book-To-Film, Drama, Illness & estranged wife. Detective Sergeant Bruce Robertson Zemeckis Disease, Movies, Romance 2014 126min. (McAvoy) is unlike any cop on the force. A pervert, a drug Stupid is as stupid does, says Forrest Gump (played by Tom addict, and an irredeemable jerk, he thinks he’s in control, Hanks in an Oscar-winning performance) as he discusses his 20th Century Fox 16.09.2014 even as his life spirals into oblivion. Now, in order to earn a relative level of intelligence with a stranger while waiting for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124010 major promotion, Detective Robertson will actually have to a bus. Despite his sub-normal IQ , Gump leads a truly work, instead of hustling his way though each day in a haze of life, with a ringside seat for many of the most drugs and alcohol. Meanwhile, the harder he tries to get a memorable events of the second half of the 20th century. The Fault In Our Stars - The Little grip, the further his future seems to slip out of reach. Jamie Entirely without trying, Forrest teaches Elvis Presley to Infinities Edition (Blu-ray + DVD + Bell, Jim Broadbent, Imogen Poots, Shirley Henderson, and dance, becomes a football star, meets John F. Kennedy, Joanne Froggat co-star. serves with honor in Vietnam, meets Lynd on Johnson, speaks UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Comedy, Drama, Movies 97min. at an anti-war rally at the Washington Monument, hangs out with the Yippies, defeats the Chinese national team in table Nat Wolff, Ansel Elgort, Lotte Verbeek, Magnolia Home Entertainment 12.08.2014 tennis, meets Richard Nixon, discovers the break-in at the Shailene Woodley, Sam Trammell, Laura 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123849 Watergate, opens a profitable shrimping business, becomes Dern, Willem Dafoe - Dir. Josh Boone an original investor in Apple Computers, and decides to run Hazel (Shailene Woodley) and Gus (Ansel Elgort) share a The Final Terror (Blu-ray + DVD) back and forth across the country for several years. sarcastic sense of humor, a distaste for the conventional, and Meanwhile, as the remarkable parade of his life goes by, ultimately a love that sweeps them on an unforgettable (Blu-ray) Forrest never forgets Jenny (Robin Wright Penn), the girl he journey. Although the two teens face unlikely challenges, their loved as a boy , who makes her own journey through the courage and dedication to each other prove that while life Daryl Hannah, Joe Pantoliano, Ernest turbulence of the 1960s and 1970s that is far more troubled isn’t perfect, love can still be extraordinary. Laura Dern Harden Jr., John Friedrich, Lewis Smith, than the path (Little Fockers) and Sam Trammell (TV’s True Blood ) also Adrian Zmed, Akosua Busia, Rachel Ward, Academy Award Winners, Action, star in this powerfully moving film based on John Green’s Mark Metcalf - Dir. Andrew Davis Adventure, AFI Top 100, Americana, Blu- New York Times best-selling novel. ray, Drama, Epics, Family, History & Events, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, A group of young campers out for what they hope will be a fun-filled weekend find their plans spoiled by a disguised, Movies, National Film Registry, Romance, Illness & Disease, Movies, Romance, merciless killer who stalks the forest in search of new Tearjerkers, Vietnam War, War 1994 Special Editions 2014 126min. victims. Soon they are caught in a terrifying web of bloodshed 142min. 20th Century Fox 16.09.2014 and murder. It is up to the remaining few to defend themselves and put an end to the terror-filled weekend. Featuring a great Warner Bros. 30.09.2014 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124024 cast including Rachel Ward (The Thorn Birds), Daryl Hannah (Kill Bill, Blade Runner), Adrian Zmed (Bachelor Party), 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123535 Mark Metcalf (Zero Dark Thirty), Lewis Smith (Django The Fault In Our Stars (Blu-ray + Unchained) and Joe Pantoliano (The Matrix, The Fugitive) Frankenstein DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) and directed by Andrew Davis (The Fugitive, Under Siege), this pulse-pounding film is the final word in backwoods Edward Van Sloan, Mae Clarke, Frederic Nat Wolff, Ansel Elgort, Lotte Verbeek, horror. Kerr, Dwight Frye, Colin Clive, John Boles, Shailene Woodley, Sam Trammell, Laura Horror, Movies, Murder Mysteries 1983 Boris Karloff - Dir. James Whale Dern, Willem Dafoe - Dir. Josh Boone 82min. An unforgettable masterpiece, the original Frankenstein stars Hazel (Shailene Woodley) and Gus (Ansel Elgort) share a Shout Factory 01.07.2014 Boris Karloff as the screen’s most tragic and iconic monster sarcastic sense of humor, a distaste for the conventional, and in what many consider to be the greatest ever ultimately a love that sweeps them on an unforgettable 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123587 made. Tampering with life and death, Dr. Frankenstein (Colin journey. Although the two teens face unlikely challenges, their Clive) pieces together salvaged body parts to bring a human courage and dedication to each other prove that while life Firestarter monster to life. The mad scientist’s dreams are shattered by isn’t perfect, love can still be extraordinary. Laura Dern his creation’s violent rage as the monster awakens to a world (Little Fockers) and Sam Trammell (TV’s True Blood ) also Drew Snyder, Antonio Fargas, Martin in which he is unwelcome. Featuring groundbreaking makeup star in this powerfully moving film based on John Green’s Sheen, Moses Gunn, Freddie Jones, David by Jack Pierce, director James Whale’s adaptation of Mary New York Times best-selling novel. Keith, Heather Locklear, Drew Barrymore, Shelley’s masterpiece novel blends themes of horror, isolation Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, and compassion, and remains one of the most shocking movies Art Carney, George C. Scott, Louise Illness & Disease, Movies, Romance 2014 of all time. Fletcher - Dir. Mark L. Lester Classics, Drama, Frankenstein, Horror, Mad 126min. Firestarter, the unforgettable best-seller by esteemed horror Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Monsters, 20th Century Fox 16.09.2014 author Stephen King, chronicles the extraordinary life of

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Movies, Science Fiction 71min. Will Blagrove, Warren Kole, Jaime Ray Godzilla - Special Edition (DVD + Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Newman, Jude Ciccolella, Dustin Nguyen, UltraViolet) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123662 Bai Ling, Adam Lawson A group of misfits find themselves trapped in what they Aaron Taylor Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, believe to be an underground incinerator, and come together Sally Hawkins, Juliette Binoche, Bryan Frankenstein (Blu-ray + in the hope of discovering a way out. But they quickly realize Cranston, David Strathairn - Dir. Gareth UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) that to get out alive, they’ll each be tested in ways that are specific to their past - ways that will leave their future Edwards Edward Van Sloan, Mae Clarke, Frederic changed forever. A giant radioactive monster called Godzilla awakens from its Kerr, Dwight Frye, Colin Clive, John Boles, Action, Adventure, Horror, Movies, Science slumber to wreak destruction on its creators. Action, Giant Monsters!, Godzilla, Boris Karloff - Dir. James Whale Fiction, Thrillers 80min. Japanese, Monsters, Movies, Navy, An unforgettable masterpiece, the original Frankenstein stars Lionsgate 23.09.2014 Science Fiction, Thrillers 2014 123min. Boris Karloff as the screen’s most tragic and iconic monster 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123878 in what many consider to be the greatest horror film ever Warner Bros. 16.09.2014 made. Tampering with life and death, Dr. Frankenstein (Colin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124020 Clive) pieces together salvaged body parts to bring a human Gang Warz monster to life. The mad scientist’s dreams are shattered by his creation’s violent rage as the monster awakens to a world Coolio, Chino XL, Pablo Patlis, Jennifer Godzilla (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + in which he is unwelcome. Featuring groundbreaking makeup Salinas, Theresa Saldana, Robert Vaughn, by Jack Pierce, director James Whale’s adaptation of Mary DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Shelley’s masterpiece novel blends themes of horror, isolation Reni Santoni - Dir. Chris McIntyre and compassion, and remains one of the most shocking movies Hip Hop star Chino XL (Alex & Emma) gives a fierce Aaron Taylor Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, of all time. performance as a part Black, part Latino Street Cop who Sally Hawkins, Juliette Binoche, Bryan single handedly keeps the fragile peace between Coolio’s Classics, Drama, Frankenstein, Horror, Mad ultra-powerful Compton Gang and his ruthless East LA rival, Cranston, David Strathairn - Dir. Gareth Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Monsters, just released from Death Row in the wake of LA’s brutal Edwards Movies, Science Fiction 71min. Rampart scandal. A giant radioactive monster called Godzilla awakens from its Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Action, Drama, Gangs, Movies 2004 97min. slumber to wreak destruction on its creators. Action, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Giant Mon- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123670 Cinedigm 08.07.2014 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123745 sters!, Godzilla, Japanese, Monsters, Movies, Navy, Science Fiction, Thrillers Frankenstein: Complete Legacy 2014 123min. Collection The Girl In A Swing Director Gordon Hessler started out as an apprentice on the Warner Bros. 16.09.2014 Frederic Kerr, Dwight Frye, Colin Clive, original television series, and demonstrates 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124030 Bela Lugosi, O.P. Heggie, John Boles, Ralph what he learned in this modern erotic thriller. Rupert Frazier is a British art dealer who meets and falls for the otherworldly Bellamy, Boris Karloff, Lou Costello, Bud and ethereal Meg Tilly. Unfortunately, he soon finds that there Godzilla 2000 (Blu-ray + Abbott, John Carradine, Ernest Thesiger, might mysterious reasons for his wife’s uncommon UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Valerie Hobson, , Patric qualities. Hiroshi Abe, Nishida, Takehiro Knowles, , Glenn Drama, Movies, Mystery, Romance, Thril- lers 1989 119min. Murata - Dir. Takao Okawara Strange, , Mae Clarke, Lenore Get ready to crumble! The king of all monsters is back and Aubert, Jane Randolph, Frank Ferguson, Kino Video 19.08.2014 bigger than ever! The action heats up when a UFO reveals Charles Bradstreet, Gavin Gordon, Onslow 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123908 itself as a massive alien monster with awesome destructive powers. The alien monster heads straight for the behemoth Stevens, Josephine Hutchinson, Donnie Godzilla who’s just crushed the entire city for the battle of the Dunagan, Emma Dunn, Douglas Walton, The Girl On The Train millennium. But Godzilla’s furious heat beam may not be Edward Van Sloan, Elsa Lanchester, Sir Documentary filmmaker Danny Hart (Henry Ian Cusick) enough to destroy the death-dealing alien, and the future of boards a train bound for upstate New York to film interviews humankind is in jeopardy. Now, it’s a bang-up, threeway, no- - Dir. Charles Barton, for his latest production, but enters a world of danger and holds-barred brawl as Godzilla, the alien monster and the James Whale, Rowland V. Lee, Roy William intrigue following a run-in with an enigmatic beauty in this courageous citizens of Japan fight an unprecedented battle for Neill psychological thriller from writer/director Larry Brand (Till survival in this earth-shattering new sci-fi action adventure Classics, Dracula, Drama, Frankenstein, The End Of The Night, Christina). that will blow you away. Action, Adventure, Movies, Thrillers min. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, Dra- Horror, Mad Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Monterey Home Video 12.08.2014 ma, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, Godzilla, Monsters, Movies, Romance, Thrillers, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123821 Japanese, Monsters, Movies, Science Vampires 609min. Fiction, Thrillers 1999 206min. Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123595 Go For Sisters Drama, Movies 122min. 09.09.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123964 The French Minister Anderson Merchandisers 19.08.2014 Eager young Arthur Vlaminck (Raphal Personnaz) becomes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123909 the speech writer for a tough-talking French politician Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla / (Thierry Lhermitte), but finds his lofty ambitions thwarted by God’s Not Dead (Blu-ray + DVD) Godzilla, Mothra And King the contagious apathy of the technocrats at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Blu-ray) Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Comedy, Foreign, French 2013 114min. Willie Robertson, Dean Cain, Kevin Sorbo - Attack (Blu-ray) MPI 29.07.2014 Dir. Harold Cronk Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, Doub- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123503 A devoutly religious college freshman must debate the existence of God with his skeptical philosophy professor in le Features, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, order to earn a passing grade in this faith-based comedy- Godzilla, Japanese, Monsters, Movies, Friendly Fire drama featuring Kevin Sorbo and David A.R. White. Josh Science Fiction 193min. Sam Waterston, Carol Burnett, Timothy Wheaton (Shane Harper) is a Christian who never thought his faith would get in the way of his higher education. As a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Hutton, Ned Beatty - Dir. David Greene result, he is deeply shaken when, on the first day of his 09.09.2014 In march 1970, a U.S. Army officer arrived at the Iowa farm of Philosophy class, Professor Radisson (Sorbo) begins the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123963 Peg and Gene Mullen and informed them that their son had semester by demanding that each of his students deny the been killed in Vietnam by ‘friendly fire.’ Their determined existence of God in order to earn a passing grade. Although attempts to learn more about the circumstances of their son’s Josh tries his best to graciously refuse, Professor Radisson The Goldbergs: The Complete death are the subject of this true account film. informs him that in order to continue in the class, the Drama, Movies, War 1979 147min. disagreeable student must make an air-tight argument for the First Season Kino Video 26.08.2014 defense. Not only that, but the semester will culminate in a Troy Gentile, Jeff Garlin, George Segal 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123975 debate between teacher and student on the subject. Should Before there were parenting blogs, trophies for showing up, the class still remain unconvinced of God’s existence, Josh and peanut allergies, there was a simpler time called the ’80s. will fail, sending his entire academic future up in flames. Duck For geeky 11-year old Adam these were his wonder years and From Time To Time Dynasty’s Willie and Korie Robertson have cameos. he faced them armed with a video camera to capture all the Drama, Movies, Religion/Spirituality 2014 Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Movies min. crazy. 113min. ABC, Comedy, Family, Television 2013 Anderson Merchandisers 12.08.2014 Pure Flix Entertainment 05.08.2014 495min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123820 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123538 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 09.09.2014 Game Of Assassins 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123959

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Cassi Thomson, Kaitlyn Leeb, Graham Hornsby, Bree Turner, Silas Weir Mitchell Good Luck Charlie: So Long, Wardle - Dir. Steven R. Monroe Nick is stronger than ever with his partner Hank and reunited From the Producers of Embrace of the Vampire and the love Juliette by his side as he tracks down Wesen criminals Farewell Director of I Spit on your Grave! It is called ‘The Suicide with renewed determination. But things are changing as the Children’s, Comedy, Disney, Disney Forest’, the sea of trees near Japan’s Mount Fuji where more ties between humans and the Wesen world will become even people take their own lives than any other place in the world. more irrevocably intertwined. Channel, Family, Television min. For American exchange student Maiko (Kaitlyn Leeb of Total Detectives, Drama, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Disney / Buena Vista 26.08.2014 Recall), it’s where she’s come to search for the truth about Horror, Magic, Monsters, Mystery, Myths & 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123839 her dead birth mother. But when Maiko and a college documentary crew become lost there on October 31st, they’ll Legends, NBC, Television 945min. disturb a sacred site seething with angry ghosts, tortured Universal Studios 16.09.2014 Good Sam souls and supernatural vengeance that may destroy them all. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123567 Cassi Thomson (Switched At Birth, Big Love), Graham Gary Cooper, , Edmund Lowe, Wardle (Heartland) and Hiro Kanagawa (Godzilla) co-star in Louise Beavers, Clinton Sundberg, Minerva the gory Original J-Horror shocker inspired by true Grimm: Season Three (Blu-ray + Urecal, Ray Collins, Ruth Roman - Dir. Leo events. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) McCarey Horror, Movies, Myths & Legends, Science In the tradition of It’s a Wonderful Life... everyone in town Fiction, Thrillers 2013 89min. Reggie Lee, Bitsie Tulloch, , agrees that there ought to be more good Samaritans like Sam Starz / Anchor Bay 30.09.2014 Sasha Roiz, Claire Coffee, Russell Clayton (Cary Cooper, High Noon). Sam is a department 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123720 Hornsby, Bree Turner, Silas Weir Mitchell store manager and a devoted family man. Unfortunately for Nick is stronger than ever with his partner Hank and reunited Sam, no good deed goes unpunished. When Sam loans the love Juliette by his side as he tracks down Wesen criminals family car to the neighbors... he gets sued when they have an Green Ice with renewed determination. But things are changing as the accident. When he invites his brother-in-law for a visit - ties between humans and the Wesen world will become even much to the dismay of Sam’s wife (Ann Sheridan, King Row) - John Larroquette, Anne Archer, Omar more irrevocably intertwined. the man stay around for six months. Sam is even willing to Sharif - Dir. Ernest Day Detectives, Drama, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, loan his own family savings to a young couple so they can A skilled team of professional men plot to steal an enormous start their own business and have a baby. Eventually, Sam cache of emeralds. Their daring get-rich-quick scheme lands Horror, Magic, Monsters, Mystery, Myths & learns why nice guys finish last when he himself needs them in the middle of the complex machinations behind a Latin Legends, NBC, Television 945min. someone to turn to! Legendary director, Leo McCarey (The American revolution. Bells of St. Mary’s’s, An Affair to Remember) directed this Universal Studios 16.09.2014 dark comedy with gorgeous black-and-white cinematography Action, Adventure, British, Foreign, Movies, 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123592 by the great George Barnes (The File on Thelma Jordon, Romance 1981 116min. Rebecca). Kino Video 05.08.2014 Half Of A Yellow Sun Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 1948 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123691 114min. , Joseph Mawle, Babou Ceesay, Anika Noni Rose, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Olive Films 01.07.2014 The Green Mile: Diamond Luxe 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123742 Thandie Newton - Dir. Biyi Bandele Edition (Blu-ray) Biyi Bandele’s drama Half Of A Yellow Sun stars Thandie Doug Hutchison, Michael Clarke Duncan, Newton and Anika Noni Rose as twins born into a well-to-do Good Sam (Blu-ray) Nigerian family. After completing their education overseas, Barry Pepper, Harry Dean Stanton, Graham Gary Cooper, Ann Sheridan, Edmund Lowe, each makes life choices that lead to a falling out between the Greene, David Morse, James Cromwell, once-close women. Eventually, the two sisters become Louise Beavers, Clinton Sundberg, Minerva Sam Rockwell, Jeffrey DeMunn, Tom embroiled in their home country’s political unrest, which soon Urecal, Ray Collins, Ruth Roman - Dir. Leo leads to civil war. Hanks, , , Mi- McCarey Drama, Family, Foreign, Movies, Nigerian, In the tradition of It’s a Wonderful Life... everyone in town chael Jeter - Dir. Romance 2013 min. agrees that there ought to be more good Samaritans like Sam Nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Monterey Home Video 29.07.2014 Clayton (Cary Cooper, High Noon). Sam is a department this emotional, touching film about miracles and the power of store manager and a devoted family man. Unfortunately for redemption stars Tom Hanks as prison guard Paul Edgecomb. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123608 Sam, no good deed goes unpunished. When Sam loans the When a giant of a man is brought to death row, Edgecomb and family car to the neighbors... he gets sued when they have an his fellow guards discover something very unusual about their Hammer Horror Series 8-Film accident. When he invites his brother-in-law for a visit - new charge, John Coffey (Oscar nominee Michael Clarke much to the dismay of Sam’s wife (Ann Sheridan, King Row) - Duncan). Convicted for the sadistic murder of two young Collection the man stay around for six months. Sam is even willing to girls, but behaving almost childlike himself, Coffey seems to loan his own family savings to a young couple so they can have a supernatural gift of healing living things. Expectations Jennie Linden, Patrick Allen, Heather start their own business and have a baby. Eventually, Sam are turned upside down and the guards’ sense of humanity is Sears, Brenda Bruce, Michael Gough, Ed- learns why nice guys finish last when he himself needs awakened in this astonishing adaptation of Stephen King’s ward De Souza, Clifford Evans, Oliver someone to turn to! Legendary director, Leo McCarey (The compelling novel. Bells of St. Mary’s’s, An Affair to Remember) directed this Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Book- Reed, Herbert Lom, David Knight, Peter dark comedy with gorgeous black-and-white cinematography To-Film, Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Cushing, Yvonne Romain, Peter by the great George Barnes (The File on Thelma Jordon, Mystery, Prison, Stephen King, Woodthorpe, Moira Redmond - Dir. Don Rebecca). Sharp, Terence Fisher, Freddie Francis, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 1948 Supernatural & Paranormal 1999 188min. Warner Bros. 30.09.2014 Peter Graham Scott 114min. Hammer Films, one of the most celebrated horror studios in Olive Films 01.07.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123533 the history of cinema, presents 8 classic horror films in one 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123751 collection. From Dracula to Frankenstein, werewolves to Gremlins: Diamond Deluxe phantoms, the Hammer Horror Series 8-Film Collection showcases some of the most terrifying monsters in the history Graduation Day (Blu-ray + DVD Editon (Blu-ray) of cinema and features legendary performances by Peter , Frances Lee McCain, Hoyt Cushing, Oliver Reed and Janette Scott. Combo) (Blu-ray) Classics, Dracula, Frankenstein, Horror, Axton, Phoebe Cates, Zach Galligan - Dir. Virgil Frye, Carmen Argenziano, E. Danny Monsters, Movies, Thrillers, Vampires, Murphy, Patch MacKenzie, E.J. Peaker, Joe Dante Gremlins is a wildly original roller-coaster ride of hilarious Werewolves 685min. Linnea Quigley, Vanna White, Christopher mischief. One minute your hair will stand on end, the next Universal Studios 02.09.2014 George, Michael Pataki - Dir. Herb Freed you’ll hold your sides with laughter at the havoc these 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123501 After the death of a high school track star during a race, a supposedly gentle furballs create when the rules surrounding mysterious, fencing mask wearing killer begins murdering her their care and feeding are inadvertently broken one fateful friends and teachers. Who could the kill be? Her disgruntled Christmas. Written by Chris Columbus and directed by Joe Hangmen Also Die coach? Her angry sister? Her violent boyfriend? As the Dante, Gremlins unleashes special effects that dazzle and bodies pile up, a twisted mystery unfold, slowly revealing enchant and merriment that lingers in the memory. And isn’t Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Thrillers, War itself as it moves towards its bloody climax. One of the quint- that „what superior popular moviemaking is all about“ (Ri- min. essential high school set slasher films of the early 80s, chard Corliss, Time). E1 Entertainment 09.09.2014 Vinegar Syndrome is bringing Graduation Day to Blu-ray, Christmas, Comedy, Fantasy, Holidays, newly restored in 4K and presented in its original aspect 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123992 ration for the very first time! Horror, Monsters, Movies, Thrillers 1984 Classics, High School, Horror, Movies, 106min. Hangmen Also Die (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 30.09.2014 Mystery, Serial Killers, Slasher, Sports, Film Noir, Movies, Thrillers, War min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123534 Thrillers 1981 96min. E1 Entertainment 09.09.2014 CAV 09.09.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124006 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123868 Grimm: Season Three Reggie Lee, Bitsie Tulloch, David Giuntoli, Hateship Loveship Grave Halloween Sasha Roiz, Claire Coffee, Russell

