
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 09/13 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 332 - August 2013 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 editorial

Neues Video auf unserem Youtube-Kanal! http://www.youtube.com/user/laserhotline WOCHENENDKRIEGER DIE FILMMUSIK

Wir haben Uwe Schenk, den Komponisten der Musik zu dem Film „Wochenendkrieger“, in seinem Studio besucht. Anhand von Beispielen demonstriert seine Arbeitsweise und erzählt über den sinfonischen Score zu Andreas Geigers Dokumentarfilm.

Viel Spaß bei Anschauen wünscht Ihr LASER HOTLINE Team!

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013

Batfleck and Wonder-Where-She-Is-Woman

Vereinzelte Sonnenstrahlen scheinen durch die Wol- Joker gecastet wurde. Dass er sich in Batman verlie- kendecke durch und kitzeln mir das Gesicht. Schlaf- ben würde, wurde gehöhnt, und dass er die Persön- trunken greife ich nach meinem iPhone, reibe mir die lichkeit und schauspielerischen Fähigkeiten eines Augen und rufe mein auf. Das Internet ist in Blattes Salat habe. Und nun ist Ledgers Joker eine Rage, nur ein Thema beherrscht meine Timeline: Ben Legende und wird verehrt. Nicht nur, weil es seine Affleck ist offiziell der neue Batman! Missmut, Auf- letzte Performance war und er alles dafür gegeben ruhr, Revolution! Alle sind sich einig, dass Affleck der hat. Ben Affleck ist heutzutage ein weit besserer totale Fehlgriff für den Dunklen Ritter ist. Ich lege das Schauspieler als er es zu Zeiten von Jack Ryan und iPhone beiseite und stöhne. Muss das sein? Daredevil war. Er ist ein bemerkenswerter Regisseur geworden und ist an Erfahrungen um einiges reicher. Batfleck mag einem etwas seltsam vorkommen als Patton Oswalt hat es kürzlich in einem Facebook- nächster Fledermann. Meine persönliche Skepsis be- Post wunderbar zusammengefasst: “Wenn einer weiß, ruht vor allem darauf, dass der gute Ben in seiner wie sich ärgstes Versagen und übelste Tiefpunkte an- Karriere bereits zwei Helden eigenhändig begraben fühlen, dann Ben Affleck. Er weiß aber auch, wie er hat: Jack Ryan und Daredevil. Aber vielleicht wollte daraus stärker und besser wieder herauskommen sich Hollywood ja ein besonders teures Staatsbe- kann. Wenn das keine guten Voraussetzungen sind, gräbnis für Batman leisten. Andererseits waren die um Batman zu spielen, dann weiß ich auch nicht.” Fans auch in Aufruhr, als seinerzeit Heath Ledger als Und mal ehrlich, selbst wenn Batfleck das Ganze ka- tastrophal in den Sand setzt, es ist ja nicht so, als würde er damit eine langanhaltende Reihe exzellenter Comic-Verfilmungen zunichtemachen.

Mein Problem bei dieser Geschichte ist ein ganz an- deres: Batman, Superman, Spiderman – sie sind mir alle schnurzpiepegal geworden. Mir, die Superhelden- Filme eigentlich liebt! Ich finde es lächerlich und wahnwitzig, nach den Pleiten dieses Kinosommers immer noch solche Filme nachlegen zu wollen. $230 Millionen hat Man of Steel gekostet, am ersten Wo- chenende hat er nur $29 Millionen eingeholt. Das ist in Hollywood ein Schiffbruch! Trotzdem ist jetzt eine Batman/Superman-Kollaboration geplant. Da hoffen anscheinend einige, dass Plus mal Minus an der Kas- se Plus ergeben. Das amerikanische Bildungssystem lässt grüßen… Bei mir zieht das nicht. Schon Man of

Bild (c) holykaw.alltop.com

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013

Steel konnte ich mir nicht ansehen, weil er nach zwei Comic-Verfilmung bedient. Sie macht eine Wochen aus meinem Stammkino wieder verschwun- Abnabelung von ihrer Mutter durch, kommt alleine den war. Trotz meiner Liebe zu Henry Cavill stört es aus einer fremden Welt auf die Erde, muss lernen, mich nicht mal sonderlich. In diese nächsten Schinken dass sie nicht sie selbst sein kann, wenn sie der werde ich nicht gehen. So einfach ist das. Menschheit helfen möchte und außerdem einigen Idealismus ablegen. Die Figur hat keine eindeutig Das Comic-Universum ist randvoll mit Superhelden, identifizierbaren Schwächen. Ich gebe zu, das ist ein deren Geschichte noch nie verfilmt wurde. Wieso Problem. Gehirn einschalten, wirklich etwas Neues müssen es da immer dieselben drei sein? Mir wird daraus machen! Ach nein, AUAAAA! Lieber Bat- schon beim Gedanken daran todlangweilig. Aber auch fleck, da ist alles schon vorgegeben. das ist nicht mein Hauptproblem. Ich sage nur Pfui! Pfui für Männer, die die Super- Was ich möchte, was viele meiner Freundinnen und heldinnen nur im Hintergrund haben wollen, als Freunde möchten, ist ein Superheldin-Film. Augenschmaus in Form von oder Fledermann, Superheini und Spinnenjunge können mir Jessica Alba. Pfui für Frauen, die sich nicht dagegen gestohlen bleiben. Ausgelutscht und ausgebrannt – die wehren. Wir leben im 21. Jahrhundert, da sollte man gehören aussortiert. Ich will Frauen! Und es gibt nur langsam die Angst vor feministischen Figuren ablegen eine, bei der man sinnvollerweise anfangen kann: können. Gebt Kathryn Bigelow $230 Millionen und Wonder Woman. Gibt! Mir! Wonder Woman! Es lasst sie Wonder Woman machen! Sie wird euch um- scheint, als hätten alle Filmemacher in Hollywood hauen und die Kassen klingeln lassen. Denn eines eine panische Angst vor dem Projekt Wonder wissen wir bestimmt: Die Gier siegt in Hollywood im- Woman. Seit über zehn Jahren gibt es Gerüchte über mer über die Angst. einen Wonder-Woman-Film, der bis jetzt immer noch Anna Rudschies nicht das Licht der Welt erblickt hat. Wer weiß, ob er es je wird. Einige sagen dazu, dass Superheldinnen- filme deshalb nicht mehr angefasst werden, weil und Jennifer Garner Catwoman und Elektra verspielt haben. Ich glaube, hier geht es um viel mehr.

Wonder Woman, die einzige, die für den Anfang der Superheldinnenfilme in Frage kommt, macht den mei- sten Männern Angst. Sie ist hochintelligent, reif (kein Anfang-Zwanzig-Flittchen), stark und wunderschön. Was soll man mit einer Frauenfigur anfangen, die nicht gerettet werden muss und die nicht von einer 19-jäh- rigen gespielt werden kann? Da müsste man ja wirk- Anna freut sich über Feedback! lich scharf nachdenken, das tut bekanntlich weh! Da- bei wird völlig übersehen, dass auch Wonder Woman [email protected] einige der altgedienten und sehr beliebten Tropen der

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013

Freitag, 20. September 2013

09:00 Uhr Begrüßung mit Kaffee und Tee

11:00 Uhr

Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.20) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton DER GROSSE WALZER Deutsche Originalfassung / 136 Min. / Erstaufführungskopie Originaltitel: The Great Waltz / USA 1972 von 1971 Aufgenommen in Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) (35mm Welturaufführung: Juli 1971 (Moskau) Negativfilm) Deutsche Erstaufführung: 16.09.1971 (DDR) / 14.09.1973 Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.20) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton (BRD) Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Regie: Konrad Wolf Deutsche Fassung / 135 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Buch: Angel Wagenstein, Konrad Wolf Welturaufführung: 01.11.1972 Buchvorlage: Lion Feuchtwanger (Roman „Goya oder Der Deutsche Erstaufführung: 19.04.1973 arge Weg der Erkenntnis“) Produktion: Andrew L. Stone Kamera: Werner Bergmann, Konstantin Ryshow Regie: Andrew L. Stone Musik: Kara Karajew, Faradsh Karajew, Paco Ibáñez Buch: Andrew L. Stone Schnitt: Alexandra Borowskaja Kamera: David Boulton Darsteller: Donatas Banionis (Goya), Fred Düren (Esteve), Musik: Johann Strauß, Johann Strauß jr., Joseph Strauß, Olivera Katarina (Herzogin Alba), Tatjana Lolowa (Königin Jacques Offenbach Maria Luisa), Rolf Hoppe (Karl IV.), Mieczyslaw Voit (Groß- Schnitt: Ernest Walker inquisitor) Darsteller: Horst Buchholz (Johann Strauß jr.), Rossano Brazzi (Baron Tedesco), Nigel Patrick (Johann Strauß jr.), Der Weg des spanischen Hofmalers Francisco José de Goya Mary Costa (Jetty Treffs), (Anna Strauß) (1746-1828) vom Favoriten der Königin zum politisch bewuß- ten Gesellschaftskritiker und Emigranten. Aufwendige Die Lebensgeschichte des Wiener Walzerkönigs Johann deutsch-sowjetische Co-Produktion mit künstlerisch teilwei- Strauß Sohn in einer aufwendigen, jedoch wenig überzeu- se vorzüglichen Szenen, doch insgesamt infolge ideologisch genden Verfilmung: die Gefühle sind dick aufgetragen, die unreflektierter Charakterisierungen auch nicht ganz zutref- Farben zu prächtig und die amerikanisch-softig bearbeitete fend und psychologisch wenig überzeugend (Quelle: Film- Musik erweist sich als Flickwerk, das Wesen und Eigenart Dienst) des Straußschen Werks weitgehend zerstört. (Quelle: Film- Dienst) 17:35 Uhr Abendessen 13:45 Uhr Intermezzo mit Kaffee und Kuchen 19:15 Uhr KHARTOUM 15:00 Uhr Originaltitel: Khartoum / USA / Großbritannien 1965 GOYA – oder Der arge Weg der Aufgenommen in Ultra Panavision® 70 (1:2.76) (65mm Erkenntnis Negativfilm) Originaltitel: Goya / DDR/UdSSR 1969/70 Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.76) / 6-Kanal DTS Digitalton Aufgenommen in DEFA 70® (1:2.2) (70mm Negativfilm) Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013

Englische Originalfassung / 134 Min. / Neue Kopie Deutsche Fassung (Songs in Englisch mit deutschen Unter- Welturaufführung: 09.06.1966 () titeln) / 104 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Deutsche Erstaufführung: 22.09.1966 Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Produktion: Julian Blaustein Welturaufführung: 22.07.1954 Regie: Basil Dearden Deutsche Erstaufführung: 26.08.1955 (35mm) / 1968 (70mm) Buch: Robert Ardrey Produktion: Jack Cummings Kamera: Edward Scaife, Harry Waxman Regie: Stanley Donen Musik: Frank Cordell Buch: Albert Hackett, Frances Goodrich, Dorothy Kingsley Schnitt: Fergus McDonell Buchvorlage: Stephen Vincent Benet (Erzählung „The Darsteller: Charlton Heston (General Charles Gordon), Sobbin’ Women“) Laurence Olivier (Mahdi), Richard Johnson (Colonel J.D.H. Kamera: George J. Folsey jr. Stewart), Ralph Richardson (Pemierminister Gladstone), Musik: Gene De Paul Alexander Knox (Sir Evelyn Baring) Schnitt: Ralph E. Winters Darsteller: (Adam), Jeff Richards (Benjamin), Aufwendige Schilderung des Versagens englischer Kolonial- Russ Tamblyn (Gideon), Tommy Rall (Frank), Marc Platt (Da- politik im Sudan; General Gordon verteidigt die Hauptstadt niel), Matt Mattox (Caleb), Jacques d’Amboise (Ephraim), Khartoum vergeblich gegen den „heiligen Krieg“ des Mahdi. Jane Powell (Milly), Julie Newmeyer (Dorcas), Nancy Kilgas Abenteuerfilm, der mit viel Kampfgetümmel, einigen senti- (Alice), Betty Carr (Sarah), Virginia Gibson (Liza), Ruta mentalen Episoden und großartigen Landschaftsaufnahmen Kilmonis (Ruth), Norma Dogget (Martha), Ian Wolfe (Pfarrer vom Nil unterhält, die politischen Hintergründe jedoch ver- Elcott), Howard Petrie (Pete Perkins) einfacht (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Western-Musical von sieben in der Einsamkeit arbeitenden 22:00 Uhr Pelztierjägern, die sich in der Stadt sieben Mädchen rauben, Get together mit Hoepfner Bierspezialitäten in der neu eröff- um sie als ihre Ehefrauen heimzuführen. Gut inszenierte und neten “Cinerama Lounge” temperamentvoll choreographierte Show um eine Story, die der Geschichte vom „Raub der Sabinerinnen“ entlehnt ist. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)

Samstag, 21. September 2013 Auszeichnungen: Oscar 1955 09:00 Uhr Beste Musik: Musical: Saul Chaplin, Adolph Frühstücksbüffet im Schauburg-Foyer Deutsch

10:30 Uhr EINE BRAUT FÜR SIEBEN BRÜDER Originaltitel: Seven Brides For Seven Brothers / USA 1954 13:00 Uhr Aufgenommen in CinemaScope® (1:2.55) (35mm Negativfilm) DU BIST MIN und Breitwand (1:1.77) (35mm Negativfilm) Originaltitel: Du bist min / DDR 1969 Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.20) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Aufgenommen in DEFA 70® (1:2.20) (70mm Negativfilm)

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Regie: Luc Besson Buch: Luc Besson, Robert Garland, Marilyn Goldin Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.20) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Kamera: Carlo Varini Deutsche Originalfassung / 111 Minuten / Erstaufführungs- Musik: Eric Serra kopie Schnitt: Olivier Mauffroy Welturaufführung: 05.09.1969 Darsteller: Rosanna Arquette (Johana Cross), Jean-Marc Deutsche Erstaufführung: 05.09.1969 Barr (Jacques Mayol), Jean Reno (Enzo Molinari), Paul Produktion: Horst Hartwig, Heinz- Lange, Alfred Shenar (Dr. Laurence), Jean Bouise (Onkel Louis) Grosser Regie: Annelie Thorndike (künstler. Oberleitung), Andrew Zwei Taucher, ein Italiener und ein Franzose, die sich als Thorndike (künstler. Oberleitung), Michael Englberger, Kinder kennengelernt hatten, werden als Erwachsene Riva- Hans-Joachim Funk, Manfred Krause len, wobei der großmäulige Italiener seinen Buch: Annelie Thorndike Weltmeisterschaftsrang im Tiefseetauchen ohne Sauerstoff- Kamera: Ernst Oeltze, Hermann Ihde, Christian Lehmann, gerät an den Franzosen abtreten muss. Als er absichtlich Siegfried Mogel, Siegfried Oschatz, Günter Ost, Alexander verunglückt, rettet ihn der Freund, der ihn aber auf sein in- Westlin ständiges Drängen in den Tod gleiten lässt. Wenig später Musik: Hans-Dieter Hosalla folgt ihm der von Gewissensbissen getriebene Franzose Schnitt: Christa Bramann nach. Weithin spannende Bildererzählung auf dem Hinter- grund der Biografie des bekannten französischen Weltre- Dokumentarfilm auf der Grundlage von Tagebuchauf- kordlers Jacques Mayol. Die glorifizierenden Selbsttötungen zeichnungen der Autorin, die ein Bekenntnis zur DDR dar- in den Schlußsequenzen stören den insgesamt positiven stellen. Technisch perfekt gemacht (70-mm-Breitwand- Gesamteindruck. (In der Zweitauswertung kam die integrale verfahren), mit eindrucksvoller Bildgestaltung, doch uner- Fassung mit 161 Minuten in die Kinos.) (Quelle: Film-Dienst) träglich pathetisch im Kommentar und voller Vorbehalte ge- gen die Entwicklung in der Bundesrepublik. (Quelle: Film- 18:15 Uhr Dienst) Abendessen

15:15 Uhr 20:00 Uhr Intermezzo mit Kaffee und Kuchen SPARTACUS Originaltitel: Spartacus / USA 1959/60 16:00 Uhr Aufgenommen in Super Technirama®70 (1:2.35) (35mm IM RAUSCH DER TIEFE Negativfilm, 8-Perf horizontal) Originaltitel: Le Grand Bleu / 1987 Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.20) / 6-Kanal Dolby Stereo (A) Ma- Aufgenommen in CinemaScope® (1:2.35) (35mm Negativfilm) gnetton Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.20) / 6-Kanal Dolby Stereo (A) Ma- Englischsprachige Originalfassung / 197 Minuten / Rekon- gnetton struierte Fassung von 1991 Deutsche Fassung / 118 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Welturaufführung: 11.05.1988 Welturaufführung: 06.10.1960 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 22.09.1988 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 16.12.1960 / 1991 (Rekonstruierte Produktion: Patrice Ledoux Fassung)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013

Sonntag, 22. September 2013

09:00 Uhr Frühstücksbüffet im Schauburg-Foyer

10:00 Uhr Vortrag in englischer Sprache: Thomas Hauerslev - THE DP 70 Projector

Produktion: Edward Lewis 10:45 Uhr Regie: Stanley Kubrick Buch: Dalton Trumbo Buchvorlage: Howard Fast (Roman) Kamera: Russell Metty, Clifford Stine Musik: Alex North Schnitt: Robert Lawrence, Robert Schulte, Fred A. Chulack Darsteller: (Spartacus), Laurence Olivier (Marcus L. Crassus), (Varinia), (Gracchus), Peter Ustinov (Lentulus Batiatus), Tony Curtis (Antonius), John Gavin (Julius Cäsar), Nina Foch (Helena Glabrus), Herbert Lom (Tigranes), John Ireland (Crixus), John Dall (Glabrus), Charles McGraw (Marcellus), Joanna Barnes (Claudia Marius), Woody Strode (Draba), ORPHEUS IN DER UNTERWELT John Hoyt (Caius) Originaltitel: Orpheus in der Unterwelt / DDR 1974 Aufgenommen in DEFA 70® (1:2.20) (70mm Negativfilm) Die Geschichte des Sklavenaufstandes gegen die unmensch- Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.20) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton liche Gesellschaft Roms um 74 v. Chr. unter dem thrakischen Deutsche Originalfassung / 88 Minuten / Erstaufführungs- Sklaven Spartacus. Eine Freiheitskämpfer-Saga mit melodra- kopie matischen und sentimentalen Akzenten in freier Auslegung Welturaufführung: 07.02.1974 der historischen Fakten und starker Vereinfachung der Ereig- Deutsche Erstaufführung: 07.02.1974 nisse. Allein in der außergewöhnlichen Bildgestaltung der Produktion: Helmut Klein Massenszenen und kämpferischen Auseinandersetzungen Regie: Horst Bonnet vermittelt der Film einen Eindruck dieser ersten revolutionä- Buch: Horst Bonnet ren Freiheitsbewegung. 1992 kam die rekonstruierte, unge- Buchvorlage: Héctor Crémieux (gleichnamige Operette), kürzte Originalfassung des Films in die Kinos (O.m.d.U.); bei Jacques Offenbach (gleichnamige Operette) allen dramaturgischen Schwächen und sozialgeschichtlichen Kamera: Otto Hanisch Vereinfachungen offenbaren sich hier bislang unentdeckte Musik: Jacques Offenbach Reize, so zum Beispiel die homoerotischen Untertöne der Schnitt: Thea Richter Fabel. (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Darsteller: Greese (Orpheus), Dorit Gäbler (Eurydike), Rolf Hoppe (Jupiter), Lisa Macheiner (Juno), Auszeichnungen: Fred Düren (Styx), Achim Wichert (Pluto) Oscar 1961 Beste Ausstattung: Farbe: Russell A. Gausman, Mit seinem Gesang rührt Orpheus die Götter und erhält dar- Alexander Golitzen, Julia Heron, Eric Orbom aufhin die Erlaubnis, seine Gemahlin Eurydike aus der Unter- Beste Kamera: Farbe: Russell Metty welt zurück zu holen. Das misslingt, weil er das Gebot ver- Beste Kostüme: Farbe: Bill Thomas Valles letzt, nicht zurück zu schauen. Mit gegenwartsbezogenen Bester Nebendarsteller: Peter Ustinov Anspielungen aufgefrischte Verfilmung der Offenbach-Ope- rette. Ein Ausstattungsfilm, der vor allem in den Szenen im Olymp und im Hades dem Witz und Schwung der Vorlage nahe kommt. Gediegene Unterhaltung. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013

timer zu kaufen. Bald ist das Auto repariert und auf Hoch- 13:00 Uhr glanz poliert, und da der Vater über die Gabe verfügt, mit SHORTS, TRAILERS, SPECIALS offenen Augen zu träumen, startet er mit den Kindern zu ei- ner abenteuerlichen Reise mit dem „Wunderauto“, das ur- 15:00 Uhr plötzlich fliegen, schwimmen und sich vor allem gegen die Intermezzo mit Kaffee und Kuchen Intrigen des „bösesten Mannes der Welt“ durchsetzen kann. Ein ausufernd fabulierendes Musical-Märchen nach dem 16:00 Uhr dreiteiligen Roman von Ian Fleming (1964/65), das flotte Songs und Schnulzen, hübsche Tanzeinlagen und viel Kla- mauk zu einem ausgelassenen Vergnügen vereint. (Das Fern- sehen strahlte 1996 erstmals die integrale Fassung des Films aus, während die frühe deutsche Kinofassung stark gekürzt war.) (Quelle: Film-Dienst)

18:55 Uhr Abendessen

20:30 Uhr

TSCHITTY TSCHITTY BÄNG BÄNG Originaltitel: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang / GB 1968 Aufgenommen in Super Panavision® 70 (1:2.20) (65mm Negativfilm) Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.20) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Englischsprachige Originalfassung / 144 Minuten / Erstauf- führungskopie Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause UNHEIMLICHE BEGEGNUNG DER Welturaufführung: 16.12.1968 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 14.03.1969 DRITTEN ART Produktion: Albert R. Broccoli Originaltitel: Close Encounters Of The Third Kind / USA Regie: Ken Hughes 1977 Buch: Roald Dahl, Ken Hughes Aufgenommen in Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) (35mm Buchvorlage: Ian Fleming (Roman) Negativfilm) und Super Panavision® 70 (1:2.20) (65mm Kamera: Christopher Challis Negativfilm) Musik: Richard M. Sherman, Robert B. Sherman Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.20) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Schnitt: John Shirley Deutsche Fassung / 134 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Darsteller: Dick van Dyke (Caractacus Potts), Sally Ann Welturaufführung: 15.11.1977 Howes (Truly Scrumptious), Lionel Jeffries (Großvater Deutsche Erstaufführung: 06.03.1978 Potts), Gert Fröbe (Baron Bomburst), Robert Helpmann , Bar- Produktion: Julia Phillips, Michael Phillips bara Windsor (Blondine), Benny Hill (Toymaker), James Regie: Steven Spielberg Robertson Justice (Lord Scrumptious), Anna Quayle (Baro- Buch: Steven Spielberg nin Bomburst), Heather Ripley (Jemina), Adrian Hall Kamera: Vilmos Zsigmond, Douglas Slocombe, William A. (Jeremy), Davy Kaye (Admiral), Alexander Doré (erster Spi- Fraker, John A. Alonzo, Laszlo Kovacs on), Bernard Spear (zweiter Spion), Stanley Unwin , Peter Musik: Arne , Desmond Llewelyn , Victor Maddern Schnitt: Michael Kahn Darsteller: (Roy Neary), François Truffaut Kurz nach der Jahrhundertwende war ein nun längst einge- (Claude Lacombe), Teri Garr (Ronnie Neary), Melinda Dillon rostetes Auto Star der großen Rennen, jetzt soll es ver- (Jillian Guiler), Bob Balaban (David Laughlin), Lance schrottet werden. Doch zwei Kinder überreden ihren verwit- Henriksen (Robert), Cary Guffey (Barry Guiler), Warren weten Vater, einen jungen und mittellosen Erfinder, den Old- Kemmerling (Wild Bill), Adrienne Campbell (Sylvia Neary),

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013

Justin Dreyfuss (Toby Neary) Aus dem Programmheft der „Schauburg“ Einige amerikanische Mittelstandsbürger im mittleren We- sten treten in direkten Kontakt mit außerirdischen Wesen. Geschildert werden ihre unterschiedlichen Reaktionen zwi- Vom 20.-22. September laden wir Sie ein zu der inzwischen schen Unruhe, Neugier, Panik und Faszination, als sie die Tradition gewordenen Reise zurück in der Zeit, als Filme noch UFOs entdecken. Ein optisch faszinierendes Science- für richtig große Bildwände konzipiert wurden – im 70mm-Format Fiction-Märchen, ganz aus dem Geiste Walt Disneys, das die und mit 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton! Utopie einer von Harmonie und Glückseligkeit erfüllten au- Am 20. September heisst es bereits zum neunten Male “Vorhang ßerirdischen Welt umschreibt. Der naive Glaube an die Erlö- auf!” zur breitesten Filmschau der Welt. Dann wird sich wieder sung aus dem All kann kaum als ernsthafte Antwort auf die für drei volle Tage unser samtroter Bühnenvorhang auf die Probleme des modernen Menschen verstanden werden, aber maximale Breite öffnen und der schwarze Kasch das als filmtechnisches Kabinettstück ist der Film dennoch ein größtmögliche Bild freigeben, das wir in der Schauburg projizieren fantasievolles Vergnügen. In seinen besten Momenten wird können. Trotz der momentan weltweit stattfindenen er zudem zur geistreichen Karikatur einer der technischen Digitalisierung der Kinos ist die Faszination für jenes Dinge überdrüssigen Erwachsenenwelt (Quelle: Film-Dienst) photochemische Verfahren, das der Amerikaner Michael Todd im Jahre 1955 erstmals der Öffentlichkeit präsentierte, nach wie Auszeichnungen: vor ungebrochen. Der Zulauf, den unser traditionelles “Todd-AO Oscar 1978 70mm Filmfestival” Jahr für Jahr erfährt, spricht Bände. Auch in Beste Kamera: Vilmos Zsigmond diesem Jahr werden sich hier wieder Gäste aus aller Herren Ehren-“Oscar“: Frank E. Warner Länder tummeln, um gemeinsam ein Stück Film- und Kinogeschichte aufleben zu lassen.

Neben den für das Großformat typischen amerikanischen Epen wie “Khartoum” mit Charlton Heston oder “Spartacus” mit Kirk Douglas wollen wir in diesem Jahr einen besonderen Akzent mit Alle weiteren Informationen zum Festival einer kleinen Reihe von 70mm-Filmen aus der ehemaligen DDR finden Sie wie immer auf setzen. Ob das dramatische Biopic “Goya”, die schwungvoll- witzige Operettenverfilmung “Orpheus in der Unterwelt” oder sogar www.schauburg.de der Dokumentarfilm “Du bist min” – sie alle zeugen von der hohen www.in70mm.com Handwerkskunst der Filmschaffenden der DEFA im ehemaligen www.70mm-festival.de sozialistischen Arbeiter- und Bauernstaat. Um diese Werke auch 25 Jahre nach Mauerfall noch in den dazugehörenden Kontext stellen zu können, hat sich der Leiter der DEFA-Stiftung , Dr. h.c. Ralf Schenk, dazu bereit erklärt, vor Filmbeginn in diese Filme einzuführen. Aber damit nicht genug. Frei nach dem Motto “Mit Musik geht alles besser” haben wir zwei Musicalverfilmungen mit in unser Programm aufgenommen. In “Eine Braut für sieben Brüder” suchen sieben rauhbeinige Brüder ebenso viele Ladys, um dem Leben auf der Ranch die entsprechende Würze zu geben. Und in “Tschitty Tschitty Bäng Bäng” steht – wie der Titel bereits vermuten lässt - ein auf Hochglanz polierter Oldtimer ganz im Mittelpunkt einer phantasievollen musikalischen Reise. Musikalisch geht es auch in “Der große Walzer” zu, der Filmtheater Schauburg Lebensgeschichte des Wiener Walzerkönigs Johann Strauß Herbert Born Sohn, von Andrew L. Stone imposant in Szene gesetzt. Natürlich Marienstraße 16 76137 Karlsruhe darf auch ein bisschen Kult nicht fehlen: “Im Rausch der Tiefe” Telefon: +49 721 35 000 18 wird mit seinen atemberaubenden Tauchsequenzen dank dem Telefax: +49 721 38 00 47 70mm-Format für Atemnot im Kinosaal sorgen. Und bei E-Mail: [email protected] “Unheimliche Begegnung der dritten Art” gibt es ein Wiedersehen Internet: www.schauburg.de mit einem Film, der alle nachfolgenden Sci-Fi-Filme prägte wie kein anderer.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu- Disc USA

Adventure Time DVD collection with the Adventure Time: more interested in writing about the great outdoors than Jake vs Me-mow DVD. experiencing it. The sisters’ vacation gets off to a start, Animation Adventure, Animation, Cartoon Network, but when Barbie discovers a mysterious wild horse in the Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Televi- woods, their visit becomes truly magical. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, sion min. 15 Film Christmas Collector’s Set Children’s, Family, Fantasy, girl power, Warner Bros. 08.10.2013 Jane Seymour, Tony Randall, Mary Tyler Horses, Movies 75min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118384 Moore, Hilary Duff, Tony Curtis, Haylie Duff Universal Studios 22.10.2013 Animation, Christmas, Collections, Family, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118760 Fantasy, Holidays, Movies 229min. All Star Superman / Superman: Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Doomsday (Double Feature) Barbie & Her Sisters In A Pony 10.09.2013 Anthony LaPaglia, James Denton, Christina Tale (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118318 Hendricks - Dir. Sam Liu Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Barbie and her sisters set off on a Swiss adventure to the 4 Kids Favorites: Holiday Family Comic Book, Double Features, Fantasy, majestic Alps, where they’re excited to spend the summer at a Fun Movies, Superheroes 75min. fun-filled riding academy! Barbie can’t wait to find a new Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 horse to bring back to Malibu. Stacie is super excited to This new holiday multi-feature includes holiday favorites such prove she’s an amazing equestrian. All Chelsea wants to do as: A Miser Brothers’ Christmas, Jack Frost, The Flints- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118852 is ride the big horses, and Skipper... well let’s just say she’s tones: A Flintstones Christmas Carol, and Yogi’s All-Star more interested in writing about the great outdoors than Comedy Christmas Caper. American Dad: Volume 8 experiencing it. The sisters’ vacation gets off to a rocky start, Animation, Christmas, Collections, Family, but when Barbie discovers a mysterious wild horse in the Holidays, Movies 187min. Patrick Stewart, Sarah Michelle Gellar, woods, their visit becomes truly magical. Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 Alyson Hannigan, Wendy Schaal, Amy Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118325 Sedaris, Seth McFarlane, Dee Bradley Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, girl Baker, Ceelo Green power, Horses, Movies 75min. 5 Movie Collection: Kids Action Let your American freak flag fly when you watch this all-new Universal Studios 22.10.2013 collection of outrageous episodes from the comic minds of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118763 Tony Hawk , Matt Weitzman and creator Seth Animation, , Children’s, Collections, MacFarlane. Follow the adventures of CIA operative Stan Smith’s quirky family as they deal with Stan and Francine’s Barney & : 3-Movie Pack Family, Movies 400min. killer hot tub, Steve’s lucky panties, Hayley and Jeff adopting Echo Bridge Home Entertainment an evil child, and Roger wrestling his way into the record Children’s, Children’s / Educational, books. Loaded with celebrity guest voices, including Sarah Collections, Dinosaurs, Family, Preschool, 03.09.2013 Michelle Gellar, CeeLo Green, Alyson Hannigan, Patrick 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118314 Stewart, Amy Sedaris and more, American Dad: Volume 8 is a Television min. star-powered salute to patriotic parody and hardcore hilarity! Lionsgate 15.10.2013 Accel World: Set One Animation, Comedy, Fox, Television 393min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118838 The year is 2046. Portable devices known as Neurolinkers 20th Century Fox 24.09.2013 have enabled mankind to oversee their daily life within virtual 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118355 Ben 10: Omniverse - Aliens At reality networks. But the advancements in technology have yet to provide a solution for the growing number of victims of War bullying. Haruyuki Arita is one such student who finds himself Aria: The Animation - Litebox Join Ben Tennyson and his new partner Rook for all-new out- on the lowest social rungs of his school. Ashamed of his Contains all 13 episodes of Season One! In the early 24th of-this-world adventures with the Ben 10 Omniverse Volume 3 miserable life, Haruyuki can only cope by indulging in virtual century, Mars has been terraformed by mankind into a DVD. Featuring never-before-seen Omnitrix aliens, this two- games. That all changes when Kuroyukihime, the most popular sparkling planet covered in water. Akari Mizunashi, at the disc DVD includes 10 action-packed episodes from the girl in school, approaches Haruyuki with a cryptic proposal: age of 15, has left everything behind to travel to that reborn series’ first season plus Alien Reveal and Alien Database to „accelerate“ further, and beyond. Haruyuki is introduced to world now known as Aqua. More than anything, Akari wants bonus features. a mysterious program called Brain Burst and a virtual reality to be an „undine“ ? a female gondolier who navigates the Action, Adventure, Aliens, Animation, Car- called the Accel World. Learning its secrets, Haruyuki canals of the Aquan city of -Venezia. As she begins her musters the courage to accept Kuroyukihime’s proposal and to training with the prestigious Aria Company, will she be up to toon Network, Children’s, Fantasy, Science fight alongside her as her knight. the challenges that await her on the path to achieve her Fiction, Television min. Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Interna- dream? Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- Animation, Anime, Drama, Foreign, girl 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118385 vision 300min. power, International TV, Japanese, Space, Viz Entertainment 26.11.2013 Television 325min. Berenstain Bears: Pumpkin Party 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118849 Right Stuf 01.10.2013 Set in the rolling hills of Bear Country, this animated comedy 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118579 stars a fun loving family of honey Bears whose love, loyalty and humor allow them to overcome any obstacle that finds its Accel World: Set One (Blu-ray) way down to their sunny dirt road. The funny, familiar The year is 2046. Portable devices known as Neurolinkers Avengers Assemble: Assembly experiences of this bear family instill timeless life lessons have enabled mankind to oversee their daily life within virtual Required and reflect the traditional community values of country life. reality networks. But the advancements in technology have Brother Bear and the gang are throwing a Halloween Party. yet to provide a solution for the growing number of victims of Experience new adventures and more heroic action from the Gather your friends and join The Berenstain Bears for bullying. Haruyuki Arita is one such student who finds himself studio that brought you the biggest Super Hero movie of all pumpkins, spooky stories and nonstop Halloween fun. on the lowest social rungs of his school. Ashamed of his time, Marvel’s The Avengers. Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, miserable life, Haruyuki can only cope by indulging in virtual America, Hawkeye, Black Widow and the newest recruit, games. That all changes when Kuroyukihime, the most popular Falcon, battle threats no single hero could vanquish in Book-To-Film, Children’s, Family, Holidays girl in school, approaches Haruyuki with a cryptic proposal: Marvel’s spectacular 2-part event, Marvel’s Avengers min. to „accelerate“ further, and beyond. Haruyuki is introduced to Assemble. Can the world’s most powerful team of Super Phase 4 Films 01.10.2013 a mysterious program called Brain Burst and a virtual reality Heroes put aside their difference and learn to live together called the Accel World. Learning its secrets, Haruyuki under one roof long enough to save the world from ultimate 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118936 musters the courage to accept Kuroyukihime’s proposal and to destruction? The answer will be revealed when the Red Skull fight alongside her as her knight. and M.O.D.O.K. wage war on The Avengers. Bring home all the thrills and nonstop action, complete with never-before- Birthday Celebrations Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, seen footage and bonus features! kaboom! Birthday Celebrations is a wonderful collection that International TV, Japanese, Science Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On includes 10 episodes of your favorite shows! Enjoy Franklin, Fiction, Television 300min. Comic Book, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, The Berenstain Bears, George Shrinks and Pippi Viz Entertainment 26.11.2013 Longstocking on this DVD! Science Fiction, Television 112min. Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118873 Disney / Buena Vista 08.10.2013 Family, Television 129min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118893 Phase 4 Films 10.09.2013 Adventure Time: Jake Vs. Me- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118309 Mow - Volume 3 Barbie & Her Sisters In A Pony What time is it? It’s time for the Adventure Time: Jake vs Me- Tale Bratz Babyz Save Christmas: The mow DVD. This Emmy nominated series continues to be Cartoon Network’s #1 hit comedy show. This all-new DVD Barbie and her sisters set off on a Swiss adventure to the Movie features the popular character Me-mow, a sweet little feline majestic Alps, where they’re excited to spend the summer at a fun-filled riding academy! Barbie can’t wait to find a new The Bratz Babyz are back and cuter than ever in this who turns out to be an assassin. In the episode Finn and Jake delectably sweet Christmas adventure about the power of must stop Me-mow from hurting Wildberry Princess and this horse to bring back to Malibu. Stacie is super excited to prove she’s an amazing equestrian. All Chelsea wants to do friendship and positive attitude! When a trip to the mall with is one adventure you don’t want to miss. The DVD features 16 Gran leads to a shocking discovery that Santa won’t be able episodes selected by the creator and more. Complete your is ride the big horses, and Skipper... well let’s just say she’s

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 14 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA to „deliver“ this Christmas, things aren’t so merry and bright 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118501 - Dir. Kirk Demicco, Chris Sanders for Cloe, Sasha, Jade, and Yasmin. Now it’s up to the girlz to PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which find the North Pole, train to be elves and stop a trio of is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. bumbling bandits from stealing a very special Christmas . Classic Christmas Favorites A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all With a tinsel of teamwork and a glint of girl power, the Bratz (Repackage) standard Blu-ray players. Join the Croods on the journey of a Babyz learn that you don’t always get what you want, but lifetime in the epic comedy-adventure that „has the magical sometimes, if you make the best of what you’ve got, you get The perfect way to get the Christmas season started. 4-disc wonder of How To Train Your Dragon“ - Jake Hamilton (Fox- something even better! gift set includes Rankin and Bass’s most beloved Christmas TV). When their cave is destroyed, the Croods set out to Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Family, specials plus the Dr. Seuss Holiday classic. explore a spectacular landscape filled with fantastic Holidays, Movies 70min. Animation, Christmas, Family, Holidays, creatures, strange surprises, and a whole new world of Lionsgate 05.11.2013 Rankin / Bass, Stop Motion Animation, Tele- adventure! Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119049 vision 393min. Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118327 Fantasy, Movies, Prehistoric Times 2013 Bratz: Go To Paris 96min. The girls with a passion for fashion hit the runways of Paris 20th Century Fox 01.10.2013 in this super-secret super-sweet spy spectacular! When The Croods someone starts mysteriously poisoning the most popular 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118872 models in Paris, Cloe, Yasmin, Jade and Sasha are recruited Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone to go undercover in the City of Lights as supermodels to find - Dir. Kirk Demicco, Chris Sanders the evil mastermind! But will the girls be able to discover the Join the Croods on the journey of a lifetime in the epic Danguard Ace: The Movie secret before one of them is the next target? There is no comedy-adventure that „has the magical wonder of How To Collection mystery that the Bratz cannot solve when they work together! Train Your Dragon“ - Jake Hamilton (Fox-TV). When their Animation, Children’s, Family, Fashion, girl cave is destroyed, the Croods set out to explore a The inhabitants of Earth face a grim fate after all of the spectacular landscape filled with fantastic creatures, strange planet’s natural resources have been depleted. The nefarious power, Movies min. surprises, and a whole new world of adventure! Mr. Doppler betrays his fellow humans, who had hoped to Lionsgate 08.10.2013 settle on the newly discovered tenth planet of the solar Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Computer system, Promete, by taking over the planet that is humankind’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118773 Animation, Family, Fantasy, Movies, only salvation, and building an army even greater than Earth’s Prehistoric Times 2013 96min. in order to keep the desperate Earthlings at bay. A super Bubble Guppies / Team robot created by citizens of Earth, Danguard Ace, is their 20th Century Fox 01.10.2013 only chance to defeat the evil Mr. Doppler and save the Umizoomi: Into The Snow We Go 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118828 human race! Celebrate this holiday season with the Bubble Guppies, and Action, Animation, Anime, International TV, Team Umizoomi too! Join the Guppies for a festive special as The Croods (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- Television 1978 300min. they work together to share the joy of the holiday season with Shout Factory 19.11.2013 their neighbor, Mr. Grumpfish. And as a holiday bonus, team tal Copy + Plush) (Blu-ray) up with Team Umizoomi in two special episodes! You can 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118673 count on a fin-tastic holiday with Bubble Guppies and Team Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone Umizoomi in these three festive episodes! - Dir. Kirk Demicco, Chris Sanders Animation, Children’s, Family, Nickelodeon, Join the Croods on the journey of a lifetime in the epic The Day Of The Dead... And More comedy-adventure that „has the magical wonder of How To Halloween Tales Television 69min. Train Your Dragon“ - Jake Hamilton (Fox-TV). When their Nickelodeon 15.10.2013 cave is destroyed, the Croods set out to explore a You can collect the entire library of Scholastic Storybook 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118532 spectacular landscape filled with fantastic creatures, strange Treasures and read along on screen with your favorite surprises, and a whole new world of adventure! classic children’s stories, brought vividly to life on DVD. Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Animation, Book-To-Film, Children’s, Care Bears: The Great Giving Computer Animation, Family, Fantasy, Children’s / Educational, Family, Holidays Holiday Movies, Prehistoric Times 2013 96min. min. Come along to Care-a-Lot and join Great Giving Bear, 20th Century Fox 01.10.2013 Scholastic 10.09.2013 Harmony and all their cuddly friends in a merry movie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118619 adventure filled with holiday hiccups, festival follies, and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118871 plenty of Care Bear cheer! Great Giving Day is just around the corne - and so is trouble. The unbearable Beastly tries to The Croods (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- DC Comics: Superman - Triple spoil the holiday by creating a sticky situation, while a troublemaker determined to steal the show just might ruin the tal Copy) (Blu-ray) Feature Great Giving Day Pageant. Only with teamwork, caring and Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone , Clancy Brown, Malcolm friends like you can the Bears save this special time of year! McDowell, Christopher McDonald, Tim Daly Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, - Dir. Kirk Demicco, Chris Sanders - Dir. Bruce Timm, Curt Geda, Dan Riba, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Holidays 66min. Join the Croods on the journey of a lifetime in the epic comedy-adventure that „has the magical wonder of How To Scott Jeralds Lionsgate 05.11.2013 Train Your Dragon“ - Jake Hamilton (Fox-TV). When their Animation, Based On Comic Book, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119050 cave is destroyed, the Croods set out to explore a spectacular landscape filled with fantastic creatures, strange Children’s, Family, Movies, Superheroes, surprises, and a whole new world of adventure! Triple Feature min. A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving: Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 40th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Computer Animation, Family, Fantasy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118850 Turkey, cranberries, pumpkin pie... and the Peanuts gang to Movies, Prehistoric Times 2013 96min. share them with. This is going to be the greatest Thanksgiving 20th Century Fox 01.10.2013 DC Superheroes Movies: 3 Pack ever! The fun begins when Peppermint Patty invites herself 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118870 and her pals to Charlie Brown’s house for a Really big turkey Jason Isaacs, , Nathan party. Good grief! All our hero can cook is cold cereal and Fillion - Dir. Jay Oliva maybe toast. Is Charlie Brown doomed? Not when Linus, The Croods (DVD + Plush) Snoopy and Woodstock chip in to save the (Thanksgiving) Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On Day. With such good friends, Charlie Brown - and all of us - Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone Comic Book, Fantasy, Movies, have so many reasons to be thankful. This Remastered - Dir. Kirk Demicco, Chris Sanders Superheroes, Triple Feature min. Deluxe Edition with Improved Picture and Audio is guaranteed Join the Croods on the journey of a lifetime in the epic to bring on that grateful glow, especially in delicious hi-def. comedy-adventure that „has the magical wonder of How To Warner Bros. 15.10.2013 Animation, Based On A Comic Strip, Train Your Dragon“ - Jake Hamilton (Fox-TV). When their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118851 Children’s, Family, Holidays, Movies, Televi- cave is destroyed, the Croods set out to explore a spectacular landscape filled with fantastic creatures, strange sion, Thanksgiving 1973 min. surprises, and a whole new world of adventure! Digimon Adventure: Volume Four Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Computer Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118326 Animation, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, Inter- Prehistoric Times 2013 96min. national TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Children Make Terrible Pets... 20th Century Fox 01.10.2013 Television min. And More Stories About Family 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118829 New Video DVD 10.09.2013 You can collect the entire library of Scholastic Storybook 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118502 Treasures and read along on screen with your favorite The Croods 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu- classic children’s stories, brought vividly to life on DVD. Animated Animals, Animation, Book-To-Film, ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- Digimon Collection: Seasons 1 - 4 Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family ray) Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Children’s, Collections, Family, Fantasy, min. Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone Scholastic 13.08.2013 Foreign, International TV, Japanese,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 15 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Science Fiction, Television min. Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Ice Epic 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + New Video DVD 22.10.2013 Skating Spectacular DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) 339,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118563 Get ready for a spectacular ice-skating adventure! Dora and Blake Anderson, Colin Farrell, Beyonce Boots must skate to the rescue of the Snow Princess, Snow Knowles, Josh Hutcherson, Amanda Digimon Frontier: The Complete Fairy, and all their Snowy Forest friends when a mean Ice Witch takes everyone’s ice skates! Plus, help Dora catch a Seyfried, Aziz Ansari - Dir. Chris Wedge Fourth Season runaway Shape Train, and join her brave puppy Perrito and PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Dark forces reign over the Digital World and only the Scooter as they race to rescue Boots! is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. DigiDestined can help rid it of evil forever. In Digimon Fron- Adventure, Children’s, Family, Nickelodeon, A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all tier, Takuya Kanbara and four other children, a new class of Preschool, Television 2013 69min. standard Blu-ray players From the creators of Ice Age comes DigiDestined, battle evil in the DigiWorld not as Digimon the year’s funniest, most exhilarating animated adventure! trainers but as Digimon themselves! After boarding the Nickelodeon 05.11.2013 Transported to a magical world, a teenager (Amanda Seyfried) Trailmon train bound for the Digitral World, Takuya and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118799 is recruited by a nature spirit, Queen Tara (Beyoncé friends learn the story of 10 Ancient Warriors and their Digi- Knowles), to help the „Leafmen“ save their existence - and Spirits and soon realize that they too have their own Spirits ours - from evil warriors. The whole family will love this fast- that help guide and evolve them into Digimon to battle Drawing With Mark: A Day With paced thrill-ride, with its astonishing animation and an all- Cherubimon, a Celestial Digimon who’s turned evil. Their The Dinosaurs / Reach For The star voice cast that includes Colin Farrell, Oscar Winner mission to save the DigiWorld grows more important every Christoph Waltz and Steven Tyler! day, and as they learn the history of the Celestial Digimon and Stars (Double Feature) Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Ancient Warriors it also becomes more dangerous. For the Critically acclaimed and broadcast nationally, the multi-award Family, Fantasy, Magic, Movies 2013 first time ever, Digimon Frontier (the entire fourth season) is winning Drawing with Mark series teaches kids of all ages 102min. available in an 8-disc official collector’s set complete with all how to draw while also including educational journeys to fun 50 episodes! and exciting destinations. This DVD contains two 30-minute 20th Century Fox 20.08.2013 Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, episodes: A Day With The Dinosaurs and Reach For The 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118557 Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Stars. Two visits to the Science Museum result in learning to draw Tyrannosaurus Rex, a Pterodactyl, planets, astronauts Japanese, Science Fiction, Thrillers min. and more. Family Guy: Volume 11 New Video DVD 10.09.2013 Animation, Dinosaurs, Double Features, Seth Green, Cate Blanchett, Ryan 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118503 Family, Television 2013 min. Reynolds, Mila Kunis, Ricky Gervais, Ellen E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 Page, Seth MacFarlane, Divergence Eve: Complete 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118809 In this hysterical assortment of 23 uncensored Family Guy episodes, Peter has another painful encounter with the angry Collection Giant Chicken, Quagmire tries to get giggity with Meg, and In the 24th Century, Intergalactic Space Travel has become a Drawing With Mark: We All Brian and Stewie are beside themselves when they travel reality. One of the first outposts in the far reaches of space is back in time to the show’s pilot episode. It’s a side-splitting Watcher’s Nest - an inflation hole drive portal - which has Scream For Ice Cream / Happy blast to the past packed with celebrity guest voices, including recently come under attack by a mysterious force known Tails (Double Feature) Cate Blanchett, Ricky Gervais, Ellen Page and Ryan simply as Ghoul...A group of young female cadets assigned to Reynolds! the portal are unexpectedly thrown into a hornet’s nest of Critically acclaimed and broadcast nationally, the multi-award Animation, Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, trouble as they finalize their training to become an elite pilot winning Drawing with Mark series teaches kids of all ages in the Seraphim Squadron. What more could you ask for than a how to draw while also including educational journeys to fun Fox, Television 504min. bevy of beauties forced to put their lives on the line to answer and exciting destinations. This DVD contains two 30-minute 20th Century Fox 24.09.2013 the call of duty. Divergence Eve is a bold and imaginative episodes: We All Scream For Ice Cream and Happy Tails. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118354 voyage leading directly into the heart of evil. A dark tale Visits to the Buddy Dog Humane Society and a local ice cream enlivened by a shocking mystery which will have you shop result in learning to draw our favorite 4-legged friends, guessing the final fade out. Highlights: · The entire 13 episode an ice cream cone and an ice cream truck. From Up On Poppy Hill Animation, Children’s, Family, Television series in one thinpacked collection. · Featuring the Japanese Jamie Lee Curtis, Beau Bridges, Bruce voice talent Yumi Kakazu (Fullmetal Alchemist, Godannar, 2013 min. Dern, , Anton Yelchin, Sa- ) · Featuring the English voice talent Kira Vincent- E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 Davis (Azumanga, Daioh, , RahXephon) rah Bolger, Christina Hendricks, Isabelle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118810 Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Killer Fuhrman Beauties, Science Fiction, Space 2003 From the legendary Studio Ghibli, creators of Spirited Away, 325min. Epic Howl’s Moving Castle and The Secret World of Arrietty, comes another animated triumph. Yokohama, 1963. Japan is Section23 Films 19.11.2013 Blake Anderson, Colin Farrell, Beyonce picking itself up from the devastation of World War II and 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118654 Knowles, Josh Hutcherson, Amanda preparing to host the Olympics. Against this backdrop of hope Seyfried, Aziz Ansari - Dir. Chris Wedge and change, a friendship begins to blossom between high Donkey Kong Country: Raiders Of From the creators of Ice Age comes the year’s funniest, most school students Umi (Sarah Bolger) and Shun (Anton exhilarating animated adventure! Transported to a magical Yelchin). But a buried secret from their past emerges to cast a The Lost Banana world, a teenager (Amanda Seyfried) is recruited by a nature shadow on the future and pull them apart. From a screenplay spirit, Queen Tara (Beyoncé Knowles), to help the „Leafmen“ by Academy Award® winner Hayao Miyazaki and featuring an When Polly Roger steals the Crystal Coconut, Donkey Kong all-star English voice cast! and Diddy chase him into the Ancient Temple ruins in a effort save their existence - and ours - from evil warriors. The to get it back. When he removes a sacred golden banana, whole family will love this fast-paced thrill-ride, with its Animation, Drama, Family, Foreign, Donkey Kong disturbs the sleeping idol „Inka Dinkadu“. When astonishing animation and an all-star voice cast that includes Japanese, Movies 91min. he realizes that the banana belongs in the Ancient Temple it’s Colin Farrell, Oscar Winner Christoph Waltz and Steven New Video DVD 03.09.2013 too late. He has already given it to Candy, who is kidnapped Tyler! by King K. Rool. Join Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong and friends Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118505 with over 90 minutes of jungle adventure that’s fun for the Magic, Movies 2013 102min. entire ape gang. 20th Century Fox 20.08.2013 From Up On Poppy Hill (Blu-ray + Animated Animals, Animation, Based On 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118527 , Children’s, Family, Fantasy DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) min. Jamie Lee Curtis, Beau Bridges, Bruce Phase 4 Films 01.10.2013 Epic (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Dern, Gillian Anderson, Anton Yelchin, Sa- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118937 Copy) (Blu-ray) rah Bolger, Christina Hendricks, Isabelle Blake Anderson, Colin Farrell, Beyonce Fuhrman From the legendary Studio Ghibli, creators of Spirited Away, Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Knowles, Josh Hutcherson, Amanda Howl’s Moving Castle and The Secret World of Arrietty, Christmas Carol Adventure Seyfried, Aziz Ansari - Dir. Chris Wedge comes another animated triumph. Yokohama, 1963. Japan is From the creators of Ice Age comes the year’s funniest, most picking itself up from the devastation of World War II and (Repackage) exhilarating animated adventure! Transported to a magical preparing to host the Olympics. Against this backdrop of hope When Swiper tries to swipe the Christmas Star from Dora’s world, a teenager (Amanda Seyfried) is recruited by a nature and change, a friendship begins to blossom between high Nochebuena Party, he lands on Santa’s naughty list. To get spirit, Queen Tara (Beyoncé Knowles), to help the „Leafmen“ school students Umi (Sarah Bolger) and Shun (Anton back on the nice list, Dora must help Swiper travel to the save their existence - and ours - from evil warriors. The Yelchin). But a buried secret from their past emerges to cast a past, the present, and the future to discover the true spirit of whole family will love this fast-paced thrill-ride, with its shadow on the future and pull them apart. From a screenplay Christmas. Will you help too? astonishing animation and an all-star voice cast that includes by Academy Award® winner Hayao Miyazaki and featuring an Animation, Children’s, Children’s / Colin Farrell, Oscar Winner Christoph Waltz and Steven all-star English voice cast! Tyler! Animation, Blu-ray, Drama, Family, Foreign, Educational, Christmas, Family, Holidays, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Family, Japanese, Movies 91min. Nickelodeon, Preschool, Television 2009 Fantasy, Magic, Movies 2013 102min. New Video DVD 03.09.2013 min. 20th Century Fox 20.08.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118520 Nickelodeon 15.10.2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118556 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118528 Future Diary: Part Two

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 16 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Horror, will seem like a breeze. But whether she lives to accept that Awesomeness - The Scorpion International TV, Japanese, Television min. future is another matter altogether. Her five guardians- handsome, powerful young men of great power and undeniable Sting Funimation 17.09.2013 loyalty-have vowed to sacrifice everything to protect her. But Get ready for more high-kicking action and fur-flying fun in 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118508 are any of them able to deal with a traitor in their midst? And this awesome animated TV series based on the Academy how can anyone deal with such important issues while still Award-Nominated hit movie Kung Fu Panda! He may not be carrying a high GPA? Sorcery and school conflict collide in your typical warrior, but Po packs an arsenal of martial arts Gravity Falls: Six Strange Tales the gorgeous and thrilling Hiiro no Kakera. skills as big as his heart...and his stomach. Always ready to If you meet forest gnomes disguised as zombies, dig up a Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Dra- fight for what’s right, Po and the Furious Five-Tigress, mysterious old journal filled with secrets and ciphers, or ma, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Monkey, Mantis, Crane and Viper-face exotic dangers at encounter spooky hijinks at the local condemned convenience every turn, including a pair of magic shoes with an evil „sole,“ store, you’ve just crossed over into... Gravity Falls, where Television 325min. and Scorpion, one of the sharpest villains in all the land! there’s always something peculiar going on! Join 12-year-old Section23 Films 05.11.2013 Action, Animated Animals, Animation, Dipper and Mabel Pines as they explore the oddest spot 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118688 on the map. Shipped off to spend the summer with their gruff Children’s, Comedy, Computer Animation, Great-Uncle („Grunkle“) Stan - who runs the tacky tourist Family, Martial Arts, Nickelodeon, Television trap, „Mystery Shack“ - the kids uncover mysterious Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas 2013 154min. surprises, unsurpassed silliness and supernatural shenanigans lurking around every corner of the deceptively Special 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray 20th Century Fox 15.10.2013 sleepy little town. Packed with over two hours of hilarious + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119085 adventures, irreverent humor and quirky, unforgettable characters, Gravity Falls: Six Strange Tales is a trippy trip Denis Leary, John Leguizamo, Queen into your family’s fun zone! Latifah, Ray Romano, Chris Wedge : Megaset Animation, Comedy, Disney, Fantasy, Tele- PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which When Superheroes are off saving the world, it’s time to root vision min. is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. for the bad guys who want to destroy it. Ladies and gentlemen: A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all the League of Super Evil! L.O.S.E. for short, are bad guys, but Disney / Buena Vista 15.10.2013 standard Blu-ray players. Have you herd the news? Your not your ordinary dangerous bad guys. They have no powers, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119018 favorite sub-zero heroes are back in an all-new holiday no skills, no money and the worst thing they’ve done is irritate adventure for the whole family! When Sid accidentally their neighbors. They experience defeat at every turn, but destroys Manny’s heirloom Christmas rock and ends up on somehow L.O.S.E. still finds a way to claim victory. Led by The Halloween Stories Santa’s „naughty list,“ he leads a hilarious quest to the North self-proclaimed mastermind Voltar, L.O.S.E. includes muscle- Collection: Volume Two Pole to make things right and ends up making things much bound nice-guy Red Menace, Mad Scientist Doktor Frogg and worse. Now it’s up to Manny and his prehistoric posse to inter-dimensional hell-hound Doomageddon. L.O.S.E. spends Celebrate Halloween with 14 stories perfect for early and band together and save Christmas for the entire world! their time trying to take over the world...and fail hysterically pre-readers! Encourage creativity and music appreciation at it. Grab a seat, put on your favorite hand-made cape and with the classic sing-along Dem Bones, learn about Latin Animated Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, Blu- join L.O.S.E. in 52 (innocently) evil episodes of mischief, American holidays with The Day of the Dead, and delight in ray 3D, Children’s, Christmas, Computer mayhem and laughs. the not-so-scary stories of Teeny-Tiny and the Witch-Woman. Animation, Family, Holidays, Movies 2011 Animation, Comedy, Family, Television min. Animation, Book-To-Film, Children’s, Family, min. New Video DVD 08.10.2023 Holidays min. 20th Century Fox 08.10.2013 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119026 Scholastic 10.09.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118729 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118620 The Life & Adventures Of Santa The Jungle Book: Return 2 The Claus / Opus N’ Bill In A Wish For Happy Feet / Happy Feet Two Jungle (Double Feature) Wings That Work (Double Fea- Jimmy Hibbert, Emma Tate ture) , Elijah Wood, Anthony Rudyard Kipling’s classic characters are swinging back into LaPaglia, Magda Szubanski, Brittany action in The Jungle Book: Return 2 the Jungle. Mowgli plans Hal Holbrook, Robby Benson, - to visit his family with Baloo and Bagheera, but Baloo gets Dir. Glen Hill Murphy, Hugo Weaving, Steve Irwin, Hugh distracted by a bee hive and gets left behind. Meanwhile, Jackman, Robin Williams - Dir. George Miller Shere Kahn forces Tabaqui to make friends with the wolf cubs Animation, Book-To-Film, Children’s, Emperor penguins are born to sing. All except young Mumble, and lure them to his lair. After an exciting showdown, Mowgli, Christmas, Double Features, Family, who was born to dance - tap dance - in the Academy Award Bagheera and the cubs escape. Join Mowgli, Baloo and Fantasy, Holidays, Movies min. winner Happy Feet. Mumble is back in Happy Feet Two, and friends with over 60 minutes of jungle fun in an adventure he has a fluffy new addition to his huddle: a son named ! that’s fun for the entire pack. Universal Studios 15.10.2013 It’s now up to Erik to find his groove in a world where singing Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119017 and dancing rule! Children’s, Family, Movies 68min. Academy Award Winners, Adventure, Phase 4 Films 03.09.2013 Little Brother, Big Trouble: A Animals & Nature, Animated Animals, Ani- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118308 mation, Comedy, Computer Animation, Dan- Christmas Adventure cing, Double Features, Family, Movies On Christmas Eve, Niko the young reindeer must find his little Justice League: The Flashpoint brother who has gone missing. But in order to save 207min. Christmas, it’s going to take a lot of help from Niko’s friends Warner Bros. 19.11.2013 Paradox - Special Edition in order to save the day. While on his epic journey to save his brother, Niko learns the importance of friendship and family, in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118747 Cary Elwes, Dana Delany, , this heartwarming Holiday tale that all ages will enjoy. Kevin McKidd, Kevin Conroy, C. Thomas Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Hiiro No Kakera: The Complete Howell, Danny Huston, Justin Chambers, Christmas, Comedy, Family, Holidays 2012 Second Season Nathan Fillion, Michael B. Jordan - Dir. Jay 75min. After battling dangerous creatures once existing only in Oliva Lionsgate 29.10.2013 legend, Princess Tamaki begins to deal with her uncertain We all wish for the chance to go back in time and change the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118890 future as the new Tamayori Princess. Once she claims her things, for , that coveted chance is within reach. He rightful place as the protector of the universe, high school traverses time to right a violent, decades-past crime against will seem like a breeze. But whether she lives to accept that his mother, but the ripples of his good intentions prove Little Busters!: The Complete future is another matter altogether. Her five guardians- disastrous, as a fractured, alternate reality now exists in handsome, powerful young men of great power and undeniable place of the familiar one. Stumbling through this twisted Collection loyalty-have vowed to sacrifice everything to protect her. But reality where even Superman is nowhere to be found, The When tragedy struck Riki Naoe as a child, he was rescued are any of them able to deal with a traitor in their midst? And Flash seeks the trusted wisdom of Batman, only to find a from grief over his parent’s deaths when four other kids how can anyone deal with such important issues while still grittier, more violent Dark Knight in his place. Together with „recruited“ him for their group - the „Little Busters.“ Now in carrying a high GPA? Sorcery and school conflict collide in the help of Cyborg, they race to restore the continuity of high school, Riki and the other Busters are still fast friends, the gorgeous and thrilling Hiiro no Kakera. Flash’s original timeline while this new world is ravaged by a and though their vision of being heroes for justice may have Adventure, Animation, Anime, Drama, fierce war between Wonder Woman’s Amazons and the faded, they’d still do anything for each other. Which is why Atlanteans, led by a battle hardened Aquaman. With breath Riki is now on TWO special missions. The not so secret one: Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- taking action and an all-star voice cast featuring Kevin recruiting new members so the Busters can form a baseball sion 325min. Conroy, C. Thomas Howell and Dana Delany, it’s a bold, team. Preferably Female recruits, as the current dude/babe Section23 Films 05.11.2013 emotional vision that will forever change the landscape of the ratio is an inconvenient 4 to 1. The Other mission though, DC Universe! that’s the strange one. Because Riki and Rin, the group’s 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118650 Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On singular girl, are receiving odd messages, delivered by cats, Comic Book, Movies, Superheroes 2013 concerning the existence of a „secret world“ and assigning Hiiro No Kakera: The Complete them tasks they have to complete. Were their youthful dreams 81min. of being crusaders not so fanciful after all? Or is there Second Season (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 10.09.2013 something even more vital at stake? Between steeling his After battling dangerous creatures once existing only in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118853 courage to talk to girls and dealing with his own narcolepsy, legend, Princess Tamaki begins to deal with her uncertain Riki may just need the strength of a superhero to solve the future as the new Tamayori Princess. Once she claims her ultimate mystery of the Little Busters! rightful place as the protector of the universe, high school Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Animation, Anime, Drama, Foreign, Interna-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 17 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA tional TV, Japanese, Romance, Television Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Dra- 325min. ma, Foreign, International TV, Japanese Mulan: Rise Of A Warrior (Blu-ray Section23 Films 19.11.2013 min. + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118656 Funimation 17.09.2013 Action, Blu-ray, Chinese, Epics, Foreign, 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118526 Movies, War min. Little Busters!: The Complete Funimation 03.09.2013 Collection (Blu-ray) Mobile Gundam Unicorn: Part 3 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118521 When tragedy struck Riki Naoe as a child, he was rescued Just as the conflict at Torrington Base was at its end, a from grief over his parent’s deaths when four other kids mysterious black Unicorn Gundam descends onto the „recruited“ him for their group - the „Little Busters.“ Now in battlefield. Banagher, still struggling with the death of Loni My Little Pony: Friendship Is high school, Riki and the other Busters are still fast friends, Garvey, is unprepared for its assault and is quickly taken Magic - A Pony For Every Season and though their vision of being heroes for justice may have captive. When he awakes, he finds himself aboard the faded, they’d still do anything for each other. Which is why Federation ship Ra Cailum. It seems that the Vist Foundation The studious Twilight Sparkle may have learned the true Riki is now on TWO special missions. The not so secret one: is actively assisting the Federation in their recovery of meaning and value of friendship through the amazing bonds recruiting new members so the Busters can form a baseball Laplace’s Box. Beyond this, he’s shocked to find that the pilot she’s formed with every pony throughout the seasons in team. Preferably Female recruits, as the current dude/babe of the black Unicorn Gundam is none other than Marida Cruz. Ponyville, but the lessons keep on coming as they experience ratio is an inconvenient 4 to 1. The Other mission though, As the final coordinates to Laplace’s Box are being it all from Summer to Winter to Fall and Spring! Join Twilight that’s the strange one. Because Riki and Rin, the group’s uncovered, a race has already begun! But who will be the Spark and her friends - Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Apple singular girl, are receiving odd messages, delivered by cats, Box’s inheritor? Will it be Full Frontal, whose plans for the Jack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and little Spike - as they embark on 6 concerning the existence of a „secret world“ and assigning Box still remain shrouded in mystery? Or will the Earth more exciting adventures through every season. them tasks they have to complete. Were their youthful dreams Federation take possession and destroy the Spacenoid Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, of being crusaders not so fanciful after all? Or is there people’s chance for independence forever? Famed writer Family, Fantasy, Friendships, Horses, Tele- something even more vital at stake? Between steeling his Harutoshi Fukui’s Gundam saga continues! courage to talk to girls and dealing with his own narcolepsy, Action, Animation, Anime, Drama, Fantasy, vision 132min. Riki may just need the strength of a superhero to solve the Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Shout Factory 19.11.2013 ultimate mystery of the Little Busters! Science Fiction, Television 120min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118672 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, Right Stuf 05.11.2013 International TV, Japanese, Romance, Tele- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119066 Nakaimo: My Little Sister Is vision 325min. Section23 Films 19.11.2013 Among Them - The Complete 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118691 Monster High: 13 Wishes Collection It’s a new school year at Monster High, and the little sister of Is insanity hereditary? Shougo Mikadono’s beginning to think Clawdeen Wolf, Howleen, is determined to be more fangtastic so, because the terms of his late father’s will seem crazy and Looney Tunes: Super Stars - 3 than ever. Her dream of popularity turns out to be easier than following them may drive Shougo bonkers as well. Oh, it Pack anyone imagined when she stumbles upon a genie named Gigi sounds simple at first: before Shougo can claim his VERY Grant who grants her not 3, but 13 wishes! But the ghouls large inheritance, he just has to start attending a certain new Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, quickly learn to be scareful what you wish for, because each school and find a nice girl to marry. It’s a little unromantic, but Classics, Comedy, Family, Television, Triple wish comes with a dark side, and soon the student disem-body perfectly do-able, right? After all, all the girls seem quite of Monster High is turned upside-down! Join Frankie Stein, friendly, so all Shougo has to do is find one he has something Feature min. Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura and the rest of their creeperiffic in common with. Except, and here’s the kicker, it turns out that Warner Bros. 15.10.2013 ghoulfriends as they journey deep inside the magic lantern to Shougo has WAY too much in common with one of them, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118856 save the very soul of Monster High... while flashing their because she’s actually his long lost sister! And he has no killer style every step of the way! idea which one she is! Will Shougo meet and court his Miss Animation, Children’s, Family, Ghosts, High Right without committing something very morally wrong? Can Lost And Found School, Movies, TV Movies 74min. he find his future bride without slipping into the wrong set of Lost and Found tells the story of a little Boy who one day Universal Studios 08.10.2013 genes? And if his little sister does reveal herself, just how finds a Penguin on his doorstep. Although at first he is unsure much will be revealed and under what circumstances? Find what to do, the Boy becomes determined to help the Penguin 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118347 out as family planning takes on a whole new meaning in find his way back home... Even if that means rowing all the Nakaimo: My Little Sister is Among Them! way to the South Pole! Monster High: 13 Wishes (Blu-ray Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Animation, Children’s, Family, Movies 2008 Japanese, Television 325min. min. + DVD + Digital Copy + Section23 Films 12.11.2013 E1 Entertainment 15.10.2013 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118652 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118867 It’s a new school year at Monster High, and the little sister of Clawdeen Wolf, Howleen, is determined to be more fangtastic than ever. Her dream of popularity turns out to be easier than Nakaimo: My Little Sister Is Merry Mischief Collection anyone imagined when she stumbles upon a genie named Gigi Among Them - The Complete Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Grant who grants her not 3, but 13 wishes! But the ghouls quickly learn to be scareful what you wish for, because each Collection (Blu-ray) Christmas, Family, Holidays 186min. wish comes with a dark side, and soon the student disem-body Is insanity hereditary? Shougo Mikadono’s beginning to think Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 of Monster High is turned upside-down! Join Frankie Stein, so, because the terms of his late father’s will seem crazy and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118328 Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura and the rest of their creeperiffic following them may drive Shougo bonkers as well. Oh, it ghoulfriends as they journey deep inside the magic lantern to sounds simple at first: before Shougo can claim his VERY save the very soul of Monster High... while flashing their large inheritance, he just has to start attending a certain new Michiko To Hatchin: Complete killer style every step of the way! school and find a nice girl to marry. It’s a little unromantic, but Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, perfectly do-able, right? After all, all the girls seem quite Series - Part One - Alternate Art Ghosts, High School, Movies, TV Movies friendly, so all Shougo has to do is find one he has something (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) in common with. Except, and here’s the kicker, it turns out that 74min. Shougo has WAY too much in common with one of them, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Dra- Universal Studios 08.10.2013 because she’s actually his long lost sister! And he has no ma, Foreign, Japanese 320min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118350 idea which one she is! Will Shougo meet and court his Miss Right without committing something very morally wrong? Can Funimation 17.09.2013 he find his future bride without slipping into the wrong set of 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118525 Monsters Vs. Aliens: Cloning genes? And if his little sister does reveal herself, just how much will be revealed and under what circumstances? Find Around (DVD + Digital Copy + out as family planning takes on a whole new meaning in Michiko To Hatchin: Complete Game App) Nakaimo: My Little Sister is Among Them! Series - Part One - Limited Editi- Get ready for a world of hilarious monster mischief and alien Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- on (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- antics in this all-new animated TV series inspired by tional TV, Japanese, Television 325min. DreamWorks Animation’s ginormous hit movie Monsters vs. Section23 Films 12.11.2013 ray) Aliens. Join team leader Susan, muscle-bound Link, ingenious Dr. Cockroach, Ph.D., and B.O.B., the gelatinous blob, as the 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118690 Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Dra- residents of the government containment area embark on fun- ma, Foreign, Japanese 320min. filled adventures under the not-too-watchful eye of General Naruto Shippuden: Volume 16 Monger! Funimation 17.09.2013 In the aftermath of the attack on the village, Naruto and 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118524 Action, Adventure, Aliens, Animation, Sakura are shocked to discover that Danzo has been selected Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Giant as the new Hokage. And his first order of business involves Michiko To Hatchin: Complete Monsters!, Monsters, Nickelodeon, Science Team 7’s own Rogue Ninja Sasuke! Then, the Kage from each Fiction, Television 2013 176min. village gather for a summit in the Land of Iron, and Naruto Series - Part Two (Blu-ray + DVD seeks a pardon for Sasuke from the Raikage. But the cycle of 20th Century Fox 15.10.2013 hatred runs deep in the shinobi world, and while the Five Combo) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119084 Kage discuss how to deal with the Akatsuki, the mysterious one calling himself Madara steps forward to reveal truths that

