The Stythhan 2004
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THE STYTHHAN 2004 A SOUT H AFRHCAN SCHOOL MAKING A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD 2 COLLEGE COUNCIL 3 STAFF 4 10 YEARS OF DEMOCRACY 7 FAREWELLS AND OBITURIES 8 SCHOOL MATTERS 12 HOUSE MATTERS 22 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES 28 CULTURAL MATTERS 36 ROUND SQUARE 50 TOURS AND TRIPS 56 SPORT 65 MATRIC MATTERS 94 MATRIC VALETE 96 MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR This is indeed a momentous occasion in my lite - as well as yours as the reader! The 2004 Srythian IS FINALLY completed! To all who have been so incredibly patient, I can only say an enormous THANK YOU! There have been a number of problems associated with bringing this magazine out, but with wonderful support, we have nally got there. I need to thank a large number of people - and mention is made of them in no particular order. To Jay Caboz and Mo Segooa who worked on sections of the magazine during holidays and weekends. and perpetually showed enormous enthusiasm - sometimes it was just that that kept me plugging away at things. To all the staff, but in particular. Lynde Dicks and Jessie Edmiston. who put up with all my requests to caption the photographs, » at the end of the year in the middle ofall the chaos that is traditionally associated with this time. To Toria Jemmett who patiently endured endless calls from conoerned past pupils and parents! To the Heads (or all the support and patient encouragement. I trust that you will all enjoy this trip down memory lane and that I have managed to avord too many errors. I must say from the outset. that any errors are unintentional - and so I hope I can be forgiven for those that escaped the heady eye of all concerned. Wsunv Roan FOREWORD BY THE HEADMASTER ' The Stlthian is a tting reection of the myriad of activities, which occurred in the Boys' College during 2004. It bears testimony to the high quality of broadening education afforded by this Institution and its persuit of participation In the academic. cultural, community service and sporting arenas. Tribute must go to the Editor, Miss Wendy Robb, who stepped in at the last minute under trying circumstances to drive the production of the 2004 Edition. She and her committed Magazrne Committee are to be commended highly for their tireless efforts and dedication to this historical record of the Boys' College activities and accolades. I am certain that it will afford many of the Saints community much pleasure and. undoubtedly. be of great interest to the boys of this College, not only at the time of publication, but for many years after they have Matriculated. Yours sincerely I. D. MCLACHLAN FOREWORD BY THE RECTOR What a magnicent and varied year 2004 was for St Stithians Boys College: from the Grade 8 Camp in January, to the highly successful Easter Rugby & Hockey Festivals. to the unveiling of the Daniel Crowsley Bell Tower. to the inaugural Bezants to Knights Evening, and the outstanding Matric Results, Much has been achieved and we have much to be thankful for. At Founders Day in July 2004. I made mention of my attendance at an education conference in Bulgaria and Romania, where I had the opportunity to engage wtth teachers and school leaders. both from state and independent schools, from around the world - Guatemala, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Albania. Ukraine. Russia, France, USA and Australasia. Firstly. I was struck by the similarities between Eastern Europe and the Balkans and South Africa. However. and perhaps more importantly, was another observation that was common to all schools represented at the Conference. There is a spiritual vacuum in our post-modem. materialistic society. At Saints we have noted: The increase in questions from pupils in lessons and at school; The message of the learners involved in the production of Exodus; Agrowing number of adolescents throughout the world increasingly seeking meaning through dmgs, alcohol or other gratuitous behaviour. These are important issues for St Stithians. for our children, for our parents. We have taken cognisance of this at St Stithians College and attempted to draw up a Saints Charter, with input from a broad base. in which we articulate a set of values and beliefs that tie us together as a school community. Not an inward exclusive community. but one that looks outwards and continually looks at how we can create a community in our nation and amongst other people. For us at Saints it is based upon: One and All; Honour self, others. God; A South African School making a World of Difference. The Saints Charter is about being Proudly South African and hopefully we. as a College, will get more involved in celebrating our South Africaness. It is about being and becoming beacons of Ubuntu amongst our families. friends. in our communities and beyond. The goal is