18 11!E STANDARD, Friday, July 21 , 1989. NATIONAL DAY

Sabena and Brussel al centre stage SASENA Belgian World "PriDcess Marie-Jo.ee". Nowa­ produce, flowers, fruita and Alrtm..• future Ia cloae­ days, r.erves 25 capital veget.ablei. abeS on the Afrieau continent. The l•b•n• Group: ly linked with tMt of In an oftline office Altbou&b Sabeaa it known Bruaela, the c.pltal of had been active for a number or mai.aly • I lhcdWed c:anier, tbe Belalum and the heart ~. wben the first scheduled

wish to congratulate the people from Belgium on the occasion of their National Day

Brus.w.Ls, the heart of 1-:uropc1an IJusincss. Wlao better to fly you there than Sabcna, Belgian "brld Airlines. Naturally, we 'ro ideally placed to coucr any one of our 50 destinations F.uropcu:rUW. as well