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 18 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA will turn Naruto’s world upside down! Section23 Films 05.11.2013 Rise Of The Guardians: Holiday Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118651 Based On Comic Book, Fantasy, Foreign, Edition (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital International TV, Japanese, Science TV: Collection Three Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Fiction, Television, Thrillers min. Alec Baldwin, Jude Law, , Viz Entertainment 08.10.2013 (Blu-ray) Isla Fisher, Chris Pine - Dir. Peter Ramsey 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118389 With Kanuka having returned to New York, the search is on DreamWorks’ newest animated adventure is a fun-filled and for her replacement as Ohta’s backup, and the pressure on magical story about the legendary guardians - Jack Frost, the Shinshi to step up is so severe that he contemplates leaving Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Sandman - The New Three Stooges: The for a civilian job. At the same time, the powers that be are together for the first time! When the evil Pitch threatens to taking the opportunity to make some other sweeping changes take over the world, it’s up to our beloved heroes to protect Complete Cartoon Collection as well, introducing an experienced new member to the team the hopes and dreams of children everywhere. Filled with in the form of Takeo Kumagami. However, the addition of non-stop action and laughs, it’s a dazzling family film that’s Larry Fine, Moe Howard, Curly Joe DeRita another female to the SV2 is the least of Noa’s problems, as a The New Three Stooges premiered in 1965 and featured being hailed as „an instant classic. You will believe.“ (Nancy, new series of stunning Labor-related crimes rapidly escalates Jay, Daybreak, USA) animated cartoons with the voices of the Stooges - Larry, Moe into an all out war against the Mobile Police. Unlike any and Curly Joe - as well as real footage ‘wraparounds’ of the previous encounters, the SV2 are now up against a superior Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, three comedy greats performing short skits to accompany the form of Labor and possibly even better pilots! And just to make Family, Fantasy, Magic, Movies 2012 97min. cartoons. Now, for the first time ever and marking the 49th the disaster complete, the Police Chief’s proposed new DreamWorks Home Ent. 05.11.2013 anniversary of the show, this collection features all 156 economic move to cheaper Labors may ultimately result in the cartoons, plus all 40 live action sequences exactly as they scrapping of Division 2’s Ingrams. As the terrifying Griffin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118825 originally aired. Perfect for collectors as well as the entire stalks the streets and skies of Tokyo, the Second Special family, this special embossed package also includes a Bonus Vehicles Division must fight a battle for survival on multiple Rooster Teeth: Best Of All Fails CD featuring 12 kids sing-along songs and 11 Christmas fronts in the third riveting volume of Mobile Police PatLabor songs performed by the Stooges. TV: Collection 3~~! Of The Weak - Halo Edition Animation, Classics, Collections, Comedy, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- Fails Of The Weak: Halo Edition is a hilarious video Family, Slapstick, Television 1965 1144min. tional TV, Japanese, Robots / Androids, collection of mess-ups, bloopers, accidental deaths, vehicular Madacy 15.10.2013 carnage, ill-timed explosions, and other ridiculous moments Science Fiction, Television, War 300min. from gamers from around the world. AchievementHunter.com 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118755 Section23 Films 05.11.2013 stars Geoff Ramsey and Jack Pattillo provide their own 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118689 unique brand of comedic commentary over hysterical user- NFL Rush Zone: Season Of The submitted gameplay taken from the blockbuster video game series Halo®. Interviews with the entire Achievement Guardians - Volume One Phineas And Ferb: Mission Hunter cast round out this collection of the greatest game fails Thirty-two NFL teams, the power and energy of each Marvel ever assembled. embodied in their Megacore. In the wrong hands, this energy Animation, Based On Video Game, Comedy could threaten our very existence. The safety of the world Excelsior! the fate of the Tri-State area - and the world - 60min. depends on an unlikely group of heroes, known as the hangs in the balance as Agent P and Danville’s most dynamic Guardians. Enter..the Rush Zone, where 6 chosen kids suit duo team up with four of Marvel’s greatest Super Heroes in New Video DVD 10.09.2013 up and become powerful Guardians that will fight evil to one awesome full-length adventure. It’s thwarted business as 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118614 protect the Megacore of each NFL team! usual for Dr. Doofenshmirtz - until a blast from his „Power- Animation, Children’s, Football, NFL, Drain-Inator“ ricochets off of Phineas and Ferb’s space station, hitting Spider-Man, Iron Man, the Hulk and Thor. Ruby Gloom: Amo El Rock & Roll Sports, Television 132min. Now the kids must restore the Super Heroes’ lost powers Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Family 2013 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 12.11.2013 before a group of dastardly super-villains destroy the planet! 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118664 Fortunately, Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. are also on the case, together with O.W.C.A.’s top agent, Perry the Platypus. Phase 4 Films 10.09.2013 Aren’t Phineas & Ferb a little too young to help avert a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119115 Ninja Nonsense potential disaster? Yes. Yes they are! Bursting with original songs and six additional episodes, Phineas And Ferb: Missi- Take one totally cute (and naive) ninja-girl trainee, add a on Marvel is a must-own, action-packed event of heroic Ruby Gloom: Gloommates ninja horde under the tutelage of the weirdest headmaster proportions! ever - a strange, yellow, spherical, pudgy... creature named In a Victorian mansion on the outskirts of Gloomsville lives Onsokumaru - and you get the kind of „super-explosive ninja Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Ruby Gloom. Some kids might be afraid of the dark, the insanity“ that can only be found in what’s been called „the Children’s, Comedy, Disney, Disney eccentric neighbours and the unknown things that dwell in the runaway nuclear reactor“ of anime comedies! Channel, Family, Television 143min. closet, but Ruby is different - she befriends these strange and Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Inter- sometimes scary creatures. Ruby’s perfect day is a gloomy Disney / Buena Vista 01.10.2013 one, full of creativity and adventure with her offbeat circle of national TV, Japanese, Television 320min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118444 friends. After Iris and Squig mistakenly crash into Skull Boy’s Right Stuf 05.11.2013 Tower, Skull Boy moves in with Poe until the Tower can be 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119065 fixed. However, Poe’s many eccentricities challenge Skull Pound Puppies: Holiday Hijinks Boy’s ability to among other things get a good night’s sleep. A pup for every person and a person for every pup.“ That’s Anxious to sleep in his own room he returns to the Tower only One Piece: Season Five - Second the motto of the Pound Puppies, a team of fearless dogs whose to find that Iris and Misery have each had a turn at sworn mission is to find homes for lonely puppies. They only redesigning his room more to their specifications than his. Voyage look like regular dogs. In fact, these pooches are dogs of With bags under his eyes that come with their own Red Cap Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, action who match up pups with loving families - while they Ruby finally prevails and returns his room to it’s original keep at Shelter 17 clueless. Sometimes dogs are design. And not a moment too soon. Skull Boy was almost Comedy, Foreign, International TV, dogs’ best friend. getting used to Poe’s way of life - almost. Japanese, Television 320min. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Family Funimation 03.09.2013 Children’s, Family, Holidays, Television 92min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118507 100min. Phase 4 Films 10.09.2013 Shout Factory 05.11.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118311 PatLabor TV: Collection Three 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118661 With Kanuka having returned to New York, the search is on Ruby Gloom: Grounded In for her replacement as Ohta’s backup, and the pressure on Shinshi to step up is so severe that he contemplates leaving Rise Of The Guardians: Holiday Gloomsville for a civilian job. At the same time, the powers that be are Edition In a Victorian mansion on the outskirts of Gloomsville lives taking the opportunity to make some other sweeping changes Ruby Gloom. Some kids might be afraid of the dark, the as well, introducing an experienced new member to the team Alec Baldwin, Jude Law, Hugh Jackman, eccentric neighbours and the unknown things that dwell in the in the form of Takeo Kumagami. However, the addition of Isla Fisher, Chris Pine - Dir. Peter Ramsey closet, but Ruby is different - she befriends these strange and another female to the SV2 is the least of Noa’s problems, as a DreamWorks’ newest animated adventure is a fun-filled and sometimes scary creatures. Ruby’s perfect day is a gloomy new series of stunning Labor-related crimes rapidly escalates magical story about the legendary guardians - Jack Frost, the one, full of creativity and adventure with her offbeat circle of into an all out war against the Mobile Police. Unlike any Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Sandman - friends. The gang is shocked to discover that Scaredy Bat previous encounters, the SV2 are now up against a superior together for the first time! When the evil Pitch threatens to has never actually flown due to nerves and a „woozy“ form of Labor and possibly even better pilots! And just to make take over the world, it’s up to our beloved heroes to protect reaction to heights. Ruby takes the lead as they try to help the disaster complete, the Police Chief’s proposed new the hopes and dreams of children everywhere. Filled with him conquer his fear. But it’s not until Scaredy Bat finds a economic move to cheaper Labors may ultimately result in the non-stop action and laughs, it’s a dazzling family film that’s good reason to fly that he actually learns he can - when his scrapping of Division 2’s Ingrams. As the terrifying Griffin being hailed as „an instant classic. You will believe.“ (Nancy, friend Ruby is in danger and he has to save her. stalks the streets and skies of Tokyo, the Second Special Jay, Daybreak, USA) Vehicles Division must fight a battle for survival on multiple Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Family fronts in the third riveting volume of Mobile Police PatLabor Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, 92min. TV: Collection 3~~! Fantasy, Magic, Movies 2012 97min. Phase 4 Films 10.09.2013 Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, DreamWorks Home Ent. 05.11.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118536 Japanese, Robots / Androids, Science 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118801 Fiction, Television, War 300min. Ruby Gloom: Happiest Girl In The

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World This new Peanuts collection features three evergreen Peanuts Holiday titles: I Want A Dog For Christmas, Charlie In a Victorian mansion on the outskirts of Gloomsville lives Scholastic Storybook Treasures: Brown, Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tales and Happiness Ruby Gloom. Some kids might be afraid of the dark, the is...Peanuts: Snow Days. eccentric neighbours and the unknown things that dwell in the Starter Library - Volume One closet, but Ruby is different - she befriends these strange and You can build the perfect library with The Starter Library Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, sometimes scary creatures. In fact, Ruby finds them all featuring Curious George, bringing classic stories and Christmas, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, delightful. She pays no attention to their unusual fairytales to life for kids ages 2-8. Curious George and the Holidays 129min. appearances, perceptive only to their hearts and souls. As man in the yellow hat explore curiosity and responsibility, Ruby likes to point out „Always look on the bright side - Maurice Sendak encourages imagination in Where the Wild Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 unless of course the dark side is your bright side and that’s Things Are, and creativity abounds with Harold and the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118329 okay too!“ Ruby’s perfect day is a gloomy one, full of Purple Crayon. creativity and adventure with her offbeat circle of friends. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, SpongeBob SquarePants: It’s A Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Family Book-To-Film, Children’s, Collections, 92min. Family, Fantasy min. SpongeBob Christmas! Phase 4 Films 10.09.2013 Scholastic 10.09.2013 (Repackage) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118537 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118621 Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke It’s SpongeBob, Patrick, Plankton, and Bikini Bottom - as Ruby Gloom: I Heart Rock & Roll never seen before - in this soon-to-be classic! At Scholastic Storybook Treasures: Christmastime in Bikini Bottom, everyone’s excited. Well, In a Victorian mansion on the outskirts of Gloomsville lives Starter Library - Volume Two everyone except Plankton who, year after year, gets the same Ruby Gloom. Some kids might be afraid of the dark, the gift from Santa: a lump of coal. But he vows this will be the eccentric neighbours and the unknown things that dwell in the You can build the perfect library with The Starter Library year he finally gets his Christmas wish: the Krabby Patty closet, but Ruby is different - she befriends these strange and Featuring Splat The Cat, bringing classic stories and formula! And he won’t be doing it by being good. Nope. He’s sometimes scary creatures. In fact, Ruby finds them all fairytales to life for kids ages 2-8. Understand the meaning of gonna make everyone else in Bikini Bottom bad! delightful. She pays no attention to their unusual friendship with Splat the Cat, gain music appreciation with appearances, perceptive only to their hearts and souls. As The Wheels on the Bus and have tons of fun learning letters Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Family, Ruby likes to point out „Always look on the bright side - and numbers with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Holidays, Nickelodeon, Television 2012 min. unless of course the dark side is your bright side and that’s Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Nickelodeon 15.10.2013 okay too!“ Ruby’s perfect day is a gloomy one, full of creativity and adventure with her offbeat circle of friends. Book-To-Film, Children’s, Collections, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118529 Welcome to Gloomsville! It’s gloomy but Ruby loves it. Join Family, Fantasy min. Ruby and her friends as they rock out at Glamapalooza. Scholastic 10.09.2013 Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Family 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118640 92min. Complete Season Five Action, Adventure, Animation, Computer Phase 4 Films 10.09.2013 Scooby-Doo And The Snow 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118538 Animation, Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Creatures Star Wars, Television 506min. Chill out as Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. crew solve 3 Warner Bros. 15.10.2013 Ruby Gloom: Tooth Or Dare cold and frosty cases! When the contestants at a way-cool In a Victorian mansion on the outskirts of Gloomsville lives snowboarding contest are suspiciously sidelines, Scooby- 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118623 Ruby Gloom. Some kids might be afraid of the dark, the Doo and the kids investigate - and discover the chilling fact eccentric neighbours and the unknown things that dwell in the that There’s No Creatures Like Snow Creature! In A Scooby- Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The closet, but Ruby is different - she befriends these strange and Doo Christmas, Scooby-Doo and crew set out to melt the sometimes scary creatures. Ruby’s perfect day is a gloomy ferocious Frosty and save the day. And finally, a ski vacation Complete Season Five (Blu-ray) one, full of creativity and adventure with her offbeat circle of turns into a scarefest when Scooby and Shaggy meet up with friends. Scaredy Bat is terrified at the prospect of losing his the ghost of an abominable snowman. To find out if it’s all a Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, wisdom tooth for fear of losing all his wisdom. He’s even more snow job, the entire gang hits the slopes in search of clues in Computer Animation, Family, Fantasy, terrified of a scary tooth fairy coming in the night to snatch his ~~That’s Snow Ghost. Science Fiction, Star Wars, Television tooth. The gang try to convince him things will be okay, and Animated Feature Films, Animation, try helping him get rid of the aching tooth. Finally, the tooth 506min. comes out and Scaredy is nervous to go to sleep. The tooth Children’s, Family, Mystery, Television min. Warner Bros. 15.10.2013 fairy does visit that night - but turns out, she’s more timid than Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118637 he is and never wanted to be in the tooth exchange biz to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118390 begin with. Eventually the two become fast friends and „Milly“ and soon Scaredy helps her to realize that her fairy job really Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a worthwhile vocation - and as Milly gets ready to return to The Smurfs Christmas Carol Volumes - 3 Pack her fairy post, she points out that Scaredy couldn’t have los Smurf the halls! It’s Christmas time in Smurf Village! ’Tis the Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Fantasy season that brings joy to all the Smurfs...except one: Grouchy Action, Adventure, Animation, Computer min. Smurf. When Grouchy Smurf says „Bah-Humbug“ to the Animation, Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Christmas spirit, it’s up to Papa Smurf’s magic potion and Phase 4 Films 10.09.2013 three enchanted Smurfs to set things right. Can the Smurfs of Star Wars, Television, Triple Feature min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118539 Christmas Past, Present and Future teach Grouchy the real Warner Bros. 15.10.2013 meaning of Christmas before Smurf Village falls into the hands 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118862 of the evil Gargamel? It’s an all-new fun and heart-warming A Ruby Gloom: Welcome To Christmas Carol like you’ve never seen! Gloomsville Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Family, La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia: In a Victorian mansion on the outskirts of Gloomsville lives Fantasy, Holidays min. The Complete Collection Ruby Gloom and her off-beat circle of friends. Some kids Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Things are not going well for Felicitá. For years, the island of might be afraid of the dark, the eccentric neighbours and the 10.09.2013 Regalo, has been protected by her father’s „organization,“ the unknown things that dwell in the closet. But Ruby is different Arcana Tarocco, whose success is due in no small part to the - she befriends these strange and sometimes scary creatures. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118781 members’ unusual skills with Tarot Cards, not to mention the In fact Ruby finds them all delightful. She pays no attention to more usual guns and knives. But now, unexpectedly, her their unusual appearances, perceptive only to their hearts and The Smurfs: The Legend Of father has decided to retire and, while the fact that his souls. Ruby is the happiest girl in the world, always trying to position will be filled by the winner of a series of duels be cheerful in the face of gloom! Ruby’s perfect day is a Smurfy Hollow doesn’t worry Felicitiá, the fact that he’s decided to throw her gloomy one, full of creativity and adventure with her offbeat When Brainy Smurf is favored to win the annual Smurfberry into the contest as part of the prize certainly does. Especially circle of friends. Ruby Gloom is an ironic comedy with an since some of the contestants are her cousins, which is emphasis on the importance of friendship. Hunt for the ninth year in a row, Gutsy Smurf sets out to discover how Brainy wins every year. Gutsy’s investigation keeping things in the family WAY too much! Fortunately, our Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Family min. takes him into spooky Smurfy Hollow-and right into lady shark has two aces up her sleeve: as the head of the Phase 4 Films 10.09.2013 Gargamel’s trap! Can Brainy and Gutsy, with the help of Swords Division, she’s eligible to compete for herself; and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118540 Smurfette, put aside their rivalry before Gargamel captures with her favored Card, The Lovers, she can snoop into the them-or worse, they come face-to-face with the legendary minds of her would be suitors cum rivals. It’s just too bad they ghost, the Headless Horseman? Featuring the voice talents of have their own card tricks! Roll the Batchelorette, the Santa’s Magic Crystal Hank Azaria (Gargamel), (Gutsy), Fred Sopranos and that crazy gypsy from the fair into an insane Armisen (Brainy) and Anton Yelchin (Clumsy), who all reprise anime calzone, half-bake thoroughly and you’ve got a lot of Legend tells of a powerful crystal that makes it possible for spicy mayhem ahead in La Storia De Santa to multiply his efforts to distribute presents to children. their roles from the film, The Smurfs. But Santa’s evil twin brother has a diabolic plan to steal the Animation, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Comedy, crystal and ruin the holidays for children all over the world. Holidays min. Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- With the help of Santa’s elves, a young orphan must risk Sony Pictures Home Entertainment sion 325min. everything to save Christmas. Section23 Films 26.11.2013 Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Family, 10.09.2013 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118657 Fantasy, Holidays, Movies min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118782 Phase 4 Films 22.10.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118939 Snoopy’s Holiday Collection La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia:

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The Complete Collection (Blu- Animation, Children’s, Family, Television 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118406 ray) min. Things are not going well for Felicitá. For years, the island of Phase 4 Films 10.09.2013 Tiny Toon Adventures: Volume 4 Regalo, has been protected by her father’s „organization,“ the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118542 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Arcana Tarocco, whose success is due in no small part to the members’ unusual skills with Tarot Cards, not to mention the Comedy, Family, Television min. more usual guns and knives. But now, unexpectedly, her Tales From The Cryptkeeper: Warner Bros. 20.08.2013 father has decided to retire and, while the fact that his Transylvania Express 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119102 position will be filled by the winner of a series of duels doesn’t worry Felicitiá, the fact that he’s decided to throw her The Cryptkeeper opens his vault of tales once again for even into the contest as part of the prize certainly does. Especially more screams. All the shocks, scares and laughs continue, Tom And Jerry Movies (3 pack) since some of the contestants are her cousins, which is and as always leave you with something to think about by keeping things in the family WAY too much! Fortunately, our teaching you a lesson in his own ghoulish way. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, lady shark has two aces up her sleeve: as the head of the Animation, Children’s, Family, Television Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Swords Division, she’s eligible to compete for herself; and min. Movies, Triple Feature min. with her favored Card, The Lovers, she can snoop into the minds of her would be suitors cum rivals. It’s just too bad they Phase 4 Films 10.09.2013 Warner Bros. 15.10.2013 have their own card tricks! Roll the Batchelorette, the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118543 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118863 Sopranos and that crazy gypsy from the fair into an insane anime calzone, half-bake thoroughly and you’ve got a lot of spicy mayhem ahead in La Storia De Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tom And Jerry: Winter Wackiness Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Rise Of The Turtles (Repackage) Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy min. Japanese, Television 325min. mation, Based On Comic Book, Comedy, Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 Section23 Films 26.11.2013 Martial Arts, Movies, Nickelodeon, Science 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118392 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118692 Fiction, TV Movies 2012 145min. Nickelodeon 15.10.2013 Totally Spies Collection: Seasons Super Why!: Around The World 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118530 1 - 3 Adventure Sam, Alex and Clover are three typical high school girls and Thomas & Friends: 3-Movie Pack are, of course, the best of friends. But when they Animation, Children’s, Children’s / inadvertently stop an international crime in their very own Educational, Computer Animation, PBS, Animation, Children’s, Family, Movies, mall, their lives are suddenly changed forever. The girls Television min. Mystery, Stop Motion Animation, suddenly find themselves working as undercover spies for Jerry and the secret organization WOOHP, whose mission is PBS Home Video 19.06.2012 Transportation, Triple Feature 180min. to battle with the most outrageous super villains all around the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118857 Lionsgate 15.10.2013 world! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118888 Animation, Cartoon Network, Children’s, Super Why!: Attack Of The Eraser Family, Fantasy, girl power, Spies & Secret Animation, Children’s, Children’s / Thomas & Friends: Santa’s Little Agents, Television min. Educational, Computer Animation, PBS, Engine New Video DVD 08.10.2013 Television min. Ho Ho Ho! Thomas is full steam ahead as a Really Useful 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119029 PBS Home Video 02.01.2013 Reindeer, saving the day by guiding Santa’s sleigh straight to the Sodor Christmas celebration! When snowfall transforms Totally Spies: Season Two - Fame 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118860 the island of Sodor into a winter wonderland, Thomas discovers that being safe is the best route to holiday fun. & Fashion Super Why!: Humpty Dumpty And Percy makes everyone’s Christmas wishes come true and Sam, Clover and Alex are three Beverly Hills teens with Gordon discovers his friends’ special skills are the gifts that impressive abilities: they are super spies solving crimes on Other Fairytale Adventures keep on giving, all year long! Thomas delivers the true spirit an international scale, all while balancing daily life as high Animation, Children’s, Children’s / of the season as Santa’s Little Engine! school students! Top-secret missions are handed out by Jerry Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Family, Educational, Computer Animation, PBS, and The World Organization Of Human Protection (WOOHP) Holidays, Stop Motion Animation, Television, and the girls are whisked away to fight crime on ski trips, on Television min. Transportation min. a trivia TV show, and of course at the mall. The spies solve PBS Home Video 02.01.2012 mysteries and keep the world safe, and they still make time for Lionsgate 08.10.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118858 homework, dating and shopping. The adventures continue with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118416 these utterly fashionable students by day and international secret spies by night! Animation, Cartoon Network, Children’s, Super Why!: Under The Sea Tiger & Bunny: The Movie - The Animation, Children’s, Children’s / Family, Fantasy, girl power, Spies & Secret Educational, Computer Animation, PBS, Beginning Agents, Television min. In the metropolis of Stern Bild, there are heroes who wear the New Video DVD 08.10.2013 Television min. logos of sponsors and protect the city from danger. Their AIS 24.05.2011 exploits are broadcast on the popular HERO TV. Wild Tiger 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119028 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118861 (Kotetsu T. Kaburagi) is a veteran superhero past his peak who is ordered by his company to team up with the rookie Totally Spies: Season Two - hero Barnaby Brooks Jr. Can these two mismatched Swan Princess Christmas superheroes overcome their differences to protect the city? Secret Agents Princess Odette, Prince Derek and their trusted woodland Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Crime, Sam, Clover and Alex are three Beverly Hills high schoolers friends reunite in this all-new adventure for their first Foreign, International TV, Japanese, who are obsessed with fashion and boys, but who also have Christmas celebration together! As the prepares for a the huge responsibility of solving crimes and fighting villains festive holiday, the villainous Rothbart plots to destroy Movies, Science Fiction, Superheroes, TV as super-secret international spies! Together with their boss Christmas. Will the castle friends be able to stop Rothbart Movies min. Jerry and The World Organization Of Human Protection and save the day? Told in beautiful CG animation for the very Viz Entertainment 01.10.2013 (WOOHP) the teens are whisked away to different parts of first time and featuring music by Anna Graceman from TV’s the world to find kidnapped movie stars and boy band America’s Got Talent, The Swan Princess Christmas is an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118391 members, uncover secrets at the Winter Olympics and take enchanting musical holiday treat the whole family will enjoy! over the role of secret service for the President’s daughter. Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Family, Tiger & Bunny: The Movie - The Balancing schoolwork, activities and boyfriends with saving Holidays, Movies, TV Movies 94min. the world is business, but these three teens make it Beginning (Blu-ray) work in style! Sony Pictures Home Entertainment In the metropolis of Stern Bild, there are heroes who wear the Animation, Cartoon Network, Children’s, 08.10.2013 logos of sponsors and protect the city from danger. Their Family, Fantasy, girl power, Spies & Secret 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118633 exploits are broadcast on the popular HERO TV. Wild Tiger (Kotetsu T. Kaburagi) is a veteran superhero past his peak Agents, Television min. who is ordered by his company to team up with the rookie New Video DVD 08.10.2013 Tales From The Cryptkeeper: hero Barnaby Brooks Jr. Can these two mismatched 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119027 superheroes overcome their differences to protect the city? Myth Conception Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Get ready fright fans! The cartoon Cryptkeeper opens his We Without Wings: Season One - vault of tales once again for even more of your television Crime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, screams. All the Shocks, Scares and Laughs continue, and as Movies, Science Fiction, Superheroes, TV Alternate Art (Blu-ray + DVD Com- always leave you with something to think about by teaching Movies min. bo) (Blu-ray) you a lesson in his own ghoulish way... Each new „car-tomb“ provides thrills, chills and lessons when you watch! Viz Entertainment 01.10.2013 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy,

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Foreign, International TV, Japanese 300min. what it means to be a hero! Jin may be poor, but he lives a happy life with his grandfather, until the day tragedy strikes Funimation 03.09.2013 Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: Season One, and changes his life forever. Kouga, born into a wealthy 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118523 Volume One family, is in line to inherit his family’s power and fortune. But what is true strength? What does it really mean to be human? Meet Yugi and his best buds Joey, Tristan and Téa. They Jin and Kouga’s fates intertwine in their struggle to harness We Without Wings: Season One - share a love for the newest game that’s sweeping the nation: the power that lies within each of them! Duel Monsters! Legend has it five thousand years ago, Limited Edition (Blu-ray + DVD ancient Egyptian Pharaohs used to play a magical game very Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- Combo) (Blu-ray) similar to Duel Monsters. This ancient game involved magical tional TV, Japanese, Television 300min. ceremonies, which were used to foresee the future and Viz Entertainment 05.11.2013 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, ultimately decide one’s destiny. They called it the Shadow 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118883 Foreign, International TV, Japanese 300min. Games. Since the game used so many magical spells and ferocious creatures, it wasn’t long before the game got out of Funimation 03.09.2013 hand and threatened to destroy the world. Fortunately, a brave 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118522 Pharaoh stepped in and averted this cataclysm. Now, in present times, the game has been revived in the form of playing cards. Meanwhile, Yugi’s grandfather gives him an Winx Club: The Secret Of The old Egyptian puzzle that no one can solve, but when Yugu Film Lost Kingdom Movie (Repackage) finally pieces the puzzle together, his life is forever changed. It’s graduation day at Alfea, but Bloom has something else on Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, 10 Film Classic Horror Collection her mind. She’s determined to find her birth parents - no Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, , Peter Cushing, Christopher matter what! Now, on a fantastical journey that takes her and Japanese, Television min. the Winx Club to a strange planet with evil lurking around Lee, , Sandra Knight, Joseph every corner, Bloom will learn to trust her true friends. . . and New Video DVD 10.09.2013 Cotten, Barbara Steele, James Best, herself. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118612 George Zucco, Barbara Lass, Susan Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Fantasy, Cabot, Baruch Lumet, John Karlsen Nickelodeon, Television 2012 86min. Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: Season One, Collections, Horror, Movies, Vampires Nickelodeon 15.10.2013 Volume Two 754min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118531 Meet Yugi and his best buds Joey, Tristan and Téa. They Echo Bridge Home Entertainment share a love for the newest game that’s sweeping the nation: 08.10.2013 Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: The Best Duel Monsters! Legend has it five thousand years ago, ancient Egyptian Pharaohs used to play a magical game very 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119008 Of Collection similar to Duel Monsters. This ancient game involved magical Join Wubbzy and all of his Wuzzleburg friends in the biggest ceremonies, which were used to foresee the future and 100 Below Zero and best Wubbzy collection ever! Widget is the busiest ultimately decide one’s destiny. They called it the Shadow builder and fix-it whiz, Walden knows all about science and Games. Since the game used so many magical spells and Jeff Fahey art, Daizy is the sweet girly-girl next door and Wubbzy is the ferocious creatures, it wasn’t long before the game got out of When a chain of volcanic eruptions rips through Europe, the fun, lovable and curious little guy who is always looking to hand and threatened to destroy the world. Fortunately, a brave enormous ash cloud blocks out the sun, plunging the continent play, play, play! It’s the ultimate Wubb-fest with 28 total Pharaoh stepped in and averted this cataclysm. Now, in into a new ice age. An American couple must find their episodes and over 4.5 hours of fun, plus plenty of singing, present times, the game has been revived in the form of college-aged kids and get them out of Paris before it freezes dancing, coloring & activity sheets and more! playing cards. Meanwhile, Yugi’s grandfather gives him an over. Animation, Children’s, Family, Nickelodeon, old Egyptian puzzle that no one can solve, but when Yugu Action, Disasters, Movies, Science Fiction finally pieces the puzzle together, his life is forever changed. 2013 90min. Television 280min. Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, Asylum Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 Starz / Anchor Bay 01.10.2013 Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118686 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118646 Japanese, Television min. New Video DVD 10.09.2013 Yes, Virginia 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118613 100 Below Zero (Blu-ray) , Jennifer Love Hewitt, Neil Jeff Fahey When a chain of volcanic eruptions rips through Europe, the Patrick Harris, Beatrice Miller - Dir. Pete Yumeria: Complete Collection enormous ash cloud blocks out the sun, plunging the continent Circuitt Meet Tomokazu Mikuri, typical high school freshman: into a new ice age. An American couple must find their , 1897. A little girl named Virginia O’Hanlon certifiable loser, self-admitted pervert. Just an ordinary, college-aged kids and get them out of Paris before it freezes loves Christmas more than anything else in the world. But unmotivated slacker. In a word... boring! But when he falls over. when a schoolyard bully challenges her belief in Santa Claus, asleep on the eve of his 16th birthday, things start to change - Action, Blu-ray, Disasters, Movies, Science Virginia embarks on a quest across the city to prove he is big time! Tomokazu enters a fantastical dream world, where real. With her best friend Ollie in tow, Virginia meets he’s surrounded by a gaggle of gorgeous girls, oodles of Fiction 2013 90min. everyone from an overeager librarian to a Scraggly Santa otherworldly predators, and an ever-increasing influx of all- Asylum Home Entertainment 19.11.2013 raising money for the poor. Finally her father inspires her to out weirdness! (Did we already mention the gorgeous girls?) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118705 write a letter to the New York Sun newspaper, claiming „If you It’s a test of good versus evil, real world versus dream world, see it in the Sun, it’s so.“ Based on the true story of the most and lots of action-packed, scantily clad battles for the very famous newspaper editorial of all time, Yes, Virginia is a survival of mankind! Will Tomokazu save the world? Will he 12 Film Action: Volume Two charming and heartwarming tale about believing in the true finally get lucky? Or will he just die trying? The answer is spirit of Christmas. right here in the funny and freaky Yumeria! Sean Bean, Christian Bale, , Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Family, Animation, Anime, Based On Video Game, Emily Watson, , Daniel Craig, Fantasy, Holidays, Television, TV Movies Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Interna- Ben Affleck, Rose McGowan, Viggo 2009 min. tional TV, Japanese, Television 2004 Mortensen, Taye Diggs New Video DVD 10.09.2013 300min. Action, Collections, Drama, Movies, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118641 Section23 Films 12.11.2013 Science Fiction, Thrillers 1143min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118653 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: Season One 08.10.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119045 Meet Yugi and his best buds Joey, Tristan and Téa. They : The Complete Series share a love for the newest game that’s sweeping the nation: Jin and Kouga may come from very different walks of life, but Duel Monsters! Legend has it five thousand years ago, both boys are searching for the real meaning of justice and 13/13/13 ancient Egyptian Pharaohs used to play a magical game very what it means to be a hero! Jin may be poor, but he lives a similar to Duel Monsters. This ancient game involved magical happy life with his grandfather, until the day tragedy strikes Erin Coker, Trae Ireland - Dir. James Cullen ceremonies, which were used to foresee the future and and changes his life forever. Kouga, born into a wealthy Bressack ultimately decide one’s destiny. They called it the Shadow family, is in line to inherit his family’s power and fortune. But For millennia, calendars have added an extra day every four Games. Since the game used so many magical spells and what is true strength? What does it really mean to be human? years. In doing so, they have violated the ancient Mayan ferocious creatures, it wasn’t long before the game got out of Jin and Kouga’s fates intertwine in their struggle to harness calendar. Now, we are in the 13th month of the 13th year of hand and threatened to destroy the world. Fortunately, a brave the power that lies within each of them! the new millennium; and the few who survive will battle a Pharaoh stepped in and averted this cataclysm. Now, in world of demons. present times, the game has been revived in the form of Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, playing cards. Meanwhile, Yugi’s grandfather gives him an Japanese, Television 300min. Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies 2013 old Egyptian puzzle that no one can solve, but when Yugi Viz Entertainment 05.11.2013 90min. finally pieces the puzzle together, his life is forever changed. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118864 Asylum Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118684 Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Television min. Zetman: The Complete Series (Blu-ray) 13/13/13 (Blu-ray) New Video DVD 10.09.2013 For millennia, calendars have added an extra day every four 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118611 Jin and Kouga may come from very different walks of life, but years. In doing so, they have violated the ancient Mayan both boys are searching for the real meaning of justice and calendar. Now, we are in the 13th month of the 13th year of

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 22 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013

LASER HOTLINE Seite 23 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the new millennium; and the few who survive will battle a Dylan McDermott, Johnny Depp, Clint Wal- Millennium Entertainment 01.10.2013 world of demons. ker, Willie Nelson, James Van Der Beek, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118535 Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies 2013 Rachael Leigh Cook, Ashton Kutcher 90min. Action, Collections, Movies, Western Asylum Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Abducted 375min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118703 Jessica and Dave along with three other young couples are Echo Bridge Home Entertainment kidnapped in Griffith Park by unseen otherworldly abductors 03.09.2013 and must fight to escape certain death... only to discover that 21st Century Serial Killer the world will never be the same. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118315 Kidnapping, Movies, Science Fiction, Thril- Horror, Movies, Serial Killers min. lers 2013 85min. Allegro Entertainment 24.09.2013 5 Movie Faith & Family: Volume E1 Entertainment 15.10.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118978 One 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118865 3 Mega Monster Movies (Blu-ray) , , Jason London, Edward Asner, Chad Lowe, About Last Night / St. Elmo’s Fire Yoshiko Tanaka, Lorenzo Lamas, Deborah Marion Ross, Bruce Davison Gibson, Masanobu Takashima, Sarah (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Collections, Drama, Family, Movies, Religi- Lynch, Erin Sullivan - Dir. Kazuki Ohmori , James Belushi, Andie on/Spirituality 440min. Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Giant Monsters!, MacDowell, Martin Balsam, Rob Lowe, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Godzilla, Monsters, Movies, Thrillers, Triple Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, Elizabeth 01.10.2013 Feature 278min. Perkins, Andrew McCarthy, Marie 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119003 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Winningham, - Dir. Joel 29.10.2013 Schumacher, Edward Zwick 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118986 5 Movie Faith & Family: Volume Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Double Features, Two Drama, Friendships, Mid-Life Crisis, 4 Dead Girls , Dana Delany, , Movies, Romance 221min. When four college girls - Lily, her best friend Bianca, her Joseph Cross, Keith Carradine, Jason Image Ent. 01.10.2013 sister Lori and Lori’s lover Pam - move into their first off- Priestley, D.W. Moffett, Amy Grant, Robert 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118735 campus house together, the antics and tempers run high. What they don’t know is that the owner of their house is a hungry Ulrich Nalusa Chito - a soul taker - who eats the souls of evil Collections, Drama, Family, Movies, Religi- Absolutely Fabulous: The women. The landlord traps them inside the house, and a on/Spirituality 452min. Complete Series - Special Edition bloody fight to the death ensues. Only a woman who’s pure of heart is safe from the soul taker. Can any of the girls stand a Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Julia Sawalha, Jane Horrocks, Joanna chance? 01.10.2013 Lumley, June Whitfield, Jennifer Saunders - Comedy, Horror, Movies 2012 95min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119004 Dir. Mandie Fletcher Breaking Glass Pictures 08.10.2013 Indulge in the excess that is Absolutely Fabulous with this 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118710 6 Movie British Film Collection must-have release containing all five seasons, specials, and loads of lovely bonus features, including an exclusive Robert Downey Jr., Tom Conti, Thomas interview between producer John Plowman and June Whitfield 4 Disc Horror Collection Gibson, Anne Hathaway, Meredith Baxter, (Mother/Gran). This very special DVD collection comes in a super-luxe and limited edition faux (totally PC, sweetie) Dennis Quaid, Richard Jenkins, Ben Foster, Cari Shayne - Dir. Bobby Roth iguana skin clutch bag, complete with animal print metallic- Lloyd Owen, Timothy Olyphant, Radha Affairs & Love Triangles, British, look liner. Plus, seasons 1-3 have had a bit of „work“ done - Mitchell, Ryan Robbins, Chloe Grace Collections, Drama, Foreign, History & they have been remastered and are looking even more Moretz, Cung Le, Cam Gigandet, Warren Events, Movies, Romance, TV Movies fabulous than before! BBC, British, Comedy, / TV, Fa- Chrisite, Antje Traue - Dir. Matt Reeves, 675min. shion, Foreign, Friendships, Independent Christian Alvart Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Women, International TV, Television min. Collections, Fantasy, Horror, Movies, 10.09.2013 BBC Home Video 05.11.2013 Mystery, Science Fiction, Space, Thrillers, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118321 237,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118884 Vampires 412min. Starz / Anchor Bay 17.09.2013 8 Movie Family Adventure: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118642 The Adventures Of Robin Hood Volume Four Richard Gere, Alan Wheatley, Archie Mickey Rooney, , James 4 Movie Family Collection: Duncan Whitmore, Charlton Heston, , Classic television at its finest! Relive the adventures of Volume 3 Brennan, Graham Greene, Dan Robin Hood, Little John, Maid Marian and the Merry Men as they defend the villagers against evil Prince John and Sheriff Marlee Matlin, Joe Piscopo, C. Thomas Haggerty, Ron White, Bo Hopkins, Lee J. of Nottingham. Watch 26 episodes of The Adventures of Robin Howell, Dennis Weaver, George Hamilton, Campbell Hood in this special 6-DVD collector’s set-more than 10 Greg Evigan, Emma Samms, Lance Legault, Adventure, Collections, Family, Movies hours of entertainment for the whole family! Kathrin Lautner, Lauren Eckstrom, Rachel 693min. Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Crane, Perry Stephens - Dir. Corey Michael Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Television 1955 650min. Eubanks 08.10.2013 Film Chest Media Group 17.09.2013 Adventure, Animals & Nature, Collections, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118967 Family, Movies 308min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 8 Movie Western: Volume Seven After Effect 03.09.2013 , Woody Strode, George Daniel Baldwin 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118323 When 6 college students find themselves in desperate need of Eastman, Klaus Kinski, Geoffrey Lewis, cash, they sign up for what seems to be a paid research study. Anthony Steffen, George Hilton, Leonard They soon realize they have unknowingly volunteered their 4 Movie Family Collection: Mann, Gianni Garko, Giuliano Gemma bodies as human collateral in an ongoing covert U.S. Military experiment where the After Effect of a placebo drug turns the Volume 4 Action, Collections, Movies, Western subjects into zombies and escape is their only hope for Mia Sara, Pat Morita, Rod Steiger, Nicholas 735min. survival. Lea, , Mark Rendall, Debra Jo Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Action, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers Rupp, Emma Roberts - Dir. Martin Wood 08.10.2013 2012 92min. Adventure, Animals & Nature, Collections, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119044 E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 Family, Movies 361min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118806 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Abandoned Mine 03.09.2013 Alexa Vega, Reiley McClendon, Saige Against The Ropes 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118324 Thompson Meg Ryan, Omar Epps, , Joe Adventure, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Cortese, Charles S. Dutton, Kerry Wa- 4 Movies: Western Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers 96min. shington, Tim Daly - Dir. Charles S. Dutton

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 24 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Jackie Kallen isn’t’ fighting for glory. She’s fighting for American Horror Story: Asylum Comedy, Drama, FX, On The Job, Television respect. Inspired by a true story, Against The Ropes stars Meg Ryan as Kallen, a sassy, brassy manager-in-the-making , James Cromwell, Sarah 2013 506min. determined to change „Lethal“ Luther Shaw (Omar Epps) from Paulson, Evan Peters, Zachary Quinto Lionsgate 15.10.2013 a mere street punk into a world-class prizefighter. To help Step inside a madhouse of horror and experience the chilling 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118913 Shaw rise to the rank of number-one contender, Jackie new incarnation of TV’s most daringly provocative series. coaxes veteran trainer Felix Reynolds (Charles S. Dutton) The sins of the past haunt the present at the notorious out of retirement. But before they can all realize their dream of Briarcliff home for the criminally insane, ruled with an iron fist Anger Management: Season Two a championship bout, they must first learn what it takes to by Sister Jude. Forbidden desire and terrifying evil lurk (DVD + UltraViolet) stand in each other’s corner. It’s not about how far you fall, around every corner...from alien abduction to demonic it’s about how hard you fight back when you are Against The possession to a skin-wearing psychopath known as „Bloody Charlie Sheen, Shawnee Smith, Selma Ropes. Face.“ Emmy winner Jessica Lange leads an exceptional Blair, Derek Richardson, Noureen DeWulf , Boxing, Drama, Movies, Sports 2004 ensemble cast, including Zachary Qunito, James Cromwell Daniela Bobadilla 110min. and . „It’s genuinely, unrelentingly horrific and creepy“ (Time Magazine) and a „totally addictive“ (The The hilarious hit comedy Anger Management is back! Starring Paramount 24.09.2013 Washington Post) show. award winning actor, Charlie Sheen, Anger Management 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118375 Volume 2 follows Charlie Goodman, a non-traditional therapist Drama, FX, Haunted Houses, Horror, specializing in anger management. He has a successful Mystery, Supernatural & Paranormal, Tele- private practice, holding sessions with his group of primary All Babe Network vision 2012 2688min. patient regulars each week, as well as performing pro bono counseling for an inmate group at a state prison. His life is Mary Carey 20th Century Fox 08.10.2013 complicated by his relationships with his own therapist and A failing TV Station is revitalized when their Reality Show, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118832 best friend (Selma Blair), his ex-wife whose positive outlook Hoax Hunter, goes Topless in search of Bigfoot! All Babe but poor life- choices frustrate Charlie (Shawnee Smith), Network is another hilarious and sexy comedy spoof from their 15 year-old daughter who has OCD (Daniela Bobadilla), Retromedia Entertainment and stars the lovely Mary Carey, American Horror Story: Asylum and of course, his interfering and meddlesome father, Martin Jazy Berlin, and Christine Nguyen. (Blu-ray) (). Comedy, Erotica, Movies 81min. Comedy, Drama, FX, On The Job, Television Jessica Lange, James Cromwell, Sarah Retromedia 24.09.2013 2013 506min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118513 Paulson, Evan Peters, Zachary Quinto Step inside a madhouse of horror and experience the chilling Lionsgate 15.10.2013 new incarnation of TV’s most daringly provocative series. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118886 All Hallows’ Eve The sins of the past haunt the present at the notorious While babysitting two children on Halloween night, a young Briarcliff home for the criminally insane, ruled with an iron fist Animals woman finds an old VHS tape in the kids’ trick or treat bag. by Sister Jude. Forbidden desire and terrifying evil lurk The tape features three tales of terror, all linked together by a around every corner...from alien abduction to demonic Dimitri Leonidas, Augustus Prew murderous clown. As the night goes on strange things begin to possession to a skin-wearing psychopath known as „Bloody This very unconventional coming-of-age tale is an intoxicating occur in the house. It isn’t long before the babysitter learns Face.“ Emmy winner Jessica Lange leads an exceptional blend of fantasy and cold reality as it follows shy teenager’s the horrifying truth... the maniacal clown is slowly working ensemble cast, including Zachary Qunito, James Cromwell perilous period when exciting but troubling sexuality enters his way into her reality. and Sarah Paulson. „It’s genuinely, unrelentingly horrific and into his formerly innocent world. Seventeen-year-old high- Holidays, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 creepy“ (Time Magazine) and a „totally addictive“ (The schooler Pol has stubbornly extended his childhood,aided in Washington Post) show. no small measure by his opinionated, drums-playing, English- 82min. Drama, FX, Haunted Houses, Horror, speaking pet teddy bear Deerhoof. But when he meets alluring Image Ent. 29.10.2013 Mystery, Supernatural & Paranormal, Tele- new student Icari, the safety of Pol’s innocent imagination 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118721 crumbles he experiences his first pangs of love and sexual vision 2012 2688min. longing. But what will happen to Deerhoof in this new world 20th Century Fox 08.10.2013 and can Pol accept his new-found feelings? Co-starring All The President’s Men: 2 Disc 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118844 Martin Freeman (The Hobbit, „Sherlock“) as his perceptive teacher, this fresh, inventive take on first love that is funny, Special Edition (Blu-ray) often bizarre and tragically intense. , , Martin And While We Were Here Artsploitation Films, Drama, Fantasy, Balsam, Hal Holbrook, , Jack , Kate Bosworth, Iddo Gold- Movies 2012 94min. Warden - Dir. Alan J. Pakula berg Artsploitation Films 22.10.2013 In the Watergate Building, lights go on and four burglars are A beautiful American writer (Kate Bosworth) becomes 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118766 caught in the act. That night trigged revelations that drove a entangled in a torrid love affair with a younger man while on a U.S. President from office. Washington reporters Bob business trip in stunning Amalfi coastline in Italy. Woodward (Robert Redford) and Carl Bernstein (Dustin Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Movies, Jennifer Aniston: 4-Movie Spot- Hoffman) grabbed the story and stayed with it through doubts, denials and discouragement. All The President’s Men is their Romance 83min. light Series story. Directed by Alan J. Pakula and based on the Well Go USA 19.11.2013 Alec Baldwin, , Jennifer Anis- Woodward/Bernstein book, the film won four 1976 Academy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118992 Awards® (Best Supporting Actor / Jason Robards, Adaptation ton, Hank Azaria, Vince Vaughn, Jon Screenplay / William Goldman, Art Direction and Sound). It Favreau, Ben Stiller, Philip Seymour also explores a working newspaper, where the mission is to And While We Were Here (Blu- Hoffman, Joey Lauren Adams, Debra Mes- get the story - and get it right. sing, Cole Hauser, John Michael Higgins, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, ray) , Justin Long - Dir. Peyton Based-On-A-True-Story, Blu-ray, Classics, Claire Bloom, Kate Bosworth, Iddo Gold- Reed, John Conspiracies, Drama, History & Events, berg Collections, Comedy, Movies, Rocky Movies, National Film Registry, Thrillers A beautiful American writer (Kate Bosworth) becomes entangled in a torrid love affair with a younger man while on a Relationships, Romance, Sexy Comedies 1976 138min. business trip in stunning Amalfi coastline in Italy. min. Warner Bros. 12.11.2013 Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Drama, Universal Studios 08.10.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118775 Movies, Romance 83min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118960 Well Go USA 19.11.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119012 Almost Perfect Arrested Development: The Three Kelly Hu, , Ivan Shaw At 34, Vanessa (Kelly Hu) is still her large and boisterous Anger Management: Season Two Original Seasons family’s go-to girl, with a threadbare excuse of a life of her (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Jeffrey Tambor, Portia De Rossi, Will own. Suddenly, she runs into an old friend (Ivan Shaw), the Arnett, , David Cross, Jason almost perfect guy who just might be perfect for her. But, as Charlie Sheen, Shawnee Smith, Selma Bateman, , Michael Cera, Alia those sparks fly, her family starts to go up in flames. Her Blair, Derek Richardson, Noureen DeWulf , high-maintenance fashion designer sister (Christina Chang) Shawkat is on the brink; her surf bum brother (Edison Chen) has gone Daniela Bobadilla Prepare to laugh your assets off at the three original seasons AWOL; and her over-analyzing, over-intellectual mother (Tina The hilarious hit comedy Anger Management is back! Starring of one of the greatest comedies in TV history. Join the Chen) has barred her father (Roger Rees) from their home, award winning actor, Charlie Sheen, Anger Management insanely funny - and quite possibly insane - Bluths as they sending him into his own mid-life crisis. They all need Volume 2 follows Charlie Goodman, a non-traditional therapist plunge family dysfunction to outrageous new lows, led by the Vanessa, all the time, to fix all the problems. Trapped in the specializing in anger management. He has a successful clan’s only normal member, Michael. Hilarious jokes and sight eye of the storm, Vanessa has to find her way back to love. In private practice, holding sessions with his group of primary gags come fast and furious amidst surreal story lines the process, she discovers that the only person she really patient regulars each week, as well as performing pro bono including Buster „hooked“ by a seal, Tobias getting the „blues“ has to save is - herself! counseling for an inmate group at a state prison. His life is and more. Jason Bateman leads a terrific ensemble cast in this Comedy, Movies, Romance 106min. complicated by his relationships with his own therapist and outrageously funny winner of multiple , including best friend (Selma Blair), his ex-wife whose positive outlook Outstanding Comedy Series. Virgil Films And Entertainment 22.10.2013 but poor life- choices frustrate Charlie (Shawnee Smith), 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118544 their 15 year-old daughter who has OCD (Daniela Bobadilla), Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dysfunctional and of course, his interfering and meddlesome father, Martin Families, Fox, Television 2003 min. (Martin Sheen). 20th Century Fox 15.10.2013

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 25 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119087 thrill to create a cult favorite, one of ’s very look! Starring as Emma Peel and Patrick Macnee best films. as her engaging partner John Steed. Fans will rejoice in Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Cops On The , watching the infamous crime-fighting duo, The Avengers, who Arthur Newman have influenced generations of stars in 51 episodes, on16 Gangs, Movies, Revenge, Science Fiction, DVD discs. Enjoy every Emma episode ever in this ultimate Anne Heche, Colin Firth, Emily Blunt Thrillers 1976 91min. collector’s edition! Wallace Avery hates his job. His ex-wife and son hate him, and he’s blown his one shot at living his dream. Not wanting Shout Factory 05.11.2013 Action, British, Classics, Collections, Cult to face all this, he stages his own death and buys himself a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118693 Film / TV, Foreign, Television 2820min. new identity as Arthur Newman. However, Arthur’s road trip Lionsgate 08.10.2013 towards a new life is interrupted by the arrival of the beautiful but fragile Mike, who is also trying to leave her past behind. Asylum 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118577 Drawn to one another, these two damaged souls begin to Ian McKellen, Natasha Richardson, Hugh connect as they break into empty homes and take on the Back To The Future identities of the absent owners: elderly newlyweds, a high- Bonneville, Marton Csokas, Joss Ackland - roller and his Russian lady, among others. Through this Dir. David Mackenzie Michael J. Fox, , Christopher process, Arthur and Mike discover that what they love most British, Foreign, Movies, Romance, Thrillers Lloyd, Crispin Glover, Thomas F. Wilson - about each other are the identities they left at home, and their real journey, that of healing, begins. 2005 99min. Dir. Robert Zemeckis Paramount 24.09.2013 From Academy Award-winning filmmakers Steven Spielberg Comedy, Drama, Movies min. and Robert Zemeckis comes Back to the Future - the original, New Video DVD 03.09.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118377 groundbreaking adventure that sparked one of the most 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118471 successful trilogies ever. When teenager Marty McFly At Any Price (Blu-ray + (Michael J. Fox) is blasted to 1955 in the DeLorean time machine created by the eccentric Doc Brown (Christopher Arthur Newman (Blu-ray + DVD UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Lloyd), he finds himself mixed up in a time-shattering chain reaction that could vaporize his future - and leave him trapped Combo) (Blu-ray) Dennis Quaid, Clancy Brown, Chelcie in the past. Powered by innovative special effects, Anne Heche, Colin Firth, Emily Blunt Ross, Kim Dickens, Heather Graham, Red unforgettable songs and non-stop action, Back to the Future is Wallace Avery hates his job. His ex-wife and son hate him, West, Zac Efron - Dir. Ramin Bahrani an unrivaled adventure that stands the test of time! and he’s blown his one shot at living his dream. Not wanting In the competitive world of modern agriculture, ambitious Adventure, Classics, Comedy, Family, to face all this, he stages his own death and buys himself a Henry Whipple (Dennis Quaid) wants his rebellious son Movies, National Film Registry, Science new identity as Arthur Newman. However, Arthur’s road trip Dean (Zac Efron) to help expand his family’s farming empire. towards a new life is interrupted by the arrival of the beautiful However, Dean has his sights set on becoming a professional Fiction, Time Travel 1985 min. but fragile Mike, who is also trying to leave her past behind. race car driver. When a high-stakes investigation into their Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Drawn to one another, these two damaged souls begin to business is exposed, father and son are pushed into an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118545 connect as they break into empty homes and take on the unexpected crisis that threatens the family’s entire livelihood. identities of the absent owners: elderly newlyweds, a high- A farming family’s business is threatened by an unexpected roller and his Russian lady, among others. Through this crisis, further testing the relationship between a father and Backdraft (Blu-ray + Digital Copy process, Arthur and Mike discover that what they love most his rebellious son. about each other are the identities they left at home, and their Auto Racing, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Thril- + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) real journey, that of healing, begins. lers 2012 104min. Donald Sutherland, Kurt Russell, Scott Comedy, Drama, Movies min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Glenn, William Baldwin, Jennifer Jason New Video DVD 03.09.2013 27.08.2013 Leigh, De Mornay, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118476 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118320 - Dir. Ron Howard This is an exciting thriller that shows you the mystery, drama As Night Falls and devastation of fire as you’ve never seen it before! Kurt At Any Price (DVD + UltraViolet) Russel and William Baldwin star as two feuding siblings Debbie Rochon carrying on a heroic family tradition as firefighters. 10-year-old Amelia’s parents think it’s time for her to go to Dennis Quaid, Clancy Brown, Chelcie But when a puzzling series of arson attacks are reported, sleep permanently, leaving her broken body in a silent, Ross, Kim Dickens, Heather Graham, Red they are forced to set aside their differences to solve the shallow grave. 50 years later, Mommy and Daddy are back West, Zac Efron - Dir. Ramin Bahrani mystery surrounding these explosive crimes. from Hell, intent on wreaking the same deadly discipline on In the competitive world of modern agriculture, ambitious Action, Blu-ray, Disasters, Drama, anyone not in bed by nightfall. Sisters Holly and Elisabeth are Henry Whipple (Dennis Quaid) wants his rebellious son Firefighters, Movies, Thrillers 1991 135min. losing their minds, and their friends are losing their heads. Dean (Zac Efron) to help expand his family’s farming empire. Something evil has crashed their party, but no one knows However, Dean has his sights set on becoming a professional Universal Studios 15.10.2013 what they are fighting. When the girls’ brother Charlie race car driver. When a high-stakes investigation into their 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118559 arrives, he completes the family group and the kids start to business is exposed, father and son are pushed into an find out what firm parenting really means. unexpected crisis that threatens the family’s entire livelihood. Horror, Movies min. A farming family’s business is threatened by an unexpected Bad Kitties Breaking Glass Pictures 12.11.2013 crisis, further testing the relationship between a father and Drama, Movies, Troubled Youth 103min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118968 his rebellious son. Allegro Entertainment 10.09.2013 Auto Racing, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118974 104min. Ask The Dust Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Salma Hayek, Colin Farrell, Donald 27.08.2013 Bang The Drum Slowly Sutherland, , Justin Kirk, Idina 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118304 , Robert De Niro, Michael Menzel - Dir. Robert Towne Moriarty - Dir. John Hancock Colin Farrell (The New World, Alexander) and Salma Hayek Robert DeNiro and star in this superbly (Frida, Once Upon a Time in Mexico) sizzle in this adaptation Gene Autry: Movie Collection 4 crafted film about the unlikely friendship between two of John Fante’s classic novel of desire in the desert. Farrell Pat Buttram, Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, baseball players. Moriarty plays the team’s ace pitcher and plays Arturo Bandini, a would-be writer seeking fame, fortune social charmer; De Niro is the catcher, a farm boy from and a blue-eyed blonde in 1930’s . Instead, he Sterling Halloway Georgia who lacks all of Moriarty’s sophistication. He is also finds Mexican barmaid Camilla (Hayek), who hopes to blend Gene Autry is the only entertainer with all five stars on dying. During their last season together, the two men grow in into Anglo society by marrying a wealthy blue-blood. With Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, one each for Radio, Recording, manhood and respect for themselves and each other. remarkable performances, stunning photography, and direction Motion Pictures, Television and Live Performance. He was Classics, Drama, Friendships, Movies, by Academy Award®-winner Robert Towne, Ask the Dust is a the silver screen’s first singing cowboy and is credited with powerful story of two castoffs in a struggle between their creating the genre of the musical B Western. As the star of 89 Sports 1974 97min. ambitions and the passion that arises between them. feature films, Gene brings music, comedy and action to each of Paramount 24.09.2013 his roles. Now, for the first time on DVD, Gene Autry’s Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, rollicking big screen adventures and unforgettable tunes are 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118378 Romance 2006 116min. brought home in these Western classics, fully restored and Paramount 24.09.2013 uncut from Autry’s personal film archives. This third Bank Roll collection of movies from Timeless Media Group contains The 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118376 Old Barn Dance (1938), Blue Montana Skies(1939), Sierra Set in present day Burbank, and the surrounding Sue (1941) and Cowboy Serenade (1942) San Fernando Valley area, Bank Roll is a quirky action/ adventure flick that focuses on offbeat characters who team Assault On Precinct 13: Action, Collections, Movies, Western up for one daring crime. Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) 400min. Action, Adventure, Crime, Movies 2012 Shout Factory 12.11.2013 , Darwin Joston, Laurie Zim- 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118667 mer - Dir. John Carpenter Music Video Distribution 17.09.2013 Isolated, cut off. Inside an abandoned police station, a handful 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118590 of cops and some convicts on their way to Death Row must The Avengers: Emma Peel Mega- join forces and defend themselves against the gang called Street Thunder, who have taken a bloody oath to destroy. set Baseball All-Stars: 4-Movie Spot- From the director or Halloween and The Thing, Assault on Diana Rigg, Patrick MacNee light Series Precinct 13 combines elements of classic western and modern The original British TV cult classic is back with an all-new