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 60 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Sami Gayle, Hailee Steinfeld, Kristen Wiig, Action, CBS, Cops, Crime, Drama, Former Confederate soldier Cullen Bohannon (Anson Mount) made a home in Hell on Wheels while hunting down the men Christine Lahti, Guy Pearce, Nick Nolte, Hawaiian, Mystery, Television 2010 958min. responsible for killing his family. Now, following the Indian - Dir. Liza Johnson Paramount Pictures 16.09.2014 attack that destroyed the railroad settlement, Cullen has Director Liza Johnson’s low-key drama Hateship Loveship 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123560 reshaped his lust for revenge into a burning ambition - to take stars Kristen Wiig as Johanna, a mild-mannered woman hired control of the Union Pacific and complete its drive across the by Mr. McCauley (Nick Nolte) to care for his granddaughter country. Sabitha (Hailee Steinfeld), whose teen growing pains are Heartland: The Complete Fourth AMC, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Historical / exacerbated by her irresponsible father Ken (Guy Pearce) and the fact that her mother passed away. Sabitha and her Season (GMC Version) Period Piece, Outlaw Country, Revenge, best friend begin catfishing Johanna, convincing her that Ken, Amber Marshall, Shaun Johnston, Nathaniel Television, Western 2012 430min. who lives in a different city, has in love with her. When E1 Entertainment 15.07.2014 Johanna makes the first impulsive decision of her life to travel Arcand, Michelle Morgan, Chris Potter to Ken, the truth comes out, but unexpected ramifications are Drama, Family, Horses, Television min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123805 in store for everyone. Hateship Loveship screened at the E1 Entertainment 26.08.2014 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123841 High School Confidential (Blu- Drama, Movies 2013 102min. MPI 12.08.2014 ray) Heatstroke This camp classic tries to keep a straight face as a ‘sizzling 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123704 expose’ of American high schools. New kid Tony (Russ Maisie Williams, Svetlana Metkina, Stephen Tamblyn) talks crazy slang, makes a pass at Miss Jergens A Haunted House 2 Dorff, Peter Stormare - Dir. Evelyn Purcell (Joan Staples), scores some grass, drag races against a kid Steven Dorff, Peter Stormare. A research scientist and his played by Michael Landon, and outclasses the other big man Marlon Wayans, Ashley Rickards, Affion family travel off course in the african desert and he is brutally on the schoolyard played by John Drew Barrymore, all in his Crockett, , Jaime Pressly, murdered by arms dealers. His girlfriend is put to the ultimate first day. As it turns out, Tony is an undercover narcotics test as she attempts to evade the killers and protect the agent, and really wants to help these poor kids, especially Essence Atkins, Dave Sheridan - Dir. Mi- scientist’s teenage daughter. poor Arlene (Jan Sterling), a sweet girl who seems doomed chael Tiddes Action, Adventure, Movies, Thrillers min. now that she’s hard her first puff of ‘mary jane.’ He starts Mischievous spirits plague Malcolm (Marlon Wayans), his working with, and falling for, Miss Jergens, but Tony’s horny new girlfriend and her two kids after they move into their Peace Arch Entertainment 12.08.2014 aunt (the busty Mamie Van Doren) keeps interrupting his gorgeous dream house. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123694 homework by trying to seduce him. There’s even beatnik Comedy, Horror, Movies, Spoofs & Parodies poetry, and Jackie Coogan (Uncle Fester from the Addam’s Family) as Mr. A, the top man of the dope ring. Jerry Lee min. Heatstroke (Blu-ray) Lewis swings by on a flat bed truck to bang out the title tune Universal Studios 12.08.2014 Maisie Williams, Svetlana Metkina, Stephen on his piano. This is the pinnacle of 1950s rock-and-roll, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123512 juvenile delinquent movies, and an essential addition to any Dorff, Peter Stormare - Dir. Evelyn Purcell camp aficionado’s library. Steven Dorff, Peter Stormare. A research scientist and his Drama, Gangs, Movies min. A Haunted House 2 (Blu-ray + family travel off course in the african desert and he is brutally murdered by arms dealers. His girlfriend is put to the ultimate Olive Films 26.08.2014 DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) test as she attempts to evade the killers and protect the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123944 Marlon Wayans, Ashley Rickards, Affion scientist’s teenage daughter. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Thril- Crockett, Gabriel Iglesias, Jaime Pressly, lers min. Holiday Inn (Blu-ray) Essence Atkins, Dave Sheridan - Dir. Mi- Peace Arch Entertainment 12.08.2014 , Virginia Dale, Marjorie chael Tiddes Reynolds, , Fred Astaire - Dir. Mischievous spirits plague Malcolm (Marlon Wayans), his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123727 new girlfriend and her two kids after they move into their Mark Sandrich gorgeous dream house. Heavenly Sword Screen legends Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire sing and dance Horror, Movies, Spoofs & Parodies min. their way into your heart in one of the most timeless holiday Action, Adventure, Movies min. classics of all time, Holiday Inn. Featuring the Academy Universal Studios 12.08.2014 Cinedigm 02.09.2014 Award-winning song, „White Christmas“, Crosby plays a song 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123531 and dance man who leaves showbiz to run an inn that is open 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123927 only on holidays. Astaire plays his former partner and rival in love. Follow the two talented pals as they find themselves Haven: The Complete Fouth competing for the affections of the same lovely lady (Marjorie Heavenly Sword (Blu-ray) Reynolds). ’Tis the season for one of the most sensational Season Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies min. musical comedies of all time! Lucas Bryant, Emily Rose, Eric Balfour Cinedigm 02.09.2014 Christmas, Classics, Comedy, Holidays, Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Science 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123946 Movies, Musical, Romance 1942 101min. Fiction, Stephen King, Television, Thrillers Universal Studios 07.10.2014 min. The Heist / Score 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124029 E1 Entertainment 26.08.2014 , Robert De Niro, Edward 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123840 Norton, Danny DeVito, Rebecca Pidgeon, Home Is Where The Heart Is Gene Hackman - Dir. , David A Hollywood actress and a former NFL star strive to save a Haven: The Complete Fouth troubled town while bonding over their shared love of a Mamet very special 10-year-old girl who has found herself alone in Season (Blu-ray) Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Romance, the world for the very first time. In the wake of her mother’s death, 10-year-old Cotton’s (Bailee Madison) future is Lucas Bryant, Emily Rose, Eric Balfour Thrillers min. looking uncertain when her older, half-sister Sunny (Laura Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Science Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 Bell Bundy), a famous Hollywood actress, returns to their Fiction, Stephen King, Television, Thrillers 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123779 small hometown of Bent Arrow to say her last goodbyes. Meanwhile, one-time NFL great Butch (Conrad Goode) has min. returned to Bent Arrow to begin a career as an artist. He’s E1 Entertainment 26.08.2014 Hell On Wheels: The Complete deeply concerned about Cotton, and knows her even better 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123859 than Sunny, who left home before she was born. When Butch Third Season meets Sunny he recognizes the troubles she is going through, Anson Mount, Colm Meaney and does his best to help. Later, as Butch and Sunny find Hawaii Five-O: The Fourth Former Confederate soldier Cullen Bohannon (Anson Mount) strength in their growing bond over Cotton, they realize they Season made a home in Hell on Wheels while hunting down the men may be Bent Arrow’s last hope for conquering a crisis that responsible for killing his family. Now, following the Indian may lead the small town to ruin. Grace Park, , Scott Caan attack that destroyed the railroad settlement, Cullen has Drama, Movies 115min. The Hawaii Five-O team faces some of their biggest reshaped his lust for revenge into a burning ambition - to take Anderson Merchandisers 19.08.2014 challenges yet as they fight to keep paradise safe from the control of the Union Pacific and complete its drive across the most dangerous criminals on the . This season, Steve country. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123910 McGarrett (Alex O’Loughlin) and Detective Danny „Danno“ AMC, Crime, Drama, Historical / Period Williams (Scott Caan) pursue an expert hacker and are taken Homeland: Season Three hostage by an escaped convict who convinces them of his Piece, Outlaw Country, Revenge, Televisi- innocence while the danger of Kono’s (Grace Park) on, Western 2012 430min. Morgan Saylor, Jackson Pace, Rupert relationship with the son of a Yakuza boss escalates. Chin Ho E1 Entertainment 15.07.2014 Friend, Diego Klattenhoff, Damian Lewis, (Daniel Dae Kim) is investigated by Internal Affairs about his ties to the head of a drug cartel, and Catherine (Michelle 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123796 Navid Negahban, Morena Baccarin, David Borth) gains a spot on the team but must repay a debt of honor Marciano, Mandy Patinkin, Claire Danes in Afghanistan. Joining the team this season is Captain Lou Hell On Wheels: The Complete As Carrie (Emmy winner Claire Danes) and Saul (Emmy Grover (Chi McBride), who recently moved his family from winner Mandy Patinkin) search for the truth behind the Chicago to head the SWAT unit on the island. It’s high-octane Third Season (Blu-ray) bombing of CIA headquarters, lines are blurred between action that never lets up through 22 thrilling episodes that will friend and foe and no one can be trusted. While hiding a keep you on the edge of your seat! Anson Mount, Colm Meaney stunning secret of her own, Carrie helps recruit Brody (Emmy

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 61 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA winner Damian Lewis) for a dangerous mission that could Hope Emerson, Jim Backus grieving 18th century mortal Louis (Brad Pitt) accepts an offer offer him a chance at redemption. But when the plan unravels Like I Love Lucy, I Married Joan featured an upstanding, of everlasting life from the charismatic vampire Lestat (Tom and Brody is targeted deep inside Iran, he must put his life in sensible husband married to a wacky but well-meaning wife Cruise), he quickly realizes that his dark gift is also a curse Carrie’s hands, leading to one of the most suspenseful and who caused problems everywhere she went. In this case the that requires him to kill to survive. An eternity of blood, lust shocking season finales in TV history. husband was Brad Stevens (Jim Backus), a domestic court and torment awaits in this thrilling and visually stunning film Detectives, Drama, Marines, Military, judge. Each episode opened with Judge Stevens in the that redefined the vampire genre. Mystery, Showtime, Television, Terrorism, courtroom relating to the parties involved some similar Book-To-Film, Classics, Drama, Fantasy, situation he had encountered with his wife Joan (Joan Davis). Historical / Period Piece, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 616min. The story would be acted out as the show progressed Slap- 20th Century Fox 09.09.2014 stick, physical comedy was at the core of the show and the Romance, Thrillers, Vampires 1994 123min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123760 crazier the stunts, the better. (Joan did everything from Warner Bros. 30.09.2014 jitterbugging with a chimp to feeding Brad a hot water bottle!) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123966 Joan Davis’ real-life daughter starred on the show playing the House: Season One (Repackage) part of her sister. Ms. Davis produced the show under her Jesse Spencer, Jennifer Morrison, Lisa own production company for NBC and the series ran for three The Invisible Man years between 1952 and 1955. William Harrigan, Digges, Gloria Edelstein, Omar Epps, Hugh Laurie, Robert Comedy, Drama, Slapstick, Television 1952 Stuart, , - Dir. Sean Leonard 318min. Go deeper into the medical mysteries of House, TV’s most James Whale compelling new drama. Hugh Laurie stars as the brilliant, but VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 08.07.2014 The signature adaptation of H.G. Wells’ The Invisible Man sarcastic Dr. Gregory House, a maverick physician who is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123747 stars Claude Rains as a mysterious scientist who discovers a devoid of bedside manner. While his behavior can border on serum that makes him invisible. Covered by bandages and antisocial, Dr. House thrives on the challenge of solving the dark glasses, the scientist arrives at a small English village medical puzzles that other doctors give up on. Together with I’ll Follow You Down and attempts to hide his amazing discovery. He soon his hand-picked team of young medical experts, he’ll do Haley Joel Osment, Victor Garber, Gillian discovers, however, that the same drug which renders him whatever it takes in the race against the clock to solve the invisible is slowly driving him insane and capable of case. It’s the intriguing new series TV Guide’s Matt Roush Anderson, committing unspeakable acts of terror. Directed by James hails as „... the uncommon cure for the common medical The wife () and son (Haley Joel Osment) of a Whale, the horror classic features groundbreaking special drama.“ scientist (Rufus Sewell) who disappeared during a routine effects by John P. Fulton that inspired many of the techniques Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Fox, Medical business trip make a bizarre discovery that could lead to his that are still used today. return years later in this mind-bending sci-fi drama. Classics, Horror, Mad Scientists & Deadly Mysteries, Mystery, Nurses & Doctors, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction Doctors, Monsters, Movies, Science Television 958min. 2013 min. Fiction, Thrillers 72min. Universal Studios 07.10.2014 Well Go USA 05.08.2014 Universal Studios 02.09.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123934 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123619 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123663 : Season 9 I’ll Follow You Down (Blu-ray) The Invisible Man (Blu-ray + Ashley Williams, Jason Segel, Neil Patrick Haley Joel Osment, Victor Garber, Gillian Harris, Marshall Manesh, Cobie Smulders, Anderson, Rufus Sewell UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Josh Radnor, David Henrie, Lyndsy The wife (Gillian Anderson) and son (Haley Joel Osment) of a William Harrigan, , Gloria Fonseca, Alyson Hannigan scientist (Rufus Sewell) who disappeared during a routine Stuart, Claude Rains, Henry Travers - Dir. Suit up and give one last high-five for the legen - wait for it - business trip make a bizarre discovery that could lead to his return years later in this mind-bending sci-fi drama. James Whale dary final season of How I Met Your Mother. Surprising The signature adaptation of H.G. Wells’ The Invisible Man answers to hilarious questions will be revealed during one Drama, Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction stars Claude Rains as a mysterious scientist who discovers a epic wedding weekend. Can Marshall complete a cross- 2013 min. serum that makes him invisible. Covered by bandages and country road trip and make it to the ceremony? Will Robin and Well Go USA 05.08.2014 dark glasses, the scientist arrives at a small English village Barney really tie the knot? Is Lily hiding a shocking secret? and attempts to hide his amazing discovery. He soon Will Ted finally meet the mother of his children... and is she 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123650 discovers, however, that the same drug which renders him truly „the one“? It all builds to a climactic two-part series invisible is slowly driving him insane and capable of finale, leading to one of the most talked about endings in TV Infliction committing unspeakable acts of terror. Directed by James history. Whale, the horror classic features groundbreaking special CBS, Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Catherine Trail, Don Henderson Baker, effects by John P. Fulton that inspired many of the techniques Romance, Television 517min. Kimball Ewonus, Gina Travis, Jason Mac, that are still used today. 20th Century Fox 23.09.2014 Darren Kendrick - Dir. Jack Thomas Smith Book-To-Film, Classics, Horror, Mad 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124011 Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 100min. Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Monsters, Virgil Films And Entertainment 01.07.2014 Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers 72min. How I Met Your Mother: The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123602 Universal Studios 02.09.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123671 Whole Story Insomnia: The Criterion Marshall Manesh, Cobie Smulders, Josh The Invisible Man: Complete Radnor, David Henrie, Lyndsy Fonseca, Collection Alyson Hannigan, Jason Segel, Neil Patrick Maria Bonnevie, Gisken Armand, Sverre Legacy Collection Harris Anker Ousdal, Stellan Skarsgard - Dir. William Frawley, , Claude You don’t have to „wait for it“ any longer... the complete Skjoldbjaerg Rains, Jon Hall, John Barrymore, Peter series collection of How I Met Your Mother is finally here. In this elegantly unsettling murder mystery, Stellan Skarsgard Lorre, Henry Travers, Vincent Price, Lou Suit up for all nine legendary seasons of the slap-happy show plays an enigmatic Swedish detective with a checkered past Costello, Bud Abbott, Dudley Digges, that took TV comedy to hilarious new heights. Join Barney, who arrives in a small town in northern to investigate Robin, Marshall, Lily and their romantically challenged best the death of a teenage girl. As he digs deeper into the facts , Sheldon Leonard, Virgi- friend Ted for more than two-hundred truly awesome episodes. surrounding the heinous killing, his own demons and the nia Bruce, William Harrigan, Nancy Guild, Relive all the inside jokes, crazy time-jumps, never-saw-that- tyrannical midnight sun begin to take a toll. The success of Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Adele Jergens - Dir. coming plot twists and classic long-running gags: from the Bro Erik Skjoldbaerg’s chilling procedural anticipated the interna- Code to doppelgangers to Robin Sparkles to the infamous slap tional hunger for Scandinavian noirs and serial- killer Charles Lamont, James Whale, A. Edward between Marshall and Barney. fictions, and the film features one of Skarsgard’s greatest Sutherland, Ford Beebe, Joe May, Edwin L. CBS, Comedy, Drama, Friendships, performances. Marin Romance, Television min. Art House, Classics, Criterion Collection, Classics, Drama, Horror, Mad Scientists & 20th Century Fox 23.09.2014 Foreign, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Deadly Doctors, Movies, Revenge, Science 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124012 Norwegian, Special Editions, Swedish, Fiction, Thrillers 470min. Thrillers 1997 97min. Universal Studios 02.09.2014 The Human Race Criterion 22.07.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123597 Eighty disparate strangers are selected to compete in a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123489 deadly marathon that only one of them will survive in this dark sci-fi thriller. Ironclad: Battle For Blood Action, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction Interview With The Vampire - Aneurin Barnard, Kate Mara, Mackenzie 2013 min. 20th Anniversary (Blu-ray) Crook, Jamie Foreman, James Purefoy, Anderson Merchandisers 22.07.2014 Thandie Newton, , Brad Pitt, Annabelle Apsion, Paul Giamatti, Derek 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123491 Kirsten Dunst, Antonio Banderas, Tom Jacobi, Jason Flemyng, Brian Cox, Charles Cruise - Dir. Neil Jordan Dance, David Melville - Dir. Jonathan I Married Joan: Collection 3 An all-superstar cast brings the undead to eternal life in English director Neil Jordan’s chilling adaptation of the best-selling A Medieval Magnificent Seven, Ironclad is a violent action Wally Brown, Beverly Wills, Joan Davis, novel by Anne Rice (who also wrote the screenplay). When

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 62 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA thriller that tells the true story of a motley crew of tough, Jason Acuna, Bam Magera, Ehren John C. McGinley, Ron Perlman, Alex battle hardened warriors, who withstood several brutal and bloody months under siege, in a desperate bid to defend their McGhehey, Dave England, Ryan Dunn, Arsenault, Bryce Hodgson, Aaron Yoo, country. Preston Lacy, Chris Pontius, Johnny Corey Large - Dir. John Stockwell Action, Adventure, Movies, Romance 2011 Knoxville - Dir. Jeff Tremaine Kid Cannabis is the true story of Nate Norman (Jonathan 121min. For better or worse, MTV funded a bumbling cast of idiots to Daniel Brown, Project X), an Idaho teen dropout who builds a play with poo and dress in a variety of men’s undergarments. multimillion-dollar marijuana ring by partnering with his best Anderson Merchandisers 05.08.2014 Never before has arrested development looked so much fun as friend (Kenny Wormald, Footloose) and their pals to run 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123679 the cast of Jackass make it. From stapling Jackass on their drugs across the Canadian border. Bankrolled by a deadly- rear-end to mounting magazine stands in gorilla costumes, serious dope czar (Ron Perlman, Sons of Anarchy) and Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, and the rest of the gang supplied by an ex-government grower (John C. McGinley, Ironclad: Battle For Blood (Blu- show us what it takes be a Jackass! Scrubs), Nate’s pursuit of the high life - complete with gals, guns, and vicious rival dealers - may leave this ex-pizza boy ray) Comedy, MTV, Reality, Television 379min. over his head. Aneurin Barnard, Kate Mara, Mackenzie Paramount Pictures 14.10.2014 Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Movies Crook, Jamie Foreman, James Purefoy, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124042 2014 110min. Annabelle Apsion, Paul Giamatti, Derek Well Go USA 08.07.2014 Jacobi, Jason Flemyng, Brian Cox, Charles Jackpot 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123582 Dance, David Melville - Dir. Jonathan A lottery windfall leads to betrayal and murder among a group of gruff factory workers, three of whom are ex-cons. When English Oscar, Thor, Billy, and Tresko won nearly 2 million A Medieval Magnificent Seven, Ironclad is a violent action Norweigan Kroner, they thought all of their problems had been Vanessa Angel, , Randy thriller that tells the true story of a motley crew of tough, solved. Trouble arises, however, when the sum proves battle hardened warriors, who withstood several brutal and difficult to split between the four winners, and greed gets the Quaid, Bill Murray - Dir. Peter Farrelly, Bob- bloody months under siege, in a desperate bid to defend their best of everyone involved. Later, detectives discover Oscar by Farrelly country. bloodied in a strip club, clutching a shotgun and surrounded The guys who brought you There’s Something About Mary and Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, by corpses, the ensuing interrogation reveals just how low strike again with a gut-busting farce that’s Romance 2011 121min. some men will sink in order to strike it rich. „Just too funny!“ (Los Angeles Times) Woody Harrelson, Anderson Merchandisers 05.08.2014 Action, Adventure, Detectives, Movies min. Randy Quaid and Vanessa Angel come up winners in this Music Box Films 26.08.2014 riotous, joke-a-second comedy with plenty of balls. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123724 Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Movies, Road Trips, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123918 Sports 1996 230min. It Was You Charlie Paramount Pictures 09.09.2014 Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 80min. Jackpot (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123960 A lottery windfall leads to betrayal and murder among a group Olive Films 26.08.2014 of gruff factory workers, three of whom are ex-cons. When 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123921 Oscar, Thor, Billy, and Tresko won nearly 2 million Kingpin (Blu-ray) Norweigan Kroner, they thought all of their problems had been solved. Trouble arises, however, when the sum proves Vanessa Angel, Woody Harrelson, Randy It’s A Very Merry Muppet difficult to split between the four winners, and greed gets the Quaid, Bill Murray - Dir. Peter Farrelly, Bob- Christmas Movie (Blu-ray + best of everyone involved. Later, detectives discover Oscar by Farrelly bloodied in a strip club, clutching a shotgun and surrounded The guys who brought you There’s Something About Mary and UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) by corpses, the ensuing interrogation reveals just how low Dumb and Dumber strike again with a gut-busting farce that’s Bill barretta, Brian Henson, , some men will sink in order to strike it rich. „Just too funny!“ (Los Angeles Times) Woody Harrelson, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Detectives, Mel Brooks, Matthew Lillard, David Randy Quaid and Vanessa Angel come up winners in this Movies min. riotous, joke-a-second comedy with plenty of balls. Arquette, , John C. McGinley, Music Box Films 26.08.2014 Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Movies, Road Trips, William H. Macy, , Zach 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123943 Sports 1996 230min. Braff, Carson Daly, Eric Jacobson, Kelly Paramount Pictures 09.09.2014 Ripa, Joe Rogan, Robert Smigel - Dir. Kirk 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123965 R. Thatcher Jesse Join Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Fozzie , Gonzo and the Action, Adventure, Movies min. entire Muppet gang in It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Anderson Merchandisers 12.08.2014 Lake Placid: Collector’s Edition Movie! ’Tis the night before Christmas and the Muppet Thea- (Blu-ray) ter is in danger of being torn down. When bad goes to worse, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123822 Kermit begins to believe that the world would be a better Oliver Platt, Bridget Fonda, Bill Pullman, place if he had never been born. With a little heavenly help Joker Betty White, Brendan Gleeson - Dir. Steve and hilarious holiday shenanigans, Kermit and the Muppets discover what matters most is their love for each other. 110min. Miner Featuring a celebrity cast including David Arquette, Joan First Look 19.08.2014 Bill Pullman (Independence Day, The Grudge), Bridget Fonda Cusack and Whoopi Goldberg, plus show-stopping musical (Jackie Brown), Brendan Gleeson (In Bruges) and Oliver numbers like „Moulin Scrooge,“ this heartwarming holiday 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123710 Platt (X-Men: First Class) share an appetite for sheer classic will bring joy to the world every Christmas season! adventure when a tranquil New England lakefront erupts into an action-packed den of destruction in this „monster of a hit“ Children’s, Christmas, Comedy, Family, Joker (Blu-ray) (Wireless Magazine)! An investigative team, armed with Fantasy, Friendships, Ghosts, Holidays, Movies 110min. state-of-the-art equipment, high powered weaponry and a Movies, Muppets, Puppets 89min. biting sense of sarcasm, must work together to defeat Black First Look 19.08.2014 Lake’s most ferocious resident: a 30-foot prehistoric Universal Studios 07.10.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123734 crocodile! Written by David E. Kelley (Ally McBeal, Boston 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124057 Legal), directed by Steve Miner (Halloween H20, Friday The 13th Part 2), and co-starring Betty White as the cantankerous Kid Cannabis Mrs. Bickerman, this terrifying tale of survival that „combines It’s Always Sunny In Philadel- Jonathan Daniel Brown, Kenny Wormald, humor and thrills with remarkable deftness“ (New York Post). phia: Season 9 John C. McGinley, Ron Perlman, Alex Giant Monsters!, Horror, Killer Animals, Glenn Howerton, Rob McElhenney, Kaitlin Arsenault, Bryce Hodgson, Aaron Yoo, Movies, Reptiles, Thrillers 1999 82min. Olson, Charlie Day, Danny DeVito Corey Large - Dir. John Stockwell Shout Factory 08.07.2014 The gang returns for their most inappropriate adventures yet Kid Cannabis is the true story of Nate Norman (Jonathan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123754 in Season 9 of It’s Always Sunny In . Once again, Daniel Brown, Project X), an Idaho teen dropout who builds a Paddy’s Pub is the spot for clever cruelty and tasteless multimillion-dollar marijuana ring by partnering with his best tomfoolery as Dee and Charlie get roped into a pyramid friend (Kenny Wormald, Footloose) and their pals to run Law & Order: Special Victims scheme and Dennis reveals he has super-powered erections. drugs across the Canadian border. Bankrolled by a deadly- Unit - The Fifteenth Year Season 9 also features „The Gang Saves The Day,“ the serious dope czar (Ron Perlman, Sons of Anarchy) and show’s historic 100th episode. While trying to „stop“ a supplied by an ex-government grower (John C. McGinley, , Dick Wolf convenience store robbery, Frank hotdogs it, Charlie gets Scrubs), Nate’s pursuit of the high life - complete with gals, The Special Victims Unit of the New York City Police Depart- animated and Mac takes a ninja star to the neck! guns, and vicious rival dealers - may leave this ex-pizza boy ment is an elite squad of detectives to investigate sexually- Comedy, Dark Comedy, Friendships, FX, over his head. based crimes. Dedicated detective (Mariska Television 217min. Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Movies Hargitay), a seasoned veteran of the unit who has seen it all, 2014 110min. heads up the department. 20th Century Fox 02.09.2014 Action, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Well Go USA 08.07.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123758 Lawyers / Legal Issues, Murder Mysteries, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123558 Mystery, NBC, Television, Thrillers 1070min. Jackass: The Classic TV Universal Studios 23.09.2014 Collection Kid Cannabis (Blu-ray) 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123685 Jonathan Daniel Brown, Kenny Wormald,

