
1–18, 2011

Street and the Location of Economic Activities in

Sergio Porta, Vito Latora, Fahui Wang, Salvador Rueda, Emanuele Strano, Salvatore Scellato, Allessio Cardillo, Eugenio Belli, Francisco Ca`rdenas, Berta Cormenzana and Laura Latora

[Paper first received, January 2011; in final form, April 2011]

Abstract The paper examines the geography of three street centrality indices and their correla- tions with various types of economic activities in Barcelona, . The focus is on what type of street centrality (closeness, betweenness and straightness) is more closely associated with which type of economic activity (primary and secondary). are calculated purely on the street network by applying a multiple cen- trality assessment model and using a kernel density estimation method on both street centralities and economic activities to correlate them. Results indicate that street centralities are correlated with the location of economic activities and that the correlations are higher with secondary than primary activities. The research suggests that, in urban planning, central urban arterials should be conceived as the the cores, not borders, of neighbourhoods.

Sergio Porta and Emanuele Strano are in the Urban Design Unit, Department of Architecture, University of Strathclyde, 131 Rottenrow, Glasgow, G4 0NG, UK. E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]. Vito Latora and Alessio Cardillo are in the labouratory for Complex Systems, University of Catania, Catania, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]. Fahui Wang (corresponding author) is in the Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, 227 Howe-Russell, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70803, US. E-mail: [email protected]. Salvatore Scellato is in the Computer labouratory, University of Cambridge, William Gates Building, Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, UK. E-mail: [email protected]. Eugenio Belli is with Deicke Richards Architects, 58 Baxter Street, PO Box 507, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Queensland 4006, Australia. E-mail: [email protected]. Salvador Rueda, Francisco Ca`rdenas, Berta Cormenzana and Laura Latora are in the Urban Ecology Agency of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].

0042-0980 Print/1360-063X Online Ó 2011 Urban Studies Journal Limited DOI: 10.1177/0042098011422570 2 SERGIO PORTA ET AL.

1. Urban Location and Centrality ‘natural movement’ of people. Natural movement is Urban researchers and planners have long been interested in understanding how the proportion of movement . that is deter- economic activities are distributed in mined by the structure of the urban grid itself urban regions, what forces influence their rather than by the presence of specific attrac- spatial pattern and how urban structure tors or magnets (Hillier et al., 1993, p. 32). and functions are mutually dependent. Urban land use intensities, in terms of It is a product of both the architecture of the land price and economic activity densities, street network at the macro scale and the vary significantly within an urban region. level of ‘constitutedness’—i.e. the extent to The classic urban economic (mono- which the interface between private and centric) model (Muth, 1969; Mills, 1972) public spaces exchanges at the micro scale. simply emphasises the access (i.e. dis- This macro–micro combination is regarded tance) to the only centre at the central as the sign of a traditional self-organised way business district (CBD). Others recognise of building cities since ancient times (Lopez that cities have become increasingly poly- and van Nes, 2008). ‘Live activities’, defined centric and that urban dwellers value as retail, markets, catering and entertain- access to all or some of the centres (for ment, and other activities which benefit example, Heikkila et al., 1989) or access to unusually from movement, located on the the major centre (CBD) and the nearest ground floor of buildings, have been found minor centre (a lower-level sub-centre) to correlate equally well with global connec- (Wang, 2000). More recently, the dis- tors and local main streets (for example, persed model argues that cities have Hillier, 1999; Hillier et al., 2010). However, become increasingly edgeless and central- little if any distinction is made among differ- city downtown has lost its primacy to sub- ent levels of activities. urbia in most major office markets in the In this case study, we focus on the central US since 1980 (for example, Lang, 2003). area of Barcelona instead of the much wider Basically, the relationship between land metropolitan area to examine the interde- uses and mobility is conceptualised in the pendence between street network and eco- regional space with emphasis on the role nomic activities at a fine resolution. By of centres or magnets, classically inter- using a multiple centrality assessment model preted with the gravity model and its deri- (MCA), derived by complex network analy- vates (Wilson, 2000). sis, we measure centrality as a pure function However, when it comes to the neigh- of the street network (Porta et al., 2006a). bourhood scale, the local configuration of Recent studies (Porta et al., 2009; Battaglia the street network also appears to be rele- et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2011) used similar vant. A substantial amount of research in methods, but analysed only specific sectors space syntax analysis has been devoted to of activities or general land use intensity. establishing the correlation between street The dataset of Barcelona with detailed centrality and economic or social dynamics breakdowns of all economic activities per- (Hillier and Hanson, 1984; Hillier, 1996; van mits the inquiry into the following question: Nes, 2005). In particular, non-residential do local secondary activities need lower or economic and service activities at this scale different centrality than global primary have been found to be positively correlated activities? The kernel density estimation with most central streets by following the (KDE) method is applied to both street STREET CENTRALITY AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN BARCELONA 3 centralities and activities so that the correla- tions between them can be examined. By the KDE, this research also explores whether the density of street centrality interprets realisti- cally the effect of from streets, and what contribution the sheer street density makes in determining the density of street centrality.