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Ray Liotta, James Earl Jones, Amy Madig- Saint, Leo Caroll, Jessie Royce an, Kevin Costner, Burt Lancaster - Dir. Phil Berlin Job (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Landis - Dir. Richard Donner, Andrew Da- Alden Robinson (Blu-ray) vis, Baseball, Collections, Drama, Fantasy, Action, AFI Top 100, Buddy Pictures, Charles Dance, Dexter Fletcher, Craig Movies, Sports min. Classics, Collections, Comedy, Cops, Fairbrass Universal Studios 08.10.2013 Crime, Drugs & Dealers, Movies, Mystery, Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118954 National Film Registry, Spies & Secret 2012 109min. Agents, Thrillers min. New Video DVD 08.10.2013 Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 Beach Babes From Beyond 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118519 Joey Travolta, Joe Estevez, Burt Ward, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118741 Don Swayze - Dir. Ellen Cabot The Best Man (Blu-ray) Surf’s up... when three intergalactic girls take their spaceship Best Of Warner Bros.: 5 Films for a spin and splash down off the California coast! Washed , Taye Diggs, Nia Long, up on shore, the breath-taking babes start making serious Harold Perrineau Jr., Monica Calhoun, Collection - Best Pictures waves with a trio of buff beach boys. But before the bronzed Jack Nicholson, Henry Wilcoxon, Reginald bunch can „hang ten,“ the sand hits the fan - as the Sun Bun Sanaa Lathan, Melissa De Sousa, Terrence Tanning Lotion Company tries to push local surfing legend Howard - Dir. Malcolm D. Lee Owen, Gene Kelly, Louise Fletcher, Walter Bud „Big Cajones“ Elrick off the beach. It’s up to the three Harper Stewart (Taye Diggs) is a commitment-shy writer and Pidgeon, Brad Dourif, Teresa Wright, Henry out-of-this-world beauties to help the holistic hipster the only the best man at the wedding of Lance (Morris Chestnut) and Travers, Danny DeVito, Leslie Caron, Nina way they know how... by busting loose in a wet and wild Mia (Monica Calhoun). Unfortunately for Harper, the timing bikini contest that sets the strand a-sizzle, and proves once couldn’t be worse. His new book is coming out and it Foch, Christopher Lloyd, William Redfield, and for all that the Pacific Coast Highway leads straight to chronicles his college life with his friends in a less than Oscar Levant, Greer Garson, Georges hard-body heaven! perfect light. The wedding party reunites college buddies Guetary, Richard Ney, Dame May Whitty - Comedy, Erotica, Movies, Science Fiction Quentin (Terrence Howard), Mirch (Harold Perrineau) and love interest Jordan (Nia Long). As the celebration weekend Dir. Vincente Minnelli, Milos Forman, William 1993 75min. nears, scandalous secrets begin to reveal themselves...for Wyler Full Moon 06.08.2013 better or for worse. Academy Award Winners, Classics, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118821 Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Collections, Drama, Historical / Period Friendships, Movies 1999 121min. Piece, Mental Illness, Movies, Musical, Na- Beauty Of The Devil Universal Studios 05.11.2013 tional Film Registry, Romance, Tragedies, Gerard Philipe - Dir. Rene Clair 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119107 War min. Michel Simon and Gérard Philipe star in this imaginative Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 retelling of the Faust legend. Approaching the end of his life, Best Of Warner Bros.: 5 Film a prominent professor makes a bargain with the Devil that will 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118743 gain him youth, fame and riches in exchange for his soul. Collection - Comedy Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, French, Movies Sean Young, , Courteney Cox, Better Luck Tomorrow 1950 97min. , , Bill Murray, Ted Jason J. Tobin, John Cho, Roger Fan, Parry E1 Entertainment 29.10.2013 Knight, Rodney Dangerfield, Slim Pickens, Shen, Sung Kang, Karin Anna Cheung - Dir. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118904 Tone Loc, Dan Marino, David Huddleston, Justin Lin , Dom De Luise, Liam Dunn, Alex Never underestimate an overachiever. To his classmates and Beauty Of The Devil (Blu-ray) teachers, high-schooler Ben Manibag () appears Karras, John Hillerman, George Furth, to be the „model“ student: a perfectionist and overachiever, Gerard Philipe - Dir. Rene Clair Harvey Korman, , Claude destined for nothing less than graduating at the top of his Michel Simon and Gérard Philipe star in this imaginative Ennis Starrett Jr., - Dir. Tom class and then attending a prestigious college. But underneath retelling of the Faust legend. Approaching the end of his life, the persona is a darker side-Ben and his bored high-school a prominent professor makes a bargain with the Devil that will Shadyac, Mel Brooks, Harold Ramis buddies lead double lives, flying high in a world of petty crime gain him youth, fame and riches in exchange for his soul. AFI Top 100, Classics, Collections, Comedy, and material excess in order to ease the pressures of „being Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, French, Movies Fish-Out-Of-Water, Golf, Movies, National perfect“. It’s a free-wheeling lifestyle that soon takes a downward spiral, leading to an unexpected end. An Official 1950 97min. Film Registry, Spoofs & Parodies, Sports, Selection at the Sundance Film Festival, Better Luck E1 Entertainment 29.10.2013 Western min. Tomorrow is a gripping, edgy and provocative film that rips 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118917 Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 tranquil, well-manicured facade off of middle-class and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118742 cultural stereotypes. Art House, Drama, Movies, Troubled Youth Bell Witch Haunting 2003 99min. Based on true events, the Robertson County Sheriff’s Depart- Best Of Warner Bros.: 5 Film ment has released footage found on the bodies of the Sawyer Paramount 24.09.2013 family cell phones and video cameras. What was thought at Collection - Romance 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118379 first to be a murder suicide, is now believed to be the return , Warren Beatty, of a centuries old demon responsible for America’s most famous paranormal event. , Jack Carson, Judith Housewives Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Anderson, Madeleine Sherwood, Larry Ted Newsom, Evan Stone Supernatural & Paranormal 2013 90min. Gates, Scott Glenn, , Ruth Join this coven of sexy Sirens as they turn their boring Hussey, , Richard Gere, Natalie neighborhood into a cauldron of smoldering passion. In 1692 Asylum Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Salem an accused witch (Beverly Lynne) is rescued at the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118683 Wood, Roland Young, Pat Hingle, Zohra last moment by the Sisterhood of Witches and transported to Lampert, John Howard, Audrey Christie, the modern day where she assumes the life of a Plain Jane , , Mary suburban housewife. When the Witch Hunter is accidently Bell Witch Haunting (Blu-ray) transported through time as well it becomes a game of Cat and Based on true events, the Robertson County Sheriff’s Depart- Nash, Virginia Weidler, , ! ment has released footage found on the bodies of the Sawyer Paul Newman, Burl Ives, , Comedy, Erotica, Movies, Time Travel, family cell phones and video cameras. What was thought at Becky Ann Baker - Dir. George Cukor, Ri- first to be a murder suicide, is now believed to be the return Witches & Warlocks 2007 85min. of a centuries old demon responsible for America’s most chard Brooks, George C. Wolfe, Retromedia 22.10.2013 famous paranormal event. Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119061 Blu-ray, Devils And Demons, Horror, 100, Classics, Collections, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal 2013 Movies, National Film Registry, Romance Bewitched: The Complete Series 90min. min. , Elizabeth Montgomery, Asylum Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 Dick Sargent, David White 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118702 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118744 Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Television, Witches & Warlocks 2518min. Berlin Job Best Of Warner Bros.: 5 Film Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Charles Dance, Dexter Fletcher, Craig Collection - Thrillers 15.10.2013 Fairbrass Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Mel 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118303 Action, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 2012 Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Dar- 109min. lene Love, , Joe Pantoliano, Cary The Big Bang Theory: The New Video DVD 08.10.2013 Grant, , Mitchell Ryan, James Complete First Season (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118498 Mason, Andreas Katsulas, Jeroen Krabbe,

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Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, Jim Parsons, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118380 Simon Helberg, Kunal Nayyar The Bling Ring (DVD + Physicists Leonard and Sheldon understand everything from Bimbo Movie Bash the inescapable gravitational pull of a black hole to the UltraViolet) intricate structure of the atom. But take those atoms and Adrienne Barbeau, Elizabeth Kaitan, , Taissa Farmiga - Dir. Sofia assemble them into a woman, and their comprehension comes , Bill Maher, Brinke to a grinding halt. And when Penny, a woman with all those Coppola atoms in all the right places, moves in across the hall, Stevens, Michelle Bauer, Linnea Quigley, Inspired by actual events The Bling Ring tells the story of a Leonard and Sheldon’s universe begins to expand in ways Julie Strain, Morgan Fairchild - Dir. David group of fame-obsessed teenagers living in the suburbs of Los they never could have imagined. When series creators Chuck Angeles who use the internet to track celebrities’ Parker, Mike Mendez whereabouts in order to rob their empty homes. Ringleader Lorre (Two and a Half Men) and Bill Prady (Dharma & Greg) Hell hath no fury like a bimbo scorned! For decades, the blond combine equal parts science, superheroes and sex and add Rebecca (Katie Chang) leads the group of misfits including and the beautiful have been billboarded, be littled and Marc (Israel Broussard), Nicki (Emma Watson), Sam (Taissa stars Johnny Galecki (Roseanne) and Jim Parsons (Judging badmouthed. Now, a massive squadron of the lightheaded Amy), the result is an explosively funny comedy for the nerd Farmiga) and Chloe (Claire Julien) on the ultimate heist for lovelies is about to exact the ultimate revenge on the designer clothes and jewelry - and what starts out as teenage in all of us. chauvinists of the Earth. See all your favorite femmes return CBS, Comedy, Television 2007 355min. fun quickly spins out of control. to the small screen, in this cleverly crafted compilation of Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Story, Crime, Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 scenes from the most bodacious Bimbo movies of all time! Dark Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 90min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118602 Aliens, Comedy, Movies, Sexy Comedies 1996 90min. Lionsgate 17.09.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118555 The Big Bang Theory: The Full Moon 20.08.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118924 Complete Second Season (Blu- Blood Thirst / The Thirsty Dead ray) Black Angel (Double Feature) Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, Jim Parsons, Anna Galiena, Franco Branciaroli, Gabriel Robert Winston, Vic Diaz, John Considine - Simon Helberg, Kunal Nayyar Garko - Dir. Tinto Brass Dir. Newt Arnold, Terry Becker The science of funny is back! At work, physicists Leonard In 1945 Italy, Livia, the bored wife of an Italian official, recalls Two blood drinking B-movies made by Americans in Manila! and Sheldon and their geek pals conquer the cosmos. At home, the taboo affair she has been having with a much younger Films Include Thirsty Dead A sinister cult kidnaps beautiful real life - from dating to driving - conquers them. This season, Nazi lieutenant. The elation of her middle-aged sexual women to use in their ghastly blood rites. Blood Thirst After a Leonard gets a girl. So does Sheldon. (Sheldon?!) Howard awakening is soon diminished when she discovers that her series of brutal killings, an American investigator probes the drives the Mars Rover into a ditch. Raj woos a terminator. lover’s intentions are far from honest. Ashamed and betrayed, violent goings on and discovers a horrifying secret. Gorgeous girl-next-door Penny falls under the spell of Age of she must make the difficult decision to resolve her devastating Conan. And super-smart, überconfident Leslie Winkler Action, Adventure, Double Features, Hor- erotic entanglement. ror, Movies 160min. reduces mere men to spineless jellyfish. Twenty-three laugh- Drama, Foreign, Italian, Movies, Romance, filled episodes from series creators Chuck Lorre (Two and a CAV 10.09.2013 Thrillers 2002 123min. Half Men) and Bill Prady (Dharma & Greg) and a talented 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118418 cast with astronomical comedy I.Q.s show why Big Bang is E1 Entertainment 22.10.2013 such a big hit. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118896 CBS, Comedy, Television 2008 481min. Body Bags: Collector’s Edition Warner Bros. 01.10.2013 (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118603 The Black Coat Mob Kesta Graham David Naughton, Deborah Harry, Sheena Easton, , Robert Carradine, Big Jake / A Mall Called Horse Crime, Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies min. Mark Hamill, Twiggy - Dir. Tobe Hooper, (Double Feature) Allegro Entertainment 27.08.2013 John Carpenter Richard Harris, John Wayne, Richard Slip into the crypt for a peek at the „necro-files“ of director 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118946 John Carpenter (Halloween, The Fog, Christine), in three Boone, Bruce Cabot, Patrick Wayne, Manu dead-on tales from today’s top terrormeister! Robert Tupou, Jean Gascon, Corinna Tsopei, Chri- Black Eve Carradine (The Player) and David Naughton (Witchboard II) stopher Mitchum - Dir. Elliot Silverstein, pump-up for high-octane horror when a satanic serial killer Horror, Movies 2010 88min. George Sherman stalks „The Gas Station.“ Stacy Keach (False Identity), Allegro Entertainment 24.09.2013 Deborah Harry (Videodrome) and rock superstar Sheena Classics, Double Features, Movies, We- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118975 Eston wig-out in the hair-raising tale of tonsorial terror, stern 223min. „Hair.“ And special guest director Tobe Hooper (Poltergeist) 15.10.2013 takes the reins when Mark Hamill (Star Wars) and Twiggy Bless Me, Ultima (The Boyfriend) set their sights on the supernatural and stare 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118796 Evil right in „The Eye.“ So zip yourself up tight and chill out Benito Martinez, Miriam Colon, Dolores with host John Carpenter in the shock-around-the-clock A Big Love Story Heredia - Dir. Carl Franklin scarefest that will keep you coming back for morgue! Based on acclaimed author Rudolfo Anaya’s novel, Bless Me, Anthologies, Blu-ray, Horror, Movies 1993 Sam is a former college football star whose chance to play in Ultima is a turbulent coming-of-age story about a young boy 95min. the NFL abruptly ends with a blown out knee. Seven years growing up in New Mexico during World War II. When a later, he finds himself alone, working a minimum wage job and curandera named Ultima moves in with his family, Antonio Shout Factory 12.11.2013 weighing a deadly 413lbs. The time has come for some experiences a series of mysterious and terrifying events 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118695 change! The time has come for some weight loss! Enter which cause him to grapple with questions about his own Cassie, a personal trainer who not only helps him lose weight destiny, and the powers of this mystical woman. but find love. Steering clear of transformation Bond 50: Celebrating Five formula seen on many current television shows such as, Drama, Movies, War, Witches & Warlocks Biggest Loser, Sam finds acceptance - and love - in 2013 106min. Decades Of Bond (w/ ) unexpected places. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Blu-ray) Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2012 17.09.2013 Halle Berry, Pierce Brosnan, , 92min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118634 Ursula Andress, Bruce Cabot, Roger Moo- Osiris Entertainment 17.09.2013 re, , Daniel Craig, Anthony 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118399 The Bling Ring (Blu-ray + Dawson, Lana Wood, , Jack Lord, Zena Marshall, Lois Maxwell, Timothy Biker Boyz UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Emma Watson, Taissa Farmiga - Dir. Sofia Dalton, Normann Burton, Javier Bardem, Larenz Tate, , Djimon Hounsou, Coppola George Lazenby, Desmond Llewellyn, Rick Orlando Jones, Brendan Fehr, Kid Rock, Inspired by actual events The Bling Ring tells the story of a Yune, Bruce Glover, Toby Stephens, Derek Luke - Dir. Reggie Rock Bythewood group of fame-obsessed teenagers living in the suburbs of Los Charles Gray, Jill St. John, Putter Smith, Biker Boyz takes you on an „adrenaline-spiked and action- Angeles who use the internet to track celebrities’ packed“ (New York Daily News) thrill-ride with some of the whereabouts in order to rob their empty homes. Ringleader Rosamund Pike, Jimmy Dean - Dir. Martin most extreme action stunts on wheels! Rebecca (Katie Chang) leads the group of misfits including Campbell, Terence Young, Lee Tamahori, (The Matrix) is Smoke, the „King of Cali“-the undefeated and Marc (Israel Broussard), Nicki (Emma Watson), Sam (Taissa Sam Mendes undisputed racing champion. his dominance and title are Farmiga) and Chloe (Claire Julien) on the ultimate heist for challenged by Kid (Derek Luke, Antwone Fisher), a fierce designer clothes and jewelry - and what starts out as teenage Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Boxed Sets, young racing prodigy in this electrifying story of modern-day fun quickly spins out of control. Collections, , Movies, Spies & daredevils in the ultimate race to win the survival of the Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Story, Blu- Secret Agents, Thrillers min. fastest. Featuring Orlando Jones, Kid Rock, Lisa Bonet and a hot, sexy supporting cast, Biker Boyz is an explosive and ray, Crime, Dark Comedy, Drama, Movies MGM / UA 01.10.2013 heart-stopping edge-of-your-seat ride! 2013 90min. 439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119077 Action, Chases, Movies 2003 91min. Lionsgate 17.09.2013 Paramount 24.09.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118562 Bones: Season Eight

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Tamara Taylor, David Boreanaz, Emily Piece, Television, Western 598min. Shout Factory 19.11.2013 Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, T.J. Thyne Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118676 Unearth even more thrills from Bones Season 8 with all-new 01.10.2013 content only available here! Finally cleared of wrongdoing, Bones reunites with Booth (David Boreanaz) and the squints. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119006 Bug Although the team solves some of their most challenging cases Bradford Dillman, Joanna Miles, Patricia yet, madman Christopher Pelant continues his murderous The Borrowers rampage - inching closer to Bones and Booth daily. From McCormack - Dir. Jeannot Szwarc solving the mystery of a roller derby darling’s demise to Christopher Eccleston, Sharon Horgan, Legendary horror writer-producer-director William Castle uncovering a previously unrecognized 9/11 hero to stopping a Robert Sheehan, Aisling Loftus - Dir. Tom (The Tingler, I Saw What You Did, Rosemary’s Baby) pandemic, Bones and the team make one remarkable discovery presents a creeping, crawling film nightmare that will have after another. Meanwhile, as if the challenges Booth faces Harper you screaming and squirming with fright! A massive earth with parenthood and his unique relationship with Bones aren’t Based on Mary Norton’s beloved novels that have delighted tremor opens a crevasse in the California desert, releasing a enough, his mother shows up after a 24-year absence, and generations, The Borrowers is a thrilling, fun-filled adventure plague of bizarre, fiery, foot-long cockroaches. With their there is shocking news about some of his colleagues. Relive through the exciting world of the little people who live under numbers multiplying and the death toll mounting, obsessive all 26 killer episodes! our floorboards. Arrietty Clock (Aisling Loftus, Mr. Selfridge) entomologist Bradford Dillman (Compulsion, The Swarm) is a head-strong teenage Borrower whose parents, Pod desperately seeks a way to eliminate the seemingly Crime, Drama, Fox, Mystery, Television (Christopher Eccleston, Doctor Who) and Homily (Sharon indestructible critters before they spread clear across the 2012 2880min. Horgan, Dead Boss), are terrified of the ‘Human Beans’ who country...and beyond! Joanna Miles (Judge Dredd) and 20th Century Fox 08.10.2013 live above them. Desperate for freedom and adventure, Patricia McCormack (The Bad Seed) are among the terrorized Arrietty sneaks out one night and befriends a lonely boy who cast in this suspenseful screamfest directed by Jeannot 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118989 lives upstairs. But Arrietty’s adventure inadvertently reveals Szwarc (Jaws 2, TV’s CSI: Miami). her family’s existence to the scheming scientist Professor Bugs, Horror, Killer Animals, Movies 1975 Bones: Season Eight (Blu-ray) Mildeye (Stephen Fry, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug), forcing them to go on the run into the big bad world. Enlisting 99min. Tamara Taylor, David Boreanaz, Emily the help of Spiller (Robert Sheehan, Misfits), a leather- Paramount 24.09.2013 Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, T.J. Thyne jacketed Tearaway with a roguish glint in his eye, Arrietty 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118382 Unearth even more thrills from Bones Season 8 with all-new embarks on a daring mission to outsmart Mildeye. Can the content only available here! Finally cleared of wrongdoing, Clock family return to their home in time for Christmas? Bones reunites with Booth (David Boreanaz) and the squints. Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Movies, TV Burning Love: The Complete First Although the team solves some of their most challenging cases Movies 2011 90min. Season yet, madman Christopher Pelant continues his murderous rampage - inching closer to Bones and Booth daily. From Universal Studios 08.10.2013 Adam Scott, Michael Ian Black, Ken Marino, solving the mystery of a roller derby darling’s demise to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118564 Kristen Bell, Ken Jeong uncovering a previously unrecognized 9/11 hero to stopping a Follow firefighter Mark Orlando’s journey through champagne pandemic, Bones and the team make one remarkable discovery Boy Band toasts, candles, heartbreak, bubble baths, chocolate, after another. Meanwhile, as if the challenges Booth faces choreography, hair extensions, roller skating, betrayal, and with parenthood and his unique relationship with Bones aren’t Kurt Fuller, Ryan Hansen, Robert Hoffman, spray-tans as he looks for the perfect someone to give his enough, his mother shows up after a 24-year absence, and hose. there is shocking news about some of his colleagues. Relive Michael Copon all 26 killer episodes! Comedy, High School, Movies, Music 98min. Comedy, Spoofs & Parodies, Television Crime, Drama, Fox, Mystery, Television Indican Pictures 10.09.2013 2012 110min. 2012 2880min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118445 Paramount Pictures 29.10.2013 20th Century Fox 08.10.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118798 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119010 Boy Meets World: The Complete Collection Butcher Boys Bonnie & Clyde: Justified (DVD + Sonny Carl Davis William Daniels, William Russ, Will Friedle, From the creator of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre comes UltraViolet) Matthew Lawrence, Rider Strong, Lindsay this gut-wrenching, non-stop roller coaster ride through the , Dee Wallace - Dir. David Ridgeway, Ben Savage, Danielle Fishel, hellish underbelly of inner-city America. A birthday celebration at an upscale restaurant sets in motion events that DeCoteau Betsy Randle bring a group of friends face to face with the gruesome world In Depression Era America, Bonnie Parker met Clyde Barrow Cory is your average guy (Ben Savage). He has a best friend of cannibals, the Butcher Boys. over a cup of hot chocolate and it was love at first sight. name Shawn (Rider Strong) from the other side of the tracks, Their violent courtship took them through bank robberies, a teacher that constantly keeps him on his toes, and a friend Horror, Movies, Thrillers 88min. prison and a multi-state crime spree, securing their place in named Topanga (Danielle Fishel) whom he has trouble Phase 4 Films 08.10.2013 History as one of America’s most notorious couples. Using understanding. With the support of his parents and his brother 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118938 some of Bonnie Parker’s own letters to Clyde, Bonnie & Eric (Will Friedle), Cory learns to cope with the roller Clyde: Justified takes you through their story from first sight coaster called growing up. Watch as the gang go through the to their inevitable and violent end. trials and tribulations of junior-high, high school, and finally Butterfly: Special Edition Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Romance college and the scary transition into adulthood. Orson Welles, Stacy Keach, Pia Zadora, ABC, Comedy, Drama, Family, Television 2013 90min. Edward Albert, Stuart Whitman, Lois min. Lionsgate 05.11.2013 Nettleton, James Franciscus - Dir. Matt Lionsgate 05.11.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119047 Cimber 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119048 Pia Zadora makes a stunning debut in this hot-blooded thriller Bopha! of murder and revenge. Pouty and irresistible, she plays the Breakout part of naughty Kady, who makes a surprise visit to her long- Danny Glover, Malcolm McDowell, Alfre lost father, Jess (Stacy Keach), by dropping in at the Woodard, Marius Weyers - Dir. Morgan Brendan Fraser, Ethan Suplee, Dominic deserted silver mine he is caretaking. Provocative and lustful, Purcell - Dir. Damian Lee she teases him until both give way to temptation. Together in Freeman sin, Kady and Jess dream of wealth as they mine for silver, Micah Mangena is sitting on a powder keg and doesn’t know An innocent camping trip takes a dark turn for a young brother and sister, when they witness a murder. The young siblings but vultures with dreams of their own lurk in the background, it. He’s a sergeant in South Africa’s police force, an watching their every move. unquestioning supporter of the powers that be. But the strife become the killers’ next target as they are chased and hunted tearing at the fabric of 1980 South Africa is about to rip through the wilderness. Serving time over a protest gone Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Erotica, Micah’s own world violently apart. His son is waking up to terribly wrong, their father, Jack Damson (Brendan Fraser), Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies 1982 the fact that the system of apartheid is evil...and that Micah is devises a plan to break out of prison and rescue his kids from 107min. part of that system. Danny Glover, Malcolm McDowell, Alfre the pair of criminals Tommy (Dominic Purcell, TV’s Prison Woodard and Marius Weyers lead an exceptional cast in Break) and Kenny (Ethan Suplee, TV’s My Name is Earl). A E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 Bopha!, ’s highly charged directorial debut. fight for survival ensues in the action-packed thriller where 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118808 Bopha is a Zulu word meaning „to arrest“ or „to detain.“ For the hunters become the hunted. the oppressive regime, it’s an act of empowerment. For the Action, Movies, Thrillers 2013 89min. swelling crowds of activists, it’s an outraged cry of protest, a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment The Bystander Theory cry whose real world impact is still felt today. 17.09.2013 Brad Leland, Dameon Clarke, Wendy Drama, Movies 1993 118min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118783 Zavaleta Paramount 24.09.2013 When Liz inherits a home from a grandfather she never knew, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118381 she teams up with conspiracy theorist who believes the old Brief Encounter / The Tamarind man was involved in the assassination of JFK. Inspired by actual people and events. Bordertown: Season One Seed (Double Feature) Conspiracies, Drama, Movies 2012 93min. Richard Comar, John H. Brennan Julie Andrews, , Sophia Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Relive all the moments of raucous action, suspenseful drama Loren, Omar Sharif - Dir. Blake Edwards, 17.09.2013 and comedic relief that the first season of Bordertown has to Alan Bridges 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118322 offer. Includes 26 episodes. Double Features, Drama, Movies, Romance Adventure, Drama, Historical / Period min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 29 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter Terao, Hidetoshi Nishijima, Kanako Higuchi, Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Series 9 Caroline Munro, John Carson, Horst Kumiko Aso, Mitsuhiro Oikawa, Fumiyo (Blu-ray) Kohinata, Hideji Otaki, Toshiaki Karasawa, Janson, Shane Briant, Joan Cater, Lois David Suchet - Dir. Andy Wilson, Simon Yusuke Iseya, Hiroyuki Miyasako, Mayumi Daine - Dir. Brian Clemens Langton, David Moore, Paul Unwin Horror, Movies, Vampires 1974 91min. Sada, Jun Kaname - Dir. Kazuaki Kiriya Agatha Christie’s astute Belgian detective is on the case in Paramount 24.09.2013 Set in the late 21st century, Earth is in crisis and the future of these four feature-length mysteries from the hit series. mankind is at risk. Hope lies in a geneticist’s discovery of a Beautifully remastered, these definitive adaptations capture 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118383 „Neo-Cell“ which can rejuvenate the human body, but it is the unrivaled elegance of the Art Deco era. David Suchet used by an evil corporation to create a race of mutants bent stars as „a near-perfect Poirot“ (USA Today), with guest The Capture Of Grizzly Adams on the annihilation of humanity. A powerful warrior, Casshern, stars including Toby Stephens, Aidan Gillen, Edward Fox, emerges in the battle against this new menace. Only he can Phyllis Logan, Barbara Flynn, Judy Parfitt, Marc Warren, JJ Chuck Connors, Dan Haggerty, Kim Darby save the human race as it fights an ultimate war against its Feild, Paul McGann, Gemma Jones, and Emily Blunt. After being wrongly accused of a crime, James „Grizzly“ own extinction. British, Foreign, Murder Mysteries, Action, Adventure, Drama, Foreign, In The Adams (Dan Haggerty, in the TV role he made famous) finds Mystery, Television 2004 392min. refuge in the wilderness and companionship in Ben, a grizzly Future..., Japanese, Movies, Science Acorn Media 29.10.2013 bear he raised from a cub. Years later, when Adams learns Fiction 2004 117min. that his young daughter is in trouble, he returns to civilization 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118739 and is captured by Frank Briggs (Chuck Connors, The Paramount 24.09.2013 Rifleman), a corrupt man determined to see Adams pay for the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118434 alleged crime. Set on clearing his name, Adams seeks support The Christmas Colt from a local woman, Kate Brady (Kim Darby, True Grit), and Matt Hanlon, has one responsibility... Get his kids to Aunt his old friend, Ben, to bring to seek justice against those Celebrity Billiards Tess’s house by Christmas Day or his wife will be more than framing him. Loaded with action, adventure and heart, The Milton Berle, Smothers Brothers, Groucho crazy mad at him. No big deal because he has three days to Capture Of Grizzly Adams is all-American, Dove Family- get there and it’s only an 800 mile drive. What he didn’t count Approved entertainment. Marx on was getting lost during a freak mountain storm and ending Adventure, Animals & Nature, Family, The Hustler was a favorite movie of the time and practically up having to rely on the kindness of Bonnie Kate, a 70- made a household name of Rudolph „Minnesota Fats“ something cowgirl protector of a hidden herd of wild horses. Movies, Television, TV Movies 1982 96min. Wanderone, so let’s get him a TV show. And Celebrity Paramount Pictures 12.11.2013 Billiards is born. The show started on a stage that was a Animals & Nature, Christmas, Family, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119089 mock-up of a pool hall not unlike what you see on ESPN’s Holidays, Movies 2013 85min. coverage of billiards today with a table in the center and a E1 Entertainment 22.10.2013 few rows of audience surrounding on three sides. The host, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118897 The Carpenter’s Miracle Ted Travers, started the show interviewing the two Michelle Harrison, Ryan Grantham - Dir. competitors, one of course being the house celebrity Fats and the other a major celebrity of the time. A Christmas Story: 30th Kristoffer Tabori Television, Variety / Game Shows min. Josh, a small town carpenter, finds himself at the center of a Anniversary Edition (Steelbook + national media story when his touch brings a twelve year-old Vivendi Visual Entertainment 11.01.2013 boy, who fell into a freezing lake, back to life. Although many 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118669 Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- consider it a miraculous act, Josh isn’t convinced he has done ray) anything special - even after he seemingly heals several others. Thrust into a whirlwind he never expected, Josh must Centennial: The Complete Series Melinda Dillon, Darren McGavin, Peter make a decision that could change his life and the lives of (Repackage) Billingsley - Dir. Bob Clark those he cares about most. The Christmas spirit isn’t served up with more observant Drama, Family, Movies, TV Movies 2013 Andy Griffith, Richard Crenna, Raymond hilarity than in this beloved adaptation of Jean Shepherd’s 90min. Burr, , Robert Conrad, holiday story. In 1940s Indiana, nine-year-old Ralphie (Peter William Atherton, , Stephanie Billingsley) dreams of his ideal Christmas gift: a genuine Red E1 Entertainment 01.10.2013 Ryder 200-shot Carbine Action Air Rifle. But when gruff dad 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118803 Zimbalist, Lynn Redgrave, Barbara (Darren McGavin) and doting mom (Melinda Dillion) regularly Carrera, Sally Kellerman, Mark Harmon, respond with „You’ll shoot your eye out!“ Ralphie mounts a Carriers Dennis Weaver, full-scale Santa-begging campaign. He encounters a slew of Drama, Mini-Series, NBC, Television, We- calamities from snowsuit paralysis to the dreaded tongue-on- Christopher Meloni, Piper Perabo, Emily a-frozen-flagpole gambit. We triple-dog-dare you to unwrap a stern 1978 1252min. Vancamp, Chris Pine, Lou Taylor Pucci - more welcome Yultide classic! Universal Studios 08.10.2013 Christmas, Classics, Comedy, Family, Dir. Alex Pastor Chris Pine () stars in this intense, gripping thriller 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118550 Holidays, Movies, National Film Registry, about a deadly threat beyond anyone’s worst nightmare. Nostalgia 1983 93min. Determined to escape a lethal virus, four teens set out in Change Of Habit Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 search of an uncontaminated refuge, only to discover that they are far more dangerous to each other than the virus they are Elvis Presley, Edward Asner, Mary Tyler 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118453 trying to survive. Carriers is a pulse-pounding journey into a Moore, Barbara McNair, , Jane world where laws and rules no longer apply, and no one can Cinco De Mayo: La Batalla (DVD be trusted - not even your friends. Elliot - Dir. William Graham Laughter, romance and rockin’ good times are just what the + UltraViolet) Horror, Killer Viruses, Movies, Thrillers doctor ordered as Elvis plays an inner-city M.D. who falls for 2009 84min. a social worker Mary Tyler Moore. But this guitar strumming Angelica Aragon, Kuno Becker, William Paramount 24.09.2013 doc will be playing a different tune when he discovers his Miller, Liz Gallardo 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118433 would be girlfriend isn’t who- or what- she seems to be! See for yourself why North Americans toast on May 5th. On Featuring Elvis at the peak of his phenomenal popularity, it’s a this day in 1862, an unforeseen and mismatched battle against hilarious romantic comedy highlighted by the King’s one of the world’s mightiest armies became the rallying point : Five Films - unforgettable performances of classic rock hits including for a new nation. Kuno Becker leads the charge as General „Rubberneckin’,“ „Let Us Play,“ and „Change of Habit.“ Zaragoza. The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Classics, Movies, Music, Musical 1969 Action, Adventure, Drama, Foreign, History Val Avery, , Joan Blondell, 93min. & Events, Mexican, Movies, War 2013 , Ben Carruthers, Lelia Goldoni, Universal Studios 15.10.2013 126min. Hugh Hurd, Anthony Ray, Rupert Cross, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118546 Lionsgate 15.10.2013 Seymour Cassel, John Marley, John 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118578 Cassavetes, Zohra Lampert, Paul Stewart, Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Series 9 Al Ruban, Timothy Agoglia Carey, Robert David Suchet - Dir. Andy Wilson, Simon Cinderella Man (Blu-ray + Digital Phillips, Morgan Woodward, John Red Langton, David Moore, Paul Unwin Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Kullers, Lynn Carlin, Fred Draper, Ben Agatha Christie’s astute Belgian detective is on the case in Gazzara - Dir. John Cassavetes these four feature-length mysteries from the hit series. Renee Zellweger, Russell Crowe, Bruce Beautifully remastered, these definitive adaptations capture McGill, Paul Giamatti, Craig Bierko, Paddy Art House, Blu-ray, Boxed Sets, Classics, the unrivaled elegance of the Art Deco era. David Suchet Criterion Collection, Director / Writer Box stars as „a near-perfect Poirot“ (USA Today), with guest Considine - Dir. Ron Howard Sets, Drama, Film About Film, Movies, Na- stars including Toby Stephens, Aidan Gillen, Edward Fox, Academy Award winners Russell Crowe and Renée Phyllis Logan, Barbara Flynn, Judy Parfitt, Marc Warren, JJ Zellweger star in this triumphant, powerfully inspiring true tional Film Registry 1959 657min. Feild, Paul McGann, Gemma Jones, and Emily Blunt. story. In a time when America needed a champion, an unlikely Criterion 22.10.2013 hero would arise, proving how hard a man would fight to win a British, Foreign, Murder Mysteries, second chance for his family and himself. Suddenly thrust into 186,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118409 Mystery, Television 2004 392min. the national spotlight, boxer Jim Braddock would defy the Acorn Media 29.10.2013 odds against him and stun the world with one of the greatest Casshern comebacks in history. Driven by love for his family, he willed 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118726 an impossible dream to come true. Tatsuya Mihashi, Susumu Terajima, Akira Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Boxing, Drama,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Movies, Sports 2005 145min. winning role as everyone’s favorite trenchcoat-wearing Police Lieutenant in Columbo The Complete Fourth Season! Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Cold War (DVD + UltraViolet) From a spoiled kidnapping plot to murder at a historic military 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118560 , Aaron Kwok, Charlie Young, academy, join Columbo in this three-disc set as he asks all the right questions in some of the most deceptive and deadly Tony Leung Ka Fai, Terence Yin, Andy On cases. The captivating fourth season also features such The Cisco Kid In the safest city in Asia, the police department brilliant guest stars as Dick Van Dyke, Larry Storch, George has been untouchable for years. Until one night the police Hamilton, Robert Conrad and more. The landmark crime Duncan Renaldo, Leo Carillo headquarters receives an anonymous call after a fully loaded Now you can watch one of the most popular classic television series that inspired a genre is back, and no murderer can hide police van, carrying five highly trained officers and for long with Columbo on the beat! Westerns any time you want with The Cisco Kid digitally equipment, disappears off the grid. After receiving several restored in this 6-DVD set! Share the adventure and enjoy the cryptic phone calls from the hijackers, one officer starts Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, Televi- comedic chemistry between the dashing hero Cisco (Duncan realizing they’re aware of every crucial decision they make. sion 1974 539min. Renaldo) and his trusty sidekick Pancho (Leo Carrillo) with But as they execute a carefully planned attack, little do they Universal Studios 01.10.2013 the whole family in more than 10 hours of this entertaining know they’ve become unwitting pawns in a bigger, more Wild West classic! dangerous game. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118363 Classics, Comedy, Drama, Television, We- Action, Detectives, Martial Arts, Movies, stern 600min. Thrillers 102min. Columbo: The Complete Second Film Chest Media Group 27.08.2013 Lionsgate 01.10.2013 Season (Repackage) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118423 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118973 Peter Falk, Martin Landau, Leonard Nimoy, Dean Stockwell, Robert Culp, Valerie City Lights: The Criterion The Colony Harper, Marc Singer Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Bill Paxton, Laurence Fishburne, Kevin Everyone’s favorite cigar-chomping, trenchcoat-wearing Police Lieutenant is back on DVD asking all the right (Blu-ray) Zegers - Dir. Jeff Renfroe questions in all 8 thrilling episodes of the Complete Second Laurence Fishburne (The Matrix), Bill Paxton (Aliens) and Seasons of Columbo. Join five-time Emmy winner Peter Falk Charlie Chaplin Kevin Zegers (Dawn of the Dead), headline an all-star cast in City Lights begins with an uproarious skewering of pomp and as wry and ruffled Lieutenant Columbo as he solves L.A.’s this savage and unrelenting thriller about mankind’s greatest most puzzling crimes with his trademark wit and style. Along formality, ends with one of the most famous last shots in movie enemy: himself. As an endless winter engulfs Earth, humans history and, form start to finish, so completely touches the for the chase are a dazzling lineup of Hollywood’s brightest struggle to survive in remote underground outposts. When stars including Robert Culp, Valerie Harper, Dean Stockwell, heart and tickles the funny bone that in 1998 it was named one Colony 7 receives a distress call from a nearby settlement, of the ’s Top-100 American Films. Leonard Nimoy, Martin Landau, Marc Singer and more. In the Sam (Zegers) and Briggs (Fishburne) race through the snow smart, funny and exciting Second Season of Columbo, it’s no Talkies were well entrenched when Charles Chaplin swam on a dangerous rescue mission. What they find at the desolate against the filmmaking tide with this forever classic that’s mystery to see why this is the DVD Series that mystery base could mean mankind’s salvation... or its total lovers have been waiting for! silent except for music and sound effects. The story, involving annihilation. Terrifying discoveries will unfold that will the Tramp’s attempts to get money for an operation that will change the rules of survival forever. Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, Televi- restore sight to a blind flower girl, provides a star with an sion 1972 641min. ideal framework for sentiment and laughs. The tramp is Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, variously a street sweeper, a boxer, a rich 0poseur, and a Movies, Science Fiction 2012 94min. Universal Studios 01.10.2013 rescuer of a suicidal millionaire. His message is unspoken, Image Ent. 15.10.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118361 but universally understood: love is blind. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118719 AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Columbo: The Complete Third Criterion Collection, Drama, Movies, Natio- nal Film Registry, Romance, Silent Film 1931 The Colony (Blu-ray) Season (Repackage) 87min. Bill Paxton, Laurence Fishburne, Kevin Peter Falk, , Martin Sheen, Criterion 12.11.2013 Zegers - Dir. Jeff Renfroe , Deidre Hall Laurence Fishburne (The Matrix), Bill Paxton (Aliens) and In the detective series that inspired them all, acclaimed actor 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119074 Kevin Zegers (Dawn of the Dead), headline an all-star cast in Peter Falk returns in his four-time Emmy®-winning role as the this savage and unrelenting thriller about mankind’s greatest wry and ruffled police lieutenant in Columbo Season Three - Clear History enemy: himself. As an endless winter engulfs Earth, humans available on DVD for the first time ever! From the halls of struggle to survive in remote underground outposts. When Congress to the halls of academia, this dazzling 2-disc Larry David, Bill Hader, - Dir. Colony 7 receives a distress call from a nearby settlement, collection includes all 15 TV hours of the classic third season Greg Mottola Sam (Zegers) and Briggs (Fishburne) race through the snow as well as an exciting bonus episode of the TV show Mrs. on a dangerous rescue mission. What they find at the desolate Columbo. A consistent favorite on the NBC Mystery Movie Comedy, HBO, Movies, TV Movies 2013 base could mean mankind’s salvation... or its total lineup, this thrilling season of Columbo features such min. annihilation. Terrifying discoveries will unfold that will illustrious guest stars as Martin Sheen, Vincent Price, Deidre HBO Home Video 15.11.2013 change the rules of survival forever. Hall, Jackie Cooper and many more. You’ve seen the crime, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Hor- now catch the murderer with everyone’s favorite trenchcoat- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119043 wearing sleuth in each entertaining episode from the complete ror, Movies, Science Fiction 2012 94min. third season! Clear History (Blu-ray + Digital Image Ent. 15.10.2013 Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, Televi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118738 Copy) (Blu-ray) sion 1973 684min. Universal Studios 01.10.2013 Larry David, Bill Hader, Jon Hamm - Dir. Columbo: The Complete First 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118362 Greg Mottola Comedy, HBO, Movies, TV Movies 2013 Season (Repackage) min. Peter Falk, Don Ameche, Roddy McDowall, Corruption (Blu-ray + DVD Com- HBO Home Video 15.11.2013 Ray Milland, Robert Culp, Suzanne bo) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119071 Pleshette, Eddie Albert, Peter Cushing, David Lodge, Sue Lloyd, it’s the landmark series that inspired an entire genre. now, television’s greatest detective, Columbo, comes to DVD for Billy Murray Clockstoppers the first time in this deluxe collector’s set. Starring Peter Falk Grindhouse Releasing is proud to present the First-Ever U.S. in his 4-time Emmy-winning role as the cigar-chomping, trench home video release of the wildest, sickest and sleaziest Michael Biehn, Jesse Bradford, French coat-wearing police lieutenant, this 5-disc collection includes swinging-sixties British horror thriller - Corruption. The Stewart, Robin Thomas, Paula Garces - Dir. every fascinating episode form the series’ first season. Also legendary Peter Cushing stars as a surgeon driven to murder included are the two original Columbo movies: Prescription: and madness as he attempts to restore the beauty of his Jonathan Frakes hideously disfigured fashion model wife. Co-starring Sue Director Jonathan Frakes (Star Trek: Insurrection, Star Trek; Murder and Ransom for a Dead Man. Columbo’s first season features legendary guest stars like Robert Culp, Ray Milland, Lloyd and Hammer Horror beauty Kate O’Mara (The Vampire First Contact) deftly mixes laughs with thrills in the sci-fi Lovers). This special edition contains shocking scenes of adventure film Clockstoppers. Zak Gibbs (Jesse Bradford, Eddie Albert, Suzanne Pleshette, Don Ameche, Leslie Nielsen and Roddy McDowall. It’s no mystery why Columbo: The gore and nudity previously deemed too strong for American Hackers) is an ordinary teenager who suddenly obtains audiences. extraordinary powers when he stumbles upon a mysterious Complete First Season is the DVD set crime fans have been wristwatch device that can literally stop time in its tracks! To waiting for! British, Foreign, Horror, Mad Scientists & Zak, it’s the perfect gadget to impress Francesca, (Paula Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, Televi- Deadly Doctors, Movies, Thrillers 1968 Garces, Dangerous Minds), the beautiful new foreign sion 1971 725min. 91min. exchange student at school. But to those more passionately familiar with the incredible timepiece- a hapless scientist Universal Studios 01.10.2013 CAV 08.10.2013 (French Stewart, 3rd Rock from the Sun) and his sinister 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118360 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118601 boss (Michael Biehn, The Terminator)- the ultimate power of the entire world literally lies in the hands of whomever possesses the amazing apparatus. They want it back- at any Columbo: The Complete Fourth Cousins cost- and that’s when Zak and Francesca find themselves Season (Repackage) Sean Young, Ted Danson, Isabella unwittingly swept into a thrilling, high tech race against time! Rossellini, William Petersen, Lloyd Bridges, Family, Movies, Science Fiction 2002 93min. Peter Falk, Dick Van Dyke, Robert Conrad, Norma Aleandro - Dir. Joel Schumacher Paramount 24.09.2013 George Hamilton Legendary actor Peter Falk returns in his 4-time Emmy award- Ted Danson and Isabella Rossellini star in this madly- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118435 spinning marriage-go-round. Danson and Rossellini play

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 31 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA cousins-by-marriage who pretend to be lovers in order to Dorothy Malone, Chris Mitchum, Scott Box Sets, Blu-ray, Classics, Collections, punish their philandering spouses (Sean Young, William Petersen). Instead, the make-believe lovers walk directly into Kolden, Jim Davis, Marcy Lafferty, Natasha Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Movies, Romance, cupids line of fire - with consequences that are both hilarious Ryan Troubled Youth min. and heartwarming. The humor, romance and sheer joy of life A futuristic solar home in the far desert was supposed to be Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 are always on target in Cousins, a „charming, funny and their refuge from urban crime. But when Jim Davis („Dallas“) intelligent comedy“ (Siskel & Ebert). and Dorothy Malone („Peyton Place“) move their family into 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118846 Affairs & Love Triangles, Comedy, this utopian refuge, mysterious and frightening things happen. To their horror, the family discovers they’re caught in a mind- Death By VHS Marriage Woes, Movies, Romance 1989 boggling time warp caused by mysterious aliens with a 113min. sinister secret about earth’s imminent destruction. Prehistoric Five shocking vignettes, designed to take your sanity and Paramount 24.09.2013 monsters, humanoid replicants, the awesome City of Light and devour your soul! Mild curiosity leads to severe Crystal are some of the terror this brave family must face. consequences when a couple rents a supposedly cursed 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118436 Also stars Chris Mitchum („Rio Lobo,“ „Chism.“ video cassette recorder. An urban legend renowned for leaving a trail of agonizing and torturous death. Unbelieving, Aliens, Movies, Science Fiction 1980 they take the plunge. And another legend is horrifyingly born. Crazy, Stupid, Love / Horrible 75min. Horror, Movies min. Bosses (Double Feature) Full Moon 20.08.2013 Music Video Distribution 17.09.2013 Donald Sutherland, , Julianne 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118926 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118658 Moore, Kevin Bacon, Marisa Tomei, , Jennifer Aniston, John Carroll Lynch, Dazed And Confused The Deer Hunter Jason Sudeikis, Colin Farrell, Josh Groban, Matthew McConaughey, Milla Jovovich, Christopher Walken, , John Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Ryan Gosling, Jason London, Parker Posey, Ben Affleck, Cazale, John Savage, Robert De Niro - Dir. Steve Carell, Jonah Bobo, Emma Stone - Dir. Joey Lauren Adams, Rory Cochrane, Adam John Requa, Glenn Ficarra, Seth Gordon Goldberg, Wiley Wiggins - Dir. Richard Winner of 5 ®, including Best Picture, and Affairs & Love Triangles, Buddy Pictures, Linklater one of AFI’s Top 100 Films Of All Time, The Deer Hunter Comedy, Double Features, Friendships, Complete with tie-dye and bell bottoms, macramé and mood follows a group of steelworkers from their blue- rings, Dazed and Confused follows a group of high school collar lives, hunting in the woods of the Alleghenies, to the Marriage Woes, Mid-Life Crisis, Movies, On students on the last day of school and one wild night they’d hells of Southeast Asia during the . Academy The Job, Romance, Work Sucks min. never forget...if only they could remember. Featuring a superb Award® winner Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken star Warner Bros. 19.11.2013 ensemble cast including Ben Affleck, Matthew McConaughey, in this unforgettable saga of friendship and courage. Milla Jovovich and Parker Posey, Richard Linklater’s (The Experience the brutality of war and the depths of emotional 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118745 School of Rock) critically acclaimed cult favorite features strain on the human spirit in this all-new special edition. classic rock music by Aerosmith, Black Sabbath and KISS and Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top delivers an enduring film that Rolling Stone calls 100, Classics, Drama, Friendships, M.I.A. / „spectacularly funny!“ P.O.W., Military, Movies, National Film Linnea Quigley, Ken Abraham, Michael Comedy, High School, Movies, Nostalgia, Registry, Vietnam War, War 1978 184min. Aranda, Richard Hawkins, Kim McKamy, Joi Stoners 1993 103min. Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Wilson - Dir. David DeCoteau Universal Studios 15.10.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118548 Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118547 Foreign, Japanese, Movies 1987 72min. Full Moon 23.07.2013 Dead In Tombstone Defiance: Season One 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118431 Julie Benz, Grant Bowler, Stephanie Dina Meyer, Mickey Rourke, Anthony Micha- Leonidas el Hall, Danny Trejo, Richard Dillane - Dir. Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Drama, In Critical Condition Roel Reine - Dir. Michael Apted Danny Trejo (Machete), Anthony Michael Hall (The Dark The Future..., Science Fiction, Television The symptoms: acute tickling of the funny bone and sever Knight) and Oscar nominee Mickey Rourke (The Wrestler) 2013 min. belly laughs. The diagnosis? Richard Pryor in Critical star in this unrated, action-packed battle for vengeance. As a Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Condition. Playing a criminal who fakes insanity to avoid ruthless gang overruns a small mining town, they murder their prison, Pryor ends up in a hospital psychiatric ward. That’s own leader, Guerrero Hernandez (Trejo), in a cold-blooded 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118551 when the craziness starts as he escapes during a blackout power grab. Sentenced to eternity in hell, Guerrero finds and disguises himself as a doctor. Somehow Pryor brings himself confronted by Satan himself (Rourke), offering a Defiance: Season One (Blu-ray) order to chaos even while performing unorthodox physical daring proposition: deliver the six souls of his former gang examinations, delivering a baby and using a helicopter for air and he will escape damnation. With time running out, he sets Julie Benz, Grant Bowler, Stephanie conditioning! out on a brutal rampage to avenge his own death! Leonidas Comedy, Movies 1986 97min. Action, Drama, Fantasy, Gangs, Movies, Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Blu-ray, Paramount 24.09.2013 Revenge, Western 2013 min. Drama, In The Future..., Science Fiction, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118437 Universal Studios 22.10.2013 Television 2013 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118706 Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Damages: The Complete Series 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118561 , Ryan Phillippe, Jenna Elfman, Dead In Tombstone (Blu-ray + Rose Byrne, Michael Gaston, Lori Jo DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) Degrassi: The Next Generation - Nemhauser (Blu-ray) Season 12 Drama, FX, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Dina Meyer, Mickey Rourke, Anthony Micha- The Degrassi crew copes with a new batch of issues, from Mystery, Television, Thrillers 2767min. el Hall, Danny Trejo, Richard Dillane - Dir. internships to relationships, in the 12th season of this drama- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment filled series. Includes 38 episodes. Roel Reine Drama, Family, Friendships, High School, 29.10.2013 Danny Trejo (Machete), Anthony Michael Hall (The Dark 143,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118306 Knight) and Oscar nominee Mickey Rourke (The Wrestler) Television 960min. star in this unrated, action-packed battle for vengeance. As a Echo Bridge Home Entertainment : 4-Movie Spotlight ruthless gang overruns a small mining town, they murder their 15.10.2013 own leader, Guerrero Hernandez (Trejo), in a cold-blooded 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119046 Series power grab. Sentenced to eternity in hell, Guerrero finds himself confronted by Satan himself (Rourke), offering a Terence Stamp, , Chris Cooper, daring proposition: deliver the six souls of his former gang The Devil Bat: Remastered Editi- Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Clive Owen, and he will escape damnation. With time running out, he sets John Slattery, Michael Kelly, Anthony out on a brutal rampage to avenge his own death! on Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Fantasy, Gangs, Mackie, Emily Blunt - Dir. Doug Liman, Bela Lugosi, John Davidson, Donald Kerr, Movies, Revenge, Western 2013 min. George Nolfi Guy Usher, Yolande Donlan, Hal Price, John Universal Studios 22.10.2013 Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Collections, Ellis, Suzanne Kaaren, Edmund Mortimer, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118728 Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Spies & Alan Baldwin - Dir. Jean Yarbrough Secret Agents, Thrillers min. When a brilliant scientist, Dr. Paul Carruthers (Bela Lugosi), : Ultimate Collector’s develops an ingenious product and is cheated out of his fair Universal Studios 08.10.2013 share of the profits by his greedy partners, Roy Heath (John 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118962 Edition (Blu-ray) Ellis) and Don Morton (Gene O’Donnell), Carruthers decides to use his brain rather than brawn to get vengeance. The , James Dean, scientist turns his laboratory of science into one of doom as The Day Time Ended - Dir. Elia Kazan he creates a giant race of bats that turn into ripping and Academy Award Winners, Actor / Actress shredding beasts of fury when they catch wind of a particular

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 32 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA scent that Carruthers puts into a special and Showtime Entertainment 05.11.2013 Valentine, Paris Hilton, Elisa Donovan - Dir. aftershave. Now armed with his killing machines, the good- scientist-gone-bad has the power to kill at will with his mutant 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118457 Michael Feifer bats doing his bidding. The families of Carruthers’ partners Relive the hilarious antics of these three classic family are his first targets, but Heath and Morton’s time is going to Dick Tracy movies, starring the Bannister family and their former K-9 come. And when it does - it won’t be pretty... police hero-turned-pet, Zeus ! Films Include The Dog Who Cult Film / TV, Horror, Killer Animals, Boris Karloff, Ralph Byrd Saved Christmas When two burglars (led by Dean Cain) set See more than 11 hours of classic Dick Tracy films, serials out to break into the Bannister’s home while they’re away for Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction 1940 and TV shows in this special 6-DVD collection! Watch a 15- Christmas, Zeus seizes the chance to be a hero, proving 67min. film serial from 1937, 4 full-length films from the 1940’s and every dog has his day. The Dog Who Saved Christmas Kino Video 17.09.2013 see rare episodes from the 1950 TV series. Includes stars Vacation Uncle Randy (Casper Van Dien) and his foxy poodle Ralph Byrd and Boris Karloff! (voiced by Paris Hilton) join the Bannister family for X-mas 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118346 vacation when the burglars return in this four-legged family Classics, Collections, Crime, Drama, adventure! The Dog Who Saved The Holidays It’s a sun- Mystery, Television 685min. soaked holiday season for the Bannister family as they travel Devil’s Farm Film Chest Media Group 10.09.2013 to Southern California to stay with Aunt Barbara (Shelley Stories of unexplained disappearances out at the old Ash 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118758 Long), who surprises them with a new puppy named Eve. Farm drew the curiosity of Paul who took up the challenge of Animals & Nature, Christmas, Comedy, camping out there with four of his friends to see if there was Family, Holidays, Movies, Triple Feature any truth to the rumors of Devil worshipers conducting rituals Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (Blu-ray) on humans. The campers head out to Ash Farm but what seems min. to be a quiet weekend soon takes a horrifying turn for the , Michael Caine, Glenne Headly, Starz / Anchor Bay 01.10.2013 worse. Anton Rodgers, Barbara Harris - Dir. Frank 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118647 Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies 80min. Oz Music Video Distribution 20.08.2013 One’s got a sophisticated, suave and debonair con act. The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118514 other’s got...well, an act. Together, Steve Martin and Michael Down To Earth Caine are Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and they’re absolutely Chris Rock, Chazz Palminteri, , ruining the Riviera in this „hilarious battle of wits and double- Eugene Levy, , Mark Addy, Dexter: The Complete Series crosses“ (Boxoffice) that „couldn’t be more delightful“ (The Greg Germann, Jennifer Coolidge - Dir. Paul James Remar, Julie Benz, Desmond Wall Street Journal)! Martin is Freddy Benson, a small-time con mansleazing his way through Europe on whatever Weitz, Chris Weitz Harrington, David Zayas, Lauren Velez, handouts he can scam. Caine is Lawrence Jamieson, an Comedy, Movies, Romance 2001 87min. Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, C.S. impeccably dressed and high-minded artiste who thinks Paramount 24.09.2013 Lee Freddy is giving him - and all con men - a bad name. At first, Lawrence agrees to help Freddy spruce up his talents and his 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118438 Dexter is a crime drama about Dexter Morgan, a man who wardrobe. But when it becomes apparent that the Riviera isn’t leads a double life as an incredibly likeable forensics expert big enough for the both of them, they make a winner-take-all for the Miami Police Department and as an emotionless wager over the fortunes of a naïve American soap heiress Driven To Kill (Blu-ray) vigilante serial killer. Taught by his foster father to harness (Glenne Headly): The first one to „clean her out“ can make the his lust for blood and killing, Dexter lives by his own strict other clear out - and keep the Riviera and its unsuspecting Steven Seagal, Laura Mennell, Dan Payne - moral code - he only kills murderers who can’t otherwise be tourists to himself! Dir. Jeff F. King brought to justice. Dexter is a killer who grapples with fitting Comedy, Movies 1988 110min. Bullets, blood, bodies. International action superstar Steven into society while, at the same time, he struggles with his Seagal is back....with a vengeance. Driven To Kill is a inability to feel emotion. The irony of Dexter’s life is that he MGM / UA 08.10.2013 riveting, action-packed crime saga that pits Seagal’s lethal works closely as a blood splatter analyst with the very people 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118734 skills against a notorious criminal syndicate. Ruslan Drachev who hunt his kind - the homicide departments. (Seagal) is a highly-respected former enforcer in the New Boxed Sets, Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery, York-based Russian Mob who abandoned the gangland Serial Killers, Showtime, Television min. Disaster: Triple Feature lifestyle years ago to pursue a peaceful career as a novelist. Rutger Hauer, Randy Quaid, , But after a brutal attack on his daughter - who was engaged to Showtime Entertainment 05.11.2013 the son of a ruthless Russian nemesis - Ruslan must return to 470,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118458 Beau Bridges, James Brolin, , the sinister underbelly of his past and dole out his own Shannen Doherty, Dean Cain merciless brand of justice. Dexter: The Complete Series Action, Collections, Disasters, Movies Action, Blu-ray, Mobsters & The Mafia, 429min. Movies 2009 98min. (Blu-ray) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Echo Bridge Home Entertainment James Remar, Julie Benz, Desmond 01.10.2013 08.10.2013 Harrington, David Zayas, Lauren Velez, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118971 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118983 Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, C.S. Lee Doctor Who: The Complete Drug War Dexter is a crime drama about Dexter Morgan, a man who leads a double life as an incredibly likeable forensics expert Series 1 - 7 - Limited Edition Gift Louis Koo, Huang Yi, Michelle Ye for the Miami Police Department and as an emotionless Notorious drug lord Li rules a massive and violent illegal drug vigilante serial killer. Taught by his foster father to harness Set (Blu-ray) cartel in China. Top Hong Kong inspector Zhang executes a his lust for blood and killing, Dexter lives by his own strict For the first time ever, the rebooted Doctor Who is all big undercover operation to try and take lord Li down. moral code - he only kills murderers who can’t otherwise be together on Blu-ray plus an amazing assortment of extras Action, Crime, Drugs & Dealers, Movies brought to justice. Dexter is a killer who grapples with fitting including the completely unique Doctor Who Universal into society while, at the same time, he struggles with his Remote Control Sonic Screwdriver, hours and hours of bonus 107min. inability to feel emotion. The irony of Dexter’s life is that he features and more! At the heart of the collection are the Well Go USA 15.10.2013 works closely as a blood splatter analyst with the very people episodes themselves, newly remastered and looking better 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118966 who hunt his kind - the homicide departments. than ever. Included are the Complete Series 1-4, featuring Boxed Sets, Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston and Tenth Doctor David Tennant, all making their Blu-ray debut at full 1080p high Drug War (Blu-ray) Serial Killers, Showtime, Television min. definition, plus the David Tennant Complete Specials, the Showtime Entertainment 05.11.2013 Complete Series 5-7 featuring Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith, all Louis Koo, Huang Yi, Michelle Ye 690,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118473 the bonus features included in the previous releases and a Notorious drug lord Li rules a massive and violent illegal drug bonus disc with three new-to-Blu-ray specials: The Brit List’s cartel in China. Top Hong Kong inspector Zhang executes a Ultimate Doctor Who List of Lists, The Best of the Christmas big undercover operation to try and take lord Li down. Dexter: The Final Season Specials and the full 90-minute Doctor Who at the Proms, Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drugs & Dealers, James Remar, , Sean newly remastered with 5.1 Surround Sound. This is the Movies 107min. definitive Doctor Who collection for the ages! Well Go USA 15.10.2013 Patrick Flanery, Desmond Harrington, David Adventure, BBC, Blu-ray, Boxed Sets, Bri- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118982 Zayas, Geoff Pierson, Michael C. Hall, tish, Collections, Foreign, International TV, Aimee Garcia, Jennifer Carpenter, Yvonne Science Fiction, Television, Time Travel Strahovski, C.S. Lee min. (Digibook) (Blu-ray) Dexter is a crime drama about Dexter Morgan, a man who Julie Harris, , James Dean, leads a double life as an incredibly likeable forensics expert BBC Home Video 05.11.2013 for the Miami Police Department and as an emotionless 513,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118791 , Raymond Massey, Burl Ives, vigilante serial killer. Taught by his foster father to harness Richard Davalos - Dir. Elia Kazan his lust for blood and killing, Dexter lives by his own strict Based on ’s novel and directed by Elia Kazan, moral code - he only kills murderers who can’t otherwise be The Dog Who Saved Christmas / East of Eden is the first of three major films that make up brought to justice. Dexter is a killer who grapples with fitting The Dog Who Saved Christmas James Dean’s movie legacy. The 24-year-old idol-to-be plays into society while, at the same time, he struggles with his Cal, a wayward Salinas Valley youth who vies for the inability to feel emotion. The irony of Dexter’s life is that he Vacation / The Dog Who Saved affection of his hardened father (Raymond Massey) with his works closely as a blood splatter analyst with the very people favored brother Aron (Richard Davalos). Playing off the who hunt his kind - the homicide departments. The Holiday (Triple Feature) haunting sensitivity of Julie Harris, Dean’s performance Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Serial Killers, Casper Van Dien, Joey Lawrence, Dean earned one of the film’s four Academy Award nominations. Showtime, Television 2013 min. Cain, Shelley Long, Mario Lopez, Gary Among the movie’s stellar performances, Jo Van Fleet won the