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Le Week-End (Blu-ray) Drama, Horror, Leprechaun (Series), Live Nude Girls , Jim Broadbent, Jeff Movies, Mystery, Myths & Legends, Thril- When Jamie, who’s already been wed and divorced numerous lers 2014 98min. times, accepts yet another marriage proposal, her wildly Goldblum, Olly Alexander - Dir. Roger varied group of girlfriends throw a bachelorette party at a Michell Lionsgate 30.09.2014 local restaurant. There, the women gab about sexual Academy Award winner Jim Broadbent (Iris) and Lindsay 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123709 frustrations and fantasies. Duncan (About Time) give exquisite performance as Nick and Comedy, Friendships, Movies 1995 90min. Meg, a long-married British couple revisiting for the first time since their honeymoon in an attempt to rekindle their Leprechaun: The Complete Movie Screen Media 19.08.2014 relationship. During a two-day escapade, wistful Nick and Collection (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123911 demanding Meg careen from harmony to strife to resignation and back as they take stock of a lifetime of tenderness and (Blu-ray) The Lost Moment regret. Directed by Roger Michell (Notting Hill) and written Sticky Fingaz, Warwick Davis, Jennifer by longtime collaborator Hanif Kureishi (Venus), this Minerva Urecal, Eduardo Ciannelli, - Dir. Mark Jones, Rodman Flender, magically buoyant, bittersweet film is at once brutally honest, Archer, , Robert sharply comedic, and undeniably romantic. Steven Ayromlooi Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Movies The unforgettable Leprechaun series comes to Blu-ray for the Cummings, Frank Puglia, Susan Hayward - 2013 93min. first time with all-new features. See the cult classics in full Dir. Martin Gabel Music Box Films 08.07.2014 HD audio and video and get scared all over again! The Lost Moment is a 1947 thriller in the tradition of Rebecca Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Leprechaun and the only film directed by actor Martin Gabel. Robert 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123809 Cummings (Sleep, My Love) stars as Lewis Venable, an (Series), Movies, Thrillers 636min. energetic American published in search of the lost Lionsgate 30.09.2014 of an early 19th century poet. Under a false name, Lewis rents The League: The Complete Fifth 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123730 a room in a mansion from Juliana Borderau (Agnes Season Moorehead, TV’s Bewitched), a former lover of the dead writer. Overseeing the eerie mansion is Juliana’s near- Jonathan Lajoie, Stephen Rannazzisi, Katie Like Father, Like Son psychotic niece, Tina (Susan Hayward, Where Love Has Aselton, Nick Kroll, Mark Duplass, Paul Gone), who mistrusts the publisher from the very onset. It Yoko Maki, Machiko Ono, Masaharu soon becomes clear to Lewis that the mansion harbors Scheer Fukuyama - Dir. Hirokazu Koreeda horrible secrets, however, he intends to collect the lost Get set for another outrageously inappropriate bout of fantasy What if the child you raised for years turned out not to be letters at any cost. Art director Alexander Golitzen (Touch of football madness with Season Five of The League, including your own? That’s the dilemma facing affluent architect Ryota Evil) and set decorators Russell A. Gausman (Shadow of a 11 unrated extended episodes. After the draft at Andre’s and his wife Midori when they learn that their six-year-old Doubt) and Ken Swartz (The Affair of Susan) make great use bachelor party nearly derails his wedding, Rafi plots Kevin’s son, Keita, was accidentally switched at the hospital after of the haunting Venetian mansion. The incredible makeup used death, Taco tries life without weed, Pete pays Ruxin the birth and is not their biological child. In the wake of this to make Agnes Moorehead appear 105-years-old created quite ultimate disrespect, and Kevin and Jenny’s „sexiversary“ startling revelation, Ryota’s sense of fatherhood is shaken to a stir in 1947, as it became the subject of many magazine celebration ends very, very badly. the core as he witnesses both his wife’s enduring devotion to articles. The Lost Moment was shot in glorious black-and- Comedy, Football, FX, Sports, Television Keita and his own conflicting feelings of nature versus white by Hal Mohr (The W 326min. nurture. Now his decision on which boy is truly his son will Classics, Drama, Movies, Romance 1947 change the family’s lives forever. Winner of the Jury Prize at 20th Century Fox 02.09.2014 the 2013 , acclaimed director Kore-eda 89min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123763 Hirokazu’s (Nobody Knows, Still Walking) Like Father, Like Olive Films 08.07.2014 Son is an incredibly touching family drama from one of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123739 cinema’s greatest masters. The Legend Of Hell House (Blu- Drama, Family, Foreign, Japanese, Movies ray) 2013 121min. The Lost Moment (Blu-ray) The wealthy owner of a haunted mansion believes his home MPI 01.07.2014 Minerva Urecal, Eduardo Ciannelli, John (which has been dubbed ‘Hell House’ due to a history of Archer, Agnes Moorehead, Robert bizarre happenings therein) might provide the answer to the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123598 phenomenon of life after death. To prove his theory, he enlists Cummings, Frank Puglia, Susan Hayward - the help of four brave psychic investigators whom, to acquire Like Water For Chocolate (Blu- Dir. Martin Gabel the situation in it’s entirety, set up residence in the dark and The Lost Moment is a 1947 thriller in the tradition of Rebecca mysterious abode. Soon after, the team are nearly driven to ray) and the only film directed by actor Martin Gabel. Robert insanity as they slowly begin to discover how the mansion got Cummings (Sleep, My Love) stars as Lewis Venable, an it’s gloomy moniker. An atmospheric and menacing film from Fantasy, Foreign, Movies, Romance 1992 energetic American published in search of the lost love letters the director of Eyewitness (1971). min. of an early 19th century poet. Under a false name, Lewis rents British, Foreign, Haunted Houses, Horror, Lionsgate 19.08.2014 a room in a mansion from Juliana Borderau (Agnes Moorehead, TV’s Bewitched), a former lover of the dead Movies, Thrillers 1973 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123854 writer. Overseeing the eerie mansion is Juliana’s near- Shout Factory 26.08.2014 psychotic niece, Tina (Susan Hayward, Where Love Has 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123860 The Little Ghost Gone), who mistrusts the publisher from the very onset. It soon becomes clear to Lewis that the mansion harbors Movies min. horrible secrets, however, he intends to collect the lost Leprechaun: Origins (Blu-ray + Anderson Merchandisers 22.07.2014 letters at any cost. Art director Alexander Golitzen (Touch of Evil) and set decorators Russell A. Gausman (Shadow of a UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123492 Doubt) and Ken Swartz (The Affair of Susan) make great use Andrew Dunbar, Teach Grant, Brendan of the haunting Venetian mansion. The incredible makeup used Little House On The Prairie: to make Agnes Moorehead appear 105-years-old created quite Fletcher, Stephanie Bennett a stir in 1947, as it became the subject of many magazine Backpacking through the lush Irish countryside, two Season 3 (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) articles. The Lost Moment was shot in glorious black-and- unsuspecting young couples discover a town’s chilling white by Hal Mohr (The W secret. Ben (Andrew Dunbar), Sophie (Stephanie Bennett), (Blu-ray) David (Brendan Fletcher) and Jeni (Melissa Roxburgh) Classics, Drama, Movies, Romance 1947 quickly discover the idyllic land is not what it appears to be Matthew Labyorteaux, Kevin Hagen, 89min. when the town’s residents offer the hikers an old cabin at the Jonathan Gilbert, Sidney Greenbush, Ri- Olive Films 08.07.2014 edge of the woods. Soon, the friends will find that one of chard Bull, Melissa Gilbert, Karen Grassle, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123748 Ireland’s most famous legends is a terrifying reality. Michael Landon Drama, Horror, Leprechaun (Series), Children’s, Classics, Drama, Family, Movies, Mystery, Myths & Legends, Thril- The Love Punch Romance, Television 1260min. lers 2014 98min. Tuppence Middleton, Timothy Spall, Emma Lionsgate 09.09.2014 Lionsgate 30.09.2014 Thompson, Pierce Brosnan 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123554 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123733 Their nest egg stolen out from under them by a deceitful French financer, a divorced couple recruit their former Little House On The Prairie: neighbors to help them steal the $10 million diamond that their Leprechaun: Origins (DVD + nemesis has just purchased for his fiance. Richard (Pierce UltraViolet) Season 3 (DVD + UltraViolet) Brosnan) and Kate (Emma Thompson) may no longer be Matthew Labyorteaux, Kevin Hagen, married, but they still quarrel like a couple who have spent Andrew Dunbar, Teach Grant, Brendan their entire lives together. Meanwhile, their once-secure Jonathan Gilbert, Sidney Greenbush, Ri- Fletcher, Stephanie Bennett future comes crashing down all around them when scheming chard Bull, Melissa Gilbert, Karen Grassle, French CEO Vincent Kruger defrauds Richard’s investment Backpacking through the lush Irish countryside, two firm, and steals his pension fund. Indignant after learning that unsuspecting young couples discover a town’s chilling Michael Landon Kruger has just purchased a $10 million diamond for his secret. Ben (Andrew Dunbar), Sophie (Stephanie Bennett), Children’s, Classics, Drama, Family, fiance, Kate proposes that they nick the rock, enlisting their David (Brendan Fletcher) and Jeni (Melissa Roxburgh) Romance, Television 1260min. former neighbors (Timothy Spall and Celia Imrie) — who long quickly discover the idyllic land is not what it appears to be to see their favorite couple reunited — to help them pull off when the town’s residents offer the hikers an old cabin at the Lionsgate 09.09.2014 the elaborate heist in the scenic French Riviera. edge of the woods. Soon, the friends will find that one of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123544 Ireland’s most famous legends is a terrifying reality. Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Movies,

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Revenge, Romance 95min. for cleaning rooms and a knack for making a mess of Biography, Blu-ray, Drama, Family, Indian, relationships. When a hostile developer threaten to knock Anderson Merchandisers 26.08.2014 down his beloved hotel in favor of a ‘mixed-use-space,’ , Movies, Sports 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123977 Vincent is forced to take action. If he can rally his friends and 2014 120min. save the hotel, he might even salvage his crippled courtship Disney / Buena Vista 07.10.2014 with the hotel’s charming manager. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123941 Lovejoy: Series 1 Comedy, Movies 2008 86min. Chris Jury, Phyllis Logan, Dudley Sutton, Osiris Entertainment 09.09.2014 Caroline Langrishe, Ian McShane 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123889 Mr. Majestyk Played with rakish allure by Golden Globe winner Ian Vietnam vet and ex-con Vince Majestyk (Charles Bronson) McShane (Deadwood), Lovejoy isn’t your typical antiques just wants to live quietly on his Colorado farm, where he dealer. He’s gifted at sorting the real treasures from the fakes March Or Die hires migrant pickers to harvest his melon crop. When he - which comes in handy when facing the dangerous side of his won’t replace them with pickers provided by small-time business, where certain collectors would literally kill for the Gene Hackman, Terence Hill, Max Von racketeer Bobby Kopas (Paul Koslo), Kopas threatens him perfect set of antique pistols. It’s a wild, unregulated world Sydow, Catherine Deneuve, - Dir. with a rifle. Vince disarms him and drives him off. However, flooded with aristocrats, con men, and criminals, all of whom Dick Richards Kopas files a complaint, and Vince is arrested. He’s being Lovejoy goes goes up against with the help of his mopey March Or Die is a classic action-adventure film in the taken to court with Mafia hit man Frank Renda (Al Lettieri) young assistant, Eric (Chris Jury, The Big Game), and upper- tradition of Beau Geste. It’s 1918 and a war-weary Major when the police bus transporting them is ambushed. In the crust confidante, Lady Jane (Phyllis Logan, Downtown (Gene Hackman), with a ragtag squadron of young confusion, Vince drives off with the still-handcuffed Renda. Abbey). Or course, Lovejoy can’t resist using his wiles to legionnaires, is assigned to a remote Moroccan outpost. Their He offers to return Renda if the police will let him finish sell a worthless painting or two to the occasional chump. But mission is to secure a French government archaeological dig harvesting his melons, but Renda escapes with help from his he would be wise to practice caution - even for „one of that is looting an ancient tomb of its Arab treasure. The troops girlfriend, Wiley (the cooly beautiful Lee Purcell). Still in television’s most charming and appealing character“ (The presence is not at all welcome by the Arab chieftain El Krim trouble with the police, Vince now has a hit man seeking Washington Post), charisma can only go so far. This wildly (Ian Holm), who vows to expel the French intruders at any revenge as well. Mr. Majestyk pits the taciturn Bronson popular British mystery series is based on the books by cost. But the French steadfastly refuse to leave. After a against the volatile Lettieri. Intricately plotted by master crime Jonathan Gash and garnered a devoted following on both series of skirmishes, the film concludes with an epic battle novelist Elmore Leonard, directed by veteran Richard Flei- sides of the pond. between the two forces. scher, and shot on location in Colorado, Mr. Majestyk is British, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Action, Adventure, British, Drama, Foreign, notable for its action set pieces, especially the beautifully s Action, Adventure, Movies 1974 103min. International TV, Television 1986 530min. Movies, Romance 1977 107min. Kino Video 12.08.2014 Acorn Media 01.07.2014 Hen’s Tooth 17.06.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123823 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123572 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123863

Mad About You: Seasons 1 & 2 Masterpiece: Breathless Mr. Majestyk (Blu-ray) Vietnam vet and ex-con Vince Majestyk (Charles Bronson) Paul Reiser, British, Drama, Foreign, International TV, just wants to live quietly on his Colorado farm, where he Comedy, NBC, Romance, Television 1992 Television 2013 360min. hires migrant pickers to harvest his melon crop. When he min. won’t replace them with pickers provided by small-time PBS Home Video 26.08.2014 racketeer Bobby Kopas (Paul Koslo), Kopas threatens him Mill Creek Entertainment 05.08.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123971 with a rifle. Vince disarms him and drives him off. However, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123624 Kopas files a complaint, and Vince is arrested. He’s being taken to court with Mafia hit man Frank Renda (Al Lettieri) Masterpiece: Breathless (Blu-ray) when the police bus transporting them is ambushed. In the Mad About You: The Complete British, Drama, Foreign, International TV, confusion, Vince drives off with the still-handcuffed Renda. First Season He offers to return Renda if the police will let him finish Television 2013 360min. harvesting his melons, but Renda escapes with help from his Paul Reiser, Helen Hunt PBS Home Video 26.08.2014 girlfriend, Wiley (the cooly beautiful Lee Purcell). Still in Comedy, NBC, Romance, Television 1992 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123996 trouble with the police, Vince now has a hit man seeking revenge as well. Mr. Majestyk pits the taciturn Bronson min. against the volatile Lettieri. Intricately plotted by master crime Mill Creek Entertainment 05.08.2014 novelist Elmore Leonard, directed by veteran Richard Flei- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123622 scher, and shot on location in Colorado, Mr. Majestyk is Suraj Sharma, Madhur Mittal, , notable for its action set pieces, especially the beautifully s Gregory Alan Williams, Tzi Ma, Lake Bell, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies 1974 Mad About You: The Complete Aasif Mandvi, Alan Arkin, Bill Paxton - Dir. 103min. Second Season Craig Gillespie Kino Video 12.08.2014 In 2008, J. B. Bernstein is a sports agent who finds his Paul Reiser, Helen Hunt business being seriously outplayed by his deep-pocketed 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123824 Comedy, NBC, Romance, Television 1992 competitors. Inspired by reality shows and Indian cricket min. games on TV, Bernstein gets the bold idea of finding cricket Mr. Peabody And The Mermaid players in India and training them to become pro baseball Mill Creek Entertainment 05.08.2014 players in America. After a long search, Bernstein finds two Lumsden Hare, Witmary Field, Clinton Sund- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123623 talented, but non-cricket playing, youths, Rinku Singh and berg, Irene Hervey, James Logan, Art . Together, Berthstein takes his prospects to Los Angeles where they find mastering a new sport in a foreign Smith, Andrea King, Beatrice Roberts, Ann Magnum P.I.: The Complete Third land a daunting challenge. As these boys struggle amid an Blyth, William Powell - Dir. Season (Repackage) alien culture, Bernstein must find a way to make their dream Things seem to be going swimmingly for Mr. Peabody (William come true. In doing, Bernstein finds a deeper humanity to his Powell, The Thin Man) - then one day his life takes a Larry Manetti, Roger E. Mosley, John work with growing friendships he never expected to have. whimsical turn. While fishing, he snags a beautiful mermaid Hillerman, Tom Selleck Biography, Drama, Family, Indian, Major (Ann Blyth, Mildred Pierce). In a flight of youthful fancy, the TV’s most charismatic detective is back and ready for action League Baseball, Movies, Sports 2014 stodgy Bostonian falls for the mermaid and takes her to a pond in Magnum P.I.: The Complete Third Season. All 22 at his villa. The seemingly harmless crush creates all sorts of unforgettable episodes are included in this 6-disc set. Hit the 120min. comical mix-ups! When Mr. Peabody’s jealous wife’s car is adventure-filled streets of Hawaii with Thomas Magnum (Tom Disney / Buena Vista 07.10.2014 found abandoned, the discovery leads the police to believe he Selleck), T.C. (Roger E. Mosley), Rick (Larry Manetti) and, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123920 bumped off his own life (Irene Hervey, The Lucky Stiff)! Irving of course, the fiery red Ferrari, as they take on cases Pichel (The Miracle of the Bells) directed this whimsical involving stolen artifacts, prison breakouts, murder and their comedy with an uproarious screenplay by legendary Nunnally own haunting memories of combat. Including a bonus preview Million Dollar Arm (Blu-ray + Johnson (The Dark Mirror, The Dirty Dozen). episode from the fourth season, Magnum P.I.: The Complete Classics, Comedy, Fantasy, Movies, Third Season is a fun and exciting thrill-ride! UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Romance 1948 99min. Action, Adventure, CBS, Crime, Detectives, Suraj Sharma, Madhur Mittal, Jon Hamm, Olive Films 08.07.2014 Drama, Hawaiian, Mystery, Television Gregory Alan Williams, Tzi Ma, Lake Bell, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123740 1121min. Aasif Mandvi, Alan Arkin, Bill Paxton - Dir. Universal Studios 07.10.2014 Craig Gillespie Mr. Peabody And The Mermaid 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123935 In 2008, J. B. Bernstein is a sports agent who finds his business being seriously outplayed by his deep-pocketed (Blu-ray) competitors. Inspired by reality shows and Indian cricket Lumsden Hare, Witmary Field, Clinton Sund- Man Maid games on TV, Bernstein gets the bold idea of finding cricket berg, Irene Hervey, James Logan, Art Jane Lynch, Sara Rue, Phillip Vaden, Aman- players in India and training them to become pro baseball players in America. After a long search, Bernstein finds two Smith, Andrea King, Beatrice Roberts, Ann da Walsh, John Doe, , talented, but non-cricket playing, youths, Rinku Singh and Blyth, William Powell - Dir. Irving Pichel Bryce Johnson, Wendy Worthington, Steve Dinesh Patel. Together, Berthstein takes his prospects to Los Angeles where they find mastering a new sport in a foreign Things seem to be going swimmingly for Mr. Peabody (William Hytner, Raphael Sbarge - Dir. Chris land a daunting challenge. As these boys struggle amid an Powell, The Thin Man) - then one day his life takes a Lusvardi alien culture, Bernstein must find a way to make their dream whimsical turn. While fishing, he snags a beautiful mermaid It’s not easy being a hotel cleaning mean in a cowboy town. come true. In doing, Bernstein finds a deeper humanity to his (Ann Blyth, Mildred Pierce). In a flight of youthful fancy, the Just ask male mail Vincent Metcalf who has an odd passion work with growing friendships he never expected to have. stodgy Bostonian falls for the mermaid and takes her to a pond

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 65 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA at his villa. The seemingly harmless crush creates all sorts of Mondo Magic after she had been sacrificed. Alive again, he sets out on an comical mix-ups! When Mr. Peabody’s jealous wife’s car is obsessive - and deadly - quest to find his lost love. Featuring found abandoned, the discovery leads the police to believe he min. groundbreaking makeup by Jack Pierce and artful direction by bumped off his own life (Irene Hervey, The Lucky Stiff)! Irving CAV 12.08.2014 Karl Freud to achieve a mysterious atmosphere, this terrifying Pichel (The Miracle of the Bells) directed this whimsical classic inspired countless sequels, spoofs and spin-offs that comedy with an uproarious screenplay by legendary Nunnally 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123705 continue to fuel the legacy of the monster to this day. Johnson (The Dark Mirror, The Dirty Dozen). Classics, Horror, Monsters, Movies, Classics, Comedy, Fantasy, Movies, Mortal Kombat: Legacy Romance, Thrillers 1932 74min. Romance 1948 99min. Johnson Phan, Brian Tee, Ian Anthony Dale, Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Olive Films 08.07.2014 Darren Shahlavi, Michael Jai White, Mark 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123664 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123749 Dacascos, Casper Van Dien - Dir. Kevin Tancharoen The Mummy (Blu-ray + Modern Family: The Complete Tear into the origins of the legendary tournament that pits the world’s greatest warriors against the forces of Outworld in UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Fifth Season the fight to save our planet. Discover storylines that deepen Edward Van Sloan, Bramwell Fletcher, Ariel Winter, Sarah Hyland, Jesse Tyler the mythology of the Mortal Kombat multiverse and the back stories of your favorite characters, including Jax, Sonya, Arthur Byron, David Manners, Zita Johann, Ferguson, Nolan Gould, Ty Burrell, Eric Scorpion, Sub-Zero, , Johnny Cage and more! This is Boris Karloff - Dir. Karl Freund Stonestreet, Sofia Vergara, Julie Bowen kombat taken to a whole new level, more gritty and than The Mummy features horror icon Boris Karloff in a legendary Wedding bells are ringing in Season Five of Modern Family, anything you’ve ever seen before. Fight! performance as the Egyptian Imhotep who is accidentally the hilariously heartfelt winner of four consecutive Emmy Action, Based On Video Game, Crime, revived by a team of archaeologists after 3,700 years. It is Awards for Outstanding Comedy Series. As Cam and Mitch revealed in a flashback that he was a high priest, embalmed bicker over plans for their big day, the rest of the family has Fantasy, Fighting, Martial Arts, Monsters, alive for trying to revive the vestal virgin whom he loved, its hands full adapting to new jobs, new schools, and a new Sports, Supernatural & Paranormal, Televi- after she had been sacrificed. Alive again, he sets out on an male nanny. There are babysitting disasters, an anniversary sion, Thrillers 100min. obsessive - and deadly - quest to find his lost love. Featuring to celebrate, misguided male bonding, and everything from groundbreaking makeup by Jack Pierce and artful direction by high-stakes poker to high-maintenance in-laws. Join the Warner Bros. 14.10.2014 Karl Freud to achieve a mysterious atmosphere, this terrifying Pritchett-Dunphy clan for the wedding of the year, and share 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123785 classic inspired countless sequels, spoofs and spin-offs that the honesty, love and laughter with America’s favorite family. continue to fuel the legacy of the monster to this day. ABC, Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Mortal Kombat: Legacy II Classics, Horror, Monsters, Movies, Family, Mockumentary, Television 516min. Welcome to the tournament! The warriors have been chosen. Romance, Thrillers 1932 74min. 20th Century Fox 23.09.2014 The Mortal Kombat tournament has begun. Old friends become Universal Studios 02.09.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124013 sworn enemies and deadly powers are heightened as the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123672 battle for Earthrealm rages. Follow the electrifying stories of Liu Kang and Kung Lao, Kenshi and Ermac, sisters Kitana and Mom: Season One Mileena, and Scorpion and Sub-Zero, and join favorites The Mummy: Complete Legacy Raiden, Johnny Cage and many more in this second season of Spencer Daniels, Matt Jones, Anna Faris, the hit web series. More action, more skill, more fights and Collection French Stewart, Allison Janney more of the word you’ve been waiting to hear: Fatality. Edward van Sloan, Addison Richards, Ma- Anna Faris and Emmy winner Allison Janney star in a new Action, Adventure, Based On Video Game, comedy from Chuck Lorre. Anna Faris plays Christy, a single rie Windsor, Cecil Kellaway, Dick Foran, mom whose newly found sobriety has given her the ability to Crime, Fantasy, Fighting, Martial Arts, Mon- Wallace Ford, Michael Ansara, Boris Karl- see her life clearly... and she does not like the view. Now she sters, Sports, Supernatural & Paranormal, off, Lou Costello, Bud Abbott, John must try to untangle years of reckless decisions in order to Television, Thrillers min. make a better life for her and her kids. But she discovers that Carradine, Zita Johann, David Manners, just because you want to be a better person doesn’t mean it’s Warner Bros. 14.10.2014 Arthur Byron, Bramwell Fletcher, George going to be easy. Everywhere she looks there are challenges: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123784 Zucco, Peter Coe, Tom Tyler, Eduardo She is trying to stop drinking in wine country, have a healthy romance with her unavailable boss, raise her young son to be Ciannelli, Kay Harding, Martin Kosleck, a good man despite his father’s influence, convince her Mortal Kombat: Legacy II (Blu- Virginia Christine, Kurt Katch, Peggy King, troubled teenage daughter to make better choices than she ray) Peggy Moran, Turhan Bey, Dennis Moore - did, and, perhaps the most difficult task - forgive her estranged mother, Bonnie, played by Allison Janney, for not Welcome to the tournament! The warriors have been chosen. Dir. Harold Young, Charles Lamont, Karl giving her any of the tools she needed to handle life in the The Mortal Kombat tournament has begun. Old friends become Freund, Reginald Le Borg, Leslie first place. sworn enemies and deadly powers are heightened as the battle for Earthrealm rages. Follow the electrifying stories of Goodwins, Christy Cabanne CBS, Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Liu Kang and Kung Lao, Kenshi and Ermac, sisters Kitana and Ancient Egypt, Classics, Drama, Horror, Family, Television 2013 484min. Mileena, and Scorpion and Sub-Zero, and join favorites Monsters, Movies, Romance, Thrillers Warner Bros. 23.09.2014 Raiden, Johnny Cage and many more in this second season of the hit web series. More action, more skill, more fights and 347min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123887 more of the word you’ve been waiting to hear: Fatality. Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Action, Adventure, Based On Video Game, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123599 Moms’ Night Out (Blu-ray + Blu-ray, Crime, Fantasy, Fighting, Martial UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Arts, Monsters, Sports, Supernatural & Murder, She Wrote: The Sarah Drew, Patricia Heaton, Sean Astin - Paranormal, Television, Thrillers min. Complete Eleventh Season Warner Bros. 14.10.2014 Dir. Jon Erwin (Repackage) All Allyson and her friends want is a peaceful, grown-up 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123794 evening of dinner and conversation... a long-needed moms’ night out. But in order to enjoy high heels, adult conversation Read between the lines of Jessica Fletcher’s famous novels and food not served in a paper bag, they need their husbands Motel Hell (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu- and you’ll discover what her legions of fans already know - to watch the kids for three hours - what could go wrong? ray) mystery has a way of following this witty writer wherever she Comedy, Family, Movies 2014 99min. goes. Angela Lansbury returns to her iconic role in all 21 Nina Axelrod, Paul Linke, Rory Calhoun, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment sensational Season 11 episodes of the Primetime Emmy Award Wolfman Jack, Nancy Parsons - Dir. Kevin and Golden Globe-nominated series, Murder, She Wrote. Join 02.09.2014 Connor guest stars Jeffrey Nordling (24), (Everybody 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123892 Loves Raymond), Ann Cusack (The Informant!), Jeri Ryan Farmer Vincent is a simple rustic who operates Motel Hell (Boston Public, : Voyager), and more as they become where the abundance of his smoked meats might have part of Jessica’s acclaimed investigations that span the globe Moms’ Night Out (DVD + something to do with the disappearance of passers-by. from hometown Cabot Cove to tropical Martinique. With two Cannibalism, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 1980 bonus episodes from Season 12 (the final season), no crime UltraViolet) min. lover’s collection is complete without these entertaining Sarah Drew, Patricia Heaton, Sean Astin - adventures from the literary sleuth whose life is a real page- Shout Factory 12.08.2014 turner. Dir. Jon Erwin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123653 All Allyson and her friends want is a peaceful, grown-up Drama, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Senior evening of dinner and conversation... a long-needed moms’ Interest, Television 1994 1051min. night out. But in order to enjoy high heels, adult conversation The Mummy Universal Studios 07.10.2014 and food not served in a paper bag, they need their husbands to watch the kids for three hours - what could go wrong? Edward Van Sloan, Bramwell Fletcher, Ar- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123951 Comedy, Family, Movies 2014 99min. thur Byron, David Manners, Zita Johann, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Boris Karloff - Dir. Karl Freund Murder, She Wrote: The The Mummy features horror icon Boris Karloff in a legendary 02.09.2014 performance as the Egyptian Imhotep who is accidentally Complete Ninth Season 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123879 revived by a team of archaeologists after 3,700 years. It is (Repackage) revealed in a flashback that he was a high priest, embalmed alive for trying to revive the vestal virgin whom he loved, David Soul, John Polito, William Windom,