2. The Case of Barcelona and its Relevance in Planning Figure 1. Districts in Barcelona’s contempo- rary plan. >Barcelona, with a population of 1.7 mil- lions, is the capital of Catalunya in north-east Spain. The history of the city has shaped its serviced by an external hospital. The need for current street layout, a unique case for urban diagonal movement in the grid would be studies. Since the mid 1800s, the city has reduced to a minimum and limited to reach- experienced a steady growth by absorbing ing major urban functions. former separate municipalities surrounding The development of city planning as a the inner core (Figure 1). A vast extension, discipline has been deeply informed by the the , first planned by Ildefons Cerda` idea that services and shops of different in 1859 with a rigid grid-iron structure of levels should be consistently located in places streets and blocks, was subsequently con- of a corresponding level of ‘importance’ or structed all around the ancient medieval core ‘prominence’. It is evidenced by the defini- (Ciutat Viella). The Cerda` Plan holds a pro- tion of the most influential ‘neighbourhood minent position in the history of urban plan- unit’ (Perry, 1927; Ben-Joseph, 2005), the ning. It is regarded as anticipation of a Radburn Layout (Stein and Wright, 1928), scientific approach to city planning for its the New Towns movement (Osborn et al., analytical consideration of basic needs of 1963) and the most recent debate on the hygiene, access to green space and sunlight, New Urbanism and place making (Frey, and modern infrastructure and mass mobi- 1999; Calthorpe and Fulton, 2001; Duany lity, far from aesthetic principles of simple et al., 2003; Farr, 2008). According to this beautification. The plan made a conscious principle, major urban roads should be effort to integrate a consistent hierarchical attractors for global urban functions, while relationship between services and commu- local services that constitute neighbourhood nities at various scales into the physical struc- cores could be accommodated along second- ture of the new city (de Aberasturi, 1984). ary ‘calmed’ streets. Against this tradition, The grid-iron street structure was laid out in arguments have been raised in favour of an urban hierarchy built of octagonal blocks: internalising major roads within the neigh- 25 blocks would constitute a quarter serviced bourhood cores on the basis that movement by a social centre, a church and all local is fundamental for the survival of global and shops; 4 quarters (100 blocks) a neighbour- local economic activities, with mutual bene- hood serviced by a market; 2 neighbour- fits for both. Such a shift has a deep impact hoods (8 quarters) a district serviced by an on how policies for urban regeneration are urban park; 2 districts (16 quarters) a sector conceived. Neighbourhood, reframed as a 4 SERGIO PORTA ET AL. fundamental social and cultural entity, is represents streets as a network, following a therefore neither necessarily nor perma- tradition started by Euler (1736) with semi- nently coincident with geographical bound- nal work on the Konigsberg bridge and aries (Montgomery, 2003; Mehaffy et al., then widely used to model the structure of 2010). transport systems (Garrison and Marble, The street structure conceived by the 1962; Kansky, 1963). The advancement of Cerda` Plan about 150 years ago is still visi- physics in studying complex systems of a ble, while its envisaged functional comple- spatial nature (Boccaletti et al., 2006) and ment never took place. The inner structure the availability of extensive geographical of the blocks, building density, interwoven datasets have led to a wealth of studies on network of green and open spaces, and espe- the ‘architecture’ of street networks in cities cially the gravitation of hierarchical public (Masucci et al., 2009; Jiang, 2007; Jiang and functions and the spatially fixed structure of Claramunt, 2004; Carvalho and Penn, 2004; communities have been reconfigured on the La¨mmer et al., 2006). Among many appli- ground. The Eixample is by far the most cations of , ‘structural densely populated commerce and service sociology’ developed several centrality space in the city, home to the largest number indices to examine the non-spatial nature of new knowledge-based activities (Rueda, of social networks (Freeman, 1977, 1979; 2009). The form of a multinodal distribu- Wasserman and Faust, 1994). The MCA tion of urban functional centres in the model builds on these works by applying Eixample has kept the overall density sub- the measures in the spatial case of streets stantially high even at the regional scale and intersections (Crucitti et al., 2006). (Catalan et al., 2008), although signs of a This approach expands the interpretation more dispersed pattern appear to emerge of location as ‘being close to’ by conven- (Garcia-Lo´pez, 2010). tional economic geography, defined either In summary, Barcelona offers a unique in terms of simple metric distance or trans- opportunity to investigate how a rigidly port cost (Meyer and Miller, 2000; Goulias, planned street structure has influenced the 2002). As illustrated later, the MCA also spatial configuration of shops and services measures centrality in terms of ‘being that has run its own course not conceived between’ and ‘being straight to’. by the original planner. Bear in mind that The MCA model shares some common this spatial organisation has emerged in one ground with space syntax including its urban core of exceptionally high density in latest development, which defines the axial a regional space characterised by a multino- lines of streets, naturally continuous paths dal concentration of functions. or named streets (Jiang and Liu, 2007). Potential and pitfalls of the conventional space syntax have been discussed in the lit- 3. Methodology: Multiple Centrality erature (Steadman, 2004). Differences and Assessment (MCA) and Kernel advantages of the MCA have also been Density Estimation (KDE) highlighted in Porta et al. (2006a). In short, the MCA uses a primal graph approach The multiple centrality assessment (MCA) that represents streets as links and intersec- model was recently introduced for quanti- tions as nodes, and computes distance fying the centrality of links in spatial net- between nodes metrically along the net- works, including those of urban streets work rather than just topologically in terms (Porta et al., 2006a, 2006b). The MCA of the number of turns like in space syntax. STREET CENTRALITY AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN BARCELONA 5