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 34 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Oscar as Best Supporting Actress. 92min. for justice any way she knew how. Desperate for a job to Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, support herself and her three children, she convinces Starz / Anchor Bay 15.10.2013 attorney Ed Masry () to hire her, and promptly Classics, Drama, Movies, Romance, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118928 stumbles upon a monumental law case against a giant Tearjerkers 1954 118min. corporation. Now, Erin’s determined to take on this powerful Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 Embrace Of The Vampire (Blu-ray adversary even though no law firm has dared to do it before. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118874 And while Ed doesn’t want anything to do with the case, Erin + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) won’t take „no“ for an answer. So the two begin an incredible and sometimes hilarious fight that will bring a small town to its East Of Eden: Special Edition Victor Webster, Robert Moloney feet and a huge company to its knees. Charlotte Hawthorn (Sharon Hinnendael) arrives at college a Academy Award Winners, Based-On-A- Julie Harris, Jo Van Fleet, James Dean, timid and repressed freshman. Scarred by a life of foster True-Story, Biography, Biopics, Drama, Lois Smith, Raymond Massey, Burl Ives, homes and violent girls’ schools, Charlotte is plagued by Independent Women, Lawyers / Legal Richard Davalos - Dir. Elia Kazan night terrors. A fencing scholarship got her into college, but she relies on prescription medication just to get through the Issues, Movies 2000 132min. Based on John Steinbeck’s novel and directed by Elia Kazan, day. With this fresh start, she’s hoping to leave her tormented East of Eden is the first of three major films that make up past behind her - but Charlotte will learn that her future and Universal Studios 05.06.2012 James Dean’s movie legacy. The 24-year-old idol-to-be plays her past are linked forever by a dark and bloody secret. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118549 Cal, a wayward Salinas Valley youth who vies for the affection of his hardened father (Raymond Massey) with his Erotica, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 favored brother Aron (Richard Davalos). Playing off the 91min. Ernest In The Army / Ernest Goes haunting sensitivity of Julie Harris, Dean’s performance Starz / Anchor Bay 15.10.2013 To School / Ernest Goes To Africa earned one of the film’s four Academy Award nominations. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118952 Among the movie’s stellar performances, Jo Van Fleet won the (Ernest Triple Feature) Oscar as Best Supporting Actress. Academy Award Winners, Classics, Dra- Embrace of the Vampire (Blu-ray) Jim Varney - Dir. John Cherry Comedy, Movies, , Spoofs & ma, Movies, Romance, Tearjerkers 1954 Jennifer Tilly, Alyssa Milano, Charlotte Parodies, Triple Feature min. 118min. Lewis, Martin Kemp, Harrison Pruett - Dir. Image Ent. 01.10.2013 Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 Anne Goursaud 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118713 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118854 Erotica, Horror, Movies, Vampires 1995 92min. Eden Starz / Anchor Bay 15.10.2013 Eurotrip (Blu-ray) Reggie Gaskins 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118953 , Jacob Pitts, Scott Drama, Movies min. Mechlowicz, Travis Wester - Dir. Jeff Allegro Entertainment 10.09.2013 The English Teacher Schaffer It’s a crash course in foreign relations as college-bound 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118949 , Greg Kinnear, Michael Scotty Thomas and his buddies head to Europe for the ultimate Angarano - Dir. Craig Zisk summer vacation party! They’re hooking up with hot strangers Elf (Steelbook + Blu-ray + DVD + Linda (Julianne Moore, Game Change, The Kids Are All and jamming all the extreme insanity they can into the wildest Right) is a forty-year-old unmarried high school English trip of their lives! UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) teacher in a small town. She shares a small apartment with Comedy, Movies, Road Trips 2004 91min. James Caan, Will Ferrell, , two cats and her rich collection of great literature. She Paramount 03.12.2013 maintains no close personal relationships aside from those Edward Asner, Mary Steenburgen, Zooey she has with her favorite authors. Her life is far less 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118875 Deschanel - Dir. Jon Favreau complicated than the dramas she devours on the page, and she Buddy (Will Ferrell) is different from all of Santa’s other likes it that way. But Linda’s simple life changes when former The Exorcist: 40th Anniversary elves. For one thing, he’s „a cotton-headed ninny muggins“ star pupil Jason (Michael Angarano, Haywire, Red State) when it comes to making toys. For another, he’s 6’3". And the returns to town after failing as a playwright in New York. Edition (Blu-ray + DVD + real clincher: he’s human! So one special December, Buddy Pressured by his overbearing father (Greg Kinnear, Little sets off on a holiday adventure to New York City in quest of Miss Sunshine, The Kennedys), Jason may be forced to give UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) his real dad. How buddy finds his father (James Caan) and up his dreams and go to law school. Unwilling to let that Ellen Burstyn, Lee J. Cobb, Kitty Winn, Max the meaning of Christmas is a joyous, jaunty, sweet-as-a- happen, Linda mounts his play at her school with flamboyant candy-cane gift for everyone who loves bright contemporary drama teacher Carl (, The Producers, The Von Sydow, Jason Miller, Linda Blair - Dir. comedy - and timeless all-family classics. Birdcage) directing, and puts her own reputation and teaching William Friedkin Christmas, Comedy, Family, Fish-Out-Of- career on the line. An innocent girl is evilly possessed - and a doubting priest Water, Holidays, Movies 2003 95min. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Teachers 2013 becomes her last hope. Linda Blair and Ellen Burstyn in the 93min. two-time Academy Award winner that shocked the world. New Line Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, New Video DVD 17.09.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118450 Blu-ray, Classics, Devils And Demons, Hor- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118615 ror, Movies, National Film Registry, Posses- Embrace Of The Vampire sion, Supernatural & Paranormal 1973 Victor Webster, Robert Moloney The English Teacher (Blu-ray + 132min. Charlotte Hawthorn (Sharon Hinnendael) arrives at college a DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 08.10.2013 timid and repressed freshman. Scarred by a life of foster homes and violent girls’ schools, Charlotte is plagued by Julianne Moore, Greg Kinnear, Michael 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118348 night terrors. A fencing scholarship got her into college, but Angarano - Dir. Craig Zisk she relies on prescription medication just to get through the Linda (Julianne Moore, Game Change, The Kids Are All The Exotic House Of Wax day. With this fresh start, she’s hoping to leave her tormented Right) is a forty-year-old unmarried high school English past behind her - but Charlotte will learn that her future and teacher in a small town. She shares a small apartment with Eric Acsell, Jacqueline Lovell, Everett her past are linked forever by a dark and bloody secret. two cats and her rich collection of great literature. She Rodd, Josie Hunter - Dir. Sybil Richards Erotica, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 maintains no close personal relationships aside from those Most wax museums are boring, but there is a new one in town. 91min. she has with her favorite authors. Her life is far less In this house of wax, when the heat turns up, the statues turn complicated than the dramas she devours on the page, and she on. Instead of meltdown...they strip down. The most beautiful Starz / Anchor Bay 15.10.2013 likes it that way. But Linda’s simple life changes when former most powerful people in the history of the world, immortalized 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118927 star pupil Jason (Michael Angarano, Haywire, Red State) in wax...are about to come back to life - for an exotic returns to town after failing as a playwright in New York. extravaganza of ecstasy. Pressured by his overbearing father (Greg Kinnear, Little Erotica, Movies, Thrillers 85min. Embrace of the Vampire Miss Sunshine, The Kennedys), Jason may be forced to give Full Moon 20.08.2013 Jennifer Tilly, Alyssa Milano, Charlotte up his dreams and go to law school. Unwilling to let that happen, Linda mounts his play at her school with flamboyant 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118925 Lewis, Martin Kemp, Harrison Pruett - Dir. drama teacher Carl (Nathan Lane, The Producers, The Anne Goursaud Birdcage) directing, and puts her own reputation and teaching In the tradition of Poison Ivy, Alyssa Milano, plays Charlotte, career on the line. Extremely Loud & Incredibly a sensuous but innocent college freshman who is being Comedy, Drama, Movies, Teachers 2013 Close / World Trade Center seduced by an obsessive lover. A lover, who comes to her 93min. only in dreams - a dark, handsome vampire who touches her in (Double Feature) forbidden places and will stop at nothing to arouse her New Video DVD 17.09.2013 passion. As she is drawn deeper and deeper into the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118622 Sandra Bullock, Tom Hanks, Nicolas Cage, vampire’s erotic world of carnal pleasure, Charlotte is forced Max Von Sydow, John Goodman, Stephen to make a choice between her college boyfriend and her Erin Brockovich Dorff, Maria Bello, Michael Pena, Jay nighttime lover, between sweet romance and uncontrollable Hernandez, , , lust, between the forces of light and the power of darkness, Julia Roberts, Albert Finney, Aaron Eckhart between true love ... and eternal possession. Charlotte Lewis Maggie Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Michael and Jennifer Tilly co-star in this sexy tale. - Dir. Steven Soderbergh A real woman. A real story. A real triumph. Julia Roberts Shannon, Thomas Horn - Dir. , Erotica, Horror, Movies, Vampires 1995 stars as Erin Brockovich, a feisty young mother who fought Stephen Daldry

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9/11, Based-On-A-True-Story, Book-To- other in „an intriguing game of cat and mouse“ (The Sunday Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Ted Levine, Chad Times, U.K.). Heralded as „one of the best BBC dramas in Film, Double Features, Drama, History & years“ (The Guardian, U.K.), The Fall proves as riveting as it Lindberg, Rick Yune, Michelle Rodriguez, Events, Movies, Tearjerkers, Terrorism, is unsettling, granting rare insight into the mind of a Johnny Strong, Jordana Brewster - Dir. Tragedies min. sociopath. Critics rave that „Anderson is sublime, almost Rob Cohen Warner Bros. 19.11.2013 otherworldly, while Dornan. . . matches her for icy charisma“ They’ve got the adrenaline rush and the mean machines, but (Daily Mail, U.K.). The stellar cast also features Archie most of all, they’ve got the extreme need for speed. On the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118746 Panjabi (The Good Wife) and John Lynch (In the Name of the turbo-charged streets of Los Angeles, every night is a Father). championship race. With nitro-boosted fury, Dominic Toretto Eyes Without A Face: The British, Drama, Foreign, Mystery, Televisi- (Vin Diesel), rules the road turning all his challengers into on, Thrillers min. dust. He and his rival, Johnny Tran (Rick Yune) are the Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Acorn Media 15.10.2013 boldest, the baddest and the best. But now, there’s new rage Secluded in the French countryside, a brilliant, obsessive on the road. They know he’s tough, they know he’s fast, but doctor attempts a radical surgery that could restore the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118724 what they don’t know is that he’s a speed demon detective beauty of his daughter’s disfigured face- but at a horrifying (Paul Walker) with enough drive and determination to come price. At once ghastly and lyrical, Eyes Without A Face is a Family Tree out the winner. With intense full-throttle action, awesome true rarity of horror cinema and has influenced countless high-speed stunts, and full-on pedal to the metal intensity, this other films. The Criterion Collection is proud to present Nina Conti fast and furious assault puts you in the driver’s seat and George Franju’s classic in a long-awaited, fully restored Written and created by Christopher Guest, Family Tree is a dares you to exceed all limits. DVD edition. documentary-style comedy series conceived and produced in Action, Adventure, Auto Racing, Blu-ray, Art House, Blu-ray, Classics, Criterion the manner of Guest’s feature films. The story revolves Car Modification, Cars & Motorcycles, around the journey of the 30-year-old Tom Chadwick (Chris Collection, Foreign, French, Horror, Mad O’Dowd), an Englishman in his 30s who has few roots, little Chases, Crime, Drama, Drifting, Movies, Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Movies, Serial family, and a somewhat unsure sense of his purpose in life. Racing, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers Killers 1959 90min. Having recently lost his job and girlfriend, Tom inherits a 2001 107min. mysterious box of belongings from a great-aunt he never met, Criterion 15.10.2013 triggering a passion to investigate his family lineage. As Universal Studios 15.10.2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118408 Tom’s interest in genealogy grows, his life expands and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118592 evolves in unexpected directions, as he uncovers a world of unusual stories and characters in the U.K. and the U.S., as Face/Off well a growing sense of who he is and who his real family Fear Strikes Out John Travolta, Nicolas Cage, Gina are. , Anthony Perkins, Norma Moo- Gershon, Alessandro Nivola, - Comedy, HBO, Television 2013 min. re, Adam Williams, Peter J. Votrian - Dir. Dir. John Woo HBO Home Video 29.10.2013 Robert Mulligan Action, Cops, Crime, Movies, Science 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118456 Baseball, Biography, Biopics, Drama, Men- Fiction, Terrorism, Thrillers 1997 min. tal Illness, Movies, Sports 1957 102min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Fantastic Voyage (Blu-ray) Paramount 24.09.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119114 , Raquel Welch, William 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118440 Redfield, Stephen Boyd, Donald Pleasence Face/Off: Special Collector’s Edi- - Dir. Richard Fleischer Femalien Prepare to journey into the deepest reaches of space... inner tion (Blu-ray) space! Stephen Boyd, Donald Pleasence and Raquel Welch in Jacquiline Lovell, Matt Shue, Kurt Gina Gershon, John Travolta, Alessandro her feature-film debut, star in „one of the most ingenious, Schwoebel, Vanessa Talor - Dir. Cybil Ri- Nivola, Nicolas Cage, Joan Allen - Dir. John inventive, imaginative, science fiction films Hollywood has chards ever produced“ (Citizen-News). The science of In the pursuit of perfection, an alien civilization has evolved Woo miniaturization has been unlocked, and the army has big to become beings of pure light energy. Unbound by the John Travolta stars as FBI agent Sean Archer doing the plans. But when a scientist carrying the secret of the process limitations of the mortal body. But they have lost something unthinkable to stop the elusive terrorist Castor Troy (Nicolas is injured in a surprise attack, a life-threatening blood clot very precious along the way...the ability to experience Cage). Watch the bullets fly and the action explode as master puts him into a coma. Now, a team of adventurers will have to physical pleasure. They have sent a representative to Earth action director John Woo (Broken ) detonates the use the technology to travel inside his body and destroy the to record human Sensory experiences for her planet’s screen in this special collector’s edition Blu-ray disc. Loaded clot. But with the mysteries of the body’s natural defenses archives to be accessed by all of its inhabitants. Taking the with high-voltage special features, it redefines the action fighting them, and a determined saboteur on board, can they form of the perfect human female. Kara uses her incredible genre like never before! locate and destroy the problem before the miniaturization powers to unlock the secrets of sensuality so long forgotten Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Movies, wears off? on her world. Those lucky enough to be chosen for her study Science Fiction, Terrorism, Thrillers 1997 Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Science are about to discover a higher plane of pleasure. When they min. Fiction 1966 100min. are touch...by the Femalien. Cult Film / TV, Erotica, Movies, Science Paramount 01.01.2013 20th Century Fox 08.10.2013 Fiction 1996 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119116 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118730 Full Moon 20.08.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118923 Fade To Black The Fast And The Furious Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Ted Levine, Chad Dennis Christopher, Morgan Paul, Tim Ferocious Thomerson, Normann Burton, Gwynne Lindberg, Rick Yune, Michelle Rodriguez, Kim Coates, Katie Boland, Michael Eklund, Gilford, Eve Brent Ashe, James Luisi - Dir. Johnny Strong, Jordana Brewster - Dir. Amanda Crew, Dustin Milligan Vernon Zimmerman Rob Cohen They’ve got the adrenaline rush and the mean machines, but Amanda Crew stars as Leigh Parrish, a successful actress on Shy, lonely Eric Binford delivers film cassettes and film- a trip home to visit her small town roots. While dodging the related supplies in Los Angeles for a living. But he really most of all, they’ve got the extreme need for speed. On the turbo-charged streets of Los Angeles, every night is a careful eye of her manager (Dustin Milligan), Leigh, steps out exists only to see movies and immerse himself in fantasies from the lights and cameras and into the shadows of her old about cinematic characters and stars. Frequently bullied and championship race. With nitro-boosted fury, Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel), rules the road turning all his challengers into life, confronting her unsavory past and ex-employer, Maurice betrayed, Eric comforts himself by pretending to be one of the (Kim Coates). many tough heroes of villans who have captivated him from the dust. He and his rival, Johnny Tran (Rick Yune) are the silver screen. When a series of unpleasant incidents loosen boldest, the baddest and the best. But now, there’s new rage Movies, Thrillers 2012 93min. Eric’s already weak grip on reality, it sends him into a on the road. They know he’s tough, they know he’s fast, but MTI Home Video 01.10.2013 homicidal rage. He launches a series of grotesque murders all what they don’t know is that he’s a speed demon detective 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118786 patterned after characters and incidents from his beloved (Paul Walker) with enough drive and determination to come movies. he becomes known as the „Celluloid Killer,“ one of the out the winner. With intense full-throttle action, awesome most horrifying murderers the city has ever known. high-speed stunts, and full-on pedal to the metal intensity, this Fill The Void fast and furious assault puts you in the driver’s seat and Cult Film / TV, Horror, Movies, Slasher 1980 dares you to exceed all limits. Razia Israeli, Assaf Amir 102min. Action, Adventure, Auto Racing, Car Fill the Void tells the story of an eighteen-year-old Shira who Paramount 24.09.2013 is the youngest daughter of her family. Her dreams are about Modification, Cars & Motorcycles, Chases, to come true as she is set to be married off to a promising 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118439 Crime, Drama, Drifting, Movies, Racing, young man. Unexpectedly, her sister, Esther, dies while Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers 2001 giving birth to her first child. The pain that overwhelm the The Fall: Series 1 family postpone Shira’s promised match. Everything changes 107min. when an offer is proposed to match Yochay, the late Esther’s Gillian Anderson Universal Studios 15.10.2013 husband, to a widow from . When the girls’ mother Emmy and Golden Globe winner Gillian Anderson (The X- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118565 finds out that Yochay may leave the country with her only Files) smolders as a British detective summoned to Belfast to grandchild, she proposes a match between Shira and the solve a high-profile murder. She quickly recognizes the signs widower. Shira will have to choose between her heart’s wish of a serial killer, but the culprit (Jamie Dornan, Once Upon a The Fast And The Furious (Blu- and her family duty. Time) has already targeted his next victim. Over five ray + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) Drama, Foreign, Israeli, Movies, Religion/ engrossing episodes, this psychological thriller follows both Spirituality 2012 90min. the hunter and the hunted as they attempt to outmaneuver each (Blu-ray)

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Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Series find the courage to face down this terrifying new menace - or die trying. A nightmarish fantasy thrill ride unlike any other, 24.09.2013 Lucas Black, Jamie Foxx, Gong Li, Chris Richard Raaphorst’s Frankenstein’s Army is a delirious 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118920 Cooper, Stellan Skarsgard, Jake Gyllenhaal, plunge into the darkest depths of insanity. Ciaran Hinds, Justin Theroux, Colin Farrell, Action, Blu-ray, Frankenstein, Horror, Finding God’s Angel Naomie Harris, Luis Tosar - Dir. Michael Movies, War, World War II, Zombies 2013 Miguel Nunez, John Jean, Sunny LaMarre Mann, Sam Mendes 84min. Drama, Movies, Religion/Spirituality min. Action, Based On TV Show, Collections, MPI 10.09.2013 Allegro Entertainment 10.09.2013 Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Drugs & 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118639 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118948 Dealers, Movies min. Universal Studios 08.10.2013 Frat Brothers Fletch (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118959 Darrin Henson, Romeo Miller, Denyce UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Lawton, Mishon Ratliff Frances Ha: The Criterion Kyle (Mishon Ratliff) and Quentin „Q“ Cooper (Richard John Joe Don Baker, Chevy Chase, Tim Reliford) have been raised to carry on their family’s proud Matheson, Richard Libertini, Dana Wheeler Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) legacy in the fraternity Delta Gamma Gamma. But Kyle is about to surprise his brother and disappoint his over-bearing - Dir. Michael Ritchie (Blu-ray) father (Darrin Dewitt Henson) by pledging another fraternity, Comedy, Movies, Mystery 1985 98min. Greta Gerwig, Adam Driver - Dir. Noah causing a huge family rift that no one saw coming. Now the Universal Studios 15.10.2013 brothers try to tackle newfound college life - but this time as Baumbach rivals. Also starring Romeo Miller, Denyce Lawton and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118593 Greta Gerwig is radiant as a woman in her late twenties in Juhahn Jones. contemporary New York, trying to sort out her ambitions, her finances, and, above all, her tight but changing bond with her College Life, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Flower Drum Song best friend, Sophie (Mickey Sumner). Meticulously directed Movies min. Nancy Kwan, Jack Soo, Juanita Hall, by Noah Baumbach (Kicking and Screaming) with a free-and- Image Ent. 08.10.2013 easy vibe reminiscent of the French New Wave’s most Miyoshi Umeki, Benson Fong, James spirited films, and written by Baumbach and Gerwig with an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118716 Shigeta - Dir. Henry Koster effortless combination of sweetness and wit, Frances Ha gets Nominated for 5 Academy Awards®, including Best Music, at both the frustrations and the joys of being young and Fright Night 2: New Blood this romantic comedy tells the story of a young Chinese girl unsure of where to go next. This wry and sparkling city who travels to the as part of an arranged romance is a testament to the ongoing vitality of independent Jaime Murray - Dir. Eduardo Rodriguez marriage and discovers a new and modern world. Featuring American cinema. By day Gerri Dandridge is a sexy professor, but by night she an all-new digitally remastered picture, 5.1 Surround Sound, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, transforms into a real-life vampire with an unquenchable thirst never-before-seen bonus materials, and timeless musical for human blood. So when a group of high school students numbers such as „I Enjoy Being a Girl,“ Flower Drum Song is Movies 2013 86min. travel abroad to study in Romania, they find themselves a lavish song and dance extravaganza. Criterion 12.11.2013 ensnared in Gerri’s chilling web of lust and terror. Charley Classics, Comedy, Movies, Musical, Natio- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119075 and „Evil“ Ed must stop Gerri from drinking and bathing in the blood of a „new moon virgin,“ which just so happens to be nal Film Registry 1961 min. Charley’s ex-girlfriend, Amy. They enlist help from Peter Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Frankenhooker Vincent, the vampire hunting host of a reality show called 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118566 „Fright Night,“ to drive a stake through Gerri’s plan and save Louise Lasser, James Lorinz, Patty Mullen, Amy from a fate far worse than death. Jennifer Delora, Charlotte J. Helmkamp - Comedy, Horror, Movies, Thrillers, Vampires The Fly Dir. Frank Henenlotter 2013 83min. Vincent Price, David Hedison, Patricia From Frank Henenlotter, the creator of the Basket Case trilogy and Brain Damage, comes Frankenhooker, a gory 20th Century Fox 01.10.2013 Owens - Dir. Kurt Neumann horror-comedy twist on the Frankenstein legend. When 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118987 When a scientist (David Hedison) attempts to transfer matter Jeffrey Franken’s fiancée is chopped to pieces by the blades through space, things go horrifically wrong and two grotesque of a remote-controlled lawnmower, he uses his dubious man-fly hybrids are created. Now, with the head of a fly and a medical knowledge to try to bring her back to life. He Fright Night 2: New Blood (Blu- wing in place of one of his arms, the scientist desperately reassembles his beloved Elizabeth using the body parts of ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) hopes that he, his wife (Patricia Owens) and his brother New York City’s finest prostitutes, and resurrects her during (Vincent Price) can capture the other mutant and reverse the a heavy lightning storm. Unfortunately for Jeffrey, his dear Jaime Murray - Dir. Eduardo Rodriguez experiment. Elizabeth’s brain is scrambled and she runs amok on 42nd By day Gerri Dandridge is a sexy professor, but by night she Horror, Mad Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Street, turning tricks and bringing high-voltage death to her transforms into a real-life vampire with an unquenchable thirst Movies, Science Fiction 1958 94min. customers! Synapse Films is proud to present the uncut for human blood. So when a group of high school students version of Frankenhooker in an all-new 2K high-definition travel abroad to study in Romania, they find themselves 20th Century Fox 10.09.2013 transfer created from original vault materials and digitally re- ensnared in Gerri’s chilling web of lust and terror. Charley 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118356 mastered 5.1 surround sound! and „Evil“ Ed must stop Gerri from drinking and bathing in the Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Movies 1990 blood of a „new moon virgin,“ which just so happens to be Charley’s ex-girlfriend, Amy. They enlist help from Peter The Fly (Blu-ray) 85min. Vincent, the vampire hunting host of a reality show called Vincent Price, David Hedison, Patricia Synapse Films 10.09.2013 „Fright Night,“ to drive a stake through Gerri’s plan and save Owens - Dir. Kurt Neumann 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118343 Amy from a fate far worse than death. When a scientist (David Hedison) attempts to transfer matter Comedy, Horror, Movies, Thrillers, Vampires through space, things go horrifically wrong and two grotesque Frankenstein’s Army 2013 83min. man-fly hybrids are created. Now, with the head of a fly and a 20th Century Fox 01.10.2013 wing in place of one of his arms, the scientist desperately Karel Roden hopes that he, his wife (Patricia Owens) and his brother In the dying days of World War II, a battalion of Russian 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119009 (Vincent Price) can capture the other mutant and reverse the soldiers find themselves lost in enemy territory. Stumbling experiment. upon a village decimated by an unseen terror, they’re lured From Here To Eternity (Blu-ray) Horror, Mad Scientists & Deadly Doctors, into the secret lab of a deranged scientist (Hellboy’s Karel Donna Reed, Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Movies, Science Fiction 1958 94min. Roden) and forced to face off against his army of horrific flesh-and-metal war machines. Leaderless and faced with Clift, Deborah Kerr, - Dir. 20th Century Fox 10.09.2013 dissention amongst their dwindling ranks, the Russians must Fred Zinnemann 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118368 find the courage to face down this terrifying new menace - or die trying. A nightmarish fantasy thrill ride unlike any other, In this landmark film, passion and tragedy collide on a military Richard Raaphorst’s Frankenstein’s Army is a delirious base as a fateful day in December 1941 draws near. Private Football: Triple Feature (Blu-ray) plunge into the darkest depths of insanity. Prewitt (Montgomery Clift) is a soldier and former boxer being manipulated by his superior and peers. His friend Matthew Modine, Matthew McConaughey, Action, Frankenstein, Horror, Movies, War, Maggio (Frank Sinatra) tries to help him but has his own Dennis Quaid, David Strathairn, , World War II, Zombies 2013 84min. troubles. Sergeant Warden (Burt Lancaster) and Karen MPI 10.09.2013 Holmes (Deborahh Kerr) tread on dangerous ground as lovers Cameron Diaz, Ian McShane, January in an illicit affair. Each of their lives will be changed when Jones, Anthony Mackie, Kate Mara, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118632 their stories culminate in the Japanese attack on Pearl Matthew Fox, Brian Geraghty - Dir. Oliver Harbor. Winner of eight Oscars®, including Best Picture, Frankenstein’s Army (Blu-ray) Best Director and Best Supporting awards for Sinatra in a Stone, McG career-defining role and for Donna Reed as a not-so- Blu-ray, College Life, Drama, Football, Karel Roden wholesome „club hostess.“ Movies, Sports, Triple Feature min. In the dying days of World War II, a battalion of Russian Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, soldiers find themselves lost in enemy territory. Stumbling Warner Bros. 26.11.2013 upon a village decimated by an unseen terror, they’re lured Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Movies, National 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118876 into the secret lab of a deranged scientist (Hellboy’s Karel Film Registry, Romance, War 1953 118min. Roden) and forced to face off against his army of horrific Sony Pictures Home Entertainment flesh-and-metal war machines. Leaderless and faced with Jamie Foxx: 4-Movie Spotlight dissention amongst their dwindling ranks, the Russians must 01.10.2013

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118474 Gangway and debauchery to get Snow to the world famous Greek Theatre on time! From the producer of Knocked Up and Super- Nat Pendleton, Alastair Sim, Jessie bad comes the movie that’s „a raucous, rowdy good time“ (Ty The Frozen Ground (Blu-ray + Matthews, Barry Mackay - Dir. Sonnie Hale Burr, ). Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Inspector Bob Deering (Barry MacKay) is on the trail of Comedy, Movies, Odd Couples, Road Trips ‘Sparkle’, an international jewel thief. He meets a newspaper 2010 114min. Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, , reporter, Pat (Jessie Matthews), who is writing a story about Universal Studios 08.10.2013 Vanessa Hudgens, Jeff Rice, Randall a film star and obtaining information by pretending to be her maid. When she accepts an invitation from Bob for an evening 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118371 Emmett, George Furla, 50 Cent, Jane Fle- out, she is sacked and, to save her reputation, she steals a ming, Mark Ordesky necklace. Unfortunately, the necklace actually belongs to a Frozen Ground is inspired by the incredible true story that friend of Bob and leads him to suspect that Pam is actually the Get Rich Or Die Tryin’ follows Alaskan State Trooper Jack Halcombe (Nicolas Cage) elusive ‘Sparkle’. His personal and professional beliefs 50 Cent, Bill Duke, Jim Sheridan, Terrence as he sets out to end the murderous rampage of Robert collide, but which will he listen to? Howard, Joy Bryant, Viola Davis, Tory Hansen (John Cusack), a serial killer who has gone British, Foreign, Gangs, Movies, Music, Kittles, Omar Benson Miller - Dir. Jim unnoticed for 13 years. As the bodies of street girls start to Musical 1937 91min. pile up in Anchorage, fear strikes a chord with the public. Sheridan Risking his life, Halcombe goes on a personal manhunt to find Vivendi Visual Entertainment 26.11.2013 In his film debut, hip-hop superstar Curtis „50 Cent“ Jackson the killer before the next body surfaces. When a seventeen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118680 explodes across the screen in this hard-hitting urban drama year old escapee (Vanessa Hudgens) reveals key information from acclaimed director Jim Sheridan (In America). Following about the case, Halcombe is finally on the trail of the killer. a near-fatal gun battle, Marcus („50 Cent“) recalls his But will he catch him in time to save the next victim? Il Generale Della Rovere journey from orphaned street kid from to making his Crime, Drama, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Vittorio De Sica, Sandra Milo - Dir. Roberto mark in the drug trade to teaming up with a fellow ex-con Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2013 (Terrence Howard) for his shot at becoming a successful rap Rossellini artist. This gripping tale, based on „50 Cent’s“ real life story, 105min. In a magnetic performance, Vittorio De Sica is Bardone, an is „a film with a rich and convincing texture, a drama with Lionsgate 01.10.2013 opportunistic rascal in wartime Genoa, conning and cheating power and anger.“ - his fellow Italians, exploiting their tragedies by promising to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118448 help find their missing loved ones in exchange for money. But Drama, Gangs, Movies, Music, Rap 2005 when the Nazis force him to impersonate a dead partisan 116min. The Frozen Ground (DVD + Digi- general in prison to extract information from fellow inmates, Paramount 24.09.2013 Bardone finds himself wrestling with his conscience for the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118441 tal Copy) first time. Roberto Rossellini’s gripping drama, among his Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, 50 Cent, most commercially popular films, is further evidence of the compassionate artistry of one cinema’s most important voices. Giant (Digibook) (Blu-ray) Vanessa Hudgens, Jeff Rice, Randall Art House, Drama, Foreign, History & Elizabeth Taylor, Carroll Baker, James Emmett, George Furla, 50 Cent, Jane Fle- Events, Italian, Movies, War, World War II Dean, Rock Hudson - Dir. George Stevens ming, Mark Ordesky 1959 132min. Frozen Ground is inspired by the incredible true story that Giant is a movie of huge scale and grandeur in which three follows Alaskan State Trooper Jack Halcombe (Nicolas Cage) Kino Video 29.10.2013 generations of land-rich Texans love, swagger, connive and as he sets out to end the murderous rampage of Robert 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118771 clash in a saga of family strife, racial bigotry and conflict Hansen (John Cusack), a serial killer who has gone between cattle barons and newly rich oil tycoons. It’s also unnoticed for 13 years. As the bodies of street girls start to one of the most beloved works of director George Stevens, pile up in Anchorage, fear strikes a chord with the public. Il Generale Della Rovere (Blu- who won an Academy Award for this film, one of the 10 Oscar Risking his life, Halcombe goes on a personal manhunt to find ray) nominations the film earned. the killer before the next body surfaces. When a seventeen Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, year old escapee (Vanessa Hudgens) reveals key information Vittorio De Sica, Sandra Milo - Dir. Roberto Blu-ray, Classics, Movies, National Film about the case, Halcombe is finally on the trail of the killer. Rossellini Registry, Western 1956 201min. But will he catch him in time to save the next victim? In a magnetic performance, Vittorio De Sica is Bardone, an Crime, Drama, Movies, Murder Mysteries, opportunistic rascal in wartime Genoa, conning and cheating Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2013 his fellow Italians, exploiting their tragedies by promising to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118877 help find their missing loved ones in exchange for money. But 105min. when the Nazis force him to impersonate a dead partisan Lionsgate 01.10.2013 general in prison to extract information from fellow inmates, Giant: Special Edition 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118414 Bardone finds himself wrestling with his conscience for the Elizabeth Taylor, Carroll Baker, James first time. Roberto Rossellini’s gripping drama, among his most commercially popular films, is further evidence of the Dean, Rock Hudson - Dir. George Stevens Fury compassionate artistry of one cinema’s most important voices. Giant is a movie of huge scale and grandeur in which three generations of land-rich Texans love, swagger, connive and , Bobby Diamond, William Art House, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, History clash in a saga of family strife, racial bigotry and conflict Fawcett & Events, Italian, Movies, War, World War II between cattle barons and newly rich oil tycoons. It’s also Joey, the adopted son of a widowed rancher, and his faithful 1959 132min. one of the most beloved works of director George Stevens, horse, Fury, find wild adventures and delightful mischief who won an Academy Award for this film, one of the 10 Oscar Kino Video 29.10.2013 nominations the film earned. around every corner. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118779 Animals & Nature, Family, Horses, Movies Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, 575min. Classics, Movies, National Film Registry, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Gentle Ben: Season One Special Editions, Western 1956 201min. 01.10.2013 Clint Howard, Dennis Weaver, Beth Brickell Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 Gentle Ben, a loveable 650 -pound American black bear, is a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118855 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119005 member of the Wedloe family of the Florida Everglades. Together, they thwart the everyday dangers of man and nature Game Night Collection that thrive amidst their wondrous surroundings. Thrilling Gimme The Loot adventure and suspenseful drama meet family lessons and Malcolm and Sofia are the most determined teenage graffiti- Collections, Drama, Movies min. charming friendship in this American classic television writers in the Bronx. But when a rival gang buffs their latest Warner Bros. 09.11.2013 series. masterpiece, they hatch a plan to get their revenge by 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118386 Adventure, Animals & Nature, Classics, planning the ultimate graffiti tag - to „bomb“ the New York Drama, Family, Television, Wilderness 1967 Mets’ home run apple. The only hitch is that they need to 710min. raise $500 to pull off their spectacular scheme. Over the Gangsters: 4-Movie Spotlight course of two whirlwind, sun-soaked summer days, Malcolm Paramount Pictures 15.10.2013 and Sofia travel on an epic urban adventure involving black Series 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118533 market spray cans, illicit bodegas, stolen sneakers, a high , Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, stakes heist, and a beautiful girl whose necklace is literally , Alan King, Mario Van their key to fame. Gimme The Loot is the charming, funny, Get Him To The Greek (Blu-ray + daring story of two taggers that will do anything to become the Peebles, Don Rickles, Luis Guzman, Jay biggest writers in the city. Hernandez, , Robert De Niro, Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- Comedy, Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Michael Kelly - Dir. , Micha- ray) Gangs, Movies 2012 89min. el Bregman Sean Combs, Rose Byrne, Elizabeth Moss, MPI 17.09.2013 Universal Studios, Collections, Crime, Dra- Jonah Hill, Russell Brand - Dir. Nicholas 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118358 ma, Drugs & Dealers, Gambling, Mobsters & Stoller The Mafia, Movies, Thrillers min. Jonah Hill and Russell Brand reunite with the director of Girl Most Likely (Blu-ray + Universal Studios 08.10.2013 Forgetting Sarah Marshall in this outrageous comedy about Aaron Green (Hill), an aspiring music executive, who has 72 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118958 hours to deliver the wild rock legend, Aldous Snow (Brand), from London to Los Angeles for a comeback concert. In order Annette Bening, Matt Dillon, Kristen Wiig, to keep his job, Aaron must navigate a minefield of mayhem June Diane Raphael - Dir. Robert Pulcini,

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Shari Springer Berman Comedy, Drama, Fox, High School, Music, Tim Buckley is filled with stirring musical performances and Kristen Wiig stars as Imogene, a failed New York playwright Musical, Television 2012 965min. the memorable songs of a father and son who were each awkwardly navigating the transition from Next Big Thing to among the most beloved singer/songwriters of their respective Last Year’s News. After both her career and relationship hit 20th Century Fox 01.10.2013 generations. the skids, she’s forced to make the humiliating move back 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119095 Drama, Movies, Music 2012 99min. home to with her eccentric mother and younger New Video DVD 17.09.2013 brother (Annette Bening and Christopher Fitzgerald). Adding further insult to injury, there’s a strange man sleeping in her Good Burger 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118618 old bedroom (Darren Criss) and an even stranger man Sinbad, George Clinton, Kel Mitchell, Kenan sleeping in her mother’s bed (Matt Dillon). Through it all, The Guilt Trip Imogene eventually realizes that, as part of her rebuilding Thompson - Dir. Brian Robbins process, she must finally come to love and accept both her Kenan & Kel are serving up laughs! They’re the good guys in , Seth Rogen - Dir. Anne family and her Jersey roots if she’s ever going to be stable Good Burger, a zany comedy inspired by the popular Kel Fletcher enough to get the hell away from them. routine from Nickelodeon’s series All That. Can fast-food dudes Ed (Kel Mitchell) and Dexter (Kenan Thompson) battle Barbra Streisand and Seth Rogen are the perfect comedy duo“ Comedy, Movies 2012 104min. big business? That’s the order of the day when Mondo (Jake Hamilton, FOX-TV) as they embark on one mother of a Lionsgate 05.11.2013 Burger’s high-tech hamburger haven opens across the street road trip! The plan for a quick stop at Mom’s takes a sudden 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119072 from the tiny Good Burger diner. Catch up with the gags as Ed turn when an impulse compels Andy (Rogen) to invite his and Dexter scramble to save their jobs and stop Mondo mother, Joyce (Streisand) on an 8-day, 3,000 mile journey Burger’s bid for fast-food domination! Co-starring Sinbad and across the country. But the farther they go, the closer they Girl Most Likely (DVD + featuring cameos by hoopster Shaquille O’Neal, funkster get, so buckle up for the outrageously funny adventure that George Clinton and others, Good Burger is one tasty comedy. just might prove they have more in common than Andy ever UltraViolet) Comedy, Movies 1997 95min. imagined. Comedy, Movies, Road Trips 2012 min. Kristen Wiig stars as Imogene, a failed New York playwright Paramount 24.09.2013 awkwardly navigating the transition from Next Big Thing to Paramount 12.11.2013 Last Year’s News. After both her career and relationship hit 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118442 the skids, she’s forced to make the humiliating move back 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119104 home to New Jersey with her eccentric mother and younger brother (Annette Bening and Christopher Fitzgerald). Adding Grease 2-Pack The Guilt Trip (Blu-ray) further insult to injury, there’s a strange man sleeping in her John Travolta, Joan Blondell, Sid Caesar, Barbra Streisand, Seth Rogen - Dir. Anne old bedroom (Darren Criss) and an even stranger man , , Lorna sleeping in her mother’s bed (Matt Dillon). Through it all, Fletcher Imogene eventually realizes that, as part of her rebuilding Luft, Adrian Zmed, Eve Arden, Maxwell Barbra Streisand and Seth Rogen are the perfect comedy duo“ process, she must finally come to love and accept both her Caulfield, Connie Stevens, Didi Conn, Tab (Jake Hamilton, FOX-TV) as they embark on one mother of a family and her Jersey roots if she’s ever going to be stable Hunter, Edd Byrnes, Dody Goodman, Mich- road trip! The plan for a quick stop at Mom’s takes a sudden enough to get the hell away from them. turn when an impulse compels Andy (Rogen) to invite his Comedy, Movies 2012 104min. elle Pfeiffer, Frankie Avalon - Dir. Randal mother, Joyce (Streisand) on an 8-day, 3,000 mile journey Lionsgate 05.11.2013 Kleiser, Patricia Birch across the country. But the farther they go, the closer they Grease: Special Collector’s Edition Grease is the one you get, so buckle up for the outrageously funny adventure that 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119051 that you want! Go back to high school with Pink Lady Sandy just might prove they have more in common than Andy ever (Olivia Newton-John), leader of the bad-boy T-birds, Danny imagined. Give Us The Moon (John Travolta), and a rockin’ and rollin’ all-star. Available Comedy, Movies, Road Trips 2012 min. for the first as a remastered Special Edition and featuring all- Peter Graves, Jean Simmons, Margaret new bonus materials, Grease: Rockin’ Rydell Edition is the Paramount 12.11.2013 Lockwood - Dir. Val Guest word! Grease 2 Many familiar faces from the smash hit 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119113 It is London three years after the war and an idle group of Grease return to the campus, and the new ones are equally friends decide to set up a money-making racket. They rent a memorable in this happy tribute to straight skirts, girl-chasing Gun / All Things Fall Apart (50 club in Soho and lure important guests into the premises by and young love. It’s 1961, two years after the original Grease saying they will meet a rich and beautiful princess. She never gang graduated from Rydell High, and there’s a new crop of Cent Double Feature) arrives, but by this point the clients have waited all evening, seniors. The Pink Ladies and the T-Birds are still the epitome and spent a lot of money at the bar. One day, however, their of cool, except that over the summer, something’s happened to Val Kilmer, Ray Liotta, Mario Van Peebles, ruse is discovered, and they must act fast to avoid a scandal. Stephanie, the sorority leader. She feels she’s outgrown 50 Cent - Dir. Mario Van Peebles, Jessy Johnny, the head T-Bird, and is looking for a new love - one Drama, Movies 1944 95min. who’s even hotter. Meanwhile, newcomer Michael is smitten Terrero Vivendi Visual Entertainment 26.11.2013 with Stephanie, who won’t even notice him. The conflict is on Action, Adventure, Crime, Double Features, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118681 and the Rydell High fun takes off to new heights. Drama, Football, Movies, Sports, Thrillers 2 Packs, Comedy, Movies, Musical, 192min. Glee: The Complete Fourth Romance min. Image Ent. 01.10.2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118711 Season 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119030 , Matthew Morrison, Cory Halloween: 35th Anniversary Edi- Monteith, Dianna Agron, Chris Colfer, Lea The Great Muppet Caper / Michele, Amber Riley, Mark Salling, Jenna tion (Blu-ray) Ushkowitz, Naya Rivera Muppet Treasure Island: Of Jamie Lee Curtis, P.J. Soles, Nancy Loomis, Season 4 of the exhilarating Emmy-winning series finds Pirates & Pigs - 2 Movie Donald Pleasence - Dir. John Carpenter Rachel and Kurt in New York City, Finn with a surprising new career, Will and Emma at a crossroads and Sue confronting a Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Cult Film / shocking situation! Meanwhile, tension mounts as the kids in (Blu-ray) TV, Halloween (Series), Holidays, Horror, New Directions head for Regionals, facing new challenges. Horror Series, Movies, National Film Featuring exciting new cast members, electrifying musical A treasure trove of hearty laughs is yours when two of the numbers, and superstar guests like Sarah Jessica Parker, funniest, most action-packed Muppet movies of all time make Registry, Slasher, Thrillers 1978 92min. Kate Hudson and Whoopi Goldberg, Glee remains TV’s most their Disney Blu-ray debut in this heartwarming 2-Movie Starz / Anchor Bay 24.09.2013 enthralling, most topically relevant show. Collection. From the special star-studded lunacy in Muppet Treasure Island to the jewel-heist hilarity of The Great 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118319 Comedy, Drama, Fox, High School, Music, Muppet Caper, these two classic comedy-adventures are Musical, Television 2012 965min. packed with music, mirth, mayhem and, of course, Kermit, Hallows’ Eve 20th Century Fox 01.10.2013 Miss Piggy, Animal, Fozzie, Gonzo and all your Muppet favorites. Loaded with unforgettable music and sparkling Danielle Harris 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119086 special effects, this restored and remastered collection is a 2- On Hallows’ Eve, a prank by a group of vindictive children movie treasure you won’t want to miss! results in a tragic accident that leaves Eve Bates, an innocent Glee: The Complete Fourth Children’s, Comedy, Double Features, farm girl, facially mutilated and emotionally scarred for the Family, Movies, Muppets 147min. rest of her life. Ten years later, the same kids, now teenagers, Season (Blu-ray) receive free tickets to the Bates Farm, which has been Disney / Buena Vista 10.12.2013 Jane Lynch, Matthew Morrison, Cory converted into a local Halloween attraction. This time, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119037 however, their sins will not go unpunished, and they will be Monteith, Dianna Agron, Chris Colfer, Lea forced to pay with their lives. Michele, Amber Riley, Mark Salling, Jenna Horror, Movies 2012 80min. Ushkowitz, Naya Rivera Greetings From Tim Buckley E1 Entertainment 01.10.2013 Season 4 of the exhilarating Emmy-winning series finds Penn Badgley, Imogen Poots, Norbert Leo 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118804 Rachel and Kurt in New York City, Finn with a surprising new Butz career, Will and Emma at a crossroads and Sue confronting a In 1991, a young Jeff Buckley (Penn Badgley, ) shocking situation! Meanwhile, tension mounts as the kids in rehearses for his public singing debut at a tribute Hammer Of The Gods New Directions head for Regionals, facing new challenges. concert for his father, the late folk singer Tim Buckley. James Cosmo, Clive Standen, Charlie Featuring exciting new cast members, electrifying musical Struggling with the legacy of a man he barely knew, Jeff forms numbers, and superstar guests like Sarah Jessica Parker, a friendship with an enigmatic young woman (Imogen Poots, 28 Bewley - Dir. Farren Blackburn Kate Hudson and Whoopi Goldberg, Glee remains TV’s most Weeks Later) working at the show and begins to discover the Action, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, enthralling, most topically relevant show. powerful potential of his own musical voice. Greetings From Vikings 95min.

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Magnolia Home Entertainment 10.09.2013 an extraordinary ability: he can think like his prey, seeing Shannon Mullins (McCarthy) couldn’t be more incompatible. what they see and feeling what they feel. What he doesn’t But when they join forces to bring down a ruthless drug lord, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119020 know is that his new partner is the most notorious serial killer they become the last thing anyone expected...buddies. of all. While pursuing an especially troubling, cannibalistic Action, Comedy, Crime, FBI, girl power, Hammer Of The Gods (Blu-ray) murderer, Special Agent Jack Crawford (Laurence Fishburne) teams Graham with a highly respected psychiatrist - a man Movies 2013 117min. James Cosmo, Clive Standen, Charlie with a taste for the criminally minded: Dr. Hannibal Lecter 20th Century Fox 15.10.2013 Bewley - Dir. Farren Blackburn (Mads Mikkelsen). Dr. Lecter tests Graham every step of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118830 way, toying with him and playing a game all his own, while Action, Blu-ray, Historical / Period Piece, they work to unravel the mystery and catch the killer. Like Movies, Vikings 95min. only Lecter can, he twists Graham’s mind, daring him to The Heat (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Magnolia Home Entertainment 10.09.2013 question everything he knows about others...and himself. Copy) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119039 Cannibalism, Crime, Drama, Horror, Serial Killers, Television, Thrillers 2013 561min. Sandra Bullock, Michael Rapaport, Marlon Wayans, , Melissa McCarthy, The Hangover III (Blu-ray + DVD + Lionsgate 24.09.2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118787 Demain Bichir - Dir. Paul Feig UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Oscar Winner Sandra Bullock and Oscar Nominee Melissa Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Justin McCarthy team up in this outrageously funny comedy from the The Hardy Boys Nancy Drew director of Bridesmaids, Paul Feig. Uptight FBI Special Agent Bartha, Ed Helms, Ken Jeong - Dir. Todd Sarah Ashburn (Bullock) and foul-mouthed Boston cop Phillips Mysteries: Season One Shannon Mullins (McCarthy) couldn’t be more incompatible. It’s been two years. Phil, Stu and Doug are happily living (Repackage) But when they join forces to bring down a ruthless drug lord, uneventful lives at home. The only member of the Wolfpack they become the last thing anyone expected...buddies. who’s not content is Alan. Still lacking a sense of purpose, Jamie Lee Curtis, Mark Harmon, Pamela Sue Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Crime, FBI, girl the group’s black sheep has ditched his meds and given in to Martin, Rick Nelson, Parker Stevenson, Bob power, Movies 2013 117min. his natural impulses in a big way-which, for Alan, means no Crane, Shaun Cassidy 20th Century Fox 15.10.2013 boundaries, no filters and no judgment - until a personal crisis Follow the clues to mystery, adventure and thrills as Season forces him to finally seek the help he needs. What could One of The Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries comes to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118842 possibly go wrong? But when the Wolfpack hits the road, all DVD for the first time ever! Teen sensations Shaun Cassidy, bets are off. Parker Stevenson and Pamela Sue Martine star as brave Hellhole: Inmate 611 Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Friendships, super-sleuths in 14 spooky episodes loaded with spellbinding Movies 2013 100min. action and smash-hit pop songs, including Shaun Cassidy’s It’s called the House of Evils, where beasts in human flesh #1 hit „Da DOO Ron Ron.“ Inspired by the hugely popular prowl the corridors and the most dangerous residents aren’t Warner Bros. 08.10.2013 books with and amazing lineup of guest stars, including Jamie the luscious inmates, but the predatory guards. For the crime 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118845 Lee Curtis, Mark Harmon, Bob Crane, Rick Nelson and more, of assaulting her lover, Saya Mizushima has been sentenced it’s no surprise that The Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries to three years in the most brutal prison facility in Japan. It is an open-and-shut case for fun! wasn’t supposed to be a life sentence, but unless the woman The Hangover III: Special Edition now known as Inmate 611 can learn how to hold her own Family, Mystery, Television 682min. against both the ruthlessness of her fellow inmates and the (DVD + UltraViolet) Universal Studios 15.10.2013 brutal harassment of the guards, she’s got little chance of Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Justin 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119000 walking out with both mind and body intact. Stripped, shackled, but not yet broken, an international chain gang of Bartha, Ed Helms, Ken Jeong - Dir. Todd red hot models and actresses lead by Akira Kiuchi, Harumi Phillips Head Over Heels Nemoto , Youko Kamon, Yoshimi Asada and Kei Mizutani It’s been two years. Phil, Stu and Doug are happily living prepare to march into the flames of the damned in Hellhole: uneventful lives at home. The only member of the Wolfpack Jessie Matthews, , Romney Inmate 611! who’s not content is Alan. Still lacking a sense of purpose, Brent - Dir. Sonnie Hale Action, Foreign, Japanese, Movies, Prison, the group’s black sheep has ditched his meds and given in to Jeanne (Jessie Matthews) , loved by radio engineer Pierre his natural impulses in a big way-which, for Alan, means no (Robert Flemyng), falls instead for Marcel (Louis Borel), an Thrillers 75min. boundaries, no filters and no judgment - until a personal crisis idle womanizer. However, Pierre helps her become a success Section23 Films 19.11.2013 forces him to finally seek the help he needs. What could on the radio after Marcel has inevitably left her and run off 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118655 possibly go wrong? But when the Wolfpack hits the road, all with a film star. Now she is famous, she is attractive once bets are off. more to the selfish Marcel, but Pierre, faithful and patient, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Friendships, does not want to lose her again. Hello Herman Movies 2013 100min. British, Foreign, Movies, Musical, Play-To- Norman Reedus, Martha Higareda - Dir. Warner Bros. 08.10.2013 Film, Romance 1937 82min. Michelle Danner 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118835 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 26.11.2013 Crime, Drama, In The Future..., Movies 2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118682 90min. Hannibal: Season One (Blu-ray + Passion River 08.10.2013 Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Heart Of Christmas / Dear Santa / 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118403 Laurence Fishburne, Hugh Dancy, Mads Fireplace (Triple Feature) Mikkelsen, Caroline Dhavernas, Aaron Candace Cameron, Amy Acker, Jeanne Hello Herman (Blu-ray) Abrams, Martha De Laurentiis, Sidonie Neilson - Dir. Jason Priestley, Gary Wheeler Norman Reedus, Martha Higareda - Dir. Dumas Christmas, Comedy, Drama, Family, Michelle Danner FBI Agent Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) hunts the most Holidays, Movies, Triple Feature min. Crime, Drama, In The Future..., Movies min. notorious serial killers. Graham is both gifted and cursed with Image Ent. 29.10.2013 Passion River 08.10.2013 an extraordinary ability: he can think like his prey, seeing what they see and feeling what they feel. What he doesn’t 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118723 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118472 know is that his new partner is the most notorious serial killer of all. While pursuing an especially troubling, cannibalistic A Heartland Christmas Her Majesty murderer, Special Agent Jack Crawford (Laurence Fishburne) teams Graham with a highly respected psychiatrist - a man Michelle Morgan, Amber Marshall, Graham Drama, Family, Movies 107min. with a taste for the criminally minded: Dr. Hannibal Lecter Wardle - Dir. Dean Bennett Funimation 03.09.2013 (Mads Mikkelsen). Dr. Lecter tests Graham every step of the Lou’s husband Peter maybe not be able to make it for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118506 way, toying with him and playing a game all his own, while Christmas and so she obsesses more than usual about making they work to unravel the mystery and catch the killer. Like everything perfect for a traditional Christmas. But Lou’s plans only Lecter can, he twists Graham’s mind, daring him to are altered by an anonymous call about starving and High Plains Drifter question everything he knows about others...and himself. abandoned horses trapped in an avalanche. Clint Eastwood, Verna Bloom, Mariana Hill, Cannibalism, Crime, Drama, Horror, Serial Christmas, Family, Holidays, Movies, TV Killers, Television, Thrillers 2013 561min. Mitchell Ryan - Dir. Clint Eastwood Movies 2010 90min. Clint Eastwood’s second film as director finds the celebrated Lionsgate 24.09.2013 E1 Entertainment 29.10.2013 action star returning to his familiar Old West stomping 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118794 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118905 grounds and his internationally acclaimed role of „The Man With No Name.“ This time, The Stranger (Eastwood) mysteriously appears out of the heat waves of the desert and Hannibal: Season One (DVD + The Heat rides into the lawless, sin-ridden town of Lago. After making a Digital Copy) name for himself with a string of blazing gun battles, The Sandra Bullock, Michael Rapaport, Marlon Stranger is hired by the townspeople to provide protection Laurence Fishburne, Hugh Dancy, Mads Wayans, Jane Curtin, Melissa McCarthy, from three ruthless gunmen just out of jail. The Stranger Mikkelsen, Caroline Dhavernas, Aaron Demain Bichir - Dir. Paul Feig quickly proceeds to paint the entire town bright red, rename it Abrams, Martha De Laurentiis, Sidonie Oscar Winner Sandra Bullock and Oscar Nominee Melissa „Hell,“ and supply divine retribution in the fiery, pulse- McCarthy team up in this outrageously funny comedy from the pounding climax of this acclaimed western shoot-em-up. Dumas director of Bridesmaids, Paul Feig. Uptight FBI Special Agent Classics, Movies, Western 1973 106min. FBI Agent Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) hunts the most Sarah Ashburn (Bullock) and foul-mouthed Boston cop notorious serial killers. Graham is both gifted and cursed with Universal Studios 15.10.2013

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118567 Bilbo Baggins not only discovers depths of ingenuity and Deena in college; and Abby Long, an Afrocentr courage that surprise even himself, he also gain possession Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 93min. of a „precious“ ring tied to the fate of all Middle-earth in ways Image Ent. 22.10.2013 High Plains Drifter (Blu-ray + Di- he cannot begin to imagine. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118720 gital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 2013 Oscar Nominees, Adventure, Book- To-Film, Fantasy, Movies 2012 169min. Clint Eastwood, Verna Bloom, Mariana Hill, New Line Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 The Honeymooners Mitchell Ryan - Dir. Clint Eastwood Clint Eastwood’s second film as director finds the celebrated 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118757 Regina Hall, , Gabrielle Union, action star returning to his familiar Old West stomping , John Leguizamo, grounds and his internationally acclaimed role of „The Man The Hobbit: An Unexpected Eric Stoltz - Dir. John Schultz With No Name.“ This time, The Stranger (Eastwood) Prepare for nonstop, fast-paced fun as Cedric The Entertai- mysteriously appears out of the heat waves of the desert and Journey 3D - Extended Edition ner and Mike Epps join Gabrielle Union, Regina Hall and rides into the lawless, sin-ridden town of Lago. After making a (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + John Leguizamo in this outrageously funny family comedy. name for himself with a string of blazing gun battles, The New York City bus driver Ralph Kramden (Cedric) and Stranger is hired by the townspeople to provide protection UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) sanitation engineer Ed Norton (Epps) are best friends who from three ruthless gunmen just out of jail. The Stranger always dream of making it big. Their most recent „get-rich- quickly proceeds to paint the entire town bright red, rename it Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Christopher Lee, quick“ plan finds the boys out to make their fortune by hiring a „Hell,“ and supply divine retribution in the fiery, pulse- Cate Blanchett, James Nesbitt, Hugo dog trainer (Leguizamo) to race their pet greyhound. After pounding climax of this acclaimed western shoot-em-up. Weaving, Ken Scott, Andy Serkis, Martin discovering their savings have been spent on this latest half- Classics, Movies, Western 1973 106min. Freeman, Richard Armitage, Graham baked, harebrained idea, their long-suffering wives Alice Universal Studios 15.10.2013 (Union) and Trixie (Hall) finally reach the end of their ropes McTavish - Dir. Peter Jackson in this hilarious new spin on a television classic. This PG- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118594 The first in a trilogy of films based on the enduring Rated version contains material different from the originally masterpiece „The Hobbit“ by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit: An PG-13 Rated Theatrical Version. The PG-13 version is not The Hitch-Hiker: Remastered Edi- Unexpected Journey follows title character Bilbo Baggins, available at this time. who - along with the Wizard Gandalf and 13 Dwarves, led by Comedy, Movies, TV Remakes 2005 89min. tion Thorin Oakenshield - is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor from the fearsome Dragon Paramount 24.09.2013 William Talman, Frank Lovejoy - Dir. Ida Smaug. Their journey will take them into the Wild, through 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118443 Lupino treacherous lands inhabited by Goblins, Orcs and deadly The only true „“ ever directed by a woman, this tour Wargs, as well as a mysterious and sinister figure known de force thriller (considered by many, including Lupino hers- only as the Necromancer. Along the path, the unassuming The Honeymooners: Classic 39 elf, to be her best film) is a classic, tension-packed, three- Bilbo Baggins not only discovers depths of ingenuity and Episodes (Blu-ray) way dance of death about two middle-class American courage that surprise even himself, he also gain possession homebodies (Edmond O’Brien and Frank Lovejoy) on vacation of a „precious“ ring tied to the fate of all Middle-earth in ways Art Carney, , Audrey in Mexico on a long-awaited fishing trip. Suddenly their car he cannot begin to imagine. Meadows, Joyce Randolph and their very lives are commandeered by psychopathic serial 2013 Oscar Nominees, Adventure, Blu-ray, Once in a Blu-moon, a series comes along that changes our killer Emmett Myers (William Talman). The striking light/dark Blu-ray 3D, Book-To-Film, Fantasy, Movies lives forever. The Honeymooners is just that. This contrasts, the stunning compositions (the two kidnap victims comprehensive Blu-ray collection features all 39 full-length separated by a narrow stream from a gun-cradling madman 2012 169min. classic episodes, brilliantly remastered in high definition, and with a bum eye) and the spatial integrity of a determining New Line Home Entertainment 05.11.2013 a wealth of special features. So get ready to join Ralph, Alice, sense of locale (the pitiless topography of a rock-bound, Ed and Trixie on a trip to everlasting laughs. horizonless Mexico over which hovers an ever-present doom) 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118868 all contribute mightily to this fascinating character-study. Classics, Collections, Comedy, Television Classics, Hostage Crisis, Movies, Mystery, Holiday Collector’s Set Volume 1017min. Paramount Pictures 15.10.2013 National Film Registry, Thrillers 1953 70min. 18 (Bonus CD) Kino Video 15.10.2013 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118558 , Harry Carey, Cybill 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118767 Shepherd, Meredith Baxter Horny Diver: Tight Shellfish Christmas, Drama, Family, Holidays, The Hitch-Hiker: Remastered Edi- A small fishing village becomes the target of Mr. Matsunaga, a Movies, Religion/Spirituality, TV Movies ruthless real estate developer who wants to turn the quaint tion (Blu-ray) 360min. area into a lucrative tourist attraction. Hiring a young, horny man named Junpei to bed the local ladies in an attempt to William Talman, Frank Lovejoy - Dir. Ida Echo Bridge Home Entertainment persuade them all to sign deals for their land, the lovely Lupino 10.09.2013 diving girls of the area succumb to his sexual desires. When The only true „film noir“ ever directed by a woman, this tour 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118317 the true intentions of the developer are discovered, the entire de force thriller (considered by many, including Lupino hers- sleazy plan comes crashing down. Will the diving girls elf, to be her best film) is a classic, tension-packed, three- continue to grab their clams? Will Junpei finally find true love way dance of death about two middle-class American Home Alone: The Holiday Heist among the luscious naked nymphs? homebodies (Edmond O’Brien and Frank Lovejoy) on vacation Erotica, Foreign, Japanese, Movies, Pink in Mexico on a long-awaited fishing trip. Suddenly their car Malcolm McDowell and their very lives are commandeered by psychopathic serial In this hilarious holiday tale for all ages, 10-year-old Finn Film 1985 70min. killer Emmett Myers (William Talman). The striking light/dark Baxter (Christian Martyn) thinks his family’s new house in Impulse Pictures 10.09.2013 contrasts, the stunning compositions (the two kidnap victims Maine is haunted - but the truth might be even scarier! A trio 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118345 separated by a narrow stream from a gun-cradling madman of thieves (led by Malcolm McDowell) is after a priceless with a bum eye) and the spatial integrity of a determining painting hidden in a secret room by the previous owner. So sense of locale (the pitiless topography of a rock-bound, when Finn and his sister (Jodelle Ferland) find themselves Horny Working Girl: From 5 To 9 home alone, Finn rigs up an elaborate array of techno-gadgets horizonless Mexico over which hovers an ever-present doom) A woman named Chieko Kuwano (the beautiful Junko Asahina) all contribute mightily to this fascinating character-study. and booby traps to protect his pad from the bumbling criminals trying to break in. It’s a delightful comedy caper that will steal is hired as an assistant manager at a large corporate office in Classics, Hostage Crisis, Movies, Mystery, your heart again and again! Japan. She’s smart, sexy, and willing to do almost anything for National Film Registry, Thrillers 1953 70min. her sex-starved new boss but, since he’s married, his deviant Christmas, Comedy, Family, Holidays, behavior makes her uncomfortable. Fed up with the boss and Kino Video 15.10.2013 Movies, Television, TV Movies 2012 90min. his perverted ways, the ladies in the building band together to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118777 20th Century Fox 29.10.2013 plot their own special kind of revenge... but only after they have a lesbian three-way slumber party, of course! Horny 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119088 Working Girl: From 5 To 9 will have your libido working The Hobbit: An Unexpected overtime! Journey - Extended Edition (DVD Homecoming Erotica, Foreign, Japanese, Movies, On The + UltraViolet) Set in Washington DC, Homecoming is the funny, but poignant Job, Pink Film 1982 66min. story of five friends who attended Hayward University, a Impulse Pictures 09.07.2013 Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Christopher Lee, Historically Black University, together in the late-1990’s. The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118421 Cate Blanchett, James Nesbitt, Hugo members of the group, now in their late-thirties, have kept in Weaving, Ken Scott, Andy Serkis, Martin touch over the years, but have drifted somewhat apart. While gathering for Homecoming weekend at the house that was The Horror Show (Blu-ray + DVD Freeman, Richard Armitage, Graham once their off-campus dorm, news of one member’s recent McTavish - Dir. Peter Jackson death forces the friends to reflect on the past; rekindle Combo) (Blu-ray) The first in a trilogy of films based on the enduring relationships; reveal secrets; and redefine their lives. Profes- Lance Henriksen, Brion James masterpiece „The Hobbit“ by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit: An sor Hill Hadley and his wife Leslie host the weekend at Eleanor Roosevelt House, the group’s old off-campus dorm, A detective (Lance Henriksen) catches a deranged serial Unexpected Journey follows title character Bilbo Baggins, killer named „Meat Cleaver Max“ (Brion James) and watches who - along with the Wizard Gandalf and 13 Dwarves, led by that they bought, renovated, and now reside in; their daughter Ashley recently left for college, so they are now empty- his execution via the electric chair. However, when Max Thorin Oakenshield - is swept into an epic quest to reclaim returns from the grave for revenge (through a deal he made the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor from the fearsome Dragon nesters and trying to relive their college years by inviting their friends to stay at „Eleanor“ for Homecoming weekend — with the devil), the detective must destroy his spirit... before Smaug. Their journey will take them into the Wild, through Max destroys his life and family. treacherous lands inhabited by Goblins, Orcs and deadly the visitors are: Deena Scott, a famous Hollywood television Wargs, as well as a mysterious and sinister figure known writer, who has her career down pat, but not her love-life; Dr. Detectives, Horror, Movies, Serial Killers only as the Necromancer. Along the path, the unassuming Barrett Wallingford, a successful psychologist, who dated 1989 95min.