aptly summed up by our former president when he writes of Ubuntu: The spirit of Ubuntu - that profound African sense that we are human only through the humanity of other human beings - is not a parochial phenomenon, but has added globally to our common search for a better world." (Nelson Mandela). In closing, may I pay tribute to the Head, and Deputies, staff and learners of St Stlthians Boys' College on all that has been achieved in 2004. both in the classroom and beyond; on the Colleges commitment to our country and to making a difference. in so many different ways, to the broader South African community, through their wide and various community partnerships; and to educating Saints boys to become "knights" who are leaders in their chosen fields. independent thinkers, and contributing citizens of the new South Africa. With kind regards STEPHEN Lowrzv COLLEGE COUNCIL FouNmsRs A. Camus W. MOUNTSTEPHENS TRustss MR D. L. ScHRuENu, Mn 0. SMITH. MR J. SYRAUSS, REV. BISHOP P. VERRYN MEMIIERS OF COUNCIL REV BISNOF IVAN ABRAHAMS (PRESIDING BISNOP OF THE METHODISY CHuCN OF SOUTNERN AFRICA} (REPRESENTED av Pnor. I. MOSALA), MR N. DENNIS MR C. SMITH CHURCH REPRESENTATIVES MR R. McALLIsTER, MI E. MoKETNI, MRS S. PRETORIus PARENT REPR [SENTAUVES Ms J. HUNTLEY, Mn M. MADI, Mas T. Sonnozuu OLD Bovs REPRESENT/1 TIVES Ms C. HOSKING, MR C. B. JACKSON, MR C. NoLTE, MR C. WARRINER INVITED PARTICIPANTS MR P. BucKWELL. MR J. BARROW (JNR), Mas J. Gum/EN. Mas J. Lemme, MR M. RomsLETZ. PROF. C. SIMKINS By INVITATION FROM ST STITHMNS COLLEGE MRS I. AcquIsTo (HEAD, GIRLs' COLLEGE), Mas M. DACE (HEAD. JUNIOR PREP). MRS C. GlLARDI (Han, GIRLs' PREP), Mas B. A. Janusou (chTons PA & COUNCIL SECRETARY), MR I. D. MALACHLAN (HEAD, Bovs' COLLEGE). Mn J. Smw (EURSAR). ME A. S'IEWART (HEAD, Bovs PREP) ST STITHIANS FOUNDATION TRuSTtES MR B. Bucxwzu, Mn P. HIRD, MR F. LABURN, Mn C. JACKSON, Mn 1. G. D. MACKENIIE, MR C. Nous. Mn C. RAMAPHOSA. MR C. Rowunsou (CHAIRMAN), Mn M. RUTHERFORD. M: C. SMITH "4 COLLEGE STAFF RECTOR Mr Stephen Lowry BA HDE (Wits) MA (London) HEADMASTER Mr Ian McLachlan BSe HDE (Natal) DEPUTY HEADMASTERS Mr Dave Ryan BEd (Hons) (London) Mr Dave Knowles BA (Hons) HDE FDE CHAPLAIN Rev Madika Sibeko DipTheology BTH(Natal) MTH(Natal) EXCO Mrs Gladys Ayaya; Mrs Wendy Kerr; Mr David Knowles; Mr Stephen Lowry; Mrs Sue MacKenzie; Mr Ian McLechlan; Mr Ian Ricklelon: Mr Dave Ryan; Rev. Madika Slbeko; Mr Piet van Tender; Mrs Jill Worth HOUSE DIRECTORS Mr Sean Tunmer (nlllne Mrs Janine r Henning Mrs Anne Krige Mr Luke Henley MR2 Mr George Harris ,_ Mrs Lizette Fourie Penryn Mr Barry Lembson Pitts Mrs Lidia Upton Tucker Mr Donovan Hean Webb Mrs Rose Diack Wesley ACADEMIC COUNCIL PET: Mr Herman It Mr Michael Art MrAndrew Baker Biology Mr Graeme Spring ' ' Mrs Tahiti van Raoyen Computer Studies Mrs Jill Worth English Mme Judith Fodor Frenoh Mrs Sarah-Jane Libera P Mr David du Toit History Mrs Lizette Fourie ileulu Mrs Ilze Nel Latin Mrs Heather Frankiskos Mrs Dalene Hoogenhout Music Mrs Carol Fields Speech 8. Drama Mrs Sandy Catterson Science GET: Mr Basie Viljoen ' Mrs Christine Poulos Arts & Culture Mr Graeme Spring ' ' Miss Cheryl Read English Mme Judith Fodor French Miss Kim Simone Human & Social Science Mrs Nonhlanhla Pule isiZulu Mrs Ilze Nel Life Orientation Mrs Debbie Robertson ' Mr Peter Wright Natural Mr Ken Krige GRADE DIRECTORS Mrs Lidia Upton Grade 12 Mrs Wendy Kerr Grade 8 PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT DEPARTMENT Mrs Sue MacKenzie BA (Hons) (UNISA) MA (Psychology) RAU - Psychological Suppot Mr Sean Tunmer .. ( ons) ( syc oogy)( retona) MA (Cllnicel Psychology) (Potchelstroom) . Psychologlcal Support I. T. Mrs Althea Alford ACADEMIC STAFF Mrs Gladys Ayaya , ... M. Ed (UNAM) BEd (Kenyatta)--Academic Support Mr Andrew Baker .. B. Sc(Hons) M. Sc (ABD) Botany (UCT) H. D. E. (PG) Sec (UCT)- Biology Mr Herman Bezuidenhout MA BEd HDE (UP) Afrikaans 1st Language Mrs Jenny Branch RA (UCT)- ' Librarian Mrs Anne Bredenkamp BSc (Natal) STD (UCT) - Biology Mrs Sandy f BSc HDE (Wits) - Science Mrs Rose Diack BSc HDE - Biology Mr David du Toit BA HDE (UCT) - History Mrs Carol Fields ., BA Dramatic Arts (Rhodes) ATCC (Trinity London) - Drama Mme Judith Fnrtnr MA (Bucharest) Cert FR Alliance - French Mrs Lizette Fourie BA (Hons) )HDE MA PU tor CHE (Potcheistroom) - Zulu Mrs Heather i ' BA (Hons) HDE (Wits) - Mathematics Mr Dave Gear BSc (Hons) (Wits) HDE (UNISA) - Geography Mr Ian Gould BSC (Hons) (Zoology) UED (Wits) - Biology Mr George Harris BA (Hons) African Literature (Wits) - English Mr Luke Hartley BA (Rhodes) HDE » Geography Mr Donovan Hean ........ BA (UNISA) BEd (Wits) TC (Rhodesia) - Physical Science Mr Nick Holtzhausen RA (Hons) HDE (Natal) - English Mrs Michelle Kalify RA (Ed) (RAU) - English Mrs Marion Kamps TTHD (JCE) FDE (Pretoria) - Mathematics Mr George Kemp Senior Primary HED Diploma (Pretoria) Alrikaans Mrs Wendy Kerr .