18 11!E STANDARD, Friday, July 21 , 1989. BELGIUM NATIONAL DAY Sabena and Brussel al centre stage SASENA Belgian World "PriDcess Marie-Jo.ee". Nowa­ produce, flowers, fruita and Alrtm..• future Ia cloae­ days, Sabena r.erves 25 capital veget.ablei. abeS on the Afrieau continent. The l•b•n• Group: ly linked with tMt of In Nairobi an oftline office Altbou&b Sabeaa it known Bruaela, the c.pltal of had been active for a number or mai.aly • I lhcdWed c:anier, tbe Belalum and the heart ~. wben the first scheduled <XIIIIpiDy il ~ in • vat l"aaiF of 1:urope. The com­ lligbt toucbed down oo Novem­ of transport related aecton ber 3, 1967. A DCIO widebody tbrouab iu different aub­ I*IY Ia one of the old­ aircraft 11000 replaced the good sidiariCI. Sabcua Ca . Ser­ eat acheduled airlines, old 707's, with the first OClO via:~ prepare betM:eo~6,000 but It •• looking boldly operation taking p1acc on April aDd 26,000 meals daily for a wide 1, 1981. ~!heed towarda a new 1'DF of airline clients. A ocw Since: June 15, 1989 Sabena c:ateria& COIIJI)Iez with a surface Europe, the challenge ha5 been operating three flights area cL 19,000 m2 is Europe's of free competition and a week bCtv;een Nairobi and deregulated European Brussels, linking the Kenyan ~~~mainte- • aideS. ~tal with over SO European IWICIC and ovabauJ of aero­ cities tbrouAb the European plauca. Only 31 per cent of that A Commlalon of the European P•rtlament on session. Sabena was formed on May gateway, The""'£~ work is c:outracted by the parent ~ Fuelling .and Servic:cs ~ ~1 Detw~?rk . out to enter the Mean- 23, 1923, to take over the activt­ nenr.:ort industrl. meanwhile n rnpidl~yexxpanding , ~· wbcreu 69 per can of Company (BFSC), a speci•ljst in A similar effort IS being tntro- while the expansion ancf ~-al ties of SNETA, a company that With DC1\ direct . ts, sche- its ac:tmties are related to third distn'butioo of aviation fuels; dua:d_for the l~ul netWOrk of our mcdi:un to short haul Oec:t was ~ scheduled services ll!! duled to CIOIJDeCt 'llloit the inter party dicntlfairlines. Sabena Lea:sinB. Sabena Sky· and will be fully impkrntnted by n ,.'dl under way with new early 1918 u mntmcntal Oigbts, to re~ SObel.lir is • dwter carrier sbop&, Sabena BllikiinP. aod; 1989 Among 8737-300, 400 and young oompany quidtly Sept~ ~ ~ soo The centres such as Firenz.e, N"apoti, operating indusive tour IJi&hu the subsidiary that provides the prod~ unprovement are to- liCria paduaily entcrint! Sabena moved on to serve an ever m­ Bordeaux, Newcastle, ManclJes­ for EurOpean tour ~raton . wbole poup with fiuancial aod oovabvc: features such as a f're- service. aeasing netv.'Ork, with destina­ ter, Edinburgh, Bilbao. Oporto Delta Air Transport (DAT) is other lefVioes of common in- quent Over ~us prognunme In a parallel de\'elopment, the tions tfirougbout the European etc: • terest: sabena lntenervice Cal- c::alled 'l'be Diamorid Plan, a Brussels Airpon Aut6orities are continent, the Americas, the tbe c:urier ~with~ The third Nairobi flight is out reauJar ftialits on tbe rqJOO· tre (SIC). • young pusec:c _prog_ramme p~anntna ahead with the renova- Middle and Far East. and last ~rated in close co-operation al leva on account of SaiM:na. ProdUc:t 1- end ~: for cbildn:n c UlptaiD .Blue iion ana ~ of Brussels but DOt least, Africa. wtth Kenya's National carrier. Aod then there are Sodchotel, For the seventh comec:utive Sty• ·~ expanded ~us1ness National Airport to match it n.e African continent ha:s aJ. Kenya Airways is tberebv equal­ Compagnie lntemationa.le de year, Sabena iuelf audits diffe- a~, lmproved se~ 8J!d with BrusselS city's European ways played a special role in the ly planning towards tiurope, Ges&Oo (OG), Conmunie Des rent mblidiaries reported a pro- catc:nng or c:xeeUent CUISUlC m datiny. mmpany's history. Scheduled 1992, and recognising Brus&els' Granda Hotels Afr.icaina fit. A.IDoq the reaJODS for the aU ~ · • Sabena a:Jebrated it's 65th flights to Africa h:lve been oper­ emerging importance on the (CGHA), active in tbe bote! b~ n:au.lts of 1988 are Ia a bit more distant fu~. ~ ~, but its facing ated ever since captain Thieffry crossroads of Europe. Brussels bulineu; Amtra World and the poatiVc dfec:tl of tbe stren&- tbe presenr Jon& haul Oerr wiU a · furure widJ re- and his aew made their historic of the E be greatly cxp~~Dded and re- ___. 4• __.. -"".. -- bas lately proven to be a major Tranaair, travc:l qeDCiea apecial­ ......,:-a..._..._.. ~ net- oewCd With SAhbua A340 .........,.. Yl&QUr ..... ~- Bnwels-Kinshasa night. The redistribubon centre for Kenya's ilcd rapectivdy in youth/stu­ wort, aod tbe vast Jervioe lm· • . .on - R. lloene year was 1925, the plane a three exports, mainly horticultural deDI travel aod funuy toun; tbe provanent propamme centred order the company IS aW1UtJDg ........ b K8nya. eJIIioed HaDdlcy Page baptised aircraft of a ocw generatiOn abo wish to congratulate the people from Belgium on the occasion of their National Day Brus.w.Ls, the heart of 1-:uropc1an IJusincss. Wlao better to fly you there than Sabcna, Belgian "brld Airlines. Naturally, we 'ro ideally placed to coucr any one of our 50 destinations F.uropcu:rUW. as well <U our inter· continental connections to North Amcmca. the Middle Ea.~t. Far East, South Ea.ort Asia and Afrira. There, we 'ro the undisputed gpccialist with 25 destinations to choose from. Our long experittnce and rr'Jlutation f~r n!liability will nwkcr your businass trips around Europe - and IL'orldwide - as pltlasurable <U CVCT, The Cooper Motor Corporation (Kenya) Ltd. Lusaka Road, P.O. Box 30135- Nairobi- Kenya- Tel: 554211 - Tx: 24209- THROVO KE SABENA GIVES YOU WHAT OTHERS WOULD LIKE TO .
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