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Ron Masak, , Amy within them. So when they discover that their new next-door neighbors are none other than dozens of Delta Psi Beta Brenneman, Neil Patrick Harris, Angela Naked City: Season Three fraternity brothers led by charismatic president Teddy Lansbury Season 3 of the classic tv crime series now on DVD. Sanders (Zac Efron), they try to play along and make the best Everyone’s favorite sleuth is back and better than ever in Action, Classics, Crime, Drama, Television of an awkward situation. But when the frat’s parties grow Murder, She Wrote: The Complete Ninth Season! This 5-disc increasingly more epic, both sides of the property line begin set includes all 22 episodes starring Angela Lansbury in the min. to fend for their turf. The neighbors’ relentless sabotage role that won her the Golden Globe award for Best Actress Image Ent. 05.08.2014 escalates into outrageous one-upmanship, beginning an epic and a Primetime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Lead 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123683 Greek war for the ages. Also stars Dave Franco and Christo- Actress. Writer/detective Jessica Fletcher (Lansbury) pher Mintz-Plasse. continues to follow the clues to uncover the truth, both at College Life, Comedy, Family, Friendships, home in the charming town of Cabot Cove and on her many Naked City: Season Two travels. Joining her at the crime scenes are stellar guest Movies 2014 97min. Season 2 of the classic tv crime series now on DVD. Universal Studios 23.09.2014 stars, including David Soul, Harvey Fierstein, Neil Patrick Action, Classics, Crime, Drama, Television Harris, John Polito and Amy Brenneman. It’s no mystery why 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123880 fans love Murder, She Wrote during its incredible run, the min. adored series earned 41 Primetime Emmy nominations, 16 Image Ent. 05.08.2014 Golden Globe nominations and countless viewers. Own this Neighbors (Blu-ray + DVD + chapter of television history today! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123681 CBS, Classics, Comedy, Crime, Drama, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television, The Nanny: Seasons 1 and 2 Craig Roberts, Ali Cobrin, Dave Franco, Ike Thrillers 1018min. Charles Shaughnessy, Fran Drescher Barinholtz, Zac Efron, Seth Rogen, Carla Universal Studios 07.10.2014 CBS, Comedy, Television min. Gallo, Rose Byrne - Dir. Nicholas Stoller By all appearances, new parents Mac (Seth Rogen) and Kelly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123938 Mill Creek Entertainment 05.08.2014 Radner (Rose Byrne) are living the American Dream - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123621 complete with an adorable baby girl and a beautiful new Murder, She Wrote: The starter home in the suburbs. Still, the early-thirtysomethings want to believe that they have a modicum of coolness left Complete Tenth Season Narx within them. So when they discover that their new next-door Fat Joe (rapper). Based on a shocking true story. An neighbors are none other than dozens of Delta Psi Beta (Repackage) undercover NYPD detective puts his life on the line to fight fraternity brothers led by charismatic president Teddy Angela Lansbury corruption within the force. As the body count rises and his Sanders (Zac Efron), they try to play along and make the best TV legend Angela Lansbury returns to her acclaimed and enemies close in, no-one can be trusted in this cat and mouse of an awkward situation. But when the frat’s parties grow admired role as mystery writer Jessica Fletcher in all 21 game where only the winner survives. increasingly more epic, both sides of the property line begin entertaining episodes of Murder, She Wrote: The Complete Action, Cops, Detectives, Drugs & Dealers, to fend for their turf. The neighbors’ relentless sabotage Tenth Season. Loaded with the shocking surprises and clever Movies 2011 min. escalates into outrageous one-upmanship, beginning an epic storylines that fans of this 41-time Primetime Emmy nominated Greek war for the ages. Also stars Dave Franco and Christo- and 16-time Golden Globe nominated series have come to Peace Arch Entertainment 26.08.2014 pher Mintz-Plasse. expect, this compelling season follows Jessica as she 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123917 College Life, Comedy, Family, Friendships, investigates crimes from the far reaches of the globe to her Movies 2014 97min. own doorstep in the sleepy town of Cabot Cove. With such amazing guest stars as Mickey Rooney, Tippi Hedren, David Natural Born Killers: Diamond Universal Studios 23.09.2014 Warner, George Segal and Morgan Fairchild, each case is Luxe Edition (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123893 sure to keep you riveted until the final clue. Drama, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Senior Tom Sizemore, Robert Downey Jr., Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Tommy Lee Neverlake Interest, Television 1993 979min. A teenager visiting her estranged father in Itally stumbles Universal Studios 07.10.2014 Jones - Dir. Oliver Stone across the Neverlake, an ancient lake said to be guarded by 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123950 The story of a husband and wife who are serial killers spiritis of the dead. As she uncovers the horrific secrets of involved in a cross country killing spree that elevates them the lake, she becomes haunted by disturbing visions that from fugitives into media celebrities. connect her to her own mysterious past.. However, the ghosts Murder, She Wrote: The Crime, Dark Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional of the past may be more dangerous than she ever thought Complete Twelfth Season Families, Love Gone Bad, Movies, Prison, possible. Revenge, Serial Killers, Thrillers 1994 Drama, Foreign, Horror, Italian, Movies, (Repackage) 118min. Mystery 2013 min. Robert Knepper, Louis Herthum, Tom Warner Bros. 30.09.2014 Peace Arch Entertainment 29.07.2014 Bosley, William Windom, Ron Masak, Bryan 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123537 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123505 Cranston, Angela Lansbury It’s the final chapter of one of television’s greatest mystery New Girl: The Complete Third series of all time. Recipient of 41 Primetime Emmy Award and Necessary Roughness: Season 16 Golden Globe nominations, Murder, She Wrote set the Three Season standard with its fascinating characters, well-crafted plots and beloved heroine, mystery writer Jessica Fletcher. , Hannah Marks, David An- Hannah Simone, Lamorne Morris, Jake Reunite with acclaimed actress Angela Lansbury in her iconic ders, Gregory Alan Williams, Patrick Johnson, Max Greenfield, Zooey role in all 24 episodes of the final season. From the shadowy Johnson, John Stamos, Marc Blucas, Callie Deschanel nooks of hometown Cabot Cove to crime scenes as far away In the brilliantly funny and game-changing third season, Jess as Ireland and Austrailia, Jessica’s hot on the trail of some of Thorne, Scott Cohen and Nick go „all-in“ on their romance, but soon realize that the most deliberate criminals yet. With danger at every turn, It’s a whole new ball game as sassy sports shrink Dani loving and living together will tougher than they thought. Jessica will need all her wits and ingenuity to get safely to Santino (Callie Thorne) scores a new job and boss in Season Schmidt finds himself in double trouble when he dates Cece the final page. Featuring such illustrious guest stars as Bryan Three of Necessary Roughness. Big changes at the Hawks and Elizabeth at the same time. Unlucky-in-love Winston Cranston (Breaking Bad), Jerry Hardin (The X-Files), Robert lead to Dani accepting a full-time position with a powerful makes a special connection...too bad it’s only with the Knepper (Prison Break~~) and more, it’s a season you can’t sports and entertainment management company run by the roommates’ new house cat. Meanwhile, Coach returns and a miss, filled with thrilling twist, clues and capers that mystery seductive Connor McClane (John Stamos). Tackling a lineup Thanksgiving adventure turns the guys into turkeys - plus fans just die for. of superstar patients that includes the volatile TK (Mehcad there’s the wildly popular „Prince“ episode, featuring a Drama, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Senior Brooks), Dani must also deal with a sleazy CFO (David larger-than-life guest star who becomes an unexpected Anders), an ambitious assistant (Karissa Lee Staples) and the romantic advisor to Jess. Interest, Television 1995 1100min. surprise reappearance of Nico (Scott Cohen). Watch every Universal Studios 07.10.2014 episode back-to-back and uninterrupted in a game-changing Comedy, Fox, Friendships, Romance, Tele- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123952 collection packed with humor, drama and riveting twists. vision 195min. Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Football, Men- 20th Century Fox 02.09.2014 Naked City: Season Four tal Illness, Sports, Television, USA Network 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123759 Season 4 of the classic tv crime series now on DVD. 427min. Action, Classics, Crime, Drama, Television Universal Studios 23.09.2014 Newhart: The Complete Fourth min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123688 Season Image Ent. 05.08.2014 Peter Scolari, Tom Poston, John Voldstad, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123684 Neighbors Mary Frann, , Bob Newhart, Craig Roberts, Ali Cobrin, Dave Franco, Ike William Sanderson Naked City: Season One Barinholtz, Zac Efron, Seth Rogen, Carla CBS, Comedy, Television min. Season 1 of the classic tv crime series now on dvd. Gallo, Rose Byrne - Dir. Nicholas Stoller Shout Factory 19.08.2014 Action, Classics, Crime, Drama, Television By all appearances, new parents Mac (Seth Rogen) and Kelly Radner (Rose Byrne) are living the American Dream - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123711 min. complete with an adorable baby girl and a beautiful new Image Ent. 05.08.2014 starter home in the suburbs. Still, the early-thirtysomethings Night Moves 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123680 want to believe that they have a modicum of coolness left

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Alia Shawkat, Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota Harp McGuire, Grant Taylor, Donna Chouncheun, Chumphorn Thepphithak, Fanning, Peter Sarsgaard - Dir. Kelly Anderson, Guy Doleman, Anthony Perkins, Wannakit Sirioput, Suchao Pongwilai, Reichardt Fred Astaire, Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner - Pumwaree Yodkamol, Petchtai Drama, Movies, Thrillers min. Dir. Stanley Kramer Wongkamlao, Sorapong Chatree, Tony Jaa, Cinedigm 02.09.2014 After the entire Northern Hemisphere is destroyed by a Nirut Sirichanya , Dan Chupong, Sarunyu nuclear war, a group of survivors in Australia prepare for 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123928 their own inevitable demise. As a deadly cloud of radiation Wongkrachang, Phetthai Wongkhamlao, creeps toward the continent, some survivors cling to hopes Primorata Dejudom Night Moves (Blu-ray) that life as they know it has continued somewhere, hopes that Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Martial Arts, are fed by the discovery of a mysterious, erratic radio signal Alia Shawkat, Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota emanating from San Diego. Others, such as Astaire’s Movies, Thai min. Fanning, Peter Sarsgaard - Dir. Kelly sardonic, race-car driving physicist and Gardner’s world- Magnolia Home Entertainment 29.07.2014 weary, tippling party girl, throw their energies into squeezing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123553 Reichardt the last drops from their lives. A grim, unflinching clarion call Drama, Movies, Thrillers min. for sanity that inches along at a maddeningly deliberate and Cinedigm 02.09.2014 suspenseful pace. Based on the novel by Nevil Shute. Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior Academy Award Nominations: 2, Best Editing (Frederic 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123947 Knudtson) and Best Score (Ernest Gold). Nudhapol Asavabhakhin, Rungrawee Apocalyptic Future, Australian, Drama, Barijindakul, Mum Jokmok, Chatewut Ninja Apocalypse Foreign, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers Watcharakhun, Chatthapong Pantanaunkul, Christian Oliver 1959 134min. Chumphorn Thepphithak, Wannakit Sirioput, Fighting, Movies, Ninjas 2014 min. Kino Video 26.08.2014 Suchao Pongwilai, Pumwaree Yodkamol, First Look 05.08.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123981 Petchtai Wongkamlao, Tony Jaa, Udom 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123509 Chouncheun, Boonsri Yindee, Arirat On The Beach (Blu-ray) Ratanakaitkosol - Dir. Prachya Pinkaew Tony Jaa follows in the powerful martial arts footsteps of Ninja Apocalypse (Blu-ray) Harp McGuire, Grant Taylor, Donna Bruce Lee, , and Jet Li in Ong Bak: The Thai Christian Oliver Anderson, Guy Doleman, Anthony Perkins, Warrior, one of the first films to center on the ancient fighting system of Muay Thai, which utilizes the body’s limbs to First Look, Fighting, Movies, Ninjas 2014 Fred Astaire, Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner - potentially devastating effect. Jaa stars as Ting, a quiet young min. Dir. Stanley Kramer man who lives in the peaceful village of Nong Pradu. As the First Look 05.08.2014 After the entire Northern Hemisphere is destroyed by a village’s special celebration approaches, a Bangkok villain nuclear war, a group of survivors in Australia prepare for named Don (Wannakit Siriput) steals the head of the Buddha 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123530 their own inevitable demise. As a deadly cloud of radiation statue Ong-Bak, which is said to protect the village from bad creeps toward the continent, some survivors cling to hopes luck. Ting volunteers to go to the big city to bring back the Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation - that life as they know it has continued somewhere, hopes that head of Ong-Bak, but remembers what he was taught by sage are fed by the discovery of a mysterious, erratic radio signal monk Pra Cru (Woranard Tantipidok): he must not use his Turtle Power! emanating from San Diego. Others, such as Astaire’s Muay Thai skills to harm people. However soon after arriving sardonic, race-car driving physicist and Gardner’s world- in Bangkok, Ting, a peaceful fish out of water, finds that the Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, weary, tippling party girl, throw their energies into squeezing only way to recapture the village’s sacred treasure is by Children’s, Comedy, Martial Arts, Ninjas, the last drops from their lives. A grim, unflinching clarion call using his arms, his legs—and his head. Influenced by the films Superheroes, Television min. for sanity that inches along at a maddeningly deliberate and of Thai action star Phanna Rithikrai, director Prachya suspenseful pace. Based on the novel by Nevil Shute. Pinkaew hired the Muay Thai expert to serve as martial arts Shout Factory 05.08.2014 Academy Award Nominations: 2, Best Editing (Frederic and stunt choreographer for Ong Bak, res 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123510 Knudtson) and Best Score (Ernest Gold). Action, Foreign, Martial Arts, Movies, Thai, Apocalyptic Future, Australian, Blu-ray, Thrillers 2005 min. NYPD Blue: Season 6 Drama, Foreign, Movies, Science Fiction, Magnolia Home Entertainment 29.07.2014 ABC, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Tele- Thrillers 1959 134min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123614 vision min. Kino Video 26.08.2014 Shout Factory 24.06.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124000 Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior (Blu- 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123803 Once Upon A Time: The ray) Nudhapol Asavabhakhin, Rungrawee The Office: The Complete Series Complete Third Season Barijindakul, Mum Jokmok, Chatewut (American Series) ABC, Action, Adventure, Drama, Fairy Ta- Watcharakhun, Chatthapong Pantanaunkul, Rashida Jones, Ed Helms, Steve Carell, les, Fantasy, Romance, Television min. Chumphorn Thepphithak, Wannakit Sirioput, , Jenna Fischer, David Disney / Buena Vista 19.08.2014 Suchao Pongwilai, Pumwaree Yodkamol, Denman, Andy Buckley, , Melora 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123715 Petchtai Wongkamlao, Tony Jaa, Udom Hardin, Kathy Bates, James Spader, John Chouncheun, Boonsri Yindee, Arirat Krasinski, B.J. Novak, Catherine Tate, An- Once Upon A Time: The Ratanakaitkosol, Woravit Tanochitsirikul - gela Kinsey, , Phyllis Complete Third Season (Blu-ray) Dir. Prachya Pinkaew Smith, , , Tony Jaa follows in the powerful martial arts footsteps of ABC, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li in Ong Bak: The Thai , , Creed Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Romance, Television Warrior, one of the first films to center on the ancient fighting Bratton, , , Ellie min. system of Muay Thai, which utilizes the body’s limbs to Kemper Disney / Buena Vista 19.08.2014 potentially devastating effect. Jaa stars as Ting, a quiet young A favorite of critics and audiences alike, The Office is a man who lives in the peaceful village of Nong Pradu. As the hilarious documentary-style look at the humorous and 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123736 village’s special celebration approaches, a Bangkok villain sometimes poignant foolishness that plagues the 9-to-5 world. named Don (Wannakit Siriput) steals the head of the Buddha For the first time, all nine seasons are together in one Ong Bak Trilogy statue Ong-Bak, which is said to protect the village from bad complete set - so you can relive every one of your favorite luck. Ting volunteers to go to the big city to bring back the moments, including Michael’s (Steve Carell) infamous Nudhapol Asavabhakhin, Rungrawee head of Ong-Bak, but remembers what he was taught by sage encounter with a breakfast grill, Dwight’s (Rainn Wilson) Barijindakul, Mum Jokmok, Chatewut monk Pra Cru (Woranard Tantipidok): he must not use his power plays, Jim’s (John Krasinksi) pranks, Andy’s (Ed Muay Thai skills to harm people. However soon after arriving Helms) struggles with anger management, and of course, Pam Watcharakhun, Chatthapong Pantanaunkul, in Bangkok, Ting, a peaceful fish out of water, finds that the (Jenna Fischer) and Jim’s evolving romance. Also includes Chumphorn Thepphithak, Wannakit Sirioput, only way to recapture the village’s sacred treasure is by special appearances by Amy Adams, Kathy Bates, Rashida Suchao Pongwilai, Pumwaree Yodkamol, using his arms, his legs—and his head. Influenced by the films Jones, Amy Ryan, James Spader and more. Developed for of Thai action star Phanna Rithikrai, director Prachya American television by Primetime Emmy-award winner Greg Petchtai Wongkamlao, Tony Jaa, Udom Pinkaew hired the Muay Thai expert to serve as martial arts Daniels, The Office: The Complete Series includes all 201 Chouncheun, Boonsri Yindee, Arirat and stunt choreographer for Ong Bak, res episodes on 33 discs that you can watch back-to-back and Ratanakaitkosol, Woravit Tanochitsirikul Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Martial Arts, uninterrupted - plus bonus commentaries, webisodes, blooper Movies, Thai, Thrillers 2005 min. reels and over 15 hours of deleted scenes that are guaranteed Action, Foreign, Martial Arts, Movies, Thai to leave you satisfied and smiling. That’s what she said! min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 29.07.2014 Comedy, NBC, On The Job, Television, TV Magnolia Home Entertainment 29.07.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123648 Remakes, Work Sucks min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123540 Universal Studios 07.10.2014 Open Grave 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123961 Ong Bak Trilogy (Blu-ray) Sharlto Copley, Joseph Morgan, Josie Ho, Woravit Tanochitsirikul, Arirat Max Wrottesley, Erin Richards On The Beach Ratanakaitkosol, Boonsri Yindee, Udom A man (Sharlton Copley, Elysium, District 9), wakes up in a