This is conducive to higher reliability of where, njk is the number of shortest paths network representation, lower analytical between nodes j and k, while njk(i) is the costs and stronger realism of outputs. number of such shortest paths that traverse Recently, the MCA has been extended to node i. density of centrality in space by deploying CS measures the extent to which a place the KDE (Porta et al., 2009). Therefore, the can be reached directly, on a straight line, MCA represents the forefront of a growing from all other places in a city. CS was origi- wave of interest in applying GIS to network nally proposed by Vragovı`c et al. (2005) as a analysis (Batty, 2005, 2008). normalisation procedure in non-spatial Let us assume that an urban network is graphs, but we have deployed it in spatial constituted by N nodes and K edges, where cases to capture qualities inherent in naviga- nodes are street intersections and edges are tion. CS is based on the idea that efficiency streets. The network is described by a matrix in communication between nodes increases L whose element lij equals the length of the when there is less deviation of the shortest edge connecting nodes i and j, or 0 if there is path from the virtual straight line between no edge. Another matrix D is derived whose them, a quality that makes it prominent in element dij equals the shortest path between terms of ‘legibility’ and ‘presence’ (Conroy- i and j; therefore, the shortest path is the Dalton, 2003). CS is defined as only variable that the MCA model takes into N dEucl account for evaluating the centrality of a s 1 ij street. The MCA model is composed of three Ci = 3 N 1 dij ð Þ C j =1;j i major indices: closeness centrality (C ), À X6¼ (CB) and straightness Eucl centrality (CS). CC may be interpreted as where, dij is the Euclidean distance proximity and captures the notion of acces- between nodes i and j. sibility of a place. CC measures how close a MCA calculates centrality globally and node is all others along the shortest paths, locally. The global indices in every node CC is defined as were calculated with respect to all other nodes in the system, while the local index is N 1 calculated just to those within distance d CC = À 1 i N ð Þ measured along the network. dij The street network with centrality values j = 1, j i P6¼ and the distribution of economic activities CB captures a special property for a place in are two distinct spatial features. For exam- a city that does not act as origin or destina- ining their spatial relationship, transform- tion, but as a pass-through space. CB mea- ing both into one unit of analysis, a KDE is sures the extent to which a node is traversed performed on both street centrality and by a larger number of the shortest paths con- economic activities. The KDE reflects the necting every pair of nodes in the study area, nature of spatial navigation—i.e. that get- such as ting through space does cost and that the cost declines with distance. The KDE values N access to all events (opportunities) by B 1 njk(i) C = cumulating proximity to them. The KDE i (N 1)(N 2) n j =1;k =1;j k i jk À À X6¼ 6¼ uses the density within a range or window 2 of each cell to represent the value at the ð Þ 6 SERGIO PORTA ET AL. centre of the window. Within the window, commerce’ is split into two sub-categories: the KDE weighs nearby objects more than those related to motor vehicles and those far ones based on a kernel function, calcu- not so related. lating distance in a Euclidean way—i.e. not The great detail of the Barcelona data- along the network (Silverman, 1986; Bailey base also enabled us to create a further clas- and Gatrell, 1995; Fotheringham et al., sification differentiating between primary 2000). By doing so, KDE generates a den- and secondary activities. In her seminal sity of events (discrete points) as a continu- work on complex urban neighbourhoods in ous field (for example, raster). Applying American cities, Jacobs (1961, pp. 161–162) KDE to the two datasets of streets weighted introduced the definitions: primary activi- by centrality values and economic activities ties are ‘‘those which, in themselves, bring yields two raster datasets with the same res- people to a specific place because they are olution and thus permits the analysis of anchorages’’, including manufactures and relationship between them. nodal activities at the metropolitan and regional levels; and secondary activities are ‘‘enterprises that grow in response to the 4. Data Sources and Preparation presence of primary uses, to serve the people the primary uses draw’’. The work The street network of Barcelona is made of was further elaborated and expanded by 6452 nodes and 11 222 edges. For centrality others (Comedia, 1991; Montgomery, 1998, values (Table 1), we calculated three indices 2003). Secondary activities are therefore of street centralities: CC , CB and CS and glob glob glob local in scale and service in type. While C one local centrality, local closeness Cd with depending economically on the primary, a catchment radius of d = 800 metres, 1600 the secondary activities are fundamental for metres and 2400 metres. the long-term economical success of cities The economic database included and are deeply interlinked with the com- 166 311 business entities, representing all plex environmental, social and cultural activities located on all building floors in well-being of neighbourhoods in their ordi- 2002. The geo-referenced database of activ- nary daily life. This approach has had a ities, provided by the Agencia de Ecologı´a deep impact on how modern policies for Urbana de Barcelona, contains tax infor- urban regeneration are conceived and con- mation of economic activities, a list of tributed to a shift towards a more complex public services, a list of associations, etc. notion of quarters and urban communities. All entries were classified by the research It is this distinction of activity orders team with reference to the National that we assumed in this research with a Classification of Economic Activities focus on neighbourhood dynamics at the (NACE), established by the European interface between space, behaviours and the Union. The data were also expanded to local economy. After discussion at length include specialised activities in the city. All with the Agencia de Ecologı´a Urbana of economic activities have been grouped Barcelona, we tabulated the categories and into seven general categories. Three general sub-categories of economic activities in the categories (2, 4 and 0) do not have any Barcelona dataset to a primary or a second- sub-categories, while the other four general ary order on a case-by-case interpretation categories (1, 3, 5 and 6) are further of their nature. Primary activities are char- divided into 17 sub-categories (Table 1). acterised by a larger-than-local market or For example, the general category of ‘retail catchment area; they are typically highly Table 1. Economic activities and their correlation with street centralities

