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18 11!E STANDARD, Friday, July 21 , 1989. BELGIUM NATIONAL DAY Sabena and Brussel al centre stage SASENA Belgian World "PriDcess". Nowa produce, flowers, fruita and Alrtm..• future Ia cloae days, Sabena r.erves 25 capital veget.ablei. abeS on the Afrieau continent. The l•b•n• Group: ly linked with tMt of In Nairobi an oftline office Altbou&b Sabeaa it known Bruaela, the c.pltal of had been active for a number or mai.aly • I lhcdWed c:anier, tbe Belalum and the heart ~. wben the first scheduled <XIIIIpiDy il ~ in • vat l"aaiF of 1:urope. The com lligbt toucbed down oo Novem of transport related aecton ber 3, 1967. A DCIO widebody tbrouab iu different aub I*IY Ia one of the old aircraft 11000 replaced the good sidiariCI. Sabcua Ca . Ser eat acheduled airlines, old 707's, with the first OClO via:~ prepare betM:eo~6,000 but It •• looking boldly operation taking p1acc on April aDd 26,000 meals daily for a wide 1, 1981. ~!heed towarda a new 1'DF of airline clients. A ocw Since: June 15, 1989 Sabena c:ateria& COIIJI)Iez with a surface Europe, the challenge ha5 been operating three flights area cL 19,000 m2 is Europe's of free competition and a week bCtv;een Nairobi and deregulated European Brussels, linking the Kenyan ~~~mainte- • aideS. ~tal with over SO European IWICIC and ovabauJ of aero cities tbrouAb the European plauca. Only 31 per cent of that A Commlalon of the European P•rtlament on session. Sabena was formed on May gateway, The""'£~ work is c:outracted by the parent ~ Fuelling .and Servic:cs ~ ~1 Detw~?rk . out to enter the Mean- 23, 1923, to take over the activt nenr.:ort industrl. meanwhile n rnpidl~yexxpanding , ~· wbcreu 69 per can of Company (BFSC), a speci•ljst in A similar effort IS being tntro- while the expansion ancf ~-al ties of SNETA, a company that With DC1\ direct . ts, sche- its ac:tmties are related to third distn'butioo of aviation fuels; dua:d_for the l~ul netWOrk of our mcdi:un to short haul Oec:t was ~ scheduled services ll!! duled to CIOIJDeCt 'llloit the inter party dicntlfairlines. Sabena Lea:sinB. Sabena Sky· and will be fully impkrntnted by n ,.'dl under way with new early 1918 u mntmcntal Oigbts, to re~ SObel.lir is • dwter carrier sbop&, Sabena BllikiinP. aod; 1989 Among 8737-300, 400 and young oompany quidtly Sept~ ~ ~ soo The centres such as Firenz.e, N"apoti, operating indusive tour IJi&hu the subsidiary that provides the prod~ unprovement are to- liCria paduaily entcrint! Sabena moved on to serve an ever m Bordeaux, Newcastle, ManclJes for EurOpean tour ~raton . wbole poup with fiuancial aod oovabvc: features such as a f're- service. aeasing netv.'Ork, with destina ter, Edinburgh, Bilbao. Oporto Delta Air Transport (DAT) is other lefVioes of common in- quent Over ~us prognunme In a parallel de\'elopment, the tions tfirougbout the European etc: • terest: sabena lntenervice Cal- c::alled 'l'be Diamorid Plan, a Brussels Airpon Aut6orities are continent, the Americas, the tbe c:urier ~with~ The third Nairobi flight is out reauJar ftialits on tbe rqJOO· tre (SIC). • young pusec:c _prog_ramme p~anntna ahead with the renova- Middle and Far East. and last ~rated in close co-operation al leva on account of SaiM:na. ProdUc:t 1- end ~: for cbildn:n c UlptaiD .Blue iion ana ~ of Brussels but DOt least, Africa. wtth Kenya's National carrier. Aod then there are Sodchotel, For the seventh comec:utive Sty• ·~ expanded ~us1ness National Airport to match it n.e African continent ha:s aJ. Kenya Airways is tberebv equal Compagnie lntemationa.le de year, Sabena iuelf audits diffe- a~, lmproved se~ 8J!d with BrusselS city's European ways played a special role in the ly planning towards tiurope, Ges&Oo (OG), Conmunie Des rent mblidiaries reported a pro- catc:nng or c:xeeUent CUISUlC m datiny. mmpany's history. Scheduled 1992, and recognising Brus&els' Granda Hotels Afr.icaina fit. A.IDoq the reaJODS for the aU ~ · • Sabena a:Jebrated it's 65th flights to Africa h:lve been oper emerging importance on the (CGHA), active in tbe bote! b~ n:au.lts of 1988 are Ia a bit more distant fu~. ~ ~, but its facing ated ever since captain Thieffry crossroads of Europe. Brussels bulineu; Amtra World and the poatiVc dfec:tl of tbe stren&- tbe presenr Jon& haul Oerr wiU a · furure widJ re- and his aew made their historic of the E be greatly cxp~~Dded and re- ___. 4• __.. -"".. -- bas lately proven to be a major Tranaair, travc:l qeDCiea apecial ......,:-a..._..._.. ~ net- oewCd With SAhbua A340 .........,.. Yl&QUr ..... ~- Bnwels-Kinshasa night. The redistribubon centre for Kenya's ilcd rapectivdy in youth/stu wort, aod tbe vast Jervioe lm· • . .on - R. lloene year was 1925, the plane a three exports, mainly horticultural deDI travel aod funuy toun; tbe provanent propamme centred order the company IS aW1UtJDg ........ b K8nya. eJIIioed HaDdlcy Page baptised aircraft of a ocw generatiOn abo wish to congratulate the people from Belgium on the occasion of their National Day Brus.w.Ls, the heart of 1-:uropc1an IJusincss. Wlao better to fly you there than Sabcna, Belgian "brld Airlines. Naturally, we 'ro ideally placed to coucr any one of our 50 destinations F.uropcu:rUW. as well <U our inter· continental connections to North Amcmca. the Middle Ea.~t. Far East, South Ea.ort Asia and Afrira. There, we 'ro the undisputed gpccialist with 25 destinations to choose from. Our long experittnce and rr'Jlutation f~r n!liability will nwkcr your businass trips around Europe - and IL'orldwide - as pltlasurable <U CVCT, The Cooper Motor Corporation (Kenya) Ltd. Lusaka Road, P.O. Box 30135- Nairobi- Kenya- Tel: 554211 - Tx: 24209- THROVO KE SABENA GIVES YOU WHAT OTHERS WOULD LIKE TO .