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 68 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA pit of dead bodies with no memory of who he is or how he got Brian Forster, , Suzanne there. Fleeing the scene, he breaks into a nearly house and is met at gunpoint by a group of terrified strangers, all suffering Outbreak / Contagion Crough, , , Shirley from memory loss. Suspicion gives way to violence as the , Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jones, group starts to piece together clues about their identities, but Television’s grooviest family hits the road again in Season 2! when they uncover a threat that’s more vicious - and hungry - , , Dustin This second year brings more of Danny’s schemes, Keith’s than each other, they are forced to figure out what brought Hoffman - Dir. Wolfgang Petersen, Steven girl troubles, and rock ‘n’ roll! Plus, a dancing bear takes them all together - before it’s too late. Soderbergh center stage, Laurie dates a biker, two Partridges run away Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 and harried manager Reuben gets his fair share of headaches. Action, Adventure, Doctors & Medicine, In this family the adventures never stop, but with mom Shirley 102min. Drama, Killer Viruses, Military, Movies, at the wheel, they always have plenty to sing about! Contains Cinedigm 15.07.2014 Science, Science Fiction, Thrillers min. all 24 episodes from the second season! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123799 Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 Comedy, Family, Music, Television 1971 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123783 607min. Open Grave (Blu-ray) Mill Creek Entertainment 24.06.2014 Sharlto Copley, Joseph Morgan, Josie Ho, P-51 Dragon Fighter 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123579 Max Wrottesley, Erin Richards Scott Martin, Stephanie Beran, Trey A man (Sharlton Copley, Elysium, District 9), wakes up in a Pee-wee’s Playhouse: The pit of dead bodies with no memory of who he is or how he got McCurley, Robert Pike Daniel - Dir. Mark there. Fleeing the scene, he breaks into a nearly house and is Atkins Complete Series (Blu-ray) met at gunpoint by a group of terrified strangers, all suffering While the Alies are engaged with Rommel in North Africa, CBS, Children’s / Educational, Comedy, Cult from memory loss. Suspicion gives way to violence as the both sides suffer heavy casualties. Unbeknownst to the Allied group starts to piece together clues about their identities, but forces, the Nazis have been cultivating a long-forgotten Film / TV, Puppets, Television min. when they uncover a threat that’s more vicious - and hungry - creature to fight on their side. Now the Allies must assemble a Shout Factory 26.08.2014 than each other, they are forced to figure out what brought group of the best pilots from different nations to battle this 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123861 them all together - before it’s too late. new threat to civilization. Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 Action, Dinosaurs, Fantasy, Historical / 102min. Period Piece, Movies, Science Fiction, War, The People Under The Stairs Cinedigm 15.07.2014 World War II 2014 84min. (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123810 Monarch Home Video 19.08.2014 A.J. Langer, Brandon Adams, Wendy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123903 Robie, Bill Cobbs, Everett McGill, Ving Operation Petticoat Rhames - Dir. Wes Craven Paris Blues In every neighborhood, there is one house that adults whisper , Tony Curtis, Virginia Gregg, about and children cross the street to avoid. Now, Director Gavin MacLeod, Dick Sargent, Robert Gist, In Paris Blues, Ram Bowen (Paul Newman) and Eddie Cook Wes Craven (A Nightmare on Elm Street) takes you inside Dina Merrill, Gene Evans - Dir. Blake Ed- (Sidney Poitier) are two expatriate jazz musicians living in The People Under the Stairs. Trapped within a fortified home Paris where, unlike America at the time, Jazz musicians are owned by a mysterious couple, a young boy is suddenly thrust wards celebrated and racism is a non-issue. When they meet and fall into a nightmare he can’t escape. The boy quickly learns the Screen legends Cary Grant (Father Goose) and Tony Curtis in love with two young American girls, Lillian and Connie, true nature of the house’s homicidal inhabitants and the secret (Some Life It Hot) ship out for laughs and adventure in one of who are vacationing in , Ram and Eddie must decide creatures hidden under the stairs. You never know what the most hilarious comedies to ever hit the high seas. The whether they should move back to America with them, or stay horrors will be revealed in this film that the San Francisco U.S.S. Sea Tiger is on its last legs until the handsome in Paris for the freedom it allows them. Ram, who wants to be Chronicle calls, „Wes Craven’s most satisfying movie.“ skipper (Grant) and his ingenious, if slightly unethical, junior a serious composer, finds Paris more exciting than America officer (Curtis) scavenge the parts and supplies needed to put and is reluctant to give up his music for a relationship, and Comedy, Haunted Houses, Horror, Movies, the sub back into action. Forced out to sea prematurely by an Eddie wants to stay for the city’s more tolerant racial Mystery, Thrillers 1991 102min. enemy air attack. the sub leaks and limps along until five atmosphere. A virtual love letter to both jazz and the city of Universal Studios 02.09.2014 stranded Army nurses come aboard and initiate their own Paris, Martin Ritt’s film, like a jazz composition, develops renovations. From one mishap to another, the sub ends up a several themes simultaneously; it riffs on Eddie’s reluctance 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123525 blushing pink, making it a target for both Japanese and Ameri- to face his roots as well as Ram’s conflict between his love can forces. The two dashing stars lead an all-star supporting for Lillian and his need to live the artist’s life. With its Duke Petals On The Wind (DVD + cast that includes Joan O’Brien, Dina Merrill, Gene Evans, Ellington score, excellent cast, and a breathtaking ‘Battle Dick Sargent, Arthur O’Connell, Gavin MacLoad, Madlyn Royal’ with Louis Armstrong, Paris Blues is both an excellent UltraViolet) Rhue and Marion Ross. Wonderfully directed by the drama and a must see film for an Dylan Bruce, Rose McIver, Will Kemp, Ellia legendary Black Edwards (The Pink Panther) and beautifully Adventure, Drama, Movies, Musical, English, Nick Searcy, Molly Hagan, Ravil shot in color by the great Russell Harlan (Rio Bravo, Red Romance 1961 98min. River). The classic comedy received a 1959 Academy Ward Isyanov, Heather Graham, Ellen Burstyn - nominated for Best Writing (Story and Screenplay written Kino Video 29.07.2014 direc Dir. Karen Moncrieff 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123612 Petals On The Wind, a Lifetime Original Movie based on the Classics, Comedy, Movies, Romance, War second book in V.C. Andrews’s best-selling Flowers In The 1959 122min. Paris Blues (Blu-ray) Attic trilogy, continues to follow the twisted plight of the Olive Films 01.07.2014 Dollanganger family as they attempt to put their sordid past Marie Versini, Paul Newman, Louis 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123741 behind them. But, as they soon discover, certain secrets can’t Armstrong, Joanne Woodward, Diahann be left behind. When Cathy finds herself in an abusive Carroll, Barbara Laage, Sidney Poitier - Dir. relationship, Christopher and Cathy are forced to face their Operation Petticoat (Blu-ray) forbidden feelings. And as tragedy strikes again, Cathy Martin Ritt returns to Foxworth Hall to confront her grandmother and Cary Grant, Tony Curtis, Virginia Gregg, In Paris Blues, Ram Bowen (Paul Newman) and Eddie Cook seek revenge on her mother. Christopher runs to Cathy’s Gavin MacLeod, Marion Ross, Dick (Sidney Poitier) are two expatriate jazz musicians living in side, and the two are determined to start over again - Paris where, unlike America at the time, Jazz musicians are together. Stars Heather Graham; Academy Award, Golden Sargent, Robert Gist, Dina Merrill, Gene celebrated and racism is a non-issue. When they meet and fall Globe, and Primetime Emmy Award winner Ellen Burstyn; Evans - Dir. Blake Edwards in love with two young American girls, Lillian and Connie, Rose McIver (Masters of Sex); Wyatt Nash (Pretty Little Screen legends Cary Grant (Father Goose) and Tony Curtis who are vacationing in France, Ram and Eddie must decide Liars); Bailey Buntain (Bunheads); Dylan Bruce (Orphan (Some Life It Hot) ship out for laughs and adventure in one of whether they should move back to America with them, or stay Black); and Will Kemp (90210). the most hilarious comedies to ever hit the high seas. The in Paris for the freedom it allows them. Ram, who wants to be Based On Feature Film, Book-To-Film, Dra- U.S.S. Sea Tiger is on its last legs until the handsome a serious composer, finds Paris more exciting than America skipper (Grant) and his ingenious, if slightly unethical, junior and is reluctant to give up his music for a relationship, and ma, Dysfunctional Families, Romance, Tele- officer (Curtis) scavenge the parts and supplies needed to put Eddie wants to stay for the city’s more tolerant racial vision, Thrillers, TV Movies 2014 90min. the sub back into action. Forced out to sea prematurely by an atmosphere. A virtual love letter to both jazz and the city of Lionsgate 16.09.2014 enemy air attack. the sub leaks and limps along until five Paris, Martin Ritt’s film, like a jazz composition, develops stranded Army nurses come aboard and initiate their own several themes simultaneously; it riffs on Eddie’s reluctance 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123876 renovations. From one mishap to another, the sub ends up a to face his roots as well as Ram’s conflict between his love blushing pink, making it a target for both Japanese and Ameri- for Lillian and his need to live the artist’s life. With its Duke Phantom Of The Opera can forces. The two dashing stars lead an all-star supporting Ellington score, excellent cast, and a breathtaking ‘Battle cast that includes Joan O’Brien, Dina Merrill, Gene Evans, Royal’ with Louis Armstrong, Paris Blues is both an excellent Edgar Barrier, , Nelson Dick Sargent, Arthur O’Connell, Gavin MacLoad, Madlyn drama and a must see film for an Eddy, Claude Rains - Dir. Edgar Barrier Rhue and Marion Ross. Wonderfully directed by the Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Musi- One of the most popular stories of all time, Gaston Leroux’s legendary Black Edwards (The Pink Panther) and beautifully cal, Romance 1961 98min. The Phantom of the Opera is the legendary horror tale shot in color by the great Russell Harlan (Rio Bravo, Red starring Claude Rains as the masked phantom of the Paris River). The classic comedy received a 1959 Academy Ward Kino Video 29.07.2014 Opera House. Following a tragic accident that leaves him nominated for Best Writing (Story and Screenplay written 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123647 disfigured, crazed composer Erique Claudin transforms into a direc masked phantom who schemes to make beautiful young Classics, Comedy, Movies, Romance, War soprano Christine Dubois (Susanna Foster) the star of the 1959 122min. : The opera and wreak revenge on those who stole his music. A Complete Second Season - heroic baritone () tries to win the affections of Olive Films 01.07.2014 Christine as he tracks down the disfigured „monster“ who has 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123750 Repackage begun murdering those who resist his mad demands. Inspired

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 69 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA by the original 1925 silent version, this lavish Johnson, Jed Rees, Tomas Arana sequel that finds Kham (Jaa) on the run after being blamed for production remains one of the most unforgettable adaptations Michael King (Shane Johnson) doesn’t believe in God or The the murder of elephant-camp owner Boss Suchart. When all ever to be filmed. Devil. Following the sudden death of his wife, the evidence points to Kham as the killer, he must clear his name Classics, Drama, Horror, Monsters, Movies, documentary filmmaker decides to make his next film about the and find his elephant with Boss Suchart’s vengeful twin Music, Opera, Romance, Thrillers 1943 search for the existence of the supernatural. Michael decides nieces (Jija Yanin Wismitanan and Teerada Kittisiriprasert) in to make himself the center of the experiment - allowing hot pursuit. Fortunately for Kham, Interpol agent Sergeant 89min. demonologists, necromancers, and various practitioners of the Mark (Mum Jokmok) is willing to lend a helping hand. But Universal Studios 02.09.2014 occult to try the deepest and darkest spells and rituals they things get complicated when ruthless crime lord LC (RZA) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123665 can find on him - in the hopes that when they fail, he’ll once attempts to add Kham to his prized collection of world-class and for all have proof that religion, spiritualism, and the fighters, and send him on a secret mission. paranormal are nothing more than myth. But something does Action, English Dubbed, Foreign, Martial Phantom Of The Opera (Blu-ray + happen. An evil and horrifying force has taken over Michael Arts, Movies, Thai, Thrillers 2013 104min. King. And it will not let him go. ( 3), UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Tomas Arana (Gladiator), and Julie McNiven () co- Magnolia Home Entertainment 29.07.2014 Edgar Barrier, Susanna Foster, Nelson star in this intense supernatural spine-tingler from the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123539 Eddy, Claude Rains - Dir. producers of White Noise and The Haunting In Connecticut. Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Myths One of the most popular stories of all time, Gaston Leroux’s The Protector 2 (Blu-ray 3D + Blu- The Phantom of the Opera is the legendary horror tale & Legends, Possession, Religion/ starring Claude Rains as the masked phantom of the Paris Spirituality, Thrillers 2013 83min. ray) (Blu-ray) Opera House. Following a tragic accident that leaves him Director Prachya Pinkaew and star Tony Jaa reunite for this disfigured, crazed composer Erique Claudin transforms into a Starz / Anchor Bay 26.08.2014 sequel that finds Kham (Jaa) on the run after being blamed for masked phantom who schemes to make beautiful young 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123735 the murder of elephant-camp owner Boss Suchart. When all soprano Christine Dubois (Susanna Foster) the star of the evidence points to Kham as the killer, he must clear his name opera and wreak revenge on those who stole his music. A and find his elephant with Boss Suchart’s vengeful twin heroic baritone (Nelson Eddy) tries to win the affections of Pretty In Pink / Some Kind Of nieces (Jija Yanin Wismitanan and Teerada Kittisiriprasert) in Christine as he tracks down the disfigured „monster“ who has Wonderful hot pursuit. Fortunately for Kham, Interpol agent Sergeant begun murdering those who resist his mad demands. Inspired Mark (Mum Jokmok) is willing to lend a helping hand. But by the original 1925 silent version, this lavish Technicolor Eric Stoltz, Craig Scheffer, Jon Cryer, Harry things get complicated when ruthless crime lord LC (RZA) production remains one of the most unforgettable adaptations Dean Stanton, , Mary Stuart attempts to add Kham to his prized collection of world-class ever to be filmed. Masterson, - Dir. Howard fighters, and send him on a secret mission. Classics, Drama, Horror, Monsters, Movies, Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Martial Arts, Deutch Music, Opera, Romance, Thrillers 1943 Movies, Thai, Thrillers 2013 104min. Classics, Comedy, Drama, High School, 89min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 29.07.2014 Movies, Romance min. Universal Studios 02.09.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123550 Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123673 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123781 The Protector 2 (Blu-ray) Ping Pong Summer (Blu-ray) Prince Of The Night Director Prachya Pinkaew and star Tony Jaa reunite for this , Robert Longstreet, Amy sequel that finds Kham (Jaa) on the run after being blamed for Donald Pleasence, Barbara De Rossi, the murder of elephant-camp owner Boss Suchart. When all Sedaris, John Hannah, Lea Thompson, Yorgo Voyagis, Klaus Kinski, Christopher evidence points to Kham as the killer, he must clear his name , Andy Riddle, Joseph and find his elephant with Boss Suchart’s vengeful twin Plummer - Dir. Augusto Caminito nieces (Jija Yanin Wismitanan and Teerada Kittisiriprasert) in McCaughtry, Emmi Shockley, Myles Massey, Helietta Canins (Barbara De Rossi) requests the help and hot pursuit. Fortunately for Kham, Interpol agent Sergeant Marcello Conte, Helena May Seabrook, knowledge of professor Paris Catalano (Christopher Mark (Mum Jokmok) is willing to lend a helping hand. But Maddie Howard - Dir. Michael Tully Plummer) to help her to get rid of all the rumors still things get complicated when ruthless crime lord LC (RZA) A socially awkward teen strives to improve his status by surrounding her luxurious venetian mansion. According to the attempts to add Kham to his prized collection of world-class mastering the game of table tennis during a family vacation in legend, Helietta’s grandmother has been abducted by the fighters, and send him on a secret mission. Ocean City, MD, in 1985. Radford ‘Rad’ Miracle (Marcello mighty Nosferatu himself (Klaus Kinski). But when Professor Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Martial Arts, Conte) is a shy adolescent on the precipice of a summer he’ll Catalano discovers in the basement of Helietta’s palazzo the Movies, Thai, Thrillers 2013 104min. never forget. Shortly after arriving at the beach, his love of vampire’s crypt, he realizes that there could be some terrible hip-hop leads to a friendship with a fellow teen named Teddy. truth to all rumors about the existence of an unholy undead in Magnolia Home Entertainment 29.07.2014 In no time, Rad and Teddy are hanging out at the local arcade, Venice. Produced and partially directed by Augusto Caminito 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123551 and playing table tennis together. Trouble arises, however, (Abel Ferrara’s King Of New York), Prince Of The Night is a when a gang of wealthy bullies humiliate Rad in front of cute true gem in the canon of the Italo vampire genre. Harking back local Stacy Summers (Emmi Shockley). Now, in order to prove to atmospheric texture of the classic films of the sixties, this Proxy his worth and win the girl, Rad will learn to become a table- reworking of the immortal Nosferatu myth has become a Kristina Klebe, Jim Dougherty, Alexa tennis champ the likes of which Ocean City has never seen classic in its own right. Even though Klaus Kinski raged like before. a madman on the set, urging the producer to fire various Havins, Alexia Rasmussen, Joe Swanberg Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Movies 2014 directors such as Mario Caiano, Maurizio Lucidi and - Dir. Zack Parker Pasquale Squitieri, Caminito got the job with a little help from Zack Parker’s psychological thriller Proxy stars Alexia 92min. Luigi Coxxi of Contamination fame. With an all star eu Rasmussen as Esther, a woman whose life changes radically First Look 05.08.2014 Foreign, Horror, Italian, Monsters, Movies, after she is the victim of a brutal assault. She begins 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123528 Myths & Legends, Thrillers, Vampires 1988 attending a group of fellow victims who share their feelings of powerlessness and their anxiety. While there, she meets and 93min. quickly befriends Melanie, who understands the trauma Possession Of Michael King CAV 09.09.2014 Esther is experiencing. The two become close quickly, but 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123978 soon their dependence on each other leads to a dangerous Julie McNiven, Cullen Douglas, Shane level of paranoia. Johnson, Jed Rees, Tomas Arana Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Michael King (Shane Johnson) doesn’t believe in God or The A Promise Devil. Following the sudden death of his wife, the 122min. documentary filmmaker decides to make his next film about the , Rebecca Hall, Alan MPI 12.08.2014 search for the existence of the supernatural. Michael decides Rickman - Dir. Patrice Leconte 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123695 to make himself the center of the experiment - allowing French filmmaker Patrice Leconte (Felix And Lola, The demonologists, necromancers, and various practitioners of the Suicide Shop) makes his English-language debut with this occult to try the deepest and darkest spells and rituals they period romance adapted from Stefan Zweig’s Journey Into The Proxy (Blu-ray) can find on him - in the hopes that when they fail, he’ll once Past, and centering on the affair between a handsome male and for all have proof that religion, spiritualism, and the secretary and the wife of a wealthy industrialist. Frederic Kristina Klebe, Jim Dougherty, Alexa paranormal are nothing more than myth. But something does Zeitz (Richard Madden) is a man whose strong work ethic is Havins, Alexia Rasmussen, Joe Swanberg happen. An evil and horrifying force has taken over Michael only exceeded by his formidable intelligence, which makes - Dir. Zack Parker King. And it will not let him go. Dale Dickey (), him the ideal candidate to work as an administrative assistant Zack Parker’s psychological thriller Proxy stars Alexia Tomas Arana (Gladiator), and Julie McNiven (Mad Men) co- for prominent steel-factory owner Karl Hoffmeister (Alan Rasmussen as Esther, a woman whose life changes radically star in this intense supernatural spine-tingler from the Rickman). Before long, sparks are flying between Frederic after she is the victim of a brutal assault. She begins producers of White Noise and The Haunting In Connecticut. and Hoffmeister’s younger wife Lotte (Rebecca Hall), and the attending a group of fellow victims who share their feelings of Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Myths young secretary is invited to move in with his boss’ family powerlessness and their anxiety. While there, she meets and & Legends, Possession, Religion/ while tutoring his employer’s young son Otto (Toby Murray). quickly befriends Melanie, who understands the trauma Meanwhile, passions between the young pair begin burning Esther is experiencing. The two become close quickly, but Spirituality, Thrillers 2013 83min. out of control, leaving both to ponder an uncertain future as soon their dependence on each other leads to a dangerous Starz / Anchor Bay 26.08.2014 the powers of fate begin to push them apart. level of paranoia. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123713 Drama, Movies, Romance 98min. Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 MPI 26.08.2014 122min. Possession Of Michael King (Blu- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123922 MPI 12.08.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123728 ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The Protector 2 Julie McNiven, Cullen Douglas, Shane Director Prachya Pinkaew and star Tony Jaa reunite for this