Correlations R with density of street centrality (NXX) Type General Sub- Number B C S C B + S B + C B + C B + C + S Rank category category of points Activity Cglob Cglob Cglob C1600 Cglob glob Cglob glob Cglob 1600 Cglob glob glob 1 SEC 1 — 39,685 Retail commerce 0.550 0.709 0.615 0.599 0.653 0.691 0.654 0.686 2 SEC 1 2 36,310 Retail except motor vehicles, 0.525 0.691 0.597 0.587 0.631 0.669 0.635 0.666 fix domestic and personal devices 3 SEC 3 10 6,492 Other services to people 0.517 0.682 0.554 0.527 0.608 0.662 0.605 0.651 4 SEC 2 — 12,758 Hotel, B&B, hostel, 0.479 0.680 0.565 0.567 0.589 0.642 0.599 0.637 7 BARCELONA IN ACTIVITIES ECONOMIC AND CENTRALITY STREET restaurant, pub, cafe´ 5 PRIM/SEC 3 — 44,253 IT tech, services to business 0.621 0.601 0.435 0.381 0.576 0.654 0.654 0.595 and people, R&D 6 PRIM/SEC 5 — 12,348 PA, services of education, 0.524 0.611 0.449 0.321 0.543 0.579 0.488 0.581 health and social assistance 7 PRIM/SEC 6 — 14,883 Associational, recreational 0.467 0.620 0.488 0.427 0.536 0.620 0.547 0.580 and sport activities 8 SEC 5 2 4,655 Education 0.522 0.600 0.430 0.393 0.535 0.614 0.530 0.572 9 PRIM 3 9 17,189 Other service activities 0.590 0.568 0.386 0.329 0.536 0.622 0.526 0.559 10 SEC 6 2 9,162 Recreational, cultural and 0.427 0.580 0.445 0.444 0.491 0.556 0.500 0.536 sport activities 11 PRIM 5 3 4,727 Health and social assistance 0.491 0.566 0.382 0.339 0.494 0.580 0.487 0.534 12 PRIM 6 1 5,721 Associational activities 0.429 0.564 0.451 0.456 0.496 0.547 0.509 0.533 13 PRIM 4 — 12,723 Gross commerce 0.535 0.540 0.372 0.488 0.499 0.599 0.547 0.524 14 PRIM 0 — 29,661 Other activities (not related 0.398 0.515 0.515 0.480 0.516 0.501 0.500 0.523 to public) 15 PRIM 3 1 2,961 Activities related to 0.506 0.518 0.381 0.355 0.490 0.553 0.492 0.510 transport and travel 16 PRIM 3 2 4,598 Financial intermediation, 0.543 0.500 0.332 0.272 0.492 0.564 0.480 0.505 exept insurance (continued) EGOPORTA SERGIO 8 TAL ET . Table 1. (Continued)