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Shout Factory 12.11.2013 I Love Lucy: Colorized Christmas 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118696 How I Met Your Mother: Season 8 Desi Arnaz, Lucille Ball, William Frawley, - The Yellow Umbrella Edition Vivian Vance Horror Stories , Jason Segel, Alyson Lucy’s always been one of, if not the, funniest and most A teenage girl is kidnapped by a psychopath with a speech colorful characters in the history of TV. Now you and your impediment and tied up, she begins tell different horror stories Hannigan, Josh Radnor, Cobie Smulders family can own three I Love Lucy episodes in both colorized to her abductor. She tells four tales... Tales Include Don’t In the uproarious Eighth Season of How I Met Your Mother, and their original Black & White versions. Answer The Door A young brother and sister are home alone the arrival of baby Marvin reminds Marshall and Lily of things Classics, Comedy, Family, Television 1956 during the night. There rings the door bell, but they’re never they need, like sleep, better jobs and sex! Meanwhile Barney 154min. supposed to open the door to strangers... Not until mom comes uses his playbook to win over Robin, but not her scary dad. home. Endless Flight A plane in mid-flight - where you have Marshall tries to right a wrong in court in hopes of becoming Paramount Pictures 05.11.2013 nowhere to run or jump off. What if you’re left alone with a a judge, and Robin’s past is judged. Ted designs an amazing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118800 serial killer? Secret Recipe The untold true story behind a building, and also has designs on Barney’s half-sister! But good sister and her evil stepsister tale. Ambulance On The does he meet his future wife? Check out all 23 hilarious, Dead Zone In an ambulance running away from a fatal Zombie legend - wait for it - dary 23 Season 8 episodes, featuring I Married A Witch: The Criterion virus, who are the infected among the five survivors? guest stars like Paul Shaffer, Ralph Macchio and Kyle Collection Foreign, Horror, Korean, Movies 2012 MacLachlan! CBS, Comedy, Friendships, Romance, Tele- Fredric March, Susan Hayward, Veronica 108min. vision 2012 2880min. Lake - Dir. Rene Clair Artsploitation Films 08.10.2013 20th Century Fox 01.10.2013 Veronica Lake (Sullivan’s Travels) casts a seductive spell as 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118765 a charmingly vengeful sorceress in this supernatural 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118831 screwball classic. Many centuries after cursing the male descendants of the Salem puritan who sent her to the stake, The Horses Of McBride How She Move this blonde bombshell with a broomstick finds herself drawn to Aidan Quinn, Kari Matchett, Mackenzie one of them-a prospective governor (Design for Living’s Keyshia Cole, DeRay Davis, Rutina Wesley, Porter - Dir. Anne Wheeler Fredric March) about to marry a spoiled socialite (I Want to Tre Armstrong - Dir. Ian Iqbal Rashid Live’s Susan Hayward). This most delightful of the films the A heartfelt father/daughter tale inspired by the heart- innovative French director René Clair (Le million) made in wrenching true story. When Nicki discovers two horses Packed with jaw-dropping street moves and a hard-hitting soundtrack, this extraordinary dance film tells the story of a Hollywood is a comic confection bursting with playful special stranded deep in the snow, she is determined to get them off effects and sparkling witticisms. the mountain - somehow. With no other options, she picks up gifted young woman (Rutina Wesley) who defies the rules on a shovel and starts to dig out the mile long path of deep snow, the way to achieving her dreams. But when circumstances Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, inspiring first her father, Matt, and then the entire community force her to return to the place she’s tried so hard to escape, Fantasy, Movies, Screwball, Supernatural to band together in the spirit of Christmas. she realizes winning the highly competitive Step Monster Contest could be her only real shot at getting out. Exploding & Paranormal, Witches & Warlocks 1942 Christmas, Drama, Horses, Movies, TV with talent and contagious energy, How She Move proves 77min. Movies 2012 85min. some dreams just can’t be stopped. Criterion 08.10.2013 E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 Dancing, Drama, Movies 2007 91min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118393 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118812 Paramount 24.09.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118478 I Married A Witch: The Criterion The Hostage Game Collection (Blu-ray) Corey Haim, Frank Molina How To Seduce A Virgin Fredric March, Susan Hayward, Veronica The Hostage Game is a story about love and sacrifice. It’s an Alice Arno, Robert Woods, Tania Busselier edge-of-your-seat shocking thriller about how one ordinary The beautiful Countess Martine de Bressac is released from Lake - Dir. Rene Clair man traveled to hell and back to save his wife. A shocking the expensive asylum where she was incarcerated after Veronica Lake (Sullivan’s Travels) casts a seductive spell as thriller, with a Usual Suspects-style twist, The Hostage castrating her former lover. She returns to her luxurious villa a charmingly vengeful sorceress in this supernatural Game will have both moviegoers and crime solvers alike on the coast and goes at once down into her private screwball classic. Many centuries after cursing the male anxiously waiting for clues to this mystery’s riddle; each time underground dungeon. It’s here that she indulges herself in descendants of the Salem puritan who sent her to the stake, wondering if it will not be too late. On a trip back to the perverse sexual practices that give her life meaning, this blonde bombshell with a broomstick finds herself drawn to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary, Tom Marlow surrounded by the bizarre human statues of her previous to one of them-a prospective governor (Design for Living’s (Corey Haim) wakes to find his beloved wife missing. Their victims. Her husband, Charles, feeds his wife’s sick Fredric March) about to marry a spoiled socialite (I Want to vacation home - now a crime scene - is now littered with fantasies, aware that she is his meal ticket to a life of luxury. Live’s Susan Hayward). This most delightful of the films the clues to his wife’s whereabouts. In order to ensure her safe He announces that he has a new game for her - they will innovative French director René Clair (Le million) made in return, Tom, now a stranger in the land of his birth is forced to befriend and seduce the young and virginal daughter of a rich Hollywood is a comic confection bursting with playful special cooperate with the practices of local authorities, the political neighbor. But things do not go exactly as planned... Games of effects and sparkling witticisms. rhetoric of the American Embassy and the unorthodox methods decadence and debauchery lead to mayhem and murder. From Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, of a Private Investigator he hired to help him. cult director Jess Franco. His most outrageous film. Fantasy, Movies, Screwball, Supernatural Crime, Movies, Thrillers 99min. Drama, Erotica, Foreign, French, Movies & Paranormal, Witches & Warlocks 1942 Osiris Entertainment 10.09.2013 1973 87min. 77min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118398 CAV 08.10.2013 Criterion 08.10.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118756 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118407 The Hot Nights Of Linda (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Hundra: Special Edition I.Q. Alice Arno, Paul Muller - Dir. Jesus Franco Laurene Landon - Dir. Matt Cimber Meg Ryan, , Tim Robbins, When writer/director Jess Franco died in April 2013, cinema Action, Adventure, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, lost its legendary master of Euro-Cult. Now in memory of his - Dir. Fred Schepisi extraordinary 50+ year career, Severin is proud to present Independent Women, Movies, Swords & Comedy, Movies 1994 95min. one of his most notorious slabs of uber-sleaze: Alice Arno (of Sworcery 1983 90min. Paramount 24.09.2013 Justine De Sade fame) stars as a secretary sent to the E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 seaside estate of a depraved millionaire, his nymphomaniac 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118479 daughter (Franco’s beloved muse Lina Romay), her invalid 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118813 cousin (Catherine Lafferiere of Exorcism) and their grunting In & Out houseboy. But when her day’s work ends, a nightmare of I Dream Of Jeannie: The depraved new duties will begin! Paul Muller (Barbed Wire , Wilford Brimley, Kevin Dolls) co-stars in this Uncle Jess jaw-dropper packed with Complete Series Kline, Joan Cusack, Matt Dillon, Tom incest, lesbianism, sadism and murder, restored from a 35mm print discovered in a Barcelona bordello, loaded with Bonus Dabney Coleman, Larry Hagman, Maureen Selleck, Bob Newhart - Dir. Frank Oz Features and presented in high definition for the first time McCormick, Hayden Rorke, Barbara Eden, Welcome to Greenleaf, a picture-postcard Indiana town where ever in America! the high school is the proud focus of attention and „alternative Bill Mumy lifestyle“ means you bowl on alternate Tuesdays. But on the Horror, Movies 1973 80min. Finally, all five seasons in one collectible set! Catch all 139 night of the Oscars telecast, the town’s - and the world’s - Severin 08.10.2013 magical episodes, beginning when Major Tony Nelson center of attention is Greenleaf teacher Howard Brackett. A 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118793 discovers a life-changing bottle on a deserted island and former student who’s now a superstar actor tells an audience ending with a dreamy Jeannie wedding. Includes: All 5 of millions that Howard is gay. Poor Howard. He’s outted seasons/139 episodes on 20 DVDs in a limited edition, when he didn’t know he was in! House Party Collection Vol. 3 collectible Genie Bottle! Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies Classics, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Televi- Tommy Chong, Sam Rockwell, Ben Affleck 1997 92min. sion 1145min. Collections, College Life, Comedy, Coming- Paramount 24.09.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Of-Age, Movies 351min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118480 15.10.2013 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118307 03.09.2013 The Incredible Hulk Returns / Tri- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118316 al Of The Incredible Hulk / How

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 42 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

To Draw Comics (Superheroes Well Go USA 12.11.2013 the unlikely duo embark on a treacherous manhunt for the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118991 attack’s real perpetrator, a new breed of klepto-terrorist Collection (Rourke), who is even more twisted and terrifying than the Lou Ferrigno, Bill Bixby, Stan Lee, Jack Jihadist terrorists he hides behind. As he navigates the : The Final Fight (Blu-ray) labyrinths of religious, political, and cultural havoc that Colvin - Dir. Bill Bixby, Nicholas Corea surround him, Jake must learn to abandon his thirst for Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Anthony Wong, Jordan Chan, Eric Tsang, vengeance in order to stop the mastermind from attacking Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Movies, Science Gillian Chung again. Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Terrorism, Fiction, Superheroes, Triple Feature Legendary grandmaster IP Man the teacher, master to Bruce Lee is called into action one more time to Thrillers 2013 104min. 247min. defend life and honor against an evil underworld. MPI 17.09.2013 Image Ent. 01.10.2013 Action, Ancient China, Blu-ray, Chinese, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118357 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118715 Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Martial Arts, Movies 100min. Ingenious Well Go USA 12.11.2013 Java Heat (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119011 Mickey Rourke, Kellan Lutz Marguerite Moreau, Jeremy Renner, Dallas Academy Award Nominee and Golden Globe Winner Mickey Roberts, Ayelet Zurer - Dir. Jeff Balsmeyer Rourke (The Wrestler, Immortals, Iron Man 2) and Kellan Lutz Lifelong friends, Matt and Sam are searching for the one big Jack Irish: Set One (Twilight, Immortals) square off the ultimate battle for idea that will change their lives forever. But their inventions domination in Java Heat, an exotic cross-cultural action fall flat and their sales techniques leave the customers Guy Pearce - Dir. Jeffrey Walker thriller. Following a terrorist attack in Indonesia that killed wanting... In need of cash, they turn to Matt’s girlfriend Gina. Emmy winner Guy Pearce (Memento, Iron Man 3) is Jack the country’s beloved Sultana, headstrong American Jake When one bad decision costs them everything they have and Irish, the brooding antihero of Australian writer Peter Travers (Lutz) suddenly finds himself in the center of the puts their friendship to the test, they find that hitting rock Temple’s award-winning novels. Reeling in the wake of his already tense conflict between the West and Islam. Teaming bottom could lead them to the most ingenious idea they’ve ever wife’s murder, the former lawyer has reinvented himself as a up with Muslim detective Hashim (Indonesian star Ario Bayu), had. part-time private investigator and full-time alcoholic, intent on the unlikely duo embark on a treacherous manhunt for the Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2009 drowning his demons. When an old client dies after leaving attack’s real perpetrator, a new breed of klepto-terrorist Jack several frantic voicemails, the PI realizes he can’t (Rourke), who is even more twisted and terrifying than the 85min. outrun or outdrink his past. Jack returns to the world that took Jihadist terrorists he hides behind. As he navigates the Lionsgate 15.10.2013 everything away from him... a seedy place of lowlifes, labyrinths of religious, political, and cultural havoc that 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118887 corruption, violence, and retribution. In these two feature- surround him, Jake must learn to abandon his thirst for length mysteries, Bad Debts and Black Tide, Pearce delivers vengeance in order to stop the mastermind from attacking a „mesmerizing“ performance (Daily Record, U.K.), imbuing again. Intergalactic Swingers Jack with world-weary gruffness and a dash of dark humor. As much as he tries to break away, the underworld is where Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, Erika Jordan he thrives... and the only place he can find redemption. Terrorism, Thrillers 2013 104min. When a deadly asteroid threatens to destroy the Earth two Australian, Drama, Foreign, Television 2012 MPI 17.09.2013 beautiful Space Aliens step in to save the day... and sample sex with Earth’s men and women! Beautiful starlets Erika 202min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118370 Jordan, Christie Stevens, and Krissy Lynn are featured in this Acorn Media 01.10.2013 outrageous erotic comedy from the experts at Retromedia 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118997 Jaws Entertainment. Aliens, Comedy, Erotica, Movies, Space Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Shaw, Roy 81min. Jack Irish: Set One (Blu-ray + Scheider, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton - Retromedia 24.09.2013 DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Dir. Steven Spielberg Directed by Academy Award winner Steven Spielberg, Jaws 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118512 Guy Pearce - Dir. Jeffrey Walker set the standard for edge-of-your-seat suspense quickly Emmy winner Guy Pearce (Memento, Iron Man 3) is Jack becoming a cultural phenomenon and forever changing the The Internship: Unrated Irish, the brooding antihero of Australian writer Peter movie industry. When the seaside community of Amity finds Temple’s award-winning novels. Reeling in the wake of his itself under attack by a dangerous great white shark, the Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Rose Byrne - wife’s murder, the former lawyer has reinvented himself as a town’s chief of police (), a young marine part-time private investigator and full-time alcoholic, intent on biologist (Richard Dreyfuss) and a grizzled shark hunter Dir. Shawn Levy drowning his demons. When an old client dies after leaving Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson team up to crash the digital (Robert Shaw) embark on a desperate quest to destroy the Jack several frantic voicemails, the PI realizes he can’t beast before it strikes again. Featuring an unforgettable score world in this laugh-out-loud buddy comedy you’ve been outrun or outdrink his past. Jack returns to the world that took searching for! Trying to their obsolete careers, old- that evokes pure terror, Jaws remains one of the most everything away from him... a seedy place of lowlifes, influential and gripping adventures in motion picture history. school salesmen Billy (Vaughn) and Nick (Wilson) talk their corruption, violence, and retribution. In these two feature- way into an internship program at the state-of-the-art Google length mysteries, Bad Debts and Black Tide, Pearce delivers AFI Top 100, Classics, High Seas, Horror, campus, vying for a handful of spots among tech-savvy a „mesmerizing“ performance (Daily Record, U.K.), imbuing Movies, National Film Registry, Sharks, college students who are half their age and twice as smart. Jack with world-weary gruffness and a dash of dark humor. Thrillers 1975 124min. The competition is fiercely funny as Billy and Nick break all As much as he tries to break away, the underworld is where the rules in a hilarious quest to land their dream jobs! he thrives... and the only place he can find redemption. Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Comedy, Movies, On The Job 2013 min. Australian, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, Televi- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118568 20th Century Fox 22.10.2013 sion 2012 202min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119082 Acorn Media 01.10.2013 Jesse Stone: The Complete Set 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118761 , Viola Davis, Kohl Sudduth - The Internship: Unrated (Blu-ray Dir. Robert Harmon + DVD + Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) Samuel L. Jackson: Triple Fea- Action, Cops, Crime, Drama, Movies, Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Rose Byrne - ture (Blu-ray) Mystery, Television, TV Movies 707min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Dir. Shawn Levy Geena Davis, Samuel L. Jackson, Brian 03.09.2013 Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson team up to crash the digital Cox, David Morse, Patrick Malahide, Craig world in this laugh-out-loud buddy comedy you’ve been 143,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118305 searching for! Trying to reboot their obsolete careers, old- Bierko, Ashanti - Dir. Renny Harlin, Thomas school salesmen Billy (Vaughn) and Nick (Wilson) talk their Carter way into an internship program at the state-of-the-art Google JFK: 50 Year Commemorative - campus, vying for a handful of spots among tech-savvy Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Based-On-A- college students who are half their age and twice as smart. True-Story, Basketball, Blu-ray, Coming-Of- Ultimate Collector’s Edition (Blu- The competition is fiercely funny as Billy and Nick break all Age, Crime, Drama, Killer Beauties, Movies, ray) the rules in a hilarious quest to land their dream jobs! Sports, Triple Feature, Troubled Youth min. Comedy, Movies, On The Job 2013 120min. Tommy Lee Jones, Kevin Bacon, Laurie Warner Bros. 26.11.2013 20th Century Fox 22.10.2013 Metcalf, Gary Oldman, Michael Rooker, Jay 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118879 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119092 O. Sanders, Sissy Spacek, Kevin Costner - Dir. Oliver Stone IP Man: The Final Fight Java Heat Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Mickey Rourke, Kellan Lutz Conspiracies, Documentary, Drama, Anthony Wong, Jordan Chan, Eric Tsang, Academy Award Nominee and Golden Globe Winner Mickey Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, Gillian Chung Rourke (The Wrestler, Immortals, Iron Man 2) and Kellan Lutz Legendary Wing Chun grandmaster IP Man the teacher, (Twilight, Immortals) square off the ultimate battle for Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies, Special master to Bruce Lee is called into action one more time to domination in Java Heat, an exotic cross-cultural action Interest, Thrillers min. defend life and honor against an evil underworld. thriller. Following a terrorist attack in Indonesia that killed Warner Bros. 12.11.2013 Action, Ancient China, Chinese, Foreign, the country’s beloved Sultana, headstrong American Jake Travers (Lutz) suddenly finds himself in the center of the 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119070 Historical / Period Piece, Martial Arts, already tense conflict between the West and Islam. Teaming Movies 100min. up with Muslim detective Hashim (Indonesian star Ario Bayu), JFK: Director’s Cut / Oliver

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 43 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Stone’s Untold History Of The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118901 Nick Offerman, Megan Mullally, Mary Lynn United States: The Cold War Rajskub, Nick Robinson, Moises Arias, Alison Brie, Gabriel Basso (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Just Like A Woman (Blu-ray) Sienna Miller, Golshifteh Farahani, Bahar The Kings Of Summer follows three teenage boys (Robinson, Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Basso and Arias) as they head into the wilderness with a plan Soomekh - Dir. Rachid Bouchareb Conspiracies, Documentary, Double Fea- to build a house and live off the land. Just Like a Woman tells the poignant tale of two women, Comedy, Movies 2013 95min. tures, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, barely more than casual acquaintances, who, upon escaping Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies, Television the prisons of their unhappy marriages, embark on a revealing 24.09.2013 min. journey of self discovery which leads them to the importance - and true meaning - of friendship. Mona, 26, an immigrant from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118784 Warner Bros. 12.11.2013 North Africa, runs her in-laws’ mini market in Chicago. She’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119112 married to Mourad, a man who can’t stand up to his authoritarian mother. Mona is harassed by her mother-in-law The Kings Of Summer (Blu-ray) because after five years of marriage, she hasn’t be able to get Nick Offerman, Megan Mullally, Mary Lynn JK’s House pregnant, something that’s considered a shame and a taboo in Centered on JK, a precocious, six-year-old, Louisiana girl; her culture. Rajskub, Nick Robinson, Moises Arias, her teen-aged big sister; their single mother; and her pint- Drama, Movies 2012 120min. Alison Brie, Gabriel Basso sized pals, JK’s House entertains while blending family E1 Entertainment 22.10.2013 The Kings Of Summer follows three teenage boys (Robinson, values and life lessons with music and dance. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118915 Basso and Arias) as they head into the wilderness with a plan Dancing, Family, Movies, Music min. to build a house and live off the land. Green Apple Entertainment 01.10.2013 Comedy, Movies 2013 95min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118575 Keeping Up Appearances: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Collector’s Edition 24.09.2013 The Jonas Project Patricia Routledge, Geoffrey Hughes, Judy 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118792 William Katt, John Savage, Dean Cain, Brian Cornwall - Dir. Duane Huey Enjoy every hilarious episode of the Perennial Hit, newly The Lackey Ames remastered and looking better than ever! Plus you can grow The Jonas Project is the story of two young women whom join your own „bouquet“ with exclusive Keeping Up Appearances Vernon Wells, Shaun Piccinino, Orlando forces to find a cure for cancer but soon realize their lives seeds and plant tags! When it comes to snobbery, Hyacinth McGuire - Dir. Shaun Piccinino may be in danger if they expose what they discover. Bucket (pronounced „bouquet“) is in a class of her own. In this Guy Ritchie-like action flick, Jude St. Clere discovers Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2012 109min. Desperate to impress the neighbors and elbow her way into he has a daughter by his junkie ex-girlfriend. He vows to take Music Video Distribution 17.09.2013 the local aristocracy, every moment of Hyacinth’s day is spent care of her after taking one last job. He’s quickly entwined going to manic lengths in her quest for perfection. There is dead smack in the middle of a bloody mob war. Knowing that 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118659 one very slight trouble to Hyacinth’s pretensions, however. his chances of making it out alive are slim, he plunges in guns The rest of her family is completely average and can always blazing. Joy Ride (Repackage) (Blu-ray) be trusted to undermine her efforts. With more laughs than Action, Adventure, Movies 2012 94min. ever before, Keeping Up Appearances: The Collector’s Steve Zahn, Paul Walker, Leelee Sobieski - Edition is the ultimate collection for fans of Hyacinth. As Music Video Distribution 17.09.2013 Dir. John Dahl Hyacinth would say, „get it before the neighbors do!“ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118588 Steve Zahn ,Paul Walker and Leelee Sobieski star in this BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International chilling, over-the-top thriller. Stalked by a vengeful trucker, TV, Television min. Ladybugs three friends race for their lives - it’s a thrilling nail-biter with 4 mind-blowing alternate endings! BBC Home Video 05.11.2013 Rodney Dangerfield, Jonathan Brandis, Drama, Horror, Movies, Music, Mystery, 237,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118885 Vinessa Shaw, Ilene Graff, Jackee Harry - Thrillers 2001 96min. Dir. Sidney J. Furie 20th Century Fox 10.09.2013 Killer Holiday (DVD + UltraViolet) Comedy legend Rodney Dangerfield is a the top of his game as Chester, a salesman looking for a little respect...and a big 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118369 Randolph Mantooth, Michael Copon job promotion. To impress his boss, Chester becomes the A startling motive is revealed when psychotic killer Melvin coach of the company-sponsored girls’ soccer team, the ‘Spider’ Holiday stalks eight unsuspecting teenage victims Ladybugs are going to get squashed! Chester decides the along old Route 66. As they get further and further from team needs a girl who plays like a boy, so he secretly enlists Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough, Lau- civilization anxiety starts to build as each stop along the way his fiancée’s son, Matthew (Jonathan Bandis), to become ra Dern, Bob Peck, Ariana Richards, Martin proves stranger then the last until the group is lured to an Martha, the Ladybugs’ newest member. With his harebrained abandoned amusement park with a horrifying past. Soon they plan in place, Chester figures he has a shot at winning the Ferrero, Sam Neill - Dir. Steven Spielberg discover that the park comes complete with broken down championship and saving his career...or losing everything! In Experience one of the biggest films in motion picture history carnival rides, the smell of death and a killer ready to give the spirit of Kicking and Screaming, Ladybugs is a laugh-out- with director Steven Spielberg’s ultimate thrill ride, Jurassic them one ticket to hell. loud family comedy in a league of its own. Park. Featuring Academy Award winning visual effects and Horror, Movies, Thrillers 103min. groundbreaking filmmaking that has been hailed as „a triumph Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Family, of special effects artistry“ (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun- Lionsgate 05.11.2013 Movies, Soccer, Sports 1992 89min. Times), this epic film is sheer movie-making magic that was 65 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119052 Paramount 24.09.2013 million years in the making. Jurassic Park takes you to an amazing theme park on a remote island where dinosaurs once 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118481 again roam the earth and five people must battle to survive Kindred: The Embraced - The among the prehistoric predators. Starring Sam Neill, Laura Complete Series Last Of The Summer Wine: Dern, Jeff Goldblum and Richard Attenborough, discover the breathtaking adventure you will want to experience again and C. Thomas Howell, Mark Frankel - Dir. Peter Vintage 2000 again. Medak, John Harrison, Ralph Hemecker, Michael Aldridge, Bill Owen - Dir. Alan Bell Academy Award Winners, Action, James L. Conway, Ken Fink Join everyone’s favorite trio for another season of hilarious Adventure, Book-To-Film, Dinosaurs, Enter the dangerous and sexy world of the undead when adventures! Jungle, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers vampires clash with mortals and each other in modern-day BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International San Francisco. Five clans of vampires are known as the 1993 127min. Kindred, and in their terrifying embrace, one becomes forever TV, Television 2000 min. Universal Studios 15.10.2013 young...forever beautiful...forever doomed. From the savagery BBC Home Video 15.10.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118569 in the premiere to the chilling climactic finale, the Kindred 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118387 draws you into a mysterious realm of Mafia wars, forbidden liaisons and inhuman hunger in a spellbinding saga of erotic Just Like A Woman danger and unworldly suspense! Original Saga: An affair with Last Tango In Halifax: Season a vampire leads detective Frank Kohanek to the world of the Sienna Miller, Golshifteh Farahani, Bahar undead ruled by the Prince of the Vampires, Julian Luna. One Soomekh - Dir. Rachid Bouchareb : Julian prepares to defend his throne , Anne Reid, Nicola Walker, Just Like a Woman tells the poignant tale of two women, against Eddie Fiori. Nightstalker: A psychotic vampire blazes barely more than casual acquaintances, who, upon escaping a grisly trail through the city. Romeo & Juliet: The passion Sarah Lancashire the prisons of their unhappy marriages, embark on a revealing between Cash and Sasha ignites an ancient feud. Live Hard, In this heartwarming and uplifting drama, childhood journey of self discovery which leads them to the importance - Die Young, And Leave A Good Looking Corpse: Little must sweethearts Alan and Celia, both widowed and in their 70s, and true meaning - of friendship. Mona, 26, an immigrant from deal with Zane, the rebellious young rocker she sired. The fall for each other all over again when they are reunited on North Africa, runs her in-laws’ mini market in Chicago. She’s Rise And Fall Of Eddie the internet after nearly 60 years. Their relationship is a married to Mourad, a man who can’t stand up to his Boxed Sets, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Fantasy, celebratory tale of the power of love at any age. But this is authoritarian mother. Mona is harassed by her mother-in-law also a story about family, and with family comes baggage. because after five years of marriage, she hasn’t be able to get Horror, Movies, Vampires 1996 381min. Celia’s respectable, head teacher daughter Caroline is pregnant, something that’s considered a shame and a taboo in Paramount Pictures 22.10.2013 juggling bringing up two boys and dealing with her husband’s her culture. infidelity, while Alan’s rebellious, complicated middle-aged 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118534 daughter Gillian struggles to make a living on a beautiful but Drama, Movies 2012 120min. bleak farm. How will these two very different women cope E1 Entertainment 22.10.2013 The Kings Of Summer with their parents’ announcement that they’ve decided to get

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 44 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA married? Movies min. Richards BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, International Shout Factory 07.09.2013 Erotica, In The Future..., Movies, Science TV, Television 336min. 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118827 Fiction 1996 90min. BBC Home Video 12.11.2013 Full Moon 23.07.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118748 Lifetime Holiday 4-Film 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118430 Law & Order: The Thirteenth Year Collection Ralph Macchio, David Hasselhoff, Claire Longing Nights , Jesse L. Martin, S. Epatha Coffee, Julie Marie Hassett Aitana, Pierrick, Jorge and Rita are all in their twenties and Merkerson all look for ways to make their nights in the city of Madrid a This delightful Christmas package of Lifetime Original Movies little less lonely. Set against a background of drugs, sex, Crime faces a new foe as Fred Dalton Thompson joins the has everything you could ever wish for. David Hasselhoff Law & Order cast as brave DA in the hard- multiple partners and differing sexualities, Longing Nights brings in the merry as a sought-after consultant hired by a follows the individual stories of these young people. A candid hitting 13th season of ’s legendary crime series. In workaholic mother (Caroline Rhea) to get her family through 24 gut-wrenching cases, Branch brings a new tough-as-nails portrait of four relationships highly loaded with eroticism from the holidays in The Christmas Consultant. When Christmas beginning to end. methodology to the team that proves formidable against the and family collide and the consultant takes over, they are in wrongdoers who maim, mutilate and murder their victims. But for a holiday season they’ll never forget. Take a Holiday Spin Drama, Erotica, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian no one is invincible, and before the season is over, more than with Ralph Macchio in a heartwarming story of a former dance Interest, Movies, Spanish min. one of New York’s finest will be personally impacted by champion and his estranged son. Watch as they overcome Breaking Glass Pictures 05.11.2013 crimes that rock the headlines. Jerry Orbach, Jesse L. Mar- their differences and work together to prepare a dance routine tin, S. Epatha Merkerson, and Elisabeth Röhm for the Christmas Eve ballroom competition. Warm up to The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119069 return to TV’s longest-running investigative drama in this March Sisters At Christmas, a contemporary take on the compelling season that proves the light between good and evil timeless novel Little Women, as the legendary sisters fight to The Look Of Love has no final verdict. save their home and search for love during the holidays. And Cops, Crime, Detectives, Lawyers / Legal in Holly’s Holiday, Claire Coffee plays an advertising Anna Friel, Steve Coogan, Imogen Poots - Issues, Murder Mysteries, NBC, Television executive who’s strangely attracted to the handsome Dir. Michael Winterbottom 2002 min. mannequin in the holiday window. After she’s knocked Steve Coogan and director Michael Winterbottom (24 Hour unconscious by a falling icicle, he comes to life as the man of Party People and The Trip) continue their fruitful partnership Universal Studios 05.11.2013 her dreams - until she learns that his personality is stil with this epic portrait of the rise and fall of British nudie 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119001 Christmas, Collections, Comedy, Holidays, theater impresario Paul Raymond. The symbol of Soho, sex Movies, Romance, TV Movies 360min. and sophistication from the swinging 60s to the 80s, Raymond almost single-handedly rewrote the cultural history of the UK The League: The Complete A&E 15.10.2013 with an empire of topless theaters and softcore magazines that Season Four 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118839 would eventually make him the richest man in the country. Although often wryly funny, Coogan gives a touching dramatic Jeff Goldblum, Eliza Dushku, Sarah performance that explores the champagne-soaked highs and Silverman, Seth Rogen, Mark Duplass, Nick Lifetime: 12 Films Of Christmas the heartbreaking lows of a voyeuristic visionary. Kroll, Jonathan Lajoie Christmas, Collections, Comedy, Disasters, Biography, Biopics, Comedy, Drama, Movies America’s favorite pastime - talking smack to your buddies Drama, Holidays, Movies, Romance, TV 101min. and making their lives miserable - is elevated to hilarious new Movies 1048min. MPI 08.10.2013 heights in the uproarious Season Four of The League. This season kicks off with the arrival of Kevin and Jenny’s A&E 08.10.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118994 baby...and the race to the Shiva Bowl is on! As Taco tangles 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118554 with Chicago Bears great Jim McMahon and Andre’s Losing Isaiah tailgating plans go horribly awry, the rest of the guys contend with dirty trades, circumcision debates, breast-a-lyzers and Lights! Camera! Elvis! Collection Cuba Gooding Jr., Halle Berry, Jessica Lan- blackmail. Make these outrageously funny Season Four Elvis Presley, Walter Matthau, Angela ge, David Strathairn - Dir. Stephen episodes of The League your number-one draft pick! Lansbury, Ursula Andress, Barbara Gyllenhaal Comedy, Football, Sports, Television 2012 Stanwyck, Carolyn Jones, , Drama, Movies 1995 106min. 281min. , Suzanna Leigh, Joan Paramount 24.09.2013 20th Century Fox 10.09.2013 Blackman, Juliet Prowse, Pat Harrington, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118482 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118353 Dodie Marshall, Pat Priest, Skip Ward - Dir. Richard Thorpe, Michael Curtiz, Norman The League: The Complete Love Actually: 10th Anniversary Taurog, John Rich Edition (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Season Four (Blu-ray) Actor / Actress Box Sets, Boxed Sets, Jeff Goldblum, Eliza Dushku, Sarah Comedy, Drama, Hollywood Legends, Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Silverman, Seth Rogen, Mark Duplass, Nick Movies, Music, Musical, Romance min. , Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Kroll, Jonathan Lajoie Warner Bros. 09.11.2013 , Emma Thompson, Rowan America’s favorite pastime - talking smack to your buddies 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118388 Atkinson, Colin Firth, Bill Nighy, Martine and making their lives miserable - is elevated to hilarious new McCutcheon - Dir. Richard Curtis heights in the uproarious Season Four of The League. This „Get Ready for Fun!“ (Leah Rozen, People) with the „feel season kicks off with the arrival of Kevin and Jenny’s Line Of Duty: Series One good movie of the year!“ (Clay Smith, Access Hollywood) baby...and the race to the Shiva Bowl is on! As Taco tangles Adrian Dunbar, Gina McKee, Lennie James, Love Actually is the ultimate romantic comedy from the makers with Chicago Bears great Jim McMahon and Andre’s of Bridget Jones’s Diary and Notting Hill. Funny, irresistible tailgating plans go horribly awry, the rest of the guys contend Kate Ashfield, Martin Compston - Dir. and heartwarming, an all-star cast (Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, with dirty trades, circumcision debates, breast-a-lyzers and Douglas MacKinnon, David Caffrey Colin Firth and Emma Thompson, to name a few!) will take you blackmail. Make these outrageously funny Season Four Detective Chief Inspector Tony Gates (Lennie James, The on a breathtaking tour of love’s delightful twists and turns. episodes of The League your number-one draft pick! Walking Dead) is an exemplary cop. He’s got the best crime Fall under the spell of Love Actually and share the laughs and Comedy, Football, Sports, Television 2012 figures on the force and a loyal team working under him. But charm again and again. 281min. the head of the police anticorruption unit, Superintendent Ted British, Christmas, Comedy, Foreign, Hastings (Adrian Dunbar, Ashes to Ashes), has his doubts 20th Century Fox 10.09.2013 about Gates. Is he really that good? And more importantly, is Holidays, Movies, Romance 2003 135min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118367 he really that clean? Hastings decides to find out and calls on Universal Studios 15.10.2013 a new arrival to his department, Detective Sergeant Steve 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119013 Arnott (Martin Compston, Monarch of the Glen), to help him Bruce Lee: The Legacy do it. As the net tightens around Gates, reputations are on the Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) line... and lives are at risk. Critically acclaimed for its taut Love Actually: 10th Anniversary plotting and remarkable performances, this high-stakes (Blu-ray) thriller also stars Vicky McClure (Broadchurch), Gina Edition (DVD + Digital Copy + McKee (The Forsyte Saga), Kate Ashfield (Shaun of the UltraViolet) Bruce Lee Dead), Craig Parkinson (Misfits), and Neil Morrissey (Wa- Witness the films of a man that would become a legend - an terloo Road). Liam Neeson, Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, icon...Bruce Lee! This deluxe box set includes four of the films that would make Bruce Lee the most important martial British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Laura Linney, Emma Thompson, Rowan artist ever to grace the screen. The set includes The Big Foreign, Television 2012 min. Atkinson, Colin Firth, Bill Nighy, Martine Boss, Fist Of Fury, Way Of The Dragon and Game Of Death. Acorn Media 29.10.2013 McCutcheon - Dir. Richard Curtis Also included are two documentaries, Bruce Lee: The Legend 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118727 „Get Ready for Fun!“ (Leah Rozen, People) with the „feel (and the original version, Bruce Lee: The Man, The Legend) good movie of the year!“ (Clay Smith, Access Hollywood) and I Am Bruce Lee, plus a bonus disc with over two hours of Love Actually is the ultimate romantic comedy from the makers bonus content exclusive to this set. Get ready to witness the Lolida 2000 of Bridget Jones’s Diary and Notting Hill. Funny, irresistible legend of the dragon. and heartwarming, an all-star cast (Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, Action, Actor / Actress Box Sets, Blu-ray, Gabriella Hall, Eric Acsell, Jacqueline Colin Firth and Emma Thompson, to name a few!) will take you Boxed Sets, Collections, Martial Arts, Lovell, David Squires, Skylar Nicholas, on a breathtaking tour of love’s delightful twists and turns. Robert John, Heather James - Dir. Sybil Fall under the spell of Love Actually and share the laughs and

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 45 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA charm again and again. AMC, Blu-ray, Drama, Historical / Period The Man In The Iron Mask (Blu- British, Christmas, Comedy, Foreign, Piece, On The Job, Television 2013 611min. ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Holidays, Movies, Romance 2003 135min. Lionsgate 05.11.2013 , , Richard Chamber- Universal Studios 15.10.2013 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119073 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119002 lain, Ralph Richardson, Patrick McGoohan, , Vivien Merchant - Dir. Mike MADtv: The Complete Fourth Love Is All You Need Newell Season Alexandre Dumas’ classic tale of good and evil twins is - Dir. Susanne Bier brought lavishly to the screen by director Mike Newell (Four From Susanne Bier, director of the Academy Award and Aries Spears, Nicole Sullivan, Debra Weddings and a Funeral). Richard Chamberlain shines in Golden Globe-winning film In A Better World (2011, Best Wilson, Alex Borstein, dual roles as both the imprisoned man in the hideous iron Foreign Language Film) comes a romantic comedy set in MADtv was a late night sketch-comedy show based on the mask and his foppish twin, King Louis XIV of France. Under Sorrento, Italy. Philip (Brosnan), an Englishman living in humor of the popular MAD magazine. Material includes the sinister influence of Minister of Finance Fouquet, Louis Denmark, is a middle-aged widower and estranged single celebrity impersonations, music video, commercial, movie, and rules with wasteful opulence. His brother Philippe, the father. Ida (Dyrholm) is a Danish hairdresser who’s just been TV show parodies, recurring characters, musical guests, and rightful heir, lives in obscurity with no knowledge of his left by her husband for a younger woman. The fates of these the occasional mock cartoons. The show competed against the birthright. But the Captain of the Musketeers, D’Artagnan, has two souls are about to intertwine as they embark for a trip to long-running SNL, but was aimed at a younger audience. plans to restore the declining fortunes of the throne by Italy to attend the wedding of Patrick and Astrid, Philip’s son Lasting an impressive 14 seasons, the show’s revolving-door secretly substituting Philippe for the King. and Ida’s daughter. It’s a story about seeking love and having cast of talented actors and numerous Emmy Award Adventure, Blu-ray, British, Drama, the courage to change your life - even when you think it’s too nominations made it truly a success story. Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Movies late. Comedy, Fox, Sketch Comedy, Television 1977 105min. Comedy, Danish, Foreign, Movies, Romance 1998 min. Hen’s Tooth 08.10.2013 2012 116min. Shout Factory 12.11.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118636 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118665 10.09.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118459 Magic Puppy Man Of Steel (Blu-ray + DVD + Eric Roberts, Susan Olsen, Kristine DeBell Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) Love Is All You Need (Blu-ray) - Dir. David DeCoteau Laurence Fishburne, Diane Lane, Russell Trine Dyrholm - Dir. Susanne Bier Prepare for a magical adventure that’s fun fur the entire Crowe, Kevin Costner, Christopher Meloni, From Susanne Bier, director of the Academy Award and family! The mayhem begins when Molly decides to plan a Amy Adams, Henry Cavill, Golden Globe-winning film In A Better World (2011, Best surprise for her best friend Adam. She casts a magic spell, Foreign Language Film) comes a romantic comedy set in but it all goes wrong and turns his mother’s boyfriend Ted into - Dir. Zack Snyder Sorrento, Italy. Philip (Brosnan), an Englishman living in a puppy. The teenagers must try to reverse the effects before Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Denmark, is a middle-aged widower and estranged single everyone finds out! Blu-ray, Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction, father. Ida (Dyrholm) is a Danish hairdresser who’s just been Adventure, Animals & Nature, Children’s, left by her husband for a younger woman. The fates of these Superheroes 2013 min. two souls are about to intertwine as they embark for a trip to Family, Magic, Movies 80min. Warner Bros. 12.11.2013 Italy to attend the wedding of Patrick and Astrid, Philip’s son Phase 4 Films 10.09.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119079 and Ida’s daughter. It’s a story about seeking love and having 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118310 the courage to change your life - even when you think it’s too late. Man Of Steel 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Comedy, Danish, Foreign, Movies, Romance Magnum P.I.: The Complete Blu-ray + DVD + Ultraviolet) (Blu- 2012 116min. Series ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Tom Selleck, John Hillerman, Roger E. Laurence Fishburne, Diane Lane, Russell 10.09.2013 Mosley, Larry Manetti 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118475 Buckle up and take a ride with Magnum, P.I. (Primetime Crowe, Kevin Costner, Christopher Meloni, Emmy® Award winner Tom Selleck) as all eight season of the Amy Adams, Henry Cavill, Michael Shannon Love On A Leash iconic series are collected together for the first time in this - Dir. Zack Snyder incredible 162-episode, 42-disc collection. Explore beautiful Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Animals & Nature, Comedy, Movies, and exotic Hawaii with television’s most beloved and Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Fantasy, Movies, Romance min. charismatic private investigator as he tackles baffling mysteries and track down the bad guys with the help of T.C. Science Fiction, Superheroes 2013 min. Allegro Entertainment 13.08.2013 (Roger E. Mosley), Rick (Larry Manetti) and Higgins (John Warner Bros. 12.11.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118944 Hillerman) and his four-legged pals, Apollo and Zeus. Packed with non-stop adventure and featuring iconic guest stars, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119081 Magnum P.I. is the unforgettable thrill-ride that was nominated Lust Of The Dead for an impressive 30 award during its run. Own the legacy Man Of Steel 3D: Limited Foreign, Horror, Japanese, Movies min. today! Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Allegro Entertainment 10.09.2013 Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray 3D + Mystery, Television min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118976 Blu-ray + DVD + Ultraviolet) (Blu- Universal Studios 01.10.2013 250,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118374 ray) Mad Men: Season Six Laurence Fishburne, Diane Lane, Russell Vincent Kartheiser, Elisabeth Moss, Jon Mamma Mia! The Movie (Blu-ray Crowe, Kevin Costner, Christopher Meloni, Hamm Amy Adams, Henry Cavill, Michael Shannon Returning for its sixth season, Mad Men, four-time Primetime + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- - Dir. Zack Snyder Emmy winner for Outstanding Drama Series and winner of ray) three consecutive Golden Globes, explores the glamorous and Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, ego-driven „Golden Age“ of advertising in the late 1960’s New Pierce Brosnan, Meryl Streep, Colin Firth, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Fantasy, Movies, York City. Don Draper (Golden Globe - winner Jon Hamm) , Stellan Skarsgard, Julie Science Fiction, Superheroes 2013 min. and the rest of the award-winning cast continue to captivate as they deal with the aftereffects of adultery, divorce, a Walters, Amanda Seyfried, Dominic Cooper Warner Bros. 12.11.2013 merger, and an ever changing social climate. - Dir. Phyllida Lloyd 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119080 AMC, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, On Sophie has just one wish to make her wedding perfect: to have her father walk her down the aisle. Now she just has to The Job, Television 2013 611min. find out who he is. Join the music, laughter and fun of the Man Of Steel: Two Disc Special Lionsgate 05.11.2013 irresistibly charming Mamma Mia! The Movie. Academy Edition 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119053 Award-winner Meryl Streep leads an all-star cast, including Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth as well as up-and-comers Laurence Fishburne, Diane Lane, Russell Amanda Seyfried and Dominic Cooper, in this musical Crowe, Kevin Costner, Christopher Meloni, Mad Men: Season Six (Blu-ray) celebration of mothers, daughters and fathers, and true loves lost and new ones found. Based on the Broadway smash-hit Amy Adams, Henry Cavill, Michael Shannon Vincent Kartheiser, Elisabeth Moss, Jon and filled with the ABBA songs you know and love, it’s the - Dir. Zack Snyder Hamm feel-good experience that will have you singing and dancing Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Returning for its sixth season, Mad Men, four-time Primetime over and over again. Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction, Emmy winner for Outstanding Drama Series and winner of Comedy, Movies, Musical, Romance 2008 Superheroes 2013 min. three consecutive Golden Globes, explores the glamorous and 109min. ego-driven „Golden Age“ of advertising in the late 1960’s New Warner Bros. 12.11.2013 Universal Studios 08.10.2013 York City. Don Draper (Golden Globe - winner Jon Hamm) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119078 and the rest of the award-winning cast continue to captivate 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118405 as they deal with the aftereffects of adultery, divorce, a merger, and an ever changing social climate. The Man Who Knew Too Much

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 46 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

(Blu-ray) Satya Bhabha - Dir. Deepa Mehta hopeful look at life and loss, heartbreak and healing, and the At the stroke of midnight on August 15th, 1947, as India strength of the human spirit that defies darkness to embrace James Stewart, Doris Day, Carolyn Jones, declares independence from Great Britain, two babies are the light of Morning. Brenda De Banzie, Bernard Miles, Ralph switched at birth by a nurse in a Bombay hospital. And so it is Drama, Movies 2010 95min. Truman - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock that Saleem Sinai, the bastard child of a beggar woman, and Starz / Anchor Bay 01.10.2013 James Stewart and Doris Day, in a rare dramatic role, are Shiva, the only son of a wealthy couple, are fated to live the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118790 superb in this brilliant suspense thriller from the undisputed destinies meant for each other. Over the next three decades, master. Stewart and Day play Ben and Jo MacKenna, innocent Saleem and Shiva find themselves on opposite sides of many a Americans vacationing in Morocco with their son, Hank. After conflict, whether it be because of class, politics, romantic Mortuary / Salvage / Memory a French spy dies in Ben’s arms in the Marrakech market, the rivalry, or the constantly shifting borders that are drawn couple discovers their son has been kidnapped and taken to every time neighbors become enemies and decide to split their (Triple Feature) (Blu-ray) England. Not knowing who they can trust, the MacKennas are newborn nation into two, and then three, warring countries. Dennis Hopper, Billy Zane, Denise Crosby, caught up in a nightmare of international espionage, Through it all, the lives of Saleem and Shiva are mysteriously assassinations and terror. Soon, all of their lives hang in the intertwined. They are also inextricably linked to the history of Dan Byrd, Tricia Helfer, Chris Ferry, Lauren balance as they draw closer to the truth and a chilling India itself, which takes them on a whirlwind journey full of Currie Lewis, Cody Darbe climactic moment in London’s famous Royal Albeit Hall. trials, triumphs and disasters. A gore-filled Blu-ray triple feature packed with disturbing Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Bri- Drama, Movies 2012 146min. crimes and twisted killers. tish, Classics, Crime, Criterion Collection, Virgil Films And Entertainment 08.10.2013 Horror, Movies, Thrillers, Triple Feature Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Horror, Hostage 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118425 270min. Crisis, Kidnapping, Movies, Music, Mystery, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers 1955 Mistress Club 08.10.2013 120min. Kira Reed, Griffin Drew, Everett Rodd, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118985 Universal Studios 01.10.2013 Ross Goza, Jesse Coleman, Hal Hutton - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119032 Dir. Sybil Richards Mother When three women get jilted and cheated on by their Daryl Hannah, Brandon Smith, Tim Russ, husbands, they decide to get even and open up the Mistress Marci X Club - where seduction is the name of the game and forbidden Chloe Bridges - Dir. Mark Quod sex is the natural outcome. Revenge has never been sexier! An A-student’s life is turned upside-down when inappropriate Damon Wayans, Lisa Kudrow, Richard status updates and photos appear on her online profile. Soon, Benjamin, Christine Baranski, Paula Garces Affairs & Love Triangles, Erotica, Movies, she learns that even her life is in danger. - Dir. Richard Benjamin Revenge 1999 93min. High School, Movies, Thrillers 2013 90min. Lisa Kudrow is „“luminous“ and Damon Wayans „gives a Full Moon 06.08.2013 Asylum Home Entertainment 12.11.2013 performance of immense charm“ in this hilarious film about a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118819 culture clash between a hip hop artist and a born-to-shop 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118685 socialite. Marci Feld (Kudrow) doesn’t know about rap...she thinks it’s what salespeople do in the ritzy boutiques where : The Complete Mother (Blu-ray) she shops. But everything changes after rapper Dr. S (Wayans) releases a controversial CD for the record label Fourth Season (Blu-ray) Daryl Hannah, Brandon Smith, Tim Russ, owned by Marci’s ailing father (Richard Benjamin). When the , Sofia Vergara, , Chloe Bridges - Dir. Mark Quod music ignites a national protest against her father and his An A-student’s life is turned upside-down when inappropriate company, Marci decides to step in and save his reputation and The laughs - and the awards - just keep on coming for the #1- status updates and photos appear on her online profile. Soon, the family business! With her posse of pampered girlfriends she learns that even her life is in danger. and her designer bag stuffed with credit cards, Marci sets out rated Modern Family, winner of three consecutive Emmy to clean up Dr. S’s act. To succeed, she’ll have to take on Awards for Outstanding Comedy Series! With Jay and High School, Movies, Thrillers 2013 90min. hostile reporters, a power-hungry senator (Christine Baran- Gloria’s baby on the way and Haley going off to college, the Asylum Home Entertainment 12.11.2013 ski), and Dr. S’s dangerous girlfriend, Yo Lo. Bursting with entire Pritchett/Dunphy clan faces some major surprises as 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118704 laughs and rousing musical performances, Marci X is one they bicker and bond over house-flipping headaches, comedy „you won’t want to miss.“ unwanted play dates, and everything from hot-tempered hormones to in utero karaoke. Featuring a stellar array of (Blu-ray Comedy, Movies 2003 83min. guest stars including , Shelley Long and Paramount 24.09.2013 Elizabeth Banks, Season Four takes a heartfelt and laugh- + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118483 out-loud hilarious look at what it means to be a Modern Family. Alexis Denisof, Amy Acker, Fran Kranz - ABC, Blu-ray, Comedy, Mockumentary, Tele- Dir. Joss Whedon The Medusa Touch (Blu-ray + From acclaimed director Joss Whedon comes a „truly vision 2012 516min. delightful, charming, sexy“ (BlackBook Magazine) and DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 20th Century Fox 24.09.2013 contemporary spin on Shakespeare’s classic comedy, Richard Burton, , Lino Ventura - 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118843 featuring Whedon all-stars including Nathan Fillion, Clark Dir. Jack Gold Gregg and Amy Acker! Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance, Shake- Richard Burton stars as John Morlar, a man who claims to Molly’s Theory Of Relativity possess a terrifying power. When Morlar is savagely speare 2012 109min. attacked in his London flat Detective Brunel (Lino Ventura) Cady Huffman, Reed Birney - Dir. Jeff Lionsgate 08.10.2013 investigates and the trail leads him to Morlar’s psychiatrist Lipsky 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118780 (Lee Remick) for answers. He learns that Morlar believes Molly’s Theory of Relativity is a sexy, funny, surreal, and that he has telekinetic power, including the ability to make devastating portrait of a beautiful twenty-eight-year-old planes crash and buildings crumble. As Brunel digs into the astronomer who, having unexpectedly lost her job, is poised Much Ado About Nothing (DVD + case his worst fear may soon be realized-that Morlar’s power to make perhaps the first reckless decision of her life. Her is real and that he can wreak havoc at will. story unfolds during an eighteen-hour period, on Halloween. UltraViolet) Drama, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 1978 Providing counsel on the fateful day are her husband, her Alexis Denisof, Amy Acker, Fran Kranz - 105min. father-in-law, three deceased relatives, a precocious nine- year-old trick-or-treater, her grandfather from Minot, North Dir. Joss Whedon Hen’s Tooth 01.10.2013 Dakota, and a six-year-old neighbor, who may or may not be From acclaimed director Joss Whedon comes a „truly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118518 imaginary. Molly’s Theory of Relativity is about the economy, delightful, charming, sexy“ (BlackBook Magazine) and and how we value what we do for a living, to ourselves and to contemporary spin on Shakespeare’s classic comedy, 6 others. It’s observes the unbreakable bonds of family, and featuring Whedon all-stars including Nathan Fillion, Clark Miami Magma / Weather Wars posits the notion that death is merely a relative thing. Gregg and Amy Acker! (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Drama, Family, Movies 2013 102min. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance, Shake- speare 2012 109min. Brad Dourif, Jason London, Wes Brown, Kino Video 22.10.2013 Lionsgate 08.10.2013 Stacy Keach, Rachel Hunter, Melissa 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118770 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118774 Ordway Two action-packed films featuring stories of deadly storms Morning and natural disasters. In Miami Magma, deep-sea drilling has The Mummy awakened an underground volcano that will destroy the city of Jeanne Tripplehorn, Laura Linney, Elliott Miami. In Weather Wars, a scientist manipulates the climate Gould, Kyle Chandler, Leland Orser, Jason Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, Arnold for his own personal vendetta. Ritter Vosloo, John Hannah, Jonathan Hyde - Dir. Action, Blu-ray, Disasters, Double Fea- In his „stunning“ (Psychology Today) and „powerful“ (San Stephen Sommers tures, Movies 173min. Francisco Chronicle) feature debut as writer/director, actor Deep in the Egyptian desert, a handful of people searching for Leland Orser (ER, Taken) and Jeanne Tripplehorn (Big Love, a long-lost treasure have just unearthed a 3,000 year old Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Basic Instinct) star as a married couple reeling from the tragic legacy of terror. Combining the thrills of a rousing adventure 08.10.2013 death of their only child. For each of them, grief is a private with the suspense of the legendary 1932 horror classic, The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118984 torment that threatens to destroy their individual worlds. But Mummy is a true nonstop action epic, filled with dazzling for both, there is way back that could bring them together to visual effects, top-notch talent and superb storytelling. love again. Laura Linney (The Big C), Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Movies, Mum- Midnight’s Children (Contagion), Kyle Chandler (Friday Night Lights) and Jason Ritter (Parenthood) co-star in this devastating but ultimately mies 1999 125min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 47 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Murdercycle has set its sights on you. dysfunctional family. While Jess does her best to replace Action, Aliens, Cult Film / TV, Movies, Cece on a modeling job and a drunk Elvis at a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118570 funeral, Schmidt and Winston hope to rearrange Cece’s Science Fiction 1998 min. arranged marriage. Relive all 25 outrageous episodes Murder, She Wrote: The Full Moon 23.07.2013 featuring guest stars like Jamie Lee Curtis, Rob Reiner and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118427 , and enjoy fun bonus material - including the Complete First Season extended version of the hugely popular Virgins episode - only available on the DVD. (Repackage) : 4-Movie Spotlight Comedy, Fox, Friendships, Television Series 546min. A new chapter begins as Season One of TV’s most popular and widely acclaimed detective series, Murder, She Wrote, James Coburn, , Steve 20th Century Fox 01.10.2013 comes home to DVD for the first time ever! Angela Lansbury Martin, Eddie Murphy, Larry Miller, Terence 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118988 stars in the role that earned her 12 consecutive Emmy nominations as everyone’s favorite super-sleuth, Jessica Stamp, Heather Graham, Christine Baran- Fletcher, a famous mystery writer who has a knack for ski, Janet Jackson, Jada Pinkett Smith, Night Falls on solving murders on and off the page. Along with the quirky Chris Elliott, John Ales, - Andy Garcia, Lena Olin, Richard Dreyfuss, residents of Cabot Cove, Maine, Jessica is joined in her deliciously suspicious tales of mystery and mayhem by some Dir. Tom Shadyac, Frank Oz, Ted Demme, , Ian Holm - Dir. Sidney of the most celebrated guest stars of screen and stage, Peter Segal Lumet including Jerry Orbach, Leslie Nielsen, Joaquin Phoenix, Collections, Comedy, Movies min. Sean Casey (Garcia) is just another idealistic assistant D.A. Andy Garcia, Martin Landau, Milton Berle, Peter Graves, - until his prosecution of a cop-killing drug lord catapults him Vicki Lawrence and many more. Investigate all 21 Season One Universal Studios 08.10.2013 into the center of New York’s tempestuous political arena. episodes and the suspenseful original pilot movie, The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118957 Vowing to follow the clues wherever they lead, the young Murder of , of the illustrious and thrilling D.A. embarks on a search for the truth that will force him to series that will have you guessing „whodunit“ until the very question his faith in the law, his loyalty to loved ones and his end. My Stepbrother Is A Vampire!?! place in a system where justice is the ultimate con. Crime, Drama, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, , William McNamara, Dee Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies Senior Interest, Television 1984 1114min. Wallace - Dir. David DeCoteau 1996 113min. Universal Studios 01.10.2013 Nancy Monroe’s mother Denise just got married - and Nancy Paramount 24.09.2013 has a new stepbrother, Victor, a Goth guy who dresses in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118707 black, wears lots of sunscreen, apparently talks to his cat, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118488 and has the ability to cloud women’s minds. So Nancy is Murder, She Wrote: The convinced that he’s a vampire - but is she a paranoid wingnut, Night Of The Comet: Collector’s or is she the only person who sees Victor’s true nature? Complete Series Comedy, Family, Movies, Vampires 2013 Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Angela Lansbury 92min. (Blu-ray) Winner of four Golden Globes and nominated for 12 Rapid Heart Pictures 01.10.2013 consecutive Emmy awards for Best Actress in a Drama, Catherine Mary Stewart, Kelli Maroney, Angela Lansbury stars as the unforgettable Jessica Fletcher 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118580 Robert Beltran, Mary Woronov, Peter Fox, in the legendary murder mystery series Murder, She Wrote. Geoffrey Lewis, Sharon Farrell, Michael Quick to outwit both criminals and cops when it comes to Mystery Science Theater 3000: solving a murder, Jessica uses her considerable intellect, Bowen, John Achorn - Dir. Thom Eberhardt charm, and persistence to get to the bottom of every crime she 25th Anniversary Edition - Comedy, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction encounters. For the first time ever, all 12 seasons are Collector’s Tin 1984 95min. available on 63 discs in one complete collection. Featuring a Shout Factory 05.11.2013 sensational array of guest stars, including George Clooney, Kevin Murphy, Joel Hodgson, Mike Nelson, Shirley Jones, Courtney Cox, Leslie Nielson, Joaquin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118694 Phoenix, Mickey Rooney, and many more, Murder, She Wrote, Bill Corbett the two-time Primetime Emmy and Golden Globe winner, is a The crew at the Satellite of Love celebrate their MST3K’s must-own DVD set that will arrest your attention for all 264 silver jubilee with a silver-ish (in reality, tin, but who’s Night Vision thrilling episodes. keeping score?) box set featuring four previously unreleased Spencer, a womanizing reality-TV producer (Darryl Collections, Crime, Drama, Murder episodes, plus tons of brand-new special features and a Dougherty) unwittingly sleeps with a mysterious woman (Ali bonus DVD featuring two back-to-back historic episodes that Adatia), who turns out to be his own stalker. Alison then Mysteries, Mystery, Senior Interest, Televi- have been out of print for years: Mitchell (Joel’s last episode kidnaps Spencer and holds him hostage while she humiliates sion min. as host) and The Brain That Wouldn’t Die (Mike’s first and abuses him, recording every moment on camera for her Universal Studios 01.10.2013 episode as host). own twisted reality-TV show. Comedy, Comedy Central, Cult Film / TV, 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118740 Drama, Movies, Mystery, Stalkers, Thrillers Science Fiction, Television 450min. 89min. Shout Factory 19.11.2013 Murder, She Wrote: The Virgil Films And Entertainment 29.10.2013 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118674 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118576 Complete Sixth Season (Repackage) Necessary Roughness Nobody Can Cool Angela Lansbury Robert Loggia, Harley Jane Kozak, Scott Nick Principe Get ready to open another chapter in this collection of clever, Bakula, Sinbad, Hector Elizondo, Kathy Nobody Can Cool is a suspenseful thriller of a young couple, entertaining mysteries as all 22 episodes of Murder, She Ireland - Dir. Stan Dragoti Susan and David, who travel to the mountains for the weekend Wrote: The Complete Sixth Season arrive on DVD! Rejoin where they find their borrowed cabin already occupied by Angela Lansbury in the season that won her the Golden The Texas State Armadillos are fourth down and nowhere-to- go after a corruption scandal nearly ends the football pro- Len, and his pregnant girlfriend, Gigi, who have overstayed Globe® for Best Actress as writer/detective Jessica their welcome. Reluctantly, they all agree to share the cabin Fletcher, who’s always uncovering crime whether she’s gram. Now upstanding coach Ed Gennero (Hector Elizondo) must put together a brand-new team. For the position of for the night. An uncomfortable evening amongst strangers nestled in the charming town of Cabot Cave or traveling the turns ominous when Susan and David discover they’ve been world. On the case with her is an impressive lineup of guest quarterback, Gennero recruits Paul Blake (, Quantum Leap), a 34-year-old former high school star whose locked in their bedroom by desperate fugitives. As Susan and stars, including Elliott Gould, Jerry Stiller, and David struggle to escape, Len and Gigi try to violently contain Shirley Jones. Featuring exclusive interviews with Angela field of dreams turned out to be the family farm. Blake still has the arm, but can he score with a team that includes a samurai them while dealing with the aftermath of a mysterious crime. Lansbury and members of the cast and crew, this 5-disc set Tensions and secrets fueled by fear, greed, and suppressed includes the beloved sleuth’s thrilling involvements with lineman, a butterfingered receiver, and a Samoan strongman with the eyes for the placekicker (Kathy Ireland)? A winning hostility bubble over within the couples, and the pending international espionage, high-society crime, and low-life arrival of an unknown danger becomes a test of survival. mercenaries. The sixth season of Murder, She Wrote earned comedy that’s loaded with „stand-up-and-cheer action!“ (Bill 4 Primetime Emmy® and two Golden Globe® nominations, Rocz, KPHO-TV, Phoenix) Movies, Thrillers 92min. along with countless fans and critical raves. Return to the College Life, Comedy, Football, Movies, Osiris Entertainment 20.08.2013 scene of the crime! Sports 1991 108min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118401 Crime, Drama, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Paramount 24.09.2013 Senior Interest, Television 1989 1044min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118486 Chuck Norris Collection Universal Studios 01.10.2013 Charles Bronson, Chuck Norris 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118708 New Girl: The Complete Second Action, Collections, Movies 382min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Murdercycle Season Zooey Deschanel, Max Greenfield, Jake M. 01.10.2013 Robert Donovan, Charles Wesley 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118969 Its engine roars with a deafening thunder, the sleek, dark Johnson, Lamorne Morris, Hannah Simone profile cuts through the night like a sword through flesh. The romantic tension between Jess (Emmy Nominee Zooey Devoid of any human emotion, it kills to live. It has torn into Deschanel) and Nick (Jake Johnson) escalates in the Nothing Left To Fear our dimension from the Hell of another world. An alien being hilarious, quirky second season of New Girl - but will they with a mission to destroy the one person on earth that ever hook up? Meanwhile, Schmidt fails to be hip, Winston Clancy Brown, Anne Heche, James Tupper, prevents its immortality. There is -when the isn’t „prepared“ for a hot date, and Nick faces a death in his Ethan Peck