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 70 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Psych: The Complete Fifth Anniversary Edition) Peace Arch Entertainment 19.08.2014 Season (Repackage) min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123855 Corbin Bersen, Sage Brocklebank, Kirsten E1 Entertainment 26.08.2014 Nelson, Timothy Omundson, Dule Hill, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123842 Rebirth Of Mothra I-III (Blu-ray) James Roday, Maggie Lawson Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, He’s got an eye for details and a knack for saying the wrong Queen Margot: Directors Cut (20th Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, Japanese, Mon- thing... Fortunately for impulsive „psychic detective“ Anniversary Edition) (Blu-ray) sters, Movies, Science Fiction, Triple Fea- Shawn Spencer (James Roday), his best friend, Burton „Gus“ ture 306min. Guster (Dule Hill), is there to make sense of it all in 16 Movies min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment peculiar and witty Season Five episodes of Psych. Based out E1 Entertainment 26.08.2014 of their quirky PI office, the unlikely duo are „psyched“ this 09.09.2014 season to consult on some of the most bizarre police cases to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123862 date: from infiltrating a ring of street thugs to ghost hunting to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123962 advocating for a polar bear. But, will rival profilers and old enemies put a stop to their rogue investigative style? Be there Rage The Replacements / Varsity Blues for all the mysterious mayhem and pineapple-hunting fun in the Nicolas Cage series that keeps audiences following the clues from one A respected businessman with a dark past embarks on a James Van Der Beek, Scott Caan, Ron season to the next. violent quest for revenge after his daughter is abducted by Lester, Paul Walker, Rhys Ifans, Amy Comedy, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Murder men seeking to settle an old score. To his friends and family, Smart, Jon Favreau, Brett Cullen, Keanu Mysteries, Mystery, Television, USA Paul Maguire (Nicolas Cage) is a hard-working family man. Little do they realize, Paul once lived a very different Reeves, Jon Voight, Gene Hackman, Network 704min. existence — one where life was cheap, and debts were paid Orlando Jones, Faizon Love, Brooke Lang- Universal Studios 07.10.2014 in blood. Now, as Paul returns to that old lifestyle in a bid to ton, Michael Jace - Dir. Howard Deutch, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123936 rescue his daughter by any means necessary, he’ll learn just how far his enemies will go to make him pay for his past Brian Robbins transgressions. Danny Glover, Peter Stormare, and Rachel Cheerleaders, Comedy, Drama, Football, Psych: The Complete Series Nichols co-star. High School, Movies, Romance, Sports min. Corbin Bersen, Sage Brocklebank, Kirsten Action, Adventure, Kidnapping, Movies, Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 Nelson, Timothy Omundson, Liam James, Thrillers min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123886 Dule Hill, James Roday, Maggie Lawson Image Ent. 12.08.2014 When snarky „psychic“ Shawn Spencer (James Roday) and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123825 The Return (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) uptight pharmaceutical salesman Burton „Gus“ Guster (Dule Hill) stumbled into crime solving, they had no clue that their Rage (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) own detective agency, Psych, would cause such a scene. The Kate Beahan, Adam Scott, Sarah Michelle guys of Psych P.I. tackle countless murders and mysteries Nicolas Cage head-on, from the weirdly wacky to the daringly dangerous. A respected businessman with a dark past embarks on a Gellar, Sam Shepard - Dir. Asif Kapadia Comedy, Cops, Crime, Detectives, violent quest for revenge after his daughter is abducted by Sarah Michelle Gellar (The Grudge) stars in The Return, a Friendships, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, men seeking to settle an old score. To his friends and family, shocking, supernatural thriller where nightmares transcend Paul Maguire (Nicolas Cage) is a hard-working family man. reality. Joanna Mills (Gellar) is haunted by increasingly Television, USA Network min. Little do they realize, Paul once lived a very different terrifying visions of a brutal murder that occurred 15 years Universal Studios 07.10.2014 existence — one where life was cheap, and debts were paid ago, of a woman she’s never met. With her personal life 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123933 in blood. Now, as Paul returns to that old lifestyle in a bid to spiraling out-of-control, she follows the relentless nightmares rescue his daughter by any means necessary, he’ll learn just to an eerie small town in Texas. There, Joann will discover how far his enemies will go to make him pay for his past that some secrets can’t be buried and the horrific murder she Psych: The Complete Sixth transgressions. Danny Glover, Peter Stormare, and Rachel is trying to solve may just be her own. Nichols co-star. Horror, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Season (Repackage) Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Kidnapping, Thrillers 2006 86min. Corbin Bersen, Sage Brocklebank, Kirsten Movies, Thrillers min. Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Nelson, Timothy Omundson, Dule Hill, Image Ent. 12.08.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123527 James Roday, Maggie Lawson 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123850 The world’s most dynamic, and oddball, detective duo get more than they bargained for when they take on con-artists, The Returned masked vigilantes and collectibles in Rain Man - Remastered (Blu-ray) Claudia Bassols, Paulino Nunes, Emily sixth season of Psych. Fake „psychic detective“ Shawn Spencer (James Roday) and his best bud, Burton „Gus“ Valeria Golino, Tom Cruise, Hampshire, Shawn Doyle, Barry Flatman - Guster (Dule Hill), go undercover, behind the scenes and - Dir. Barry Levinson Dir. Manuel Carballo over the top to solve some of the most off the wall crimes This touching drama about an autistic savant and his younger In a world where a deadly zombie virus has infected mankind, imaginable. But how long can these super sleuths keep their brother which won 4 Academy Awards for Best Picture, a single cure has been found. The cure, a treatment called the psychic secret safe? Guest starring William Shatner (Boston Directing, Original Screenplay and Actor (Dustin Hoffman), is „Return Protein“ which stays the effects of the virus in its Legal), Cary Elwes (The Princess Bride), Molly Ringwald remastered and as powerful as ever! Tom Cruise co-stars as host. With daily injections, the „Returned“ are able to live as (The Breakfast Club) and Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon Charlie Babbitt, a materialistic car dealer who learns that his though they were ever bit, despite the virus still coursing franchise), re-live the laughs, thrills and mind-boggling institutionalized brother Raymond (Hoffman) has inherited through their veins. When it is discovered that the protein mysteries uninterrupted and back-to-back in all 16 episodes millions of dollars. Hoping to somehow get his hands on the stock is running low, chaos hits the streets. Returned who of the totally unique and unpredictable series that will keep money, Charlie abducts Raymond and they set off on a cross- run out of the protein turn to zombies and wreak havoc, you guessing just whodunit. country road trip that becomes an emotional journey of protestors turn to murderers as they try to rid the streets of Comedy, Cops, Crime, Detectives, discovery. By the time they reach Las Vegas, Raymond’s the returned, and right in the middle of it all are Alex and Kate. hidden genius is revealed and they forge an unexpected bond Kate a leading doctor in the field of zombie virus’ and Alex a Friendships, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, that will change both of their lives forever. musician with a dark secret, he is a „Returned.“ As death and Television, USA Network 701min. Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Drama, fear run rampant, Alex’s secret becomes known and his Universal Studios 07.10.2014 Dysfunctional Families, Movies 1988 dosage runs low, he and Kate must fight for a chance to live 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123937 before he becomes a zombie. 133min. Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers, Zombies MGM / UA 02.09.2014 2013 98min. Pumpkinhead: Collector’s Edition 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123767 Peace Arch Entertainment 01.07.2014 (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123576 , Jeff East, Cynthia Bain, De- Rampage: Capital Punishment von Odessa, Lance Henriksen - Dir. Stan Directed by Uwe Boll. Violent anti-hero Bill Williamson has a Revenge: The Complete Third Winston plan to change the world by exacting vengeance on the rich and ripping Washington DC apart. It’s time to destroy the Season When a gang of bikers run over a child, the child’s father system, and change won’t come peacefully. Connor Paolo, Christa B. Allen, Joshua invokes the demon Pumpkinhead to seek his revenge, Action, Movies 2014 min. forgetting there is a price for his services. Special effects Bowman, Ashley Madekwe, Margarita Levi- Peace Arch Entertainment 19.08.2014 man Winston (Aliens, Jurassic Park) makes a sparkling debut eva, Emily Vancamp, Henry Czerny, Gabriel in this creepy horror effort which features the one of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123833 greatest monsters in recent memory. Mann, Madeleine Stowe Devils And Demons, Horror, Monsters, ABC, Action, Drama, Revenge, Television Movies 1988 min. Rampage: Capital Punishment min. Shout Factory 09.09.2014 (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) Disney / Buena Vista 26.08.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124007 Directed by Uwe Boll. Violent anti-hero Bill Williamson has a 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123843 plan to change the world by exacting vengeance on the rich and ripping Washington DC apart. It’s time to destroy the Queen Margot: Directors Cut (20th system, and change won’t come peacefully. Revolution: The Complete Se- Action, Blu-ray, Movies 2014 min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 71 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA cond Season Reagan - Dir. Michael Moore mood quickly shifts from celebratory to terrifying. Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 100min. Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, In 1989, Michael Moore, winner of 2002’s Best Documentary Feature Academy Award and Cannes Film Festival Special Magnolia Home Entertainment 19.08.2014 Drama, Epics, In The Future..., NBC, Jury Prize for Bowling for Columbine, triumphantly burst upon 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123906 Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers min. the American moviemaking scene with Roger & Me, a Warner Bros. 19.08.2014 hilarious, penetrating forerunner of film movement to follow. Moore doggedly and hilariously tried to The Saint: Set 1 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123835 do what every working stiff dreams of: talk to the man at the top. His efforts to meet General Motors Chairman Roger Smith Ivor Dean, Roger Moore and persuade him to visit Flint, , frame a film that The dashing Roger Moore (most widely known as the third Revolution: The Complete Se- uses humor to devastating effect. Roger & Me champions ) stars as the title hero in the cult 1960s cond Season (Blu-ray) people over profits and slyly lampoons corporate America as television series, The Saint. As Simon Templar (or Sebastian it shows how the Flint folks cope with economic setbacks. Tombs, to some people), Moore is an international man of Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Blu- Americana, Blu-ray, Cars & Motorcycles, mystery, an enigmatic, clever, and unstoppable hero. This ray, Drama, Epics, In The Future..., NBC, release presents the first few episodes of the show (3 on Comedy, Documentary, Special Interest VHS and 6 on DVD) in the order of their original broadcast. Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers min. 1989 91min. Uncut and remastered, the daring adventures of the debonair Warner Bros. 19.08.2014 Warner Bros. 01.09.2014 Saint have never been more enticing. 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123858 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123955 Action, Adventure, Classics, Crime, Televi- sion 1966 min. Rigor Mortis Rosemary’s Baby Acorn Media 05.08.2014 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123686 Kara Hui, Anthony Chan, Richard Ng - Dir. Drama, Horror, Mini-Series, Mystery, NBC, Juno Mak Television, TV Movies 2014 170min. A washed-up actor, desperate and suicidal, moves into a The Scalphunters haunted apartment building where supernatural creatures, Lionsgate 19.08.2014 ghost hunters, zombies, and souls of the undead walk among 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123834 , , Ossie his neighbors. Rigor Mortis is a martial-arts-infused, chilling Davis, Dabney Coleman, Telly Savalas - Dir. homage to classic Chinese movies from film maverick Juno Rosemary’s Baby (Blu-ray) Sydney Pollack Mak and legendary horror director Takashi Shimizu. Sydney Pollack directs this comic Western in which fur Action, Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Horror, Horror, Mini-Series, Mystery, NBC, Televisi- trapper Joe Bass (Burt Lancaster), following a successful Movies 2013 101min. on, TV Movies 2014 170min. expedition, is ambushed by a small group of Indians. The Indians force Joe to trade his pelts for an educated, runaway Well Go USA 08.07.2014 Lionsgate 19.08.2014 slave, played brilliantly by Ossie Davis. Things get flipped 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123559 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123856 again when the Indians themselves are ambushed by a gang of scalphunters. This band of outlaws, led by Jim Howie, once again take Bass’s pelts, after murdering the tribe. Rigor Mortis (Blu-ray) Sabata Comedy, Movies, Western 1968 102min. Kara Hui, Anthony Chan, Richard Ng - Dir. William Berger, Lee Van Cleef - Dir. Kino Video 22.07.2014 Juno Mak Gianfranco Parolini 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123499 A washed-up actor, desperate and suicidal, moves into a Lee Van Cleef (The Good, The Bad And The Ugly) plays an haunted apartment building where supernatural creatures, assassin for hire in this spaghetti western from 1969. A ghost hunters, zombies, and souls of the undead walk among mission to retrieve some stolen gold finds him recruiting some The Scalphunters (Blu-ray) his neighbors. Rigor Mortis is a martial-arts-infused, chilling oddball accomplices to get the job done. Burt Lancaster, Shelley Winters, Ossie homage to classic Chinese movies from film maverick Juno Movies, Western 1969 111min. Davis, Dabney Coleman, Telly Savalas - Dir. Mak and legendary horror director Takashi Shimizu. Kino Video 22.07.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Sydney Pollack 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123497 Horror, Movies 2013 101min. Sydney Pollack directs this comic Western in which fur Well Go USA 08.07.2014 trapper Joe Bass (Burt Lancaster), following a successful Sabata (Blu-ray) expedition, is ambushed by a small group of Indians. The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123583 Indians force Joe to trade his pelts for an educated, runaway William Berger, Lee Van Cleef - Dir. slave, played brilliantly by Ossie Davis. Things get flipped Rockabilly Zombie Weekend Gianfranco Parolini again when the Indians themselves are ambushed by a gang of Lee Van Cleef (The Good, The Bad And The Ugly) plays an scalphunters. This band of outlaws, led by Jim Howie, once Christina Bach, Daniel Baldock, J. LaRose, assassin for hire in this spaghetti western from 1969. A again take Bass’s pelts, after murdering the tribe. Seth Petruzelli - Dir. Jaime Velez Soto mission to retrieve some stolen gold finds him recruiting some Kino Video, Comedy, Movies, Western 1968 Young, redneck couple Becky and Grant have planned their oddball accomplices to get the job done. 102min. ideal, rockabilly-themed wedding to be held on the family farm Movies, Western 1969 111min. Kino Video 22.07.2014 in Florida. Anxious to get hitched, they proceed with the Kino Video 22.07.2014 ceremony despite warnings of a possible West Nile virus 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123522 outbreak. But unbeknownst to them, a crop-duster spraying a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123521 mysterious, experimental mosquito repellent nearby has Scavenger Killers infected the insects with something far more dangerous a The Sacrament zombie-spawning virus. When their guests begin to turn into Dustin Diamond, Rob Bogue, Rachael flesh-eating, walking dead, the newlyweds must escape if AJ Bowen, Amy Seimetz, Kentucker Robbins, Robert Loggia, Eric Roberts, they want to make it to see their honeymoon. Audley, Joe Swanberg, Gene Jones - Dir. , Thea Vidale, Suzi Horror, Movies, Zombies 2013 94min. Ti West Lorraine, Ken Del Vecchio, Angela Little - Green Apple Entertainment 01.07.2014 Director Ti West (House Of The Devil) teams with producers Dir. Dylan Bank tba BestellNr.: 40123954 Eli Roth, Christopher Woodrow, and Molly Conners for this horror film starring A.J. Bowen, Amy Seimetz, Joe Swanberg, Bonnie and Clyde are reinvented in Scavenger Killers, where and Kentucker Audley. The plot centers on two VICE Media a charming judge and a hot criminal defense attorney go on a Roger & Me reporters (Bowen and Swanberg) who, along with their maniacal killing rampage. With bizarre, yet somehow cameraman (Audley), venture to a Jonestown-like, Central believable, FBI agents in the hunt, the deranged duo amp up Michael Moore, James Bond III, Ronald American compound in search of the photographer’s missing, their rampage, never murdering with the same method but Reagan - Dir. Michael Moore drug-addicted sister (Seimetz). Upon entering the community always with untamed ferocity. In 1989, Michael Moore, winner of 2002’s Best Documentary and meeting its charismatic leader ‘Father’ (Gene Jones), the Horror, Movies, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2013 Feature Academy Award and Cannes Film Festival Special mood quickly shifts from celebratory to terrifying. 100min. Jury Prize for Bowling for Columbine, triumphantly burst upon Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 100min. the American moviemaking scene with Roger & Me, a Cinedigm 01.07.2014 hilarious, penetrating forerunner of the independent film Magnolia Home Entertainment 19.08.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123574 movement to follow. Moore doggedly and hilariously tried to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123904 do what every working stiff dreams of: talk to the man at the top. His efforts to meet General Motors Chairman Roger Smith Semi-Pro / Blades Of Glory and persuade him to visit Flint, Michigan, frame a film that The Sacrament (Blu-ray) Andre Benjamin, Jon Heder, Amy Poehler, uses humor to devastating effect. Roger & Me champions AJ Bowen, Amy Seimetz, Kentucker people over profits and slyly lampoons corporate America as Will Ferrell, Woody Harrelson - Dir. Josh it shows how the Flint folks cope with economic setbacks. Audley, Joe Swanberg, Gene Jones - Dir. Gordon, Will Speck, Kent Alterman Americana, Cars & Motorcycles, Comedy, Ti West Basketball, Comedy, Friendships, Movies, Director Ti West (House Of The Devil) teams with producers Documentary, Special Interest 1989 91min. Eli Roth, Christopher Woodrow, and Molly Conners for this NBA, Olympics, Romance, Sports min. Warner Bros. 01.09.2014 horror film starring A.J. Bowen, Amy Seimetz, Joe Swanberg, Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123953 and Kentucker Audley. The plot centers on two VICE Media 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123777 reporters (Bowen and Swanberg) who, along with their cameraman (Audley), venture to a Jonestown-like, Central Roger & Me (Blu-ray) American compound in search of the photographer’s missing, Separate Tables drug-addicted sister (Seimetz). Upon entering the community Michael Moore, James Bond III, Ronald and meeting its charismatic leader ‘Father’ (Gene Jones), the Rita Hayworth, Deborah Kerr, Burt Lanca-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 72 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA ster, Wendy Hiller, , David Washington Irving’s supernatural classic. Ichabod Crane charged show’s most controversial and tension-filled season (Tom Mison), a British expatriate who dies in the American ever! With Clay and Tara behind bars, Jax looks to the future Niven - Dir. Delbert Mann Revolution, is revived in upstate New York during the time of of both the club and his family, but can he possibly escape the This film version of Terence Rattigan’s 1955 West End hit the cell phone - as is the evil Headless Horseman, who plans bloody legacy of SAMCRO’s deadly past? As he desperately features a stellar ensemble cast. The film follows the interplay to annihilate mankind! Teaming with a feisty police lieutenant pursues his father’s vision of a more legitimate direction for of a group of lonely characters who are staying at a slightly (Nicole Beharie), Crane races to vanquish the newly the MC, Jax is met at every turn with external pressure, shabby seaside hotel in Bournemouth. The term ‘separate unearthed dark forces - or face the impending apocalypse. violence, treachery, and betrayal. Intensity builds, secrets are tables’ refers to of seating single guests at their Own Sleepy Hollow Season One, and bring home a musketful revealed, and the body count rises, all leading to a shocking own tables in the dining room, and serves as a metaphor for of special features including commentaries, deleted scenes season finale that will change everything for the Sons of the characters’ fear of intimacy. Major Pollack (David Niven) and more! Anarchy. is a retired officer who likes to wax eloquent about fanciful acts of heroism in WWII North Africa, and Sybil Railton-Bell Adventure, Based On Feature Film, Drama, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Cars & (Deborah Kerr) is a repressed spinster boxed in by an Fantasy, Fox, Mystery, Television, Thrillers Motorcycles, Crime, Drama, FX, Gangs, oppressive mother (Gladys Cooper). John Malcolm (Burt 2013 562min. Television 819min. Lancaster), a cynical, hard-drinking, occasional writer, is surprised by the sudden arrival of his ex-wife Ann (Rita 20th Century Fox 16.09.2014 20th Century Fox 26.08.2014 Hayworth). Though Ann’s legendary beauty is dimmed by age, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123871 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123770 Ann and John both reach tentatively for some human contact. Separate Tables, a work that now seems relatively tame, was controversial in its day for attempting to deal with sexual Sleepy Hollow: Season One (Blu- Sorcerer problems, however obliquely. The all-star cast is excellent, ray) Peter Capell, Francisco Rabal, Ramon Bieri, but it is the genius of Wendy Hiller, in a s Amidou, Bruno Cremer, - Dir. Drama, Movies, Romance 1958 100min. Nicole Beharie, Katia Winter, Tom Mison, William Friedkin Kino Video 29.07.2014 Orlando Jones Created by the writers of Star Trek (2009) and Transformers In the South American jungle, an oil company’s derrick 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123611 (2007) comes this suspenseful and witty series inspired by suddenly erupts into flames. In order to bring under Washington Irving’s supernatural classic. Ichabod Crane control, explosives must be used. Led by a small-time Ameri- Separate Tables (Blu-ray) (Tom Mison), a British expatriate who dies in the American can mobster, a desperate quartet of men volunteers. Re-make Revolution, is revived in upstate New York during the time of of Wages Of Fear. Academy Award Nominations: Best Sound. Rita Hayworth, Deborah Kerr, Burt Lanca- the cell phone - as is the evil Headless Horseman, who plans Adventure, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1977 ster, Wendy Hiller, Gladys Cooper, David to annihilate mankind! Teaming with a feisty police lieutenant 121min. (Nicole Beharie), Crane races to vanquish the newly Niven - Dir. Delbert Mann unearthed dark forces - or face the impending apocalypse. Warner Bros. 05.08.2014 This film version of Terence Rattigan’s 1955 West End hit Own Sleepy Hollow Season One, and bring home a musketful 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123616 features a stellar ensemble cast. The film follows the interplay of special features including commentaries, deleted scenes of a group of lonely characters who are staying at a slightly and more! shabby seaside hotel in Bournemouth. The term ‘separate Adventure, Based On Feature Film, Blu-ray, Sorceress tables’ refers to the practice of seating single guests at their Traigon, a despotic ruler and devotee of the black arts, own tables in the dining room, and serves as a metaphor for Drama, Fantasy, Fox, Mystery, Television, struggles to become ruler of the world. Standing in his way the characters’ fear of intimacy. Major Pollack (David Niven) Thrillers 2013 562min. are two beautiful twin girls who have been given the secret is a retired officer who likes to wax eloquent about fanciful power of the forces of light. acts of heroism in WWII North Africa, and Sybil Railton-Bell 20th Century Fox 16.09.2014 (Deborah Kerr) is a repressed spinster boxed in by an 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123890 Horror, Movies, Witches & Warlocks 1982 oppressive mother (Gladys Cooper). John Malcolm (Burt 83min. Lancaster), a cynical, hard-drinking, occasional writer, is Sniper: Legacy Kino Video 19.08.2014 surprised by the sudden arrival of his ex-wife Ann (Rita 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123913 Hayworth). Though Ann’s legendary beauty is dimmed by age, Chad Michael Collins, Mercedes Masohn, Ann and John both reach tentatively for some human contact. Woon Young Park, Dominic Mafham, Dennis Separate Tables, a work that now seems relatively tame, was Sorceress (Blu-ray) controversial in its day for attempting to deal with sexual Haysbert, Tom Berenger - Dir. Don Michael problems, however obliquely. The all-star cast is excellent, Paul Traigon, a despotic ruler and devotee of the black arts, but it is the genius of Wendy Hiller, in a s struggles to become ruler of the world. Standing in his way A rogue gunman is assassinating high-ranking military are two beautiful twin girls who have been given the secret Classics, Drama, Movies, Romance 1958 officers one by one. When Gunnery Sgt. Brandon Beckett power of the forces of light. 100min. (Chad Michael Collins, Sniper: Reloaded) is informed his father, legendary shooter Thomas Beckett (Tom Berenger) has Horror, Movies, Witches & Warlocks 1982 Kino Video 29.07.2014 been killed, Brandon springs into action to take out the 83min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123646 perpetrator. But when his father rescues him from an ambush, Kino Video 19.08.2014 Brandon realizes he’s a pawn being played by his superiors to draw out the killer. It’s up to the two men, bound by blood, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123940 Septic Man to bring an end to the carnage. Mercedes Masohn Jason Brown, Robert Maillet, Molly (Quarantine 2: Terminal) and Dennis Haysbert (TV’s 24) co- Spartacus: The Complete star in this intense military thriller. Dunsworth, Julian Richings Collection There’s a new cult hero in town and he’s covered in the Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Drama, Milita- unspeakable foulness that lurks in the sewage system. A ry, Movies, Revenge, Thrillers 2014 98min. Dan Feuerriegel, Katrina Law, Liam Fantastic Fest award-winner from the creators of Monster Sony Pictures Home Entertainment McIntyre, Dustin Clare, Peter Mensah, Andy Brawl, Exit Humanity, and Pontypool, Septic Man follows Jack, a sewage worker who’s determined to uncover the 30.09.2014 Whitfield, Manu Bennett, John Hannah, cause of the town’s water contamination crisis. But when he 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124046 Lucy Lawless becomes trapped underground in a septic tank without food or The classic tale of Spartacus, the Republic’s most infamous water he undergoes a hideous and repulsive transformation. rebel comes alive in Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Then, He may have been Jack when he entered the tank, but he’ll Sons Of Anarchy: Season Six Spartacus: Gods of the Arena will explore its deadly history become Septic Man before he leaves, assuming he leaves at Charlie Hunnam, Katey Sagal, Mark Boone before the arrival of Spartacus, and the death he carried with all. Hailed as a stunning, funny, and „visceral story that will him. Spartacus: Vengeance continues to follow Spartacus as leave you shaken - and desperate for a shower,“ Septic Man Junior he is faced with a choice to either satisfy his personal need is an odyssey into the darkest depths of utter horror. Ride with the Sons of Anarchy, and relive the adrenaline- for vengeance, or make the sacrifices necessary to keep his Comedy, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, charged show’s most controversial and tension-filled season growing army from breaking apart at the seams. Finally, in ever! With Clay and Tara behind bars, Jax looks to the future Spartacus: War of the Damned, Spartacus will carve his name Superheroes, Supernatural & Paranormal, of both the club and his family, but can he possibly escape the into history as he plots to avenge his wife’s death and leads Thrillers 2013 86min. bloody legacy of SAMCRO’s deadly past? As he desperately Batiatus’ slaves in a bloody uprising. pursues his father’s vision of a more legitimate direction for Starz / Anchor Bay 19.08.2014 the MC, Jax is met at every turn with external pressure, Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123515 violence, treachery, and betrayal. Intensity builds, secrets are Based On Feature Film, Based-On-A-True- revealed, and the body count rises, all leading to a shocking Story, Biography, Drama, History & Events, season finale that will change everything for the Sons of Silent Mountain Anarchy. Romance, Television 2136min. William Moseley, Claudia Cardinale - Dir. Action, Adventure, Cars & Motorcycles, Starz / Anchor Bay 16.09.2014 Ernst Gossner Crime, Drama, FX, Gangs, Television 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123746 Action, Drama, Movies, Romance 2014 819min. 100min. 20th Century Fox 26.08.2014 Spartacus: The Complete E1 Entertainment 19.08.2014 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123762 Collection (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123712 (Blu-ray) Sons Of Anarchy: Season Six Dan Feuerriegel, Katrina Law, Liam Sleepy Hollow: Season One (Blu-ray) McIntyre, Dustin Clare, Peter Mensah, Andy Nicole Beharie, Katia Winter, Tom Mison, Charlie Hunnam, Katey Sagal, Mark Boone Whitfield, Manu Bennett, John Hannah, Orlando Jones Junior Lucy Lawless Created by the writers of Star Trek (2009) and Transformers Ride with the Sons of Anarchy, and relive the adrenaline- The classic tale of Spartacus, the Republic’s most infamous (2007) comes this suspenseful and witty series inspired by

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 73 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA rebel comes alive in Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Then, Vaughn, Richard Attenborough, William friends with their long-lost parents and still make his date Spartacus: Gods of the Arena will explore its deadly history with Cammy on Halloween? R.L. Stine’s Mostly Ghostly: before the arrival of Spartacus, and the death he carried with Atherton, Laura Dern, Ben Johnson, Have You Met My Ghoulfriend? is a frightful family delight! him. Spartacus: Vengeance continues to follow Spartacus as Lorraine Gary, Roberts Blossom, Miguel Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, he is faced with a choice to either satisfy his personal need Sandoval, Murray Hamilton, Brad Johnson, for vengeance, or make the sacrifices necessary to keep his Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Friendships, growing army from breaking apart at the seams. Finally, in Gregory Walcott, Eddie Firestone, Bob Horror, Magic, Movies 2008 93min. Spartacus: War of the Damned, Spartacus will carve his name Peck, Ariana Richards, Martin Ferrero, Universal Studios 02.09.2014 into history as he plots to avenge his wife’s death and leads Dennis Weaver, Harvey Jason, Jacqueline 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123721 Batiatus’ slaves in a bloody uprising. Scott, Sam Neill, Louise Latham, Goldie Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, Hawn, Marg Helgenberger, Robert Based On Feature Film, Based-On-A-True- Summer In February MacNaughton, Keith David, Dee Wallace - Story, Biography, Blu-ray, Drama, History & Dominic Cooper, Dan Stevens - Dir. Christo- Dir. Steven Spielberg Events, Romance, Television 2173min. Steven Spielberg is one of the most prolific directors in motion pher Menaul Starz / Anchor Bay 16.09.2014 picture history. Spanning over 40 years, Steven’s career In the days leading up to , a colony of bohemian 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123756 began as a teenager when he made his way onto the Univer- artists in coastal Cornwall, England, contend with love and sal backlot and befriended studio executives. His passion and loss in this period drama starring Dominic Cooper, Emily talent quickly developed, allowing him to direct an Browning, and Dan Stevens. When a love triangle forms Special Agent Oso: License To unprecedented number of blockbuster films. The Steven between noted painter Sir Alfred Munnings, his noble best Spielberg Director’s Collection showcases a selection of the friend Gilbert and gorgeous aristocrat Florence Carter-Wood, Play Academy Award winner’s unforgettable movies filmed for the stage is set for tragedy. Based on a true story and the Adventure, Children’s, Disney, Family, Universal, including his very first TV feature, Duel, and his novel by Jonathan Smith. British, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Romance Mystery, Preschool, Television min. first theatrical release, The Sugarland Express, and blockbusters such as Jaws, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial and 2013 100min. Disney / Buena Vista 26.08.2014 Jurassic Park. Steven’s work has captivated audiences Cinedigm 12.08.2014 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123844 worldwide and continue to set the standard for filmmaking. Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123630 Steven Spielberg Director’s Children’s, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Dinosaurs, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Swelter Collection Firefighters, Horror, Kidnapping, Killer Jean Claude Van Damme, Alfred Molina (Spider-Man 2), Julianne Moore, Henry Thomas, Jeff Grant Bowler (TV’s Defiance), Josh Henderson Animals, Movies, Mystery, Romance, (Dragonslayer). Great all-star cast in an action-packed Goldblum, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss, Science Fiction, Sharks, Thrillers, TV modern western! Four cons blast their way out of jail after a Audrey Hepburn, Wayne Knight, Dan Movies, War, World War II 1083min. $100 million Vegas heist and go in search their old Aykroyd, John Belushi, , accomplice, the only one of them who never got caught. They Universal Studios 14.10.2014 find him, but the only catch is that he’s got amnesia, and now Samuel L. Jackson, Arliss Howard, Christo- 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123725 he’s a sheriff in a podunk desert town. pher Lee, Peter Coyote, Drew Barrymore, Action, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2014 Ned Beatty, Holly Hunter, Michael Sacks, Star Trek: The Compendium (Blu- 83min. John Goodman, Joseph Mazzello, B.D. ray) Well Go USA 12.08.2014 Wong, Peter Stormare, Roy Scheider, Vince 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123696 Vaughn, Richard Attenborough, William Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Atherton, Laura Dern, Ben Johnson, Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek 257min. Paramount 09.09.2014 Swelter (Blu-ray) Lorraine Gary, Roberts Blossom, Miguel Jean Claude Van Damme, Alfred Molina (Spider-Man 2), Sandoval, Murray Hamilton, Brad Johnson, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124008 Grant Bowler (TV’s Defiance), Josh Henderson Gregory Walcott, Eddie Firestone, Bob (Dragonslayer). Great all-star cast in an action-packed R.L. Stine’s Mostly Ghostly: Have modern western! Four cons blast their way out of jail after a Peck, Ariana Richards, Martin Ferrero, $100 million Vegas heist and go in search their old Dennis Weaver, Harvey Jason, Jacqueline You Met My Ghoulfriend? accomplice, the only one of them who never got caught. They Scott, Sam Neill, Louise Latham, Goldie Bella Thorne, Calum Worthy, Ryan Ochoa, find him, but the only catch is that he’s got amnesia, and now Hawn, Marg Helgenberger, Robert he’s a sheriff in a podunk desert town. Roshon Fegan, Madison Pettis - Dir. Peter Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Thrillers MacNaughton, Keith David, Dee Wallace - Hewitt 2014 83min. Dir. Steven Spielberg Bella Thorne (Shake It Up!, Gook Luck Charlie), Madison Steven Spielberg is one of the most prolific directors in motion Pettis (Lab Rats, Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3) and Ryan Well Go USA 12.08.2014 picture history. Spanning over 40 years, Steven’s career Ochoa (Pair of Kings, The Perfect Game) lead an ensemble 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123729 began as a teenager when he made his way onto the Univer- cast in this spook-tacular adventure with new ghosts, new sal backlot and befriended studio executives. His passion and thrills, and the return of some old friends. Max (Ryan Ochoa) talent quickly developed, allowing him to direct an only has eyes for Cammy (Bella Thorne), the smart, popular Tekken: Kazuya’s Revenge unprecedented number of blockbuster films. The Steven redhead at school. When Max finally scores a date with Action, Adventure, Movies min. Spielberg Director’s Collection showcases a selection of the Cammy on Halloween, Phears, an evil ghost with plans on Academy Award winner’s unforgettable movies filmed for taking over the world, unleashes his ghouls and things go Anderson Merchandisers 12.08.2014 Universal, including his very first TV feature, Duel, and his haywire. With the help of his ghostly pals, Tara and Nicky, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123826 first theatrical release, The Sugarland Express, and can Max thwart Phears’ evil plot, help reunite his ghost blockbusters such as Jaws, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial and friends with their long-lost parents and still make his date Jurassic Park. Steven’s work has captivated audiences with Cammy on Halloween? R.L. Stine’s Mostly Ghostly: Tekken: Kazuya’s Revenge (Blu- worldwide and continue to set the standard for filmmaking. Have You Met My Ghoulfriend? is a frightful family delight! ray) Action, Adventure, Aliens, Children’s, Adventure, Book-To-Film, Children’s, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies min. Comedy, Cops, Crime, Dinosaurs, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Friendships, Horror, Magic, Anderson Merchandisers 12.08.2014 Family, Fantasy, Firefighters, Horror, Kid- Movies 2008 93min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123851 napping, Killer Animals, Movies, Mystery, Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Romance, Science Fiction, Sharks, Thril- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123675 lers, TV Movies, War, World War II They Came Together (Blu-ray + 1083min. R.L. Stine’s Mostly Ghostly: Have UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 14.10.2014 You Met My Ghoulfriend? (Blu-ray Jason Mantzoukas, Cobie Smulders, Max 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123698 Greenfield, Amy Poehler, Christopher + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Meloni, Paul Rudd - Dir. David Wain Steven Spielberg Director’s Bella Thorne, Calum Worthy, Ryan Ochoa, When Joel (Paul Rudd) and Molly (Amy Poehler) meet, it’s Roshon Fegan, Madison Pettis - Dir. Peter hate at first sight: his big Corporate Candy Company Collection (Blu-ray) threatens to shut down her quirky indie candy shop. Plus, Hewitt Joel is hung up on his sexy ex (Cobie Smulders). But Julianne Moore, Henry Thomas, Jeff Bella Thorne (Shake It Up!, Gook Luck Charlie), Madison amazingly, they fall in love, until they break up about two Goldblum, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss, Pettis (Lab Rats, Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3) and Ryan thirds of the way through, and Molly starts dating her Audrey Hepburn, Wayne Knight, Dan Ochoa (Pair of Kings, The Perfect Game) lead an ensemble accountant (Ed Helms). But then right at the end... well you’ll cast in this spook-tacular adventure with new ghosts, new just have to see. (Hint: Joel makes a big speech and they get Aykroyd, John Belushi, Richard Schiff, thrills, and the return of some old friends. Max (Ryan Ochoa) back together.) From the director of Wet Hot American Sum- Samuel L. Jackson, Arliss Howard, Christo- only has eyes for Cammy (Bella Thorne), the smart, popular mer, Wanderlust and Role Models comes a hilarious and redhead at school. When Max finally scores a date with irreverent subversion of the romantic comedy genre. pher Lee, Peter Coyote, Drew Barrymore, Cammy on Halloween, Phears, an evil ghost with plans on Ned Beatty, Holly Hunter, Michael Sacks, taking over the world, unleashes his ghouls and things go Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Comedy, John Goodman, Joseph Mazzello, B.D. haywire. With the help of his ghostly pals, Tara and Nicky, Movies, Romance 2014 83min. Wong, Peter Stormare, Roy Scheider, Vince can Max thwart Phears’ evil plot, help reunite his ghost Lionsgate 02.09.2014