Correlations R with density of street centrality (NXX) Type General Sub- Number B C S C B + S B + C B + C B + C + S Rank category category of points Activity Cglob Cglob Cglob C1600 Cglob glob Cglob glob Cglob 1600 Cglob glob glob 17 PRIM 3 6 1,110 Rental of machines, domestic 0.458 0.495 0.387 0.244 0.475 0.520 0.467 0.493 and personal devices 18 PRIM 1 1 3,375 Sell, fix and maintenance 0.424 0.488 0.424 0.367 0.475 0.497 0.453 0.489 motor vehicles and fuel 19 PRIM 3 5 10,343 Real estate 0.533 0.474 0.304 0.244 0.464 0.541 0.451 0.477 20 PRIM 3 4 563 Activities related to financial 0.443 0.366 0.205 0.144 0.378 0.443 0.364 0.382 intermediation 21 PRIM 3 3 657 Insurance 0.426 0.318 0.175 0.101 0.353 0.407 0.332 0.349 22 PRIM 5 1 2,966 Public Administration 0.282 0.370 0.287 0.306 0.321 0.360 0.339 0.348 23 PRIM 3 7 138 IT activities 0.228 0.154 0.110 0.079 0.200 0.212 0.194 0.187 24 PRIM 3 8 202 R&D 0.168 0.077 –0.014 –0.041 0.096 0.133 0.090 0.090 STREET CENTRALITY AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN BARCELONA 9 skilled, larger or more specialised economic combined to construct four composite B + C + S B + S B + C activities such as wholesale, industry and indices: Cglob glob glob; Cglob glob; Cglob glob and B + C those not related to the public or not Cglob 1600. These composite centrality indices mainly serving the end-users; and their were drawn from a recent work on ‘town location choice is more likely to be driven centredness’ (Thurstain-Goodwin and by a formal top–down decision-making Unwin, 2000), which experimented with process. Secondary activities are charac- the idea that a business might value not just terised by a local market or catchment area one type of centrality, but a combination of and they are typically retail and services centrality types. that respond to the ordinary needs of a gen- eral public on a daily or regular basis. Due 5. Geography of Street Centrality in to the local nature of their market, custom- Barcelona ers of the secondary activities are less B C dependent on automobiles and more driven Figure 2 shows geographies of Cglob, Cglob by a large number of self-organised deci- and CS with distinctive patterns. CB sions that are less affected by authorities or glob glob (Figure 2a) reveals that ‘corridors’ of highly formal planning processes. Therefore, sec- central paths along the main roads consti- ondary activities express the kind of eco- tute the backbone of the urban fabric in nomic milieu that sustains and embodies Barcelona. It highlights several of the most the sense of a vibrant and walkable local popular spaces along major arterials such community at the scale of the neighbour- as the Av. Diagonal, the Gran Via de les hood, regarded in much of current city Corts Catalanes, the outer route Carrer de planning as the building-block of a sustain- Badal/Gran Via de Carles III/Ronda del able city (Newman and Kenworthy, 1999). General Mitre/Tr. de Dalt/Av. de l’Estatut In the implementation of KDE, we set the de Catalunya/C. del Mas Casanovas, or the cell’s sise at 10 metres 3 10 metres and fol- inner route Av. de Josep Taradellas/Tr. de lowed the outer metropolitan ring roads of Gracia/C. de Pi i Margall, as well as nar- Barcelona to define the boundary. This rower spaces like the ring around the old resulted in a raster framework of 1 571 093 city centre, C. de Ribes/C. del Comerc/C. cells. We adopted a bandwidth h = 300 Ample/Av. del Parallel. Somehow surpris- metres (unless stated otherwise), which ingly, the historical centre is portrayed as a approximates the typical sise of neighbour- ‘hole’ surrounded by the aforementioned hoods in urban design literature (Perry, ring with weaker connections with the reg- 1927). After preparation of the data, the KDE ular Cerda addition to the north-west, lim- was performed on centralities and on eco- ited to Via Laietana and Ronda de Sant nomic activities to derive their densities. Antoni. Even the Paseo de Gracia does not Only cells with density value .0 are used in emerge prominently. The CC map (Figure the correlation analysis. The number of glob raster cells for each KDE varied from 688 482 2b), however, shows a very different con- for activity no. 3 (IT, services to business and centric pattern, part of which may be people, research and development activities, attributed to the ‘edge effect’ (i.e. the artifi- with 44 253 entities) to 219 970 for activity cial emergence of an urban core in the no. 73 (Public Administration activities, with centre due to the definition of a study S just 202 entities). area). The Cglob map (Figure 2c) offers The various raster layers resulting from another different geography, which high- the KDE of each centrality index were then lights the configurational consistency of 10 SERGIO PORTA ET AL.