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Welcome to Stull, Kansas. When pastor Dan (James Tupper) love life is completely nonexistent. Then one day, their paths scheduling conflict, a womanizing French financier-aviator and his family answer the calling to move from the big city to cross and the couple comes to face the ultimate question: can (Kaye) hires a nightclub performer (also Kaye) to temporarily start a new life and take over preaching duties from retiring two people fall in love with the whole world watching? impersonate him. But things go hilariously awry as one man Pastor Kingsman (Clancy Brown), little did they know they Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 1999 tries to romance two beautiful women (Gene Tierney and would be the pawns in a sinister plot to close one of the gates 124min. Corinne Calvet) - who both think he’s their lover! to Hell. Based on actual folklore for this real town believed to Classics, Comedy, Movies, Musical 1951 Universal Studios 15.10.2013 be one of the 7 gateways to Hell, Nothing Left to Fear will 89min. scare you to your very soul. There is Nothing Left to Fear... 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119014 accept Fear itself! 20th Century Fox 08.10.2013 Horror, Movies, Myths & Legends 2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119094 100min. Now You See Me (Blu-ray + DVD Starz / Anchor Bay 08.10.2013 + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Only God Forgives 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118649 Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Woody Tom Burke, Ryan Gosling, Kristin Scott Harrelson, Mark Ruffalo, Common, Isla Fis- Thomas - Dir. Nicholas Winding Refn Nothing Left To Fear (Blu-ray + her, Jesse Eisenberg, Dave Franco - Dir. Julian (Ryan Gosling), an American fugitive from justice, runs DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Louis Leterrier a boxing club in Bangkok as a front for his drug business. His An FBI agent and an Interpol detective track a team of mother (Kristin Scott Thomas), the head of a vast criminal Clancy Brown, Anne Heche, James Tupper, illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances organization, arrives from the US to collect the body of her and reward their audiences with the money. favorite son, Billy. Julian’s brother has just been killed after Ethan Peck having savagely murdered a young prostitute. Crazy with rage Welcome to Stull, Kansas. When pastor Dan (James Tupper) Action, Blu-ray, Crime, FBI, Movies, Thril- and thirsty for vengeance she demands the heads of the and his family answer the calling to move from the big city to lers 2013 115min. murderers from Julian. But first, Julian must confront Chang start a new life and take over preaching duties from retiring Summit Entertainment 03.09.2013 (Vithaya Pansringarm), a mysterious retired policeman - and Pastor Kingsman (Clancy Brown), little did they know they figurehead of a divine justice - who has resolved to scourge would be the pawns in a sinister plot to close one of the gates 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118365 the corrupt underworld of brothels and fight clubs. to Hell. Based on actual folklore for this real town believed to be one of the 7 gateways to Hell, Nothing Left to Fear will Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers scare you to your very soul. There is Nothing Left to Fear... Now You See Me (DVD + Digital 2013 90min. accept Fear itself! Copy) Starz / Anchor Bay 22.10.2013 Horror, Movies, Myths & Legends 2012 Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Woody 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118964 100min. Harrelson, Mark Ruffalo, Common, Isla Fis- Starz / Anchor Bay 08.10.2013 her, Jesse Eisenberg, Dave Franco - Dir. Only God Forgives (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118687 Louis Leterrier Tom Burke, Ryan Gosling, Kristin Scott An FBI agent and an Interpol detective track a team of Thomas - Dir. Nicholas Winding Refn La Notte: The Criterion Collection illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances Julian (Ryan Gosling), an American fugitive from justice, runs Marcello Mastroianni, Jeanne Moreau, and reward their audiences with the money. a boxing club in Bangkok as a front for his drug business. His Action, Crime, FBI, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Monica Vitti - Dir. Michelangelo Antonioni mother (Kristin Scott Thomas), the head of a vast criminal 115min. organization, arrives from the US to collect the body of her This psychologically acute, visually striking modernist work favorite son, Billy. Julian’s brother has just been killed after was director Michelangelo Antonioni’s follow-up to the Summit Entertainment 03.09.2013 having savagely murdered a young prostitute. Crazy with rage epochal L’avventura. Marcello Mastroianni (Divorce Italian 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118351 and thirsty for vengeance she demands the heads of the Style) and Jeanne Moreau (Jules and Jim) star as a novelist murderers from Julian. But first, Julian must confront Chang and his frustrated wife who, over the course of one night, (Vithaya Pansringarm), a mysterious retired policeman - and confront their alienation from each other and the achingly Nurse Diary: Wicked Finger figurehead of a divine justice - who has resolved to scourge empty bourgeois Milan circles in which they travel. the corrupt underworld of brothels and fight clubs. Antonioni’s muse Monica Vitti (Red Desert) smolders as an Asami Ogawa industrialist’s tempting daughter. Moodily sensual Ryoko (Etsuko Hara) leaves the chaos of her dorm for the Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, cinematography and subtly expressive performances make La peace and quiet of her own place because she wants to keep Thrillers 2013 90min. notte an indelible illustration of romantic and social her relationship with a doctor at Murata Hospital a secret. Starz / Anchor Bay 22.10.2013 deterioration. Unfortunately, that privacy is short-lived as she discovers a „peeping tom“ next door neighbor that spies on her all the time. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118980 Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, When the doctor’s wife learns of the affair, poor Ryoko gets Foreign, Italian, Movies, Romance min. caught in a web of jilted lovers, frisky lesbians, slapstick Criterion 29.10.2013 sexual assault and embarrassing incidents with household The Order / Nowhere To Run appliances. The first film in Nikkatsu’s three picture „Nurse (Jean-Claude Van Damme Double 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118395 Diary“ series, Nurse Diary: Wicked Finger is a strange of comedy, nudity and sex with an oh-so-crazy plot that will Feature) (Blu-ray) La Notte: The Criterion Collection have you shaking your head in disbelief! Ben Cross, Charlton Heston, Rosanna Erotica, Foreign, Japanese, Movies, Nurses Arquette, Brian Thompson, Sofia Milos - (Blu-ray) & Doctors, Pink Film 1979 68min. Dir. Robert Harmon Marcello Mastroianni, Jeanne Moreau, Impulse Pictures 09.07.2013 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Cops, Monica Vitti - Dir. Michelangelo Antonioni 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118422 This psychologically acute, visually striking modernist work Cult Film / TV, Double Features, Drama, was director Michelangelo Antonioni’s follow-up to the Kidnapping, Movies, Romance min. epochal L’avventura. Marcello Mastroianni (Divorce Italian Oldboy: 10th Anniversary Edition Style) and Jeanne Moreau (Jules and Jim) star as a novelist Image Ent. 01.10.2013 and his frustrated wife who, over the course of one night, (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118736 confront their alienation from each other and the achingly Dir. Chan Wook Park empty bourgeois Milan circles in which they travel. Oh Dae-su is an ordinary Seoul businessman with a wife and Out In The Dark Antonioni’s muse Monica Vitti (Red Desert) smolders as an little daughter who, after a drunken night on the town, is industrialist’s tempting daughter. Moodily sensual abducted and locked up in a strange, private „prison.“ No one Out in the Dark is as much a political and societal commentary cinematography and subtly expressive performances make La will tell him why he’s there and who his jailer is. Over time as it is an original romantic story. Compelling and intimate, notte an indelible illustration of romantic and social his fury builds to a single-minded focus of revenge. 15 years Michael Mayer’s taut first feature follows a border-crossing deterioration. later, he is unexpectedly freed, given a new suit, a cell-phone relationship between an Israeli lawyer and an increasingly Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, and 5 days to discover the mysterious enemy who had him desperate Palestinian student. Nimer, an ambitious imprisoned. Seeking vengeance on all those involved, he soon Palestinian student in the West Bank, dreams of a better life Foreign, Italian, Movies, Romance 1961 abroad. One fateful night in Tel Aviv, he meets Roy, an Israeli 122min. finds that his enemy’s tortures are just beginning. Art House, Blu-ray, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, lawyer, and the two fall in love. As their relationship deepens, Criterion 29.10.2013 they are both confronted with the harsh realities of a Kidnapping, Korean, Movies, Mystery, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118411 Palestinian society that refuses to accept Nimer for his Revenge, Thrillers, Torture 2003 292min. sexual identity, and an Israeli society that rejects him for his Tartan Video 08.10.2013 nationality. When Nimer?s close friend is caught hiding Notting Hill (Blu-ray + Digital illegally in Tel Aviv and sent back to the West Bank where he 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118869 is brutally murdered, Nimer is forced to choose between the Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) life he thought he wanted and his love for Roy. Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant, Rhys Ifans, On The Riviera (Blu-ray) Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, Romance 2012 96min. Hugh Bonneville, Emma Chambers, James Sig Ruman, Danny Kaye, Marcel Dalio, Breaking Glass Pictures 29.10.2013 Dreyfus, Tim McInnerny, Gina McKee - Dir. Gene Tierney, Corinne Calvet, Clinton 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118759 Roger Michell Sundberg, Henri Letondel, Joyce Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) is the world’s most famous movie MacKenzie, Jean Murat, Monique Chantal, star. Her picture has been plastered on the cover of every The Pallisers: 40th Anniversary magazine, and every time she makes a movie, the entire world Marina Koshetz - Dir. Walter Lang knows about it. William Thacker (Hugh Grant) owns a travel You’ll double over with laughter at Danny Kaye’s Golden Edition bookstore in the quaint neighborhood of Notting Hill. His Globe- winning dual performances in this classic musical business is stagnant, he has the roommate from hell and his farce that was Nominated for two Oscars! Faced with a , Derek Jacobi, Peter

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Vaughan, Anthony Andrews, Penelope Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers Keith, , Philip Latham, 15.10.2013 2011 118min. - Dir. Hugh David, Ronald 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118302 E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 Wilson 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118815 This sprawling BBC saga follows an aristocratic family Pastor Shirley: Don’t Take No through three generations of power, wealth, intrigue, and scandal in Victorian England. Based on Anthony Trollope’s Mess! Plush „political“ novels and adapted by British author Simon Raven Emily Browning - Dir. Catherine Hardwicke (Alms for Oblivion), this classic PBS series has captivated Laura Hayes, Dorien Wilson, Jackie Long audiences on both sides of the Atlantic. Emmy winner Susan Comedy, Movies, Religion/Spirituality 2013 Drama, Movies min. Hampshire (The Forsyte Saga) stars as the beautiful and 85min. Millennium Entertainment 15.10.2013 witty Lady Glencora, whose arranged marriage to rising 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118999 politician Plantagenet Palliser (Philip Latham, „marvelous from Allegro Entertainment 13.08.2013 beginning to end“ ) endures public and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118943 private crises as the family ascends the social ladder. The Por Que El Amor Manda (Because outstanding cast also features Jeremy Irons (The Borgias), Derek Jacobi (I, Claudius), Anthony Andrews (Brideshead The Perfect Score () Love Rules) Revisited), Peter Vaughan (The Remains of the Day), and Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Erika Fernando Colunga, Blanca Soto Penelope Keith (To the Manor Born). Christensen, Darius Miles, Bryan This is the story of Jesus, a self-driven man who always sees British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Greenberg, Leonard Nam, Roger Birnbaum, the glass as half-full. However, his positive attitude and Piece, Television 1974 1340min. determination will constantly be put to the test as he must find Jonathan Glickman, Mike Tollin, Brian Acorn Media 15.10.2013 ways to reinvent himself and earn the love of his daughter and Robbins the woman of his dreams. 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118725 Pop Quiz: How do you get a perfect score on the S.A.T. exam? Drama, Foreign, International TV, Romance, For a group of stressed-out teens, there’s only one Spanish, Television 2013 850min. The Paradise: Season One way...steal the answers. Scarlett Johansson (Lost In Translation), Erika Christensen (Traffic), Chris Evans (Not Vivendi Visual Entertainment 26.11.2013 Set amidst the Victorian splendour of Britain’s first department Another Teen Movie) and NBA star Darius Miles lead this hip 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118679 store, The Paradise is a rags-to-riches story of a young girl coming-of-age comedy about six students who try to break who falls in love with the intoxicating charms of the modern into the testing center and steal the answers to the S.A.T. The world. As Denise finds her feet as a lowly shop girl, she must classmates are wildly different, but share a common goal-to Power Rangers Super Samurai: A navigate her way through power struggles, intrigues and prevent the standardized test from unfairly defining their Christmas Wish affairs. When the shop’s dashing and reckless owner, John lives. As they plot a hilarious heist that could make-or break- Moray, spots her talents she knows she can use this their futures, the students grow closer, never suspecting Action, Children’s, Christmas, Cult Film / opportunity to rise to great things. Through sexy, episodic where they’ll ultimately find the real answers...within stories driven by romance and glamour, this series creates a TV, Family, Holidays, Martial Arts, Science themselves. Fiction, Television 69min. world as colourful and captivating as the silks on display in Comedy, High School, Movies 2003 92min. the store. This is a love story, a story of ambition and Lionsgate 08.10.2013 Paramount 24.09.2013 progress, with a mysterious, dark secret at its heart. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118415 BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118489 Period Piece, Television min. BBC Home Video 12.11.2013 Peter Gunn: The Final Season Power Rangers: Seasons 8-12 The adventures of the Power Rangers continue with five 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118749 Craig Stevens, , Herschel outrageous seasons, each every bit as exciting as the last! Bernardi, Minerva Urecal Join your favorite Rangers from Power Rangers Lightspeed The Paradise: Season One (Blu- In the third and Final Season of Peter Gunn, Craig Stevens Rescue, Power Rangers Time Force, Power Rangers Wild plays Gunn, Pete to his friends, a handsome, suave detective Force, Power Rangers Ninja Storm and Power Rangers Dino ray) tough enough to take on the hardest of hard cases, but a soft Thunder as they take on some the biggest, baddest villains Set amidst the Victorian splendour of Britain’s first department touch when it comes to the ladies. His girlfriend, the gorgeous ever faced! Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Power store, The Paradise is a rags-to-riches story of a young girl singer Edie Hart (Lola Albright) is the featured singer at Rangers franchise with this extraordinary 26-disc set, jam who falls in love with the intoxicating charms of the modern ‘Mother’s’, a smoke-filled jazz club used by Gunn as his packed with 241 awesome episodes and tons of archival world. As Denise finds her feet as a lowly shop girl, she must unofficial office. Other regulars at the club include a colorful bonus features, as well as brand new featurettes including navigate her way through power struggles, intrigues and cast of musicians, pool hustlers, artists and a sculptor. His interviews with some of your favorite Rangers! affairs. When the shop’s dashing and reckless owner, John standard fee is $1,000.00, and his reputation keeps the Action, Adventure, Children’s, Cult Film / Moray, spots her talents she knows she can use this customers lined up for his services, sometimes referred by TV, Family, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Science opportunity to rise to great things. Through sexy, episodic Mother (Minerva Urecal), or his police buddy Lt. Jacoby stories driven by romance and glamour, this series creates a (Herschel Bernardi). A man with expensive tastes, Peter Fiction, Television 1996 2610min. world as colourful and captivating as the silks on display in Gunn drives a stylish two-tone Plymouth Fury Convertible, Shout Factory 12.11.2013 the store. This is a love story, a story of ambition and equipped with a mobile phone! 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118668 progress, with a mysterious, dark secret at its heart. Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, Televi- BBC, Blu-ray, British, Drama, Foreign, sion 1958 min. Power Rangers: Zeo - Volume Historical / Period Piece, Television min. Shout Factory 19.11.2013 BBC Home Video 12.11.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118675 One 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118762 The Power Rangers face off against the dreaded villains King Mondo and Queen Machina, a malevolent pair who rule over Platinum Blonde their Machine Empire. Joined by their bratty offspring Prince Paradise: Faith Sprocket, King Mondo and Queen Machina command a Holly Sampson fearless army of Cogs, relentless robots dedicated to their Maria Hofstatter - Dir. Ulrich Seidl Angela is a platinum blonde with a special mission: bring masters’ evil plans to dominate the universe. With the In this second installment, Ulrich Seidl explores what it together deserving lovers, like Stella - a bookish marketing discovery of powerful Zeo Crystals, the crime-fighters utilize means to carry the cross. For Anna Maria, a single woman in exec who has eyes for her hunky boss. Can Angela release their new Zeo powers to save Zordon and Alpha 5 from her fifties (and sister of Paradise: Love’s Teresa), paradise Stella’s inner seductress? Then there is the case of Joey and certain decimation. The Ranger team continues to expand lies with Jesus. She devotes her summer vacation to doing his brother’s bride-to-be. Joey is secretly in love with her. when the mysterious gold Power Ranger, Trey of the planet missionary work, so that Austria may be brought back to the Can Angela give him the confidence to reveal his feelings Triforia, arrives on Earth to fight the Machine Empire. When path of virtue. On her daily pilgrimage through Vienna, she before it’s too late? And then there’s film editor Jeff who’s Trey falls in battle, it’s up to the original leader of the Power goes from door to door, carrying a foot-high statue of the been fantasizing about buxom starlet Tawny. Can Angela make Rangers, Jason, to don the gold Ranger powers and harness Virgin Mary. When her husband, an Egyptian Muslim confined his dream a reality? the enormous Zord Pyramidas. to a wheelchair, comes home after years of absence, her life Erotica, Fantasy, Movies, Romance 2001 is turned upside down. Faith recounts the stations of the Action, Adventure, Children’s, Cult Film / cross of a marriage and the longing for love. 90min. TV, Family, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Science Drama, Foreign, German, Movies, Religion/ Full Moon 23.07.2013 Fiction, Television 1996 min. Spirituality 2012 113min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118432 Shout Factory 12.11.2013 Strand Releasing 22.10.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118666 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118608 The Pledge Patricia Clarkson - Dir. Sean Penn Prancer Returns / Stealing The Partridge Family: The Tory Hedderman is a typical, self-centered 16-year-old. His motto: If it doesn’t have to do with him, why should he care? Christmas / The Borrowers (Triple Complete Series However, when Tory is caught vandalizing a statue of a WWI Feature) Vet, he is ordered to perform community service at a local Danny Bonaduce, Shirley Jones, Susan veteran’s home where he comes face to face with those who Jack Palance, Lea Thompson, Stacy Ed- Dey, David Cassidy, Suzanne Crough, Dave teach him about the sacrifices that have been made for our wards, Tony Danza, Christopher Eccleston, Madden, Brian Forster country. The Pledge is an uplifting family drama that features footage of real-life vets sharing thoughts on patriotism, John Corbett, Betty White, Gavin Fink, An- Classics, Comedy, Family, Music, Television freedom and the attitudes of today’s generation towards the gela Goethals, Sharon Horgan, Robert min. true price of freedom. Sheehan, Aisling Loftus - Dir. Gregg Clarke,

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Tom Harper 2000 73min. nominee for this landmark film chosen as one of the Top-100 American Films by the American Film Institute. Rebel Without Animals & Nature, Christmas, Comedy, Full Moon 23.07.2013 a Cause has been digitally mastered from newly restored Family, Fantasy, Holidays, Movies, Triple 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118429 elements, so this DVD offers the movie’s picture and sound in Feature min. its most optimal presentation since its original theatrical Universal Studios 15.10.2013 release. Psych: The Complete Seventh AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Coming-Of- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119016 Season Age, Drama, Movies, National Film Registry, James Roday, Dule Hill, Timothy Omundson Tearjerkers, Troubled Youth 1955 111min. Prayers For Bobby Killer secrets are kept, broken and dramatically revealed in Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 Sigourney Weaver, Henry Czerny, Lee the seventh sensational season of Psych. It’s business as unusual for „psychic“ crime fighter Shawn Spencer (James 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118878 Garlington, Ryan Kelley, Rebecca Miller, Roday) and best Burton „Gus“ Guster (Dulé Hill) as they Dan Butler, Susan Ruttan, Austin Nichols, track down Bigfoot, go undercover as wacky radio DJs, and Rebel Without A Cause: Special Carly Schroeder, Scott Bailey solve the ultimate murder mystery. And, Gus finally gets the Bobby Griffith was his mother’s favorite son. Struggling with girl. Catch every episode back-to-back and uninterrupted of Edition conflict of being gay, Bobby came out to his family. His mother, the laugh-out-loud whodunit series that features stellar guest stars including Garrett Morris (2 Broke Girls), Lesley Ann James Dean, Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo Mary rejected him, and driving her favorite son to suicide. In one of moviedom’s most influential roles, James Dean plays For Mary, it’s the beginning of a long journey that extended Warren (In Plain Sight), Jeffrey Tambor (Arrested Development), and Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future). Jim Stark, the new kid in town whose loneliness, frustration beyond acceptance to her viable role as an advocate for gay and anger mirrored those of postwar teens - and reverberate and lesbian youth. Comedy, Detectives, Mystery, Television, more than 40 years later. Natalie Wood (as Jim’s girlfriend Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, girl power, USA Network 2013 min. Judy) and Sal Mineo (in his screen debut as Jim’s tag-along Movies, Television, TV Movies 2009 Universal Studios 08.10.2013 pal Plato) were Acadamy Award nominees for their achingly true performances. Director Nicholas Ray was also an Oscar 120min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118709 nominee for this landmark film chosen as one of the Top-100 A&E 15.10.2013 American Films by the American Film Institute. Rebel Without 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118840 The Purge a Cause has been digitally mastered from newly restored elements, so this DVD offers the movie’s picture and sound in Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Max its most optimal presentation since its original theatrical Pride & Prejudice (Blu-ray + Digi- Burkholder - Dir. James DeMonaco release. tal Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) If you could commit any crime without consequences, what AFI Top 100, Classics, Coming-Of-Age, would you do? From the producer of Paranormal Activity and Drama, Movies, National Film Registry, Keira Knightley, Donald Sutherland, Judi Sinister, comes an inventive thriller that dares you to survive Special Editions, Tearjerkers, Troubled Dench, Brenda Blethyn, Tom Hollander, the most dangerous night in America - The Purge - when all Youth 1955 111min. , Rosamund Pike, Matthew crime is legal for 12 hours. When an intruder breaks into James Sandin’s (Ethan Hawke) gated community during the Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 Macfadyen - Dir. Joe Wright yearly lockdown, he begins a sequence of events that Academy Award nominee Keira Knightley stars in the greatest threatens to tear a family apart. Now, it is up to James, his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118859 love story of all time. When Elizabeth Bennet (Knightley) wife, Mary (Lena Headey), and their kids to make it through meets the handsome Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfayden), she the night without turning into the monsters from whom they Red Clover (DVD + UltraViolet) believes he is the last man on earth she could ever marry. But hide. as their lives become intertwined, she finds herself captivated Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers Billy Zane, William Devane, Courtney by the very person she swore to loathe for all eternity. Jane 2013 85min. Halverson - Dir. Drew Daywalt Austen’s masterpiece novel comes to the screen in the film Sixty-six years ago, the town of Irish Channel in Louisiana critics said „makes you believe in true love and happily-ever- Universal Studios 08.10.2013 was the site of a horrible massacre on St. Patrick’s Day. after“ (Stephen Holden, The New York Times). 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118921 While some blame a terrible storm that blew through the town, Book-To-Film, Drama, Historical / Period there are those that don’t talk about what really happened. Piece, Movies, Romance 2005 129min. The Purge (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- Since the massacre, St. Patrick’s Day festivities in town were Universal Studios 15.10.2013 banned, but now the Mayor believes that it is finally time to tal Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) celebrate. Those facing the ire of this little Irish Hellraiser 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118595 terrorizing Cajun country include Billy Zane (Titanic), Wiliam Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Max Devane (24), Kelly Washington, Courtney Halverston (Death Primeval: New World - The Burkholder - Dir. James DeMonaco Valley), Azure Parsons (Death Valley), Matty Ferraro (The If you could commit any crime without consequences, what Liar), and actor-stuntman Kevin Mangold. Complete Series would you do? From the producer of Paranormal Activity and Horror, Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal, Sinister, comes an inventive thriller that dares you to survive Thrillers 89min. Sara Canning the most dangerous night in America - The Purge - when all Evan Cross, a wealthy and brilliant innovator, leads a diverse crime is legal for 12 hours. When an intruder breaks into Lionsgate 22.10.2013 team that operates from a secret and cutting edge James Sandin’s (Ethan Hawke) gated community during the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118889 headquarters, named the Tank. From this precinct, the team yearly lockdown, he begins a sequence of events that operates a top-secret warning system allows them to find threatens to tear a family apart. Now, it is up to James, his anomalies and track prehistoric creatures that come through. wife, Mary (Lena Headey), and their kids to make it through Redemption (Blu-ray + Now the race is on to find the creatures before they find the the night without turning into the monsters from whom they UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) unsuspecting public. hide. Action, Adventure, Drama, Prehistoric Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers Jason Statham, Ger Ryan, Benedict Wong, Times, Science Fiction, Television 2013 2013 85min. Agata Buzek, Vicky McClure, Paul Webster 585min. Jason Statham stars as an ex-Special Forces officer who Universal Studios 08.10.2013 comes home from the Afghan war a shattered man. Broke, E1 Entertainment 22.10.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118951 homeless, lost in a haze of drugs and booze, Joseph Smith 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118903 attempts to piece his life back together with the help of Sister Christina, a nun helping the poor. But while employed as a Race War: The Remake collector for a local mob boss, Joseph learns the identity of a Primeval: New World - The Joe Grisaffi friend’s murderer and, bent on revenge, finds himself sinking Complete Series (Blu-ray) Get Ready For War! Nobody sells their junk in crack dealer deeper into a dark world of violence in this brutally powerful Baking Soda’s territory - not even neo-nazis from outer action-thriller. Sara Canning space! Get mad, arm up, and start a Race War! This is Tom Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, Evan Cross, a wealthy and brilliant innovator, leads a diverse Martino’s feature film based on his Alamo Drafthouse-winning Thrillers 2013 100min. team that operates from a secret and cutting edge grindhouse trailer, and unlike any movie you’ve headquarters, named the Tank. From this precinct, the team ever seen. Lionsgate 24.09.2013 operates a top-secret warning system allows them to find 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118449 anomalies and track prehistoric creatures that come through. Action, Adventure, Crime, Drugs & Dealers, Now the race is on to find the creatures before they find the Movies 2012 95min. unsuspecting public. Music Video Distribution 20.08.2013 Redemption (DVD + UltraViolet) Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118581 Jason Statham, Ger Ryan, Benedict Wong, Prehistoric Times, Science Fiction, Televisi- Agata Buzek, Vicky McClure, Paul Webster on 2013 585min. Rebel Without A Cause (Digibook) Jason Statham stars as an ex-Special Forces officer who E1 Entertainment 22.10.2013 comes home from the Afghan war a shattered man. Broke, (Blu-ray) homeless, lost in a haze of drugs and booze, Joseph Smith 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118916 attempts to piece his life back together with the help of Sister James Dean, Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo Christina, a nun helping the poor. But while employed as a Prison Of The Dead In one of moviedom’s most influential roles, James Dean plays collector for a local mob boss, Joseph learns the identity of a Jim Stark, the new kid in town whose loneliness, frustration friend’s murderer and, bent on revenge, finds himself sinking Debra Mayer, Michael D. Guerin, Jeff and anger mirrored those of postwar teens - and reverberate deeper into a dark world of violence in this brutally powerful more than 40 years later. Natalie Wood (as Jim’s girlfriend action-thriller. Peterson, Patrick Flood, Kim Ryan, Alicia Judy) and Sal Mineo (in his screen debut as Jim’s tag-along Arden, Sam Page - Dir. Victoria Sloan pal Plato) were Acadamy Award nominees for their achingly Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers Haunted Houses, Horror, Movies, Prison true performances. Director Nicholas Ray was also an Oscar 2013 100min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 51 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Lionsgate 24.09.2013 Rope (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119054 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118417 James Stewart, Farley Granger, Constance Collier, Joan Chandler, John Dall, Sir Cedric School Ties Return Of The Killer Shrews Hardwicke - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Brendan Fraser, Ben Affleck, Amy Locane, Bruce Davison, Jennifer Lyons, John James Stewart stars with Farley Granger and John Dall in a Matt Damon - Dir. Robert Mandel highly-charged thriller inspired by the real-life Leopold-Loeb Schneider - Dir. Steve Latshaw murder case. Granger and Dall give riveting performances as Drama, Movies, On The Job, Teachers 1992 The Killer Shrews are back in Return of the Killer Shrews, two friends who strangle a classmate for intellectual thrills, 107min. the long-awaited sequel to the original 1959 cult classic! then proceed to throw a party for the victim’s family and Paramount 24.09.2013 When Captain Thorne Sherman (James Best) is hired by a friends - with the body stuffed inside the trunk they use for a reality TV show crew to return to the island home of the buffet table. As the killers turn the conversation to committing 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118493 shrews after many years, he discovers that the Killer Shrews the „perfect murder“, their former teacher (Stewart) becomes haven’t just survived, they absolutely thrived under the care increasingly suspicious. Before the night is over, the Sci-Fi: Triple Feature (Blu-ray) of a mad doctor (Bruce Davison, X-Men, Willard). The body professor will discover how brutally his students have turned count rises as the cast and crew fall prey to the carnivorous his academic theories into chilling reality in Hitchcock’s Farrah Fawcett, Michael York, Charlton creatures, and time is running out for the survivors to escape spellbinding excursion into the . the deadly island. The stars of the original Dukes of Hazzard Heston, Peter Ustinov, Jenny Agutter, Jo- (James Best, John Schneider and Rick Hurst) go monster Classics, Drama, Horror, Movies, Mystery, seph Cotten, , Roscoe Lee hunting in this shocking tale of nature gone wild! Thrillers 1948 81min. Browne, Paula Kelly, Brock Peters, Chuck Horror, Killer Animals, Movies 2012 83min. Universal Studios 01.10.2013 Connors, Edward G. Robinson - Dir. Ri- Retromedia 22.10.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119033 chard Fleischer, Michael Anderson 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119060 Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Drama, Saboteur (Blu-ray) Fantasy, In The Future..., Movies, Science The Right Stuff (Digibook + Blu- Robert Cummings, Priscilla Lane, Otto Fiction, Triple Feature min. ray) (Blu-ray) Kruger, Norman Llyod, Alan Baxter, Clem Warner Bros. 26.11.2013 Veronica Cartwright, Sam Shepard, Scott Bevans, Alma Kruger, Dorothy Peterson - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118880 Glenn, Ed Harris, Dennis Quaid, Barbara Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Alfred Hitchcock’s exciting 1942 war-time thriller stars Scoot And Kassie’s Christmas Hershey, Pamela Reed, Lance Henriksen, Robert Cummings as a Los Angeles aircraft factory worker Scott Paulin, , Charles Frank, who witnesses his plant’s firebombing by a Nazi agent. Adventure Fred Ward - Dir. Philip Kaufman During the deadly explosion, Cumming’s best friend is killed and he, himself, is wrongly accused of sabotage. To clear his Luke Perry Academy Award Winners, Adventure, name, Cummings begins a relentless cross-country chase that A new friend. A big secret. An unforgettable holiday story. Americana, Blu-ray, Drama, Historical / takes him from Boulder Dam to New York’s Radio City Music Luke Perry (TV’s Beverly Hills, 90210) stars in this Period Piece, History & Events, Movies, Hall, and finally, to a harrowing confrontation atop the Statue heartwarming charmer that will have the whole family of Liberty. Hitchcock’s first film with an all-American cast cheering. After Kassie (Ariana Bagley) rescues a wounded Space 1983 193min. moves with breakneck speed towards its spine-tingling climax former police dog, she and her new best friend, Scoot, Warner Bros. 05.11.2013 to create a riveting masterpiece of suspense. celebrate the season with a group of feisty friends by organizing a charity concert to raise money for less fortunate 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118451 Classics, Conspiracies, Drama, Horror, kids. When two crooks show up and plot to steal the cash, Movies, Music, Mystery, Spies & Secret Scoot leads the way as the unlikely group of heroes work Ringu 0 Agents, Thrillers 1942 109min. together to catch the bad guys and save Christmas. Animals & Nature, Christmas, Family, Horror, Movies min. Universal Studios 01.10.2013 Holidays, Movies, Television, TV Movies Paramount 24.09.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119034 min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118490 The Saint Universal Studios 05.11.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119099 Ringu 2 Val Kilmer, Elisabeth Shue, Rade Serbedzija - Dir. Philip Noyce Kyoko Fukada, Nanako Matsushima, Miki Scrooged Nakatani, Hiroyuki Sanada, Hitomi Sato, Action, Movies 1997 118min. Bill Murray, Carol , , Rikiya Otaka - Dir. Hideo Nakata Paramount 24.09.2013 Karen Allen, , , Foreign, Horror, Japanese, Movies 1999 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118492 Bobcat Goldthwait, Michael J. Pollard - Dir. 96min. The Sam Elliott Collection Richard Donner Paramount 24.09.2013 Scrooged, the hilarious spin on Dickens’ classic A Christmas 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118491 James Whitmore, Jamie Kennedy, Neal Carol, is now available on high-definition Blu-ray! Bill McDonough, Sam Elliott Murray is television executive Frank Cross, the meanest, most selfish man on Earth. He will stop at nothing to increase Rio Lobo / Monte Walsh (Double Action, Collections, Movies 423min. his network’s ratings, even if it means that his staff works on Feature) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Christmas Eve. It will take three spirits - the ghosts of 01.10.2013 Christmas Past, Present and Future - to show Frank that he Jack Palance, John Wayne, Mitchell Ryan, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118970 needs to change. With an all-star cast including Karen Allen, George Rivero, Lee Marvin, Jeanne John Forsythe, Carol Kane, Alfred Woodard and Robert Moreau, Chris Mitchum, Jim Davis, Jack Mitchum, and a memorable musical score from Danny Elfman, Sassy Pants Scrooged will have your entire family rediscovering the true Elam, Victor French, Susana Dosamantes, meaning of the holidays. Sassy Pants follows recent home school graduate, Bethany Michael Conrad - Dir. , Pruitt. Desperate to get out from her overbearing mother’s Charles Dickens, Christmas, Comedy, Dra- William A. Fraker reign, she flees to her absentee Dad’s house, where she ma, Ghosts, Holidays, Movies, Spoofs & Classics, Double Features, Movies, We- forms a bond with his much younger boyfriend. With dreams of Parodies, Time Travel 1988 min. a future in fashion, but weighed down by a reality of stern 213min. dysfunction, Bethany fights to step out on her own and take Paramount 10.09.2013 Paramount Pictures 15.10.2013 control of her own destiny. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119103 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118797 Drama, Movies 87min. Phase 4 Films 10.09.2013 Scrooged (Blu-ray) Julia Roberts: 4-Movie Spotlight 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118541 Bill Murray, Carol Kane, Robert Mitchum, Series Karen Allen, Alfre Woodard, John Forsythe, Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant, Ned Saved By The Bell: The Complete Bobcat Goldthwait, Michael J. Pollard - Dir. Beatty, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rhys Collection Richard Donner Scrooged, the hilarious spin on Dickens’ classic A Christmas Ifans, Hugh Bonneville, Emma Chambers, , Mark Paul Gosselaar, Carol, is now available on high-definition Blu-ray! Bill James Dreyfus, Tim McInnerny, Gina Mario Lopez, Lark Voorhies, Dustin Dia- Murray is television executive Frank Cross, the meanest, McKee, Amy Adams, Emily Blunt - Dir. Mike mond, Dennis Haskins most selfish man on Earth. He will stop at nothing to increase Nichols, Roger Michell Go back to Bayside High School and catch up with your his network’s ratings, even if it means that his staff works on favorite adventuresome teens in Saved by the Bell: The Christmas Eve. It will take three spirits - the ghosts of Biography, Biopics, Collections, Comedy, Complete Series! Watch as the gang goes through high school Christmas Past, Present and Future - to show Frank that he Drama, Movies, Politics, Romance min. and all of their inventive schemes! needs to change. With an all-star cast including Karen Allen, John Forsythe, Carol Kane, Alfred Woodard and Robert Universal Studios 08.10.2013 Comedy, Family, High School, Television Mitchum, and a memorable musical score from Danny Elfman, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118961 min. Scrooged will have your entire family rediscovering the true Lionsgate 05.11.2013 meaning of the holidays.

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Charles Dickens, Christmas, Comedy, Dra- son’s life in her hands, Collette chooses to place her trust in Number Five, a robot who escapes into the real world after he the MI5 and return home. When her brothers’ secret operation short circuits in an electrical storm and decides that he’s ma, Ghosts, Holidays, Movies, Spoofs & is ambushed, suspicions of an informant are raised and human. Because he’s carrying destructive weapons, the Parodies, Time Travel 1988 min. Collette finds both herself and her family in grave danger. Defense Department and his designer (Guttenberg) are Paramount 01.01.2013 Book-To-Film, British, Drama, Foreign, desperate to find him. But Number Five is being protected by a young woman (Sheedy) who is teaching him a gentler way of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119111 Movies, Terrorism, Thrillers 2012 102min. life. Short Circuit 2 High-voltage, fast-paced comedy for the Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.08.2013 entire family. Number Five, A.K.A. Johnny Five, that Scrooged: 25th Anniversary 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118454 incredible lovable robot, is back and taking the big city by storm. More „human“ than ever, upbeat Johnny’s out for some (Steelbook + Blu-ray + DVD + „urban input“, but some street hoods see his innocence as UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Shadow Of A Doubt (Blu-ray) their high-tech ticket to easy street. Teresa Wright, Joseph Cotten, Henry Tra- Comedy, Double Features, Movies, Robots / Bill Murray, Carol Kane, Robert Mitchum, vers, Patricia Collinge, Wallace Ford, Hume Androids, Science Fiction 209min. Karen Allen, Alfre Woodard, Bob Cronyn, Macdonald Carey - Dir. Alfred Image Ent. 01.10.2013 Goldthwalt, John Forsythe, Michael J. Hitchcock 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118737 Pollard - Dir. Richard Donner Joseph Cotton stars as Uncle Charlie, a calculating and High-spirited high jinks on Christmas Eve put Frank Cross charming killer who hides out in his relatives’ small 2: Penny’s From (Bill Murray) in a ghostly time warp in this hilarious take-off hometown. There, he befriends his favorite niece and of Charles Dickens’ „A Christmas Carol.“ Cross, who has namesake, Young Charlie (Teresa Wright). But she begins to Heaven made the meteoric rise from the depths of the mailroom to TV suspect he may be the famed Merry Widow murderer. A network president, is mean, nasty, uncaring, unforgiving and deadly game of cat and mouse ensues as the psychopathic Rena Riffel, Glenn Plummer, Dewey Weber, has a sadistic sense of humor - perfect qualities for a modern- killer plots the death of his young niece to protect his secret. Shelley Michelle, Peter Stickles - Dir. Rena day Scrooge. Before the night is over, he’ll be visited by a maniacal New York cab driver from the past, a present-day Classics, Film Noir, Horror, Movies, Riffel fairy who’s into pratfalls and, finally, a ghoulish, seven-foot Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers 1942 Vegas stripper Penny Slot sets out on an adventure to become headless messenger from the future. the star dancer on a TV series. With fame and fortune in her 108min. eyes, she tries to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow Christmas, Comedy, Drama, Holidays, Universal Studios 01.10.2013 but instead finds danger in a town more wicked than Sin City. Movies, Spoofs & Parodies 1988 100min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119035 There is a price to pay for success - How Bad Do You Want Paramount 05.11.2013 It? Find out in Rena Riffel’s epic and outrageous homage to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118452 the Showgirls legacy. Sherlock Holmes Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Movies, Nigel Bruce, Basil Rathbone Thrillers 2011 145min. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes has remained in Music Video Distribution 17.09.2013 Fay Bainter, Boris Karloff, Virginia Mayo, the spotlight for nearly 160 years, first on paper, and later in movies with Holmes’s first appearance in arcade Mutoscope 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118586 Danny Kaye - Dir. Norman Z. McLeod machines in 1900. Watch it, plus 30 more classic Sherlock The Irrepressible Danny Kaye stars as a mild-mannered Holmes movies, shows, parodies and more in this 6-DVD Shrek The Musical mouse who imagines himself as a number of daredevil heroes, collector’s set. including a gunslinger in the Old West and a Mississippi The greatest fairy tale never told comes to life as never riverboat gambler! One of Walter’s dreams becomes a reality Classics, Collections, Comedy, Crime, before in Shrek The Musical, the highly acclaimed Broadway when he gets involved with beautiful blonde Virginia Mayo - Detectives, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Televi- production based on the smash-hit movie. Called a „triumph of and becomes the target of a gang of jewel thieves who believe sion 740min. comic imagination“ (Elysa Gardner, USA Today) that „never he has their loot! It all builds up to a hilarious finale in this stints on spectacle or laughs“ (David Rooney, Variety), Shrek whimsical adaptation of James Thurber’s short story - the Film Chest Media Group 03.09.2013 The Musical received eight 2009 Tony Award nominations ultimate fantasy tale the entire family will love. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118607 including Best Musical. Featuring a fantastic score of 17 all- Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Italian, Movies new songs, along with unforgettable characters and 1947 110min. outrageous humor, it’s ogre-sized fun for the whole family! The Shield: The Complete Series Children’s, Comedy, Fairy Tales, Family, Warner Bros. 10.12.2013 , Catherine Dent, Kenneth Fantasy, Musical, Musicals On Stage, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118995 Johnson, Walton Goggins, Michael Jace, Performing Arts, Special Interest 2013 Jay Karnes, Benito Martinez, CCH Pounder 131min. (Blu-ray) Controversial, compelling and critically acclaimed, The Shield reinvented the police genre and gave us one of the greatest 20th Century Fox 15.10.2013 Al Pacino - Dir. antiheroes in television history. Vic Mackey, a corrupt cop, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119083 Serpico is based on the true story of a New York policeman runs hie elite Strike Team under his own set of rules, bringing who discovers that honesty is not expected to be part of his conflict to not only the streets of Los Angeles, but also within job. He endures scorn and mistreatment from his fellow cops his precinct. The Shield showcases acting, directing and Shrek The Musical (Blu-ray) while attempting to perform his job with integrity. The writing of the highest caliber. The greatest fairy tale never told comes to life as never character of Serpico, combining the best elements of the Cops, Crime, Crooked Cops, Drama, FX, before in Shrek The Musical, the highly acclaimed Broadway Establishment and counter-culture, is a tour-de-force for Al production based on the smash-hit movie. Called a „triumph of Pacino. The film is a breathtaking suspense story and a Television 2002 min. comic imagination“ (Elysa Gardner, USA Today) that „never fascinating character study as well as a memorable statement Sony Pictures Home Entertainment stints on spectacle or laughs“ (David Rooney, Variety), Shrek about government’s inherent flaws. 03.09.2013 The Musical received eight 2009 Tony Award nominations Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118301 including Best Musical. Featuring a fantastic score of 17 all- Movies 1973 130min. new songs, along with unforgettable characters and Paramount 03.12.2013 outrageous humor, it’s ogre-sized fun for the whole family! Children’s, Comedy, Fairy Tales, Family, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118881 Shiver Danielle Harris, , Valerie Fantasy, Musical, Musicals On Stage, Performing Arts, Special Interest 2013 Shadow Dancer Harper, Brad Harris, John Jarratt - Dir. Juli- an Richards 131min. Gillian Anderson, Clive Owen, Aidan Gillen, A young secretary lacking in self-confidence becomes victim 20th Century Fox 15.10.2013 Andrea Riseborough - Dir. James Marsh of savage killer but, somehow finds resources of courage to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119093 When single mother Collette McVeigh (Riseborough) is fight back and escape. Obsessed with killing Wendy, Rood, arrested for her part in an aborted IRA plot in London, an MI5 the killer, kidnaps her and subjects her to a horrific ritual of officer (Owen) offers her a choice: lose everything and go to psychological and physical intimidation. In a hair raising Shrieker prison or return to Belfast to spy on her own family. With her climax, Wendy finally confronts the monster of her living son’s life in her hands, Collette chooses to place her trust in nightmare, transforming into a lioness of great courage and Brannon Gould, Jenya Lano, Jamie the MI5 and return home. When her brothers’ secret operation determination. Gannon, Chris Boyd, Alison Cuffe, Tanya is ambushed, suspicions of an informant are raised and Crime, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 min. Dempsey - Dir. Victoria Sloan Collette finds both herself and her family in grave danger. Image Ent. 08.10.2013 Horror, Movies 1997 72min. British, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Terrorism, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118717 Full Moon 06.08.2013 Thrillers 2012 102min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118820 Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.08.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118446 Short Circuit / Short Circuit 2 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Sidewalks Of New York Shadow Dancer (Blu-ray) Steve Guttenberg, Ally Sheedy, Michael Dennis Farina, Heather Graham, , Brittany Murphy, David Krumholtz, Gillian Anderson, Clive Owen, Aidan Gillen, McKean, Fisher Stevens - Dir. John Edward Burns, Rosario Dawson - Dir. Ed- Andrea Riseborough - Dir. James Marsh Badham, Kenneth Johnson When single mother Collette McVeigh (Riseborough) is Films Include Short Circuit Something wonderful has ward Burns arrested for her part in an aborted IRA plot in London, an MI5 happened-Number Five is alive! Steve Guttenberg (Three Comedy, Movies, Romance 2001 107min. officer (Owen) offers her a choice: lose everything and go to Men And A Baby, Cocoon) and Ally Sheedy (Breakfast Club, Paramount 24.09.2013 prison or return to Belfast to spy on her own family. With her WarGames) co-star in this high tech comedy adventure about

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 53 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118494 Skull Forest Editions, Urban Legends, Video Nasties Pamela Sutch - Dir. Len Kabasinski 1976 80min. Simon Killer A girls’ camping weekend for four friends quickly turns to a Blue Underground 22.10.2013 terror hell ride like no otherwhen they encounter a stranger in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118397 Brady Corbet - Dir. Antonio Campos the woods and are in turn forced to fight for their lives. Star- A heartbroken American on a soul-searching trip to Paris ring Playboy Centerfold Lisa Neeld (star of CW Network finds his buried secrets clawing their way to the surface in show Lisa Neeld’s VIP Style) and introducing Sara Brooks So This Is Christmas this neo-noir thriller from writer/director Antonio Campos (WWE Diva Search top 50 Finalist). (Afterschool). Lovelorn in the aftermath of a recent break-up Eric Roberts, Vivica A. Fox, Titus Makin Jr. with his longtime girlfriend, American college graduate Simon Horror, Movies, Wilderness 2012 75min. Eighteen-year-old Ashley’s life is headed in the wrong (Brady Corbet) wanders the streets of Paris aimlessly, and Music Video Distribution 20.08.2013 direction. She’s been hanging out with a bad crowd and drifts into a sex parlor where he encounters mysterious 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118582 seeking an escape from the drama at home. Everything begins prostitute Victoria (Mati Diop). His emotions suddenly to change when a handyman working on the family’s house reawakened, Simon hatches a plan to blackmail one of her encourages her to volunteer for a Christmas play with wealthy clients — a crime that has some unexpected Slap Shot underprivileged children. Ashley finds purpose by helping repercussions for all involved. Lindsay Crouse, Andrew Duncan, Michael people in need and uses that to help heal her troubled family. Crime, Drama, Movies 2012 106min. Together, they discover the impact one person can make Ontkean, Jennifer Warren, Jerry Houser, MPI 17.09.2013 through the gift of giving. Paul Newman - Dir. George Roy Hill Christmas, Comedy, Drama, Family, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118359 This irreverent and outrageously funny look into the world of Holidays, Movies, Religion/Spirituality 2012 professional ice hockey has Paul Newman as the coach of the 114min. Sisters & Brothers (Blu-ray) Chiefs, a third-rate, minor league hockey team. To build up attendance at their games, management signs up three odd- Image Ent. 01.10.2013 Cory Monteith, Amanda Crew, Dustin looking players whose job it is to literally attack and demolish 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118714 Milligan - Dir. Carl Bessai opposition - to the delight and cheers of a steadily increasing Cory Monteith of Glee and Dustin Milligan of 90210 star in throng of fans. the ensemble comedy-drama that takes a surprising look at Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Hockey, Soapdish sibling dysfunctions: Hollywood star Justin (Monteith) and Movies, Sports 1977 123min. Whoopi Goldberg, , , his struggling brother Rory (Milligan) uneasily confront the true price of fame. Long-bickering sisters Nikki (Amanda Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Robert Downey Jr., Cathy Moriarty, Elisa- Crew of Charlie St. Cloud) and Maggie (Camille Sullivan of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118571 beth Shue, Carrie Fisher, Michael Hoffman, Red Widow) are thrown together on a road trip gone wrong. Teri Hatcher - Dir. Michael Hoffman Louise (Gabrielle Miller) struggles with the challenges of caring for her mentally ill brother (Benjamin Ratner). And Slap Shot (Blu-ray + Digital Copy Comedy, Film About Film, Movies, Romance spoiled teen Sarah (Kacey Rohl of The Killing) is about to + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 1991 96min. meet the gentle half-sister she never knew she had. Tyler Paramount 24.09.2013 Lindsay Crouse, Andrew Duncan, Michael Labine (Tucker And Dale Vs. Evil) co-stars in this acclaimed 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118495 charmer about the responsibilities, resentments and love that Ontkean, Jennifer Warren, Jerry Houser, can only come between Sisters & Brothers. Paul Newman - Dir. George Roy Hill Starz / Anchor Bay, Comedy, Drama, This irreverent and outrageously funny look into the world of Somebody Up There Likes Me Movies 2011 90min. professional ice hockey has Paul Newman as the coach of the Nick Offerman, Jess Weixler Starz / Anchor Bay 10.09.2013 Chiefs, a third-rate, minor league hockey team. To build up attendance at their games, management signs up three odd- Comedy, Movies 2012 76min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118600 looking players whose job it is to literally attack and demolish New Video DVD 17.09.2013 opposition - to the delight and cheers of a steadily increasing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118617 The Six Million Dollar Man: throng of fans. Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Hockey, Season 4 Movies, Sports 1977 123min. Something In The Air Richard Anderson, Lee Majors, Lindsay Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Lola Creton - Dir. Olivier Assayas Wagner, Monte Markham, Martin E. Brooks 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118596 In the months after the heady weeks of May ’68, a group of Grievously injured in the crash of an experimental aircraft, young people search for a way to continue the revolution Colonel Steve Austin’s shattered body is covertly rebuilt via believed to be just beginning. For Gilles (newcomer Clément the miracle of modern science known as bionics. Equipped Snuff (Blu-ray) Mettayer), this means having to balance his political with atomic-powered limbs that make him better, stronger, commitments with his desire to explore painting and Deep in South America, a Manson-like cult leader named filmmaking; for his girlfriend Christine (Goodbye, First Love faster than the average mortal, Austin (Lee Majors) can now Satan cavorts with his bevy of beautiful biker-chick followers run at speeds exceeding 60 miles per hour, overturn cars with star Lola Creton), this means throwing herself wholeheartedly while compelling them to kill in his name. When sexy Ameri- into the task of organizing. Olivier Assayas (Carlos,Summer ease, and spot an encroaching enemy from over a mile away. can actress Terry London arrives with producer Max Marsh Under the watchful eye of OSI director Oscar Goldman Hours) here describes the sentimental education of a to shoot a new movie there, the creepy cult targets her and generation that was too young to have been on the barricades; (Richard Anderson), Steve repays his debt to the taxpayers her friends with plans of murder, mayhem and the grisly by taking on perilous missions of a highly classified nature. he brilliantly captures its explorations of new lifestyles, the sacrifice of her unborn baby. Is the final bloody massacre only arguments about strategies and , and above all its The action never lets up in an exhilarating Season 4 filled a movie? Or is it the shocking footage of an actual murder with bionic newcomers (Vincent Van Patten) and ominous music, a constant presence that becomes something like the committed before the camera? Originally lensed as The artistic unconscious of an era. The period details are perfect, adversaries, such as Bigfoot and a relentless Soviet space Slaughter by notorious filmmakers Michael and Roberta probe. The suspense escalates when Austin and Jaime but what makes this film so special is the sense it conveys of Findlay (Shriek Of The Mutilated, Take Me Naked), the movie history as lived experience. Sommers () join forces to repel a horde of sat on the shelf for five years until enterprising producer/ formidable female robots unleashed by the dastardly Dr. distributor Allan Shackleton devised a controversial new Drama, Foreign, French, Movies 2012 Franklin (John Houseman). Take a spin with Steve and the ending and released it as Snuff. Freshly transferred in High 122min. U.S.A.F. Thunderbirds in this digitally remastered 8-DVD set Definition from one of the only remaining prints, now the MPI 24.09.2013 featuring 22 uncut episodes and three crossover episodes of fascinating true story behind this infamous piece of trash The Bionic cinema can finally be told... by those who survived! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118625 Action, Adventure, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Movies, Urban Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Television Legends, Video Nasties 1976 80min. Sophie’s Choice: Collector’s Edi- min. Blue Underground 22.10.2013 tion (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- Universal Studios 08.10.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118413 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118364 ray) Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, Peter MacNicol - Snuff: Special Edition Six Shooters (DVD + UltraViolet) Dir. Alan J. Pakula Deep in South America, a Manson-like cult leader named Screen favorite Meryl Streep received an Academy Award for Pablo Cedron, Claudio Rissi, Nazareno Satan cavorts with his bevy of beautiful biker-chick followers her portrayal of Sophie Zawistowska in this penetrating Casero, Mariana Anghileri, Luis while compelling them to kill in his name. When sexy American drama set in 1947 post-World War II Brooklyn. Kevin Kline actress Terry London arrives with producer Max Marsh to plays her all-consuming lover, Nathan. The story revolves Ziembrowsky shoot a new movie there, the creepy cult targets her and her around Sophie’s struggle as a Polish-Catholic immigrant in Ten years after looking into the eyes his father’s killer one friends with plans of murder, mayhem and the grisly sacrifice the United States who had survived a Nazi concentration young man is on the hunt for the gang of outlaws that left him of her unborn baby. Is the final bloody massacre only a movie? camp. The lovers’ drama unfolds through the observations of a fatherless. With just a sketch of their faces he travels from Or is it the shocking footage of an actual murder committed friend and would-be writer, Stingo. As the trio grows closer, town to town taking up odd jobs in exchange for shelter. Until before the camera? Originally lensed as The Slaughter by Stingo discovers the hidden truths that they each harbor, one day the marauding gangs’ leader steps foot on the notorious filmmakers Michael and Roberta Findlay (Shriek Of resulting in a narrative that is both captivating and moving. property he is staying at and ignites his undeniable urge to The Mutilated, Take Me Naked), the movie sat on the shelf for satisfy his vengeance. Hunting down each man, one by one, five years until enterprising producer/distributor Allan Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, he’ll take his justice no matter the consequences! Shackleton devised a controversial new ending and released Blu-ray, Drama, Holocaust, Movies 1982 Action, Movies, Western 103min. it as Snuff. Freshly transferred in High Definition from one of 150min. the only remaining prints, now the fascinating true story Lionsgate 05.11.2013 behind this infamous piece of trash cinema can finally be Shout Factory 19.11.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119055 told... by those who survived! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118701 Cult Film / TV, Horror, Movies, Special