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 74 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123891 Macy, Sam Rockwell, and Molly Shannon co-star. Me In starring Chloe Grace Moretz (2013’s Carrie), Embrace Comedy, Movies min. of the Vampire, The Thirst, and Slayer (starring Casper Van Starz / Anchor Bay 26.08.2014 Dien of Starship Troopers and from They Came Together (DVD + Episode 1 and X-Men). 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123924 UltraViolet) Action, Book-To-Film, Horror, Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Vampires Jason Mantzoukas, Cobie Smulders, Max Two Lives 381min. Greenfield, Amy Poehler, Christopher Ken Duken , Juliane Kohler, Liv Ullmann, Starz / Anchor Bay 16.09.2014 Meloni, Paul Rudd - Dir. David Wain When Joel (Paul Rudd) and Molly (Amy Poehler) meet, it’s Klara Manzel, Vicky Krieps, Rainer Bock - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123757 hate at first sight: his big Corporate Candy Company Dir. Georg Maas threatens to shut down her quirky indie candy shop. Plus, Europe 1990: the Berlin Wall has just crumbled. Katrine, Varsity Blood Joel is hung up on his sexy ex (Cobie Smulders). But raised in East Germany but having lived in Norway for the amazingly, they fall in love, until they break up about two last 20 years, is a „war child“ - the result of a romance Psychological thriller about five young people who play with a thirds of the way through, and Molly starts dating her between a Norwegian woman (Live Ullmann, Persona) and a Ouija board on Halloween and attract the attention of accountant (Ed Helms). But then right at the end... well you’ll German occupation soldier during World War II. She enjoys a malevolent demon Zozo. just have to see. (Hint: Joel makes a big speech and they get happy family life with her mother, husband, daughter and Drama, Movies min. back together.) From the director of Wet Hot American Sum- granddaughter. But when a lawyer asks her and her mother to Image Ent. 19.08.2014 mer, Wanderlust and Role Models comes a hilarious and testify in a trial against the Norwegian state on behalf of the irreverent subversion of the romantic comedy genre. war children, she resists. Gradually, a web of concealments 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123914 Affairs & Love Triangles, Comedy, Movies, and secrecy is unveiled until Katrine is faced with losing everything she’s built for herself, and her loved ones are Warrior Princess (DVD + Romance 2014 83min. forced to take a stand on what matters more: the life they have Lionsgate 02.09.2014 lived together or the lie that it’s based on. UltraViolet) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123874 Drama, Foreign, German, Movies, Thrillers Bayarmagnai Yeguzer, Myagmar Mondoon, 2012 99min. Otgonjargal Davaasuren - Dir. Throwdown (DVD + UltraViolet) MPI 24.06.2014 Shuudertsetseg Baatarsuren Timothy Woodward Jr., Isaac C. Singleton 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123484 After a country’s prince is slain, his brother is forced to take his place as leader of the army. With a new bride - Queen Jr., Basil Hoffman, Luke Goss, Vinnie Ahno - promised from a rival land, the king takes up the task Jones, Mischa Barton, Danny Trejo - Dir. The Unforgiven of uniting the empire. When the queen’s father begins to Timothy Woodward Jr. Suspicion runs rampant in a western town when the adopted question the new king’s motives, she is forced to choose A young criminal defense attorney struggles with a homicide daughter of a white family is thought to be an Indian. Unjustly, sides as war threatens their countries. With no peace in case that is not as cut-and-dried as it appears once the mob the violence and hatred that follows threatens to tear the sight, the king’s life is threatened, and Queen Ahno is forced gets involved, and he quickly realizes that to keep himself and family apart. to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect both her husband and his client alive, he must work outside of the law. Family, Movies, Western 1960 125min. her new country. Action, Crime, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Kino Video 12.08.2014 Action, Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Sto- Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Murder 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123827 ry, Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Mysteries, Thrillers 76min. Period Piece, Movies, War 95min. Lionsgate 14.10.2014 The Unforgiven (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 16.09.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124041 Suspicion runs rampant in a western town when the adopted 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123877 daughter of a white family is thought to be an Indian. Unjustly, the violence and hatred that follows threatens to tear the The Watcher (Blu-ray + Top Model family apart. Florence Guerin, Adriana Giuffre, Martine Family, Movies, Western 1960 125min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Brochard, Marino Mase - Dir. Mario Kino Video 12.08.2014 Chris Ellis, Ernie Hudson, Marisa Tomei, Gariazzo 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123852 Keanu Reeves, James Spader - Dir. Joe Nadine (Florence Guerin) is a breathtaking and astonishingly Charbanic sensual fashion photographer who gets lured into accepting a Universal Classic Monsters: The Starring Keanu Reeves, James Spader and Marissa Tomei, lingerie photo-shoot in the villa of the mysterious Victor The Watcher is an action-packed thriller of hunter and prey. Schneider. After the models and the crew leave the villa, only Complete 30-Film Collection After years of pursuing psychotic killers in Los Angeles, FBI Nadine and Victor stay behind. As the night shrouds the villa agent Joel Campbell (Spader) wants out. Now his nemesis, with its thick shadows, Victor offers Nadine a weird proposal. Ancient Egypt, Boxed Sets, Classics, Dra- serial killer David Allen Griffin (Reeves), has tracked him all Would she dare to put her own life at stake in a chess game? ma, Frankenstein, Horror, Mad Scientists & the way to Chicago, just to torment him. Before each murder, If he win, she loses every right over her body and life. If Deadly Doctors, Monsters, Movies, Opera, Griffin sends Campbell a photograph of his intended victim Nadine does, Victor will kill himself. Thus begins a long night and dares him to find her before he strikes again. This game of sex, lust, desire, fear and death. Shot in the magnificent Revenge, Romance, Thrillers, Vampires of cat and mouse will have you gasping for breath from its first location of Vigna Murata (Italy) this decadent sexually min. victim to its explosive finale! charged erotic morality play is one of the latest pictures shot by „shlockmeister“ Mario Bariazzo and maybe the Italian Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Crime, FBI, Movies, Murder Mysteries, exploitation’s very last hurrah. French sex-diva Florence 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123603 Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2000 Guerin reigns supremely in this morbid and stylish tale about 97min. a death wish that’s even stronger than lust. Watch out for the dream-like scene on the train! Unknown / Edge Of Darkness Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Drama, Erotica, Foreign, Italian, Movies, Shawn Roberts, David Aaron Baker, Wayne 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123529 Thrillers 1987 95min. Duvall, Danny Huston, Ray Winstone, Bru- CAV 09.09.2014 no Ganz, Frank Langella, Jay O. Sanders, We Won’t Grow Old Together 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123980 , Mel Gibson, Aidan Quinn, This powerful romantic drama examines the final period of a long and ultimately unhappy affair. Jean (Jean Yanne) is an , , Sebastian unpleasant, domineering man. Though he still lives with his Transformers: Rescue Bots - Koch, Stipe Erceg, Caterina Scorsone, wife, their marriage has been over for a long time. For six Mystery Rescue Bojana Novakovic, Rainer Bock - Dir. Martin years, Jean has had an affair with the much-younger Campbell Catherine (Marlene Jobert). The dynamic of their relationship Action, Adventure, Children’s, Giant is moving it toward disintegration also, but Catherine resists Action, Crime, Detectives, Double Features, Robots, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, it. Scenes of alternating recriminations and reconciliations Drama, Mental Illness, Murder Mysteries, unveil the anatomy of their breakup. Television min. Mystery, Thrillers min. Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Movies, Shout Factory 02.09.2014 Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 Romance 115min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123930 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123901 Kino Video 12.08.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123828 Triad Vampires 4-Pack Drama, Movies min. Clare Kramer, Erik Palladino, Victor We Won’t Grow Old Together Well Go USA 26.08.2014 Webster, Tony Plana, Jeremy Sisto, Richard (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123923 Jenkins, Matt Keeslar, Danny Trejo, Adam This powerful romantic drama examines the final period of a Baldwin, Casper Van Dien, Lynda Carter, long and ultimately unhappy affair. Jean (Jean Yanne) is an Trust Me unpleasant, domineering man. Though he still lives with his Chloe Grace Moretz, Sharon Hinnendael, wife, their marriage has been over for a long time. For six Prolific actor Clark Gregg takes a break from fighting C.C. , Chelsey Marie Reist - Dir. years, Jean has had an affair with the much-younger alongside Marvel superheroes to write, direct, and star in Catherine (Marlene Jobert). The dynamic of their relationship this drama centered on a former child star-turned-deadbeat Matt Reeves, Kevin VanHook is moving it toward disintegration also, but Catherine resists Hollywood agent who unexpectedly happens across a genuine This collection has Teeth! This collection features the best it. Scenes of alternating recriminations and reconciliations child prodigy (Saxon Sharbino). Amanda Peet, William H. Vampire films from Anchor Bay. This collection includes Let

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 75 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA unveil the anatomy of their breakup. Kino Video 19.08.2014 kers, Glenn Strange, Lionel Atwill, Dennis Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Drama, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123915 Hoey, Lenore Aubert, Jane Randolph, Frank Movies, Romance 115min. Ferguson, Charles Bradstreet, Spring Kino Video 12.08.2014 White Noise (Blu-ray + Byington, Onslow Stevens, Warner Oland, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123853 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Lester Matthews, Lawrence Grant, Jan Wiley, Lloyd Corrigan - Dir. Charles Barton, Mike Dopud, Sarah Strange, Deborah Kara Week-End, Le Jean Yarbrough, , Roy Unger , Chandra West, Ian McNeice, Micha- Lindsay Duncan, Jim Broadbent, Jeff William Neill, Stuart Walker el Keaton - Dir. Geoffrey Sax Goldblum, Judith Davis, Olly Alexander - When architect Jonathan Rivers (Michael Keaton) loses his Classics, Dracula, Drama, Frankenstein, Dir. Roger Michell wife in a traffic accident, he turns to the shadowy, unnerving , Horror, Mad Scientists & Deadly Academy Award winner Jim Broadbent (Iris) and Lindsay world of Electronic Voice Phenomenon - communication from Doctors, Monsters, Movies, Myths & Duncan (About Time) give exquisite performance as Nick and beyond the grave. As he begins to penetrate the mysteries of Meg, a long-married British couple revisiting Paris for the EVP, Jonathan makes a shocking discovery: once a portal to Legends, Romance, Thrillers, Vampires first time since their honeymoon in an attempt to rekindle their the other world is opened, there’s no telling what will come 510min. relationship. During a two-day escapade, wistful Nick and through it. Universal Studios 02.09.2014 demanding Meg careen from harmony to strife to resignation Drama, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Science and back as they take stock of a lifetime of tenderness and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123605 regret. Directed by Roger Michell (Notting Hill) and written Fiction, Thrillers 2005 98min. by longtime collaborator Hanif Kureishi (Venus), this Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Words And Pictures (Blu-ray + magically buoyant, bittersweet film is at once brutally honest, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123643 sharply comedic, and undeniably romantic. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Movies Witness / The Fugitive Bruce Davison, Clive Owen, Amy 2013 93min. Brenneman, Juliette Binoche - Dir. Fred Lukas Haas, Kelly McGillis, Sela Ward, Music Box Films 08.07.2014 Schepisi 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123596 Tommy Lee Jones, Harrison Ford - Dir. Prep school English teacher Jack Marcus (Owen) meets his Andrew Davis, Peter Weir match in Dina Delsanto (Binoche) - an abstract painter, and Welcome Back, Kotter: The Action, Adventure, Classics, Cops, Crime, new teacher on campus - and challenges her to a war Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Movies, Murder between words and pictures...and, in the process, sparks an Complete Series unlikely romance. Mysteries, Mystery, Romance, Thrillers min. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2014 Classics, Comedy, High School, Teachers, Warner Bros. 28.10.2014 111min. Television min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123782 Lionsgate 09.09.2014 Shout Factory 26.08.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123556 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123845 , Maria Ouspenskaya, Patric WER Words And Pictures (DVD + Knowles, , Bela Lugosi, UltraViolet) Simon Quarterman, Vik Sahay, Stephanie Claude Rains, - Dir. George Bruce Davison, Clive Owen, Amy Lemelin, Sebastian Roche, A.J. Cook - Dir. Waggner William Brent Bell Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by Brenneman, Juliette Binoche - Dir. Fred Defense attorney Kate is called to defend the creepy yet night may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the Schepisi gentle Talan after he is charged with the murders of a autumn moon is bright“. In 1941, The Wolf Man introduced the Prep school English teacher Jack Marcus (Owen) meets his vacationing family. She soon learns that he is a werewolf and world to a new Universal movie monster and the mythology of match in Dina Delsanto (Binoche) - an abstract painter, and that he may have been all too capable of the slayings. Things the werewolf was redefined forever. Featuring a new teacher on campus - and challenges her to a war take a turn for the worse when Talan escapes from his heartbreaking performance by Lon Chaney Jr. and between words and pictures...and, in the process, sparks an imprisonment and runs loose through the city of Paris. groundbreaking make-up by Jack Pierce, this story of a unlikely romance. Horror, Killer Animals, Lawyers / Legal cursed man who transforms into a deadly werewolf when the Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2014 moon is full has not only become a masterpiece of the horror Issues, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, genre, but of all time. 111min. Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers, Classics, Horror, Killer Animals, Monsters, Lionsgate 09.09.2014 Werewolves 2013 89min. Movies, Myths & Legends, Thrillers 1941 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123548 Universal Studios 23.09.2014 70min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123881 Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Wrath Of The Crows 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123666 Domiziano Arcangeli, Tara Cardinal, Tiffany What Would You Do For Love Shepis, Debbie Rochon - Dir. Ivan Zuccon Comedy, Movies, Romance min. The Wolf Man (Blu-ray + In a dirty, squalid narrow jail, prisoners are forced to suffer E1 Entertainment 15.07.2014 injustices both from their guards and the ruling officer. Feared UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) by all, however, is a man nobody there has ever seen - The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123801 Judge. When new prisoner Princess arrives, seemingly out of Evelyn Ankers, Maria Ouspenskaya, Patric nowhere and dressed only in a crow’s feathers coat, her Knowles, Warren William, Bela Lugosi, radiating and sensual appearance begins to cause not only What’s New Pussycat Claude Rains, Ralph Bellamy - Dir. George curiosity but also envy, suspicion and a deep sexual agitation. Romy Schneider, Capucine, Woody Allen, Soon, Princess reveals her dark and supernatural nature, Waggner moving objects through the power of her mind and displaying Paula Prentiss, Ursula Andress, Peter Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by feats of otherworldly strength... Sellers - Dir. Clive Donner night may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 A fashion editor seeking psychiatric help finds that his autumn moon is bright“. In 1941, The Wolf Man introduced the analyst is the one in need of professional services. Great world to a new Universal movie monster and the mythology of 87min. script by Woody Allen. the werewolf was redefined forever. Featuring a MTI Home Video 17.06.2014 heartbreaking performance by Lon Chaney Jr. and Comedy, Movies 1965 108min. groundbreaking make-up by Jack Pierce, this story of a tba BestellNr.: 40123744 Kino Video 26.08.2014 cursed man who transforms into a deadly werewolf when the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123979 moon is full has not only become a masterpiece of the horror X-Men: Days Of Future Past genre, but of all time. Classics, Horror, Killer Animals, Monsters, Shawn Ashmore, Ellen Page, Peter What’s New Pussycat (Blu-ray) Movies, Myths & Legends, Thrillers 1941 Dinklage, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Romy Schneider, Capucine, Woody Allen, 70min. Hoult, James McAvoy, , Anna Paula Prentiss, Ursula Andress, Peter Universal Studios 02.09.2014 Paquin, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Halle Sellers - Dir. Clive Donner 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123674 Berry, , Evan Peters, A fashion editor seeking psychiatric help finds that his Omar Sy, Daniel Cudmore - Dir. Bryan analyst is the one in need of professional services. Great Singer script by Woody Allen. The Wolf Man: Complete Legacy Comedy, Movies 1965 108min. X-Men Unite! An all-star cast, including Hugh Jackman, Collection Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Halle Berry, Jennifer Kino Video 26.08.2014 Sara Haden, Bela Lugosi, Henry Hull, Lawrence, Ellen Page, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123999 assemble and prepare for battle in this awesome adventure Claude Rains, June Lockhart, Boris Karloff, packed with nonstop action and excitement. As armies of Lou Costello, Bud Abbott, John Carradine, murderous Sentinel robots hunt down mutants and humans When I Saw You alike, the unstoppable characters from the original X-Men film Don Porter, Valerie Hobson, Patric trilogy join forces with their younger selves in an epic Drama, Movies 98min. Knowles, Maria Ouspenskaya, Evelyn An- struggle to change the past - and save our future!