B C Figure 2. Global street centrality in the urban core: a. betweenness, Cglob; b. closeness Cglob; S c. straightness Cglob.

Cerda’s layout in creating a whole new structured in Figure 3b as a clear hierarchy of centre at the metropolitan level around the spaces around the Paseo de Gracia and the new focus of Placa de les Glories Catalanes. Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes. A whole new Figure 3 shows the corresponding KDE central spot appears towards the south-west results. The spatial smoothing effect from the and a new central corridor emerges along the KDE helps to outline spatial patterns more outer high-speed roads. Differences between B S clearly. Compared with Cglob (Figure 2a), the Cglob (Figure 2c) and its density (Figure 3c) B density of Cglob (Figure 3a) shows that the ring are most significant. Figure 2c shows the around the old city centre appears neater and whole north-eastern part of Cerda` Eixaimple more continuous. Moreover, the ‘main gate’ around Placa de les Glories Catalanes as cen- to the centre around Placa Catalunya clearly tral, while Figure 3c highlights once again the emerges along with the three internal links old city centre, the south-west district around Via Laietana, Ronda de Sant Antoni and C. de la Creu Coberta in addition to Placa de Ronda de Sant Pere. Moreover, a continuous les Glories Catalanes and the major axis con- central route emerges to link the Cathedral to verging directly on it. Av. Diagonal and all the way through Placa Comparing Figures 2 and 3 on the geogra- Catalunya and Paseo de Gracia, the commer- phies of street centralities and their corre- cial backbone of the whole central city. sponding densities calculated through KDE, C Differences between Cglob (Figure 2b) and its we notice two important features. First, the density (Figure 3b) are even more striking. highly diverse patterns of the three centrality The whole old historical centre on the east indices in Figure 2 are reduced to substan- side stands out. The homogeneous dark circle tially similar patterns in Figure 3. This is at the centre of Figure 2b is shown to be nicely clearly an effect of the sheer concentration of STREET CENTRALITY AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN BARCELONA 11