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 54 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Sparrow Star Trek IX: Insurrection / Star TV Remakes min. Six friends plan a weekend getaway to „Camp Happy Dream“ Trek X: Nemesis (Double Feature) Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 despite the campsite being plagued by a deadly urban legend. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118340 As legend has it, a machete-wielding park ranger named Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, LeVar Sparrow, brutally murdered two people in fit of jealous rage, Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, and is said to continue to roam the forest to this day. The Star Trek X: Nemesis friends’s disbelief in this urban legend is soon changed when Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Frakes, F. Murray, strange happenings begin to occur to each of them... Abraham Murphy, Donna Murphy, Anthony Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, LeVar Movies, Thrillers, Urban Legends 75min. Zerbe - Dir. Jonathan Frakes Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Osiris Entertainment 24.09.2013 Action, Adventure, Double Features, Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Frakes - Dir. Stuart 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118400 Movies, Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Baird When the Enterprise is ordered to Romulus to escort its TV Remakes min. newly established and unexpected leader, Praetor Shinzon, : Triple Feature Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 Captain Picard will battle his greatest adversary yet - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118336 himself! Shinzon, a Romulan-made clone of Picard, wants (Blu-ray) nothing less than the conquest of the Romulan Empire, the Sandra Bullock, Wesley Snipes, Robert total eradication of Earth and the death of Captain Picard Star Trek V: The Final Frontier himself. Picard, Data, and the rest of the crew must battle Loggia, Sylvester Stallone, Susan Blakely, against overwhelming odds to defeat what could be the , Tony Munafo, David Leonard Nimoy, , Walter captain’s greatest Nemesis. Mendenhall - Dir. Marco Brambilla, Koenig, , DeForest Kelley, Action, Adventure, Aliens, Movies, Science Menahem Golan James Doohan, Nichelle Nichols, David Fiction, Space, Star Trek, TV Remakes Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Drama, In The Warner, Laurence Luckinbill - Dir. William 2002 116min. Future..., Movies, Science Fiction, Triple Shatner Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 A renegade Vulcan with a startling secret hijacks the U.S.S. Feature min. Enterprise in order to find a mythical planet. Kirk and his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118335 Warner Bros. 26.11.2013 crew set out to stop a madman in an adventure that takes them 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118882 to the center of the universe and, perhaps, before the face of Star Trek: Stardate Collection God. With the crew under Vulcan control, the captain must rely on an unlikely alliance to save the galaxy. Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, LeVar Star Trek III: The Search For Action, Adventure, Aliens, Classics, Burton, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, Spock Movies, Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Jonathan Frakes, William Shatner, Walter Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, Walter Thrillers, TV Remakes 1989 106min. Koenig, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 Discover the Star Trek Universe and experience every Koenig, George Takei, Christopher Lloyd, unforgettable moment from Kirk’s triumphant return to the DeForest Kelley, James Doohan, Nichelle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118337 bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise in Star Trek: The Motion Nichols, Merritt Butrick - Dir. Leonard Nimoy Picture to Picard, Data and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise- In the wake of Spock’s ultimate act of sacrifice, the crew of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier / E’s final battle for control of the universe in Star Trek Neme- the U.S.S. Enterprise returns to Earth from the newly formed sis. The spirit of the Enterprise lives on in the heart-stopping Genesis planet. Upon arrival, the crew learns that life back Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered action and unforgettable characters of this brilliant collection. home will not be easier: Scotty gets reassigned, Dr. „Bones“ Country (Double Feature) min. McCoy appears to be going insane, and the Enterprise is to Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, Walter be decommissioned. It is only when Kirk is confronted by 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118341 Spock’s father that he learns his old friend may have another Koenig, George Takei, DeForest Kelley, chance at life if the crew can survive the Klingon interference James Doohan, Nichelle Nichols, David and return to the Genesis planet. Star Trek: Stardate Collection Action, Adventure, Aliens, Movies, Science Warner, Laurence Luckinbill - Dir. William Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Thrillers, TV Re- Shatner (Blu-ray) makes 1984 105min. Action, Adventure, Double Features, Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, LeVar Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 Movies, Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Burton, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118332 Thrillers, TV Remakes min. Jonathan Frakes, William Shatner, Walter Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 Koenig, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118338 Discover the Star Trek Universe and experience every Star Trek III: The Search For unforgettable moment from Kirk’s triumphant return to the Spock / Star Trek IV: The Voyage bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise in Star Trek: The Motion Star Trek VII: Generations Picture to Picard, Data and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise- Home (Double Feature) E’s final battle for control of the universe in Star Trek Neme- Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, LeVar sis. The spirit of the Enterprise lives on in the heart-stopping Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, Walter Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, action and unforgettable characters of this brilliant collection. Koenig, George Takei, Christopher Lloyd, Marina Sirtis, Malcolm McDowell, Jonathan Adventure, Blu-ray, Collections, Movies, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan, Nichelle Frakes, William Shatner - Dir. David Carson Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek min. Nichols, Merritt Butrick - Dir. Leonard Nimoy Two Captains One Destiny. It’s the late 23rd century and Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 Action, Adventure, Aliens, Double Fea- retired Starfleet officers Scott, Chekov and Admiral James T. Kirk are guests aboard the maiden voyage of the new 207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118404 tures, Movies, Science Fiction, Space, Star Enterprise B. When they receive a distress call from a vessel Trek min. trapped inside the Nexus - a bizarre energy ribbon - Kirk Star Trek: The Motion Picture Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 sacrifices himself in a heroic effort to save the lives of its Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, Walter 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118333 passengers. Seven decades later, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the new crew of the Enterprise D encounter Dr. Soran, a Koenig, George Takei, DeForest Kelley, scientist with a strong obsession to harness the power of the James Doohan, Nichelle Nichols, Stephen Star Trek IX: Insurrection Nexus at the cost of millions of innocent lives. Picard’s only hope for the future lies within the Nexus and a legendary Collins, Majel Barrett, Persis Khambatta - Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, LeVar captain from the past. Dir. Robert Wise Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Action, Adventure, Movies, Science Fiction, See the original theatrical version of the film as it was Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Frakes, F. Murray, Space, Star Trek, TV Remakes 1994 initially released in theaters. A massive alien presence of enormous power enters Federation space, destroying three Abraham Murphy, Donna Murphy, Anthony 117min. powerful Klingon cruisers and neutralizing everything in its Zerbe - Dir. Jonathan Frakes Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 path. As it heads toward Earth, Admiral James T. Kirk returns At the isolated planet of the Ba’kus (a seemingly simple race 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118339 to the helm of an updated U.S.S. Enterprise and sets course to of people), the crew of the Enterprise has unveiled an unjust meet the aggressor head-on. conspiracy between the Federation and the Son’a to exile the Action, Adventure, Aliens, Movies, Mystery, entire Ba’ku race from their planet. Ordered to leave and Star Trek VII: Generations / Star ignore his findings, Captain Picard must choose between Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek 1979 obeying Starfleet orders or risking his crew, career and the Trek VIII: First Contact (Double 131min. Enterprise to protect the innocent and uphold his Starfleet Feature) Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 oath. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118330 Action, Adventure, Movies, Science Fiction, Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, LeVar Space, Star Trek, TV Remakes 1998 Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, 102min. Marina Sirtis, Malcolm McDowell, Jonathan Star Trek: The Motion Picture / Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 Frakes, William Shatner - Dir. David Carson Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118334 Action, Adventure, Double Features, (Double Feature) Movies, Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Leonard Nimoy, , Paul Winfield,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 55 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

William Shatner, Walter Koenig, George 20th Century Fox 08.10.2013 Ben Stiller: 4-Movie Spotlight Takei, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118732 Series Nichelle Nichols, Merritt Butrick, Ricardo Dustin Hoffman, Alec Baldwin, Blythe Montalban, Bibi Besch - Dir. Star Wars Trilogy: Episodes IV - Danner, Jennifer Aniston, Hank Azaria, Adventure, Double Features, Movies, VI (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- Barbra Streisand, Ben Stiller, Philip Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek min. Seymour Hoffman, Debra Messing, Teri Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 ray) Polo, Robert De Niro - Dir. Jay Roach, John 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118331 Harrison Ford, Peter Cushing, , Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill - Dir. Hamburg Collections, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Star Trek: The Next Generation - George Lucas The Star Wars saga concludes with Star Wars: Episode IV: A Romance min. Season 5 (Blu-ray) New Hope, Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Universal Studios 08.10.2013 and Star Wars: Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi as Luke Wil Wheaton, Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, Skywalker and Princess Leia, aided by an unforgettable 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118955 LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates assortment of courageous characters, lead the Rebellion to McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Frakes bring balance back to the Force! Story Of White Coat: Indecent Star Trek: The Next Generation Season Five never looked Aliens, Blu-ray, Collections, Fantasy, more stunning than it does on Blu-ray with 1080p high Movies, Science Fiction, Space, Star Wars Acts definition picture. Experience enhanced visual effects rebuilt Poor virginal Shinobu! Her dream is to become a nurse and from the original elements and surround yourself with the min. live a comfortable life, but that dream turns into a nightmare digitally remastered 7.1 sound (or choose the original 20th Century Fox 08.10.2013 when she becomes the object of obsession for Junior, the sex broadcast audio). You’ll feel like you’ve plunged into the 24th 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118733 crazed son of a major shareholder at the hospital where she century for some of the series’ most thrilling moments, works. When Junior is admitted to the hospital with alcohol including the epic two-part episode „“Unification““ as Capt. poisoning, no nurse is safe! Will Shinobu escape Junior and Picard (Patrick Stewart) pursues a rogue Ambassador Spock Static his addiction to sex, or will she finally succumb to his (Leonard Nimoy) into enemy Romulan territory. Discover all- amorous appetite? Story Of White Coat: Indecent Acts is new, never-before-seen bonus features as you join the USS William Mapother, Milo Ventimiglia, Sarah loaded with beautiful women, naughty sex and gratuitous Enterprise on the ultimate voyage. Shahi nurse nudity. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Cult Film / TV, While coping with the tragic death of their child, a young Erotica, Foreign, Japanese, Movies, Nurses novelist (Milo Ventimiglia, Heroes) and his wife (Sarah Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Televisi- Shahi, The L Word) are struggling just to keep their marriage & Doctors, Pink Film 1984 min. on 1991 1182min. alive. Their broken romance is put to the test when a Impulse Pictures 10.09.2013 Paramount Pictures 19.11.2013 mysterious girl (Sara Paxton, The Innkeepers) shows up at 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118344 their door in the middle of the night claiming masked prowlers 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119096 are stalking her. The ominous situation turns even darker when the dangerous hooligans show up at their door to wreak The Stranger: Remastered Editi- Star Trek: The Next Generation - havoc. As a game of cat and mouse ensues, the couple must work together to survive and uncover the mystery behind the on Unification (Blu-ray) attack. Soon, past secrets begin to unfold, for better or worse. , Orson Welles, Richard Wil Wheaton, Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 Long, Martha Wentworth, Philip Merivale, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates 90min. Konstantin Shayne, Billy House, Edward G. McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Frakes New Video DVD 08.10.2013 Robinson - Dir. Orson Welles The epic two-part story seamlessly unified into one feature 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119025 This Academy Award-nominated thriller follows Franz Kindler length presentation! Leonard Nimoy reprises his iconic role (Orson Welles), a Nazi fugitive hiding out as a professor in a as Spock and joins the crew of the Enterprise in this fan- small Connecticut town. When his new wife (Loretta Young) favorite double episode! When the Federation calls for help in Static 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + begins to suspect his past, a detective (Edward G.Robinson) locating an ambassador suspected of defecting, Picard is DVD) (Blu-ray) sets out to uncover his identity. troubled to learn that Spock is the one who has vanished. Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, William Mapother, Milo Ventimiglia, Sarah Seeking information from Spock’s ailing father, Sarek, and Holocaust, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 1946 unlikely help from the Klingons, Picard and his crew find the Shahi ambassador pursuing a personal mission on Romulus: a PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which 95min. Vulcan/Romulan reunification. But though the Romulans claim is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Kino Video 15.10.2013 to support the same goal, their motives are not what they A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118768 seem. standard Blu-ray players. While coping with the tragic death Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Cult Film / TV, of their child, a young novelist (Milo Ventimiglia, Heroes) and Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Televisi- his wife (Sarah Shahi, The L Word) are struggling just to The Stranger: Remastered Editi- keep their marriage alive. Their broken romance is put to the on 1991 86min. test when a mysterious girl (Sara Paxton, The Innkeepers) on (Blu-ray) Paramount Pictures 19.11.2013 shows up at their door in the middle of the night claiming Loretta Young, Orson Welles, Richard 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119097 masked prowlers are stalking her. The ominous situation turns even darker when the dangerous hooligans show up at Long, Martha Wentworth, Philip Merivale, their door to wreak havoc. As a game of cat and mouse Konstantin Shayne, Billy House, Edward G. Star Trek: The Original Series - ensues, the couple must work together to survive and uncover Robinson - Dir. Orson Welles Origins (Blu-ray) the mystery behind the attack. Soon, past secrets begin to This Academy Award-nominated thriller follows Franz Kindler unfold, for better or worse. (Orson Welles), a Nazi fugitive hiding out as a professor in a Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, Walter Blu-ray 3D, Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers small Connecticut town. When his new wife (Loretta Young) Koenig, George Takei, DeForest Kelley, 2012 90min. begins to suspect his past, a detective (Edward G.Robinson) James Doohan, Nichelle Nichols New Video DVD 08.10.2013 sets out to uncover his identity. Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Science 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119042 Holocaust, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 1946 Fiction, Space, Star Trek, Television 95min. 265min. Stella Dallas Kino Video 15.10.2013 Paramount Pictures 10.09.2013 , John Boles, Anne 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118778 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118349 Shirley, Alan Hale - Dir. King Vidor True heroines don’t always save lives. Sometimes they’re Star Wars Trilogy: Episodes I - III simply mothers, with an everlasting devotion to their children. Stuck In Love Such is the case in Stella Dallas. Starring Barbara Stanwyck Logan Lerman, Kristen Bell, Lily Collins (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) in an Academy Award nominated performance that’s as courageous as it is fine“ (The New York Times), this Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 97min. Liam Neeson, Kenny Baker, Natalie enduring classic is a „vivid and authentic cross-section of Millennium Entertainment 08.10.2013 Portman, Ewan McGregor, Frank Oz, Jake American life (full of) deeply moving emotional power“ (The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118836 Lloyd, Ian McDiarmid, Anthony Daniels, Hollywood Reporter)! Even after her marriage to well-bred Pernilla August - Dir. George Lucas Stephen Dallas (John Boles) ends, irrepressible Stella (Stanwyck) is determined to give their daughter (Anne Stuck In Love (Blu-ray + DVD The greatest space saga ever told begins with Star Wars: Shirley) the life she never had. And when it comes down to Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars: Episode II: her child’s happiness versus her own, Stella’s sacrifice is Combo) (Blu-ray) Attack Of The Clones and Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge Of truly the epitome of bravery. The Sith and follows young Anakin Skywalker’s descent to Logan Lerman, Kristen Bell, Lily Collins the dark side as he transforms from child slave to Jedi Classics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 97min. apprentice to the evil Darth Vader! Foreign, Italian, Movies 1937 106min. Millennium Entertainment 08.10.2013 Aliens, Blu-ray, Collections, Fantasy, Warner Bros. 10.12.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118847 Movies, Science Fiction, Space, Star Wars 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118996 min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 56 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Sunset Boulevard (Blu-ray) Kino Video 29.10.2013 Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance, William Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich Von 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118769 Tearjerkers 1983 min. Stroheim, Cecil B. DeMille, Anna Q. Nilsson, Paramount 03.12.2013 Buster Keaton, Fred Clark, Lloyd Gough, A Tale Of Two Sisters (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119110 H.B. Warner, Nancy Olson, Hedda Hopper, Something strange is going on when Su-mi and her younger sister, Su-yeon, come home to their father’s large but dark This Is The End (Blu-ray + DVD + Franklyn Farnum, Jack Webb - Dir. Billy and somewhat foreboding house after a stay in the hospital. Wilder Their dad is taciturn and burdened, and their stepmother, Eun- UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Intense, enthralling, and unforgettable, Sunset Boulevard joo, greets them with forced enthusiasm and more than a little stars Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond, a faded silent- sense of irritation. But that’s nothing compared to what David Krumholtz, James Franco, Jay movie star, and William Holden as Joe Gillis, a down-on-his- happens when bedtime rolls around. Stylish and shocking, Baruchel, Emma Watson, Martin Starr, luck screenwriter whom she enlists to help her make her this visually arresting tale of family secrets and uncertain Rihanna, Seth Rogen, Michael Cera, Jonah triumphant „return to the screen.“ Directed by and co-written realities is based on a traditional Korean folktale. Guaranteed by Billy Wilder, this mesmerizing Hollwyood classic won to have you gasping for breath with each successive scare, Hill, Mindy Kaling, Craig Robinson, Danny three Academy Awards. you’ll be kept guessing until the very end of this unique and McBride - Dir. Seth Rogen Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, brilliant film. This Is The End follows six friends trapped in a house after a Dysfunctional Families, Foreign, Horror, series of strange and catastrophic events devastate Los Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Film About Film, Angeles. As the world unravels outside, dwindling supplies Film Noir, Movies, National Film Registry, Korean, Movies, Thrillers 2003 115min. and cabin fever threaten to tear apart the friendships inside. Thrillers 1950 110min. Tartan Video 22.10.2013 Eventually, they are forced to leave the house, facing their Warner Bros. 01.01.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118914 fate and the true meaning of friendship and redemption. Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Comedy, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119105 Tank Girl: Collector’s Edition Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction 2013 107min. Sunset Boulevard: Centennial (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Collection , Malcolm McDowell, Watts 01.10.2013 William Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich Von - Dir. Rachel Talalay 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118950 If you’re into in-your-face visuals, outrageous action Stroheim, Cecil B. DeMille, Anna Q. Nilsson, sequences and non-stop explosive laughs, this is your „rip- Buster Keaton, Fred Clark, Lloyd Gough, roaring power surge of a movie“ (L.A. Weekly). The year’s This Is The End (DVD + H.B. Warner, Nancy Olson, Hedda Hopper, 2033 and since a humongous meteor hit earth, the world just UltraViolet) Franklyn Farnum, Jack Webb - Dir. Billy hasn’t been the same. No Movies, No Cable TV, NO WATER!!! A mega-villain, Kesslee (Malcolm McDowell), the David Krumholtz, James Franco, Jay Wilder leader of Water & Power, holds the world in his grasp since Gloria Swanson gives a career-defining performance as faded he controls all the H2O down to the last drop...or so he Baruchel, Emma Watson, Martin Starr, silent screen star Norma Desmond in Director Billy Wilder’s thinks. Two colossal enemies stand in his way: (1) The Rihanna, Seth Rogen, Michael Cera, Jonah dark and masterful film classic, Sunset Boulevard. William Rippers - an army of half-men/half-kangaroo people whose Hill, Mindy Kaling, Craig Robinson, Danny Holden is Joe Gillis, the young, down-on-his-luck sole purpose is to bring down the W & P, and (2) a chick with screenwriter whom Norma drafts to help provide her with a a tank and tons of attitude - a.k.a. Tank Girl (Lori Petty). McBride - Dir. Seth Rogen workable script for her planned „return“ to the modern-day Kesslee had better get a grip on reality and his water jugs This Is The End follows six friends trapped in a house after a screen. Erich von Stroheim is Max von Mayerling, Norma’s because not even a run in her stocking is going to stop her series of strange and catastrophic events devastate Los devoted servant, who harbors a few personal revelations of from saving the planet. Angeles. As the world unravels outside, dwindling supplies his own. Hollywood has never taken a more ominous, Action, Apocalyptic Future, Based On Co- and cabin fever threaten to tear apart the friendships inside. compelling or electrifying look at Hollywood than in this Eventually, they are forced to leave the house, facing their brilliant, Oscar-winning tour de force that still mesmerizes mic Book, Blu-ray, Cult Film / TV, End Of fate and the true meaning of friendship and redemption. with its witty, sardonic script, unforgettable cast, and The World, Military, Movies, Science Fiction Apocalyptic Future, Comedy, Fantasy, provocative storyline. 1995 103min. Movies, Science Fiction 2013 107min. Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Shout Factory 19.11.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Classics, Drama, Film About Film, Film Noir, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118699 01.10.2013 Movies, National Film Registry, Thrillers 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118919 1950 110min. Terms Of Endearment Warner Bros. 01.01.2013 Jack Nicholson, Shirley MacLaine, Debra To Kill A Mockingbird 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119098 Winger, , , Danny Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Phillip Alford, DeVito - Dir. James L. Brooks John Megna, , Paul Fix, Robert Surviving Christmas Terms of Endearment dazzled critics and audiences alike with Duvall, Brock Peters, Frank Overton, Rose- James Gandolfini, Ben Affleck, Christina its believable, insightful story of two captivating people, mother and daughter, unforgettably played by Shirley mary Murphy, Collin Wilcox - Dir. Robert Applegate - Dir. Mike Mitchell MacLaine and Debra Winger. Jack Nicholson turns in a great Mulligan It’s madness, mischief and mayhem when rich executive Drew comic performance as MacLaine’s neighbor, a boozy, Experience one of the most significant milestones in film Latham ( Ben Affleck decides to rent himself a family for the womanizing former astronaut, and Jeff Daniels portrays history like never before with To Kill A Mocking Bird: 50th holidays. Tired of spending Christmas alone, Drew makes the Winger’s happy-go-lucky husband in one of his earliest roles. Anniversary Edition. Screen legend Gregory Peck stars as Valcos ( James Gandolfini, Christina Applegate and Catherine Winner of five Academy Awards: Best Picture 1983; Best courageous Southern lawyer Atticus Finch - the Academy O’Hara an offer they should have refused. Now their annoying Actress - Shirley MacLaine; Best Supporting Actor - Jack Award-winning performance hailed by the American Film guest and his outrageous demands are turning their Noel into Nicholson; Best Director and Best Screenplay Adaptation - Institute as the Greatest Movie Hero of All Time. Based on a nightmare in this hilarious slapstick comedy that puts the fun James L. Brooks, Terms of Endearment is packed with Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about innocence, in family dysfunction. powerful performances and a story that will leave you strength and conviction and nominated for 8 Academy Awards, Christmas, Comedy, Holidays, Movies 2004 laughing and crying like no film has before. this beloved classic is now digitally remastered and fully min. Academy Award Winners, Comedy, Drama, restored for optimum picture and sound quality and boasts hours of unforgettable bonus features. Watch it and remember Warner Bros. 10.09.2013 Movies, Romance, Tearjerkers 1983 min. why „it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.“ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119101 Paramount 01.01.2013 Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119100 100, Book-To-Film, Classics, Drama, Switchmas Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies, National Elliott Gould, Cynthia Geary, David DeLuise Terms Of Endearment (Blu-ray) Film Registry 1962 130min. - Dir. Sue Corcoran Jack Nicholson, Shirley MacLaine, Debra Universal Studios 15.10.2013 A Christmas obsessed Jewish boy on his way to sunny Winger, Jeff Daniels, John Lithgow, Danny 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118572 Florida figures out how to get the Christmas of his dreams by trading airline tickets and places with another boy on his way DeVito - Dir. James L. Brooks to snowy Christmastown, WA. Terms of Endearment dazzled critics and audiences alike with To Kill A Mockingbird (Blu-ray + Christmas, Family, Holidays, Movies min. its believable, insightful story of two captivating people, mother and daughter, unforgettably played by Shirley Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- Phase 4 Films 29.10.2013 MacLaine and Debra Winger. Jack Nicholson turns in a great 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118940 comic performance as MacLaine’s neighbor, a boozy, ray) womanizing former astronaut, and Jeff Daniels portrays Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Phillip Alford, Winger’s happy-go-lucky husband in one of his earliest roles. John Megna, Ruth White, Paul Fix, Robert Tabu Winner of five Academy Awards: Best Picture 1983; Best A restless retired woman teams up with her deceased Actress - Shirley MacLaine; Best Supporting Actor - Jack Duvall, Brock Peters, Frank Overton, Rose- neighbor’s maid to seek out a man who has a secret Nicholson; Best Director and Best Screenplay Adaptation - mary Murphy, Collin Wilcox - Dir. Robert connection to her past life as a farm owner at the foothill of James L. Brooks, Terms of Endearment is packed with powerful performances and a story that will leave you Mulligan Mount Tabu in Africa. Experience one of the most significant milestones in film Drama, Foreign, Movies, Portuguese, laughing and crying like no film has before. Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, history like never before with To Kill A Mocking Bird: 50th Romance 2012 118min. Anniversary Edition. Screen legend Gregory Peck stars as

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 57 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA courageous Southern lawyer Atticus Finch - the Academy Della Reese, John Dye, Roma Downey CAV 10.09.2013 Award-winning performance hailed by the American Film Institute as the Greatest Movie Hero of All Time. Based on CBS, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Religion/ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118342 Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about innocence, Spirituality, Television 1994 min. strength and conviction and nominated for 8 Academy Awards, Paramount Pictures 19.11.2013 Under The Dome this beloved classic is now digitally remastered and fully restored for optimum picture and sound quality and boasts 529,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119091 Dean Norris, Mike Vogel, Britt Robertson, hours of unforgettable bonus features. Watch it and remember Natalie Martinez why „it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.“ Touched By An Angel: The Ninth From Amblin Television and based on the bestselling book by Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top , Under the Dome is „classic drama executed 100, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Classics, Dra- And Final Season well“ - NY Daily News. The small town of Chester’s Mill is Della Reese, John Dye, Roma Downey suddenly and inexplicably sealed off from the rest of the world ma, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies, Natio- by a massive transparent barrier. Staring Mike Vogel, nal Film Registry 1962 130min. CBS, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Religion/ Rachelle Lefevre, Dean Norris, Natalie Martinez, Britt Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Spirituality, Television 2002 978min. Robertson, Alexander Koch, Colin Ford, Nicholas Strong, Paramount Pictures 19.11.2013 Jolene Purdy and Aisha Hinds, the epic story of a town in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118597 peril unfolds as the residents struggle to maintain control and 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119090 ultimately figure out the truth about the dome. To The Wonder CBS, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Ben Affleck, Javier Bardem, Rachel Treasure Guards Stephen King, Television, Thrillers 2013 McAdams, Olga Kurylenko - Dir. Terrence Anna Friel, Raoul Bova min. Malick Drama, Foreign, Movies, Spanish min. Paramount Pictures 05.11.2013 Written and directed by Terrence Malick, To The Wonder is a Monarch Home Video 01.10.2013 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118802 romantic drama about men and women grappling with love and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118907 its many phases and seasons - passion, sympathy, obligation, sorrow and indecision - and the way these forces merge Under The Dome (Blu-ray) together and drift apart, transforming, destroying and Trekkies Dean Norris, Mike Vogel, Britt Robertson, reinventing the lives they touch. Denise Crosby - Dir. Roger Nygard Natalie Martinez Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 113min. Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Movies, Spoofs & From Amblin Television and based on the bestselling book by Magnolia Home Entertainment 06.08.2013 Parodies 1999 86min. Stephen King, Under the Dome is „classic drama executed 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118396 well“ - NY Daily News. The small town of Chester’s Mill is Paramount 24.09.2013 suddenly and inexplicably sealed off from the rest of the world 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118496 by a massive transparent barrier. Staring Mike Vogel, To The Wonder (Blu-ray) Rachelle Lefevre, Dean Norris, Natalie Martinez, Britt Ben Affleck, Javier Bardem, Rachel Robertson, Alexander Koch, Colin Ford, Nicholas Strong, Trinity Goodheart / The Perfect Jolene Purdy and Aisha Hinds, the epic story of a town in McAdams, Olga Kurylenko - Dir. Terrence peril unfolds as the residents struggle to maintain control and Malick Gift (Double Feature) ultimately figure out the truth about the dome. Written and directed by Terrence Malick, To The Wonder is a , Golden Brooks, Erica CBS, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, romantic drama about men and women grappling with love and Gluck - Dir. Alvin Moore Jr., Joanne Hock Stephen King, Television, Thrillers 2013 its many phases and seasons - passion, sympathy, obligation, sorrow and indecision - and the way these forces merge Double Features, Drama, Family, Musical, min. together and drift apart, transforming, destroying and Plays On Stage, Religion/Spirituality min. Paramount Pictures 05.11.2013 reinventing the lives they touch. Image Ent. 08.10.2013 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118826 Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118718 Magnolia Home Entertainment 06.08.2013 Underground: The Julian 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118412 The Trouble With Harry (Blu-ray) Assange Story Shirley MacLaine, John Forsythe, Jerry Tokyo Story: The Criterion Anthony LaPaglia, Rachel Griffiths - Dir. Mathers, Edmund Gwenn, Robert Connolly Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Julian Paul Assange is better known today as the editor-in- (Blu-ray) Academy Award® winner Edmund Gwenn, John Forsythe, chief and founder of WikiLeaks. Underground: The Julian Mildred Natwick and Jerry Mathers star in this charming Assange Story tells the incredible story about a group of Yasujiro Ozu’s Tokyo Story follows an aging couple, Tomi and comedy mystery. The trouble with Harry is that he’s dead, and school boys who were hacking into the US military at the Shukichi, as they journey from their rural village to visit their while no one really minds, everyone feels responsible. dawn of the Internet. Set in suburban in the late two married children in bustling, postwar Tokyo. Their Academy Award® winner Shirley MacLaine makes her screen 1980s, Underground follows a teenage Julian Assange and reception, however, is disappointing: too busy to entertain debut in this romp that includes romance, his gang of friends - the International Subversives - as they them, their children send them off to the hot springs. After humor...and several unearthings of the corpse. In The Trouble try to break into the computer systems of the world’s most Tomi falls ill, she and Shukuchi return home; the children, With Harry, the Master of Suspense proves the range of his powerful organizations. Hoping to uncover the inner workings grief-stricken, hasten to be with her. From a simple tale genius with a decidedly different work. of these groups, the boys wage battle from their bedrooms unfolds one of the greatest of all Japanese Films. Starring Book-To-Film, Classics, Comedy, Dark with the technologies, with each other, and with the AFP Ozu regulars Chishu Ryu and Setsuko Hara, the film reprises Detective who is charged with the tracking and shutting down one of the director’s favorite themes - that of generational Comedy, Horror, Love Gone Bad, Movies, their group. conflict - in a way that is quintessentially Japanese, and yet Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers 1955 Biography, Biopics, Book-To-Film, Drama, universal in its appeal. 100min. Art House, Blu-ray, Classics, Criterion Movies 2012 89min. Universal Studios 01.10.2013 Collection, Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Virgil Films And Entertainment 01.10.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119036 Movies 1953 135min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118426 Criterion 19.11.2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119076 Twins Of Evil The Undershepherd Peter Cushing, Dennis Price, David Isaiah Washington - Dir. Russ Parr Totem Warbeck, Kathleen Byron, Madeleine Best friends LC and Roland, two young, ambitious ministers, Collinson, Mary Collinson, Isobel Black, climbing the ranks at the First Baptist Church under the Marissa Tait, Jason Faunt, Alicia Lagano - leadership of pastor Dr. Ezekial Canon, have dreams of Damien Thomas - Dir. John Hough taking over the church. The aging pastor stubbornly refuses Dir. Martin Tate Two beautiful orphaned identical twins, Maria and Frieda Six average teenagers, going about their normal lives, are to step-down forcing the two ministers to make pivotal Gellhorn (Playboy centerfold models Mary and Madeleine decisions that ultimately fray the fabric of their deeply-woven suddenly seized by a mysterious compulsion and find Collinson), move to the village of Karnstein to live with their themselves drawn, against their will to a forgotten cemetery friendship. While LC stays with the church and becomes a uncle GustavWeil (played by Hammer horror favorite, Peter hugely-popular televangelist Roland sets out to start his own watched over by an ancient stone idol-a Totem featuring The Cushing), a fanatical puritan and leader of the local witch- Three Masters Of Death. As the deadly night unfolds, they struggling, grassroots ministry. LC overcome by money and hunting „Brotherhood.“ The village Count (Damien Thomas, power transforms into a ruthless business man. soon realize that they have been chosen to be part of a Never Let Me Go), an evil man who secretly practices terrifying ritual-three destined to by killers and three to be Satanism, uses and transforms into a vampire. Drama, Movies, Religion/Spirituality 2013 victims-the unholy sacrifices that will awaken the sleeping Unhappy with her new life, Frieda seeks escape and 110min. Masters, and bring the Dead of the world back to hideous life. tragically falls under the spell of the Count. Now overcome E1 Entertainment 01.10.2013 Devils And Demons, Horror, Monsters, with an insatiable hunger for human blood, Frieda has to hide 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118805 Movies 1999 80min. her secret from her sister, and escape her uncle’s killing Full Moon 23.07.2013 grasp! The wait is over! This Hammer horror classic is now available from Synapse Films in an all-new 1080p high- Unidentified 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118428 definition transfer and loaded with exciting exclusive special features. Also stars Kathleen Byron (Black Narcissus), David Eddie Mui, Parry Shen, Colton Dunn Warbeck (Lucio Fulci’s The Beyond) and Dennis Price (Jess After an ill-fated weekend of gambling in Las Vegas, four Touched By An Angel: The Franco’s Vampyros Lesbos)! friends on the run from a loan shark find themselves stranded Complete Series Horror, Movies, Vampires 1971 87min. in the Nevada desert. But debt troubles may be the least of their worries when the group discovers that something

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 58 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA unearthly may be stalking them. Director Jason R. Miller’s Judy Davis, Jean Reno, Jennifer Aniston, and Joan Fontaine head up an „excellent“ (Motion Unidentified cleverly mixes sci-fi suspense with comedy to Picture Herald) cast in this sci-fi spectacular „crammed with create a truly unique take on an otherworldly encounter. Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, Joey Lauren climax after exciting climax“ () and „thrills Aliens, Movies, Science Fiction 89min. Adams, Kristin Davis, Faizon Love, Cole enough for everybody“ (Limelight)! On its maiden voyage, the Hauser, John Michael Higgins, Jason Bat- crew of the Seaview discovers that the Van Allen radiation MPI 08.10.2013 belt encircling Earth has caught fire. With the planet’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118993 eman, Kristen Bell, Kali Hawk, Malin temperature rapidly climbing, Admiral Harriman Nelson Akerman, Justin Long, Peter Serafinowicz (Pidgeon) knows the only way to stop the burn is to fire a The Uninvited: The Criterion - Dir. Peter Billingsley, Peyton Reed nuclear missile into the belt from a specific location, releasing Collections, Comedy, Movies, Rocky the radiation into space. To reach the launch site, he’ll face Collection enemy subs, a hypnotizing mutineer and even a giant squid, Relationships, Romance, Sexy Comedies but will he make it in time to save the world from going up in Ruth Hussey, Ray Milland, Donald Crisp - min. smoke? Dir. Universal Studios 08.10.2013 Adventure, Blu-ray, High Seas, Movies, A pair of siblings (Ministry of Fear’s Ray Milland and The Science Fiction 1961 105min. Philadelphia Story’s Ruth Hussey) from London purchase a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118963 surprisingly affordable, lonely cliff-top house in Cornwall, 20th Century Fox 08.10.2013 only to discover that it actually carries a ghostly price; soon Vikings: Season One 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118731 they’re caught up in a bizarre romantic triangle from beyond the grave. Rich in atmosphere, The Uninvited, directed by Katheryn Winnick, Travis Fimmel, Clive Lewis Allen (Suddenly), was groundbreaking for the Standen The Wall seriousness with which it treated the haunted-house genre, Journey to a thrilling ancient world in this epic new series Martina Gedeck and it remains an elegant and eerie experience, featuring a about history’s bravest and most brutally fearsome Martina Gedeck, star of the Academy Award-winning film The classic score by Victor Young (Written on the Wind). A tragic warriors...Vikings. Ragnar, a would-be Viking chieftain, longs Lives Of Others, brings a vivid intensity to this mysterious family past, a mysteriously locked room, cold chills, bumps in to fulfill his destiny as an explorer and conqueror, alongside and riveting tale of survival set in a spectacularly beautiful the night-this gothic Hollywood classic has it all. his ambitious brother Rollo and loyal wife Lagertha. But as Austrian mountain landscape. In a tour-de-force performance, Classics, Criterion Collection, Ghosts, Ragnar leads daring raids in distant realms across the ocean, Gedeck stars as an unnamed character who suddenly finds Haunted Houses, Horror, Movies, treacherous forces in his Norse homeland conspire against herself cut off from all human contact when an invisible, him. Faced with shocking betrayals and the temptations of a unyielding wall inexplicably surrounds the countryside where Supernatural & Paranormal 1944 99min. mysterious seductress, Ragnar must wage war on the she is vacationing. Accompanied by her loyal dog Lynx, she Criterion 22.10.2013 battlefield - and within himself - to protect his freedom, family becomes immersed in a world untouched by civilization and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118394 and life. ruled by the laws of nature. As she grapples with her bizarre Action, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, circumstances, she begins an inward journey of spiritual Television, Vikings, War 2013 min. growth and transcendence. Based on Marlen Haushofer’s The Uninvited: The Criterion eponymous classic novel, The Wall is a gorgeous, MGM / UA 15.10.2013 mesmerizing adventure film that raises profound questions Collection (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118352 about humanity, solitude, and our relationship to the natural Ruth Hussey, Ray Milland, Donald Crisp - world. Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, German, Movies Dir. Lewis Allen Vikings: Season One - Limited A pair of siblings (Ministry of Fear’s Ray Milland and The 2012 108min. Philadelphia Story’s Ruth Hussey) from London purchase a Edition (Blu-ray) Music Box Films 22.10.2013 surprisingly affordable, lonely cliff-top house in Cornwall, only to discover that it actually carries a ghostly price; soon Katheryn Winnick, Travis Fimmel, Clive 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118420 they’re caught up in a bizarre romantic triangle from beyond Standen the grave. Rich in atmosphere, The Uninvited, directed by Journey to a thrilling ancient world in this epic new series Wanted (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + Lewis Allen (Suddenly), was groundbreaking for the about history’s bravest and most brutally fearsome seriousness with which it treated the haunted-house genre, warriors...Vikings. Ragnar, a would-be Viking chieftain, longs UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) and it remains an elegant and eerie experience, featuring a to fulfill his destiny as an explorer and conqueror, alongside classic score by Victor Young (Written on the Wind). A tragic his ambitious brother Rollo and loyal wife Lagertha. But as Morgan Freeman, Terence Stamp, Angelina family past, a mysteriously locked room, cold chills, bumps in Ragnar leads daring raids in distant realms across the ocean, Jolie, Common, James McAvoy - Dir. Timur the night-this gothic Hollywood classic has it all. treacherous forces in his Norse homeland conspire against Bekmambetov Classics, Criterion Collection, Ghosts, him. Faced with shocking betrayals and the temptations of a Wesley’s (James McAvoy) life is over - his pathetic, old one, Haunted Houses, Horror, Movies, mysterious seductress, Ragnar must wage war on the anyway... Fortunately, it is all because of a girl. Enter battlefield - and within himself - to protect his freedom, family sizzling-hot Fox (Angelina Jolie), who crashes into his life Supernatural & Paranormal 1944 99min. and life. and introduces him to the Fraternity, a secret society of Criterion 22.10.2013 Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Historical / Period assassins, led by the enigmatic Sloan (Morgan Freeman). 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118410 Piece, Television, Vikings, War 2013 min. Seems Wes’s long-lost father was killed while working for the Fraternity and Wes has been selected to target the rogue MGM / UA 15.10.2013 member who murdered him. But before he can complete his The Unspeakable Act 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118366 assignment, Wes must first uncover the dark secrets behind Drama, Movies 2012 91min. the Fraternity in order to determine his own destiny. Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Based On Cinema Guild 20.08.2013 The Virgin Suicides Comic Book, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, Thril- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118941 Kirsten Dunst, James Woods, Kathleen lers 2008 110min. Turner, Josh Hartnett, Scott Glenn, Michael Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Pare, Danny DeVito, Hayden Christensen - V/H/S/2 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118598 Adam Wingard Dir. Sofia Coppola Searching for a missing student, two private investigators Sofia Coppola makes a stunning directorial debut with this break into his abandoned house and find another collection of „powerfully seductive“ film that has become the most talked mysterious VHS tapes. In viewing the horrific contents of about movie of the year. In the mid-, in a sleepy Michi- Komona (Rachel Mwanza) is only 12 years old when she is each cassette, they realize there may be terrifying motives gan community, live the Lisbon sisters, five teenagers whose kidnapped by rebel soldiers and enslaved to a life of guerrilla behind the student’s disappearance. beauty has bewitched a group of neighborhood boys. Isolated warfare in the African jungle. Forced to commit unspeakable Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Supernatural & by their overprotective parents (James Woods and Kathleen acts of brutality, she finds hope for survival in protective, Turner), they move like fleeting visions against the suburban ghost-like visions (inspiring a rebel chief to anoint her „War Paranormal 96min. landscape, luminous and unattainable. But when school hunk Witch“), and in a tender relationship with a fellow soldier Magnolia Home Entertainment 24.09.2013 Trip Fontaine (Josh Hartnett) convinces Lux Lisbon (Kirsten named Magician (Serge Kanyinda). Together, they manage to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119021 Dunst) and her sisters to go to the prom, the boys’ romantic escape the rebels’ clutches, and a normal life finally seems fantasies threaten to come true - until they are engulfed in a within reach. But after their freedom proves short-lived, stunning chain of events that will change their lives forever. Komona realizes she must find a way to bury the ghosts of her V/H/S/2 (Blu-ray) Based on the acclaimed novel by Jeffrey Eugenides, The past. Virgin Suicides is „a haunting mystery which captures with Adam Wingard pinpoint accuracy both an era and an age.“ Drama, Foreign, French, Kidnapping, Searching for a missing student, two private investigators Art House, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Movies, Movies, War 2012 90min. break into his abandoned house and find another collection of New Video DVD 10.09.2013 mysterious VHS tapes. In viewing the horrific contents of Tragedies, Troubled Youth 2000 96min. each cassette, they realize there may be terrifying motives Paramount 24.09.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118616 behind the student’s disappearance. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118497 Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Supernatural & : 4-Movie Paranormal 96min. Voyage To The Bottom Of The Spotlight Series Magnolia Home Entertainment 24.09.2013 Cuba Gooding Jr., , Denzel 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119040 Sea (Blu-ray) Walter Pidgeon, Michael Ansara, Peter Washington, , Armand Assante, Willem Dafoe, Russell Crowe, Vince Vaughn: 4-Movie Spotlight Lorre, Joan Fontaine, Barbara Eden, Robert Sterling, Frankie Avalon - Dir. Josh Brolin, Ruby Dee, Ted Levine, Clive Series Join the crew of the U.S.O.S. Seaview for the greatest sub- Owen, John Ortiz, John Hawkes, Common, marine adventure ever filmed! Walter Pidgeon, Barbara Eden,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 59 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Chiwetel Ejiofor, Terence Blanchard - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118574 also happens to be a lightning-fast swordsman. As this iconic figure, the charismatic and earthy Shintaro Katsu became an Ridley Scott, Spike Lee instant superstar, lending a larger-than-life presence to the Collections, Cops, Crime, Drama, Drugs & World War Z thrilling adventures of a man who lives staunchly by a code of Dealers, Hostage Crisis, Movies, Thieves, honor and delivers justice in every town and village he Brad Pitt, Matthew Fox, Peter Capell, Elyes enters. The films that feature him are variously pulse- Thrillers min. Gabel, James Badge Dale, Mireille Enos - pounding, hilarious, stirring, and completely off-the-wall. This Universal Studios 08.10.2013 Dir. Marc Forster deluxe set features the string of twenty-five Zatoichi films 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118956 „The suspense is killer!“ proclaims Peter Travers of Rolling made between 1962 and 1973, collected in one package for the Stone in this fast-paced, pulse-pounding epic of the potential first time. Includes: The Tale Of Zatoichi The Tale Of Zatoichi last days of the human race. Former United Nations employee Continues New Tale Of Zatoichi Zatoichi The Fugitive Weird Science Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) is called upon to help stop the chaotic Zatoichi On The Road Zatoichi And The Chest Of Gold Kelly LeBrock, Anthony Michael Hall - Dir. pandemic that has gripped populations around the world. Lane Zatoichi’s Flashing Sword Fight, Zatoichi, Fight Adventures fights to keep his family safe, while searching for an answer Of Zatoichi Zatoichi’s Revenge Zatoichi And The Doomed John Hughes to the outbreak before it destroys all of civilization. David Man Zatoichi And The Chess Expert Zatoichi’s Vengeance Comedy, High School, Movies, Science Denby of The New Yorker calls World War Z the „most Zatoichi’s Pilgrimage Zatoichi’s Cane Sword Zatoichi The Ou Fiction, Sexy Comedies 1985 94min. gratifying action spectacle in years! Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Boxed Sets, Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Action, Drama, Horror, Movies, Science Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118573 Fiction, Thrillers, Zombies 2013 115min. Japanese, Martial Arts, Movies, Paramount Pictures 17.09.2013 Swordfighting min. Weird Science (Blu-ray + Digital 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118795 Criterion 26.11.2013 332,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119106 Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) World War Z (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- Kelly LeBrock, Anthony Michael Hall - Dir. Zombie Hunter John Hughes gital Copy) (Blu-ray) Brad Pitt, Matthew Fox, Peter Capell, Elyes Danny Trejo, Clare Niederpruem Comedy, High School, Movies, Science In a post apocalyptic wasteland, Father Jesus (Danny Trejo) Fiction, Sexy Comedies 1985 94min. Gabel, James Badge Dale, Mireille Enos - partners up with the zombie hunter and a small group of Universal Studios 15.10.2013 Dir. Marc Forster survivors to kill off as many flesh eaters as possible. „The suspense is killer!“ proclaims Peter Travers of Rolling Action, Movies, Thrillers, Zombies 2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118599 Stone in this fast-paced, pulse-pounding epic of the potential last days of the human race. Former United Nations employee 91min. What My Husband Doesn’t Know / Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) is called upon to help stop the chaotic Well Go USA 08.10.2013 pandemic that has gripped populations around the world. Lane 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118965 Suddenly Single / A Fool And His fights to keep his family safe, while searching for an answer to the outbreak before it destroys all of civilization. David Money (David E. Talbert Triple Denby of The New Yorker calls World War Z the „most Zombie Hunter (Blu-ray) Feature) gratifying action spectacle in years! Danny Trejo, Clare Niederpruem Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Horror, Movies, Isaiah Washington, Bebe Drake, Brian In a post apocalyptic wasteland, Father Jesus (Danny Trejo) Science Fiction, Thrillers, Zombies 2013 White, Clifton Davis, Garcelle Beauvais, partners up with the zombie hunter and a small group of 115min. survivors to kill off as many flesh eaters as possible. Esau McGraw, Marcus T. Paulk, Tiffany Paramount Pictures 17.09.2013 Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Thrillers, Zombies Haddish, Lyn Talbert, Ann Nesby, Brely 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118823 2013 91min. Evans, Lamonica Garrett - Dir. David E. Well Go USA 08.10.2013 Talbert 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118981 Affairs & Love Triangles, African World War Z 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu- Americans, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Plays ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- Zombie Madness On Stage, Romance, Triple Feature min. ray) Horror, Movies, Zombies min. Image Ent. 01.10.2013 Brad Pitt, Matthew Fox, Peter Capell, Elyes Allegro Entertainment 10.09.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118712 Gabel, James Badge Dale, Mireille Enos - 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118979 Dir. Marc Forster White Collar: The Complete PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Fourth Season A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Willie Garson, Tim DeKay, Matt Bomer standard Blu-ray players. „The suspense is killer!“ proclaims Matt Bomer excels again as charming con man Neal Caffrey in Peter Travers of Rolling Stone in this fast-paced, pulse- Music another engaging season of crime solving and high-stakes pounding epic of the potential last days of the human race. heists! Facing the uncertain future of his partnership with FBI Former United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) is Ain’t In It For My Health: A Film Agent Peter Burke (Tim DeKay), Neal sheds his tracking called upon to help stop the chaotic pandemic that has gripped anklet and disappears into thin air. But the Feds aren’t done populations around the world. Lane fights to keep his family About Levon Helm (Blu-ray) with him and Neal is hardly ready for retirement. Back in safe, while searching for an answer to the outbreak before it action, Neal ponders the future as Season Four delves deeper destroys all of civilization. David Denby of The New Yorker , Levon Helm into the stunning secrets of his mysterious past. Packed with calls World War Z the „most gratifying action spectacle in Director Jacob Hatley’s intimate documentary finds rock and seduction, intrigue, and more of everything you love about years!“ roll legend Levon Helm (The Band) at home in Woodstock, TV’s sexiest show, White Collar will have you glued to the Action, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Drama, Horror, NY, in the midst of creating his first studio album in 25 years. edge of your seat. Let the games begin! Shot during the course of two-plus years, this highly Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Zombies anticipated film focuses in on the four-time Grammy winner Comedy, Crime, Drama, FBI, Television 2012 2013 115min. and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member after his 2007 704min. Paramount Pictures 17.09.2013 comeback album, Dirt Farmer, brought him back to the 20th Century Fox 08.10.2013 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118824 spotlight. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118990 Documentary, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Interest 2013 85min. Young Pioneers The Wiz Kino Video 08.10.2013 Robert Hays, Linda Purl 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118776 Mabel King, Richard Pryor, Diana Ross, Newlyweds David and Molly set out to homestead in the Lena Horne, , Ted Ross, Dakota Territory. But life is not always easy on the prairie, Nipsey Russell, Theresa Merritt, Thelma and they must endure many hardships. Leonard Bernstein’s Young Movies, Western 1976 97min. Carpenter - Dir. Sidney Lumet People’s Concerts With The New Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Ease on down the yellow-brick road with The Wiz, starring York Philharmonic: Volume Two superstars Diana Ross and Michael Jackson! Relive all of 03.09.2013 the magic of this beloved musical when Dorothy is whisked 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118313 Kultur’s first boxed set of Leonard Bernstein’s Young away to the enchanting wonderland of Oz, where she People’s Concerts was the most eagerly awaited DVD encounters the Scarecrow, the Tinman and the Lion. The Wiz release in Classical Music’s history. The set has sold many features spectacular musical numbers from legendary Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman - tens of thousands of copies and continues to be extremely producer Quincy Jones and an all-star cast, including Lena popular. Now Kultur introduces the magnificent second volume Horne, Richard Pryor, Nipsey Russell and Ted Ross. It’s an The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray of the Concerts, featuring 27 programs on nine DVDs and experience of the land of Oz unlike anything you’ve seen + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) completing the series. Bernstein’s wonderful combination of before! exceptional performances and clear, inspirational lecture Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Music, Shintaro Katsu superbly convey his own excitement about music. This The colossally popular Zatoichi films make up the longest- beautiful new set will create further enthusiasm for the genre Musical 1978 135min. running action series in Japanese history and created one of among young and old music lovers alike. In 1962, the Young Universal Studios 15.10.2013 the screen’s great heroes: an itinerant blind masseur who People’s Concerts became the first series of concerts ever televised from Lincoln Center. All of them were telecast on

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 60 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

CBS at prime time, and syndicated in over 40 countries, Mattacks. Meredith Monk: Solo Concert introducing an entire generation to the joys of classical music. Concerts, Documentary, Folk, Folk Rock, Classical Music, Music, Special Interest Music, Special Interest 2013 60min. 1980 min. This DVD presents a rare and powerful solo performance by E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 one of the most important and original artists in the world. Kultur 19.11.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118811 Recorded in 1980 at a studio on Long Island, Meredith is in 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118929 full voice, relaxed and creatively inspired by a small audience of Monk cogniscenti. Recorded with a 3-camera shoot and Helene Grimaud: Piano Recital At then put on the shelf, Tzadik is proud to present the first The Best Of Hullabaloo: Volume The Kaamer Musiksaal release of this astonishing virtuoso solo performance. Four The Franlzjiurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote of this recital by Music, Special Interest 1980 min. Music, Television, Variety / Game Shows pianist Hélène Grimaud at the Kammer Musiksaal of the Berlin E1 Entertainment 22.10.2013 Philharmonie, „She doesn’t only play the piano - she feels it 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118902 min. and she lives it. Every single note proves her devotion to MPI 10.09.2013 perfection ... her unconventional style captivates everyone in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118631 the audience.“ Arguably one of the very top pianists of her James Morrison: The Wizard generation, her concert career took off in 1987 when she was in her early twenties and she now performs with major From Oz The Best Of Hullabaloo: Volume orchestras around the world as well as being in demand for James Morrison is the hottest jazz musician from Australia to recital appearances. The spontaneity of her playing is emerge onto the international scene. A superbly talented One breathtaking. Not to be afraid of taking risks and always to multi-instrumentalist, he has no peers on jazz trumpet, Music, Television, Variety / Game Shows play as though it is the first time is Hélène Grimaud’s maxim. trombone or euphonium and his U.S. debut, at the Village Her program for this recording features Bach’s Chaconne in Vanguard in New York, prompted veteran jazz writer Leonard min. D minor, Beethoven’s Sonata No. 31 in A flat Op. 110, and Feather to rate him as „a sure for jazz superstardom.“ MPI 10.09.2013 Brahms’ Sonata No. 3 in F minor Op. 5. As encores, she plays This film taps into Morrison’s dynamic energy and boundless 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118628 two of Rachmaninov’s Etudes tableaux Op. 33. creativity and features him in concert in Australia, with his Classical Music, Music, Piano, Special mentor Don Burrows; at the Montreux Jazz festival; and in a Interest min. creative improvisation session with the Australian artist Ken The Best Of Hullabaloo: Volume Done. Done develops a canvas in response to Morrison’s Kultur 29.10.2013 performance and Morrison, in turn, responds to the painter at Three 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118934 work. Colleagues and jazz peers, such as Dizzy Gillespie, Music, Television, Variety / Game Shows discuss his unique blend of technique, confidence and min. charisma. In spite of so much international acclaim, Morrison : Falling Up remains firmly based in Australia and pays tribute to his family MPI 10.09.2013 Almost 35 years since their untimely demise following the and the church as providing the underlying soul and gospel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118630 premature death of Ian Curtis, Joy Division remain as iconic feel to his high energy jazz. The highlight of the program is and influential as they ever were; testament to a band of footage of Morrison rehearsing and performing wit enormous substance, great depth and abundant talent. This Documentary, Jazz, Music, Special Interest The Best Of Hullabaloo: Volume documentary film pours new light on the Joy Division story as min. Two it reveals much previously unknown about this extraordinary collective. Kultur 29.10.2013 Music, Television, Variety / Game Shows Documentary, Music, Punk, Special Interest 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118910 min. 2013 70min. MPI 10.09.2013 E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 One Direction: Going Our Way 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118629 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118814 As they continue to record hit after hit, One Direction’s social-media savvy fans just can’t seem to get enough of their favorite band. Going our Way delves into 1D’s most popular : Living And Dying Emma Kirkby In Recital With songs, sold-out shows and behind-the-scenes romances. For Art And Love Includes bonus movie, Two Bits & Pepper and free locker Christopher Wilson At Wigmore poster. Placido Domingo, Franco Zeffirelli, Judi Hall Documentary, Music, Pop Music, Special Dench, John Copley, Grace Bumbry, Tito One of the leading exponents of Renaissance and Baroque Interest, Teen Pop 141min. Gobbi, Nicholas Gage, Alan Sievewright, vocal music Emma Kirky performs a varied program including Echo Bridge Home Entertainment David Webster - Dir. Steve Cole works by Pierre Guédron, Rene Mesangeau and William 27.08.2013 Maria Callas appeared for the very last time on the operatic Lawes. This concert also includes some exceptional lute stage at Covent Garden in the role of Tosca. Though a huge pieces performed by her accompanist Christopher Wilson. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118312 success, it also marked the beginning of the end for this Music, Opera, Special Interest min. celebrated soprano, who would never get over the loss of Kultur 29.10.2013 One Track Heart: The Story Of Aristotle Onassis to Jackie Kennedy. When Tosca stabs 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118932 Scarpia, is Maria Callas perhaps stabbing her faithful lover, Krishna Das whose baby she bore in secret? Zeitgeist Films is proud to announce the U.S. home media and Music, Opera, Performing Arts, Special Avril Lavigne: Walk Unafraid digital release of One Track Heart: The Story of Krishna Das Interest 2003 71min. With the release of her latest album Avril Lavigne has now on September 24, 2013. One Track Heart has screened Kultur 24.09.2013 been sitting at the top of the charts for over a decade, first theatrically in more than 50 U.S. markets, following a emerging as a young pop star with a guitar. Having then successful festival run that included awards at the Maui, Gold 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118463 established herself as a punk princess and then as a Coast International, Dharamsala and Conscious Media Film glamorous diva she has more recently come out as a true Festivals. In 1970, a young musician named Jeffrey Kagel Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s rocker. But not content with sound-tracking the anguish of walked away from the American dream of rock ‘n’ roll youth, she can also count successful forays into the worlds of stardom-turning down the lead singer slot in the band that Journey acting, fashion design and philanthropy to her list of would become Blue Oyster Cult. He sold all his possessions and moved from the New York suburbs to the Himalayan Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s Journey follows the real life accomplishments. This documentary covers all things Avril and is sure to please her fans. foothills in search of happiness and a little-known saint rock ‘n’ roll fairy tale of Filipino Arnel Pineda, who was named Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaj-ji). One Track Heart: The plucked from YouTube to become the front man for iconic Documentary, Music, Pop Music, Special Story of Krishna Das follows Kagel’s journey to India and American rock band Journey. In this Cinderella story for the Interest 2013 65min. back, his struggles with depression and drug abuse, and his ages, Arnel, having overcome a lifetime’s worth of hardships, E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 eventual emergence as Krishna Das-the world-renowned must now navigate the immense pressures of replacing a spiritual teacher, chant master and Grammy-nominated legendary singer and leading a world-renowned band on their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118807 recording artist. Featuring interviews with Be Here Now most extensive world tour in years. author Ram Dass, Grammy-winning producer Rick Rubin Documentary, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Lulu (Blu-ray) (Beastie Boys, Metallica), New York Times Interest min. Based on a pair of once-banned plays by the fin de siècle Biography, Documentary, Music, Special Docurama 20.08.2013 satirist Frank Wedekind, Alban Berg’s operatic swan song Interest 2013 73min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118504 charts the rise and fall of a femme fatale, a serial seductress, Zeitgeist Films 24.09.2013 from life as a society hostess to prostitution and eventual death at the hands of Jack the Ripper. With it’s intensely 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119015 Fairport Convention: Live In beautiful score, Lulu is acknowledged as a twentieth century masterpiece. Performed at the Glyndebourne Festival Opera, Andras Schiff Plays Chopin Maidstone 1970 and starring Christine Schäfer, Kathryn Harries, Patricia By 1970 Fairport Convention had been together as a band for Bardon, Jonathan Viera. Andrew Davis conducts the London Andras Schiff some three years. During this period, the band had recorded Philharmonic. This recital was filmed in the beautiful, meticulously restored and released five studio albums, with one of the albums, Liege Music, Opera, Performing Arts, Special Ancien Conservatoire in Paris, where the composer himself and Lief, being hailed as genre defining. At the time of the frequently gave concerts. The 24 Preludes are amongst filming of this performance, the band had just recorded their Interest 1996 min. Chopin’s most wonderful and important works. Also included most recent album Full House, with the line-up featuring Kultur 29.10.2013 on this DVD is a documentary wherein András Schiff, one of founder members Richard Thompson and Simon Nicol, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118918 today’s great pianists, charts Chopin’s life, explores his alongside Dave Pegg, Dave Swarbrick and drummer Dave genius and plays substantial extracts from his work. A wealth

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 61 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA of archive material is employed to document the composer’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118487 roll legend Levon Helm (The Band) at home in Woodstock, story. NY, in the midst of creating his first studio album in 25 years. Classical Music, Music, Performing Arts, Shot during the course of two-plus years, this highly anticipated film focuses in on the four-time Grammy winner Special Interest min. and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member after his 2007 Kultur 24.09.2013 comeback album, Dirt Farmer, brought him back to the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118464 Special Interest spotlight. Documentary, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special The Search For Robert Johnson 10 Minute Solution: Butt Lift Interest 2013 85min. Kino Video 08.10.2013 For decades little was known about Robert Johnson. Legend Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special was rife with supernatural accounts of his life and his pact 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118764 with the devil, and conflicting versions of his death. The Interest 65min. Search For Robert Johnson traces the path of this most Starz / Anchor Bay 01.10.2013 legendary of Bluesmen, a figure whose blues influenced the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118643 AllyCat The Ballet Cat: Volume development of popular music in the US and UK but whose life One story was shrouded in mystery. In this documentary the soul of an elusive spirit is finally pieced together. Those who come to The 1984 Tigers: World Ballet, Children’s, Dancing, Special Interest bear witness include fellow bluesman Johnny Shines, and min. Honeyboy Edwards, who learned their craft from Johnson; Series Collector’s Edition girlfriend Willie Mae Powell (who inspired „Love In Vain“); The 1984 World Series is treasured by Tigers players and Allegro Entertainment 13.08.2013 and others who knew the man who folklore says sold his soul fans as this Fall Classic victory punctuated a historic 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118945 to the devil at the crossroads. In another first, the man who season. Highlighted by Jack Morris’s no-hitter in the may be Johnson’s long-lost son is introduced. Narrator John season’s fourth game, the Tigers roared through April and Hammond steers us through this travelogue as he re-enacts May, posting a staggering 35-5 record. Detroit then capped Angkor For Sale? Art Theft In the work of the original researchers, crisscrossing the Delta the remarkable year by winning the 1984 World Series. A&E Cambodia by automobile and freight car; unveiling marriage records from Home Video with Major League Baseball opens the video six decades ago; taking us to the sites of Johnson’s only two archives and presents every game of this timeless Detroit Fall Angkor is one of the world’s largest and most magnificent recording sessions in 1936 and 1937; and Classic. From the opening win in San Diego to the glorious, archaeological sites. But Cambodia’s recent history of Blues, Documentary, Music, Special Interest power-packed Game 5 celebration in Detroit, this violence has also claimed Angkor as a victim. The cultural extraordinary DVD collection features the complete television heritage of the ancient Khmer empire has become the target of 1992 72min. broadcast of every 1984 World Series game. Led by manager art theft on a massive scale, with military personnel involved. Kultur 29.10.2013 Sparky Anderson, the 1984 Tigers featured the gritty power of Filmed on location in Cambodia and Thailand, this 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118909 Kirk Gibson; the brilliant pitching of Jack Morris; two Ameri- documentary investigates the illegal trade in much-coveted can League All-Star infielders, shortstop Alan Trammell and Khmer artefacts and the measures being taken to try to put a second baseman Lou Whitaker; and American League MVP stop to it. Elaine Stritch At Liberty and Cy Young Award winner Willie Hernández. A special Art & Architecture, Documentary, History & DVD audio feature allows fans to watch the World Series Events, Special Interest min. Elaine Stritch, Chris Hunt television broadcast and listen to Ernie Harwell on the Tigers Without questions one of the Grand Dames of Broadway, Radio Network! Kultur 24.09.2013 Elaine Stritch celebrates an amazing career of more than 50 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118467 years in her one-woman Tony Award-winning show. This Baseball, Documentary, Major League legendary performer casts a mesmerizing spell over the Baseball, Special Interest, Sports 554min. audience at London’s Old Vic Theatre as she recalls her life A&E 08.10.2013 The Baby Boom Years: 1954 on the stage in such shows as Rodgers and Hart’s Pal Joey, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118553 These fun DVD time capsules capture all of the sights and Noel Coward’s Sail Away and Stephen Sandheim’s Follies sounds of the respective years they represent, including and Company. Uncompromising and ruthlessly honest, Stritch noteworthy news footage, fashion, fads, comedy, dance and sharpens her razor wit on a treasure trove of show biz 2000 Yankees World Series: musical performances, commercials, sports, science and anecdotes with stars as Coward, Marlon Brando, Rock lifestyle commentary, interwoven into a charming, nostalgia- Hudson and Ethel Merman and movingly shares both her Collector’s Edition inducing collage, guaranteed to evoke familiar, perhaps professional and personal struggles. Illuminating these A Subway Series for a new generation. Why is it called the forgotten memories of simpler times. Perfect for birthdays, vignettes are 19 show-stopping songs from Stritch’s Broad- World Series if it is always played in New York? For years, anniversaries, reunions, retirement parties, and retro slumber way career including her famed world-weary rendition of this brash statement held true; then four decades passed parties. Sondheim’s „The Ladies Who Lunch“ and such other without an all-New York World Series matchup. That all Documentary, History & Events, Special unforgettable songs as „But Not For Me,“ „There’s No Busi- changed in 2000, the first time the Yankees and Mets ever ness Like Show Business,“ „Zip,“ and „I’m Still Here“. Don’t squared off in the Fall Classic. This battle featured the high- Interest 2013 min. miss one of theater’s most dynamic ladies in a one-of-a-kind energy New York Mets against the two-time defending E1 Entertainment 22.10.2013 performance that dazzled Broadway. champion New York Yankees. Each squad was led by a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118894 Music, Musical, Musicals On Stage, Special locally born manager, each club sparkled with star power, Interest 2002 146min. and each side was fueled by an animated fan base that divided Kultur 24.09.2013 the region and the city. But Joe Torre’s Yankees had The Baby Boom Years: 1961 experience on their side. With a roster that included World These fun DVD time capsules capture all of the sights and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118465 Series MVP Derek Jeter, Mariano Rivera, Andy Pettitte, sounds of the respective years they represent, including Bernie Williams, and Paul O’Neill, the Bronx Bombers noteworthy news footage, fashion, fads, comedy, dance and Ramon Vargas In Recital At captured their 26th championship in a hard-fought, five-game musical performances, commercials, sports, science and series. This 5-DVD collection from the Major League Base- lifestyle commentary, interwoven into a charming, nostalgia- Wigmore Hall ball Film & Video Archive includes every game from this inducing collage, guaranteed to evoke familiar, perhaps classic World Series matchup. This concert marks Ramón Vargas’ first appearance at forgotten memories of simpler times. Perfect for birthdays, London’s premiere chamber music venue. Sensitively Baseball, Major League Baseball, Special anniversaries, reunions, retirement parties, and retro slumber accompanied by Mzia Bachtouridze, with whom he has Interest, Sports 749min. parties. collaborated for seven years, and he sings an interesting A&E 08.10.2013 Documentary, History & Events, Special selection of Spanish songs. Featuring works by Schumann, Interest 2013 min. Moreno, Ponce, Respighi, Donizetti and more. Vargas also 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118788 explains to the appreciative audience that it is a nerve- E1 Entertainment 22.10.2013 wracking experience to make his debut at this prestigious Absolute Beginners: Cardio & 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118895 concert hall! Music, Opera, Special Interest min. Strength Training Workout For Badass Motha F**kas Kultur 29.10.2013 Seniors Welcome to the world of Bada$$ Mutha F**kas, a place where 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118933 Angie Miller the fists fly fast, the kicks pack a blast, and the soul sistas Are you ready to improve your life by learning cardiovascular take down all the mistas, honey. From the streets of , to Neil Young: Heart Of Gold and strength training exercises? Instructor Angie Miller and the Saloons of the old west, this collection of the funkiest her crew will show you the way to develop strength while trailers and clips from flicks of the Blaxploitation era will act Soon after completing his critically-acclaimed album Prairie also improving balance and mobility with this easy to follow as a game plan for takin’ down the man! Can ya dig it? Former Wind, rock legend took the Ryman Auditorium - the historic program of exercises which are designed especially for NFL star and Legendary blaxploitation actor Fred „The home of Nashville’s Grand Old Opry - by storm, blowing away senior citizens just starting out with exercise and for those Hammer“ Williamson is your host with the mutha f kin most, the audience with heartfelt renditions of recent songs and who want a refreshing, modern approach to physical fitness. and if you cross his path, you’re gonna have to get his boot, classic hits including „The Painter,“ „Heart of Gold“ and Fitness, Health, Instructional, Senior outta yo ass! „Harvest Moon.“ Surrounded by a hand-picked group of Blaxploitation, Documentary, Film About Interest, Special Interest 63min. musical companions, including his wife Pegi Young and Film, Gangs, Special Interest 2013 101min. special guest vocalist Emmylou Harris, Neil Young triumphs! Bayview Entertainment 15.10.2013 Full Moon 17.09.2013 Documented by Oscar®-winning director Jonathan Demme, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119057 Neil Young: Heart of Gold is an extraordinary musical portrait 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118998 of an artist’s soul - and a must-have concert film for any serious music fan! Ain’t In It For My Health: A Film Concerts, Documentary, Music, Rock ‘N’ Hilaria Baldwin: Prenatal Yoga Roll, Special Interest 2005 103min. About Levon Helm Popular yoga instructor Hilaria Baldwin leads these workouts Paramount 24.09.2013 Billy Bob Thornton, Levon Helm designed to keep expectant moms fit, energized, and tension- Director Jacob Hatley’s intimate documentary finds rock and free during this vital time. Connect with your baby, release

