We Assay What World Dare
Vol. .of No. 11 (Published Fonnighdy) June, 1970 IN OUR WEAKNESS LIES STRENGTH: WE ASSAY WHAT WORLD DARE NOT A review of the global situation In which Rhodesia found itself with the emergence of her new RepubUc, was given by the Mlnlster of Local Government and Housing, Mr. Mark Partridge, wben he addressed the annual coofereoce of the Local Government Association. Rhodesia entered her ftnt year as an Independent republic, unacknow ledged, befriended by few, attacked by many, In a world of changing values sub8equeat upon the decline of western Imperialism. We faced the growinf strength of the reli&ion of "statism" which sought. under the guise of communism. to undennine and destroy the relics of moraljty and $2.6m. hotel international orthodoxy established by the old imperialism. State approval has been Fortunately, sajd the Minister, the given to Salisbury Council's powers of Western Europe and the United States of America, toacther with supplementary town planning some of the countries of the British order which will make possible Cotton mark launched Commonwealth, were opposed 10 the a S2.6m. hotel developmenl io Tbe Cotton Mark, the IDtemaCIOOIII spread of this terrible rule, and it was emblem to be awuded bJ the newly their opposition which made the con King's Crescenl, Salisbury. estabHsbed Cotton Promotion Couudl tinued existence of our state possible. for qllllllt)' producU, Will UDftiled b)' tbe This we should never foraet Mbdster ol IJII'OI'IIIatloa, lmm.lp1adoo and that we emefie a strona and pros· aDd Toarllm, Mr. P. K. ftD del' BJI, Student protests perous state whose citizens, of whatever at • c:ock1all party beld b7 tbe Cottoa race, colour or creed, abhor totali Growen' Aaodatloo.
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