B Figure 3. Density (h = 300 metres) of street centrality: a. betweenness Cglob; b. closeness C S Cglob; c. straightness Cglob. streets captured by KDE and it echoes our correlation with economic activities illu- univocal experience of urban space: we navi- strated in section 7. Based on Figure 4b, the gate in spaces that merge different ways of old city, like a heart, has been split into two being central in a holistic whole. It is the pres- distinct ‘ventricles’ separated by the low- ence of streets that ensures coherence to these centrality space of the Rambla. This pattern otherwise diverging dimensions. Secondly, can be explained by the historical evolution densities of centrality by KDE increase sub- of the city’s fabric. The medieval city in fact stantially at intersections. This also reflects originated around the Cathedral in the our typical experience of urban spaces where denser right ‘ventricle’ (the north-eastern corners and crossings are widely recognised part of the ‘heart’) and ran along the foot- in prominence. print of the ancient city walls. Rambla used Figure 4 shows maps of local closeness to be a separating rather than a unifying C centrality Cd at three different distances. factor in the city structure, which has left its C The C1600 map (Figure 4b) expresses the mark permanently on today’s street layout. radius of an urban district—i.e. the catch- ment area of 20-minute walk or 10-minute 6. Statistical Distributions of bike. More than CC (Figure 4a) and CC 800 2400 Densities of Centrality and (Figure 4c), the CC geography turns out to 1600 Activities capture the existence of historically deter- mined sub-cores in formerly autonomous Similar to the density of street centrality, municipalities all around the . the KDE is also used to define the density of We then choose this index to inform the economic activities. As examples, Figure 5a 12 SERGIO PORTA ET AL.

C Figure 4. Local closeness Cd : a. d = 800 metres; b. d = 1600 metres; c. d = 2400 metres.

Figure 5. Density (h = 300 metres) of economic activities: a. retail commerce; b. gross commerce. STREET CENTRALITY AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN BARCELONA 13

B S Figure 6. Probability distribution of street centrality densities: A for Cglob; B for Cglob; C for C C Cglob; C-1600 for C1600.

shows the density of retail commerce and straightness are symmetrically distributed Figure 5b shows the density of gross com- around a mean value. merce. The spatial patterns are in general For economic activities (Figure 7), a consistent with those of the density of street cumulative probability function P(x), centrality shown in Figure 3. instead of the probability density function It is worthwhile to examine the statisti- p(x), is used to define the probability that cal properties of the probability distribu- a randomly chosen activity has a KDE tions of both street centrality and value greater than x. A cumulative distri- economic activity densities. The whole bution is smoother than its corresponding range of values can be viewed as a prob- density function and thus allows a finer ability density function p(x), where a estimation of the fitting function’s para- random chosen cell in the city has a KDE meters. Each cumulative distribution can value x of street centrality (or activities) be accurately fitted by an exponential func- and a corresponding frequency p(x). tion with its unique slope. Again, different Street centrality distributions (Figure 6) economic activities show similar beha- B show that Cgloband other indices exhibit viour. This means that different activities very different patterns. The distribution of spread differently on the city surface, but B Cglob fits an exponential law (shown in the the intrinsic stochastic process that rules upper-right inset), and the other two are their spreading is always the same. For more likely to fit a Gaussian function. example, comparing hotels/bar/cafe´s and B This means that Cglob seems to exhibit a gross commerce, it can be seen that their particular scale, but closeness and densities decrease with a simlar slope. 14 SERGIO PORTA ET AL.

Figure 7. Cumulative probability distribution of densities of selected economic activities: Ker-2 = Hotel, B&B, hostel, restaurant, pub, cafe´; Ker-4 = gross commerce; Ker-52 = retail, except fix motor vehicle and domestic devices; Ker-73 = research and development; Ker-93 = other services to people.

7. Correlations between Economic altogether exhibit the highest correlation Activities and Street Centrality with street centrality as ‘‘being close’’—i.e. how the street is spatially close to all others This section examines the correlations through the road network. Among the 192 between the densities of centrality and eco- R values, 190 are positive and 92 are even nomic activities. Table 1 shows all possible higher than 0.50. Given the large sample correlations between densities of activities (7 sises (average number = 568 000 cells), these general categories plus 17 sub-categories, for correlations are considered significant. a total of 24 categories) and street centrality (4 simple and 4 composite indices). Figure 8 ranks the correlations between the four simple street centrality indices Correlation coefficients between economic B C S C activities and the complete composite index (C glob, C glob, C glob, C 1600) and the 20 B C S detailed categories of economic activities of street centrality (C glob + C glob + C glob) range from R = 0.52 (‘other activities’) to R (all the 17 sub-categories plus the 3 gen- = 0.69 (‘retail commerce’) with an average eral categories that do not have any sub- R=0.59. Among the three simple global cen- categories). Do primary activities correlate C with street centrality differently from sec- trality indices, C glob generally commands the highest correlation with economic activi- ondary activities? Based on Table 1, the B following observations can be made. ties with an average R = 0.61; C glob comes S second with an average R = 0.51; and C glob First, ‘retail commerce’ and ‘hotels, res- has the lowest average R = 0.49. That is to taurants and cafes’ have the two highest cor- say, economic activities considered relations with the composite street centrality STREET CENTRALITY AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN BARCELONA 15

Figure 8. Correlations between street centrality indices and economic activities.