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 62 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA stress, and stay toned with these safe and effective flowing decades of pain on to the page. Their poignant exchanges are of the Earth’s changing climate. Chasing Ice is the story of practices. both endearing and humorous as Ralph begins to trust Ritz one man’s mission to change the tide of history by gathering Fitness, Health, Special Interest, Yoga min. with not only righting his legacy but also sharing a secret undeniable evidence of our changing planet. Within months of held for over 50 years - that the New York Giants cheated. By that first trip to Iceland, the photographer conceived the Image Ent. 01.10.2013 turns poignant, tender, and humorous Branca’s Pitch is an boldest expedition of his life: The Extreme Ice Survey. With a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118750 exploration in personal mythology and calls into the question band of young adventurers in tow, Balog began deploying the relationship between truth and memory. revolutionary time-lapse cameras across the brutal Arctic to The Best Of An Evening At The Baseball, Documentary, Major League capture a multi-year record of the world’s changing glaciers. Baseball, Special Interest, Sports 87min. As the debate polarizes America and the intensity of natural Improv Collection disasters ramps up globally, Balog finds himself at the end of Strand Releasing 01.10.2013 his tether. Battling untested technology in subzero conditions, This 4 DVD box set features the best and funniest comedians 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118906 he comes face to face with his own mortality. His hauntingly to have performed at the iconic Improv Club in Los Angeles beautiful videos compress years into seconds and capture including the likes of; Billy Crystal, Howie Mandel, Jim ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear at a Carrey, Phyllis Diller, Leslie Nielsen, Jackie Mason, and 67 Brick And Mortar And Love breathtaking rate. Chasing Ice depicts a photographer trying other outstanding comedians. These 12 hours of classic to deliver evidence and hope comedy were chosen from the first 52 original hours of the Brick and Mortar and Love follows the final years of ear X- television series called An Evening At . This tacy Records and its struggle to survive in the morphing Documentary, Environmental, Special Special Edition is the first time this rare original footage has music industry. In-depth interviews include owner John Interest min. ever been released on DVD. So sit back and be prepared to Timmons, his staff, and scores of record store owners from all Docurama 10.09.2013 enjoy this rare collection of your favorite comedians, all in over the US. These interviews look into the state of indie one hilarious and intimate setting. record stores, what services they provide and what is at 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118500 Collections, Comedy, Special Interest, stake if they disappear. Documentary, Special Interest min. Stand-Up 1981 720min. Chasing Ice: Special Edition (Blu- Music Video Distribution 06.08.2013 E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118585 ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118816 In the spring of 2005, acclaimed environmental photographer James Balog headed to the Arctic on a tricky assignment for The Best Of An Evening At The Bryce Begins National Geographic: to capture images to help tell the story Bryce Begins is a gripping documentary that gets you closer of the Earth’s changing climate. Chasing Ice is the story of Improv to Bryce Harper than ever before. At age 16, Bryce appeared one man’s mission to change the tide of history by gathering on the cover of Sports Illustrated with the headline undeniable evidence of our changing planet. Within months of In the DVD we present The Best Of An Evening At The Improv that first trip to Iceland, the photographer conceived the - a 3 hour extrapolation of a 52 hour TV Series featuring Billy „Baseball’s Chosen One.“ At age 17, Bryce was selected as the first pick in the MLB Draft by the Washington Nationals. boldest expedition of his life: The Extreme Ice Survey. With a Crystal, Leslie Neilsen, Jim Carrey, Jerry , and many band of young adventurers in tow, Balog began deploying others from the box-set. And at age 19, Bryce lived up to the hype and won the NL Rookie of the Year Award by putting together one of the revolutionary time-lapse cameras across the brutal Arctic to Collections, Comedy, Special Interest, greatest seasons by a teenager in baseball history and capture a multi-year record of the world’s changing glaciers. Stand-Up 180min. leading the Nationals to the Postseason. Bryce Begins takes As the debate polarizes America and the intensity of natural E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 you on a journey with one of the game’s greatest prospects - disasters ramps up globally, Balog finds himself at the end of who became one of its greatest players. his tether. Battling untested technology in subzero conditions, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118817 he comes face to face with his own mortality. His hauntingly Baseball, Documentary, Major League beautiful videos compress years into seconds and capture Baseball, Special Interest, Sports min. ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear at a The Best Of Jack Hanna A&E 01.10.2013 breathtaking rate. Chasing Ice depicts a photographer trying Jack Hanna 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118552 to deliver evidence and hope The Best Of Jack Hanna follows America’s most beloved Docurama, Documentary, Environmental, animal adventurer and his family as he spends time with Special Interest min. nature’s creatures across the continents, over the years, and BYE Docurama 10.09.2013 through two different TV shows. This collector’s edition BYE (AJÖ), has been heralded as a „masterpiece“ by the package includes 30 episodes from Jack Hanna’s Into the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. It is performed by Sylvie 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118591 Wild, which has garnered 7 Daytime Emmy’s to date, plus 30 Guillem, „the most brilliant ballerina of her generation“(The episodes from Jack Hanna’s Animal Adventures. More than Guardian, UK) and is choreographed and directed by Chocolate Sundaes Presents Live just a collection of animal escapades, each episode provides acclaimed Swedish choreographer Mats Ek. BYE is a film insight into the protection and conservation of some of our interpretation of Mats Ek’s solo piece BYE for and requested On Sunset Strip planet’s most precious and endangered species. The Best Of by Sylvie Guillem, presently on stage at Sadler’s Wells, UK’s Jack Hanna unscripted and action packed - it takes you on a leading dance house. Set to Beethoven’s last piano sonata, Chris Spencer, Aries Spears, Kevin Hart, raucous ride, leaving you with a renewed appreciation for all Opus 111, in a recording by Ivo Pogorelich, the stage Sam Tripoli, Eric Schwartz, , creatures, great and small. performance of BYE is described by Mats Ek as being „... Pookey Wigington Animals & Nature, Boxed Sets, Collections, about a woman who takes leave of a certain stage in her life. Chocolate Sundaes has developed a reputation for being the Family, Television 1320min. It is a conversation that she has with herself that leads to new leader of Urban Comedy. After nearly 10 years of breaking Madacy 15.10.2013 experiences.“ comedians and guiding careers, Chocolate Sundaes brings Ballet, Dancing, Performing Arts, Special 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118754 the hottest show in comedy to DVD with today’s biggest Interest min. comics. „Live On Sunset Strip!“ features never before seen Kultur 29.10.2013 stand up from platinum-selling Katt Williams, Kevin Hart Branaca’s Pitch (Fool’s Gold, 40 Year Old Virgin, Soul Plane) and Aries 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118935 Spears (Mad TV). This DVD will be an instant classic. On October 3, 1951 Ralph Branca became a legendary figure in baseball history. The 26 year-old Brooklyn Dodger pitcher Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 2008 became infamous for losing the National League Pennant to Call Me Kuchu 77min. the bitter rival New York Giants, by giving up the game In Uganda, a new bill threatens to make homosexuality E1 Entertainment 01.01.2013 winning homerun termed „The Shot Heard Round the World.“ punishable by death. David Kato, Uganda’s first openly gay 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118785 Jeered by once adoring fans and labeled a scapegoat for the man, and retired Anglican Bishop Christopher Senyonjo work rest of his life, Ralph never reclaimed his career. From against the clock to defeat state-sanctioned homophobia while Executive Producer Bobby Valentine, Branca’s Pitch follows combatting vicious persecution in their daily lives. But no one Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 86 year-old Ralph Branca’s journey to pen a memoir that is prepared for the brutal murder that shakes their movement finally tells his side of the story, to try and restore his Visionary filmmakers James Cameron (Avatar) and Andrew to its core and sends shock waves around the world. In an Adamson (Shrek) invite you on a spectacular adventure unlike fascinating, yet overlooked legacy in baseball’s „Golden Age“ unmarked office at the end of a dirt track, veteran activist of the ’40s and ’50s. The documentary features a mixture of anything you’ve seen before. Leap, soar, swim and dance with David Kato labors to repeal Uganda’s homophobic laws and the legendary performers of Cirque du Soleil as they transport verite, and archival materials including many of Branca’s own liberate his fellow lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender men films and photos such as a recently discovered and restored a young couple on a „magical journey“ (Rick Bentley, The and women, or „kuchus.“ But David’s formidable task just Fresno Bee) worlds away and beyond imagination. color 16mm film of the 1947 Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field. became much more difficult. A new „Anti-Homosexuality Bill“ Baseball, Biography, Documentary, History proposes death for HIV-positive gay men, and prison for Adventure, Dancing, Family, Fantasy, & Events, Major League Baseball, Special anyone who fails to turn in a known homosexual. Inspired by Movies, Music 2012 91min. American evangelicals who have christened Uganda ground Paramount 24.09.2013 Interest, Sports 2013 87min. zero in their war on the „homosexual agenda,“ the bill awaits Strand Releasing 01.10.2013 debate in Uganda’s Parliament. While most religious leaders 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118587 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118609 in Uganda support the Bill, one lone voice from the Church is willing to speak out against it: Bishop Christoph Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away Crime, Documentary, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Branca’s Pitch Interest, Special Interest 2012 87min. (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + Branca’s Pitch is a feature-length documentary film following UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Ralph Branca’s journey to pen a memoir that finally tells his Docurama 24.09.2013 side of the story, to try and restore his fascinating, yet 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118499 Visionary filmmakers James Cameron (Avatar) and Andrew overlooked legacy in baseball’s „Golden Age“ of the ’40s and Adamson (Shrek) invite you on a spectacular adventure unlike ’50s. Enlisting the help of acclaimed and best-selling author, anything you’ve seen before. Leap, soar, swim and dance with David Ritz, an unlikely friendship forms. Ritz with sleeve Chasing Ice the legendary performers of Cirque du Soleil as they transport tattoos covering both arms and whacky outfits is on a constant In the spring of 2005, acclaimed environmental photographer a young couple on a „magical journey“ (Rick Bentley, The journey towards the heart of matters. While Branca is a James Balog headed to the Arctic on a tricky assignment for Fresno Bee) worlds away and beyond imagination. conservative stoic of a bygone era, needing help to let out National Geographic: to capture images to help tell the story Adventure, Blu-ray, Dancing, Family,

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Fantasy, Movies, Music 2012 91min. „Dark Ages“ really so bleak? Art historian Waldemar 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118671 Januszczak (Every Picture Tells a Story) says no, then takes Paramount 24.09.2013 us on an artistic journey back to this much-maligned epoch to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118605 reveal the evidence. He travels from Britain to North Africa Dinosaurs: The History Of and from Byzantium to Spain, finding beauty and refinement where one might have expected only brutality and destruction. Dinosaurs In Hollywood Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away With Januszczak as a gregarious guide, witness the This insightful program explores children’s fascination with 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + mysteries of early Christian art, Islam’s masterly mosques, dinosaurs and how Hollywood has brought the beasts to life. intricate Anglo-Saxon metalwork, and the painstakingly This documentary also examines the history of dinosaurs in Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- illuminated Lindisfarne Gospels. Along the way, discover that Hollywood, from the early 1900s animation to the work of Ray the people who rose from the ashes of the Roman Empire did Harryhausen, then Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park. Listen ray) not lack for wisdom or beauty... they created their own age of in as Harryhausen recounts his early, primitive techniques PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which light. using rubber dinosaurs and stop-motion photography to bring is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Art & Architecture, Dark Ages, to life movies such as One Million Years B.C. Harryhausen A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all unlocks the question pursued throughout the program about standard Blu-ray players. Visionary filmmakers James Documentary, History & Events, Special the juvenile attraction to dinosaurs: They’re real, and Cameron (Avatar) and Andrew Adamson (Shrek) invite you on Interest min. knowing dinosaurs once walked on this planet makes them a spectacular adventure unlike anything you’ve seen before. Image Ent. 15.10.2013 more special than cartoon characters. This is a must-have Leap, soar, swim and dance with the legendary performers of program for special-effects buffs, especially for the Harry- Cirque du Soleil as they transport a young couple on a 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118751 hausen segments. „magical journey“ (Rick Bentley, The Fresno Bee) worlds Dinosaurs, Documentary, Film About Film, away and beyond imagination. Deadliest Catch: Season 8 Special Interest min. Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Dancing, Two skippers square off in a high stakes rivalry and the Kultur 29.10.2013 Family, Fantasy, Movies, Music 2012 91min. mysterious collapse of a deckhand summons a daring rescue 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118911 Paramount 24.09.2013 at sea as an already vicious king crab season gets underway. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118604 A depleted fishery triggers restrictions that force captains to take huge gambles on remote and volatile fishing grounds to The DSK Story the far north while a violent arctic hurricane forecasters call Code Name Ruby „The Storm of the Century“ descends on the Bering Sea. The The first ever film on Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the one time record-breaking weather continues in opilio season as the enormously powerful head of the International Monetary Fund The search for the source of mystical knowledge is at the arctic ice freezes over the fishing grounds and chases over (IMF) and former shoo-in for the Presidency of France, heart of this controversial feature from Czech New Wave half the fleet to the safety of their homes. Those brave enough whose career post and political ambitions were forever veteran Jan Nemec (Diamonds of the Night, A Report on the to stay behind and fish the risky waters are subject to some of derailed upon the filing of attempted rape charges against him Party and the Guests). The film combines documentary, the best crab fishing the region has ever known. by a NYC maid. archival footage, and fiction into an elliptical narrative in Documentary, Special Interest 2012 83min. which two young lovers in Prague-an ancient seat for the Animals & Nature, Discovery Channel, practice of alchemy-follow the trail for the philosopher’s Documentary, Fishing, High Seas, On The Music Video Distribution 20.08.2013 stone. History and future blend as Nemec, through brilliant Job, Reality, Television 2011 788min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118515 montage sequences and fanciful leaps of the imagination, posits crucial questions about the legacy of the past and how Discovery Channel 12.11.2013 it influences the individual’s personal freedom and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118663 Element: Targeted Toning Pilates responsibility. Jan Nemec was blacklisted in 1968, and For Beginners disallowed to leave Czechoslovakia until 1974. He spent almost two decades abroad before the Velvet Revolution in Dear Mom, Love Cher Fitness, Health, Instructional, Pilates, 1989. Upon returning to his homeland, Nemec made this Cher - Dir. P. David Ebersole Special Interest 2013 80min. stunning work of meta-fiction, and dedicated it to his late Dear Mom, Love Cher provides a rare peek into Cher’s Starz / Anchor Bay 01.10.2013 collaborator, Ester Krumbachova. fascinating family history and features in depth interviews Documentary, Special Interest min. with Georgia Holt, her daughters Cher and Georganne 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118644 Facets Video 27.08.2013 LaPiere Bartylak, and grandchildren Chaz Bono and Elijah Blue Allman. Dear Mom, Love Cher includes unprecedented ESPN Films: Nine For IX 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118822 access to the family and features a never-before-heard duet performance with Holt and Cher, along with the long-lost From the award-winning producers of 30 for 30, this Coptic Egypt: 2000 Years Of recordings Holt taped more than three decades ago that Cher exceptional gift set celebrating the 40th anniversary of Title has re-mastered for commercial release later this year, IX features nine documentary films about women in sports , Christianity making her mother’s lifelong dream a reality. directed by an extraordinarily diverse group of female filmmakers. Executive produced by Jane Rosenthal (co- The Copts, the native Christian community of Egypt, have a Documentary, Music, Pop Music, Special founder, ) and Robin Roberts (co- culture, a language and a church with ancient roots. Having Interest 90min. anchor, Good Morning America), these critically-acclaimed survived Roman persecution and Byzantine rule, they have A&E 24.09.2013 films highlight Pat Summitt’s remarkable story, Venus co-existed with Islam for fourteen centuries. This program Williams’ fight for equal pay and the 1999 US Women’s World visits two of the oldest desert monasteries in Egypt to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118300 Cup team, among others. An inspirational collection of observe religious practices and a way of life that have remarkable and moving films, Nine for IX is certain to appeal changed remarkably little since the beginnings of Coptic to all fans. 4 Disc Set Christianity. It also explores the religion’s iconography and Detroit Tigers: Hometown Heroics the art, artifacts and textiles it has inspired. Miguel Cabrera. Justin Verlander. Hank Greenberg. These Documentary, ESPN, girl power, Special Documentary, History & Events, Religion/ heroes fuel the moments we never forget. Celebrate all the Interest, Sports min. can’t-miss moments, history-making feats, and lovable heroes ESPN (TM) 15.10.2013 Spirituality, Special Interest min. with Detroit Tigers: Hometown Heroics, a fast-paced thrill Kultur 29.10.2013 ride through the history of the boys from Motown. From Tiger 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118373 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118908 Stadium to Comerica Park, Ty Cobb, Al Kaline, and Jack Morris to Magglio Ordonez and Prince Fielder, this crowd- Evocateur: The Morton Downey pleaser covers all the bases. Crafted by the award-wining Counting Cars: Season Two - producers of Major League Baseball Productions, this Jr. Movie Volume One exciting blend of exclusive interviews, stunning footage, Before entire networks were built on populist personalities; thrilling game highlights, and a treasure trove of priceless before reality morphed into a TV genre; the masses fixated on Danny Koker stories will keep you on the edge of your seat as you relive a single, sociopathic star: controversial talk-show host Get in the front seat with Counting Cars: Season 2, Volume 1 these captivating Tigers moments again and again. Morton Downey, Jr. In the late ’80s, Downey tore apart the on DVD from History. We’ll once again roll into Sin City to Baseball, Documentary, Major League traditional talk format by turning debate of current issues into bet on vintage wheels with the legendary Danny „The Count“ Baseball, Special Interest, Sports min. a gladiator pit. His blow-smoke-in-your-face style drew a Koker, the man with an insatiable appetite for classic cars. rabid cult following, but also the title Father of Trash Televisi- No matter who, when or where, if you have it and he wants it, A&E 08.10.2013 on. Évocateur: The Morton Downey Jr. Movie dissects the he’ll deal out the cold, hard cash to buy it, restore it and flip 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118606 mind and motivation of television’s most notorious agitator. it. This time around, find out if Danny and the guys can fulfill Documentary, Special Interest 90min. the dream of a friend with physical limitations and get him on a bike for the first time. Watch as Danny gets sidetracked by a The Devil’s Ride: Season One Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.09.2013 curious lady in a hot pink Beetle while trying to score a There’s an outlaw in all of us, no doubt. Most of us, however, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119019 classic Ford Galaxie, and see the tables turned on him when choose to keep that outlaw at bay - taking a desk job, turning a car- loving couple pulls him over to check out his treasured the other cheek when people insult us, choosing to live within ride. This series is another classic in the making. the laws of the land on which we reside. But we love to live Evocateur: The Morton Downey Cars & Motorcycles, History Channel, vicariously through the people who forsake all that...choose Jr. Movie (Blu-ray) their own path. And that’s why Discovery’s The Devil’s Ride Reality, Television min. is one of its most watched shows. Following the real life Before entire networks were built on populist personalities; Lionsgate 15.10.2013 adventures and drama of the Laffing Devils Motorcycle Club before reality morphed into a TV genre; the masses fixated on 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118635 and its rival club Sinister Mob Syndicate (Sin Mob for short), a single, sociopathic star: controversial talk-show host every moment of every show is taut with the knowledge that Morton Downey, Jr. In the late ’80s, Downey tore apart the this is REALLY happening! traditional talk format by turning debate of current issues into The Dark Ages: An Age Of Light a gladiator pit. His blow-smoke-in-your-face style drew a Cars & Motorcycles, Reality, Television rabid cult following, but also the title Father of Trash Televisi- The early Middle Ages have been dismissed as a step 2012 308min. on. Évocateur: The Morton Downey Jr. Movie dissects the backwards for civilization... a barbaric time in which warfare mind and motivation of television’s most notorious agitator. and conquest eclipsed learning and progress. But were the Discovery Channel 19.11.2013

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Documentary, Special Interest 90min. strip backstage and have their own dance party! Sexy Florida Halloween Home Haunts co-ed Maggie and her girlfriend Ashley confess they’re more Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.09.2013 than just a little horny. These girls jump right into it, showing Follow eight Home Haunters in their pursuit to transform their 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119038 just how much fun being girlfriends AND roommates can be. suburban homes into visions of the macabre. Their obsession Up in , cutie Jennifer can’t stop talking about her with Halloween has lead them to spend thousands of dollars, favorite sex positions and even shows off some of them. dedicate countless hours and resources to create their Far Out Isn’t Far Enough: The Finally, we meet Hayley at her hotel room, where the action horrific attractions. We’ll meet all sorts of different haunters Tomi Ungerer Story gets started in the bathtub. We love her rubber ducky sex toy! from basic yard haunts to some so extreme they go beyond Check out the horniest girls on the planet in Girls Gone Wild: their property lines. One man’s wild, lifelong adventure of testing society’s Hot & Horny All Stars. Documentary, Holidays, Special Interest boundaries through his subversive art, Far Out Isn’t Far Enough: The Tomi Ungerer Story combines traditional Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. min. documentary storytelling with original animation culled from GGW Brands, LLC. 01.10.2013 Music Video Distribution 17.09.2013 seven decades worth of art from the renegade children’s book 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118627 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118589 author and illustrator. Using a palette of 20th century events to paint an artist’s epic yet controversial life story, the film offers a retrospective of Ungerer’s life and art, and ponders Girls Gone Wild: Hot & Horny Haunted History the complexities and contradictions of a man who, armed with Coeds 2 Are voices, spirits and apparitions trying to tell us something an acerbic wit, an accusing finger and a razor sharp pencil, about past events? Come along as Haunted History on H2 gave visual representation to the revolutionary voices during From the library to the gym, college campuses always deliver travels the country exploring historic locations and the one of the most tantalizing and dramatic periods in American the best eye candy. The Girls Gone Wild bus visited a few chilling paranormal activity that still haunts them. Driven by history. campuses, and what we found will surely blow you away. terrifying eyewitness accounts, each episode examines a Documentary, Special Interest 2012 98min. First, we meet vivacious Sadie, 18, who flashes her boobs as site’s spooky events in relation to its gruesome past. Hear First Run Features 22.10.2013 soon as the camera starts rolling! Holli and Kala are so horny what the ghosts of soldiers at Gettysburg have to tell us, as when they come back to the bus that they can’t keep their well as spirits from a troubled orphanage and a Confederate 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118833 hands off each other. Sexy dorm mates Jane and Daphne field hospital nearby. Meet the restless souls plaguing Salem, confess to having threesomes together, and prove how wet , demanding their innocence be known. Visit Fascination Coral Reef 3D: they can make each other. Tennessee hotties Kayci and Chicago’s infamous „Murder Castle,“ a historic, block-long Courtney show off their southern accents... and nipple hotel with trap doors, gas chambers and vats of acid, where Hunters And The Hunted (Blu-ray piercings. Down South in Florida, we met sexy coeds Hillary spirits of the victims of the nation’s first serial killer appear to and Lexi, who claim to „know each other inside out.“ Finally, astonished witnesses. Also investigated are the Manson 3D + Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) we end with Lia and Nikki, best friends who do everything murders, the ill-fated Pennhurst Asylum in Pennsylvania, In this 3D adventure, we observe sharks on the lookout for together. And we mean everything. Check out these steamy hauntings in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and the next bite and swarms of diverse fish as they make their hook-ups in Girls Gone Wild: Hot & Horny Coeds 2. more. way through the reef, confusing hungry attackers with their Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Adventure, History Channel, Supernatural vast display of shapes and colors. Although this continuous GGW Brands, LLC. 01.10.2013 struggle sounds barbaric, there is a balance between the & Paranormal, Television 360min. hunters and the hunted! Eat or be eaten - in this world, it’s all 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118626 A&E 17.09.2013 about survival! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119056 Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Andre Gregory: Before And After Documentary, High Seas, Sharks, Special Dinner Haunted House: Demon Polter- Interest min. Andre Gregory Universal Studios 12.11.2013 geist Attack Documentary, Special Interest min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119109 Documentary, Ghosts, Special Interest, Cinema Guild 27.08.2013 Supernatural & Paranormal min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118942 Gilad: Bodies In Motion - Ala Allegro Entertainment 10.09.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118977 Moana Beach : Season 6 Gilad Jillian Armenante, , Vincent Caso Highlights Of The 2013 Masters Ala Moana Beach is one of our favorite locations. It is like an Codex (Felicia Day, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog) thinks oasis between downtown Honolulu and the excitement of she has found her calling working for Floyd Petrovski at the Tournament Waikiki. The shows are taped right on the shoreline with headquarters of „The Game.“ Instead, she finds that her new In 2013, after coming close on numerous occasions, the silhouettes of the palm trees on Magic Island in the job is less a dream and more of a nightmare when Floyd’s country of Australia was finally able to secure the famous background. insecurities prevent him from releasing the much-anticipated Green Jacket and bring the curtain down on one of the most Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special underwater expansion. Vork, Zaboo and Tink complicate her dramatic tournaments in memory. When the Adelaide-born Interest 72min. life even more when they invade her workplace to advance Adam Scott birdied the second playoff hole - scene of Bubba their own gaming agendas. Meanwhile, Bladezz gets kicked Watson’s incredible iron shot to clinch victory 12 months Bayview Entertainment 24.09.2013 out of the house and ropes Clara into the addictive world of before - to defeat Angel Cabrera, he ended his personal wait 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118510 video blogging. Season 6 combines Codex’s work and play as for a major championship and cemented his place in history as the Guildies go inside „The Game“ in the most epic way yet. the first Australian to win the Masters. Gilad: Bodies In Motion - This unrated DVD includes all 12 episodes from the season, Golf, Special Interest, Sports 2013 96min. plus bonus material never before seen on the Internet. A&E 10.09.2013 Comedy, Special Interest, Web-To-DVD Makapu’u Cliff 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118892 Gilad 97min. These 3 shows were shot on the top of Makapu’u Cliff with New Video DVD 08.10.2013 breathtaking views of the entire windward coastline of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119067 Houseless island of Oahu. One of the top-rated hang-gliders in the world Documentary, Special Interest min. is doing acrobatic aerial stunts behind Gilad and his team. Allegro Entertainment 10.09.2013 Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special The Guild: The Complete Mega- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118947 Interest min. set Bayview Entertainment 24.09.2013 Jillian Armenante, Felicia Day, Vincent Caso IMAX: Ride Around The World / 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118511 The Guild, the pioneering and award-winning web series, is finally available in a complete box set! Follow The Knights of Beavers / Dolphins (Triple Fea- Good, a band of online video game players, who are addicted Gilad: Bodies In Motion - to a fictitious MMORPG (Massively Multi-Player Role ture) Pupukea Beach Playing Game). Codex (Felicia Day, Dr. Horrible’s Sing- Animals & Nature, Documentary, IMAX, Along Blog), recently dumped by both her boyfriend and Join us on this beautiful sunny day at Pupukea Beach on the therapist, is completely thrown when her Guild member Zaboo Special Interest, Triple Feature min. North Shore of O’ahu. Pupukea is adjacent to world-famous (Sandeep Parikh) shows up on her doorstep. This sets off a Image Ent. 29.10.2013 Waimea Bay, home to the big wave surfing tournaments. Gilad chain reaction that brings all the Guildies together offline for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118722 and the team take you through 3 workouts in one of the most the first time. They include Clara (Robin Thorsen), whose spectacular beach locations ever! gaming comes before the needs of her husband and kids; Tink Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special (Amy Okuda), the secretive college student who keeps people In A Town This Size Interest min. at arms’ length with lethal barbs both on and offline; Bladezz In A Town This Size introduces an town and its Bayview Entertainment 24.09.2013 (Vincent Caso), a self-proclaimed ladies’ man who’s barely long-ignored tragedy of child sexual abuse during the 1960’s out of puberty; and the hilariously intractable and infamously and 70’s. Told through poignant first-person interviews with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118509 frugal Guild Leader Vork (Jeff Lewis). Follow the Guildies the victims, their families and professionals, these stories through six seasons, from pirate-themed burger joint exploits, inform viewers about the lifelong harm of childhood sexual Girls Gone Wild: Hot & Horny All to a gaming convention road trip, and even into the video abuse. Emphasizing the resiliency of the human spirit, the film game! Highlighting the best of Geek culture, incl illustrates that through determination, support and direct Stars Comedy, Special Interest, Web-To-DVD min. conversation, survivors can heal themselves and become When it comes to hot girls, the hornier the better! First, we New Video DVD 08.10.2013 advocates for change. These stories devastate, frustrate and catch up with long-time best friends Nicole and Krystal as 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119068 inspire - and hopefully empower audiences to confront child they get hot and sweaty in a sexy pillow fight. Club goers sexual abuse and press for change to the states’ statutes of Chelsea and Karly don’t even wait to get on the bus; they limitation regarding this crime.

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Documentary, Special Interest 2011 71min. Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 2002 Interest 155min. First Run Features 22.10.2013 104min. Image Ent. 29.10.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118834 Paramount 24.09.2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118753 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118484 In The Footsteps Of Van Gough Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence In This documentary is ablaze with the vibrant colours of the Leviathan The House Of God profision of canvases van Gogh painted in the last two years of his life. In 1888, the artist left Paris, where he had spent Animals & Nature, Documentary, Special Alex Gibney - Dir. Alex Gibney the previous two years sharing an apartment with his younger Interest 110min. In Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence In The House Of God, Oscar- brother Theo, an art dealer. Vincent had not had any success Cinema Guild 24.09.2013 winning filmmaker Alex Gibney investigates the secret crimes selling his work and the sibling relationship had become of Father Lawrence Murphy, a charismatic Milwaukee priest strained on account of his awkward personality. However, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119022 who abused more than 200 Deaf children in a school under his when he arrived in Arles and, a few months later, moved into control. The film documents the first known public protest the ‘yellow house’, he resumed his prolific correspondence Leviathan (Blu-ray) against clerical sex abuse in the U.S., which led to a case with Theo. They continued to write to each other up until that spanned three decades and ultimately resulted in a Vincent committed suicide in 1890. The painter’s letters Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Documentary, lawsuit against the pontiff himself. The investigation helped contain a detailed record of his daily life, his impressions of Special Interest 110min. uncover documents from the secret Vatican archives that his surroundings, and his reflections on his art. Illustrating show the Pope, who must operate within the mysterious rules extracts from these letters with his paintings and with Cinema Guild 24.09.2013 of the Roman Curia, as both responsible and helpless in the stunning location footage, this documentary traces the events 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119041 face of evil. At the heart of the film is a small group of heroes, of van Gogh’s final years and reveals his turbulent spirit. In a courageous Deaf men who set out to expose the priest who vivid combination of his words and images, it brings to life his had abused them and sought to protect other children. Gibney time in Arles, alone and with Gauguin; the period he spent in David Malouf: An Imaginary Life uses the voices of actors Chris Cooper, Ethan Hawke, Jamey the asylum of Saint-Paul-de- Winner of the world’s richest literary prize for his novel Sheridan and John Slattery to tell the stories of men abused Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special „Remembering Babylon“, David Malouf is a complex and by Murphy. However, it is the faces and expressions of the poetic writer. In his beautiful and evocative stories the past is courageous Deaf men that illustrate the indelible effect Interest min. always very close to the surface of the present. Half- Murphy continues to have on their lives. Kultur 24.09.2013 forgotten memories, inner states, obligation and friendship all Crime, Documentary, Religion/Spirituality, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118466 provide him with inspiration. Filmed on location in Australia, England, Ireland and Italy, and making atmospheric use of Special Interest 107min. archive footage and dramatisation, this documentary is an Docurama 08.10.2013 The JFK Collection emotive exploration of his work. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119023 History presents The JFK Collection, an impressive 3-DVD Documentary, Special Interest min. set exploring one of America’s most legendary families. Get Kultur 29.10.2013 My Father And The Man In Black inside the iconic life of John F. Kennedy, a reckless rich kid 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118931 who lived on the edge, and became a WWII hero and Documentary, Special Interest 88min. President who challenged the nation as it had never been Passion River 01.10.2013 before. This comprehensive family portrait also includes hour- Nelson Mandela: Accused #1 long biographies of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Joseph P. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118402 Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Jr. and Ted Nelson Mandela Kennedy, along with never-before-seen lost Kennedy home The untold story of the Rivonia Trial featuring exclusive movies filmed by Robert and Ethel Kennedy in the early interviews with Nelson Mandela. In June 1964, following one National Geographic: Secret Life 1950s. of the most significant political trials of the 20th Century, Of Predators Documentary, History & Events, History Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki (father of former President Thabo Mbeki) and four others were When you’ve clawed your way to the top of the food chain, Channel, Presidents, Special Interest, Tele- sentenced to life imprisonment for planning the overthrow of you have to fight to stay there. Experience this harsh reality vision 630min. the Apartheid Government by military means. This acclaimed through the eyes of the determined predators that rely on skill, A&E 22.10.2013 documentary recounts the untold story of the Rivonia Trial and instinct and evolution to survive. But while they may be features exclusive interviews with Nelson Mandela and all masters of their domains, that doesn’t mean things always go 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118891 the surviving co-accused along with fascinating testimony their way - and with young mouths to feed, the pressure is on. from their defense lawyers and from members of the Three years in the making, the 4-part Secret Life of Predators JFK: 50th Anniversary prosecution, intelligence services and defence forces of reveals the hidden, unknown world of predators living in the Apartheid South Africa. oceans, forests, open spaces, and on the edge. Commemorative Collection Documentary, History & Events, Special Animals & Nature, Documentary, National As the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination Interest min. Geographic, Special Interest, Television approaches, these three films recall the life and death of the 2013 180min. beloved President. From his career to the conspiracy, Kultur 24.09.2013 commemorate JFK with this thrilling collection. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118460 National Geographic 26.11.2013 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118678 Collections, Conspiracies, Documentary, Marvel Comics Drama, History & Events, Movies, Special This fascinating documentary looks at the success of Marvel Necessary Evil: Villains Of DC Co- Interest 445min. Comics in both the US and UK, accounting for more than half mics of all comic book sales. Their superheroes, including Captain Echo Bridge Home Entertainment America, Spiderman and the Incredible Hulk have been hugely Christopher Lee 01.10.2013 successful on television and in Hollywood blockbuster Based On Comic Book, Documentary, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118972 movies. This program provides a behind-the-scenes look at the artists and writers responsible for producing these mo- Special Interest, Superheroes 2013 min. dern „fairytales for grownups.“ Featured in this program is a Warner Bros. 25.10.2013 C.G. Jung: The Wisdom Of The unique interview with Marvel legend Stan Lee, the man who 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118477 created Spiderman, the Incredible Hulk, Captain America and Dream all of the other Marvel heroes during a career lasting over 50 Documentary, History & Events min. years. Necessary Evil: Villains Of DC Co- Kultur 24.09.2013 Art & Architecture, Based On Comic Book, mics (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118461 Documentary, Special Interest min. Kultur 24.09.2013 ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118468 Christopher Lee Last Shop Standing: The Rise, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Fall And Rebirth Of The Indepen- Masters Of Money Documentary, Special Interest, dent Record Shop Just what happened to the global economy in 2008? Why did Superheroes 2013 min. More than a piece of nostalgia, Last Shop Standing takes a the world react the way it did? Did economic policies help or Warner Bros. 25.10.2013 tantalizing look into the future: the stores that are opening, hurt? These are just some of the questions that BBC 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118517 who is succeeding and the individual and unique passion that economics editor Stephanie Flanders asks in Masters Of drives those who remain, and intend to be here long after the Money. For answers, she turns to three economists from the supermarkets have given up and the last chain store has past whose revolutionary thinking helped shape the course of Necessary Evil: Villains Of DC Co- closed. history and transformed the world we live in today. Documentary, Music, Special Interest 2012 Englishman John Maynard Keynes, Austrian-born Friedrich A. mics (Blu-ray) Hayek, and Germany’s Karl Marx all taught us the awesome Christopher Lee 70min. power of money. At various times and in various countries, Music Video Distribution 06.08.2013 their ideas about how to tame it have been put to the test. But Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118583 in looking to the past, Flanders not only considers the impact Documentary, Special Interest, that these three intellectual giants had during their heyday. Superheroes 2013 min. She also makes the case that they have something special to Warner Bros. 25.10.2013 Martin Lawrence Live: Runteldat tell us right now. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118516 Martin Lawrence - Dir. David Raynr Documentary, History & Events, Special

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118930 Shepard & Dark No Place On Earth Sam Shepard, Johnny Dark In October 1942, Esther Stermer, along with a few dozen Ping Pong Shepard & Dark paints an indelible portrait of a complex other people seek out asylum underground to evade being Pensioners from across the planet compete in the World over friendship and its winding journey over 40 years. Sam caught by pursuing Nazis - and remain hidden below for 80s Table Tennis Championships in Inner Mongolia. Eight Shepard and Johnny Dark met in in the nearly a year and a half. Their harrowing story of survival is players, from four continents, with seven hundred and three early 1960s and, despite leading very different lives, unearthed by accident when cave explorer, Chris Nicola, years between them, guide us through the extraordinary world remained close friends ever since. Shepard became a Pulitzer stumbled upon remnants of the cave dwellers existence. of Veteran sports. Hugh and Anson Hatford’s film interweaves Prize winning playwright (Buried Child) and an Academy Through extensive research and determination, Nicola locates the competition with intimate and candid portraits that explore Award-nominated actor (The Right Stuff), while Dark was a some of the survivors and shares their incredible true story of the hope, passion, prejudice, and immediacy of growing old. homebody with a penchant for letter writing, photography, and strength and survival. Documentary, Special Interest 76min. supporting himself with odd jobs from dog-catcher to deli Documentary, Special Interest, War, World worker. Through the decades, they stayed bonded by family Docurama 10.09.2013 War II 2012 83min. ties, as Dark married an older woman named Scarlett and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118610 Shepard married her daughter. For years the two couples Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.08.2013 lived together, until Shepard broke away in 1983 for a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118447 relationship with Jessica Lange, leaving Johnny to help father Polar Bears 3D: Ice Bear (Blu-ray his first son. Nevertheless, he and Dark continued writing to each other, amassing hundreds of letters. No Place On Earth (Blu-ray) 3D + Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Documentary, Drama, Friendships, Special In October 1942, Esther Stermer, along with a few dozen The Polar Bear is the Arctic’s biggest predator - but what Interest 2012 89min. other people seek out asylum underground to evade being happens to the „Ice Bear“ when there’s no ice? Featuring caught by pursuing Nazis - and remain hidden below for breathtaking 3D cinematography shot over 12 months in the Music Box Films 22.10.2013 nearly a year and a half. Their harrowing story of survival is Canadian Arctic and capturing rarely-seen behavior, Polar 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118424 unearthed by accident when cave explorer, Chris Nicola, Bears 3D: Ice Bear is an enthralling and captivating look at stumbled upon remnants of the cave dwellers existence. their changing world. Through extensive research and determination, Nicola locates Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Kathy Smith: Barre Body Lift some of the survivors and shares their incredible true story of Documentary, Environmental, Special Workout strength and survival. Interest min. Documentary, Special Interest, War, World Four dance-inspired workouts for arms, legs, buns, & tummy! Universal Studios 12.11.2013 „Defy gravity with my Barre Body Body Lift Workout, a unique War II 2012 83min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119108 combination of exercises to lift, tighten, and sculpt those Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.08.2013 hard-to-reach muscles and give you the strength, energy, and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118455 shape you’ve always wanted. I will show you how to trim Room 237 inches and tone muscles using a series of small, concentrated movements, and create long, beautiful lines with deep Rudolf Nureyev: A Portrait Bill Blakemore stretches. Sculpt a sleek, younger-looking you in no time!“ - In 1980 Stanley Kubrick released his masterpiece of modern Kathy Smith Rudolf Nureyev horror, The Shining. Over 30 years later we’re still struggling Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special No performer on the world stage received so much acclaim to understand its hidden meanings. Rodney Ascher’s wry and and publicity as Rudolf Nureyev, and no one gave away so provocative documentary Room 237 fuses fact and fiction Interest 61min. little about their private life and thinking. In this television through interviews with both fanatics and scholars, creating a Bayview Entertainment 15.10.2013 , made one year before his death in 1993, Nureyev kaleidoscopic deconstruction of Kubrick’s still-controversial 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119059 tells his own story in his own words and recalls turning classic. points in his career. The program traces Nureyev’s life, Documentary, Film About Film, Special starting out from his home town of Ufa in the shadow of the Kathy Smith: Tummy Trimmers Ural Mountains, half way between Moscow and . Interest 2012 102min. When filming took place there, Ufa had changed very little MPI 24.09.2013 Kathy Smith since his departure thirty years before. The school was still 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118624 Five workouts to beat the bulge! „My Tummy Trimmers workout there and so was the modest wooden house, which his family will tone and tighten your abdominals like never before using shared with two others. The green curtains still hung at the the latest techniques to target belly fat and banish the bulge. old theatre, where he saw the ballet performance which Room 237 (Blu-ray) Tummy Trimmers includes five different 10-minute ab workouts changed the course of his life. Nureyev’s sister, his head that you can mix and match to meet your needs. With five mistress and the dance teacher who first discovered him (101 Bill Blakemore cutting-edge methods to train your core, you’ll never get years old at the time this program was made), all recall the In 1980 Stanley Kubrick released his masterpiece of modern bored or plateau - you’ll simply have sensational abs!“ - solitary rebel. At the Kirov Theatre, the prima ballerina who horror, The Shining. Over 30 years later we’re still struggling Kathy Smith was his first partner remembers the student who emerged as to understand its hidden meanings. Rodney Ascher’s wry and Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special the most brilliant dancer of his generation. The cameras provocative documentary Room 237 fuses fact and fiction through interviews with both fanatics and scholars, creating a Interest min. Ballet, Dancing, Documentary, Performing kaleidoscopic deconstruction of Kubrick’s still-controversial Bayview Entertainment 15.10.2013 Arts, Special Interest min. classic. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119058 Kultur 24.09.2013 Documentary, Film About Film, Special 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118462 Interest 2012 102min. Snapped: Season Six MPI 24.09.2013 Each year, approximately 16,000 people are murdered in the Shaquille O’Neal Presents: All 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118638 United States. 7% of the killers are female. Who are these women and what drives them to kill? Each episode of Snapped Star Comedy Jam - Live From chronicles the life of a woman who has been charged with Atlanta (DVD + UltraViolet) St. Louis Cardinals Championship murder. Did they really do it? and if they did, why? Whether Collection the motivation was revenge against a cheating husband, the Robert Powell, Red Grant, Faizon Love, promise of a hefty insurance payoff, or putting an end to years Finesse Mitchell - Dir. Leslie Small The St. Louis Cardinals are the class of the National League. of abuse, the reasons are as varied as the women themselves. The Cardinals have a rich history of success, with 18 NL From socialites to secretaries, female killers share one thing Shaquille O’Neal presents funnyman and actor Faizon Love pennants and 11 World Series championships - the most ever as he takes on hosting duties for the latest installment of All- in common: at some point, they all snapped. These shocking for an NL team and only second to the Yankees overall. The but true stories turn common assumptions about crime and Star Comedy Jam. This time around, NBA All-Star and St. Louis Cardinals Championship Collection includes seven celebrity personality Shaquille O’Neal has handpicked some criminals upside down, and prove that even the most unlikely films spanning eight decades, from 1943 - the first World suspects can be capable of murder. of stand-up comedy’s funniest up-and- coming talents and Series Film ever produced - all the way to 2011. This official paired them with veterans of the comedy stage. The line-up DVD set from Major League Baseball Productions provides Crime, Television min. includes Red Grant, Finesse Mitchell, Gina Yashere, Robert comprehensive highlights, exclusive access and interviews, Shout Factory 05.11.2013 Powell, and 2012 Miller Lite stand-up champion Lavar Wal- plus breathtaking footage that captures 11 St. Louis Fall 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118662 ker. Filmed at the Atlanta Symphony Hall in front of a live Classics. From Stan Musial to Bob Gibson to Albert Pujols, audience, during the 2013 NCAA Final Four weekend. the biggest Cardinals legends are all here. Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up min. Baseball, Major League Baseball, Special So Smart!: Baby’s First-Word Lionsgate 01.10.2013 Interest, Sports 130min. Stories - House 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118772 A&E 08.10.2013 Exploring the world - one word at a time! Baby’s First-Word 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118789 Stories - House - features five vocabulary adventures with Pablo Neruda your So Smart Friends. In this DVD, So Smart friends Ed- ward, Iggy, Dee Dee and Larry will first introduce your little Pablo Neruda (1904-73), who won the Nobel Prize for Leslie Sansone: Walk To The Hits one to simple words about objects in the home, then builds Literature in 1971, led an extraordinarily full and passionate sentences and stories around them. A deliberately gentle life. Using a wealth of archive material, this documentary tells - Radio Remixes pace, engaging imagery, and soothing music make So Smart a Neruda’s story and gives voice to his poetry, exploring the Leslie Sansone winner for both children and parents. So Smart is an award- profound links between his political engagement and his winning brand, trusted by parents for over a decade. This writing. It travels to Chile to set his life and work against the Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special new animated series, Baby’s First-Word Stories, is created backdrop of the country and the landscapes which inspired Interest min. especially for 1 to 3 year olds who are beginning to explore him, and to explore his abiding love of the natural world. Starz / Anchor Bay 01.10.2013 the rich world of language. Documentary, Special Interest min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118645 Animation, Children’s, Children’s / Kultur 29.10.2013 Educational, Family, Infant, Special Interest

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 67 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118837 produced by Academy Award-winning writer/director Oliver Stone. As Americans, do we really know and understand our Bayview Entertainment 12.11.2013 shared and complicated history? How do we recall the small 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119062 David Susskind: Gore Vidal - details and forgotten players that influenced some of the biggest events from America’s past? Will our children actually Uncensored get the whole story from reading history books? And how will So Smart!: Baby’s First-Word David Susskind it affect the future of our country? Stories - Outside Opinionated author, playwright and social commentator Gore Americana, Blu-ray, Documentary, History Exploring the world - one word at a time! Baby’s First-Word Vidal is all about politics and civilization. An adept speaker, & Events, Special Interest 2012 min. Stories - Outside - features five vocabulary adventures with he’s no wallflower when speaking about presidents „Jimmy Warner Bros. 15.10.2013 your So Smart friends. In this DVD, So Smart friends Edward, Carter is a liar“; „Ronald Reagan is an idiot that dyes his Iggy, Dee Dee and Larry will first introduce your little one to hair“; „George Bush, Sr. is a goofy marshmallow“ Perhaps 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119031 simple words about being outside, then builds sentences and best known for his caustic wit, Vidal’s credits included the stories around them. A deliberately gentle pace, engaging best-selling novel, „Lincoln,“ and screenplay for Ben Hur. Vampira And Me imagery, and soothing music make So Smart a winner for both Interview, Talk Shows, Television min. children and parents. So Smart is an award-winning brand, E1 Entertainment 22.10.2013 When Maila Nurmi took to the TV airwaves in 1954 as the trusted by parents for over a decade. This new animated prototypical gothic scream queen Vampira, a national craze series, Baby’s First-Word Stories, is created especially for 1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118900 was set off. An instant icon of female power and sexuality, to 3 year olds who are beginning to explore the rich world of Vampira drew some of the most revolutionary figures of the language. David Susskind: Lifting The day to her creator... at various times, Maila’s intimates Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, included James Dean, Elvis Presley and Marlon Brando, Bamboo Curtain among many others. But the woman behind the façade was Children’s / Educational, Family, Infant, both far more intricate and much more fragile than the Special Interest min. David Susskind character that made her famous. David sits down with America’s most noted authority on Documentary, Special Interest 2012 106min. Bayview Entertainment 12.11.2013 Chinese history, Dr. John King Fairbank. A Rhodes Scholar, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119064 John was Harvard’s first professor of Chinese History. His E1 Entertainment 08.10.2013 understanding of its culture was gathered from living there, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118818 speaking Chinese, and watching its revolution from inside. So Smart!: Baby’s First-Word Then Susskind visits and meets some of its most Stories - Pets distinguished citizens, most of whom received their education The Victorian Nude: Empire Of at some of the United States’ most prestigious colleges. Exploring the world - one word at a time! Baby’s First-Word The Nude Stories - Pets - features five vocabulary adventures with your Interview, Talk Shows, Television 100min. The Victorian era is today considered to be extremely So Smart friends. In this DVD, So Smart friends Edward, Iggy, E1 Entertainment 22.10.2013 prudish. But it was the artists of those years who created a Dee Dee and Larry will first introduce your little one to simple 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118899 tradition of the nude in British art, drawing upon Greek and words about pets, then builds sentences and stories around Roman classicism to affirm Britain’s superiority at a time of them. A deliberately gentle pace, engaging imagery, and skyrocketing pornography and prostitution. Empire of the soothing music make So Smart a winner for both children and David Susskind: You Should Meet Nude: The Victorian Nude provides fascinating insights into parents. So Smart is an award-winning brand, trusted by the art, mores and psyche of a bygone age. The program parents for over a decade. This new animated series, Baby’s Studs Terkel includes a wide variety of images from painting, photography First-Word Stories, is created especially for 1 to 3 year olds David Susskind and film, including works by such noted artists as William who are beginning to explore the rich world of language. Author, historian, radio personality and actor, Studs Terkel Etty, Lord Leighton and George Frederic Watts. Art historians Animation, Children’s, Children’s / illustrates his views about life, politics and religion by and authorities on the period make illuminating contributions, Educational, Family, Infant, Special Interest recalling conversations he’s had throughout his long career and in an intriguing comparison, a British tabloid with „everyday people.“ His recollections include: a stint as a photographer demonstrates the similiarity of his work and that min. television staff writer for famed gospel singer, Mahalia of the Victorian artists. Bayview Entertainment 12.11.2013 Jackson; as host of his own show, „Studs Place;“ and being Art & Architecture, Documentary, History & 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119063 labeled a communist and subsequently blacklisted by Events, Special Interest 2001 min. Wisconsin Senator Joe McCarthy. Kultur 29.10.2013 Interview, Politics, Talk Shows, Television 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118912 Spooks, Hoods & JFK: The Shok- min. king Truth E1 Entertainment 22.10.2013 CIA contract agent and underworld figure, the late Chauncey 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118898 Voyage To The Edge Of The Holt, recounts his participation in deep cover black World operations run by the intelligence community during the height of the Cold War. Holt carefully connects how these „black Tintin: Inside Herge’s Cartoon Jacques Cousteau ops“ were turned against JFK leading up to his assassination On his ship, Calypso, as well as in a submarine, Jacques in 1963. Agents and proxies who did the bidding of the Archives Cousteau and his crew sail from South America and travel to ‘shadow government’ are unmasked for the first time. The In 1929, a young Belgian cartoonist, Georges Remi, better Antarctica. They explore islands, reefs, icebergs, fossils, Secret Government’s unseen hand in the coup is laid bare by known as Hergé, created a character called Tintin, who has active volcanic craters, and creatures of the ocean never a private assassination paper trail that has never surfaced become one of the most popular comic strip figures in the before seen. This voyage took place in 1975, and Captain until now. world. The twenty three Tintin adventure books have been Cousteau became one of the first explorers ever to dive Documentary, Special Interest 2007 120min. translated into eighty different languages and have sold beneath the waters of the frozen South Pole. This DVD millions of copies worldwide. In this fascinating and revealing includes the original theatrical movie trailer as well. A true Music Video Distribution 20.08.2013 program cameras were given an unprecedented look inside classic! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118584 creator Hergé’s archives of his world famous cartoon hero Documentary, High Seas, Special Interest Tintin and his timeless cast of characters. min. Art & Architecture, Based On A Comic Strip, David Starkey’s Music And Film Chest Media Group 06.08.2013 Documentary, Special Interest min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118470 Monarchy Kultur 24.09.2013 From Henry V through Elizabeth II, Britain’s monarchs have 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118469 molded the story of British music as patrons, tastemakers, and The Waiting Room even composers. Hosted by eminent historian David Starkey (Monarchy, The Six Wives of Henry VIII), this series UFC 162: Silva Vs. Weidman The Waiting Room uses extraordinary access to go behind explores British music through the lens of its most prominent the doors of an American public hospital struggling to care for and powerful supporters. Each episode is lavishly scored, Anderson Silva, Dennis Siver, Frankie Ed- a community of largely uninsured patients. Using a blend of from famous melodies to forgotten treasures and works of gar cinema verité and characters’ voiceover, the film offers a raw, public pageantry to songs composed for private enjoyment. intimate and even uplifting look at how patients, staff and It’s a summer blockbuster in Las Vegas on Saturday, July 6th. caregivers each cope with disease, bureaucracy and hard Over 40 live recordings include music by William Byrd, Pound-for-pound superstar Anderson „The Spider“ Silva Thomas Tallis, Henry Purcell, George Frideric Handel, choices. Young victims of gun violence take their turn attempts to continue his record-shattering stay at the top of alongside artists and small business owners who lack Edward Elgar, and William Walton. All are performed in the the middleweight division in a highly anticipated showdown spectacular locations where the monarchs first heard them: insurance. Steel workers, taxi cab drivers and international with undefeated Chris Weidman. The Brazilian bomber has asylum seekers crowd the halls. The film interweaves the Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, the chapel of King’s been untouchable, winning 16 straight UFC fights, but New College at Cambridge, and more. Starkey puts each into stories of several patients „as well as the hospital staff York’s Weidman has the style, determination and desire to charged with caring for them“ as they cope with the historical and political context, telling their stories and shake up the main event of UFC 162. revealing how the royal passion for music created a complexity of the nation’s public healthcare system, while soundtrack for a nation. Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special weathering the storm of a national recession. The Waiting Interest, Sports, UFC 2013 340min. Room lays bare the struggle and determination of both a Documentary, History & Events, Music, community and an institution coping with limited resources and Royalty, Special Interest 234min. Starz / Anchor Bay 08.10.2013 no road map for navigating a healthcare landscape marked by Image Ent. 15.10.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118648 historic economic and political dysfunction. It is a film about one hospital, its multifaceted community and how our common 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118752 vu The Untold History Of The United Documentary, Nurses & Doctors, Special Strongman States (Blu-ray) Interest 2013 81min. Documentary, Special Interest 113min. Oliver Stone, Jim Ward, Alan Shearman Docurama 22.10.2013 Passion River 15.10.2013 This 12-chapter documentary series, created and executive 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119024

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 69 Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) August 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Special Interest, Sports, Sports Katt Williams: Live Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Katt Williams 2013 180min. Katt Williams returns to his hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio, and WWE Home Video 12.11.2013 says and does exactly what he feels, provoking nonstop 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118697 Telefonische laughter on everything from sex, relationships and parenthood to his shattered L.A. illusions. Williams connects with his Bestellannahme: audience like few other comedians as he pimps out some WWE: 2013 Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr street-savvy advice and outrageously funny observations. WWE Superstars from Raw and SmackDown push themselves Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 2004 harder than ever before at Over the Limit 2013. Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 85min. Special Interest, Sports, Sports Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr E1 Entertainment 15.10.2013 Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118866 180min. Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- WWE Home Video 05.11.2013 und Feiertags (Baden- Women In WWII 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118660 Württemberg) bleibt unser Whether it was by volunteering on the home front, serving in Verkauf geschlossen. the military or working on production lines, women were WWII: 3-Film Collection definitely America’s secret weapon during World War II. Before the Second World War, women were viewed mainly as World War II: The 3-Film Collection from History offers three wives and mothers. But during the war, that all changed. See perspectives to deconstruct the deadliest conflict in human how in Women in World War II, a special collection of 12 history. WWII in HD, the first documentary to show original National Archives films, including one featuring Eleanor color footage of WWII in sharply enhanced high definition, Roosevelt in color! brings the conflict to life with journals and accounts of those who served in the war’s biggest battles. Seventy years in the Documentary, girl power, Special Interest, making, the film creates a personal, introspective and detailed War, World War II min. look at life on and off the front lines through the eyes and Topics Entertainment 03.09.2013 words of 12 unforgettable Americans. In the critically acclaimed WWII in HD: The Air War, you’ll feel the fear and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118419 exhilaration of a battlefield 30,000 feet in the air, as you accompany the U.S. Air Force on aerial missions fighting for WWE: 2013 control of the skies. From the devastation of the Blitz in Britain to the final dogfights over Europe, extraordinary The Superstars of WWE will be surrounded by an unforgiving archival footage - in color and in HD for the first time - re- steel prison in a night where the only way to emerge as a creates historic fights like never before. And in WWII from World Champion is to inflict and endure career-altering Space, you’ll witness the war through an all-seeing CGI eye punishment. It is a match so brutal that only eleven men in the offering a „satellite“ view from above. Highlighting the war’s history of WWE have claimed victory, and even fewer have ten key tipping points, the f summoned the strength to walk away on their own. Now an annual fall tradition, who, if any, will add their name to this Action, Collections, Documentary, History & illustrious list? Fierce rivals collide and flesh meets steel as Events, Special Interest, War, World War II Newsletter 09/13 (Nr. 332) WWE presents Hell in a Cell 2013. 664min. ISSN 1610-2606 Special Interest, Sports, Sports A&E 22.10.2013 Credits Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118841 Redaktion: 2013 180min. Wolfram Hannemann WWE Home Video 26.11.2013 WWII: 3-Film Collection (Blu-ray) Design & Layout: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118677 World War II: The 3-Film Collection from History offers three perspectives to deconstruct the deadliest conflict in human Wolfram Hannemann WWE: History Of The WWE history. WWII in HD, the first documentary to show original Assistenz: color footage of WWII in sharply enhanced high definition, The History of WWE celebrates 50 years of sports brings the conflict to life with journals and accounts of those Beate Hannemann entertainment by chronicling the evolution of WWE from small, who served in the war’s biggest battles. Seventy years in the Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: regional promotion into a worldwide phenomenon. With new making, the film creates a personal, introspective and detailed interviews from several key personalities past and present, look at life on and off the front lines through the eyes and Anna Rudschies get the inside story behind each era of WWE as well as all words of 12 unforgettable Americans. In the critically © (2013) by your favorite moments and Superstars. acclaimed WWII in HD: The Air War, you’ll feel the fear and Documentary, Special Interest, Sports, exhilaration of a battlefield 30,000 feet in the air, as you LASER HOTLINE Sports Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, accompany the U.S. Air Force on aerial missions fighting for ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt control of the skies. From the devastation of the Blitz in WWE 540min. Britain to the final dogfights over Europe, extraordinary nur in Verbindung mit einem WWE Home Video 19.11.2013 archival footage - in color and in HD for the first time - re- „Persönlichen Import- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118670 creates historic fights like never before. And in WWII from Space, you’ll witness the war through an all-seeing CGI eye service“-Vertrag und be- offering a „satellite“ view from above. Highlighting the war’s inhaltet den Warenpreis WWE: History Of The WWE (Blu- ten key tipping points, the f sowie alle anfallenden Action, Blu-ray, Collections, Documentary, ray) Importkosten inkl. unserer The History of WWE celebrates 50 years of sports History & Events, Special Interest, War, entertainment by chronicling the evolution of WWE from small, World War II 664min. Vermittlungsprovision. regional promotion into a worldwide phenomenon. With new A&E 22.10.2013 * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und interviews from several key personalities past and present, get the inside story behind each era of WWE as well as all 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118848 das doppelte D-Symbol your favorite moments and Superstars. sind Warenzeichen der Documentary, Special Interest, Sports, Dolby Laboratories Inc. Sports Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, Der NEWSLETTER ist die WWE 540min. offizielle Informationsbro- WWE Home Video 19.11.2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40118698 schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. WWE: 2013 Alle in diesem Mailing ent- (Blu-ray) haltenen Angaben zu Pro- It’s the golden opportunity that several WWE Superstars may dukten, die im Ausland ver- only see once in a lifetime. Scale the ladder, grab the öffentlicht werden, stellen briefcase and punch your ticket into a main event match for a World Championship. Ushered in as a WrestleMania tradition kein Verkaufsangebot dar, and fully evolved into an annual pay-per-view event, the sondern dienen nur zur Money in the Bank Ladder Matches are some of the most popular and exciting traditions in WWE. This year, fans will Information. once again cling to the edge of their seats as Superstars LASER HOTLINE ist perform jaw-dropping maneuvers from death-defying heights for a chance to take the next step towards immortality. Plus, autorisierter matches for the WWE and World Heavyweight Dolby Merchandise Championships, featuring all the top Superstars in WWE. Händler

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