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Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Young Frankenstein - 40th joined by Bono, Eric Clapton, Bruce Willis, Ringo Starr and Based On Comic Book, Drama, Fantasy, In many others, including appearances by Keith Richards, Mick Anniversary (Blu-ray) Jagger and President Obama. In this movie, the legendary B.B The Future..., Monsters, Movies, Science Richard Haydn, , Liam Dunn, King opens his heart to Director Jon Brewer and tells the Fiction, Superheroes, Supernatural & story of how an oppressed and somewhat orphaned youth Arthur Malet, Cloris Leachman, Marty Paranormal, Thrillers 2014 132min. came to influence and earn the unmitigated praise of the music Feldman, , Kenneth Mars, Teri industry to carry the title, „King of the Blues.“ 20th Century Fox 14.10.2014 Garr, Gene Wilder - Dir. Mel Brooks Blues, Blu-ray, Documentary, Music 2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124009 Comedy icons Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, Cloris Leachman, 119min. Marty Feldman, Teri Garr and Madeline Kahn star in Mel Music Video Distribution 01.07.2014 X-Men: Days Of Future Past - Brooks’ brilliantly outrageous riff on Mary Shelley’s classic story of Frankenstein. After inheriting his grandfather’s castle 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123585 Deluxe Edition (Blu-ray 3D + Blu- in Transylvania, young Dr. Frankenstein (Wilder) follows in his ancestor’s freaky footsteps as he sets out to reanimate a Under The Electric Sky (Blu-ray) ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) dead body in Brooks’ „funniest, most cohesive comedy to date.“ () Documentary. An immersive documentary exploring the allure Shawn Ashmore, Ellen Page, Peter of the EDM (Electronic Dance Music) phenomenon via the Dinklage, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, 2013 Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas. Told through the Hoult, James McAvoy, Hugh Jackman, Anna Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Franken- experience of six groups among the nearly 350,000 Paquin, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Halle stein, Mad Scientists & Deadly Doctors, festivagoers, and featuring performances by Fatboy Slim, Movies, National Film Registry, Spoofs & Armin Van Buren & Tiesto & many more. Berry, Michael Fassbender, Evan Peters, Documentary, Music, Special Interest min. Parodies 1974 105min. Omar Sy, Daniel Cudmore - Dir. Bryan Universal Studios 02.09.2014 20th Century Fox 09.09.2014 Singer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123945 X-Men Unite! An all-star cast, including Hugh Jackman, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123870 Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Halle Berry, Jennifer Lawrence, Ellen Page, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart assemble and prepare for battle in this awesome adventure packed with nonstop action and excitement. As armies of murderous Sentinel robots hunt down mutants and humans Special Interest alike, the unstoppable characters from the original X-Men film Music trilogy join forces with their younger selves in an epic struggle to change the past - and save our future! Austin & Ally: Chasing The Beat 100 Years Of WWI Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, 100 Years Of WWI from History takes a comprehensive look Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Children’s, Comedy, Disney, Family, Music, at the war that left 15 million dead, 20 million injured, and Television min. changed battle forever. Gone was traditional man-to-man Drama, Fantasy, In The Future..., Monsters, combat, with its small guns and sneak attacks by ground Movies, Science Fiction, Special Editions, Disney / Buena Vista 26.08.2014 troops. Harnessing the industrial know-how of combustion Superheroes, Supernatural & Paranormal, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123836 engines, airplanes, and even the camera, WWI introduced game-changing weapons of mass destruction: armored tanks, Thrillers 2014 132min. chemical weapons, submarines, and the aerial bombardments 20th Century Fox 14.10.2014 CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story of cities. Using experts, eyewitness testimony, and riveting 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124022 CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story tells the story of TLC’s archival re-creations, History explores the deadly mix of humble beginnings in Atlanta, GA, which led to an weapons that defined modern warfare and shocked the world. unprecedented rise to fame in the 1990’s as one of the world’s See how these weapons were developed and witness the X-Men: Days Of Future Past (Blu- most talented, celebrated, and highest-selling female groups devastation they left behind. Meet the first dogfighters who, in of all time. Through very public and high-profile turmoil, acrobatic encounters, developed many of the tactics and ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) success, and tragedy, TLC left an indelible stamp of female strategies still used today, including a German ace known as Shawn Ashmore, Ellen Page, Peter empowerment that changed the face of the music industry „The Red Baron.“ Understand how people born into a simpler Dinklage, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas forever. age learned to deal with the destructive engine of total war. Biography, Documentary, Drama, Girl Action, Adventure, Documentary, Hoult, James McAvoy, Hugh Jackman, Anna Groups, Music, Special Interest 104min. Educational, History & Events, History Paquin, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Halle Paramount Pictures 21.10.2014 Channel, Special Interest, War, World War I Berry, Michael Fassbender, Evan Peters, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124044 315min. Omar Sy, Daniel Cudmore - Dir. Bryan A&E 15.07.2014 Singer X-Men Unite! An all-star cast, including Hugh Jackman, For No Good Reason (Blu-ray + 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123514 Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Halle Berry, Jennifer DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Lawrence, Ellen Page, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart 12 O’Clock Boys assemble and prepare for battle in this awesome adventure Jann Wenner, Hunter S. Thompson, Patrick packed with nonstop action and excitement. As armies of Director Lotfy Nathan’s documentary 12 O’Clock Boys Godfrey, Terry Gilliam, Johnny Depp follows Pug, a young teen living in an economically murderous Sentinel robots hunt down mutants and humans Experience 15 years in the life of seminal British artist Ralph alike, the unstoppable characters from the original X-Men film disadvantaged section of Baltimore. His only goal is to join a Steadman, whose surreal, often confrontational artwork is local gang of dirt-bike riders, a group that gives this film its trilogy join forces with their younger selves in an epic frequently associated with Gonzo journalist Hunter S. struggle to change the past - and save our future! name. By associating himself with this occasionally criminal Thompson (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas). Through Johnny organization, he finds security and a sense of belonging that’s Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Depp’s lead in this intimate portrait, we are able to reach the missing from his life, but he also finds himself risking the Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Drama, heart of what make this artist tick, his friendships and fallings possibility of running afoul of the law. out, his love for art and his passion for civil liberties. This Fantasy, In The Future..., Monsters, inventive, energetic, occasionally harrowing, but inspiring Biography, Crime, Documentary 2013 Movies, Science Fiction, Superheroes, and uplifting film includes contributions from Terry Gilliam, 76min. Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers 2014 Richard E. Grant, Tim Robbins and others who offer insight Oscilloscope Laboratories 05.08.2014 132min. into the man behind the legend. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123618 Biography, Blu-ray, Documentary, History & 20th Century Fox 14.10.2014 Events, Music 2012 90min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124021 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 12 O’Clock Boys (Blu-ray) 02.09.2014 Director Lotfy Nathan’s documentary 12 O’Clock Boys Young And Beautiful follows Pug, a young teen living in an economically 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123771 disadvantaged section of Baltimore. His only goal is to join a Franois Ozon’s Young And Beautiful stars Marine Vacth as local gang of dirt-bike riders, a group that gives this film its Isabelle, a 17-year-old on a summer holiday with her family name. By associating himself with this occasionally criminal when she loses her virginity. Upon returning home, she B.B. King: Life Of Riley organization, he finds security and a sense of belonging that’s begins working as a prostitute, eventually developing B.B. King: The Life Of Riley. Narrated by Morgan Freeman, missing from his life, but he also finds himself risking the something of a relationship with an older john who treats her joined by Bono, Eric Clapton, Bruce Willis, Ringo Starr and possibility of running afoul of the law. better than many of her other clients. After an unexpected many others, including appearances by Keith Richards, Mick Biography, Blu-ray, Crime, Documentary event, Isabelle’s mother learns of her daughter’s secret life, Jagger and President Obama. In this movie, the legendary B.B causing a great amount of conflict between everyone in the King opens his heart to Director Jon Brewer and tells the 2013 76min. family, and leading to complications between Isabelle and her story of how an oppressed and somewhat orphaned youth Oscilloscope Laboratories 05.08.2014 stepfather. Meanwhile, Isabelle’s younger half-brother came to influence and earn the unmitigated praise of the music 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123649 wrestles with puberty. Young And Beautiful screened at the industry to carry the title, „King of the Blues.“ 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. Blues, Documentary, Music 2014 119min. MPI, Drama, Foreign, French, Movies 2013 Music Video Distribution 01.07.2014 Always A Bridesmaid 93min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123563 Nina Davenport - Dir. Nina Davenport MPI 26.08.2014 Terrified of ending up alone and turning 30, filmmaker Nina 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123925 Davenport has become obsessed with the institution of B.B. King: Life Of Riley (Blu-ray) marriage and its promises of fulfillment. In Always a B.B. King: The Life Of Riley. Narrated by Morgan Freeman, Bridesmaid, Nina confronts her fears from the trenches,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 77 Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) August 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA where appropriately and ironically, she works as a wedding drain a swamp to find the booty, and what they find is enough videographer - all the while questioning why she has to make them believe the rumors may be true. Undeterred, complicated her own situation with a noncommittal boyfriend Boredom even after a visit from a woman who lost her father and who is five years younger. Never shy with her camera, she Canadian, Documentary, Foreign 2012 min. brother in a tragic accident on Oak Island years earlier, the cross-examines failed love interests, interrogates nervous brothers press on and make one of the biggest discoveries brides, gathers advice from anyone who will listen, and E1 Entertainment 12.08.2014 ever. captures the most private of discussions with her amiable yet 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123627 Adventure, Documentary, History Channel, aimless current sweetheart. Along the way, she entertains the idea of spending life alone, seeking the wisdom of very old Mystery, Special Interest, Television women who chose not to marry, as the film becomes an A Brony Tale 225min. insightful and humorous meditation on the human desire for Documentary, Educational, Special Interest A&E 09.09.2014 connection. Ultimately, this story of one woman’s attempt to navigate her love life is a document for a generation of women 88min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123546 both freed and overwhelmed by increasing choices. Virgil Films And Entertainment 19.08.2014 Documentary, HBO, Special Interest 98min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123831 Dancing In Jaffa Passion River 22.07.2014 Hilla Medalia’s documentary Dancing In Jaffa focuses on tba BestellNr.: 40124031 Citizen Koch Pierre Dulaine, a celebrated dancer who returns to his hometown of Jaffa, Israel, where he opens a school In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court made one of its most specializing in ballroom dance. He forces Israelis and Ancient Aliens: Season Six - polarizing decisions via Citizens United: the justices voted to Palestinians to perform together, which he hopes will break lift a 100-year-plus ban on unlimited spending on elections. down mistrust on both sides. Volume One This opened the floodgates to massive political corruption by Dancing, Documentary, Foreign, German, Ancient Aliens: Season 6, Volume 1 digs deeper into what role enabling special-interest campaign finance. Ultimately, the aliens may have played in shaping our world. Explore whether conflict came to a head in ; Governor Scott Walker, Politics, Religion/Spirituality 2013 90min. lost islands and mysterious, Eden-like paradises were undergirded by monies from out-of-state billionaires, forcibly MPI 12.08.2014 actually earthly homes for aliens, and find out why the removed union rights from state employees in 2011. As co- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123700 Greeks, Macedonians, and other ancients believed the directed by Carl Deal and Tia Lessin, this documentary world’s mountains to be sacred homes to all-powerful gods. travels inside of the controversy. The filmmakers visit Experience American history via rock carvings from an 8,000 Wisconsin and speak with furious residents, including The Devil’s Ride: Season Two BC man-made cave filled with ancient objects and mummies. Is Republicans now fiercely divided over whether to support Tea there a link between this cave and the Native American Party favorite Walker’s reelection. Later, the film ventures to Cars & Motorcycles, Discovery Channel, legend of the „star beings“? From the „treasures of the gods“ Louisiana, where ex-governor Buddy Roemer aggressively Reality, Television min. that may have been purposely hidden and protected by an rejects donations over $100 and gets trounced by PAC- Discovery Channel 12.08.2014 extraterrestrial source, evidence of the famed „Ark of the supported opponents. Ultimately, Deal and Lessin raise Covenant,“ and even ancient celestial travel through serious questions about whether regular citizens or special 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123638 „stargates“ to tales of ancient life on Mars, there are worlds interest groups have greater voting power. to explore in this special compilation. Documentary, Politics, Special Interest Disney Nature: Bears (Blu-ray + Aliens, Educational, History & Events, 86min. History Channel, Science, Science Fiction, MPI 02.09.2014 DVD) (Blu-ray) Disneynature’s BEARS takes viewers on an educational and Special Interest, Television 352min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123984 entertaining adventure through the Alaskan wilderness, where A&E 07.10.2014 the documentary follows a fiercely protective mama bear 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124015 The Class Of ‘92 named Sky and her two young cubs, Amber and Scout, over the course of an entire year. Narrated by John C. Reilly, the The Class of ’92 charts the meteoric rise of six working-class film trails this young family as they venture down a mountain Ancient Aliens: Season Six - boys from diverse backgrounds who came together to play for in search of sustenance, and encounter a variety of threats, Manchester United. The film brings together David Beckham, including a pair of imposing male bears named Magnus and Volume One (Blu-ray + Nicky Butt, Ryan Giggs, Gary Neville, Phil Neville and Paul Chinook, as well as a crafty — and very hungry — wolf UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Scholes to tell the story and share their memories. With named Tikani. As the seasons shift, Sky teaches Amber and unprecedented access to all six players, this film offers new Scout the secrets to recognizing danger and foraging for food. Ancient Aliens: Season 6, Volume 1 digs deeper into what role insights about each individual and this special period in Later, as salmon appear in the local waters, Sky attempts to aliens may have played in shaping our world. Explore whether British soccer. build her fat reserves for the coming winter. But it won’t be lost islands and mysterious, Eden-like paradises were British, Documentary, Foreign, Soccer, easy, because challenges await over every summit, and the actually earthly homes for aliens, and find out why the competition for food can be fierce. Greeks, Macedonians, and other ancients believed the Special Interest, Sports 119min. world’s mountains to be sacred homes to all-powerful gods. Universal Studios 07.10.2014 Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Children’s, Experience American history via rock carvings from an 8,000 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124019 Documentary 78min. BC man-made cave filled with ancient objects and mummies. Is Disney / Buena Vista 12.08.2014 there a link between this cave and the Native American 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123657 legend of the „star beings“? From the „treasures of the gods“ The Cool Hot Rod: Companion that may have been purposely hidden and protected by an extraterrestrial source, evidence of the famed „Ark of the DVD Dream Deceivers: The Story Covenant,“ and even ancient celestial travel through Nothing brings back the golden age of hot rodding like these „stargates“ to tales of ancient life on Mars, there are worlds features films. These were done as a public service for Behind James Vance Vs. Judas to explore in this special compilation. teenagers and young adults. Some were funded by Robert Aliens, Blu-ray, Educational, History & Peterson who started Hot Rod Magazine to help promote the Priest growing hobby and his magazine. Some were shown in high This documentary recounts the real-life case between the Events, History Channel, Science, Science school assembly halls around the country or at drive-in parents of two teens and heavy metal rockers Judas Priest. Fiction, Special Interest, Television 352min. movies. They were done as a public service for teenagers to The parents want to sue the band for causing their boys to A&E 07.10.2014 watch, most likely in home room or high school assembly hall. attempt suicide. Tragically one of the boys succeeded. The hobby has grown quickly since it first came of age in the Documentary, Heavy Metal, Music, Special 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124026 late . Fast rods were considered a menace by parents an police. School administrators wanted to appeal to the kids Interest min. Baseball’s Greatest Games: NY in the Cool Hot Rod, or scare them with the horrors of fatal First Run Features 05.08.2014 accidents. No matter, hot rods became popular, so much in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123690 Yankees Postseason Heroics fact that major TV shows featured cars; Norm Grabowski’s The most recent of the Yankees dynasties was very special, Kookie Car on Sunset Strip; Junior in The Life Of Riley. Even displaying not only dominance, but incredible heroics. From The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet had Dave and Ricky in a Duck Dynasty: Quack Or Treat pitching duels and walk-off home runs to one of the most cool hot rod. It was the birth of great moments like these in The Robertsons scare up more fun in this Duck Dynasty: shocking defensive plays you will ever see, these four popular culture that ensured it would never lose its allure. Quack Or Treat collection. In „Quack O’Lanterns,“ everyone legendary games are in one boxed set for the first time ever. Check out these films and it will take you back to a pl dresses up for a Halloween event that transforms the Experience each game with two audio channels, TV broadcast Cars & Motorcycles, Documentary, Movies, warehouse into a „scarehouse.“ While none of the kids are and Yankees radio - reliving every moment with unrivaled Special Interest, Transportation 2014 afraid of Willie when he tries to be the scariest, Phil’s color and context. 117min. attempts to make a jack-o’-lantern with a shotgun just might do Baseball, Documentary, Major League the trick. When the guys flake off work to brush up the duck E1 Entertainment 08.07.2014 Baseball, Special Interest, Sports, Sports blinds on their land in „Hallu-Si-Nations,“ Si spots what he 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123604 thinks is the infamous „Black Panther,“ which leads the Entertainment 616min. naysaying men on a mission to prove that what Si saw was an Lionsgate 09.09.2014 figment of his imagination. And, when Willie is by a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123542 The Curse Of Oak Island mid-life crisis in „Battle of the Brothers,“ Jase and the boys The Curse Of Oak Island from History introduces viewers to try to help him cope. A competition is struck among the a small island off the coast of Nova Scotia where two Robertson brothers to see who is the most fit in body, mind, Bee People obsessed brothers are attempting to solve a 200-year-old and endurance. A&E, Comedy, Reality, Special Interest, Documentary, Family, Special Interest 2014 mystery. Rick and Marty Lagina own most of Oak Island and are determined to find the treasure alleged to be buried there - Television 66min. min. despite the fact that the island is rumored to be cursed. A&E 02.09.2014 E1 Entertainment 09.09.2014 Legend says seven people must die before the treasure is revealed, and so far, six have lost their lives in the pursuit. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123702 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123988 Rick and Marty explore an abandoned shaft, a cove, and even

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Duck Dynasty: Season Six 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123486 The Past Is A Grotesque Animal Season 6 of Duck Dynasty on A&E brings more family funny Biography, Documentary 2014 76min. business from the Robertsons. There are goings-on with Going Attractions everyone, from the guys re-branding Duck Commander to the Oscilloscope Laboratories 12.08.2014 governor of Louisiana giving Willie an award to the return of Once a vibrant part of American culture, drive-in-movie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123706 the dreaded beavers! Watch as the elder Robertsons share theaters numbered nearly 5000 across America during their their special brand of wisdom with the kids along the way: peak in the mid-1900s. Today, less than 400 remain. In a Phil teaches Bella more than Willie was hoping about nature, nation that loves cars and movies, why haven’t they survived? Ralphie May: Filthy Animal Tour Willie and Si insist on helping John Luke with his speech Going Attractions examines the drive-in-theatre’s role in Ralphie May introducing the governor, and Jep and Jessica chaperone American culture from its invention in 1933, through its peak Lily’s first date. Jase takes Reed frog-hunting the night before in the late 50s, to its rapid decline in the 70s and 80s. Fueled Comedy, Performing Arts, Special Interest, his high school graduation - like he did before his own - and by the recent resurgence of drive-ins, this nostalgic look at Stand-Up 80min. Jep and the ladies pull a senior prank by toilet-papering American culture, family and entertainment tells the story of a Anderson Merchandisers 19.08.2014 Missy and Jase’s house. Willie also sponsors a radio contest changing nation and places the drive-in within the context of and finds himself competing against Si for a wood chipper. U.S. political, economic and social changes. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123912 Somehow, it all comes together. Americana, Documentary, History & Events, A&E, Family, Reality, Television 220min. Special Interest 85min. Running For Jim A&E 07.10.2014 Passion River 02.09.2014 This award winning film chronicles the story of Jim Tracy, the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124017 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123487 deeply dedicated, brutally honest and tough-love coach of the San Francisco University High School cross-country team. Jim and his team gained international attention when 16 year- Duck Dynasty: Season Six (Blu- Hidden Kingdoms (Blu-ray) old captain Holland Reynolds collapsed and crawled across ray) When you are less than a foot tall, raindrops fall like the finish line at the 2010 California State championship race. meteorites and a breeze feels like a tornado! The challenges Running for Jim explores how Jim, once a competitive runner, Season 6 of Duck Dynasty on A&E brings more family funny these tiny yet adorable creatures face are exceptional and now faces the greatest challenge of his life: battling Lou business from the Robertsons. There are goings-on with their enemies gigantic... but their solutions are ingenious. Gehrig’s disease. everyone, from the guys re-branding Duck Commander to the Prepare to be amazed, entertained and fascinated by our Documentary, Illness & Disease, Special governor of Louisiana giving Willie an award to the return of planet’s Hidden Kingdoms. It’s time for the little guys to take the dreaded beavers! Watch as the elder Robertsons share Interest, Sports 2013 78min. center stage! Passion River 07.10.2014 their special brand of wisdom with the kids along the way: Animals & Nature, BBC, Blu-ray, British, Phil teaches Bella more than Willie was hoping about nature, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123957 Willie and Si insist on helping John Luke with his speech Educational, Foreign, International TV, Tele- introducing the governor, and Jep and Jessica chaperone vision 2014 177min. Lily’s first date. Jase takes Reed frog-hunting the night before BBC Home Video 08.07.2014 Serial Killer Culture his high school graduation - like he did before his own - and Serial Killer Culture examines the reasons why artists and Jep and the ladies pull a senior prank by toilet-papering 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123588 collectors are fascinated by serial killers. Through music, Missy and Jase’s house. Willie also sponsors a radio contest painting, filmmaking, writing, and collecting, thirteen and finds himself competing against Si for a wood chipper. How It All Began: Origins Of Ma- individuals from around the world are interviewed about Somehow, it all comes together. creating art and searching for murderous artifacts. A&E, Blu-ray, Family, Reality, Television ster Mantak Chia’s Universal Documentary, Educational, Serial Killers 220min. Healing Tao System 2014 110min. A&E 07.10.2014 At a time in history when yoga was practiced in basements Virgil Films And Entertainment 08.07.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124028 and material arts was found mainly in the movies, Taoist Inner 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123601 Alchemy was not accessible to the western world. This was the time a young Taoist Master name Mantak Chia came to Earth: The Sequel America with a dream to share Taoist wisdom. Early seekers William Shatner’s Get A Life! Animals & Nature, Documentary, of the Tao found him in a small office in Chinatown, New York City and the Healing Tao System was born becoming a new William Shatner - Dir. William Shatner Educational, Science, Special Interest, Tele- bridge between East and West. We traveled the world to Documentary, sign up, Copyright Notice, vision min. interview Grand Master Chia and those early seekers who New Customer?, Sign In 2012 min. Discovery Channel 26.08.2014 reveal Hoe It All Began. E1 Entertainment 12.08.2014 Documentary, Educational 2013 93min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123837 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123634 E1 Entertainment 08.07.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123600 Finding Vivian Maier This Ain’t California John Maloof - Dir. Charlie Siskel, John The incredible true story of teen rebellion in 80’s East Berlin.. Maloof Modern Life Wartburgs and all! This Ain’t California is a celebration of the Charlie Siskel and John Maloof’s documentary Finding Vivian After offering an up-close look at life in a farming community lust for life. A mind blowing movie that seamlessly mixes Maier examines the life of a career nanny who was a prolific in the French hillsides in Profils Paysans: L’approche And Le archive footage, home movies, animation and recreated scenes photographer in her spare time. She specialized in capturing Quotidien, filmmaker Raymond Depardon returns to the village from the lives of one group of teenagers and their subversive urban streets scenes in Chicago and New York, and after her of Le Villaret in this documentary. Marcel Privat and his leader, anti-hero and skateboarding legend Panik, in the last death was recognized as one of the most talented brother Raymond Privat have spent nearly their whole lives oppressive years of communist East Berlin. This punk fairy photographers of her time. The filmmakers show how her work as dairy farmers in Le Villaret, but it’s clear they can only tale is a story about the subversive power of fun behind the was discovered, and grew in esteem. continue for so long; Marcel is eighty-eight years old while Iron Curtain, charting the underground following of banned his brother is only a few years younger, and unfavorable western pop culture - skating, hip-hop and break dancing Documentary 2013 90min. weather and poor soil conditions have devastated their through the 80’s, ending in the last summer of the GDR in MPI 29.07.2014 grazing lands, reducing their flocks to a handful of cows and 1989, when the wall finally fell, and lives changed forever. A 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123502 goats. Their nephew Alain Rouviere has moved from Calais to visual stunning, highly entertaining film, accompanied by an Le Villaret to help look after Marcel and Raymond as well as incredible 80’s soundtrack. their farm, but it’s clear Alain’s wife Cecile doesn’t care for Documentary, History & Events, Ghost Hunters: Season 9 - Part 1 the old men and isn’t afraid to tell them what she thinks. Down the road, Marcel Challaye and his wife Germaine are also Skateboarding, Special Interest, Sports Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Myths & growing old and fighting a losing battle with the as 2012 90min. Legends, Reality, Supernatural & their spread of cattle gradually shrinks to nothingness, and E1 Entertainment 08.07.2014 Paranormal, Television 572min. Daniel Roy, who has inherited his family’s farm, sees no tba BestellNr.: 40123813 Image Ent. 12.08.2014 future in working the increasingly Animals & Nature, Biography, Documentary, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123707 Educational 83min. A Very Vegas Christmas First Run Features 05.08.2014 String up more lights and celebrate Vegas-style! Join the men Glacial Balance of Pawn Stars, Counting Cars and American Restoration as 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123689 they get together for A Very Vegas Christmas barbecue. Al Gore Watch as they deck the halls with holiday drama and then Glacial Balance is a journey along the spine of the Andes More Than The Rainbow debate the best and worst deals they’ve ever made. Next, take mountain range, from Colombia to Argentina, getting to know a look back with the guys at all of the amazing restorations the individuals and lives of those are first affected by the Dan Wechsler’s documentary More Than The Rainbow Rick Dale and Danny Koker have done for the pawn shop. dwindling tropical glacier reserve, the canaries in the mine. profiles acclaimed photographer Matt Weber. Known for his And finally, it’s time to eat! Can the guys cook as well as they Along the way, scientists give us a perspective on what is illuminating portraits of the people living on the fringes of life negotiate? happening in the natural world and what we can expect. From in the Big Apple, Weber reveals his artistic process and that, we learn of the chain reaction effect that these discusses his life and career. Christmas, History Channel, Holidays, disappearing glaciers are having on us and the rest of the Art & Architecture, Biography, Reality, Television 112min. world. Documentary, Educational, Special Interest A&E 14.10.2014 Animals & Nature, Documentary, 2012 83min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124037 Educational, Science, Special Interest First Run Features 05.08.2014 95min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123687 Watermark Passion River 26.08.2014 Award-winning filmmakers Jennifer Baichwal and Nick de

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Pencier, and renowned photographer Edward Burtynsky, ray) Academies’. But what really goes on inside? With Beautifully weave together diverse stories from around the unprecedented access, A Year In The Blue: Inside The Air globe that eloquently detail humanity’s relationship with water Special Interest, Sports, Sports Force Academy tells the story of the freshmen cadets of the through the ages: how we are drawn to it, hoe we use it, and Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado and the challenges of the magnitude of our need for this rapidly depleting resource. min. their grueling first year. What will it take to earn the respect Animals & Nature, Documentary 2013 of their upperclassmen officers and to be fully accepted by WWE Home Video 12.08.2014 92min. their squad-mates? 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123658 Air Force, Americana, Documentary, E1 Entertainment 08.07.2014 Educational, Special Interest 105min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123561 WWE: Passion River 16.09.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123972 Watermark (Blu-ray) Special Interest, Sports, Sports Award-winning filmmakers Jennifer Baichwal and Nick de Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Pencier, and renowned photographer Edward Burtynsky, min. A Year In The Blue: Inside The Beautifully weave together diverse stories from around the WWE Home Video 05.08.2014 Air Force Academy (Blu-ray) globe that eloquently detail humanity’s relationship with water through the ages: how we are drawn to it, hoe we use it, and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123513 We’ve seen the headlines: ‘Scandals at the US Military the magnitude of our need for this rapidly depleting resource. Academies’. But what really goes on inside? With unprecedented access, A Year In The Blue: Inside The Air Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Documentary WWE: Paul Heyman (Blu-ray) Force Academy tells the story of the freshmen cadets of the 2013 92min. Special Interest, Sports, Sports U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado and the challenges of E1 Entertainment 08.07.2014 their grueling first year. What will it take to earn the respect Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE of their upperclassmen officers and to be fully accepted by 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123584 min. their squad-mates? WWE Home Video 05.08.2014 Air Force, Americana, Blu-ray, The World Wars (Blu-ray + 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123532 Documentary, Educational, Special Interest UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 105min. Don Hartman WWE: Payback 2014 Passion River 16.09.2014 Adolf Hitler. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Benito Mussolini. , , Daniel Bryan, John 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123998 Winston Churchill. Charles de Gaulle. George Patton. Before they were the giants of WWII, they were infantrymen and Cena privates in WWI, the „war to end all wars.“ The World Wars What goes around comes around at WWE Payback. After from History brings you the story of the devastating three being defeated by The Shield at Extreme Rules. Evolution is decades of 20th-century world war through the eyes of the out for revenge when they collide with the Hounds of Justice men whose characters were forged in the trenches before in a No Holds Barred Elimination Match. Plus, who will stand they commanded a world on the brink of disaster. See how, above the wreckage when and Bray Wyatt battle in from Ypres and the Somme to the Battle of the Bulge and the a relentless last Man Standing Match? And what will be the invasion of Normandy, the iconic figures of WWII became fate of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship when synonymous with either battlefield glory or murderous Daniel Bryan has to choose between giving up his coveted fascism. title and saving his wife, Brie Bella, from being fired? It all Action, Blu-ray, Drama, History & Events, comes to a head at WWE Payback! Special Interest, Sports, Sports History Channel, Television, War, World Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE War II 270min. 2014 90min. A&E 09.09.2014 WWE Home Video 01.07.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123555 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123571

The World Wars (DVD + WWE: United We Slam - The Best UltraViolet) Of Great American Bash Don Hartman Adolf Hitler. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Benito Mussolini. Randy Savage, Dusty Rhodes, Winston Churchill. Charles de Gaulle. George Patton. Before One of sports entertainment’s most patriotic traditions, The they were the giants of WWII, they were infantrymen and Great American Bash brought excitement to fans of the NWA privates in WWI, the „war to end all wars.“ The World Wars and WCW for over a decade. The event has featured legends from History brings you the story of the devastating three such as Sting, „Nature Boy“ Ric Flair, „The American Dream“ decades of 20th-century world war through the eyes of the Dusty Rhodes, nWo, „macho man“ Randy Savage, The Road men whose characters were forged in the trenches before Warriors and more competing for championship gold. The red, they commanded a world on the brink of disaster. See how, white and blue extravaganza always delivered the fireworks, from Ypres and the Somme to the Battle of the Bulge and the so relive the excitement from nearly 20 star-spangled events, invasion of Normandy, the iconic figures of WWII became featuring the greatest matches and moments from history’s top synonymous with either battlefield glory or murderous WWE Superstars. fascism. Fighting, Special Interest, Sports, Sports Action, Drama, History & Events, History Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting 2014 Channel, Television, War, World War II 540min. 270min. WWE Home Video 15.07.2014 A&E 09.09.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123798 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123547 WWE: United We Slam - The Best WWE: Battleground 2014 Of Great American Bash (Blu-ray) Special Interest, Sports, Sports Randy Savage, Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE One of sports entertainment’s most patriotic traditions, The min. Great American Bash brought excitement to fans of the NWA and WCW for over a decade. The event has featured legends WWE Home Video 19.08.2014 such as Sting, „Nature Boy“ Ric Flair, „The American Dream“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123714 Dusty Rhodes, nWo, „macho man“ Randy Savage, The Road Warriors and more competing for championship gold. The red, white and blue extravaganza always delivered the fireworks, WWE: OMG! The Top 50 Incidents so relive the excitement from nearly 20 star-spangled events, In WCW History - Volume 2 featuring the greatest matches and moments from history’s top WWE Superstars. Special Interest, Sports, Sports Fighting, Special Interest, Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting 2014 min. 540min. WWE Home Video 12.08.2014 WWE Home Video 15.07.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123642 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40123807

WWE: OMG! The Top 50 Incidents A Year In The Blue: Inside The In WCW History - Volume 2 (Blu- Air Force Academy We’ve seen the headlines: ‘Scandals at the US Military

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Newsletter 06/14 (Nr. 341) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann

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