B C S index C glob + C glob + C glob. ‘Gross com- On the other side, the sub-category ‘educa- merce’ and ‘other activities not related to tion’ is secondary, but has the highest cor- the public’ (i.e. all industries, agriculture, relation with street centrality, which is farming and fishery) have the two lowest attributable to its ordinary nature and dedi- scores. This pattern is consistent across all cation to generic end-users. centrality indices with only one exception in Finally, in Figure 8, secondary activities B C glob (i.e. its correlation with ‘retail com- (Black squares) are clearly ranked higher merce’ is second to its correlation with ‘IT than primary ones (light grey squares). The services to business and people’). former have an average correlation R = 0.54 Secondly, activities of ‘IT services to whereas the latter have an average R = 0.36. business and people’ are ranked in third in A t-test indicates that the difference is sta- terms of correlation with the composite tistically significant at 0.001. B C S C glob + C glob + C glob centrality index. However, such activities are sub-divided 8. Conclusions into 10 sub-categories. Nine of the sub- categories are primary and show relatively This research examines the geography of low correlations with street centrality (aver- street centrality in a large European city, age R = 0.39). Only one sub-category— Barcelona, by a MCA model. The KDE namely, ‘other services to people’, account- method is used to measure the proximity of ing for less than 15 per cent of all its 44 253 every place to streets and to various types events—is secondary with R = 0.60. of economic activities. The two sets of den- Thirdly, among activities in the ‘PA, ser- sities are then analysed to see whether cor- vices of education, health and social assis- relations exist and whether primary or tance’ general category, ‘PA, public secondary economic activities are more administration’ is primary and has by far correlated with specific types of street cen- the lowest correlation with street centrality. trality. Do lower-order economic activities 16 SERGIO PORTA ET AL. favour proximity to lower orders of central activities are attractive enough—mainly streets, and vice versa? Additional questions because of their function—to draw people are raised from the KDE analysis. Does the as final destinations, while secondary activi- geography of centrality density capture ties live solely on passers-by, therefore on dynamics in urban space that would other- their location. wise be concealed in a traditional network The KDE analysis also reveals the cen- analysis? Does the sheer concentration of trality patterns that are not captured by the streets play a role in the correlation with network analysis alone. Density of centrality economic activities? naturally increases towards intersections The findings suggest that secondary eco- because of the sheer convergence of streets nomic activities show rather a higher corre- in one space. In addition, the density pat- lation with street centrality than primary terns of various centralities are much more ones. Moreover, the correlation of second- consistent than those of network central- ary activities is generally higher with global ities. That captures places experienced by us indices of street centrality than with local every day in cities: we are not impacted by indices. This counters the conventional closeness, betweenness and straightness sep- principle in urban planning that emphasises arately, but altogether in a synthetic way. a correspondence between the hierarchy of Therefore, density in cities matters a lot, in centres and that of economic activities many senses. located in those centres. That principle was first conceived by Ildefons Cerda` in his plan Funding Statement for the extension of Barcelona in the mid 19th century and, since then, has permeated This research received no specific grant from any the history of urban planning with major funding agency in the public, commercial or not- consequences for the design of neighbour- for-profit sectors. hoods and cities in the 20th century. This research suggests a different approach to Acknowledgements the relationship between neighbourhood Comments from three anonymous reviewers and streets. If secondary services essential to helped the authors to improve and prepare the the life of neighbourhoods mainly benefit final version. from their proximity to urban streets that are globally central (for example, major References thoroughfares), such urban arterials must be conceived as cores, not as borders, of Aberasturi, A. de (1984) Per una lettura di Cerda`. neighbourhoods (Mehaffy et al., 2010). Introduzione alla teoria generale dell’urbaniz- This confirms the findings suggested by zazione, in: I. Cerda` and A. de Aberasturi (Eds) the direct analysis of urban spatial config- Teoria generale dell’urbanizzazione, pp. 9–63. urations undertaken in space syntax, and Milan: Jaka Book. makes them more specific. Retail categories Bailey, T. and Gatrell, T. (1995) Interactive Spa- tial Data Analysis. 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